Releases: luvit/luvi
Releases · luvit/luvi
Luvi v2.7.6 Release
- luv: Update to 1.9.1-1 (Tim Caswell) - Fix upstream lua submodule (Tim Caswell) - Fix crash when handles are nil (Ryan Phillips) - Fix compile for VS2008 (zhangtj) - miniz: Fix expansion warnings (Jörg Krause) - openssl: Bump to 1.0.2h (Ryan Phillips)
Luvi v2.7.5 Release
- luv: Don't free luv_handle_t till after parent is GCed [Tim Caswell]
Luvi v2.7.4 Release
- luv: Update luv [Tim Caswell] - luajit: Update to latest in 2.1 branch. [Tim Caswell]
Luvi v2.7.3 Version
- Update luajit to latest 2.1 branch to fix pcall [Tim Caswell]
Luvi v2.7.2 Release
- openssl: update to 1.0.2g with working assembly. [Ryan Phillips]
Luvi v2.7.1 Release
- openssl: revert to 1.0.2e [Tim Caswell] - lua-openssl: revert to C_HAPPY-14-g6e96296 [Tim Caswell] - luv: update to 1.9.0-3 to get memory leak fixes [Tim Caswell]
Luvi v2.7.0 Release
- openssl: update to 1.0.2.g [Ryan Phillips]
- lua-openssl: update submodule [Tim Caswell]
- luv: update to 1.9.0-1 [Tim Caswell]
- libuv: update to v1.9.0 [Tim Caswell]
- luvi: make compatible with plain Lua 5.2 or 5.3 [Xavier Wang]
Luvi v2.5.2 Release
- luvi: Fix auto-require logic to not require
[Tim Caswell] - lua: Update test lua to 5.3.2 [Tim Caswell]