Summary of Aquameta APIs and patterns.
- command-line access to the database
- bundles
- resources
- widgets
- database API
- combining widgets and data
- local event handling
- communicating between widgets
This document assumes you know basic HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery. Some familiarity with PostgreSQL and Docker will be helpful as well.
Underneath the hood is a stock PostgreSQL database, which you can access via the command line (and someday a fancy user interface) to create schemas, tables, etc. for use in your application.
$ docker exec -it 0f84133a577e psql aquameta
psql (9.6.0)
Type "help" for help.
aquameta=# \dn
List of schemas
Name | Owner
bundle | root
endpoint | root
event | root
filesystem | root
http_client | root
ide | root
meta | root
public | postgres
semantics | root
widget | root
(10 rows)
aquameta=# create schema 'beehive';
aquameta=# set search_path=beehive;
aquameta=# create table some_table (
aquameta(# id serial primary key,
aquameta(# message text,
aquameta(# color text,
aquameta(# number integer);
You can do a lot with PostgreSQL. Consult the documentation for more information.
A bundle is a version-controlled collection of rows in the database, similar in function to a git repository. The bundle management interface can be accessed via the browser at /dev
, to manage bundles and create new ones, as well as stage and commit changes, and checkout previous versions of a repository.
A resource is a static base page that is served up at the specified path
. You can put any HTML you want in a resource, but typically they look like this:
<title>My Cool Project</title>
<script src='/system.js'></script>
System.import( '/widget.js' ).then( function( widget ) {
window.endpoint = new AQ.Database( '/endpoint/0.1', { evented: 'no' } );
// some commonly used bundles
AQ.Widget.import( 'org.aquameta.core.ide', 'ide', endpoint );
// import your project's bundle, and specify a namespace alias
AQ.Widget.import( 'org.flyingmonkeys.myproject', 'myproj', endpoint );
// append a base widget to the page, usually called "main".
// syntax is {bundle_alias}:{widget_name}.
$('body').append( widget( 'myproj:main' ) );
// add the on-screen debugger
$('body').append( widget( 'ide:debugger3_manager' ) );
}).catch( function( e ) {
console.log( 'System.js error:', e );
Aquameta user interfaces are made up of widgets. A widget is a row in the database which contains fields of HTML, CSS and Javascript.
The following variables are available by default, in a widget's HTML, CSS and Javascript:
, the jQuery libraryname
, the name of the widgetid
, the DOM id of the widgetendpoint
, the AQ.Database object that can be used to access the REST interface- Any arguments passed into the widget
Aquameta uses the doT.js template language. You can do a lot with doT.js, but mostly we just use it to print variables:
In the widget's HTML:
<div id="{{= id }}" class="{{= name }}">
<p>Hello, I am a widget who was passed a variable called "color" whose value is {{= color }}</p>
In the widget's CSS, we use {{= name }}
to reference the name of the widget and apply CSS rules to it:
/* apply css to the base element of the widget */
.{{= name }} {
background-color: white;
color: black;
/* apply css to all p children under this widget */
.{{= name }} p {
text-decoration: underline;
A widget's Javascript is executed after the widget's HTML and CSS are inserted into the page. From the Javascript, you can insert data into the widget's HTML, bind DOM events to handler functions, access the database, and more.
Typically the fist line of a widget sets up the w
variable, a jQuery object that references this widget:
var w = $("#"+id);
// my widget code here
<div id="{{= id }}" class="{{= name }}">
<button>click me</button>
var w = $("#"+id);
w.find('button').click(function() {
alert ('You clicked the button');
<div id="{{= id }}" class="{{= name }}">
<h3 class='person_name'></h3>
var w = $("#"+id);
w.find('div.person_name').html("John Smith");
Widgets are loaded with a call to the widget() function, which returns an HTML fragment suitable for inserting into the page. In the call to widget, the name
argument expects a string with syntax {bundle_alias}:{widget_name}
; the args
argument is a Javascript object containing any arguments passed into the widget.
For example, if we have a widget named "colorpicker" in a bundle imported with AQ.Widget.import( 'org.fancypants.myproject', 'mp', endpoint )
, which expects an argument called start_color
, the widget would be put on the screen as follows:
w.append(widget('mp:colorpicker', { start_color: '#ff0000' }));
Every widget has a variable called endpoint
that can be used to access the database. The database object is instantiated in the Base HTML page, via the call to:
window.endpoint = new AQ.Database( '/endpoint/0.1', { evented: 'no' } );
Here's a simple call to request all rows in the table beehive.customers
. It returns a Promise for a AQ.Rowset
as described in the fetch
// get a promise for all rows in the beehive.customer table
var customers = endpoint.schema('beehive').table('customer').rows();
This code immediately assigns customers
to a Rowset Promise, and then asyncronously fires a request to the server to retrieve the actual customers data.
