Some sections are not filled out yet. Contributions in the form of pull requests are welcome for instructions.
If you don't really want to read any of this, then there is a script for you. This script downloads and formats for Kraken1 and Kraken2.
bash bin/
bash bin/ # optional, reduces footprint
bash bin/
If you want to know more details, move onto the next section.
Start off with a few environmental variables, regardless of your target database.
# assuming source folder is "Kalamari", where you downloaded all fasta files
VERSION=$( --version)
CPUS=4 # Define how many threads to use
# The folder where fasta files were downloaded
# Find a test fasta file for querying if you don't have one already
FASTA=$(find $SRC -name '*.fasta' | head -n 1)
# Make a fake fastq file if you don't already have a test fastq file
head -n 2 $FASTA | perl -e '$id=<>; $seq=<>; chomp($id, $seq); $qual="I" x length($seq); $id=~s/^>/@/; print "$id\n$seq\n+\n$qual\n";' | gzip -c > $FASTQ
Please follow the Init section before continuing. These instructions assume that you have already downloaded the Kalamari fasta files.
bash bin/
# fasta input
kraken --db kraken -output kraken.raw --fasta-input $FASTA
# fastq input
kraken --db kraken -output kraken.raw --fastq-input $FASTQ --gzip-compressed
bash bin/
# Same command for either fasta or fastq
kraken2 --db $DB --report --use-mpa-style --output kraken2.raw $FASTA
kraken2 --db $DB --report --use-mpa-style --output kraken2.raw $FASTQ
# Create the Sepia references file with two columns: path, taxonomy
python3 bin/ --taxonomy src/taxonomy -o sepia.ref.tsv --fastadir ./Kalamari src/chromosomes.tsv src/plasmids.tsv
sepia build --index $DB --refs sepia.ref.tsv --kmer 41 --minimizer 31 --batch 300 --gamma 5.0 --threads $CPUS
ls -lhS $DB # view a directory representing the database
sepia classify --index $DB --prefix test_kalamari --query $FASTQ
# View the summary:
# First column is the classification, second read count and third average kmer similarity
sort -k2,2nr test_kalamari_summary.txt | head -n 20 | column -t
# View taxonomic classification results per read
zcat test_kalamari_classification.gz | head
Using Mash version 2
find $SRC -name '*.fasta' -exec mash sketch {} \;
find $SRC -name '*.msh' > $DB.fofn
mash paste $DB -l $DB.fofn
mkdir $DB
find $SRC -name '*.fasta' -exec cat {} \; > $DB/kalamari.fasta
makeblastdb -dbtype nucl -in $DB
blastn -query $FASTA -db Kalamari.blast/kalamari.fasta
# Can use the same folder; just add file of filename
find $SRC -name '*.fasta' > $DB
fastANI --rl $DB -q $FASTA /dev/stdout
Kalamari]$ find $SRC -name '*.fasta' | xargs -n 100 gzip -c > $
mmseqs createdb $DB
# need to create database out of your query fasta file
mmseqs createdb $FASTA $FASTA.mmseqs2
# The actual query:
mmseqs search --threads 4 $FASTA.mmseqs2 $DB mmseqs2.out mmseqs2.tmp
See this ongoing issue for more information. #12