- @vuepress/theme-default - Vuepress default theme - npm
- @vuepress/theme-vue - Vuepress theme for official Vue projects
- @vuepress/theme-blog - Vuepress default blog theme
- vuepress-theme-yubisaki - Yubisaki's Blog Theme - npm
- vuepress-theme-meteorlxy - Meteorlxy's Blog Theme - npm
- vuepress-theme-jupiter - A simple theme using Bulma-jupiter styles, and supporting LaTeX rendering - npm
- vuepress-theme-simple - ✏️ Very Simple Blog Theme for VuePress - npm
Vuepress v1.0+ supports Plugins
- @vuepress/plugin-active-header-links - npm
- @vuepress/plugin-back-to-top - npm
- @vuepress/plugin-blog - npm
- @vuepress/plugin-google-analytics - npm
- @vuepress/plugin-i18n-ui - npm
- @vuepress/plugin-last-updated - npm
- @vuepress/plugin-medium-zoom - npm
- @vuepress/plugin-notification - npm
- @vuepress/plugin-pagination - npm
- @vuepress/plugin-pwa - npm
- @vuepress/plugin-register-components - npm
- @vuepress/plugin-search - npm
- vuepress-plugin-nprogress - nprogress plugin for Vuepress - npm
- vuepress-plugin-alias - handling page aliases in Vuepress - npm
- vuepress-plugin-component-docgen - Generate documentation for Vue component - npm
- @vssue/vuepress-plugin-vssue - enable comments for your vuepress sites - npm
- vuepress-plugin-latex - LaTeX rendering plugin for VuePress, driven by KaTeX - npm
- vuepress-plugin-reading-time reading-time plugin to display how long a page takes to read
- vuepress-plugin-minimal-analytics - Minimal Google Analytics plugin for VuePress
- vuepress-plugin-autometa - Auto meta tags plugin for VuePress
- vuepress-plugin-autonav - Auto nav links plugin for VuePress
- vuepress-plugin-feed - RSS, Atom, and JSON feeds generator plugin for VuePress
- vuepress-plugin-permalink-pinyin - A VuePress plugin which convert Chinese title to transliterate permalink.
- SorryPress - Vuepress version of xtyxtyx/sorry
- cr-vue - Japanese Vue guide
- vuesax - Vuesax Frontend Vue Components
- vue-showdown - Use showdown.js in Vue
- vssue - A Vue-powered Issue-based Comment Plugin
- codemirror-colorpicker - Colorpicker manual site