Create a data generator, which easily generates fake but realistic customer behaviour data based on custom trends you declare.
This tool is great for onboarding or demos. For example, lets say you want to generate data for January 2016 - April 2016. You can easily specify 1000 customers, aged 20-30, with a events described by purchase flow.
Generator creates customers, uniformly distributed across the whole time range and to each it assigns sessions which are probabilistic sequences of events separated by some time. These events are normally distributed throughout the day with a mean (e.g. 3PM) and standard deviation (e.g. 3hrs) that you can define yourself. The output would look something like this:
The key concept to understand is session. The session is a probabilistic state machines, from which generator calculates what event comes next. Example of a purchase session might look like this:
The numbers indicate probability of moving between events. The crossed line indicated that the transition is made implicitly if probabilities do not add up to 1.
These are the key requirements which the generator must fulfil.
For each session generate new events probabilistically calculated.
For each of the events in session generate new event attributes.
Independent events within a session (e.g. "add to basket" and "purchase" on diagram) can have linked attributes.
/*** constructor method
@param String $id
* ID of the event
@param Dictionary $eventAttributes
* Attributes of the event. Key is name of attribute, value is function generating the value
@return Array[Event]
* Array of multiple events if it is a template, or returning a single element array
constructor(id, eventAttributes)
Atomic object which gets creates the customer history. eventAttributes
is a dictionary which describes the event. It can have following specifications:
const eventAttributes = {
name: "eventName", /* Optional, defaults to id. Name, which will be used for output. */
siblings: ["eventId1", "eventId2"], /* Optional, defaults to []. All events which have the same structure as this one. */
ignore: ((session, customer, history, timestamp) => { /* do stuff */ }), /* Optional. Void function which gets initially called, does not get stored. Can modify session history. */
attributeA: ((session, customer) => { return "a" }), /* Function which gets called and returns value for the particular attribute */
attributeB: ((session, customer) => { return "b" }) /* Same as above but for different attribute */
Example of a declaration of an event viewItem
which will always have attributes item: Ear ring
and price: 10
is illustrated by the following following code.
const viewItemEarRing = new Event("viewItemEarRing", {
name: "view item",
item: (() => "Ear ring" ),
price: (() => 10)
/*** constructor method
@param String $name
* Name of the Session
@param String $start
* ID of the Event which this Session will start with
@param String $exit
* ID of the Event which this Session will end with
@param Array[Event] $events
* Array of Events, which is the set of all Events for this Session
@param Array[Transition] $transitions
* Array of Transitions, which is the set of all Transitions for this Session
@return null
constructor(name, start, exit, events, transitions)
object bundles together Event
objects, it is the state machine which calculates a specific path.
var purchaseSession = new Session(
"sessionName", /* Required */
"startEventId", /* Required. Event must be declared in array bellow */
"exitEventId", /* Required. Event must be declared in array bellow */
/* Required. Array of all events. */
new Event("startEventId", { name: "startEventName" }),
new Event("someEventId", { /* event attributes */ }),
new Event("exitEventId", { name: "exitEventName" })
/* Required. Array of all transitions, must be of the format bellow. If probs do not add up to 1, remaining 1-prob defaults to transition to exitEvent */
{from: "startEventId", to: "someEventId", probability: 0.5},
{from: "someEventId", to: "exitEventId", probability: 1}
/*** constructor method
@param Array[Session] $sessions
* Set of all Session which get randomly chosen and generate Events
@param Dictionary $options
* Options specifying how to generate Events and Customer attributes.
@param Customer $customer
* Object which contains functions for creating Customer attributes
@return null
constructor(sessions, customerAttributes, options)
object creates customers and adds the event history.
is array of all possible sessions. It chooses randomly from it, so if you want some session to have higher probability, then replicate it here.
const sessions = [ purchaseSession ];
is a dictionary which specifies functions for generating customer attributes.
var customer_attributes = {
ignore: ((i) => {}), /* Optional. Gets ignored and is called with iterator i */
attributeA: (() => "a"), /* Optional. Functions returning values of the attributes. They get called in chronological order from top to bottom. */
attributeB: (() => "b"), /* Same as above. */
is dictionary which specifies how to generate the data.
var options = {
startTimestamp: 1485907200000, /* Required, start date of data generation. UNIX standard in milliseconds format. */
endTimestamp: 1493596800000, /* Required, end date of data generation. UNIX standard in milliseconds format. */
retention: [0.6, 0.3], /* Required, probabilities of having another session. */
totalCustomers: 10, /* Required, totalCustomers to be generated. */
sessionMean: 12, /* Optional, defaults to 12. Mean around which events will be normally distributed throughout the day. */
sessionStd: 300000, /* Optional, defaults to 1000*60*60*24/4. Standard deviation for events generation. */
nextSessionDaysMin: 5, /* Optional, defaults to 3. Minimal number of days after which another session is created. */
nextSessionDaysMax: 7, /* Optional, defaults to 10. Maximal number of days after which another session is created. */
eventsSeparationTime: 100000, /* Optional, defaults to 30000. Maximal number of milliseconds between two events. */
postSessionsFunction: ((customerAttributes, customerHistory, timestamp) => ()) /* Optional, defaults to null. Function which gets called after signal has been raised. */;
/*** createCustomers method
* Creates Customers uniformly distributed across the time range.
@return Array[Customer]
* Array of generated Customers.
Method creates all the customers specified in through the Generator
constructor. It uniformly distributes them throughout the timerange.
/*** createSessions method
@param Customer $customer
* Customer for which generator creates sessions and stores them in Customer sessions attribute
@return null
Method creates sessions specified in Generator
constructor and stores them in Customer
argument object. They can be accessed by customer.history
There are also two asynchronous methods. storeComamnds
which stores commands to be sent to Exponea API in a file. And sendCommands
method, which sends them.
/*** storeCommands method
@param Array[Customer] $customers
* All Customers with already generated Events that shall be written into a file.
@param Array[String] $projectIds
* Exponea project tokens for all projects into which Events with Customer will be sent.
@param String $filePath
* Path to file into which to write data. File has to exist.
@return Promise
* Asynchronous Promise for huge data writing.
storeCommands(customers, projectIds, filePath)
is an array of your Exponea project(s) token(s). filePath
is a string declaring the path to which file to save the results. By default it's "./data/data-export.json"
Method returns Promise
/*** sendCommands method
* Sends all Exponea Bulk API commnads (generated by storeCommands method) from file to Exponea API.
@param String $filepath
* Filepath where all commands (result of storeCommands method) are stored.
@return Promise
Method does not take any parameters and uses the filepath provided (or used by default). This method asynchronously sends the requests to Exponea API.