Heimdall watches over the internet and let's you know if something noteworthy happens.
Requirements for running this locally are:
- Docker (tested with v19.03.8 on Ubuntu 20.04)
- Setup the backend .env file. Follow the instructions in the file.
cp ./backend/.env.example ./backend/.env
- Create a network with:
docker network create heimdall-global
- Spin up the docker containers with the command below. This will create a php, nginx, postgres and frontend container.
docker-compose up
- Open a new terminal tab and exec into the php container.
docker-compose exec -u php php bash
- For the backend we manually need to install dependencies, generate a key, migrate the database and seed it:
composer install \
&& php artisan key:generate \
&& php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
- Open another terminal tab for the frontend. And exec into its container:
docker-compose exec frontend bash
- Install and build the frontend with the following command:
npm install \
&& npm run dev
# ignore the url in the output
- Add this to your hosts file: heimdall.local
- The frontend is now accessible on: http://heimdall.local:3000/
- The backend is now accessible on: http://heimdall.local/
- Sign up for an account, then login
- Rename Scan to Check. Because a Watcher Checks a Trigger to find out if the trigger needs to be triggered. These checks are stored so you can see what happened in the past.
- Merge functionality of Triggers into a Watcher. It seems most watchers only will have one trigger.
- Add a mailhog docker container for local development
- Fix dotenv in frontend
- Rewrite as much as possible to TS
- Authorization with policies
- Authentication via graphql instead of default laravel auth routes
- Add tests