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Replace tokens in text files with variables and/or secrets
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Replace tokens in text files with variables and/or secrets.

What's new

Please refer to the release page for the latest release notes.



- uses: qetza/replacetokens-action@v1
    # A multiline list of files to replace tokens in.
    # Each line supports:
    #   - multiple globbing patterns separated by a semi-colon ';' using fast-glob syntax 
    #     (you must always use forward slash '/' as a directory separator)
    #   - outputing the result in another file adding the output path after an arrow '=>' 
    #     (if the output path is a relative path, it will be relative to the input file)
    #   - wildcard replacement in the output file name using an asterix '*' in the input and 
    #     output file names
    # Example: '**/*.json; !local/ => out/*.json' will match all files ending with '.json' in 
    # all directories and sub directories except in `local` directory and the output will be in a 
    # sub directory `out` relative to the input file keeping the file name.
    # Required.
    sources: ''

    # A JSON serialized object containing the variables values. The object can be:
    #   - an object: properties will be parsed as key/value pairs
    #   - a string starting with '@': value is parsed as a path to a JSON file
    #   - a string starting with '$': value is parsed as an environment variable name 
    #     containing JSON encoded key/value pairs
    #   - an array: each item must be an object or a string and will be parsed as specified 
    #     previously
    # Multiple entries are merge into a single list of key/value pairs.
    # Example: '[${{ toJSON(vars) }}, ${{ toJSON(secrets) }}]' will pass all defined variables 
    # and secrets.
    # Required.
    variables: ''

    # Add BOM when writing files.
    # Optional. Default: false
    add-bom: ''

    # The characters to escape when using 'custom' escape.
    # Optional.
    chars-to-escape: ''

    # Encoding to read and write all files.
    # Accepted values:
    #   - auto: detect encoding using js-chardet
    #   - any value supported by iconv-lite
    # Optional. Default: auto
    encoding: ''

    # Character escape type to apply on each value.
    # Accepted values:
    #  - auto: automatically apply JSON or XML escape based on file extension
    #  - off: don't escape values
    #  - json: JSON escape
    #  - xml: XML escape
    #  - custom: apply custom escape using escape-char and chars-to-escape
    # Optional. Default: auto
    escape: ''

    # The escape character to use when using custom escape.
    # Optional.
    escape-char: ''

    # The behavior if no files are found.
    # Accepted values:
    #   - ignore: do not output any message, the action do not fail
    #   - warn: output a warning but do not fail the action
    #   - error: fail the action with an error message
    # Optional. Default: ignore
    if-no-files-found: ''

    # The log level.
    # Accepted values:
    #   - debug
    #   - info
    #   - warn
    #   - error
    # Debug messages will always be sent to the internal debug system.
    # Error messages will always fail the action.
    # Optional. Default: info
    log-level: ''

    # The behavior if variable is not found.
    # Accepted values:
    #   - none: replace the token with an empty string and log a message
    #   - keep: leave the token and log a message
    #   - replace: replace with the value from missing-var-default and do not 
    #     log a message
    # Optional. Default: none
    missing-var-action: ''

    # The default value to use when a key is not found.
    # Optional. Default: empty string
    missing-var-default: ''

    # The level to log key not found messages.
    # Accepted values:
    #   - off
    #   - warn
    #   - error
    # Optional. Default: warn
    missing-var-log: ''

    # Enable token replacements in values recusively.
    # Example: '#{message}#' with variables '{ "message": "hello #{name}#!", "name": "world" }' 
    # will result in 'hello world!'
    # Optional. Default: false
    recursive: ''

    # The root path to use for relative paths in sources.
    # Optional. Default: ${{ github.workspace }}
    root: ''

    # The separtor to use when flattening keys in variables.
    # Example: '{ "key": { "array": ["a1", "a2"], "sub": "s1" } }' will be flatten as 
    # '{ "key.array.0": "a1", "key.array.1": "a2", "key.sub": "s1" }'
    # Optional. Default: .
    separator: ''

    # The token pattern to use.
    # Accepted values:
    #   - default: #{ ... }#
    #   - azurepipelines: $( ... )
    #   - custom: token-prefix ... token-suffix
    #   - doublebraces: {{ ... }}
    #   - doubleunderscores: __ ... __
    #   - githubactions: #{{ ... }}
    #   - octopus: #{ ... }
    # Optional. Default: default
    token-pattern: ''

    # The token prefix when using 'custom' token pattern.
    # Optional.
    token-prefix: ''

    # The token suffix when using 'custom' token pattern.
    # Optional.
    token-suffix: ''

    # Enable transforms on values.
    # The syntax to apply transform on a value is '#{<transform>(<name>[,<parameters>])}#'.
    # Supported transforms:
    #   - base64(name): base64 encode the value
    #   - indent(name[, size, firstline]): indent lines in the value where size is the 
    #     indent size (default is '2') and firstline specifies if the first line must be 
    #     indented also (default is 'false')
    #   - lower(name): lowercase the value
    #   - raw(name): raw value (disable escaping)
    #   - upper(name): uppercase the value
    # Example: 'key=#{upper(KEY1)}#' with '{ "KEY1": "value1" }' will result in 'key=VALUE1'
    # Optional. Default: false
    transforms: ''

    # The tranforms prefix when using transforms.
    # Optional. Default: (
    transforms-prefix: ''

    # The tranforms prefix when using transforms.
    # Optional. Default: )
    transforms-suffix: ''


Name Description Example
defaults The number of tokens replaced with the default value if one was specified. 1
files The number of source files parsed. 2
replaced The number of values replaced by a value different than the default value. 7
tokens The number of tokens found in all files. 8
transforms The number of transforms applied. 2


Multiple sources

- uses: qetza/replacetokens-action@v1
    sources: |
      **/*.json;!**/*.dev.json;!**/vars.json => _tmp/*.json
    variables: '[${{ toJSON(vars) }},${{ toJSON(secrets) }}]' # use variables & secrets

Multiple variables

- uses: qetza/replacetokens-action@v1
    sources: '**/*.yml'
    variables: >
        ${{ toJSON(vars) }},                                                    # variables
        ${{ toJSON(secrets) }},                                                 # secrets
        ${{ toJSON(format('@{0}/tests/data/vars.json', github.workspace)) }},   # read from file
        "$ENV_VARS",                                                            # read from env
        { "VAR2": "inline_value2" }                                             # inline values
    ENV_VARS: '{ "VAR4": "env_value4" }'

Access outputs

- uses: qetza/replacetokens-action@v1
  id: replace-tokens
    sources: '**/*.yml'
- run: |
    echo "defaults  : ${{ steps.replace-tokens.outputs.defaults }}"
    echo "files     : ${{ steps.replace-tokens.outputs.files }}"
    echo "replaced  : ${{ steps.replace-tokens.outputs.replaced }}"
    echo "tokens    : ${{ steps.replace-tokens.outputs.tokens }}"
    echo "transforms: ${{ steps.replace-tokens.outputs.transforms }}"

ReplaceTokens is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Replace tokens in text files with variables and/or secrets

ReplaceTokens is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.