Welcome! By visiting this page, you've taken the first step toward becoming a contributor to macsy-models!
macsy-models is an umbrella organization to centralize, organize, share models for MacSyFinder. The models in macsy-models can be easily managed using the macsydata tool (shipped with macsyfinder).
- Have biological knowledge on a macromolecular system.
- Be able to create hmm profiles.
- Some very basic knowledge on xml and git.
We use Github to host the project, to submit an issue or a pull request, you have to create a GitHub account.
There are mainly 2 ways to contribute:
- contribute to an existing models repository
- create a new models repository
Go to the desired repository, and pleaser ensure before submitting a new issue that the problem has not already been reported. If it has and the issue is still open, add a comment to the existing issue instead of opening a new one.
Note: If you find a Closed issue that seems like it is the same thing that you're experiencing, please open a new issue and include a link to the original issue in the body of your new one.
To open a new issue: click on Issues > New issue > Open a blank issue
- Fork the repository you want to contribute to
- Do the modifications
- Ask for a pull request
The acceptance of pull requests is the responsibility of the maintainers of each repository.
If you want to create a new model package that you want to share with the MacSyFinder community
read the modeller guide to ensure that your model matches the recommendations
ask for a new macsy-model repository by openning a new issue. You'll own the repository, with all management rights (allow new contributors, implement changes...) By asking a repository in the macsy-models organization, you agree:
- to follow the rules of a macsyfinder data package as described in the documentation.
- to follow the good practices to provide a package of good quality.
- to maintain the repository.
when your package is ready to be shared with the community, tag it (for further details read the modeller guide. Your package is now available to the community for searching and installing via the macsydata utility.
Note: the description of the tag will be by default the last message of your latest commit. You may thus want to make it meaningful. However of course, the list of the different tagged versions (with tag version numbers) can also be maintained with their desription on the README.md file of the repo.