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shopping-cart: EJB Stateful Session Bean (SFSB) Example

The shopping-cart quickstart demonstrates how to deploy and run a simple Java EE 7 shopping cart application that uses a stateful session bean (SFSB).

What is it?

The shopping-cart quickstart demonstrates how to deploy and run a simple Java EE 7 application that uses a stateful session bean (SFSB) in WildFly Application Server. The application allows customers to buy, checkout, and view their cart contents.

The shopping-cart application consists of the following:

  1. A server side component:

    This standalone Java EE module is a JAR containing EJBs. It is responsible for managing the shopping cart.

  2. A Java client:

    This simple Java client is launched using a main method. The remote client looks up a reference to the server module’s API, via JNDI. It then uses this API to perform the operations the customer requests.

Configure the Server

This example quickstart purposely throws a NoSuchEJBException exception when the shopping cart is empty. This is the expected result because method is annotated with @Remove. This means the next invocation after the shopping cart checkout fails because the container has destroyed the instance and it is no longer available. If you do not run this script, you see the following ERROR in the server log, followed by the stacktrace

ERROR [] (EJB default - 7) WFLYEJB0034: EJB Invocation failed on component ShoppingCartBean for method public abstract java.util.Map javax.ejb.NoSuchEJBException: WFLYEJB0168: Could not find EJB with id UnknownSessionID [5168576665505352655054705267485457555457535250485552546568575254]

Follow the steps below to suppress system exception logging.

  1. Before you begin, make sure you do the following:

  2. Review the configure-system-exception.cli file in the root of this quickstart directory. This script sets the log-system-exceptions attribute to false in the ejb3 subsystem in the server configuration file.

  3. Open a new terminal, navigate to the root directory of this quickstart, and run the following command, replacing WILDFLY_HOME with the path to your server:

    $ WILDFLY_HOME/bin/ --connect --file=configure-system-exception.cli
    For Windows, use the WILDFLY_HOME\bin\jboss-cli.bat script.

    You should see the following result when you run the script:

    The batch executed successfully
  4. Stop the WildFly server.

Review the Modified Server Configuration

After stopping the server, open the WILDFLY_HOME/standalone/configuration/standalone.xml file and review the changes.

You should see the following configuration in the ejb3 subsystem.

<log-system-exceptions value="false"/>

You can also check the server console to see information messages regarding the deployment.

INFO  [] (MSC service thread 1-2) WFLYEJB0473: JNDI bindings for session bean named 'ShoppingCartBean' in deployment unit 'deployment "{artifactId}-server.jar"' are as follows:


INFO  [org.jboss.weld.deployer] (MSC service thread 1-4) WFLYWELD0006: Starting Services for CDI deployment: {artifactId}-server.jar
INFO  [org.jboss.weld.deployer] (MSC service thread 1-8) WFLYWELD0009: Starting weld service for deployment {artifactId}-server.jar
INFO  [] (management-handler-thread - 3) WFLYSRV0010: Deployed "{artifactId}-server.jar" (runtime-name : "{artifactId}-server.jar")

Run the Client Application

Now start a client that will access the beans you just deployed.

You can use the terminal from the previous step or open a new one and navigate to the root of the shopping-cart quickstart directory.

Type the following command:

$ mvn exec:java -f client/pom.xml

Investigate the Console Output

You should see the following:

  1. The client sends a remote method invocation to the stateful session bean to buy two 32 GB USB 2.0 Flash Drive and one Wireless Ergonomic Keyboard and Mouse.

  2. The client sends a remote method invocation to get the contents of the cart and prints it to the console.

  3. The client sends a remote method invocation to invoke checkout. Note the checkout() method in the server ShoppingCartBean has the @Remove annotation. This means the container will destroy shopping cart after the call and it will no longer be available.

  4. The client calls getCartContents() to make sure the shopping cart was removed after checkout. This results in a javax.ejb.NoSuchEJBException trace in the server, proving the cart was removed.

  5. On the client console, you should see output similar to:

    Obtained the remote interface to the shopping cart
    Buying a "32 GB USB 2.0 Flash Drive".
    Buying another "32 GB USB 2.0 Flash Drive".
    Buying a "Wireless Ergonomic Keyboard and Mouse"
    Print cart:
    1     Wireless Ergonomic Keyboard and Mouse
    2     32 GB USB 2.0 Flash Drive
    Cart was correctly removed, as expected, after Checkout
  6. In the server log, you should see:

    INFO  [stdout] (pool-9-thread-8) implementing checkout() left as exercise for the reader!

This script restores the the log-system-exceptions attribute value to true. You should see the following result when you run the script:


The batch executed successfully

This quickstart consists of multiple projects, so it deploys and runs differently in JBoss Developer Studio than the other quickstarts.

  • Make sure you configure WildFly to suppress system exception logging as described above under Configure the Server. Stop the server at the end of that step.

  • To deploy the server project, right-click on the {artifactId}-server project and choose Run As –> Run on Server.

  • To run the client, right-click on the {artifactId}-client project and choose Run As –> Java Application. In the Select Java Application window, choose Client - and click OK. The client output displays in the Console window.

  • To undeploy the project, right-click on the {artifactId}-server project and choose Run As –> Maven build. Enter wildfly:undeploy for the Goals and click Run.

  • Make sure you restore the WildFly standalone server configuration when you have completed testing this quickstart.