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Get Job Summary

Get a GitHub Actions job summary and/or convert it to another format (PDF, markdown, or HTML)
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Job Summary Action

Get and convert job summaries to Md, PDF, and HTML.


Try combining this with notification actions such as send-email, slack, teams, discord, etc.


Call the action and it will save the job summary as a PDF called job-summary.pdf

      - uses: austenstone/[email protected]

Usage to get only markdown summary

      - uses: austenstone/[email protected]
        id: job-summary
          create-pdf: false
      - run: echo "${{ steps.job-summary.outputs.job-summary }}"

➡️ Inputs

Various inputs are defined in action.yml:

Name Description Default Required
name The name of the Md and PDF file. README false
create-pdf Whether to create a PDF file. true false
create-pdf-artifact If the PDF will be saved as an artifact. true false
create-md Whether to create a markdown file. true false
create-md-artifact If the markdown will be saved as an artifact. true false

⬅️ Outputs

Name Description
job-summary The full job summary as markdown.
pdf-file The path to the PDF file.
md-file The path to the markdown file.

Further help

To get more help on the Actions see documentation.

Get Job Summary is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Get a GitHub Actions job summary and/or convert it to another format (PDF, markdown, or HTML)

Get Job Summary is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.