From 27632fe05c93b0400af8e80d339f204bfe8a5578 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Malvin Gattinger Date: Mon, 9 Oct 2023 15:26:37 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] meeting notes and TODOs --- Pdl/Discon.lean | 4 ++++ Pdl/Tableau.lean | 11 +++++++---- Pdl/Unravel.lean | 40 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------- 3 files changed, 41 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-) diff --git a/Pdl/Discon.lean b/Pdl/Discon.lean index c16e547..413e9d3 100644 --- a/Pdl/Discon.lean +++ b/Pdl/Discon.lean @@ -166,6 +166,10 @@ theorem disconAnd {XS YS} : discon (XS ⊎ YS) ≡ discon XS ⋀ discon YS := · apply satX f f_in_X · apply satY f f_in_Y +theorem disconOr {XS YS} : discon (XS ∪ YS) ≡ discon XS ⋁ discon YS := + by + sorry + theorem union_elem_uplus {XS YS : Finset (Finset Formula)} {X Y : Finset Formula} : X ∈ XS → Y ∈ YS → ((X ∪ Y) ∈ (XS ⊎ YS)) := by diff --git a/Pdl/Tableau.lean b/Pdl/Tableau.lean index e82fb7a..f01addc 100644 --- a/Pdl/Tableau.lean +++ b/Pdl/Tableau.lean @@ -55,17 +55,20 @@ lemma localRuleTruth {W} {M : KripkeModel W} {w : W} {X B} : case nSt a f aSf_in_X => have lemFour := likeLemmaFour M (∗ a) constructor - · intro lhs + · intro lhs -- invertibility sorry - · intro Mw_X + · intro Mw_X -- soundness have w_adiamond_f := Mw_X (~⌈∗a⌉f) aSf_in_X simp at w_adiamond_f lemFour - rcases w_adiamond_f with ⟨v, w_aS_x, v_nF⟩ + rcases w_adiamond_f with ⟨v, w_aS_v, v_nF⟩ + -- TODO: update the below when Lemma 4 is updated to demand v ≠ w. + -- a atomic, then done? + -- a not atomic, disitnguish cases if v = w -- Now we use Lemma 4 here: specialize lemFour w v X.toList (X.toList ++ {~⌈∗a⌉f}) f rfl unfold vDash.SemImplies modelCanSemImplyForm at lemFour -- mwah, why simp not do this? simp at lemFour - specialize lemFour _ w_aS_x v_nF + specialize lemFour _ w_aS_v v_nF · rw [conEval] intro g g_in simp at g_in diff --git a/Pdl/Unravel.lean b/Pdl/Unravel.lean index 27f1e93..b6450ae 100644 --- a/Pdl/Unravel.lean +++ b/Pdl/Unravel.lean @@ -9,19 +9,19 @@ import Pdl.Semantics @[simp] def unravel : Formula → List (List Formula) -- diamonds: - | ~⌈·a⌉ P => [[~⌈·a⌉ P]] - | ~⌈Program.union p1 p2⌉ P => unravel (~⌈p1⌉ P) ∪ unravel (~⌈p2⌉ P) -- no theF here. fishy? - | ~⌈✓ Q⌉ P => [[Q]]⊎unravel (~P) - | ~⌈a;b⌉ P => unravel (~⌈a⌉ (⌈b⌉ P)) + | ~⌈·a⌉P => [[~⌈·a⌉P]] + | ~⌈Program.union p1 p2⌉P => unravel (~⌈p1⌉P) ∪ unravel (~⌈p2⌉P) -- no theF here. fishy? + | ~⌈✓ Q⌉P => [[Q]] ⊎ unravel (~P) + | ~⌈a;b⌉P => unravel (~⌈a⌉(⌈b⌉P)) | ~†_ => ∅ - | ~⌈∗a⌉ P => unravel (~P) ∪ unravel (~⌈a⌉ (†⌈∗a⌉ P)) + | ~⌈∗a⌉P => unravel (~P) ∪ unravel (~⌈a⌉(†⌈∗a⌉P)) -- boxes: | ⌈·a⌉P => [[⌈·a⌉ P]] - | ⌈Program.union a b⌉ P => unravel (⌈a⌉ P)⊎unravel (⌈b⌉ P) - | ⌈✓ Q⌉ P => [[~Q]] ∪ unravel P - | ⌈a;b⌉ P => unravel (⌈a⌉ (⌈b⌉ P)) + | ⌈Program.union a b⌉ P => unravel (⌈a⌉P) ⊎ unravel (⌈b⌉P) + | ⌈✓ Q⌉P => [[~Q]] ∪ unravel P + | ⌈a;b⌉P => unravel (⌈a⌉(⌈b⌉P)) | †P => {∅} - | ⌈∗a⌉ P => unravel P⊎unravel (⌈a⌉ (†⌈∗a⌉ P)) + | ⌈∗a⌉P => unravel P ⊎ unravel (⌈a⌉(†⌈∗a⌉P)) -- all other formulas we do nothing, but let's pattern match them all. | ·c => [[·c]] | ~·c => [[~·c]] @@ -75,11 +75,28 @@ theorem rel_steps_last {as} : ∀ v w, -- see -- TODO: maybe simplify by not having a context X' here / still as useful for showing soundness of ~* rule? -- TODO: analogous lemma for the box case? and * rule? +-- TODO: rename to: +-- - diamondStarSound <<< +-- - diamondStarInvert +-- - boxStarSound +-- - boxStarInvert +-- and more? + +theorem likeLemmaFourWithoutX : + ∀ M (a : Program) (w v : W) (P : Formula), + -- (M, w) ⊨ (~⌈a⌉P) → + relate M a w v → (M, v)⊨(~P) → + ∃ Y ∈ unravel (~⌈a⌉P), (M, w)⊨Con Y + ∧ ∃ as : List Program, (~ Formula.boxes as P) ∈ Y + ∧ relate M (Program.steps as) w v := + by + sorry + theorem likeLemmaFour : ∀ M (a : Program) (w v : W) (X' X : List Formula) (P : Formula), X = X' ++ {~⌈a⌉ P} → (M, w)⊨Con X → relate M a w v → (M, v)⊨(~P) → - ∃ Y ∈ {X'}⊎unravel (~⌈a⌉ P), (M, w)⊨Con Y + ∃ Y ∈ {X'} ⊎ unravel (~⌈a⌉P), (M, w)⊨Con Y ∧ ∃ as : List Program, (~ Formula.boxes as P) ∈ Y ∧ relate M (Program.steps as) w v := by @@ -235,7 +252,10 @@ theorem likeLemmaFour : · use as case star => intro w v X' X P X_def w_sat_X w_a_v v_sat_nP; subst X_def + -- TODO next next. + sorry case test => intro w v X' X P X_def w_sat_X w_a_v v_sat_nP; subst X_def + -- TODO next! sorry