-* [Manifold Template Language (ManTL)](http://manifold.systems/images/mantl.mp4)
-## [Metaprogramming](http://manifold.systems/docs.html)
-Gain direct, **type-safe** access to *any* type of data. Remove the code gen step in your build process.
-### Resources
-Put data files in your `resource path`.
-A typical Maven setup:
--- main
----- java
----- resources
-### [JSON & JSON Schema](http://manifold.systems/docs.html#json-and-json-schema)
-You can use both sample JSON files and JSON Schema files.
- "Name": "Joe Jayson",
- "Age": 39,
-Use `Person.json` as a JSON-by-example schema:
-import abc.Person;
-Person person = Person.fromJsonUrl(url);
-Or use JSON Schema files:
-Here is a simple `User` type defined in `resources/abc/User.json` using JSON Schema:
- "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
- "$id": "http://example.com/schemas/User.json",
- "type": "object",
- "definitions": {
- "Gender": {
- "type": "string",
- "enum": ["male", "female"]
- }
- },
- "properties": {
- "name": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "User's full name.",
- "maxLength": 80
- },
- "email": {
- "description": "User's email.",
- "type": "string",
- "format": "email"
- },
- "date_of_birth": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Date of uses birth in the one and only date standard: ISO 8601.",
- "format": "date"
- },
- "gender": {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/Gender"
- }
- },
- "required": ["name", "email"]
-You can use this to create a new instance of the `User` type and then modify it using _setter_ methods to change
-optional properties:
-import abc.User;
-import abc.User.Gender;
-import java.time.LocalDate;
-User user = User.create("Scott McKinney", "scott@manifold.systems");
-user.setDate_of_birth(LocalDate.of(1980, 7, 4));
-Alternatively, you can use `builder()` to fluently build a new instance:
-User user = User.builder("Scott McKinney", "scott@manifold.systems")
- .withGender(Gender.male)
- .withDate_of_birth(LocalDate.of(1980, 7, 4))
- .build();
-You can load a `User` instance from a String:
-// From a YAML string
-User user = User.load().fromYaml(
- "name: Scott McKinney\n" +
- "email: scott@manifold.systems\n" +
- "gender: male\n" +
- "date_of_birth: 1980-07-04"
- );
-Load from a file:
-// From a JSON file
-User user = User.load().fromJsonFile("/path/to/MyUser.json");
-You can invoke a REST API to fetch a `User` using HTTP GET:
-// Uses HTTP GET to invoke the API
-User user = User.load().fromJsonUrl("http://api.example.com/users/$userId");
-#### Request REST API services
-Use the `request()` static method to conveniently navigate an HTTP REST API with GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, & DELETE:
-String id = "scott";
-User user = User.request("http://api.example.com/users").getOne("/$id");
-The `request()` method provides support for all basic REST API client usage:
-Requester req = User.request("http://api.example.com/users");
-// Get all Users via HTTP GET
-IJsonList users = req.getMany();
-// Add a User with HTTP POST
-User user = User.builder("scott", "mypassword", "Scott")
- .withGender(male)
- .build();
-// Get a User with HTTP GET
-String id = user.getId();
-user = req.getOne("/$id");
-// Update a User with HTTP PUT
-user.setDob(LocalDate.of(1980, 7, 7));
-req.putOne("/$id", user);
-// Delete a User with HTTP DELETE
-> Clone the [Manifold sample REST API project](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold-sample-rest-api) to quickly
-begin experimenting with a JSON Schema REST API using Manifold.
-#### Writing JSON
-An instance of a JSON API object can be written as formatted text with `write()`:
-* `toJson()` - produces a JSON formatted String
-* `toYaml()` - produces a YAML formatted String
-* `toXml()` - produces an XML formatted String
-* `toCsv()` - produces a CSV formatted String
-The following example produces a JSON formatted string:
-User user = User.builder("Scott McKinney", "scott@manifold.systems")
- .withGender(Gender.male)
- .withDate_of_birth(LocalDate.of(1980, 7, 4))
- .build();
-String json = user.write().toJson();
- "name": "Scott McKinney",
- "email": "scott@manifold.systems",
- "gender": "male",
- "date_of_birth": "1980-07-04"
-### [YAML](http://manifold.systems/docs.html#json-and-json-schema)
-Manifold fully supports YAML 1.2. You can use YAML to build JSON Schema files as well. All that applies to JSON applie to YAML.
-### [Properties](http://manifold.systems/docs.html#properties-files)
-Avoid strings, access properties type-safely:
-chocolate = Chocolate
-chocolate.milk = Milk chocolate
-chocolate.dark = Dark chocolate
-String myMessage = MyProperties.chocolate.milk;
-### [Images](http://manifold.systems/docs.html#image-files)
-Gain direct type-safe access to all your project's images, efficiently cached:
-import abc.images.*;
-ImageIcon image = companyLogo_png.get();
-### [JavaScript](http://manifold.systems/docs.html#javascript)
-var x = 1;
-function nextNumber() {
- return x++;
-function doSomething(x) {
- return x + " from Javascript";
-A JavaScript file and its members are directly accessible as a Java class:
-import abc.MyJsProgram;
-String hello = MyJsProgram.doSomething("Hello");
-System.out.println(hello); // prints 'Hello from JavaScript'
-double next = JsProgram.nextNumber();
-System.out.println(next); // prints '1'
-## [String Templates](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-deps-parent/manifold-strings) (aka string interpolation)
-### Enabling
-Enable the feature with the `manifold-strings` dependency:
- systems.manifold
- manifold-strings
- 2024.1.29
-### Using
-A **String template** lets you use the `$` character to inline a Java expression within a String literal. You can
-use `$` to inline a simple variable:
-int hour = 8;
-String time = "It is $hour o'clock"; // prints "It is 8 o'clock"
-Or you can inline an expression of any complexity in curly braces:
-LocalTime localTime = LocalTime.now();
-String ltime = "It is ${localTime.getHour()}:${localTime.getMinute()}"; // prints "It is 8:39"
-Escape the `$` with `\$`.
-Use `@DisableStringLiteralTemplates` to turn string templates off at the class and method levels.
