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ReactiveX - Links to More Information |
tutorials |
- Introduction to Rx: a free, on-line book by Lee Campbell
- Your Mouse is a Database by Erik Meijer
- The introduction to Reactive Programming you’ve been missing by André Staltz
- Mastering Observables from the Couchbase documentation
- 33rd Degree Reactive Java by Tomasz Kowalczewski
- 2 minute introduction to Rx by André Staltz
- Wikipedia: Reactive Programming and Functional Reactive Programming
- Collection Pipeline by Martin Fowler
- NotRxJava guide for lazy folks by Yaroslav Heriatovych — how to reorganize messy Async code to be reactive
- Learn You Some Rx for the Greater Good a video introduction by Artur Glier
- A Playful Introduction to Rx a video lecture by Erik Meijer
- What is Reactive Programming? a video presentation by Jafar Husain.
- Reactive Extensions: Beyond the Basics, a presentation by Dan Lew (how to make your own operators, avoiding memory leaks in subscriptions, understanding Schedulers, hot and cold Observables, sharing Observables, the trouble with Subjects, backpressure)
- Reactive Programming, video of a presentation by Venkat Subramaniam
- ReactiveX, RxJava, and RxAndroid - where to start by Andrea Maglie
- Building an Application from Scratch Using RxJava and Java8 by Shekhar Gulati
- Party Tricks with RxJava, RxAndroid, and Retrolambda by César Ferreira
- Reactive GWT, RxJava in the front-end by Zakaria Amine
- Learn RxJava by Jafar Husain
- Rx Workshop
- Reactive Programming and MVC
- An interactive tutorial: Functional Programming in Javascript and an accompanying lecture (video) by Jafar Husain
- RxJava Tutorial 01 a video tutorial from ZA Software Development Tutorials showing how to set up a simple project in Eclipse
- Intro To RxJava by Chris Froussios
- Intro to Rx
- Intro to Rx (website)
- Programming Reactive Extensions and LINQ
- Reactive Extensions in .NET - Permanent 39% discount for the Rx community with the code "dresherdoc"
- RxJava Essentials - RxJava for Android developers
- Grokking Reactive User Interfaces - Teaches you a new way of thinking about programs and data as well as how to build robust and extensible user interfaces.
- Mastering Reactive JavaScript authored by Erich de Souza OliveiraUo, Packt.
- Learning RxJava authored by Thomas Nield, Packt.
- RxSwift: Reactive Programming with Swift authored by Florent Pillet, Junior Bontognali, Marin Todorov, and Scott Gardner,
- Reactive Programming in Java 8 With RxJava, a course designed by Russell Elledge
- Principles of Reactive Programming on Coursera
- Reactive Java 9 authored by Manuel Vicente Vivo, Packt.
- Reactive JavaScript Programming authored by Shriyans Bhatnagar, Packt.
- Grokking RxJava by Dan Lew
- LambdaJam Chicago 2013: Functional Reactive Programming in the Netflix API by Ben Christensen
- QCon London 2013 presentation: Functional Reactive Programming in the Netflix API and a related interview with Ben Christensen
- Functional Reactive in the Netflix API with RxJava by Ben Christensen and Jafar Husain
- RxJava in Different Flavours of Java: Java 7 and Java 8 implementations of the same code
- Optimizing the Netflix API by Ben Christensen
- Reactive Programming at Netflix by Jafar Husain
- Implementing an Event Bus with RxJava by Kaushik Gopal
- Advanced RxJava a blog from Dávid Karnok
- Unit Testing RxJava Observables by Iván Carballo
- RxJava: Unit Testing Examples by Nathan Hunston
- Turning Twitter4J into RxJava’s Observable by Tomasz Nurkiewicz
- Converting between Completablefuture and Observable by Tomasz Nurkiewicz
- RxJava Observables and Akka Actors by Anton Kropp
- Vert.x and RxJava by @petermd
- Deferring Observable code until subscription in RxJava by Dan Lew
- Convert a Listener into an Observable by Andrea Maglie
- Effective RxJava by Mike Parker
- RxJava GWT adapter library and RxGWT bindings for GWT by Ignacio Baca
- RxJS - Javascript library for functional reactive programming, an on-line book by Dennis Stoyanov
- Learn RxJS by Jafar Husain
- RxJS Koans by Matt Podwysocki
- Netflix JavaScript Talks - Async JavaScript with Reactive Extensions video of a talk by Jafar Husain about the Rx way of programming
