diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 2232a82c..55e15434 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -26,87 +26,7 @@ In order to call specific `mongo-java-driver` specific methods,
Liquibase turned to be the most feasible tool to extend as it allows to define change sets to fit driver methods arguments.
-## Release Notes
-#### 4.24.0
-* Support for Liquibase 4.24.0
-#### 4.21.0
-* Support for Liquibase 4.20.0
-#### 4.4.0
-* Updated code to work with core 4.4.0 [PR #147](https://github.com/liquibase/liquibase-mongodb/pull/147)
-* Bump mockito-core from 3.10.0 to 3.11.0 [PR#151](https://github.com/liquibase/liquibase-mongodb/pull/151)
-* Bump mockito-junit-jupiter from 3.10.0 to 3.11.0 [PR#152](https://github.com/liquibase/liquibase-mongodb/pull/152)
-* Bump snakeyaml from 1.28 to 1.29 [PR#153](https://github.com/liquibase/liquibase-mongodb/pull/153)
-* Bump assertj-core from 3.19.0 to 3.20.0[PR#157](https://github.com/liquibase/liquibase-mongodb/pull/157)
-* Upgrade Mongo Java Driver from 4.2.1 to 4.2.2
-* Fixed [Issue-111: Is adminCommand really connected to the admin DB?](https://github.com/liquibase/liquibase-mongodb/issues/111)
-#### 4.3.1
-* Support for Liquibase 4.3.1
-* This an important release build with 4.2.0 mongo-driver-sync and is compatible with mongo-driver 3.x.x if provided
-* Fixed [Issue-90: Convert all statements to runCommand so it is compatible with majority JavaDriver versions](https://github.com/liquibase/liquibase-mongodb/issues/90)
-* Fixed [Issue-80: Move from deprecated mongo-java-driver](https://github.com/liquibase/liquibase-mongodb/issues/80)
-* Fixed [Issue-71: Support mongodb-driver-sync v4.x](https://github.com/liquibase/liquibase-mongodb/issues/71)
-* Fixed [Issue-64:Support for DNS Seed List Connection Format or Atlas Cluster](https://github.com/liquibase/liquibase-mongodb/issues/66)
-* Fixed [Issue-69: Does it support preconditions](https://github.com/liquibase/liquibase-mongodb/issues/69)
-* Fixed [Issue-70: Is there a way to tag the current database state?](https://github.com/liquibase/liquibase-mongodb/issues/70)
-* Added DocumentExistsPrecondition, ExpectedDocumentCountPrecondition
-* Fixed [Issue-74: createIndex with TTL (expireAfterSeconds) is ignored and normal index created](https://github.com/liquibase/liquibase-mongodb/issues/74)
-* Fixed [Issue-79: CreateCollection silently drops supported options](https://github.com/liquibase/liquibase-mongodb/issues/79)
-#### 4.2.2
-* Support for Liquibase 4.2.2
-#### 4.2.1
-* Support for Liquibase 4.2.1
-* Fixed [Rollback doesn't work with liquibase-mongodb- extension](https://github.com/liquibase/liquibase-mongodb/issues/38)
-* Added dropCollection and dropIndex Changes
-* Added NoSql JSON Parser which can pass raw JSON for a property like this:
- "options" :
- {
- "$rawJson" : { ... }
- }
-For the command line is required to copy to `[liquibase]/lib`
-libraries : `jackson-annotations-2.11.3.jar, jackson-core-2.11.3.jar, jackson-databind-2.11.3.jar`
-* New properties added
-# If disabled can be used on API which do not support validators (Azure Cosmos DB with Mongo API, Amazon DocumentDB)
-# If enabled will adjust indexes and validators for Liquibase tracking tables LOCK and CHANGELOG. Can be disabled if sure Liquibase not updated.
-* Overridden Liquibase table names removed. Now will be used the default ones in Liquibase. If previous releases used then table names should be explicitly passed as parameters.
