diff --git a/.github/workflows/moodle-ci.yml b/.github/workflows/moodle-ci.yml
index 3220d1448a..cc16e5483b 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/moodle-ci.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/moodle-ci.yml
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ jobs:
- name: Initialise moodle-plugin-ci
run: |
- composer create-project -n --no-dev --prefer-dist moodlehq/moodle-plugin-ci ci ^4
+ composer create-project -n --no-dev --prefer-dist moodlehq/moodle-plugin-ci ci 4.5.4
echo $(cd ci/bin; pwd) >> $GITHUB_PATH
echo $(cd ci/vendor/bin; pwd) >> $GITHUB_PATH
sudo locale-gen en_AU.UTF-8
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ jobs:
- name: Initialise moodle-plugin-ci
run: |
- composer create-project -n --no-dev --prefer-dist moodlehq/moodle-plugin-ci ci ^4
+ composer create-project -n --no-dev --prefer-dist moodlehq/moodle-plugin-ci ci 4.5.4
echo $(cd ci/bin; pwd) >> $GITHUB_PATH
echo $(cd ci/vendor/bin; pwd) >> $GITHUB_PATH
sudo locale-gen en_AU.UTF-8
diff --git a/classes/capabilities.php b/classes/capabilities.php
index 7a6f72eb3d..581fe7624a 100644
--- a/classes/capabilities.php
+++ b/classes/capabilities.php
@@ -94,11 +94,11 @@ public static function has(string $capability, context $context, $userid = null)
$key = "$userid:$context->id:$capability";
- if (!isset($cache[$key])) {
- $cache[$key] = has_capability($capability, $context, $userid);
+ if (!isset(self::$cache[$key])) {
+ self::$cache[$key] = has_capability($capability, $context, $userid);
- return $cache[$key];
+ return self::$cache[$key];
diff --git a/classes/output/moodleoverflow_email.php b/classes/output/moodleoverflow_email.php
index 10d57c2797..0dcd61b8bc 100644
--- a/classes/output/moodleoverflow_email.php
+++ b/classes/output/moodleoverflow_email.php
@@ -73,13 +73,13 @@ class moodleoverflow_email implements \renderable, \templatable {
* Whether the user can reply to this post.
- * @var boolean $canreply
+ * @var bool $canreply
protected $canreply = false;
* Whether to override forum display when displaying usernames.
- * @var boolean $viewfullnames
+ * @var bool $viewfullnames
protected $viewfullnames = false;
diff --git a/classes/privacy/data_export_helper.php b/classes/privacy/data_export_helper.php
index 858ae859f0..4e23c43fca 100644
--- a/classes/privacy/data_export_helper.php
+++ b/classes/privacy/data_export_helper.php
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see .
* Privacy Subsystem implementation for mod_moodleoverflow.
diff --git a/classes/privacy/provider.php b/classes/privacy/provider.php
index d1bf9e7644..c1df6fe1f0 100644
--- a/classes/privacy/provider.php
+++ b/classes/privacy/provider.php
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ class provider implements
* @return collection the updated collection of metadata items.
- public static function get_metadata(collection $collection) : collection {
+ public static function get_metadata(collection $collection): collection {
'name' => 'privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_discussions:name',
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ public static function get_metadata(collection $collection) : collection {
* @return contextlist $contextlist The list of contexts used in this plugin.
- public static function get_contexts_for_userid(int $userid) : contextlist {
+ public static function get_contexts_for_userid(int $userid): contextlist {
// Fetch all Moodleoverflow discussions, moodleoverflow posts, ratings, tracking settings and subscriptions.
$sql = "SELECT c.id
FROM {context} c
diff --git a/grade.php b/grade.php
index e2695d9979..ab46489e8b 100644
--- a/grade.php
+++ b/grade.php
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
* @copyright 2017 Kennet Winter
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
require_once(__DIR__ . "/../../config.php");
$id = required_param('id', PARAM_INT);
diff --git a/lang/en/moodleoverflow.php b/lang/en/moodleoverflow.php
index c256918c8b..f2c65c5235 100644
--- a/lang/en/moodleoverflow.php
+++ b/lang/en/moodleoverflow.php
@@ -27,451 +27,389 @@
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
-// Default strings.
-$string['modulename'] = 'Moodleoverflow';
-$string['modulenameplural'] = 'Moodleoverflows';
-$string['modulename_help'] = 'The Moodleoverflow module enables participants to use a question-answer forum structure. The forum display is non-chronological as the ordering depends on collaborative voting instead of on time.';
-$string['moodleoverflowfieldset'] = 'Custom example fieldset';
-$string['moodleoverflowname'] = 'Moodleoverflow name';
-$string['moodleoverflow'] = 'Moodleoverflow';
-$string['pluginadministration'] = 'Moodleoverflow administration';
-$string['pluginname'] = 'Moodleoverflow';
-// Capabilities.
-$string['moodleoverflow:addinstance'] = 'Add a new Moodleoverflow instance';
-$string['moodleoverflow:allowforcesubscribe'] = 'Allow forced subscription';
-$string['moodleoverflow:createattachment'] = 'Create attachments';
-$string['moodleoverflow:managesubscriptions'] = 'Manage subscriptions';
-$string['moodleoverflow:ratehelpful'] = 'Mark a post as helpful';
-$string['moodleoverflow:ratepost'] = 'Rate a post';
-$string['moodleoverflow:deleteanypost'] = 'Delete posts';
-$string['moodleoverflow:deleteownpost'] = 'Delete own posts';
-$string['moodleoverflow:editanypost'] = 'Edit posts';
-$string['moodleoverflow:startdiscussion'] = 'Start a discussion';
-$string['moodleoverflow:replypost'] = 'Reply in discussion';
-$string['moodleoverflow:viewdiscussion'] = 'View discussion';
-$string['moodleoverflow:marksolved'] = 'Mark a post as solution';
-$string['moodleoverflow:reviewpost'] = 'Review (approve or reject) posts';
-$string['nowallsubscribed'] = 'All forums in {$a} are subscribed.';
-$string['nowallunsubscribed'] = 'All forums in {$a} are unsubscribed.';
-$string['moodleoverflow:movetopic'] = 'Move Topic to another Moddleoverflow Forum';
-$string['moodleoverflow:viewanyrating'] = 'View total ratings that anyone received';
-// Strings for the view.php.
-$string['noviewdiscussionspermission'] = 'You do not have the permission to view discussions in this forum';
-$string['lastpost'] = 'Last post';
-// Strings for the locallib.php.
+$string['action_downvote'] = 'Click to downvote';
+$string['action_remove_downvote'] = 'Click to remove downvote';
+$string['action_remove_upvote'] = 'Click to remove upvote';
+$string['action_upvote'] = 'Click to upvote';
$string['addanewdiscussion'] = 'Add a new discussion topic';
-$string['seeuserstats'] = 'View user statistics';
-$string['nodiscussions'] = 'There are no discussion topics yet in this forum.';
-$string['markallread_forum'] = 'Mark all posts as read';
-$string['markallread'] = 'Mark all posts in this discussion as read';
-$string['delete'] = 'Delete';
-$string['parent'] = 'Show parent';
-$string['markread'] = 'Mark read';
-$string['markunread'] = 'Mark unread';
-$string['permalink'] = 'Permalink';
-$string['postbyuser'] = '{$a->post} by {$a->user}';
+$string['addanewreply'] = 'Add a new answer';
+$string['allowanonymous'] = 'Allow anonymous';
+$string['allowanonymous_desc'] = 'Allow teachers to put moodleoverflow forums into anonymous question or full anonymous mode. Once enabled, anonymous forums will stay anonymous, even when this setting is disabled. If you really want to, you can reset anonymity in all forums here.';
+$string['allowcoursereputation'] = 'Sum reputation within a course.';
+$string['allowdisablerating'] = 'Allow teachers to disable rating and reputation';
+$string['allowmultiplemarks'] = 'Multiple marks?';
+$string['allowmultiplemarks_help'] = 'A post can be marked as helpful or solved. Within a discussion, only one post can be marked as helpful/solved. Click the checkbox to mark multiple posts as helpful/solved.';
+$string['allownegativereputation'] = 'Allow negative reputation?';
+$string['allownegativereputation_help'] = 'If set to yes, the users reputation within a course or within a module can be negative. If set to no, the reputation will stop to decrease at zero.';
+$string['allowrating'] = 'Allow post ratings?';
+$string['allowrating_help'] = 'If set to yes, users can up or downvote a post to give the reader an idea of how helpful the post was to other people. If set to no, ratings will be disabled.';
+$string['allowratingchange'] = 'Allow rating changes';
+$string['allowreputation'] = 'Allow user reputation?';
+$string['allowreputation_help'] = 'If set to yes, the users can gain or lose reputation depending on other users voting on their posts. If set to no, user reputation will be disabled.';
+$string['allowreview'] = 'Allow moderated forums';
+$string['allowreview_desc'] = 'Allow teachers to enable that all posts (or only all questions) have to be reviewed by them in order to be published.';
+$string['allsubscribe'] = 'Subscribe to all forums';
+$string['allunsubscribe'] = 'Unsubscribe from all forums';
+$string['alsomarkhelpful'] = "Also mark as helpful";
+$string['alsomarksolved'] = "Also mark as solution";
+$string['amount_unread_posts_in_discussion'] = 'There are {$a} unread posts in this discussion.';
+$string['amount_waiting_for_review'] = '{$a} post(s) need to be reviewed!';
+$string['anonym_you'] = 'Anonymous (You)';
+$string['anonymous'] = 'Anonymous';
+$string['anonymous:everything'] = 'Questioners and answerers (Irreversible!)';
+$string['anonymous:only_questions'] = 'Only questioners (Irreversible!)';
+$string['anonymous_help'] = 'This will hide username from all question (and answers).