-## [Extensions](http://manifold.systems/docs.html#the-extension-manifold)
-### Basic
-Add your own methods to any class e.g., `java.lang.String`:
-Make a class in a package named `extensions`. Create a sub-package using the full name of the class you want to extend,
-in this case `java.lang.String`:
-package abc.extensions.java.lang.String;
-import manifold.ext.api.*;
-public class MyStringExtension {
- public static void print(@This String thiz) {
- System.out.println(thiz);
- }
- @Extension // required for static extension methods
- public static String lineSeparator() {
- return System.lineSeparator();
- }
-Now the methods are available directly from `String`:
-String hello = "hello";
-// static method
-### Generics
-Here `map` is a generic extension method on `Collection` having type variable `R` and conveying `Collection`'s type
-variable `E`. Extension methods must reflect the type variable names declared in the extended class.
-public static Stream map(@This Collection thiz, Function super E, R> mapper) {
- return thiz.stream().map(mapper);
-## [@Structural - Structural Interfaces](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-deps-parent/manifold-ext#structural-interfaces-via-structural)
-Unify disparate APIs. Bridge software components you do not control. Access maps through type-safe interfaces.
-public interface Coordinate {
- double getX();
- double getY();
-Structural interface applied to `java.awt.Rectangle`:
-setLocation((Coordinate)new Rectangle(10, 10, 100, 100));
-void setLocation(Coordinate location) {
- this.location = location;
-Structural interface applied to `java.util.HashMap` via `ICallHandler`:
-Map map = new HashMap<>();
-map.put("x", 10);
-map.put("y", 10);
-Coordinate coord = (Coordinate)map;
-double x = coord.getX();
-## [@Jailbreak - Type-safe Reflection](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-deps-parent/manifold-ext#type-safe-reflection-via-jailbreak)
-Access private features with @Jailbreak to avoid the drudgery and vulnerability of Java reflection.
-### Basic
-@Jailbreak Foo foo = new Foo(1);
-foo._privateField = 88;
-public class Foo {
- private final int _privateField;
- public Foo(int value) {
- _privateField = value;
- }
- private String privateMethod() {
- return "hi";
- }
- private String privateMethod(String param) {
- return param;
- }
-### Static Members
-@Jailbreak MyClass myClass = null; // value is insignificant
-myClass.Static_Field = "hi";
-public class MyClass {
- private static String Static_Field = "hello";
- private static void staticMethod() {
- }
-### Types and Constructors
-com.abc. @Jailbreak SecretClass secretClass =
- new com.abc. @Jailbreak SecretClass("hi");
-secretClass._data = "hey";
-## [@Self - The Self Type](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-deps-parent/manifold-ext#the-self-type-via-self)
-Manifold supports the *Self* type via the `@Self` annotation. Use `@Self` with method return types, parameter types, and
-field types to enforce `subtype of this` where suitable. Use `@Self` as a simpler, more versatile alternative to Java's
-recursive generic types.
-### `equals()`
-You can use `@Self` to make methods like `equals()` type-safe:
-public class MyClass {
- @Override
- public boolean equals(@Self Object obj) {
- ...
- }
-Now your equals() method enforces `MyClass` as the parameter:
-myClass.equals("notMyClass"); // Compile Error. :)
-### Builders
-A common use-case for the Self type involves fluent APIs like the *Builder* pattern:
-public class VehicleBuilder {
- private int _wheels;
- public VehicleBuilder withWheels(int wheels) {
- _wheels = wheels;
- return this; // returns THIS
- }
-This is fine until we subclass it:
-public class AirplaneBuilder extends VehicleBuilder {
- private int _wings;
- public AirplaneBuilder withWings(int wings) {
- _wings = wings;
- return this; // returns THIS
- }
-Airplane airplane = new AirplaneBuilder()
- .withWheels(3) // returns VehicleBuilder :(
- .withWings(1) // ERROR
-`withWheels()` returns `VehicleBuilder`, not `AirplaneBuilder`. This is a classic example where we want to return the
-*"the subtype of `this`"*. This is what the self type accomplishes:
- public @Self VehicleBuilder withWheels(int wheels) {
- _wheels = wheels;
- return this; // returns THIS
- }
-Now with the return type annotated with `@Self` the example works as desired:
-Airplane airplane = new AirplaneBuilder()
- .withWheels(2) // returns AirplaneBuilder :)
- .withWings(1) // GOOD!
-Annotate with `@Self` to preserve the *"the subtype of `this`"* anywhere on or in a method return type, parameter type,
-or field type.
-### Self + Generics
-You can also use `@Self` to annotate a _type argument_. A nice example of this involves a typical graph or tree
-structure where the nodes in the structure are homogeneous:
-public class Node {
- private List children;
- public List<@Self Node> getChildren() {
- return children;
- }
- public void addChild(@Self Node child) {
- children.add(child);
- }
-public class MyNode extends Node {
- ...
-Here you can make the component type of `List` the Self type so you can use the `getChildren` method type-safely from
-subtypes of node:
-MyNode myNode = findMyNode();
-List = myNode.getChildren(); // wunderbar!
-### Self + Extensions
-You can use `@Self` with [extension methods](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-deps-parent/manifold-ext#extension-classes-via-extension)
-too. Here we make an extension method as a means to conveniently chain additions to `Map` while preserving its concrete
-public static @Self Map add(@This Map thiz, K key, V value) {
- thiz.put(key, value);
- return thiz;
-HashMap map = new HashMap<>()
- .add("nick", "grouper")
- .add("miles", "amberjack");
- .add("alec", "barracuda")
-### Overriding Methods
-Using @Self in a method return type or parameter type has _no_ effect on the method's override characteristics or binary
-public class SinglyNode {
- private @Self SinglyNode next;
- public void setNext(@Self SinglyNode next) {
- this.next = next;
- }
-public class DoublyNode extends SinglyNode {
- private @Self DoublyNode prev;
- public void setNext(@Self SinglyNode next) {
- if(next instanceof DoublyNode) {
- super.setNext(next);
- ((DoublyNode)next).prev = this;
- }
- else {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException();
- }
- }
-## [Checked Exception Handling](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-deps-parent/manifold-exceptions)
-Simply add the `manifold-exceptions` dependency to your project. Now checked exceptions behave like unchecked
-exceptions! No more compiler errors, no more boilerplate `try`/`catch`/`wrap`/`rethrow` nonsense.
-List strings = ...;
-List urls = list
- .map(URL::new) // No need to handle the MalformedURLException!
- .collect(Collectors.toList());
-To use Checked Exception handling you must add the `manifold-exceptions` dependency to your build configuration:
- systems.manifold
- manifold-exceptions
- 2024.1.29
-## [ManTL](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-deps-parent/manifold-templates) (Superfast **type-safe** templates, and a lot more)
-## [Libraries](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-deps-parent/manifold-ext#extension-libraries)
-Leverage stock Manifold extension libraries for standard Java classes. Save time and reduce boilerplate code.
-File file = new File(path);
-// Use refreshing extensions to File
-String content = file.readText();
-Use the `manifold-all` dependency to access all Manifold's provided extension libraries including I/O, Web, and
-## [Learn More](http://manifold.systems/docs.html)
diff --git a/docs/docs.md b/docs/docs.md
deleted file mode 100644
index ea8c868a4..000000000
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-layout: default
-## Table of Contents
-* [Overview](#overview)
-* [Type-safe Metaprogramming (GraphQL, JSON, XML, etc.)](#type-safe-metaprogramming-with-type-manifolds)
-* [Java Extensions with the _Extension_ Manifold](#the-extension-manifold)
-* [Benefits](#benefits)
-* [IDE Support](#ide-support)
-* [Projects](#projects)
-* [Platforms](#platforms)
-* [**Setup**](#setup)
-* [Download](#download)
-* [License](#license)
-* [Author](#author)
-* [Forum](#forum)
-# Overview
-[Manifold](https://manifold.systems/) plugs directly into Java to supplement it with powerful features you can use
-directly in your projects:
-* [**Type-safe Metaprogramming**](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-core-parent/manifold) -- _type-safe_ access to structured data.
-Use [GraphQL](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-deps-parent/manifold-graphql),
-[Templates](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-deps-parent/manifold-templates), etc.
-directly and type-safely from Java without a code generator in your build and with comprehensive IDE support.
-* [**Java Extensions**](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-deps-parent/manifold-ext) --
-provides [extension methods](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-deps-parent/manifold-ext#extension-classes-via-extension),
-[operator overloading](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-deps-parent/manifold-ext#operator-overloading),
-[unit expressions](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-deps-parent/manifold-ext#unit-expressions),
-[structural typing](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-deps-parent/manifold-ext#structural-interfaces-via-structural),
-[string interpolation](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-deps-parent/manifold-strings),
-[type-safe reflection](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-deps-parent/manifold-collections#type-safe-reflection-via-jailbreak),
-and a lot more.
-# Type-safe Metaprogramming with Type Manifolds
-Bridging the worlds of data and code, a *type manifold* acts as an adapter to automatically connect data resources to
-Java's type system. The core Manifold framework seamlessly plugs into the Java compiler enabling a type manifold to
-transform structured data into data _types_ directly accessible in your Java code eliminating code generation build
-steps otherwise required with conventional tools. Additionally, the [Manifold plugin](#ide-support)
-provides comprehensive integration for type manifolds in both [IntelliJ IDEA](https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/download)
-and [Android Studio](https://developer.android.com/studio). Types are always in sync; changes you make to resources are
-immediately available in your code _without a compilation step_. Code completion, navigation, usage searching,
-deterministic refactoring, incremental compilation, hotswap debugging -- all seamlessly integrated. With type manifolds
-a data resource is a virtual data _type_.
-To illustrate, consider this simple properties resource file:
-chocolate = Chocolate
-chocolate.milk = Milk chocolate
-chocolate.dark = Dark chocolate
-Normally in Java you access a properties file like this:
-Properties myProperties = new Properties();
-String myMessage = myProperties.getProperty("chocolate.milk");
-As with any resource file a properties file is foreign to Java's type system -- there is no direct, type-safe access to
-it. Instead you access it indirectly using boilerplate library code sprinkled with hard-coded strings.
-By contrast, with the Properties type manifold you access a properties file directly as a type:
-String myMessage = MyProperties.chocolate.milk;
-Concise and type-safe, with no additional build steps to engage.
-Any data resource is a potential type manifold, including file schemas, query languages, database definitions,
-data services, templates, spreadsheets, and programming languages.
-Manifold provides type manifolds for:
-* [GraphQL](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-deps-parent/manifold-graphql)
-* [JSON and JSON Schema](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-deps-parent/manifold-json)
-* [XML](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-deps-parent/manifold-xml)
-* [YAML](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-deps-parent/manifold-yaml)
-* [CSV](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-deps-parent/manifold-csv)
-* [Property files](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-deps-parent/manifold-properties)
-* [Image files](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-deps-parent/manifold-image)
-* [Dark Java](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-deps-parent/manifold-darkj)
-* [JavaScript](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-deps-parent/manifold-js)
-* [Java Templates](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-deps-parent/manifold-templates)
-# The Extension Manifold
-The extension manifold is a special kind of type manifold that lets you augment existing Java classes including Java's
-own runtime classes such as `String`. You can add new methods, annotations, and interfaces to any type your project
-Let's say you want to make a new method on `String` so you can straightforwardly echo a String to the console. Normally
-with Java you might write a "Util" library like this:
-public class MyStringUtil {
- public static void echo(String value) {
- System.out.println(value);
- }
-And you'd use it like this:
-Instead with Manifold you create an _**Extension Class**_:
-public class MyStringExtension {
- public static void echo(@This String thiz) {
- System.out.println(thiz);
- }
-Here we've added a new `echo()` method to `String`, so we use it like this:
-Extensions eliminate a lot of intermediate code such as "Util" and "Manager" libraries as well as Factory classes. As a
-consequence extensions naturally promote higher levels of object-orientation, which result in more readable and
-maintainable code. Additionally, with the Manifold IntelliJ plugin you can use code-completion which conveniently
-presents all the extension methods available on an extended class:
-There's a lot more to the extension manifold including [operator overloading](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-deps-parent/manifold-ext#operator-overloading),
-[unit expressions](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-deps-parent/manifold-ext#unit-expressions),
-[structural interfaces](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-deps-parent/manifold-ext#structural-interfaces-via-structural),
-which are similar to interfaces in the [Go](https://golang.org/) and [TypeScript](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/interfaces.html)
-languages. See the [Java Extension Manifold](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-deps-parent/manifold-ext)
-for full coverage of these features.
