What's Changed
- Hide author of files in anonymous posts by @justusdieckmann in #173
- Adding string 'moodleoverflow:viewanyrating', solves #169. by @lucaboesch in #170
- Fix/ratingsort by @TamaroWalter in #175
- Fix/digestmail by @TamaroWalter in #176
- replaced outdated behat command i_add_to_section to i_add_activity_to_course by @TamaroWalter in #183
- Smaller monologo icon for Moodle ≥ 4.4. by @lucaboesch in #185
- Update/M404 by @TamaroWalter in #178
- Bugfix/settingsreset by @TamaroWalter in #179
- improve the message block of the post form (fixes Show pictures in post) by @TamaroWalter in #182
Full Changelog: v4.2-r4...v4.4-r1