All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
Please stick to the change type wording Added
, Changed
, Removed
, Fixed
- added box shadow to logo
- increased cache version to ensure new content is loaded
- more sensible and less aggressive colors for buttons to get the songtext in the right focus
- more beautiful day night switcher
- fixed caching issues (service worker)
- logo border radius problems
- added a new song: Dream Catch Me from Newton Faulkner
- added manifest.json for PWA
- maskable icons for PWA
- install button for PWA which is shown until the app is installed
- made the song text more readable, imrpoved the layout
- fixed caching & service worker issues
- added font resizer
- added a new song: Help from the Beatles
- added a new song: Sky full of Stars from Coldplay
- added chords styling for non-image songs
- Meta tags for SEO and socials
- button to requests new songs
- improved the layout of the song list
- chords are now hidden by default
- fixed font resizer layout bugs
- added a service worker
- added eslint rules
- added npm versioning
- Meta titles matching the songs
- Improved Logo + Favicon
- improved copy styles
- URLs accessible via Netlify Redirects
- Favicon visible also in live deployment
- taking my little chords app and turning it into a PWA
- first setup pulled from
- longterm goal: make an App which can be downloaded in the App Stores
- fixed scrolling bugs when jumping to Home