This changelog references the relevant changes (bug and security fixes) done in 2.1 minor versions.
To get the diff for a specific change, go to where XXX is the change hash To get the diff between two versions, go to
2.1.9 (2013-03-26)
9875c4b: Added '@@' escaping strategy for YamlFileLoader and YamlDumper
bbcdfe2: [Yaml] fixed bugs with folded scalar parsing
5afea04: [Form] made DefaultCsrfProvider using session_status() when available
c928ddc: [HttpFoudantion] fixed Request::getPreferredLanguage()
e6b7515: [DomCrawler] added support for query string with slash
17dc2ff: [HttpRequest] fixes Request::getLanguages() bug
e51432a: sub-requests are now created with the same class as their parent
ef53456: [DoctrineBridge] Avoids blob values to be logged by doctrine
6575df6: [Security] use current request attributes to generate redirect url?
7216cb0: [Validator] fix showing wrong max file size for upload errors
c423f16: [2.1][TwigBridge] Fixes Issue #7342 in TwigBridge
7d87ecd: [FrameworkBundle] fixed cahe:clear command's warmup
fe4cc24: [TwigBridge] fixed fixed scope & trans_default_domain node visitor
fc47589: [BrowserKit] added ability to ignored malformed set-cookie header
5bc30bb: [Translation] added xliff loader/dumper with resname support
7241be9: [Finder] fixed a potential issue on Solaris where INF value is wrong (refs #7269)
1d3da29: [FrameworkBundle] avoids cache:clear to break if new/old folders already exist
b9cdb9a: [HttpKernel] Fixed possible profiler token collision (closes #7272, closes #7171)
d1f5d25: [FrameworkBundle] Fixes invalid serialized objects in cache
c82c754: RedisProfilerStorage wrong db-number/index-number selected
e86fefa: Unset loading[$id] in ContainerBuilder on exception
73bead7: [ClassLoader] made DebugClassLoader idempotent
a4ec677: [DomCrawler] Fix relative path handling in links
6681df0: [Console] fixed StringInput binding
5b19c89: [Console] fixed unparsed StringInput tokens
bae83c7: [TwigBridge] fixed trans twig extractor
8f8ba38: [DomCrawler] fix handling of schemes by Link::getUri()
83382bc: [TwigBridge] fixed the translator extractor that were not trimming the text in trans tags (closes #7056)
b1ea8e5: Fixed handling absent href attribute in base tag
8d9cd42: Routing issue with installation in a sub-directory ref: symfony#7129
0690709: added a DebuClassLoader::findFile() method to make the wrapping less invasive
635b1fc: StringInput resets the given options.
2.1.8 (2013-02-23)
b2080c4: [HttpFoundation] Remove Cache-Control when using https download via IE<9 (fixes #6750)
b7bd630: [Form] Fixed TimeType not to render a "size" attribute in select tags
368f62f: Expanded fault-tolerance for unusual cookie dates
cb03074: [DomCrawler] lowered parsed protocol string (fixes #6986)
3e40c17: [HttpKernel] fixed locale management when exiting sub-requests
179cd58: [Process] Fix regression introduced in #6620 / 880da01c49a9255f5022ab7e18bca38c18f56370, fixes #7082
18b139d: [FrameworkBundle] tweaked reference dumper command (see #7093)
0eff68f: Fix REMOTE_ADDR for cached subrequests
5e8d844: [Process] Warn user with a useful message when tmpfile() failed
42d3c4c: added support for the X-Forwarded-For header (closes #6982, closes #7000)
6a9c510: fixed the IP address in HttpCache when calling the backend
87f3db7: [EventDispathcer] Fix removeListener
e0637fa: [DependencyInjection] Add clone for resources which were introduced in 2.1
bd0ad92: [DependencyInjection] Allow frozen containers to be dumped to graphviz
83e9558: Fix 'undefined index' error, when entering scope recursively
3615e19: [Security] fixed session creation on login (closes #7011)
a12744e: Add dot character
to legal mime subtype regular expression -
e50d333: [HttpKernel] fixed the creation of the Profiler directory
ddf4678: [HttpFoundation] fixed the creation of sub-requests under some circumstancies (closes #6923, closes #6936)
8ca00c5: [Security] fixed session creation when none is needed (closes #6917)
74f2fcf: fixed a circular call (closes #6864)
6f71948: [Yaml] fixed wrong merge (indentation default is 4 as of 2.1)
4119caf: [DependencyInjection] fixed the creation of synthetic services in ContainerBuilder
11aaa2e: Added an error message in the DebugClassLoader when using / instead of .