WARNING: Once the questions (and answers) are anonymized, this cannot be reversed.
The setting can only be changed to a higher degree of anonymity.';
+$string['answer'] = '{$a} Answer';
+$string['answerer'] = 'Answerer #{$a}';
+$string['answers'] = '{$a} Answers';
+$string['approve'] = 'Approve';
+$string['areaattachment'] = 'Attachments';
+$string['areapost'] = 'Messages';
+$string['attachment'] = 'Attachment';
+$string['attachment_help'] = 'You can optionally attach one or more files to a forum post. If you attach an image, it will be displayed after the message.';
+$string['attachments'] = 'Attachments';
$string['bynameondate'] = 'by {$a->name} ({$a->rating}) - {$a->date}';
$string['bynameondatenorating'] = 'by {$a->name} - {$a->date}';
-$string['deletesure'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this post?';
-$string['deletesureplural'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this post and all replies? ({$a} posts)';
-$string['amount_unread_posts_in_discussion'] = 'There are {$a} unread posts in this discussion.';
-// Strings for the settings.php.
+$string['cannotcreatediscussion'] = 'Could not create new discussion';
+$string['cannotdeletepost'] = 'You can\'t delete this post!';
+$string['cannotfindparentpost'] = 'Could not find top parent of post {$a}';
+$string['cannotreply'] = 'You cannot reply to this post';
+$string['cannottrack'] = 'Could not stop tracking that forum';
+$string['cannotunsubscribe'] = 'Could not unsubscribe you from that forum';
+$string['cannotupdatepost'] = 'You can not update this post';
+$string['cleanreadtime'] = 'Mark old posts as read hour';
+$string['clicktosubscribe'] = 'You are not subscribed to this discussion. Click to subscribe.';
+$string['clicktounsubscribe'] = 'You are subscribed to this discussion. Click to unsubscribe.';
+$string['configallowcoursereputation'] = 'Allow to sum the reputation of all instances of the current course?';
+$string['configallowdisablerating'] = 'Set to \'yes\' if you want to give teachers the ability to disable rating and reputation.';
+$string['configallowratingchange'] = 'Can a user change its ratings?';
+$string['configcleanreadtime'] = 'The hour of the day to clean old posts from the \'read\' table.';
+$string['configforcedreadtracking'] = 'Allows Moodleoverflows to be set to forced read tracking. Will result in decreased performance for some users, particularly on courses with many moodleoverflows and posts. When off, any moodleoverflows previously set to Forced are treated as optional.';
$string['configmanydiscussions'] = 'Maximum number of discussions shown in a Moodleoverflow instance per page';
-$string['manydiscussions'] = 'Discussions per page';
-$string['maxattachmentsize'] = 'Maximum attachment size';
-$string['maxattachmentsize_help'] = 'This setting specifies the largest size of file that can be attached to a forum post.';
-$string['configmaxbytes'] = 'Default maximum size for all forum attachments on the site (subject to course limits and other local settings)';
-$string['maxattachments'] = 'Maximum number of attachments';
-$string['maxattachments_help'] = 'This setting specifies the maximum number of files that can be attached to a forum post.';
$string['configmaxattachments'] = 'Default maximum number of attachments allowed per post.';
-$string['maxeditingtime'] = 'Maximum amount of time during which a post can be edited by its owner (sec)';
+$string['configmaxbytes'] = 'Default maximum size for all forum attachments on the site (subject to course limits and other local settings)';
$string['configmaxeditingtime'] = 'Default maximum seconds are 3600 (= one hour). Regarding editing posts, please also consider the "Review possible after" setting for moderated forums.';
+$string['configmaxmailingtime'] = 'Posts older than this number of hours will not be mailed to the users. This will help to avoid problems where the cron has not been running for a long time.';
$string['configoldpostdays'] = 'Number of days old any post is considered read.';
-$string['oldpostdays'] = 'Read after days';
-$string['trackingoff'] = 'Off';
-$string['trackingon'] = 'Forced';
-$string['trackingoptional'] = 'Optional';
-$string['trackingtype'] = 'Read tracking';
+$string['configpreferteachersmark'] = 'The answer marked as solution by a course owner are prioritized over the answer marked as helpful by the starter of the discussion.';
+$string['configreputationnotnegative'] = 'Prohibits the users reputation being negative.';
+$string['configshowuserstats'] = 'Allow teachers in courses to see statistics summarizing the activity of users in Moodleoverflows.';
$string['configtrackingtype'] = 'Default setting for read tracking.';
-$string['trackmoodleoverflow'] = 'Track unread posts';
$string['configtrackmoodleoverflow'] = 'Set to \'yes\' if you want to track read/unread for each user.';
-$string['forcedreadtracking'] = 'Allow forced read tracking';
-$string['configforcedreadtracking'] = 'Allows Moodleoverflows to be set to forced read tracking. Will result in decreased performance for some users, particularly on courses with many moodleoverflows and posts. When off, any moodleoverflows previously set to Forced are treated as optional.';
-$string['cleanreadtime'] = 'Mark old posts as read hour';
-$string['configcleanreadtime'] = 'The hour of the day to clean old posts from the \'read\' table.';
-$string['allowdisablerating'] = 'Allow teachers to disable rating and reputation';
-$string['configallowdisablerating'] = 'Set to \'yes\' if you want to give teachers the ability to disable rating and reputation.';
-$string['votescalevote'] = 'Reputation: Vote.';
-$string['configvotescalevote'] = 'The amount of reputation voting gives.';
-$string['votescaledownvote'] = 'Reputation: Downvote';
$string['configvotescaledownvote'] = 'The amount of reputation a downvote for your post gives.';
-$string['votescaleupvote'] = 'Reputation: Upvote';
-$string['configvotescaleupvote'] = 'The amount of reputation an upvote for your post gives.';
-$string['votescalesolved'] = 'Reputation: Solution';
-$string['configvotescalesolved'] = 'The amount of reputation a mark as solution on your post gives.';
-$string['votescalehelpful'] = 'Reputation: Helpful';
$string['configvotescalehelpful'] = 'The amount of reputation a mark as helpful on your post gives.';
-$string['reputationnotnegative'] = 'Reputation just positive?';
-$string['configreputationnotnegative'] = 'Prohibits the users reputation being negative.';
-$string['allowcoursereputation'] = 'Sum reputation within a course.';
-$string['configallowcoursereputation'] = 'Allow to sum the reputation of all instances of the current course?';
-$string['maxmailingtime'] = 'Maximal mailing time';
-$string['configmaxmailingtime'] = 'Posts older than this number of hours will not be mailed to the users. This will help to avoid problems where the cron has not been running for a long time.';
-// Strings for the post.php.
-$string['invalidmoodleoverflowid'] = 'Forum ID was incorrect';
-$string['invalidparentpostid'] = 'Parent post ID was incorrect';
-$string['notpartofdiscussion'] = 'This post is not part of a discussion!';
-$string['noguestpost'] = 'Sorry, guests are not allowed to post.';
-$string['nopostmoodleoverflow'] = 'Sorry, you are not allowed to post to this forum.';
-$string['yourreply'] = 'Your reply';
-$string['re'] = 'Re:';
-$string['invalidpostid'] = 'Invalid post ID - {$a}';
-$string['cannotfindparentpost'] = 'Could not find top parent of post {$a}';
-$string['edit'] = 'Edit';
-$string['cannotreply'] = 'You cannot reply to this post';
-$string['cannotcreatediscussion'] = 'Could not create new discussion';
+$string['configvotescalesolved'] = 'The amount of reputation a mark as solution on your post gives.';
+$string['configvotescaleupvote'] = 'The amount of reputation an upvote for your post gives.';
+$string['configvotescalevote'] = 'The amount of reputation voting gives.';
+$string['confirmsubscribe'] = 'Do you really want to subscribe to forum \'{$a}\'?';
+$string['confirmsubscribediscussion'] = 'Do you really want to subscribe to discussion \'{$a->discussion}\' in forum \'{$a->moodleoverflow}\'?';
+$string['confirmunsubscribe'] = 'Do you really want to unsubscribe from moodleoverflow \'{$a}\'?';
+$string['confirmunsubscribediscussion'] = 'Do you really want to unsubscribe from discussion \'{$a->discussion}\' in moodleoverflow \'{$a->moodleoverflow}\'?';
+$string['containsstarterrating'] = 'Contains a post marked as the most helpful by the questioner';
+$string['containsteacherrating'] = 'Contains a post marked as the solution by a teacher';
$string['couldnotadd'] = 'Could not add your post due to an unknown error';
-$string['postaddedsuccess'] = 'Your post was successfully added.';
-$string['postaddedtimeleft'] = 'You have {$a} to edit it if you want to make any changes.';
-$string['cannotupdatepost'] = 'You can not update this post';
-$string['couldnotupdate'] = 'Could not update your post due to an unknown error';
-$string['editedpostupdated'] = '{$a}\'s post was updated';
-$string['postupdated'] = 'Your post was updated';
-$string['editedby'] = 'Edited by {$a->name} - original submission {$a->date}';
-$string['cannotdeletepost'] = 'You can\'t delete this post!';
-$string['couldnotdeletereplies'] = 'Sorry, that cannot be deleted as people have already responded to it';
-$string['errorwhiledelete'] = 'An error occurred while deleting record.';
$string['couldnotdeletereplies'] = 'Sorry, that cannot be deleted as people have already responded to it';
-// Strings for the classes/mod_form.php.
