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Merge when green

Merge when green

Automatically merge pull requests when all tests have passed

by pigri204 installs


From the developer

Tired of waiting for long-running tests before merging pull requests?

Label your pull requests with merge when green then let Merge when green to automatically merge your pull requests once all tests have passed.


By default, Merge when green will only watch for Travis CI and CircleCI checks. To watch for other checks, create a
.github/merge-when-green.yml file:

  - circleci
  - travis-ci
  - my-ci-check

Travis CI and CicleCI

To work with Travis CI and CicleCI make sure GitHub Checks are enabled.

Label your pull request with merge when green

Pricing and setup

Free Plan


Free Plan

Free Plan

Next: Confirm your installation location

Merge when green is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate privacy policy and support documentation