The EmailReporting plugin allows you to report an issue in Mantis by sending an email to a particular mail account.
- Create an issue
- Add notes to an existing issue
- Add attachments
- Filter email accounts
EmailReporting v0.10.0 and later versions:
- MantisBT 1.3.0 or higher
EmailReporting v0.9.x:
- MantisBT 1.2.6 until 1.3.99
- PHP 7.0 is supported from EmailReporting 0.9.2 and higher
- PHP 7.1 is supported from EmailReporting 0.10.0 and higher
EmailReporting v0.8.4 and earlier versions:
- MantisBT 1.2.0 until 1.2.5
All versions:
- Ability to set scheduled / cron jobs on the webserver
- /api/soap/mc_file_api.php is required for EmailReporting to function properly
The stable releases can be downloaded from the GitHub downloads page: The development versions are not meant for production environments. Use at your own risk
EmailReporting plugin is hosted in GitHub along with other MantisBT plugins. GitHub URL:
Please use forum to get help in installing and using EmailReporting plugin. Visit EmailReporting Forum
To report an issue or feature request for EmailReporting plugin, visit Mantis BugTracker. (Make sure that you select the correct project from the drop-down)