Landsrådet for Norges barne- og ungdomsorganisasjoner or LNU has created this open source project to help its members more easily find and book suitable spaces or venues. These spaces can be anything from a school to a community center.
The problem this app aims to solve is that booking these types of venues can take a long time, it can be difficult to find suitable venues and find venues that can accommodate the needs the members have. This process can take up to a year. This project wants to use its members feedback to maintain the database and the idea is to create a mix between a booking type of site and a wiki.
Want to help and contribute to this project? Send an email to [email protected].
You can raise issues here on our github page or submit your own PR's. is built by LNU and this project was originally financed with subsidies from Bufdir.
If you want to install this project on your computer then follow the guides below. If you find bugs, please submit them.
- Rails 7.2
- Ruby 3.3.6
- Node 23 and yarn
Use git clone [email protected]:lnu-norge/
to pull the code.
Go into the folder, and run the command: bundle install
TIP! After this command you should see a long list of green and white lines
Run the command: yarn
Copy config/database.yml.example
and name it config/database.yml
> cp config/database.yml.example config/database.yml
Now run the command: rails db:create db:migrate
Congratulations! You have now setup the project.
See the file env.example
for a list of third party services you can use with the app.
Locally you need a MAPBOX_API_KEY
to test the map functionality, and GOOGLE_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID
to test logging in with Google.
To get these, sign up at for a free key, and at
If you are a core contributor, ask the admins for a key that works.
To run the application there are two options:
- In the terminal and while in the folder run the command:
- Now go to your browser and go to website: http://localhost:3000/
This will precompile the assets, like JS, images, and CSS. It's not suited for development, but works for testing the app out. It's also what's done behind the scenes when you run rspec tests.
To remove the precompiled assets again run rails assets:clobber
You can now signup and use the app locally on your machine.
There are four commands to run everything for dev mode:
bin/rails s -p 3000 # Runs the rails server
bundle exec guard # Reloads the rails server and browser if rails files change
yarn build:dev --watch # Builds and rebuilds CSS when files change
yarn build:css --watch # Builds and rebuilds CSS when files change
These are defined in Procfile
To run all at the same time, you can either use foreman
or overmind. Overmind must be installed on your machine. Foreman ships with this project. Overmind is the better option, but foreman works.
- While in the folder " run the command:
foreman s
(This uses Procfile, which does not boot rails)
- Open up a new terminal window, same folder, run the command:
rails s
(This boots rails in a seperate window, so you get the logs for rails there.
- Now go to your browser and go to website: http://localhost:3000/
You can now signup and use the app locally on your machine. At the same time you'll have access to the server logs in the terminal windows. First window is for Javascript and CSS bundling and the second one for the actual web server and database connection.
To run tests you can simply type rspec
This will run all the tests in /spec
. You can also specify a specific test to run like this
rspec spec/models/facility_category_spec.rb
You can run the tests in parallel this will make them faster, this requires you to setup the parallel DB which is done with
rails parallel:prepare
After that you can run the tests with
To get this project up and running on your computer you will need to install a few things on your system - Ruby, Rails, Yarn and PostgresQL. It is slightly different how you do this depending on whether you are on Ubuntu, Mac or Windows.
- Follow the instructions in this guide:
- We recommend using the Rbenv option, only because we can support you if issues.
- Skip the git setup if you already have it
- The MySQL part is optional, but you have to setup Postgres.
That should be it.
- Follow the instructions in this guide:
IMPORTANT- for STEP 2 When prompted to run the command: rbenv install 2.6.3 Use the command: rbenv install 3.3.6
After that it asks you to run: rbenv global 2.6.3 Run: rbenv global 3.3.6 instead
This is the version of Ruby we are using.
- gem install rails -v 5.2.3 should be changed to: gem install rails -v
This is the version of Rails we are using
- You can skip STEP 5 and the rest of the steps.
- You now need Postgresql, download the installer here. Latest version should be okay.
TIP - If you want to follow a guide then this guide is okay. They install a much older version then you will be doing but it should be very similar.
If you are on Windows we recommend using Windows Subsystem for Linux version 2 if possible.
Follow this guide. The simplified version should be fine.
Now try to search on your start menu for Ubuntu (it should show up and have a orange icon). If it doesn't, then restart your computer and try again.
If it still does not appear, then go to Windows Store (it is Windows own app store) and search for Ubuntu 20.04 or any other Linux distribution that you may want. Windows Store
- Install Ubuntu from the Windows store, launch the software and follow the guide.
- You now should have Ubuntu installed. This will be your "window" into the world of Linux.
Now that you have Ubuntu, or other Linux, installed on your Windows computer you are ready to install the rest. You can now follow the Ubuntu guide above - just make sure you are using the newly installed Ubuntu terminal instead of Powershell or CMD.
TIP! You can use any terminal you want, but it makes things a bit harder. Google it if you want.
- After everything is finished you will need a Code Editor if you want to contribute (Sublime, VS-Code, or any other).
To deploy to production on Heroku, you need to log in to Heroku and manaully deploy a git branch.
Run rails db:seed
to get sample data into your app.
You can also set the ENV variable "SEED_FILE" to load a different seed file than the current environment dictates. Useful for deploying tests on Heroku, as Heroku always wants you to run in production mode - but you might want to seed with development data.
To get geographical data for Fylker and Kommuner, run: rails geo:import_geographical_areas_from_geonorge
. This will hit the APIs of GeoNorge and create or update any fylker and kommuner, as well as make sure all Spaces are matched with a Fylke and a Kommune.
You need to set the right sendgrid environment variables, and to get sendgrid to work you will also need to set the ENV variable ["HOST"] to equal to the domain you are using, example: ENV["HOST"] = "
Ruby on Rails is a great coding language to learn if you are a beginner as well as a seasoned developer. What makes people love Ruby on Rails is that making apps are quite straight forward - and does not necessary involve thousands of hours of coding. Once you know Ruby on Rails you will be able to create a prototype application in as little as a week. The language is quite verbose and therefore becomes easier for beginners to read then some other languages. Apps built with Ruby on Rails, Twitter (the first 10 years), Github, Stripe, Shopify, Airbnb and many more.
If you know an other language like Javascript/React/Node, Python, Java, C (and all the variants) then picking up Ruby on Rails is fairly straight forward. Go to Rails Tutorial, the book costs a bit of money, but the older versions of the course is freely available on the site.
We use Hotwire, Turbo, StimulusJS and Tailwind in the project. To learn Hotwire and StimulsJS read the documentation and if you want see this in action then this youtube tutorial is a good starting point.
Tailwind is our framework for styling. It takes a bit of time to get used to, but once you do then most people tend to fall in love with it. Hard to describe - needs to be tried. This youtube tutorial is a great resource.
We recommend The Odin Project if you are starting from scratch. It is completely free, it teaches you everything you need to know and more. It starts off with the basics and by the time you are done with the course you are a junior developer with impressive skills. This course will take a complete beginner about 3-6 months to complete.
They have a Discord channel for help and they offer two paths - Rails and Javascript (Node). If you choose one, then the other will be easy afterwards.
Let us know if we can help you out in any way, and feel free to clone this project to experiment your new found knowledge on as you progress in the course.
If you have Parity, you can follow the instructions here to back up and restore the database: