diff --git a/dist/aquarium.js b/dist/aquarium.js deleted file mode 100644 index 47f1a8e95..000000000 --- a/dist/aquarium.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,957 +0,0 @@ -var v5 = Object.defineProperty, w5 = Object.defineProperties; -var b5 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors; -var V1 = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols; -var S5 = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, E5 = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable; -var B1 = (e, n, l) => n in e ? v5(e, n, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: l }) : e[n] = l, t = (e, n) => { - for (var l in n || (n = {})) - S5.call(n, l) && B1(e, l, n[l]); - if (V1) - for (var l of V1(n)) - E5.call(n, l) && B1(e, l, n[l]); - return e; -}, d = (e, n) => w5(e, b5(n)); -import { jsx as r, jsxs as m, Fragment as L } from "react/jsx-runtime"; -import { ConfigProvider as a1, Button as P1, FloatButton as v1, Rate as _5, Form as T, TreeSelect as U, Select as w1, Mentions as b1, Radio as S1, ColorPicker as I5, Slider as k5, Cascader as l1, DatePicker as x, Checkbox as Z1, Input as q, InputNumber as y5, Switch as H5, Upload as E1, AutoComplete as M5, TimePicker as A1, Transfer as c1, Typography as j, Collapse as $1, Timeline as D1, Calendar as O1, Segmented as N5, Tabs as R1, Tag as F1, Tour as T5, Carousel as x5, Tooltip as V5, Statistic as W1, Tree as _1, Image as G1, QRCode as B5, Badge as Q1, Card as I1, Avatar as U1, Descriptions as q1, Table as I, Empty as k1, Popover as P5, List as j1, Progress as Z5, Result as i1, Spin as z1, Skeleton as R, Watermark as A5, Popconfirm as $5, Drawer as D5, Modal as k, notification as y, Alert as Y1, message as S, Flex as O5, Divider as R5, Space as K1, Layout as z, Steps as F5, Anchor as X1, Dropdown as J1, Breadcrumb as e5, Pagination as W5, Menu as Y, Affix as G5, App as r5 } from "antd"; -import { Col as F2, Grid as W2, Row as G2, message as Q2, notification as U2 } from "antd"; -import * as o from "react"; -import { forwardRef as t5, useState as v, useEffect as n5, Fragment as Q5, createElement as U5, useRef as q5, useMemo as f1, useCallback as j5 } from "react"; -const z5 = { - token: { - colorLinkHover: "#ab8eff", - controlOutline: "rgba(0.21176470816135406, 0, 0.8196078538894653, 0.1)", - colorWarningOutline: "#fffbe6", - colorErrorOutline: "#fff1f0", - controlItemBgHover: "#f8f6fb", - controlItemBgActive: "#ebe8f8", - controlItemBgActiveHover: "#c3aeff", - colorText: "#0f0e0e", - colorTextSecondary: "#212020", - colorTextTertiary: "#2c2d2b", - colorTextQuaternary: "#505249", - colorFill: "#dcdcd8", - colorFillSecondary: "#ebe8f8", - colorFillTertiary: "#faf9f8", - colorFillQuaternary: "#f8f6fb", - colorBgLayout: "#ffffff", - colorBgSpotlight: "#2c2d2b", - colorBorder: "#c3aeff", - colorBorderSecondary: "#eceae9", - colorSplit: "#eceae9", - colorPrimaryBg: "#f8f6fb", - colorPrimaryBgHover: "#ebe8f8", - colorPrimaryBorder: "#c3aeff", - colorPrimaryBorderHover: "#ab8eff", - colorPrimaryHover: "#ab8eff", - colorPrimaryActive: "#8255ff", - colorPrimaryTextHover: "#5f29f8", - colorPrimaryText: "#2c00aa", - colorPrimaryTextActive: "#20007a", - colorSuccessHover: "#73d13d", - colorSuccessTextHover: "#237804", - colorSuccessText: "#135200", - colorSuccessTextActive: "#092b00", - colorWarningHover: "#ffc53d", - colorWarningTextHover: "#ad6800", - colorWarningText: "#874d00", - colorWarningTextActive: "#613400", - colorErrorBg: "#fff1f0", - colorErrorBgHover: "#ffccc7", - colorErrorBorder: "#ffa39e", - colorErrorBorderHover: "#ff7875", - colorErrorHover: "#ff4d4f", - colorErrorActive: "#cf1322", - colorErrorTextHover: "#a8071a", - colorErrorText: "#820014", - colorErrorTextActive: "#5c0011", - colorBgMask: "#babbb5", - colorTextBase: "#0f0e0e", - colorPrimary: "#3600d1", - colorError: "#f5222d", - borderRadiusLG: 16, - borderRadius: 8, - fontFamily: "'GT America', -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, 'Helvetica Neue', Arial, 'Noto Sans', sans-serif, 'Apple Color Emoji', 'Segoe UI Emoji', 'Segoe UI Symbol', 'Noto Color Emoji'", - fontFamilyCode: "'Roboto Mono', Consolas, 'Liberation Mono', Menlo, Courier, monospace", - "mpBrandPrimary.1": "#f8f6fb", - "mpBrandPrimary.2": "#ebe8f8", - "mpBrandPrimary.3": "#dbceff", - "mpBrandPrimary.4": "#c3aeff", - "mpBrandPrimary.5": "#ab8eff", - "mpBrandPrimary.6": "#8255ff", - "mpBrandPrimary.7": "#5f29f8", - "mpBrandPrimary.8": "#3600d1", - "mpBrandPrimary.9": "#2c00aa", - "mpBrandPrimary.10": "#20007a", - "mpBrandSecondary.1": "#fff", - "mpBrandSecondary.2": "#faf9f8", - "mpBrandSecondary.3": "#eceae9", - "mpBrandSecondary.4": "#dcdcd8", - "mpBrandSecondary.5": "#babbb5", - "mpBrandSecondary.6": "#717368", - "mpBrandSecondary.7": "#505249", - "mpBrandSecondary.8": "#2c2d2b", - "mpBrandSecondary.9": "#212020", - "mpBrandSecondary.10": "#0f0e0e", - mpColorBorderDisabled: "#dcdcd8", - mpQueryItem_borderWidth: "0 0 1px 0", - mpQueryItem_borderColor: "#c3aeff", - mpQueryItem_borderColor_active: "#3600d1", - mpQueryItem_borderColor_disabled: "#dcdcd8", - mpQueryItem_borderColor_error: "#f5222d", - mpQueryItem_bgColor: "#ffffff", - mpQueryItem_bgColor_hover: "#f8f6fb", - mpQueryItem_bgColor_active: "#ebe8f8", - mpQueryItem_bgColor_disabled: "#faf9f8", - mpQueryItem_borderWidth_active: "0 0 2px 0", - mpQueryItem_shadow_focus: "0 0 0 2px rgba(54, 0, 209, 0.1)", - mpQueryItem_color_disabled: "#505249", - "mpQueryItem|valueSelector_fontWeight": "500", - "mpQueryItem|valueSelector_color": "#20007a", - mpQueryItem_padding: 4, - mpQueryItem_gap: 4, - mpQueryItem_height: 32, - mpQueryItem_borderRadius: 2, - "mpQueryItem|action|primary_color": "#3600d1", - "mpQueryItem|action|secondary_color": "#505249", - "mpQueryItem|action_fontWeight": "400", - mpQueryItem_shadow_active: "0 0 0 2px rgba(54, 0, 209, 0.1)", - mpQueryItem_shadow: "none", - mpQueryItem_borderColor_focus: "#3600d1", - mpQueryItem_borderColor_hover: "#3600d1" - }, - components: { - Steps: { - colorFillContent: "#dcdcd8", - colorPrimary: "#2c2d2b", - controlItemBgActive: "#babbb5" - }, - Button: { - borderColorDisabled: "#dcdcd8", - primaryShadow: "0 2px 0 rgba(54, 0, 209, 0.1)", - onlyIconSizeLG: 20, - onlyIconSizeSM: 12 - }, - Menu: { - darkItemBg: "#212020", - darkItemColor: "#babbb5", - darkItemDisabledColor: "#505249", - darkSubMenuItemBg: "#0f0e0e", - itemHoverBg: "#f8f6fb", - subMenuItemBg: "#faf9f8", - darkGroupTitleColor: "#babbb5" - }, - Progress: { - defaultColor: "#2c2d2b", - remainingColor: "#eceae9" - }, - Select: { - multipleItemBg: "#ebe8f8", - mpColorBorderDisabled: "#dcdcd8" - }, - Table: { - footerBg: "#faf9f8", - headerBg: "#faf9f8", - headerSplitColor: "#eceae9", - rowSelectedHoverBg: "#ebe8f8" - }, - Input: { - activeShadow: "0 0 0 2px rgba(54, 0, 209, 0.1)", - mpColorBorderDisabled: "#dcdcd8" - }, - Checkbox: { - mpColorBorderDisabled: "#dcdcd8" - }, - Radio: { - mpColorBorderDisabled: "#dcdcd8" - }, - DatePicker: { - mpColorBorderDisabled: "#dcdcd8" - }, - TimePicker: { - mpColorBorderDisabled: "#dcdcd8" - }, - InputNumber: { - mpColorBorderDisabled: "#dcdcd8" - } - } -}, a = (e) => /* @__PURE__ */ r(a1, d(t({}, e), { theme: z5 })); -a.ConfigContext = a1.ConfigContext; -a.useConfig = a1.useConfig; -a.config = a1.config; -const K = (e) => /* @__PURE__ */ r(a, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(P1, d(t({}, e), { children: e.children })) }); -K.Group = P1.Group; -const o5 = (e) => /* @__PURE__ */ r(a, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(v1, t({}, e)) }); -o5.BackTop = v1.BackTop; -o5.Group = v1.Group; -const e2 = (e) => /* @__PURE__ */ r(a, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(_5, t({}, e)) }), Z = (e) => /* @__PURE__ */ r(a, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(T, d(t({}, e), { children: e.children })) }); -Z.useForm = T.useForm; -Z.useWatch = T.useWatch; -Z.useFormInstance = T.useFormInstance; -Z.Item = T.Item; -Z.List = T.List; -Z.Provider = T.Provider; -Z.ErrorList = T.ErrorList; -const C1 = (e) => /* @__PURE__ */ r(a, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(U, t({}, e)) }); -C1.TreeNode = U.TreeNode; -C1.SHOW_ALL = U.SHOW_ALL; -C1.SHOW_CHILD = U.SHOW_CHILD; -C1.SHOW_PARENT = U.SHOW_PARENT; -const y1 = (e) => /* @__PURE__ */ r(a, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(w1, t({}, e)) }); -y1.Option = w1.Option; -y1.OptGroup = w1.OptGroup; -const a5 = (e) => /* @__PURE__ */ r(a, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(b1, t({}, e)) }); -a5.getMentions = b1.getMentions; -a5.Option = b1.Option; -const l5 = (e) => /* @__PURE__ */ r(a, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(S1, t({}, e)) }); -l5.Group = S1.Group; -l5.Button = S1.Button; -const r2 = (e) => /* @__PURE__ */ r(a, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(I5, t({}, e)) }), t2 = (e) => /* @__PURE__ */ r(a, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(k5, t({}, e)) }), s1 = (e) => /* @__PURE__ */ r(a, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(l1, t({}, e)) }); -s1.Panel = l1.Panel; -s1.SHOW_PARENT = l1.SHOW_PARENT; -s1.SHOW_CHILD = l1.SHOW_CHILD; -const A = (e) => /* @__PURE__ */ r(a, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(x, t({}, e)) }); -A.generatePicker = x.generatePicker; -A.QuarterPicker = x.QuarterPicker; -A.MonthPicker = x.MonthPicker; -A.RangePicker = x.RangePicker; -A.TimePicker = x.TimePicker; -A.WeekPicker = x.WeekPicker; -A.YearPicker = x.YearPicker; -const Y5 = (e) => /* @__PURE__ */ r(a, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(Z1, t({}, e)) }); -Y5.Group = Z1.Group; -const K5 = (e, n) => /* @__PURE__ */ r(a, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(q, d(t({}, e), { ref: n })) }), X5 = t5(K5), P = X5, J5 = (e, n) => /* @__PURE__ */ r(a, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(q.Search, t({ ref: n }, e)) }), e6 = t5(J5), r6 = e6; -P.Search = r6; -P.Group = q.Group; -P.Password = q.Password; -P.TextArea = q.TextArea; -const n2 = (e) => /* @__PURE__ */ r(a, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(y5, t({}, e)) }), o2 = (e) => /* @__PURE__ */ r(a, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(H5, t({}, e)) }), c5 = (e) => /* @__PURE__ */ r(a, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(E1, t({}, e)) }); -c5.Dragger = E1.Dragger; -c5.LIST_IGNORE = E1.LIST_IGNORE; -const a2 = (e) => /* @__PURE__ */ r(a, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(M5, t({}, e)) }), t6 = (e) => /* @__PURE__ */ r(a, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(A1, t({}, e)) }); -t6.RangePicker = A1.RangePicker; -const H1 = (e) => /* @__PURE__ */ r(a, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(c1, t({}, e)) }); -H1.List = c1.List; -H1.Search = c1.Search; -H1.Operation = c1.Operation; -const n6 = (e) => { - var e1, r1, D; - const n = [], [l] = v((e1 = e.options) != null ? e1 : n), [c, i] = v(""), [s, f] = v((r1 = e.value) != null ? r1 : [""]), [w, E] = v(!1), m1 = (p) => { - i(p); - }, J = { - getPopupContainer: (p) => p.parentElement, - searchValue: c, - value: s, - onChange: (p, G) => { - f(p), e.onChange && e.onChange(p, G); - }, - dropdownRender: (p) => /* @__PURE__ */ m("div", { className: "query-item__dropdown", children: [ - /* @__PURE__ */ r(P.Search, { allowClear: !0, className: "query-item__input-search", placeholder: "Search", onSearch: m1 }), - /* @__PURE__ */ r(X, { justify: "center", children: p }) - ] }), - showSearch: { filter: (p, G) => G.some((g1) => g1.label.toLowerCase().indexOf(p.toLowerCase()) > -1) }, - options: l, - onDropdownVisibleChange: (p) => E(p) - }; - let N = "query-item"; - return w && (N += " query-item--open"), s && (N += " query-item--selected"), e.errorMessage && (N += " query-item--error"), /* @__PURE__ */ m(L, { children: [ - /* @__PURE__ */ r(s1, d(t({}, J), { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r( - P, - { - readOnly: !0, - placeholder: e.placeholder, - status: e.errorMessage ? "error" : void 0, - className: N, - value: s == null ? void 0 : s.slice(-1), - prefix: (D = e.icon) != null ? D : /* @__PURE__ */ r(i6, { className: "query-item__icon" }) - } - ) })), - e.errorMessage && /* @__PURE__ */ r($.Text, { type: "danger", children: e.errorMessage }) - ] }); -}, i5 = () => /* @__PURE__ */ r(L, { children: "DON'T USE THIS OR YOU WILL BE FIRED!" }); -i5.Cascader = n6; -const o6 = (e) => { - const n = e.isPrimary ? "query-item query-item--action" : "query-item query-item--action query-item--secondary"; - return /* @__PURE__ */ r(L, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ m(K, { className: n, type: e.isPrimary ? "primary" : "default", disabled: e.isDisabled, onClick: e.onClick, children: [ - /* @__PURE__ */ r(s5, { className: "query-item__icon" }), - /* @__PURE__ */ r("span", { children: e.text }) - ] }) }); -}, l2 = (e) => /* @__PURE__ */ o.createElement("svg", t({ width: 24, height: 24, viewBox: "0 0 24 24", fill: "none", xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" }, e), /* @__PURE__ */ o.createElement("path", { d: "M5 5.5C5 5.225 4.775 5 4.5 5C4.225 5 4 5.225 4 5.5V16.5C4 17.8813 5.11875 19 6.5 19H19.5C19.775 19 20 18.775 20 18.5C20 18.225 19.775 18 19.5 18H6.5C5.67188 18 5 17.3281 5 16.5V5.5ZM18.8531 8.85313C19.0469 8.65938 19.0469 8.34062 18.8531 8.14687C18.6594 7.95312 18.3406 7.95312 18.1469 8.14687L14 12.2937L11.3531 9.64687C11.1594 9.45312 10.8406 9.45312 10.6469 9.64687L7.14687 13.1469C6.95312 13.3406 6.95312 13.6594 7.14687 13.8531C7.34062 14.0469 7.65938 14.0469 7.85313 13.8531L11 10.7063L13.6469 13.3531C13.8406 13.5469 14.1594 13.5469 14.3531 13.3531L18.8531 8.85313Z", fill: "black" })), c2 = (e) => /* @__PURE__ */ o.createElement("svg", t({ width: 24, height: 24, viewBox: "0 0 24 24", fill: "none", xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" }, e), /* @__PURE__ */ o.createElement("path", { d: "M18 13C18 13.275 17.775 13.5 17.5 13.5H15.5C15.225 13.5 15 13.275 15 13V11C15 10.725 15.225 10.5 15.5 10.5H17.5C17.775 10.5 18 10.725 18 11V13ZM14 11V11.5H12.5V6.5C12.5 5.67188 11.8281 5 11 5H10V4.5C10 3.67188 9.32812 3 8.5 3H6.5C5.67188 3 5 3.67188 5 4.5V6.5C5 7.32812 5.67188 8 6.5 8H8.5C9.32812 8 10 7.32812 10 6.5V6H11C11.275 6 11.5 6.225 11.5 6.5V11.5H10V11C10 10.1719 9.32812 9.5 8.5 9.5H6.5C5.67188 9.5 5 10.1719 5 11V13C5 13.8281 5.67188 14.5 6.5 14.5H8.5C9.32812 14.5 10 13.8281 10 13V12.5H11.5V17.5C11.5 17.775 11.275 18 11 18H10V17.5C10 16.6719 9.32812 16 8.5 16H6.5C5.67188 16 5 16.6719 5 17.5V19.5C5 20.3281 5.67188 21 6.5 21H8.5C9.32812 21 10 20.3281 10 19.5V19H11C11.8281 19 12.5 18.3281 12.5 17.5V12.5H14V13C14 13.8281 14.6719 14.5 15.5 14.5H17.5C18.3281 14.5 19 13.8281 19 13V11C19 10.1719 18.3281 9.5 17.5 9.5H15.5C14.6719 9.5 14 10.1719 14 11ZM9 4.5V6.5C9 6.775 8.775 7 8.5 7H6.5C6.225 7 6 6.775 6 6.5V4.5C6 4.225 6.225 4 6.5 4H8.5C8.775 4 9 4.225 9 4.5ZM9 11V13C9 13.275 8.775 13.5 8.5 13.5H6.5C6.225 13.5 6 13.275 6 13V11C6 10.725 6.225 10.5 6.5 10.5H8.5C8.775 10.5 9 10.725 9 11ZM9 17.5V19.5C9 19.775 8.775 20 8.5 20H6.5C6.225 20 6 19.775 6 19.5V17.5C6 17.225 6.225 17 6.5 17H8.5C8.775 17 9 17.225 9 17.5Z", fill: "black" })), i2 = (e) => /* @__PURE__ */ o.createElement("svg", t({ width: 24, height: 24, viewBox: "0 0 24 24", fill: "none", xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" }, e), /* @__PURE__ */ o.createElement("path", { d: "M18 17C18 17.075 17.9688 17.2312 17.7375 17.4656C17.5031 17.7031 17.1156 17.9625 16.5562 18.2031C15.4406 18.6812 13.8313 19 12 19C10.1687 19 8.55937 18.6812 7.44375 18.2031C6.88437 17.9625 6.49688 17.7031 6.2625 17.4656C6.03125 17.2312 6 17.075 6 17V14.3594C6.5375 14.6375 7.19062 14.8687 7.9125 15.0437C9.08437 15.3344 10.4938 15.5 12 15.5C13.5063 15.5 14.9156 15.3344 16.0875 15.0469C16.8094 14.8687 17.4625 14.6406 18 14.3625V17ZM18 10.3594V13.1906C17.5469 13.5219 16.8156 13.8344 15.8469 14.075C14.7656 14.3406 13.4375 14.5 12 14.5C10.5625 14.5 9.23438 14.3406 8.15313 14.075C7.18438 13.8375 6.45312 13.5219 6 13.1906V10.3594C6.5375 10.6375 7.19062 10.8687 7.9125 11.0437C9.08437 11.3344 10.4938 11.5 12 11.5C13.5063 11.5 14.9156 11.3344 16.0875 11.0469C16.8094 10.8688 17.4625 10.6406 18 10.3625V10.3594ZM18 9.19063C17.5469 9.52188 16.8156 9.83437 15.8469 10.075C14.7656 10.3406 13.4375 10.5 12 10.5C10.5625 10.5 9.23438 10.3406 8.15313 10.075C7.18438 9.8375 6.45312 9.52188 6 9.19063V7C6 6.925 6.03125 6.76875 6.2625 6.53437C6.49688 6.29688 6.88437 6.0375 7.44375 5.79688C8.55937 5.31875 10.1687 5 12 5C13.8313 5 15.4406 5.31875 16.5562 5.79688C17.1156 6.0375 17.5031 6.29688 17.7375 6.53437C17.9688 6.76875 18 6.925 18 7V9.19063ZM19 17V7C19 5.34375 15.8656 4 12 4C8.13438 4 5 5.34375 5 7V17C5 18.6562 8.13438 20 12 20C15.8656 20 19 18.6562 19 17Z", fill: "black" })), C2 = (e) => /* @__PURE__ */ o.createElement("svg", t({ width: 24, height: 24, viewBox: "0 0 24 24", fill: "none", xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" }, e), /* @__PURE__ */ o.createElement("path", { d: "M6.5 6C6.225 6 6 6.225 6 6.5V9.5C6 9.775 6.225 10 6.5 10H9.5C9.775 10 10 9.775 10 9.5V6.5C10 6.225 9.775 6 9.5 6H6.5ZM5 6.5C5 5.67188 5.67188 5 6.5 5H9.5C10.3281 5 11 5.67188 11 6.5V9.5C11 10.3281 10.3281 11 9.5 11H6.5C5.67188 11 5 10.3281 5 9.5V6.5ZM6.5 14C6.225 14 6 14.225 6 14.5V17.5C6 17.775 6.225 18 6.5 18H9.5C9.775 18 10 17.775 10 17.5V14.5C10 14.225 9.775 14 9.5 14H6.5ZM5 14.5C5 13.6719 5.67188 13 6.5 13H9.5C10.3281 13 11 13.6719 11 14.5V17.5C11 18.3281 10.3281 19 9.5 19H6.5C5.67188 19 5 18.3281 5 17.5V14.5ZM17.5 6H14.5C14.225 6 14 6.225 14 6.5V9.5C14 9.775 14.225 10 14.5 10H17.5C17.775 10 18 9.775 18 9.5V6.5C18 6.225 17.775 6 17.5 6ZM14.5 5H17.5C18.3281 5 19 5.67188 19 6.5V9.5C19 10.3281 18.3281 11 17.5 11H14.5C13.6719 11 13 10.3281 13 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19.1804 6.09388 18.9292 6.34513C18.7117 6.56263 18.6929 6.91138 18.8729 7.16263H18.8692Z", fill: "#0F0E0E" }))), $ = (e) => /* @__PURE__ */ r(a, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(j, d(t({}, e), { children: e.children })) }), C6 = (e) => /* @__PURE__ */ r(a, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(j.Text, d(t({}, e), { children: e.children })) }); -$.Text = C6; -const s6 = (e) => /* @__PURE__ */ r(a, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(j.Title, d(t({}, e), { children: e.children })) }); -$.Title = s6; -const d6 = (e) => /* @__PURE__ */ r(a, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(j.Link, d(t({}, e), { children: e.children })) }); -$.Link = d6; -const u6 = (e) => /* @__PURE__ */ r(a, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(j.Paragraph, d(t({}, e), { children: e.children })) }); -$.Paragraph = u6; -const h6 = (e) => { - var s; - const [n, l] = v(!1), c = { - defaultValue: (s = e.options) != null && s.length ? e.options[0].value : void 0, - menuItemSelectedIcon: (f) => f.isSelected ? /* @__PURE__ */ r(C5, { className: "query-item-qualifier__item-selected-icon" }) : null, - onChange: e.onChange, - onDropdownVisibleChange: () => l(!0), - placement: "bottomLeft", - popupMatchSelectWidth: !1, - status: e.errorMessage ? "error" : void 0, - suffixIcon: null, - variant: "borderless", - options: e.options, - disabled: e.disabled, - value: e.value - }; - let i = "query-item"; - return n && (i += " query-item--open"), /* @__PURE__ */ m(L, { children: [ - /* @__PURE__ */ r(y1, t({ className: i }, c)), - e.errorMessage && /* @__PURE__ */ r($.Text, { type: "danger", children: e.errorMessage }) - ] }); -}, m6 = ({ disabled: e = !1, text: n }) => /* @__PURE__ */ r($.Text, { disabled: e, children: n }), d1 = () => /* @__PURE__ */ r(L, { children: "DO NOT USE THIS OR YOU WILL BE FIRED!" }); -d1.Action = o6; -d1.Qualifier = h6; -d1.ValueSelector = i5; -d1.Text = m6; -const g6 = (e) => /* @__PURE__ */ r(a, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r($1, t({}, e)) }); -g6.Panel = $1.Panel; -const f6 = (e) => /* @__PURE__ */ r(a, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(D1, t({}, e)) }); -f6.Item = D1.Item; -const p6 = (e) => /* @__PURE__ */ r(a, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(O1, t({}, e)) }); -p6.generateCalendar = O1.generateCalendar; -const k2 = (e) => /* @__PURE__ */ r(a, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(N5, t({}, e)) }), L6 = (e) => /* @__PURE__ */ r(a, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(R1, t({}, e)) }); -L6.TabPane = R1.TabPane; -const v6 = (e) => /* @__PURE__ */ r(a, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(F1, t({}, e)) }), w6 = (e) => /* @__PURE__ */ r(a, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(F1.CheckableTag, t({}, e)) }); -v6.CheckableTag = w6; -const y2 = (e) => /* @__PURE__ */ r(a, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(T5, t({}, e)) }), H2 = (e) => /* @__PURE__ */ r(a, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(x5, t({}, e)) }), u1 = (e) => /* @__PURE__ */ r(a, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(V5, d(t({}, e), { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(L, { children: e.children }) })) }), b6 = (e) => /* @__PURE__ */ r(a, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(W1, t({}, e)) }); -b6.Countdown = W1.Countdown; -const d5 = (e) => /* @__PURE__ */ r(a, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(_1, t({}, e)) }); -d5.DirectoryTree = _1.DirectoryTree; -d5.TreeNode = _1.TreeNode; -const S6 = (e) => /* @__PURE__ */ r(a, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(G1, t({}, e)) }); -S6.PreviewGroup = G1.PreviewGroup; -const M2 = (e) => /* @__PURE__ */ r(a, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(B5, t({}, e)) }), E6 = (e) => /* @__PURE__ */ r(a, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(Q1, t({}, e)) }); -E6.Ribbon = Q1.Ribbon; -const u5 = (e) => /* @__PURE__ */ r(a, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(I1, t({}, e)) }); -u5.Meta = I1.Meta; -u5.Grid = I1.Grid; -const h5 = (e) => /* @__PURE__ */ r(a, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(U1, t({}, e)) }); -h5.Group = U1.Group; -const _6 = (e) => /* @__PURE__ */ r(a, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(q1, t({}, e)) }); -_6.Item = q1.Item; -const V = (e) => /* @__PURE__ */ r(a, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(I, t({}, e)) }); -V.Column = I.Column; -V.ColumnGroup = I.ColumnGroup; -V.Summary = I.Summary; -V.EXPAND_COLUMN = I.EXPAND_COLUMN; -V.SELECTION_NONE = I.SELECTION_NONE; -V.SELECTION_ALL = I.SELECTION_ALL; -V.SELECTION_INVERT = I.SELECTION_INVERT; -V.SELECTION_COLUMN = I.SELECTION_COLUMN; -const M1 = (e) => /* @__PURE__ */ r(a, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(k1, t({}, e)) }); -M1.PRESENTED_IMAGE_DEFAULT = k1.PRESENTED_IMAGE_DEFAULT; -M1.PRESENTED_IMAGE_SIMPLE = k1.PRESENTED_IMAGE_SIMPLE; -const I6 = (e) => /* @__PURE__ */ r(a, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(P5, d(t({}, e), { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(L, { children: e.children }) })) }); -function k6(e) { - return /* @__PURE__ */ r(a, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(j1, t({}, e)) }); -} -k6.Item = j1.Item; -const N2 = (e) => /* @__PURE__ */ r(a, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(Z5, t({}, e)) }), h1 = (e) => /* @__PURE__ */ r(a, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(i1, t({}, e)) }); -h1.PRESENTED_IMAGE_403 = i1.PRESENTED_IMAGE_403; -h1.PRESENTED_IMAGE_404 = i1.PRESENTED_IMAGE_404; -h1.PRESENTED_IMAGE_500 = i1.PRESENTED_IMAGE_500; -const m5 = (e) => /* @__PURE__ */ r(a, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(z1, t({}, e)) }); -m5.setDefaultIndicator = z1.setDefaultIndicator; -const F = (e) => /* @__PURE__ */ r(a, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(R, d(t({}, e), { active: !0, style: t({ width: "100%" }, e.style) })) }); -F.Avatar = R.Avatar; -F.Button = R.Button; -F.Node = R.Node; -F.Image = R.Image; -F.Input = R.Input; -const T2 = (e) => /* @__PURE__ */ r(a, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(A5, t({}, e)) }), x2 = (e) => /* @__PURE__ */ r(a, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r($5, d(t({}, e), { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(L, { children: e.children }) })) }), V2 = (e) => /* @__PURE__ */ r(a, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(D5, t({}, e)) }), H = (e) => /* @__PURE__ */ r(a, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(k, t({}, e)) }); -H.info = k.info; -H.success = k.success; -H.confirm = k.confirm; -H.warning = k.warning; -H.error = k.error; -H.config = k.config; -H.destroyAll = k.destroyAll; -H.useModal = k.useModal; -const B = (e) => { - const [n, l] = y.useNotification(); - return /* @__PURE__ */ m(a, { children: [ - l, - /* @__PURE__ */ r("span", { onClick: () => { - n.open(t({}, e)); - }, children: e.children }) - ] }); -}; -B.useNotification = y.useNotification; -B.warning = y.warning; -B.open = y.open; -B.info = y.info; -B.config = y.config; -B.destroy = y.destroy; -B.error = y.error; -B.success = y.success; -const y6 = (e) => /* @__PURE__ */ r(a, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(Y1, t({}, e)) }); -y6.ErrorBoundary = Y1.ErrorBoundary; -const M = (e) => { - const [n, l] = S.useMessage(); - return /* @__PURE__ */ m(a, { children: [ - l, - /* @__PURE__ */ r("span", { onClick: () => { - n.open(t({}, e)); - }, children: e.children }) - ] }); -}; -M.useMessage = S.useMessage; -M.info = S.info; -M.error = S.error; -M.destroy = S.destroy; -M.config = S.config; -M.success = S.success; -M.open = S.open; -M.loading = S.loading; -M.warning = S.warning; -const g5 = (e) => { - n5(e, []); -}; -function H6(e) { - const [n, l] = v(!0), [c, i] = v(!1), [s, f] = v(void 0); - return g5(() => { - e().then((w) => { - f(w); - }).catch(() => { - i(!0); - }).finally(() => { - l(!1); - }); - }), [n, c, s]; -} -function B2(e) { - const [n, l, c] = H6(e.fetchData); - return /* @__PURE__ */ r(L, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ m(H, d(t({}, e), { children: [ - n && /* @__PURE__ */ r(F, {}), - l && /* @__PURE__ */ r(h1, { status: "error", title: "Error Loading" }), - !n && !l && e.children(c) - ] })) }); -} -const X = (e) => /* @__PURE__ */ r(a, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(O5, t({}, e)) }), _ = (e) => /* @__PURE__ */ r(L, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(X, d(t({ align: "center", justify: "center" }, e), { children: e.children })) }), P2 = (e) => /* @__PURE__ */ r(a, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(R5, t({}, e)) }), f5 = (e) => /* @__PURE__ */ r(a, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(K1, t({}, e)) }); -f5.Compact = K1.Compact; -const O = (e) => /* @__PURE__ */ r(a, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(z, t({}, e)) }); -O.Sider = z.Sider; -O.Footer = z.Footer; -O.Content = z.Content; -O.Header = z.Header; -const Z2 = (e) => /* @__PURE__ */ r(a, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(F5, t({}, e)) }), M6 = (e) => /* @__PURE__ */ r(a, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(X1, t({}, e)) }); -M6.Link = X1.Link; -const N6 = (e) => /* @__PURE__ */ r(a, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(J1, d(t({}, e), { children: e.children })) }); -N6.Button = J1.Button; -const T6 = (e) => /* @__PURE__ */ r(a, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(e5, t({}, e)) }); -T6.Item = e5.Item; -const A2 = (e) => /* @__PURE__ */ r(a, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(W5, t({}, e)) }), W = (e) => /* @__PURE__ */ r(a, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(Y, t({}, e)) }); -W.SubMenu = Y.SubMenu; -W.Item = Y.Item; -W.ItemGroup = Y.ItemGroup; -W.Divider = Y.Divider; -const $2 = (e) => /* @__PURE__ */ r(a, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(G5, t({}, e)) }), x6 = (e) => /* @__PURE__ */ r(a, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(r5, t({}, e)) }); -x6.useApp = r5.useApp; -function N1(e) { - var n; - return /* @__PURE__ */ m(_, { vertical: !0, className: "globalNavigation__icon " + ((n = e.className) != null ? n : ""), onClick: e.onClick, children: [ - e.icon, - !e.hideLabel && /* @__PURE__ */ r("span", { className: "globalNavigation__iconLabel", children: e.label }) - ] }); -} -function V6(e) { - return /* @__PURE__ */ m(_, { vertical: !0, className: "globalNavigation__suiteLogo", onClick: e.onSuiteLogoClick, children: [ - /* @__PURE__ */ r(N1, { icon: e.icon, label: "", hideLabel: !0, className: "globalNavigation__icon--suiteLogo" }), - e.label - ] }); -} -function B6(e = "") { - var l; - const n = new RegExp( - "(?:[\\W\\d]*\\b)*([A-Za-z])\\w*\\b(?:.*\\s(\\w)[\\w-]*$)?", - // Ignore second candidate if missing it and capture a single initial - "i" - ); - return (l = e.replace(n, "$1$2")) == null ? void 0 : l.toUpperCase(); -} -const P6 = (e, n) => { - let l; - return (...c) => { - window.clearTimeout(l), l = window.setTimeout(() => { - e(...c); - }, n); - }; -}, Z6 = () => navigator.userAgent.includes("Win") ? "Windows" : navigator.userAgent.includes("Mac") ? "Macintosh" : navigator.userAgent.includes("Linux") ? "Linux" : navigator.userAgent.includes("Android") ? "Android" : navigator.userAgent.includes("like Mac") ? "iOS" : "Unknown OS"; -function A6(e, n) { - return new Promise((l) => { - const c = new Image(); - c.onload = () => { - n == null || n(!0), l(!0); - }, c.onerror = () => { - n == null || n(!1), l(!1); - }, c.src = e; - }); -} -function p5(e, n) { - var l; - return /* @__PURE__ */ r( - "a", - { - href: n == null ? void 0 : n.href, - target: (l = n == null ? void 0 : n.hrefTarget) != null ? l : "_self", - rel: (n == null ? void 0 : n.hrefTarget) === "_blank" ? "noopener" : void 0, - children: e - } - ); -} -function $6(e) { - return /* @__PURE__ */ r("span", { className: "globalNavigation__search", onClick: e.onClick, children: /* @__PURE__ */ r( - u1, - { - placement: "right", - title: /* @__PURE__ */ m(f5, { size: "large", children: [ - /* @__PURE__ */ r(L, { children: "Search" }), - /* @__PURE__ */ m(L, { children: [ - Z6() === "Macintosh" ? "Cmd" : "Ctrl", - " + K" - ] }) - ] }), - children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(_, { className: "globalNavigation__searchButtonWrapper", children: /* @__PURE__ */ r( - K, - { - className: "globalNavigation__searchButton", - shape: "round", - icon: /* @__PURE__ */ r(c6, { className: "globalNavigation__searchIcon" }) - } - ) }) - } - ) }); -} -function L5(e) { - if (e.type === "menu" && e.items) - return /* @__PURE__ */ r(L1, { items: e.items }); - const n = /* @__PURE__ */ r( - N1, - { - className: `globalNavigation__item globalNavigation__link ${e.isActive ? " globalNavigation__item--active" : ""}`, - icon: e.icon, - label: e.label, - onClick: e.onClick, - hideLabel: e.hideLabel - } - ), l = e.hrefOptions ? p5(n, e.hrefOptions) : n; - return e.hideLabel ? /* @__PURE__ */ r(u1, { title: e.label, placement: "right", children: l }) : l; -} -function L1(e) { - return /* @__PURE__ */ r(_, { vertical: !0, children: e.items.map((n, l) => /* @__PURE__ */ r(Q5, { children: n.type === "menu" ? /* @__PURE__ */ r(W, { expandIcon: null, className: "globalNavigation__menu", items: [D6(n, l)] }, l) : /* @__PURE__ */ U5(L5, d(t({}, n), { type: "link", key: l })) }, l)) }); -} -function D6(e, n) { - const l = [ - { label: e.label, type: "group", key: String(e.label) + "_groupTitle" } - ]; - return e.type === "menu" && l.push( - ...e.children.map((i, s) => d(t({}, i), { - expandIcon: null, - key: `${String(i.label)}${s}`, - label: p5(i.label, i.hrefOptions) - })) - ), { - icon: /* @__PURE__ */ r( - N1, - { - icon: e.icon, - label: e.label, - onClick: e.onClick, - hideLabel: e.hideLabel - } - ), - popupClassName: "globalNavigation__popup", - className: "globalNavigation__item" + (e.isActive ? " globalNavigation__item--active" : ""), - key: `${String(e.label)}${n}`, - children: l - }; -} -function O6(e) { - const n = e.createItems.map((c) => { - if (c.type === "group") - return { label: c.label, key: c.label, type: c.type }; - const i = c.isLocked, s = c.disabled; - let f = "navigationCreate__item"; - return (s || i || c.isLoading) && (f += " navigationCreate__item--disabled"), { - key: c.description, - className: f, - disabled: c.disabled, - onClick: (w) => { - var E; - c.disabled || c.isLoading || ((E = c.onClick) == null || E.call(c), w.domEvent.stopPropagation(), w.domEvent.preventDefault()); - }, - label: /* @__PURE__ */ r(u1, { title: c.tooltip, children: /* @__PURE__ */ m(X, { vertical: !0, gap: "middle", justify: "center", children: [ - /* @__PURE__ */ m("span", { className: "navigationCreate__itemTitle", children: [ - c.title, - c.isLoading && /* @__PURE__ */ r(m5, { className: "navigationCreate__itemLoading", size: "small" }), - i && /* @__PURE__ */ r(l6, { className: "navigationCreate__lockIcon" }) - ] }), - /* @__PURE__ */ r("span", { className: "navigationCreate__itemDescription", children: c.description }) - ] }) }) - }; - }); - return /* @__PURE__ */ r(_, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ r( - W, - { - className: "globalNavigation__item globalNavigation__item--createNew", - items: [ - { - key: "NavigationCreate", - popupClassName: "globalNavigation__popup globalNavigation__popup--navigationCreate", - icon: /* @__PURE__ */ r(_, { className: "navigationCreate__popupButtonWrapper", style: { pointerEvents: "none" }, children: /* @__PURE__ */ r( - K, - { - className: "navigationCreate__popupButton", - icon: /* @__PURE__ */ r(s5, { className: "navigationCreate__popupIcon" }) - } - ) }), - children: n - } - ], - expandIcon: null - } - ) }); -} -function R6({ menuItems: e }) { - return /* @__PURE__ */ r("ul", { className: "workspaceSelector__itemsList", children: e.map((n) => /* @__PURE__ */ r("li", { className: n.className, onClick: n.onClick, children: n.label }, n.key)) }); -} -const F6 = () => /* @__PURE__ */ r(_, { className: "workspaceSelector__noResults", children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(M1, { description: "No results found", imageStyle: { height: "60px" } }) }), W6 = ({ signoutOptions: e }) => { - var n; - return /* @__PURE__ */ r("div", { className: "workspaceSelector__signoutButtonContainer", children: /* @__PURE__ */ r( - K, - { - className: "workspaceSelector__signoutButton", - type: "primary", - onClick: (l) => { - e == null || e.onSignout(); - }, - children: (n = e == null ? void 0 : e.label) != null ? n : "Sign Out of mParticle" - } - ) }); -}; -function G6(e) { - const { onSearch: n, searchTerm: l, hasSearchInput: c, inputRef: i, hasNoResults: s, menuItems: f, signoutOptions: w } = e; - return /* @__PURE__ */ m("div", { className: "workspaceSelector__popoverContent", children: [ - c && /* @__PURE__ */ r("div", { className: "workspaceSelector__search", children: /* @__PURE__ */ r( - P, - { - placeholder: "Search", - className: "workspaceSelector__searchInput", - onChange: n, - value: l, - ref: i, - onClick: (E) => { - E.preventDefault(), E.stopPropagation(); - } - } - ) }), - s ? /* @__PURE__ */ r(F6, {}) : /* @__PURE__ */ r(R6, { menuItems: f }), - /* @__PURE__ */ r(W6, { signoutOptions: w }) - ] }); -} -const Q6 = "4px"; -function p1(e, n) { - return [e[n], ...e.slice(0, n), ...e.slice(n + 1)]; -} -function U6(e) { - const n = e.findIndex( - (l) => l.accounts.find((c) => c.workspaces.find((i) => i.isActive)) - ); - if (n >= 0) { - const l = e[n], c = l.accounts.findIndex( - (i) => i.workspaces.find((s) => s.isActive) - ); - if (c >= 0) { - const i = l.accounts[c]; - l.accounts = p1(l.accounts, c); - const s = i.workspaces.findIndex((f) => f.isActive); - return i.workspaces = p1(i.workspaces, s), p1(e, n); - } - } - return e; -} -function q6(e) { - const [n, l] = v(""), c = q5(null), i = f1(() => U6(e.orgs), [e.orgs]), [s, f] = v(i), [w, E] = v(!1); - n5(() => { - f(i); - }, [i]), g5(() => { - var C, g, h; - const u = (h = (C = e.avatarOptions) == null ? void 0 : C.src) != null ? h : (g = e.avatarOptions) == null ? void 0 : g.srcSet; - typeof u == "string" && A6(u, E); - }); - const m1 = j5(P6(f, 200), []), T1 = !!n && !s.length, J = f1( - () => G( - /* currentFilteredOrgs */ - ), - [s] - ), N = f1(() => i.flatMap((u) => { - let C = []; - const { accounts: g } = u; - if (g) { - const h = g.flatMap(({ workspaces: b }) => b); - C = C.concat(h); - } - return C; - }).find((u) => u.isActive), [i]), e1 = B6(N == null ? void 0 : N.label), r1 = !!n || J.filter((u) => !!u.label).length > 5, D = (u) => { - setTimeout(u ? () => { - var C; - (C = c.current) == null || C.focus({ - cursor: "all" - }); - } : () => { - var C; - (C = c.current) == null || C.blur(); - }, 0); - }; - return /* @__PURE__ */ r( - I6, - { - arrow: !1, - placement: "right", - overlayInnerStyle: { padding: Q6 }, - overlayClassName: "workspaceSelector__popover", - onOpenChange: D, - afterOpenChange: D, - content: /* @__PURE__ */ r( - G6, - { - onSearch: g1, - searchTerm: n, - hasSearchInput: r1, - inputRef: c, - hasNoResults: T1, - signoutOptions: e.signoutOptions, - menuItems: J - } - ), - children: /* @__PURE__ */ r( - "div", - { - className: "globalNavigation__item workspaceSelector__menuItem", - onClick: (u) => { - D(!0); - }, - children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(h5, d(t({}, e.avatarOptions), { className: "workspaceSelector__avatar", children: p(w, e1) })) - } - ) - } - ); - function p(u, C) { - return u ? "" : C; - } - function G() { - return s.reduce((u, C) => (u.push({ - type: "org", - className: "workspaceSelector__orgName" + (C.label ? "" : " u-display-none"), - label: C.label, - id: C.id, - key: `${C.id}_${C.label}`, - accounts: C.accounts, - workspaces: C.accounts.flatMap((g) => g.workspaces) - }), C.accounts.forEach((g) => { - u.push({ - type: "account", - className: "workspaceSelector__accountName" + (g.label ? "" : " u-display-none"), - label: g.label, - id: g.id, - key: `${g.id}_${g.label}`, - workspaces: g.workspaces - }), g.workspaces.forEach((h) => { - u.push({ - type: "workspace", - className: "workspaceSelector__workspaceName" + (h.isActive ? " workspaceSelector__workspaceName--active" : ""), - label: /* @__PURE__ */ m(X, { justify: "space-between", align: "center", children: [ - h.label, - h.isActive && /* @__PURE__ */ r(C5, { className: "workspaceSelector__activeIcon" }) - ] }), - id: h.id, - key: `${h.id}_${h.label}`, - onClick: h.onClick, - isActive: h.isActive - }); - }); - }), u), []); - } - function g1(u) { - const C = u.target.value.toLowerCase(); - if (l(C), C) { - const h = g(); - m1(h); - } else - f(i); - function g() { - return i.reduce((b, t1) => { - if (h(t1)) - b.push(t1); - else { - const Q = t({}, t1); - Q.accounts = [], t1.accounts.forEach((n1) => { - const o1 = t({}, n1); - o1.workspaces = [], h(n1) ? Q.accounts.push(n1) : (n1.workspaces.forEach((x1) => { - h(x1) && o1.workspaces.push(x1); - }), o1.workspaces.length && Q.accounts.push(o1)); - }), Q.accounts.length && b.push(Q); - } - return b; - }, []); - function h(b) { - return !!b.label && b.label.toString().toLowerCase().includes(C) || !!b.id && b.id.toString().toLowerCase().includes(C); - } - } - } -} -const j6 = (e) => /* @__PURE__ */ o.createElement("svg", t({ width: 24, height: 24, viewBox: "0 0 24 24", fill: "none", xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" }, e), /* @__PURE__ */ o.createElement("g", { id: "logout" }, /* @__PURE__ */ o.createElement("path", { id: "Vector", d: "M21.4241 12.4234C21.6566 12.1909 21.6566 11.8084 21.4241 11.5759L16.6241 6.77586C16.3916 6.54336 16.0091 6.54336 15.7766 6.77586C15.5441 7.00836 15.5441 7.39086 15.7766 7.62336L19.5529 11.3996H9.00039C8.67039 11.3996 8.40039 11.6696 8.40039 11.9996C8.40039 12.3296 8.67039 12.5996 9.00039 12.5996H19.5529L15.7766 16.3759C15.5441 16.6084 15.5441 16.9909 15.7766 17.2234C16.0091 17.4559 16.3916 17.4559 16.6241 17.2234L21.4241 12.4234ZM9.00039 4.79961C9.33039 4.79961 9.60039 4.52961 9.60039 4.19961C9.60039 3.86961 9.33039 3.59961 9.00039 3.59961H5.40039C3.74289 3.59961 2.40039 4.94211 2.40039 6.59961V17.3996C2.40039 19.0571 3.74289 20.3996 5.40039 20.3996H9.00039C9.33039 20.3996 9.60039 20.1296 9.60039 19.7996C9.60039 19.4696 9.33039 19.1996 9.00039 19.1996H5.40039C4.40664 19.1996 3.60039 18.3934 3.60039 17.3996V6.59961C3.60039 5.60586 4.40664 4.79961 5.40039 4.79961H9.00039Z", fill: "black" }))), z6 = 90, D2 = (e) => { - var n, l; - return /* @__PURE__ */ r(O, { className: "globalNavigation", children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(O.Sider, { className: "globalNavigation__sider", width: z6, children: /* @__PURE__ */ m(X, { vertical: !0, justify: "space-between", style: { height: "100%" }, children: [ - /* @__PURE__ */ m("div", { children: [ - /* @__PURE__ */ r(V6, t({}, e.logo)), - /* @__PURE__ */ r("div", { className: "globalNavigation__divider" }), - /* @__PURE__ */ m(_, { vertical: !0, children: [ - e.onSearchClick && /* @__PURE__ */ r($6, { onClick: e.onSearchClick }), - e.createItems && /* @__PURE__ */ r(O6, { createItems: e.createItems }) - ] }), - /* @__PURE__ */ r(L1, { items: e.tools }) - ] }), - /* @__PURE__ */ m("div", { children: [ - /* @__PURE__ */ r(L1, { items: e.management }), - e.orgs ? /* @__PURE__ */ r( - q6, - { - orgs: e.orgs, - signoutOptions: e.signoutOptions, - avatarOptions: e.avatarOptions - } - ) : !!((n = e.signoutOptions) != null && n.onSignout) && /* @__PURE__ */ r( - L5, - { - type: "link", - icon: /* @__PURE__ */ r(j6, {}), - label: "Sign Out", - hideLabel: !0, - onClick: (l = e.signoutOptions) == null ? void 0 : l.onSignout - } - ), - !e.hideMpHome && /* @__PURE__ */ r(u1, { title: "mParticle Overview", placement: "right", children: /* @__PURE__ */ r( - _, - { - className: "globalNavigation__mpHome", - onClick: () => { - e.onMpHomeClick(); - }, - children: /* @__PURE__ */ r(a6, { className: "globalNavigation__mpSvg" }) - } - ) }) - ] }) - ] }) }) }); -}; -export { - s5 as AddIcon, - $2 as Affix, - y6 as Alert, - h2 as AlicornIcon, - I2 as AnalyticsIcon, - M6 as Anchor, - x6 as App, - a2 as AutoComplete, - h5 as Avatar, - E6 as Badge, - T6 as Breadcrumb, - K as Button, - p6 as Calendar, - u5 as Card, - H2 as Carousel, - s1 as Cascader, - _ as Center, - L2 as ChartColumnIcon, - l2 as ChartLineIcon, - C5 as CheckIcon, - Y5 as Checkbox, - i6 as CircleDashedIcon, - S2 as CircleNodesIcon, - E2 as CloudIcon, - F2 as Col, - g6 as Collapse, - r2 as ColorPicker, - a as ConfigProvider, - c2 as ConnectionsIcon, - i2 as DatabaseIcon, - A as DatePicker, - _6 as Descriptions, - P2 as Divider, - V2 as Drawer, - N6 as Dropdown, - M1 as Empty, - X as Flex, - o5 as FloatButton, - _2 as FolderClosedIcon, - Z as Form, - g2 as GearIcon, - z6 as GlobalNavWidth, - D2 as GlobalNavigation, - W2 as Grid, - C2 as GridIcon, - v2 as HeartIcon, - S6 as Image, - P as Input, - n2 as InputNumber, - O as Layout, - w2 as LightBulbIcon, - k6 as List, - B2 as LoadingModal, - l6 as LockIcon, - a5 as Mentions, - W as Menu, - M as Message, - m2 as MessageQuestionIcon, - H as Modal, - a6 as MpLogoIcon, - B as Notification, - A2 as Pagination, - x2 as Popconfirm, - I6 as Popover, - N2 as Progress, - M2 as QRCode, - d1 as QueryItem, - l5 as Radio, - e2 as Rate, - h1 as Result, - G2 as Row, - c6 as SearchIcon, - k2 as Segmented, - y1 as Select, - s2 as ShieldKeyholeIcon, - p2 as SiteMapIcon, - F as Skeleton, - t2 as Slider, - f5 as Space, - f2 as SparklesIcon, - m5 as Spin, - b2 as SplitIcon, - b6 as Statistic, - Z2 as Steps, - V6 as SuiteLogo, - o2 as Switch, - V as Table, - L6 as Tabs, - v6 as Tag, - t6 as TimePicker, - f6 as Timeline, - u1 as Tooltip, - y2 as Tour, - H1 as Transfer, - d5 as Tree, - C1 as TreeSelect, - $ as Typography, - c5 as Upload, - d2 as UsersIcon, - T2 as Watermark, - u2 as WrenchIcon, - Q2 as message, - U2 as notification -}; diff --git a/dist/aquarium.umd.cjs b/dist/aquarium.umd.cjs deleted file mode 100644 index cf7d55aab..000000000 --- a/dist/aquarium.umd.cjs +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -(function(l,r){typeof exports=="object"&&typeof module!