-$string['subject'] = 'Subject';
-$string['reply'] = 'Comment';
-$string['replyfirst'] = 'Answer';
-$string['message'] = 'Message';
-$string['discussionsubscription'] = 'Discussion subscription';
-$string['discussionsubscription_help'] = 'Subscribing to a discussion means you will receive notifications of new posts to that discussion.';
-$string['posttomoodleoverflow'] = 'Post to forum';
-$string['posts'] = 'Posts';
-$string['erroremptysubject'] = 'Post subject cannot be empty.';
-$string['erroremptymessage'] = 'Post message cannot be empty';
-$string['yournewtopic'] = 'Your new discussion topic';
-// Strings for the classes/ratings.php.
-$string['postnotexist'] = 'Requested post does not exist';
-$string['noratemoodleoverflow'] = 'Sorry, you are not allowed to vote in this forum.';
-$string['configallowratingchange'] = 'Can a user change its ratings?';
-$string['allowratingchange'] = 'Allow rating changes';
-$string['configpreferteachersmark'] = 'The answer marked as solution by a course owner are prioritized over the answer marked as helpful by the starter of the discussion.';
-$string['preferteachersmark'] = 'Prefer course owners\' marks?';
-$string['noratingchangeallowed'] = 'You are not allowed to change your ratings.';
-$string['invalidratingid'] = 'The submitted rating is neither an upvote nor a downvote.';
-$string['notstartuser'] = 'Only the user who started the discussion can mark an answer as helpful.';
-$string['notteacher'] = 'Only course owners can do this.';
-$string['ratingtoold'] = 'Ratings can only be changed within 30 minutes after the first vote. ';
-// Strings for the discussion.php.
-$string['invaliddiscussionid'] = 'Discussion ID was incorrect';
-$string['notexists'] = 'Discussion no longer exists';
-$string['discussionname'] = 'Discussion name';
-$string['discussionlocked'] = 'This discussion has been locked so you can no longer reply to it.';
-$string['hiddenmoodleoverflowpost'] = 'Hidden forum post';
-$string['moodleoverflowsubjecthidden'] = 'Subject (hidden)';
-$string['moodleoverflowauthorhidden'] = 'Author (hidden)';
-$string['moodleoverflowbodyhidden'] = 'This post cannot be viewed by you, probably because you have not posted in the discussion, the maximum editing time hasn\'t passed yet, the discussion has not started or the discussion has expired.';
-$string['addanewreply'] = 'Add a new answer';
-$string['ratingfailed'] = 'Rating failed. Try again.';
-$string['rateownpost'] = 'You cannot rate your own post.';
-$string['marksolved'] = 'Mark as solution';
-$string['alsomarksolved'] = "Also mark as solution";
-$string['marknotsolved'] = 'Remove solution mark';
-$string['markhelpful'] = 'Mark as helpful';
-$string['alsomarkhelpful'] = "Also mark as helpful";
-$string['marknothelpful'] = 'Not Helpful';
-$string['answer'] = '{$a} Answer';
-$string['answers'] = '{$a} Answers';
-// Strings for the readtracking.php.
-$string['markreadfailed'] = 'A post of the discussion could not be marked as read.';
-$string['markdiscussionreadsuccessful'] = 'The discussion has been marked as read.';
-$string['markmoodleoverflowreadsuccessful'] = 'All posts have been marked as read.';
-$string['noguesttracking'] = 'Sorry, guests are not allowed to set tracking options.';
-// Strings for the userstats feature.
-$string['userstatsupvotes'] = 'Received upvotes';
-$string['userstatsdownvotes'] = 'Received downvotes';
-$string['userstatsforumactivity'] = 'Activity (this forum)';
-$string['userstatsforumreputation'] = 'Reputation (this forum)';
-$string['userstatscourseactivity'] = 'Activity (coursewide)';
-$string['userstatscoursereputation'] = 'Reputation (coursewide)';
-$string['helpamountofactivity'] = 'Each activity like writing a post, starting a discussion or giving a rating gives 1 point';
-$string['showuserstats'] = 'Show cumulative user statistics';
-$string['configshowuserstats'] = 'Allow teachers in courses to see statistics summarizing the activity of users in Moodleoverflows.';
-// OTHER.
-$string['messageprovider:posts'] = 'Notification of new posts';
-$string['unknownerror'] = 'This is not expected to happen.';
+$string['couldnotupdate'] = 'Could not update your post due to an unknown error';
+$string['coursewidereputation'] = 'Cross module reputation?';
+$string['coursewidereputation_help'] = 'If set to yes, the users reputations of all moodleoverflow modules in this course will be summed.';
$string['crontask'] = 'Moodleoverflow maintenance jobs';
-$string['taskcleanreadrecords'] = 'Moodleoverflow maintenance job to clean old read records';
-$string['tasksendmails'] = 'Moodleoverflow maintenance job to send mails';
-$string['tasksenddailymail'] = 'Moodleoverflow job to send a daily mail of unread post';
-$string['nopermissiontosubscribe'] = 'You do not have the permission to view subscribers';
-$string['subscribeenrolledonly'] = 'Sorry, only enrolled users are allowed to subscribe to post notifications.';
-$string['everyonecannowchoose'] = 'Everyone can now choose to be subscribed';
-$string['noonecansubscribenow'] = 'Subscriptions are now disallowed';
-$string['invalidforcesubscribe'] = 'Invalid force subscription mode';
-$string['nownotsubscribed'] = '{$a->name} will NOT be notified of new posts in \'{$a->moodleoverflow}\'';
-$string['cannotunsubscribe'] = 'Could not unsubscribe you from that forum';
-$string['discussionnownotsubscribed'] = '{$a->name} will NOT be notified of new posts in \'{$a->discussion}\' of \'{$a->moodleoverflow}\'';
+$string['delete'] = 'Delete';
+$string['deletesure'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this post?';
+$string['deletesureplural'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this post and all replies? ({$a} posts)';
+$string['desc:anonymous'] = 'No names will be displayed.';
+$string['desc:only_questions'] = 'The name of questioners will not be displayed in their question and comments.';
+$string['desc:review_everything'] = 'All questions and answers are going to be reviewed by a teacher before being published.';
+$string['desc:review_questions'] = 'All questions are going to be reviewed by a teacher before being published.';
+$string['digestunreadpost'] = 'Course: {$a->linktocourse} -> {$a->linktoforum}, Topic: {$a->linktodiscussion} has {$a->unreadposts} unread posts.';
$string['disallowsubscribe'] = 'Subscriptions not allowed';
-$string['noviewdiscussionspermission'] = 'You do not have the permission to view discussions in this forum';
-$string['nowsubscribed'] = '{$a->name} will be notified of new posts in \'{$a->moodleoverflow}\'';
+$string['discussionlocked'] = 'This discussion has been locked so you can no longer reply to it.';
+$string['discussionname'] = 'Discussion name';
+$string['discussionnownotsubscribed'] = '{$a->name} will NOT be notified of new posts in \'{$a->discussion}\' of \'{$a->moodleoverflow}\'';
$string['discussionnowsubscribed'] = '{$a->name} will be notified of new posts in \'{$a->discussion}\' of \'{$a->moodleoverflow}\'';
-$string['unsubscribe'] = 'Unsubscribe from this forum';
-$string['subscribe'] = 'Subscribe to this forum';
-$string['confirmunsubscribediscussion'] = 'Do you really want to unsubscribe from discussion \'{$a->discussion}\' in moodleoverflow \'{$a->moodleoverflow}\'?';
-$string['confirmunsubscribe'] = 'Do you really want to unsubscribe from moodleoverflow \'{$a}\'?';
-$string['confirmsubscribediscussion'] = 'Do you really want to subscribe to discussion \'{$a->discussion}\' in forum \'{$a->moodleoverflow}\'?';
-$string['confirmsubscribe'] = 'Do you really want to subscribe to forum \'{$a}\'?';
-$string['postmailsubject'] = '{$a->courseshortname}: {$a->subject}';
-$string['smallmessage'] = '{$a->user} posted in {$a->moodleoverflowname}';
-$string['moodleoverflows'] = 'Moodleoverflows';
-$string['postmailinfolink'] = 'This is a copy of a message posted in {$a->coursename}.
