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File metadata and controls

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This is my entry for the 2021 DigitalOcean Kubernetes Challenge.

For my entry, I perform the following and document the steps taken:

  • Set up a Kubernetes cluster on DigitalOcean
  • Install an Apache Kafka cluster on the Kubernetes cluster, using Strimzi
  • Install Kafka Bridge on the Kubernetes cluster using Strimzi, to provide a HTTP interface to the Kafka cluster
  • Demonstrate producing and consuming messages through the HTTP interface provided by Kafka Bridge
  • Create a demo application to demonstrate using Kafka Bridge to produce and consume messages


Set up DigitalOcean CLI

Obtain an API token from DigitalOcean, and install and initialize the DigitalOcean CLI

doctl auth init --context dochallenge

Create a Kubernetes cluster on DigitalOcean

doctl kubernetes cluster create democluster --context dochallenge

Install Kafka cluster

This is adapted from the steps in

First, I create a namespace for the Kafka resources, named kafka.

kubectl create namespace kafka

Next, I apply the Strimzi install files.

kubectl create -f '' -n kafka

kubectl get pod -n kafka --watch

Then, I provision the Apache Kafka cluster, using an installation file adapted from

kubectl apply -f k8s-setup/kafka-persistent-single.yaml -n kafka

Install Kafka Bridge

I install Kafka Bridge to provide a HTTP interface to the Kafka cluster, referencing the steps in

# Adapted from

kubectl apply -f k8s-setup/kafka-bridge.yaml -n kafka

Setting up a topic in the Kafka cluster

kubectl apply -f k8s-setup/my-bridge-topic.yaml -n kafka

Exposing Kafka Bridge to external clients

First, I install an ingress controller following the instructions in

kubectl apply -f

Then I extract the external ip corresponding to the ingress controller from the output of the following command:

kubectl get services --namespace=ingress-nginx

I create the installation file for an ingress resource to the Kafka Bridge, from a template file, substituting the placeholder for the ip address with the one obtained from the above command. Note that the host address makes use of the wildcard DNS service.

sed  "s/REPLACE_WITH_EXTERNAL_IP/$EXTERNAL_IP/" k8s-setup/kafka-bridge-ingress.yaml.template > k8s-setup/kafka-bridge-ingress.yaml

I create the ingress resource:

kubectl apply -f k8s-setup/kafka-bridge-ingress.yaml -n kafka

Produce messages to the topic using HTTP interface

Producing some messages for testing:

curl -X POST \
  http://$BRIDGE_HOST/topics/$TOPIC_NAME \
  -H 'content-type: application/vnd.kafka.json.v2+json' \
  -d '{
    "records": [
            "key": "my-key",
            "value": "test message"
            "value": "another test message",
            "partition": 2
            "value": "hello kafka"

Received response


Create a Kafka Bridge consumer using HTTP interface


  -H 'content-type: application/vnd.kafka.v2+json' \
  -d "{
    \"name\": \"$BRIDGE_CONSUMER_NAME\",
    \"auto.offset.reset\": \"earliest\",
    \"format\": \"json\",
    \"\": false,
    \"fetch.min.bytes\": 512,
    \"\": 30000

Received response:


Consuming messages using HTTP interface

Subscribing to the topic

curl -X POST http://$BRIDGE_HOST/consumers/$BRIDGE_CONSUMER_GROUP_NAME/instances/$BRIDGE_CONSUMER_NAME/subscription \
  -H 'content-type: application/vnd.kafka.v2+json' \
  -d "{\"topics\": [\"$TOPIC_NAME\"]}"

Consuming messages

curl -X GET http://$BRIDGE_HOST/consumers/$BRIDGE_CONSUMER_GROUP_NAME/instances/$BRIDGE_CONSUMER_NAME/records \
  -H 'accept: application/vnd.kafka.json.v2+json'

Received response:

[{"topic":"my-bridge-topic","key":null,"value":"another test message","partition":2,"offset":3},{"topic":"my-bridge-topic","key":"my-key","value":"test message","partition":0,"offset":2},{"topic":"my-bridge-topic","key":null,"value":"hello kafka","partition":1,"offset":1}]

Demo Application


See instructions here on how to run the demo application.