diff --git a/.github/README.md b/.github/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
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-# The .github directory
-This directory contains various configurations and .yml files that are used to
-define GitHub actions and behaviors.
-## Workflows
-The .yml files in ``./workflows`` are used to define the various continuous
-integration scripts that will be run on your behalf e.g. nightly as a smoke check,
-or when you create a new PR.
-For more information about CI and workflows, look here: https://lincc-ppt.readthedocs.io/en/latest/practices/ci.html
-## Configurations
-Templates for various different issue types are defined in ``./ISSUE_TEMPLATE``
-and a pull request template is defined as ``pull_request_template.md``. Adding,
-removing, and modifying these templates to suit the needs of your project is encouraged.
-For more information about these templates, look here: https://lincc-ppt.readthedocs.io/en/latest/practices/issue_pr_templating.html
-Or if you still have questions contact us: https://lincc-ppt.readthedocs.io/en/latest/source/contact.html
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-# fibad
[![GitHub Workflow Status](https://img.shields.io/github/actions/workflow/status/lincc-frameworks/fibad/smoke-test.yml)](https://github.com/lincc-frameworks/fibad/actions/workflows/smoke-test.yml)
-[![Read The Docs](https://img.shields.io/readthedocs/fibad)](https://fibad.readthedocs.io/)
-This project was automatically generated using the LINCC-Frameworks
-A repository badge was added to show that this project uses the python-project-template, however it's up to
-you whether or not you'd like to display it!
+## Introduction
+The **Framework for Image-Based Anomaly Detection** (FIBAD) is an efficient tool
+to hunt for rare and anomalous sources in large astronomical imaging surveys
+(e.g., Rubin-LSST, HSC, Euclid, NGRST, etc.).
+FIBAD is designed to support four primary steps in the anomaly detection workflow:
-For more information about the project template see the
+* Downloading large numbers of cutouts from public data repositories
+* Building lower dimensional representations of downloaded images -- the latent space
+* Interactive visualization and algorithmic exploration (e.g., clustering, similarity-search, etc.) of the latent space
+* Identification & rank-ordering of potential anomalous objects
-## Dev Guide - Getting Started
+FIBAD is not tied to a specific anomaly detection algorithm/model or a specific
+class of rare/anomalous objects; but rather intended to support any algorithm
+that the user may want to apply on imaging data.
+If the algorithm you want to use takes in tensors, outputs tensors, and can be
+implemented in PyTorch; then chances are FIBAD is the right tool for you!
-Before installing any dependencies or writing code, it's a great idea to create a
-virtual environment. LINCC-Frameworks engineers primarily use `conda` to manage virtual
-environments. If you have conda installed locally, you can run the following to
-create and activate a new environment.
+## Getting Started
+To get started with FIBAD, clone the repository and create a new virtual environment.
+If you plan to develop code, run the ``.setup_dev.sh`` script.
->> conda create env -n python=3.10
->> conda activate
+>> git clone https://github.com/lincc-frameworks/fibad.git
+>> conda create -n fibad python=3.10
+>> bash .setup_dev.sh (Optional, for developers)
-Once you have created a new environment, you can install this project for local
-development using the following commands:
+## Additional Information
+FIBAD is under active development and has limited documentation at the moment.
+We aim to have v1 stability and more documentation in the first half of 2025.
+If you are an astronomer trying to use FIBAD before then, please get in touch with us!
->> pip install -e .'[dev]'
->> pre-commit install
->> conda install pandoc
+This project started as a collaboration between different units within the
+[LSST Discovery Alliance](https://lsstdiscoveryalliance.org/) --
+the [LINCC Frameworks Team](https://lsstdiscoveryalliance.org/programs/lincc-frameworks/)
+and LSST-DA Catalyst Fellow, [Aritra Ghosh](https://ghosharitra.com/).
+## Acknowledgements
-1. The single quotes around `'[dev]'` may not be required for your operating system.
-2. `pre-commit install` will initialize pre-commit for this local repository, so
- that a set of tests will be run prior to completing a local commit. For more
- information, see the Python Project Template documentation on
- [pre-commit](https://lincc-ppt.readthedocs.io/en/latest/practices/precommit.html)
-3. Install `pandoc` allows you to verify that automatic rendering of Jupyter notebooks
- into documentation for ReadTheDocs works as expected. For more information, see
- the Python Project Template documentation on
- [Sphinx and Python Notebooks](https://lincc-ppt.readthedocs.io/en/latest/practices/sphinx.html#python-notebooks)
+This project is supported by Schmidt Sciences.
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