-To reply click on this link: {$a->replylink}';
-$string['unsubscribelink'] = 'Unsubscribe from this forum: {$a}';
-$string['unsubscribediscussionlink'] = 'Unsubscribe from this discussion: {$a}';
-$string['postincontext'] = 'See this post in context';
-$string['unsubscribediscussion'] = 'Unsubscribe from this discussion';
-$string['nownottracking'] = '{$a->name} is no longer tracking \'{$a->moodleoverflow}\'.';
-$string['nowtracking'] = '{$a->name} is now tracking \'{$a->moodleoverflow}\'.';
-$string['cannottrack'] = 'Could not stop tracking that forum';
-$string['notrackmoodleoverflow'] = 'Don\'t track unread posts';
-$string['trackmoodleoverflow'] = 'Track unread posts';
$string['discussions'] = 'Discussions';
-$string['subscribed'] = 'Subscribed';
-$string['unreadposts'] = 'Unread posts';
-$string['unreadpostsnumber'] = '{$a} unread posts';
-$string['unreadpostsone'] = '1 unread post';
-$string['tracking'] = 'Track';
-$string['allsubscribe'] = 'Subscribe to all forums';
-$string['allunsubscribe'] = 'Unsubscribe from all forums';
-$string['generalmoodleoverflows'] = 'Forums in this course';
-$string['subscribestart'] = 'Send me notifications of new posts in this forum';
-$string['subscribestop'] = 'I don\'t want to be notified of new posts in this forum';
-$string['everyoneisnowsubscribed'] = 'Everyone is now subscribed to this forum';
-$string['everyoneissubscribed'] = 'Everyone is subscribed to this forum';
-$string['mailindexlink'] = 'Change your forum preferences: {$a}';
-$string['gotoindex'] = 'Manage preferences';
-$string['areaattachment'] = 'Attachments';
-$string['areapost'] = 'Messages';
+$string['discussionsubscription'] = 'Discussion subscription';
+$string['discussionsubscription_help'] = 'Subscribing to a discussion means you will receive notifications of new posts to that discussion.';
+$string['downvotenotchangeable'] = 'Cannot downvote';
+$string['edit'] = 'Edit';
+$string['editedby'] = 'Edited by {$a->name} - original submission {$a->date}';
+$string['editedpostupdated'] = '{$a}\'s post was updated';
+$string['email_rejected_subject'] = '{$a->coursename}: One of your posts has been rejected.';
+$string['email_review_needed_subject'] = 'Review needed in {$a->coursename}: {$a->subject}';
+$string['erroremptymessage'] = 'Post message cannot be empty';
+$string['erroremptysubject'] = 'Post subject cannot be empty.';
+$string['errorwhiledelete'] = 'An error occurred while deleting record.';
$string['eventdiscussioncreated'] = 'Discussion created';
$string['eventdiscussiondeleted'] = 'Discussion deleted';
+$string['eventdiscussionsubscriptioncreated'] = 'Discussion subscription created';
+$string['eventdiscussionsubscriptiondeleted'] = 'Discussion subscription deleted';
$string['eventdiscussionviewed'] = 'Discussion viewed';
-$string['eventratingcreated'] = 'Rating created';
-$string['eventratingupdated'] = 'Rating updated';
-$string['eventratingdeleted'] = 'Rating deleted';
$string['eventpostcreated'] = 'Post created';
-$string['eventpostupdated'] = 'Post updated';
$string['eventpostdeleted'] = 'Post deleted';
-$string['eventdiscussionsubscriptioncreated'] = 'Discussion subscription created';
-$string['eventdiscussionsubscriptiondeleted'] = 'Discussion subscription deleted';
-$string['eventsubscriptioncreated'] = 'Subscription created';
-$string['eventsubscriptiondeleted'] = 'Subscription deleted';
+$string['eventpostupdated'] = 'Post updated';
+$string['eventratingcreated'] = 'Rating created';
+$string['eventratingdeleted'] = 'Rating deleted';
+$string['eventratingupdated'] = 'Rating updated';
$string['eventreadtrackingdisabled'] = 'Read tracking disabled';
$string['eventreadtrackingenabled'] = 'Read tracking enabled';
-$string['subscriptiontrackingheader'] = 'Subscription and tracking';
-$string['subscriptionmode'] = 'Subscription mode';
-$string['subscriptionmode_help'] = 'When a participant is subscribed to a forum it means they will receive forum post notifications. There are 4 subscription mode options:
-* Optional subscription - Participants can choose whether to be subscribed
-* Forced subscription - Everyone is subscribed and cannot unsubscribe
-* Auto subscription - Everyone is subscribed initially but can choose to unsubscribe at any time
-* Subscription disabled - Subscriptions are not allowed
-Note: Any subscription mode changes will only affect users who enrol in the course in the future, and not existing users.';
-$string['subscriptionoptional'] = 'Optional subscription';
-$string['subscriptionforced'] = 'Forced subscription';
-$string['subscriptionauto'] = 'Auto subscription';
-$string['subscriptiondisabled'] = 'Subscription disabled';
-$string['switchtooptional'] = 'If you switch to the optional subscription, all currently subscribed users will be unsubscribed from this forum!';
-$string['switchtoauto'] = 'If you switch to the auto subscription, all enrolled users will be subscribed to this forum!';
-$string['trackingoff'] = 'Off';
-$string['trackingon'] = 'Forced';
-$string['trackingoptional'] = 'Optional';
-$string['trackingtype'] = 'Read tracking';
-$string['trackingtype_help'] = 'Read tracking enables participants to easily check which posts they have not yet seen by highlighting any new posts.
-If set to optional, tracking is turned on by default but participants can turn tracking off.
-If \'Allow forced read tracking\' is enabled in the site administration, then a further option is available - forced. This means that tracking is always on.';
-$string['ratingheading'] = 'Rating and reputation';
-$string['starterrating'] = 'Helpful';
-$string['teacherrating'] = 'Solution';
-$string['ratedbystarter'] = 'This post was marked as the most helpful by the questioner';
-$string['ratedbyteacher'] = 'This post was marked as the solution by a teacher';
-$string['containsstarterrating'] = 'Contains a post marked as the most helpful by the questioner';
-$string['containsteacherrating'] = 'Contains a post marked as the solution by a teacher';
-$string['ratingpreference'] = 'Display first';
-$string['ratingpreference_help'] = 'Answers can be marked as solution and helpful. This option decides which of these will be pinned as the first answer of the discussion. There are 2 options:
-* Heplful - A topic starter\'s helpful mark will be pinned at the top of the discussion
-* Solved - A teacher\'s solution mark will be pinned at the top of the discussion';
-$string['allowrating'] = 'Allow post ratings?';
-$string['allowrating_help'] = 'If set to yes, users can up or downvote a post to give the reader an idea of how helpful the post was to other people. If set to no, ratings will be disabled.';
-$string['allowreputation'] = 'Allow user reputation?';
-$string['allowreputation_help'] = 'If set to yes, the users can gain or lose reputation depending on other users voting on their posts. If set to no, user reputation will be disabled.';
-$string['allownegativereputation'] = 'Allow negative reputation?';
-$string['allownegativereputation_help'] = 'If set to yes, the users reputation within a course or within a module can be negative. If set to no, the reputation will stop to decrease at zero.';
-$string['coursewidereputation'] = 'Cross module reputation?';
-$string['coursewidereputation_help'] = 'If set to yes, the users reputations of all moodleoverflow modules in this course will be summed.';
-$string['clicktounsubscribe'] = 'You are subscribed to this discussion. Click to unsubscribe.';
-$string['clicktosubscribe'] = 'You are not subscribed to this discussion. Click to subscribe.';
-$string['attachment'] = 'Attachment';
-$string['attachments'] = 'Attachments';
-$string['attachment_help'] = 'You can optionally attach one or more files to a forum post. If you attach an image, it will be displayed after the message.';
-$string['allowmultiplemarks'] = 'Multiple marks?';
-$string['allowmultiplemarks_help'] = 'A post can be marked as helpful or solved. Within a discussion, only one post can be marked as helpful/solved. Click the checkbox to mark multiple posts as helpful/solved.';
-// Templates.
