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- label: Venia Storefront
url: /venia-pwa-concept/
+- label: Tutorials
+ url: /tutorials/
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+title: Tutorials
+ - label: Overview
+ url: /tutorials/
+ - label: Hello UPWARD
+ entries:
+ - label: Creating a simple server
+ url: /tutorials/hello-upward/simple-server/
+ - label: Using the TemplateResolver
+ url: /tutorials/hello-upward/using-template-resolver/
+ - label: Adding React
+ url: /tutorials/hello-upward/adding-react/
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\ No newline at end of file
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+.highlight .gd,
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+ border: none;
+ background: none;
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+ color: #00B218;
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+ color: #FF3B6F;
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+title: Adding React
+This tutorial teaches you how to add webpack to your UPWARD project and use it to create a React application.
+This tutorial builds on the project described in the previous [Using the TemplateResolver][] topic.
+## Install dependencies
+Add babel, webpack, and react dependencies to the project:
+yarn add @babel/core @babel/preset-env babel-loader webpack webpack-cli @babel/preset-react react react-dom
+In addition to installing React, this command installs [babel][] configurations and [webpack][].
+In general, React components are written using ES6([ECMAScript 2015][]) and [JSX][] syntax for the convenience and ease of readability they provide.
+Using [babel][] and [webpack][] is a common way to incorporate ES6 and JSX into a React project.
+## Modify template
+Modify the `hello-world.mst` template to replace the original message with a "root" DOM node for the React application:
+{% raw %}
+{{> templates/open-document}}
{{ title }}
+ {{> templates/open-body}}
+- Hello Template World!
++ Loading...
+ {{> templates/close-document}}
+{% endraw %}
+This update renders a loading message in the root DOM and executes the `app.js` script after the browser parses the HTML document.
+## Create webpack config
+Create a `webpack.config.js` file to configure webpack behavior:
+const path = require('path');
+module.exports = {
+ mode: 'development',
+ entry: './src/hello-world.js',
+ output: {
+ filename: 'app.js',
+ path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist')
+ },
+ module: {
+ rules: [
+ {
+ test: /\.js$/,
+ exclude: /node_modules/,
+ loader: 'babel-loader'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+This configuration file tells webpack to transpile all JavaScript files using babel and bundle `src/hello-world.js` with its dependencies into `dist/app.js`.
+## Create babel config
+Create a `.babelrc` file to configure babel:
+ "presets": ["@babel/preset-env","@babel/preset-react"]
+This configuration file tells babel what presets to use during JavaScript transpilation.
+The presets used in this example, `@babel/preset-env` and `@babel/preset-react`, are common React development presets.
+## Create the React application
+Create a `src` directory in your project's root directory and a `hello-world.js` file inside that directory with the following content:
+import React from 'react';
+import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
+class App extends React.Component {
+ render() {
+ return Hello React World!
+ }
+ReactDOM.render(, document.getElementById('root'));
+This file defines an `App` React component that returns a "Hello React World!" message wrapped inside `h1` tags.
+It uses the `ReactDOM` module to inject the content of the application into the "root" DOM element in the document.
+## Make the application script publicly available
+Edit the `spec.yml` file to add a new URL pattern to check in the ConditionalResolver and a new `appScript` object.
+ resolver: conditional
+ when:
+ - matches: request.url.pathname
+ pattern: '^/?$'
+ use: helloWorld
+ - matches: request.url.pathname
+ pattern: '^/hello-world/?$'
+ use: helloWorld
++ - matches: request.url.pathname
++ pattern: '^/js/app.js'
++ use: appScript
+ default: notFound
++ appScript:
++ inline:
++ status:
++ resolver: inline
++ inline: 200
++ headers:
++ resolver: inline
++ inline:
++ content-type:
++ resolver: inline
++ inline: 'application/javascript'
++ body:
++ resolver: file
++ file:
++ resolver: inline
++ inline: './dist/app.js'
++ encoding:
++ resolver: inline
++ inline: 'utf-8'
+This update uses a [FileResolver][] which instructs the UPWARD server to respond with the contents of `dist/app.js` when there is a request for the `js/app.js` path.
+## Create the bundle and start the server
+Create the `dist/app.js` bundle from `src/hello-world.js` and start the UPWARD server:
+npx webpack && node server.js
+When webpack bundles `src/hello-world.js` into `dist/app.js`, it includes its dependencies, such as React and ReactDOM.
+When you navigate to the server, you will see the React application render the "Hello React World!" message using the App component.