ce38069: [FrameworkBundle] fixed Client::doRequest that must call its parent method (closes #6737)
53ccc2c: [Yaml] fixed ignored text when parsing an inlined mapping or sequence (closes #6786)
ab0385c: [Yaml] fixed #6773
fea20b7: [Yaml] fixed #6770
2.1.7 (2013-01-17)
e17e232: [Yaml] fixed default value
3c87e2e: Added Yaml\Dumper::setIndentation() method to allow a custom indentation level of nested nodes.
ba6e315: added a way to enable/disable object support when parsing/dumping
ac756bf: added a way to enable/disable PHP support when parsing a YAML input via Yaml::parse()
785d365: fixes a bug when output/error output contains a % character
dc2cc6b: [Console] fixed input bug when the value of an option is empty (closes #6649, closes #6689)
9257b03: [Profiler] [Redis] Fix sort of profiler rows.
c7bfce9: Fix version_compare() calls for PHP 5.5.
880da01: [Process] In edge cases
can returnfalse
, thenproc_open()
should getnull
to use default value (the working dir of the current PHP process) -
34def9f: Handle the deprecation of IntlDateFormatter::setTimeZoneId() in PHP 5.5.
b33d5bc: removed the .gitattributes files (closes #6605, reverts #5674)
eb93e66: [Console] Fix style escaping parsing
8ca1b80: [Console] Make style formatter matching less greedy to avoid having to escape when not needed
55aa012: [Form] Fixed EntityChoiceList when loading objects with negative integer IDs
1d362b8: [DependencyInjection] fixed a bug where the strict flag on references were lost (closes #6607)
3195122: [HttpFoundation] Check if required shell functions for
are not disabled -
dbafc2c: [CssSelector] added css selector with empty string
1e2fb64: [DependencyInjection] refactored code to avoid logic duplication
d786e09: [Console] made Application::getTerminalDimensions() public
8f21f89: [2.1] [Console] Added getTerminalDimensions() with fix for osx/freebsd
33e9d00: [Form] Deleted references in FormBuilder::getFormConfig() to improve performance
ba2d035: Restrict Monolog version to be in version <1.3
4abd5bf: Restrict Monolog version to be in version
. Because of conflict betweenHttpKernel/Log/LoggerInterface
(PSR-3) -
e0923ae: [DependencyInjection] fixed PhpDumper optimizations when an inlined service depends on the current one indirectly
cd15390: [DependencyInjection] fixed PhpDumper when an inlined service definition has some properties
fa6fb6f: [Process] Do not reset stdout/stderr pipes on Interrupted system call
73d9cef: [Locale] Adjust
to have new methods added in PHP 5.5 -
d601b13: use the right RequestMatcherInterface
913b564: [Locale] Fix failing
in PHP 5.5 -
8ae773b: [Form] Fix failing
in PHP 5.5 -
c526ad9: [Form] Fixed inheritance of "error_bubbling" in RepeatedType
6c5e615: [Form] Fixed DateType when used with the intl extension disabled.
10b01c9: [HttpFoundation] fix return types and handling of zero in Response
75952af: [HttpFoundation] better fix for non-parseable Expires header date
87b6cc2: Fix Expires when the header is -1
c282a2b: [DoctrineBridge] Allowing memcache port to be 0 to support memcache unix domain sockets.
2fc41a1: [Console] fixed unitialized properties (closes #5935)
a5aeb21: [Process] Prevented test from failing when pcntl extension is not enabled.
1d395ad: Revert "[DoctrineBridge] Improved performance of the EntityType when used with the "query_builder" option"
ef6f241: [Locale] Fixed the StubLocaleTest for ICU versions lower than 4.8.