-> _**New!**_
-> * Finally, [_**Properties**_](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-deps-parent/manifold-props) for Java
-> * Includes automatic property _inference_ for existing Java classes **😎**
-> [Learn more](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-deps-parent/manifold-props).
-# Benefits
-Manifold's core technology is a dramatic departure from conventional Java tooling. There are no code generation steps in
-the build, no extra build target files to manage, no annotation processors, and no extra class loaders to engage at
-Benefits of this approach include:
-* **Zero turnaround** -- direct, type-safe access to structured data
-* **Lightweight** -- requires no special compilers, annotation processors, or runtime agents
-* **Efficient** -- Manifold only produces types as they are needed
-* **Simple, open API** -- use the Manifold API to build your own components and extensions
-* **No code generation build step** -- integrates directly with the Java compiler
-* **Incremental** -- only builds types that have changed
-* **[IntelliJ IDEA](https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/download)** -- fully supported
-* **[Android Studio](https://developer.android.com/studio)** -- fully supported
-Manifold is just a dependency you can drop into your existing project. You can begin using it incrementally without
-having to rewrite classes or conform to a new way of doing things.
-# IDE Support
-Use Manifold to its fullest in **IntelliJ IDEA** and **Android Studio** using the [Manifold IDE plugin](https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/10057-manifold).
-The plugin provides comprehensive support for IDE features including:
-* Feature highlighting
-* Error reporting
-* Code completion
-* Go to declaration
-* Usage searching
-* Rename/Move refactoring
-* Quick navigation
-* Operator overloading
-* Unit expressions
-* Structural typing
-* Type-safe reflection with `@Jailbreak`
-* Self type support with `@Self`
-* Incremental compilation
-* Hotswap debugging
-* Preprocessor (conditional compilation)
-* Professional template file editing
-Use code completion to discover and use type manifolds such as GraphQL and to access extension methods and structural
-interfaces. Jump directly from usages of extension methods to their declarations. Jump directly from call sites to
-resource elements and find usages of them in your code. Watch your GraphQL, JSON, XML, YAML, CSV, images, properties,
-templates, and custom type manifolds come alive as types. Changes you make in resource files are instantly available in
-your code, _without compiling_.
-Install the plugin directly from the IDE via:
-Settings ➜ Plugins ➜ Marketplace ➜ search: `Manifold`
-Get the plugin from JetBrains Marketplace:
-# Projects
-The Manifold framework consists of the *core project* and a collection of *sub-projects* implementing SPIs provided
-by the core. Each project represents a separate *dependency* you can use directly in your project. See details in each
-projects' docs.
-### Core Framework
-* [Manifold : _Core_](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-core-parent/manifold)
-### Resource Manifolds
-* [Manifold : _GraphQL_](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-deps-parent/manifold-graphql)
-* [Manifold : _JSON_](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-deps-parent/manifold-json)
-* [Manifold : _XML_](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-deps-parent/manifold-xml)
-* [Manifold : _CSV_](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-deps-parent/manifold-csv)
-* [Manifold : _YAML_](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-deps-parent/manifold-yaml)
-* [Manifold : _Property files_](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-deps-parent/manifold-properties)
-* [Manifold : _Image files_](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-deps-parent/manifold-image)
-* [Manifold : _Dark Java_](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-deps-parent/manifold-darkj)
-* [Manifold : _JavaScript_](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-deps-parent/manifold-js)
-### Java Extension Manifold
-* [Manifold : _Java Extension_](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-deps-parent/manifold-ext)
-### Java Properties
-* [Manifold : _Java Properties_](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-deps-parent/manifold-props)
-### Java Templates Framework
-* [Manifold : _Templates_](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-deps-parent/manifold-templates)
-### Java Compiler Extensions
-* [Manifold : _String Templates_](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-deps-parent/manifold-strings) (string interpolation)
-* [Manifold : _[Un]checked_](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-deps-parent/manifold-exceptions)
-### Java Preprocessor
-* [Manifold : _Preprocessor_](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-deps-parent/manifold-preprocessor)
-### Java Science
-* [Manifold : _Science_](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-deps-parent/manifold-science)
-### Java Extension Libraries
-* [Manifold : _Collections_](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-deps-parent/manifold-collections)
-* [Manifold : _I/0_](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-deps-parent/manifold-io)
-* [Manifold : _Text_](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-deps-parent/manifold-text)
-### Sample Projects
-* [Manifold sample project](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold-sample-project)
-* [Manifold sample GraphQL App](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold-sample-graphql-app)
-* [Manifold sample REST API App](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold-sample-rest-api)
-* [Manifold sample Web App](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold-sample-web-app)
-* [Manifold sample Gradle Project](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold-simple-gradle-project)
-* [Manifold sample Kotlin App](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold-sample-kotlin-app)
-# Platforms
-Manifold supports:
-* Java SE (8 - 21)
-* [Android](http://manifold.systems/android.html)
-* [Kotlin](http://manifold.systems/kotlin.html) (limited)
-Comprehensive IDE support is also available for IntelliJ IDEA and Android Studio.
-# Setup
-Manifold is designed to work with most build systems, including Maven and Gradle.
-The Manifold root project consists of several sub-projects you can include separately in your build, see [Projects](#projects)
-above for a complete listing. If you're targeting Android using Android Studio, see [Using Manifold with Android Studio](http://manifold.systems/android.html)
-for additional setup information.