var customers = endpoint.schema('beehive').table('customer').row('id', 12345);
Often times we have a row, and need to jump across a foreign-key to get related rows that foreign-key to or from the first row. The Row.related_rows()
method makes this possible:
AQ.Row.related_rows(local_key_column, related_table, related_key_column [, modifiers ])
For example, let's say we have two tables, beehive.customer
and beehive.order
. Every beehive.order
row foreign-keys to the the customer table's id
field via the order.customer_id
Once we have a customer object, we can retrieve all orders that foreign-key to it via:
var orders = customer.related_rows('id','beehive.order','customer_id');
Now, orders
is assigned a Promise to an AQ.Rowset
containing all orders that foreign-key to this customer.
Modifiers provide a simple mechanisms for filtering result data via where
, order
, limit
, and offset
Modifiers never change the structure of results, they just sort and filter the results. For more advanced server-side data manipulation, create a view.
var customers = endpoint.schema('beehive').table('customer').rows({
// filter out results that do not match the supplied where-clause(s)
where: [{
// the name of the column to filter on
name: 'name',
// the operation to use
op: 'like'
// the value to check against
value: '%john%'
// this results in a SQL statement "WHERE name like '%john%'"
// sort the results
order_by: {
// column to sort on
column: 'name',
// direction to sort, either 'asc' or 'desc'
direction: 'desc'
// result: ORDER BY name desc
// only return a max of 20 results
limit: 20,
// skip the first 10 results
offset: 10
When the server returns the customer rows, we can attach an event handler via Promise.then()
customers.then(function( customers ){
console.log('We got customers: ', customer);
}).catch(function( e ){
console.error("Error loading customers: ", e);
We can iterate through a customers Rowset, and call a function on each row in the Rowset. The function will be passed an AQ.Row
// iterate through customers
customers.forEach(function( customer ) {
// customer is a AQ.Row object
Each AQ.Row
object has functions for getting, setting and saving data:
customers.forEach(function( customer ) {
// get the customer address
var address = customer.get('address');
// set the customer name
customer.set('name', 'Sally Smith');
// save the customer to the database
customer.update().then(function(customer) {
console.log('Customer saved');
}).catch(function(e) {
console.log('Customer update failed: ', e);
Often times when we have a AQ.Rowset
, we want to put a widget on the screen for each row in the rowset. We can of course iterate through the rowset with a .forEach()
call, but widget.sync
is a lot cooler.
takes a Rowset, iterates through each row, calls the specified widget_function, passing it the row, and appends what the function returns to the supplied container.
Syntax: widget.sync(Rowset, $container, widget_function)
<div id="{{= id }}" class="{{= name }}">
<h3>All Customers</h3>
<div class='customers_container'>
<!-- customer widgets will go here -->
var customers = endpoint.schema('beehive').table('customer').rows();
widget.sync(customers, w.find('.customers_container'), function(customer) {
return widget('bh:customer_summary', { customer: customer });
Widgets communicate with each other using DOM events via jQuery's trigger() and bind(). Trigger fires a named event that bubbles up the DOM tree, just like typical DOM events. Bind listens on a particular DOM element for events matching a particular name. When it receives one, it fires the specified function, passing it any arguments that the trigger was called with.
For example, let's say we want to create a app-wide general-purpose widget that flashes a message on the screen to the user. With it, any other widget can trigger an event to alert the user of whatever message.
First let's give the event a name and expected arguments. We will name the event alert_message
, and say that it expects an argument object like { message: "Hi Mom!" }
Let's first create the widget that listens for alert_message
events and shows them to the user.
Bind only recieves events that are fired on its descendent elements. As such, we typically want to bind to some parent widget, a widget that is a parent to all widgets that will be calling this listener. Often times the root widget of the app works great, since all widgets in the app are its descendents.
var w = $('#'+id);
// find the ancestor widget .main, and bind the alert_hanler to it
w.closest('.main').bind('alert_message', function(e,o) {
// o is whatever is passed into the second argument of .trigger()
var message = o.message;
// do the alert
Now, anywhere in our app, we can trigger an event with this name and arguments, and the listener will recieve and handle it. Whenever .main recieves a alert_message
event, the handler will fire and show the message passed in.
Let's give it a spin:
<div id="{{= id }}" class="{{= name }}">
<button class='compliment'>Compliment user</button>
var w = $("#"+id);
w.find('button.compliment').click(function() {
w.trigger('alert_message', {
message: 'My, you look very lovely today!'
Clicking the "Compliment user" button calls the click handler function, which triggers the event, and presto.
These are the basics of how to build apps with Aquameta. Thank you. The end.