QCoDeS is a Python-based data acquisition framework developed by the Copenhagen / Delft / Sydney / Microsoft quantum computing consortium. While it has been developed to serve the needs of nanoelectronic device experiments, it is not inherently limited to such experiments, and can be used anywhere a system with many degrees of freedom is controllable by computer. To learn more about QCoDeS, browse our homepage .
To get a feeling of QCoDeS read 15 minutes to QCoDeS, and/or browse the Jupyter notebooks in docs/examples .
QCoDeS is compatible with Python 3.6+. It is primarily intended for use from Jupyter notebooks, but can be used from traditional terminal-based shells and in stand-alone scripts as well. The features in qcodes.utils.magic are exclusively for Jupyter notebooks.
QCoDeS is still in development, more documentation and features will be coming! The team behind this project just expanded. There are still rough edges, and gray areas but QCoDeS has been running without major issue in two long running experiments.
The most important features in the roadmap are:
- a more flexible and faster data storage solution
- a robust architecture that uses the full potential of your hardware
In general, refer to here for installation.
Read it here . Documentation is updated and deployed on every successful build in master.
We use sphinx for documentations, makefiles are provided both for Windows, and *nix, so that you can build the documentation locally.
Make sure that you have the extra dependencies required to install the docs
pip install -r docs_requirements.txt
Go to the directory docs
make html-api
This generate a webpage, index.html, in docs/_build/html
with the
rendered html.
The QCoDeS instrument drivers developed by the members of the QCoDeS community but not supported by the QCoDeS developers are contained in
See Contributing for general information about bug/issue reports, contributing code, style, and testing.
See License.