<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"
         xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 https://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd"

    <name>Quarkus - Project pom</name>

    <description>Quarkus - Kubernetes Native Java stack tailored for OpenJDK HotSpot and GraalVM</description>

            <name>Quarkus Community</name>

            <name>The Apache Software License, Version 2.0</name>

    <scm child.scm.connection.inherit.append.path="false"







        <!-- Dependency versions -->
        <!-- Properties below are set in this file because they are used
             in the BOM as well as other POMs (build-parent/pom.xml, docs/pom.xml, ...) -->
        <kubernetes-client.version>6.13.4</kubernetes-client.version> <!-- Please check with Java Operator SDK team before updating -->
        <hibernate-orm.version>6.6.4.Final</hibernate-orm.version> <!-- WARNING when updating, also align the versions below -->
        <antlr.version>4.13.0</antlr.version> <!-- version controlled by Hibernate ORM's needs -->
        <bytebuddy.version>1.14.18</bytebuddy.version> <!-- version controlled by Hibernate ORM's needs -->
        <hibernate-commons-annotations.version>7.0.3.Final</hibernate-commons-annotations.version> <!-- version controlled by Hibernate ORM's needs -->
        <hibernate-reactive.version>2.4.3.Final</hibernate-reactive.version> <!-- highly sensitive to Hibernate ORM upgrades -->

        <!-- Make sure to check compatibility between these 2 gRPC components before upgrade -->
        <grpc.version>1.69.0</grpc.version> <!-- when updating, verify if com.google.auth should not be updated too -->

        <!-- Used in the build parent and test BOM (for the junit 5 plugin) and in the BOM (for the API) -->

        <!-- TestNG version: we don't enforce it in the BOM as it is mostly used in the MP TCKs and we need to use the version from the TCKs -->


        <!-- External projects -->

        <!-- BOMs and parent POM -->

        <!-- Core components -->

        <!-- Extensions -->

        <!-- Devtools (Maven, cli, gradle) -->
        <!-- the tools are generating the JSON descriptor for the BOM -->
        <!-- relying on the fact that the extension descriptor, generated as part of an extension build, is available -->

        <!-- Integration Tests -->

        <!-- Misc. -->

            <name>Maven Repository Switchboard</name>



                <!-- please check quick-build-ci as well when modifying these properties -->
                <invoker.skip>true</invoker.skip>   <!-- maven-invoker-plugin -->
                <jbang.skip>true</jbang.skip> <!-- jbang-maven-plugin -->
                <forbiddenapis.skip>true</forbiddenapis.skip> <!-- forbidden-apis maven plugin -->
                <defaultGoal>clean install</defaultGoal>
                <invoker.skip>true</invoker.skip>   <!-- maven-invoker-plugin -->
                <forbiddenapis.skip>true</forbiddenapis.skip> <!-- forbidden-apis maven plugin -->
                <defaultGoal>clean install</defaultGoal>
            <!-- separate "quickly" profile for CI to keep local "quickly" demands separated from CI demands -->
                <invoker.skip>true</invoker.skip>   <!-- maven-invoker-plugin -->
                <jbang.skip>true</jbang.skip> <!-- jbang-maven-plugin -->
                <forbiddenapis.skip>true</forbiddenapis.skip> <!-- forbidden-apis maven plugin -->
                <!-- the *local* main, not refs/remotes/... -->
                        <!-- https://github.com/gitflow-incremental-builder/gitflow-incremental-builder#configuration
                             General recap: Anything that is directly set in <configuration> cannot be redefined via '-D...'!
                             See also: https://github.com/gitflow-incremental-builder/gitflow-incremental-builder/issues/213 -->
                            <!-- these metadata file can't affect the build -->
                            <!-- pointless to attempt incremental build if something like mvnw was changed
                                 (and also potentially wrong, given that independent-projects might not be built) -->
                            <!-- Note: *Upstream* is only relevant in case of:
                                 -am or
                                 -Dgib.buildUpstream=always|true or
                                 -Dgib.buildAll=true or
                                 -Dgib.forceBuildModules=... -->
                            <argsForUpstreamModules>skipITs invoker.skip no-format</argsForUpstreamModules>