+[Using the TemplateResolver]: {{site.baseurl}}{%link tutorials/hello-upward/using-template-resolver/index.md %}
+[ecmascript 2015]: http://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/6.0/index.html
+[jsx]: https://reactjs.org/docs/introducing-jsx.html
+[babel]: https://babeljs.io/
+[webpack]: https://webpack.js.org/
+[FileResolver]: https://github.com/magento-research/pwa-studio/tree/develop/packages/upward-spec#fileresolver
diff --git a/pwa-devdocs/src/tutorials/hello-upward/simple-server/index.md b/pwa-devdocs/src/tutorials/hello-upward/simple-server/index.md
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--- /dev/null
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+title: Creating a simple server
+This tutorial teaches the basics of reading and writing an UPWARD specification file by creating a simple web server that returns a "Hello World" string.
+## Prerequisites
+- [Node][] >= 10.14.1
+- [Yarn][] (recommended) or [NPM][]
+## Initial setup
+1. Create the project directory and navigate into it:
+ ```sh
+ mkdir hello-upward && cd hello-upward
+ ```
+1. Use Yarn or NPM to initialize the project's `package.json` file:
+ ```sh
+ yarn init -y
+ ```
+ Running this command creates a `package.json` file in your current directory.
+ The `package.json` file contains information about your project, such as name, version, dependencies, and runnable commands.
+ The `-y` parameter is used in this tutorial to skip the interactive session.
+ Omit this parameter if you want to fill out information about your project during initialization.
+1. Install the `@magento/upward-js` and `express` packages:
+ ```sh
+ yarn add @magento/upward-js express
+ ```
+ The [`upward-js`][] package contains modules for deploying an UPWARD-compliant server.
+ [Express][] is a web framework for Node.js.
+ It is a dependency for the `upward-js` modules used in this tutorial.
+## Create the initial UPWARD spec
+An UPWARD server requires an [UPWARD specification][] file to tell it how to respond to requests.
+Create a new file called `spec.yml` with the following content:
+status: response.status
+headers: response.headers
+body: response.body
+ resolver: inline
+ inline:
+ status:
+ resolver: inline
+ inline: 200
+ headers:
+ resolver: inline
+ inline:
+ content-type:
+ resolver: inline
+ inline: 'text/string'
+ body:
+ resolver: inline
+ inline: 'Hello World!'
+The first three lines set the `status`, `headers`, and `body` values required for an UPWARD server response.
+These values are set by traversing a decision tree defined in the specification file.
+In this example, they are set to the `response.status`, `response.headers`, and `response.body` values defined in the `response` object.
+These values are set using an UPWARD [InlineResolver][], which resolves the value of the `inline` property to a literal value.
+When passed to an UPWARD server, this file instructs the server to respond with a `200 OK` status code, content of type `text/string`, and a value of `Hello World!` in the response body for every request.
+## Create and run the server
+Create a `server.js` file with logic for starting the Node implementation of an UPWARD server.
+const { createUpwardServer } = require('@magento/upward-js');
+ upwardPath: 'spec.yml',
+ bindLocal: true,
+ logUrl: true,
+ port: 8080
+This file imports the `createUpwardServer` module from the `@magento/upward-js` package and uses it to start a web server.
+The script specifies the location of the UPWARD specification file through the `upwardPath` configuration and sets the port number of the server to `8080`.
+The `logUrl` configuration tells the script to display the URL of the server and `bindLocal` tells it to create and bind to local HTTP server.
+Use `node` to run the server script:
+node server.js
+When the server starts, the URL for the server is displayed in the terminal.
+> node server.js
+Navigate to this URL in your browser to see the "Hello World!" message.
+## Define a 404 response
+When you browse to the server, every path request returns the same message.
+To restrict this message to a specific path, use a ConditionalResolver.
+Edit `spec.yml` and replace the InlineResolver content of the `response` object with a [ConditionalResolver][] to define which paths return "Hello World!".
+status: response.status
+headers: response.headers
+body: response.body
+- resolver: inline
+- inline:
+- status:
+- resolver: inline
+- inline: 200
+- headers:
+- resolver: inline
+- inline:
+- content-type:
+- resolver: inline
+- inline: 'text/string'
+- body:
+- resolver: inline
+- inline: 'Hello World!'
++ resolver: conditional
++ when:
++ - matches: request.url.pathname
++ pattern: '^/?$'
++ use: helloWorld
++ - matches: request.url.pathname
++ pattern: '^/hello-world/?$'
++ use: helloWorld
++ default: notFound
+This code tells the server to look at the requested URL path and check to see if it matches the root or `/hello-world` path.
+If it matches, the server uses an object called `helloWorld` to resolve the response.
+For all other paths, the server resolves the response using the `notFound` object.
+After the `response` object, define the following `helloWorld` and `notFound` objects in the `spec.yml` file:
+ inline:
+ status:
+ resolver: inline
+ inline: 200
+ headers:
+ resolver: inline
+ inline:
+ content-type:
+ resolver: inline
+ inline: 'text/string'
+ body:
+ resolver: inline
+ inline: 'Hello World!'
+ inline:
+ status:
+ resolver: inline
+ inline: 404
+ headers:
+ resolver: inline
+ inline:
+ content-type:
+ resolver: inline
+ inline: 'text/string'
+ body:
+ resolver: inline
+ inline: 'Page not found!'
+Now, when you start the server and navigate to the application, only the root and `/hello-world` path return the "Hello World!" message.
+All other paths return the `404` response.
+Valid URLS:
+* ``
+* ``
+Examples of invalid URLS:
+* ``
+* ``
+**Next:** [Rendering web pages using the TemplateResolver][]
+[upward specification]: https://github.com/magento-research/pwa-studio/tree/master/packages/upward-spec
+[node]: https://nodejs.org
+[yarn]: https://yarnpkg.com/en/
+[npm]: https://www.npmjs.com/get-npm
+[express]: https://expressjs.com/
+[`upward-js`]: {{site.baseurl}}{% link technologies/upward/reference-implementation/index.md %}
+[Rendering web pages using the TemplateResolver]: {{site.baseurl}}{% link tutorials/hello-upward/using-template-resolver/index.md %}
+[InlineResolver]: https://github.com/magento-research/pwa-studio/tree/develop/packages/upward-spec#inlineresolver
+[ConditionalResolver]: https://github.com/magento-research/pwa-studio/tree/develop/packages/upward-spec#conditionalresolver
diff --git a/pwa-devdocs/src/tutorials/hello-upward/using-template-resolver/index.md b/pwa-devdocs/src/tutorials/hello-upward/using-template-resolver/index.md
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+title: Using the TemplateResolver
+In this tutorial, you will learn how to use the [TemplateResolver][] in your UPWARD specification file to serve an HTML page rendered server-side.
+This tutorial builds on the project described in the previous [Creating a simple server][] tutorial.
+## Create web page templates
+In your project directory, create a `templates` directory. This directory will house [Mustache][] template files for the different pieces of the HTML page.
+This template partial creates the beginning of the HTML response.
+The `head` tag is left open to allow custom metadata, such as title, scripts, and styles.
+This template partial closes the `head` tag and begins the `body` tag of the HTML response.
+This template partial closes the `body` and `html` tag for the HTML response.
+{% raw %}
+{{> templates/open-document}}
+ {{ title }}
+ {{> templates/open-body}}
+ Hello Template World!
+ {{> templates/close-document}}
+{% endraw %}
+This template uses the previously defined template partials to create a complete HTML response.
+The body contains the "Hello Template World!" message in bold and sets the page title to a `title` variable, which is available through the template context.
+## Add TemplateResolver
+Modify the `helloWorld` object in the `spec.yml` file and replace the simple text response to an actual HTML page.
+ inline:
+ status:
+ resolver: inline
+ inline: 200
+ headers:
+ resolver: inline
+ inline:
+ content-type:
+ resolver: inline
+- inline: 'text/string'
++ inline: 'text/html'
+ body:
+- resolver: inline
+- inline: 'Hello World!'
++ resolver: template
++ engine: mustache
++ template: './templates/hello-world.mst'
++ provide:
++ title:
++ resolver: inline
++ inline: 'This is the page title!'
+This new code replaces the InlineResolver with a TemplateResolver in the response body.
+This TemplateResolver configuration sets the rendering engine to `mustache`, since the templates created previously are in Mustache format.
+It also provides the `title` variable to the context during template render.
+Now, when you start the server and navigate to the root or `/hello-world` path, you get an actual HTML webpage instead of text.
+View the page source for the page to see the HTML rendered from the templates.
+**Next:** [Adding React to the server][]
+[Creating a simple server]: {{site.baseurl}}{%link tutorials/hello-upward/simple-server/index.md %}
+[Adding React to the server]: {{site.baseurl}}{%link tutorials/hello-upward/adding-react/index.md %}
+[Mustache]: https://mustache.github.io/mustache.5.html
+[TemplateResolver]: https://github.com/magento-research/pwa-studio/tree/develop/packages/upward-spec#templateresolver
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+title: Tutorials
-{% include content-not-available.md %}
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+This section contains tutorials that will help you become familiar with the different tools provided by PWA Studio.