To train fixed effect and random effect models using GDMix, users need to provide a GDMix config, which consists of configs for fixed-effect and random-effect models. For distributed training, computing resource configs for Tensorflow and Spark jobs are needed.
GDMix config examples for movieLens with a fixed-effect global
model and two random effect per-user
and per-movie
models are available in directory examples/movielens-100k
- lr-movieLens.yaml: train logistic regression models for the
sections are resources used for distributed training only. - detext-movieLens.yaml: train a deep and wide neural network model for the
and logistic regression models for theper-user
sections are resources used for distributed training only.
Required fields:
- name: name of the model. String.
- training_data_dir: path to training data directory. String.
- uid_column_name: unique id column name in the train/validation data.
- metadata_file: path to an input data tensor metadata file. String.
- feature_file: path to a feature list file for outputing model in name-term-value format. String.
- model_type: the model type to train, e.g, logistic regression, linear regression, detext, etc.
- output_model_dir: model output directory.
Optional fields:
- validation_data_dir: path to validation data directory. String, default is "".
- regularize_bias: whether to regularize the intercept. Ususally we do not put regularization on intercept since it is an important feature. Boolean, default is false.
- l2_reg_weight: weight of L2 regularization for each feature bag. Float, default is 0.001.
- optimizer: optimizer used in the training, currently support LBFGS only.
- metric: metric of the model. String, support "auc" and "mse" Default is "auc".
- copy_to_local: whether copy training data to local disk. Boolean, default is true.
- label_column_name: label column name in the train/validation data.
- weight_column_name: weight column name in the train/validation data.
- prediction_score_column_name: prediction score column name in the generated result file.
- feature_bag: feature bag name that is used for training and scoring.
Required fields include all fields from fixed-effect config plus:
- partition_entity: the column name used to partition data in order to improve random effect model training parallelism. String.
- num_partitions: number of partitions. Integer.
Optional fields include all fields from fixed-effect config plus:
- max_training_queue_size: maximum number of training queue size in the producer/consumer model. The trainer is implemented in a producer/consumer model. The producer reads data from hard drive, then the consumers solve the optimization problem for each entity. The blocking queue synchcronizes both sides. Integer, default is 10.
- num_of_consumers: the number of consumers (processes that optimizes the models). This specifies the parallelism inside a trainer. Integer, default is 2.
- enable_local_indexing: whether to enable local indexing. Some dataset has large global feature space, but small per entity feature space. For example the total features in a dataset could be on the order of millions, but each member has only hundreds of features. We should re-index the features to save memory footprint and increase the training efficiency. Boolean, default is true.
Please refer to DeText training manual for available parameters for the config, the config is a collection of key/value pair, a DeText config example for movieLens data can be found at detext-single-node-movieLens.config