##Section 1## ###Day 1### Intros, interview discussion Ask the laundry question Ask the coffee shop question Talk about the deck of cards question A lecture will be given on basic problem solving, and whiteboard strategy. A few problems will be worked through. Students will attempt exercises on paper using the time limits provided. Once students solve a set of problems, they should perform their solutions on a whiteboard and be able to explain their thought process to a group of their peers in groups of 3-5.
###Day 2### A lecture on Big O notation will be given, and several improvements to problems that have been solved will be discussed in terms of efficiency. Further exercises in Section 1 should be worked. Interview material is given to students to practice being the interviewer, and the interviewee. Students should not attempt to give the problem as an interviewer until they have first solved the problem.
###Day 3### Students share the insights they've gained from giving interviews to one another. Several problems will be discussed in terms of their time complexity, and their space complexity. Students will continue to give each other interviews.
##Section 2##
###Day 1###
A lecture is given on some data structures and their properties.
- Dictionaries
- Lists
Notes for Day 1: Liz: Run the enterprise Focus on operations on the bridge between people
Ashi: Roles - defines roles
Liz: How would those people interact?
Draw a distributed systems graph
how would 2 ships interact
here's a mission - from an actual star trek episode :D