-$string['reputation'] = 'Reputation';
-$string['action_remove_upvote'] = 'Click to remove upvote';
-$string['upvotenotchangeable'] = 'Cannot upvote';
-$string['action_upvote'] = 'Click to upvote';
-$string['action_remove_downvote'] = 'Click to remove downvote';
-$string['downvotenotchangeable'] = 'Cannot downvote';
-$string['action_downvote'] = 'Click to downvote';
+$string['eventsubscriptioncreated'] = 'Subscription created';
+$string['eventsubscriptiondeleted'] = 'Subscription deleted';
+$string['everyonecannowchoose'] = 'Everyone can now choose to be subscribed';
+$string['everyoneisnowsubscribed'] = 'Everyone is now subscribed to this forum';
+$string['everyoneissubscribed'] = 'Everyone is subscribed to this forum';
+$string['forcedreadtracking'] = 'Allow forced read tracking';
+$string['generalmoodleoverflows'] = 'Forums in this course';
+$string['give_a_reason'] = 'Give a reason (optional)';
+$string['gotoindex'] = 'Manage preferences';
+$string['grademaxgradeerror'] = 'Maximum grade must be a positive integer different than 0';
+$string['gradesreport'] = 'Grades report';
+$string['gradesupdated'] = 'Grades updated';
+$string['helpamountofactivity'] = 'Each activity like writing a post, starting a discussion or giving a rating gives 1 point';
+$string['hiddenmoodleoverflowpost'] = 'Hidden forum post';
+$string['invaliddiscussionid'] = 'Discussion ID was incorrect';
+$string['invalidforcesubscribe'] = 'Invalid force subscription mode';
+$string['invalidmoodleoverflowid'] = 'Forum ID was incorrect';
+$string['invalidparentpostid'] = 'Parent post ID was incorrect';
+$string['invalidpostid'] = 'Invalid post ID - {$a}';
+$string['invalidratingid'] = 'The submitted rating is neither an upvote nor a downvote.';
+$string['jump_to_next_post_needing_review'] = 'Jump to next post needing to be reviewed.';
+$string['lastpost'] = 'Last post';
+$string['mailindexlink'] = 'Change your forum preferences: {$a}';
+$string['manydiscussions'] = 'Discussions per page';
+$string['markallread'] = 'Mark all posts in this discussion as read';
+$string['markallread_forum'] = 'Mark all posts as read';
+$string['markdiscussionreadsuccessful'] = 'The discussion has been marked as read.';
+$string['markhelpful'] = 'Mark as helpful';
+$string['markmoodleoverflowreadsuccessful'] = 'All posts have been marked as read.';
+$string['marknothelpful'] = 'Not Helpful';
+$string['marknotsolved'] = 'Remove solution mark';
+$string['markread'] = 'Mark read';
+$string['markreadfailed'] = 'A post of the discussion could not be marked as read.';
+$string['marksolved'] = 'Mark as solution';
+$string['markunread'] = 'Mark unread';
+$string['maxattachments'] = 'Maximum number of attachments';
+$string['maxattachments_help'] = 'This setting specifies the maximum number of files that can be attached to a forum post.';
+$string['maxattachmentsize'] = 'Maximum attachment size';
+$string['maxattachmentsize_help'] = 'This setting specifies the largest size of file that can be attached to a forum post.';
+$string['maxeditingtime'] = 'Maximum amount of time during which a post can be edited by its owner (sec)';
+$string['maxmailingtime'] = 'Maximal mailing time';
+$string['message'] = 'Message';
+$string['messageprovider:posts'] = 'Notification of new posts';
+$string['modulename'] = 'Moodleoverflow';
+$string['modulename_help'] = 'The Moodleoverflow module enables participants to use a question-answer forum structure. The forum display is non-chronological as the ordering depends on collaborative voting instead of on time.';
+$string['modulenameplural'] = 'Moodleoverflows';
+$string['moodleoverflow'] = 'Moodleoverflow';
+$string['moodleoverflow:addinstance'] = 'Add a new Moodleoverflow instance';
+$string['moodleoverflow:allowforcesubscribe'] = 'Allow forced subscription';
+$string['moodleoverflow:createattachment'] = 'Create attachments';
+$string['moodleoverflow:deleteanypost'] = 'Delete posts';
+$string['moodleoverflow:deleteownpost'] = 'Delete own posts';
+$string['moodleoverflow:editanypost'] = 'Edit posts';
+$string['moodleoverflow:managesubscriptions'] = 'Manage subscriptions';
+$string['moodleoverflow:marksolved'] = 'Mark a post as solution';
+$string['moodleoverflow:movetopic'] = 'Move Topic to another Moddleoverflow Forum';
+$string['moodleoverflow:ratehelpful'] = 'Mark a post as helpful';
+$string['moodleoverflow:ratepost'] = 'Rate a post';
+$string['moodleoverflow:replypost'] = 'Reply in discussion';
+$string['moodleoverflow:reviewpost'] = 'Review (approve or reject) posts';
+$string['moodleoverflow:startdiscussion'] = 'Start a discussion';
+$string['moodleoverflow:viewanyrating'] = 'View total ratings that anyone received';
+$string['moodleoverflow:viewdiscussion'] = 'View discussion';
+$string['moodleoverflowauthorhidden'] = 'Author (hidden)';
+$string['moodleoverflowbodyhidden'] = 'This post cannot be viewed by you, probably because you have not posted in the discussion, the maximum editing time hasn\'t passed yet, the discussion has not started or the discussion has expired.';
+$string['moodleoverflowfieldset'] = 'Custom example fieldset';
+$string['moodleoverflowname'] = 'Moodleoverflow name';
+$string['moodleoverflows'] = 'Moodleoverflows';
+$string['moodleoverflowsubjecthidden'] = 'Subject (hidden)';
$string['movetopicicon'] = 'Move this discussion to another moodleoverflow';
$string['movetopictoforum'] = 'Move discussion to {$a->forumname}';
+$string['nodiscussions'] = 'There are no discussion topics yet in this forum.';
+$string['noguestpost'] = 'Sorry, guests are not allowed to post.';
+$string['noguesttracking'] = 'Sorry, guests are not allowed to set tracking options.';
+$string['noonecansubscribenow'] = 'Subscriptions are now disallowed';
+$string['nopermissiontosubscribe'] = 'You do not have the permission to view subscribers';
+$string['nopostmoodleoverflow'] = 'Sorry, you are not allowed to post to this forum.';
+$string['noratemoodleoverflow'] = 'Sorry, you are not allowed to vote in this forum.';
+$string['noratingchangeallowed'] = 'You are not allowed to change your ratings.';
+$string['notexists'] = 'Discussion no longer exists';
+$string['nothing'] = 'Nothing';
+$string['notpartofdiscussion'] = 'This post is not part of a discussion!';
+$string['notrackmoodleoverflow'] = 'Don\'t track unread posts';
+$string['notstartuser'] = 'Only the user who started the discussion can mark an answer as helpful.';
+$string['notteacher'] = 'Only course owners can do this.';
+$string['noviewdiscussionspermission'] = 'You do not have the permission to view discussions in this forum';
+$string['nowallsubscribed'] = 'All forums in {$a} are subscribed.';
+$string['nowallunsubscribed'] = 'All forums in {$a} are unsubscribed.';
+$string['nownotsubscribed'] = '{$a->name} will NOT be notified of new posts in \'{$a->moodleoverflow}\'';
+$string['nownottracking'] = '{$a->name} is no longer tracking \'{$a->moodleoverflow}\'.';
+$string['nowsubscribed'] = '{$a->name} will be notified of new posts in \'{$a->moodleoverflow}\'';
+$string['nowtracking'] = '{$a->name} is now tracking \'{$a->moodleoverflow}\'.';
+$string['oldpostdays'] = 'Read after days';
+$string['original_post'] = 'Original post';
+$string['parent'] = 'Show parent';
+$string['pending_review'] = 'Pending review';
+$string['pending_review_but_cannot_now'] = 'Pending review, but cannot be approved until {$a} after the creation of this post to allow the author a bit of time to edit it.';
+$string['permalink'] = 'Permalink';
+$string['pluginadministration'] = 'Moodleoverflow administration';
+$string['pluginname'] = 'Moodleoverflow';
+$string['post_was_approved'] = 'The post was approved.';
+$string['post_was_rejected'] = 'The post was rejected.';
+$string['postaddedsuccess'] = 'Your post was successfully added.';
+$string['postaddedtimeleft'] = 'You have {$a} to edit it if you want to make any changes.';
+$string['postbyuser'] = '{$a->post} by {$a->user}';
+$string['postincontext'] = 'See this post in context';
+$string['postmailinfolink'] = 'This is a copy of a message posted in {$a->coursename}.
-// Privacy.
