Emporia uses the AWS cognito idp for authentication, getting an access token, refresh token, and most importantly an id token from there. The id token is provided to calls to the Emporia api via the authtoken
header and expires after some time, at which point the refresh token is passed to the cognito idp to get a new set of access, refresh, and id tokens.
The check for if the servers are down for maintenance is rather simple in that it just checks the contents of a json file on Amazon S3. During normal operation this check returns an access denied error but during maintenance periods the content of the file is downloaded and checked. An example of this file during maintenance is below.
Root url for the api server is https://api.emporiaenergy.com
Authorization is provided through "authtoken" key in the header, not by a standard bearer token. The authtoken and corresponding refresh and id tokens are gotten from authenticating with AWS, currently done through the Warrant library in this library.
GET /customers?email=you%40email.com
"customerGid": 1234,
"email": "[email protected]",
"firstName": "First",
"lastName": "Last",
"createdAt": "2020-01-01T12:34:56.789Z"
GET /customers/devices
"customerGid": 1234,
"email": "[email protected]",
"firstName": "First",
"lastName": "Last",
"createdAt": "2020-01-01T12:34:56.789Z",
"devices": [
"deviceGid": 2345,
"manufacturerDeviceId": "{hex_device_id}",
"model": "VUE001",
"firmware": "Vue-1587661391",
"locationProperties": {
"deviceGid": 2345,
"deviceName": "MyHome",
"zipCode": "12345",
"timeZone": "America/New_York",
"billingCycleStartDay": 15,
"usageCentPerKwHour": 15.0,
"peakDemandDollarPerKw": 0.0,
"locationInformation": {
"airConditioning": "true",
"heatSource": "electricSpaceHeater",
"locationSqFt": "1200",
"numElectricCars": "1",
"locationType": "houseMultiLevel",
"numPeople": "2",
"swimmingPool": "false",
"hotTub": "false"
"latitudeLongitude": null
"outlet": null,
"devices": [],
"channels": [
"deviceGid": 2345,
"name": null,
"channelNum": "1,2,3",
"channelMultiplier": 1.0,
"channelTypeGid": null
"deviceGid": 3456,
"manufacturerDeviceId": "{hex_device_id}",
"model": "SSO001",
"firmware": "Outlet-1594685591",
"locationProperties": {
"deviceGid": 3456,
"deviceName": "myplug",
"zipCode": "12345",
"timeZone": "America/New_York",
"billingCycleStartDay": 15,
"usageCentPerKwHour": 15.0,
"peakDemandDollarPerKw": 0.0,
"locationInformation": null,
"latitudeLongitude": null
"outlet": {
"deviceGid": 3456,
"outletOn": false,
"parentDeviceGid": 1234,
"parentChannelNum": "1,2,3",
"schedules": []
"devices": [],
"channels": [
"deviceGid": 3456,
"name": null,
"channelNum": "1,2,3",
"channelMultiplier": 1.0,
"channelTypeGid": 23
GET /devices/{deviceGid}/locationProperties
"deviceGid": 1234,
"deviceName": "Home",
"zipCode": "54321",
"timeZone": "America/New_York",
"billingCycleStartDay": 15,
"usageCentPerKwHour": 15.0,
"peakDemandDollarPerKw": 0.0,
"locationInformation": {
"airConditioning": "true",
"heatSource": "naturalGasFurnace",
"locationSqFt": "1200",
"numElectricCars": "1",
"locationType": "houseMultiLevel",
"numPeople": "2",
"swimmingPool": "false",
"hotTub": "false"
"latitudeLongitude": null
GET /AppAPI?apiMethod=getDeviceListUsages&deviceGids={deviceGid1}+{deviceGid2}&instant=2021-02-09T21:18:50.278474Z&scale=1S&energyUnit=KilowattHours
Valid energy units: [KilowattHours, Dollars, AmpHours, Trees, GallonsOfGas, MilesDriven, Carbon]
Valid scales: [1S, 1MIN, 1H, 1D, 1W, 1MON, 1Y]
"deviceListUsages": {
"instant": "2021-08-18T19:46:19Z",
"scale": "1D",
"devices": [
"deviceGid": 1234,
"channelUsages": [
"name": "Main",
"usage": 10.234881177404192,
"deviceGid": 1234,
"channelNum": "1,2,3",
"percentage": 100.0,
"nestedDevices": [
"deviceGid": 2345,
"channelUsages": [
"name": "Main",
"usage": 2.904190340656776,
"deviceGid": 2345,
"channelNum": "1,2,3",
"percentage": 28.375418241966806,
"nestedDevices": []
"name": "Bar Area",
"usage": 0.8640784244209527,
"deviceGid": 1234,
"channelNum": "1",
"percentage": 8.442486135829311,
"nestedDevices": []
"name": "A/C",
"usage": 0.0,
"deviceGid": 1234,
"channelNum": "2",
"percentage": 0.0,
"nestedDevices": []
"name": "Balance",
"usage": 1.595748729527017,
"deviceGid": 1234,
"channelNum": "Balance",
"percentage": 15.59127753285492,
"nestedDevices": []
"energyUnit": "KilowattHours"
GET /AppAPI?apiMethod=getChartUsage&deviceGid={deviceGid}&channel=1,2,3&start=2020-12-09T20:00:00.000Z&end=2021-02-09T19:00:00.000Z&scale=1H&energyUnit=KilowattHours
Valid energy units: [KilowattHours, Dollars, AmpHours, Trees, GallonsOfGas, MilesDriven, Carbon]
Valid scales: [1S, 1MIN, 1H, 1D, 1W, 1MON, 1Y]
"usageList": [
"firstUsageInstant": "2021-02-08T20:00:00Z"
GET /customers/outlets
Emporia Energy has released their own line of wifi-controlled outlets. This returns the list of outlets owned by the user.