-Setup instructions are consistent for each sub-project/dependency. Here are direct links:
-* Setup for [Manifold : _Core_](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-core-parent/manifold#setup)
-* Setup for [Manifold : _GraphQL_](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-deps-parent/manifold-graphql#setup)
-* Setup for [Manifold : _XML_](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-deps-parent/manifold-xml#setup)
-* Setup for [Manifold : _JSON_](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-deps-parent/manifold-json#setup)
-* Setup for [Manifold : _CSV_](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-deps-parent/manifold-csv#setup)
-* Setup for [Manifold : _YAML_](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-deps-parent/manifold-yaml#setup)
-* Setup for [Manifold : _Property Files_](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-deps-parent/manifold-properties#setup)
-* Setup for [Manifold : _Image_](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-deps-parent/manifold-image#setup)
-* Setup for [Manifold : _Dark Java_](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-deps-parent/manifold-darkj#setup)
-* Setup for [Manifold : _JavaScript_](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-deps-parent/manifold-js#setup)
-* Setup for [Manifold : _Java Extension_](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-deps-parent/manifold-ext#setup)
-* Setup for [Manifold : _Java Properties_](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-deps-parent/manifold-props#setup)
-* Setup for [Manifold : _Templates_](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-deps-parent/manifold-templates#setup)
-* Setup for [Manifold : _String Templates_](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-deps-parent/manifold-strings#setup)
-* Setup for [Manifold : _[Un]checked_](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-deps-parent/manifold-exceptions#setup)
-* Setup for [Manifold : _Preprocessor_](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-deps-parent/manifold-preprocessor#setup)
-* Setup for [Manifold : _Science_](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-deps-parent/manifold-science#setup)
-* Setup for [Manifold : _Collections_](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-deps-parent/manifold-collections#setup)
-* Setup for [Manifold : _I/0_](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-deps-parent/manifold-io#setup)
-* Setup for [Manifold : _Text_](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold/tree/master/manifold-deps-parent/manifold-text#setup)
-# Download
-For the convenience of non-maven/non-gradle users you can directly download latest release binaries below.
->**WARNING** If you plan to build your project **without** Maven or Gradle using select binaries, your classpath
->**must** include the **transitive closure** of binaries in terms of the **dependencies** declared in corresponding
->project's POM file. Additionally, you will need to adapt your build to reflect the Maven or Gradle setup instructions
->from the list above.
->For instance, to use the *manifold-preprocessor* jar using **Ant** your project needs:
->* [manifold-preprocessor-2024.1.29.jar](https://repository.sonatype.org/service/local/artifact/maven/redirect?r=central-proxy&g=systems.manifold&a=manifold-preprocessor&v=RELEASE)
->* [manifold-2024.1.29.jar](https://repository.sonatype.org/service/local/artifact/maven/redirect?r=central-proxy&g=systems.manifold&a=manifold&v=RELEASE)
->* [manifold-util-2024.1.29.jar](https://repository.sonatype.org/service/local/artifact/maven/redirect?r=central-proxy&g=systems.manifold&a=manifold-util&v=RELEASE)
->As such your *javac* command line should include:
->javac -Xplugin:Manifold -classpath /manifold-preprocessor-2024.1.29.jar;/manifold-2024.1.29.jar;/manifold-util-2024.1.29.jar
-* Download [Manifold : _Core_](https://repository.sonatype.org/service/local/artifact/maven/redirect?r=central-proxy&g=systems.manifold&a=manifold&v=RELEASE)
-* Download [Manifold : _GraphQL_](https://repository.sonatype.org/service/local/artifact/maven/redirect?r=central-proxy&g=systems.manifold&a=manifold-graphql&v=RELEASE)
-* Download [Manifold : _XML_](https://repository.sonatype.org/service/local/artifact/maven/redirect?r=central-proxy&g=systems.manifold&a=manifold-xml&v=RELEASE)
-* Download [Manifold : _JSON_](https://repository.sonatype.org/service/local/artifact/maven/redirect?r=central-proxy&g=systems.manifold&a=manifold-json&v=RELEASE)
-* Download [Manifold : _CSV_](https://repository.sonatype.org/service/local/artifact/maven/redirect?r=central-proxy&g=systems.manifold&a=manifold-csv&v=RELEASE)
-* Download [Manifold : _YAML_](https://repository.sonatype.org/service/local/artifact/maven/redirect?r=central-proxy&g=systems.manifold&a=manifold-yaml&v=RELEASE)
-* Download [Manifold : _Properties_](https://repository.sonatype.org/service/local/artifact/maven/redirect?r=central-proxy&g=systems.manifold&a=manifold-properties&v=RELEASE)
-* Download [Manifold : _Image_](https://repository.sonatype.org/service/local/artifact/maven/redirect?r=central-proxy&g=systems.manifold&a=manifold-image&v=RELEASE)
-* Download [Manifold : _Dark Java_](https://repository.sonatype.org/service/local/artifact/maven/redirect?r=central-proxy&g=systems.manifold&a=manifold-darkj&v=RELEASE)
-* Download [Manifold : _JavaScript_](https://repository.sonatype.org/service/local/artifact/maven/redirect?r=central-proxy&g=systems.manifold&a=manifold-js&v=RELEASE)
-* Download [Manifold : _Java Extension_](https://repository.sonatype.org/service/local/artifact/maven/redirect?r=central-proxy&g=systems.manifold&a=manifold-ext&v=RELEASE)
-* Download [Manifold : _Java Properties_](https://repository.sonatype.org/service/local/artifact/maven/redirect?r=central-proxy&g=systems.manifold&a=manifold-props&v=RELEASE)
-* Download [Manifold : _Templates_](https://repository.sonatype.org/service/local/artifact/maven/redirect?r=central-proxy&g=systems.manifold&a=manifold-templates&v=RELEASE)
-* Download [Manifold : _String Templates_](https://repository.sonatype.org/service/local/artifact/maven/redirect?r=central-proxy&g=systems.manifold&a=manifold-strings&v=RELEASE)
-* Download [Manifold : _[Un]checked_](https://repository.sonatype.org/service/local/artifact/maven/redirect?r=central-proxy&g=systems.manifold&a=manifold-exceptions&v=RELEASE)
-* Download [Manifold : _Preprocessor_](https://repository.sonatype.org/service/local/artifact/maven/redirect?r=central-proxy&g=systems.manifold&a=manifold-preprocessor&v=RELEASE)
-* Download [Manifold : _Science_](https://repository.sonatype.org/service/local/artifact/maven/redirect?r=central-proxy&g=systems.manifold&a=manifold-science&v=RELEASE)
-* Download [Manifold : _Collections_](https://repository.sonatype.org/service/local/artifact/maven/redirect?r=central-proxy&g=systems.manifold&a=manifold-collections&v=RELEASE)
-* Download [Manifold : _I/0_](https://repository.sonatype.org/service/local/artifact/maven/redirect?r=central-proxy&g=systems.manifold&a=manifold-io&v=RELEASE)
-* Download [Manifold : _Text_](https://repository.sonatype.org/service/local/artifact/maven/redirect?r=central-proxy&g=systems.manifold&a=manifold-text&v=RELEASE)
-* Download [Manifold : Util](https://repository.sonatype.org/service/local/artifact/maven/redirect?r=central-proxy&g=systems.manifold&a=manifold-util&v=RELEASE)
-# License
-Manifold is open source and licensed under the [Apache 2.0](http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) license.
