Websocket multiplexer, emulates virtual channels over web socket or SockJS.
Its different to the SockJS multiplexer in some ways:
- Client / Server agnostic.
- Anonymous channels.
- Open new channels at any time. No need to specify them ahead.
- CommonJS, use it with component, browserify or as node.js module.
component install manuelstofer/websocket-multiplexer
npm install websocket-multiplexer
var Multiplexer = require('websocket-multiplexer');
With named channels:
var multiplexer = new Multiplexer({ socket: websocket }),
example = multiplexer.channel('example');
example.addEventListener('message', function (evt) {
example.addEventListener('close', function (evt) {
Create anonymous channels:
var multiplexer = new Multiplexer({ socket: websocket }),
channel = multiplexer.channel();
Listen for anonymous channels:
var multiplexer = new Multiplexer({ socket: websocket });
multiplexer.addEventListener('channel', function (evt) {
var channel = evt.channel;
channel.addEventListener('message', function (evt) {
There are also some examples for node.js + ws in examples/ws
interface Multiplexer {
attribute Function onchannel;
// create a channel
void channel(optional String channel_id);
void close();
Multiplexer implements EventTarget;
interface Channel {
attribute String name;
attribute Function onmessage;
attribute Function onclose;
void send(in DOMString data);
void close();
Channel implements EventTarget;