-Currently, by default as Liquibase default :`DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK, DATABASECHANGELOG`
-Previous releases used by default : `databaseChangeLogLock, databaseChangeLog`
-#### 4.1.1
-* Support for Liquibase 4.1.1
-#### 4.1.0
-* Support for Liquibase 4.1.0
-#### 4.0.0
-* Works with Liquibase v4.0.0
-#### 3.10.0
-* Support for Liquibase 3.10
-#### 3.9.0
-* First release
+## [Release Notes](./changelog.txt)
## Implemented Changes:
diff --git a/changelog.txt b/changelog.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a7adbfcf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/changelog.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+Liquibase MongoDB Extension Changelog
+#### 4.24.0
+* Support for Liquibase 4.24.0
+#### 4.21.0
+* Support for Liquibase 4.20.0
+#### 4.4.0
+* Updated code to work with core 4.4.0 [PR #147](https://github.com/liquibase/liquibase-mongodb/pull/147)
+* Bump mockito-core from 3.10.0 to 3.11.0 [PR#151](https://github.com/liquibase/liquibase-mongodb/pull/151)
+* Bump mockito-junit-jupiter from 3.10.0 to 3.11.0 [PR#152](https://github.com/liquibase/liquibase-mongodb/pull/152)
+* Bump snakeyaml from 1.28 to 1.29 [PR#153](https://github.com/liquibase/liquibase-mongodb/pull/153)
+* Bump assertj-core from 3.19.0 to 3.20.0[PR#157](https://github.com/liquibase/liquibase-mongodb/pull/157)
+* Upgrade Mongo Java Driver from 4.2.1 to 4.2.2
+* Fixed [Issue-111: Is adminCommand really connected to the admin DB?](https://github.com/liquibase/liquibase-mongodb/issues/111)
+#### 4.3.1
+* Support for Liquibase 4.3.1
+* This an important release build with 4.2.0 mongo-driver-sync and is compatible with mongo-driver 3.x.x if provided
+* Fixed [Issue-90: Convert all statements to runCommand so it is compatible with majority JavaDriver versions](https://github.com/liquibase/liquibase-mongodb/issues/90)
+* Fixed [Issue-80: Move from deprecated mongo-java-driver](https://github.com/liquibase/liquibase-mongodb/issues/80)
+* Fixed [Issue-71: Support mongodb-driver-sync v4.x](https://github.com/liquibase/liquibase-mongodb/issues/71)
+* Fixed [Issue-64:Support for DNS Seed List Connection Format or Atlas Cluster](https://github.com/liquibase/liquibase-mongodb/issues/66)
+* Fixed [Issue-69: Does it support preconditions](https://github.com/liquibase/liquibase-mongodb/issues/69)
+* Fixed [Issue-70: Is there a way to tag the current database state?](https://github.com/liquibase/liquibase-mongodb/issues/70)
+* Added DocumentExistsPrecondition, ExpectedDocumentCountPrecondition
+* Fixed [Issue-74: createIndex with TTL (expireAfterSeconds) is ignored and normal index created](https://github.com/liquibase/liquibase-mongodb/issues/74)
+* Fixed [Issue-79: CreateCollection silently drops supported options](https://github.com/liquibase/liquibase-mongodb/issues/79)
+#### 4.2.2
+* Support for Liquibase 4.2.2
+#### 4.2.1
+* Support for Liquibase 4.2.1
+* Fixed [Rollback doesn't work with liquibase-mongodb- extension](https://github.com/liquibase/liquibase-mongodb/issues/38)
+* Added dropCollection and dropIndex Changes
+* Added NoSql JSON Parser which can pass raw JSON for a property like this:
+ "options" :
+ {
+ "$rawJson" : { ... }
+ }
+For the command line is required to copy to `[liquibase]/lib`
+libraries : `jackson-annotations-2.11.3.jar, jackson-core-2.11.3.jar, jackson-databind-2.11.3.jar`
+* New properties added
+# If disabled can be used on API which do not support validators (Azure Cosmos DB with Mongo API, Amazon DocumentDB)
+# If enabled will adjust indexes and validators for Liquibase tracking tables LOCK and CHANGELOG. Can be disabled if sure Liquibase not updated.
+* Overridden Liquibase table names removed. Now will be used the default ones in Liquibase. If previous releases used then table names should be explicitly passed as parameters.
+Currently, by default as Liquibase default :`DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK, DATABASECHANGELOG`
+Previous releases used by default : `databaseChangeLogLock, databaseChangeLog`
+#### 4.1.1
+* Support for Liquibase 4.1.1
+#### 4.1.0
+* Support for Liquibase 4.1.0
+#### 4.0.0
+* Works with Liquibase v4.0.0
+#### 3.10.0
+* Support for Liquibase 3.10
+#### 3.9.0
+* First release
\ No newline at end of file