+To reply click on this link: {$a->replylink}';
+$string['postmailsubject'] = '{$a->courseshortname}: {$a->subject}';
+$string['postnotexist'] = 'Requested post does not exist';
+$string['posts'] = 'Posts';
+$string['posttomoodleoverflow'] = 'Post to forum';
+$string['postupdated'] = 'Your post was updated';
+$string['preferteachersmark'] = 'Prefer course owners\' marks?';
+$string['privacy:anonym_discussion_name'] = 'Anonymized discussion name';
+$string['privacy:anonym_post_message'] = 'This content has been deleted.';
+$string['privacy:anonym_user_name'] = 'Anonymous';
+$string['privacy:discussionsubscriptionpreference'] = 'You have chosen the following discussion subscription preference for this forum: "{$a->preference}"';
+$string['privacy:grade'] = 'Your grade for this Moodleoverflow forum.';
$string['privacy:metadata:core_files'] = 'Moodleoverflow stores files which have been uploaded by the user to form part of a forum post.';
+$string['privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_discuss_subs'] = 'Information about the subscriptions to individual forum discussions. This includes when a user has chosen to subscribe to a discussion or to unsubscribe from one where they would otherwise be subscribed.';
+$string['privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_discuss_subs:discussion'] = 'The ID of the discussion that was subscribed / unsubscribed.';
+$string['privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_discuss_subs:preference'] = 'The start time of the subscription.';
+$string['privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_discuss_subs:userid'] = 'The ID of the user who changed the subscription settings.';
$string['privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_discussions'] = 'Information about forum discussions. This includes which discussions a user has started.';
$string['privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_discussions:name'] = 'The name of the discussion.';
-$string['privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_discussions:userid'] = 'The ID of the user who started the discussion.';
$string['privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_discussions:timemodified'] = 'The time when the discussion (e.g. a post) was last modified.';
+$string['privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_discussions:userid'] = 'The ID of the user who started the discussion.';
$string['privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_discussions:usermodified'] = 'The ID of the last user who modified the discussion';
+$string['privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_grades'] = 'Information about the grade a user got for his contribution in a forum.';
+$string['privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_grades:grade'] = 'The grade the user got.';
+$string['privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_grades:moodleoverflowid'] = 'The ID of the moodleoverflow forum in which he got the grade.';
+$string['privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_grades:userid'] = 'The ID of the user who got the grade.';
$string['privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_posts'] = 'Information about forum posts. This includes data of posts a user has written.';
+$string['privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_posts:created'] = 'The date this post was created.';
$string['privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_posts:discussion'] = 'The ID of the discussion this post is contributing to.';
+$string['privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_posts:message'] = 'The text of this post.';
+$string['privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_posts:modified'] = 'The last date this post was modified.';
$string['privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_posts:parent'] = 'The ID of the post this post is referring to.';
$string['privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_posts:userid'] = 'The ID of the user who submitted this post.';
-$string['privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_posts:created'] = 'The date this post was created.';
-$string['privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_posts:modified'] = 'The last date this post was modified.';
-$string['privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_posts:message'] = 'The text of this post.';
+$string['privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_ratings'] = 'Information about ratings of posts. This includes when a user has rated a post and its specific rating.';
+$string['privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_ratings:discussionid'] = 'The ID of the discussion the rated post is part of.';
+$string['privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_ratings:firstrated'] = 'The date the rating was submitted.';
+$string['privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_ratings:lastchanged'] = 'The date the rating was changed the last time.';
+$string['privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_ratings:moodleoverflowid'] = 'The ID of the Moodleoverflow forum that contains the rated post.';
+$string['privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_ratings:postid'] = 'The ID of the post that was rated.';
+$string['privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_ratings:rating'] = 'The submitted rating. 0 = neutral, 1 = negative, 2 = positive, 3 = helpful, 4 = solution';
+$string['privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_ratings:userid'] = 'The ID of the user who submitted the rating.';
$string['privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_read'] = 'Information about read tracking of posts. This includes when posts were read by a user.';
-$string['privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_read:userid'] = 'The ID of the user who read the post.';
$string['privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_read:discussionid'] = 'The ID of the discussion the read post belongs to,';
-$string['privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_read:postid'] = 'The ID of the post that has been read.';
$string['privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_read:firstread'] = 'The date the post was read the first time.';
$string['privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_read:lastread'] = 'The date the post was read the last time by the user.';
+$string['privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_read:postid'] = 'The ID of the post that has been read.';
+$string['privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_read:userid'] = 'The ID of the user who read the post.';
$string['privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_subscriptions'] = 'Information about subscriptions to forums. This includes which forums a user has subscribed.';
-$string['privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_subscriptions:userid'] = 'The ID of the user who has subscribed a forum.';
$string['privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_subscriptions:moodleoverflow'] = 'The ID of the Moodleoverflow forum the user has subscribed.';
-$string['privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_discuss_subs'] = 'Information about the subscriptions to individual forum discussions. This includes when a user has chosen to subscribe to a discussion or to unsubscribe from one where they would otherwise be subscribed.';
-$string['privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_discuss_subs:userid'] = 'The ID of the user who changed the subscription settings.';
-$string['privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_discuss_subs:discussion'] = 'The ID of the discussion that was subscribed / unsubscribed.';
-$string['privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_discuss_subs:preference'] = 'The start time of the subscription.';
-$string['privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_ratings'] = 'Information about ratings of posts. This includes when a user has rated a post and its specific rating.';
-$string['privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_ratings:userid'] = 'The ID of the user who submitted the rating.';
-$string['privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_ratings:postid'] = 'The ID of the post that was rated.';
-$string['privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_ratings:discussionid'] = 'The ID of the discussion the rated post is part of.';
-$string['privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_ratings:moodleoverflowid'] = 'The ID of the Moodleoverflow forum that contains the rated post.';
-$string['privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_ratings:rating'] = 'The submitted rating. 0 = neutral, 1 = negative, 2 = positive, 3 = helpful, 4 = solution';
-$string['privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_ratings:firstrated'] = 'The date the rating was submitted.';
-$string['privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_ratings:lastchanged'] = 'The date the rating was changed the last time.';
+$string['privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_subscriptions:userid'] = 'The ID of the user who has subscribed a forum.';
$string['privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_tracking'] = 'Information about the tracking of forums. This includes which forums a user does not track.';
-$string['privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_tracking:userid'] = 'The ID of the user who does not track the forum.';
$string['privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_tracking:moodleoverflowid'] = 'The ID of the moodleoverflow forum that is not tracked by the user.';
-$string['privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_grades'] = 'Information about the grade a user got for his contribution in a forum.';
-$string['privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_grades:userid'] = 'The ID of the user who got the grade.';
-$string['privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_grades:moodleoverflowid'] = 'The ID of the moodleoverflow forum in which he got the grade.';
-$string['privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_grades:grade'] = 'The grade the user got.';
-$string['privacy:anonym_discussion_name'] = 'Anonymized discussion name';
-$string['privacy:anonym_post_message'] = 'This content has been deleted.';
-$string['privacy:anonym_user_name'] = 'Anonymous';
-$string['privacy:subscribedtoforum'] = 'You are subscribed to this forum.';
-$string['privacy:discussionsubscriptionpreference'] = 'You have chosen the following discussion subscription preference for this forum: "{$a->preference}"';
-$string['privacy:readtrackingdisabled'] = 'You have chosen to not track which posts that you have read within this forum.';
+$string['privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_tracking:userid'] = 'The ID of the user who does not track the forum.';
$string['privacy:postwasread'] = 'This post was first read on {$a->firstread} and most recently read on {$a->lastread}';
-$string['privacy:grade'] = 'Your grade for this Moodleoverflow forum.';
+$string['privacy:readtrackingdisabled'] = 'You have chosen to not track which posts that you have read within this forum.';
+$string['privacy:subscribedtoforum'] = 'You are subscribed to this forum.';
+$string['questioner'] = 'Questioner';
+$string['questions'] = 'Questions';
+$string['questions_and_posts'] = 'Questions and answers';
+$string['ratedbystarter'] = 'This post was marked as the most helpful by the questioner';
+$string['ratedbyteacher'] = 'This post was marked as the solution by a teacher';
+$string['rateownpost'] = 'You cannot rate your own post.';
+$string['ratingfailed'] = 'Rating failed. Try again.';
+$string['ratingheading'] = 'Rating and reputation';
+$string['ratingpreference'] = 'Display first';
+$string['ratingpreference_help'] = 'Answers can be marked as solution and helpful. This option decides which of these will be pinned as the first answer of the discussion. There are 2 options:
+* Heplful - A topic starter\'s helpful mark will be pinned at the top of the discussion
+* Solved - A teacher\'s solution mark will be pinned at the top of the discussion';
+$string['ratingtoold'] = 'Ratings can only be changed within 30 minutes after the first vote. ';
+$string['re'] = 'Re:';
+$string['reject'] = 'Reject';
+$string['reply'] = 'Comment';
+$string['replyfirst'] = 'Answer';
+$string['reputation'] = 'Reputation';
+$string['reputationnotnegative'] = 'Reputation just positive?';
+$string['resetanonymous_warning'] = 'Are you sure? If you are in production, this is most certainly a bad decision because your students and teachers posted their questions and answers, believing they would remain anonymous.
{$a->fullanoncount} forums are currently fully anonymized, and in {$a->questionanoncount} additional forums the questioners are anonymized.
In all these forums, the real names of posters will be displayed again, even in already existing posts!
