A lightweight state container inspired by redux-zero and make usage like mobx
npm install redux-zero-x
import {Provider, connect, Store, action} from 'redux-zero-x'
class CounterStore extends Store {
@action({throttle: 1000})
increment() {
return {count: this.getState().count + 1}
//no meta
decrement() {
return {count: this.getState().count - 1}
// if set pure with false, the first argument is store's current state
@action({pure: false})
mul({count}, times) {
return {count: count * times}
const Counter = connect(['counterStore'])(({count, increment, decrement}) => (
<button onClick={decrement}>decrement</button>
<button onClick={increment}>increment</button>
const App = () => (
<Provider counterStore={new CounterStore({count: 0})}>
<Counter />
render(<App />, document.getElementById("root"));
import {createStore} from 'redux-zero-x'
const counterStore = createStore({count:1}).actions(self => ({
increment() {
return {count: self.getState().count + 1}
decrement() {
return {count: self.getState().count - 1}
mul: {
meta: {pure: false},
value: ({count}, times) => ({count: count * times})
in every example project's dirctory, run
npm install && npm run start
In redux-zero-x, action is a function with some meta info and return update
doSomething() {
// update is an object
return {foo:1}
doSomething() {
// update is an function
return (state) => update
You can declare meta-info for action, and get it in middleware.
import { getMeta } from 'redux-zero-x'
let throttleMap = new Map()
function throttleMiddleware(action, next) {
const meta = getMeta(action)
const {throttle} = meta
if(!throttle) return next()
const now = Date.now()
if(!throttleMap.has(action) || now - throttleMap.get(action) >= throttle) {
throttleMap.set(action, now)
return next()
By default, every action is pure. You can use meta.pure = flase
to set action-function's first argument with current state, or use Store.defaultConfig.pure = false
to make all actions be pure.
If you want add some method which is state-free. You can add meta {fake: true}
to the action decorator.
you can't use store's all methods in fake action
@action({fake: true})
doSomethingWithReturnValue() {
return "welcome"
// you can get return value from fake actions
let message = s.doSomethingWithReturnValue()
async function getUserInfo(userId) {
return fetch(`/user/${userId}`).then(resp => resp.json())
class myStore extends Store {
toggleLoading(loading) {
if(loading === undefined) {
loading = !this.getState().loading
async fetchUser(id) {
const user = await getUserInfo(id)
return {user: user}
import { getMeta } from 'redux-zero-x'
async function loggerMiddleware(action, next) {
const meta = getMeta(action)
await next()
async function delayMiddleware(action, next) {
await delay(100)
// global middlewares
Store.use(loggerMiddleware, delayMiddleware)
// store middlewares
let store = new Store({count: 1}, loggerMiddleware, delayMiddleware)
// typescript >= 2.8
import {Actions, ActionsExclude, action, Store} from 'redux-zero-x'
export interface IState {
count: number
class MyStore extends Store<IState> {
private _something() {
add(count: number) {
return {count: this.getState().count + 1}
export type IMyStore = Actions<MyStore>
class MyOtherStore extends Store<IState> {
add(count: number) {
return {count: this.getState().count + 1}
@action({fake: true})
fakeAction1() {
return "welcome"
@action({fake: true})
fakeAction2() {
return "welcome1"
// exclude some action
export IMyOtherStore = ActionsExclude<MyOtherStore, "fakeAction1" | "fakeAction2">