The list contains main pressing topics not yet or only partially covered in the code.
The list does not cover full scope of further development. It is by no means complete.
Node dashboard:
- Implementation: 1st version is available
PRIORITY UTXO tangle visualizer
- Concept: something similar to existing. Dynamic visualization of UTXO tangle: transaction memDAG, all types of transactions, highlighting chains, stems, branches, orphanage, etc
- Implementation: node API is ready, the frontend is not even started
PRIORITY Ledger explorer
- Concept: web browser-based explorer. Mostly interacts with TxStore. Search and explore UTXO tangle along various links, view each all kinds of transactions down to individual decompiled EasyFL constraint source level
- Implementation: node API is ready. Frontend not evne started
- PRIORITY RocksDB database
- Currently, Badger is used. Suboptimal. Replace it with RocksDB
- PRIORITY Spam prevention
- Concept: in head plus described in WP, 30%. Needs experimental development and design
- Implementation: 10-20% (transaction pace constraints in the ledger is fully implemented)
- PRIORITY Multi-state pruning
- Concept: most of the branch roots quickly become orphaned -> can be deleted from DB
- Implementation: 0%
- Transaction store pruning
- Concept: most of the transactions are not present into the final state -> can be deleted
- Implementation: %0
- Download past transactions to txStore from other nodes. Note, that normally nodes do not have pre-snapshot transactions
- State pruning
- Concept: currently transaction ID of every transaction is stored in the state root. If transaction contains unspent outputs, it is OK and it is not redundant. After all outputs of the transaction are spent in the state, transaction ID is still needed for some time to be able to quickly detect replay attempts. After some time it becomes redundant and can be deleted from the state (trie). It must be deleted deterministically, i.e. the same way in all nodes
- Implementation: 0%
General status: the Proxima ledger definitions are based on standard EasyFL script library and its extensions.
EasyFL itself is essentially completed, however its extension in the Proxima ledger requires improvement in several areas,
mostly related to the soft upgrade-ability of the ledger definitions.
PRIORITY Delegation implementation
- Concept: (a) enable token holders delegate capital to sequencer with possibility to revoke it. It would be a lock to the chain-constrained output. (b) implement sequencer part. In head 50%
- Implementation: 0% <- high priority
PRIORITY Tag-along lock implementation
- Concept: modification of the chain lock, which conditionally bypass storage deposit constraints. In head: 80%
- Implementation: 0%
Write Rust version of the EasyFL library (compiler, interpreter). This would be useful for the wallet and front-end development (Wasm).
PRIORITY Make ledger library upgradable
- Concept: currently any library modifications are breaking. The goal would be to make it incrementally extendable with backward compatibility via soft forks.
- Implementation: EasyFL part is mostly done. On the node: implemented simple version, which allows soft forks of the network. Maybe 50%
Make ledger library upgradable with stateless computations for new cryptography and similar
- Concept: explore some fast, deterministic, platform-agnostic VMs (e.g. RISC V, maybe even LLVM). Only vague ideas, some 10% in head
- Implementation: 0%
- More advanced sequencer strategies with multiple endorsements
- Concept: multi-endorsement strategies would contribute to the consensus convergence speed. In head 40%
- Implementation: 60%. Currently, 4 different proposer strategies are used