This guide will help users to run loxilb in a standalone mode decoupled from kubernetes
This guide uses Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS as the base operating system. Please check system requirements for other supported OSs.
One can follow the guide here to install latest docker engine or use snap to install docker.
sudo apt update
sudo apt install snapd
sudo snap install docker
sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=0
sysctl net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6=0
Get the loxilb official docker image
- Latest build image (multi-arch amd64/arm64)
docker pull
- Release build image
docker pull
- To run loxilb docker, we can use the following commands :
docker run -u root --cap-add SYS_ADMIN --restart unless-stopped --privileged -dit -v /dev/log:/dev/log --name loxilb
- To drop in to a shell of loxilb doker :
docker exec -it loxilb bash
- For load-balancing to effectively work in a bare-metal environment, we need multiple interfaces assigned to the docker (external and internal connectivitiy). loxilb docker relies on docker's macvlan driver for achieving this. The following is an example of creating macvlan network and using with loxilb:
# Create a mac-vlan (on an underlying interface e.g. enp0s3).
# Subnet used for mac-vlan is usually the same as underlying interface
docker network create -d macvlan -o parent=enp0s3 --subnet --gateway --aux-address 'host=’ llbnet
# Run loxilb docker with the created macvlan
docker run -u root --cap-add SYS_ADMIN --restart unless-stopped --privileged -dit -v /dev/log:/dev/log --net=llbnet --ip= --name loxilb
# If we still want to connect loxilb docker additionally to docker's default "bridge" network or more macvlan networks
docker network connect bridge loxilb
docker network connect llbnet2 loxilb --ip=
- While working with macvlan interfaces, the parent/underlying interface should be put in promiscous mode
- One can further use docker-compose to automate attaching multiple networks to loxilb docker or use
as per requirement - To use local socket policy or eBPF sockmap related features, we need to use
--pid=host --cgroupns=host
as additional arguments to docker run. - To create a simple and self-contained topology for testing loxilb, users can follow this guide
- If loxilb docker is in the same node as the app/workload docker, it is advised that "tx checksum offload" inside app/workload docker is turned off for sctp load-balancing to work properly
docker exec -dt <app-docker-name> ethtool -K <app-docker-interface> tx off
loxilb deb packages can be downloaded from loxilb release packages. For latest nightly builds, one can use the following command :
For stable builds, one can use the following command:
sudo dpkg -i loxilb_0.99rc-amd64.deb
If there is a need to change loxilb run time arguments, one can use the following set of steps :
sudo systemctl stop loxilb
### Edit the file /etc/systemd/system/loxilb.service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl start loxilb
sudo systemctl stop loxilb
sudo dpkg -P loxilb
loxicmd command line tool can be used to configure loxilb in standalone mode. A simple example of configuration using loxilb is as follows:
- Create a LB rule inside loxilb docker. Various other options for LB manipulation can be found here
loxicmd create lb 2001::1 --tcp=2020:8080 --endpoints=
- Validate entry is created using the command:
loxicmd get lb -o wide
The detailed usage guide of loxicmd can be found here. If loxilb docker is being used, these commands are available after dropping into loxilb docker:
- Drop into loxilb shell
sudo docker exec -it loxilb bash
loxilb works in tandem with gobgp when bgp services are required. As a first step, create a file gobgp.conf in host where loxilb docker will run and add the basic necessary fields :
as = 64512
router-id = ""
neighbor-address = ""
peer-as = 64512
Run loxilb docker with following arguments:
docker run -u root --cap-add SYS_ADMIN --restart unless-stopped --privileged -dit -v gobgp.conf:/etc/gobgp/gobgp.conf -v /dev/log:/dev/log --name loxilb -b
The gobgp daemon should pick the configuration. The neighbors can be verified by :
sudo docker exec -it loxilb gobgp neighbor
Kindly note that while working with loxilb docker, gobgp is already packaged in the loxilb docker. If one is using systemd based packages, gobgp needs to be installed manually as per instructions.
At run time, there are two ways to change gobgp configuration. Ephemeral configuration can simply be done using “gobgp” command as detailed here. If persistence is required, then one can change the gobgp config file /etc/gobgp/gobgp.conf and apply SIGHUP to gobgpd process for loading the edited configuration.
sudo docker exec -it loxilb pkill -1 gobgpd
To save the created rules across reboots, one can use the following command:
sudo mkdir -p /etc/loxilb/
sudo loxicmd save --lb