-# Author
-* [Scott McKinney](mailto:scott@manifold.systems)
-# Forum
-Join our [Discord server](https://discord.gg/VYUpzA64) to start
-a discussion, ask questions, provide feedback, etc. Someone is usually there to help.
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-# Licenses
-Manifold is open source and licensed under the [Apache 2.0](http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) license.
-## Plugin for IntelliJ IDEA and Android Studio
-The [Manifold Plugin](https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/10057-manifold) is available separately via
-the [JetBrains Marketplace](https://plugins.jetbrains.com/).
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-# The Javascript Manifold
-The Javascript Manifold (Manifold.js) is a [Manifold](http://manifold.systems/) extension library that allows for seamless interaction with javascript
-resources from Java using the [Rhino](https://github.com/mozilla/rhino) project.
-The library supports the use of javascript programs from Java, the use of ES6-flavored javascript classes from
-java, the use of Java classes from javascript, as well as the creation of type-safe javascript expressions for
-use in Java as a scripting layer.
-## Javascript Program Support
-Manifold.js makes standard ES5-style Javascript programs available as types in Java.
-The entire javascript program is evaluated when the type is first accessed. Top level functions
-are accessible as static methods on the program type.
-### Functions
-Here is an example top-level function found in `ExampleProgram.js`:
- function hello(name) {
- return "Hello " + name;
- }
-This function could be invoked from Java like so:
- System.out.println( ExampleProgram.hello("Java Programmers") )
-### Parameter & Return Types
-The parameters and the return type of javascript functions are all of type `Object`.
-### Variables
-Top level variables in javascript programs are treated as global variables and will retain their values
-between evaluation. Given this function:
- var i = 0;
- function nextNum() {
- return i++;
- }
-The following code
- System.out.println( ExampleProgram.nextNum() )
- System.out.println( ExampleProgram.nextNum() )
-will print
- 0.0
- 1.0
-### Typescript-Style Typing (Parameters & Return Types)
-In order to allow for greater control and readability in Java, Manifold.js allows you to specify the types parameters and return
-types using Typescript syntax.
- import java.util.ArrayList;
- class Sample {
- constructor(a : String) {
- this.foo = a;
- }
- foo (bar: String, baz : Integer) : ArrayList {
- var arrlist = new ArrayList();
- for(var i = 0 ; i < baz ; i ++) {
- arrlist.add(bar);
- }
- return arrlist;
- }
- }
- Sample sample = new Sample();
- System.out.println(foo("Hello", 5)) // ["Hello","Hello","Hello","Hello","Hello"]
-### ES6-style Arrow Functions
-Manifold.js supports the use of ES6 Arrow Functions inside any Javascript program or class.
- //Arrow function expression
- function filterEvens(list) {
- return list.filter( a => a % 2 == 0);
- }
- //Arrow function statements
- function incrementList(list) {
- return list.map( a => {return a + 1});
- }
-## Experimental Features
-The following features are experimental.
-### Javascript Class Support
-Javascript classes are exposed as regular classes in Java. They have the same functionality as Java classes,
-including constructors, methods, static methods, and properties.
-Javascript: foo.js
- class Foo {
- //Constructor
- constructor(a) {
- this.foo = a;
- this._bars = 5;
- }
- //Methods
- function bar() {
- return this.foo * 2;
- }
- function baz(a,b) {
- return a+b + this.foo;
- }
- //Static Methods
- static hello() {
- return "hello";
- }
- //Properties
- get bars() {
- return this._bars*2;
- }
- set bars(a) {
- this._bars = a;
- }
- }
-#### Constructor
-The constructor is called when a new object is created. It initializes the properties within the object.
- class Foo {
- constructor(a) {
- this.bar = a;
- }
- }
- Foo foo = new Foo(5); // Creates new Foo object and sets this.bar to a
-#### Methods
-Methods are functions that are assigned to classes. They can interact with properties of the class and call other
-internal methods.
- class Foo {
- constructor(a) {
- this.foo = a;
- }
- function bar() {
- return this.foo * 2;
- }
- }
- Foo foo = new Foo(21);
- System.out.println(foo.bar); // prints 42
-#### Static Methods
- class Foo {
- constructor(a) {
- this.foo = a;
- this._bars = 5;
- }
- static function staticFoo() {
- return 42;
- }
- }
- System.out.println(Foo.staticFoo()); // Prints 42
-#### Properties
-Classes can have getter and setter properties which abstract the properties held within the class.
- class Foo {
- constructor(a) {
- this.foo = a;
- this._bars = 5;
- }
- get bars() {
- return this._bars*2;
- }
- set bars(a) {
- this._bars = a;
- }
- }
- Foo foo = new Foo();
- foo.setBars(21);
- System.out.println(foo.getBars()) // Prints 42
-### Javascript Template Support
-Javascript templates are supported as first class citizens. A Javascript String Template is a file that ends
-in the .jst extension.
-Javascript Template: SampleJSTemplate.jst
- <%@ params(names) %>
- All Names: <%for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { %>
- ${names[i]}
- <% } %>
-The template declares the parameters using the `<%@ params() %>` directive, and can import Java classes using
-the <%@ import %> directive.
-Javascript statements can be added between the `<%` and `%>` punctuators, which are evaluated as Javascript but
-added directly to the generated string.
-Javascript expressions can be added either between the `${` and `}` punctuators or the `<%=` and `%>` punctuators,
-and are evaluated and added to the generated string.
-Javascript templates can then be rendered from Java like so:
- String str = SampleJSTemplate.renderToString({"Carson", "Kyle", "Lucca"});
- System.out.println(str)
-### Accessing Javascript Classes from Java
-Javascript classes can be accessed using the same syntax as Java classes.