bfccd28: HttpUtils must handle RequestMatcher too
05fca6d: use preferred_choices in favor of preferred_query
6855cff: add preferred_query option to ModelType
8beee64: [Form] Fix for
2.1.6 (2012-12-21)
b8e5689: [FrameworkBundle] fixed ESI calls
ce536cd: [FrameworkBundle] fixed ESI calls
2.1.5 (2012-12-20)
532cc9a: [FrameworkBundle] added support for URIs as an argument to HttpKernel::render()
1f8c501: [FrameworkBundle] restricted the type of controllers that can be executed by InternalController
2cd43da: [Process] Allow non-blocking start with PhpProcess
8b2c17f: fix double-decoding in the routing system
098b593: [Session] Added exception to save method
ad29df5: [Form] Fixed DateTimeToStringTransformer parsing on PHP < 5.3.8
773d818: [FrameworkBundle] Added a check on file mime type for CodeHelper::fileExcerpt()
f24e3d7: [HttpKernel] Revise MongoDbProfilerStorage::write() return value
78c5273: [Session] Document Mongo|MongoClient argument type instead of "object"
de19a81: [HttpKernel] Support MongoClient and Mongo connection classes
b28af77: [Session] Support MongoClient and Mongo connection classes
20e93bf: [Session] Utilize MongoDB::selectCollection()
b20c5ca: [Form] Fixed reverse transformation of values in DateTimeToStringTransformer
d2231d8: [Console] Add support for parsing terminal width/height on localized windows, fixes #5742
03b880f: [Form] Fixed treatment of countables and traversables in Form::isEmpty()
21a59ca: [Form] Fixed FileType not to throw an exception when bound empty
eac14b5: Check if key # is defined in $value
a0e2391: [FrameworkBundle] used the new method for trusted proxies
d6a402a: [Security] fixed path info encoding (closes #6040, closes #5695)
47dfb9c: [HttpFoundation] added some tests for the previous merge and removed dead code (closes #6037)
1ab4923: Improved Cache-Control header when no-cache is sent
4e909bd: Fix to allow null values in labels array
9e46819: Fixed: HeaderBag::parseCacheControl() not parsing quoted zero correctly
8bb3208: [Config] Loader::import must return imported data
ca5d9ac: [DoctrineBridge] Fixed caching in DoctrineType when "choices" or "preferred_choices" is passed
6e7e08f: [Form] Fixed the default value of "format" in DateType to DateType::DEFAULT_FORMAT if "widget" is not "single_text"
447ff91: [HttpFoundation] changed UploadedFile::move() to use move_uploaded_file() when possible (closes #5878, closes #6185)
0489799: [HttpFoundation] added a check for the host header value
b604eb7: [DoctrineBridge] Improved performance of the EntityType when used with the "query_builder" option
99321cb: [DoctrineBridge] Fixed: Exception is thrown if the entity class is not known to Doctrine
2ed30e7: Fixed DefaultValue for session.auto_start in NodeDefinition
ae3d531: [TwigBundle] Moved the registration of the app global to the environment
2.1.4 (2012-11-29)
e5536f0: replaced magic strings by proper constants
6a3ba52: fixed the logic in Request::isSecure() (if the information comes from a source that we trust, don't check other ones)
67e12f3: added a way to configure the X-Forwarded-XXX header names and a way to disable trusting them
b45873a: fixed algorithm used to determine the trusted client IP
254b110: removed the non-standard Client-IP HTTP header
06ee53b: [Form] improve error message with a "hasser" hint for PropertyAccessDeniedException
ac77c5b: [Form] Updated checks for the ICU version from 4.5+ to 4.7+ due to test failures with ICU 4.6
2fe04e1: Update src/Symfony/Component/Form/Extension/Core/Type/FileType.php
bbeff54: Xliff with other node than source or target are ignored
29bfa13: small fix of #5984 when the container param is not set
f211b19: Filesystem Component mirror symlinked directory fix
64b54dc: Use better default ports in urlRedirectAction
e7401a2: Update src/Symfony/Component/DomCrawler/Tests/FormTest.php
b0e468f: Update src/Symfony/Component/DomCrawler/Form.php
1daefa5: [Routing] made it compatible with older PCRE version (pre 8)
f2cbea3: [Security] remove escape charters from username provided by Digest DigestAuthenticationListener
82334d2: Force loader to be null or a EntityLoaderInterface
694697d: [Security] Fixed digest authentication
c067586: [Security] Fixed digest authentication
d2920c9: Added HttpCache\Store::generateContentDigest() + changed visibility
e12bd12: [HttpFoundation] Make host & methods really case insensitive in the RequestMacther
c659e78: Make YamlFileLoader and XmlFileLoader file loading extensible
0f75586: [Form] Removed an exception that prevented valid formats from being passed, e.g. "h" for the hour, "L" for the month etc.