There is no way of reverting those changes!';
+$string['review'] = 'Review';
+$string['review_help'] = 'Select what has to be approved by a teacher before being shown to students.';
+$string['review_needed'] = 'Review needed!';
+$string['reviewpossibleaftertime'] = 'Review possible after (secs)';
+$string['reviewpossibleaftertime_desc'] = 'A teacher cannot reject or approve a post until this amount of time (in seconds) after the creation of the post. After a teacher has approved a post, the post cannot be edited by it\'s author anymore, even if still within the maxeditingtime duration.';
+$string['reviewpost'] = 'Review a post';
$string['scalefactor'] = 'Scale factor';
$string['scalefactor_help'] = 'The user rating is divided by the scale factor to obtain each user\'s grade. If the resulting grade is greater than the maximum grade, the value is limited to the specified maximum grade';
$string['scalefactorerror'] = 'Scale factor must be a positive integer different than 0';
-$string['grademaxgradeerror'] = 'Maximum grade must be a positive integer different than 0';
-$string['updategrades'] = 'Update grades';
-$string['gradesreport'] = 'Grades report';
-$string['gradesupdated'] = 'Grades updated';
-$string['taskupdategrades'] = 'Moodleoverflow maintenance job to update grades';
+$string['seeuserstats'] = 'View user statistics';
+$string['showuserstats'] = 'Show cumulative user statistics';
+$string['smallmessage'] = '{$a->user} posted in {$a->moodleoverflowname}';
+$string['starterrating'] = 'Helpful';
+$string['subject'] = 'Subject';
+$string['subscribe'] = 'Subscribe to this forum';
+$string['subscribed'] = 'Subscribed';
+$string['subscribeenrolledonly'] = 'Sorry, only enrolled users are allowed to subscribe to post notifications.';
+$string['subscribestart'] = 'Send me notifications of new posts in this forum';
+$string['subscribestop'] = 'I don\'t want to be notified of new posts in this forum';
+$string['subscriptionauto'] = 'Auto subscription';
+$string['subscriptiondisabled'] = 'Subscription disabled';
+$string['subscriptionforced'] = 'Forced subscription';
+$string['subscriptionmode'] = 'Subscription mode';
+$string['subscriptionmode_help'] = 'When a participant is subscribed to a forum it means they will receive forum post notifications. There are 4 subscription mode options:
-// Anonymous Feature.
-$string['anonymous'] = 'Anonymous';
-$string['anonymous_help'] = 'This will hide username from all question (and answers).
WARNING: Once the questions (and answers) are anonymized, this cannot be reversed.
The setting can only be changed to a higher degree of anonymity.';
-$string['anonymous:only_questions'] = 'Only questioners (Irreversible!)';
-$string['anonymous:everything'] = 'Questioners and answerers (Irreversible!)';
-$string['anonym_you'] = 'Anonymous (You)';
-$string['allowanonymous'] = 'Allow anonymous';
-$string['allowanonymous_desc'] = 'Allow teachers to put moodleoverflow forums into anonymous question or full anonymous mode. Once enabled, anonymous forums will stay anonymous, even when this setting is disabled. If you really want to, you can reset anonymity in all forums here.';
-$string['questioner'] = 'Questioner';
-$string['answerer'] = 'Answerer #{$a}';
-$string['desc:only_questions'] = 'The name of questioners will not be displayed in their question and comments.';
-$string['desc:anonymous'] = 'No names will be displayed.';
-$string['resetanonymous_warning'] = 'Are you sure? If you are in production, this is most certainly a bad decision because your students and teachers posted their questions and answers, believing they would remain anonymous.
{$a->fullanoncount} forums are currently fully anonymized, and in {$a->questionanoncount} additional forums the questioners are anonymized.
In all these forums, the real names of posters will be displayed again, even in already existing posts!
There is no way of reverting those changes!';
+* Optional subscription - Participants can choose whether to be subscribed
+* Forced subscription - Everyone is subscribed and cannot unsubscribe
+* Auto subscription - Everyone is subscribed initially but can choose to unsubscribe at any time
+* Subscription disabled - Subscriptions are not allowed
-// Review feature.
-$string['review'] = 'Review';
-$string['reviewpost'] = 'Review a post';
-$string['review_help'] = 'Select what has to be approved by a teacher before being shown to students.';
-$string['nothing'] = 'Nothing';
-$string['questions'] = 'Questions';
-$string['questions_and_posts'] = 'Questions and answers';
-$string['desc:review_questions'] = 'All questions are going to be reviewed by a teacher before being published.';
-$string['desc:review_everything'] = 'All questions and answers are going to be reviewed by a teacher before being published.';
-$string['allowreview'] = 'Allow moderated forums';
-$string['allowreview_desc'] = 'Allow teachers to enable that all posts (or only all questions) have to be reviewed by them in order to be published.';
-$string['amount_waiting_for_review'] = '{$a} post(s) need to be reviewed!';
-$string['pending_review'] = 'Pending review';
-$string['post_was_approved'] = 'The post was approved.';
-$string['post_was_rejected'] = 'The post was rejected.';
-$string['jump_to_next_post_needing_review'] = 'Jump to next post needing to be reviewed.';
+Note: Any subscription mode changes will only affect users who enrol in the course in the future, and not existing users.';
+$string['subscriptionoptional'] = 'Optional subscription';
+$string['subscriptiontrackingheader'] = 'Subscription and tracking';
+$string['switchtoauto'] = 'If you switch to the auto subscription, all enrolled users will be subscribed to this forum!';
+$string['switchtooptional'] = 'If you switch to the optional subscription, all currently subscribed users will be unsubscribed from this forum!';
+$string['taskcleanreadrecords'] = 'Moodleoverflow maintenance job to clean old read records';
+$string['tasksenddailymail'] = 'Moodleoverflow job to send a daily mail of unread post';
+$string['tasksendmails'] = 'Moodleoverflow maintenance job to send mails';
+$string['taskupdategrades'] = 'Moodleoverflow maintenance job to update grades';
+$string['teacherrating'] = 'Solution';
$string['there_are_no_posts_needing_review'] = 'There are no more posts in this forum that need to be reviewed.';
-$string['give_a_reason'] = 'Give a reason (optional)';
-$string['approve'] = 'Approve';
-$string['reject'] = 'Reject';
-$string['reviewpossibleaftertime'] = 'Review possible after (secs)';
-$string['reviewpossibleaftertime_desc'] = 'A teacher cannot reject or approve a post until this amount of time (in seconds) after the creation of the post. After a teacher has approved a post, the post cannot be edited by it\'s author anymore, even if still within the maxeditingtime duration.';
-$string['pending_review_but_cannot_now'] = 'Pending review, but cannot be approved until {$a} after the creation of this post to allow the author a bit of time to edit it.';
+$string['tracking'] = 'Track';
+$string['trackingoff'] = 'Off';
+$string['trackingon'] = 'Forced';
+$string['trackingoptional'] = 'Optional';
+$string['trackingtype'] = 'Read tracking';
+$string['trackingtype_help'] = 'Read tracking enables participants to easily check which posts they have not yet seen by highlighting any new posts.
-$string['review_needed'] = 'Review needed!';
+If set to optional, tracking is turned on by default but participants can turn tracking off.
-$string['email_review_needed_subject'] = 'Review needed in {$a->coursename}: {$a->subject}';
-$string['email_rejected_subject'] = '{$a->coursename}: One of your posts has been rejected.';
+If \'Allow forced read tracking\' is enabled in the site administration, then a further option is available - forced. This means that tracking is always on.';
+$string['trackmoodleoverflow'] = 'Track unread posts';
+$string['unknownerror'] = 'This is not expected to happen.';
+$string['unreadposts'] = 'Unread posts';
+$string['unreadpostsnumber'] = '{$a} unread posts';
+$string['unreadpostsone'] = '1 unread post';
+$string['unsubscribe'] = 'Unsubscribe from this forum';
+$string['unsubscribediscussion'] = 'Unsubscribe from this discussion';
+$string['unsubscribediscussionlink'] = 'Unsubscribe from this discussion: {$a}';
+$string['unsubscribelink'] = 'Unsubscribe from this forum: {$a}';
+$string['updategrades'] = 'Update grades';
+$string['upvotenotchangeable'] = 'Cannot upvote';
+$string['userstatscourseactivity'] = 'Activity (coursewide)';
+$string['userstatscoursereputation'] = 'Reputation (coursewide)';
+$string['userstatsdownvotes'] = 'Received downvotes';
+$string['userstatsforumactivity'] = 'Activity (this forum)';
+$string['userstatsforumreputation'] = 'Reputation (this forum)';
+$string['userstatsupvotes'] = 'Received upvotes';
+$string['votescaledownvote'] = 'Reputation: Downvote';
+$string['votescalehelpful'] = 'Reputation: Helpful';
+$string['votescalesolved'] = 'Reputation: Solution';
+$string['votescaleupvote'] = 'Reputation: Upvote';
+$string['votescalevote'] = 'Reputation: Vote.';
$string['your_post_was_rejected'] = 'Your post was rejected.';
$string['your_post_was_rejected_with_reason'] = 'Your post was rejected with the following reason:';
-$string['original_post'] = 'Original post';
-// Daily mail message.