- Foo foo = new Foo(10);
- System.out.println(foo.bar()); // 20
- System.out.println(foo.getBars()); // 5
- foo.setBars(20);
- System.out.println(foo.getBars()) // 40
- System.out.println(Foo.hello()) // Hello
-#### Accessing Java Classes from Javascript
-The (non-standard javascript) import statement is used to extend Java classes with javascript methods.
-Here is some example javascript: hello.js
- import java.util.ArrayList;
- function hello() {
- var arrlist = new ArrayList();
- arrlist.add(1);
- arrlist.add(2);
- arrlist.add(3);
- System.out.println(arrlist.toArray(new Integer[arrlist.size()]));
- }
-This can be invoked from Java like so:
- hello.hello(); //prints [1,2,3]
-NB: The import statement in Manifold.js acts like the java import statement, not the (unsupported) javascript version.
-#### Extending Java Classes from Javascript
-Java classes can be extended using javascript, allowing for the creation of modified classes. One
-known limitation is that the constructor of the superclass cannot be overwritten.
- import java.util.ArrayList;
- class SizePrints extends ArrayList {
- printSize() {
- System.out.println(super.size());
- }
- }
- SizePrints demo = new sizePrints();
- demo.add(1);
- demo.add(2);
- demo.add(3);
- demo.printSize(); // Prints 3
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-# ManTL (Manifold Template Language)
-ManTL is a lightweight & *type-safe* template engine directly integrated with the Java compiler using [Manifold](http://manifold.systems/).
-It supports the full Java language, type-safe arguments to templates, type-safe inclusion of other templates,
-shared layouts for templates and custom base classes for application-specific logic, among other features.
-Templates compile directly in your build as if Java source files _without a separate code generation build step_, therefore
-your Java source code can reference and use your template files by name directly as _Java classes_. This level of
-integration and type-safety promotes higher levels of integrity and performance. It also enables tooling like the [Manifold IntelliJ plugin](https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/10057-manifold)
-to provide deterministic code completion, navigation, usage searching, and refactoring. Additionally the IntelliJ plugin
-enables incremental compilation and hot swap debugging, allowing you to make template changes in a running application.
-> Clone the [Manifold sample Web App project](https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold-sample-web-app) to quickly
-begin experimenting with ManTL templates using the Manifold IntelliJ plugin.
-## Table of Contents
-* [Installing](#installing)
-* [Usage](#usage)
-* [Syntax](#basic-syntax)
- * [Statements](#statements)
- * [Expressions](#expressions)
- * [Comments](#comments)
- * [Directives](#directives)
- * [`import`](#-import-)
- * [`extends`](#-extends-)
- * [`params`](#-params-)
- * [`include`](#-include-)
- * [`section`](#-section-)
- * [`layout`](#-layout-)
- * [`content`](#-layout-)
-* [Whitespace](#whitespace)
-* [**Spark** Java Support](#spark)
- * [Hello World!](#spark-hello-world)
- * [Tracing](#tracing)
- * [Template Base Class](#spark-template)
- * [Sample Application](#demo)
-# Installing
-Use ManTL in your project simply by adding the `manifold-template` dependency.
- systems.manifold
- manifold-templates
- 0.71-alpha
- compile group: 'systems.manifold', name: 'manifold-templates', version: 'RELEASE'
-> Note [prebuilt binaries](http://manifold.systems/docs.html#binaries) are also available for non-Maven/Gradle projects.
-# Usage
-Once you have installed ManTL, you can begin using it by placing a new file with the `mtl` extension in your _resources_
-directory (nb: not in your source directory). The file can have any sort of string content, as well as [dynamic content](#basic-syntax)
-and [directives](#directives) that change how the template behaves.
-> Note it is helpful, but not required, to include the file extension of the target content in the template file name.
-For instance, a template that produces HTML as output is named *MyTemplate.html.mtl*
-Consider the following template named `HelloWorld.txt.mtl`, located in the `resources/templates` directory:
-Hello World!
-This template can be used directly from your Java code:
-import templates.HelloWorld;
-public class Demo {
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- System.out.println(HelloWorld.render());
- }
-This prints `Hello World` to your console.
-If you want to add a parameter to the template, you can change the template to use the [`params`](#-params-) directive:
-<%@ params(String name) %>
-Hello ${name}!
->Note you can make changes to your templates in IntelliJ while debugging your application. The Manifold plugin for
-IntelliJ hot swaps incremental compilation changes into your running application.
-You can call this parameterized template with a `String` argument:
-import templates.HelloWorld;
-public class Demo {
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- System.out.println(HelloWorld.render("ManTL"));
- }
-Which prints `Hello ManTL!` to your console.
-If you do not wish to materialize the template as a string, you can use the `renderInto()` method to render templates
-into any `Appendable` object. The `renderInto()` method is similar to `render()` but defines an additional `Appendable`
-parameter and returns `void`.
-# Syntax
-As with most template languages, a ManTL template consists of regular textual content interspersed with language
-constructs such as statements, expressions, comments, and directives.
-## Statements
-ManTL lets you control output of a template with Java language statements. You inline statements or statement fragments
-in a template using this syntax:
-<% java-statement-parts %>
-ManTL supports all Java language statements including variable and method declarations and control structures. For
-example, the `if` statement:
-<% if(total >= 90) { %>
-Grade: A
-<% } %>
-results in the following output if `total` is `90` or greater:
-Grade: A
-otherwise, the statement has no effect on the output.
-Notice the statement is fragmented between two sets of `<% %>` delimiters. You can leverage many of Java's
-statements in this way to control the output, including `if-else`, `switch`, `for`, `while`, and `do-while`.
-This example demonstrates how a simple `for` statement can repeat a section of the template's content:
-<% for(String brand: Arrays.asList("Maserati", "Alfa Romeo", "Abarth") { %>
- Fiat brand: ${brand}
-<% } %>
-Renders as:
- Fiat brand: Maserati
- Fiat brand: Alfa Romeo
- Fiat brand: Abarth
-You can achieve the same result using a Java lambda expression:
-<% Arrays.asList("Maserati", "Alfa Romeo", "Abarth").forEach(brand -> { %>
- Fiat brand: ${brand}
-<% }); %>
-## Expressions
-A ManTL expression contains a Java language expression, it is evaluated, coerced to a `String`, and
-inserted where the expression appears in the ManTL file.