84b760b: [HttpKernel] fixed Client when using StreamedResponses (closes #5370)
67e697f: fixed PDO session handler for Oracle (closes #5829)
c2a8a0b: [HttpFoundation] fixed PDO session handler for Oracle (closes #5829)
a30383d: [Locale] removed a check that is done too early (and it is done twice anyways)
84635bd: [Form] allowed no type guesser to be registered
8377146: Adding new localized strings for farsi validation.
e34fb41: [HttpFoundation] moved the HTTP protocol check from StreamedResponse to Response (closes #5937)
4909bc3: [Form] Fixed forms not to be marked invalid if their children are already marked invalid
dc80385: [Form] Fixed NumberToLocalizedStringTransformer to accept both comma and dot as decimal separator, if possible
208e134: [FrameworkBundle] Router skip defaults resolution for arrays
a0af8bf: [Form] Adapted HTML5 format in DateTimeType as response to a closed ICU ticket
6b42c8c: The exception message should say which field is not mapped
9872d26: [HttpFoundation] Fix name sanitization after perfoming move
2d9a6fc: Use Norm Data instead of Data
a094f7e: Add check to Store::unlock to ensure file exists
2.1.3 (2012-10-30)
6f15c47: [ClassLoader] fixed unbracketed namespaces (closes #5747)
20898e5: Add to DateFormats 'D M d H:i:s Y T' (closes #5830)
b844d6b: [Form] Fixed DoctrineOrmTypeGuesser to guess the "required" option for to-one associations
965734e: fixed fallback locale
bda29b3: [Form] Fixed error message in PropertyPath to not advice to use a non-existing feature
bf3e358: [Form] Fixed creation of multiple money fields with different currencies
8f81f07: [Form] Fixed setting the "data" option to an object in "choice" and "entity" type
53c43bf: Fixed Serbian plural translations.
959c1df: Fixed IPv6 Check in RequestMatcher
cf1e02d: [Console] Fix error when mode is not in PATH
6b66bc3: [2.1] Added missing error return codes in commands
e0a3fc1: Made the router lazy when setting the context
89f7b5e: [HttpFoundation] fixed empty path when using Request::create() (closes #5729)
8c6b7a4: Fixed the handling of the intl locale when setting the default locale
673f74b: [HttpFoundation] Fixed #5697 - Request::createFromGlobals, Request::getContentType Changed checking CONTENT_TYPE from server to headers variable
1566f9f: [Routing] fix handling of whitespace and synch between collection prefix and route pattern
b439d13: fixed DomCrwaler/Form to handle when submitted
a4f3ea9: [2.1][DependencyInjection] Incomplete error handling in the container
90145d2: [Routing] fix handling of two starting slashes in the pattern
cf422bf: [Validator] Updated swedish translation
132ba25: Update src/Symfony/Component/Validator/Resources/translations/
6a6b4ae: Updated lithuanian validation translation
74d10d6: [DomCrawler] Allows using multiselect through Form::setValues().
a6ae6f6: [Translation] forced the catalogue to be regenerated when a resource is added (closes symfony/translation#1)
2568432: [Form] Hardened code of ViolationMapper against errors
6c59fbd: [HttpFoundation] Fixed #5611 - Request::splitHttpAcceptHeader incorrect result order.
2d41229: [Form] Fixed negative index access in PropertyPathBuilder
ed1cf54: Update src/Symfony/Component/Validator/Resources/translations/
47d7531: [2.1] Fix SessionHandlerInterface autoloading
1a53b12: [2.0][http-foundation] Fix Response::getDate method
3cc3c67: [DoctrineBridge] Require class option for DoctrineType
4e3ea22: [HttpFoundation] fixed the path to the SensioHandlerInterface class in composer.json
7444cb9: Support the new Microsoft URL Rewrite Module for IIS 7.0
c120c4d: Added Base64 encoding, decoding to MongoDBProfilerStorage
335aa86: Update src/Symfony/Component/Validator/Resources/translations/
27b2df9: [Process] Fixed bug introduced by 7bafc69f38a3512eb15aad506959a4e7be162e52.
d7623ae: [DomCrawler] Added test for supported encodings by mbstring
c812b9d: [Config] Fixed preserving keys in associative arrays
c869a65: [Console] Fixed return value for Command::run
2ceebdc: fixed stringification of array objects in RequestDataCollector (closes #5295)
b8a2f8c: [HttpFoundation] removed the username and password from generated URL as generated by the Request class (closes #5555)
c4429af: [Console] fixed default argument display (closes #5563)
2.1.2 (2012-09-20)
7bafc69: Add a Sigchild compatibility mode (set to false by default)
8dd19d8: fix Fatal error: Cannot access private property
3269014: Added Bulgarian translation
de6658b: [Profiler]Use the abstract method to get client IP
2.1.1 (2012-09-11)
fix Composer configuration