"deviceGid": 1234,
"outletOn": false,
"parentDeviceGid": null,
"parentChannelNum": null
Turns an outlet on or off. Presumably can be used to nest an outlet under another device/channel but I haven't tested that yet.
PUT /devices/outlet
"deviceGid": 1234,
"outletOn": true,
"parentDeviceGid": null,
"parentChannelNum": null
"deviceGid": 1234,
"outletOn": true,
"parentDeviceGid": null,
"parentChannelNum": null
GET /customers/evchargers
Returns the list of EV chargers (technically EVSE) linked to the account
"deviceGid": 1234,
"message": "Check your EV",
"status": "Standby",
"icon": "CarConnected",
"iconLabel": "Ready",
"iconDetailText": "Your charger is ready, but your EV is not. Check your EV for a scheduled charge time.",
"faultText": null,
"chargerOn": true,
"chargingRate": 25,
"maxChargingRate": 40,
"offPeakSchedulesEnabled": false
Enables you to turn the charger on and off, set the current charge rate, and set the maximum charge rate.
PUT /devices/outlet
"deviceGid": 1234,
"chargerOn": false,
"chargingRate": 32,
"maxChargingRate": 40,
"offPeakSchedulesEnabled": false
"deviceGid": 1234,
"message": "Check your EV",
"status": "Standby",
"icon": "CarConnected",
"iconLabel": "Pausing",
"iconDetailText": "Please wait a moment.",
"faultText": null,
"chargerOn": false,
"chargingRate": 32,
"maxChargingRate": 40,
"offPeakSchedulesEnabled": false
GET /customers/partners?customerGid={customerGid}
As of right now I do not know what this call will be used for. Guesses include devices made by other companies that work with the Emporia ecosystem (smart switches, power monitors?) or partners of Emporia's that they sell data to?
GET /customers/thermostats?customerGid={customerGid}
I haven't set up a thermostat with the app yet, will update after I do.
GET /remoteconfig?appVersion=
Unsure of the use of this yet.
This is a WIP but I'd like to be able to set up an outlet without requiring a phone. I have yet to fully sniff the traffic since the setup fails while I'm listening to the traffic. Some basic info though: the outlet appears to also be using an ESP-32 or similar device like the Vue does. When you use hotspot mode the IP is which corresponds to what I've seen with WiFi libraries for the ESP series of microcontrollers. The setup has a few back and forth requests and then presumably makes a call to the main API to register. I actually had it tell me it failed but finished registration.
Known calls:
BODY (hex characters)
08 02 62 24 0A 0F SSID 12 11 PWD
08 is backspace, 02 is "start of text" so I don't know how necessary those are. Then there's "b$" followed by linefeed and "shift in". The second line is the SSID followed by "device control 2" and "device control 1", then the password for the network. Again, I'm not sure how many of these extra characters are necessary. Reponse:
08 03 6A 00
The response is basically just the letter j
. Technically it's backspace "end of text" j null
I have yet to see a response to the next request:
08 04 72 00
In this case the request is backspace "end of transmission" r null
. The app basically hangs at this point waiting for a response that doesn't come while I am listening to the traffic. Since this section is all plain http and not https it might be possible to capture this traffic another way that doesn't prevent it from succeeding.