Python IBM 3270 coaxial interface library.
You will need to build an interface and connect it to your computer.
Install using pip
pip install pycoax
Assuming your interface is connected to /dev/ttyACM0
and you have a CUT type terminal connected to the interface, you can do something like this:
import time
from coax import open_serial_interface, Poll, PollAck, LoadAddressCounterHi, \
LoadAddressCounterLo, WriteData, ReceiveTimeout
with open_serial_interface('/dev/ttyACM0') as interface:
# Wait for a terminal to attach...
poll_response = None
attached = False
while not attached:
poll_response = interface.execute(Poll(), timeout=1)
if poll_response:
attached = True
except ReceiveTimeout:
# Poll the terminal until status is empty.
while poll_response:
poll_response = interface.execute(Poll())
if poll_response:
# Move the cursor to top-left cell of a 80 column display.
interface.execute([LoadAddressCounterHi(0), LoadAddressCounterLo(80)])
# Write a secret message.
interface.execute(WriteData(bytes.fromhex('a1 84 00 92 94 91 84 00 93 8e 00 83 91 88 8d 8a 00 98 8e 94 91 00 ae 95 80 8b 93 88 8d 84')))
See examples for complete examples.