="undefined"?r(exports,require("react/jsx-runtime"),require("antd"),require("react")):typeof define=="function"&&define.amd?define(["exports","react/jsx-runtime","antd","react"],r):(l=typeof globalThis!="undefined"?globalThis:l||self,r(l.aquarium={},l.jsxRuntime,l.antd,l.React))})(this,function(l,r,o,h){"use strict";var d6=Object.defineProperty,g6=Object.defineProperties;var h6=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors;var j1=Object.getOwnPropertySymbols;var f6=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,u6=Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable;var z1=(l,r,o)=>r in l?d6(l,r,{enumerable:!0,configurable:!0,writable:!0,value:o}):l[r]=o,c=(l,r)=>{for(var o in r||(r={}))f6.call(r,o)&&z1(l,o,r[o]);if(j1)for(var o of j1(r))u6.call(r,o)&&z1(l,o,r[o]);return l},f=(l,r)=>g6(l,h6(r));function Y1(e){const a=Object.create(null,{[Symbol.toStringTag]:{value:"Module"}});if(e){for(const C in e)if(C!=="default"){const i=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e,C);Object.defineProperty(a,C,i.get?i:{enumerable:!0,get:()=>e[C]})}}return a.default=e,Object.freeze(a)}const n=Y1(h),K1={token:{colorLinkHover:"#ab8eff",controlOutline:"rgba(0.21176470816135406, 0, 0.8196078538894653, 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0.1)",mpColorBorderDisabled:"#dcdcd8"},Checkbox:{mpColorBorderDisabled:"#dcdcd8"},Radio:{mpColorBorderDisabled:"#dcdcd8"},DatePicker:{mpColorBorderDisabled:"#dcdcd8"},TimePicker:{mpColorBorderDisabled:"#dcdcd8"},InputNumber:{mpColorBorderDisabled:"#dcdcd8"}}},t=e=>r.jsx(o.ConfigProvider,f(c({},e),{theme:K1}));t.ConfigContext=o.ConfigProvider.ConfigContext,t.useConfig=o.ConfigProvider.useConfig,t.config=o.ConfigProvider.config;const Z=e=>r.jsx(t,{children:r.jsx(o.Button,f(c({},e),{children:e.children}))});Z.Group=o.Button.Group;const r1=e=>r.jsx(t,{children:r.jsx(o.FloatButton,c({},e))});r1.BackTop=o.FloatButton.BackTop,r1.Group=o.FloatButton.Group;const X1=e=>r.jsx(t,{children:r.jsx(o.Rate,c({},e))}),_=e=>r.jsx(t,{children:r.jsx(o.Form,f(c({},e),{children:e.children}))});_.useForm=o.Form.useForm,_.useWatch=o.Form.useWatch,_.useFormInstance=o.Form.useFormInstance,_.Item=o.Form.Item,_.List=o.Form.List,_.Provider=o.Form.Provider,_.ErrorList=o.Form.ErrorList;const F=e=>r.jsx(t,{children:r.jsx(o.TreeSelect,c({},e))});F.TreeNode=o.TreeSelect.TreeNode,F.SHOW_ALL=o.TreeSelect.SHOW_ALL,F.SHOW_CHILD=o.TreeSelect.SHOW_CHILD,F.SHOW_PARENT=o.TreeSelect.SHOW_PARENT;const $=e=>r.jsx(t,{children:r.jsx(o.Select,c({},e))});$.Option=o.Select.Option,$.OptGroup=o.Select.OptGroup;const o1=e=>r.jsx(t,{children:r.jsx(o.Mentions,c({},e))});o1.getMentions=o.Mentions.getMentions,o1.Option=o.Mentions.Option;const l1=e=>r.jsx(t,{children:r.jsx(o.Radio,c({},e))});l1.Group=o.Radio.Group,l1.Button=o.Radio.Button;const J1=e=>r.jsx(t,{children:r.jsx(o.ColorPicker,c({},e))}),R1=e=>r.jsx(t,{children:r.jsx(o.Slider,c({},e))}),W=e=>r.jsx(t,{children:r.jsx(o.Cascader,c({},e))});W.Panel=o.Cascader.Panel,W.SHOW_PARENT=o.Cascader.SHOW_PARENT,W.SHOW_CHILD=o.Cascader.SHOW_CHILD;const H=e=>r.jsx(t,{children:r.jsx(o.DatePicker,c({},e))});H.generatePicker=o.DatePicker.generatePicker,H.QuarterPicker=o.DatePicker.QuarterPicker,H.MonthPicker=o.DatePicker.MonthPicker,H.RangePicker=o.DatePicker.RangePicker,H.TimePicker=o.DatePicker.TimePicker,H.WeekPicker=o.DatePicker.WeekPicker,H.YearPicker=o.DatePicker.YearPicker;const v1=e=>r.jsx(t,{children:r.jsx(o.Checkbox,c({},e))});v1.Group=o.Checkbox.Group;const e5=(e,a)=>r.jsx(t,{children:r.jsx(o.Input,f(c({},e),{ref:a}))}),T=h.forwardRef(e5),r5=(e,a)=>r.jsx(t,{children:r.jsx(o.Input.Search,c({ref:a},e))}),o5=h.forwardRef(r5);T.Search=o5,T.Group=o.Input.Group,T.Password=o.Input.Password,T.TextArea=o.Input.TextArea;const l5=e=>r.jsx(t,{children:r.jsx(o.InputNumber,c({},e))}),c5=e=>r.jsx(t,{children:r.jsx(o.Switch,c({},e))}),c1=e=>r.jsx(t,{children:r.jsx(o.Upload,c({},e))});c1.Dragger=o.Upload.Dragger,c1.LIST_IGNORE=o.Upload.LIST_IGNORE;const a5=e=>r.jsx(t,{children:r.jsx(o.AutoComplete,c({},e))}),b1=e=>r.jsx(t,{children:r.jsx(o.TimePicker,c({},e))});b1.RangePicker=o.TimePicker.RangePicker;const j=e=>r.jsx(t,{children:r.jsx(o.Transfer,c({},e))});j.List=o.Transfer.List,j.Search=o.Transfer.Search,j.Operation=o.Transfer.Operation;const n5=e=>{var K,X,O;const a=[],[C]=h.useState((K=e.options)!=null?K:a),[i,s]=h.useState(""),[g,b]=h.useState((X=e.value)!=null?X:[""]),[y,M]=h.useState(!1),u1=w=>{s(w)},Y={getPopupContainer:w=>w.parentElement,searchValue:i,value:g,onChange:(w,U)=>{b(w),e.onChange&&e.onChange(w,U)},dropdownRender:w=>r.jsxs("div",{className:"query-item__dropdown",children:[r.jsx(T.Search,{allowClear:!0,className:"query-item__input-search",placeholder:"Search",onSearch:u1}),r.jsx(D,{justify:"center",children:w})]}),showSearch:{filter:(w,U)=>U.some(L1=>L1.label.toLowerCase().indexOf(w.toLowerCase())>-1)},options:C,onDropdownVisibleChange:w=>M(w)};let V="query-item";return y&&(V+=" query-item--open"),g&&(V+=" query-item--selected"),e.errorMessage&&(V+=" query-item--error"),r.jsxs(r.Fragment,{children:[r.jsx(W,f(c({},Y),{children:r.jsx(T,{readOnly:!0,placeholder:e.placeholder,status:e.errorMessage?"error":void 0,className:V,value:g==null?void 0:g.slice(-1),prefix:(O=e.icon)!=null?O:r.jsx(y1,{className:"query-item__icon"})})})),e.errorMessage&&r.jsx(N.Text,{type:"danger",children:e.errorMessage})]})},w1=()=>r.jsx(r.Fragment,{children:"DON'T USE THIS OR YOU WILL BE FIRED!"});w1.Cascader=n5;const t5=e=>{const a=e.isPrimary?"query-item query-item--action":"query-item query-item--action query-item--secondary";return r.jsx(r.Fragment,{children:r.jsxs(Z,{className:a,type:e.isPrimary?"primary":"default",disabled:e.isDisabled,onClick:e.onClick,children:[r.jsx(n1,{className:"query-item__icon"}),r.jsx("span",{children:e.text})]})})},C5=e=>n.createElement("svg",c({width:24,height:24,viewBox:"0 0 24 24",fill:"none",xmlns:"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"},e),n.createElement("path",{d:"M5 5.5C5 5.225 4.775 5 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24",fill:"none",xmlns:"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"},e),n.createElement("g",{id:"logout"},n.createElement("path",{id:"Vector",d:"M21.4241 12.4234C21.6566 12.1909 21.6566 11.8084 21.4241 11.5759L16.6241 6.77586C16.3916 6.54336 16.0091 6.54336 15.7766 6.77586C15.5441 7.00836 15.5441 7.39086 15.7766 7.62336L19.5529 11.3996H9.00039C8.67039 11.3996 8.40039 11.6696 8.40039 11.9996C8.40039 12.3296 8.67039 12.5996 9.00039 12.5996H19.5529L15.7766 16.3759C15.5441 16.6084 15.5441 16.9909 15.7766 17.2234C16.0091 17.4559 16.3916 17.4559 16.6241 17.2234L21.4241 12.4234ZM9.00039 4.79961C9.33039 4.79961 9.60039 4.52961 9.60039 4.19961C9.60039 3.86961 9.33039 3.59961 9.00039 3.59961H5.40039C3.74289 3.59961 2.40039 4.94211 2.40039 6.59961V17.3996C2.40039 19.0571 3.74289 20.3996 5.40039 20.3996H9.00039C9.33039 20.3996 9.60039 20.1296 9.60039 19.7996C9.60039 19.4696 9.33039 19.1996 9.00039 19.1996H5.40039C4.40664 19.1996 3.60039 18.3934 3.60039 17.3996V6.59961C3.60039 5.60586 4.40664 4.79961 5.40039 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Overview",placement:"right",children:r.jsx(S,{className:"globalNavigation__mpHome",onClick:()=>{e.onMpHomeClick()},children:r.jsx(p1,{className:"globalNavigation__mpSvg"})})})]})]})})})};Object.defineProperty(l,"Col",{enumerable:!0,get:()=>o.Col}),Object.defineProperty(l,"Grid",{enumerable:!0,get:()=>o.Grid}),Object.defineProperty(l,"Row",{enumerable:!0,get:()=>o.Row}),Object.defineProperty(l,"message",{enumerable:!0,get:()=>o.message}),Object.defineProperty(l,"notification",{enumerable:!0,get:()=>o.notification}),l.AddIcon=n1,l.Affix=z5,l.Alert=A1,l.AlicornIcon=u5,l.AnalyticsIcon=M5,l.Anchor=D1,l.App=W1,l.AutoComplete=a5,l.Avatar=i1,l.Badge=N1,l.Breadcrumb=F1,l.Button=Z,l.Calendar=I1,l.Card=C1,l.Carousel=D5,l.Cascader=W,l.Center=S,l.ChartColumnIcon=p5,l.ChartLineIcon=C5,l.CheckIcon=a1,l.Checkbox=v1,l.CircleDashedIcon=y1,l.CircleNodesIcon=k5,l.CloudIcon=E5,l.Collapse=k1,l.ColorPicker=J1,l.ConfigProvider=t,l.ConnectionsIcon=i5,l.DatabaseIcon=s5,l.DatePicker=H,l.Descriptions=V1,l.Divider=x5,l.Drawer=Q5,l.Dropdown=O1,l.Empty=z,l.Flex=D,l.FloatButton=r1,l.FolderClosedIcon=I5,l.Form=_,l.GearIcon=v5,l.GlobalNavWidth=U1,l.GlobalNavigation=s6,l.GridIcon=d5,l.HeartIcon=m5,l.Image=T1,l.Input=T,l.InputNumber=l5,l.Layout=B,l.LightBulbIcon=S5,l.List=B1,l.LoadingModal=U5,l.LockIcon=m1,l.Mentions=o1,l.Menu=A,l.Message=m,l.MessageQuestionIcon=L5,l.Modal=p,l.MpLogoIcon=p1,l.Notification=I,l.Pagination=j5,l.Popconfirm=G5,l.Popover=P1,l.Progress=F5,l.QRCode=O5,l.QueryItem=G,l.Radio=l1,l.Rate=X1,l.Result=q,l.SearchIcon=S1,l.Segmented=B5,l.Select=$,l.ShieldKeyholeIcon=g5,l.SiteMapIcon=w5,l.Skeleton=P,l.Slider=R1,l.Space=d1,l.SparklesIcon=b5,l.Spin=s1,l.SplitIcon=y5,l.Statistic=H1,l.Steps=$5,l.SuiteLogo=G1,l.Switch=c5,l.Table=E,l.Tabs=M1,l.Tag=_1,l.TimePicker=b1,l.Timeline=E1,l.Tooltip=Q,l.Tour=Z5,l.Transfer=j,l.Tree=t1,l.TreeSelect=F,l.Typography=N,l.Upload=c1,l.UsersIcon=h5,l.Watermark=W5,l.WrenchIcon=f5,Object.defineProperty(l,Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"})}); diff --git a/dist/index.d.ts b/dist/index.d.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 7edf3b333..000000000 --- a/dist/index.d.