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Manticore Python client

Сlient for Manticore Search.

❗ WARNING: this is a development version of the client. The latest release's readme is


Minimum Manticore Search version is >= 2.5.1 with HTTP protocol enabled.

Manticore Search manticoresearch-python Python
dev manticoresearch-devel >= 3.4
>= 6.2.0 >= 3.3.1 >= 3.4
>= 4.2.1 >= 2.0.x >= 3.4
>= 4.0.2 < 4.2.1 >= 1.0.6 >= 3.4
>= 2.5.1 < 4.0.2 >= 1.0.5 >= 2.7

Installation & Usage

pip install

If the python package is hosted on a repository, you can install directly using:

pip install git+

(you may need to run pip with root permission: sudo pip install git+

Then import the package:

import manticoresearch


Install via Setuptools.

python install --user

(or sudo python install to install the package for all users)

Then import the package:

import manticoresearch

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

import manticoresearch
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Defining the host is optional and defaults to
# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = manticoresearch.Configuration(
    host = ""

# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with manticoresearch.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
    # Create instances of API classes
    indexApi = manticoresearch.IndexApi(api_client)
    searchApi = manticoresearch.SearchApi(api_client)

        # Perform insert and search operations    
        newDoc = {"title" : "Crossbody Bag with Tassel", "price": 19.85}
        insert_request = InsertDocumentRequest(index="products", doc=newDoc)

        newDoc = {"title" : "Pet Hair Remover Glove", "price": 7.99}
        insert_request = InsertDocumentRequest(index="products", doc=newDoc)
        query_highlight = Highlight()
        query_highlight.fields = {"title":{}}
        search_query = SearchQuery(query_string="@title bag")
        search_request = SearchRequest(index="products", query=search_query, highlight=query_highlight)
        search_response =    
        print("The response of SearchApi->search:\n")

        # Alternatively, you can pass all request arguments as JSON strings        
        indexApi.insert({"index": "products", "doc" : {"title" : "Crossbody Bag with Tassel", "price" : 19.85}})
        indexApi.insert({"index": "products", "doc" : {"title" : "Pet Hair Remover Glove", "price" : 7.99}})
        search_response ={"index": "products", "query": {"query_string": "@title bag"}, "highlight":{"fields":{"title":{}}}})
        print("The response of SearchApi->search:\n")
    except ApiException as e:
        print("Exception when calling Api method: %s\n" % e)

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
IndexApi bulk POST /bulk Bulk index operations
IndexApi delete POST /delete Delete a document in an index
IndexApi insert POST /insert Create a new document in an index
IndexApi partial_replace POST /{index}/_update/{id} Partially replaces a document in an index
IndexApi replace POST /replace Replace new document in an index
IndexApi update POST /update Update a document in an index
SearchApi percolate POST /pq/{index}/search Perform reverse search on a percolate index
SearchApi search POST /search Performs a search on an index
UtilsApi sql POST /sql Perform SQL requests

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization

Endpoints do not require authorization.


[email protected]