- fix #237 if topic not exists, do not modified it.
- Merge pull request #230 from JacksonTian/fix_null
- 修复给空值设置属性的错误
- Merge pull request #224 from JacksonTian/config_ga
- 将Google tracker可配置化
- Merge pull request #223 from jiyinyiyong/ga
- add Google Analytics
- Merge pull request #217 from leizongmin/master
- 编辑器进入全屏模式时,调整一下样式
- hotfix sendAtMail
- fixed "TypeError: Cannot read property author_id of null"
- 使用七牛 gravatar.qiniudn.com 镜像
- Merge pull request #212 from tjwudi/master
- Fix 'title' textarea layout problem.
- Merge pull request #211 from tjwudi/master
- Add OS regular files to .gitignore
- Merge pull request #209 from leizongmin/master
- 解决打开Topic时自动跳到输入框问题
- Merge pull request #205 from jiyinyiyong/master
- Merge pull request #208 from leizongmin/master
- 帖子内容页面,增加表格样式
- 发布帖子使用 EpicEditor 编辑器
- xss白名单 增加thead标签
- Merge pull request #204 from JacksonTian/assets_issue
- limit the length of message to 20
- 兼容未启用压缩功能的情况
- Merge pull request #193 from dead-horse/fix-block-count
- fix block count
- Merge pull request #190 from leizongmin/master
- 修正用户收藏的话题页面,页码链接不正确问题
- Merge pull request #186 from phoenixlzx/master
- Fixed mongoose version
- Merge pull request #182 from JacksonTian/assets_mini
- 替换debug为mini
- Merge pull request #181 from JacksonTian/assets
- 用config.debug判断是否线上状态
- Merge pull request #180 from JacksonTian/assets
- 升级data2xml
- 静态资源重构
- Merge pull request #178 from JacksonTian/typo
- Node.JS => Node.js
- Merge pull request #177 from JacksonTian/style
- 文章页面的样式
- Fix几个样式问题
- fixed #175 stars max size
- fixed require package.json nae not support bug
- Merge pull request #174 from JacksonTian/style
- 去除用标签来制造空格的行为
- 更新样式
- Merge pull request #171 from jiyinyiyong/markdown-p
- limit image height
- limit pre-wrap inside p
- Merge pull request #165 from VitoLau/master
- 更新about faq页面结构
- 调整about和faq页面 padding大小
- Merge pull request #164 from jiyinyiyong/master
- fix: markdown-text use pre-wrap
- format indentations to 2
- limit the with of message links to prevent line breaks
- 修复文字过长没有换行的问题
- Update logo based on the new official one (@finian)
- UI more flatter; use "white-space:pre" to show spaces (@jiyinyiyong)
- fixed #161 xss process after markdown transfer
- 修复reply2的逻辑;暂时屏蔽标签功能
- use fixed-width font in reply
- a text align and a padding
- add padding to the read messages
- 点击回复数直接跳到最后一个回复
- 支持html
- fixed #154 消息跳转没有直接跳转到回复
- fixed #146 修复tag编辑bug
- 增加nae config
- 增加邮件提示内容
- read file sync package.json
- user markd instead showdown, use ace (@fengmk2)
- 使用加粗的边缘线; 过滤粉红色的边缘线; 加深 panel header 颜色; 去掉 scrollbar 定制 (@jiyinyiyong)
- 指定xss模块的配置信息,禁止HTML标签的style和class属性 (@lezongmin)
- shanzhai'd Github T3T (@jiyinyiyong)
- @jiyinyiyong 修改界面布局 fixed #139
- 添加话题详情主要内容的行高 (@kerngven)
- 增加POST提交时间间隔限制 (@leizongmin)
- 中英文间用空格
- 发帖页面优化
- 文本框高度不要闪烁
- use bootstrap 2; hide tags
- see the demo of new UI
- 搜索页面,如果回复时间过长,会产生断行的情况
- unit test cases
- #132 Add https:// validate on user.js cnodejs#132 (@meteormatt)
- Add 0.10 for travis
- fixed #107 update user links
- Merge pull request #126 from cnodejs/updateSignFlow
- 修复topic更新bug;修复@某人 bug
- reply2也可以定位到
- 修复node 0.6 test cases
- 修复删除评论异常
- 修复 exports.updateLastReply 没有callback的bug
- 管理员可以帮忙激活账号
- Merge pull request #125 from JacksonTian/refine
- Fix http to https
- 重构注册和发帖以及发邮件的部分
- Merge pull request #117 from JacksonTian/get_post
- 去除掉req.method的判断,分拆方法
- Merge pull request #122 from JacksonTian/proxy
- 分离controller和数据操作业务逻辑
- 改完下划线驼峰为小驼峰式风格
- Merge pull request #116 from JacksonTian/codingstyle
- Coding style refine.
- Merge pull request #113 from JacksonTian/master
- 添加依赖服务状态图标
- Merge pull request #112 from JacksonTian/refine
- 修正rewire.reset()导致的单元测试异常
- Refine coding style
- Merge pull request #111 from JacksonTian/master
- Merge pull request #110 from JacksonTian/reset_history
- Update Authors
- 恢复History.md文件
- Merge pull request #104 from ccding/master
- fix issue #27: lower case email address for gravatar
- Merge pull request #103 from ccding/master
- fix issue #92: email address with gmail label ("+" encode)
- fixed topic delete not post method security problem.
- empty author
- fixed author empty bug
- Merge pull request #99 from leizongmin/master
- 将Markdown中的H标题解析放到代码块解析后面
- Merge pull request #96 from leizongmin/master
- 修正无法正确解析http://这样的IP地址链接
- fixed font
- fixed color style
- Merge pull request #87 from jiyinyiyong/rebased
- Merge pull request #91 from leizongmin/master
- 使用xss模块来过滤主题及回复内容
- update to 0.3.2
- Merge remote branch 'cnode/master'
- fix escape
- Merge pull request #89 from dead-horse/master
- fix test
- use in node-validator
- Merge remote branch 'cnode/master'
- support block code
- Merge pull request #88 from dead-horse/master
- fix
- change @me to markdown
- fix @ bug in topic content
- Merge pull request #86 from dead-horse/master
- not escape html in
- add preview
- remove tags in topics of home page
- some css
- 合并通知按钮
- use escape replace of xss()
- fixed test cases
- Merge pull request #85 from dead-horse/master
- 过滤url允许绝对路径
- ensure IncomingForm.UPLOAD_DIR
- ensure upload image dir exists
- fixed csrf bug in mark message read
- remove customHost
- add .naeignore files
- merge cnodeclub to nodeclub; * add more settings for custom site; * fixed upload.js not worked bug;
- Merge pull request #4 from dead-horse/master
- Merge pull request #11 from thebrecht/master
- 话题回复数纳入二级回复,样式调整
- 支持table,邮件提醒
- 加入亂數產生新密碼
- fix style
- bugs fixed
- Merge pull request #3 from LeToNode/master
- Merge pull request #6 from ericzhang-cn/master
- markdown语法粗体应为两个星号,原描述有误
- Merge pull request #2 from roymax/master
- change to async
- change to async
- Update README.md
- 修复
[email protected]
格式的注册邮箱不能成功激活的问题 - commit
- project init
- first commit