- Journey from procedural to reactive Javascript with stops by Gleb Bahmutov
- RxJS Observables vs. Promises — a video lesson from Ben Lesh that explains some of the differences
- rxvision — a visualizer debugger for RxJS reactive streams
- Rx Visualizer - Animated playground for Rx Observables
- Asynchronous JavaScript at Netflix - Netflix JavaScript Talks - Jafar Husain
- Asynchronous JavaScript at Netflix - MountainWest JavaScript 2014 - Jafar Husain
- Asynchronous JavaScript at Netflix - HTML5DevConf - Jafar Husain
- Adding Even More Fun to Functional Programming With RxJS - Ryan Anklam
- What Every Hipster Should Know About Functional Reactive Programming (video) - Bodil Stokke demos the creation of interactive game mechanics in RxJS
- RxEmber — an experimental set of helpers for Ember and RxJS
- JavaScript Jabber #83
- Hello RxJS - Channel 9
- RxJS Today and Tomorrow - Channel 9
- Dealing with Streams using RxJS, slides from a presentation by Hugo Cordier
- RxJS Session at DevNation, visualizing Observable operations as animations, by Brian Leathem
- Reactive Functions with RxJs, slides from Vincent O’s LeedsJS talk
- Async and Streaming in JavaScript: We’re All Doing it Wrong! - video/slide presentation by Matthew Podwysocki
- Step-by-step: Building an RSS reader with RxJS - by Charanjit Singh
- Angular Air #29: Reactive Programming a video featuring Matt Podwysocki
- Experimentation with RxJava by Joan Zapata
- Channel 9 MSDN videos on Reactive Extensions
- Rx Workshop: Observables vs. Events
- Rx Workshop: Unified Programming Model
- Improving the Carnac Codebase and Rx Usage by Jake Ginnivan
- .NET Rocks #907
- Event stream manipulation using Rx part 1 and part 2 by Richard Kerslake
- Cloud-Scale Event Processing with the Reactive Extensions by Bart De Smet
- Accessing Meetup’s streaming API with RxNetty by Tomasz Nurkiewicz
- RxJava: Reactive Extensions in Scala: video of Ben Christensen and Matt Jacobs presenting at SF Scala
- RxScala + Swing GUIs: Some motivating RxScala examples with Swing GUIs by Samuel Gruetter
- Java MVVM with Swing, RxJava and RxSwing examples by Peti Koch
- The Essential RxJava Guide For Android Developers by Jim Baca
- The RxAndroid Project
- Introduction to RxJava for Android by Matt Dupree (and part 2)
- Getting Started With ReactiveX on Android by Ashraff Hathbelagal
- Asynchronous Android Programming (The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly) by Devin Corrigall
- Grokking RxJava, Part 4: Reactive Android — by Dan Lew
- RxJava on Android: PopupMenus and Dialogs by Adel Nizamutdinov
- Tackling Complexity in Android Apps with RxJava at SoundCloud: Matt McComb interviews Matthias Käppler
- Resources for Learning RxJava for Android by Greg Loesch
- RxBinding — easy one-way binding support for Android, based on RxJava
- G-Rex — a tiny library that assists in saving and restoring objects to and from disk using RxJava on Android
- Replace AsyncTask and AsyncTaskLoader with rx.Observable by Ross Hambrick
- How to Keep Your RxJava Subscribers from Leaking by Matt Dupree
- Android reactive programming with RxJava video of a presentation by Ivan Morgillo
- Learning RxJava (for Android) by example video and speaker deck of a presentation by Kaushik Gopal, and the associated GitHub repository
- Retrofit 2.0: The biggest update yet on the best HTTP Client Library for Android, which now supports RxJava Observables
- Fast Android Networking Fast Android Networking which is made on top of OkHttp Client Layer now supports RxJava
- RxJava2-Android-Samples Learning RxJava2.0 for Android by Amit Shekhar
- React RxJS Autocomplete
- - Angular + RxJS + rx.angular.js - Site
- Reactive Trader - Site
- Don’t Cross the Streams - Cascadia.js 2012 slides/demos | video
- Curing Your Asynchronous Blues - Strange Loop 2013 slides/demos | video
- Streaming and event-based programming using FRP and RxJS - FutureJS 2014 slides/demos | video
- MIX 2011
- Reactive Extensions Videos on Channel 9
- Reactive Angular - Devoxx France 2014 - Martin Gontovnikas
- Testing Reactive Applications by Ben Christensen - learn about
- 101 Rx Samples Wiki
- Rx Design Guidelines
- Beginners Guide to Rx
- Reactive Manifesto
- ReactiveX文档中文翻译 - the documentation from this site, translated into Chinese