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119 lines (73 loc) · 5.67 KB

File metadata and controls

119 lines (73 loc) · 5.67 KB

Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.



  • Support for Xcode 12.
  • Support for Swift Package Manager in Xcode 11 and Xcode 12


  • Requires iOS 9 and higher to support Xcode 12
  • EKSerializer now uses serializeCollection:withRelationship: method under the hood instead of serializeCollection:withMapping: to support custom serialization resolvers for collection of objects (thanks, @armandzwan)


  • EKSerializer.serializeCollection:withMapping in favor of EKSerializer.serializeCollection:withRelationship. This allows to support custom serialization resolvers when serializing collections. Similar deprecation applied to serializeCollection:withMapping:fromContext:.


  • Has many relationships now correctly recognize nested custom mappings during serialization (thanks, @armandzwan)
  • Added support for recognizing structs as native types, for example CLLocationCoordinate2D - #168(thanks, @sebastianludwig)
  • Removed too strict generic constraints from EKMapper and EKManagedObjectMapper classes.
  • EKSerializer no longer implies that serializable objects need to conform to EKMappingProtocol or EKManagedMappingProtocol.
  • Fixed a bug in EKSerializer that prevented has one relationships from being properly serialized with non-nested keypaths.
  • Fixed potential buffer overflow when using scalar Objective-C properties(#155, #156).
  • Added support for installation using Carthage and Swift Package Manager.
  • ignoreMissingFields property now properly differentiates between a truly missing from JSON field and field, that contains null, which is turned into NSNull.null instance by NSJSONSerialization.
  • mapKeyPath:toPoperty:withDateFormatter method now creates blocks, that return nil instead of NSNull if received value is not a NSString or NSDate. NSNull instance however is left untouched.
  • Added ability to ignore field during serialization - #148(thanks, @vladimirbebeshko)
  • Improved types of arrays - #145(thanks, @Uncommon)
  • EKRelationshipMapping has been made public for iOS target - #147(thanks, @dvs15)
  • Fixed Xcode 8.3 warning in imports.

This release requires iOS 8 / macOS 10.9 / tvOS 9.0 / watchOS 2.0 and higher.


  • API was annotated with lightweight Objective-c generics and nullability annotations to be better imported in Swift.
  • All relationship mappings, like hasOne:forKeyPath:, now return EKRelationshipMapping instead of void, and allow mapping customization via condition property.
  • It's now possible to switch mappings based on passed representation, like so:
EKRelationshipMapping * relationship = [mapping hasMany:Dog.class forKeyPath:@"animals" forProperty:@"pets"];
relationship.mappingResolver = ^EKObjectMapping *(id representation){
    if ([representation[@"type"] isEqualToString:@"dog"]) {
        return [Dog objectMapping];
    } else {
        return [Wolf objectMapping];

Breaking API

  • EKObjectMapping hasOneMappings and hasManyMappings are now arrays instead of being dictionaries.
  • EKRelationshipMapping now has mappingResolver and serializationResolver properties instead of objectClass property of EKMappingProtocol type
  • NSDateFormatter extension with ek_dateFormatterForCurrentThread is removed.


  • Crash, that happened when EKCoreDataImporter tried to import Swift NSManagedObject subclass, that did not have primaryKeyMapping, which led to calling valueForKeyPath method with nil.


  • All API was annotated for nullability, allowing better interoperability with Swift
  • Added mapPropertiesFromUnderscoreToCamelCase: method on EKObjectMapping, that allows mapping underscored JSON keypaths to camel-cased properties.

For example:

[mapping mapPropertiesFromUnderscoreToCamelCase:@[@"created_at",@"car_id"]];

will map created_at and car_id keypaths to createdAt and carId properties in your model.


  • When using mapKeyPath:toProperty:withValueBlock: method and ignoreMissingFields property on EKObjectMapping is set to YES, value block will no longer be called, if value in JSON is nil


  • NSDateFormatter extension with ek_formatterForCurrentThread is deprecated and slated to be removed in release for Xcode 8, which drops support for iOS 7 and lower. This property is no longer useful, because NSDateFormatter is thread safe from iOS 7 and higher, and there's no reason to store NSDateFormatter in thread dictionary anymore.


Following deprecated methods were removed:

  • serializedObject on EKManagedObjectModel. Use serializedObjectInContext: instead.
  • mapKeyPath:toProperty:withDateFormat: method on EKObjectMapping. Use mapKeyPath:toProperty:withDateFormatter: method instead.