4.2014 (Luda)
- Reduce number of zebra artifact required to host zebra on a user side. To host zebra only three artifacts are required:
- zebra.min.js
- zebra.png (UI elements set)
- zebra.json (configuration)
- Completely re-worked popup menu component. Menu events can be handled globally by registering a listener in popup manager
- Simplified input events handling. An UI component should not anymore implements appropriate input listener interface, just add appropriate method to handle required event
- Polished zebra.ui.Extender component
- Polished zebra.ui.Toolbar component
- New component grid caption component is provided. The component allows developer to to use any UI component as a title of a grid column.
- Support sortable grid columns
- Component based grid caption is supported
- Grid columns data sorting is available out of box
- Polished and re-designed grid editor provider
- Tabs border rendering is much more accurate and well done
- Tabs icon and title control is much more simple
- Radiobox component rendering is done more accurate
- More accurate HTML Element as a zebra UI component integration
- Faster and simpler StringRender is implemented
- List components are review-ed and partially re-implemented
- Better support of mobile devices
- Simpler popup menus and tooltip support
- Smother painting when a browser window is resized
- Bloody IE10/11 canvas clipping and filling bugs workarounds
- More detailed API docs
- Load JSON from JSON what allows developers to split it in logical parts
- More smooth rendering control (with request animation frame whenever it is possible)
- Tooltip manager has been merged with popup manager
- Better test cases coverage
- +1000 other changes and bug fixes
** 8.2013 (Gleb) Zebra documentation is available !**
- Zebra start supporting mobile !
- Tutorial is written published on WEB site
- API doc is written and published on WEB site
- +100 fixes and small changes
- WEB : http://www.zebkit.org
- e-mail : [email protected]
- linkedin: http://nl.linkedin.com/pub/andrei-vishneuski/14/525/34b/