Request object for search operation
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
index | str | The index to perform the search on | |
query | SearchQuery | [optional] | |
join | List[Join] | Join clause to combine search data from multiple tables | [optional] |
highlight | Highlight | [optional] | |
limit | int | Maximum number of results to return | [optional] |
knn | KnnQuery | [optional] | |
aggs | Dict[str, Aggregation] | Defines aggregation settings for grouping results | [optional] |
expressions | Dict[str, str] | Expressions to calculate additional values for the result | [optional] |
max_matches | int | Maximum number of matches allowed in the result | [optional] |
offset | int | Starting point for pagination of the result | [optional] |
options | object | Additional search options | [optional] |
profile | bool | Enable or disable profiling of the search request | [optional] |
sort | object | [optional] | |
source | object | [optional] | |
track_scores | bool | Enable or disable result weight calculation used for sorting | [optional] |
from manticoresearch.models.search_request import SearchRequest
# create an instance of SearchRequest from a JSON string
search_request_instance = SearchRequest.from_json(json)
# print the JSON string representation of the object
# convert the object into a dict
search_request_dict = search_request_instance.to_dict()
# create an instance of SearchRequest from a dict
search_request_from_dict = SearchRequest.from_dict(search_request_dict)