diff --git a/.github/workflows/create-release.yml b/.github/workflows/create-release.yml
index 44d98af2..55d7854b 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/create-release.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/create-release.yml
@@ -38,6 +38,13 @@ jobs:
echo "Saw Liquibase version ${{ steps.collect-data.outputs.liquibaseVersion }}"
echo "Saw Extension version ${{ steps.collect-data.outputs.extensionVersion }}"
+ release-prepare:
+ uses: liquibase/build-logic/.github/workflows/extension-update-version.yml@v0.3.2
+ with:
+ perform-release: false
+ perform-rollback: false
+ secrets: inherit
name: "Build and Test"
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
@@ -62,11 +69,6 @@ jobs:
java-version: '8'
distribution: 'adopt'
- - name: Configure git user
- run: |
- git config user.name "liquibot"
- git config user.email "liquibot@liquibase.org"
- name: Download and install liquibase-core.jar
uses: dsaltares/fetch-gh-release-asset@master
@@ -79,24 +81,6 @@ jobs:
- name: Install liquibase-core.jar
run: mvn -B org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-install-plugin:3.0.0-M1:install-file -Dfile=liquibase-core.jar
- - name: Update pom.xml with release versions and commit changes
- run: |
- mvn -B versions:set -DnewVersion=${{ needs.setup.outputs.extensionVersion }} -DallowSnapshots=false -DoldVersion="*"
- mvn -B versions:use-dep-version -Dincludes=org.liquibase:liquibase-core -DdepVersion=${{ needs.setup.outputs.liquibaseVersion }} -DforceVersion=true
- git add pom.xml
- if git diff-index --cached --quiet HEAD --
- then
- echo "Nothing new to commit"
- else
- git commit -m "Version Bumped to ${{ needs.setup.outputs.extensionVersion }}"
- fi
- git tag -a -m "Version Bumped to ${{ needs.setup.outputs.extensionVersion }}" liquibase-mongodb-${{ needs.setup.outputs.extensionVersion }}
- git push "https://liquibot:$GITHUB_TOKEN@github.com/$GITHUB_REPOSITORY.git" HEAD:${{ github.ref }} --follow-tags --tags
- env:
- GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.BOT_TOKEN }}
- name: Get release SHA
id: get-release-sha
run: echo ::set-output name=releaseSha::$(git rev-parse HEAD)
@@ -144,7 +128,7 @@ jobs:
run: mvn clean verify -Prun-its --file pom.xml
- needs: [ setup, build, integration-tests ]
+ needs: [ setup, build, integration-tests, release-prepare ]
name: Draft Release
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
@@ -167,33 +151,20 @@ jobs:
- bump-pom-to-snapshot:
- name: Prepare POM for Development
- runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- needs: [ draft-release ]
- steps:
- - uses: actions/checkout@v2
- with:
- persist-credentials: false # otherwise, the token used is the GITHUB_TOKEN, instead of your personal token
- fetch-depth: 0 # otherwise, you will failed to push refs to dest repo
- - name: Set up JDK
- uses: actions/setup-java@v2
- with:
- java-version: '8'
- distribution: 'adopt'
- - name: Configure git user
- run: |
- git config user.name "liquibot"
- git config user.email "liquibot@liquibase.org"
- - name: Prepare code for next version
- run: |
- git pull
- mvn -B versions:set -DnextSnapshot=true
- git add pom.xml
- git commit -m "Version Bumped to Snapshot for Development"
- git push "https://liquibot:$GITHUB_TOKEN@github.com/$GITHUB_REPOSITORY.git" HEAD:${{ github.ref }} --follow-tags --tags
- env:
- GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.BOT_TOKEN }}
+ release-perform:
+ needs: [ setup, release-prepare, build, integration-tests, draft-release ]
+ if: ${{ success() }}
+ uses: liquibase/build-logic/.github/workflows/extension-update-version.yml@v0.3.2
+ with:
+ perform-release: true
+ perform-rollback: false
+ secrets: inherit
+ release-rollback:
+ needs: [ setup, release-prepare, build, integration-tests, draft-release ]
+ if: ${{ failure() }}
+ uses: liquibase/build-logic/.github/workflows/extension-update-version.yml@v0.3.2
+ with:
+ perform-release: false
+ perform-rollback: true
+ secrets: inherit
diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml
index fff014b8..fcdd2c81 100644
--- a/pom.xml
+++ b/pom.xml
@@ -335,6 +335,14 @@
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-release-plugin
+ ${maven-release-plugin.version}
+ [Version Bumped to ${project.version}]