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1017 +0,0 @@ -import AddIcon from '../../../../../../../src/assets/svg/add.svg?react'; -import { AffixProps } from 'antd'; -import { AlertProps } from 'antd'; -import AlicornIcon from '../../../../../../../src/assets/svg/alicorn.svg?react'; -import AnalyticsIcon from '../../../../../../../src/assets/svg/analytics.svg?react'; -import { AnchorLinkProps } from 'antd'; -import { AnchorProps } from 'antd'; -import { AppProps } from 'antd'; -import { AutoCompleteProps } from 'antd'; -import { AvatarProps } from 'antd'; -import { AvatarProps as AvatarProps_2 } from 'antd/es/skeleton/Avatar'; -import { BackTopProps } from 'antd/es/float-button/interface'; -import { BadgeProps } from 'antd'; -import { BaseOptionType } from 'antd/es/select'; -import { BasicDataNode } from 'rc-tree'; -import { BreadcrumbItemProps } from 'antd'; -import { BreadcrumbProps } from 'antd'; -import { ButtonGroupProps } from 'antd/es/button'; -import { ButtonProps } from 'antd'; -import { ButtonSize } from 'antd/es/button'; -import { CalendarProps } from 'antd'; -import { CardGridProps } from 'antd/es/card'; -import { CardMetaProps } from 'antd/es/card'; -import { CardProps } from 'antd'; -import { CarouselProps } from 'antd'; -import { CascaderPanelProps } from 'antd/es/cascader/Panel'; -import { CascaderProps } from 'antd'; -import ChartColumnIcon from '../../../../../../../src/assets/svg/chart-column.svg?react'; -import ChartLineIcon from '../../../../../../../src/assets/svg/chart-line.svg?react'; -import { CheckableTagProps as CheckableTagProps_2 } from 'antd/lib/tag'; -import { CheckboxGroupProps } from 'antd/es/checkbox'; -import { CheckboxProps } from 'antd'; -import { CheckboxRef } from 'rc-checkbox'; -import { CheckboxValueType } from 'antd/es/checkbox/Group'; -import CheckIcon from '../../../../../../../src/assets/svg/check.svg?react'; -import CircleDashedIcon from '../../../../../../../src/assets/svg/circle-dashed.svg?react'; -import CircleNodesIcon from '../../../../../../../src/assets/svg/circle-nodes.svg?react'; -import CloudIcon from '../../../../../../../src/assets/svg/cloud.svg?react'; -import { Col } from 'antd'; -import { CollapsePanelProps } from 'antd'; -import { CollapseProps } from 'antd'; -import { ColorPickerProps } from 'antd'; -import { ConfigOptions } from 'antd/es/message/interface'; -import { ConfigProvider } from './other/ConfigProvider/ConfigProvider'; -import ConnectionsIcon from '../../../../../../../src/assets/svg/connections.svg?react'; -import { CountdownProps } from 'antd'; -import { CSSProperties } from 'react'; -import DatabaseIcon from '../../../../../../../src/assets/svg/database.svg?react'; -import { DatePickerProps } from 'antd'; -import { Dayjs } from 'dayjs'; -import { default as default_10 } from 'antd/es/modal/useModal'; -import { default as default_11 } from 'antd/es/notification/useNotification'; -import { default as default_12 } from 'antd/es/alert/ErrorBoundary'; -import { default as default_13 } from 'antd/es/message/useMessage'; -import { default as default_2 } from 'rc-field-form/es/useWatch'; -import { default as default_3 } from 'antd/es/form/hooks/useFormInstance'; -import { default as default_4 } from 'antd/es/date-picker/generatePicker'; -import { default as default_5 } from 'antd/es/calendar/generateCalendar'; -import { default as default_6 } from 'rc-tree/lib/Tree'; -import { default as default_7 } from 'antd/es/table/Column'; -import { default as default_8 } from 'antd/es/table/ColumnGroup'; -import { default as default_9 } from 'rc-table/lib/Footer/Summary'; -import { DefaultOptionType } from 'antd/es/select'; -import { DescriptionsItemProps } from 'antd/es/descriptions/Item'; -import { DescriptionsProps } from 'antd'; -import { DirectoryTreeProps } from 'antd/es/tree'; -import { DividerProps } from 'antd'; -import { DrawerProps } from 'antd'; -import { DropdownButtonProps } from 'antd/es/dropdown'; -import { DropdownProps } from 'antd'; -import { EmptyProps } from 'antd'; -import { ErrorListProps } from 'antd/es/form'; -import { FC } from 'react'; -import { FlexProps } from 'antd'; -import { FloatButtonGroupProps } from 'antd'; -import { FloatButtonProps } from 'antd'; -import { FloatButtonRef } from 'antd'; -import FolderClosedIcon from '../../../../../../../src/assets/svg/folder-closed.svg?react'; -import { FormItemProps } from 'antd'; -import { FormListProps } from 'antd/es/form'; -import { FormProps } from 'antd'; -import { FormProviderProps } from 'antd/es/form/context'; -import { ForwardRefExoticComponent } from 'react'; -import { FunctionComponent } from 'react'; -import GearIcon from '../../../../../../../src/assets/svg/gear.svg?react'; -import { GlobalConfigProps } from 'antd/es/notification/interface'; -import { Grid } from 'antd'; -import GridIcon from '../../../../../../../src/assets/svg/grid.svg?react'; -import { GroupConsumerProps } from 'rc-image/lib/PreviewGroup'; -import { GroupProps } from 'antd/es/avatar'; -import HeartIcon from '../../../../../../../src/assets/svg/heart.svg?react'; -import { IAvatarProps as IAvatarProps_2 } from '../../../../../../../../src/components'; -import { IBaseGlobalNavigationItem } from './navigation/GlobalNavigation/GlobalNavigationItems'; -import { ColProps as IColProps } from 'antd'; -import { IConfigProviderProps } from './other/ConfigProvider/ConfigProvider'; -import { IFlexProps as IFlexProps_2 } from '../../../../../../../../src/components/layout/Flex/Flex'; -import { IGlobalNavigationItem } from './navigation/GlobalNavigation/GlobalNavigationItems'; -import { IGlobalNavigationItem as IGlobalNavigationItem_2 } from '../../../../../../../../src/components/navigation/GlobalNavigation/GlobalNavigationItems'; -import { IGlobalNavigationLogo } from './navigation/GlobalNavigation/GlobalNavigationItems'; -import { IGlobalNavigationLogo as IGlobalNavigationLogo_2 } from '../../../../../../../../src/components'; -import { IGlobalNavigationLogo as IGlobalNavigationLogo_3 } from '../../../../../../../../src/components/navigation/GlobalNavigation/GlobalNavigationItems'; -import { ImageProps } from 'antd'; -import { IMentionsProps } from './data-entry/Mentions/Mentions'; -import { IModalProps as IModalProps_2 } from '../../../../../../../../src/components/feedback/Modal/Modal'; -import { INavigationAccount } from './navigation/GlobalNavigation/WorkspaceSelector/WorkspaceSelectorItems'; -import { INavigationCreateProps as INavigationCreateProps_2 } from '../../../../../../../../src/components'; -import { INavigationOrg } from './navigation/GlobalNavigation/WorkspaceSelector/WorkspaceSelectorItems'; -import { INavigationOrg as INavigationOrg_2 } from '../../../../../../../../src/components'; -import { INavigationWorkspace } from './navigation/GlobalNavigation/WorkspaceSelector/WorkspaceSelectorItems'; -import { Input as Input_2 } from 'antd'; -import { InputNumberProps } from 'antd'; -import { InputProps } from 'antd'; -import { InputRef } from 'antd'; -import { RowProps as IRowProps } from 'antd'; -import { IWorkspaceSelectorDisplayItem } from './navigation/GlobalNavigation/WorkspaceSelector/WorkspaceSelectorItems'; -import { IWorkspaceSelectorItem } from './navigation/GlobalNavigation/WorkspaceSelector/WorkspaceSelectorItems'; -import { JSX as JSX_2 } from 'react/jsx-runtime'; -import { JSX as JSX_3 } from 'react'; -import { JSXElementConstructor } from 'react'; -import { Key } from 'react'; -import { KeyWiseTransferItem } from 'antd/es/transfer'; -import { LayoutProps } from 'antd'; -import LightBulbIcon from '../../../../../../../src/assets/svg/lightbulb.svg?react'; -import { LinkProps } from 'antd/es/typography/Link'; -import { ListItemTypeProps } from 'antd/es/list/Item'; -import { ListProps } from 'antd'; -import LockIcon from '../../../../../../../src/assets/svg/lock.svg?react'; -import { MemoExoticComponent } from 'react'; -import { Mentions } from './data-entry/Mentions/Mentions'; -import { MenuDividerProps } from 'antd/es/menu'; -import { MenuDividerType } from 'antd/es/menu/hooks/useItems'; -import { MenuInfo } from 'rc-menu/lib/interface'; -import { MenuItemGroup } from 'rc-menu'; -import { MenuItemGroupType } from 'antd/es/menu/hooks/useItems'; -import { MenuItemProps } from 'antd'; -import { MenuItemType } from 'antd/es/menu/hooks/useItems'; -import { MenuProps } from 'antd'; -import { message } from 'antd'; -import { MessageArgsProps } from 'antd'; -import MessageQuestionIcon from '../../../../../../../src/assets/svg/message-question.svg?react'; -import { MessageType } from 'antd/es/message/interface'; -import { ModalFunc } from 'antd/es/modal/confirm'; -import { modalGlobalConfig } from 'antd/es/modal/confirm'; -import { ModalProps } from 'antd'; -import MpLogoIcon from '../../../../../../../src/assets/svg/mpLogo.svg?react'; -import { NamedExoticComponent } from 'react'; -import { notification } from 'antd'; -import { NotificationArgsProps } from 'antd'; -import { OptionFC } from 'rc-select/lib/Option'; -import { OptionGroupFC } from 'rc-select/lib/OptGroup'; -import { PaginationProps } from 'antd'; -import { ParagraphProps } from 'antd/es/typography/Paragraph'; -import { PickerLocale } from 'antd/es/date-picker/generatePicker'; -import { PickerProps } from 'antd/es/date-picker/generatePicker'; -import { PickerPropsWithMultiple } from 'antd/es/date-picker/generatePicker/interface'; -import { PickerRef } from 'rc-picker'; -import { PopconfirmProps } from 'antd'; -import { PopoverProps } from 'antd'; -import { ProgressProps } from 'antd'; -import { QRCodeProps } from 'antd'; -import { RadioButtonProps } from 'antd/es/radio/radioButton'; -import { RadioGroupProps } from 'antd'; -import { RadioProps } from 'antd'; -import { RangePickerProps } from 'rc-picker'; -import { RateProps } from 'antd'; -import { ReactElement } from 'react'; -import { ReactNode } from 'react'; -import { RefAttributes } from 'react'; -import { ResultProps } from 'antd'; -import { RibbonProps } from 'antd/es/badge/Ribbon'; -import { Row } from 'antd'; -import SearchIcon from '../../../../../../../src/assets/svg/search.svg?react'; -import { SegmentedProps } from 'antd'; -import { SelectProps } from 'antd'; -import ShieldKeyholeIcon from '../../../../../../../src/assets/svg/shield-keyhole.svg?react'; -import { SiderProps } from 'antd'; -import SiteMapIcon from '../../../../../../../src/assets/svg/sitemap.svg?react'; -import { SkeletonButtonProps } from 'antd/es/skeleton/Button'; -import { SkeletonImageProps } from 'antd/es/skeleton/Image'; -import { SkeletonInputProps } from 'antd/es/skeleton/Input'; -import { SkeletonNodeProps } from 'antd/es/skeleton/Node'; -import { SkeletonProps } from 'antd'; -import { SliderRangeProps } from 'antd/es/slider'; -import { SliderSingleProps } from 'antd/es/slider'; -import { SpaceCompactProps } from 'antd/es/space/Compact'; -import { SpaceProps } from 'antd'; -import