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http request list consumers

Todd Palino edited this page Jun 2, 2015 · 4 revisions

###Name List Consumers

###Usage This endpoint returns a list of the consumer groups in the specified Kafka cluster. Note that this may not be a complete list of consumer groups - it is just the consumer groups that Burrow is aware of from offset commits.

###URL path GET /v2/kafka/(cluster)/consumer


Name Format Description
cluster string The name of a Kafka cluster, as returned by the [[List Clusters

###Response The response contains a consumers key whose value is a list of group names:

  "error": false,
  "message": "consumer list returned",
  "consumers": [

###Possible errors

  • Cluster Not Found If an unknown cluster name is provided, a 404 error will be returned with a JSON response body.
  • JSON Encoding Error If there is a failure encoding the JSON response, a 500 error will be returned with a JSON response body.