-$string['digestunreadpost'] = 'Course: {$a->linktocourse} -> {$a->linktoforum}, Topic: {$a->linktodiscussion} has {$a->unreadposts} unread posts.';
+$string['yournewtopic'] = 'Your new discussion topic';
+$string['yourreply'] = 'Your reply';
diff --git a/tests/behat/behat_mod_moodleoverflow.php b/tests/behat/behat_mod_moodleoverflow.php
index c6f1cffc93..9fd2f80806 100644
--- a/tests/behat/behat_mod_moodleoverflow.php
+++ b/tests/behat/behat_mod_moodleoverflow.php
@@ -159,6 +159,7 @@ protected function find_moodleoverflow_discussion_card(string $discussiontitle):
$discussiontitle . '"]]');
+ // phpcs:disable moodle.Files.LineLength.TooLong
* Checks that an element and selector type exists in another element and selector type on the current page.
@@ -171,6 +172,7 @@ protected function find_moodleoverflow_discussion_card(string $discussiontitle):
* @param string $discussiontitle The discussion title
public function should_exist_in_the_moodleoverflow_discussion_card($element, $selectortype, $discussiontitle) {
+ // phpcs:enable
// Get the container node.
$containernode = $this->find_moodleoverflow_discussion_card($discussiontitle);
@@ -182,6 +184,7 @@ public function should_exist_in_the_moodleoverflow_discussion_card($element, $se
$this->find($selectortype, $element, $exception, $containernode);
+ // phpcs:disable moodle.Files.LineLength.TooLong
* Click on the element of the specified type which is located inside the second element.
@@ -191,6 +194,7 @@ public function should_exist_in_the_moodleoverflow_discussion_card($element, $se
* @param string $discussiontitle The discussion title
public function i_click_on_in_the_moodleoverflow_discussion_card($element, $selectortype, $discussiontitle) {
+ // phpcs:enable
// Get the container node.
$containernode = $this->find_moodleoverflow_discussion_card($discussiontitle);
@@ -204,6 +208,7 @@ public function i_click_on_in_the_moodleoverflow_discussion_card($element, $sele
+ // phpcs:disable moodle.Files.LineLength.TooLong
* Checks that an element and selector type does not exist in another element and selector type on the current page.
@@ -216,6 +221,7 @@ public function i_click_on_in_the_moodleoverflow_discussion_card($element, $sele
* @param string $discussiontitle The discussion title
public function should_not_exist_in_the_moodleoverflow_discussion_card($element, $selectortype, $discussiontitle) {
+ // phpcs:enable
// Get the container node.
$containernode = $this->find_moodleoverflow_discussion_card($discussiontitle);
diff --git a/tests/dailymail_test.php b/tests/dailymail_test.php
index 3badfa178a..e27a2f1b50 100644
--- a/tests/dailymail_test.php
+++ b/tests/dailymail_test.php
@@ -38,8 +38,9 @@
* @package mod_moodleoverflow
* @copyright 2023 Tamaro Walter
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
+ * @covers \mod_moodleoverflow\task\send_daily_mail::execute
-class dailymail_test extends \advanced_testcase {
+final class dailymail_test extends \advanced_testcase {
/** @var \stdClass collection of messages */
private $sink;
@@ -138,7 +139,6 @@ private function helper_run_send_mails() {
* Test if the task send_daily_mail sends a mail to the user.
- * @covers \send_daily_mail::execute
public function test_mail_delivery(): void {
// Create user with maildigest = on.
@@ -154,7 +154,6 @@ public function test_mail_delivery(): void {
* Test if the task send_daily_mail does not sends email from posts that are not in the course of the user.
- * @return void
public function test_delivery_not_enrolled(): void {
// Create user with maildigest = on.
@@ -201,7 +200,6 @@ public function test_delivery_not_enrolled(): void {
* Test if the content of the mail matches the supposed content.
- * @covers \send_daily_mail::execute
public function test_content_of_mail_delivery(): void {
@@ -236,7 +234,6 @@ public function test_content_of_mail_delivery(): void {
* Test if the task does not send a mail when maildigest = 0
- * @covers \send_daily_mail::execute
public function test_mail_not_send(): void {
// Creat user with daily_mail = off.
@@ -252,7 +249,6 @@ public function test_mail_not_send(): void {
* Test if database is updated after sending a mail
- * @covers \send_daily_mail::execute
public function test_records_removed(): void {
global $DB;
diff --git a/tests/locallib_test.php b/tests/locallib_test.php
index 9207c21bf3..30745209a5 100644
--- a/tests/locallib_test.php
+++ b/tests/locallib_test.php
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
* @copyright 2017 Kennet Winter
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
-class locallib_test extends advanced_testcase {
+final class locallib_test extends advanced_testcase {
public function setUp(): void {
diff --git a/tests/post_test.php b/tests/post_test.php
index b29614c879..2906298ff8 100644
--- a/tests/post_test.php
+++ b/tests/post_test.php
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
* @copyright 2023 Tamaro Walter
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
-class post_test extends \advanced_testcase {
+final class post_test extends \advanced_testcase {
/** @var \stdClass test course */
private $course;
diff --git a/tests/privacy_provider_test.php b/tests/privacy_provider_test.php
index 5b6d7b60a3..d67dab35fd 100644
--- a/tests/privacy_provider_test.php
+++ b/tests/privacy_provider_test.php
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see .
* Tests for the moodleoverflow implementation of the Privacy Provider API.
@@ -41,7 +42,7 @@
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
* @covers \provider
-class privacy_provider_test extends \core_privacy\tests\provider_testcase {
+final class privacy_provider_test extends \core_privacy\tests\provider_testcase {
* @var \mod_moodleoverflow_generator Plugin generator
@@ -587,7 +588,7 @@ public function test_post_attachment_inclusion(): void {
* Ensure that all user data is deleted from a context.
- public function test_all_users_deleted_from_context() {
+ public function test_all_users_deleted_from_context(): void {
global $DB;
$fs = get_file_storage();
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
@@ -724,7 +725,7 @@ public function test_all_users_deleted_from_context() {
* Ensure that all user data is deleted for a specific context.
- public function test_delete_data_for_user() {
+ public function test_delete_data_for_user(): void {
global $DB;
$fs = get_file_storage();
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
@@ -937,7 +938,7 @@ protected function create_and_enrol_users($course, $count) {
* Ensure that user data for specific users is deleted from a specified context.
- public function test_delete_data_for_users() {
+ public function test_delete_data_for_users(): void {
global $DB;
$fs = get_file_storage();
diff --git a/tests/ratings_test.php b/tests/ratings_test.php
index f0dccc267b..396a9e50c5 100644
--- a/tests/ratings_test.php
+++ b/tests/ratings_test.php
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
* @copyright 2023 Tamaro Walter
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
-class ratings_test extends \advanced_testcase {
+final class ratings_test extends \advanced_testcase {
/** @var \stdClass test course */
private $course;
diff --git a/tests/readtracking_test.php b/tests/readtracking_test.php
index 015d7f4403..4d78b9e89e 100644
--- a/tests/readtracking_test.php
+++ b/tests/readtracking_test.php
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
* @covers \readtracking
-class readtracking_test extends advanced_testcase {
+final class readtracking_test extends advanced_testcase {
* Test the logic in the moodleoverflow_can_track_moodleoverflows() function.
diff --git a/tests/review_test.php b/tests/review_test.php
index 9654f7dba8..261acafba5 100644
--- a/tests/review_test.php
+++ b/tests/review_test.php
@@ -39,8 +39,10 @@
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
* @group mod_moodleoverflow
+ * @covers \mod_moodleoverflow_external::review_approve_post
+ * @covers \mod_moodleoverflow_external::review_reject_post
-class review_test extends \advanced_testcase {
+final class review_test extends \advanced_testcase {
/** @var \mod_moodleoverflow_generator $generator */
private $generator;
diff --git a/tests/subscriptions_test.php b/tests/subscriptions_test.php
index 10c4c6b602..7fe9eae71d 100644
--- a/tests/subscriptions_test.php
+++ b/tests/subscriptions_test.php
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
* @covers \subscriptions
-class subscriptions_test extends advanced_testcase {
+final class subscriptions_test extends advanced_testcase {
* Test setUp.
@@ -1360,7 +1360,7 @@ public function test_moodleoverflow_subscribe_toggle_as_other_repeat_subscriptio
* @return array
- public function is_subscribable_moodleoverflows() {
+ public static function is_subscribable_moodleoverflows() {
return [
@@ -1382,9 +1382,9 @@ public function is_subscribable_moodleoverflows() {
* @return array
- public function is_subscribable_provider(): array {
+ public static function is_subscribable_provider(): array {
$data = [];
- foreach ($this->is_subscribable_moodleoverflows() as $moodleoverflow) {
+ foreach (self::is_subscribable_moodleoverflows() as $moodleoverflow) {
$data[] = [$moodleoverflow];
@@ -1440,7 +1440,7 @@ public function test_is_subscribable_is_guest($options): void {
* Returns subscription obtions.
* @return array
- public function is_subscribable_loggedin_provider(): array {
+ public static function is_subscribable_loggedin_provider(): array {
return [
diff --git a/tests/userstats_test.php b/tests/userstats_test.php
index b6078f1670..080a11dd95 100644
--- a/tests/userstats_test.php
+++ b/tests/userstats_test.php
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
* @covers \userstats_table
-class userstats_test extends \advanced_testcase {
+final class userstats_test extends \advanced_testcase {
/** @var \stdClass test course */
private $course;