Balloons is a probably unuseful jQuery plugin (thanks Euler!), which basically plots circles (balloons) in polar coordinates.
The basic usage is as follows (sample):
css: { /* balloon style */ },
balloons: [ /* a set of polar coordinates plus the balloon radius */ ],
timeout: 100,
html: function(angle, i) {
return (angle / 180).toFixed(2) + 'π';
Each balloon is specified through an object which defines the radius (computed from the center of the container element) and the angle (computed from the x-axis counterclockwise) at which the balloon is plotted, and the balloon radius itself. For example, to plot a 30px-radius ballon at 100px from the container element's central point, located exactly in the vertical, use:
var ballon = {
angle: 90, // degrees
radius: 100, // px
balloonRadius: 30 // px