We have provided interfaces to render on custom scenes. An example is in the following.
Download images here and organize files like
|-- data
|-- example
|-- desktop
|-- images
|-- *.jpg
Make sure these images are not too large (e.g. <= 960x720). Otherwise, running COLMAP or rendering will take very long time.
python run_colmap.py --example_name desktop \
--colmap <path-to-your-colmap> # note we need the dense reconstruction
will be the project directory for COLMAP.
python render.py --database example/desktop/raw --cfg configs/gen/neuray_gen_depth.yaml --pose_type circle
This command will render images using a set of circle poses. Renderings are saved in data/render/example/desktop/raw/neuray_gen_depth-pretrain-circle
Optionally, we can also render low resolution images with
python render.py --database example/desktop/480 --cfg configs/gen/neuray_gen_depth.yaml --pose_type circle
ffmpeg.exe -y -framerate 30 -r 30 -i data/render/example/desktop/raw/neuray_gen_depth-pretrain-circle/%d-nr_fine.jpg -vcodec libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -filter:v "crop=600:800:60:80" desktop.mp4
A video looking like the following should be generated.
We have provided estimated depth maps from COLMAP on the BlendedMVS dataset, which can be downloaded here, and the corresponding rendering poses are in configs/inter_trajectory/blended_mvs
. Organize files like data/blended-mvs/<uids>
and we can render novel view images by
# We may change the "building" in the command to ["iron_dog", "santa", "dragon", "mermaid", "laid_man"]
python render.py --cfg configs/gen/neuray_gen_depth.yaml \
--database blended_mvs/building/half \
--pose_type inter_60 \
--pose_fn configs/blended_mvs/building.txt
Rendered images are saved in data/render/blended_mvs/building/half/neuray_gen_depth-pretrain-inter_60
python run_training.py --cfg configs/train/ft/example/neuray_ft_desktop_pretrain.yaml
To write a new config file for finetuning on a new custom scene. You need to change all database_name
and database_split
in the .yaml
The database_name
will be parsed to a BaseDatabase
class in dataset/database.py
by the function parse_database_name
, which are utilized by NeuRay as explained in codes_explanations.md.
The database_split
will be used in the function get_database_split
in the dataset/database.py
to determine training images and validation images.