SparklesIcon from '../../../../../../../src/assets/svg/sparkles.svg?react'; -import { SpinProps } from 'antd'; -import SplitIcon from '../../../../../../../src/assets/svg/split.svg?react'; -import { StatisticProps } from 'antd'; -import { StepsProps } from 'antd'; -import { SubMenuProps } from 'antd'; -import { SubMenuType } from 'antd/es/menu/hooks/useItems'; -import { SwitchProps } from 'antd'; -import { TableProps } from 'antd'; -import { TabPaneProps } from 'antd'; -import { TabsProps } from 'antd'; -import { TagProps } from 'antd'; -import { TextProps } from 'antd/es/typography/Text'; -import { TimelineItemProps } from 'antd'; -import { TimelineProps } from 'antd'; -import { TimePickerProps } from 'antd'; -import { TimeRangePickerProps } from 'antd'; -import { TitleProps } from 'antd/es/typography/Title'; -import { TooltipPropsWithTitle } from 'antd/es/tooltip'; -import { TourProps } from 'antd'; -import { TransferListProps } from 'antd/es/transfer'; -import { TransferOperationProps } from 'antd/es/transfer'; -import { TransferProps } from 'antd'; -import { TransferSearchProps } from 'antd/es/transfer'; -import { TreeDataNode } from 'antd'; -import { TreeNodeProps } from 'rc-tree-select/lib/TreeNode'; -import { TreeNodeProps as TreeNodeProps_2 } from 'rc-tree'; -import { TreeProps } from 'antd'; -import { TreeSelectProps } from 'antd'; -import { TypeOpen } from 'antd/es/message/interface'; -import { TypographyProps } from 'antd'; -import { UploadProps } from 'antd'; -import { UploadRef } from 'antd/es/upload/Upload'; -import { useAppProps } from 'antd/es/app/context'; -import { useForm } from 'antd/es/form/Form'; -import UsersIcon from '../../../../../../../src/assets/svg/users.svg?react'; -import { WatermarkProps } from 'antd'; -import WrenchIcon from '../../../../../../../src/assets/svg/wrench.svg?react'; - -export { AddIcon } - -export declare const Affix: (props: IAffixProps) => JSX_2.Element; - -export declare const Alert: { - (props: IAlertProps): JSX_2.Element; - ErrorBoundary: typeof default_12; -}; - -export { AlicornIcon } - -export { AnalyticsIcon } - -export declare const Anchor: { - (props: IAnchorProps): JSX_2.Element; - Link: FC; -}; - -export declare const App: { - (props: IAppProps): JSX_2.Element; - useApp: () => useAppProps; -}; - -export declare const AutoComplete: (props: IAutoCompleteProps) => JSX_2.Element; - -export declare const Avatar: { - (props: IAvatarProps): JSX_2.Element; - Group: FC; -}; - -export declare const Badge: { - (props: IBadgeProps): JSX_2.Element; - Ribbon: FC; -}; - -export declare const Breadcrumb: { - (props: IBreadcrumbProps): JSX_2.Element; - Item: FC & { - __ANT_BREADCRUMB_ITEM: boolean; - }; -}; - -export declare const Button: { - (props: IButtonProps): JSX_2.Element; - Group: FC; -}; - -export declare const Calendar: { - (props: ICalendarProps): JSX_2.Element; - generateCalendar: typeof default_5; -}; - -export declare const Card: { - (props: ICardProps): JSX_2.Element; - Meta: FC; - Grid: FC; -}; - -export declare const Carousel: (props: ICarouselProps) => JSX_2.Element; - -export declare const Cascader: { - (props: ICascaderProps): JSX_2.Element; - Panel: FC; - SHOW_PARENT: "SHOW_PARENT"; - SHOW_CHILD: "SHOW_CHILD"; -}; - -declare type CascaderIcons = 'blank' | 'attribute' | 'user' | 'event'; - -declare interface CascaderOption { - value: string; - label: ReactNode; - selectedLabel?: string; - children?: CascaderOption[]; - disabled?: boolean; -} - -export declare const Center: (props: Omit) => JSX_2.Element; - -export { ChartColumnIcon } - -export { ChartLineIcon } - -declare type CheckableTagProps = CheckableTagProps_2 & ITagProps; - -export declare const Checkbox: { - (props: ICheckboxProps): JSX_2.Element; - Group: (props: CheckboxGroupProps & RefAttributes) => ReactElement>; -}; - -export { CheckIcon } - -export { CircleDashedIcon } - -export { CircleNodesIcon } - -export { CloudIcon } - -export { Col } - -export declare const Collapse: { - (props: ICollapseProps): JSX_2.Element; - Panel: ForwardRefExoticComponent>; -}; - -export declare const ColorPicker: (props: IColorPickerProps) => JSX_2.Element; - -declare type CompoundedComponent = ForwardRefExoticComponent> & { - Group: typeof Input_2.Group; - Search: typeof Input_2.Search; - TextArea: typeof Input_2.TextArea; - Password: typeof Input_2.Password; -}; - -export { ConfigProvider } - -export { ConnectionsIcon } - -export { DatabaseIcon } - -export declare const DatePicker: { - (props: IDatePickerProps): JSX_2.Element; - generatePicker: typeof default_4; - QuarterPicker: ((props: PickerPropsWithMultiple, "picker" | "showTime">, "picker">, ValueType_2>) => ReactElement>) & { - displayName?: string | undefined; - }; - MonthPicker: ((props: PickerPropsWithMultiple, "picker">, ValueType_1>) => ReactElement>) & { - displayName?: string | undefined; - }; - RangePicker: ForwardRefExoticComponent, "locale" | "generateConfig" | "hideHeader"> & { - locale?: PickerLocale | undefined; - size?: ButtonSize; - placement?: "bottomLeft" | "bottomRight" | "topLeft" | "topRight" | undefined; - bordered?: boolean | undefined; - status?: "" | "warning" | "error" | undefined; - variant?: "outlined" | "borderless" | "filled" | undefined; - dropdownClassName?: string | undefined; - popupClassName?: string | undefined; - rootClassName?: string | undefined; - popupStyle?: CSSProperties | undefined; - } & RefAttributes>; - TimePicker: ((props: PickerPropsWithMultiple, "picker" | "showTime">, "picker">, ValueType_2_1>) => ReactElement>) & { - displayName?: string | undefined; - }; - WeekPicker: ((props: PickerPropsWithMultiple, "picker">, ValueType_1_1>) => ReactElement>) & { - displayName?: string | undefined; - }; - YearPicker: ((props: PickerPropsWithMultiple, "picker">, ValueType_1_2>) => ReactElement>) & { - displayName?: string | undefined; - }; -}; - -export declare const Descriptions: { - (props: IDescriptionsProps): JSX_2.Element; - Item: FC; -}; - -export declare const Divider: (props: IDividerProps) => JSX_2.Element; - -export declare const Drawer: (props: IDrawerProps) => JSX_2.Element; - -export declare const Dropdown: { - (props: IDropdownProps): JSX_2.Element; - Button: FC; -}; - -export declare const Empty: { - (props: IEmptyProps): JSX_2.Element; - PRESENTED_IMAGE_DEFAULT: ReactNode; - PRESENTED_IMAGE_SIMPLE: ReactNode; -}; - -export declare const Flex: (props: IFlexProps) => JSX_2.Element; - -export declare const FloatButton: { - (props: IFloatButtonProps): JSX_2.Element; - BackTop: ForwardRefExoticComponent>; - Group: NamedExoticComponent; -}; - -export { FolderClosedIcon } - -export declare const Form: { - (props: IFormProps): JSX_2.Element; - useForm: typeof useForm; - useWatch: typeof default_2; - useFormInstance: typeof default_3; - Item: ((props: FormItemProps) => ReactElement>) & { - useStatus: () => { - status?: "" | "warning" | "error" | "success" | "validating" | undefined; - errors: ReactNode[]; - warnings: ReactNode[]; - }; - }; - List: FC; - Provider: FC; - ErrorList: FC; -}; - -export { GearIcon } - -export declare const GlobalNavigation: (props: IGlobalNavigationProps) => JSX_2.Element; - -export declare const GlobalNavWidth: 90; - -export { Grid } - -export { GridIcon } - -export { HeartIcon } - -declare interface IActionProps { - isPrimary?: boolean; - isDisabled?: boolean; - text?: string; - onClick?: () => void; -} - -export declare interface IAffixProps extends AffixProps { -} - -export declare interface IAlertProps extends AlertProps { -} - -export declare interface IAnchorProps extends AnchorProps { -} - -export declare interface IAppProps extends AppProps { -} - -export declare interface IAutoCompleteProps extends AutoCompleteProps { -} - -export declare interface IAvatarProps extends AvatarProps { -} - -export declare interface IBadgeProps extends BadgeProps { -} - -export { IBaseGlobalNavigationItem } - -export declare interface IBreadcrumbProps extends BreadcrumbProps { -} - -export declare interface IButtonProps extends ButtonProps { -} - -export declare interface ICalendarProps extends CalendarProps { -} - -export declare interface ICardProps extends CardProps { -} - -export declare interface ICarouselProps extends CarouselProps { -} - -export declare type ICascaderProps = CascaderProps; - -declare interface ICascaderProps_2 { - options: CascaderOption[]; - icon?: CascaderIcons; - errorMessage?: string; - placeholder?: string; - onChange?: (values: (number | string)[], selectedOptions: any) => Promise; - value?: (number | string)[]; -} - -export declare interface ICheckboxProps extends CheckboxProps { -} - -export declare interface ICollapseProps extends CollapseProps { -} - -export declare interface IColorPickerProps extends ColorPickerProps { -} - -export { IColProps } - -export { IConfigProviderProps } - -export declare interface IDatePickerProps extends DatePickerProps { -} - -export declare interface IDescriptionsProps extends DescriptionsProps { -} - -export declare interface IDividerProps extends DividerProps { -} - -export declare interface IDrawerProps extends DrawerProps { -} - -export declare interface IDropdownProps extends DropdownProps { -} - -export declare interface IEmptyProps extends EmptyProps { -} - -export declare interface IFlexProps extends FlexProps { -} - -export declare interface IFloatButtonProps extends FloatButtonProps { -} - -export declare interface IFormProps extends FormProps { - children: ReactNode; -} - -export { IGlobalNavigationItem } - -export { IGlobalNavigationLogo } - -export declare interface IGlobalNavigationProps { - logo: IGlobalNavigationLogo_2; - tools: IGlobalNavigationItem_2[]; - management: IGlobalNavigationItem_2[]; - orgs?: INavigationOrg_2[]; - createItems?: INavigationCreateProps_2['createItems']; - onSearchClick?: () => void; - onSuiteLogoClick?: () => void; - onMpHomeClick: () => void; - hideMpHome?: boolean; - avatarOptions?: IAvatarProps_2; - signoutOptions?: { - label?: string; - onSignout: () => void; - }; -} - -export declare interface IImageProps extends ImageProps { -} - -export declare interface IInputNumberProps extends InputNumberProps { -} - -export declare interface IInputProps extends InputProps { -} - -export declare interface ILayoutProps extends LayoutProps { -} - -declare interface ILinkProps extends LinkProps { - children: ReactNode; -} - -export declare interface IListProps extends ListProps { -} - -export declare interface ILoadingModalProps extends Omit { - fetchData: () => Promise; - children: (initData: Data) => React.ReactNode; -} - -declare const Image_2: { - (props: IImageProps): JSX_2.Element; - PreviewGroup: FC; -}; -export { Image_2 as Image } - -export { IMentionsProps } - -export declare interface IMenuInfo extends MenuInfo { -} - -export declare interface IMenuProps extends MenuProps { -} - -export declare interface IMessageProps extends MessageArgsProps { - children: React.ReactNode; -} - -export declare interface IModalProps extends ModalProps { -} - -export { INavigationAccount } - -export declare interface INavigationCreateGroup extends Omit { - label: string; - type: 'group'; -} - -export declare interface INavigationCreateItem extends Omit { - title: string; - description: string; - type?: undefined; - isLoading?: boolean; - isLocked?: boolean; - tooltip?: string; - onClick?: () => void; -} - -export declare interface INavigationCreateProps { - createItems: Array; -} - -export { INavigationOrg } - -export { INavigationWorkspace } - -export declare interface INotificationProps extends NotificationArgsProps { - children: React.ReactNode; -} - -export declare const Input: CompoundedComponent; - -export declare const InputNumber: (props: IInputNumberProps) => JSX_2.Element; - -export { InputRef } - -export declare interface IPaginationProps extends PaginationProps { -} - -declare interface IParagraphProps extends ParagraphProps { - children: ReactNode; -} - -export declare interface IPopconfirmProps extends PopconfirmProps { -} - -export declare interface IPopoverProps extends PopoverProps { -} - -export declare interface IProgressProps extends ProgressProps { -} - -export declare interface IQRCodeProps extends QRCodeProps { -} - -export declare type IQueryItemQualifierOption = DefaultOptionType; - -declare interface IQueryItemQualifierProps { - options: IQueryItemQualifierOption[]; - disabled?: boolean; - errorMessage?: string; - onChange: (value: IQueryItemQualifierOption) => void; - value: IQueryItemQualifierOption; -} - -export declare interface IRadioProps extends RadioProps { -} - -export declare interface IRateProps extends RateProps { -} - -export declare interface IResultProps extends ResultProps { -} - -export { IRowProps } - -export declare interface ISegmentedProps extends SegmentedProps { - ref?: React.RefObject; -} - -export declare interface ISelectProps extends SelectProps { -} - -export declare interface ISkeletonProps extends Omit { -} - -export declare type ISliderProps = SliderSingleProps | SliderRangeProps; - -export declare interface ISpaceProps extends SpaceProps { -} - -export declare interface ISpinProps extends SpinProps { -} - -export declare interface IStatisticProps extends StatisticProps { -} - -export declare interface IStepsProps extends StepsProps { -} - -export declare interface ISwitchProps extends SwitchProps { -} - -export declare interface ITableProps extends TableProps { -} - -export declare interface ITabsProps extends TabsProps { -} - -export declare interface ITagProps extends TagProps { -} - -declare interface ITextProps { - disabled?: boolean; - text: string; -} - -declare interface ITextProps_2 extends TextProps { -} - -export declare interface ITimelineProps extends TimelineProps { -} - -export declare interface ITimePickerProps extends TimePickerProps { -} - -declare interface ITitleProps extends TitleProps { - children: ReactNode; -} - -export declare interface ITooltipProps extends TooltipPropsWithTitle { -} - -export declare interface ITourProps extends TourProps { -} - -export declare interface ITransferProps extends TransferProps { -} - -export declare interface ITreeData extends TreeDataNode { -} - -export declare interface ITreeProps extends TreeProps { -} - -export declare interface ITreeSelectProps extends TreeSelectProps { -} - -declare interface ITypographyProps extends TypographyProps { - children: ReactNode; -} - -export declare interface IUploadProps extends UploadProps { -} - -export declare interface IWatermarkProps extends WatermarkProps { -} - -export { IWorkspaceSelectorDisplayItem } - -export { IWorkspaceSelectorItem } - -export declare const Layout: { - (props: ILayoutProps): JSX_2.Element; - Sider: ForwardRefExoticComponent>; - Footer: ForwardRefExoticComponent>; - Content: ForwardRefExoticComponent>; - Header: ForwardRefExoticComponent>; -}; - -export { LightBulbIcon } - -export declare function List(props: IListProps): JSX_2.Element; - -export declare namespace List { - var Item: ListItemTypeProps; -} - -export declare function LoadingModal(props: ILoadingModalProps): JSX_2.Element; - -export { LockIcon } - -export { Mentions } - -export declare const Menu: { - (props: IMenuProps): JSX_2.Element; - SubMenu: FC; - Item: Omit, ""> & ((props: T extends infer U extends MenuItemProps ? unknown extends U ? MenuItemProps : U : MenuItemProps, context?: any) => ReactNode); - ItemGroup: typeof MenuItemGroup; - Divider: FC; -}; - -export { MenuDividerType } - -export { MenuItemGroupType } - -export { MenuItemType } - -export declare const Message: { - (props: IMessageProps): JSX_2.Element; - useMessage: typeof default_13; - info: TypeOpen; - error: TypeOpen; - destroy: (key?: Key | undefined) => void; - config: (config: ConfigOptions) => void; - success: TypeOpen; - open: (config: MessageArgsProps) => MessageType; - loading: TypeOpen; - warning: TypeOpen; -}; - -export { message } - -export { MessageQuestionIcon } - -export declare const Modal: { - (props: IModalProps): JSX_2.Element; - info: ModalFunc; - success: ModalFunc; - confirm: ModalFunc; - warning: ModalFunc; - error: ModalFunc; - config: typeof modalGlobalConfig; - destroyAll: () => void; - useModal: typeof default_10; -}; - -export { MpLogoIcon } - -export { notification } - -declare const Notification_2: { - (props: INotificationProps): JSX_2.Element; - useNotification: typeof default_11; - warning: (config: NotificationArgsProps) => void; - open: (config: NotificationArgsProps) => void; - info: (config: NotificationArgsProps) => void; - config: (config: GlobalConfigProps) => void; - destroy: (key?: Key | undefined) => void; - error: (config: NotificationArgsProps) => void; - success: (config: NotificationArgsProps) => void; -}; -export { Notification_2 as Notification } - -export declare const Pagination: (props: IPaginationProps) => JSX_2.Element; - -export declare const Popconfirm: (props: IPopconfirmProps) => JSX_2.Element; - -export declare const Popover: (props: IPopoverProps) => JSX_2.Element; - -export declare const Progress: (props: IProgressProps) => JSX_2.Element; - -export declare const QRCode: (props: IQRCodeProps) => JSX_2.Element; - -export declare const QueryItem: { - (): JSX_2.Element; - Action: (props: IActionProps) => JSX_2.Element; - Qualifier: (props: IQueryItemQualifierProps) => JSX_2.Element; - ValueSelector: { - (): JSX_2.Element; - Cascader: (props: ICascaderProps_2) => JSX_2.Element; - }; - Text: ({ disabled, text }: ITextProps) => JSX_2.Element; -}; - -export declare const Radio: { - (props: IRadioProps): JSX_2.Element; - Group: MemoExoticComponent>>; - Button: ForwardRefExoticComponent>; -}; - -export declare const Rate: (props: IRateProps) => JSX_2.Element; - -export declare const Result: { - (props: IResultProps): JSX_2.Element; - PRESENTED_IMAGE_403: FC<{}>; - PRESENTED_IMAGE_404: FC<{}>; - PRESENTED_IMAGE_500: FC<{}>; -}; - -export { Row } - -export { SearchIcon } - -export declare const Segmented: (props: ISegmentedProps) => JSX_2.Element; - -export declare const Select: { - (props: ISelectProps): JSX_2.Element; - Option: OptionFC; - OptGroup: OptionGroupFC; -}; - -export { ShieldKeyholeIcon } - -export { SiteMapIcon } - -export declare const Skeleton: { - (props: ISkeletonProps): JSX_2.Element; - Avatar: FC; - Button: FC; - Node: FC; - Image: FC; - Input: FC; -}; - -export declare const Slider: (props: ISliderProps) => JSX_2.Element; - -export declare const Space: { - (props: ISpaceProps): JSX_2.Element; - Compact: FC; -}; - -export { SparklesIcon } - -export declare const Spin: { - (props: ISpinProps): JSX_2.Element; - setDefaultIndicator: (indicator: ReactNode) => void; -}; - -export { SplitIcon } - -export declare const Statistic: { - (props: IStatisticProps): JSX_2.Element; - Countdown: NamedExoticComponent; -}; - -export declare const Steps: (props: IStepsProps) => JSX_2.Element; - -export { SubMenuType } - -export declare function SuiteLogo(props: IGlobalNavigationLogo_3): JSX_2.Element; - -export declare const Switch: (props: ISwitchProps) => JSX_2.Element; - -export declare const Table: { - (props: ITableProps): JSX_2.Element; - Column: typeof default_7; - ColumnGroup: typeof default_8; - Summary: typeof default_9; - EXPAND_COLUMN: {}; - SELECTION_NONE: "SELECT_NONE"; - SELECTION_ALL: "SELECT_ALL"; - SELECTION_INVERT: "SELECT_INVERT"; - SELECTION_COLUMN: {}; -}; - -export declare const Tabs: { - (props: ITabsProps): JSX_2.Element; - TabPane: FC; -}; - -export declare const Tag: { - (props: ITagProps): JSX_2.Element; - CheckableTag: (props: CheckableTagProps) => JSX_2.Element; -}; - -export declare const Timeline: { - (props: ITimelineProps): JSX_2.Element; - Item: FC; -}; - -export declare const TimePicker: { - (props: ITimePickerProps): JSX_2.Element; - RangePicker: ForwardRefExoticComponent>; -}; - -export declare const Tooltip: (props: ITooltipProps) => JSX_2.Element; - -export declare const Tour: (props: ITourProps) => JSX_2.Element; - -export declare const Transfer: { - (props: ITransferProps): JSX_3.Element; - List: { - (props: TransferListProps): JSX_3.Element; - displayName: string; - }; - Search: FC; - Operation: FC; -}; - -export declare const Tree: { - (props: ITreeProps): JSX_2.Element; - DirectoryTree: ((props: DirectoryTreeProps & { - children?: ReactNode; - } & RefAttributes>) => ReactElement>) & Pick, "displayName">; - TreeNode: FC>; -}; - -export declare const TreeSelect: { - (props: ITreeSelectProps): JSX_2.Element; - TreeNode: FC; - SHOW_ALL: "SHOW_ALL"; - SHOW_CHILD: "SHOW_CHILD"; - SHOW_PARENT: "SHOW_PARENT"; -}; - -export declare const Typography: { - (props: ITypographyProps): JSX_2.Element; - Text: (props: ITextProps_2) => JSX_2.Element; - Title: (props: ITitleProps) => JSX_2.Element; - Link: (props: ILinkProps) => JSX_2.Element; - Paragraph: (props: IParagraphProps) => JSX_2.Element; -}; - -export declare const Upload: { - (props: IUploadProps): JSX_2.Element; - Dragger: ForwardRefExoticComponent & { - height?: number | undefined; - } & RefAttributes>>; - LIST_IGNORE: string; -}; - -export { UsersIcon } - -export declare const Watermark: (props: IWatermarkProps) => JSX_2.Element; - -export { WrenchIcon } - -export { } diff --git a/dist/style.css b/dist/style.css deleted file mode 100644 index f68b02669..000000000 --- a/dist/style.css +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ 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