-Use expressions with this syntax:
-<%= java-expression %>
-Additionally, the following shorthand syntax is also valid:
-${ java-expression }
-For example, this template:
- Expression Example
- <% int y = 10; %>
The font size of this paragraph is ${y}.
-generates the following HTML:
- Expression Example
The font size of this paragraph is 10.
-Note the statement declaring the `y` variable does not directly contribute to the resulting content. This is because a
-statement does not produce a value to display, instead a statement *controls* what displays. By contrast an expression
-produces a value, thus it directly renders as part of the template's resulting content, hence both `${y}` expressions
-render `10` in the output.
-## Comments
-Comments are blocks that delimit areas of the template the compiler ignores; they do not contribute to the template's
-output. Use them to make comments and to temporarily mask off sections of a template as you like.
->Note template comments in no way affect the generated Java code, they are exclusively template file comments.
-The syntax of a comment is as follows:
-<%-- This is a comment --%>
-## Directives
-Directives are commands you use to control the compilation and resulting structure of a template.
-Directives have the following syntax:
-<%@ directive-name [options] %>
-Here is a summary of all the ManTL directives. More detailed descriptions follow.
-| Directive | Syntax | Description |
-| import | `<%@ import type-name %>` | Imports Java types for use in template directives, statements, and expressions |
-| extends | `<%@ extends class-name %>` | Extends a base class having features suitable for the template file |
-| params | `<%@ params(parameter-list) %>` | Parameters for the template, arguments passed via the `render(arg-list)`method |
-| include | `<%@ include template-name[(parameter-list)] [if ]%>` | Include a separate template in the template |
-| section | `<%@ section section-name(parameter-list) %>` | Creates a sub-template within the template, that can be called from other templates |
-| layout | `<%@ layout template-name %>` | Specifies the template in which the declaring template nests its content |
-| content | `<%@ content %>` | Used in a `layout` template, denotes where the content of a nested template renders |
-### `import`
-Use the `import` directive as you would a Java `import` statement so you can use Java classes without
-having to qualify them with package names.
-The syntax of the `import` directive:
-<%@ import type-name %>
-This example imports the `java.util.HashSet` class and uses it to declare the `myHashSet` variable:
-<%@ import java.util.HashSet %>
- Import Example
- <% int y = 10;
- HashSet myHashSet = new HashSet<>();
- myHashSet.add(y);
- myHashSet.add(15);
- for(Integer a: myHashSet) { %>
myHashSet contains ${a}.
- <% } %>
-The above template produces the following HTML:
- Import Example
myHashSet contains 10.
myHashSet contains 15.
->Note `import` directives must precede all other directives in your template.
-### `extends`
-Use the `extends` directive to make a template extend a custom base class, which you can use to provide
-additional application specific functionality e.g., `Request` and `Response` objects in a web application.
-A practical example of the `extends` directive:
-package demo;
-import model.Contact;
-import manifold.templates.rt.runtime.BaseTemplate;
-public class ExampleTemplate extends BaseTemplate {
- public String displayContact(Contact c) {
- if(c.hasName()) {
- return c.getName();
- } else {
- return c.getEmail();
- }
- }
-This allows the developer to render a clean template:
-<%@ import model.Contact %>
-<%@ extends demo.ExampleTemplate %>
-<%@ params(Contact c)%>
- Contact
- ${displayContact(c)}
-And easily callable:
- get("/contact/:id", (req, resp) -> ShowContact.render(Contact.find(req.getParam("id")));
-### `params`
-Use the `params` directive to declare parameters in a template, similar to declaring parameters for a method.
-The syntax of the `params` directive is as follows:
-<%@ params(parameter-list) %>
-For example, you can create the template `NameDisplay.html.mtl` as the following:
-<%@ params(String name) %>
Your name is: ${myName}
-You can then include it in another template as follows:
- PARAMS Example
- <%@ include NameDisplay("Robert") %>
- <%@ include NameDisplay("Scott") %>
-Then, the following HTML will be generated:
- PARAMS Example
Your name is: Robert
Your name is: Scott
-### `include`
-The `include` directive allows users to insert other templates inside of the given template in a type
-safe manner.
-The syntax looks like this:
-<%@ include [template-name] %>
-For example, consider the following template, `MyTemplate.html.mtl`:
-<% int fontSize = 0; %>
- WHILE LOOP Example
- <% while (fontSize <= 3) { %>
- ManTL Tutorial
- <%fontSize++;%>
- <%}%>
-We can then include it from another template as such:
-<%@ include MyTemplate %>
-Both statements will result in the following HTML code:
- WHILE LOOP Example
- ManTL Tutorial
- <
- ManTL Tutorial
- ManTL Tutorial
- ManTL Tutorial
-#### Conditional Include
-ManTL supports shorthand for conditional inclusion of templates. The following syntax:
-<% if (condition) { %>
- <%@ include MyTemplate %>
-<% } %>
-Can be condensed to the following:
-<%@ include MyTemplate if(condition) %>
-(Note: In the above, parentheses are optional.)
-### `section`
-The `section` directive creates a subsection of the current template that can be added using the `include` directive in
-other templates.
-The syntax of a `section` block:
-<%@ section section-name[(symbols-used-in-section)] %>
-<%@ end section %>
-Note the corresponding `<%@ end section %>` directive must be used to complete the section, otherwise
-a compile error results.
-For example, you can create the template `NestedImport.html.mtl` as the following:
-<%@ import java.util.* %>
-The above code will generate the following HTML:
Defines a section
Font size: 1
Font size: 2
Font size: 3
The End
-Then, you can include `mySection` in a separate template:
- <%@ include NestedImport.mySection %>
-Which will result in the following HTML:
Font size: 1
Font size: 2
Font size: 3
-### `layout`
-Layouts can be made and used with the `content` and `layout` directives respectively.
-The `content` directive splits the current template into the header and footer of a layout.
-The `layout` directive makes the header and footer of the layout frame the current template.
-The current template renders at the location of the `content` directive.
-Both the `content` directive and `layout` directive are only valid in the outermost class
-(not within sections) and can only appear once in a template.
-The `params` directive is not yet supported for a template that contains the `content` directive.
-The syntax of a layout template is as follows:
-<%@ content %>
-For example, you can create the template `LayoutEx.html.mtl`: