diff --git a/contentcuration/contentcuration/frontend/channelEdit/components/edit/CategoryOptions.vue b/contentcuration/contentcuration/frontend/channelEdit/components/edit/CategoryOptions.vue
index 6d0490ef2c..fbd3073d93 100644
--- a/contentcuration/contentcuration/frontend/channelEdit/components/edit/CategoryOptions.vue
+++ b/contentcuration/contentcuration/frontend/channelEdit/components/edit/CategoryOptions.vue
@@ -167,7 +167,8 @@
methods: {
treeItemStyle(item) {
- return this.nested ? { paddingLeft: `${item.level * 24}px` } : {};
+ const rule = this.$isRTL ? 'paddingRight' : 'paddingLeft';
+ return this.nested ? { [rule]: `${item.level * 24}px` } : {};
add(value) {
this.selected = [...this.selected, value];
diff --git a/contentcuration/contentcuration/frontend/channelEdit/components/edit/CompletionOptions.vue b/contentcuration/contentcuration/frontend/channelEdit/components/edit/CompletionOptions.vue
index ac29517121..5202afb40c 100644
--- a/contentcuration/contentcuration/frontend/channelEdit/components/edit/CompletionOptions.vue
+++ b/contentcuration/contentcuration/frontend/channelEdit/components/edit/CompletionOptions.vue
@@ -90,6 +90,7 @@
diff --git a/contentcuration/contentcuration/frontend/shared/vuetify/icons.js b/contentcuration/contentcuration/frontend/shared/vuetify/icons.js
index c6e22273a8..f02d90a78d 100644
--- a/contentcuration/contentcuration/frontend/shared/vuetify/icons.js
+++ b/contentcuration/contentcuration/frontend/shared/vuetify/icons.js
@@ -28,9 +28,9 @@ export function getContentKindIcon(kind, isEmpty = false) {
export function getLearningActivityIcon(activity) {
- if (activity == 'Explore') {
+ if (activity.toLowerCase() === 'explore') {
return 'interactShaded';
- } else if (activity == 'Multiple learning activities') {
+ } else if (activity === 'multiple') {
return 'allActivities';
} else {
return `${camelCase(activity) + 'Solid'}`;
diff --git a/contentcuration/contentcuration/viewsets/channel.py b/contentcuration/contentcuration/viewsets/channel.py
index aad4638e3c..53fc93580f 100644
--- a/contentcuration/contentcuration/viewsets/channel.py
+++ b/contentcuration/contentcuration/viewsets/channel.py
@@ -584,6 +584,7 @@ class CatalogViewSet(ReadOnlyValuesViewset):
+ "demo_server_url",
def get_queryset(self):
diff --git a/contentcuration/contentcuration/viewsets/contentnode.py b/contentcuration/contentcuration/viewsets/contentnode.py
index 7c862e1892..7982cabf59 100644
--- a/contentcuration/contentcuration/viewsets/contentnode.py
+++ b/contentcuration/contentcuration/viewsets/contentnode.py
@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ def update(self, instance, validated_data):
class CompletionCriteriaSerializer(JSONFieldDictSerializer):
threshold = ThresholdField(allow_null=True)
model = CharField()
- learner_managed = BooleanField(required=False)
+ learner_managed = BooleanField(required=False, allow_null=True)
def update(self, instance, validated_data):
instance = super(CompletionCriteriaSerializer, self).update(instance, validated_data)
diff --git a/contentcuration/locale/CSV_FILES/contentcuration/locale/ar_SA/LC_FRONTEND_MESSAGES/contentcuration-messages.json b/contentcuration/locale/CSV_FILES/contentcuration/locale/ar_SA/LC_FRONTEND_MESSAGES/contentcuration-messages.json
deleted file mode 100644
index ef2fff649d..0000000000
--- a/contentcuration/locale/CSV_FILES/contentcuration/locale/ar_SA/LC_FRONTEND_MESSAGES/contentcuration-messages.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1222 +0,0 @@
- "SettingsIndex.settingsTitle": "الإعدادات",
- "SettingsIndex.accountLabel": "الحساب",
- "SettingsIndex.storageLabel": "التخزين",
- "SettingsIndex.usingStudioLabel": "استخدام الاستوديو",
- "UsingStudio.policiesLink": "سياسة الخصوصية",
- "UsingStudio.termsOfServiceLink": "شروط الخدمة",
- "UsingStudio.communityStandardsLink": "معايير المجتمع",
- "UsingStudio.userDocsLink": "دليل المستخدم",
- "UsingStudio.resourcesHeader": "المصادر الخاصة باستوديو كوليبري",
- "UsingStudio.aboutStudio": "حول إصدار بيتا من استوديو كوليبري",
- "UsingStudio.aboutStudioText": "يخضع استوديو كوليبري لعملية تطوير دائمة، وبذلك قد تتسبب بعض التغييرات في حدوث سلوك أو تحديات غير متوقعة (تسمّى أيضاً بـ\"المشاكل\"). في حال واجهت مشكلة، يرجى إعلامنا حال حدوثها لمساعدتنا في حلها. (انظر أدناه للحصول على تعليمات حول طريقة الإبلاغ عن المشاكل).",
- "UsingStudio.bestPractices": "أفضل الممارسات",
- "UsingStudio.bestPractice1": "عند استخدام عمليات الاستيراد والحافظة، قم بذلك ضمن مجموعات فرعية صغيرة من الموضوعات بدلاً من القنوات الكاملة في المرة الواحدة (خصوصاً للقنوات الكبيرة).",
- "UsingStudio.bestPractice2": "يُفضّل إنشاء قنوات صغيرة متعددة عوضاً عن إنشاء قناة كبيرة واحدة بمواضيع متعددة.",
- "UsingStudio.bestPractice3": "قم بإعادة تحميل الصفحة بشكل دوري للتأكد من حفظ عملك على الخادم وعدم حدوث أخطاء في الشبكة. استخدم CTRL + R في أنظمة تشغيل Linux / Windows أو ⌘ + R على نظام Mac.",
- "UsingStudio.bestPractice4": "تجنب القيام بعمليات تحرير متزامنة في نفس القناة. لا يجوز أن يتم تحرير القنوات بواسطة عدة مستخدمين في نفس الوقت أو بواسطة نفس المستخدم في عدة نوافذ تصفح.",
- "UsingStudio.bestPractice5": "قد تواجه أخطاء مرتبطة بانتهاء المهلة على متصفحك عند القيام بعمليات مثل الاستيراد والمزامنة على القنوات الكبيرة. لا تتفاجأ برسالة الخطأ تلك ولا تكرر العملية مجدداً على الفور. هذه الرسالة لا تعني أن العملية فشلت- لا يزال استوديو كوليبري يعمل في الخلفية. انتظر لبضع دقائق ثم أعد تحميل الصفحة قبل متابعة عمليات التحرير.",
- "UsingStudio.bestPractice6": "قم بضغط مقاطع الفيديو قبل تحميلها (ألقِ نظرة على هذه التعليمات).",
- "UsingStudio.bestPractice7": "قم بالنشر بشكل دوري واستورد قناتك إلى كوليبري من أجل معاينة المحتوى والحصول على نسخة احتياطية محلية من قناتك.",
- "UsingStudio.bestPractice8": "لا تقم بعمليات تحرير في القناة بعد النقر على خيار \"نشر\". انتظر إشعار البريد الإلكتروني قبل متابعة عمليات التحرير.",
- "UsingStudio.bestPractice9": "قم بالإبلاغ عن المشاكل عندما تواجهها.",
- "UsingStudio.notableIssues": "مشاكل بارزة",
- "UsingStudio.issue1": "لقد أبلغ اثنان من المستخدمين عن حوادث منفصلة حيث اختفى المحتوى الذي قاما باستيراده من قناة أخرى، ولم يبق سوى المواضيع الرئيسية والمواضيع الفرعية الفارغة. وأُشير في أحد التقارير أن المحتوى قد ظهر في ما بعد. لم يواجه المستخدمان هذه المشاكل بشكل مستمر، وقد تتضمن تلك الحوادث مشاكل مرتبطة باتصال الإنترنت البطيء أو غير المستقر. الرجاء الاتصال بنا بأسرع وقت ممكن في حال صادفت هذه المشكلة من أجل إطلاعنا على كل ما يمكنك تذكره من معلومات.",
- "UsingStudio.issueLink1": "تقارير متعلقة باختفاء المحتوى",
- "UsingStudio.issue2": "بعض العمليات في الاستوديو بطيئة جدًا في الوقت الحالي، ولهذا قد يبدو أن التغيير الذي حاولت القيام به قد انتهى أو لم يتم بنجاح. في كثير من الحالات، يبقى التغيير قيد المعالجة وسيظهر حال اكتماله. في حال لم يكتمل التغيير خلال ٥-١٠ دقائق حتى بعد تحديث المتصفح، الرجاء إعلامنا بالمشكلة. نحن نعمل على إيجاد حلول لهذه المشاكل.",
- "UsingStudio.issueLink2": "الأداء البطيء يمكن أن يؤدي إلى أخطاء غير متوقعة في واجهة العرض",
- "UsingStudio.reportIssueButton": "الإبلاغ عن مشكلة",
- "ReportIssueForm.reportIssueHeader": "الإبلاغ عن مشكلة",
- "ReportIssueForm.fieldRequiredText": "هذا الحقل مطلوب",
- "ReportIssueForm.OSLabel": "نظام التشغيل (على سبيل المثال: Windows، MacOS، Linux)",
- "ReportIssueForm.browserLabel": "المتصفح (على سبيل المثال: Chrome، Firefox، Safari)",
- "ReportIssueForm.channelLabel": "القناة التي واجهت فيها المشكلة (في حال انطبق ذلك)",
- "ReportIssueForm.descriptionLabel": "قم بوصف مشكلتك مع تقديم أكبر قدر ممكن من التفاصيل",
- "ReportIssueForm.submitAction": "تقديم",
- "ReportIssueForm.cancelAction": "إلغاء",
- "ReportIssueForm.issueSubmitted": "تم إرسال المشكلة",
- "ReportIssueForm.issueFailed": "تعذر إرسال هذه المشكلة، يرجى المحاولة مجدداً.",
- "Storage.spaceUsedOfMax": "{qty} من {max}",
- "Storage.storagePercentageUsed": "{qty}% مساحة تخزين مستخدمة",
- "Storage.requestMoreSpaceHeading": "طلب مساحة تخزين أكبر",
- "Storage.requestMoreSpaceMessage": "الرجاء استخدام هذا النموذج لطلب مساحة تخزين تحميل إضافية لحساب استوديو كوليبري الخاص بك. لن يتم احتساب المصادر التي تستوردها من مكتبتنا العامة إلى قنواتك من حد التخزين الخاص بك.",
- "Storage.learnMoreAboutImportingContentFromChannels": "تعلّم المزيد عن كيفية استيراد المصادر من قنوات أخرى",
- "Storage.showFormAction": "فتح النموذج",
- "Storage.hideFormAction": "إغلاق النموذج",
- "RequestForm.natureOfYourContentLabel": "طبيعة المحتوى الخاص بك",
- "RequestForm.storageAmountRequestedPlaceholder": "المساحة المطلوبة (على سبيل المثال ١٠ جيغا بايت)",
- "RequestForm.approximatelyHowManyResourcesLabel": "كم عدد المصادر الفردية التي تخطط لتحميلها تقريباً؟",
- "RequestForm.numberOfResourcesPlaceholder": "عدد المصادر",
- "RequestForm.averageSizeOfResourceLabel": "متوسط الحجم لكل مصدر",
- "RequestForm.sizePlaceholder": "الحجم",
- "RequestForm.kindOfContentQuestionLabel": "ما هي أنواع المصادر التي تخطط لتحميلها؟ يرجى التحديد",
- "RequestForm.typeOfContentPlaceholder": "أنواع المصادر",
- "RequestForm.authorLabel": "من هو مؤلف (منشئ المحتوى)، القيِّم على (المنظم)، و/ أو الجامع (المشرف) على المحتوى الخاص بك؟ يرجى التحديد",
- "RequestForm.responsePlaceholder": "إجابة",
- "RequestForm.provideSampleLinkLabel": "يرجى تقديم رابط لعينة من المحتوى الخاص بك (سواء من استوديو كوليبري أو من مصدر آخر)",
- "RequestForm.pasteLinkPlaceholder": "قم بلصق الرابط هنا",
- "RequestForm.whoCanUseContentLabel": "من يمكنه استخدام المحتوى الخاص بك؟",
- "RequestForm.licensingQuestionLabel": "ما هو ترخيص المحتوى الذي تقوم بتحميله؟ (تحقق من كل ما ينطبق)",
- "RequestForm.willYouMakeYourChannelPublicLabel": "في حال كان المحتوى مرخصاً بشكل علني، هل أنت على استعداد للنظر في جعل القنوات الخاصة بك عامة لمستخدمي كوليبري الآخرين في حال طُلب منك ذلك في المستقبل؟",
- "RequestForm.selectAllThatApplyPlaceholder": "حدد كل ما ينطبق",
- "RequestForm.howAreYouUsingYourContentLabel": "كيف تقوم باستخدام المحتوى الخاص بك؟",
- "RequestForm.intendedAudienceLabel": "من هو الجمهور الذي تستهدفه قناتك؟ ما هو حجم جمهورك؟",
- "RequestForm.audiencePlaceholder": "المتعلمون في المدرسة، المتعلمون البالغون، والمعلمون، إلخ.",
- "RequestForm.targetRegionsLabel": "قم باستهداف منطقة/ مناطق للمحتوى الخاص بك (في حال انطبق ذلك)",
- "RequestForm.howOftenImportedToKolibriLabel": "كم عدد المرات التي سيتم فيها استيراد هذا المحتوى من الاستوديو إلى تنصيبات كوليبري الجديدة في الشهر تقريباً؟",
- "RequestForm.usageLabel": "أخبرنا بالمزيد عن استخدامك لكوليبري",
- "RequestForm.organizationalAffiliationLabel": "الانتماء التنظيمي",
- "RequestForm.notAffiliatedLabel": "لا أنتمي لأية منظمة ضمن هذا العمل.",
- "RequestForm.uploadingOnBehalfLabel": "أقوم برفع المحتوى بالنيابة عن:",
- "RequestForm.organizationNamePlaceholder": "اسم المنظمة",
- "RequestForm.typeOfOrganizationLabel": "ما هو نوع المنظمة أو المجموعة التي تقوم بتنسيق استخدام كوليبري (إن وجدت)؟",
- "RequestForm.grassrootsLabel": "حركات شعبية و/ أو مبادرة تطوعية",
- "RequestForm.smallNgoLabel": "منظمة غير حكومية صغيرة ذات ميزانية سنوية أقل من 25 ألف دولار أمريكي",
- "RequestForm.mediumNgoLabel": "منظمة غير حكومية متوسطة الحجم بميزانية تقل عن 500 ألف دولار أمريكي",
- "RequestForm.largeIntlNgoLabel": "منظمات غير حكومية دولية أكبر حجمًا أو وكالات حكومية",
- "RequestForm.forProfitLabel": "شركة ربحية أو اجتماعية",
- "RequestForm.otherLabel": "غير ذلك",
- "RequestForm.timelineLabel": "من أجل فهم أفضل لطبيعة حساسية الوقت بالنسبة لطلبك، يرجى الإشارة إلى الجدول الزمني التقريبي عندما تحتاج إلى مساحة التخزين الإضافية هذه:",
- "RequestForm.oneWeekLabel": "أسبوع واحد",
- "RequestForm.twoToFourWeeksLabel": "٢- ٤ أسابيع",
- "RequestForm.coupleMonthsLabel": "١-٢ أشهر",
- "RequestForm.threeToSixMonthsLabel": "٣- ٦ أشهر",
- "RequestForm.sixPlusMonthsLabel": "أكثر من ٦ أشهر",
- "RequestForm.unknownLabel": "غير معروف",
- "RequestForm.explainNeedsInDetailLabel": "يرجى كتابة فقرة توضح احتياجاتك وحالة استخدامك لاستوديو كوليبري وكيفية دمجها ببرامجك. وقم بكتابة معلومات بخصوص من سيتولى تنسيق المحتوى ونشره واستخدامه. هل سيتم تنسيق هذا العمل من قبل منظمة كجزء من برنامج تعليمي؟ قم بتضمين سبب حاجتك للمساحة الإضافية المطلوبة ووضح الطبيعة الحساسة للوقت بخصوص طلبك.",
- "RequestForm.fieldRequiredText": "هذا الحقل مطلوب",
- "RequestForm.sendRequestAction": "إرسال طلب",
- "RequestForm.requestSent": "تم إرسال طلب التخزين الخاص بك للمعالجة.",
- "RequestForm.requestFailed": "تعذّر إرسال الطلب. يرجى المحاولة مجدداً.",
- "Account.basicInfoHeader": "معلومات أساسية",
- "Account.usernameLabel": "اسم المستخدم",
- "Account.fullNameLabel": "الاسم الكامل",
- "Account.passwordLabel": "كلمة المرور",
- "Account.changePasswordAction": "تغيير كلمة المرور",
- "Account.editFullNameAction": "تعديل",
- "Account.deleteAccountLabel": "حذف الحساب",
- "Account.completelyDeleteAccountLabel": "إزالة حسابك بالكامل من استوديو كوليبري",
- "Account.unableToDeleteAdminAccount": "لا يمكن حذف حساب المسؤول",
- "Account.handleChannelsBeforeAccount": "عليك حذف هذه القنوات بشكل يدوي أو دعوة آخرين لتعديلها قبل أن تتمكن من حذف حسابك.",
- "Account.apiTokenHeading": "رمز API",
- "Account.apiTokenMessage": "ستحتاج إلى هذا الرمز الخاص بالدخول لتشغيل نصوص دمج المحتوى من أجل التحميل المتعدد للمواد من خلال واجهة التطبيق الخاصة باستوديو كوليبري.",
- "Account.apiDocumentation": "توثيق API",
- "Account.exportAccountDataLabel": "ستتلقى رسالة بريد إلكتروني تحتوي على كل المعلومات المرتبطة بحسابك",
- "Account.exportStartedHeader": "بدأ تصدير البيانات",
- "Account.exportAccountDataHeading": "تصدير بيانات الحساب",
- "Account.exportDataButton": "تصدير البيانات",
- "Account.exportAccountDataModalMessage": "ستتلقى رسالة بريد إلكتروني تحتوي على بياناتك حالما يكتمل التصدير",
- "Account.exportFailed": "تعذّر تصدير البيانات. يرجى المحاولة مجدداً.",
- "DeleteAccountForm.deleteAccountLabel": "حذف الحساب",
- "DeleteAccountForm.deleteAccountConfirmationPrompt": "هل أنت متأكد من أنك تريد حذف حسابك بشكل دائم؟ لا يمكن التراجع عن هذه الخطوة",
- "DeleteAccountForm.deleteAccountEnterEmail": "أدخل عنوان البريد الإلكتروني الخاص بك للمتابعة",
- "DeleteAccountForm.cancelButton": "إلغاء",
- "DeleteAccountForm.emailAddressLabel": "عنوان البريد الإلكتروني",
- "DeleteAccountForm.emailInvalidText": "البريد الإلكتروني لا يتطابق مع البريد الإلكتروني للحساب الخاص بك",
- "DeleteAccountForm.fieldRequired": "هذا الحقل مطلوب",
- "DeleteAccountForm.deletionFailed": "فشل حذف الحساب",
- "DeleteAccountForm.deletionFailedText": "فشل عملية حذف حسابك. الرجاء التواصل معنا من خلال الرابط: https://community.learningequality.org.",
- "ChangePasswordForm.changePasswordHeader": "تغيير كلمة المرور",
- "ChangePasswordForm.newPasswordLabel": "كلمة مرور جديدة",
- "ChangePasswordForm.confirmNewPasswordLabel": "تأكيد كلمة المرور الجديدة",
- "ChangePasswordForm.formInvalidText": "كلمتا المرور غير متطابقتين",
- "ChangePasswordForm.cancelAction": "إلغاء",
- "ChangePasswordForm.saveChangesAction": "حفظ التغييرات",
- "ChangePasswordForm.paswordChangeSuccess": "تم تحديث كلمة المرور ",
- "ChangePasswordForm.passwordChangeFailed": "فشل عملية حفظ كلمة المرور الجديدة",
- "FullNameForm.editNameHeader": "تعديل الاسم",
- "FullNameForm.firstNameLabel": "الاسم",
- "FullNameForm.lastNameLabel": "الشهرة",
- "FullNameForm.cancelAction": "إلغاء",
- "FullNameForm.saveChangesAction": "حفظ التغييرات",
- "FullNameForm.changesSavedMessage": "تم حفظ التغييرات",
- "FullNameForm.failedToSaveMessage": "فشل عملية حفظ التغييرات",
- "FullNameForm.fieldRequired": "هذا الحقل مطلوب",
- "AssessmentItemPreview.answersLabel": "الإجابات",
- "AssessmentItemPreview.noAnswersPlaceholder": "لا توجد خيارات لإجابة هذا السؤال",
- "AssessmentItemPreview.hintsToggleLabelHide": "إخفاء التلميحات",
- "AssessmentItemPreview.hintsToggleLabelShow": "إظهار {hintsCount} {hintsCount, plural, zero {} one {تلميح} two {تلميحَين} few {تلميحات} many {تلميحاً} other {تلميحات}}",
- "MoveModal.moveItems": "نقل {topicCount, plural, zero {} one {# مواضيع} two {# موضوعان} few {# مواضيع} many {# موضوعاً}\n =1 {# موضوع}\n other {# مواضيع}}, {resourceCount, plural,\n =1 {# موضوع}\n other {# مواضيع}} into:",
- "MoveModal.addTopic": "إضافة موضوع جديد",
- "MoveModal.cancel": "إلغاء",
- "MoveModal.moveHere": "انقل لهنا",
- "MoveModal.resourcesCount": "{count, plural, zero {} one {# مصادر} two {# مصدران} few {# مصادر} many {# مصدراً}\n =1 {# مصدر}\n other {# مصادر}}",
- "MoveModal.emptyTopicText": "لم يتم العثور على أية مصادر",
- "MoveModal.topicCreatedMessage": "تم إنشاء موضوع جديد",
- "MoveModal.movedMessage": "تم النقل إلى {title}",
- "MoveModal.goToLocationButton": "التوجّه إلى الموقع",
- "NewTopicModal.topicTitle": "عنوان الموضوع",
- "NewTopicModal.topicTitleRequired": "العنوان مطلوب",
- "NewTopicModal.createTopic": "إنشاء موضوع جديد",
- "NewTopicModal.cancel": "إلغاء",
- "NewTopicModal.create": "إنشاء",
- "AnswersEditor.answersLabel": "الإجابات",
- "AnswersEditor.noAnswersPlaceholder": "لا توجد خيارات لإجابة هذا السؤال",
- "AnswersEditor.newAnswerBtnLabel": "إجابة جديدة",
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- "ContentNodeListItem.openTopic": "فتح الموضوع",
- "AssessmentTab.incompleteItemsCountMessage": "{invalidItemsCount} {invalidItemsCount, plural, zero {} one {سؤال} two {سؤالان} few {أسئلة} many {سؤالاً} other {أسئلة}} غير مكتملة",
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- "AssessmentTab.dialogCancelBtnLabel": "إلغاء",
- "StudioTree.optionsTooltip": "خيارات",
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- "AssessmentEditor.noQuestionsPlaceholder": "لا توجد أسئلة لهذا التمرين",
- "AssessmentEditor.closeBtnLabel": "إغلاق",
- "AssessmentEditor.newQuestionBtnLabel": "سؤال جديد",
- "AssessmentEditor.showAnswers": "عرض الإجابات",
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- "AddRelatedResourcesModal.resourcesDisplayedText": "عرض المصادر التعليمية المتاحة فقط لـ",
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- "AddRelatedResourcesModal.previewStepBtnLabel": "معاينة",
- "AddRelatedResourcesModal.selectedAsCurrentResource": "هذا هو المصدر الحالي",
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- "ContentNodeOptions.newSubtopic": "موضوع جديد",
- "ContentNodeOptions.editTopicDetails": "تعديل تفاصيل الموضوع",
- "ContentNodeOptions.editDetails": "تعديل التفاصيل",
- "ContentNodeOptions.viewDetails": "عرض التفاصيل",
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- "ContentNodeOptions.cancel": "إلغاء",
- "ContentNodeOptions.creatingCopies": "جاري النسخ إلى الحافظة...",
- "ContentNodeOptions.creatingClipboardCopies": "جاري النسخ إلى الحافظة...",
- "ContentNodeOptions.copiedSnackbar": "اكتملت عملية النسخ",
- "ContentNodeOptions.copiedToClipboardSnackbar": "تمّ النّسخ إلى الحافظة",
- "ContentNodeOptions.removedItems": "تم إلرسالها إلى سلة المهملات",
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- "ContentNodeValidator.allIncompleteDescendantsText": "{count, plural, zero {} one {{count, number, integer} مصدر غير مكتمل ولا يمكن نشره} two {كل {count, number, integer} مصدران غير مكتملَين ولا يمكن نشرهما} few {كل {count, number, integer} مصادر غير مكتملة ولا يمكن نشرها} many {كل {count, number, integer} مصدراً غير مكتمل ولا يمكن نشرها} other {كل {count, number, integer} مصادر غير مكتملة ولا يمكن نشرها}}",
- "AssessmentItemEditor.questionTypeLabel": "نوع الإجابة",
- "AssessmentItemEditor.questionLabel": "سؤال",
- "AssessmentItemEditor.dialogTitle": "تغيير نوع السؤال",
- "AssessmentItemEditor.dialogSubmitBtnLabel": "تغيير",
- "AssessmentItemEditor.dialogMessageChangeToSingleSelection": "التبديل إلى \"خيار واحد\" سيعيّن إجابة واحدة فقط على أنها صحيحة. هل ترغب بالمتابعة؟",
- "AssessmentItemEditor.dialogMessageChangeToTrueFalse": "التبديل إلى 'صحيح أو خاطئ' سيؤدي إلى إزالة كل الإجابات الحالية. هل ترغب بالمتابعة؟",
- "AssessmentItemEditor.dialogMessageChangeToInput": "التبديل إلى \"إدخال رقمي\" سيؤدي إلى تعيين كل الإجابات على أنها صحيحة وإزالة كل الإجابات غير الرقمية. هل ترغب بالمتابعة؟",
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- "SavingIndicator.savingIndicator": "جاري الحفظ...",
- "SavingIndicator.lastSaved": "تم الحفظ {saved}",
- "SavingIndicator.savedNow": "تم الحفظ للتوّ",
- "EditList.selectAllLabel": "تحديد الكل",
- "EditView.undefined": "موارد مرتبطة",
- "EditView.noItemsToEditText": "يرجى تحديد المصادر أو المواضيع التي تود تعديلها",
- "EditView.invalidFieldsToolTip": "بعض المعلومات المطلوبة غير موجودة",
- "EditView.errorBannerText": "يرجى تقديم المعلومات المطلوبة",
- "EditView.editingMultipleCount": "تعديل تفاصيل {topicCount, plural, zero {} one {# مواضيع} two {# موضوعين} few {# مواضيع} many {# موضوعاً}\n =1 {# موضوع}\n other {# مواضيع}}, {resourceCount, plural,\n =1 {# موضوع}\n other {# مواضيع}}",
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- "DetailsTabView.assessmentHeader": "خيارات التقييم",
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- "DetailsTabView.titleLabel": "العنوان",
- "DetailsTabView.titleValidationMessage": "هذا الحقل مطلوب",
- "DetailsTabView.languageHelpText": "اتركه فارغاً من أجل استخدام لغة الموضوع",
- "DetailsTabView.languageChannelHelpText": "اتركه فارغاً من أجل استخدام لغة القناة",
- "DetailsTabView.importedFromButtonText": "استيراد من {channel}",
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- "DetailsTabView.authorLabel": "المؤلف",
- "DetailsTabView.authorToolTip": "الشخص أو المنظمة الذي/ التي أنشأ/ت هذا المحتوى",
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- "DetailsTabView.providerToolTip": "المنظمة التي كُلفت أو تقوم بنشر المحتوى",
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- "DetailsTabView.aggregatorToolTip": "الموقع الإلكتروني أو المنظمة التي تستضيف مجموعة المحتوى ولكن ليس بالضرورة أن تكون هي منشئ المحتوى أو مالك حقوق النشر",
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- "DetailsTabView.copyrightHolderValidationMessage": "هذا الحقل مطلوب",
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- "DetailsTabView.tagsLabel": "الوسوم",
- "DetailsTabView.noTagsFoundText": "لم يتم العثور على نتائج بحث لـ\"{text}\". إضغط على 'إدخال' لإنشاء تصنيف جديد",
- "DetailsTabView.randomizeQuestionLabel": "ترتيب الأسئلة بشكل عشوائي للمتعلمين",
- "EditModal.editingDetailsHeader": "تعديل التفاصيل",
- "EditModal.uploadFilesHeader": "رفع الملفات",
- "EditModal.createExerciseHeader": "تمرين جديد",
- "EditModal.addTopicsHeader": "مواضيع جديدة",
- "EditModal.invalidNodesFound": "{count, plural, zero {} one {# مصادر غير مكتملة تم العثور عليها} two {# مصدران غير مكتملان تم العثور عليهما} few {# مصادر غير مكتملة تم العثور عليها} many {# مصدراً غير مكتمل تم العثور عليها}\n =1 {# مصدر غير مكتمل تم العثور عليه}\n other {# مصادر غير مكتملة تم العثور عليها}}",
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- "EditModal.saveAnywaysButton": "الخروج على أية حال",
- "EditModal.keepEditingButton": "متابعة التعديل",
- "EditModal.saveFailedHeader": "فشلت عملية الحفظ",
- "EditModal.saveFailedText": "حدثت مشكلة ما أثناء حفظ المحتوى الخاص بك",
- "EditModal.addTopic": "إضافة موضوع آخر",
- "EditModal.uploadButton": "رفع المزيد من الملفات",
- "EditModal.uploadInProgressHeader": "يتم الآن رفع الملفات",
- "EditModal.uploadInProgressText": "سيتم فقدان ما يتم رفعه حالياً في حال خرجت",
- "EditModal.dismissDialogButton": "إلغاء",
- "EditModal.cancelUploadsButton": "خروج",
- "EditModal.closeWithoutSavingButton": "إغلاق دون حفظ",
- "EditModal.okButton": "موافق",
- "EditModal.loadErrorText": "فشلت عملية تحميل المحتوى",
- "EditModal.finishButton": "إنهاء",
- "ContentNodeEditListItem.optionsTooltip": "خيارات",
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- "PublishModal.incompleteWarning": "لن يتم نشر المصادر غير المكتملة وإتاحتها للتنزيل في كوليبري.",
- "PublishModal.incompleteInstructions": "انقر فوق 'متابعة' لتأكيد رغبتك في النشر على أية حال.",
- "PublishModal.nextButton": "متابعة",
- "PublishModal.publishMessageLabel": "قدّم وصفاً لما هو جديد في هذا الإصدار من القناة",
- "PublishModal.versionDescriptionLabel": "وصف الإصدار",
- "PublishModal.descriptionRequiredMessage": "يرجى وصف ما هو الجديد في هذا الإصدار قبل النشر",
- "PublishModal.descriptionDescriptionTooltip": "سيتم إظهار هذا الوصف لمسؤولي كوليبري قبل قيامهم بتحديث إصدارات القناة ",
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- "PublishModal.publishButton": "نشر",
- "RelatedResourcesTab.previewHelpText": "تُعرض المصادر ذات الصلة كتوصيات عندما يتفاعل المتعلمون مع هذا المصدر",
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- "RelatedResourcesTab.resourcePreviewDialogTitle": "المصادر ذات الصلة",
- "RelatedResourcesTab.resourcePreviewDialogHelpText": "تُعرض المصادر ذات الصلة في كوليبري كتوصيات إلى جانب المصدر الذي يعمل عليه المتعلم حالياً",
- "RelatedResourcesTab.dialogCloseBtnLabel": "إغلاق",
- "RelatedResourcesTab.previousStepsTitle": "الخطوات السابقة",
- "RelatedResourcesTab.previousStepsExplanation": "المصادر الموصى بها والتي تقدم المهارات أو المفاهيم اللازمة لاستخدام هذا المصدر",
- "RelatedResourcesTab.addPreviousStepBtnLabel": "إضافة خطوة سابقة",
- "RelatedResourcesTab.nextStepsTitle": "الخطوات التالية",
- "RelatedResourcesTab.nextStepsExplanation": "المصادر الموصى بها والتي تبني على المهارات أو المفاهيم التي تم تعلمها من هذا المصدر",
- "RelatedResourcesTab.addNextStepBtnLabel": "أضف خطوة تالية",
- "RelatedResourcesTab.removePreviousStepBtnLabel": "إزالة خطوة سابقة",
- "RelatedResourcesTab.removeNextStepBtnLabel": "إزالة خطوة تالية",
- "RelatedResourcesTab.tooManyPreviousStepsWarning": "قم بالحد من عدد الخطوات السابقة لإنشاء تجربة تعلم أكثر توجيهاً",
- "RelatedResourcesTab.tooManyNextStepsWarning": "قم بالحد من عدد الخطوات التالية لإنشاء تجربة تعلم أكثر توجيهاً",
- "RelatedResourcesTab.removedNextStepSnackbar": "تمت إزالة الخطوة التالية",
- "RelatedResourcesTab.removedPreviousStepSnackbar": "تمت إزالة الخطوة السابقة",
- "RelatedResourcesList.removeBtnLabel": "إزالة",
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- "AssessmentItemToolbar.toolbarLabelMoveUp": "نقل للأعلى",
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- "AssessmentItemToolbar.toolbarLabelDelete": "حذف",
- "AssessmentItemToolbar.toolbarLabelAddAbove": "أضف {itemLabel} في الأعلى",
- "AssessmentItemToolbar.toolbarLabelAddBelow": "أضف {itemLabel} في الأسفل",
- "HintsEditor.hintsLabel": "التلميحات",
- "HintsEditor.noHintsPlaceholder": "لا يوجد تلميحات للسؤال",
- "HintsEditor.newHintBtnLabel": "تلميح جديد",
- "Clipboard.selectAll": "تحديد الكل",
- "Clipboard.undo": "تراجع",
- "Clipboard.cancel": "إلغاء",
- "Clipboard.close": "إغلاق",
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- "Clipboard.moveSelectedButton": "نقل",
- "Clipboard.deleteSelectedButton": "حذف",
- "Clipboard.removingItems": "جاري الحذف من الحافظة...",
- "Clipboard.removedFromClipboard": "تم الحذف من الحافظة",
- "Clipboard.creatingClipboardCopies": "جاري النسخ إلى الحافظة...",
- "Clipboard.copiedItemsToClipboard": "تمّ النّسخ إلى الحافظة",
- "ContentNodeOptions.goToOriginalLocation": "الذهاب إلى الموقع الأصلي",
- "ContentNodeOptions.moveTo": "نقل إلى...",
- "ContentNodeOptions.copiedItemsToClipboard": "تمّ النّسخ إلى الحافظة",
- "ContentNodeOptions.removingItems": "جاري الحذف من الحافظة...",
- "ContentNodeOptions.removedFromClipboard": "تم الحذف من الحافظة",
- "ResourcePanel.questions": "الأسئلة",
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- "ResourcePanel.masteryMofN": "{m} من أصل {n}",
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- "ResourcePanel.showAnswers": "عرض الإجابات",
- "ResourcePanel.questionCount": "{value, number, integer} {value, plural, zero {} one {سؤال} two {سؤالان} few {أسئلة} many {سؤالاً} other {أسئلة}}",
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- "ResourcePanel.language": "اللغة",
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- "ResourcePanel.license": "الترخيص",
- "ResourcePanel.copyrightHolder": "صاحب حقوق النشر",
- "ResourcePanel.previousSteps": "الخطوات السابقة",
- "ResourcePanel.nextSteps": "الخطوات التالية",
- "ResourcePanel.resources": "المصادر",
- "ResourcePanel.totalResources": "إجمالي المصادر",
- "ResourcePanel.coachResources": "مصادر للمدربين",
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- "ResourcePanel.availableFormats": "الصيغ المتاحة",
- "ResourcePanel.subtitles": "عناوين الصور والترجمات",
- "ResourcePanel.fileSize": "الحجم",
- "ResourcePanel.noLicenseError": "ترخيص مفقود",
- "ResourcePanel.noCopyrightHolderError": "صاحب حقوق النشر غير موجود",
- "ResourcePanel.noLicenseDescriptionError": "وصف ترخيص مفقود",
- "ResourcePanel.noFilesError": "ملفات ناقصة",
- "ResourcePanel.noMasteryModelError": "معايير إتقان مفقودة",
- "ResourcePanel.noQuestionsError": "التمرين فارغ",
- "ResourcePanel.incompleteQuestionError": "{count, plural, zero {} one {# سؤال لم يكتمل} two {# سؤالان لم يكتملا} few {# أسئلة لم تكتمل} many {# سؤالاً لم يكتمل} other {# أسئلة لم تكتمل}}",
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- "ProgressModal.copyHeader": "استيراد المصادر",
- "ProgressModal.copyDescription": "يتم الآن استيراد المصادر، الرجاء الانتظار...",
- "ProgressModal.defaultHeader": "تحديث القناة",
- "ProgressModal.defaultDescription": "يتم الآن تحديث القناة، الرجاء الانتظار...",
- "ProgressModal.defaultErrorText": "حصل خطأ غير متوقع. يرجى المحاولة مجدداً، وفي حال ظهرت هذه الرسالة مجدداً يرجى التواصل مع مركز الدعم من خلال قائمة المساعدة.",
- "ProgressModal.finishedMessage": "اكتملت العملية! انقر على \"تحديث\" لتحديث الصفحة.",
- "ProgressModal.moveHeader": "نقل المحتوى",
- "ProgressModal.moveDescription": "تتم الآن عملية النقل، يرجى الانتظار...",
- "ProgressModal.publishHeader": "نشر القناة",
- "ProgressModal.publishDescription": "الرجاء انتظار انتهاء النشر لإجراء المزيد من التعديلات على قناتك. ستلقى إشعاراً عبر البريد الإلكتروني حال اكتماله.",
- "ProgressModal.syncHeader": "مزامنة القناة",
- "ProgressModal.syncDescription": "تتم الآن مزامنة القناة، الرجاء الانتظار...",
- "ProgressModal.stopButton": "إيقاف",
- "ProgressModal.refreshButton": "إعادة تحميل",
- "ProgressModal.cancel": "لا، العودة إلى الوراء",
- "ProgressModal.confirmStopButton": "نعم، أوقف المهمة",
- "ProgressModal.cancelHeader": "هل أنت متأكد؟",
- "ProgressModal.cancelText": "هل أنت متأكد من رغبتك بإلغاء هذه المهمة؟",
- "TreeView.showSidebar": "إظهار الشريط الجانبي",
- "TreeView.collapseAllButton": "تصغير الكل",
- "TreeView.openCurrentLocationButton": "الانتقال إلى موقع الموضوع الحالي",
- "TreeView.updatedResourcesReadyForReview": "المصادر المحدثة جاهزة للمعاينة",
- "TreeView.closeDrawer": "إغلاق",
- "TreeViewBase.channelDetails": "عرض تفاصيل القناة",
- "TreeViewBase.editChannel": "تعديل تفاصيل القناة",
- "TreeViewBase.openTrash": "فتح سلة المهملات",
- "TreeViewBase.getToken": "احصل على رمز تعريف",
- "TreeViewBase.shareChannel": "شارك القناة",
- "TreeViewBase.syncChannel": "مزامنة المصادر",
- "TreeViewBase.publishButton": "نشر",
- "TreeViewBase.publishButtonTitle": "جعل هذه القناة متاحة للاستيراد إلى كوليبري",
- "TreeViewBase.viewOnly": "قنوات للعرض فقط",
- "TreeViewBase.noChangesText": "لم يتم العثور على تغييرات في القناة",
- "TreeViewBase.emptyChannelTooltip": "لا يمكنك نشر قناة فارغة",
- "TreeViewBase.noLanguageSetError": "لغة القناة غير موجودة",
- "TreeViewBase.incompleteDescendantsText": "{count, number, integer} {count, plural, zero {} one {مصدر لم يكتمل ولا يمكن نشره} two {مصدران لم يكتملا ولا يمكن نشرهما} few {مصادر لم تكتمل ولا يمكن نشرها} many {مصدراً لم يكتمل ولا يمكن نشره} other {مصادر لم تكتمل ولا يمكن نشرها}}",
- "NodePanel.emptyViewOnlyChannelText": "لا يوجد شيء في هذه القناة بعد",
- "NodePanel.emptyTopicText": "لا يوجد شيء في هذا الموضوع بعد",
- "NodePanel.emptyChannelText": "انقر على \"إضافة\" للبدء ببناء قناتك",
- "NodePanel.emptyChannelSubText": "قم بإنشاء أو رفع أو استيراد المصادر من القنوات الأخرى",
- "CurrentTopicView.addTopic": "موضوع فرعي جديد",
- "CurrentTopicView.addExercise": "تمرين جديد",
- "CurrentTopicView.uploadFiles": "رفع الملفات",
- "CurrentTopicView.importFromChannels": "استيراد من القنوات",
- "CurrentTopicView.addButton": "إضافة",
- "CurrentTopicView.editButton": "تعديل",
- "CurrentTopicView.optionsButton": "الخيارات",
- "CurrentTopicView.copyToClipboardButton": "نسخ إلى الحافظة",
- "CurrentTopicView.undefined": "عرض مصغّر",
- "CurrentTopicView.editSelectedButton": "تعديل",
- "CurrentTopicView.copySelectedButton": "نسخ إلى الحافظة",
- "CurrentTopicView.moveSelectedButton": "نقل",
- "CurrentTopicView.duplicateSelectedButton": "إنشاء نسخة",
- "CurrentTopicView.deleteSelectedButton": "حذف",
- "CurrentTopicView.selectionCount": "{topicCount, plural, zero {} one {# مواضيع} two {# موضوعان} few {# مواضيع} many {# موضوعاً}\n =1 {# موضوع}\n other {# مواضيع}}, {resourceCount, plural,\n =1 {# مواضيع}\n other {# مواضيع}}",
- "CurrentTopicView.undo": "تراجع",
- "CurrentTopicView.cancel": "إلغاء",
- "CurrentTopicView.creatingCopies": "نسخ...",
- "CurrentTopicView.creatingClipboardCopies": "جاري النسخ إلى الحافظة...",
- "CurrentTopicView.copiedItems": "اكتملت عملية النسخ",
- "CurrentTopicView.copiedItemsToClipboard": "تمّ النّسخ إلى الحافظة",
- "CurrentTopicView.removedItems": "تم إرسالها إلى سلة المهملات",
- "CurrentTopicView.selectAllLabel": "تحديد الكل",
- "Template.templateString": "لديك {count, plural, zero {} one {# nodes for testing} two {# nodes for testing} few {# nodes for testing} many {# nodes for testing}\n =1 {# node for testing}\n other {# nodes for testing}}",
- "TrashModal.trashModalTitle": "سلّة المهملات",
- "TrashModal.trashEmptyText": "سلة المهملات فارغة",
- "TrashModal.trashEmptySubtext": "ستظهر المصادر المحذوفة من هذه القناة هنا",
- "TrashModal.selectAllHeader": "تحديد الكل",
- "TrashModal.deletedHeader": "تمّت إزالته",
- "TrashModal.selectedCountText": "{topicCount, plural, zero {} one {# مواضيع} two {# موضوعان} few {# مواضيع} many {# موضوعاً}\n =1 {# موضوع}\n other {# مواضيع}}, {resourceCount, plural,\n =1 {# مصدر}\n other {# مصادر}}",
- "TrashModal.deleteButton": "حذف",
- "TrashModal.restoreButton": "إستعادة",
- "TrashModal.deleteConfirmationHeader": "الحذف نهائياً لـ {topicCount, plural, zero {} one {# مواضيع} two {# موضوعان} few {# مواضيع} many {# موضوعاً}\n =1 {# موضوع}\n other {# مواضيع}}, {resourceCount, plural,\n =1 {# مصدر}\n other {# مصادر}}؟",
- "TrashModal.deleteConfirmationText": "لا يمكنك التراجع عن هذا الإجراء. هل أنت متأكد من أنك تريد المتابعة؟",
- "TrashModal.deleteConfirmationDeleteButton": "حذف نهائي",
- "TrashModal.deleteConfirmationCancelButton": "إلغاء",
- "TrashModal.deleteSuccessMessage": "تم الحذف نهائياً",
- "FilePreview.viewFullscreen": "عرض ملء الشاشة",
- "FilePreview.exitFullscreen": "الخروج من وضعية ملء الشاشة",
- "FilePreview.fullscreenModeText": "وضع ملء الشاشة",
- "FileUploadItem.uploadButton": "حدد ملفاً",
- "FileUploadItem.removeFileButton": "إزالة",
- "FileUploadDefault.acceptsHelp": "أنواع الملفات المدعومة: {extensions}",
- "FileUploadDefault.uploadToText": "رفع على '{title}'",
- "FileUploadDefault.dropHereText": "قم بسحب وإسقاط ملفاتك هنا، أو حددها بشكل يدوي",
- "FileUploadDefault.chooseFilesButton": "حدد الملفات",
- "FileUpload.filesHeader": "معاينة الملفات",
- "FileUpload.fileError": "نوع الملف غير مدعوم",
- "FileUpload.noFileText": "ملفات مفقودة",
- "SupplementaryItem.languageText": "{language} ({code})",
- "SubtitlesList.subtitlesHeader": "عناوين الصور والترجمات",
- "SubtitlesList.acceptedFormatsTooltip": "الصيغ مدعومة: {extensions}",
- "SubtitlesList.addSubtitleText": "إضافة عناوين للصور",
- "SupplementaryList.selectFileText": "حدد ملفاً",
- "ContentRenderer.noFileText": "حدد ملفاً لمعاينته",
- "ContentRenderer.previewNotSupported": "وضع المعاينة غير متوفر",
- "ThumbnailGenerator.thumbnailGenerationFailedHeader": "تعذّر إنشاء صورة مصغرة",
- "ThumbnailGenerator.thumbnailGenerationFailedText": "حدثت مشكلة أثناء إنشاء صورة مصغرة",
- "ThumbnailGenerator.generatedDefaultFilename": "صورة مصغرة تم إنشاؤها",
- "ContentNodeThumbnail.noThumbnail": "لا توجد صورة مصغرة",
- "ContentNodeThumbnail.crop": "اقتصاص",
- "ContentNodeThumbnail.generate": "إنشاء من الملف",
- "ContentNodeThumbnail.upload": "تحميل صورة",
- "ContentNodeThumbnail.remove": "إزالة",
- "ContentNodeThumbnail.zoomIn": "تكبير",
- "ContentNodeThumbnail.zoomOut": "تصغير",
- "ContentNodeThumbnail.save": "حفظ",
- "ContentNodeThumbnail.cancel": "إلغاء",
- "ContentNodeThumbnail.croppingPrompt": "اسحب الصورة لإعادة التشكيل",
- "ContentNodeThumbnail.uploadingThumbnail": "جاري الرفع",
- "ContentNodeThumbnail.generatingThumbnail": "إنشاء من ملف",
- "ContentNodeThumbnail.defaultFilename": "ملف",
- "SyncResourcesModal.syncModalTitle": "مزامنة المصادر",
- "SyncResourcesModal.syncModalExplainer": "مزامنة وتحديث مصادرك مع مصدرها الأصلي.",
- "SyncResourcesModal.syncFilesTitle": "الملفات",
- "SyncResourcesModal.syncFilesExplainer": "تحديث كافة معلومات الملف",
- "SyncResourcesModal.syncTagsTitle": "التصنيفات",
- "SyncResourcesModal.syncTagsExplainer": "تحديث كافة التصنيفات",
- "SyncResourcesModal.syncTitlesAndDescriptionsTitle": "العناوين والتوصيفات",
- "SyncResourcesModal.syncTitlesAndDescriptionsExplainer": "تحديث عناوين وتوصيفات المصدر",
- "SyncResourcesModal.syncExercisesTitle": "تفاصيل التقييم",
- "SyncResourcesModal.syncExercisesExplainer": "تحديث الأسئلة والإجابات والتلميحات",
- "SyncResourcesModal.cancelButtonLabel": "إلغاء",
- "SyncResourcesModal.continueButtonLabel": "متابعة",
- "SyncResourcesModal.confirmSyncModalTitle": "تأكيد المزامنة",
- "SyncResourcesModal.confirmSyncModalExplainer": "أنت على وشك مزامنة وتحديث ما يلي:",
- "SyncResourcesModal.backButtonLabel": "رجوع",
- "SyncResourcesModal.syncButtonLabel": "مزامنة",
- "ReviewSelectionsPage.reviewSelectionHeader": "مراجعة الإختيارات",
- "ReviewSelectionsPage.resourcesInTopic": "{count, number} {count, plural, zero {} one {مصدر} two {مصدران} few {مصادر} many {مصدراً} other {مصادر}}",
- "ReviewSelectionsPage.removeAction": "إزالة",
- "ReviewSelectionsPage.noResourcesSelected": "لم يتم تحديد أي مصدر",
- "SearchResultsList.searchResultsCount": "{count, number} {count, plural, zero {} one {نتيجة} two {نتيجتان} few {نتائج} many {نتيجةً} other {نتائج}} لـ '{searchTerm}'",
- "SearchResultsList.resultsPerPageLabel": "النتائج لكل صفحة",
- "SearchResultsList.saveSearchAction": "حفظ عملية البحث",
- "SearchResultsList.savedSearchesLabel": "عرض عمليات البحث المحفوظة",
- "SearchResultsList.searchSavedSnackbar": "تم حفظ عملية البحث",
- "ImportFromChannelsModal.resourcesAddedSnackbar": "تم تحديد {count, number} {count, plural, zero {} one {مصدر} two {مصدرين} few {مصادر} many {مصدراً} other {مصادر}}",
- "ImportFromChannelsModal.resourcesRemovedSnackbar": "تمت إزالة {count, number} {count, plural, zero {} one {مصدر} two {مصدرين} few {مصادر} many {مصدراً} other {مصادر}}",
- "ImportFromChannelsModal.importTitle": "استيراد من قنوات أخرى",
- "ImportFromChannelsModal.reviewTitle": "تحديد المصدر",
- "ImportFromChannelsModal.resourcesSelected": "{count, number} {count, plural, zero {} one {مصدر تم تحديده} two {مصدران تم تحديدهما} few {مصادر تم تحديدها} many {مصدراً تم تحديده} other {مصادر تم تحديدها}}",
- "ImportFromChannelsModal.importAction": "استيراد",
- "ImportFromChannelsModal.reviewAction": "مراجعة",
- "ImportFromChannelsModal.addButton": "إضافة",
- "ImportFromChannelsModal.addedText": "تمّت الإضافة",
- "ImportFromChannelsModal.removeButton": "إزالة",
- "EditSearchModal.editSavedSearchTitle": "تعديل عنوان البحث",
- "EditSearchModal.searchTitleLabel": "عنوان البحث",
- "EditSearchModal.cancelAction": "إلغاء",
- "EditSearchModal.saveChangesAction": "حفظ",
- "EditSearchModal.changesSavedSnackbar": "تم حفظ التغييرات",
- "EditSearchModal.fieldRequired": "هذا الحقل مطلوب",
- "BrowsingCard.tagsList": "الوسوم: {tags}",
- "BrowsingCard.goToSingleLocationAction": "اذهب إلى الموقع",
- "BrowsingCard.goToPluralLocationsAction": "في {count, number} {count, plural, zero {} one {موقع} two {موقعين} few {مواقع} many {موقعاً} other {مواقع}}",
- "BrowsingCard.addToClipboardAction": "نسخ إلى الحافظة",
- "BrowsingCard.resourcesCount": "{count, number} {count, plural, zero {} one {مصدر} two {مصدرين} few {مصادر} many {مصدراً} other {مصادر}}",
- "BrowsingCard.coach": "المدرّب",
- "ChannelInfoCard.resourceCount": "{count, number} {count, plural, zero {} one {مصدر} two {مصدرين} few {مصادر} many {مصدراً} other {مصادر}}",
- "SavedSearchesModal.editAction": "تعديل",
- "SavedSearchesModal.deleteAction": "حذف",
- "SavedSearchesModal.closeAction": "إغلاق",
- "SavedSearchesModal.closeButtonLabel": "إغلاق",
- "SavedSearchesModal.savedSearchesTitle": "عمليات بحث محفوظة",
- "SavedSearchesModal.noSavedSearches": "لا توجد لديك أية عمليات بحث محفوظة",
- "SavedSearchesModal.searchDeletedSnackbar": "تم حذف سجلات البحث",
- "SavedSearchesModal.filterCount": "{count, number} {count, plural, zero {} one {فلتر} two {فلترين} few {فلاتر} many {فلتراً} other {فلاتر}}",
- "SavedSearchesModal.deleteSearchTitle": "حذف عمليات البحث المحفوظة",
- "SavedSearchesModal.deleteConfirmation": "هل أنت متأكد من أنك تريد حذف عملية البحث المحفوظة؟",
- "SavedSearchesModal.cancelAction": "إلغاء",
- "SearchFilters.channelsHeader": "القنوات",
- "SearchFilters.channelTypeLabel": "نوع القناة",
- "SearchFilters.channelSourceLabel": "القناة/المصدر",
- "SearchFilters.filtersHeader": "خيارات الفلترة",
- "SearchFilters.kindLabel": "الصيغة",
- "SearchFilters.hideTopicsLabel": "إخفاء المواضيع",
- "SearchFilters.assessmentsLabel": "إظهار التقييمات فقط",
- "SearchFilters.licensesLabel": "الترخيص",
- "SearchFilters.coachContentLabel": "إظهار المصادر للمدرِّبين",
- "SearchFilters.addedAfterDateLabel": "تمت الإضافة لاحقاً",
- "ContentTreeList.allChannelsLabel": "القنوات",
- "ContentTreeList.noResourcesOrTopics": "لا توجد مصادر أو مواضيع هنا",
- "ContentTreeList.selectAllAction": "تحديد الكل",
- "SearchFilterBar.coachContent": "مصادر للمدرِّبين",
- "SearchFilterBar.assessments": "التقييمات",
- "SearchFilterBar.topicsHidden": "لا توجد مواضيع",
- "SearchFilterBar.createdAfter": "تمت الإضافة بعد '{date}'",
- "SearchFilterBar.clearAll": "مسح الكل",
- "ChannelList.channelFilterLabel": "القنوات",
- "ChannelList.noMatchingChannels": "لا توجد قنوات مطابقة",
- "SearchOrBrowseWindow.backToBrowseAction": "العودة إلى التصفح",
- "SearchOrBrowseWindow.searchLabel": "البحث عن المصادر...",
- "SearchOrBrowseWindow.searchAction": "البحث",
- "SearchOrBrowseWindow.undo": "تراجع",
- "SearchOrBrowseWindow.cancel": "إلغاء",
- "SearchOrBrowseWindow.copyingToClipboard": "جاري النسخ إلى الحافظة...",
- "SearchOrBrowseWindow.copiedToClipboard": "تم النسخ إلى الحافظة",
- "SearchOrBrowseWindow.copyFailed": "فشل النسخ إلى الحافظة",
- "StagingTreePage.deploy": "نشر",
- "StagingTreePage.backToViewing": "العودة إلى العرض",
- "StagingTreePage.reviewMode": "وضعية المعاينة",
- "StagingTreePage.emptyChannelText": "لم يتم العثور على أية مصادر",
- "StagingTreePage.emptyChannelSubText": "لا توجد تغييرات للمعاينة! تحتوي القناة على أحدث المواضيع والمصادر.",
- "StagingTreePage.collapseAllButton": "تصغير الكل",
- "StagingTreePage.openCurrentLocationButton": "انتقل إلى موقع الموضوع الحالي",
- "StagingTreePage.totalResources": "إجمالي عدد المصادر",
- "StagingTreePage.totalSize": "الحجم الإجمالي",
- "StagingTreePage.openSummaryDetailsDialogBtn": "عرض الملخص",
- "StagingTreePage.closeSummaryDetailsDialogBtn": "إغلاق",
- "StagingTreePage.summaryDetailsDialogTitle": "تفاصيل الملخص",
- "StagingTreePage.deployChannel": "نشر القناة",
- "StagingTreePage.deployDialogDescription": "أنت على وشك استبدال مصادر العرض المباشر بمصادر العرض المرحلي.",
- "StagingTreePage.liveResources": "مصادر العرض المباشر",
- "StagingTreePage.stagedResources": "مصادر العرض المرحلي",
- "StagingTreePage.topicsCount": "{count, number} {count, plural, zero {} one { موضوع } two { موضوعان } few { مواضيع } many { موضوعاً } other { مواضيع }}",
- "StagingTreePage.resourcesCount": "{count, number} {count, plural, zero {} one { مصدر } two { مصدران } few { مصادر } many { مصدراً } other { مصادر }}",
- "StagingTreePage.cancelDeployBtn": "إلغاء",
- "StagingTreePage.confirmDeployBtn": "نشر القناة",
- "StagingTreePage.channelDeployed": "تم نشر القناة",
- "StagingTreePage.emptyTopicText": "هذا الموضوع فارغ",
- "StagingTreePage.viewDetails": "عرض التفاصيل",
- "Diff.positiveSign": "+",
- "Diff.negativeSign": "-",
- "DiffTable.headerType": "Type",
- "DiffTable.headerLive": "مباشر",
- "DiffTable.headerStaged": "مرحلي",
- "DiffTable.headerDiff": "صافي التغييرات على الحجم",
- "DiffTable.typeVersion": "إصدار API",
- "DiffTable.typeFileSize": "حجم الملف",
- "DiffTable.typeTopics": "المواضيع",
- "DiffTable.typeVideos": "مقاطع الفيديو",
- "DiffTable.typeAudios": "الملفات الصوتية",
- "DiffTable.typeExercises": "التمارين",
- "DiffTable.typeDocuments": "المستندات النصية",
- "DiffTable.typeHtml5Apps": "تطبيقات HTML5",
- "DiffTable.typeSlideshows": "عرض الشرائح",
- "AddPreviousStepsPage.toolbarTitle": "أضف خطوة سابقة",
- "AddPreviousStepsPage.selectedAsPreviousStep": "تم تحديدها مسبقاً كخطوة سابقة",
- "AddPreviousStepsPage.selectedAsNextStep": "تم تحديد هذا المصدر مسبقاً لـ'الخطوات التالية'",
- "AddPreviousStepsPage.addedPreviousStepSnackbar": "أضف خطوة سابقة",
- "AddNextStepsPage.toolbarTitle": "أضف خطوة تالية",
- "AddNextStepsPage.selectedAsPreviousStep": "تم تحديد هذا المصدر بالفعل لـ 'الخطوات السابقة'",
- "AddNextStepsPage.selectedAsNextStep": "تم تحديده بالفعل كخطوة تالية",
- "AddNextStepsPage.addedNextStepSnackbar": "تمت إضافة الخطوة التالية",
- "ChannelListIndex.channelSets": "المجموعات",
- "ChannelListIndex.catalog": "مكتبة المحتوى",
- "ChannelListIndex.invitations": "لديكَ {count, plural, zero {} one {# دعوات} two {# دعوتان} few {# دعوات} many {# دعوة}\n =1 {# دعوة}\n other {# دعوات}}",
- "ChannelListIndex.libraryTitle": "دليل مكتبة محتوى كوليبري",
- "ChannelListIndex.frequentlyAskedQuestions": "الأسئلة الأكثر تكراراً",
- "ChannelItem.resourceCount": "{count, plural, zero {} one {# مصادر} two {# مصدران} few {# مصادر} many {# مصدراً}\n =1 {# مصدر}\n other {# مصادر}}",
- "ChannelItem.unpublishedText": "غير منشور",
- "ChannelItem.lastPublished": "منشور {last_published}",
- "ChannelItem.details": "تفاصيل",
- "ChannelItem.viewContent": "عرض القناة على كوليبري",
- "ChannelItem.goToWebsite": "التوجّه إلى موقع المصدر الإلكتروني",
- "ChannelItem.editChannel": "تعديل تفاصيل القناة",
- "ChannelItem.copyToken": "نسخ الرمز التعريفي للقناة",
- "ChannelItem.deleteChannel": "حذف القناة",
- "ChannelItem.deleteTitle": "حذف هذه القناة",
- "ChannelItem.deletePrompt": "سيتم حذف هذه القناة بشكل دائم. لا يمكن التراجع عن هذه الخطوة.",
- "ChannelItem.channelLanguageNotSetIndicator": "لم يتم تعيين لغة",
- "ChannelItem.cancel": "إلغاء",
- "CatalogFilterBar.keywords": "\"{text}\"",
- "CatalogFilterBar.coachContent": "المحتوى الخاص بالمدرِّب",
- "CatalogFilterBar.assessments": "التقييمات",
- "CatalogFilterBar.subtitles": "الترجمات",
- "CatalogFilterBar.starred": "مميزة بنجمة",
- "CatalogFilterBar.clearAll": "مسح الكل",
- "CatalogFilterBar.channelCount": "{count, plural, zero {} one {# قناة} two {# قناتان} few {# قنوات} many {# قنوات}\n =1 {# قناة}\n other {# قنوات}}",
- "CatalogFilters.searchLabel": "الكلمات المفتاح",
- "CatalogFilters.coachLabel": "مصادر للمدرِّبين",
- "CatalogFilters.assessmentsLabel": "التقييمات",
- "CatalogFilters.subtitlesLabel": "عناوين الصور أو النص السمعي ",
- "CatalogFilters.starredLabel": "مميزة بنجمة",
- "CatalogFilters.licenseLabel": "التراخيص",
- "CatalogFilters.formatLabel": "الصيغ",
- "CatalogFilters.includesLabel": "عرض القنوات فقط مع",
- "CatalogFilters.searchText": "بحث",
- "CatalogFilters.coachDescription": "يمكن عرض مصادر المدرِّبين فقط للمدرِّبين في كوليبري",
- "CatalogFilters.frequentlyAskedQuestionsLink": "الأسئلة الأكثر تكراراً",
- "CatalogFilters.copyright": "© {year} المساواة في التعلم",
- "ChannelStar.unstar": "إزالة من قائمة القنوات المميزة",
- "ChannelStar.star": "إضافة إلى قائمة القنوات المميزة",
- "ChannelInvitation.editText": "{sender} قام بدعوتك لتحرير {channel}",
- "ChannelInvitation.viewText": "{sender} قام بدعوتك لعرض {channel}",
- "ChannelInvitation.goToChannelSnackbarAction": "التوجّه إلى القناة",
- "ChannelInvitation.acceptedSnackbar": "دعوة مقبولة",
- "ChannelInvitation.declinedSnackbar": "دعوة مرفوضة",
- "ChannelInvitation.accept": "قبول",
- "ChannelInvitation.decline": "رفض",
- "ChannelInvitation.cancel": "إلغاء",
- "ChannelInvitation.decliningInvitation": "رفض الدعوة",
- "ChannelInvitation.decliningInvitationMessage": "هل أنت متأكد من رغبتك برفض هذه الدعوة؟",
- "LanguageFilter.languageLabel": "اللغات",
- "LanguageFilter.languageText": "{language} ({count})",
- "LanguageFilter.noMatchingLanguageText": "لا توجد لغة مطابقة للبحث",
- "CatalogList.resultsText": "{count, plural, zero {} one {# نتيجة تم العثور عليها} two {# نتيجتان تم العثور عليهما} few {# نتائج تم العثور عليها} many {# نتائج تم العثور عليها}\n =1 {#نتيجة تم العثور عليها}\n other {# نتائج تم العثور عليها}}",
- "CatalogList.selectChannels": "تنزيل ملخص القنوات المحددة",
- "CatalogList.cancelButton": "إلغاء",
- "CatalogList.downloadButton": "تنزيل",
- "CatalogList.downloadCSV": "تنزيل الجدول",
- "CatalogList.downloadPDF": "تنزيل ملف PDF",
- "CatalogList.downloadingMessage": "بدأ التنزيل",
- "CatalogList.channelSelectionCount": "{count, plural, zero {} one {# قناة تم تحديدها} two {# قناتان تم تحديدهما} few {# قنوات تم تحديدها} many {# قنوات تم تحديدها}\n =1 {# قناة تم تحديدها}\n other {# قنوات تم تحديدها}}",
- "CatalogList.selectAll": "تحديد الكل",
- "ChannelList.loading": "جاري تحميل القنوات...",
- "ChannelList.noChannelsFound": "لم يتم العثور على أية قنوات",
- "ChannelList.channel": "قناة جديدة",
- "CatalogFAQ.faqHeader": "الأسئلة المتكررة",
- "CatalogFAQ.aboutHeader": "مرحبا بكم في دليل مكتبة محتوى كوليبري! ",
- "CatalogFAQ.descriptionP1": "هنا يمكنك معرفة المزيد حول المصادر التعليمية المتاحة للعموم للاستخدام في كوليبري، والتي يتم تنظيمها في تبويب \"قنوات\". استخدم الفلاتر لتصفح القنوات بناءً على الكلمات المفتاح أو اللغة أو صيغ المواد الموجودة في الداخل.",
- "CatalogFAQ.channelLink": "ما هي القناة؟",
- "CatalogFAQ.descriptionP2": "انقر على القناة من أجل معاينة المواضيع التي تتم تغطيتها ومعرفة المزيد عن منشئها ومعرفة عدد المصادر التي تحتوي عليها، وتعلم كيفية استيرادها إلى كوليبري. يمكنك العثور أيضاً على محتوى خاص بالمدرِّب (خطط الدروس وأدلة المعلم المهنية ومواد التسهيل الأخرى) والتقييمات والتمارين وعناوين الصور من أجل الوصول إليها.",
- "CatalogFAQ.descriptionP3": "إن مشاركة عمل منشئي هذه الموارد هي ما يلهم جهود منظمة Learning Equality. نأمل أن تجد شيئاً يثير اهتمامك حول إمكانية التعلم الرقمي عبر الإنترنت أو من دون الاتصال بالانترنت!",
- "CatalogFAQ.aboutLibraryHeader": "حول مكتبة محتوى كوليبري",
- "CatalogFAQ.selectionQuestion": "كيف يمكن لمنظمة Learning Equality أن تحدد ما يدخل إلى هذه المكتبة؟",
- "CatalogFAQ.selectionAnswerP1": "إن نهجنا فريد من نوعه بحيث نهدف إلى تجميع مكتبة من الموارد التعليمية تدعم تنوّع الاحتياجات التي تم تصميم كوليبري لتلبيتها، عوضاً عن جمع كل المصادر التعليمية المفتوحة الممكنة.",
- "CatalogFAQ.selectionAnswerP2": "لتوجيه ما نختاره، نحافظ في فريق منظمة Learning Equality باستمرار على وعينا بالمصادر الرقمية المرخصة بشكل مفتوح والمتاحة في المجال التعليمي. تأتي معظم مصادرنا من منظمة أو مؤسسة أو منشئ لديه خبرة في تصميم التعلم وتفويض تعليمي. نعطي الأولوية لتوفير مجموعة متنوعة من مستويات الصفوف ومجالات المواد واللغات. وحيث أمكن، نقوم أيضاً بالتقييم والسعي للحصول على مدخلات حول المستوى الذي قد تناسب فيه المواد إعدادات التعلّم المدمج الفريدة التي نعمل بها.",
- "CatalogFAQ.maintenanceQuestion": "كيف تم إنشاء هذه المكتبة وكيف تتم صيانتها؟",
- "CatalogFAQ.maintenanceAnswerP1": "نظراً لأن كوليبري منصة مصممة للمتعلّمين والمعلِّمين غير المتصلين بالإنترنت، يجب أولاً تعبئة المحتوى بحيث يمكن استخدامه من دون الاتصال بالإنترنت. بالنسبة إلى معظم المصادر، يستخدم فريق المحتوى لدينا نصوصاً آلية ومكتوبة خصوصاً لجلب المحتوى إلى كوليبري من موقع إلكتروني أو من تطبيق أو مصدر خاص مثل القرص الصلب (مع التراخيص المناسبة).",
- "CatalogFAQ.maintenanceAnswerP2": "لمعرفة المزيد حول كيفية تعبئة المحتوى للاستخدام على كوليبري وما هي أنواع الصيغ المدعومة، يرجى الرجوع إلى دليل تكامل المحتوى.",
- "CatalogFAQ.viewIntegrationGuide": "عرض دليل تكامل المحتوى",
- "CatalogFAQ.endoresementQuestion": "هل تم تدقيق هذه المصادر أو الموافقة عليها لتكون آمنة وجاهزة للاستخدام في الفصل الدراسي؟",
- "CatalogFAQ.endorsementAnswer": "نحن نختار المصادر ذات المرجعية أو التفويض التعليمي، لذا يمكنك الوثوق في أن معظم المصادر في مكتبة محتوى كوليبري مصممة لأغراض التعلم. ومع ذلك، لا يمكننا ضمان ملاءمة كل عنصر بشكل مستقل في أي مصدر تعليمي معيّن. ولهذا نوصي بأن يقوم المعلمون والمسؤولون بإجراء مراجعة دقيقة لأي محتوى رقمي باستخدام معاييرهم الخاصة- بما في ذلك إعادة التنظيم وإعادة التنسيق، إذا لزم الأمر- قبل استخدامه مع المتعلّمين. ونظراً إلى أننا ندرك أنه قد يكون هناك العديد من المعايير المختلفة بحسب المواقف لمعايير مثل المستويات المفضلة من التفاعل، وملاءمة الموضوع/ العمر، والحساسية الثقافية والنبرة، من بين أمور أخرى، قدمنا عن قصد مجموعة واسعة من المواد للمساعدة في تلبية احتياجات جميع المتعلمين مهما كانوا.",
- "CatalogFAQ.ownershipQuestion": "هل تمتلك المساواة في التعلم هذه المصادر؟",
- "CatalogFAQ.ownershipAnswer": "كلا. كما في مستودع التعلم عبر الإنترنت والذي يحتوي على روابط توصل إلى مواقع إلكترونية خارجية، فإننا نجمع مصادر تعليمية رقمية مفيدة لمساعدة مجتمعنا على اكتشاف مجموعة متنوعة غنية من المواد التعليمية التي ربما ما كانوا ليعلموا بها. تُنسب جميع المواد الموجودة في هذه المكتبة التعليمية بالكامل إلى المؤسسة التي أنشأتها، وتتم إعادة تنسيقها للحصول على أفضل عرض على الأجهزة الرقمية، وتضمين أية معلومات إضافية شاركها المنشئ معنا. نقوم فقط بتضمين المحتوى المرخص بشكل علني والمتاح للتوزيع لأغراض خاصة غير ربحية أو غير تجارية أو مشاركته معنا للتوزيع من خلال اتفاق مع المنشئ. ونظراً لأن المواد الموجودة في المكتبة مخصصة للاستخدام ضمن نظام أساسي مفتوح المصدر، فإننا لا نحقق أي ربح مالي من استخدامها.",
- "CatalogFAQ.newContentQuestion": "هل تضيف المساواة في التعلم مواد جديدة؟",
- "CatalogFAQ.newContentAnswer": "يضيف فريق المحتوى الخاص بنا بشكل روتيني مصادر وقنوات جديدة إلى المكتبة ويقوم بتحديث القنوات الموجودة مع قيام منشئي المحتوى بإتاحة مواد جديدة.",
- "CatalogFAQ.customContentQuestion": "كيف يمكنني إضافة المواد الخاصة بي أو التوصية بمواد من المنشئين الآخرين لهذه المكتبة؟",
- "CatalogFAQ.customContentAnswer": "نرغب بالتواصل معك بخصوص المواد الخاصة بك أو بخصوص توصياتك. يرجى الاتصال بنا عبر البريد الالكتروني content@learningequality.org!",
- "CatalogFAQ.usingResourcesHeader": "حول استخدام هذه المصادر",
- "CatalogFAQ.usingContentQuestion": "وجدت شيئًا ما أنا مهتم به وأود أن أبدأ باستخدامه. ماذا علي أن أفعل؟",
- "CatalogFAQ.usingContentAnswer": "عظيم! كل هذه المصادر تم تجميعها خصيصاً لاستخدامها في كوليبري، منصة المصدر المفتوح الخاصة بنا للتعلم دون اتصال، لذا يرجى مراجعة كيفية البدء مع كوليبري أولاً، ثم اتباع التعليمات لاستيراد المواد.",
- "CatalogFAQ.viewGettingStartedLink": "مصادر التوثيق للبدء مع كوليبري",
- "CatalogFAQ.channelQuestion": "ما هي القناة؟",
- "CatalogFAQ.channelAnswer": "القناة هي وحدة تنظيم كوليبري للمحتوى الرقمي. إنها مجموعة من الموارد التي تنظمها مؤسسات فردية أو منشؤون، كل منها قد يحتوي على مجموعة من الكتب والألعاب والدفاتر المدرسية والمقالات وبرامج المحاكاة والتمارين والعديد غيرها من أنواع المواد التعليمية. وكلها متاحة للاستخدام في كوليبري من دون الحاجة للوصول إلى الإنترنت. ليست القناة بالضرورة عبارة عن دورة تدريبية أو سلسلة تعليمية، بل إنها ببساطة مجموعة من المواد المنشورة أو المجموعة من قبل منظمة واحدة، بشكل أقرب ما يكون إلى التصميم الأصلي لموفر المحتوى، وتبقى في الوقت عينه منظمة للتمتّع بأفضل تصفح ممكن في كوليبري.",
- "CatalogFAQ.sampleContentQuestion": "كيف يمكنني مراجعة محتويات القنوات نفسها؟",
- "CatalogFAQ.sampleContentAnswer": "يمكنك القيام بذلك بثلاث طرق:",
- "CatalogFAQ.sampleContentAnswerItem1": "لمشاهدة مصدر المحتوى الأصلي، انقر على الزر ⋮ ثم حدد 'توجّه إلى موقع المصدر الإلكتروني'",
- "CatalogFAQ.sampleContentAnswerItem2": "لمعاينة المحتوى على أحد منخوادمنا التجريبية على الإنترنت (متاحة باللغة الإنجليزية، الإسبانية، العربية، الفرنسية والهندية)، انقر فوق الزر ⋮ وحدد 'عرض القناة على كوليبري'",
- "CatalogFAQ.sampleContentAnswerItem3": "قم بتنزيل كوليبري واستيراد القناة على جهازك للوصول الكامل دون اتصال بالانترنت",
- "CatalogFAQ.downloadKolibriLink": "تحميل كوليبري",
- "CatalogFAQ.partialChannelQuestion": "ارغب باستخدام بعض المصادر في هذه القناة، ولكن ليس جميعها. ماذا علي أن أفعل؟",
- "CatalogFAQ.partialChannelAnswer": "عند استيراد محتوى ما إلى كوليبري، يمكنك تحديد أقسام فرعية معينة من القناة التي تهتم بها. إذا كنت ترغب في إجراء تغييرات مثل تعديل العنوان أو أوصاف المجلد أو تغيير الترتيب الذي تظهر به المواد، فيرجى التواصل معنا عبر البريد الالكتروني content@learningequality.org للوصول المبكر إلى أداة استوديو كوليبري الخاصة بنا، والتي يمكن استخدامها لإجراء هذه التغييرات.",
- "CatalogFAQ.coachContentQuestion": "ما هي 'مصادر المدربين'؟",
- "CatalogFAQ.coachContentAnswer": "يتم توجيه معظم المصادر التعليمية إلى المتعلمين، ولكن بعضها، مثل خطط الدروس، وتحديث المواد، وأدلة التعلم المهني، وما شابه ذلك، يتم توجيهها إلى المعلمين والميسرين. في كوليبري، نصنف هذا المحتوى على أنه \"للمدربين\" ونجعل ظهوره مقتصراً على أولئك الذين لديهم حسابات مدرب. إذا رأيت مواد المدرب هنا، فقد تتطلب هذه المواد تتطلب تخطيطًا أقل لأي ميسرين يستخدمون المصدر!",
- "CatalogFAQ.issueQuestion": "عثرت على خلل أو على رابط لا يعمل أو على بعض المعلومات المغلوطة داخل أحد المصادر. ماذا علي أن أفعل؟",
- "CatalogFAQ.issueAnswer": "يرجى التواصل معنا عبر البريد الإلكتروني content@learningequality.org وتضمين اسم القناة إلى جانب وصف المشكلة. إذا لاحظت مشكلة في مصدر تعليمي معين، فيرجى التأكد من ربط ذلك أيضًا. يسعدنا التحقق من الأمر ونشعر بالامتنان لتعليقاتك!",
- "CatalogFAQ.aboutKolibriHeader": "عن كوليبري",
- "CatalogFAQ.KolibriQuestion": "ما هي كوليبري؟",
- "CatalogFAQ.KolibriAnswer": "كوليبري هي منصة مفتوحة المصدر للتكنولوجيا مصممة للمجتمعات ذات الموارد المحدودة، وهي تركز على:",
- "CatalogFAQ.KolibriAnswerItem1": "التغلب على حواجز الهياكل الأساسية التي تحول دون وصول المتعلمين بشكل متساو ٍ إلى التعليم الجيد في سياقات قلة المصادر وقلة التواصل",
- "CatalogFAQ.KolibriAnswerItem2": "زيادة توفير مواد التعلم المفتوح المناسبة للعديد من المناهج الدراسية وأهداف التعلم والحالات",
- "CatalogFAQ.KolibriAnswerItem3": "تعزيز أساليب التعليم المبتكرة ونتائج التعلم الفعالة",
- "CatalogFAQ.usingKolibriQuestion": "كيف يمكنني استخدام كوليبري؟",
- "CatalogFAQ.usingKolibriAnswerP1": "يمكنك معرفة المزيد حول استخدام كوليبري من خلال القيام بأي مما يلي:",
- "CatalogFAQ.usingKolibriItem1": "قم بزيارة موقع منظمة Learning Equality الإلكتروني",
- "CatalogFAQ.visitWebsiteLink": "زيارة الموقع الإلكتروني",
- "CatalogFAQ.usingKolibriItem2": "عرض توضيحي للمنصة",
- "CatalogFAQ.viewDemoLink": "العرض التوضيحي",
- "CatalogFAQ.usingKolibriItem3": "تنزيل البرنامج",
- "CatalogFAQ.downloadLink": "تنزيل",
- "CatalogFAQ.usingKolibriAnswerP2": "ندعوك إلى استخدام وثائق مستخدم كوليبري لمزيد من التوجيه.",
- "CatalogFAQ.viewDocsLink": "عرض المستندات",
- "CatalogFAQ.makerQuestion": "من هم صانعو كوليبري؟",
- "CatalogFAQ.makerAnswerP1": "المساواة في التعلم هي مؤسسة 501(c)(3) غير ربحية مقرها في سان دييغو، كاليفورنيا، تلتزم بتمكين كل شخص في العالم من الحصول على حقه في الحصول على تعليم جيد، من خلال دعم إنشاء المصادر التعليمية المفتوحة وتكييفها وتوزيعها، وإنشاء أدوات داعمة لطرق التدريس المبتكرة.",
- "CatalogFAQ.makerAnswerP2": "اعترافًا بالفجوة الرقمية، بدأت المساواة في التعلم من خلال توفير تجربة أكاديمية خان دون اتصال بالإنترنت لأكثر من 6 ملايين متعلم حول العالم. كوليبري هو منتجها من الجيل الثاني، وهو جزء من نظام بيئي أوسع للمنتجات والأدوات التي تدعم ملائمة المناهج وطرق التدريس التعليمية المختلطة، والاستخدام الأوسع للمصادر التعليمية المفتوحة لتحسين التعلم.",
- "ChannelListAppError.channelPermissionsErrorDetails": "سجّل الدخول أو اطلب من مالك هذه القناة أن يمنحك الإذن للتحرير أو العرض",
- "ChannelItem.versionText": "الإصدار {version}",
- "ChannelSetModal.creatingChannelSet": "مجموعة جديدة",
- "ChannelSetModal.loading": "جاري التحميل...",
- "ChannelSetModal.titleLabel": "اسم المجموعة",
- "ChannelSetModal.channelCountText": "{channelCount, plural, zero {} one {# قنوات} two {# قناتان} few {# قنوات} many {# قناة} =0 {لا توجد قنوات منشورة في المجموعة الخاصة بك} =1 {# قناة} other {# قنوات}}",
- "ChannelSetModal.channelSelectedCountText": "{channelCount, plural, zero {} one {# قنوات تم تحديدها} two {# قناتان تم تحديدهما} few {# قنوات تم تحديدها} many {# قناة تم تحديدها} =1 {# قناة تم تحديدها} other {# قنوات تم تحديدها}}",
- "ChannelSetModal.titleRequiredText": "هذا الحقل مطلوب",
- "ChannelSetModal.publishedChannelsOnlyText": "القنوات المنشورة هي فقط القنوات المتاحة للتحديد",
- "ChannelSetModal.tokenPrompt": "انسخ هذا المعرف إلى كوليبري لاستيراد هذه المجموعة إلى جهازك.",
- "ChannelSetModal.token": "رمز المجموعة التعريفي",
- "ChannelSetModal.channels": "قنوات المجموعة",
- "ChannelSetModal.selectChannelsHeader": "تحديد القنوات",
- "ChannelSetModal.saveButton": "حفظ وإغلاق",
- "ChannelSetModal.createButton": "إنشاء",
- "ChannelSetModal.finish": "إنهاء",
- "ChannelSetModal.undefined": "مميزة بنجمة",
- "ChannelSetModal.unsavedChangesHeader": "تغييرات غير محفوظة",
- "ChannelSetModal.unsavedChangesText": "سوف تفقد أية تغييرات غير محفوظة. هل أنت متأكد من الخروج؟",
- "ChannelSetModal.closeButton": "الخروج من دون الحفظ",
- "ChannelSetModal.removeText": "إزالة",
- "ChannelSelectionList.searchText": "البحث عن قناة",
- "ChannelSelectionList.loading": "جاري تحميل القنوات...",
- "ChannelSelectionList.noChannelsFound": "لم يتم العثور على أي قناة",
- "ChannelSetList.loading": "جاري تحميل المجموعات…",
- "ChannelSetList.cancelButtonLabel": "إغلاق",
- "ChannelSetList.noChannelSetsFound": "يمكنك تجميع قنوات متعددة لإنشاء مجموعة. ثم يمكن استيراد المجموعة بأكملها إلى كوليبري دفعة واحدة باستخدام رمز المجموعة التعريفي.",
- "ChannelSetList.addChannelSetTitle": "مجموعة جديدة",
- "ChannelSetList.aboutChannelSets": "حول المجموعات",
- "ChannelSetList.channelSetsDescriptionText": "تحتوي المجموعة على العديد من قنوات استوديو كوليبري التي يمكن استيرادها في دفعة واحدة إلى كوليبري برمز تعريفي واحد.",
- "ChannelSetList.channelSetsInstructionsText": "يمكنك إنشاء مجموعة عن طريق تحديد القنوات التي تريد استيرادها معاً.",
- "ChannelSetList.channelSetsDisclaimer": "ستحتاج إلى إصدار كوليبري 0.12.0 أو ما بعده لاستيراد مجموعات القنوات",
- "ChannelSetList.title": "عنوان المجموعة",
- "ChannelSetList.token": "معرّف الرمز التعريفي",
- "ChannelSetList.channelNumber": "عدد القنوات",
- "ChannelSetList.options": "الخيارات",
- "ChannelSetItem.deleteChannelSetTitle": "حذف مجموعة",
- "ChannelSetItem.deleteChannelSetText": "هل أنت متأكد من أنك تريد حذف هذه المجموعة؟",
- "ChannelSetItem.cancel": "إلغاء",
- "ChannelSetItem.edit": "تحرير المجموعة",
- "ChannelSetItem.delete": "حذف المجموعة",
- "ChannelSetItem.options": "الخيارات",
- "ContentDefaults.defaultsTitle": "قيم حقوق الطبع والنشر الافتراضية للمصادر الجديدة (اختياري)",
- "ContentDefaults.defaultsSubTitle": "سيتم إعطاء هذه القيم للمصادر الجديدة تلقائياً",
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- "ContentDefaults.thumbnailsTitle": "إنشاء صور مصغرة تلقائياً لأنواع المصادر التالية",
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- "EmailField.validEmailMessage": "الرجاء إدخال بريد إلكتروني صالح",
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- "Details.authorToolTip": "الشخص أو المنظمة الذي/ التي أنشأ/ت هذا المحتوى",
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- "Details.providerToolTip": "المنظمة التي كلّفت بالمحتوى أو تقوم بنشر المحتوى",
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- "Details.aggregatorToolTip": "الموقع الإلكتروني أو المؤسسة التي تستضيف مجموعة المحتوى ولكن ليس بالضرورة أن تكون هي منشئ المحتوى أو مالك حقوق النشر",
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- "Details.sampleFromTopicHeading": "محتوى كعينة من هذا الموضوع",
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- "VisibilityDropdown.visibilityHeader": "فيما يتعلق بإمكانية رؤية المصادر",
- "VisibilityDropdown.visibilityDescription": "إن خيار إمكانية رؤية المحتوى يحدد نوع مستخدمي كوليبري الذين يمكنهم رؤية الموارد التعليمية.",
- "VisibilityDropdown.coach": "الموارد التعليمية متاحة فقط للمدرِّبين (المعلّمون، الميسّرون، والمسؤولون)",
- "VisibilityDropdown.learner": "المصادر التعليمية مرئية للجميع",
- "VisibilityDropdown.visibilityRequired": "هذا الحقل مطلوب",
- "PoliciesModal.ToSHeader": "شروط الخدمة",
- "PoliciesModal.updatedToSHeader": "شروط الخدمة المحدثة",
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- "PoliciesModal.updatedPrivacyHeader": "سياسة الخصوصية المحدثة",
- "PoliciesModal.communityStandardsHeader": "معايير المجتمع",
- "PoliciesModal.lastUpdated": "تاريخ آخر تحديث {date}",
- "PoliciesModal.closeButton": "إغلاق",
- "PoliciesModal.continueButton": "متابعة",
- "PoliciesModal.checkboxValidationErrorMessage": "هذا الحقل مطلوب",
- "PoliciesModal.checkboxText": "لقد وافقت على الشروط الواردة أعلاه",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.ToSHeader": "شروط الخدمة",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.updatedToSHeader": "شروط الخدمة المحدثة",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.prompt": "Please read these terms and conditions carefully",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.disclaimerP1": "Before using this website, you should read the following important information relating to it. These Terms of Service (\"Terms\") govern your use of this website and form a legally binding agreement between you and us regarding your use of our website.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.disclaimerP2": "If, for any reason, you are unable or unwilling to agree to all of these Terms, please immediately discontinue using or attempting to use the service.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.disclaimerP3": "By continuing to use the Service you agree to these terms which will bind you.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.definitionsHeader": "Definitions",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.definitionsP1": "These are the Terms for the web application hosted at https://studio.learningequality.org/, along with any API's or other interfaces it provides (the \"Service\"), controlled and operated by Learning Equality (\"Learning Equality\", \"we\", \"us\" and \"our\"). We are registered as a nonprofit organization in California, USA under EIN 46-2676188, and have our registered office at 9700 Gilman Dr, PMB 323, La Jolla, CA 92093.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.definitionsP2": "These Terms describe our commitments to you, and your rights and responsibilities when using the Service. If you breach any of these Terms, your right to access and use of the Service and Service will be terminated. Please read them carefully and reach out to us if you have any questions.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.definitionsP3": "\"Content refers to media files (such as videos, audio files, HTML5 content, or other materials) that are hosted on the Service, along with their associated descriptive metadata.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.definitionsP4": "Throughout these Terms, \"you\" applies to both individuals and entities that access or use the Service. If you are an individual using the Service on behalf of an entity, you represent and warrant that you have the authority to bind that entity to the Agreement and that by using our Service, you are accepting the Agreement on behalf of that entity.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.accountTermsHeader": "Account Terms",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.accountTermsP1": "When you register for an account on the Service, you agree to provide us with complete and accurate information. You will be solely responsible and liable for any activity that occurs under your username. You are responsible for keeping your account information up-to-date and for keeping your access credentials (password and API token) private and secure.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.accountTermsP2": "You are responsible for maintaining the security of your account and any Service-related content, and you are fully responsible for all activities that occur under your account and any other actions taken in connection with the Service. You shall not share or misuse your access credentials. You must immediately notify us of any unauthorized uses of your account, or of any other breach of security. We will not be liable for any acts or omissions by you, including any damages of any kind incurred as a result of such acts or omissions.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.accountTermsP3": "Access to and use of the Service is only for those over the age of 13 (or 16 in the European Union). If you are younger than this, you may not register for or use the Service. Any person who registers as a user or provides their personal information to the Service represents that they are 13 years of age or older (or 16 years or older in the European Union).",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseHeader": "Acceptable Use Restrictions",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseP1": "You represent and warrant that your use of the Service:",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem1": "Will be in strict accordance with these Terms;",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem2": "Will comply with all applicable laws and regulations (including, without limitation, all applicable laws regarding online conduct and acceptable content, privacy, data protection, and the transmission of technical data exported from the United States or the country in which you reside);",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem3": "Will not use the Services for any unlawful purposes, to publish illegal content, or in furtherance of illegal activities;",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem4": "Will not transmit any material that is defamatory, offensive or otherwise objectionable in relation to your use of the Service;",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem5": "Will not infringe or misappropriate the intellectual property rights of any third party;",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem6": "Will not overburden Learning Equality's systems, as determined by us in our sole discretion, including but not limited to excessive bandwidth utilization or number of requests;",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem7": "Will not attempt to circumvent your assigned storage quota or other account restrictions through technical or other means;",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem8": "Will not disclose sensitive personal information of others;",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem9": "Will not be used to send spam or bulk unsolicited messages;",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem10": "Will not interfere with, disrupt, or attack any service or network; and",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem11": "Will not be used to create, distribute, or enable material that is - or that facilitates or operates in conjunction with - malware, spyware, adware, or other malicious programs or code.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.userContentHeader": "User-Generated Content",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.userContentP1": "We have not reviewed, and cannot review, all of the Content (such as, but not limited to, text, photo, video, audio, code, computer software, or other materials) uploaded to or authored using the Service by users or anyone else and are not responsible for any use or effects of such Content. So, for example:",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList1Item1": "We do not endorse any uploaded Content or represent that Content is accurate, useful, or non-harmful. Content could be offensive, indecent, or objectionable; include technical inaccuracies, typographical mistakes, or other errors; or violate or infringe the privacy, publicity rights, intellectual property rights (see our Copyright Infringement and DMCA Policy section to submit copyright complaints), or other proprietary rights of third parties.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList1Item2": "If you upload or author Content, or otherwise make (or allow any third party to make) Content available on the Service, you are entirely responsible for the Content, and any harm resulting from, that Content or your conduct.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList1Item3": "You are responsible for ensuring that you have proper permissions to upload and distribute any and all uploaded Content and for ensuring that the copyright holder and licensing are properly evidenced on the uploaded Content.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList1Item4": "We disclaim any responsibility for any harm resulting from anyone's use or downloading of Content. If you access or use any Content, you are responsible for taking precautions as necessary to protect yourself and your computer systems from viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and other harmful or destructive content.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList1Item5": "We are not a party to, and will have no responsibility or liability for, any communications, transactions, interactions, or disputes between you and the provider of any Content.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList1Item6": "Please note that additional third party terms and conditions may apply to the downloading, copying, or use of Content.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.userContentP2": "We also have not reviewed, and cannot review, all of the material made available through the websites and web pages that link to, or are linked from the Service. For example:",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList2Item1": "We do not have any control over those websites and are not responsible for their contents or their use.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList2Item2": "The existence of a link to or from the Service does not represent or imply that we endorse such website.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList2Item3": "You are responsible for taking precautions as necessary to protect yourself and your computer systems from viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and other harmful or destructive content.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.userContentP3": "We reserve the right to remove any Content that violates our Terms or for any other reason.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.userContentP4": "Please note we cannot:",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList3Item1": "remove or force upgrades of copies of Content that have already been downloaded from the Service, except in cases in which the Kolibri Learning Application is running on a server that is under our control. This may mean that when we delete uploaded content not all copies will be removed.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList3Item2": "remove or change the licensing on old versions of Content that others have made copies of, should you change the licensing on your content and/or request a removal of the Content from us. When a Creative Commons license is applied to a specific version of a piece of Content, the rights conferred to others for distribution and use of that Content cannot be revoked. Whilst we cannot remove or force updates on copies of the Content, we would let you update the license on your own copy of the Content moving forward, and for future versions.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.licensingHeader": "Licensing and Copyright",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.licensingP1": "The Service allows you to upload and distribute Content. When you do, the following terms apply:",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.licensingList1Item1": "Copyright ownership of the Content is retained by the original copyright holder and must be indicated, and license information must be marked so as to accurately reflect the copyright holder's intentions around the distribution and use of that Content.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.licensingList1Item2": "If you are not yourself the copyright holder, you must have the rights to distribute the uploaded Content, either through explicit written permission from the copyright holder, or as allowed by the terms of the license under which the Content has been released.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.licensingList1Item3": "If you are the copyright holder of the uploaded content, then by marking the Content you upload with a particular license, you are agreeing for the Content to be distributed and used under the terms of that license in perpetuity.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.licensingP2": "We follow a policy of making content, including its associated metadata, as open as possible while following the appropriate copyright laws. With this in mind, we distinguish between:",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.licensingList2Item1": "Descriptive metadata: This includes primary metadata associated with a single piece of Content, for example, titles, descriptions, and other elements which constitute a definitive part of the Content regardless of which system it appears on. These metadata elements will fall under the same copyright and licensing as the Content itself.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.licensingList2Item2": "Organizational metadata: This defines how a piece of content may be used, aids with discovery, and places it within some broader structure of relations on the Service, for example, tags, curation into topics (including the titles of those topics), and other elements pertaining to the display and ordering of Content on the system itself. By using the Service, you agree that work you do to generate organizational metadata elements are released into the Public Domain, and may be made available for others to use, without any claim to copyright or restricted licensing. We may also share, leverage and distribute this organizational metadata. This is so that we can benefit others and improve the impact of our platforms.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.dmcaHeader": "DMCA Policy",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.dmcaP1": "As we ask others to respect our intellectual property rights, we respect the intellectual property rights of others. If you believe that material located on or associated with the Service violates your copyright, please notify us in accordance with our Digital Millennium Copyright Act (\"DMCA\") Policy. We will respond to all such notices, including as required or appropriate by removing the infringing material or disabling all links to the infringing material. We will terminate a visitor's access to and use of the website if, under appropriate circumstances, the visitor is determined to be a repeat infringer of copyrights or other intellectual property rights. In the case of such termination, we will have no obligation to provide a refund of any payments or other forms of restitution.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.dmcaLink": "Report a violation",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.intellectualPropertyHeader": "Intellectual Property Notice",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.intellectualPropertyP1": "The Agreement does not transfer from Learning Equality to you any Learning Equality or third party intellectual property, and all right, title, and interest in and to such property will remain (as between the parties) solely with Learning Equality. \"Kolibri\", \"Kolibri Studio\", \"Learning Equality\", the Kolibri logo, and all other trademarks, service marks, graphics, and logos used in connection with learningequality.org or the Service, are trademarks or registered trademarks of Learning Equality or Learning Equality's licensors. Other trademarks, service marks, graphics, and logos used in connection with the Service may be the trademarks of other third parties. Your use of the Service grants you no right or license to reproduce or otherwise use any Learning Equality or third party trademarks and any such use may constitute an infringement of the holder's rights",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.communityStandardsHeader": "Community Standards",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.communityStandardsP1": "For more information about the intended use of the Service, and standards around Content, please see our Community Standards page.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.communityStandardsLink": "Learn more about Studio's community standards",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.yourPrivacyHeader": "Your Privacy",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.yourPrivacyP1": "We take your privacy seriously. Please read our Privacy Policy to see how we collect, use and protect your personal data.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.yourPrivacyLink": "Learn more about Studio's privacy policy",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.cancellationHeader": "Cancellation or Termination",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.cancellationP1": "We may terminate or restrict your access to all or any part of the Service at any time, with or without cause, with or without notice, effective immediately. We have the right (though not the obligation) to, in our sole discretion, (i) close down an account or remove content due to prolonged inactivity, (ii) refuse or remove any content that, in our reasonable opinion, violates any Learning Equality policy (including our Community Standards) or is in any way harmful or objectionable, or (iii) terminate or deny access to and use of the Service to any individual or entity for any reason. We will have no obligation to provide a refund of any amounts previously paid.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.cancellationP2": "If we end your rights to use the Service:",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.cancellationItem1": "You must stop all activities authorized by these Terms, including your use of the Service.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.cancellationItem2": "You must not register and create a new account under your name, a fake or borrowed name, or the name of any third party, even if you may be acting on behalf of the third party.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.cancellationP3": "In addition to terminating or suspending your account, we reserve the right to take appropriate legal action, including without limitation pursuing civil, criminal, and injunctive action for violating these Terms.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.cancellationP4": "All provisions of the Agreement which by their nature should survive termination shall survive termination, including, without limitation, ownership provisions, warranty disclaimers, indemnity, and limitations of liability.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.communicationsHeader": "Communications with Learning Equality",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.communicationsP1": "For contractual purposes, you (1) consent to receive communications from us in an electronic form via the email address you have submitted or via the Service; and (2) agree that all Terms of Service, agreements, notices, disclosures, and other communications that we provide to you electronically satisfy any legal requirement that those communications would satisfy if they were on paper. This section does not affect your non-waivable rights.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.warrantyHeader": "Disclaimer of Warranties",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.warrantyHeaderP1": "You acknowledge that the website and the Service is provided \"as is\" and \"as available\", with all faults and without warranty of any kind, and we hereby disclaim all warranties and conditions with respect to the website and Service, either express, implied or statutory, including, but not limited to, any implied warranties and/or conditions of merchantability, of satisfactory quality, of fitness for a particular purpose, of accuracy, and non-infringement of third party rights. Any use of the Service and website is at your own risk. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties, so the above limitations may not apply to you.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.changesToToSHeader": "Changes to these Terms of Service",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.changesToToSP1": "We are constantly updating our Service and that means sometimes we have to change the legal terms under which our Service is offered. These Terms may only be modified by a written amendment signed by an authorized executive of Learning Equality, or by the posting by Learning Equality of a revised version. If we make changes that are material, we will let you know by posting on one of our blogs, or by sending you an email or other communication before the changes take effect. The notice will designate a reasonable period of time after which the new terms will take effect. If you disagree with our changes, then you should stop using the Service within the designated notice period, or once the changes become effective. Your continued use of the Service will be subject to the new terms. However, any dispute that arose before the changes shall be governed by the Terms (including the binding individual arbitration clause) that were in place when the dispute arose.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.jurisdictionHeader": "Jurisdiction and Applicable Law",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.jurisdictionP1": "Except to the extent any applicable law provides otherwise, the Agreement and any access to or use of the Service will be governed by the laws of the state of California, U.S.A., excluding its conflict of law provisions. The proper venue for any disputes arising out of or relating to the Agreement and any access to or use of the Service will be the state and federal courts located in San Diego County, California.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.arbitrationHeader": "Arbitration Agreement",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.arbitrationP1": "Except for claims for injunctive or equitable relief or claims regarding intellectual property rights (which may be brought in any competent court without the posting of a bond), any dispute arising under the Agreement shall be finally settled in accordance with the Comprehensive Arbitration Rules of the Judicial Arbitration and Mediation Service, Inc. (\"JAMS\") by three arbitrators appointed in accordance with such Rules. The arbitration shall take place in San Diego, California, in the English language and the arbitral decision may be enforced in any court. The prevailing party in any action or proceeding to enforce the Agreement shall be entitled to costs and attorneys' fees.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.liabilityHeader": "Limitation of Liability",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.liabilityP1": "To the extent legally permitted under the applicable law, Learning Equality shall not be responsible for any loss or damage to you, your customers or third parties caused by failure of the website to function. In no event will Learning Equality be liable for any special, consequential, incidental, or indirect damages (including, without limitation, those resulting from lost profits, cost of substitute goods or services, lost data or business interruption) in connection with the use of the website or Service of in connection with any other claim arising from these Terms of Service. The aggregate liability of Learning Equality arisint from or relating to these Tmers and the Service, regardless of the form of action or claim (contract, tort or otherwise) and even if you have been advised of the possibility of such damages shall not exceed the amount paid by you during the twelve (12) month period prior to the cause of action. Nothing in these Terms shall limit or exclude Learning Equality liability for gross negligence or for death or personal injury. Applicable law may not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.thirdPartyHeader": "Third Party Content and Third Party Applications",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.thirdPartyP1": "The links to third party websites, any third party content, and any third party applications may be provided for your convenience and information only. The content on any linked website or in any third party application is not under our control and we are not responsible for the content of linked websites and/or third party applications, including any further links contained in a third party website. We make no representations or warranties in connection with any third party content or third party applications, which at all times and in each instance is provided \"as is.\" Third party applications may be subject to additional policies and conditions or agreements between you and the provider of such third party applications. You agree to fully comply with all such additional policies, conditions and agreements. If you decide to access any third party content, and/or any third party application, you do so entirely at your own risk.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.thirdPartyRightsHeader": "Third Party Rights",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.thirdPartyRightsP1": "Nothing in our Terms is intended to confer on any third party any benefit or any right (under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 UK or otherwise) to enforce any provision of our Terms or any agreement entered into in connection with it.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.indemnificationHeader": "Indemnification",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.indemnificationP1": "You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Learning Equality, its contractors, and its licensors, and their respective directors, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all losses, liabilities, demands, damages, costs, claims, and expenses, including attorneys' fees, arising out of or related to your use of the Service, including but not limited to your violation of the Agreement, Content that you upload or author, and any other activities conducted using the Service.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.miscellaneousHeader": "Miscellaneous",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.miscellaneousP1": "The Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between Learning Equality and you concerning the subject matter hereof. If any part of the Agreement is held invalid or unenforceable, that part will be construed to reflect the parties' original intent, and the remaining portions will remain in full force and effect. A waiver by either party of any term or condition of the Agreement or any breach thereof, in any one instance, will not waive such term or condition or any subsequent breach thereof.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.miscellaneousP2": "You may assign your rights under the Agreement to any party that consents to, and agrees to be bound by, its terms and conditions; Learning Equality may assign its rights under the Agreement without condition. The Agreement will be binding upon and will inure to the benefit of the parties, their successors and permitted assigns.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.miscellaneousP3": "If you have any questions about the Service or these Terms, please contact us at legal@learningequality.org.",
- "CommunityStandardsModal.communityStandardsHeader": "معايير المجتمع",
- "CommunityStandardsModal.description": "Learning Equality هي منظمة غير ربحية تعمل على تمكين الوصول العادل إلى التجارب التعليمية عالية الجودة. وبالإضافة إلى بيان القيم الأساسية لدينا، تهدف معايير المجتمع هذه إلى تعزيز بيئة داعمة وشاملة لمستخدمينا.",
- "CommunityStandardsModal.coreValuesLink": "تعرف على المزيد حول القيم الأساسية داخل منظمة Learning Equality",
- "CommunityStandardsModal.studioDescription": "يتيح لك استوديو كوليبري الوصول إلى مكتبة كوليبري، وهي مكتبة متنامية من المواد التعليمية والتي نشجعك على استخدامها كمكتبة خاصة بك. قمنا ببناء استوديو كوليبري لمساعدتك في إعداد المواد التعليمية بطرق مختلفة، بما في ذلك على سبيل المثال لا الحصر:",
- "CommunityStandardsModal.studioItem1": "التصفح. اختيار المواد التعليمية المناسبة لوضعك من مكتبة كوليبري حيث قائمة المصادر المتاحة على صفحة القنوات العامة في استوديو كوليبري",
- "CommunityStandardsModal.studioItem2": "التنسيق. أي إعادة تنظيم المواد في هذه القنوات عن طريق تحديد العناصر المناسبة وحذفها وإعادة ترتيبها",
- "CommunityStandardsModal.studioItem3": "المشاركة. من خلال إنشاء ونشر قنوات جديدة بما وجدته، إما للمشاركة مع التطبيقات الخاصة بك بشكل خاص أو للمشاركة مع الآخرين على استوديو كوليبري.",
- "CommunityStandardsModal.studioItem4": "التعديل و الإنشاء. أي إضافة تمارين التقييم الخاصة بك إلى أي مواد موجودة",
- "CommunityStandardsModal.studioItem5": "الاستضافة. رفع المواد الخاصة بك (يقتصر ذلك على المواد التي تعرف أنها مرخصة بشكل مناسب للقيام بذلك) سواء من قرص صلب محلي أو مواقع أخرى على الإنترنت",
- "CommunityStandardsModal.libraryDescription": "تعد مكتبة كوليبري ثمرة جهد شعبي منظم لتوفير مجموعة متنوعة من المواد لجميع المتعلمين ولكافة أغراض التعلم. لمساعدتنا في تحقيق هذه الأهداف، ندعوك لاستخدام استوديو كوليبري بطرق من شأنها أن:",
- "CommunityStandardsModal.libraryItem1": "إن نموذج الممارسات الجيدة يتجسد بالمشاركة المفتوحة واحترام حقوق النشر. قم بإنشاء مجتمع مشاركة خلّاق عن طريق وسم التراخيص والتأكد من معرفة التراخيص المناسبة لما تقوم برفعه، والتأكد من توثيق الأذونات المكتوبة المناسبة إذا لزم الأمر. تم تصميم الاستوديو بشكل أساسي لاستضافة المواد المرخصة بشكل علني أو التي تأتي مع أذونات خاصة لإعادة التوزيع والنسخ.",
- "CommunityStandardsModal.libraryItem2": "حافظ على المواد واضحة ومنظمة وقابلة للاستخدام. نرحب بالمصادر التي تم إنشاؤها على جميع مستويات الإنتاج! للمساعدة في الوصول إلى أكبر عدد ممكن من المتعلمين، ندعوك للاستفادة الكاملة من جميع حقول البيانات الوصفية بهدف الوصول إلى الجودة في الفهم أو الوضوح أو الرقمنة بحيث يكون المحتوى قابلاً للاستخدام ومفهومًا.",
- "CommunityStandardsModal.libraryItem3": "احترم المجتمع. تجنب البذاءة والسوقية الخارجة عن الأغراض التعليمية المحددة التي قد تخدم في بعض السياقات. لن يتم التهاون مع خطاب الكراهية من أي نوع أو الترويج للعنف أو التمييز.",
- "CommunityStandardsModal.libraryItem4": "إن استوديو كوليبري مخصص للأغراض التعليمية فقط ولم يتم تصميمه لأغراض غير تعليمية مثل التوظيف أو نشر المعتقدات أو الإعلان أو مشاركة الملفات أو استضافة الوسائط الشخصية.",
- "PrivacyPolicyModal.privacyHeader": "سياسة الخصوصية",
- "PrivacyPolicyModal.updatedPrivacyHeader": "سياسة الخصوصية المحدثة",
- "PrivacyPolicyModal.paragraph1": "توضح سياسة الخصوصية هذه ممارسات الخصوصية لدينا وخياراتك وحقوقك بما يتعلق بالبيانات الشخصية التي نقوم بجمعها. تنطبق سياسة الخصوصية هذه على تطبيق كوليبري (\"التطبيق\") واستوديو كوليبري (\"الاستوديو\") وجميع المواقع الإلكترونية ذات الصلة (يشار إليها مجتمعة باسم \"كوليبري\"). لا ينطبق بيان الخصوصية هذا على تطبيقات الجهات الثالثة أو المنظمات الشريكة التي قد تستخدم برامجنا أو تُستخدم بالتزامن مع برامجنا.",
- "PrivacyPolicyModal.paragraph2": "تعترف منظمة Learning Equality بحقك في الخصوصية، وستتخذ خطوات منطقية لحماية تلك الخصوصية. تتيح لك بعض أقسام كوليبري تزويدنا بمعلومات شخصية، مثل اسمك وعنوان بريدك الإلكتروني. قد نستخدم المعلومات التي تقدمها لتحسين كوليبري. وعندما يكون هناك خيارات حول كيفية استخدامنا للمعلومات التي تقدمها، سنقوم بالإشارة إلى ذلك في نقطة التجميع. نظراً للطريقة التي يعمل بها كوليبري، قد نستخدم أيضاً معلومات متصفحك أو أنشطة التصفح لتخصيصك أو توجيهك إلى المعلومات ذات الصلة. على سبيل المثال، من الممكن أن نستخدم عنوان IP الخاص بك أو معلومات المستعرض أو ملفات تعريف الارتباط أو ملفات الويب بطرق تساعدنا في الحفاظ على بعض تفضيلاتك أو فهم كيفية تصفح زوارنا للموقع كي نتمكن من تحسينه. قد نقوم بتخزين معلوماتك الشخصية خارج نطاق الاتحاد الأوروبي.",
- "PrivacyPolicyModal.paragraph3": "تلتزم منظمة Learning Equality بالتعلّم باستمرار وتحسين جودة كوليبري، ومن الممكن استخدام السجلات المتعلقة بالتفاعلات مع كوليبري في الأبحاث. يتم عادة الإبلاغ عن نتائج الأبحاث على المستوى الإجمالي، ولن يتم الإفصاح علناً عن هويتك الشخصية في أية نتائج بحثية دون موافقة صريحة من قبلك.",
- "PrivacyPolicyModal.linkText": "تعرف على المزيد حول القيم الأساسية لمنظمة Learning Equality.",
- "PrivacyPolicyModal.paragraph4": "إذا كان لديك أية أسئلة حول هذه الممارسات أو حول استخدام معلوماتك الشخصية، يرجى التواصل معنا عبر البريد الإلكتروني legal@learningequality.org.",
- "LicenseDropdown.licenseLabel": "الترخيص",
- "LicenseDropdown.licenseValidationMessage": "هذا الحقل مطلوب",
- "LicenseDropdown.licenseDescriptionLabel": "وصف الترخيص",
- "LicenseDropdown.descriptionValidationMessage": "هذا الحقل مطلوب",
- "LicenseDropdown.learnMoreButton": "المزيد من المعلومات",
- "LicenseDropdown.licenseInfoHeader": "بخصوص الترخيص",
- "ChannelThumbnail.crop": "اقتصاص",
- "ChannelThumbnail.upload": "تحميل صُورة",
- "ChannelThumbnail.remove": "إزالة",
- "ChannelThumbnail.zoomIn": "تكبير",
- "ChannelThumbnail.zoomOut": "تصغير",
- "ChannelThumbnail.save": "حفظ",
- "ChannelThumbnail.cancel": "إلغاء",
- "ChannelCatalogFrontPage.catalogHeader": "دليل مكتبة محتوى كوليبري",
- "ChannelCatalogFrontPage.exported": "تم التصدير",
- "ChannelCatalogFrontPage.formatsHeading": "الصيغ",
- "ChannelCatalogFrontPage.coachHeading": "مصادر للمدربين",
- "ChannelCatalogFrontPage.containsHeading": "يحتوي على",
- "ChannelCatalogFrontPage.languagesHeading": "اللغات",
- "ChannelCatalogFrontPage.subtitlesIncludedText": "عناوين الصور أو النص السمعي ",
- "ChannelCatalogFrontPage.assessmentsIncludedText": "التقييمات",
- "ChannelCatalogFrontPage.defaultNoItemsText": "---",
- "ChannelCatalogFrontPage.numberOfChannels": "{ num } قنوات",
- "ChannelDetailsModal.downloadButton": "تنزيل ملخص القناة",
- "ChannelDetailsModal.downloadPDF": "تحميل ملف PDF",
- "ChannelDetailsModal.downloadCSV": "تنزيل ملف CSV",
- "ChannelSharingTable.editorsSubheading": "{count, plural, zero {} one {# مستخدم يمكنه التحرير} two {# مستخدمَيْن يمكنهما التحرير} few {# مستخدمين يمكنهم التحرير} many {# مستخدماً يمكنه التحرير}\n =1 {# مستخدم يمكنه التحرير}\n other {# مستخدمين يمكنهم التحرير}}",
- "ChannelSharingTable.viewersSubheading": "{count, plural, zero {} one {# مستخدم يمكنه العرض} two {# مستخدمَيْن يمكنهما العرض} few {# مستخدمين يمكنهم العرض} many {# مستخدماً يمكنه العرض}\n =1 {# مستخدم يمكنه العرض}\n other {# مستخدمين يمكنهم العرض}}",
- "ChannelSharingTable.currentUserText": "{first_name} {last_name} (أنت)",
- "ChannelSharingTable.guestText": "ضيف",
- "ChannelSharingTable.noUsersText": "لم يتم العثور على مستخدمين",
- "ChannelSharingTable.invitePendingText": "دعوة معلقة",
- "ChannelSharingTable.optionsDropdown": "خيارات",
- "ChannelSharingTable.resendInvitation": "إعادة إرسال دعوة",
- "ChannelSharingTable.deleteInvitation": "حذف الدعوة",
- "ChannelSharingTable.makeEditor": "منح أذونات التحرير",
- "ChannelSharingTable.removeViewer": "إلغاء أذونات العرض",
- "ChannelSharingTable.invitationDeletedMessage": "تم حذف الدعوة",
- "ChannelSharingTable.invitationSentMessage": "تم إرسال الدعوة",
- "ChannelSharingTable.userRemovedMessage": "تمت إزالة المستخدم",
- "ChannelSharingTable.editPermissionsGrantedMessage": "تم منح أذونات التحرير",
- "ChannelSharingTable.invitationFailedError": "فشل إعادة إرسال الدعوة. يرجى إعادة المحاولة",
- "ChannelSharingTable.cancelButton": "إلغاء",
- "ChannelSharingTable.removeViewerHeader": "إلغاء أذونات العرض",
- "ChannelSharingTable.removeViewerText": "هل أنت متأكد من رغبتك في إلغاء أذونات العرض لـ{first_name} {last_name}?",
- "ChannelSharingTable.removeViewerConfirm": "نعم، قم بالإلغاء",
- "ChannelSharingTable.deleteInvitationHeader": "حذف الدعوة",
- "ChannelSharingTable.deleteInvitationText": "هل أنت متأكد من رغبتك بإلغاء الدعوة لـ{email}?",
- "ChannelSharingTable.deleteInvitationConfirm": "حذف الدعوة",
- "ChannelSharingTable.makeEditorHeader": "منح أذونات التحرير",
- "ChannelSharingTable.makeEditorText": "هل أنت متأكد من رغبتك في منح أذونات التحرير لـ {first_name} {last_name}?",
- "ChannelSharingTable.makeEditorConfirm": "نعم، قم بمنح الإذن",
- "ChannelModal.creatingHeader": "قناة جديدة",
- "ChannelModal.details": "تفاصيل القناة",
- "ChannelModal.channelName": "اسم القناة",
- "ChannelModal.channelError": "لا يمكن لاسم القناة أن يكون فارغاً",
- "ChannelModal.channelDescription": "وصف القناة",
- "ChannelModal.editTab": "التفاصيل",
- "ChannelModal.shareTab": "المشاركة",
- "ChannelModal.APIText": "القنوات التي يتم إنشاؤها تلقائياً غير قابلة للتحرير.",
- "ChannelModal.saveChangesButton": "حفظ التغييرات",
- "ChannelModal.createButton": "إنشاء",
- "ChannelModal.changesSaved": "تم حفظ التغييرات",
- "ChannelModal.unsavedChangesHeader": "تغييرات غير محفوظة",
- "ChannelModal.unsavedChangesText": "سوف تفقد أية تغييرات غير محفوظة. هل أنت متأكد من الخروج؟",
- "ChannelModal.keepEditingButton": "متابعة التحرير",
- "ChannelModal.closeButton": "الخروج بدون حفظ",
- "ChannelTokenModal.copyTitle": "نسخ معرّف القناة",
- "ChannelTokenModal.copyTokenInstructions": "قم بلصق هذا المعرّف داخل كوليبري لاستيراد هذه القناة",
- "ChannelTokenModal.close": "إغلاق",
- "ChannelSharing.inviteSubheading": "دعوة المتعاونين",
- "ChannelSharing.emailLabel": "البريد الإلكتروني",
- "ChannelSharing.canEdit": "يمكنه/ ها التحرير",
- "ChannelSharing.canView": "يمكنه/ ها العرض",
- "ChannelSharing.inviteButton": "إرسال دعوة",
- "ChannelSharing.validEmailMessage": "الرجاء إدخال بريد إلكتروني صالح",
- "ChannelSharing.emailRequiredMessage": "البريد الالكتروني مطلوب",
- "ChannelSharing.alreadyInvitedError": "تم دعوة المستخدم مسبقاً",
- "ChannelSharing.alreadyHasAccessError": "المستخدم لديه بالفعل إمكانية الوصول إلى هذه القناة",
- "ChannelSharing.invitationFailedError": "فشل إرسال الدعوة. برجاء إعادة المحاولة.",
- "ChannelSharing.invitationSentMessage": "تم إرسال الدعوة",
- "OfflineText.offlineIndicatorText": "غير متصل",
- "OfflineText.offlineText": "يبدو أنك غير متصل بالانترنت. سيتم حفظ التغييرات الخاصة بك بمجرد عودة الاتصال الخاص بك.",
- "CopyToken.copyPrompt": "انسخ الرمز التعريفي لاستيراد القناة إلى كوليبري",
- "CopyToken.copiedTokenId": "تم نسخ الرمز التعريفي",
- "CopyToken.copyFailed": "فشل النسخ",
- "MainNavigationDrawer.channelsLink": "القنوات",
- "MainNavigationDrawer.administrationLink": "ادارة",
- "MainNavigationDrawer.settingsLink": "الإعدادات",
- "MainNavigationDrawer.helpLink": "المساعدة والدعم",
- "MainNavigationDrawer.logoutLink": "تسجيل الخروج",
- "MainNavigationDrawer.copyright": "© {year} منظمة Learning Equality",
- "ContentNodeIcon.topic": "الموضوع",
- "ContentNodeIcon.video": "مقطع فيديو",
- "ContentNodeIcon.audio": "ملف صوتي",
- "ContentNodeIcon.exercise": "التمرين",
- "ContentNodeIcon.document": "ملف نصّي",
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- "Uploader.tooLargeFilesHeader": "تم تجاوز الحد الأقصى لحجم الملف",
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- "FileStorage.storageUsed": "إجمالي فسحة التخزين المستخدمة: {used} من {total}",
- "FileStorage.requestStorage": "طلب فسحة تخزين",
- "FileStorage.storageFull": "تم بلوغ الحد الأقصى للتخزين.",
- "FileStorage.storageFullWithSize": "تم بلوغ الحد الأقصى للتخزين: {used} من {total}",
- "FileStorage.storageLow": "فسحة التخزين المتبقية منخفضة",
- "FileStorage.storageLowWithSize": "إجمالي فسحة التخزين المتبقية منخفضة: {used} من {total}",
- "Thumbnail.thumbnail": "{title} صورة مصغرة",
- "MasteryDropdown.labelText": "معايير الإتقان",
- "MasteryDropdown.exerciseHeader": "حول التمارين",
- "MasteryDropdown.exerciseDescripiton": "تحتوي التمارين على مجموعة من الأسئلة التفاعلية التي يمكن للمتعلّم التفاعل معها في كوليبري. سيحصل المتعلّمون على ملاحظات فورية لكل إجابة (سواء أكانت صحيحة أو خاطئة). سيتم إظهار الأسئلة المتاحة في تمرين في كوليبري إلى أن يصل المتعلّم إلى درجة الإتقان.",
- "MasteryDropdown.masteryDescripiton": "يشير كوليبري إلى التمرين بأنه \"مكتمل\" عند استيفاء معايير الإتقان. فيما يلي الأنواع المختلفة لمعايير الإتقان للتمرين:",
- "MasteryDropdown.masteryValidationMessage": "هذا الحقل مطلوب",
- "MasteryDropdown.mnValueValidationMessage": "يجب أن يكون 1 على الأقل",
- "MasteryDropdown.mnIntegerValidationMessage": "يجب أن يكون رقماً كلياً",
- "MasteryDropdown.mValueValidationMessage": "يجب أن يكون أقل من أو يساوي N",
- "MasteryDropdown.requiredValidationMessage": "هذا الحقل مطلوب",
- "MasteryDropdown.mHint": "الإجابات الصحيحة مطلوبة",
- "MasteryDropdown.nHint": "الإجابات الأخيرة",
- "TechnicalTextBlock.copyToClipboardButtonPrompt": "نسخ إلى الحافظة",
- "TechnicalTextBlock.copiedToClipboardConfirmation": "تم النسخ إلى الحافظة",
- "TechnicalTextBlock.copiedToClipboardFailure": "فشلت عملية النسخ إلى الحافظة",
- "ReportErrorModal.reportErrorHeader": "الإبلاغ عن خطأ",
- "ReportErrorModal.forumPrompt": "زيارة منتديات المجتمع",
- "ReportErrorModal.forumUseTips": "تصفح منتدى المجتمع لمعرفة ما إذا كان الآخرون قد واجهوا مشاكل مماثلة. في حال لم تتمكن من العثور على أي شيء، قم بلصق تفاصيل الخطأ أدناه في منشور منتدى جديد كي نتمكن من تصحيح الخطأ في الإصدار القادم من استوديو كوليبري.",
- "ReportErrorModal.forumPostingTips": "قدّم وصفاً لما كنت تحاول القيام به وما الذي قمت بالنقر عليه لحظة ظهور الخطأ.",
- "ReportErrorModal.emailPrompt": "أرسل بريداً إلكترونياً إلى المبرمجين",
- "ReportErrorModal.emailDescription": "اتصل بفريق الدعم الفني لإرسال تفاصيل الخطأ وسنبذل ما بوسعنا للمساعدة.",
- "ReportErrorModal.errorDetailsHeader": "تفاصيل الخطأ",
- "ReportErrorModal.closeAction": "إغلاق",
- "PageNotFoundError.pageNotFoundHeader": "الصفحة غير موجودة",
- "PageNotFoundError.pageNotFoundDetails": "نعتذر، هذه الصفحة غير موجودة",
- "PageNotFoundError.backToHomeAction": "العودة إلى الصفحة الرئيسية",
- "GenericError.genericErrorHeader": "نعتذر، حدث خطأ ما",
- "GenericError.genericErrorDetails": "حاول تحديث هذه الصفحة أو العودة إلى الصفحة الرئيسية",
- "GenericError.refreshAction": "تحديث",
- "GenericError.backToHomeAction": "العودة إلى الصفحة الرئيسية",
- "GenericError.helpByReportingAction": "ساعدنا بالإبلاغ عن هذا الخطأ",
- "ChannelNotFoundError.channelNotFoundHeader": "لم يتم إيجاد القناة",
- "ChannelNotFoundError.channelNotFoundDetails": "هذه القناة غير موجودة أو ربما تمت إزالتها. في حال كنت تشك بوجود خطأ ما، قم بالتواصل معنا على content@learningequality.org.",
- "ChannelNotFoundError.backToHomeAction": "العودة إلى الصفحة الرئيسية",
- "PermissionsError.permissionDeniedHeader": "هل نسيت القيام بتسجيل الدخول؟",
- "PermissionsError.goToHomePageAction": "انتقل إلى الصفحة الرئيسية",
- "MessageLayout.backToLogin": "المتابعة إلى صفحة تسجيل الدخول",
- "Main.kolibriStudio": "استوديو كوليبري",
- "Main.passwordLabel": "كلمة المرور",
- "Main.forgotPasswordLink": "هل نسيت كلمة المرور الخاصة بك؟",
- "Main.signInButton": "تسجل الدخول",
- "Main.createAccountButton": "إنشاء حساب",
- "Main.guestModeLink": "استكشاف المنصة دون إنشاء حساب",
- "Main.loginFailed": "البريد الإلكتروني أو كلمة المرور غير صحيحة",
- "AccountDeleted.accountDeletedTitle": "تم حذف الحساب بنجاح",
- "AccountDeleted.continueToSignIn": "المتابعة إلى صفحة تسجيل الدخول",
- "Create.backToLoginButton": "تسجل الدخول",
- "Create.createAnAccountTitle": "إنشاء حساب",
- "Create.fieldRequiredMessage": "هذا الحقل مطلوب",
- "Create.errorsMessage": "الرجاء إصلاح الاخطاء أدناه",
- "Create.registrationFailed": "حصل خطأ أثناء تسجيل حسابك. الرجاء المحاولة مجدداً",
- "Create.basicInformationHeader": "معلومات أساسية",
- "Create.firstNameLabel": "الاسم",
- "Create.lastNameLabel": "الاسم الأخير",
- "Create.emailExistsMessage": "يوجد حساب مرتبط بهذا البريد الإلكتروني بالفعل.",
- "Create.passwordLabel": "كلمة المرور",
- "Create.confirmPasswordLabel": "تأكيد كلمة المرور",
- "Create.passwordMatchMessage": "كلمتا المرور غير متطابقتين",
- "Create.usageLabel": "كيف تخطط لاستخدام استوديو كوليبري (حدد كل ما ينطبق)",
- "Create.organizingUsageOption": "تنظيم أو ترتيب المواد الموجودة",
- "Create.findingUsageOption": "البحث عن مصادر محتوى إضافية وإضافتها",
- "Create.sequencingUsageOption": "استخدام المتطلبات الأساسية لترتيب المواد بشكل متسلسل",
- "Create.creatingExercisesUsageOption": "إنشاء تمارين",
- "Create.sharingUsageOption": "مشاركة المواد في العلن",
- "Create.storingUsageOption": "تخزين المواد للاستخدام الخاص أو المحلي",
- "Create.storingUsagePlaceholder": "ما هو مقدار مساحة التخزين التي تحتاجها؟",
- "Create.storingUsageExample": "مثال: 500 ميغابايت",
- "Create.taggingUsageOption": "وضع وسوم على مصادر المحتوى للاستكشاف",
- "Create.otherUsageOption": "غير ذلك",
- "Create.otherUsagePlaceholder": "يرجى الوصف",
- "Create.locationLabel": "أين تخطط لاستخدام استوديو كوليبري (حدد كل ما ينطبق)",
- "Create.sourceLabel": "كيف سمعت عنا؟",
- "Create.sourcePlaceholder": "حدد خياراً",
- "Create.organizationSourceOption": "منظمة",
- "Create.organizationSourcePlaceholder": "اسم المنظمة",
- "Create.websiteSourceOption": "الموقع الالكتروني للمساواة في التعلم",
- "Create.newsletterSourceOption": "النشرة الإخبارية لمنظمة Learning Equality",
- "Create.forumSourceOption": "منتدى مجتمع المساواة في التعلم",
- "Create.githubSourceOption": "نظام GitHub الخاص بمنظمة Learning Equality",
- "Create.socialMediaSourceOption": "وسائل التواصل الإجتماعي",
- "Create.conferenceSourceOption": "مؤتمر",
- "Create.conferenceSourcePlaceholder": "اسم المؤتمر",
- "Create.conversationSourceOption": "محادثة مع منظمة Learning Equality",
- "Create.personalDemoSourceOption": "عرض شخصي",
- "Create.otherSourceOption": "غير ذلك",
- "Create.otherSourcePlaceholder": "يرجى الوصف",
- "Create.viewToSLink": "عرض شروط الخدمة",
- "Create.ToSCheck": "لقد قرأت شروط الخدمة وأوافق عليها",
- "Create.ToSRequiredMessage": "الرجاء الموافقة على شروط الخدمة",
- "Create.viewPrivacyPolicyLink": "عرض سياسة الخصوصية",
- "Create.privacyPolicyCheck": "لقد قرأت سياسة الخصوصية وأوافق عليها",
- "Create.privacyPolicyRequiredMessage": "يرجى الموافقة على سياسة الخصوصية",
- "Create.contactMessage": "هل لديك أية أستفسارات أو مخاوف؟ بمكنك ملااسلتنا على عنوان البريد الالكتروني content@learningequality.org",
- "Create.finishButton": "إنهاء",
- "ActivationSent.header": "تم إرسال رابط التفعيل",
- "ActivationSent.text": "شكرا لانشاء الحساب! من أجل إكمال العملية، يرجى التحقق من بريدك الإلكتروني للحصول على رابط التفعيل الذي قمنا بإرساله لك.",
- "ActivationExpired.activationExpiredTitle": "فشلت عملية التفعيل",
- "ActivationExpired.activationExpiredText": "رابط التفعيل هذا منتهي الصلاحية أو قد تم استخدامه من قبل",
- "ActivationExpired.requestNewLink": "قم بطلب رابط تفعيل جديد",
- "AccountCreated.accountCreatedTitle": "تم إنشاء الحساب بنجاح",
- "AccountCreated.continueToSignIn": "المتابعة لتسجيل الدخول",
- "ActivationLinkReSent.activationReSentTitle": "تم إرسال التعليمات. شكراً لك!",
- "ActivationLinkReSent.activationReSentText": "في حال كان هناك حساب مرتبط بعنوان البريد الإلكتروني المرسل من قبل، فستصلك التعليمات قريباً. في حال لم تتلق بريداً إلكترونياً من طرفنا، فيرجى التحقق من صندوق البريد غير الهام.",
- "AccountNotActivated.title": "لم يتم تفعيل الحساب",
- "AccountNotActivated.text": "يرجى التحقق من رابط التفعيل على بريدك الإلكتروني أو طلب رابط جديد.",
- "AccountNotActivated.requestNewLink": "قم بطلب رابط تفعيل جديد",
- "RequestNewActivationLink.activationExpiredTitle": "فشل التفعيل",
- "RequestNewActivationLink.activationExpiredText": "رابط التفعيل هذا هو غير صالح أو قد تم استخدامه من قبل",
- "RequestNewActivationLink.submitButton": "تقديم",
- "RequestNewActivationLink.activationRequestFailed": "فشل إرسال رابط تفعيل جديد. يرجى المحاولة مجدداً.",
- "ResetPassword.resetPasswordTitle": "إعادة تعيين كلمة المرور الخاصة بك",
- "ResetPassword.resetPasswordPrompt": "قم بإدخال وتأكيد كلمة المرور الجديدة الخاصة بك",
- "ResetPassword.passwordLabel": "كلمة مرور جديدة",
- "ResetPassword.passwordConfirmLabel": "تأكيد كلمة المرور",
- "ResetPassword.passwordMatchMessage": "كلمتا المرور غير متطابقتين",
- "ResetPassword.submitButton": "تقديم",
- "ResetPassword.resetPasswordFailed": "فشلت عملية إعادة تعيين كلمة المرور. يرجى المحاولة مجدداً.",
- "PasswordInstructionsSent.passwordInstructionsHeader": "تم إرسال التعليمات. شكراً لك!",
- "PasswordInstructionsSent.passwordInstructionsText": "في حال كان هناك بالفعل حساب مرتبط بعنوان البريد الإلكتروني المرسل، فستصلك التعليمات قريباً. في حال لم تتلقّ بريداً إلكترونياً من طرفنا، فيرجى التحقق من صندوق البريد العشوائي.",
- "ResetLinkExpired.resetExpiredTitle": "انتهت مدة صلاحية رابط إعادة التعيين",
- "ResetLinkExpired.resetExpiredText": "هذا الرابط لإعادة تعيين كلمة المرور هو غير صالح أو تم استخدامه من قبل.",
- "ResetLinkExpired.requestNewLink": "طلب رابط جديد لإعادة تعيين كلمة المرور",
- "ResetPasswordSuccess.header": "تمت إعادة تعيين كلمة المرور بنجاح",
- "ResetPasswordSuccess.text": "تمت إعادة تعيين كلمة المرور الخاصة بك. بإمكانك تسجيل الدخول الآن.",
- "ForgotPassword.forgotPasswordTitle": "إعادة تعيين كلمة المرور الخاصة بك",
- "ForgotPassword.forgotPasswordPrompt": "يرجى إدخال عنوان البريد الإلكتروني الخاص بك لتلقي تعليمات إعادة تعيين كلمة المرور الخاصة بك",
- "ForgotPassword.submitButton": "تقديم",
- "ForgotPassword.forgotPasswordFailed": "فشلت عملية إرسال رابط تفعيل جديد. يرجى المحاولة مجدداً.",
- "AdministrationAppError.unauthorizedDetails": "يجب أن تكون مسؤولاً في الاستوديو لتتمكن من عرض هذه الصفحة",
- "AdministrationIndex.channelsLabel": "القنوات",
- "AdministrationIndex.usersLabel": "المستخدمون",
- "InfoModal.close": "إغلاق"
diff --git a/contentcuration/locale/CSV_FILES/contentcuration/locale/es_ES/LC_FRONTEND_MESSAGES/contentcuration-messages.json b/contentcuration/locale/CSV_FILES/contentcuration/locale/es_ES/LC_FRONTEND_MESSAGES/contentcuration-messages.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 2dc8d2e8f2..0000000000
--- a/contentcuration/locale/CSV_FILES/contentcuration/locale/es_ES/LC_FRONTEND_MESSAGES/contentcuration-messages.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1222 +0,0 @@
- "SettingsIndex.settingsTitle": "Configuración",
- "SettingsIndex.accountLabel": "Cuenta",
- "SettingsIndex.storageLabel": "Almacenamiento",
- "SettingsIndex.usingStudioLabel": "Usando Studio",
- "UsingStudio.policiesLink": "Política de privacidad",
- "UsingStudio.termsOfServiceLink": "Términos de servicio",
- "UsingStudio.communityStandardsLink": "Normas de la comunidad",
- "UsingStudio.userDocsLink": "Guía de usuario",
- "UsingStudio.resourcesHeader": "Recursos de Kolibri Studio",
- "UsingStudio.aboutStudio": "Acerca de Kolibri Studio Beta",
- "UsingStudio.aboutStudioText": "Kolibri Studio está en desarrollo activo, y como tal, algunos cambios podrían causar un comportamientos inesperado, incidencias o problemas (también conocidos como \"issues\" en inglés). Si encuentra algún problema, por favor notifíquenos tan pronto como ocurra para ayudarnos a resolverlos. (Ver abajo las instrucciones sobre cómo informar de incidencias.)",
- "UsingStudio.bestPractices": "Mejores prácticas",
- "UsingStudio.bestPractice1": "Al usar operaciones de importación y portapapeles, se recomienda trabajar con pequeños subconjuntos de temas en lugar de canales enteros a la vez (especialmente para canales grandes).",
- "UsingStudio.bestPractice2": "Es preferible crear múltiples canales pequeños en lugar de un canal gigante con muchos de temas anidados.",
- "UsingStudio.bestPractice3": "Recargar la página a menudo para asegurarse de que su trabajo se guarda en el servidor y no se han producido errores de red. Utilice CTRL+R en Linux/Windows o ⌘+R en Mac.",
- "UsingStudio.bestPractice4": "Evite ediciones simultáneas en el mismo canal. Los canales no deben ser editados por varios usuarios al mismo tiempo o por el mismo usuario en múltiples ventanas del navegador.",
- "UsingStudio.bestPractice5": "Es posible que encuentre errores de tiempo de espera en su navegador cuando realice operaciones como importar y sincronizar en canales grandes. No hay que alarmarse con este mensaje de error, ya que eso no significa que la operación haya fallado - Kolibri Studio todavía está trabajando en segundo plano. Por esta razón no hace falta repetir la misma operación de inmediato, sino esperar unos minutos y volver a cargar la página antes de continuar editando.",
- "UsingStudio.bestPractice6": "Comprimir vídeos antes de subirlos (ver estas instrucciones).",
- "UsingStudio.bestPractice7": "PUBLICAR periódicamente e importar el canal en Kolibri, para previsualizar el contenido y tener una copia de seguridad local del canal.",
- "UsingStudio.bestPractice8": "No editar el canal después de hacer clic en PUBLICAR. Esperar el correo de notificación antes de volver a editar.",
- "UsingStudio.bestPractice9": "Informar sobre problemas a medida que los vaya encontrando.",
- "UsingStudio.notableIssues": "Incidencias notables",
- "UsingStudio.issue1": "Dos usuarios han informado de incidentes aislados donde desaparecieron los contenidos importados de otro canal, dejando sólo temas vacíos y subtemas. En un informe, el contenido más tarde volvió a aparecer. No experimentaron estos problemas de forma consistente, y los incidentes podrían implicar problemas con una conexión Internet lenta o inestable. Si encuentra este problema, por favor contacte lo antes posible e informe de todos los detalles.",
- "UsingStudio.issueLink1": "Informes sobre el contenido que parece desaparecer",
- "UsingStudio.issue2": "Algunas operaciones en Studio son actualmente muy lentas, por lo que puede parecer que el cambio haya caducado o no tuvo efecto. En muchos casos, el cambio sigue siendo procesado y aparecerá una vez que esté completo. Si, después de 5-10 minutos, el cambio aún no ha tenido efecto incluso después de una actualización del navegador, informe sobre lo ocurrido, por favor. Estamos trabajando en soluciones para estos problemas.",
- "UsingStudio.issueLink2": "El rendimiento lento puede conducir a errores inesperados en la interfaz",
- "UsingStudio.reportIssueButton": "Reportar un problema",
- "ReportIssueForm.reportIssueHeader": "Reportar un problema",
- "ReportIssueForm.fieldRequiredText": "Este campo es obligatorio",
- "ReportIssueForm.OSLabel": "Sistema operativo (por ejemplo, Windows, MacOS, Linux)",
- "ReportIssueForm.browserLabel": "Navegador (ej. Chrome, Firefox, Safari)",
- "ReportIssueForm.channelLabel": "Canal donde encontró el problema (si es aplicable)",
- "ReportIssueForm.descriptionLabel": "Describir el problema con el mayor detalle posible",
- "ReportIssueForm.submitAction": "Enviar",
- "ReportIssueForm.cancelAction": "Cancelar",
- "ReportIssueForm.issueSubmitted": "Reporte sobre la incidencia enviado",
- "ReportIssueForm.issueFailed": "No se pudo enviar el reporte. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo.",
- "Storage.spaceUsedOfMax": "{qty} de {max}",
- "Storage.storagePercentageUsed": "{qty}% de almacenamiento usado",
- "Storage.requestMoreSpaceHeading": "Solicitar más espacio",
- "Storage.requestMoreSpaceMessage": "Utilice este formulario para solicitar almacenamiento adicional para su cuenta de Kolibri Studio. Los recursos que importa desde la nuestra biblioteca pública a sus canales no cuentan para su límite de almacenamiento.",
- "Storage.learnMoreAboutImportingContentFromChannels": "Más información sobre cómo importar recursos de otros canales",
- "Storage.showFormAction": "Abrir formulario",
- "Storage.hideFormAction": "Cerrar formulario",
- "RequestForm.natureOfYourContentLabel": "Tipología de su contenido",
- "RequestForm.storageAmountRequestedPlaceholder": "Cantidad solicitada (ej. 10GB)",
- "RequestForm.approximatelyHowManyResourcesLabel": "Aproximadamente ¿cuántos recursos va a subir?",
- "RequestForm.numberOfResourcesPlaceholder": "Número de recursos",
- "RequestForm.averageSizeOfResourceLabel": "Tamaño promedio de cada recurso",
- "RequestForm.sizePlaceholder": "Tamaño",
- "RequestForm.kindOfContentQuestionLabel": "¿Qué tipo de recursos planea subir? Por favor especifique",
- "RequestForm.typeOfContentPlaceholder": "Tipos de recursos",
- "RequestForm.authorLabel": "Especificar quién es el autor (creador), curador (organizador) o agregador (mantenedor) del contenido",
- "RequestForm.responsePlaceholder": "Respuesta",
- "RequestForm.provideSampleLinkLabel": "Por favor, proporcione un enlace a una muestra de su contenido (en Kolibri Studio o en el sitio fuente)",
- "RequestForm.pasteLinkPlaceholder": "Pegar enlace aquí",
- "RequestForm.whoCanUseContentLabel": "¿Quién puede usar el contenido?",
- "RequestForm.licensingQuestionLabel": "¿Bajo cuál licencia va a ser el contenido que se subirá? (Marcar todo que procede)",
- "RequestForm.willYouMakeYourChannelPublicLabel": "Si el contenido tiene licencia abierta, ¿estarían dispuestos a considerar hacer públicos sus canales para otros usuarios de Kolibri si hubiera interés en un futuro?",
- "RequestForm.selectAllThatApplyPlaceholder": "Seleccione todo lo que corresponda",
- "RequestForm.howAreYouUsingYourContentLabel": "¿Cómo vas a usar tu contenido?",
- "RequestForm.intendedAudienceLabel": "¿Cual sería la audiencia objetivo para tu canal? ¿Cuánto es grande tu audiencia?",
- "RequestForm.audiencePlaceholder": "Estudiantes en la escuela, estudiantes adultos, maestros, etcétera",
- "RequestForm.targetRegionsLabel": "Región(es) destino para su contenido (si corresponde)",
- "RequestForm.howOftenImportedToKolibriLabel": "¿Cuántas veces se importará este contenido desde Studio en las nuevas instalaciones de Kolibri, en promedio mensual?",
- "RequestForm.usageLabel": "Cuéntanos más sobre tu uso de Kolibri",
- "RequestForm.organizationalAffiliationLabel": "Afiliación organizacional",
- "RequestForm.notAffiliatedLabel": "No estoy afiliado con una organización para este trabajo",
- "RequestForm.uploadingOnBehalfLabel": "Estoy subiendo contenido al nombre de:",
- "RequestForm.organizationNamePlaceholder": "Nombre de la organización",
- "RequestForm.typeOfOrganizationLabel": "¿Qué tipo de organización o grupo está coordinando el uso de Kolibri (si corresponde)?",
- "RequestForm.grassrootsLabel": "Iniciativa voluntaria y/o de bases",
- "RequestForm.smallNgoLabel": "Pequeña ONG con presupuesto anual < 25.000 dólares",
- "RequestForm.mediumNgoLabel": "ONG de tamaño medio con presupuesto < $500k",
- "RequestForm.largeIntlNgoLabel": "ONG internacionales más grandes o agencias gubernamentales",
- "RequestForm.forProfitLabel": "Empresa con fines de lucro o sociales",
- "RequestForm.otherLabel": "Otros",
- "RequestForm.timelineLabel": "Para entender mejor la urgencia de la petición, por favor indique aproximadamente cuando va a necesitar este almacenamiento adicional:",
- "RequestForm.oneWeekLabel": "1 semana",
- "RequestForm.twoToFourWeeksLabel": "2-4 semanas",
- "RequestForm.coupleMonthsLabel": "1-2 meses",
- "RequestForm.threeToSixMonthsLabel": "3-6 meses",
- "RequestForm.sixPlusMonthsLabel": "Más de 6 meses",
- "RequestForm.unknownLabel": "Desconocido",
- "RequestForm.explainNeedsInDetailLabel": "Escriba un párrafo explicando sus necesidades y el caso de uso para Studio y Kolibri, y cómo se integrará en los programas existentes. Incluya información sobre quien selecciona, implementa y usa el contenido. ¿El trabajo se coordina vía una organización, como parte de un programa educativo? Incluya la justificación para el espacio adicional que se solicita y la estimación de su urgencia.",
- "RequestForm.fieldRequiredText": "Este campo es obligatorio",
- "RequestForm.sendRequestAction": "Enviar solicitud",
- "RequestForm.requestSent": "La solicitud de almacenamiento adicional enviada para procesar.",
- "RequestForm.requestFailed": "No se pudo enviar la solicitud. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo.",
- "Account.basicInfoHeader": "Información básica",
- "Account.usernameLabel": "Nombre de usuario",
- "Account.fullNameLabel": "Nombre completo",
- "Account.passwordLabel": "Contraseña",
- "Account.changePasswordAction": "Cambiar contraseña",
- "Account.editFullNameAction": "Editar",
- "Account.deleteAccountLabel": "Eliminar cuenta",
- "Account.completelyDeleteAccountLabel": "Elimine completamente su cuenta de Kolibri Studio",
- "Account.unableToDeleteAdminAccount": "No se puede eliminar una cuenta de administrador",
- "Account.handleChannelsBeforeAccount": "Tiene que eliminar estos canales manualmente o invitar a otros usuarios para que tengan permisos de edición, antes de poder eliminar su cuenta.",
- "Account.apiTokenHeading": "API Token",
- "Account.apiTokenMessage": "Necesitará este token de acceso para ejecutar scripts de integración de contenido para ejecutar carga masiva de materiales a través de la API de Kolibri Studio.",
- "Account.apiDocumentation": "Documentación de la API",
- "Account.exportAccountDataLabel": "Recibirá un correo electrónico con toda la información vinculada a su cuenta",
- "Account.exportStartedHeader": "Exportación de datos iniciada",
- "Account.exportAccountDataHeading": "Exportar datos de la cuenta",
- "Account.exportDataButton": "Exportar datos",
- "Account.exportAccountDataModalMessage": "Recibirá un correo electrónico con sus datos cuando finalice la exportación",
- "Account.exportFailed": "No se pudo exportar datos. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo.",
- "DeleteAccountForm.deleteAccountLabel": "Eliminar cuenta",
- "DeleteAccountForm.deleteAccountConfirmationPrompt": "¿Está seguro que desea eliminar permanentemente su cuenta? Esto no se puede deshacer",
- "DeleteAccountForm.deleteAccountEnterEmail": "Introduzca su dirección de correo electrónico para continuar",
- "DeleteAccountForm.cancelButton": "Cancelar",
- "DeleteAccountForm.emailAddressLabel": "Dirección de correo electrónico",
- "DeleteAccountForm.emailInvalidText": "El correo electrónico no coincide con el correo de su cuenta",
- "DeleteAccountForm.fieldRequired": "Este campo es obligatorio",
- "DeleteAccountForm.deletionFailed": "Error al eliminar la cuenta",
- "DeleteAccountForm.deletionFailedText": "No se ha podido eliminar su cuenta. Por favor, contacta con nosotros aquí: https://community.learningequality.org.",
- "ChangePasswordForm.changePasswordHeader": "Cambiar contraseña",
- "ChangePasswordForm.newPasswordLabel": "Nueva contraseña",
- "ChangePasswordForm.confirmNewPasswordLabel": "Confirmar nueva contraseña",
- "ChangePasswordForm.formInvalidText": "Las contraseñas no coinciden",
- "ChangePasswordForm.cancelAction": "Cancelar",
- "ChangePasswordForm.saveChangesAction": "Guardar cambios",
- "ChangePasswordForm.paswordChangeSuccess": "Contraseña actualizada",
- "ChangePasswordForm.passwordChangeFailed": "Error al guardar la nueva contraseña",
- "FullNameForm.editNameHeader": "Editar nombre",
- "FullNameForm.firstNameLabel": "Nombre de pila",
- "FullNameForm.lastNameLabel": "Apellido",
- "FullNameForm.cancelAction": "Cancelar",
- "FullNameForm.saveChangesAction": "Guardar cambios",
- "FullNameForm.changesSavedMessage": "Cambios guardados",
- "FullNameForm.failedToSaveMessage": "Error al guardar los cambios",
- "FullNameForm.fieldRequired": "Este campo es obligatorio",
- "AssessmentItemPreview.answersLabel": "Respuestas",
- "AssessmentItemPreview.noAnswersPlaceholder": "La pregunta no tiene opciones de respuesta",
- "AssessmentItemPreview.hintsToggleLabelHide": "Ocultar pistas",
- "AssessmentItemPreview.hintsToggleLabelShow": "¡Muestra {hintsCount} {hintsCount, plural, one {pista} other {pistas}}",
- "MoveModal.moveItems": "Mover {topicCount, plural,\n =1 {# tema}\n other {# temas}}, {resourceCount, plural,\n =1 {# recurso}\n other {# recursos}} en:",
- "MoveModal.addTopic": "Añadir nuevo tema",
- "MoveModal.cancel": "Cancelar",
- "MoveModal.moveHere": "Mover aquí",
- "MoveModal.resourcesCount": "{count, plural,\n =1 {# recurso}\n other {# recursos}}",
- "MoveModal.emptyTopicText": "No se encontraron recursos",
- "MoveModal.topicCreatedMessage": "Nuevo tema creado",
- "MoveModal.movedMessage": "Movido a {title}",
- "MoveModal.goToLocationButton": "Ir a la ubicación",
- "NewTopicModal.topicTitle": "Título del tema",
- "NewTopicModal.topicTitleRequired": "Este campo es obligatorio",
- "NewTopicModal.createTopic": "Crear nuevo tema",
- "NewTopicModal.cancel": "Cancelar",
- "NewTopicModal.create": "Crear",
- "AnswersEditor.answersLabel": "Respuestas",
- "AnswersEditor.noAnswersPlaceholder": "La pregunta no tiene opciones de respuesta",
- "AnswersEditor.newAnswerBtnLabel": "Nueva respuesta",
- "ContentNodeListItem.resources": "{value, number, integer} {value, plural, one {recurso} other {recursos}}",
- "ContentNodeListItem.questions": "{value, number, integer} {value, plural, one {pregunta} other {preguntas}}",
- "ContentNodeListItem.openTopic": "Abrir tema",
- "AssessmentTab.incompleteItemsCountMessage": "{invalidItemsCount} {invalidItemsCount, plural, one {pregunta no completada} other {preguntas no completadas}}",
- "AssessmentTab.dialogSubmitBtnLabel": "Enviar",
- "AssessmentTab.dialogCancelBtnLabel": "Cancelar",
- "StudioTree.optionsTooltip": "Opciones",
- "AssessmentEditor.incompleteItemIndicatorLabel": "Incompleto",
- "AssessmentEditor.toolbarItemLabel": "pregunta",
- "AssessmentEditor.noQuestionsPlaceholder": "El ejercicio aún no tiene preguntas",
- "AssessmentEditor.closeBtnLabel": "Cerrar",
- "AssessmentEditor.newQuestionBtnLabel": "Nueva pregunta",
- "AssessmentEditor.showAnswers": "Mostrar las respuestas",
- "AddRelatedResourcesModal.cancelBtnLabel": "Cancelar",
- "AddRelatedResourcesModal.resourcesDisplayedText": "Mostrar sólo los recursos disponibles para",
- "AddRelatedResourcesModal.addStepBtnLabel": "Añadir",
- "AddRelatedResourcesModal.previewStepBtnLabel": "Vista previa",
- "AddRelatedResourcesModal.selectedAsCurrentResource": "Este es el recurso actual",
- "ContentNodeOptions.topicDefaultTitle": "{title} tema",
- "ContentNodeOptions.newSubtopic": "Nuevo tema",
- "ContentNodeOptions.editTopicDetails": "Editar detalles del tema",
- "ContentNodeOptions.editDetails": "Editar detalles",
- "ContentNodeOptions.viewDetails": "Ver detalles",
- "ContentNodeOptions.move": "Mover",
- "ContentNodeOptions.makeACopy": "Hacer una copia",
- "ContentNodeOptions.copyToClipboard": "Copiar a portapapeles",
- "ContentNodeOptions.remove": "Eliminar",
- "ContentNodeOptions.undo": "Deshacer",
- "ContentNodeOptions.cancel": "Cancelar",
- "ContentNodeOptions.creatingCopies": "Copiando a portapapeles...",
- "ContentNodeOptions.creatingClipboardCopies": "Copiando a portapapeles...",
- "ContentNodeOptions.copiedSnackbar": "Operación de copiar finalizada",
- "ContentNodeOptions.copiedToClipboardSnackbar": "Copiado a portapapeles",
- "ContentNodeOptions.removedItems": "Enviado a la papelera",
- "ContentNodeValidator.incompleteText": "Incompleto",
- "ContentNodeValidator.missingTitle": "Falta el título",
- "ContentNodeValidator.incompleteDescendantsText": "{count, number, integer} {count, plural, one {el recurso está incompleto} other {los recursos están incompletos}}",
- "ContentNodeValidator.allIncompleteDescendantsText": "{count, plural, one {{count, number, integer} el recurso está incompleto y no puede ser publicado} other {todos {count, number, integer} recursos están incompletos y no pueden ser publicados}}",
- "AssessmentItemEditor.questionTypeLabel": "Tipo de respuesta",
- "AssessmentItemEditor.questionLabel": "Pregunta",
- "AssessmentItemEditor.dialogTitle": "Cambiando el tipo de pregunta",
- "AssessmentItemEditor.dialogSubmitBtnLabel": "Cambiar",
- "AssessmentItemEditor.dialogMessageChangeToSingleSelection": "Cambiar a 'opción única' sólo establecerá una respuesta como correcta. ¿Continuar?",
- "AssessmentItemEditor.dialogMessageChangeToTrueFalse": "Cambiar a 'verdadero o falso' eliminará todas las respuestas actuales. ¿Continuar?",
- "AssessmentItemEditor.dialogMessageChangeToInput": "Cambiar a 'entrada numérica' establecerá todas las respuestas como correctas y eliminará todas las respuestas no numéricas. ¿Continuar?",
- "EditListItem.questionCount": "{count, plural,\n =1 {# pregunta}\n other {# preguntas}}",
- "SavingIndicator.savingIndicator": "Guardando...",
- "SavingIndicator.lastSaved": "Guardado {saved}",
- "SavingIndicator.savedNow": "Guardado justo ahora",
- "EditList.selectAllLabel": "Seleccionar todo",
- "EditView.undefined": "Relacionado",
- "EditView.noItemsToEditText": "Por favor, seleccione recursos o temas para editar",
- "EditView.invalidFieldsToolTip": "Falta información requerida",
- "EditView.errorBannerText": "Por favor proporcione la información requerida",
- "EditView.editingMultipleCount": "Editar detalles de {topicCount, plural,\n =1 {# tema}\n other {# temas}}, {resourceCount, plural,\n =1 {# recurso}\n other {# recursos}}",
- "DetailsTabView.basicInfoHeader": "Información básica",
- "DetailsTabView.audienceHeader": "Público",
- "DetailsTabView.sourceHeader": "Origen",
- "DetailsTabView.assessmentHeader": "Opciones de evaluación",
- "DetailsTabView.thumbnailHeader": "Miniatura",
- "DetailsTabView.titleLabel": "Título",
- "DetailsTabView.titleValidationMessage": "Este campo es obligatorio",
- "DetailsTabView.languageHelpText": "Dejar en blanco para usar el idioma del tema",
- "DetailsTabView.languageChannelHelpText": "Dejar en blanco para usar el idioma del canal",
- "DetailsTabView.importedFromButtonText": "Importado desde {channel}",
- "DetailsTabView.detectedImportText": "{count, plural,\n =1 {# recurso solo tiene permiso de vista}\n other {# recursos solo tienen permiso de vista}}",
- "DetailsTabView.authorLabel": "Autor",
- "DetailsTabView.authorToolTip": "Persona u organización que ha creado este contenido",
- "DetailsTabView.providerLabel": "Proveedor",
- "DetailsTabView.providerToolTip": "Organización que ha encargado o está distribuyendo el contenido",
- "DetailsTabView.aggregatorLabel": "Agregador",
- "DetailsTabView.aggregatorToolTip": "Sitio web o la organización que aloja la colección de contenido, pero no necesariamente el creador o titular de derechos de autor",
- "DetailsTabView.copyrightHolderLabel": "Titular de derechos de autor",
- "DetailsTabView.copyrightHolderValidationMessage": "Este campo es obligatorio",
- "DetailsTabView.descriptionLabel": "Descripción",
- "DetailsTabView.tagsLabel": "Etiquetas",
- "DetailsTabView.noTagsFoundText": "No se han encontrado resultados para \"{text}\". Pulse la tecla 'Entrar' para crear una nueva etiqueta",
- "DetailsTabView.randomizeQuestionLabel": "Aleatorizar el orden de las respuestas para los alumnos",
- "EditModal.editingDetailsHeader": "Editar detalles",
- "EditModal.uploadFilesHeader": "Subir archivos",
- "EditModal.createExerciseHeader": "Nuevo ejercicio",
- "EditModal.addTopicsHeader": "Nuevos temas",
- "EditModal.invalidNodesFound": "{count, plural,\n =1 {# recurso incompleto encontrado}\n other {# recursos incompletos encontrados}}",
- "EditModal.invalidNodesFoundText": "Los recursos incompletos no se publicarán hasta que se resuelvan estos errores",
- "EditModal.saveAnywaysButton": "Salir de todos modos",
- "EditModal.keepEditingButton": "Seguir editando",
- "EditModal.saveFailedHeader": "Error al guardar",
- "EditModal.saveFailedText": "Hubo un problema al guardar el contenido",
- "EditModal.addTopic": "Añadir otro tema",
- "EditModal.uploadButton": "Subir más archivos",
- "EditModal.uploadInProgressHeader": "Carga en curso",
- "EditModal.uploadInProgressText": "Las subidas en curso se perderán si sale ahora",
- "EditModal.dismissDialogButton": "Cancelar",
- "EditModal.cancelUploadsButton": "Salir",
- "EditModal.closeWithoutSavingButton": "Cerrar sin guardar",
- "EditModal.okButton": "Aceptar",
- "EditModal.loadErrorText": "Error al cargar contenido",
- "EditModal.finishButton": "Finalizar",
- "ContentNodeEditListItem.optionsTooltip": "Opciones",
- "PublishModal.versionText": "Versión actual: {version}",
- "PublishModal.unpublishedText": "No publicado",
- "PublishModal.publishingSizeText": "{count, plural, =1 {# recurso} other {# recursos}}",
- "PublishModal.incompleteCount": "{count, plural, =1 {# recurso incompleto} other {# recursos incompletos}}",
- "PublishModal.incompleteWarning": "Los recursos incompletos no serán publicados y puestos a disposición para su descarga en Kolibri.",
- "PublishModal.incompleteInstructions": "Haga clic en 'Continuar' para confirmar que desea publicar de todos modos.",
- "PublishModal.nextButton": "Continuar",
- "PublishModal.publishMessageLabel": "Describe qué hay de nuevo en esta versión de canal",
- "PublishModal.versionDescriptionLabel": "Descripción de la versión",
- "PublishModal.descriptionRequiredMessage": "Por favor, describa las novedades de esta versión antes de publicar",
- "PublishModal.descriptionDescriptionTooltip": "Esta descripción se mostrará a los administradores de Kolibri antes de que actualicen las versiones del canal",
- "PublishModal.cancelButton": "Cancelar",
- "PublishModal.publishButton": "Publicar",
- "RelatedResourcesTab.previewHelpText": "Los recursos relacionados se muestran como recomendaciones cuando los estudiantes interactuen con este recurso",
- "RelatedResourcesTab.showPreviewBtnLabel": "Mostrar",
- "RelatedResourcesTab.resourcePreviewDialogTitle": "Recursos relacionados",
- "RelatedResourcesTab.resourcePreviewDialogHelpText": "Los recursos relacionados en Kolibri muestran como recomendaciones junto con el recurso con el que estudiantes están interactuando actualmente",
- "RelatedResourcesTab.dialogCloseBtnLabel": "Cerrar",
- "RelatedResourcesTab.previousStepsTitle": "Pasos anteriores",
- "RelatedResourcesTab.previousStepsExplanation": "Recursos recomendados que introducen habilidades o conceptos necesarios para utilizar este recurso",
- "RelatedResourcesTab.addPreviousStepBtnLabel": "Añadir paso anterior",
- "RelatedResourcesTab.nextStepsTitle": "Pasos siguientes",
- "RelatedResourcesTab.nextStepsExplanation": "Recursos recomendados que profundizan las habilidades o conceptos aprendidos en este recurso",
- "RelatedResourcesTab.addNextStepBtnLabel": "Añadir paso siguiente",
- "RelatedResourcesTab.removePreviousStepBtnLabel": "Eliminar paso anterior",
- "RelatedResourcesTab.removeNextStepBtnLabel": "Eliminar paso siguiente",
- "RelatedResourcesTab.tooManyPreviousStepsWarning": "Limita el número de pasos anteriores para crear una experiencia de aprendizaje más guiada",
- "RelatedResourcesTab.tooManyNextStepsWarning": "Limita el número de pasos siguientes para crear una experiencia de aprendizaje más guiada",
- "RelatedResourcesTab.removedNextStepSnackbar": "Siguiente paso eliminado",
- "RelatedResourcesTab.removedPreviousStepSnackbar": "Paso anterior eliminado",
- "RelatedResourcesList.removeBtnLabel": "Eliminar",
- "AssessmentItemToolbar.toolbarLabelEdit": "Editar",
- "AssessmentItemToolbar.toolbarLabelMoveUp": "Mover arriba",
- "AssessmentItemToolbar.toolbarLabelMoveDown": "Mover abajo",
- "AssessmentItemToolbar.toolbarLabelDelete": "Eliminar",
- "AssessmentItemToolbar.toolbarLabelAddAbove": "Añadir {itemLabel} arriba",
- "AssessmentItemToolbar.toolbarLabelAddBelow": "Añadir {itemLabel} abajo",
- "HintsEditor.hintsLabel": "Pistas",
- "HintsEditor.noHintsPlaceholder": "La pregunta no tiene pistas",
- "HintsEditor.newHintBtnLabel": "Nueva pista",
- "Clipboard.selectAll": "Seleccionar todo",
- "Clipboard.undo": "Deshacer",
- "Clipboard.cancel": "Cancelar",
- "Clipboard.close": "Cerrar",
- "Clipboard.duplicateSelectedButton": "Hacer una copia",
- "Clipboard.moveSelectedButton": "Mover",
- "Clipboard.deleteSelectedButton": "Eliminar",
- "Clipboard.removingItems": "Eliminando del portapapeles...",
- "Clipboard.removedFromClipboard": "Eliminado del portapapeles",
- "Clipboard.creatingClipboardCopies": "Copiando a portapapeles...",
- "Clipboard.copiedItemsToClipboard": "Copiado al portapapeles",
- "ContentNodeOptions.goToOriginalLocation": "Ir a la ubicación original",
- "ContentNodeOptions.moveTo": "Mover a...",
- "ContentNodeOptions.copiedItemsToClipboard": "Copiado al portapapeles",
- "ContentNodeOptions.removingItems": "Eliminando del portapapeles...",
- "ContentNodeOptions.removedFromClipboard": "Eliminado del portapapeles",
- "ResourcePanel.questions": "Preguntas",
- "ResourcePanel.masteryCriteria": "Criterio de dominio",
- "ResourcePanel.masteryMofN": "{m} de {n}",
- "ResourcePanel.details": "Detalles",
- "ResourcePanel.showAnswers": "Mostrar respuestas",
- "ResourcePanel.questionCount": "{value, number, integer} {value, plural, one {pregunta} other {preguntas}}",
- "ResourcePanel.description": "Descripción",
- "ResourcePanel.tags": "Etiquetas",
- "ResourcePanel.audience": "Público",
- "ResourcePanel.language": "Idioma",
- "ResourcePanel.visibleTo": "Visible a",
- "ResourcePanel.relatedResources": "Recursos relacionados",
- "ResourcePanel.source": "Origen",
- "ResourcePanel.originalChannel": "Importado desde",
- "ResourcePanel.author": "Autor",
- "ResourcePanel.provider": "Proveedor",
- "ResourcePanel.aggregator": "Agregador",
- "ResourcePanel.license": "Licencia",
- "ResourcePanel.copyrightHolder": "Titular de derechos de autor",
- "ResourcePanel.previousSteps": "Pasos anteriores",
- "ResourcePanel.nextSteps": "Pasos siguientes",
- "ResourcePanel.resources": "Recursos",
- "ResourcePanel.totalResources": "El total de recursos",
- "ResourcePanel.coachResources": "Recursos para tutores",
- "ResourcePanel.files": "Archivos",
- "ResourcePanel.availableFormats": "Formatos disponibles",
- "ResourcePanel.subtitles": "Subtítulos",
- "ResourcePanel.fileSize": "Tamaño",
- "ResourcePanel.noLicenseError": "Falta licencia",
- "ResourcePanel.noCopyrightHolderError": "Falta titular de derechos de autor",
- "ResourcePanel.noLicenseDescriptionError": "Falta la descripción de licencia",
- "ResourcePanel.noFilesError": "Missing files",
- "ResourcePanel.noMasteryModelError": "Faltan criterios de dominio",
- "ResourcePanel.noQuestionsError": "Exercise is empty",
- "ResourcePanel.incompleteQuestionError": "{count, plural, one {# pregunta incompleta} other {# preguntas incompletas}}",
- "ProgressBar.progressText": "{percent}%",
- "ProgressModal.copyHeader": "Importando recursos",
- "ProgressModal.copyDescription": "La importación está en curso, por favor espere...",
- "ProgressModal.defaultHeader": "Actualizando canal",
- "ProgressModal.defaultDescription": "Actualización en curso, espere un momento por favor...",
- "ProgressModal.defaultErrorText": "Ocurrió un error inesperado. Intente otra vez, por favor, y si continua recibiendo el mismo mensaje de error, contacte el soporte técnico desde el menú Ayuda.",
- "ProgressModal.finishedMessage": "¡Operación completada! Haga clic en \"Actualizar\" para recargar la página.",
- "ProgressModal.moveHeader": "Moviendo el contenido",
- "ProgressModal.moveDescription": "Mover en curso, espere un momento por favor...",
- "ProgressModal.publishHeader": "Publicando el canal",
- "ProgressModal.publishDescription": "Por favor, espere que la publicación acabe antes de hacer otros cambios. Recibirá un correo electrónico de confirmación cuando el canal esté publicado.",
- "ProgressModal.syncHeader": "Sincronizando canal",
- "ProgressModal.syncDescription": "Sincronización del canal en curso, por favor espere...",
- "ProgressModal.stopButton": "Parar",
- "ProgressModal.refreshButton": "Actualizar",
- "ProgressModal.cancel": "No, volver",
- "ProgressModal.confirmStopButton": "Sí, detener tarea",
- "ProgressModal.cancelHeader": "Por favor, confirme",
- "ProgressModal.cancelText": "Confirme que desea cancelar esta tarea.",
- "TreeView.showSidebar": "Show sidebar",
- "TreeView.collapseAllButton": "Colapsar todo",
- "TreeView.openCurrentLocationButton": "Ir a la ubicación actual del tema",
- "TreeView.updatedResourcesReadyForReview": "Los recursos actualizados están listos para su revisión",
- "TreeView.closeDrawer": "Cerrar",
- "TreeViewBase.channelDetails": "Ver detalles del canal",
- "TreeViewBase.editChannel": "Editar detalles del canal",
- "TreeViewBase.openTrash": "Abrir papelera",
- "TreeViewBase.getToken": "Obtener el token",
- "TreeViewBase.shareChannel": "Compartir canal",
- "TreeViewBase.syncChannel": "Sincronizar recursos",
- "TreeViewBase.publishButton": "Publicar",
- "TreeViewBase.publishButtonTitle": "Hacer este canal disponible para importar en Kolibri",
- "TreeViewBase.viewOnly": "Solo modo de lectura",
- "TreeViewBase.noChangesText": "No se encontraron cambios en el canal",
- "TreeViewBase.emptyChannelTooltip": "No se puede publicar un canal vacío",
- "TreeViewBase.noLanguageSetError": "Falta el idioma del canal",
- "TreeViewBase.incompleteDescendantsText": "{count, number, integer} {count, plural, one {el recurso está incompleto y no se puede publicar} other {los recursos están incompletos y no se pueden publicar}}",
- "NodePanel.emptyViewOnlyChannelText": "Aún no hay ningún recurso en este canal",
- "NodePanel.emptyTopicText": "Aún no hay ningún recurso en este tema",
- "NodePanel.emptyChannelText": "Haga clic en \"Añadir\" para comenzar a editar el canal",
- "NodePanel.emptyChannelSubText": "Crear, subir o importar recursos de otros canales",
- "CurrentTopicView.addTopic": "Nuevo subtema",
- "CurrentTopicView.addExercise": "Nuevo ejercicio",
- "CurrentTopicView.uploadFiles": "Subir archivos",
- "CurrentTopicView.importFromChannels": "Importar desde canales",
- "CurrentTopicView.addButton": "Añadir",
- "CurrentTopicView.editButton": "Editar",
- "CurrentTopicView.optionsButton": "Opciones",
- "CurrentTopicView.copyToClipboardButton": "Copiar a portapapeles",
- "CurrentTopicView.undefined": "Vista compacta",
- "CurrentTopicView.editSelectedButton": "Editar",
- "CurrentTopicView.copySelectedButton": "Copiar a portapapeles",
- "CurrentTopicView.moveSelectedButton": "Mover",
- "CurrentTopicView.duplicateSelectedButton": "Hacer una copia",
- "CurrentTopicView.deleteSelectedButton": "Eliminar",
- "CurrentTopicView.selectionCount": "{topicCount, plural,\n =1 {# tema}\n other {# temas}}, {resourceCount, plural,\n =1 {# recurso}\n other {# recursos}}",
- "CurrentTopicView.undo": "Deshacer",
- "CurrentTopicView.cancel": "Cancelar",
- "CurrentTopicView.creatingCopies": "Copiando...",
- "CurrentTopicView.creatingClipboardCopies": "Copiando al portapapeles...",
- "CurrentTopicView.copiedItems": "Operación de copiar finalizada",
- "CurrentTopicView.copiedItemsToClipboard": "Copiado a portapapeles",
- "CurrentTopicView.removedItems": "Enviado a la papelera",
- "CurrentTopicView.selectAllLabel": "Seleccionar todo",
- "Template.templateString": "You have {count, plural,\n =1 {# node for testing}\n other {# nodes for testing}}",
- "TrashModal.trashModalTitle": "Papelera",
- "TrashModal.trashEmptyText": "La papelera está vacía",
- "TrashModal.trashEmptySubtext": "Los recursos eliminados de este canal aparecerán aquí",
- "TrashModal.selectAllHeader": "Seleccionar todo",
- "TrashModal.deletedHeader": "Eliminado",
- "TrashModal.selectedCountText": "{topicCount, plural,\n =1 {# tema}\n other {# temas}}, {resourceCount, plural,\n =1 {# recurso}\n other {# recursos}}",
- "TrashModal.deleteButton": "Eliminar",
- "TrashModal.restoreButton": "Restaurar",
- "TrashModal.deleteConfirmationHeader": "¿Eliminar permanentemente {topicCount, plural,\n =1 {# tema}\n other {# temas}}, {resourceCount, plural,\n =1 {# recurso}\n other {# recursos}}?",
- "TrashModal.deleteConfirmationText": "Esta acción no se puede deshacer. Por favor, confirme que desea continuar",
- "TrashModal.deleteConfirmationDeleteButton": "Eliminar permanentemente",
- "TrashModal.deleteConfirmationCancelButton": "Cancelar",
- "TrashModal.deleteSuccessMessage": "Eliminado permanentemente",
- "FilePreview.viewFullscreen": "Ver pantalla completa",
- "FilePreview.exitFullscreen": "Salir de la pantalla completa",
- "FilePreview.fullscreenModeText": "Pantalla completa",
- "FileUploadItem.uploadButton": "Seleccionar archivo",
- "FileUploadItem.removeFileButton": "Eliminar",
- "FileUploadDefault.acceptsHelp": "Tipos de archivos soportados: {extensions}",
- "FileUploadDefault.uploadToText": "Subir a '{title}'",
- "FileUploadDefault.dropHereText": "Arrastrar y soltar archivos aquí o seleccionarlos manualmente",
- "FileUploadDefault.chooseFilesButton": "Seleccionar archivos",
- "FileUpload.filesHeader": "Previsualizar archivos",
- "FileUpload.fileError": "Tipo de archivo no soportado",
- "FileUpload.noFileText": "Missing files",
- "SupplementaryItem.languageText": "{language} ({code})",
- "SubtitlesList.subtitlesHeader": "Subtítulos",
- "SubtitlesList.acceptedFormatsTooltip": "Formatos soportados: {extensions}",
- "SubtitlesList.addSubtitleText": "Añadir subtítulos",
- "SupplementaryList.selectFileText": "Seleccionar archivo",
- "ContentRenderer.noFileText": "Seleccione un archivo a previsualizar",
- "ContentRenderer.previewNotSupported": "Vista previa no disponible",
- "ThumbnailGenerator.thumbnailGenerationFailedHeader": "No se puede generar la miniatura",
- "ThumbnailGenerator.thumbnailGenerationFailedText": "Hubo un problema al generar una miniatura",
- "ThumbnailGenerator.generatedDefaultFilename": "Miniatura generada",
- "ContentNodeThumbnail.noThumbnail": "No hay miniaturas.",
- "ContentNodeThumbnail.crop": "Recortar",
- "ContentNodeThumbnail.generate": "Generar desde archivo",
- "ContentNodeThumbnail.upload": "Subir imagen",
- "ContentNodeThumbnail.remove": "Eliminar",
- "ContentNodeThumbnail.zoomIn": "Aumentar tamaño",
- "ContentNodeThumbnail.zoomOut": "Reducir tamaño",
- "ContentNodeThumbnail.save": "Guardar",
- "ContentNodeThumbnail.cancel": "Cancelar",
- "ContentNodeThumbnail.croppingPrompt": "Arrastra la imagen para colocar",
- "ContentNodeThumbnail.uploadingThumbnail": "Cargando",
- "ContentNodeThumbnail.generatingThumbnail": "Generando desde archivo",
- "ContentNodeThumbnail.defaultFilename": "Archivo",
- "SyncResourcesModal.syncModalTitle": "Sincronizar recursos",
- "SyncResourcesModal.syncModalExplainer": "Sincroniza y actualiza los recursos con su canal fuente.",
- "SyncResourcesModal.syncFilesTitle": "Archivos",
- "SyncResourcesModal.syncFilesExplainer": "Actualizar toda la información del archivo",
- "SyncResourcesModal.syncTagsTitle": "Etiquetas",
- "SyncResourcesModal.syncTagsExplainer": "Actualizar todas las etiquetas",
- "SyncResourcesModal.syncTitlesAndDescriptionsTitle": "Títulos y descripciones",
- "SyncResourcesModal.syncTitlesAndDescriptionsExplainer": "Actualizar títulos y descripciones de recursos",
- "SyncResourcesModal.syncExercisesTitle": "Detalles de los ejercicios",
- "SyncResourcesModal.syncExercisesExplainer": "Actualizar preguntas, respuestas y pistas",
- "SyncResourcesModal.cancelButtonLabel": "Cancelar",
- "SyncResourcesModal.continueButtonLabel": "Continuar",
- "SyncResourcesModal.confirmSyncModalTitle": "Confirmar sincronización",
- "SyncResourcesModal.confirmSyncModalExplainer": "Está a punto de sincronizar y actualizar lo siguiente:",
- "SyncResourcesModal.backButtonLabel": "Atrás",
- "SyncResourcesModal.syncButtonLabel": "Sincronizar",
- "ReviewSelectionsPage.reviewSelectionHeader": "Revisar seleccionado",
- "ReviewSelectionsPage.resourcesInTopic": "{count, number} {count, plural, one {material} other {materiales}}",
- "ReviewSelectionsPage.removeAction": "Eliminar",
- "ReviewSelectionsPage.noResourcesSelected": "Ningún recurso seleccionado",
- "SearchResultsList.searchResultsCount": "{count, number} {count, plural, one {resultado} other {resultados}} para '{searchTerm}'",
- "SearchResultsList.resultsPerPageLabel": "Resultados por página",
- "SearchResultsList.saveSearchAction": "Guardar búsqueda",
- "SearchResultsList.savedSearchesLabel": "Ver búsquedas guardadas",
- "SearchResultsList.searchSavedSnackbar": "Búsqueda guardada",
- "ImportFromChannelsModal.resourcesAddedSnackbar": "{count, number} {count, plural, one {recurso seleccionado} other {recursos seleccionados}}",
- "ImportFromChannelsModal.resourcesRemovedSnackbar": "{count, number} {count, plural, one {recurso eliminado} other {recursos eliminados}}",
- "ImportFromChannelsModal.importTitle": "Importar de otros canales",
- "ImportFromChannelsModal.reviewTitle": "Selección de recursos",
- "ImportFromChannelsModal.resourcesSelected": "{count, number} {count, plural, one {recurso seleccionado} other {recursos seleccionados}}",
- "ImportFromChannelsModal.importAction": "Importar",
- "ImportFromChannelsModal.reviewAction": "Revisar",
- "ImportFromChannelsModal.addButton": "Añadir",
- "ImportFromChannelsModal.addedText": "Añadido",
- "ImportFromChannelsModal.removeButton": "Eliminar",
- "InfoModal.close": "Cerrar",
- "EditSearchModal.editSavedSearchTitle": "Editar título de búsqueda",
- "EditSearchModal.searchTitleLabel": "Título de búsqueda",
- "EditSearchModal.cancelAction": "Cancelar",
- "EditSearchModal.saveChangesAction": "Guardar",
- "EditSearchModal.changesSavedSnackbar": "Cambios guardados",
- "EditSearchModal.fieldRequired": "Este campo es obligatorio",
- "BrowsingCard.tagsList": "Etiquetas: {tags}",
- "BrowsingCard.goToSingleLocationAction": "Ir a la ubicación",
- "BrowsingCard.goToPluralLocationsAction": "En {count, number} {count, plural, one {ubicación} other {ubicaciones}}",
- "BrowsingCard.addToClipboardAction": "Copiar a portapapeles",
- "BrowsingCard.resourcesCount": "{count, number} {count, plural, one {material} other {materiales}}",
- "BrowsingCard.coach": "Tutor",
- "ChannelInfoCard.resourceCount": "{count, number} {count, plural, one {material} other {materiales}}",
- "SavedSearchesModal.editAction": "Editar",
- "SavedSearchesModal.deleteAction": "Eliminar",
- "SavedSearchesModal.closeAction": "Cerrar",
- "SavedSearchesModal.closeButtonLabel": "Cerrar",
- "SavedSearchesModal.savedSearchesTitle": "Búsquedas guardadas",
- "SavedSearchesModal.noSavedSearches": "No tiene ninguna búsqueda guardada",
- "SavedSearchesModal.searchDeletedSnackbar": "Búsqueda guardada eliminada",
- "SavedSearchesModal.filterCount": "{count, number} {count, plural, one {filtro} other {filtros}}",
- "SavedSearchesModal.deleteSearchTitle": "Borrar búsqueda guardada",
- "SavedSearchesModal.deleteConfirmation": "Confirme que desea eliminar esta búsqueda guardada",
- "SavedSearchesModal.cancelAction": "Cancelar",
- "SearchFilters.channelsHeader": "Canales",
- "SearchFilters.channelTypeLabel": "Tipo de canal",
- "SearchFilters.channelSourceLabel": "Canal/fuente",
- "SearchFilters.filtersHeader": "Opciones de filtro ",
- "SearchFilters.kindLabel": "Formato",
- "SearchFilters.hideTopicsLabel": "Ocultar temas",
- "SearchFilters.assessmentsLabel": "Mostrar solo recursos para evaluaciones",
- "SearchFilters.licensesLabel": "Licencia",
- "SearchFilters.coachContentLabel": "Mostrar recursos para tutores",
- "SearchFilters.addedAfterDateLabel": "Añadido después de",
- "ContentTreeList.allChannelsLabel": "Canales",
- "ContentTreeList.noResourcesOrTopics": "No hay recursos o temas aquí",
- "ContentTreeList.selectAllAction": "Seleccionar todo",
- "SearchFilterBar.coachContent": "Recursos para tutores",
- "SearchFilterBar.assessments": "Evaluaciones",
- "SearchFilterBar.topicsHidden": "No hay temas",
- "SearchFilterBar.createdAfter": "Añadido después de '{date}'",
- "SearchFilterBar.clearAll": "Eliminar filtros",
- "ChannelList.channelFilterLabel": "Canales",
- "ChannelList.noMatchingChannels": "No hay canales que coincidan",
- "SearchOrBrowseWindow.backToBrowseAction": "Volver a navegar",
- "SearchOrBrowseWindow.searchLabel": "Buscar recursos…",
- "SearchOrBrowseWindow.searchAction": "Buscar",
- "SearchOrBrowseWindow.undo": "Deshacer",
- "SearchOrBrowseWindow.cancel": "Cancelar",
- "SearchOrBrowseWindow.copyingToClipboard": "Copiando al portapapeles...",
- "SearchOrBrowseWindow.copiedToClipboard": "Copiado a portapapeles",
- "SearchOrBrowseWindow.copyFailed": "Error al copiar al portapapeles",
- "StagingTreePage.deploy": "Desplegar",
- "StagingTreePage.backToViewing": "Volver a navegar",
- "StagingTreePage.reviewMode": "Modo de revisión",
- "StagingTreePage.emptyChannelText": "No se encontraron recursos",
- "StagingTreePage.emptyChannelSubText": "¡No hay cambios para revisar! El canal contiene todos los últimos temas y recursos.",
- "StagingTreePage.collapseAllButton": "Colapsar todo",
- "StagingTreePage.openCurrentLocationButton": "Ir a la ubicación actual del tema",
- "StagingTreePage.totalResources": "El total de recursos",
- "StagingTreePage.totalSize": "Total",
- "StagingTreePage.openSummaryDetailsDialogBtn": "Ver resumen",
- "StagingTreePage.closeSummaryDetailsDialogBtn": "Cerrar",
- "StagingTreePage.summaryDetailsDialogTitle": "Detalles del resumen",
- "StagingTreePage.deployChannel": "Desplegar canal",
- "StagingTreePage.deployDialogDescription": "Está a punto de visualizar todos los recursos como públicos.",
- "StagingTreePage.liveResources": "Recursos públicos",
- "StagingTreePage.stagedResources": "Recursos listos para ser públicos",
- "StagingTreePage.topicsCount": "{count, number} {count, plural, one { tema } other { temas }}",
- "StagingTreePage.resourcesCount": "{count, number} {count, plural, one { recurso } other { recursos }}",
- "StagingTreePage.cancelDeployBtn": "Cancelar",
- "StagingTreePage.confirmDeployBtn": "Desplegar canal",
- "StagingTreePage.channelDeployed": "El canal ha sido desplegado",
- "StagingTreePage.emptyTopicText": "El tema está vacío",
- "StagingTreePage.viewDetails": "Ver detalles",
- "Diff.positiveSign": "+",
- "Diff.negativeSign": "-",
- "DiffTable.headerType": "Tipo",
- "DiffTable.headerLive": "Canal publicado y accesible en Studio",
- "DiffTable.headerStaged": "Canal listo para publicar",
- "DiffTable.headerDiff": "Cambios netos",
- "DiffTable.typeVersion": "Versión de API",
- "DiffTable.typeFileSize": "Tamaño del archivo",
- "DiffTable.typeTopics": "Temas",
- "DiffTable.typeVideos": "Vídeos",
- "DiffTable.typeAudios": "Audio",
- "DiffTable.typeExercises": "Ejercicios",
- "DiffTable.typeDocuments": "Documentos",
- "DiffTable.typeHtml5Apps": "Aplicaciones HTML5",
- "DiffTable.typeSlideshows": "Presentaciones",
- "AddPreviousStepsPage.toolbarTitle": "Añadir paso anterior",
- "AddPreviousStepsPage.selectedAsPreviousStep": "Ya seleccionado como un paso anterior",
- "AddPreviousStepsPage.selectedAsNextStep": "Este recurso ya está seleccionado como 'paso siguiente'",
- "AddPreviousStepsPage.addedPreviousStepSnackbar": "Paso anterior añadido",
- "AddNextStepsPage.toolbarTitle": "Añadir paso siguiente",
- "AddNextStepsPage.selectedAsPreviousStep": "Este recurso ya está seleccionado como 'paso anterior'",
- "AddNextStepsPage.selectedAsNextStep": "Ya seleccionado como un paso siguiente",
- "AddNextStepsPage.addedNextStepSnackbar": "Paso siguiente añadido",
- "ChannelListIndex.channelSets": "Colecciones",
- "ChannelListIndex.catalog": "Biblioteca de contenido",
- "ChannelListIndex.invitations": "Tiene {count, plural, one {}\n =1 {# invitación}\n other {# invitaciones}}",
- "ChannelListIndex.libraryTitle": "Catálogo de la Biblioteca de Contenidos de Kolibri",
- "ChannelListIndex.frequentlyAskedQuestions": "Preguntas más frecuentes",
- "ChannelItem.resourceCount": "{count, plural,\n =1 {# recurso}\n other {# recursos}}",
- "ChannelItem.unpublishedText": "No publicado",
- "ChannelItem.lastPublished": "Publicado {last_published}",
- "ChannelItem.details": "Detalles",
- "ChannelItem.viewContent": "Ver canal en Kolibri",
- "ChannelItem.goToWebsite": "Ir a la página web de origen",
- "ChannelItem.editChannel": "Editar detalles del canal",
- "ChannelItem.copyToken": "Copiar el token del canal",
- "ChannelItem.deleteChannel": "Eliminar canal",
- "ChannelItem.deleteTitle": "Eliminar este canal",
- "ChannelItem.deletePrompt": "Este canal se eliminará permanentemente. Esto no se puede deshacer.",
- "ChannelItem.channelLanguageNotSetIndicator": "Idioma no establecido",
- "ChannelItem.cancel": "Cancelar",
- "CatalogFilterBar.keywords": "\"{text}\"",
- "CatalogFilterBar.coachContent": "Contenido para tutores",
- "CatalogFilterBar.assessments": "Evaluaciones",
- "CatalogFilterBar.subtitles": "Subtítulos",
- "CatalogFilterBar.starred": "Destacados",
- "CatalogFilterBar.clearAll": "Eliminar filtros",
- "CatalogFilterBar.channelCount": "{count, plural,\n =1 {# canal}\n other {# canales}}",
- "CatalogFilters.searchLabel": "Palabras clave",
- "CatalogFilters.coachLabel": "Recursos para tutores",
- "CatalogFilters.assessmentsLabel": "Evaluaciones",
- "CatalogFilters.subtitlesLabel": "Subtítulos",
- "CatalogFilters.starredLabel": "Destacados",
- "CatalogFilters.licenseLabel": "Licencias",
- "CatalogFilters.formatLabel": "Formatos",
- "CatalogFilters.includesLabel": "Mostrar solo canales con",
- "CatalogFilters.searchText": "Buscar",
- "CatalogFilters.coachDescription": "Los recursos para tutores son visibles sólo a los tutores en Kolibri",
- "CatalogFilters.frequentlyAskedQuestionsLink": "Preguntas más frecuentes",
- "CatalogFilters.copyright": "© {year} Learning Equality",
- "ChannelStar.unstar": "Quitar de los canales favoritos",
- "ChannelStar.star": "Añadir a canales favoritos",
- "ChannelInvitation.editText": "{sender} le ha invitado a editar {channel}",
- "ChannelInvitation.viewText": "{sender} le ha invitado a ver {channel}",
- "ChannelInvitation.goToChannelSnackbarAction": "Ir al canal",
- "ChannelInvitation.acceptedSnackbar": "Invitación aceptada",
- "ChannelInvitation.declinedSnackbar": "Invitación rechazada",
- "ChannelInvitation.accept": "Aceptar",
- "ChannelInvitation.decline": "Declinar",
- "ChannelInvitation.cancel": "Cancelar",
- "ChannelInvitation.decliningInvitation": "Rechazando la invitación",
- "ChannelInvitation.decliningInvitationMessage": "Por favor, confirma que deseas declinar esta invitación.",
- "LanguageFilter.languageLabel": "Idiomas",
- "LanguageFilter.languageText": "{language} ({count})",
- "LanguageFilter.noMatchingLanguageText": "Ningún idioma coincide con la búsqueda",
- "CatalogList.resultsText": "{count, plural,\n =1 {# resultado encontrado}\n other {# resultados encontrados}}",
- "CatalogList.selectChannels": "Descargar un resumen de los canales seleccionados",
- "CatalogList.cancelButton": "Cancelar",
- "CatalogList.downloadButton": "Descargar",
- "CatalogList.downloadCSV": "Descargar hoja de cálculo",
- "CatalogList.downloadPDF": "Descargar PDF",
- "CatalogList.downloadingMessage": "Descarga iniciada",
- "CatalogList.channelSelectionCount": "{count, plural,\n =1 {# canal seleccionado}\n other {# canales seleccionados}}",
- "CatalogList.selectAll": "Seleccionar todo",
- "ChannelList.loading": "Cargando canales...",
- "ChannelList.noChannelsFound": "No se han encontrado canales",
- "ChannelList.channel": "Nuevo canal",
- "CatalogFAQ.faqHeader": "Preguntas más frecuentes",
- "CatalogFAQ.aboutHeader": "¡Bienvenida al Catálogo de la Biblioteca de Contenidos de Kolibri! ",
- "CatalogFAQ.descriptionP1": "Aquí puede aprender más sobre los recursos educativos disponibles para uso público en Kolibri, que están organizados en \"canales\". Utilice los filtros para navegar por los canales por palabra clave, idioma o formatos de los materiales dentro.",
- "CatalogFAQ.channelLink": "¿Qué es un canal?",
- "CatalogFAQ.descriptionP2": "Haga clic en un canal para obtener una vista previa de los temas y temas que cubre, aprender más sobre su creador, ver cuántos recursos contiene el canal y aprender a importarlo en Kolibri. También puede encontrar contenido específico para tutores (planes de clase, guías profesionales de profesores y otros materiales complementarios de facilitación), evaluaciones y ejercicios y subtítulos para la accesibilidad.",
- "CatalogFAQ.descriptionP3": "Compartir el trabajo de estos creadores de recursos es lo que inspira los esfuerzos de Learning Equality. ¡Esperamos que encuentres algo que te excite sobre el potencial del aprendizaje digital, en línea o fuera de ella!",
- "CatalogFAQ.aboutLibraryHeader": "Acerca de la Biblioteca de Contenido de Kolibri",
- "CatalogFAQ.selectionQuestion": "¿De qué manera Learning Equality determina qué es lo que se incluye en esta biblioteca?",
- "CatalogFAQ.selectionAnswerP1": "Nuestro enfoque es único en el sentido de que nuestro objetivo es ensamblar una biblioteca de recursos que apoye la diversidad de necesidades que Kolibri está diseñado para satisfacer en lugar de reunir todos los recursos educativos abiertos posibles.",
- "CatalogFAQ.selectionAnswerP2": "Para informar de lo que seleccionamos, el equipo de Learning Equality está continuamente manteniendo y actualizando nuestro conocimiento de los recursos digitales con licencia abierta disponibles en el panorama educativo. La mayoría de nuestros recursos provienen organizaciones, instituciones o creadores con experiencia en diseño de aprendizaje y con un claro compromiso educativo. Priorizamos el suministro de una diversidad de niveles, áreas temáticas e idiomas. Cuando sea posible, también evaluamos y buscamos información sobre el grado en que los materiales pueden ser adecuados para el único entorno de aprendizaje combinado en el que trabajamos.",
- "CatalogFAQ.maintenanceQuestion": "¿Cómo se crea y mantiene esta biblioteca?",
- "CatalogFAQ.maintenanceAnswerP1": "Porque Kolibri está diseñado para estudiantes y educadores desconectados de Internet, los recursos primero deben empaquetarse para que se puedan consultar sin necesidad de conectividad. Para la mayoría de las fuentes, nuestro equipo de contenidos utiliza scripts automatizados y personalizados para recoger contenido desde un sitio web, una aplicación, o una fuente privada como un disco duro (con los permisos apropiados).",
- "CatalogFAQ.maintenanceAnswerP2": "Para saber más sobre cómo los contenidos están empaquetados para su uso en Kolibri y qué tipos de formatos son soportados, por favor consulte nuestra guía de integración de contenido.",
- "CatalogFAQ.viewIntegrationGuide": "Ver guía de integración de contenido",
- "CatalogFAQ.endoresementQuestion": "¿Estas fuentes han sido examinadas o respaldadas como seguras y preparadas para su uso en las aulas?",
- "CatalogFAQ.endorsementAnswer": "Seleccionamos fuentes que tienen una finalidad o vinculación educativa, para que pueda confiar en que la mayoría de los recursos de la Biblioteca de Contenido de Kolibri fueron diseñados con fines de aprendizaje. Sin embargo, no podemos garantizar la conveniencia de cada recurso individual dentro de una fuente determinada. Recomendamos que los educadores y administradores realicen una revisión exhaustiva de cualquier contenido digital utilizando sus propios criterios, incluyendo reorganización y re-curación, si es necesario - antes de usarlo con los estudiantes. Reconocemos que puede haber muchos estándares diferentes entre contextos que influyen a los criterios como: niveles preferidos de interactividad, si materias son apropiadas para las edades, las sensibilidades y el tono cultural. Por esta razón hemos ofrecido intencionalmente una amplia gama de materiales para ayudar a todos los estudiantes independientemente de su ubicación.",
- "CatalogFAQ.ownershipQuestion": "¿Es Learning Equality el propietario de estos recursos?",
- "CatalogFAQ.ownershipAnswer": "No. Al igual como un repositorio de recursos de aprendizaje en línea que ofrece enlaces hacia sitios web externos, nosotros recolectamos recursos de aprendizaje digital útiles para ayudar a nuestra comunidad a descubrir una rica variedad de materiales de aprendizaje que pueden no haber conocido de otra manera. Todos los materiales de esta biblioteca educativa están completamente atribuibles a la organización creadora, su formato está adaptado para una mejor visualización en los dispositivos digitales, e incluyen toda la información que el creador haya compartido con nosotros. Sólo incluimos contenido con licencia abierta, disponible para distribuir sin fines de lucro y no comerciales, o compartido con nosotros para su distribución a través del acuerdo con el creador. Dado que los materiales de la biblioteca están destinados a ser utilizados en una plataforma de código abierto, nosotros no sacamos beneficios financieros de su uso.",
- "CatalogFAQ.newContentQuestion": "¿Es Learning Equality quien añade nuevos recursos a los canales?",
- "CatalogFAQ.newContentAnswer": "Nuestro equipo de contenidos añade nuevas fuentes y canales a la biblioteca y actualiza los canales existentes a medida que los creadores de contenido ponen a disposición nuevos materiales.",
- "CatalogFAQ.customContentQuestion": "¿Cómo puedo añadir mis propios materiales o recomendar materiales de otros creadores para esta biblioteca?",
- "CatalogFAQ.customContentAnswer": "Para añadir sus propios materiales, cree una cuenta de Kolibri Studio en https://studio.learningequality.org. Si desea recomendar materiales educativos públicos para incuir a la Biblioteca de Contenidos de Kolibri envíenos un correo electrónico a content@learningequality.org.",
- "CatalogFAQ.usingResourcesHeader": "Acerca del uso de estos recursos",
- "CatalogFAQ.usingContentQuestion": "He encontrado algo que me interesa y me gustaría empezar a usar. ¿Qué debo hacer?",
- "CatalogFAQ.usingContentAnswer": "¡Genial! Todos estos recursos han sido especialmente empaquetados para su uso en Kolibri, nuestra plataforma de Código Abierto para aprender sin conexión, así que por favor revise cómo empezar con Kolibri primero, luego siga las instrucciones para importar materiales.",
- "CatalogFAQ.viewGettingStartedLink": "Recursos de documentación para empezar con Kolibri",
- "CatalogFAQ.channelQuestion": "¿Qué es un canal?",
- "CatalogFAQ.channelAnswer": "Un canal es la unidad de organización de Kolibri para contenidos digitales. Es una colección de recursos organizados por instituciones o creadores particulares, cada uno de los cuales contiene un conjunto de libros, juegos, artículos, simulaciones, ejercicios, libros de texto y muchos más tipos de materiales educativos, todos puestos a disposición en Kolibri sin necesidad de acceso a Internet. Un canal no es necesariamente un curso o una secuencia - es simplemente una colección de materiales publicados o reunidos por una organización, lo más cerca posible del formato original del proveedor, pero organizado para la mejor navegación posible en Kolibri.",
- "CatalogFAQ.sampleContentQuestion": "¿Cómo puedo revisar los contenidos dentro de los canales?",
- "CatalogFAQ.sampleContentAnswer": "Puede hacerlo de tres maneras:",
- "CatalogFAQ.sampleContentAnswerItem1": "Para ver la fuente original de contenido, haga clic en el botón ⋮ y seleccione \"Ir al sitio web de origen\"",
- "CatalogFAQ.sampleContentAnswerItem2": "Para previsualizar el contenido en uno de nuestros servidores de demostración en línea (disponible en inglés, español, árabe, francés y hindi), haga clic en el botón ⋮ y seleccione 'Ver canal en Kolibri'",
- "CatalogFAQ.sampleContentAnswerItem3": "Descargue Kolibri e importe el canal en su dispositivo para obtener el acceso completo sin conexión.",
- "CatalogFAQ.downloadKolibriLink": "Descargar Kolibri",
- "CatalogFAQ.partialChannelQuestion": "Quiero usar algunos de los recursos de este canal, pero no todos. ¿Qué debo hacer?",
- "CatalogFAQ.partialChannelAnswer": "Al importar contenido en Kolibri, puede seleccionar los temas y secciones específicos de un canal de su interés. Si desea realizar cambios como editar las descripciones del título o de la carpeta, o cambiar el orden en que aparecen los materiales, póngase en contacto con nosotros al content@learningequality.org para obtener el acceso temprano a nuestra herramienta de Kolibri Studio, que se puede utilizar para realizar estos cambios.",
- "CatalogFAQ.coachContentQuestion": "¿Qué son los 'recursos para tutores'?",
- "CatalogFAQ.coachContentAnswer": "La mayoría de los recursos están dirigidos a los estudiantes, pero algunos, como planes de clase, actualizaciones temáticas, guías de aprendizaje profesional y similares, están dirigidos a profesores y tutores. En Kolibri, marcamos este contenido como \"apoyo para tutores\" y limitamos su visibilidad a aquellos usuarios con las cuentas de tutor. Si ves materiales para tutores en el canal, indican que posiblemente se requiere menos planificación por parte de facilitadores que usen esos recursos.",
- "CatalogFAQ.issueQuestion": "He encontrado un error, un enlace roto o alguna información mal etiquetada dentro de un recurso. ¿Qué debo hacer?",
- "CatalogFAQ.issueAnswer": "Por favor envíenos un correo electrónico a content@learningequality.org e incluya el nombre del canal, junto con una descripción del problema. Si nota un problema en un recurso específico, por favor asegúrese de vincularlo también. ¡Estaríamos encantados de investigar y agradecemos sus comentarios!",
- "CatalogFAQ.aboutKolibriHeader": "Acerca de Kolibri",
- "CatalogFAQ.KolibriQuestion": "¿Qué es Kolibri?",
- "CatalogFAQ.KolibriAnswer": "Kolibri es una plataforma de código abierto diseñada para las comunidades de bajos recursos, enfocada en:",
- "CatalogFAQ.KolibriAnswerItem1": "Superar las barreras de infraestructura que impiden un acceso equitativo a una educación de calidad para los estudiantes en contextos de bajos recursos y baja conectividad",
- "CatalogFAQ.KolibriAnswerItem2": "Incrementar la disponibilidad de materiales de aprendizaje abiertos adecuados para muchos currículos, metas de aprendizaje y situaciones",
- "CatalogFAQ.KolibriAnswerItem3": "Fomentar una pedagogía innovadora y resultados de aprendizaje efectivos",
- "CatalogFAQ.usingKolibriQuestion": "¿Cómo puedo usar Kolibri?",
- "CatalogFAQ.usingKolibriAnswerP1": "Puedes aprender más sobre el uso de Kolibri haciendo cualquiera de los siguientes:",
- "CatalogFAQ.usingKolibriItem1": "Visitar el sitio web de Learning Equality",
- "CatalogFAQ.visitWebsiteLink": "Visitar sitio web",
- "CatalogFAQ.usingKolibriItem2": "Ver una demostración de la plataforma",
- "CatalogFAQ.viewDemoLink": "Ver demo",
- "CatalogFAQ.usingKolibriItem3": "Descargar el programa",
- "CatalogFAQ.downloadLink": "Descargar",
- "CatalogFAQ.usingKolibriAnswerP2": "Le invitamos a consultar la documentación de Kolibri para obtener más información.",
- "CatalogFAQ.viewDocsLink": "Ver documentación",
- "CatalogFAQ.makerQuestion": "¿Quiénes son autores de Kolibri?",
- "CatalogFAQ.makerAnswerP1": "Learning Equality, una organización sin fines de lucro (501(c)(3)) con sede en San Diego, California, se compromete a capacitar que todas las personas del mundo realicen su derecho a una educación de calidad, apoyando la creación, adaptación y distribución de recursos educativos abiertos, y creando herramientas de apoyo para la pedagogía innovadora.",
- "CatalogFAQ.makerAnswerP2": "En reconocimiento de la brecha digital, Learning Equality comenzó llevando la experiencia de Khan Academy fuera de línea a más de 6 millones de estudiantes en todo el mundo. Su producto de segunda generación, Kolibri, forma parte de un ecosistema más amplio de productos y herramientas que apoyan el alineamiento curricular, pedagogías para el aprendizaje combinado, y un uso más amplio de los Recursos Educativos Abiertos para mejorar el aprendizaje.",
- "ChannelListAppError.channelPermissionsErrorDetails": "Inicie sesión o pida al propietario de este canal que le dé permiso para editar o ver",
- "ChannelItem.versionText": "Versión {version}",
- "ChannelSetModal.creatingChannelSet": "Nueva colección",
- "ChannelSetModal.loading": "Cargando...",
- "ChannelSetModal.titleLabel": "Nombre de la colección",
- "ChannelSetModal.channelCountText": "{channelCount, plural, one {} =0 {No hay canales publicados en tu colección} =1 {# canal} other {# canales}}",
- "ChannelSetModal.channelSelectedCountText": "{channelCount, plural, =1 {# canal seleccionado} other {# canales seleccionados}}",
- "ChannelSetModal.titleRequiredText": "Este campo es obligatorio",
- "ChannelSetModal.publishedChannelsOnlyText": "Sólo los canales publicados están disponibles para la selección",
- "ChannelSetModal.tokenPrompt": "Copie este token en Kolibri para importar esta colección a su dispositivo.",
- "ChannelSetModal.token": "Token de la colección",
- "ChannelSetModal.channels": "Canales de la colección",
- "ChannelSetModal.selectChannelsHeader": "Seleccionar canales",
- "ChannelSetModal.saveButton": "Guardar y cerrar",
- "ChannelSetModal.createButton": "Crear",
- "ChannelSetModal.finish": "Finalizar",
- "ChannelSetModal.undefined": "Destacados",
- "ChannelSetModal.unsavedChangesHeader": "Cambios sin guardar",
- "ChannelSetModal.unsavedChangesText": "Se perderán los cambios sin guardar. Por favor, confirme que desea salir.",
- "ChannelSetModal.closeButton": "Salir sin guardar",
- "ChannelSetModal.removeText": "Eliminar",
- "ChannelSelectionList.searchText": "Buscar canal",
- "ChannelSelectionList.loading": "Cargando canales...",
- "ChannelSelectionList.noChannelsFound": "No se han encontrado canales",
- "ChannelSetList.loading": "Cargando colecciones...",
- "ChannelSetList.cancelButtonLabel": "Cerrar",
- "ChannelSetList.noChannelSetsFound": "Puede empaquetar varios canales para crear una colección. La colección completa puede ser importada a Kolibri a la vez usando un token de colección.",
- "ChannelSetList.addChannelSetTitle": "Nueva colección",
- "ChannelSetList.aboutChannelSets": "Acerca de las colecciones",
- "ChannelSetList.channelSetsDescriptionText": "Una colección contiene múltiples canales de Kolibri Studio que pueden ser importados a Kolibri con solo el token de la colección.",
- "ChannelSetList.channelSetsInstructionsText": "Puede hacer una colección seleccionando los canales que desea importar juntos.",
- "ChannelSetList.channelSetsDisclaimer": "Se necesita Kolibri con versión 0.12.0 o superior para importar colecciones de canales",
- "ChannelSetList.title": "Nombre de la colección",
- "ChannelSetList.token": "Token ID",
- "ChannelSetList.channelNumber": "Número de canales",
- "ChannelSetList.options": "Opciones",
- "ChannelSetItem.deleteChannelSetTitle": "Eliminar colección",
- "ChannelSetItem.deleteChannelSetText": "Por favor, confirme que desea eliminar esta colección.",
- "ChannelSetItem.cancel": "Cancelar",
- "ChannelSetItem.edit": "Editar colección",
- "ChannelSetItem.delete": "Eliminar colección",
- "ChannelSetItem.options": "Opciones",
- "ContentDefaults.defaultsTitle": "Valores de copyright por defecto para nuevos recursos (opcional)",
- "ContentDefaults.defaultsSubTitle": "Los nuevos recursos tendrán estos valores por defecto",
- "ContentDefaults.author": "Autor",
- "ContentDefaults.aggregator": "Agregador",
- "ContentDefaults.provider": "Proveedor",
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- "AppBar.title": "Kolibri Studio Beta",
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- "AppBar.logOut": "Cerrar sesión",
- "Details.sizeHeading": "Tamaño del canal",
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- "Details.resourceHeading": "El total de recursos",
- "Details.coachHeading": "Recursos para tutores",
- "Details.coachDescription": "Los recursos para tutores son visibles sólo a los tutores en Kolibri",
- "Details.tagsHeading": "Etiquetas comunes",
- "Details.creationHeading": "Creado el ",
- "Details.containsHeading": "Contiene",
- "Details.languagesHeading": "Idiomas",
- "Details.subtitlesHeading": "Subtítulos",
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- "Details.authorToolTip": "Persona u organización que ha creado este contenido",
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- "Details.providerToolTip": "Organización que ha encargado o está distribuyendo el contenido",
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- "Details.aggregatorToolTip": "Sitio web o la organización que aloja la colección de contenido, pero no necesariamente el creador o titular de derechos de autor",
- "Details.licensesLabel": "Licencias",
- "Details.copyrightHoldersLabel": "Titulares de derechos de autor",
- "Details.assessmentsIncludedText": "Evaluaciones",
- "Details.undefined": "Muy grande",
- "Details.containsContentHeading": "Contiene contenidos de",
- "Details.sampleFromChannelHeading": "Contenido de ejemplo de este canal",
- "Details.sampleFromTopicHeading": "Contenido de ejemplo de este tema",
- "Details.tokenHeading": "Token del canal",
- "Details.publishedHeading": "Publicado el",
- "Details.currentVersionHeading": "Versión publicada",
- "Details.primaryLanguageHeading": "Idioma principal",
- "Details.unpublishedText": "No publicado",
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- "Alert.dontShowAgain": "No volver a mostrar este mensaje",
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- "VisibilityDropdown.labelText": "Visible a",
- "VisibilityDropdown.visibilityHeader": "Sobre la visibilidad de los recursos",
- "VisibilityDropdown.visibilityDescription": "La visibilidad determina qué tipo de usuarios de Kolibri pueden ver los recursos.",
- "VisibilityDropdown.coach": "Los recursos son visibles sólo para tutores (profesores, facilitadores, administradores)",
- "VisibilityDropdown.learner": "Los recursos son visibles para cualquiera",
- "VisibilityDropdown.visibilityRequired": "Este campo es obligatorio",
- "PoliciesModal.ToSHeader": "Términos de Servicio",
- "PoliciesModal.updatedToSHeader": "Términos de servicio actualizados",
- "PoliciesModal.privacyHeader": "Política de privacidad",
- "PoliciesModal.updatedPrivacyHeader": "Política de privacidad actualizada",
- "PoliciesModal.communityStandardsHeader": "Normas de la comunidad",
- "PoliciesModal.lastUpdated": "Ultima vez actualizado {date}",
- "PoliciesModal.closeButton": "Cerrar",
- "PoliciesModal.continueButton": "Continuar",
- "PoliciesModal.checkboxValidationErrorMessage": "Este campo es obligatorio",
- "PoliciesModal.checkboxText": "He leído y estoy de acuerdo con los términos anteriores",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.ToSHeader": "Términos de Servicio",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.updatedToSHeader": "Términos de servicio actualizados",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.prompt": "Por favor, lea estos términos y condiciones cuidadosamente",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.disclaimerP1": "Antes de utilizar este sitio web, debe leer la siguiente información importante relacionada con el mismo. Estos Términos de Servicio (\"Términos\") rigen su uso de este sitio web y forman un acuerdo legalmente vinculante entre usted y nosotros con respecto a su uso de nuestro sitio web.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.disclaimerP2": "Si, por alguna razón, no puede o no desea aceptar todos estos términos, por favor interrumpa inmediatamente el uso del servicio.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.disclaimerP3": "Al continuar utilizando el Servicio, usted acepta estos términos que le vincularán.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.definitionsHeader": "Definiciones",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.definitionsP1": "Estos son los Términos de la aplicación web alojados en https://studio.learningequality.org/, junto con cualquier API u otras interfaces que proporciona (el \"Servicio\"), controlada y operada por Learning Equality (\"Learning Equality\", \"nosotros\", \"nosotros\" y \"nuestro\"). Estamos registrados como una organización sin fines de lucro en California, Estados Unidos bajo EIN 46-2676188, y tener nuestra sede social en 9700 Gilman Dr, PMB 323, La Jolla, CA 92093.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.definitionsP2": "Estos Términos describen nuestros compromisos con usted, y sus derechos y responsabilidades al usar el Servicio. Si viola cualquiera de estos Términos, su derecho de acceso y uso del Servicio se rescindirá. Por favor, léalos detenidamente y comuníquenos si tiene alguna pregunta.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.definitionsP3": "El Contenido se refiere a archivos multimedia (como vídeos, archivos de audio, contenido HTML5, u otros materiales) que estén alojados en el Servicio, junto con sus metadatos descriptivos asociados.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.definitionsP4": "A lo largo de estos términos, \"usted\" se aplica tanto a individuos como a entidades que acceden o utilicen el Servicio. Si usted es una persona que utiliza el Servicio en nombre de una entidad, usted representa y garantiza que usted tiene la autoridad para vincular a esa entidad al Acuerdo y eso mediante nuestro Servicio, acepta el Acuerdo en nombre de dicha entidad.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.accountTermsHeader": "Términos de la cuenta",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.accountTermsP1": "Cuando se registra en una cuenta en el Servicio, acepta proporcionarnos información completa y precisa. Usted será el único responsable de cualquier actividad que se produzca bajo su nombre de usuario. Usted es responsable de mantener actualizada la información de su cuenta y de mantener sus credenciales de acceso (contraseña y API token) privada y segura.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.accountTermsP2": "Usted es responsable de mantener la seguridad de su cuenta y cualquier contenido relacionado con el servicio y usted es totalmente responsable de todas las actividades que ocurren bajo su cuenta y cualquier otra acción que se tome en relación con el Servicio. Usted no compartirá ni hará un uso indebido de sus credenciales de acceso. Usted debe notificarnos inmediatamente de cualquier uso no autorizado de su cuenta, o de cualquier otra violación de la seguridad. No seremos responsables de ningún acto o omisión por su parte, incluyendo cualquier daño de cualquier tipo incurrido como resultado de tales actos o omisiones.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.accountTermsP3": "El acceso y el uso del Servicio son únicamente para personas mayores de 13 años (o 16 años en la Unión Europea). Si es más joven que esto, no puede registrarse o utilizar el Servicio. Cualquier persona que se registre como usuario o proporcione su información personal al Servicio representa que tiene 13 años de edad o mayor (o 16 años o más en la Unión Europea).",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseHeader": "Restricciones de uso aceptables",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseP1": "Usted declara y garantiza que su uso del Servicio:",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem1": "Estará estrictamente de acuerdo con estos términos;",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem2": "Cumplirá con todas las leyes y reglamentos aplicables (incluyendo, sin limitación, todas las leyes aplicables con respecto a la conducta en línea y el contenido aceptable, privacidad, protección de datos y transmisión de datos técnicos exportados desde los Estados Unidos o el país en el que usted reside);",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem3": "No utilizará los Servicios con fines ilegales, para publicar contenido ilegal o para promover actividades ilegales;",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem4": "No transmitirá ningún material difamatorio, ofensivo o censurable en relación con su uso del Servicio;",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem5": "No infringirá ni abusará de los derechos de propiedad intelectual de terceros;",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem6": "No sobrecargará los sistemas de Learning Equality, tal y como lo determinamos a nuestra sola discreción, incluyendo pero no limitado a una utilización excesiva de ancho de banda o número de solicitudes;",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem7": "No intentará eludir la cuota de almacenamiento asignada u otras restricciones de la cuenta por medios técnicos o de otro tipo;",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem8": "No revelará información personal sensible de los demás;",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem9": "No se utilizará para enviar spam o mensajes no solicitados;",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem10": "No interferirá, interrumpirá o atacará ningún servicio o red; y",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem11": "No se utilizará para crear, distribuir o habilitar material que sea - o que facilite o opere conjuntamente con - malware, spyware, adware, u otros programas o código maliciosos.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.userContentHeader": "Contenido generado por el usuario",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.userContentP1": "No hemos revisado, y no podemos revisar, todo el contenido (como, pero no limitado a, texto, foto, video, audio, código, software de computadora, u otros materiales) cargados o escritos utilizando el Servicio por los usuarios o cualquier otra persona y no son responsables de ningún uso o efecto de dicho Contenido. Así pues, por ejemplo:",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList1Item1": "No respaldamos ningún Contenido subido ni representamos que el Contenido es exacto, útil o no dañino. El contenido podría ser ofensivo, indecente o censurable; incluir imprecisiones técnicas, errores tipográficos u otros errores; o violar o infringir la privacidad, los derechos de publicidad, los derechos de propiedad intelectual (ver nuestra sección de Infracción de Derechos de Autor y Política de DMCA para presentar reclamaciones de derechos de autor), u otros derechos de propiedad de terceros.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList1Item2": "Si sube o crea el contenido del autor, o si hace (o permite que un tercero haga) el contenido disponible en el Servicio, usted es totalmente responsable del Contenido, y de cualquier daño resultante, de ese Contenido o de su conducta.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList1Item3": "Usted es responsable de asegurarse de que tiene los permisos adecuados para cargar y distribuir todo el contenido subido y de asegurarse de que el titular de los derechos de autor y las licencias están debidamente evidenciados en el contenido subido.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList1Item4": "Rechazamos cualquier responsabilidad por cualquier daño resultante del uso o descarga de los Contenidos. Si usted accede o utiliza cualquier Contenido, usted es responsable de tomar precauciones según sea necesario para protegerse a sí mismo y a sus sistemas informáticos de virus, gusanos, caballos de Troya y otros contenidos dañinos o destructivos.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList1Item5": "No somos parte ni tendremos ninguna responsabilidad o responsabilidad por ninguna comunicación, transacciones, interacciones o disputas entre usted y el proveedor de cualquier Contenido.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList1Item6": "Tenga en cuenta que los términos y condiciones adicionales de terceros pueden aplicarse a la descarga, copia o uso del Contenido.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.userContentP2": "Tampoco hemos revisado, ni podemos revisar, todo el material disponible a través de los sitios web y páginas web que enlazan o están enlazadas desde el Servicio. Por ejemplo:",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList2Item1": "No tenemos ningún control sobre esos sitios web y no somos responsables de su contenido o su uso.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList2Item2": "La existencia de un enlace hacia o desde el Servicio no representa ni implica que aprobemos dicho sitio web.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList2Item3": "Usted es responsable de tomar precauciones cuando sea necesario para protegerse a sí mismo y a sus sistemas informáticos de virus, gusanos, caballos de Troya y otros contenidos dañinos o destructivos.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.userContentP3": "Nos reservamos el derecho de eliminar cualquier Contenido que viole nuestros Términos o por cualquier otra razón.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.userContentP4": "Tenga en cuenta que no podemos:",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList3Item1": "eliminar o forzar las actualizaciones de las copias del Contenido que ya han sido descargadas del Servicio, excepto en los casos en los que la aplicación de aprendizaje de Kolibri se está ejecutando en un servidor que está bajo nuestro control. Esto puede significar que cuando eliminamos el contenido subido no se eliminarán todas las copias.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList3Item2": "quitar o cambiar la licencia en versiones antiguas del contenido de las que otros han hecho copias, en caso de que usted cambie la licencia de su contenido y/o solicite la eliminación del Contenido de nosotros. Cuando se aplica una licencia de Creative Commons a una versión específica de una pieza de contenido, Los derechos conferidos a otros para su distribución y uso no pueden ser revocados. Aunque no podemos eliminar o forzar actualizaciones en copias del Contenido, le permitiremos actualizar la licencia en su propia copia del Contenido que avanza hacia adelante, y para futuras versiones.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.licensingHeader": "Licencias y derechos de autor",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.licensingP1": "El servicio le permite cargar y distribuir contenidos. Cuando lo haga, se aplican los siguientes términos:",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.licensingList1Item1": "La propiedad de derechos de autor sobre el contenido es conservada por el titular original del copyright y debe ser indicada, y la información de la licencia debe ser marcada para reflejar con precisión las intenciones del titular de los derechos de autor acerca de la distribución y el uso de dicho Contenido.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.licensingList1Item2": "Si no eres el titular de los derechos de autor, debes tener los derechos de distribuir el contenido subido, ya sea a través de un permiso escrito explícito del titular del derecho de autor, o según lo permitido por los términos de la licencia bajo la cual se ha liberado el Contenido.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.licensingList1Item3": "Si usted es el titular de los derechos de autor del contenido subido, entonces marcando el contenido que carga con una licencia en particular, usted está de acuerdo en que el Contenido se distribuya y se utilice bajo los términos de esa licencia en autoridad.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.licensingP2": "Seguimos una política de hacer que el contenido, incluyendo sus metadatos asociados, sea lo más abierto posible mientras seguimos las leyes de derechos de autor apropiadas. Con esto en mente, distinguimos entre el:",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.licensingList2Item1": "Metadatos descriptivos: Esto incluye metadatos principales asociados con una sola pieza de contenido, por ejemplo, títulos, , así como otros elementos que constituyen una parte definitiva del Contenido, independientemente del sistema en el que aparezca. Estos elementos de metadatos estarán bajo los mismos derechos de autor y licencias que el propio Contenido.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.licensingList2Item2": "Metadatos de organización: Definen cómo se puede utilizar un elemento de contenido, ayudan su descubrimiento, y lo coloca dentro de una estructura más amplia de las relaciones en el Servicio, por ejemplo, etiquetas, curación en temas (incluyendo los títulos de esos temas), y otros elementos pertenecientes a la visualización y ordenación de Contenido en el propio sistema. Al utilizar el Servicio, usted acepta que el trabajo que realiza para generar elementos de metadatos organizacionales se publique como el dominio público, y puede ser puestos a disposición de otros para su uso, sin ninguna reclamación sobre derechos de autor o licencias restringidas. También podemos compartir, aprovechar y distribuir estos metadatos organizacionales. Esto se establece para que podamos beneficiar a otros y mejorar el impacto de nuestras plataformas.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.dmcaHeader": "Política DMCA",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.dmcaP1": "Al pedir a otros que respeten nuestros derechos de propiedad intelectual, respetamos los derechos de propiedad intelectual de otros. Si cree que el material localizado en o asociado con el Servicio viola sus derechos de autor, por favor notifíquenos de acuerdo con nuestra Ley de Derechos de Autor del Milenio Digital (\"DMCA\"). Responderemos a todas estas notificaciones, incluso cuando sea necesario o apropiado, eliminando el material que infrinja o desactivando todos los enlaces al material que infrinja. Terminaremos el acceso y el uso del sitio web de un visitante si, en circunstancias apropiadas, se confirme que el visitante sea un infractor reincidente de los derechos de autor u otros derechos de propiedad intelectual. En el caso de dicha rescisión, no tendremos obligación alguna de reembolsar los pagos u otras formas de restitución.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.dmcaLink": "Informar de una violación",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.intellectualPropertyHeader": "Aviso de propiedad intelectual",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.intellectualPropertyP1": "El Acuerdo no transfiere a usted ninguna propiedad intelectual de Learning Equality o de terceros, y todos los derechos, títulos e intereses en y de tal propiedad permanecerán (como entre las partes) únicamente de Learning Equality. \"Kolibri\", \"Kolibri Studio\", \"Learning Equality\", el logotipo de Kolibri y todas las demás marcas, marcas de servicio, gráficos y logotipos utilizados en relación con learningequality.org o el Servicio, son marcas comerciales o marcas registradas de Learning Equality o los licenciadores de Learning Equality. Otras marcas, marcas de servicio, gráficos y logotipos utilizados en relación con el Servicio pueden ser marcas comerciales de terceros. Su uso del Servicio no le otorga ningún derecho o licencia para reproducir o utilizar de otro modo ninguna de las marcas Learning Equality o de terceros y cualquier uso de dicho puede constituir una violación de los derechos del titular.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.communityStandardsHeader": "Normas de la comunidad",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.communityStandardsP1": "Para obtener más información sobre el uso previsto del Servicio y las normas en torno a los Contenidos, consulte nuestra página de Normas Comunitarias .",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.communityStandardsLink": "Aprende más sobre los estándares comunitarios de Studio",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.yourPrivacyHeader": "Su privacidad",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.yourPrivacyP1": "Nos tomamos su privacidad en serio. Por favor, lea nuestra Política de Privacidad para ver cómo recopilamos, usamos y protegemos sus datos personales.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.yourPrivacyLink": "Más información sobre la política de privacidad de Studio",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.cancellationHeader": "Cancelación o Terminación",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.cancellationP1": "Podemos cancelar o restringir su acceso a todo o a cualquier parte del Servicio en cualquier momento con o sin causa, con o sin previo aviso, efectiva inmediatamente. Tenemos el derecho (aunque no la obligación) de, a nuestra sola discreción, (i) cerrar una cuenta o eliminar contenido debido a una inactividad prolongada, (ii) rechazar o eliminar cualquier contenido que, en nuestra opinión razonable, viola cualquier política de Learning Equality (incluyendo nuestros estándares comunitarios) o de cualquier forma perjudicial o censurable, o (iii) cancelar o denegar el acceso y el uso del Servicio a cualquier individuo o entidad por cualquier razón. No tendremos ninguna obligación de reembolsar los importes previamente pagados.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.cancellationP2": "Si terminamos sus derechos de uso del Servicio:",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.cancellationItem1": "Debe detener todas las actividades autorizadas por estos términos, incluyendo el uso del Servicio.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.cancellationItem2": "No debe registrarse y crear una nueva cuenta bajo su nombre, un nombre falso o solicitado, o el nombre de cualquier tercero, incluso si usted actúa en nombre de terceros.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.cancellationP3": "Además de cancelar o suspender su cuenta, nos reservamos el derecho de tomar las acciones legales apropiadas incluyendo, sin limitación, la acción civil, criminal y judicial por violar estos términos.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.cancellationP4": "Todas las disposiciones del Acuerdo que por su naturaleza deberían sobrevivir a la terminación sobrevivirán a la terminación, incluyendo, sin limitación, las provisiones de propiedad, las exenciones de garantía, indemnización y limitaciones de responsabilidad.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.communicationsHeader": "Comunicaciones con Learning Equality",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.communicationsP1": "Para propósitos contractuales, usted (1) da su consentimiento para recibir comunicaciones de nosotros en forma electrónica a través de la dirección de correo electrónico que ha regristrado o a través del Servicio; y (2) aceptar que todos los Términos de Servicio, acuerdos, avisos, revelaciones, y otras comunicaciones que le proporcionamos electrónicamente satisfacen cualquier requisito legal que dichas comunicaciones satisfagan si estuvieran en papel. Esta sección no afecta a sus derechos no renunciables.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.warrantyHeader": "Exención de garantías ",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.warrantyHeaderP1": "Usted reconoce que el sitio web y el Servicio se proporcionan \"tal cual\" y \"según disponibilidad\", con todos los defectos y sin garantía de ningún tipo, y aquí declinamos todas las garantías y condiciones con respecto al sitio web y al Servicio, ya sea expresamente, implícito o estatutario, incluyendo, pero no limitado a, cualquier garantía implícita y/o condiciones de comerciabilidad, de calidad satisfactoria, de aptitud para un fin particular, de exactitud, y de no violación de los derechos de terceros. Cualquier uso del Servicio y del sitio web es bajo su propio riesgo. Algunas jurisdicciones no permiten la exclusión de garantías implícitas, por lo que es posible que las limitaciones anteriores no se apliquen a usted.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.changesToToSHeader": "Cambios a estos Términos de Servicio",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.changesToToSP1": "Estamos actualizando constantemente nuestro Servicio y esto significa que a veces tenemos que cambiar las condiciones legales en las que se ofrece nuestro Servicio. Estos Términos sólo pueden ser modificados mediante una enmienda por escrito firmada por un ejecutivo autorizado de Learning Equality o por la publicación de Learning Equality de una versión revisada. Si hacemos cambios que son materiales, le avisaremos publicando en uno de nuestros blogs o enviándole un correo electrónico u otra comunicación antes de que los cambios surtan efecto. La notificación designará un período de tiempo razonable después del cual entrarán en vigor los nuevos términos. Si usted no está de acuerdo con nuestros cambios, entonces debe dejar de usar el Servicio dentro del período de aviso designado, o una vez que los cambios surtan efecto. Su uso continuado del Servicio estará sujeto a las nuevas condiciones. Sin embargo, cualquier disputa que surgiera antes de los cambios se regirá por las Condiciones (incluyendo la cláusula de arbitraje individual vinculante) que existió cuando surgió la disputa.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.jurisdictionHeader": "Jurisdicción y Ley Aplicable",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.jurisdictionP1": "Excepto en la medida en que cualquier ley aplicable establece lo contrario, el Acuerdo y cualquier acceso o uso del Servicio se regirán por las leyes del estado de California, E.U.A., excluyendo su conflicto de disposiciones legales. El lugar adecuado para cualquier controversia que surja o esté relacionado con el Acuerdo y cualquier acceso o uso del Servicio será los tribunales estatales y federales ubicados en el Condado de San Diego, California.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.arbitrationHeader": "Acuerdo de arbitraje",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.arbitrationP1": "Excepto por reclamaciones de exenciones indebidas o equitativas o reclamaciones relativas a los derechos de propiedad intelectual (que pueden ser presentadas en cualquier tribunal competente sin la emisión de un bono), cualquier disputa que surja en virtud del Acuerdo se resolverá finalmente de conformidad con las Reglas de Arbitraje Completa del Servicio de Arbitraje Judicial y Mediación Inc. (\"JAMS\") por tres árbitros nombrados de conformidad con dichas Reglas. El arbitraje tendrá lugar en San Diego, California, en lengua inglesa y la decisión arbitral podrá ser ejecutada en cualquier tribunal. La parte prevaleciente en cualquier acción o procedimiento para hacer cumplir el Acuerdo tendrá derecho a costes y honorarios de los abogados.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.liabilityHeader": "Limitación de responsabilidad",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.liabilityP1": "En la medida en que legalmente lo permita la ley aplicable, Learning Equality no será responsable de ninguna pérdida o daño para usted, sus clientes o terceros causados por la falta de funcionamiento del sitio web. En ningún caso Learning Equality será responsable de cualquier daño especial, consecuente, incidental o indirecto (incluyendo, sin limitación, los resultantes de la pérdida de beneficios, coste de bienes o servicios sustitutivos pérdida de datos o interrupción del negocio) en relación con el uso del sitio web o del Servicio en relación con cualquier otra reclamación que surja de estas Condiciones de Servicio. La responsabilidad agregada de Learning Equality surge de o relacionada con estos Términos y el Servicio, independientemente de la forma de acción o reclamación (contrato, o de otro tipo) e incluso si se le ha avisado de la posibilidad de tales daños no excederá de la cantidad pagada por usted durante el periodo de doce (12) meses previo a la causa de la acción. Nada de lo dispuesto en estas Condiciones limitará o excluirá la responsabilidad de Learning Equality por negligencia grave o por muerte o lesiones personales. La ley aplicable puede no permitir la exclusión o limitación de daños incidentales o consecuentes, por lo que la limitación o exclusión anterior puede no aplicarse a usted.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.thirdPartyHeader": "Contenido de terceros y aplicaciones de terceros",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.thirdPartyP1": "Los enlaces a sitios web de terceros, cualquier contenido de terceros y cualquier aplicación de terceros se pueden proporcionar únicamente para su conveniencia e información. El contenido de cualquier sitio web vinculado o de cualquier aplicación de terceros no está bajo nuestro control y no somos responsables del contenido de sitios web enlazados y/o aplicaciones de terceros, incluyendo cualquier otro enlace contenido en un sitio web de terceros. No hacemos representaciones ni garantías en relación con ningún contenido de terceros o aplicaciones de terceros, que en todo momento y en cada caso se proporciona \"tal cual\". Las aplicaciones de terceros pueden estar sujetas a políticas y condiciones o acuerdos adicionales entre usted y el proveedor de dichas aplicaciones de terceros. Usted acepta cumplir plenamente todas estas políticas, condiciones y acuerdos adicionales. Si usted decide acceder a cualquier contenido de terceros, y/o a cualquier aplicación de terceros, lo hace bajo su propio riesgo.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.thirdPartyRightsHeader": "Derechos de terceros",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.thirdPartyRightsP1": "Nada de lo dispuesto en nuestros Términos tiene por objeto otorgar a terceros ningún beneficio o derecho (conforme a la Ley de Contratos (Derechos de Terceros) de 1999 Reino Unido o de otra manera) para hacer cumplir cualquier disposición de nuestros Términos o cualquier acuerdo celebrado en relación con ellos.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.indemnificationHeader": "Indemnización",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.indemnificationP1": "Usted acepta a indemnizar y eximir a Learning Equality, a sus contratistas, a sus licenciantes y a sus directores respectivos, oficiales, empleados y agentes de y contra cualquier pérdida, responsabilidad, demanda, daños, costos, reclamos, reclamos, y gastos, incluidos los honorarios de los abogados, que surjan o estén relacionados con su uso del Servicio, incluyendo pero no limitado a su violación del Contrato, contenido que usted sube o crea, y cualquier otra actividad realizada utilizando el Servicio.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.miscellaneousHeader": "Miscellaneous",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.miscellaneousP1": "El Acuerdo constituye todo el acuerdo entre Learning Equality y usted con respecto a la materia que aquí se trata. Si alguna parte del Acuerdo es considerada inválida o no aplicable, esa parte será interpretada como reflejo de la intención original de las partes, y las partes restantes permanecerán en pleno vigor y efecto. Una renuncia por cualquiera de las partes de cualquier término o condición del Acuerdo o cualquier incumplimiento del mismo, en cualquier caso, no renunciará a dicho término o condición o a cualquier incumplimiento posterior del mismo.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.miscellaneousP2": "Usted puede asignar sus derechos bajo el Acuerdo a cualquier parte que acepte estar vinculada por sus términos y condiciones; Learning Equality puede asignar sus derechos en virtud del Acuerdo sin condiciones. El Acuerdo será vinculante y beneficiará a las partes, a sus sucesores y asignaciones autorizadas.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.miscellaneousP3": "Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre el Servicio o estas Condiciones, póngase en contacto con nosotros en legal@learningequality.org.",
- "CommunityStandardsModal.communityStandardsHeader": "Normas de la comunidad",
- "CommunityStandardsModal.description": "Learning Equality es una organización sin fines de lucro dedicada a facilitar un acceso equitativo a experiencias educativas de calidad. Junto con nuestra declaración de valores fundamentales, estas Normas Comunitarias pretenden fomentar un entorno de apoyo e inclusivo para nuestros usuarios.",
- "CommunityStandardsModal.coreValuesLink": "Aprenda más sobre los valores fundamentales de Learning Equality",
- "CommunityStandardsModal.studioDescription": "Kolibri Studio le da acceso a la Biblioteca Kolibri, una biblioteca creciente de materiales educativos, que le animamos a utilizar como propio. Construimos Kolibri Studio para ayudarle a preparar materiales educativos de diversas maneras, incluyendo, pero no limitándole a:",
- "CommunityStandardsModal.studioItem1": "Navegar. Seleccionando los materiales educativos en la Biblioteca Kolibri apropiados para su situación, la lista de fuentes disponibles en la página de canales públicos en el Kolibri Studio",
- "CommunityStandardsModal.studioItem2": "Curar contenidos. Reorganizar los materiales en estos canales seleccionando, eliminando y reordenando los elementos apropiados",
- "CommunityStandardsModal.studioItem3": "Compartir. Crear y publicar nuevos canales con lo que encuentra, ya sea para compartir con sus propias implementaciones de forma privada o para compartir con otros en Kolibri Studio.",
- "CommunityStandardsModal.studioItem4": "Modificar y crear. Añadiendo sus propios ejercicios de evaluación a cualquier material existente",
- "CommunityStandardsModal.studioItem5": "Alojar. Subir sus propios materiales (limitado a materiales que usted sabe tienen la licencia adecuada para hacerlo) desde un disco duro local u otras ubicaciones en Internet",
- "CommunityStandardsModal.libraryDescription": "La Biblioteca Kolibri es igualmente un esfuerzo popular como curado para proporcionar una amplia variedad de materiales para todos los estudiantes y todos los propósitos de aprendizaje. Para ayudarnos a lograr estos objetivos, le invitamos a utilizar Kolibri Studio de maneras que:",
- "CommunityStandardsModal.libraryItem1": "Modele buenas prácticas para compartir y respetar los derechos de autor. Cree una comunidad ética para compartir etiquetando licencias, asegurándose de conocer las licencias apropiadas para lo que sube, y asegurándose de que los permisos escritos apropiados estén documentados si es necesario. Kolibri Studio está diseñado principalmente para alojar materiales con licencia abierta o con permisos especiales para redistribución y reproducción.",
- "CommunityStandardsModal.libraryItem2": "Mantenga los materiales claros, organizados y utilizables. Acogemos con satisfacción los recursos creados en todos los niveles de producción. Para ayudar a que lleguen al mayor número posible de estudiantes, le invitamos a que utilice todos los campos de metadatos y busque la calidad en sostenibilidad, la legibilidad, o la digitalización para que el contenido sea utilizable y comprensible.",
- "CommunityStandardsModal.libraryItem3": "Respete a la comunidad, evite la oscuridad y la vulgaridad, más allá de los propósitos educativos específicos que podrían servir en algunos contextos. Nunca se tolerará el discurso de odio de ningún tipo, o la promoción de la violencia o la discriminación.",
- "CommunityStandardsModal.libraryItem4": "Kolibri Studio es sólo para propósitos educativos. No está destinado a ser utilizado para fines no educativos como reclutamiento, adoctrinamiento, publicidad, intercambio de archivos o alojamiento personal de medios.",
- "PrivacyPolicyModal.privacyHeader": "Política de privacidad",
- "PrivacyPolicyModal.updatedPrivacyHeader": "Política de privacidad actualizada",
- "PrivacyPolicyModal.paragraph1": "Esta Política de privacidad le informa sobre nuestras prácticas de privacidad y sus opciones y derechos en torno a los datos personales que recopilamos. Esta Política de privacidad se aplica a la aplicación Kolibri (\"Aplicación\"), Kolibri Studio (\"Studio\") y todos los sitios web relacionados (en adelante, \"Kolibri\"). Esta Declaración de privacidad no se aplica a las aplicaciones de terceros u organizaciones asociadas que puedan usar nuestro software o que se utilicen junto con nuestro software. ",
- "PrivacyPolicyModal.paragraph2": "Learning Equality reconoce su derecho a la privacidad y tomará medidas razonables para protegerlo. Algunas partes de Kolibri le permiten dejarnos información personal, como su nombre y dirección de correo electrónico. Podemos utilizar la información que proporcione para mejorar Kolibri. Cuando existen opciones sobre cómo usamos la información que nos proporciona, lo indicaremos en el momento de la recopilación. Debido a la forma en que opera Kolibri, también podemos usar información de su navegador o actividades de navegación para personalizar o dirigirse a la información relevante. Por ejemplo, podemos usar su dirección IP, información del navegador, cookies o balizas web de manera que nos ayuden a mantener algunas de sus preferencias, o comprender cómo nuestros visitantes navegan por el sitio para que podamos mejorarlo. Podemos almacenar su información personal fuera de la Unión Europea. ",
- "PrivacyPolicyModal.paragraph3": "Learning Equality se compromete a aprender constantemente y mejorar la calidad de Kolibri, y los registros relacionados a sus interacciones con Kolibri pueden utilizarse para la investigación. Los resultados de la investigación generalmente se recopilan a nivel agregado, y su identidad personal nunca será divulgada públicamente en ningún hallazgo de la investigación sin su consentimiento expreso.",
- "PrivacyPolicyModal.linkText": "Aprenda más sobre los valores fundamentales de Learning Equality.",
- "PrivacyPolicyModal.paragraph4": "Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre estas prácticas o el uso de su información personal, envíe un correo electrónico a legal@learningequality.org.",
- "LicenseDropdown.licenseLabel": "Licencia",
- "LicenseDropdown.licenseValidationMessage": "Este campo es obligatorio",
- "LicenseDropdown.licenseDescriptionLabel": "Descripción de la licencia",
- "LicenseDropdown.descriptionValidationMessage": "Este campo es obligatorio",
- "LicenseDropdown.learnMoreButton": "Más información",
- "LicenseDropdown.licenseInfoHeader": "Acerca de licencias",
- "ChannelThumbnail.crop": "Recortar",
- "ChannelThumbnail.upload": "Subir imagen",
- "ChannelThumbnail.remove": "Eliminar",
- "ChannelThumbnail.zoomIn": "Aumentar tamaño",
- "ChannelThumbnail.zoomOut": "Reducir tamaño",
- "ChannelThumbnail.save": "Guardar",
- "ChannelThumbnail.cancel": "Cancelar",
- "ChannelCatalogFrontPage.catalogHeader": "Canales de la Biblioteca de Contenidos Kolibri",
- "ChannelCatalogFrontPage.exported": "Exportado",
- "ChannelCatalogFrontPage.formatsHeading": "Formatos",
- "ChannelCatalogFrontPage.coachHeading": "Recursos para tutores",
- "ChannelCatalogFrontPage.containsHeading": "Contiene",
- "ChannelCatalogFrontPage.languagesHeading": "Idiomas",
- "ChannelCatalogFrontPage.subtitlesIncludedText": "Subtítulos",
- "ChannelCatalogFrontPage.assessmentsIncludedText": "Evaluaciones",
- "ChannelCatalogFrontPage.defaultNoItemsText": "---",
- "ChannelCatalogFrontPage.numberOfChannels": "{ num } canales",
- "ChannelDetailsModal.downloadButton": "Descargar resumen del canal",
- "ChannelDetailsModal.downloadPDF": "Descargar PDF",
- "ChannelDetailsModal.downloadCSV": "Descargar CSV",
- "ChannelSharingTable.editorsSubheading": "{count, plural,\n =1 {# usuario que puede editar}\n other {# usuarios que pueden editar}}",
- "ChannelSharingTable.viewersSubheading": "{count, plural,\n =1 {# usuario que puede ver}\n other {# usuarios que pueden ver}}",
- "ChannelSharingTable.currentUserText": "{first_name} {last_name} (usted)",
- "ChannelSharingTable.guestText": "Invitado",
- "ChannelSharingTable.noUsersText": "No se han encontrado usuarios",
- "ChannelSharingTable.invitePendingText": "Invitación pendiente",
- "ChannelSharingTable.optionsDropdown": "Opciones",
- "ChannelSharingTable.resendInvitation": "Reenviar la invitación",
- "ChannelSharingTable.deleteInvitation": "Eliminar invitación",
- "ChannelSharingTable.makeEditor": "Conceder permisos de edición",
- "ChannelSharingTable.removeViewer": "Revocar permisos de vista",
- "ChannelSharingTable.invitationDeletedMessage": "Invitación eliminada",
- "ChannelSharingTable.invitationSentMessage": "Invitación enviada",
- "ChannelSharingTable.userRemovedMessage": "Usuario eliminado",
- "ChannelSharingTable.editPermissionsGrantedMessage": "Permisos para editar concedidos",
- "ChannelSharingTable.invitationFailedError": "No se pudo reenviar la invitación. Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo",
- "ChannelSharingTable.cancelButton": "Cancelar",
- "ChannelSharingTable.removeViewerHeader": "Revocar permisos de vista",
- "ChannelSharingTable.removeViewerText": "Por favor, confirme de que desea anular los permisos de vista para {first_name} {last_name}",
- "ChannelSharingTable.removeViewerConfirm": "Si, revocar",
- "ChannelSharingTable.deleteInvitationHeader": "Eliminar invitación",
- "ChannelSharingTable.deleteInvitationText": "Por favor, confirme de que desea borrar la invitación para {email}",
- "ChannelSharingTable.deleteInvitationConfirm": "Eliminar invitación",
- "ChannelSharingTable.makeEditorHeader": "Conceder permisos de edición",
- "ChannelSharingTable.makeEditorText": "Por favor, confirme de que desea conceder los permisos de edición a {first_name} {last_name}",
- "ChannelSharingTable.makeEditorConfirm": "Sí, conceder permisos",
- "ChannelModal.creatingHeader": "Nuevo canal",
- "ChannelModal.details": "Detalles del canal",
- "ChannelModal.channelName": "Nombre del canal",
- "ChannelModal.channelError": "El nombre del canal no puede estar vacío",
- "ChannelModal.channelDescription": "Descripción del canal",
- "ChannelModal.editTab": "Detalles",
- "ChannelModal.shareTab": "Compartir",
- "ChannelModal.APIText": "Los canales generados automáticamente no son editables.",
- "ChannelModal.saveChangesButton": "Guardar cambios",
- "ChannelModal.createButton": "Crear",
- "ChannelModal.changesSaved": "Cambios guardados",
- "ChannelModal.unsavedChangesHeader": "Cambios sin guardar",
- "ChannelModal.unsavedChangesText": "Se perderán los cambios sin guardar. Por favor, confirme que desea salir.",
- "ChannelModal.keepEditingButton": "Seguir editando",
- "ChannelModal.closeButton": "Salir sin guardar",
- "ChannelTokenModal.copyTitle": "Copiar el token del canal",
- "ChannelTokenModal.copyTokenInstructions": "Pege este token en Kolibri para importar este canal",
- "ChannelTokenModal.close": "Cerrar",
- "ChannelSharing.inviteSubheading": "Invitar colaboradores",
- "ChannelSharing.emailLabel": "Correo electrónico",
- "ChannelSharing.canEdit": "Puede editar",
- "ChannelSharing.canView": "Puede ver",
- "ChannelSharing.inviteButton": "Enviar invitación",
- "ChannelSharing.validEmailMessage": "Por favor ingrese un correo electrónico válido",
- "ChannelSharing.emailRequiredMessage": "Se requiere un correo electrónico",
- "ChannelSharing.alreadyInvitedError": "Usuario ya invitado",
- "ChannelSharing.alreadyHasAccessError": "El usuario ya tiene acceso a este canal",
- "ChannelSharing.invitationFailedError": "No se pudo enviar la invitación. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo",
- "ChannelSharing.invitationSentMessage": "Invitación enviada",
- "OfflineText.offlineIndicatorText": "Sin conexión",
- "OfflineText.offlineText": "Parece que está sin conexión. Los cambios se guardarán una vez que la conexión se haya reestablecido.",
- "CopyToken.copyPrompt": "Copiar token para importar el canal en Kolibri",
- "CopyToken.copiedTokenId": "Token copiado",
- "CopyToken.copyFailed": "Fallo al copiar",
- "MainNavigationDrawer.channelsLink": "Canales",
- "MainNavigationDrawer.administrationLink": "Administración",
- "MainNavigationDrawer.settingsLink": "Configuración",
- "MainNavigationDrawer.helpLink": "Ayuda y soporte",
- "MainNavigationDrawer.logoutLink": "Cerrar sesión",
- "MainNavigationDrawer.copyright": "© {year} Learning Equality",
- "ContentNodeIcon.topic": "Tema",
- "ContentNodeIcon.video": "Vídeo",
- "ContentNodeIcon.audio": "Audio",
- "ContentNodeIcon.exercise": "Ejercicio",
- "ContentNodeIcon.document": "Documento",
- "ContentNodeIcon.slideshow": "Presentación",
- "ContentNodeIcon.html5": "Aplicaciones HTML5",
- "ContentNodeIcon.unsupported": "No soportado",
- "FileStatusText.selectFile": "Seleccionar archivo",
- "Uploader.unsupportedFilesHeader": "Archivo no soportado",
- "Uploader.unsupportedFilesText": "{count, plural,\n =1 {# archivo no será subido.}\n other {# archivos no serán subidos.}} \n {extensionCount, plural,\n =1 {Tipo de archivo soportado es}\n other {Tipos de archivo soportados son}} {extensions}",
- "Uploader.listDelimiter": ", ",
- "Uploader.noStorageHeader": "No hay suficiente espacio",
- "Uploader.uploadSize": "Tamaño demasiado grande para subir: {size}",
- "Uploader.remainingStorage": "Almacenamiento restante: {size}",
- "Uploader.tooLargeFilesHeader": "Tamaño máximo de archivo excedido",
- "Uploader.maxFileSizeText": "{count, plural,\n =1 {# archivo no será subido.}\n other {# archivos no serán subidos.}} El tamaño del archivo debe ser inferior a {size}",
- "FileStorage.storageUsed": "Almacenamiento total utilizado: {used} de {total}",
- "FileStorage.requestStorage": "Solicitar espacio para almacenamiento adicional",
- "FileStorage.storageFull": "Límite de almacenamiento alcanzado",
- "FileStorage.storageFullWithSize": "Límite total de almacenamiento alcanzado: {used} de {total}",
- "FileStorage.storageLow": "Queda poco espacio de almacenamiento",
- "FileStorage.storageLowWithSize": "El almacenamiento total es limitado: {used} de {total}",
- "Thumbnail.thumbnail": "{title} miniatura",
- "MasteryDropdown.labelText": "Criterio de dominio",
- "MasteryDropdown.exerciseHeader": "Acerca de ejercicios",
- "MasteryDropdown.exerciseDescripiton": "Los ejercicios contienen un conjunto de preguntas interactivas con las que estudiantes pueden interactuar en Kolibri. Los estudiantes reciben información instantánea para cada respuesta (se está correcta o incorrecta). Kolibri mostrará las preguntas disponibles en un ejercicio hasta que el alumno logre dominarlo.",
- "MasteryDropdown.masteryDescripiton": "Kolibri marca a un ejercicio como \"completado\" cuando se cumplen los criterios de dominio. Aquí están los diferentes tipos de criterios de dominio de un ejercicio:",
- "MasteryDropdown.masteryValidationMessage": "Este campo es obligatorio",
- "MasteryDropdown.mnValueValidationMessage": "Debe ser al menos 1",
- "MasteryDropdown.mnIntegerValidationMessage": "Debe ser un número entero",
- "MasteryDropdown.mValueValidationMessage": "Debe ser menor o igual que N",
- "MasteryDropdown.requiredValidationMessage": "Este campo es obligatorio",
- "MasteryDropdown.mHint": "Se necesitan respuestas correctas",
- "MasteryDropdown.nHint": "Respuestas recientes",
- "TechnicalTextBlock.copyToClipboardButtonPrompt": "Copiar a portapapeles",
- "TechnicalTextBlock.copiedToClipboardConfirmation": "Copiado a portapapeles",
- "TechnicalTextBlock.copiedToClipboardFailure": "Error al copiar al portapapeles",
- "ReportErrorModal.reportErrorHeader": "Informar de error",
- "ReportErrorModal.forumPrompt": "Visitar los foros de la comunidad",
- "ReportErrorModal.forumUseTips": "Buscar en el foro de la comunidad para ver si otros encontraron problemas similares. Si no puedes encontrar nada, copia y pega los detalles del error abajo en un nuevo post del foro, para que podamos corregir el error en una versión futura de Kolibri Studio.",
- "ReportErrorModal.forumPostingTips": "Incluye una descripción de lo que estabas intentando hacer, y lo que hayas clicado cuando apareció el error.",
- "ReportErrorModal.emailPrompt": "Enviar un correo electrónico al equipo técnico",
- "ReportErrorModal.emailDescription": "Contacta el equipo de soporte con los datos de tu error y haremos lo posible para ayudar.",
- "ReportErrorModal.errorDetailsHeader": "Detalles del error",
- "ReportErrorModal.closeAction": "Cerrar",
- "PageNotFoundError.pageNotFoundHeader": "Página no encontrada",
- "PageNotFoundError.pageNotFoundDetails": "Lo sentimos, esa página no existe",
- "PageNotFoundError.backToHomeAction": "Volver al inicio",
- "GenericError.genericErrorHeader": "Lo sentimos, occurió un error",
- "GenericError.genericErrorDetails": "Intenta actualizar esta página o volver a la página de inicio",
- "GenericError.refreshAction": "Actualizar",
- "GenericError.backToHomeAction": "Volver al inicio",
- "GenericError.helpByReportingAction": "Ayúdanos informando sobre este error",
- "ChannelNotFoundError.channelNotFoundHeader": "Canal no encontrado",
- "ChannelNotFoundError.channelNotFoundDetails": "Este canal no existe o puede haber sido eliminado. Contacte con content@learningequality.org si cree que esto es un error.",
- "ChannelNotFoundError.backToHomeAction": "Volver al inicio",
- "PermissionsError.permissionDeniedHeader": "¿Has olvidado iniciar sesión?",
- "PermissionsError.goToHomePageAction": "Ir a la página de inicio",
- "MessageLayout.backToLogin": "Continuar a la página de inicio de sesión",
- "Main.kolibriStudio": "Kolibri Studio",
- "Main.passwordLabel": "Contraseña",
- "Main.forgotPasswordLink": "He olvidado la contraseña",
- "Main.signInButton": "Inicia sesión",
- "Main.createAccountButton": "Crear cuenta",
- "Main.guestModeLink": "Explorar sin crear cuenta",
- "Main.loginFailed": "El correo electrónico o la contraseña son incorrectos",
- "AccountDeleted.accountDeletedTitle": "Cuenta eliminada con éxito",
- "AccountDeleted.continueToSignIn": "Continuar a la página de inicio de sesión",
- "Create.backToLoginButton": "Inicia sesión",
- "Create.createAnAccountTitle": "Crear cuenta",
- "Create.fieldRequiredMessage": "Este campo es obligatorio",
- "Create.errorsMessage": "Por favor, corrija los siguientes errores",
- "Create.registrationFailed": "Hubo un error al crear la cuenta. Por favor, inténtelo nuevamente.",
- "Create.basicInformationHeader": "Información básica",
- "Create.firstNameLabel": "Nombre de pila",
- "Create.lastNameLabel": "Apellido",
- "Create.emailExistsMessage": "Ya existe una cuenta asociada a este correo electrónico.",
- "Create.passwordLabel": "Contraseña",
- "Create.confirmPasswordLabel": "Confirmar la contraseña",
- "Create.passwordMatchMessage": "Las contraseñas no coinciden",
- "Create.usageLabel": "¿Cómo planea utilizar Kolibri Studio? (marcar todo que procede)",
- "Create.organizingUsageOption": "Organizar o alinear materiales existentes",
- "Create.findingUsageOption": "Buscar y agregar fuentes de contenido adicionales",
- "Create.sequencingUsageOption": "Utilizar requisitos previos para poner materiales en una secuencia",
- "Create.creatingExercisesUsageOption": "Crear ejercicios",
- "Create.sharingUsageOption": "Compartir materiales públicamente",
- "Create.storingUsageOption": "Guardar materiales para uso privado o local",
- "Create.storingUsagePlaceholder": "¿Cuánto almacenamiento necesitas?",
- "Create.storingUsageExample": "por ejemplo 500MB",
- "Create.taggingUsageOption": "Etiquetar fuentes de contenido para futuras búsquedas",
- "Create.otherUsageOption": "Otros",
- "Create.otherUsagePlaceholder": "Describe, por favor",
- "Create.locationLabel": "¿Dónde planea utilizar Kolibri Studio? (marque todas las que apliquen)",
- "Create.sourceLabel": "¿Cómo nos has conocido?",
- "Create.sourcePlaceholder": "Selecciona una opción",
- "Create.organizationSourceOption": "Organización",
- "Create.organizationSourcePlaceholder": "Nombre de la organización",
- "Create.websiteSourceOption": "Learning Equality web",
- "Create.newsletterSourceOption": "Lista de correo de Learning Equality",
- "Create.forumSourceOption": "Foros de comunidad de Learning Equality",
- "Create.githubSourceOption": "Learning Equality GitHub",
- "Create.socialMediaSourceOption": "Redes sociales",
- "Create.conferenceSourceOption": "Conferencia",
- "Create.conferenceSourcePlaceholder": "Nombre de la conferencia",
- "Create.conversationSourceOption": "Conversación con Learning Equality",
- "Create.personalDemoSourceOption": "Demo personal",
- "Create.otherSourceOption": "Otros",
- "Create.otherSourcePlaceholder": "Describe, por favor",
- "Create.viewToSLink": "Ver términos de servicio",
- "Create.ToSCheck": "He leído y estoy de acuerdo con los términos del servicio",
- "Create.ToSRequiredMessage": "Por favor, acepte nuestros términos de servicio",
- "Create.viewPrivacyPolicyLink": "Ver política de privacidad",
- "Create.privacyPolicyCheck": "He leído y estoy de acuerdo con la política de privacidad",
- "Create.privacyPolicyRequiredMessage": "Por favor, acepte nuestra política de privacidad",
- "Create.contactMessage": "¿Preguntas o inquietudes? Por favor envíenos un correo electrónico a content@learningequality.org",
- "Create.finishButton": "Finalizar",
- "ActivationSent.header": "Enlace de activación enviado",
- "ActivationSent.text": "¡Gracias por crear una cuenta! Para completar el proceso, por favor revise su correo electrónico para el enlace de activación que le enviamos.",
- "ActivationExpired.activationExpiredTitle": "Activación fallida",
- "ActivationExpired.activationExpiredText": "Este enlace de activación ya ha sido utilizado o ha caducado.",
- "ActivationExpired.requestNewLink": "Solicitar un nuevo enlace de activación",
- "AccountCreated.accountCreatedTitle": "Cuenta creada con éxito",
- "AccountCreated.continueToSignIn": "Continuar a la página de inicio de sesión",
- "ActivationLinkReSent.activationReSentTitle": "Instrucciones enviadas. ¡Gracias!",
- "ActivationLinkReSent.activationReSentText": "Si ya existe una cuenta con la dirección de correo electrónico proporcionada, recibirá las instrucciones en breve. Si no ve un correo electrónico nuestro, por favor revise su carpeta de correo basura.",
- "AccountNotActivated.title": "Su cuenta no ha sido activada",
- "AccountNotActivated.text": "Por favor, compruebe su correo electrónico para un enlace de activación o solicite un nuevo enlace.",
- "AccountNotActivated.requestNewLink": "Solicitar un nuevo enlace de activación",
- "RequestNewActivationLink.activationExpiredTitle": "Activación fallida",
- "RequestNewActivationLink.activationExpiredText": "Este enlace de activación ya ha sido utilizado o ha caducado.",
- "RequestNewActivationLink.submitButton": "Enviar",
- "RequestNewActivationLink.activationRequestFailed": "Error al enviar un nuevo enlace de activación. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo.",
- "ResetPassword.resetPasswordTitle": "Restablecer su contraseña",
- "ResetPassword.resetPasswordPrompt": "Introduce y confirma tu nueva contraseña",
- "ResetPassword.passwordLabel": "Nueva contraseña",
- "ResetPassword.passwordConfirmLabel": "Confirmar la contraseña",
- "ResetPassword.passwordMatchMessage": "Las contraseñas no coinciden",
- "ResetPassword.submitButton": "Enviar",
- "ResetPassword.resetPasswordFailed": "Error al restablecer la contraseña. Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo.",
- "PasswordInstructionsSent.passwordInstructionsHeader": "Instrucciones enviadas. ¡Gracias!",
- "PasswordInstructionsSent.passwordInstructionsText": "Si ya existe una cuenta con la dirección de correo electrónico proporcionada, recibirá las instrucciones en breve. Si no ve un correo electrónico nuestro, por favor revise su carpeta de correo basura.",
- "ResetLinkExpired.resetExpiredTitle": "El enlace para cambiar la contraseña ha caducado",
- "ResetLinkExpired.resetExpiredText": "Este enlace de restablecimiento de contraseña ya ha sido utilizado o ha caducado.",
- "ResetLinkExpired.requestNewLink": "Solicite un nuevo enlace para restablecer la contraseña.",
- "ResetPasswordSuccess.header": "Contraseña restablecida con éxito",
- "ResetPasswordSuccess.text": "Su contraseña ha sido restablecida con éxito. Puede iniciar sesión ahora.",
- "ForgotPassword.forgotPasswordTitle": "Restablecer su contraseña",
- "ForgotPassword.forgotPasswordPrompt": "Introduzca su dirección de correo electrónico para recibir instrucciones para restablecer su contraseña",
- "ForgotPassword.submitButton": "Enviar",
- "ForgotPassword.forgotPasswordFailed": "Error al enviar un enlace de restablecimiento de contraseña. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo.",
- "AdministrationAppError.unauthorizedDetails": "Necesita ser administrador de Studio para ver esta página",
- "AdministrationIndex.channelsLabel": "Canales",
- "AdministrationIndex.usersLabel": "Usuarios"
diff --git a/contentcuration/locale/CSV_FILES/contentcuration/locale/fr_FR/LC_FRONTEND_MESSAGES/contentcuration-messages.json b/contentcuration/locale/CSV_FILES/contentcuration/locale/fr_FR/LC_FRONTEND_MESSAGES/contentcuration-messages.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f78fc15c6..0000000000
--- a/contentcuration/locale/CSV_FILES/contentcuration/locale/fr_FR/LC_FRONTEND_MESSAGES/contentcuration-messages.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1222 +0,0 @@
- "SettingsIndex.settingsTitle": "Paramètres",
- "SettingsIndex.accountLabel": "Compte",
- "SettingsIndex.storageLabel": "Stockage",
- "SettingsIndex.usingStudioLabel": "Utilisation du studio",
- "UsingStudio.policiesLink": "Charte de confidentialité",
- "UsingStudio.termsOfServiceLink": "Conditions de service",
- "UsingStudio.communityStandardsLink": "Normes communautaires",
- "UsingStudio.userDocsLink": "Guide d'utilisateur",
- "UsingStudio.resourcesHeader": "Ressources de Kolibri Studio",
- "UsingStudio.aboutStudio": "À propos de Kolibri Studio Beta",
- "UsingStudio.aboutStudioText": "Étant donné que Kolibri Studio soit en cours de développement actif, certaines modifications pourraient entraîner des comportements ou des défis inattendus (également appelés \"problèmes\"). Si vous en rencontrez un, veuillez nous en faire part dès qu'il se présente afin de nous aider à le résoudre. (Voir ci-dessous les instructions sur la manière de nous les faire parvenir).",
- "UsingStudio.bestPractices": "Meilleures pratiques",
- "UsingStudio.bestPractice1": "Lors de l'utilisation des opérations d'importation et de presse-papiers, travaillez avec de petits sous-ensembles de sujets plutôt qu'avec des chaînes entières en même temps (surtout dans le cas des grandes chaînes).",
- "UsingStudio.bestPractice2": "Mieux vaut créer plusieurs petites chaînes plutôt qu'une chaîne géante avec plusieurs couches de sujets.",
- "UsingStudio.bestPractice3": "Rechargez souvent la page pour vous assurer que votre travail est enregistré sur le serveur et qu'aucune erreur de réseau ne s'est manifestée. Utilisez CTRL+R sur Linux/Windows ou ⌘+R sur Mac.",
- "UsingStudio.bestPractice4": "Évitez d'effectuer des modifications simultanées sur une même chaîne. Le même utilisateur ni plusieurs ne doivent pas modifier les chaînes en même temps dans plusieurs fenêtres de navigateur. ",
- "UsingStudio.bestPractice5": "Il est possible que vous rencontriez des erreurs de temporisation dans votre navigateur lorsque vous effectuez des opérations telles que l'importation et la synchronisation, sur de grandes chaînes. ne vous inquiétez pas de ce message d'erreur et ne répétez pas immédiatement la même opération. Cela ne signifie pas que l'opération a échoué - en effet, Kolibri Studio travaille toujours en arrière-plan. Attendez pendant quelques minutes et rechargez la page avant de continuer vos modifications.",
- "UsingStudio.bestPractice6": "Compressez les vidéos avant de les télécharger (voir les consignes-ci).",
- "UsingStudio.bestPractice7": "PUBLIEZ périodiquement et importez votre chaîne dans Kolibri pour en visualiser le contenu et en obtenir une copie de sauvegarde locale.",
- "UsingStudio.bestPractice8": "Ne modifiez pas la chaîne après avoir cliqué sur PUBLIER. Patientez jusqu'à l'envoi de l'e-mail de notification avant de reprendre les opérations de modification.",
- "UsingStudio.bestPractice9": "Signalez les problèmes au fur et à mesure que vous les rencontrez.",
- "UsingStudio.notableIssues": "Problèmes notables",
- "UsingStudio.issue1": "Deux utilisateurs ont signalé des incidents isolés où le contenu qu'ils ont importé d'une autre chaîne a disparu, ne laissant vides que les sujets et sous-sujets. Dans l'un des rapports, le contenu est réapparu par la suite. Ces problèmes n'ont pas été rencontrés de manière constante, et les incidents peuvent éventuellement être liés à une connexion internet lente ou instable. Si vous rencontrez un tel problème, veuillez nous contacter dès que possible et nous communiquer toutes les informations dont vous vous souvenez.",
- "UsingStudio.issueLink1": "Rapports sur des contenus en disparition",
- "UsingStudio.issue2": "Étant donné qu'actuellement certaines opérations de Studio se déroulent à un rythme très lent, il se peut que la modification que vous avez essayée d'apporter ait pris du retard ou n'ait pas pris effet. Dans de nombreux cas, la modification est encore en cours de traitement et apparaîtra dès qu'elle sera terminée. Si, après 5 à 10 minutes, la modification n'a toujours pas pris effet, même après un rafraîchissement du navigateur, veuillez signaler le problème. Nous sommes en train de travailler sur des solutions à ces problèmes-là.",
- "UsingStudio.issueLink2": "La lenteur des performances peut entraîner des erreurs inattendues dans l'interface",
- "UsingStudio.reportIssueButton": "Signaler un problème",
- "ReportIssueForm.reportIssueHeader": "Signaler un problème",
- "ReportIssueForm.fieldRequiredText": "Le champ est obligatoire",
- "ReportIssueForm.OSLabel": "Système d'exploitation (ex : Windows, MacOS, Linux)",
- "ReportIssueForm.browserLabel": "Navigateur (ex : Chrome, Firefox, Safari)",
- "ReportIssueForm.channelLabel": "La chaîne dans laquelle vous avez rencontré le problème (le cas échéant)",
- "ReportIssueForm.descriptionLabel": "Décrivez votre problème le plus clairement possible",
- "ReportIssueForm.submitAction": "Envoyer",
- "ReportIssueForm.cancelAction": "Annuler",
- "ReportIssueForm.issueSubmitted": "Problème envoyé",
- "ReportIssueForm.issueFailed": "Impossible d'envoyer le problème. Veuillez réessayer.",
- "Storage.spaceUsedOfMax": "{qty} sur {max}",
- "Storage.storagePercentageUsed": "{qty}% de stockage utilisé",
- "Storage.requestMoreSpaceHeading": "Demander plus d'espace",
- "Storage.requestMoreSpaceMessage": "Veuillez utiliser ce formulaire pour faire la demande de stockage de téléchargement supplémentaire pour votre compte Kolibri Studio. Les ressources que vous importez de notre bibliothèque publique vers vos chaînes ne comptent pas dans votre limite de stockage.",
- "Storage.learnMoreAboutImportingContentFromChannels": "En savoir plus sur la manière d'importer des ressources à partir d'autres chaînes",
- "Storage.showFormAction": "Ouvrir le formulaire",
- "Storage.hideFormAction": "Fermer le formulaire",
- "RequestForm.natureOfYourContentLabel": "Nature de votre contenu",
- "RequestForm.storageAmountRequestedPlaceholder": "Quantité d'espace demandée (ex : 10 Go)",
- "RequestForm.approximatelyHowManyResourcesLabel": "Environ combien de ressources individuelles prévoyez-vous de téléverser ?",
- "RequestForm.numberOfResourcesPlaceholder": "Nombre de ressources",
- "RequestForm.averageSizeOfResourceLabel": "Taille moyenne de chaque ressource",
- "RequestForm.sizePlaceholder": "Taille",
- "RequestForm.kindOfContentQuestionLabel": "Quels types de ressources prévoyez-vous téléverser ? Veuillez préciser",
- "RequestForm.typeOfContentPlaceholder": "Types de ressources",
- "RequestForm.authorLabel": "Qui est l'auteur (créateur), le curateur (organisateur) et/ou l'agrégateur ( mainteneur) de votre contenu ? Veuillez préciser",
- "RequestForm.responsePlaceholder": "Réponse",
- "RequestForm.provideSampleLinkLabel": "Veuillez fournir un lien vers un exemplaire de votre contenu (sur Kolibri Studio ou sur le site source)",
- "RequestForm.pasteLinkPlaceholder": "Coller le lien ici",
- "RequestForm.whoCanUseContentLabel": "Qui peut utiliser votre contenu ?",
- "RequestForm.licensingQuestionLabel": "Quelle est la licence du contenu que vous téléversez ? (Cochez toutes les réponses applicables)",
- "RequestForm.willYouMakeYourChannelPublicLabel": "Si le contenu est sous licence ouverte, souhaiteriez-vous envisager de rendre vos chaînes publiques pour d'autres utilisateurs de Kolibri si la demande vous en est faite à l'avenir ?",
- "RequestForm.selectAllThatApplyPlaceholder": "Sélectionner tout ce qui s'applique",
- "RequestForm.howAreYouUsingYourContentLabel": "Comment utilisez-vous votre contenu ?",
- "RequestForm.intendedAudienceLabel": "Quel est le public visé par votre chaîne ? quelle sa taille ? ",
- "RequestForm.audiencePlaceholder": "Apprenants scolaires, apprenants adultes, enseignants, etc.",
- "RequestForm.targetRegionsLabel": "Région(s) cible(s) pour votre contenu (le cas échéant)",
- "RequestForm.howOftenImportedToKolibriLabel": "En moyenne, combien de fois ce contenu sera-t-il importé à partir de Studio vers de nouvelles installations de Kolibri par mois ?",
- "RequestForm.usageLabel": "Parlez-nous davantage de votre expérience avec Kolibri",
- "RequestForm.organizationalAffiliationLabel": "Affiliation organisationnelle",
- "RequestForm.notAffiliatedLabel": "Pour ce travail, je ne suis affilié à aucune organisation",
- "RequestForm.uploadingOnBehalfLabel": " Je téléverse le contenu au nom de :",
- "RequestForm.organizationNamePlaceholder": "Nom de l'organisation",
- "RequestForm.typeOfOrganizationLabel": "Quel type d'organisation ou de groupe coordonne l'utilisation de Kolibri (le cas échéant) ?",
- "RequestForm.grassrootsLabel": "Initiatives de base et/ou de bénévolat",
- "RequestForm.smallNgoLabel": "Petite ONG à budget annuel de moins de 25 000 dollars",
- "RequestForm.mediumNgoLabel": "ONG de taille moyenne à budget de moins de 500 000 de dollars",
- "RequestForm.largeIntlNgoLabel": "Grandes ONG internationales ou agences gouvernementales",
- "RequestForm.forProfitLabel": "Société à but lucratif ou entreprise sociale",
- "RequestForm.otherLabel": "Autre",
- "RequestForm.timelineLabel": "Pour mieux comprendre le caractère urgent de votre demande, veuillez indiquer un délai approximatif en fonction de la date à laquelle vous aurez besoin de ce stockage supplémentaire :",
- "RequestForm.oneWeekLabel": "1 semaine",
- "RequestForm.twoToFourWeeksLabel": "2 à 4 semaines",
- "RequestForm.coupleMonthsLabel": "1 à 2 mois",
- "RequestForm.threeToSixMonthsLabel": "3 à 6 mois",
- "RequestForm.sixPlusMonthsLabel": "6 mois et plus",
- "RequestForm.unknownLabel": "Inconnu",
- "RequestForm.explainNeedsInDetailLabel": "Veuillez rédiger un paragraphe expliquant vos besoins et vos expériences d'utilisation de Kolibri Studio, et comment il s'intégrera dans vos programmes. À inclure également sont les informations sur la personne responsable de la curation, du déploiement et de l'utilisation du contenu. Ce travail est-il coordonné par une organisation dans le cadre d'un programme pédagogique ? Justifiez l'espace supplémentaire demandé et expliquez le caractère urgent de votre demande. ",
- "RequestForm.fieldRequiredText": "Le champ est obligatoire",
- "RequestForm.sendRequestAction": "Envoyer la demande",
- "RequestForm.requestSent": "Votre demande de stockage a été envoyée pour être traitée.",
- "RequestForm.requestFailed": "Impossible d'envoyer la demande. Veuillez réessayer.",
- "Account.basicInfoHeader": "Informations de base",
- "Account.usernameLabel": "Nom d'utilisateur",
- "Account.fullNameLabel": "Nom complet",
- "Account.passwordLabel": "Mot de passe",
- "Account.changePasswordAction": "Modifier le mot de passe",
- "Account.editFullNameAction": "Modifier",
- "Account.deleteAccountLabel": "Supprimer le compte",
- "Account.completelyDeleteAccountLabel": "Supprimez complètement votre compte de Kolibri Studio",
- "Account.unableToDeleteAdminAccount": "Impossible de supprimer un compte administrateur",
- "Account.handleChannelsBeforeAccount": "Avant de pouvoir supprimer votre compte, vous devez supprimer ces chaînes manuellement ou inviter d'autres personnes à les modifier.",
- "Account.apiTokenHeading": "Jeton API",
- "Account.apiTokenMessage": "Pour faire exécuter des scripts d'intégration de contenu pour le téléchargement de supports via l'API Kolibri Studio, vous aurez besoin de ce jeton d'accès.",
- "Account.apiDocumentation": "Documentation API",
- "Account.exportAccountDataLabel": "Un e-mail vous sera envoyé avec toutes les informations liées à votre compte",
- "Account.exportStartedHeader": "L'exportation de données a commencé",
- "Account.exportAccountDataHeading": "Exporter les données du compte",
- "Account.exportDataButton": "Exporter les données",
- "Account.exportAccountDataModalMessage": "Dès que l'exportation s'achève, vous recevrez un e-mail comportant vos données",
- "Account.exportFailed": "Impossible d'exporter les données. Veuillez réessayer.",
- "DeleteAccountForm.deleteAccountLabel": "Supprimer le compte",
- "DeleteAccountForm.deleteAccountConfirmationPrompt": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer définitivement votre compte ? Cette action est irréversible.",
- "DeleteAccountForm.deleteAccountEnterEmail": "Entrez votre adresse email pour continuer",
- "DeleteAccountForm.cancelButton": "Annuler",
- "DeleteAccountForm.emailAddressLabel": "Adresse email",
- "DeleteAccountForm.emailInvalidText": "L'email ne correspond pas à l'email de votre compte",
- "DeleteAccountForm.fieldRequired": "Le champ est obligatoire",
- "DeleteAccountForm.deletionFailed": "Échec de la suppression du compte",
- "DeleteAccountForm.deletionFailedText": "Veuillez nous contacter à l'addresse : https://community.learningequality.org si vous ne réussissez pas à supprimer votre compte.",
- "ChangePasswordForm.changePasswordHeader": "Modifier le mot de passe",
- "ChangePasswordForm.newPasswordLabel": "Nouveau mot de passe",
- "ChangePasswordForm.confirmNewPasswordLabel": "Confirmer le nouveau mot de passe",
- "ChangePasswordForm.formInvalidText": "Les mots de passe ne correspondent pas",
- "ChangePasswordForm.cancelAction": "Annuler",
- "ChangePasswordForm.saveChangesAction": "Enregistrer les modifications",
- "ChangePasswordForm.paswordChangeSuccess": "Mot de passe mis à jour",
- "ChangePasswordForm.passwordChangeFailed": "Enregistrement du nouveau mot de passe échoué",
- "FullNameForm.editNameHeader": "Modifier le nom",
- "FullNameForm.firstNameLabel": "Prénom",
- "FullNameForm.lastNameLabel": "Nom de famille",
- "FullNameForm.cancelAction": "Annuler",
- "FullNameForm.saveChangesAction": "Enregistrer les modifications",
- "FullNameForm.changesSavedMessage": "Modifications enregistrées",
- "FullNameForm.failedToSaveMessage": "Enregistrement des modifications échoué",
- "FullNameForm.fieldRequired": "Le champ est obligatoire",
- "AssessmentItemPreview.answersLabel": "Réponses",
- "AssessmentItemPreview.noAnswersPlaceholder": "La question ne comporte pas d'options de réponse",
- "AssessmentItemPreview.hintsToggleLabelHide": "Masquer les indices",
- "AssessmentItemPreview.hintsToggleLabelShow": "Afficher {hintsCount} {hintsCount, plural, one {indice} other {indices}}",
- "MoveModal.moveItems": "Déplacer {topicCount, plural, one {}\n =1 {# sujet}\n other {# sujets}}, {resourceCount, plural,\n =1 {# ressource}\n other {# ressources}} dans :",
- "MoveModal.addTopic": "Ajouter un nouveau sujet",
- "MoveModal.cancel": "Annuler",
- "MoveModal.moveHere": "Déplacer ici",
- "MoveModal.resourcesCount": "{count, plural, one {}\n =1 {# ressource}\n other {# ressources}}",
- "MoveModal.emptyTopicText": "Aucune ressource trouvée",
- "MoveModal.topicCreatedMessage": "Nouveau sujet créé",
- "MoveModal.movedMessage": "Déplacé vers {title}",
- "MoveModal.goToLocationButton": "Aller à l'emplacement",
- "NewTopicModal.topicTitle": "Titre du sujet",
- "NewTopicModal.topicTitleRequired": "Le titre est obligatoire",
- "NewTopicModal.createTopic": "Créer un nouveau sujet",
- "NewTopicModal.cancel": "Annuler",
- "NewTopicModal.create": "Créer",
- "AnswersEditor.answersLabel": "Réponses",
- "AnswersEditor.noAnswersPlaceholder": "La question ne comporte pas d'options de réponse",
- "AnswersEditor.newAnswerBtnLabel": "Nouvelle réponse",
- "ContentNodeListItem.resources": "{value, number, integer} {value, plural, one {ressource} other {ressources}}",
- "ContentNodeListItem.questions": "{value, number, integer} {value, plural, one {question} other {questions}}",
- "ContentNodeListItem.openTopic": "Sujet ouvert",
- "AssessmentTab.incompleteItemsCountMessage": "{invalidItemsCount} {invalidItemsCount, plural, one {question incomplète} other {questions incomplètes}}",
- "AssessmentTab.dialogSubmitBtnLabel": "Envoyer",
- "AssessmentTab.dialogCancelBtnLabel": "Annuler",
- "StudioTree.optionsTooltip": "Options",
- "AssessmentEditor.incompleteItemIndicatorLabel": "Incomplet",
- "AssessmentEditor.toolbarItemLabel": "question",
- "AssessmentEditor.noQuestionsPlaceholder": "L'exercice ne comporte pas de questions",
- "AssessmentEditor.closeBtnLabel": "Fermer",
- "AssessmentEditor.newQuestionBtnLabel": "Nouvelle question",
- "AssessmentEditor.showAnswers": "Afficher les réponses",
- "AddRelatedResourcesModal.cancelBtnLabel": "Annuler",
- "AddRelatedResourcesModal.resourcesDisplayedText": "Seules sont affichées les ressources disponibles pour",
- "AddRelatedResourcesModal.addStepBtnLabel": "Ajouter",
- "AddRelatedResourcesModal.previewStepBtnLabel": "Aperçu",
- "AddRelatedResourcesModal.selectedAsCurrentResource": "Ceci est la ressource actuelle",
- "ContentNodeOptions.topicDefaultTitle": "{title} sujet",
- "ContentNodeOptions.newSubtopic": "Nouveau sujet",
- "ContentNodeOptions.editTopicDetails": "Modifier les détails du sujet",
- "ContentNodeOptions.editDetails": "Modifier les détails",
- "ContentNodeOptions.viewDetails": "Afficher les détails",
- "ContentNodeOptions.move": "Déplacer",
- "ContentNodeOptions.makeACopy": "Faire une copie",
- "ContentNodeOptions.copyToClipboard": "Copier dans le presse-papiers",
- "ContentNodeOptions.remove": "Supprimer",
- "ContentNodeOptions.undo": "Défaire",
- "ContentNodeOptions.cancel": "Annuler",
- "ContentNodeOptions.creatingCopies": "Copie dans le presse-papiers en cours...",
- "ContentNodeOptions.creatingClipboardCopies": "Copie dans le presse-papiers en cours...",
- "ContentNodeOptions.copiedSnackbar": "Copie terminée",
- "ContentNodeOptions.copiedToClipboardSnackbar": "Copié dans le presse-papiers",
- "ContentNodeOptions.removedItems": "Envoyé dans la corbeille",
- "ContentNodeValidator.incompleteText": "Incomplet",
- "ContentNodeValidator.missingTitle": "Titre manquant",
- "ContentNodeValidator.incompleteDescendantsText": "{count, number, integer} {count, plural, one {ressource est incomplète} other {ressources sont incomplètes}}",
- "ContentNodeValidator.allIncompleteDescendantsText": "{count, plural, one {{count, number, integer} ressource est incomplète et ne peut être publiée} other {l'ensemble des {count, number, integer} ressources sont incomplètes et ne peuvent être publiées}}",
- "AssessmentItemEditor.questionTypeLabel": "Type de réponse",
- "AssessmentItemEditor.questionLabel": "Question",
- "AssessmentItemEditor.dialogTitle": "Modification du type de question",
- "AssessmentItemEditor.dialogSubmitBtnLabel": "Modifier",
- "AssessmentItemEditor.dialogMessageChangeToSingleSelection": "En passant à « choix unique », seule une réponse pourra être définie comme correcte. Continuer ?",
- "AssessmentItemEditor.dialogMessageChangeToTrueFalse": "En passant à « vrai ou faux », toutes les réponses actuelles seront supprimées. Continuer ?",
- "AssessmentItemEditor.dialogMessageChangeToInput": "En passant à « saisie numérique », toutes les réponses seront définies comme correctes et toutes les réponses autres que des nombres seront supprimées. Continuer ?",
- "EditListItem.questionCount": "{count, plural, one {}\n =1 {# question}\n other {# questions}}",
- "SavingIndicator.savingIndicator": "Enregistrement en cours...",
- "SavingIndicator.lastSaved": "Enregistré {saved}",
- "SavingIndicator.savedNow": "Enregistré tout à l'heure",
- "EditList.selectAllLabel": "Sélectionner tout",
- "EditView.undefined": "Compléments",
- "EditView.noItemsToEditText": "Veuillez sélectionner les ressources ou les sujets à modifier.",
- "EditView.invalidFieldsToolTip": "Il manque certaines informations obligatoires",
- "EditView.errorBannerText": "Veuillez fournir les informations requises",
- "EditView.editingMultipleCount": "Modification des détails de {topicCount, plural, one {}\n =1 {# sujet}\n other {# sujets}}, {resourceCount, plural,\n =1 {# ressource}\n other {# ressources}}",
- "DetailsTabView.basicInfoHeader": "Informations de base",
- "DetailsTabView.audienceHeader": "Public",
- "DetailsTabView.sourceHeader": "Source",
- "DetailsTabView.assessmentHeader": "Options d'évaluation",
- "DetailsTabView.thumbnailHeader": "Vignette",
- "DetailsTabView.titleLabel": "Titre",
- "DetailsTabView.titleValidationMessage": "Le champ est obligatoire",
- "DetailsTabView.languageHelpText": "Laisser vide pour utiliser la langue du sujet",
- "DetailsTabView.languageChannelHelpText": "Laisser vide pour utiliser la langue de la chaîne",
- "DetailsTabView.importedFromButtonText": "Importer à partir de {channel}",
- "DetailsTabView.detectedImportText": "{count, plural, one {}\n =1 {# ressource n'est accessible qu'en mode lecture}\n other {# ressources ne sont accessibles qu'en mode lecture}}",
- "DetailsTabView.authorLabel": "Auteur",
- "DetailsTabView.authorToolTip": "Personne ou organisation ayant créé ce contenu",
- "DetailsTabView.providerLabel": "Fournisseur",
- "DetailsTabView.providerToolTip": "Organisation ayant commandé le contenu ou qui le distribue",
- "DetailsTabView.aggregatorLabel": "Agrégateur",
- "DetailsTabView.aggregatorToolTip": "Site web ou organisation hébergeant le recueil de contenus, sans forcément en être le créateur ou le titulaire des droits d'auteur",
- "DetailsTabView.copyrightHolderLabel": "Titulaire des droits d'auteur",
- "DetailsTabView.copyrightHolderValidationMessage": "Le champ est obligatoire",
- "DetailsTabView.descriptionLabel": "Description",
- "DetailsTabView.tagsLabel": "Étiquettes",
- "DetailsTabView.noTagsFoundText": "Aucun résultat trouvé pour \"{text}\". Appuyez sur la touche 'Entrée' pour créer une nouvelle étiquette",
- "DetailsTabView.randomizeQuestionLabel": "Randomiser l'ordre des questions pour les apprenants",
- "EditModal.editingDetailsHeader": "Modifier les détails",
- "EditModal.uploadFilesHeader": "Téléverser des fichiers",
- "EditModal.createExerciseHeader": "Nouvel exercice",
- "EditModal.addTopicsHeader": "Nouveaux sujets",
- "EditModal.invalidNodesFound": "{count, plural, one {}\n =1 {# ressource incomplète trouvée}\n other {# ressources incomplètes trouvées}}",
- "EditModal.invalidNodesFoundText": "Tant que ces erreurs persisteront, les ressources incomplètes ne seront pas publiées",
- "EditModal.saveAnywaysButton": "Quitter quand même",
- "EditModal.keepEditingButton": "Continuer à modifier",
- "EditModal.saveFailedHeader": "Échec de l'enregistrement",
- "EditModal.saveFailedText": "Un problème est survenu lors de l'enregistrement de votre contenu",
- "EditModal.addTopic": "Ajoutez un autre sujet",
- "EditModal.uploadButton": "Téléverser plus de fichiers",
- "EditModal.uploadInProgressHeader": "Téléversement en cours",
- "EditModal.uploadInProgressText": "Les téléversements en cours seront perdus si vous quittez",
- "EditModal.dismissDialogButton": "Annuler",
- "EditModal.cancelUploadsButton": "Quitter",
- "EditModal.closeWithoutSavingButton": "Fermer sans enregistrer",
- "EditModal.okButton": "OK",
- "EditModal.loadErrorText": "Échec de chargement du contenu",
- "EditModal.finishButton": "Terminer",
- "ContentNodeEditListItem.optionsTooltip": "Options",
- "PublishModal.versionText": "Version actuelle : {version}",
- "PublishModal.unpublishedText": "Non publié",
- "PublishModal.publishingSizeText": "{count, plural, one {} =1 {# ressource} other {# ressources}}",
- "PublishModal.incompleteCount": "{count, plural, one {} =1 {# ressource incomplète} other {# ressources incomplètes}}",
- "PublishModal.incompleteWarning": "Les ressources incomplètes ne seront pas publiées et accessibles au téléchargement dans Kolibri.",
- "PublishModal.incompleteInstructions": "Cliquez sur 'Continuer' pour confirmer que vous voulez quand même publier.",
- "PublishModal.nextButton": "Continuer",
- "PublishModal.publishMessageLabel": "Décrivez les nouveautés dans cette version de la chaîne",
- "PublishModal.versionDescriptionLabel": "Description de la version",
- "PublishModal.descriptionRequiredMessage": "Veuillez décrire les nouveautés dans cette version avant de la publier",
- "PublishModal.descriptionDescriptionTooltip": "Cette description sera présentée aux administrateurs de Kolibri avant qu'ils ne mettent à jour les versions des chaînes",
- "PublishModal.cancelButton": "Annuler",
- "PublishModal.publishButton": "Publier",
- "RelatedResourcesTab.previewHelpText": "Les ressources connexes sont affichées sous forme de recommandations lorsque les apprenants interagissent avec cette ressource",
- "RelatedResourcesTab.showPreviewBtnLabel": "Montrer",
- "RelatedResourcesTab.resourcePreviewDialogTitle": "Ressources connexes",
- "RelatedResourcesTab.resourcePreviewDialogHelpText": "Les ressources connexes dans Kolibri s'affichent sous forme de recommandations à côté de la ressource que les apprenants sont en train d'utiliser",
- "RelatedResourcesTab.dialogCloseBtnLabel": "Fermer",
- "RelatedResourcesTab.previousStepsTitle": "Étapes antérieures",
- "RelatedResourcesTab.previousStepsExplanation": "Ressources recommandées introduisant des compétences ou concepts nécessaires à l'utilisation de cette ressource",
- "RelatedResourcesTab.addPreviousStepBtnLabel": "Ajouter une étape antérieure",
- "RelatedResourcesTab.nextStepsTitle": "Étapes suivantes",
- "RelatedResourcesTab.nextStepsExplanation": "Ressources recommandées s'appuyant sur des compétences ou des concepts appris dans cette ressource",
- "RelatedResourcesTab.addNextStepBtnLabel": "Ajouter une étape suivante",
- "RelatedResourcesTab.removePreviousStepBtnLabel": "Supprimer l'étape antérieure",
- "RelatedResourcesTab.removeNextStepBtnLabel": "Supprimer l'étape suivante",
- "RelatedResourcesTab.tooManyPreviousStepsWarning": "Pour une expérience d'apprentissage mieux guidée, limiter le nombre d'étapes antérieures",
- "RelatedResourcesTab.tooManyNextStepsWarning": "Pour une expérience d'apprentissage mieux guidée, limiter le nombre d'étapes suivantes",
- "RelatedResourcesTab.removedNextStepSnackbar": "Étape suivante supprimée",
- "RelatedResourcesTab.removedPreviousStepSnackbar": "Étape antérieure supprimée",
- "RelatedResourcesList.removeBtnLabel": "Supprimer",
- "AssessmentItemToolbar.toolbarLabelEdit": "Modifier",
- "AssessmentItemToolbar.toolbarLabelMoveUp": "Déplacer vers le haut",
- "AssessmentItemToolbar.toolbarLabelMoveDown": "Déplacer vers le bas",
- "AssessmentItemToolbar.toolbarLabelDelete": "Supprimer",
- "AssessmentItemToolbar.toolbarLabelAddAbove": "Ajouter {itemLabel} ci-dessus",
- "AssessmentItemToolbar.toolbarLabelAddBelow": "Ajouter {itemLabel} ci-dessous",
- "HintsEditor.hintsLabel": "Indices",
- "HintsEditor.noHintsPlaceholder": "La question n'a aucun indice",
- "HintsEditor.newHintBtnLabel": "Nouvel indice",
- "Clipboard.selectAll": "Sélectionner tout",
- "Clipboard.undo": "Défaire",
- "Clipboard.cancel": "Annuler",
- "Clipboard.close": "Fermer",
- "Clipboard.duplicateSelectedButton": "Faire une copie",
- "Clipboard.moveSelectedButton": "Déplacer",
- "Clipboard.deleteSelectedButton": "Supprimer",
- "Clipboard.removingItems": "Suppression du presse-papiers en cours...",
- "Clipboard.removedFromClipboard": "Supprimé du presse-papiers",
- "Clipboard.creatingClipboardCopies": "Copie dans le presse-papiers en cours...",
- "Clipboard.copiedItemsToClipboard": "Copié dans le presse-papiers",
- "ContentNodeOptions.goToOriginalLocation": "Aller à l'emplacement original",
- "ContentNodeOptions.moveTo": "Déplacer vers…",
- "ContentNodeOptions.copiedItemsToClipboard": "Copié dans le presse-papiers",
- "ContentNodeOptions.removingItems": "Suppression du presse-papiers en cours...",
- "ContentNodeOptions.removedFromClipboard": "Supprimé du presse-papiers",
- "ResourcePanel.questions": "Questions",
- "ResourcePanel.masteryCriteria": "Critères de maîtrise",
- "ResourcePanel.masteryMofN": "{m} sur {n}",
- "ResourcePanel.details": "Détails",
- "ResourcePanel.showAnswers": "Afficher les réponses",
- "ResourcePanel.questionCount": "{value, number, integer} {value, plural, one {question} other {questions}}",
- "ResourcePanel.description": "Description",
- "ResourcePanel.tags": "Étiquettes",
- "ResourcePanel.audience": "Public",
- "ResourcePanel.language": "Langue",
- "ResourcePanel.visibleTo": "Visible par",
- "ResourcePanel.relatedResources": "Ressources connexes",
- "ResourcePanel.source": "Source",
- "ResourcePanel.originalChannel": "Importé à partir de",
- "ResourcePanel.author": "Auteur",
- "ResourcePanel.provider": "Fournisseur",
- "ResourcePanel.aggregator": "Agrégateur",
- "ResourcePanel.license": "Licence",
- "ResourcePanel.copyrightHolder": "Titulaire des droits d'auteur",
- "ResourcePanel.previousSteps": "Étapes antérieures",
- "ResourcePanel.nextSteps": "Étapes suivantes",
- "ResourcePanel.resources": "Ressources",
- "ResourcePanel.totalResources": "Toutes les ressources",
- "ResourcePanel.coachResources": "Ressources pour les éducateurs",
- "ResourcePanel.files": "Fichiers",
- "ResourcePanel.availableFormats": "Formats disponibles",
- "ResourcePanel.subtitles": "Légendes et sous-titres",
- "ResourcePanel.fileSize": "Taille",
- "ResourcePanel.noLicenseError": "Licence manquante",
- "ResourcePanel.noCopyrightHolderError": "Titulaire des droits d'auteur manquant",
- "ResourcePanel.noLicenseDescriptionError": "Description de licence manquante",
- "ResourcePanel.noFilesError": "Fichiers manquants",
- "ResourcePanel.noMasteryModelError": "Critères de maîtrise manquants",
- "ResourcePanel.noQuestionsError": "L'exercice est vide",
- "ResourcePanel.incompleteQuestionError": "{count, plural, one {# question incomplète} other {# questions incomplètes}}",
- "ProgressBar.progressText": "{percent} %",
- "ProgressModal.copyHeader": "Ressources en cours d'importation",
- "ProgressModal.copyDescription": "Importation en cours, veuillez patienter...",
- "ProgressModal.defaultHeader": "Mise à jour de la chaîne",
- "ProgressModal.defaultDescription": "Mise à jour en cours, veuillez patienter...",
- "ProgressModal.defaultErrorText": "Une erreur inattendue s'est produite. Veuillez réessayer et contacter l'équipe support via le menu Aide si ce message continue de s'afficher.",
- "ProgressModal.finishedMessage": "Opération terminée ! Cliquez sur « Actualiser » pour mettre la page à jour.",
- "ProgressModal.moveHeader": "Déplacement du contenu en cours",
- "ProgressModal.moveDescription": "Déplacement en cours, veuillez patienter...",
- "ProgressModal.publishHeader": "Publication de la chaîne en cours",
- "ProgressModal.publishDescription": "Veuillez attendre la fin de la publication pour effectuer d'autres modifications sur votre chaîne. Vous recevrez une notification par courriel une fois la publication terminée.",
- "ProgressModal.syncHeader": "Synchronisation de la chaîne",
- "ProgressModal.syncDescription": "Synchronisation des chaînes en cours, veuillez patienter...",
- "ProgressModal.stopButton": "Arrêter",
- "ProgressModal.refreshButton": "Actualiser",
- "ProgressModal.cancel": "Non, retourner",
- "ProgressModal.confirmStopButton": "Oui, arrêter la tâche",
- "ProgressModal.cancelHeader": "Êtes-vous sûr ?",
- "ProgressModal.cancelText": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir annuler cette tâche ?",
- "TreeView.showSidebar": "Afficher la barre latérale",
- "TreeView.collapseAllButton": "Réduire tout",
- "TreeView.openCurrentLocationButton": "Aller à l'emplacement actuel du sujet",
- "TreeView.updatedResourcesReadyForReview": "Les ressources mises à jour sont prêtes à être revues",
- "TreeView.closeDrawer": "Fermer",
- "TreeViewBase.channelDetails": "Voir les détails de la chaîne",
- "TreeViewBase.editChannel": "Modifier les détails de la chaîne",
- "TreeViewBase.openTrash": "Ouvrir la corbeille",
- "TreeViewBase.getToken": "Obtenir un jeton",
- "TreeViewBase.shareChannel": "Partager la chaîne",
- "TreeViewBase.syncChannel": "Synchroniser les ressources",
- "TreeViewBase.publishButton": "Publier",
- "TreeViewBase.publishButtonTitle": "Rendre cette chaîne disponible pour importation dans Kolibri",
- "TreeViewBase.viewOnly": "Lecture seule",
- "TreeViewBase.noChangesText": "Aucune modification trouvée dans la chaîne",
- "TreeViewBase.emptyChannelTooltip": "Vous ne pouvez pas publier une chaîne vide",
- "TreeViewBase.noLanguageSetError": "Il manque la langue de la chaîne",
- "TreeViewBase.incompleteDescendantsText": "{count, number, integer} {count, plural, one {la ressource est incomplète et ne peut pas être publiée} other {les ressources sont incomplètes et ne peuvent pas être publiées}}",
- "NodePanel.emptyViewOnlyChannelText": "Rien dans cette chaîne pour l'instant",
- "NodePanel.emptyTopicText": "Rien dans ce sujet pour l'instant",
- "NodePanel.emptyChannelText": "Cliquez sur « AJOUTER » pour commencer à construire votre chaîne",
- "NodePanel.emptyChannelSubText": "Créer, téléverser ou importer des ressources à partir d'autres chaînes",
- "CurrentTopicView.addTopic": "Nouveau sous-sujet",
- "CurrentTopicView.addExercise": "Nouvel exercice",
- "CurrentTopicView.uploadFiles": "Téléverser des fichiers",
- "CurrentTopicView.importFromChannels": "Importer à partir d'autres chaînes",
- "CurrentTopicView.addButton": "Ajouter",
- "CurrentTopicView.editButton": "Modifier",
- "CurrentTopicView.optionsButton": "Options",
- "CurrentTopicView.copyToClipboardButton": "Copier dans le presse-papiers",
- "CurrentTopicView.undefined": "Vue compacte",
- "CurrentTopicView.editSelectedButton": "Modifier",
- "CurrentTopicView.copySelectedButton": "Copier dans le presse-papiers",
- "CurrentTopicView.moveSelectedButton": "Déplacer",
- "CurrentTopicView.duplicateSelectedButton": "Faire une copie",
- "CurrentTopicView.deleteSelectedButton": "Supprimer",
- "CurrentTopicView.selectionCount": "{topicCount, plural, one {}\n =1 {# sujet}\n other {# sujets}}, {resourceCount, plural,\n =1 {# ressource}\n other {# ressources}}",
- "CurrentTopicView.undo": "Défaire",
- "CurrentTopicView.cancel": "Annuler",
- "CurrentTopicView.creatingCopies": "Copie en cours...",
- "CurrentTopicView.creatingClipboardCopies": "Copie dans le presse-papiers en cours...",
- "CurrentTopicView.copiedItems": "Copie terminée",
- "CurrentTopicView.copiedItemsToClipboard": "Copié dans le presse-papiers",
- "CurrentTopicView.removedItems": "Envoyé dans la corbeille",
- "CurrentTopicView.selectAllLabel": "Sélectionner tout",
- "Template.templateString": "Vous avez {count, plural, one {}\n =1 {# nœud aux fins de tests}\n other {# nœuds aux fins de tests}}",
- "TrashModal.trashModalTitle": "Corbeille",
- "TrashModal.trashEmptyText": "La corbeille est vide",
- "TrashModal.trashEmptySubtext": "Les ressources supprimées de cette chaîne apparaîtront ici",
- "TrashModal.selectAllHeader": "Sélectionner tout",
- "TrashModal.deletedHeader": "Supprimé",
- "TrashModal.selectedCountText": "{topicCount, plural, one {}\n =1 {# sujet}\n other {# sujets}}, {resourceCount, plural,\n =1 {# ressource}\n other {# ressources}}",
- "TrashModal.deleteButton": "Supprimer",
- "TrashModal.restoreButton": "Restaurer",
- "TrashModal.deleteConfirmationHeader": "Supprimer définitivement {topicCount, plural, one {}\n =1 {# sujet}\n other {# sujets}}, {resourceCount, plural,\n =1 {# ressource}\n other {# ressources}} ?",
- "TrashModal.deleteConfirmationText": "Cette action est irréversible. Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir continuer ?",
- "TrashModal.deleteConfirmationDeleteButton": "Supprimer définitivement",
- "TrashModal.deleteConfirmationCancelButton": "Annuler",
- "TrashModal.deleteSuccessMessage": "Supprimé définitivement",
- "FilePreview.viewFullscreen": "Afficher en plein écran",
- "FilePreview.exitFullscreen": "Quitter le mode plein écran",
- "FilePreview.fullscreenModeText": "Afficher en plein écran",
- "FileUploadItem.uploadButton": "Sélectionner le fichier",
- "FileUploadItem.removeFileButton": "Supprimer",
- "FileUploadDefault.acceptsHelp": "Types de fichiers supportés : {extensions}",
- "FileUploadDefault.uploadToText": "Téléverser vers '{title}'",
- "FileUploadDefault.dropHereText": "Glissez et déposez vos fichiers ici, ou sélectionnez-les manuellement",
- "FileUploadDefault.chooseFilesButton": "Sélectionner les fichiers",
- "FileUpload.filesHeader": "Prévisualiser les fichiers",
- "FileUpload.fileError": "Type de fichier non supporté",
- "FileUpload.noFileText": "Fichiers manquants",
- "SupplementaryItem.languageText": "{language} ({code})",
- "SubtitlesList.subtitlesHeader": "Légendes et sous-titres",
- "SubtitlesList.acceptedFormatsTooltip": "Formats supportés : {extensions}",
- "SubtitlesList.addSubtitleText": "Ajouter des légendes",
- "SupplementaryList.selectFileText": "Sélectionner le fichier",
- "ContentRenderer.noFileText": "Sélectionner un fichier pour le prévisualiser",
- "ContentRenderer.previewNotSupported": "Aperçu non disponible",
- "ThumbnailGenerator.thumbnailGenerationFailedHeader": "Impossible de générer une vignette",
- "ThumbnailGenerator.thumbnailGenerationFailedText": "Un problème est survenu lors de la génération d'une vignette",
- "ThumbnailGenerator.generatedDefaultFilename": "Vignette générée",
- "ContentNodeThumbnail.noThumbnail": "Pas de vignette",
- "ContentNodeThumbnail.crop": "Rogner",
- "ContentNodeThumbnail.generate": "Générer à partir d'un fichier",
- "ContentNodeThumbnail.upload": "Téléverser une image",
- "ContentNodeThumbnail.remove": "Supprimer",
- "ContentNodeThumbnail.zoomIn": "Zoom avant",
- "ContentNodeThumbnail.zoomOut": "Zoom arrière",
- "ContentNodeThumbnail.save": "Enregistrer",
- "ContentNodeThumbnail.cancel": "Annuler",
- "ContentNodeThumbnail.croppingPrompt": "Faites glisser l'image pour la recadrer",
- "ContentNodeThumbnail.uploadingThumbnail": "Téléversement en cours",
- "ContentNodeThumbnail.generatingThumbnail": "Génération à partir d'un fichier",
- "ContentNodeThumbnail.defaultFilename": "Fichier",
- "SyncResourcesModal.syncModalTitle": "Synchroniser les ressources",
- "SyncResourcesModal.syncModalExplainer": "Synchronisez et mettez à jour vos ressources à partir de leur source d'origine.",
- "SyncResourcesModal.syncFilesTitle": "Fichiers",
- "SyncResourcesModal.syncFilesExplainer": "Mettre à jour toutes les informations du fichier",
- "SyncResourcesModal.syncTagsTitle": "Étiquettes",
- "SyncResourcesModal.syncTagsExplainer": "Mettre à jour toutes les étiquettes",
- "SyncResourcesModal.syncTitlesAndDescriptionsTitle": "Titres et descriptions",
- "SyncResourcesModal.syncTitlesAndDescriptionsExplainer": "Mettre à jour les titres et les descriptions des ressources",
- "SyncResourcesModal.syncExercisesTitle": "Détails de l'évaluation",
- "SyncResourcesModal.syncExercisesExplainer": "Mettre à jour les questions, les réponses et les indices",
- "SyncResourcesModal.cancelButtonLabel": "Annuler",
- "SyncResourcesModal.continueButtonLabel": "Continuer",
- "SyncResourcesModal.confirmSyncModalTitle": "Confirmer la synchronisation",
- "SyncResourcesModal.confirmSyncModalExplainer": "Vous êtes sur le point de synchroniser et de mettre à jour les éléments suivants :",
- "SyncResourcesModal.backButtonLabel": "Retour",
- "SyncResourcesModal.syncButtonLabel": "Synchroniser",
- "ReviewSelectionsPage.reviewSelectionHeader": "Passer en revue les sélections",
- "ReviewSelectionsPage.resourcesInTopic": "{count, number} {count, plural, one {ressource} other {ressources}}",
- "ReviewSelectionsPage.removeAction": "Supprimer",
- "ReviewSelectionsPage.noResourcesSelected": "Aucune ressource sélectionnée",
- "SearchResultsList.searchResultsCount": "{count, number} {count, plural, one {résultat} other {résultats}} pour '{searchTerm}'",
- "SearchResultsList.resultsPerPageLabel": "Résultats par page",
- "SearchResultsList.saveSearchAction": "Enregistrer la recherche",
- "SearchResultsList.savedSearchesLabel": "Voir les recherches enregistrées",
- "SearchResultsList.searchSavedSnackbar": "Recherche enregistrée",
- "ImportFromChannelsModal.resourcesAddedSnackbar": "{count, number} {count, plural, one {ressource sélectionnée} other {ressources sélectionnées}}",
- "ImportFromChannelsModal.resourcesRemovedSnackbar": "{count, number} {count, plural, one {ressource supprimée} other {ressources supprimées}}",
- "ImportFromChannelsModal.importTitle": "Importer à partir d'autres chaînes",
- "ImportFromChannelsModal.reviewTitle": "Sélection de ressources",
- "ImportFromChannelsModal.resourcesSelected": "{count, number} {count, plural, one {ressource sélectionnée} other {ressources sélectionnées}}",
- "ImportFromChannelsModal.importAction": "Importer",
- "ImportFromChannelsModal.reviewAction": "Passer en revue",
- "ImportFromChannelsModal.addButton": "Ajouter",
- "ImportFromChannelsModal.addedText": "Ajoutée",
- "ImportFromChannelsModal.removeButton": "Supprimer",
- "InfoModal.close": "Fermer",
- "EditSearchModal.editSavedSearchTitle": "Modifier le titre de la recherche",
- "EditSearchModal.searchTitleLabel": "Titre de la recherche",
- "EditSearchModal.cancelAction": "Annuler",
- "EditSearchModal.saveChangesAction": "Enregistrer",
- "EditSearchModal.changesSavedSnackbar": "Modifications enregistrées",
- "EditSearchModal.fieldRequired": "Le champ est obligatoire",
- "BrowsingCard.tagsList": "Étiquettes : {tags}",
- "BrowsingCard.goToSingleLocationAction": "Aller à l'emplacement",
- "BrowsingCard.goToPluralLocationsAction": "Dans {count, number} {count, plural, one {emplacement} other {emplacements}}",
- "BrowsingCard.addToClipboardAction": "Copier dans le presse-papiers",
- "BrowsingCard.resourcesCount": "{count, number} {count, plural, one {ressource} other {ressources}}",
- "BrowsingCard.coach": "Éducateur",
- "ChannelInfoCard.resourceCount": "{count, number} {count, plural, one {ressource} other {ressources}}",
- "SavedSearchesModal.editAction": "Modifier",
- "SavedSearchesModal.deleteAction": "Supprimer",
- "SavedSearchesModal.closeAction": "Fermer",
- "SavedSearchesModal.closeButtonLabel": "Fermer",
- "SavedSearchesModal.savedSearchesTitle": "Recherches enregistrées",
- "SavedSearchesModal.noSavedSearches": "Vous n'avez aucune recherche enregistrée",
- "SavedSearchesModal.searchDeletedSnackbar": "Recherche enregistrée supprimée",
- "SavedSearchesModal.filterCount": "{count, number} {count, plural, one {filtre} other {filtres}}",
- "SavedSearchesModal.deleteSearchTitle": "Supprimer la recherche enregistrée",
- "SavedSearchesModal.deleteConfirmation": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer cette recherche enregistrée ?",
- "SavedSearchesModal.cancelAction": "Annuler",
- "SearchFilters.channelsHeader": "Chaînes",
- "SearchFilters.channelTypeLabel": "Type de chaîne",
- "SearchFilters.channelSourceLabel": "Chaîne/source",
- "SearchFilters.filtersHeader": "Options de filtrage",
- "SearchFilters.kindLabel": "Format",
- "SearchFilters.hideTopicsLabel": "Masquer les sujets",
- "SearchFilters.assessmentsLabel": "Afficher uniquement les évaluations",
- "SearchFilters.licensesLabel": "Licence",
- "SearchFilters.coachContentLabel": "Afficher les ressources pour les éducateurs",
- "SearchFilters.addedAfterDateLabel": "Ajoutée après",
- "ContentTreeList.allChannelsLabel": "Chaînes",
- "ContentTreeList.noResourcesOrTopics": "Il n'y a pas de ressources ou de sujets ici",
- "ContentTreeList.selectAllAction": "Sélectionner tout",
- "SearchFilterBar.coachContent": "Ressources pour les éducateurs",
- "SearchFilterBar.assessments": "Évaluations",
- "SearchFilterBar.topicsHidden": "Aucun sujet",
- "SearchFilterBar.createdAfter": "Ajoutée après '{date}'",
- "SearchFilterBar.clearAll": "Supprimer tout",
- "ChannelList.channelFilterLabel": "Chaînes",
- "ChannelList.noMatchingChannels": "Il n'y a pas de chaînes correspondantes",
- "SearchOrBrowseWindow.backToBrowseAction": "Retour à la navigation",
- "SearchOrBrowseWindow.searchLabel": "Rechercher des ressources…",
- "SearchOrBrowseWindow.searchAction": "Rechercher",
- "SearchOrBrowseWindow.undo": "Défaire",
- "SearchOrBrowseWindow.cancel": "Annuler",
- "SearchOrBrowseWindow.copyingToClipboard": "Copie dans le presse-papiers en cours...",
- "SearchOrBrowseWindow.copiedToClipboard": "Copié dans le presse-papiers",
- "SearchOrBrowseWindow.copyFailed": "Échec de la copie dans le presse-papiers",
- "StagingTreePage.deploy": "Déployer",
- "StagingTreePage.backToViewing": "Retour à la visualisation",
- "StagingTreePage.reviewMode": "Mode révision",
- "StagingTreePage.emptyChannelText": "Aucune ressource trouvée",
- "StagingTreePage.emptyChannelSubText": "Pas de modifications à passer en revue ! La chaîne contient l'ensemble des sujets et ressources les plus récents.",
- "StagingTreePage.collapseAllButton": "Réduire tout",
- "StagingTreePage.openCurrentLocationButton": "Aller à l'emplacement actuel du sujet",
- "StagingTreePage.totalResources": "Toutes les ressources",
- "StagingTreePage.totalSize": "Taille totale",
- "StagingTreePage.openSummaryDetailsDialogBtn": "Afficher le résumé",
- "StagingTreePage.closeSummaryDetailsDialogBtn": "Fermer",
- "StagingTreePage.summaryDetailsDialogTitle": "Détails du résumé",
- "StagingTreePage.deployChannel": "Déployer la chaîne",
- "StagingTreePage.deployDialogDescription": "Vous êtes sur le point de remplacer toutes les ressources publiées par des ressources indexées.",
- "StagingTreePage.liveResources": "Ressources publiées",
- "StagingTreePage.stagedResources": "Ressources indexées",
- "StagingTreePage.topicsCount": "{count, number} {count, plural, one { sujet } other { sujets }}",
- "StagingTreePage.resourcesCount": "{count, number} {count, plural, one { ressource } other { ressources }}",
- "StagingTreePage.cancelDeployBtn": "Annuler",
- "StagingTreePage.confirmDeployBtn": "Déployer la chaîne",
- "StagingTreePage.channelDeployed": "La chaîne a été déployée",
- "StagingTreePage.emptyTopicText": "Ce sujet est vide",
- "StagingTreePage.viewDetails": "Afficher les détails",
- "Diff.positiveSign": "+",
- "Diff.negativeSign": "-",
- "DiffTable.headerType": "Type ",
- "DiffTable.headerLive": "Publiées",
- "DiffTable.headerStaged": "Indexé",
- "DiffTable.headerDiff": "Différences nettes",
- "DiffTable.typeVersion": "Version API",
- "DiffTable.typeFileSize": "Taille du fichier",
- "DiffTable.typeTopics": "Sujets",
- "DiffTable.typeVideos": "Vidéos",
- "DiffTable.typeAudios": "Audios",
- "DiffTable.typeExercises": "Exercices",
- "DiffTable.typeDocuments": "Documents",
- "DiffTable.typeHtml5Apps": "Applications HTML5",
- "DiffTable.typeSlideshows": "Diaporamas",
- "AddPreviousStepsPage.toolbarTitle": "Ajouter l'étape antérieure",
- "AddPreviousStepsPage.selectedAsPreviousStep": "Déjà sélectionnée comme étape antérieure",
- "AddPreviousStepsPage.selectedAsNextStep": "Cette ressource est déjà sélectionnée pour les 'étapes suivantes'",
- "AddPreviousStepsPage.addedPreviousStepSnackbar": "Étape antérieure ajoutée",
- "AddNextStepsPage.toolbarTitle": "Ajouter l'étape suivante",
- "AddNextStepsPage.selectedAsPreviousStep": "Cette ressource est déjà sélectionnée pour les 'étapes antérieures'",
- "AddNextStepsPage.selectedAsNextStep": "Déjà sélectionnée comme étape suivante",
- "AddNextStepsPage.addedNextStepSnackbar": "Étape suivante ajoutée",
- "ChannelListIndex.channelSets": "Recueils",
- "ChannelListIndex.catalog": "Bibliothèque de contenus",
- "ChannelListIndex.invitations": "Vous avez {count, plural,\n =1 {# invitation}\n other {# invitations}}",
- "ChannelListIndex.libraryTitle": "Catalogue de la bibliothèque de contenus Kolibri",
- "ChannelListIndex.frequentlyAskedQuestions": "Foire aux questions",
- "ChannelItem.resourceCount": "{count, plural, one {}\n =1 {# ressource}\n other {# ressources}}",
- "ChannelItem.unpublishedText": "Non publié",
- "ChannelItem.lastPublished": "Publié le {last_published}",
- "ChannelItem.details": "Détails",
- "ChannelItem.viewContent": "Afficher la chaîne sur Kolibri",
- "ChannelItem.goToWebsite": "Aller sur le site web source",
- "ChannelItem.editChannel": "Modifier les détails de la chaîne",
- "ChannelItem.copyToken": "Copier le jeton de la chaîne",
- "ChannelItem.deleteChannel": "Supprimer la chaîne",
- "ChannelItem.deleteTitle": "Supprimer cette chaîne",
- "ChannelItem.deletePrompt": "Cette chaîne sera définitivement supprimée. Cette action est irréversible.",
- "ChannelItem.channelLanguageNotSetIndicator": "Pas de langue définie",
- "ChannelItem.cancel": "Annuler",
- "CatalogFilterBar.keywords": "\"{text}\"",
- "CatalogFilterBar.coachContent": "Contenu de l'éducateur",
- "CatalogFilterBar.assessments": "Évaluations",
- "CatalogFilterBar.subtitles": "Sous-titres :",
- "CatalogFilterBar.starred": "Favorites",
- "CatalogFilterBar.clearAll": "Supprimer tout",
- "CatalogFilterBar.channelCount": "{count, plural, one {}\n =1 {# chaîne}\n other {# chaînes}}",
- "CatalogFilters.searchLabel": "Mots clés",
- "CatalogFilters.coachLabel": "Ressources pour les éducateurs",
- "CatalogFilters.assessmentsLabel": "Évaluations",
- "CatalogFilters.subtitlesLabel": "Légendes ou sous-titres",
- "CatalogFilters.starredLabel": "Favorites",
- "CatalogFilters.licenseLabel": "Licences",
- "CatalogFilters.formatLabel": "Formats",
- "CatalogFilters.includesLabel": "N'afficher que les chaînes avec",
- "CatalogFilters.searchText": "Rechercher",
- "CatalogFilters.coachDescription": "Sur Kolibri, les ressources destinées aux éducateurs ne sont visibles que par eux ",
- "CatalogFilters.frequentlyAskedQuestionsLink": "Foire aux questions",
- "CatalogFilters.copyright": "© {year} Learning Equality",
- "ChannelStar.unstar": "Supprimer des chaînes favorites",
- "ChannelStar.star": "Ajouter aux chaînes favorites",
- "ChannelInvitation.editText": "{sender} vous a invité à modifier {channel}",
- "ChannelInvitation.viewText": "{sender} vous a invité à découvrir {channel}",
- "ChannelInvitation.goToChannelSnackbarAction": "Aller sur la chaîne",
- "ChannelInvitation.acceptedSnackbar": "Invitation acceptée",
- "ChannelInvitation.declinedSnackbar": "Invitation refusée",
- "ChannelInvitation.accept": "Accepter",
- "ChannelInvitation.decline": "Refuser",
- "ChannelInvitation.cancel": "Annuler",
- "ChannelInvitation.decliningInvitation": "Invitation en cours de refus",
- "ChannelInvitation.decliningInvitationMessage": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir refuser cette invitation ?",
- "LanguageFilter.languageLabel": "Langues",
- "LanguageFilter.languageText": "{language} ({count})",
- "LanguageFilter.noMatchingLanguageText": "Aucune langue ne correspond à la recherche",
- "CatalogList.resultsText": "{count, plural, one {}\n =1 {# résultat obtenu}\n other {# résultats obtenus}}",
- "CatalogList.selectChannels": "Télécharger un résumé des chaînes sélectionnées",
- "CatalogList.cancelButton": "Annuler",
- "CatalogList.downloadButton": "Télécharger",
- "CatalogList.downloadCSV": "Télécharger la feuille de calcul",
- "CatalogList.downloadPDF": "Télécharger le PDF",
- "CatalogList.downloadingMessage": "Téléchargement en cours",
- "CatalogList.channelSelectionCount": "{count, plural, one {}\n =1 {# chaîne sélectionnée}\n other {# chaînes sélectionnées}}",
- "CatalogList.selectAll": "Sélectionner tout",
- "ChannelList.loading": "Chargement des chaînes...",
- "ChannelList.noChannelsFound": "Aucune chaîne trouvée",
- "ChannelList.channel": "Nouvelle chaîne",
- "CatalogFAQ.faqHeader": "Foire aux questions",
- "CatalogFAQ.aboutHeader": "Bienvenue dans le catalogue de la bibliothèque de contenus Kolibri ! ",
- "CatalogFAQ.descriptionP1": "Découvrez dans cette section les ressources pédagogiques, organisées en « chaînes », disponibles en libres accès sur Kolibri. Servez-vous des filtres pour explorer les chaînes par mot-clé, langue ou format de média.",
- "CatalogFAQ.channelLink": "Qu'est-ce qu'une chaîne ?",
- "CatalogFAQ.descriptionP2": "Cliquez sur une chaîne pour un aperçu des matières et des thèmes qui y sont abordés, en savoir plus sur son créateur, voir combien de ressources elle regroupe et apprendre comment les importer dans Kolibri. Vous pouvez également y trouver des contenus destinés spécifiquement aux éducateurs (plans de leçons, guides professionnels pour les enseignants et autres supports d'animation supplémentaires), des évaluations et des exercices, et des légendes pour assurer leur accessibilité.",
- "CatalogFAQ.descriptionP3": "Learning Equality est porté par le désir de partager le travail de ces créateurs de ressources. Nous espérons que vous trouverez quelque chose qui vous ouvrira au potentiel de l'apprentissage numérique en ligne ou hors ligne !",
- "CatalogFAQ.aboutLibraryHeader": "À propos de la bibliothèque de contenus Kolibri",
- "CatalogFAQ.selectionQuestion": "Comment Learning Equality choisit-il le contenu de cette bibliothèque ?",
- "CatalogFAQ.selectionAnswerP1": "Plutôt que de recueillir toutes les ressources éducatives libres possibles, notre approche est unique en ce que nous visons à rassembler une bibliothèque de ressources qui répond à la diversité des besoins auxquels Kolibri est censé répondre.",
- "CatalogFAQ.selectionAnswerP2": "Pour que cette sélection soit raisonnée, l'équipe de Learning Equality nous tient constamment à jour des ressources numériques sous licence ouverte du secteur pédagogique. La plupart de nos ressources proviennent d'une organisation, d'une institution ou d'un créateur expérimenté dans la conception d'apprentissages, et investi d'une mission éducative. Nous nous efforçons en priorité de fournir une diversité de niveaux scolaires, de matières et de langues. Dans la mesure du possible, nous évaluons à quel point les ressources sont adaptées aux environnements d'apprentissage mixte uniques dans lesquels nous travaillons, y compris en sollicitant des avis.",
- "CatalogFAQ.maintenanceQuestion": " Comment cette bibliothèque est-elle créée et maintenue ?",
- "CatalogFAQ.maintenanceAnswerP1": "Kolibri étant conçu pour les apprenants et les éducateurs privés d'accès à Internet, le contenu doit d'abord être traité de manière à pouvoir être utilisé hors connexion. Pour la plupart des sources, notre équipe de contenu utilise des scripts automatisés développés sur mesure pour importer dans Kolibri des contenus provenant d'un site web, d'une application ou d'une source privée telle qu'un disque dur (avec les autorisations appropriées).",
- "CatalogFAQ.maintenanceAnswerP2": "Pour en savoir plus sur la façon dont le contenu est traité pour être utilisé sur Kolibri et sur les types de formats compatibles, veuillez vous référer à notre guide d'intégration de contenu.",
- "CatalogFAQ.viewIntegrationGuide": "Voir le guide d'intégration de contenu",
- "CatalogFAQ.endoresementQuestion": "Ces sources ont-elles été vérifiées ou approuvées comme sûres et prêtes à être utilisées dans une salle de classe ?",
- "CatalogFAQ.endorsementAnswer": "Nous sélectionnons des sources ayant une affiliation ou une mission pédagogique. Vous pouvez ainsi être sûrs que la plupart des ressources sur Kolibri ont été conçues à des fins d'apprentissage. Nous ne pouvons cependant pas garantir la pertinence de chaque élément individuel dans une source particulière. Nous recommandons aux éducateurs et aux administrateurs de procéder à un examen approfondi de tout contenu numérique sur la base de leurs propres critères, y compris si nécessaire à sa réorganisation et sa recuration, avant de l'utiliser en classe. Conscients des nombreuses normes différentes spécifiques à chaque contexte s'agissant entre autres du niveau d'interactivité souhaité, de l'adéquation entre un sujet et l'âge des apprenants, des sensibilités culturelles et du ton, nous avons intentionnellement proposé un large éventail de supports pour aider à répondre aux besoins de tous les apprenants, quels qu'ils soient.",
- "CatalogFAQ.ownershipQuestion": "Ces ressources appartiennent-elles à Learning Equality ?",
- "CatalogFAQ.ownershipAnswer": "Non. Tout comme un référentiel pédagogique en ligne avec des liens vers des sites web externes, nous rassemblons des ressources d'apprentissage numériques utiles pour faire découvrir à notre communauté une riche variété de supports éducatifs qu'elle n'aurait peut-être pas connus autrement. Tous les supports de cette bibliothèque pédagogique sont entièrement crédités à l'organisation qui les a créés, reformatés pour un affichage optimal sur les appareils numériques, et comprennent toute information supplémentaire que le créateur nous a communiquée. Nous n'incluons que le contenu qui est soit sous licence ouverte, soit disponible pour diffusion à des fins spéciales à but non lucratif ou non commercial, soit partagé avec nous pour être distribué par le biais d'un accord avec le créateur. Les supports de la bibliothèque étant destinés à être utilisés sur une plateforme open source, nous ne tirons aucun profit financier de leur utilisation.",
- "CatalogFAQ.newContentQuestion": "Learning Equality ajoute-t-il de nouveaux supports ?",
- "CatalogFAQ.newContentAnswer": "Notre équipe chargée des contenus ajoute régulièrement de nouvelles sources et chaînes à la bibliothèque, et met à jour les chaînes existantes au fur et à mesure que les créateurs de contenus mettent à disposition de nouveaux supports.",
- "CatalogFAQ.customContentQuestion": "Comment puis-je ajouter mes propres supports ou recommander des supports d'autres créateurs pour cette bibliothèque ?",
- "CatalogFAQ.customContentAnswer": "Pour ajouter vos propres matériaux, créez un compte sur Kolibri Studio en allant sur https://studio.learningequality.org. Des recommandations au sujet des types de matériels éducatifs à ajouter à la bibliothèque de contenu de Kolibri peuvent être obtenues en contactant content@learningequality.org.",
- "CatalogFAQ.usingResourcesHeader": "À propos de l'utilisation de ces ressources",
- "CatalogFAQ.usingContentQuestion": "J'ai trouvé quelque chose qui m'intéresse et j'aimerais commencer à l'utiliser. Que dois-je faire ?",
- "CatalogFAQ.usingContentAnswer": "Formidable ! Toutes ces ressources ont été spécifiquement traitées pour permettre leur utilisation sur Kolibri, notre plateforme open source destinée à l'apprentissage hors ligne. Pour commencer, découvrez comment lancer Kolibri, puis suivez les instructions pour y importer des ressources.",
- "CatalogFAQ.viewGettingStartedLink": "Documentation pour bien démarrer avec Kolibri",
- "CatalogFAQ.channelQuestion": "Qu'est-ce qu'une chaîne ?",
- "CatalogFAQ.channelAnswer": "Une chaîne est l'unité qu'utilise Kolibri pour organiser les contenus numériques. Il s'agit d'un recueil de ressources préparé par des institutions ou des créateurs uniques, chacun pouvant contenir un ensemble de livres, de jeux, de manuels, d'articles, de simulations, d'exercices et de nombreux autres types de supports pédagogiques, tous mis à disposition pour être utilisés dans Kolibri sans qu'un accès à Internet soit nécessaire. Une chaîne ne correspond pas forcément un cours ou une session, mais regroupe des supports publiés ou rassemblés par une organisation, présentés d'une façon aussi fidèle que possible à la configuration originale du fournisseur, mais organisés pour une navigation optimale dans Kolibri.",
- "CatalogFAQ.sampleContentQuestion": "Comment puis-je passer en revue le contenu même des chaînes ?",
- "CatalogFAQ.sampleContentAnswer": "Il y a trois façons de faire :",
- "CatalogFAQ.sampleContentAnswerItem1": "Pour voir la source du contenu original, cliquez sur le bouton ⋮ et sélectionnez 'Aller sur le site web source'.",
- "CatalogFAQ.sampleContentAnswerItem2": "Pour visualiser le contenu sur l'un de nos serveurs de démonstration en ligne (disponibles en anglais, espagnol, arabe, français ou hindi), cliquez sur le bouton ⋮ et sélectionnez 'Afficher la chaîne sur Kolibri'.",
- "CatalogFAQ.sampleContentAnswerItem3": "Téléchargez Kolibri et importez la chaîne sur votre appareil pour un accès complet hors ligne.",
- "CatalogFAQ.downloadKolibriLink": "Télécharger Kolibri",
- "CatalogFAQ.partialChannelQuestion": "Je veux utiliser une partie des ressources de cette chaîne et non la totalité. Que dois-je faire ?",
- "CatalogFAQ.partialChannelAnswer": "Lorsque vous importez du contenu dans Kolibri, vous pouvez sélectionner les sous-sections spécifiques d'une chaîne qui vous intéressent. Si vous souhaitez y apporter des modifications, comme par exemple modifier le titre ou la description des dossiers, ou changer l'ordre dans lequel les supports apparaissent, veuillez nous contacter à l'adresse content@learningequality.org afin d'accéder rapidement à notre outil Kolibri Studio, à partir duquel vous pourrez effectuer ces modifications.",
- "CatalogFAQ.coachContentQuestion": "En quoi consistent les 'ressources pour les éducateurs' ?",
- "CatalogFAQ.coachContentAnswer": "La plupart des ressources sont destinées aux apprenants, mais certaines, telles que les plans de leçon, les remises à niveau sur telle ou telle matière, les guides d'apprentissage professionnel et autres, sont destinées aux enseignants et aux facilitateurs. Dans Kolibri, nous marquons ce contenu comme étant \"pour les éducateurs\", qui sont les seuls à y avoir accès. Alors si vous tombez sur des supports destinés aux éducateurs, les facilitateurs qui utilisent ces ressources pourraient avoir moins à planifier ! ",
- "CatalogFAQ.issueQuestion": "J'ai trouvé un bug, un lien brisé ou une information mal étiquetée dans une ressource. Que dois-je faire ?",
- "CatalogFAQ.issueAnswer": "Veuillez nous envoyer un courriel à l'adresse content@learningequality.org en indiquant le nom de la chaîne, ainsi qu'une description du problème. Si vous remarquez un problème sur une ressource spécifique, veillez à bien inclure un lien vers celle-ci également. Nous serons heureux d'étudier le problème, et reconnaissants pour votre retour !",
- "CatalogFAQ.aboutKolibriHeader": "À propos de Kolibri",
- "CatalogFAQ.KolibriQuestion": "Qu'est-ce que Kolibri?",
- "CatalogFAQ.KolibriAnswer": "Kolibri est une plateforme open source d'e-éducation conçue pour les communautés à faibles ressources, qui s'attache à :",
- "CatalogFAQ.KolibriAnswerItem1": "Surmonter les obstacles infrastructurels qui empêchent un accès équitable à une éducation de qualité pour les apprenants dans des contextes caractérisés par de faibles ressources et une faible connectivité",
- "CatalogFAQ.KolibriAnswerItem2": "Accroître la disponibilité en libre accès de supports d'apprentissage adaptés à de nombreux programmes, objectifs d'apprentissage et situations",
- "CatalogFAQ.KolibriAnswerItem3": "Promouvoir une pédagogie innovante et des résultats d'apprentissage efficaces",
- "CatalogFAQ.usingKolibriQuestion": "Comment puis-je utiliser Kolibri ?",
- "CatalogFAQ.usingKolibriAnswerP1": "Pour en savoir plus sur comment utiliser Kolibri, vous pouvez, au choix :",
- "CatalogFAQ.usingKolibriItem1": "Visiter le site web Learning Equality",
- "CatalogFAQ.visitWebsiteLink": "Visiter le site web",
- "CatalogFAQ.usingKolibriItem2": "Regarder une démo de la plateforme",
- "CatalogFAQ.viewDemoLink": "Voir la démo",
- "CatalogFAQ.usingKolibriItem3": "Télécharger le logiciel",
- "CatalogFAQ.downloadLink": "Télécharger",
- "CatalogFAQ.usingKolibriAnswerP2": "Pour vous guider davantage, nous vous invitons à consulter la documentation utilisateur de Kolibri.",
- "CatalogFAQ.viewDocsLink": "Voir les documents",
- "CatalogFAQ.makerQuestion": "Qui a créé Kolibri ?",
- "CatalogFAQ.makerAnswerP1": "Learning Equality, une association à but non lucratif 501(c)(3) basée à San Diego, Californie, s'engage à permettre à chaque personne au monde de satisfaire son droit à une éducation de qualité, en appuyant la création, l'adaptation et la distribution de ressources pédagogiques et libre accès, et en créant des outils de soutien pour une pédagogie innovante.",
- "CatalogFAQ.makerAnswerP2": "Au vu de la fracture numérique, Learning Equality a commencé par mettre l'expérience de la Khan Academy hors ligne à la disposition de plus de 6 millions d'apprenants du monde entier. Kolibri, son produit de deuxième génération, fait partie d'un écosystème plus large de produits et d'outils qui soutiennent l'alignement des programmes d'études, les pédagogies d'apprentissage mixte et une utilisation plus large de ressources éducatives libres afin d'améliorer l'apprentissage.",
- "ChannelListAppError.channelPermissionsErrorDetails": "Connectez-vous ou demandez au propriétaire de cette chaîne de vous donner l'autorité de la modifier ou de la visualiser",
- "ChannelItem.versionText": "Version {version}",
- "ChannelSetModal.creatingChannelSet": "Nouveau recueil",
- "ChannelSetModal.loading": "Chargement en cours...",
- "ChannelSetModal.titleLabel": "Nom du recueil",
- "ChannelSetModal.channelCountText": "{channelCount, plural, one {} =0 {Aucune chaîne publiée dans votre recueil} =1 {# chaîne} other {# chaînes}}",
- "ChannelSetModal.channelSelectedCountText": "{channelCount, plural, one {} =1 {# chaîne sélectionnée} other {# chaînes sélectionnées}}",
- "ChannelSetModal.titleRequiredText": "Le champ est obligatoire",
- "ChannelSetModal.publishedChannelsOnlyText": "Seules les chaînes publiées peuvent être sélectionnées",
- "ChannelSetModal.tokenPrompt": "Pour pouvoir importer ce recueil sur votre appareil, copiez ce jeton dans Kolibri.",
- "ChannelSetModal.token": "Jeton du recueil",
- "ChannelSetModal.channels": "Chaînes du recueil",
- "ChannelSetModal.selectChannelsHeader": "Sélectionner les chaînes",
- "ChannelSetModal.saveButton": "Enregistrer et fermer",
- "ChannelSetModal.createButton": "Créer",
- "ChannelSetModal.finish": "Terminer",
- "ChannelSetModal.undefined": "Favorites",
- "ChannelSetModal.unsavedChangesHeader": " Modifications non enregistrées",
- "ChannelSetModal.unsavedChangesText": "Vous perdrez toutes les modifications non enregistrées. Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir quitter ?",
- "ChannelSetModal.closeButton": "Quitter sans enregistrer",
- "ChannelSetModal.removeText": "Supprimer",
- "ChannelSelectionList.searchText": "Rechercher une chaîne",
- "ChannelSelectionList.loading": "Chargement des chaînes...",
- "ChannelSelectionList.noChannelsFound": "Aucune chaîne trouvée",
- "ChannelSetList.loading": "Chargement des recueils...",
- "ChannelSetList.cancelButtonLabel": "Fermer",
- "ChannelSetList.noChannelSetsFound": "Vous pouvez regrouper plusieurs chaînes pour constituer un recueil. Vous pourrez ensuite importer tout le recueil dans Kolibri en une seule fois à l'aide d'un jeton de recueil.",
- "ChannelSetList.addChannelSetTitle": "Nouveau recueil",
- "ChannelSetList.aboutChannelSets": "À propos des recueils",
- "ChannelSetList.channelSetsDescriptionText": "Un recueil contient plusieurs chaînes de Kolibri Studio pouvant être importées en une seule fois dans Kolibri avec un seul jeton de recueil.",
- "ChannelSetList.channelSetsInstructionsText": "Vous pouvez créer un recueil en sélectionnant les chaînes que vous souhaitez importer ensemble.",
- "ChannelSetList.channelSetsDisclaimer": "Seule la version 0.12.0 ou supérieure de Kolibri permet d'importer des recueils de chaînes.",
- "ChannelSetList.title": "Titre du recueil",
- "ChannelSetList.token": "ID du jeton",
- "ChannelSetList.channelNumber": "Nombre de chaînes",
- "ChannelSetList.options": "Options",
- "ChannelSetItem.deleteChannelSetTitle": "Supprimer le recueil ",
- "ChannelSetItem.deleteChannelSetText": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer ce recueil ?",
- "ChannelSetItem.cancel": "Annuler",
- "ChannelSetItem.edit": "Modifier le recueil",
- "ChannelSetItem.delete": "Supprimer le recueil ",
- "ChannelSetItem.options": "Options",
- "ContentDefaults.defaultsTitle": "Valeurs de droits d'auteur par défaut pour les nouvelles ressources (facultatif)",
- "ContentDefaults.defaultsSubTitle": "Ces valeurs seront automatiquement attribuées aux nouvelles ressources",
- "ContentDefaults.author": "Auteur",
- "ContentDefaults.aggregator": "Agrégateur",
- "ContentDefaults.provider": "Fournisseur",
- "ContentDefaults.license": "Licence",
- "ContentDefaults.licenseDescription": "Description de la licence",
- "ContentDefaults.noLicense": "Aucune licence sélectionnée",
- "ContentDefaults.copyrightHolder": "Titulaire des droits d'auteur",
- "ContentDefaults.thumbnailsTitle": "Générer automatiquement des vignettes pour les types de ressources suivants",
- "ContentDefaults.videos": "Vidéos",
- "ContentDefaults.html5": "Applications HTML5",
- "ContentDefaults.documents": "Documents",
- "PasswordField.passwordLabel": "Mot de passe",
- "PasswordField.fieldRequiredMessage": "Le champ est obligatoire",
- "CountryField.locationLabel": "Sélectionner tout ce qui s'applique",
- "CountryField.locationRequiredMessage": "Le champ est obligatoire",
- "CountryField.noCountriesFound": "Aucun pays trouvé",
- "EmailField.emailLabel": "Email",
- "EmailField.validEmailMessage": "Veuillez entrer une adresse email valide",
- "EmailField.emailRequiredMessage": "Le champ est obligatoire",
- "TextField.fieldRequiredMessage": "Le champ est obligatoire",
- "MultiSelect.noItemsFound": "Aucun élément trouvé",
- "TextArea.fieldRequiredMessage": "Le champ est obligatoire",
- "ImagesMenu.imageHeader": "Téléverser une image",
- "ImagesMenu.btnLabelInsert": "Insérer",
- "ImagesMenu.btnLabelCancel": "Annuler",
- "ImagesMenu.altTextLabel": "Description de l’image",
- "ImagesMenu.altTextHint": "La description de l'image est nécessaire pour permettre aux apprenants handicapés visuels de répondre aux questions. Elle s'affiche également en cas d'échec du chargement de l'image",
- "ImagesMenu.defaultDropText": "Glissez et déposez une image ici ou téléversez-la manuellement",
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- "ToggleText.more": "Afficher plus",
- "ToggleText.less": "Afficher moins",
- "AppBar.title": "Bêta de Kolibri Studio",
- "AppBar.administration": "Administration",
- "AppBar.settings": "Paramètres",
- "AppBar.help": "Aide et support",
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- "AppBar.logOut": "Se déconnecter",
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- "Details.resourceHeading": "Toutes les ressources",
- "Details.coachHeading": "Ressources pour les éducateurs",
- "Details.coachDescription": "Dans Kolibri, seuls les éducateurs peuvent visualiser les ressources qui leur sont destinées",
- "Details.tagsHeading": "Étiquettes communes",
- "Details.creationHeading": "Créé le",
- "Details.containsHeading": "Contient",
- "Details.languagesHeading": "Langues",
- "Details.subtitlesHeading": "Légendes ou sous-titres",
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- "Details.authorToolTip": "Personne ou organisation ayant créé ce contenu",
- "Details.providersLabel": "Fournisseurs",
- "Details.providerToolTip": "Organisation ayant commandé le contenu ou qui le distribue",
- "Details.aggregatorsLabel": "Agrégateurs",
- "Details.aggregatorToolTip": "Site web ou organisation hébergeant le recueil de contenus, sans forcément en être le créateur ou le titulaire des droits d'auteur",
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- "Details.copyrightHoldersLabel": "Titulaires des droits d'auteur",
- "Details.assessmentsIncludedText": "Évaluations",
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- "Details.sampleFromChannelHeading": "Exemple de contenu de cette chaîne",
- "Details.sampleFromTopicHeading": "Exemple de contenu sur ce sujet",
- "Details.tokenHeading": "Jeton de chaîne",
- "Details.publishedHeading": "Publiée le",
- "Details.currentVersionHeading": "Version publiée",
- "Details.primaryLanguageHeading": "Langue principale",
- "Details.unpublishedText": "Non publiée",
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- "Alert.dontShowAgain": "Ne plus afficher ce message",
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- "ExpandableList.less": "Afficher moins",
- "VisibilityDropdown.labelText": "Visible par",
- "VisibilityDropdown.visibilityHeader": "À propos de la visibilité des ressources",
- "VisibilityDropdown.visibilityDescription": "La visibilité définit quel type d'utilisateurs de Kolibri peut voir les ressources.",
- "VisibilityDropdown.coach": "Les ressources ne sont visibles que par les éducateurs (enseignants, facilitateurs, administrateurs)",
- "VisibilityDropdown.learner": "Les ressources sont visibles par tous",
- "VisibilityDropdown.visibilityRequired": "Le champ est obligatoire",
- "PoliciesModal.ToSHeader": "Conditions de service",
- "PoliciesModal.updatedToSHeader": "Conditions de service mises à jour",
- "PoliciesModal.privacyHeader": "Charte de confidentialité",
- "PoliciesModal.updatedPrivacyHeader": "Charte de confidentialité mise à jour",
- "PoliciesModal.communityStandardsHeader": "Normes communautaires",
- "PoliciesModal.lastUpdated": "Dernière mise à jour {date}",
- "PoliciesModal.closeButton": "Fermer",
- "PoliciesModal.continueButton": "Continuer",
- "PoliciesModal.checkboxValidationErrorMessage": "Le champ est obligatoire",
- "PoliciesModal.checkboxText": "J'ai accepté les conditions ci-dessus",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.ToSHeader": "Conditions d'utilisation",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.updatedToSHeader": "Conditions d'utilisation mises à jour",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.prompt": "Please read these terms and conditions carefully",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.disclaimerP1": "Before using this website, you should read the following important information relating to it. These Terms of Service (\"Terms\") govern your use of this website and form a legally binding agreement between you and us regarding your use of our website.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.disclaimerP2": "If, for any reason, you are unable or unwilling to agree to all of these Terms, please immediately discontinue using or attempting to use the service.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.disclaimerP3": "By continuing to use the Service you agree to these terms which will bind you.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.definitionsHeader": "Definitions",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.definitionsP1": "These are the Terms for the web application hosted at https://studio.learningequality.org/, along with any API's or other interfaces it provides (the \"Service\"), controlled and operated by Learning Equality (\"Learning Equality\", \"we\", \"us\" and \"our\"). We are registered as a nonprofit organization in California, USA under EIN 46-2676188, and have our registered office at 9700 Gilman Dr, PMB 323, La Jolla, CA 92093.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.definitionsP2": "These Terms describe our commitments to you, and your rights and responsibilities when using the Service. If you breach any of these Terms, your right to access and use of the Service and Service will be terminated. Please read them carefully and reach out to us if you have any questions.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.definitionsP3": "\"Content refers to media files (such as videos, audio files, HTML5 content, or other materials) that are hosted on the Service, along with their associated descriptive metadata.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.definitionsP4": "Throughout these Terms, \"you\" applies to both individuals and entities that access or use the Service. If you are an individual using the Service on behalf of an entity, you represent and warrant that you have the authority to bind that entity to the Agreement and that by using our Service, you are accepting the Agreement on behalf of that entity.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.accountTermsHeader": "Account Terms",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.accountTermsP1": "When you register for an account on the Service, you agree to provide us with complete and accurate information. You will be solely responsible and liable for any activity that occurs under your username. You are responsible for keeping your account information up-to-date and for keeping your access credentials (password and API token) private and secure.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.accountTermsP2": "You are responsible for maintaining the security of your account and any Service-related content, and you are fully responsible for all activities that occur under your account and any other actions taken in connection with the Service. You shall not share or misuse your access credentials. You must immediately notify us of any unauthorized uses of your account, or of any other breach of security. We will not be liable for any acts or omissions by you, including any damages of any kind incurred as a result of such acts or omissions.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.accountTermsP3": "Access to and use of the Service is only for those over the age of 13 (or 16 in the European Union). If you are younger than this, you may not register for or use the Service. Any person who registers as a user or provides their personal information to the Service represents that they are 13 years of age or older (or 16 years or older in the European Union).",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseHeader": "Acceptable Use Restrictions",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseP1": "You represent and warrant that your use of the Service:",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem1": "Will be in strict accordance with these Terms;",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem2": "Will comply with all applicable laws and regulations (including, without limitation, all applicable laws regarding online conduct and acceptable content, privacy, data protection, and the transmission of technical data exported from the United States or the country in which you reside);",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem3": "Will not use the Services for any unlawful purposes, to publish illegal content, or in furtherance of illegal activities;",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem4": "Will not transmit any material that is defamatory, offensive or otherwise objectionable in relation to your use of the Service;",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem5": "Will not infringe or misappropriate the intellectual property rights of any third party;",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem6": "Will not overburden Learning Equality's systems, as determined by us in our sole discretion, including but not limited to excessive bandwidth utilization or number of requests;",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem7": "Will not attempt to circumvent your assigned storage quota or other account restrictions through technical or other means;",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem8": "Will not disclose sensitive personal information of others;",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem9": "Will not be used to send spam or bulk unsolicited messages;",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem10": "Will not interfere with, disrupt, or attack any service or network; and",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem11": "Will not be used to create, distribute, or enable material that is - or that facilitates or operates in conjunction with - malware, spyware, adware, or other malicious programs or code.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.userContentHeader": "User-Generated Content",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.userContentP1": "We have not reviewed, and cannot review, all of the Content (such as, but not limited to, text, photo, video, audio, code, computer software, or other materials) uploaded to or authored using the Service by users or anyone else and are not responsible for any use or effects of such Content. So, for example:",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList1Item1": "We do not endorse any uploaded Content or represent that Content is accurate, useful, or non-harmful. Content could be offensive, indecent, or objectionable; include technical inaccuracies, typographical mistakes, or other errors; or violate or infringe the privacy, publicity rights, intellectual property rights (see our Copyright Infringement and DMCA Policy section to submit copyright complaints), or other proprietary rights of third parties.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList1Item2": "If you upload or author Content, or otherwise make (or allow any third party to make) Content available on the Service, you are entirely responsible for the Content, and any harm resulting from, that Content or your conduct.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList1Item3": "You are responsible for ensuring that you have proper permissions to upload and distribute any and all uploaded Content and for ensuring that the copyright holder and licensing are properly evidenced on the uploaded Content.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList1Item4": "We disclaim any responsibility for any harm resulting from anyone's use or downloading of Content. If you access or use any Content, you are responsible for taking precautions as necessary to protect yourself and your computer systems from viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and other harmful or destructive content.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList1Item5": "We are not a party to, and will have no responsibility or liability for, any communications, transactions, interactions, or disputes between you and the provider of any Content.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList1Item6": "Please note that additional third party terms and conditions may apply to the downloading, copying, or use of Content.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.userContentP2": "We also have not reviewed, and cannot review, all of the material made available through the websites and web pages that link to, or are linked from the Service. For example:",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList2Item1": "We do not have any control over those websites and are not responsible for their contents or their use.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList2Item2": "The existence of a link to or from the Service does not represent or imply that we endorse such website.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList2Item3": "You are responsible for taking precautions as necessary to protect yourself and your computer systems from viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and other harmful or destructive content.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.userContentP3": "We reserve the right to remove any Content that violates our Terms or for any other reason.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.userContentP4": "Please note we cannot:",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList3Item1": "remove or force upgrades of copies of Content that have already been downloaded from the Service, except in cases in which the Kolibri Learning Application is running on a server that is under our control. This may mean that when we delete uploaded content not all copies will be removed.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList3Item2": "remove or change the licensing on old versions of Content that others have made copies of, should you change the licensing on your content and/or request a removal of the Content from us. When a Creative Commons license is applied to a specific version of a piece of Content, the rights conferred to others for distribution and use of that Content cannot be revoked. Whilst we cannot remove or force updates on copies of the Content, we would let you update the license on your own copy of the Content moving forward, and for future versions.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.licensingHeader": "Licensing and Copyright",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.licensingP1": "The Service allows you to upload and distribute Content. When you do, the following terms apply:",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.licensingList1Item1": "Copyright ownership of the Content is retained by the original copyright holder and must be indicated, and license information must be marked so as to accurately reflect the copyright holder's intentions around the distribution and use of that Content.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.licensingList1Item2": "If you are not yourself the copyright holder, you must have the rights to distribute the uploaded Content, either through explicit written permission from the copyright holder, or as allowed by the terms of the license under which the Content has been released.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.licensingList1Item3": "If you are the copyright holder of the uploaded content, then by marking the Content you upload with a particular license, you are agreeing for the Content to be distributed and used under the terms of that license in perpetuity.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.licensingP2": "We follow a policy of making content, including its associated metadata, as open as possible while following the appropriate copyright laws. With this in mind, we distinguish between:",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.licensingList2Item1": "Descriptive metadata: This includes primary metadata associated with a single piece of Content, for example, titles, descriptions, and other elements which constitute a definitive part of the Content regardless of which system it appears on. These metadata elements will fall under the same copyright and licensing as the Content itself.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.licensingList2Item2": "Organizational metadata: This defines how a piece of content may be used, aids with discovery, and places it within some broader structure of relations on the Service, for example, tags, curation into topics (including the titles of those topics), and other elements pertaining to the display and ordering of Content on the system itself. By using the Service, you agree that work you do to generate organizational metadata elements are released into the Public Domain, and may be made available for others to use, without any claim to copyright or restricted licensing. We may also share, leverage and distribute this organizational metadata. This is so that we can benefit others and improve the impact of our platforms.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.dmcaHeader": "DMCA Policy",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.dmcaP1": "As we ask others to respect our intellectual property rights, we respect the intellectual property rights of others. If you believe that material located on or associated with the Service violates your copyright, please notify us in accordance with our Digital Millennium Copyright Act (\"DMCA\") Policy. We will respond to all such notices, including as required or appropriate by removing the infringing material or disabling all links to the infringing material. We will terminate a visitor's access to and use of the website if, under appropriate circumstances, the visitor is determined to be a repeat infringer of copyrights or other intellectual property rights. In the case of such termination, we will have no obligation to provide a refund of any payments or other forms of restitution.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.dmcaLink": "Report a violation",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.intellectualPropertyHeader": "Intellectual Property Notice",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.intellectualPropertyP1": "The Agreement does not transfer from Learning Equality to you any Learning Equality or third party intellectual property, and all right, title, and interest in and to such property will remain (as between the parties) solely with Learning Equality. \"Kolibri\", \"Kolibri Studio\", \"Learning Equality\", the Kolibri logo, and all other trademarks, service marks, graphics, and logos used in connection with learningequality.org or the Service, are trademarks or registered trademarks of Learning Equality or Learning Equality's licensors. Other trademarks, service marks, graphics, and logos used in connection with the Service may be the trademarks of other third parties. Your use of the Service grants you no right or license to reproduce or otherwise use any Learning Equality or third party trademarks and any such use may constitute an infringement of the holder's rights",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.communityStandardsHeader": "Community Standards",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.communityStandardsP1": "For more information about the intended use of the Service, and standards around Content, please see our Community Standards page.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.communityStandardsLink": "Learn more about Studio's community standards",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.yourPrivacyHeader": "Your Privacy",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.yourPrivacyP1": "We take your privacy seriously. Please read our Privacy Policy to see how we collect, use and protect your personal data.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.yourPrivacyLink": "Learn more about Studio's privacy policy",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.cancellationHeader": "Cancellation or Termination",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.cancellationP1": "We may terminate or restrict your access to all or any part of the Service at any time, with or without cause, with or without notice, effective immediately. We have the right (though not the obligation) to, in our sole discretion, (i) close down an account or remove content due to prolonged inactivity, (ii) refuse or remove any content that, in our reasonable opinion, violates any Learning Equality policy (including our Community Standards) or is in any way harmful or objectionable, or (iii) terminate or deny access to and use of the Service to any individual or entity for any reason. We will have no obligation to provide a refund of any amounts previously paid.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.cancellationP2": "If we end your rights to use the Service:",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.cancellationItem1": "You must stop all activities authorized by these Terms, including your use of the Service.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.cancellationItem2": "You must not register and create a new account under your name, a fake or borrowed name, or the name of any third party, even if you may be acting on behalf of the third party.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.cancellationP3": "In addition to terminating or suspending your account, we reserve the right to take appropriate legal action, including without limitation pursuing civil, criminal, and injunctive action for violating these Terms.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.cancellationP4": "All provisions of the Agreement which by their nature should survive termination shall survive termination, including, without limitation, ownership provisions, warranty disclaimers, indemnity, and limitations of liability.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.communicationsHeader": "Communications with Learning Equality",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.communicationsP1": "For contractual purposes, you (1) consent to receive communications from us in an electronic form via the email address you have submitted or via the Service; and (2) agree that all Terms of Service, agreements, notices, disclosures, and other communications that we provide to you electronically satisfy any legal requirement that those communications would satisfy if they were on paper. This section does not affect your non-waivable rights.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.warrantyHeader": "Disclaimer of Warranties",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.warrantyHeaderP1": "You acknowledge that the website and the Service is provided \"as is\" and \"as available\", with all faults and without warranty of any kind, and we hereby disclaim all warranties and conditions with respect to the website and Service, either express, implied or statutory, including, but not limited to, any implied warranties and/or conditions of merchantability, of satisfactory quality, of fitness for a particular purpose, of accuracy, and non-infringement of third party rights. Any use of the Service and website is at your own risk. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties, so the above limitations may not apply to you.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.changesToToSHeader": "Changes to these Terms of Service",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.changesToToSP1": "We are constantly updating our Service and that means sometimes we have to change the legal terms under which our Service is offered. These Terms may only be modified by a written amendment signed by an authorized executive of Learning Equality, or by the posting by Learning Equality of a revised version. If we make changes that are material, we will let you know by posting on one of our blogs, or by sending you an email or other communication before the changes take effect. The notice will designate a reasonable period of time after which the new terms will take effect. If you disagree with our changes, then you should stop using the Service within the designated notice period, or once the changes become effective. Your continued use of the Service will be subject to the new terms. However, any dispute that arose before the changes shall be governed by the Terms (including the binding individual arbitration clause) that were in place when the dispute arose.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.jurisdictionHeader": "Jurisdiction and Applicable Law",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.jurisdictionP1": "Except to the extent any applicable law provides otherwise, the Agreement and any access to or use of the Service will be governed by the laws of the state of California, U.S.A., excluding its conflict of law provisions. The proper venue for any disputes arising out of or relating to the Agreement and any access to or use of the Service will be the state and federal courts located in San Diego County, California.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.arbitrationHeader": "Arbitration Agreement",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.arbitrationP1": "Except for claims for injunctive or equitable relief or claims regarding intellectual property rights (which may be brought in any competent court without the posting of a bond), any dispute arising under the Agreement shall be finally settled in accordance with the Comprehensive Arbitration Rules of the Judicial Arbitration and Mediation Service, Inc. (\"JAMS\") by three arbitrators appointed in accordance with such Rules. The arbitration shall take place in San Diego, California, in the English language and the arbitral decision may be enforced in any court. The prevailing party in any action or proceeding to enforce the Agreement shall be entitled to costs and attorneys' fees.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.liabilityHeader": "Limitation of Liability",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.liabilityP1": "To the extent legally permitted under the applicable law, Learning Equality shall not be responsible for any loss or damage to you, your customers or third parties caused by failure of the website to function. In no event will Learning Equality be liable for any special, consequential, incidental, or indirect damages (including, without limitation, those resulting from lost profits, cost of substitute goods or services, lost data or business interruption) in connection with the use of the website or Service of in connection with any other claim arising from these Terms of Service. The aggregate liability of Learning Equality arisint from or relating to these Tmers and the Service, regardless of the form of action or claim (contract, tort or otherwise) and even if you have been advised of the possibility of such damages shall not exceed the amount paid by you during the twelve (12) month period prior to the cause of action. Nothing in these Terms shall limit or exclude Learning Equality liability for gross negligence or for death or personal injury. Applicable law may not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.thirdPartyHeader": "Third Party Content and Third Party Applications",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.thirdPartyP1": "The links to third party websites, any third party content, and any third party applications may be provided for your convenience and information only. The content on any linked website or in any third party application is not under our control and we are not responsible for the content of linked websites and/or third party applications, including any further links contained in a third party website. We make no representations or warranties in connection with any third party content or third party applications, which at all times and in each instance is provided \"as is.\" Third party applications may be subject to additional policies and conditions or agreements between you and the provider of such third party applications. You agree to fully comply with all such additional policies, conditions and agreements. If you decide to access any third party content, and/or any third party application, you do so entirely at your own risk.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.thirdPartyRightsHeader": "Third Party Rights",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.thirdPartyRightsP1": "Nothing in our Terms is intended to confer on any third party any benefit or any right (under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 UK or otherwise) to enforce any provision of our Terms or any agreement entered into in connection with it.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.indemnificationHeader": "Indemnification",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.indemnificationP1": "You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Learning Equality, its contractors, and its licensors, and their respective directors, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all losses, liabilities, demands, damages, costs, claims, and expenses, including attorneys' fees, arising out of or related to your use of the Service, including but not limited to your violation of the Agreement, Content that you upload or author, and any other activities conducted using the Service.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.miscellaneousHeader": "Miscellaneous",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.miscellaneousP1": "The Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between Learning Equality and you concerning the subject matter hereof. If any part of the Agreement is held invalid or unenforceable, that part will be construed to reflect the parties' original intent, and the remaining portions will remain in full force and effect. A waiver by either party of any term or condition of the Agreement or any breach thereof, in any one instance, will not waive such term or condition or any subsequent breach thereof.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.miscellaneousP2": "You may assign your rights under the Agreement to any party that consents to, and agrees to be bound by, its terms and conditions; Learning Equality may assign its rights under the Agreement without condition. The Agreement will be binding upon and will inure to the benefit of the parties, their successors and permitted assigns.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.miscellaneousP3": "If you have any questions about the Service or these Terms, please contact us at legal@learningequality.org.",
- "CommunityStandardsModal.communityStandardsHeader": "Normes communautaires",
- "CommunityStandardsModal.description": "Learning Equality est une organisation à but non lucratif qui se consacre à permettre un accès équitable à des expériences pédagogiques de qualité. Outre la déclaration de nos valeurs fondamentales, ces normes communautaires visent à favoriser un environnement favorable et inclusif pour nos utilisateurs.",
- "CommunityStandardsModal.coreValuesLink": "En savoir plus sur les valeurs fondamentales de Learning Equality",
- "CommunityStandardsModal.studioDescription": "Kolibri Studio vous autorise l'accès à la bibliothèque Kolibri, une bibliothèque en pleine croissance de supports pédagogiques que nous vous encourageons à utiliser comme la vôtre. Kolibri Studio a été créé pour vous aider à préparer des supports pédagogiques de différentes manières y compris, mais non exclusivement :",
- "CommunityStandardsModal.studioItem1": "Naviguation. Sélectionner les supports pédagogiques appropriés à votre situation dans la bibliothèque Kolibri, en faire la liste des sources disponibles sur la page des chaînes publiques dans Kolibri Studio",
- "CommunityStandardsModal.studioItem2": "Curation. Réorganiser les supports dans ces chaînes en sélectionnant, supprimant et réarrangeant les éléments appropriés",
- "CommunityStandardsModal.studioItem3": "Partage. Créant et publiant de nouvelles chaînes à partir de ce que vous trouvez, soit pour les partager en privé avec vos propres réalisations ou pour les partager avec d'autres sur Kolibri Studio.",
- "CommunityStandardsModal.studioItem4": "Modification et création. l'ajout de vos propres exercices d'évaluation à tout support existant",
- "CommunityStandardsModal.studioItem5": "Hébergement. Le téléchargement de vos propres supports (limité aux supports dont la licence appropriée vous a été accordée) à partir d'un disque dur local ou d'autres emplacements sur l'internet",
- "CommunityStandardsModal.libraryDescription": "La bibliothèque Kolibri est à la fois un effort de base et de curation visant non seulement à fournir une grande variété de supports pour tous les apprenants mais aussi des fins d'apprentissage. Pour nous aider à atteindre ces objectifs, nous vous invitons à utiliser Kolibri Studio de manières que :",
- "CommunityStandardsModal.libraryItem1": "Modéliser les bonnes pratiques en matière de partage ouvert et de respect des droits d'auteur. Créez une communauté de partage éthique en étiquetant les licences, s'assurant que vous connaissez les licences appropriées pour ce que vous téléversez, et en veillant si nécessaire, à ce que les autorisations écrites appropriées soient documentées . Studio est principalement conçu pour héberger des documents sous licence ouverte ou assortis d'autorisations spéciales aux fins redistribution et de reproduction.",
- "CommunityStandardsModal.libraryItem2": "Veillez à ce que les supports soient bien définis, organisés et utilisables. Nous accueillons les ressources créées à tous les niveaux de production ! Pour les aider à atteindre le plus grand nombre d'apprenants possible, nous vous invitons à utiliser pleinement tous les champs de métadonnées et à rechercher la qualité en matière d'intelligibilité, de lisibilité ou de numérisation afin que le contenu soit utilisable et compréhensible.",
- "CommunityStandardsModal.libraryItem3": "Respectez la communauté. Outre les objectifs pédagogiques spécifiques qu'elles peuvent servir dans certains contextes, il convient d'éviter l'obscénité et la vulgarité. Les discours de haine, peu importe leur nature, ou la promotion de la violence ou de la discrimination, ne seront jamais tolérés.",
- "CommunityStandardsModal.libraryItem4": "Kolibri Studio est uniquement destiné à des fins pédagogiques. Il n'est pas destiné à être utilisé à des fins non pédagogiques telles que le recrutement, l'endoctrinement, la publicité, le partage de fichiers ou l'hébergement de médias personnels.",
- "PrivacyPolicyModal.privacyHeader": "Politique de confidentialité",
- "PrivacyPolicyModal.updatedPrivacyHeader": "Politique de confidentialité mise à jour",
- "PrivacyPolicyModal.paragraph1": "La présente charte de confidentialité vous informe de nos pratiques en matière de confidentialité et de vos choix et droits concernant les données personnelles que nous recueillons. Elle s'applique à l'application Kolibri (\"Application\"), au Kolibri Studio (\"Studio\") et à tous les sites web qui y sont liés (dénommés collectivement en ceci comme \"Kolibri\"). La présente déclaration de confidentialité ne s'applique pas aux applications tierces ou aux organisations partenaires qui puissent utiliser notre logiciel ou être utilisées en conjonction avec le nôtre.",
- "PrivacyPolicyModal.paragraph2": "Learning Equality reconnaît votre droit à la vie privée, et prendra des mesures raisonnables pour le protéger. Certaines parties de Kolibri vous permettent de nous donner des informations personnelles, telles que votre nom et votre addresse e-mail. Nous pouvons utiliser les informations que vous nous fournissez pour améliorer Kolibri. Là où vous avez le choix sur la manière dont nous utilisons les informations que vous fournissez, nous l'indiquerons au point de collecte. En raison du mode de fonctionnement de Kolibri, nous pouvons également utiliser les informations de votre navigateur ou de vos activités de navigation pour vous personnaliser ou vous orienter vers des informations pertinentes. Par exemple, nous pouvons utiliser votre adresse IP, les informations de votre navigateur, les cookies ou les balises web de manière à nous aider à conserver certaines de vos préférences ou à comprendre comment nos visiteurs naviguent sur le site afin de pouvoir l'améliorer. Il se peut que nous stockions vos informations personnelles en dehors de l'Union européenne.",
- "PrivacyPolicyModal.paragraph3": "Learning Equality s'engage à apprendre constamment et à améliorer la qualité de Kolibri, et les fiches relatives à vos interactions avec Kolibri peuvent être utilisées à des fins de recherche. Les résultats de la recherche seront généralement rapportés au niveau global, et votre identité personnelle ne sera jamais divulguée publiquement dans les résultats de la recherche sans votre consentement explicite.",
- "PrivacyPolicyModal.linkText": "En savoir plus sur les valeurs fondamentales de Learning Equality.",
- "PrivacyPolicyModal.paragraph4": "Si vous avez des questions concernant ces pratiques ou l'utilisation de vos informations personnelles, veuillez envoyer un email à legal@learningequality.org.",
- "LicenseDropdown.licenseLabel": "Licence",
- "LicenseDropdown.licenseValidationMessage": "Le champ est obligatoire",
- "LicenseDropdown.licenseDescriptionLabel": "Description de la licence",
- "LicenseDropdown.descriptionValidationMessage": "Le champ est obligatoire",
- "LicenseDropdown.learnMoreButton": "En savoir plus",
- "LicenseDropdown.licenseInfoHeader": "À propos des licences",
- "ChannelThumbnail.crop": "Rogner",
- "ChannelThumbnail.upload": "Téléverser une image",
- "ChannelThumbnail.remove": "Supprimer",
- "ChannelThumbnail.zoomIn": "Zoom avant",
- "ChannelThumbnail.zoomOut": "Zoom arrière",
- "ChannelThumbnail.save": "Enregistrer",
- "ChannelThumbnail.cancel": "Annuler",
- "ChannelCatalogFrontPage.catalogHeader": "Chaînes de la bibliothèque de contenus Kolibri",
- "ChannelCatalogFrontPage.exported": "Exporté",
- "ChannelCatalogFrontPage.formatsHeading": "Formats",
- "ChannelCatalogFrontPage.coachHeading": "Ressources pour les éducateurs",
- "ChannelCatalogFrontPage.containsHeading": "Contient",
- "ChannelCatalogFrontPage.languagesHeading": "Langues",
- "ChannelCatalogFrontPage.subtitlesIncludedText": "Légendes ou sous-titres",
- "ChannelCatalogFrontPage.assessmentsIncludedText": "Évaluations",
- "ChannelCatalogFrontPage.defaultNoItemsText": "---",
- "ChannelCatalogFrontPage.numberOfChannels": "{ num } chaînes",
- "ChannelDetailsModal.downloadButton": "Télécharger le résumé de la chaîne",
- "ChannelDetailsModal.downloadPDF": "Télécharger au format PDF",
- "ChannelDetailsModal.downloadCSV": "Télécharger au format CSV",
- "ChannelSharingTable.editorsSubheading": "{count, plural, one {}\n =1 {# utilisateur avec droits de modification}\n other {# utilisateurs avec droits de modification}}",
- "ChannelSharingTable.viewersSubheading": "{count, plural, one {}\n =1 {# utilisateur avec droits de visualisation}\n other {# utilisateurs avec droits de visualisation}}",
- "ChannelSharingTable.currentUserText": "{first_name} {last_name} (vous)",
- "ChannelSharingTable.guestText": "Invité",
- "ChannelSharingTable.noUsersText": "Aucun utilisateur trouvé",
- "ChannelSharingTable.invitePendingText": "Invitation en attente",
- "ChannelSharingTable.optionsDropdown": "Options",
- "ChannelSharingTable.resendInvitation": "Renvoyer l'invitation",
- "ChannelSharingTable.deleteInvitation": "Supprimer l'invitation",
- "ChannelSharingTable.makeEditor": "Accorder des droits de modification",
- "ChannelSharingTable.removeViewer": "Révoquer les droits de visualisation",
- "ChannelSharingTable.invitationDeletedMessage": "Invitation supprimée",
- "ChannelSharingTable.invitationSentMessage": "Invitation envoyée",
- "ChannelSharingTable.userRemovedMessage": "Utilisateur supprimé",
- "ChannelSharingTable.editPermissionsGrantedMessage": "Droits de modification accordés",
- "ChannelSharingTable.invitationFailedError": "Échec du renvoi de l'invitation. Veuillez réessayer",
- "ChannelSharingTable.cancelButton": "Annuler",
- "ChannelSharingTable.removeViewerHeader": "Révoquer les droits de visualisation",
- "ChannelSharingTable.removeViewerText": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir révoquer les droits de visualisation de {first_name} {last_name} ?",
- "ChannelSharingTable.removeViewerConfirm": "Oui, révoquer",
- "ChannelSharingTable.deleteInvitationHeader": "Supprimer l'invitation",
- "ChannelSharingTable.deleteInvitationText": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer l'invitation de {email} ?",
- "ChannelSharingTable.deleteInvitationConfirm": "Supprimer l'invitation",
- "ChannelSharingTable.makeEditorHeader": "Accorder des droits de modification",
- "ChannelSharingTable.makeEditorText": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir accorder des droits de modification à {first_name} {last_name} ?",
- "ChannelSharingTable.makeEditorConfirm": "Oui, accorder les droits",
- "ChannelModal.creatingHeader": "Nouvelle chaîne",
- "ChannelModal.details": "Détails de la chaîne",
- "ChannelModal.channelName": "Nom de la chaîne",
- "ChannelModal.channelError": "Le nom de la chaîne ne peut pas être vide",
- "ChannelModal.channelDescription": "Description de la chaîne",
- "ChannelModal.editTab": "Détails",
- "ChannelModal.shareTab": "Partage",
- "ChannelModal.APIText": "Les chaînes générées automatiquement ne sont pas modifiables.",
- "ChannelModal.saveChangesButton": "Enregistrer les modifications",
- "ChannelModal.createButton": "Créer",
- "ChannelModal.changesSaved": "Modifications enregistrées",
- "ChannelModal.unsavedChangesHeader": " Modifications non enregistrées",
- "ChannelModal.unsavedChangesText": "Vous perdrez toutes les modifications non enregistrées. Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir quitter ?",
- "ChannelModal.keepEditingButton": "Continuer à modifier",
- "ChannelModal.closeButton": "Quitter sans enregistrer",
- "ChannelTokenModal.copyTitle": "Copier le jeton de la chaîne",
- "ChannelTokenModal.copyTokenInstructions": "Collez ce jeton dans Kolibri pour importer cette chaîne",
- "ChannelTokenModal.close": "Fermer",
- "ChannelSharing.inviteSubheading": "Inviter des collaborateurs",
- "ChannelSharing.emailLabel": "Email",
- "ChannelSharing.canEdit": "Peut modifier",
- "ChannelSharing.canView": "Peut visualiser",
- "ChannelSharing.inviteButton": "Envoyer l'invitation",
- "ChannelSharing.validEmailMessage": "Veuillez entrer une adresse email valide",
- "ChannelSharing.emailRequiredMessage": "Une adresse email est obligatoire",
- "ChannelSharing.alreadyInvitedError": "Utilisateur déjà invité",
- "ChannelSharing.alreadyHasAccessError": "L'utilisateur a déjà accès à cette chaîne",
- "ChannelSharing.invitationFailedError": "Échec de l'envoi de l'invitation. Veuillez réessayer",
- "ChannelSharing.invitationSentMessage": "Invitation envoyée",
- "OfflineText.offlineIndicatorText": "Hors ligne",
- "OfflineText.offlineText": "Il semblerait que vous soyez hors ligne. Vos modifications seront enregistrées dès que votre connexion sera rétablie.",
- "CopyToken.copyPrompt": "Copier le jeton pour importer la chaîne dans Kolibri",
- "CopyToken.copiedTokenId": "Jeton copié",
- "CopyToken.copyFailed": "Copie échouée",
- "MainNavigationDrawer.channelsLink": "Chaînes",
- "MainNavigationDrawer.administrationLink": "Administration",
- "MainNavigationDrawer.settingsLink": "Paramètres",
- "MainNavigationDrawer.helpLink": "Aide et support",
- "MainNavigationDrawer.logoutLink": "Se déconnecter",
- "MainNavigationDrawer.copyright": "© {year} Learning Equality",
- "ContentNodeIcon.topic": "Sujet",
- "ContentNodeIcon.video": "Vidéo",
- "ContentNodeIcon.audio": "Audio",
- "ContentNodeIcon.exercise": "Exercice",
- "ContentNodeIcon.document": "Document",
- "ContentNodeIcon.slideshow": "Diaporama",
- "ContentNodeIcon.html5": "Application HTML5",
- "ContentNodeIcon.unsupported": "Non supporté",
- "FileStatusText.selectFile": "Sélectionner le fichier",
- "Uploader.unsupportedFilesHeader": "Fichiers non supportés",
- "Uploader.unsupportedFilesText": "{count, plural, one {}\n =1 {# fichier ne sera pas téléversé.}\n other {# fichiers ne seront pas téléversés.}} \n {extensionCount, plural,\n =1 {Le type de fichier supporté est}\n other {Les types de fichiers supportés sont}} {extensions}",
- "Uploader.listDelimiter": ", ",
- "Uploader.noStorageHeader": "Espace insuffisant",
- "Uploader.uploadSize": "Le téléchargement est trop volumineux: {size}",
- "Uploader.remainingStorage": "Espace de stockage restant : {size}",
- "Uploader.tooLargeFilesHeader": "Taille maximale de fichier dépassée",
- "Uploader.maxFileSizeText": "{count, plural, one {}\n =1 {# fichier ne sera pas téléversé.}\n other {# fichiers ne seront pas téléversés.}} La taille du fichier doit être inférieure à {size}",
- "FileStorage.storageUsed": "Espace de stockage total utilisé: {used} sur {total}",
- "FileStorage.requestStorage": "Demander de l'espace de stockage",
- "FileStorage.storageFull": "Limite de stockage atteinte",
- "FileStorage.storageFullWithSize": "Limite de stockage total atteinte : {used} de {total}",
- "FileStorage.storageLow": "L'espace de stockage disponible est faible",
- "FileStorage.storageLowWithSize": "L'espace de stockage total disponible est faible : {used} de {total}",
- "Thumbnail.thumbnail": "{title} vignette",
- "MasteryDropdown.labelText": "Critères de maîtrise",
- "MasteryDropdown.exerciseHeader": "À propos des exercices",
- "MasteryDropdown.exerciseDescripiton": "Les exercices comportent une série de questions interactives auxquelles l'apprenant peut répondre dans Kolibri. Les apprenants reçoivent un retour instantané à chaque réponse (correcte ou incorrecte). Les questions disponibles dans un exercice resteront affichées dans Kolibri jusqu'à ce que l'apprenant le maîtrise.",
- "MasteryDropdown.masteryDescripiton": "Kolibri qualifie un exercice de « terminé » lorsque le critère de maîtrise est rempli. Voici les différents types de critères de maîtrise d'un exercice :",
- "MasteryDropdown.masteryValidationMessage": "Le champ est obligatoire",
- "MasteryDropdown.mnValueValidationMessage": "Doit être d'au moins 1",
- "MasteryDropdown.mnIntegerValidationMessage": "Doit être un nombre entier",
- "MasteryDropdown.mValueValidationMessage": "Doit être inférieur ou égal à N",
- "MasteryDropdown.requiredValidationMessage": "Le champ est obligatoire",
- "MasteryDropdown.mHint": "Bonnes réponses nécessaires",
- "MasteryDropdown.nHint": "Réponses récentes",
- "TechnicalTextBlock.copyToClipboardButtonPrompt": "Copier dans le presse-papiers",
- "TechnicalTextBlock.copiedToClipboardConfirmation": "Copié dans le presse-papiers",
- "TechnicalTextBlock.copiedToClipboardFailure": "Copier dans le presse-papiers",
- "ReportErrorModal.reportErrorHeader": "Signaler une erreur",
- "ReportErrorModal.forumPrompt": "Visiter les forums communautaires",
- "ReportErrorModal.forumUseTips": "Faites une recherche sur le forum communautaire pour voir si d'autres ont rencontré des problèmes similaires. Si vous ne trouvez rien, collez les détails de l'erreur ci-dessous dans un nouveau message du forum afin que nous puissions rectifier l'erreur dans une prochaine version de Kolibri Studio.",
- "ReportErrorModal.forumPostingTips": "Ajoutez-y une description de ce que vous essayiez de faire et de ce sur quoi vous avez cliqué lorsque l'erreur est apparue.",
- "ReportErrorModal.emailPrompt": "Envoyer un email aux développeurs",
- "ReportErrorModal.emailDescription": "Prenez contact avec l'équipe de support en indiquant les détails de votre erreur et nous ferons de notre mieux pour vous aider.",
- "ReportErrorModal.errorDetailsHeader": "Détails de l'erreur",
- "ReportErrorModal.closeAction": "Fermer",
- "PageNotFoundError.pageNotFoundHeader": "Page non trouvée",
- "PageNotFoundError.pageNotFoundDetails": "Désolé, cette page n'existe pas",
- "PageNotFoundError.backToHomeAction": "Retour à la page d'accueil",
- "GenericError.genericErrorHeader": "Désolé, il y a eu un problème",
- "GenericError.genericErrorDetails": "Essayez d’actualiser cette page ou de retourner à la page d’accueil",
- "GenericError.refreshAction": "Actualiser",
- "GenericError.backToHomeAction": "Retour à la page d'accueil",
- "GenericError.helpByReportingAction": "Aidez-nous en signalant cette erreur",
- "ChannelNotFoundError.channelNotFoundHeader": "Chaîne non trouvée",
- "ChannelNotFoundError.channelNotFoundDetails": "Cette chaîne n'existe pas ou peut avoir été supprimée. Si vous croyez qu'il s'agit d'une erreur, contactez content@learningequality.org.",
- "ChannelNotFoundError.backToHomeAction": "Retour à la page d'accueil",
- "PermissionsError.permissionDeniedHeader": "Avez-vous oublié de vous connecter ?",
- "PermissionsError.goToHomePageAction": "Aller à la page d'accueil",
- "MessageLayout.backToLogin": "Continuer vers la page de connexion",
- "Main.kolibriStudio": "Kolibri Studio",
- "Main.passwordLabel": "Mot de passe",
- "Main.forgotPasswordLink": "Mot de passe oublié ?",
- "Main.signInButton": "Se connecter",
- "Main.createAccountButton": "Créer un compte",
- "Main.guestModeLink": "Explorer sans compte",
- "Main.loginFailed": "L'email ou le mot de passe est incorrect",
- "AccountDeleted.accountDeletedTitle": "Compte supprimé avec succès",
- "AccountDeleted.continueToSignIn": "Continuer vers la page de connexion",
- "Create.backToLoginButton": "Se connecter",
- "Create.createAnAccountTitle": "Créer un compte",
- "Create.fieldRequiredMessage": "Le champ est obligatoire",
- "Create.errorsMessage": "Veuillez corriger les erreurs ci-dessous",
- "Create.registrationFailed": "Une erreur est survenue lors de l'enregistrement de votre compte. Veuillez réessayer",
- "Create.basicInformationHeader": "Informations de base",
- "Create.firstNameLabel": "Prénom",
- "Create.lastNameLabel": "Nom de famille",
- "Create.emailExistsMessage": "Il existe déjà un compte associé à cet email",
- "Create.passwordLabel": "Mot de passe",
- "Create.confirmPasswordLabel": "Confirmer le mot de passe",
- "Create.passwordMatchMessage": "Les mots de passe ne correspondent pas",
- "Create.usageLabel": "Comment comptez-vous utiliser Kolibri Studio (cochez tout ce qui s'applique)",
- "Create.organizingUsageOption": "Organisation ou alignement des supports existants en cours",
- "Create.findingUsageOption": "Recherche et ajout de sources de contenu supplémentaires en cours",
- "Create.sequencingUsageOption": "Utilisant des conditions préalables pour mettre en séquence, les supports",
- "Create.creatingExercisesUsageOption": "Créer des exercices",
- "Create.sharingUsageOption": "Partage public de supports en cours",
- "Create.storingUsageOption": "Stockage de supports à usage privé ou local en cours",
- "Create.storingUsagePlaceholder": "De combien d'espace de stockage avez-vous besoin ?",
- "Create.storingUsageExample": "ex : 500Mo",
- "Create.taggingUsageOption": "Étiquetage des sources de contenus à des fins de découverte",
- "Create.otherUsageOption": "Autre",
- "Create.otherUsagePlaceholder": "Veuillez décrire",
- "Create.locationLabel": "Où comptez-vous utiliser Kolibri Studio ? (cochez tout ce qui s'applique)",
- "Create.sourceLabel": "Comment avez-vous entendu parler de nous ?",
- "Create.sourcePlaceholder": "Sélectionner un",
- "Create.organizationSourceOption": "Organisation",
- "Create.organizationSourcePlaceholder": "Nom de l'organisation",
- "Create.websiteSourceOption": "Site Web de Learning Equality ",
- "Create.newsletterSourceOption": "Bulletin d'information de Learning Equality",
- "Create.forumSourceOption": "Forum communautaire de Learning Equality",
- "Create.githubSourceOption": "GitHub de Learning Equality ",
- "Create.socialMediaSourceOption": "Réseaux sociaux",
- "Create.conferenceSourceOption": "Conférence",
- "Create.conferenceSourcePlaceholder": "Nom de la conférence",
- "Create.conversationSourceOption": "Conversation avec Learning Equality",
- "Create.personalDemoSourceOption": "Démo personnelle",
- "Create.otherSourceOption": "Autre",
- "Create.otherSourcePlaceholder": "Veuillez décrire",
- "Create.viewToSLink": "Voir les conditions de service",
- "Create.ToSCheck": "Ayant lu, j'accepte les conditions de service",
- "Create.ToSRequiredMessage": "Veuillez accepter nos conditions de service",
- "Create.viewPrivacyPolicyLink": "Voir la charte de confidentialité",
- "Create.privacyPolicyCheck": "Ayant lu, j'accepte la charte de confidentialité",
- "Create.privacyPolicyRequiredMessage": "Veuillez accepter notre charte de confidentialité",
- "Create.contactMessage": "Des questions ou des préoccupations ? Veuillez nous envoyer un email à content@learningequality.org",
- "Create.finishButton": "Terminer",
- "ActivationSent.header": "Lien d'activation envoyé",
- "ActivationSent.text": "Merci d'avoir créé un compte ! Pour compléter le processus, veuillez vérifier dans votre email le lien d'activation que nous vous avons envoyé.",
- "ActivationExpired.activationExpiredTitle": "Échec de l'activation",
- "ActivationExpired.activationExpiredText": "Ce lien d'activation a déjà été utilisé ou a expiré.",
- "ActivationExpired.requestNewLink": "Demander un nouveau lien d'activation",
- "AccountCreated.accountCreatedTitle": "Compte créé avec succès",
- "AccountCreated.continueToSignIn": "Continuer à vous connecter",
- "ActivationLinkReSent.activationReSentTitle": "Instructions envoyées. Merci!",
- "ActivationLinkReSent.activationReSentText": "S'il existe déjà un compte associé à l'adresse email fournie, vous devriez recevoir des instructions dans les plus brefs délais. Au cas où vous ne verriez pas d'email de notre part, veuillez vérifier votre dossier spam.",
- "AccountNotActivated.title": "Le compte n'a pas été activé",
- "AccountNotActivated.text": "Veuillez vérifier votre email afin d'obtenir un lien d'activation ou veuillez en demander un nouveau.",
- "AccountNotActivated.requestNewLink": "Demander un nouveau lien d'activation",
- "RequestNewActivationLink.activationExpiredTitle": "Échec de l'activation",
- "RequestNewActivationLink.activationExpiredText": "Ce lien d'activation a déjà été utilisé ou est invalide.",
- "RequestNewActivationLink.submitButton": "Envoyer",
- "RequestNewActivationLink.activationRequestFailed": "Échec de l'envoi d'un lien d'activation. Veuillez réessayer.",
- "ResetPassword.resetPasswordTitle": "Réinitialisez votre mot de passe",
- "ResetPassword.resetPasswordPrompt": "Entrez et confirmez votre nouveau mot de passe",
- "ResetPassword.passwordLabel": "Nouveau mot de passe",
- "ResetPassword.passwordConfirmLabel": "Confirmer le mot de passe",
- "ResetPassword.passwordMatchMessage": "Les mots de passe ne correspondent pas",
- "ResetPassword.submitButton": "Envoyer",
- "ResetPassword.resetPasswordFailed": "Échec de la réinitialisation du mot de passe. Veuillez réessayer.",
- "PasswordInstructionsSent.passwordInstructionsHeader": "Instructions envoyées. Merci!",
- "PasswordInstructionsSent.passwordInstructionsText": "S'il existe déjà un compte associé à l'adresse email fournie, vous devriez recevoir des instructions dans les plus brefs délais. Au cas où vous ne verriez pas d'email de notre part, veuillez vérifier votre dossier spam.",
- "ResetLinkExpired.resetExpiredTitle": "Le lien de réinitialisation a expiré",
- "ResetLinkExpired.resetExpiredText": "Ce lien de réinitialisation de mot de passe a déjà été utilisé ou a expiré.",
- "ResetLinkExpired.requestNewLink": "Demander un nouveau lien de réinitialisation de mot de passe",
- "ResetPasswordSuccess.header": "Réinitialisation du mot de passe réussie",
- "ResetPasswordSuccess.text": "Votre mot de passe a été réinitialisé. Vous pouvez vous connecter maintenant.",
- "ForgotPassword.forgotPasswordTitle": "Réinitialisez votre mot de passe",
- "ForgotPassword.forgotPasswordPrompt": "Afin de recevoir les instructions pour réinitialiser votre mot de passe, veuillez entrer votre adresse email",
- "ForgotPassword.submitButton": "Envoyer",
- "ForgotPassword.forgotPasswordFailed": "Échec de l'envoi d'un lien de réinitialisation du mot de passe. Veuillez réessayer.",
- "AdministrationAppError.unauthorizedDetails": "Il faut être administrateur de Studio pour voir cette page",
- "AdministrationIndex.channelsLabel": "Chaînes",
- "AdministrationIndex.usersLabel": "Utilisateurs"
diff --git a/contentcuration/locale/CSV_FILES/contentcuration/locale/hi_IN/LC_FRONTEND_MESSAGES/contentcuration-messages.json b/contentcuration/locale/CSV_FILES/contentcuration/locale/hi_IN/LC_FRONTEND_MESSAGES/contentcuration-messages.json
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index 0b5da53153..0000000000
--- a/contentcuration/locale/CSV_FILES/contentcuration/locale/hi_IN/LC_FRONTEND_MESSAGES/contentcuration-messages.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1222 +0,0 @@
- "SettingsIndex.settingsTitle": "Settings",
- "SettingsIndex.accountLabel": "Account",
- "SettingsIndex.storageLabel": "Storage",
- "SettingsIndex.usingStudioLabel": "Using Studio",
- "UsingStudio.policiesLink": "Privacy policy",
- "UsingStudio.termsOfServiceLink": "Terms of service",
- "UsingStudio.communityStandardsLink": "Community standards",
- "UsingStudio.userDocsLink": "User guide",
- "UsingStudio.resourcesHeader": "Kolibri Studio resources",
- "UsingStudio.aboutStudio": "About Kolibri Studio Beta",
- "UsingStudio.aboutStudioText": "Kolibri Studio is undergoing active development, and as such, some changes could cause unexpected behavior or challenges (also known as \"issues\"). If you encounter an issue, please notify us as soon as they occur to help us resolve them. (See below for instructions on how to report issues.)",
- "UsingStudio.bestPractices": "Best practices",
- "UsingStudio.bestPractice1": "When using import and clipboard operations, work with small subsets of topics instead of whole channels at once (especially for large channels).",
- "UsingStudio.bestPractice2": "It is preferable to create multiple small channels rather than one giant channel with many layers of topics.",
- "UsingStudio.bestPractice3": "Reload the page often to ensure your work is saved to the server and no network errors have occurred. Use CTRL+R on Linux/Windows or ⌘+R on Mac.",
- "UsingStudio.bestPractice4": "Avoid simultaneous edits on the same channel. Channels should not be edited by multiple users at the same time or by the same user in multiple browser windows.",
- "UsingStudio.bestPractice5": "It is possible that you will encounter timeout errors in your browser when performing operations like import and sync, on large channels. Don't be alarmed by this error message and do not repeat the same operation again right away. It doesn't mean the operation has failed- Kolibri Studio is still working in the background. Wait a few minutes and reload the page before continuing your edits.",
- "UsingStudio.bestPractice6": "Compress videos before uploading them (see these instructions).",
- "UsingStudio.bestPractice7": "PUBLISH periodically and import your channel into Kolibri to preview the content and obtain a local backup copy of your channel.",
- "UsingStudio.bestPractice8": "Do not edit the channel after you click PUBLISH. Wait for the notification email before resuming editing operations.",
- "UsingStudio.bestPractice9": "Report issues as you encounter them.",
- "UsingStudio.notableIssues": "Notable issues",
- "UsingStudio.issue1": "Two users have reported isolated incidents where content they imported from another channel disappeared, leaving only empty topics and subtopics. In one report, the content later re-appeared. They did not experience these problems consistently, and the incidents may possibly involve issues with a slow or unstable internet connection. If you run into this issue, please contact us as soon as possible and let us know as much information as you can remember.",
- "UsingStudio.issueLink1": "Reports of disappearing content",
- "UsingStudio.issue2": "Some operations in Studio are currently very slow, and so it may appear that the change you attempted to make timed out or did not take effect. In many cases, the change is still being processed and will appear once it is complete. If, after 5-10 minutes, the change still has not taken effect even after a browser refresh, please file an issue. We are working on solutions to these issues.",
- "UsingStudio.issueLink2": "Slow performance can lead to unexpected errors in the interface",
- "UsingStudio.reportIssueButton": "Report an issue",
- "ReportIssueForm.reportIssueHeader": "Report an issue",
- "ReportIssueForm.fieldRequiredText": "Field is required",
- "ReportIssueForm.OSLabel": "Operating system (e.g. Windows, MacOS, Linux)",
- "ReportIssueForm.browserLabel": "Browser (e.g. Chrome, Firefox, Safari)",
- "ReportIssueForm.channelLabel": "Channel where you encountered the issue (if applicable)",
- "ReportIssueForm.descriptionLabel": "Describe your issue with as much detail as possible",
- "ReportIssueForm.submitAction": "Submit",
- "ReportIssueForm.cancelAction": "Cancel",
- "ReportIssueForm.issueSubmitted": "Issue submitted",
- "ReportIssueForm.issueFailed": "Unable to submit issue. Please try again.",
- "Storage.spaceUsedOfMax": "{qty} of {max}",
- "Storage.storagePercentageUsed": "{qty}% storage used",
- "Storage.requestMoreSpaceHeading": "Request more space",
- "Storage.requestMoreSpaceMessage": "Please use this form to request additional uploading storage for your Kolibri Studio account. The resources you import from our public library to your channels do not count towards your storage limit.",
- "Storage.learnMoreAboutImportingContentFromChannels": "Learn more about how to import resources from other channels",
- "Storage.showFormAction": "Open form",
- "Storage.hideFormAction": "Close form",
- "RequestForm.natureOfYourContentLabel": "Nature of your content",
- "RequestForm.storageAmountRequestedPlaceholder": "Amount requested (e.g. 10GB)",
- "RequestForm.approximatelyHowManyResourcesLabel": "Approximately how many individual resources are you planning to upload?",
- "RequestForm.numberOfResourcesPlaceholder": "Number of resources",
- "RequestForm.averageSizeOfResourceLabel": "Average size of each resource",
- "RequestForm.sizePlaceholder": "Size",
- "RequestForm.kindOfContentQuestionLabel": "What types of resources do you plan to upload? Please specify",
- "RequestForm.typeOfContentPlaceholder": "Types of resources",
- "RequestForm.authorLabel": "Who is the author (creator), curator (organizer), and/or aggregator (maintainer) of your content? Please specify",
- "RequestForm.responsePlaceholder": "Response",
- "RequestForm.provideSampleLinkLabel": "Please provide a link to a sample of your content (on Kolibri Studio or from source site)",
- "RequestForm.pasteLinkPlaceholder": "Paste link here",
- "RequestForm.whoCanUseContentLabel": "Who can use your content?",
- "RequestForm.licensingQuestionLabel": "What is the licensing of the content you are uploading? (Check all that apply)",
- "RequestForm.willYouMakeYourChannelPublicLabel": "If the content is openly licensed, would you be willing to consider making your channels public to other Kolibri users if requested in the future?",
- "RequestForm.selectAllThatApplyPlaceholder": "Select all that apply",
- "RequestForm.howAreYouUsingYourContentLabel": "How are you using your content?",
- "RequestForm.intendedAudienceLabel": "Who is the intended audience for your channel? How big is your audience?",
- "RequestForm.audiencePlaceholder": "In-school learners, adult learners, teachers, etc",
- "RequestForm.targetRegionsLabel": "Target region(s) for your content (if applicable)",
- "RequestForm.howOftenImportedToKolibriLabel": "How many times will this content be imported from Studio into new Kolibri installations per month, on average?",
- "RequestForm.usageLabel": "Tell us more about your use of Kolibri",
- "RequestForm.organizationalAffiliationLabel": "Organizational affiliation",
- "RequestForm.notAffiliatedLabel": "I am not affiliated with an organization for this work",
- "RequestForm.uploadingOnBehalfLabel": "I am uploading content on behalf of:",
- "RequestForm.organizationNamePlaceholder": "Organization name",
- "RequestForm.typeOfOrganizationLabel": "What type of organization or group is coordinating the use of Kolibri (if applicable)?",
- "RequestForm.grassrootsLabel": "Grassroots and/or volunteer initiative",
- "RequestForm.smallNgoLabel": "Small NGO with annual budget < $25k",
- "RequestForm.mediumNgoLabel": "Medium-sized NGO with budget < $500k",
- "RequestForm.largeIntlNgoLabel": "Larger international NGOs or government agencies",
- "RequestForm.forProfitLabel": "For-profit or social enterprise company",
- "RequestForm.otherLabel": "Other",
- "RequestForm.timelineLabel": "To better understand the time sensitive nature of your request, please indicate an approximate timeline by when you need this additional storage:",
- "RequestForm.oneWeekLabel": "1 week",
- "RequestForm.twoToFourWeeksLabel": "2-4 weeks",
- "RequestForm.coupleMonthsLabel": "1-2 months",
- "RequestForm.threeToSixMonthsLabel": "3-6 months",
- "RequestForm.sixPlusMonthsLabel": "6+ months",
- "RequestForm.unknownLabel": "Unknown",
- "RequestForm.explainNeedsInDetailLabel": "Please write a paragraph explaining your needs and use case for Kolibri Studio, and how it will integrate into your programs. Include information about who is curating, deploying, and using the content. Is this work being coordinated by an organization, as part of an educational program? Include justification for the additional space being requested and explanation of the time sensitive nature of your request.",
- "RequestForm.fieldRequiredText": "Field is required",
- "RequestForm.sendRequestAction": "Send request",
- "RequestForm.requestSent": "Your storage request has been submitted for processing.",
- "RequestForm.requestFailed": "Unable to send request. Please try again.",
- "Account.basicInfoHeader": "Basic Information",
- "Account.usernameLabel": "Username",
- "Account.fullNameLabel": "Full name",
- "Account.passwordLabel": "Password",
- "Account.changePasswordAction": "Change password",
- "Account.editFullNameAction": "Edit",
- "Account.deleteAccountLabel": "Delete account",
- "Account.completelyDeleteAccountLabel": "Completely remove your account from Kolibri Studio",
- "Account.unableToDeleteAdminAccount": "Unable to delete an admin account",
- "Account.handleChannelsBeforeAccount": "You must delete these channels manually or invite others to edit them before you can delete your account.",
- "Account.apiTokenHeading": "API Token",
- "Account.apiTokenMessage": "You will need this access token to run content integration scripts for bulk-uploading materials through the Kolibri Studio API.",
- "Account.apiDocumentation": "API documentation",
- "Account.exportAccountDataLabel": "You will receive an email with all information linked to your account",
- "Account.exportStartedHeader": "Data export started",
- "Account.exportAccountDataHeading": "Export account data",
- "Account.exportDataButton": "Export data",
- "Account.exportAccountDataModalMessage": "You'll receive an email with your data when the export is completed",
- "Account.exportFailed": "Unable to export data. Please try again.",
- "DeleteAccountForm.deleteAccountLabel": "Delete account",
- "DeleteAccountForm.deleteAccountConfirmationPrompt": "Are you sure you want to permanently delete your account? This cannot be undone",
- "DeleteAccountForm.deleteAccountEnterEmail": "Enter your email address to continue",
- "DeleteAccountForm.cancelButton": "Cancel",
- "DeleteAccountForm.emailAddressLabel": "Email address",
- "DeleteAccountForm.emailInvalidText": "Email does not match your account email",
- "DeleteAccountForm.fieldRequired": "Field is required",
- "DeleteAccountForm.deletionFailed": "Failed to delete account",
- "DeleteAccountForm.deletionFailedText": "Failed to delete your account. Please contact us here: https://community.learningequality.org.",
- "ChangePasswordForm.changePasswordHeader": "Change password",
- "ChangePasswordForm.newPasswordLabel": "New password",
- "ChangePasswordForm.confirmNewPasswordLabel": "Confirm new password",
- "ChangePasswordForm.formInvalidText": "Passwords don't match",
- "ChangePasswordForm.cancelAction": "Cancel",
- "ChangePasswordForm.saveChangesAction": "Save changes",
- "ChangePasswordForm.paswordChangeSuccess": "Password updated",
- "ChangePasswordForm.passwordChangeFailed": "Failed to save new password",
- "FullNameForm.editNameHeader": "Edit name",
- "FullNameForm.firstNameLabel": "First name",
- "FullNameForm.lastNameLabel": "Last name",
- "FullNameForm.cancelAction": "Cancel",
- "FullNameForm.saveChangesAction": "Save changes",
- "FullNameForm.changesSavedMessage": "Changes saved",
- "FullNameForm.failedToSaveMessage": "Failed to save changes",
- "FullNameForm.fieldRequired": "Field is required",
- "AssessmentItemPreview.answersLabel": "Answers",
- "AssessmentItemPreview.noAnswersPlaceholder": "Question has no answer options",
- "AssessmentItemPreview.hintsToggleLabelHide": "Hide hints",
- "AssessmentItemPreview.hintsToggleLabelShow": "Show {hintsCount} {hintsCount, plural, one {hint} other {hints}}",
- "MoveModal.moveItems": "Move {topicCount, plural,\n =1 {# topic}\n other {# topics}}, {resourceCount, plural,\n =1 {# resource}\n other {# resources}} into:",
- "MoveModal.addTopic": "Add new topic",
- "MoveModal.cancel": "Cancel",
- "MoveModal.moveHere": "Move here",
- "MoveModal.resourcesCount": "{count, plural,\n =1 {# resource}\n other {# resources}}",
- "MoveModal.emptyTopicText": "No resources found",
- "MoveModal.topicCreatedMessage": "New topic created",
- "MoveModal.movedMessage": "Moved to {title}",
- "MoveModal.goToLocationButton": "Go to location",
- "NewTopicModal.topicTitle": "Topic title",
- "NewTopicModal.topicTitleRequired": "Title is required",
- "NewTopicModal.createTopic": "Create new topic",
- "NewTopicModal.cancel": "Cancel",
- "NewTopicModal.create": "Create",
- "AnswersEditor.answersLabel": "Answers",
- "AnswersEditor.noAnswersPlaceholder": "Question has no answer options",
- "AnswersEditor.newAnswerBtnLabel": "New answer",
- "ContentNodeListItem.resources": "{value, number, integer} {value, plural, one {resource} other {resources}}",
- "ContentNodeListItem.questions": "{value, number, integer} {value, plural, one {question} other {questions}}",
- "ContentNodeListItem.openTopic": "Open topic",
- "AssessmentTab.incompleteItemsCountMessage": "{invalidItemsCount} incomplete {invalidItemsCount, plural, one {question} other {questions}}",
- "AssessmentTab.dialogSubmitBtnLabel": "Submit",
- "AssessmentTab.dialogCancelBtnLabel": "Cancel",
- "StudioTree.optionsTooltip": "Options",
- "AssessmentEditor.incompleteItemIndicatorLabel": "Incomplete",
- "AssessmentEditor.toolbarItemLabel": "question",
- "AssessmentEditor.noQuestionsPlaceholder": "Exercise has no questions",
- "AssessmentEditor.closeBtnLabel": "Close",
- "AssessmentEditor.newQuestionBtnLabel": "New question",
- "AssessmentEditor.showAnswers": "Show answers",
- "AddRelatedResourcesModal.cancelBtnLabel": "Cancel",
- "AddRelatedResourcesModal.resourcesDisplayedText": "Only showing available resources for",
- "AddRelatedResourcesModal.addStepBtnLabel": "Add",
- "AddRelatedResourcesModal.previewStepBtnLabel": "Preview",
- "AddRelatedResourcesModal.selectedAsCurrentResource": "This is the current resource",
- "ContentNodeOptions.topicDefaultTitle": "{title} topic",
- "ContentNodeOptions.newSubtopic": "New topic",
- "ContentNodeOptions.editTopicDetails": "Edit topic details",
- "ContentNodeOptions.editDetails": "Edit details",
- "ContentNodeOptions.viewDetails": "View details",
- "ContentNodeOptions.move": "Move",
- "ContentNodeOptions.makeACopy": "Make a copy",
- "ContentNodeOptions.copyToClipboard": "Copy to clipboard",
- "ContentNodeOptions.remove": "Delete",
- "ContentNodeOptions.undo": "Undo",
- "ContentNodeOptions.cancel": "Cancel",
- "ContentNodeOptions.creatingCopies": "Copying in clipboard...",
- "ContentNodeOptions.creatingClipboardCopies": "Copying to clipboard...",
- "ContentNodeOptions.copiedSnackbar": "Copy operation complete",
- "ContentNodeOptions.copiedToClipboardSnackbar": "Copied to clipboard",
- "ContentNodeOptions.removedItems": "Sent to trash",
- "ContentNodeValidator.incompleteText": "Incomplete",
- "ContentNodeValidator.missingTitle": "Missing title",
- "ContentNodeValidator.incompleteDescendantsText": "{count, number, integer} {count, plural, one {resource is incomplete} other {resources are incomplete}}",
- "ContentNodeValidator.allIncompleteDescendantsText": "{count, plural, one {{count, number, integer} resource is incomplete and cannot be published} other {All {count, number, integer} resources are incomplete and cannot be published}}",
- "AssessmentItemEditor.questionTypeLabel": "Response type",
- "AssessmentItemEditor.questionLabel": "Question",
- "AssessmentItemEditor.dialogTitle": "Changing question type",
- "AssessmentItemEditor.dialogSubmitBtnLabel": "Change",
- "AssessmentItemEditor.dialogMessageChangeToSingleSelection": "Switching to 'single choice' will set only one answer as correct. Continue?",
- "AssessmentItemEditor.dialogMessageChangeToTrueFalse": "Switching to 'true or false' will remove all current answers. Continue?",
- "AssessmentItemEditor.dialogMessageChangeToInput": "Switching to 'numeric input' will set all answers as correct and remove all non-numeric answers. Continue?",
- "EditListItem.questionCount": "{count, plural,\n =1 {# question}\n other {# questions}}",
- "SavingIndicator.savingIndicator": "Saving...",
- "SavingIndicator.lastSaved": "Saved {saved}",
- "SavingIndicator.savedNow": "Saved just now",
- "EditList.selectAllLabel": "Select all",
- "EditView.undefined": "Related",
- "EditView.noItemsToEditText": "Please select resources or topics to edit",
- "EditView.invalidFieldsToolTip": "Some required information is missing",
- "EditView.errorBannerText": "Please provide the required information",
- "EditView.editingMultipleCount": "Editing details for {topicCount, plural,\n =1 {# topic}\n other {# topics}}, {resourceCount, plural,\n =1 {# resource}\n other {# resources}}",
- "DetailsTabView.basicInfoHeader": "Basic information",
- "DetailsTabView.audienceHeader": "Audience",
- "DetailsTabView.sourceHeader": "Source",
- "DetailsTabView.assessmentHeader": "Assessment options",
- "DetailsTabView.thumbnailHeader": "Thumbnail",
- "DetailsTabView.titleLabel": "Title",
- "DetailsTabView.titleValidationMessage": "Field is required",
- "DetailsTabView.languageHelpText": "Leave blank to use the topic language",
- "DetailsTabView.languageChannelHelpText": "Leave blank to use the channel language",
- "DetailsTabView.importedFromButtonText": "Imported from {channel}",
- "DetailsTabView.detectedImportText": "{count, plural,\n =1 {# resource has view-only permission}\n other {# resources have view-only permission}}",
- "DetailsTabView.authorLabel": "Author",
- "DetailsTabView.authorToolTip": "Person or organization who created this content",
- "DetailsTabView.providerLabel": "Provider",
- "DetailsTabView.providerToolTip": "Organization that commissioned or is distributing the content",
- "DetailsTabView.aggregatorLabel": "Aggregator",
- "DetailsTabView.aggregatorToolTip": "Website or org hosting the content collection but not necessarily the creator or copyright holder",
- "DetailsTabView.copyrightHolderLabel": "Copyright holder",
- "DetailsTabView.copyrightHolderValidationMessage": "Field is required",
- "DetailsTabView.descriptionLabel": "Description",
- "DetailsTabView.tagsLabel": "Tags",
- "DetailsTabView.noTagsFoundText": "No results found for \"{text}\". Press 'Enter' key to create a new tag",
- "DetailsTabView.randomizeQuestionLabel": "Randomize question order for learners",
- "EditModal.editingDetailsHeader": "Edit details",
- "EditModal.uploadFilesHeader": "Upload files",
- "EditModal.createExerciseHeader": "New exercise",
- "EditModal.addTopicsHeader": "New topics",
- "EditModal.invalidNodesFound": "{count, plural,\n =1 {# incomplete resource found}\n other {# incomplete resources found}}",
- "EditModal.invalidNodesFoundText": "Incomplete resources will not be published until these errors are resolved",
- "EditModal.saveAnywaysButton": "Exit anyway",
- "EditModal.keepEditingButton": "Keep editing",
- "EditModal.saveFailedHeader": "Save failed",
- "EditModal.saveFailedText": "There was a problem saving your content",
- "EditModal.addTopic": "Add another topic",
- "EditModal.uploadButton": "Upload more files",
- "EditModal.uploadInProgressHeader": "Upload in progress",
- "EditModal.uploadInProgressText": "Uploads that are in progress will be lost if you exit",
- "EditModal.dismissDialogButton": "Cancel",
- "EditModal.cancelUploadsButton": "Exit",
- "EditModal.closeWithoutSavingButton": "Close without saving",
- "EditModal.okButton": "OK",
- "EditModal.loadErrorText": "Failed to load content",
- "EditModal.finishButton": "Finish",
- "ContentNodeEditListItem.optionsTooltip": "Options",
- "PublishModal.versionText": "Current Version: {version}",
- "PublishModal.unpublishedText": "Unpublished",
- "PublishModal.publishingSizeText": "{count, plural, =1 {# resource} other {# resources}}",
- "PublishModal.incompleteCount": "{count, plural, =1 {# incomplete resource} other {# incomplete resources}}",
- "PublishModal.incompleteWarning": "Incomplete resources will be not be published and made available for download in Kolibri.",
- "PublishModal.incompleteInstructions": "Click 'Continue' to confirm that you would like to publish anyway.",
- "PublishModal.nextButton": "Continue",
- "PublishModal.publishMessageLabel": "Describe what's new in this channel version",
- "PublishModal.versionDescriptionLabel": "Version description",
- "PublishModal.descriptionRequiredMessage": "Please describe what's new in this version before publishing",
- "PublishModal.descriptionDescriptionTooltip": "This description will be shown to Kolibri admins before they update channel versions",
- "PublishModal.cancelButton": "Cancel",
- "PublishModal.publishButton": "Publish",
- "RelatedResourcesTab.previewHelpText": "Related resources are displayed as recommendations when learners engage with this resource",
- "RelatedResourcesTab.showPreviewBtnLabel": "Show me",
- "RelatedResourcesTab.resourcePreviewDialogTitle": "Related resources",
- "RelatedResourcesTab.resourcePreviewDialogHelpText": "Related resources in Kolibri display as recommendations alongside the resource that a learner is currently engaging with",
- "RelatedResourcesTab.dialogCloseBtnLabel": "Close",
- "RelatedResourcesTab.previousStepsTitle": "Previous steps",
- "RelatedResourcesTab.previousStepsExplanation": "Recommended resources that introduce skills or concepts needed in order to use this resource",
- "RelatedResourcesTab.addPreviousStepBtnLabel": "Add previous step",
- "RelatedResourcesTab.nextStepsTitle": "Next steps",
- "RelatedResourcesTab.nextStepsExplanation": "Recommended resources that build on skills or concepts learned in this resource",
- "RelatedResourcesTab.addNextStepBtnLabel": "Add next step",
- "RelatedResourcesTab.removePreviousStepBtnLabel": "Remove previous step",
- "RelatedResourcesTab.removeNextStepBtnLabel": "Remove next step",
- "RelatedResourcesTab.tooManyPreviousStepsWarning": "Limit the number of previous steps to create a more guided learning experience",
- "RelatedResourcesTab.tooManyNextStepsWarning": "Limit the number of next steps to create a more guided learning experience",
- "RelatedResourcesTab.removedNextStepSnackbar": "Removed next step",
- "RelatedResourcesTab.removedPreviousStepSnackbar": "Removed previous step",
- "RelatedResourcesList.removeBtnLabel": "Remove",
- "AssessmentItemToolbar.toolbarLabelEdit": "Edit",
- "AssessmentItemToolbar.toolbarLabelMoveUp": "Move up",
- "AssessmentItemToolbar.toolbarLabelMoveDown": "Move down",
- "AssessmentItemToolbar.toolbarLabelDelete": "Delete",
- "AssessmentItemToolbar.toolbarLabelAddAbove": "Add {itemLabel} above",
- "AssessmentItemToolbar.toolbarLabelAddBelow": "Add {itemLabel} below",
- "HintsEditor.hintsLabel": "Hints",
- "HintsEditor.noHintsPlaceholder": "Question has no hints",
- "HintsEditor.newHintBtnLabel": "New hint",
- "Clipboard.selectAll": "Select all",
- "Clipboard.undo": "Undo",
- "Clipboard.cancel": "Cancel",
- "Clipboard.close": "Close",
- "Clipboard.duplicateSelectedButton": "Make a copy",
- "Clipboard.moveSelectedButton": "Move",
- "Clipboard.deleteSelectedButton": "Delete",
- "Clipboard.removingItems": "Deleting from clipboard...",
- "Clipboard.removedFromClipboard": "Deleted from clipboard",
- "Clipboard.creatingClipboardCopies": "Copying in clipboard...",
- "Clipboard.copiedItemsToClipboard": "Copied in clipboard",
- "ContentNodeOptions.goToOriginalLocation": "Go to original location",
- "ContentNodeOptions.moveTo": "Move to...",
- "ContentNodeOptions.copiedItemsToClipboard": "Copied in clipboard",
- "ContentNodeOptions.removingItems": "Deleting from clipboard...",
- "ContentNodeOptions.removedFromClipboard": "Deleted from clipboard",
- "ResourcePanel.questions": "Questions",
- "ResourcePanel.masteryCriteria": "Mastery criteria",
- "ResourcePanel.masteryMofN": "{m} out of {n}",
- "ResourcePanel.details": "Details",
- "ResourcePanel.showAnswers": "Show answers",
- "ResourcePanel.questionCount": "{value, number, integer} {value, plural, one {question} other {questions}}",
- "ResourcePanel.description": "Description",
- "ResourcePanel.tags": "Tags",
- "ResourcePanel.audience": "Audience",
- "ResourcePanel.language": "Language",
- "ResourcePanel.visibleTo": "Visible to",
- "ResourcePanel.relatedResources": "Related resources",
- "ResourcePanel.source": "Source",
- "ResourcePanel.originalChannel": "Imported from",
- "ResourcePanel.author": "Author",
- "ResourcePanel.provider": "Provider",
- "ResourcePanel.aggregator": "Aggregator",
- "ResourcePanel.license": "License",
- "ResourcePanel.copyrightHolder": "Copyright holder",
- "ResourcePanel.previousSteps": "Previous steps",
- "ResourcePanel.nextSteps": "Next steps",
- "ResourcePanel.resources": "Resources",
- "ResourcePanel.totalResources": "Total resources",
- "ResourcePanel.coachResources": "Resources for coaches",
- "ResourcePanel.files": "Files",
- "ResourcePanel.availableFormats": "Available formats",
- "ResourcePanel.subtitles": "Captions and subtitles",
- "ResourcePanel.fileSize": "Size",
- "ResourcePanel.noLicenseError": "Missing license",
- "ResourcePanel.noCopyrightHolderError": "Missing copyright holder",
- "ResourcePanel.noLicenseDescriptionError": "Missing license description",
- "ResourcePanel.noFilesError": "Missing files",
- "ResourcePanel.noMasteryModelError": "Missing mastery criteria",
- "ResourcePanel.noQuestionsError": "Exercise is empty",
- "ResourcePanel.incompleteQuestionError": "{count, plural, one {# incomplete question} other {# incomplete questions}}",
- "ProgressBar.progressText": "{percent}%",
- "ProgressModal.copyHeader": "Importing resources",
- "ProgressModal.copyDescription": "Import is in progress, please wait...",
- "ProgressModal.defaultHeader": "Updating channel",
- "ProgressModal.defaultDescription": "Update is in progress, please wait...",
- "ProgressModal.defaultErrorText": "An unexpected error has occurred. Please try again, and if you continue to see this message, please contact support via the Help menu.",
- "ProgressModal.finishedMessage": "Operation complete! Click \"Refresh\" to update the page.",
- "ProgressModal.moveHeader": "Moving Content",
- "ProgressModal.moveDescription": "Move operation is in progress, please wait...",
- "ProgressModal.publishHeader": "Publishing channel",
- "ProgressModal.publishDescription": "Please wait for publishing to finish to make further edits to your channel. You will receive an email notification once it's complete.",
- "ProgressModal.syncHeader": "Syncing channel",
- "ProgressModal.syncDescription": "Channel syncing is in progress, please wait...",
- "ProgressModal.stopButton": "Stop",
- "ProgressModal.refreshButton": "Refresh",
- "ProgressModal.cancel": "No, go back",
- "ProgressModal.confirmStopButton": "Yes, stop task",
- "ProgressModal.cancelHeader": "Are you sure?",
- "ProgressModal.cancelText": "Are you sure you would like to cancel this task?",
- "TreeView.showSidebar": "Show sidebar",
- "TreeView.collapseAllButton": "Collapse all",
- "TreeView.openCurrentLocationButton": "Jump to current topic location",
- "TreeView.updatedResourcesReadyForReview": "Updated resources are ready for review",
- "TreeView.closeDrawer": "Close",
- "TreeViewBase.channelDetails": "View channel details",
- "TreeViewBase.editChannel": "Edit channel details",
- "TreeViewBase.openTrash": "Open trash",
- "TreeViewBase.getToken": "Get token",
- "TreeViewBase.shareChannel": "Share channel",
- "TreeViewBase.syncChannel": "Sync resources",
- "TreeViewBase.publishButton": "Publish",
- "TreeViewBase.publishButtonTitle": "Make this channel available for import into Kolibri",
- "TreeViewBase.viewOnly": "View-only",
- "TreeViewBase.noChangesText": "No changes found in channel",
- "TreeViewBase.emptyChannelTooltip": "You cannot publish an empty channel",
- "TreeViewBase.noLanguageSetError": "Missing channel language",
- "TreeViewBase.incompleteDescendantsText": "{count, number, integer} {count, plural, one {resource is incomplete and cannot be published} other {resources are incomplete and cannot be published}}",
- "NodePanel.emptyViewOnlyChannelText": "Nothing in this channel yet",
- "NodePanel.emptyTopicText": "Nothing in this topic yet",
- "NodePanel.emptyChannelText": "Click \"ADD\" to start building your channel",
- "NodePanel.emptyChannelSubText": "Create, upload, or import resources from other channels",
- "CurrentTopicView.addTopic": "New subtopic",
- "CurrentTopicView.addExercise": "New exercise",
- "CurrentTopicView.uploadFiles": "Upload files",
- "CurrentTopicView.importFromChannels": "Import from channels",
- "CurrentTopicView.addButton": "Add",
- "CurrentTopicView.editButton": "Edit",
- "CurrentTopicView.optionsButton": "Options",
- "CurrentTopicView.copyToClipboardButton": "Copy to clipboard",
- "CurrentTopicView.undefined": "Compact view",
- "CurrentTopicView.editSelectedButton": "Edit",
- "CurrentTopicView.copySelectedButton": "Copy to clipboard",
- "CurrentTopicView.moveSelectedButton": "Move",
- "CurrentTopicView.duplicateSelectedButton": "Make a copy",
- "CurrentTopicView.deleteSelectedButton": "Delete",
- "CurrentTopicView.selectionCount": "{topicCount, plural,\n =1 {# topic}\n other {# topics}}, {resourceCount, plural,\n =1 {# resource}\n other {# resources}}",
- "CurrentTopicView.undo": "Undo",
- "CurrentTopicView.cancel": "Cancel",
- "CurrentTopicView.creatingCopies": "Copying...",
- "CurrentTopicView.creatingClipboardCopies": "Copying to clipboard...",
- "CurrentTopicView.copiedItems": "Copy operation complete",
- "CurrentTopicView.copiedItemsToClipboard": "Copied to clipboard",
- "CurrentTopicView.removedItems": "Sent to trash",
- "CurrentTopicView.selectAllLabel": "Select all",
- "Template.templateString": "You have {count, plural,\n =1 {# node for testing}\n other {# nodes for testing}}",
- "TrashModal.trashModalTitle": "Trash",
- "TrashModal.trashEmptyText": "Trash is empty",
- "TrashModal.trashEmptySubtext": "Resources removed from this channel will appear here",
- "TrashModal.selectAllHeader": "Select all",
- "TrashModal.deletedHeader": "Removed",
- "TrashModal.selectedCountText": "{topicCount, plural,\n =1 {# topic}\n other {# topics}}, {resourceCount, plural,\n =1 {# resource}\n other {# resources}}",
- "TrashModal.deleteButton": "Delete",
- "TrashModal.restoreButton": "Restore",
- "TrashModal.deleteConfirmationHeader": "Permanently delete {topicCount, plural,\n =1 {# topic}\n other {# topics}}, {resourceCount, plural,\n =1 {# resource}\n other {# resources}}?",
- "TrashModal.deleteConfirmationText": "You cannot undo this action. Are you sure you want to continue?",
- "TrashModal.deleteConfirmationDeleteButton": "Delete permanently",
- "TrashModal.deleteConfirmationCancelButton": "Cancel",
- "TrashModal.deleteSuccessMessage": "Permanently deleted",
- "FilePreview.viewFullscreen": "View fullscreen",
- "FilePreview.exitFullscreen": "Exit fullscreen",
- "FilePreview.fullscreenModeText": "Fullscreen mode",
- "FileUploadItem.uploadButton": "Select file",
- "FileUploadItem.removeFileButton": "Remove",
- "FileUploadDefault.acceptsHelp": "Supported file types: {extensions}",
- "FileUploadDefault.uploadToText": "Upload to '{title}'",
- "FileUploadDefault.dropHereText": "Drag and drop your files here, or select your files manually",
- "FileUploadDefault.chooseFilesButton": "Select files",
- "FileUpload.filesHeader": "Preview files",
- "FileUpload.fileError": "Unsupported file type",
- "FileUpload.noFileText": "Missing files",
- "SupplementaryItem.languageText": "{language} ({code})",
- "SubtitlesList.subtitlesHeader": "Captions and subtitles",
- "SubtitlesList.acceptedFormatsTooltip": "Supported formats: {extensions}",
- "SubtitlesList.addSubtitleText": "Add captions",
- "SupplementaryList.selectFileText": "Select file",
- "ContentRenderer.noFileText": "Select a file to preview",
- "ContentRenderer.previewNotSupported": "Preview unavailable",
- "ThumbnailGenerator.thumbnailGenerationFailedHeader": "Unable to generate thumbnail",
- "ThumbnailGenerator.thumbnailGenerationFailedText": "There was a problem generating a thumbnail",
- "ThumbnailGenerator.generatedDefaultFilename": "Generated thumbnail",
- "ContentNodeThumbnail.noThumbnail": "No thumbnail",
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- "ContentNodeThumbnail.generate": "Generate from file",
- "ContentNodeThumbnail.upload": "Upload image",
- "ContentNodeThumbnail.remove": "Remove",
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- "ContentNodeThumbnail.zoomOut": "Zoom out",
- "ContentNodeThumbnail.save": "Save",
- "ContentNodeThumbnail.cancel": "Cancel",
- "ContentNodeThumbnail.croppingPrompt": "Drag image to reframe",
- "ContentNodeThumbnail.uploadingThumbnail": "Uploading",
- "ContentNodeThumbnail.generatingThumbnail": "Generating from file",
- "ContentNodeThumbnail.defaultFilename": "File",
- "SyncResourcesModal.syncModalTitle": "Sync resources",
- "SyncResourcesModal.syncModalExplainer": "Sync and update your resources with their original source.",
- "SyncResourcesModal.syncFilesTitle": "Files",
- "SyncResourcesModal.syncFilesExplainer": "Update all file information",
- "SyncResourcesModal.syncTagsTitle": "Tags",
- "SyncResourcesModal.syncTagsExplainer": "Update all tags",
- "SyncResourcesModal.syncTitlesAndDescriptionsTitle": "Titles and descriptions",
- "SyncResourcesModal.syncTitlesAndDescriptionsExplainer": "Update resource titles and descriptions",
- "SyncResourcesModal.syncExercisesTitle": "Assessment details",
- "SyncResourcesModal.syncExercisesExplainer": "Update questions, answers, and hints",
- "SyncResourcesModal.cancelButtonLabel": "Cancel",
- "SyncResourcesModal.continueButtonLabel": "Continue",
- "SyncResourcesModal.confirmSyncModalTitle": "Confirm sync",
- "SyncResourcesModal.confirmSyncModalExplainer": "You are about to sync and update the following:",
- "SyncResourcesModal.backButtonLabel": "Back",
- "SyncResourcesModal.syncButtonLabel": "Sync",
- "ReviewSelectionsPage.reviewSelectionHeader": "Review selections",
- "ReviewSelectionsPage.resourcesInTopic": "{count, number} {count, plural, one {resource} other {resources}}",
- "ReviewSelectionsPage.removeAction": "Remove",
- "ReviewSelectionsPage.noResourcesSelected": "No resources selected",
- "SearchResultsList.searchResultsCount": "{count, number} {count, plural, one {result} other {results}} for '{searchTerm}'",
- "SearchResultsList.resultsPerPageLabel": "Results per page",
- "SearchResultsList.saveSearchAction": "Save search",
- "SearchResultsList.savedSearchesLabel": "View saved searches",
- "SearchResultsList.searchSavedSnackbar": "Search saved",
- "ImportFromChannelsModal.resourcesAddedSnackbar": "Selected {count, number} {count, plural, one {resource} other {resources}}",
- "ImportFromChannelsModal.resourcesRemovedSnackbar": "Removed {count, number} {count, plural, one {resource} other {resources}}",
- "ImportFromChannelsModal.importTitle": "Import from other channels",
- "ImportFromChannelsModal.reviewTitle": "Resource selection",
- "ImportFromChannelsModal.resourcesSelected": "{count, number} {count, plural, one {resource selected} other {resources selected}}",
- "ImportFromChannelsModal.importAction": "Import",
- "ImportFromChannelsModal.reviewAction": "Review",
- "ImportFromChannelsModal.addButton": "Add",
- "ImportFromChannelsModal.addedText": "Added",
- "ImportFromChannelsModal.removeButton": "Remove",
- "InfoModal.close": "बंद (close)",
- "EditSearchModal.editSavedSearchTitle": "Edit search title",
- "EditSearchModal.searchTitleLabel": "Search title",
- "EditSearchModal.cancelAction": "Cancel",
- "EditSearchModal.saveChangesAction": "Save",
- "EditSearchModal.changesSavedSnackbar": "Changes saved",
- "EditSearchModal.fieldRequired": "Field is required",
- "BrowsingCard.tagsList": "Tags: {tags}",
- "BrowsingCard.goToSingleLocationAction": "Go to location",
- "BrowsingCard.goToPluralLocationsAction": "In {count, number} {count, plural, one {location} other {locations}}",
- "BrowsingCard.addToClipboardAction": "Copy to clipboard",
- "BrowsingCard.resourcesCount": "{count, number} {count, plural, one {resource} other {resources}}",
- "BrowsingCard.coach": "Coach",
- "ChannelInfoCard.resourceCount": "{count, number} {count, plural, one {resource} other {resources}}",
- "SavedSearchesModal.editAction": "Edit",
- "SavedSearchesModal.deleteAction": "Delete",
- "SavedSearchesModal.closeAction": "Close",
- "SavedSearchesModal.closeButtonLabel": "बंद (close)",
- "SavedSearchesModal.savedSearchesTitle": "Saved searches",
- "SavedSearchesModal.noSavedSearches": "You do not have any saved searches",
- "SavedSearchesModal.searchDeletedSnackbar": "Saved search deleted",
- "SavedSearchesModal.filterCount": "{count, number} {count, plural, one {filter} other {filters}}",
- "SavedSearchesModal.deleteSearchTitle": "Delete saved search",
- "SavedSearchesModal.deleteConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete this saved search?",
- "SavedSearchesModal.cancelAction": "Cancel",
- "SearchFilters.channelsHeader": "Channels",
- "SearchFilters.channelTypeLabel": "Channel type",
- "SearchFilters.channelSourceLabel": "Channel/source",
- "SearchFilters.filtersHeader": "Filter options",
- "SearchFilters.kindLabel": "Format",
- "SearchFilters.hideTopicsLabel": "Hide topics",
- "SearchFilters.assessmentsLabel": "Show assessments only",
- "SearchFilters.licensesLabel": "License",
- "SearchFilters.coachContentLabel": "Show resources for coaches",
- "SearchFilters.addedAfterDateLabel": "Added after",
- "ContentTreeList.allChannelsLabel": "Channels",
- "ContentTreeList.noResourcesOrTopics": "There are no resources or topics here",
- "ContentTreeList.selectAllAction": "Select all",
- "SearchFilterBar.coachContent": "Resources for coaches",
- "SearchFilterBar.assessments": "Assessments",
- "SearchFilterBar.topicsHidden": "No topics",
- "SearchFilterBar.createdAfter": "Added after '{date}'",
- "SearchFilterBar.clearAll": "Clear all",
- "ChannelList.channelFilterLabel": "Channels",
- "ChannelList.noMatchingChannels": "There are no matching channels",
- "SearchOrBrowseWindow.backToBrowseAction": "Back to browse",
- "SearchOrBrowseWindow.searchLabel": "Search for resources…",
- "SearchOrBrowseWindow.searchAction": "Search",
- "SearchOrBrowseWindow.undo": "Undo",
- "SearchOrBrowseWindow.cancel": "Cancel",
- "SearchOrBrowseWindow.copyingToClipboard": "Copying to clipboard...",
- "SearchOrBrowseWindow.copiedToClipboard": "Copied to clipboard",
- "SearchOrBrowseWindow.copyFailed": "Failed to copy to clipboard",
- "StagingTreePage.deploy": "Deploy",
- "StagingTreePage.backToViewing": "Back to viewing",
- "StagingTreePage.reviewMode": "Review mode",
- "StagingTreePage.emptyChannelText": "No resources found",
- "StagingTreePage.emptyChannelSubText": "No changes to review! The channel contains all the latest topics and resources.",
- "StagingTreePage.collapseAllButton": "Collapse all",
- "StagingTreePage.openCurrentLocationButton": "Jump to current topic location",
- "StagingTreePage.totalResources": "Total resources",
- "StagingTreePage.totalSize": "Total size",
- "StagingTreePage.openSummaryDetailsDialogBtn": "View summary",
- "StagingTreePage.closeSummaryDetailsDialogBtn": "Close",
- "StagingTreePage.summaryDetailsDialogTitle": "Summary details",
- "StagingTreePage.deployChannel": "Deploy channel",
- "StagingTreePage.deployDialogDescription": "You are about to replace all live resources with staged resources.",
- "StagingTreePage.liveResources": "Live resources",
- "StagingTreePage.stagedResources": "Staged resources",
- "StagingTreePage.topicsCount": "{count, number} {count, plural, one { topic } other { topics }}",
- "StagingTreePage.resourcesCount": "{count, number} {count, plural, one { resource } other { resources }}",
- "StagingTreePage.cancelDeployBtn": "Cancel",
- "StagingTreePage.confirmDeployBtn": "Deploy channel",
- "StagingTreePage.channelDeployed": "Channel has been deployed",
- "StagingTreePage.emptyTopicText": "This topic is empty",
- "StagingTreePage.viewDetails": "View details",
- "Diff.positiveSign": "+",
- "Diff.negativeSign": "-",
- "DiffTable.headerType": "Type",
- "DiffTable.headerLive": "Live",
- "DiffTable.headerStaged": "Staged",
- "DiffTable.headerDiff": "Net changes",
- "DiffTable.typeVersion": "API version",
- "DiffTable.typeFileSize": "File size",
- "DiffTable.typeTopics": "Topics",
- "DiffTable.typeVideos": "Videos",
- "DiffTable.typeAudios": "Audios",
- "DiffTable.typeExercises": "Exercises",
- "DiffTable.typeDocuments": "Documents",
- "DiffTable.typeHtml5Apps": "HTML5 apps",
- "DiffTable.typeSlideshows": "Slideshows",
- "AddPreviousStepsPage.toolbarTitle": "Add previous step",
- "AddPreviousStepsPage.selectedAsPreviousStep": "Already selected as a previous step",
- "AddPreviousStepsPage.selectedAsNextStep": "This resource is already selected for 'next steps'",
- "AddPreviousStepsPage.addedPreviousStepSnackbar": "Added previous step",
- "AddNextStepsPage.toolbarTitle": "Add next step",
- "AddNextStepsPage.selectedAsPreviousStep": "This resource is already selected for 'previous steps'",
- "AddNextStepsPage.selectedAsNextStep": "Already selected as a next step",
- "AddNextStepsPage.addedNextStepSnackbar": "Added next step",
- "ChannelListIndex.channelSets": "Collections",
- "ChannelListIndex.catalog": "Content Library",
- "ChannelListIndex.invitations": "You have {count, plural,\n =1 {# invitation}\n other {# invitations}}",
- "ChannelListIndex.libraryTitle": "Kolibri Content Library Catalog",
- "ChannelListIndex.frequentlyAskedQuestions": "Frequently asked questions",
- "ChannelItem.resourceCount": "{count, plural,\n =1 {# resource}\n other {# resources}}",
- "ChannelItem.unpublishedText": "Unpublished",
- "ChannelItem.lastPublished": "Published {last_published}",
- "ChannelItem.details": "Details",
- "ChannelItem.viewContent": "View channel on Kolibri",
- "ChannelItem.goToWebsite": "Go to source website",
- "ChannelItem.editChannel": "Edit channel details",
- "ChannelItem.copyToken": "Copy channel token",
- "ChannelItem.deleteChannel": "Delete channel",
- "ChannelItem.deleteTitle": "Delete this channel",
- "ChannelItem.deletePrompt": "This channel will be permanently deleted. This cannot be undone.",
- "ChannelItem.channelLanguageNotSetIndicator": "No language set",
- "ChannelItem.cancel": "Cancel",
- "CatalogFilterBar.keywords": "\"{text}\"",
- "CatalogFilterBar.coachContent": "Coach content",
- "CatalogFilterBar.assessments": "Assessments",
- "CatalogFilterBar.subtitles": "Subtitles",
- "CatalogFilterBar.starred": "Starred",
- "CatalogFilterBar.clearAll": "Clear all",
- "CatalogFilterBar.channelCount": "{count, plural,\n =1 {# channel}\n other {# channels}}",
- "CatalogFilters.searchLabel": "Keywords",
- "CatalogFilters.coachLabel": "Resources for coaches",
- "CatalogFilters.assessmentsLabel": "Assessments",
- "CatalogFilters.subtitlesLabel": "Captions or subtitles",
- "CatalogFilters.starredLabel": "Starred",
- "CatalogFilters.licenseLabel": "Licenses",
- "CatalogFilters.formatLabel": "Formats",
- "CatalogFilters.includesLabel": "Display only channels with",
- "CatalogFilters.searchText": "Search",
- "CatalogFilters.coachDescription": "Resources for coaches are only visible to coaches in Kolibri",
- "CatalogFilters.frequentlyAskedQuestionsLink": "Frequently asked questions",
- "CatalogFilters.copyright": "© {year} Learning Equality",
- "ChannelStar.unstar": "Remove from starred channels",
- "ChannelStar.star": "Add to starred channels",
- "ChannelInvitation.editText": "{sender} has invited you to edit {channel}",
- "ChannelInvitation.viewText": "{sender} has invited you to view {channel}",
- "ChannelInvitation.goToChannelSnackbarAction": "Go to channel",
- "ChannelInvitation.acceptedSnackbar": "Accepted invitation",
- "ChannelInvitation.declinedSnackbar": "Declined invitation",
- "ChannelInvitation.accept": "Accept",
- "ChannelInvitation.decline": "Decline",
- "ChannelInvitation.cancel": "Cancel",
- "ChannelInvitation.decliningInvitation": "Declining Invitation",
- "ChannelInvitation.decliningInvitationMessage": "Are you sure you want to decline this invitation?",
- "LanguageFilter.languageLabel": "Languages",
- "LanguageFilter.languageText": "{language} ({count})",
- "LanguageFilter.noMatchingLanguageText": "No language matches the search",
- "CatalogList.resultsText": "{count, plural,\n =1 {# result found}\n other {# results found}}",
- "CatalogList.selectChannels": "Download a summary of selected channels",
- "CatalogList.cancelButton": "Cancel",
- "CatalogList.downloadButton": "Download",
- "CatalogList.downloadCSV": "Download spreadsheet",
- "CatalogList.downloadPDF": "Download PDF",
- "CatalogList.downloadingMessage": "Download started",
- "CatalogList.channelSelectionCount": "{count, plural,\n =1 {# channel selected}\n other {# channels selected}}",
- "CatalogList.selectAll": "Select all",
- "ChannelList.loading": "Loading channels...",
- "ChannelList.noChannelsFound": "No channels found",
- "ChannelList.channel": "New channel",
- "CatalogFAQ.faqHeader": "Frequently asked questions",
- "CatalogFAQ.aboutHeader": "Welcome to the Kolibri Content Library Catalog! ",
- "CatalogFAQ.descriptionP1": "Here you can learn more about the educational resources publicly available for use in Kolibri, which are organized into \"channels\". Use the filters to browse channels by keyword, language, or formats of the materials inside.",
- "CatalogFAQ.channelLink": "What is a channel?",
- "CatalogFAQ.descriptionP2": "Click on a channel to get a preview of what subjects and topics it covers, learn more about its creator, see how many resources the channel contains, and learn how to import it into Kolibri. You can also find coach-specific content (lesson plans, teacher professional guides, and other supplementary facilitation material), assessments and exercises, and captions for accessibility.",
- "CatalogFAQ.descriptionP3": "Sharing the work of these resource creators is what inspires Learning Equality's efforts. We hope you find something that excites you about the potential of digital learning, online or off!",
- "CatalogFAQ.aboutLibraryHeader": "About the Kolibri Content Library",
- "CatalogFAQ.selectionQuestion": "How does Learning Equality determine what goes into this library?",
- "CatalogFAQ.selectionAnswerP1": "Our approach is unique in that we aim to assemble a library of resources which supports the diversity of needs Kolibri is designed to meet, rather than collecting all possible open educational resources.",
- "CatalogFAQ.selectionAnswerP2": "To inform what we select, the Learning Equality team is continually maintaining our awareness of openly licensed digital resources available in the educational landscape. Most of our resources come from an organization, institution, or creator with learning design experience and an educational mandate. We prioritize providing a diversity of grade levels, subject areas and languages. Where possible, we also evaluate and seek input on the degree to which the materials may be suitable for the unique blended learning settings in which we work.",
- "CatalogFAQ.maintenanceQuestion": "How is this library created and maintained?",
- "CatalogFAQ.maintenanceAnswerP1": "Because Kolibri is designed for learners and educators who are disconnected from the internet, content must first be packaged so that it can be used without internet connection. For most sources, our content team uses custom-written, automated scripts to bring content into Kolibri from a website, an app, or a private source such as a hard drive (with the appropriate permissions).",
- "CatalogFAQ.maintenanceAnswerP2": "To learn more about how content is packaged for use on Kolibri and what types of formats are supported, please refer to our content integration guide.",
- "CatalogFAQ.viewIntegrationGuide": "View content integration guide",
- "CatalogFAQ.endoresementQuestion": "Have these sources been vetted or endorsed as classroom-safe and ready?",
- "CatalogFAQ.endorsementAnswer": "We select sources with an educational affiliation or mandate, so you can trust that most resources in the Kolibri Content Library were designed for learning purposes. However, we are not able to guarantee the appropriateness of each individual item within any particular source. We recommend that educators and administrators conduct a thorough review of any digital content using their own criteria - including reorganization and re-curation, if necessary - before using it with learners. Since we recognize that there may be many different standards across situations for criteria like preferred levels of interactivity, subject/age appropriateness, cultural sensitivity and tone, among others, we have intentionally offered a wide range of materials to help meet the needs of all learners whatever they may be.",
- "CatalogFAQ.ownershipQuestion": "Does Learning Equality own these resources?",
- "CatalogFAQ.ownershipAnswer": "No. Just like an online learning repository with links to external websites, we gather useful digital learning resources to help our community discover a rich variety of learning materials they may not have known about otherwise. All the materials in this educational library are fully credited to the creating organization, reformatted for best display on digital devices, and include any additional information the creator has shared with us. We only include content which is either openly licensed, available to distribute for special nonprofit or noncommercial purposes, or shared with us for distribution through agreement with the creator. Since materials in the library are intended for use in an open source platform, we do not profit financially from their use.",
- "CatalogFAQ.newContentQuestion": "Does Learning Equality add new materials?",
- "CatalogFAQ.newContentAnswer": "Our content team routinely adds new sources and channels to the library and updates existing channels as content creators make new materials available.",
- "CatalogFAQ.customContentQuestion": "How can I add my own materials or recommend materials from other creators for this library?",
- "CatalogFAQ.customContentAnswer": "We would love to get in touch with you regarding your own materials or your recommendations. Please contact us at content@learningequality.org!",
- "CatalogFAQ.usingResourcesHeader": "About using these resources",
- "CatalogFAQ.usingContentQuestion": "I found something I'm interested in and would like to start using it. What should I do?",
- "CatalogFAQ.usingContentAnswer": "Great! All of these resources have been specially packaged for use on Kolibri, our open source platform for offline learning, so please review how to get started with Kolibri first, then follow the instructions to import materials.",
- "CatalogFAQ.viewGettingStartedLink": "Documentation resources to get started with Kolibri",
- "CatalogFAQ.channelQuestion": "What is a channel?",
- "CatalogFAQ.channelAnswer": "A channel is Kolibri’s unit of organization for digital content. It's a collection of resources organized by single institutions or creators, each of which may contain a set of books, games, textbooks, articles, simulations, exercises, and many more types of educational materials, all made available for use in Kolibri without the need for internet access. A channel isn't necessarily a course or a sequence, it's simply a collection of materials published or gathered together by one organization, as close to the provider's original layout as possible, while still organized for the best possible navigation in Kolibri.",
- "CatalogFAQ.sampleContentQuestion": "How do I review the contents of the channels themselves?",
- "CatalogFAQ.sampleContentAnswer": "You can do this in three ways:",
- "CatalogFAQ.sampleContentAnswerItem1": "To see the original content source, click the ⋮ button and select 'Go to source website'",
- "CatalogFAQ.sampleContentAnswerItem2": "To preview the content on one of our online demo servers (available in English, Spanish, Arabic, French, and Hindi), click the ⋮ button and select 'View channel on Kolibri'",
- "CatalogFAQ.sampleContentAnswerItem3": "Download Kolibri and import the channel on your device for full access offline.",
- "CatalogFAQ.downloadKolibriLink": "Download Kolibri",
- "CatalogFAQ.partialChannelQuestion": "I want to use some of the resources in this channel, but not all of it. What should I do?",
- "CatalogFAQ.partialChannelAnswer": "When importing content into Kolibri, you can select the specific subsections of a channel you're interested in. If you’d like to make changes such as editing the title or folder descriptions, or changing the order in which materials appear, please contact us at content@learningequality.org for early access to our Kolibri Studio tool, which can be used to make these changes.",
- "CatalogFAQ.coachContentQuestion": "What are 'resources for coaches'?",
- "CatalogFAQ.coachContentAnswer": "Most resources are directed at learners, but some, such as lesson plans, subject refreshers, professional learning guides, and similar, are directed at teachers and facilitators. In Kolibri, we mark this content as \"for coaches\" and limit its visibility to those with coach accounts. If you see coach materials here, they may require less planning for any facilitators using the resource!",
- "CatalogFAQ.issueQuestion": "I found a bug, broken link, or some mislabeled information within a resource. What should I do?",
- "CatalogFAQ.issueAnswer": "Please email us at content@learningequality.org and include the channel name, along with a description of the issue. If you notice an issue on a specific resource, please be sure to link that as well. We'd be happy to investigate and grateful for your feedback!",
- "CatalogFAQ.aboutKolibriHeader": "About Kolibri",
- "CatalogFAQ.KolibriQuestion": "What is Kolibri?",
- "CatalogFAQ.KolibriAnswer": "Kolibri is an open source ed-tech platform designed for low-resource communities, focused on:",
- "CatalogFAQ.KolibriAnswerItem1": "Overcoming infrastructural barriers that prevent equitable access to quality education for learners in low-resource and low-connectivity contexts",
- "CatalogFAQ.KolibriAnswerItem2": "Increasing the availability of open learning materials suitable for many curricula, learning goals, and situations",
- "CatalogFAQ.KolibriAnswerItem3": "Fostering innovative pedagogy and effective learning outcomes",
- "CatalogFAQ.usingKolibriQuestion": "How can I use Kolibri?",
- "CatalogFAQ.usingKolibriAnswerP1": "You can learn more about using Kolibri by doing any of the following:",
- "CatalogFAQ.usingKolibriItem1": "Visit the Learning Equality website",
- "CatalogFAQ.visitWebsiteLink": "Visit website",
- "CatalogFAQ.usingKolibriItem2": "View a demo of the platform",
- "CatalogFAQ.viewDemoLink": "View demo",
- "CatalogFAQ.usingKolibriItem3": "Download the software",
- "CatalogFAQ.downloadLink": "Download",
- "CatalogFAQ.usingKolibriAnswerP2": "We invite you to use the Kolibri user documentation for further guidance.",
- "CatalogFAQ.viewDocsLink": "View docs",
- "CatalogFAQ.makerQuestion": "Who are the makers of Kolibri?",
- "CatalogFAQ.makerAnswerP1": "Learning Equality, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit based in San Diego, California, is committed to enabling every person in the world to realize their right to a quality education, by supporting the creation, adaptation, and distribution of open educational resources, and creating supportive tools for innovative pedagogy.",
- "CatalogFAQ.makerAnswerP2": "In recognition of the digital divide, Learning Equality started by bringing the Khan Academy experience offline to more than 6 million learners around the globe. Its second-generation product, Kolibri, is part of a broader ecosystem of products and tools that support curriculum alignment, blended learning pedagogies, and broader use of Open Educational Resources to improve learning.",
- "ChannelListAppError.channelPermissionsErrorDetails": "Sign in or ask the owner of this channel to give you permission to edit or view",
- "ChannelItem.versionText": "संस्करण {version}",
- "ChannelSetModal.creatingChannelSet": "New collection",
- "ChannelSetModal.loading": "Loading...",
- "ChannelSetModal.titleLabel": "Collection name",
- "ChannelSetModal.channelCountText": "{channelCount, plural, =0 {No published channels in your collection} =1 {# channel} other {# channels}}",
- "ChannelSetModal.channelSelectedCountText": "{channelCount, plural, =1 {# channel selected} other {# channels selected}}",
- "ChannelSetModal.titleRequiredText": "Field is required",
- "ChannelSetModal.publishedChannelsOnlyText": "Only published channels are available for selection",
- "ChannelSetModal.tokenPrompt": "Copy this token into Kolibri to import this collection onto your device.",
- "ChannelSetModal.token": "Collection token",
- "ChannelSetModal.channels": "Collection channels",
- "ChannelSetModal.selectChannelsHeader": "Select channels",
- "ChannelSetModal.saveButton": "Save and close",
- "ChannelSetModal.createButton": "Create",
- "ChannelSetModal.finish": "Finish",
- "ChannelSetModal.undefined": "Starred",
- "ChannelSetModal.unsavedChangesHeader": "Unsaved changes",
- "ChannelSetModal.unsavedChangesText": "You will lose any unsaved changes. Are you sure you want to exit?",
- "ChannelSetModal.closeButton": "Exit without saving",
- "ChannelSetModal.removeText": "Remove",
- "ChannelSelectionList.searchText": "Search for a channel",
- "ChannelSelectionList.loading": "Loading channels...",
- "ChannelSelectionList.noChannelsFound": "No channels found",
- "ChannelSetList.loading": "Loading collections...",
- "ChannelSetList.cancelButtonLabel": "Close",
- "ChannelSetList.noChannelSetsFound": "You can package together multiple channels to create a collection. The entire collection can then be imported to Kolibri at once by using a collection token.",
- "ChannelSetList.addChannelSetTitle": "New collection",
- "ChannelSetList.aboutChannelSets": "About Collections",
- "ChannelSetList.channelSetsDescriptionText": "A collection contains multiple Kolibri Studio channels that can be imported at one time to Kolibri with a single collection token.",
- "ChannelSetList.channelSetsInstructionsText": "You can make a collection by selecting the channels you want to be imported together.",
- "ChannelSetList.channelSetsDisclaimer": "You will need Kolibri version 0.12.0 or higher to import channel collections",
- "ChannelSetList.title": "Collection title",
- "ChannelSetList.token": "Token ID",
- "ChannelSetList.channelNumber": "Number of channels",
- "ChannelSetList.options": "Options",
- "ChannelSetItem.deleteChannelSetTitle": "Delete collection",
- "ChannelSetItem.deleteChannelSetText": "Are you sure you want to delete this collection?",
- "ChannelSetItem.cancel": "रद्द करें",
- "ChannelSetItem.edit": "Edit collection",
- "ChannelSetItem.delete": "Delete collection",
- "ChannelSetItem.options": "Options",
- "ContentDefaults.defaultsTitle": "Default copyright values for new resources (optional)",
- "ContentDefaults.defaultsSubTitle": "New resources will be automatically given these values",
- "ContentDefaults.author": "Author",
- "ContentDefaults.aggregator": "Aggregator",
- "ContentDefaults.provider": "Provider",
- "ContentDefaults.license": "License",
- "ContentDefaults.licenseDescription": "License description",
- "ContentDefaults.noLicense": "No license selected",
- "ContentDefaults.copyrightHolder": "Copyright holder",
- "ContentDefaults.thumbnailsTitle": "Automatically generate thumbnails for the following resource types",
- "ContentDefaults.videos": "Videos",
- "ContentDefaults.html5": "HTML5 apps",
- "ContentDefaults.documents": "Documents",
- "PasswordField.passwordLabel": "Password",
- "PasswordField.fieldRequiredMessage": "Field is required",
- "CountryField.locationLabel": "Select all that apply",
- "CountryField.locationRequiredMessage": "Field is required",
- "CountryField.noCountriesFound": "No countries found",
- "EmailField.emailLabel": "Email",
- "EmailField.validEmailMessage": "Please enter a valid email",
- "EmailField.emailRequiredMessage": "Field is required",
- "TextField.fieldRequiredMessage": "Field is required",
- "MultiSelect.noItemsFound": "No items found",
- "TextArea.fieldRequiredMessage": "Field is required",
- "ImagesMenu.imageHeader": "Upload image",
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- "ImagesMenu.btnLabelCancel": "Cancel",
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- "ImagesMenu.altTextHint": "The image description is necessary to enable visually impaired learners to answer questions, and it also displays when the image fails to load",
- "ImagesMenu.defaultDropText": "Drag and drop an image here, or upload manually",
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- "ImagesMenu.acceptsText": "Supported file types: {acceptedFormats}",
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- "LanguageDropdown.languageRequired": "Field is required",
- "LanguageDropdown.noDataText": "Language not found",
- "ResponsiveDialog.closeButtonLabel": "Close",
- "ToggleText.more": "Show more",
- "ToggleText.less": "Show less",
- "AppBar.title": "Kolibri Studio Beta",
- "AppBar.administration": "Administration",
- "AppBar.settings": "Settings",
- "AppBar.help": "Help and support",
- "AppBar.logIn": "Sign in",
- "AppBar.logOut": "Sign out",
- "Details.sizeHeading": "Channel size",
- "Details.sizeText": "{text} ({size})",
- "Details.resourceHeading": "Total resources",
- "Details.coachHeading": "Resources for coaches",
- "Details.coachDescription": "Resources for coaches are only visible to coaches in Kolibri",
- "Details.tagsHeading": "Common tags",
- "Details.creationHeading": "Created on",
- "Details.containsHeading": "Contains",
- "Details.languagesHeading": "Languages",
- "Details.subtitlesHeading": "Captions and subtitles",
- "Details.authorsLabel": "Authors",
- "Details.authorToolTip": "Person or organization who created this content",
- "Details.providersLabel": "Providers",
- "Details.providerToolTip": "Organization that commissioned or is distributing the content",
- "Details.aggregatorsLabel": "Aggregators",
- "Details.aggregatorToolTip": "Website or organization hosting the content collection but not necessarily the creator or copyright holder",
- "Details.licensesLabel": "Licenses",
- "Details.copyrightHoldersLabel": "Copyright holders",
- "Details.assessmentsIncludedText": "Assessments",
- "Details.undefined": "Very large",
- "Details.containsContentHeading": "Contains content from",
- "Details.sampleFromChannelHeading": "Sample content from this channel",
- "Details.sampleFromTopicHeading": "Sample content from this topic",
- "Details.tokenHeading": "Channel token",
- "Details.publishedHeading": "Published on",
- "Details.currentVersionHeading": "Published version",
- "Details.primaryLanguageHeading": "Primary language",
- "Details.unpublishedText": "Unpublished",
- "Alert.closeButtonLabel": "OK",
- "Alert.dontShowAgain": "Don't show this message again",
- "ExpandableList.more": "Show more ({more})",
- "ExpandableList.less": "Show less",
- "VisibilityDropdown.labelText": "Visible to",
- "VisibilityDropdown.visibilityHeader": "About resource visibility",
- "VisibilityDropdown.visibilityDescription": "Visibility determines what type of Kolibri users can see resources.",
- "VisibilityDropdown.coach": "Resources are visible only to coaches (teachers, facilitators, administrators)",
- "VisibilityDropdown.learner": "Resources are visible to anyone",
- "VisibilityDropdown.visibilityRequired": "Field is required",
- "PoliciesModal.ToSHeader": "Terms of Service",
- "PoliciesModal.updatedToSHeader": "Updated terms of service",
- "PoliciesModal.privacyHeader": "Privacy policy",
- "PoliciesModal.updatedPrivacyHeader": "Updated privacy policy",
- "PoliciesModal.communityStandardsHeader": "Community Standards",
- "PoliciesModal.lastUpdated": "Last updated {date}",
- "PoliciesModal.closeButton": "Close",
- "PoliciesModal.continueButton": "Continue",
- "PoliciesModal.checkboxValidationErrorMessage": "Field is required",
- "PoliciesModal.checkboxText": "I have agreed to the above terms",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.ToSHeader": "Terms of Service",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.updatedToSHeader": "Updated terms of service",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.prompt": "Please read these terms and conditions carefully",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.disclaimerP1": "Before using this website, you should read the following important information relating to it. These Terms of Service (\"Terms\") govern your use of this website and form a legally binding agreement between you and us regarding your use of our website.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.disclaimerP2": "If, for any reason, you are unable or unwilling to agree to all of these Terms, please immediately discontinue using or attempting to use the service.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.disclaimerP3": "By continuing to use the Service you agree to these terms which will bind you.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.definitionsHeader": "Definitions",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.definitionsP1": "These are the Terms for the web application hosted at https://studio.learningequality.org/, along with any API's or other interfaces it provides (the \"Service\"), controlled and operated by Learning Equality (\"Learning Equality\", \"we\", \"us\" and \"our\"). We are registered as a nonprofit organization in California, USA under EIN 46-2676188, and have our registered office at 9700 Gilman Dr, PMB 323, La Jolla, CA 92093.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.definitionsP2": "These Terms describe our commitments to you, and your rights and responsibilities when using the Service. If you breach any of these Terms, your right to access and use of the Service and Service will be terminated. Please read them carefully and reach out to us if you have any questions.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.definitionsP3": "\"Content refers to media files (such as videos, audio files, HTML5 content, or other materials) that are hosted on the Service, along with their associated descriptive metadata.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.definitionsP4": "Throughout these Terms, \"you\" applies to both individuals and entities that access or use the Service. If you are an individual using the Service on behalf of an entity, you represent and warrant that you have the authority to bind that entity to the Agreement and that by using our Service, you are accepting the Agreement on behalf of that entity.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.accountTermsHeader": "Account Terms",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.accountTermsP1": "When you register for an account on the Service, you agree to provide us with complete and accurate information. You will be solely responsible and liable for any activity that occurs under your username. You are responsible for keeping your account information up-to-date and for keeping your access credentials (password and API token) private and secure.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.accountTermsP2": "You are responsible for maintaining the security of your account and any Service-related content, and you are fully responsible for all activities that occur under your account and any other actions taken in connection with the Service. You shall not share or misuse your access credentials. You must immediately notify us of any unauthorized uses of your account, or of any other breach of security. We will not be liable for any acts or omissions by you, including any damages of any kind incurred as a result of such acts or omissions.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.accountTermsP3": "Access to and use of the Service is only for those over the age of 13 (or 16 in the European Union). If you are younger than this, you may not register for or use the Service. Any person who registers as a user or provides their personal information to the Service represents that they are 13 years of age or older (or 16 years or older in the European Union).",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseHeader": "Acceptable Use Restrictions",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseP1": "You represent and warrant that your use of the Service:",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem1": "Will be in strict accordance with these Terms;",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem2": "Will comply with all applicable laws and regulations (including, without limitation, all applicable laws regarding online conduct and acceptable content, privacy, data protection, and the transmission of technical data exported from the United States or the country in which you reside);",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem3": "Will not use the Services for any unlawful purposes, to publish illegal content, or in furtherance of illegal activities;",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem4": "Will not transmit any material that is defamatory, offensive or otherwise objectionable in relation to your use of the Service;",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem5": "Will not infringe or misappropriate the intellectual property rights of any third party;",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem6": "Will not overburden Learning Equality's systems, as determined by us in our sole discretion, including but not limited to excessive bandwidth utilization or number of requests;",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem7": "Will not attempt to circumvent your assigned storage quota or other account restrictions through technical or other means;",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem8": "Will not disclose sensitive personal information of others;",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem9": "Will not be used to send spam or bulk unsolicited messages;",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem10": "Will not interfere with, disrupt, or attack any service or network; and",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem11": "Will not be used to create, distribute, or enable material that is - or that facilitates or operates in conjunction with - malware, spyware, adware, or other malicious programs or code.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.userContentHeader": "User-Generated Content",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.userContentP1": "We have not reviewed, and cannot review, all of the Content (such as, but not limited to, text, photo, video, audio, code, computer software, or other materials) uploaded to or authored using the Service by users or anyone else and are not responsible for any use or effects of such Content. So, for example:",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList1Item1": "We do not endorse any uploaded Content or represent that Content is accurate, useful, or non-harmful. Content could be offensive, indecent, or objectionable; include technical inaccuracies, typographical mistakes, or other errors; or violate or infringe the privacy, publicity rights, intellectual property rights (see our Copyright Infringement and DMCA Policy section to submit copyright complaints), or other proprietary rights of third parties.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList1Item2": "If you upload or author Content, or otherwise make (or allow any third party to make) Content available on the Service, you are entirely responsible for the Content, and any harm resulting from, that Content or your conduct.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList1Item3": "You are responsible for ensuring that you have proper permissions to upload and distribute any and all uploaded Content and for ensuring that the copyright holder and licensing are properly evidenced on the uploaded Content.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList1Item4": "We disclaim any responsibility for any harm resulting from anyone's use or downloading of Content. If you access or use any Content, you are responsible for taking precautions as necessary to protect yourself and your computer systems from viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and other harmful or destructive content.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList1Item5": "We are not a party to, and will have no responsibility or liability for, any communications, transactions, interactions, or disputes between you and the provider of any Content.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList1Item6": "Please note that additional third party terms and conditions may apply to the downloading, copying, or use of Content.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.userContentP2": "We also have not reviewed, and cannot review, all of the material made available through the websites and web pages that link to, or are linked from the Service. For example:",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList2Item1": "We do not have any control over those websites and are not responsible for their contents or their use.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList2Item2": "The existence of a link to or from the Service does not represent or imply that we endorse such website.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList2Item3": "You are responsible for taking precautions as necessary to protect yourself and your computer systems from viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and other harmful or destructive content.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.userContentP3": "We reserve the right to remove any Content that violates our Terms or for any other reason.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.userContentP4": "Please note we cannot:",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList3Item1": "remove or force upgrades of copies of Content that have already been downloaded from the Service, except in cases in which the Kolibri Learning Application is running on a server that is under our control. This may mean that when we delete uploaded content not all copies will be removed.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList3Item2": "remove or change the licensing on old versions of Content that others have made copies of, should you change the licensing on your content and/or request a removal of the Content from us. When a Creative Commons license is applied to a specific version of a piece of Content, the rights conferred to others for distribution and use of that Content cannot be revoked. Whilst we cannot remove or force updates on copies of the Content, we would let you update the license on your own copy of the Content moving forward, and for future versions.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.licensingHeader": "Licensing and Copyright",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.licensingP1": "The Service allows you to upload and distribute Content. When you do, the following terms apply:",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.licensingList1Item1": "Copyright ownership of the Content is retained by the original copyright holder and must be indicated, and license information must be marked so as to accurately reflect the copyright holder's intentions around the distribution and use of that Content.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.licensingList1Item2": "If you are not yourself the copyright holder, you must have the rights to distribute the uploaded Content, either through explicit written permission from the copyright holder, or as allowed by the terms of the license under which the Content has been released.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.licensingList1Item3": "If you are the copyright holder of the uploaded content, then by marking the Content you upload with a particular license, you are agreeing for the Content to be distributed and used under the terms of that license in perpetuity.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.licensingP2": "We follow a policy of making content, including its associated metadata, as open as possible while following the appropriate copyright laws. With this in mind, we distinguish between:",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.licensingList2Item1": "Descriptive metadata: This includes primary metadata associated with a single piece of Content, for example, titles, descriptions, and other elements which constitute a definitive part of the Content regardless of which system it appears on. These metadata elements will fall under the same copyright and licensing as the Content itself.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.licensingList2Item2": "Organizational metadata: This defines how a piece of content may be used, aids with discovery, and places it within some broader structure of relations on the Service, for example, tags, curation into topics (including the titles of those topics), and other elements pertaining to the display and ordering of Content on the system itself. By using the Service, you agree that work you do to generate organizational metadata elements are released into the Public Domain, and may be made available for others to use, without any claim to copyright or restricted licensing. We may also share, leverage and distribute this organizational metadata. This is so that we can benefit others and improve the impact of our platforms.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.dmcaHeader": "DMCA Policy",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.dmcaP1": "As we ask others to respect our intellectual property rights, we respect the intellectual property rights of others. If you believe that material located on or associated with the Service violates your copyright, please notify us in accordance with our Digital Millennium Copyright Act (\"DMCA\") Policy. We will respond to all such notices, including as required or appropriate by removing the infringing material or disabling all links to the infringing material. We will terminate a visitor's access to and use of the website if, under appropriate circumstances, the visitor is determined to be a repeat infringer of copyrights or other intellectual property rights. In the case of such termination, we will have no obligation to provide a refund of any payments or other forms of restitution.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.dmcaLink": "Report a violation",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.intellectualPropertyHeader": "Intellectual Property Notice",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.intellectualPropertyP1": "The Agreement does not transfer from Learning Equality to you any Learning Equality or third party intellectual property, and all right, title, and interest in and to such property will remain (as between the parties) solely with Learning Equality. \"Kolibri\", \"Kolibri Studio\", \"Learning Equality\", the Kolibri logo, and all other trademarks, service marks, graphics, and logos used in connection with learningequality.org or the Service, are trademarks or registered trademarks of Learning Equality or Learning Equality's licensors. Other trademarks, service marks, graphics, and logos used in connection with the Service may be the trademarks of other third parties. Your use of the Service grants you no right or license to reproduce or otherwise use any Learning Equality or third party trademarks and any such use may constitute an infringement of the holder's rights",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.communityStandardsHeader": "Community Standards",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.communityStandardsP1": "For more information about the intended use of the Service, and standards around Content, please see our Community Standards page.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.communityStandardsLink": "Learn more about Studio's community standards",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.yourPrivacyHeader": "Your Privacy",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.yourPrivacyP1": "We take your privacy seriously. Please read our Privacy Policy to see how we collect, use and protect your personal data.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.yourPrivacyLink": "Learn more about Studio's privacy policy",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.cancellationHeader": "Cancellation or Termination",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.cancellationP1": "We may terminate or restrict your access to all or any part of the Service at any time, with or without cause, with or without notice, effective immediately. We have the right (though not the obligation) to, in our sole discretion, (i) close down an account or remove content due to prolonged inactivity, (ii) refuse or remove any content that, in our reasonable opinion, violates any Learning Equality policy (including our Community Standards) or is in any way harmful or objectionable, or (iii) terminate or deny access to and use of the Service to any individual or entity for any reason. We will have no obligation to provide a refund of any amounts previously paid.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.cancellationP2": "If we end your rights to use the Service:",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.cancellationItem1": "You must stop all activities authorized by these Terms, including your use of the Service.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.cancellationItem2": "You must not register and create a new account under your name, a fake or borrowed name, or the name of any third party, even if you may be acting on behalf of the third party.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.cancellationP3": "In addition to terminating or suspending your account, we reserve the right to take appropriate legal action, including without limitation pursuing civil, criminal, and injunctive action for violating these Terms.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.cancellationP4": "All provisions of the Agreement which by their nature should survive termination shall survive termination, including, without limitation, ownership provisions, warranty disclaimers, indemnity, and limitations of liability.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.communicationsHeader": "Communications with Learning Equality",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.communicationsP1": "For contractual purposes, you (1) consent to receive communications from us in an electronic form via the email address you have submitted or via the Service; and (2) agree that all Terms of Service, agreements, notices, disclosures, and other communications that we provide to you electronically satisfy any legal requirement that those communications would satisfy if they were on paper. This section does not affect your non-waivable rights.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.warrantyHeader": "Disclaimer of Warranties",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.warrantyHeaderP1": "You acknowledge that the website and the Service is provided \"as is\" and \"as available\", with all faults and without warranty of any kind, and we hereby disclaim all warranties and conditions with respect to the website and Service, either express, implied or statutory, including, but not limited to, any implied warranties and/or conditions of merchantability, of satisfactory quality, of fitness for a particular purpose, of accuracy, and non-infringement of third party rights. Any use of the Service and website is at your own risk. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties, so the above limitations may not apply to you.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.changesToToSHeader": "Changes to these Terms of Service",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.changesToToSP1": "We are constantly updating our Service and that means sometimes we have to change the legal terms under which our Service is offered. These Terms may only be modified by a written amendment signed by an authorized executive of Learning Equality, or by the posting by Learning Equality of a revised version. If we make changes that are material, we will let you know by posting on one of our blogs, or by sending you an email or other communication before the changes take effect. The notice will designate a reasonable period of time after which the new terms will take effect. If you disagree with our changes, then you should stop using the Service within the designated notice period, or once the changes become effective. Your continued use of the Service will be subject to the new terms. However, any dispute that arose before the changes shall be governed by the Terms (including the binding individual arbitration clause) that were in place when the dispute arose.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.jurisdictionHeader": "Jurisdiction and Applicable Law",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.jurisdictionP1": "Except to the extent any applicable law provides otherwise, the Agreement and any access to or use of the Service will be governed by the laws of the state of California, U.S.A., excluding its conflict of law provisions. The proper venue for any disputes arising out of or relating to the Agreement and any access to or use of the Service will be the state and federal courts located in San Diego County, California.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.arbitrationHeader": "Arbitration Agreement",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.arbitrationP1": "Except for claims for injunctive or equitable relief or claims regarding intellectual property rights (which may be brought in any competent court without the posting of a bond), any dispute arising under the Agreement shall be finally settled in accordance with the Comprehensive Arbitration Rules of the Judicial Arbitration and Mediation Service, Inc. (\"JAMS\") by three arbitrators appointed in accordance with such Rules. The arbitration shall take place in San Diego, California, in the English language and the arbitral decision may be enforced in any court. The prevailing party in any action or proceeding to enforce the Agreement shall be entitled to costs and attorneys' fees.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.liabilityHeader": "Limitation of Liability",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.liabilityP1": "To the extent legally permitted under the applicable law, Learning Equality shall not be responsible for any loss or damage to you, your customers or third parties caused by failure of the website to function. In no event will Learning Equality be liable for any special, consequential, incidental, or indirect damages (including, without limitation, those resulting from lost profits, cost of substitute goods or services, lost data or business interruption) in connection with the use of the website or Service of in connection with any other claim arising from these Terms of Service. The aggregate liability of Learning Equality arisint from or relating to these Tmers and the Service, regardless of the form of action or claim (contract, tort or otherwise) and even if you have been advised of the possibility of such damages shall not exceed the amount paid by you during the twelve (12) month period prior to the cause of action. Nothing in these Terms shall limit or exclude Learning Equality liability for gross negligence or for death or personal injury. Applicable law may not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.thirdPartyHeader": "Third Party Content and Third Party Applications",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.thirdPartyP1": "The links to third party websites, any third party content, and any third party applications may be provided for your convenience and information only. The content on any linked website or in any third party application is not under our control and we are not responsible for the content of linked websites and/or third party applications, including any further links contained in a third party website. We make no representations or warranties in connection with any third party content or third party applications, which at all times and in each instance is provided \"as is.\" Third party applications may be subject to additional policies and conditions or agreements between you and the provider of such third party applications. You agree to fully comply with all such additional policies, conditions and agreements. If you decide to access any third party content, and/or any third party application, you do so entirely at your own risk.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.thirdPartyRightsHeader": "Third Party Rights",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.thirdPartyRightsP1": "Nothing in our Terms is intended to confer on any third party any benefit or any right (under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 UK or otherwise) to enforce any provision of our Terms or any agreement entered into in connection with it.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.indemnificationHeader": "Indemnification",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.indemnificationP1": "You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Learning Equality, its contractors, and its licensors, and their respective directors, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all losses, liabilities, demands, damages, costs, claims, and expenses, including attorneys' fees, arising out of or related to your use of the Service, including but not limited to your violation of the Agreement, Content that you upload or author, and any other activities conducted using the Service.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.miscellaneousHeader": "Miscellaneous",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.miscellaneousP1": "The Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between Learning Equality and you concerning the subject matter hereof. If any part of the Agreement is held invalid or unenforceable, that part will be construed to reflect the parties' original intent, and the remaining portions will remain in full force and effect. A waiver by either party of any term or condition of the Agreement or any breach thereof, in any one instance, will not waive such term or condition or any subsequent breach thereof.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.miscellaneousP2": "You may assign your rights under the Agreement to any party that consents to, and agrees to be bound by, its terms and conditions; Learning Equality may assign its rights under the Agreement without condition. The Agreement will be binding upon and will inure to the benefit of the parties, their successors and permitted assigns.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.miscellaneousP3": "If you have any questions about the Service or these Terms, please contact us at legal@learningequality.org.",
- "CommunityStandardsModal.communityStandardsHeader": "Community Standards",
- "CommunityStandardsModal.description": "Learning Equality is a nonprofit organization dedicated to enabling equitable access to quality educational experiences. Along with our statement of Core Values, these Community Standards are intended to foster a supportive and inclusive environment for our users.",
- "CommunityStandardsModal.coreValuesLink": "Learn more about Learning Equality's core values",
- "CommunityStandardsModal.studioDescription": "Kolibri Studio gives you access to the Kolibri Library, a growing library of educational materials, which we encourage you to use as your own. We built Kolibri Studio to help you prepare educational materials in a variety of ways, including but not limited to:",
- "CommunityStandardsModal.studioItem1": "Browsing. Selecting appropriate educational materials for your situation from the Kolibri Library, the listing of sources available on the public channels page in Kolibri Studio",
- "CommunityStandardsModal.studioItem2": "Curating. Reorganizing the materials in these channels by selecting, deleting, and reordering appropriate items",
- "CommunityStandardsModal.studioItem3": "Sharing. Creating and publishing new channels with what you find, either to share with your own implementations privately or to share with others on Kolibri Studio.",
- "CommunityStandardsModal.studioItem4": "Modifying & Creating. Adding your own assessment exercises to any existing materials",
- "CommunityStandardsModal.studioItem5": "Hosting. Uploading your own materials (limited to materials you know are appropriately licensed to do so) from a local hard drive or other locations on the internet",
- "CommunityStandardsModal.libraryDescription": "The Kolibri Library is both a grassroots and curated effort to provide a wide variety of materials for all learners and learning purposes. To help us achieve these goals, we invite you to use Kolibri Studio in ways that:",
- "CommunityStandardsModal.libraryItem1": "Model good practices in open sharing and respect copyright. Create an ethical sharing community by labeling licenses, making sure you know the appropriate licenses for what you upload, and ensuring that appropriate written permissions are documented if needed. Studio is primarily designed to host materials which are openly licensed or come with special permissions for re-distribution and reproduction.",
- "CommunityStandardsModal.libraryItem2": "Keep materials clear, organized, and usable. We welcome resources created at all levels of production! To help them reach as many learners as possible, we invite you to fully utilize all metadata fields and aim for quality in comprehensibility, legibility, or digitization such that the content is usable and understandable.",
- "CommunityStandardsModal.libraryItem3": "Respect the community. Avoid obscenity and vulgarity, beyond specific educational purposes they might serve in some contexts. Hate speech of any kind, or promotion of violence or discrimination, will never be tolerated.",
- "CommunityStandardsModal.libraryItem4": "Kolibri Studio is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to be used for non-educational purposes such as recruitment, indoctrination, advertisement, file sharing, or personal media hosting.",
- "PrivacyPolicyModal.privacyHeader": "Privacy policy",
- "PrivacyPolicyModal.updatedPrivacyHeader": "Updated privacy policy",
- "PrivacyPolicyModal.paragraph1": "This Privacy Policy informs you of our privacy practices and your choices and rights around the personal data that we collect. This Privacy Policy applies to the Kolibri application (\"Application\"), Kolibri Studio (\"Studio\"), and all related websites (herein collectively referred to as \"Kolibri\"). This Privacy Statement does not apply to third party applications or partner organizations that may use our software or be used in conjunction with our software.",
- "PrivacyPolicyModal.paragraph2": "Learning Equality recognizes your right to privacy, and will take reasonable steps to protect this. Some parts of Kolibri allow you to give us personal information, such as your name and email address. We may use the information you provide to improve Kolibri. Where you have choices about how we use the information you provide, we will indicate this at the point of collection. Because of the way Kolibri operates, we may also use information from your browser or browsing activities to personalize or route you to relevant information. For example, we may use your IP address, browser information, cookies or web beacons in ways that help us maintain some of your preferences, or understand how our visitors navigate the site so we can improve it. We may store your personal information outside of the European Union.",
- "PrivacyPolicyModal.paragraph3": "Learning Equality is committed to learning constantly and improving the quality of Kolibri, and records related to your interactions with Kolibri may be used for research. Research findings will typically be reported at the aggregate level, and your personal identity will never be publicly disclosed in any research findings without your express consent.",
- "PrivacyPolicyModal.linkText": "Learn more about Learning Equality's core values.",
- "PrivacyPolicyModal.paragraph4": "If you have any questions about these practices or use of your personal information, please email legal@learningequality.org.",
- "LicenseDropdown.licenseLabel": "License",
- "LicenseDropdown.licenseValidationMessage": "Field is required",
- "LicenseDropdown.licenseDescriptionLabel": "License description",
- "LicenseDropdown.descriptionValidationMessage": "Field is required",
- "LicenseDropdown.learnMoreButton": "Learn More",
- "LicenseDropdown.licenseInfoHeader": "About licenses",
- "ChannelThumbnail.crop": "Crop",
- "ChannelThumbnail.upload": "Upload image",
- "ChannelThumbnail.remove": "Remove",
- "ChannelThumbnail.zoomIn": "Zoom in",
- "ChannelThumbnail.zoomOut": "Zoom out",
- "ChannelThumbnail.save": "Save",
- "ChannelThumbnail.cancel": "Cancel",
- "ChannelCatalogFrontPage.catalogHeader": "Kolibri Content Library channels",
- "ChannelCatalogFrontPage.exported": "Exported",
- "ChannelCatalogFrontPage.formatsHeading": "Formats",
- "ChannelCatalogFrontPage.coachHeading": "Resources for coaches",
- "ChannelCatalogFrontPage.containsHeading": "Contains",
- "ChannelCatalogFrontPage.languagesHeading": "Languages",
- "ChannelCatalogFrontPage.subtitlesIncludedText": "Captions or subtitles",
- "ChannelCatalogFrontPage.assessmentsIncludedText": "Assessments",
- "ChannelCatalogFrontPage.defaultNoItemsText": "---",
- "ChannelCatalogFrontPage.numberOfChannels": "{ num } channels",
- "ChannelDetailsModal.downloadButton": "Download channel summary",
- "ChannelDetailsModal.downloadPDF": "Download PDF",
- "ChannelDetailsModal.downloadCSV": "Download CSV",
- "ChannelSharingTable.editorsSubheading": "{count, plural,\n =1 {# user who can edit}\n other {# users who can edit}}",
- "ChannelSharingTable.viewersSubheading": "{count, plural,\n =1 {# user who can view}\n other {# users who can view}}",
- "ChannelSharingTable.currentUserText": "{first_name} {last_name} (you)",
- "ChannelSharingTable.guestText": "Guest",
- "ChannelSharingTable.noUsersText": "No users found",
- "ChannelSharingTable.invitePendingText": "Invite pending",
- "ChannelSharingTable.optionsDropdown": "Options",
- "ChannelSharingTable.resendInvitation": "Resend invitation",
- "ChannelSharingTable.deleteInvitation": "Delete invitation",
- "ChannelSharingTable.makeEditor": "Grant edit permissions",
- "ChannelSharingTable.removeViewer": "Revoke view permissions",
- "ChannelSharingTable.invitationDeletedMessage": "Invitation deleted",
- "ChannelSharingTable.invitationSentMessage": "Invitation sent",
- "ChannelSharingTable.userRemovedMessage": "User removed",
- "ChannelSharingTable.editPermissionsGrantedMessage": "Edit permissions granted",
- "ChannelSharingTable.invitationFailedError": "Invitation failed to resend. Please try again",
- "ChannelSharingTable.cancelButton": "Cancel",
- "ChannelSharingTable.removeViewerHeader": "Revoke view permissions",
- "ChannelSharingTable.removeViewerText": "Are you sure you would like to revoke view permissions for {first_name} {last_name}?",
- "ChannelSharingTable.removeViewerConfirm": "Yes, revoke",
- "ChannelSharingTable.deleteInvitationHeader": "Delete invitation",
- "ChannelSharingTable.deleteInvitationText": "Are you sure you would like to delete the invitation for {email}?",
- "ChannelSharingTable.deleteInvitationConfirm": "Delete invitation",
- "ChannelSharingTable.makeEditorHeader": "Grant edit permissions",
- "ChannelSharingTable.makeEditorText": "Are you sure you would like to grant edit permissions to {first_name} {last_name}?",
- "ChannelSharingTable.makeEditorConfirm": "Yes, grant permissions",
- "ChannelModal.creatingHeader": "New channel",
- "ChannelModal.details": "Channel details",
- "ChannelModal.channelName": "Channel name",
- "ChannelModal.channelError": "Channel name cannot be blank",
- "ChannelModal.channelDescription": "Channel description",
- "ChannelModal.editTab": "Details",
- "ChannelModal.shareTab": "Sharing",
- "ChannelModal.APIText": "Channels generated automatically are not editable.",
- "ChannelModal.saveChangesButton": "Save changes",
- "ChannelModal.createButton": "Create",
- "ChannelModal.changesSaved": "Changes saved",
- "ChannelModal.unsavedChangesHeader": "Unsaved changes",
- "ChannelModal.unsavedChangesText": "You will lose any unsaved changes. Are you sure you want to exit?",
- "ChannelModal.keepEditingButton": "Keep editing",
- "ChannelModal.closeButton": "Exit without saving",
- "ChannelTokenModal.copyTitle": "Copy channel token",
- "ChannelTokenModal.copyTokenInstructions": "Paste this token into Kolibri to import this channel",
- "ChannelTokenModal.close": "Close",
- "ChannelSharing.inviteSubheading": "Invite collaborators",
- "ChannelSharing.emailLabel": "Email",
- "ChannelSharing.canEdit": "Can edit",
- "ChannelSharing.canView": "Can view",
- "ChannelSharing.inviteButton": "Send invitation",
- "ChannelSharing.validEmailMessage": "Please enter a valid email",
- "ChannelSharing.emailRequiredMessage": "Email is required",
- "ChannelSharing.alreadyInvitedError": "User already invited",
- "ChannelSharing.alreadyHasAccessError": "User already has access to this channel",
- "ChannelSharing.invitationFailedError": "Invitation failed to send. Please try again",
- "ChannelSharing.invitationSentMessage": "Invitation sent",
- "OfflineText.offlineIndicatorText": "Offline",
- "OfflineText.offlineText": "You seem to be offline. Your changes will be saved once your connection is back.",
- "CopyToken.copyPrompt": "Copy token to import channel into Kolibri",
- "CopyToken.copiedTokenId": "Token copied",
- "CopyToken.copyFailed": "Copy failed",
- "MainNavigationDrawer.channelsLink": "Channels",
- "MainNavigationDrawer.administrationLink": "Administration",
- "MainNavigationDrawer.settingsLink": "Settings",
- "MainNavigationDrawer.helpLink": "Help and support",
- "MainNavigationDrawer.logoutLink": "Sign out",
- "MainNavigationDrawer.copyright": "© {year} Learning Equality",
- "ContentNodeIcon.topic": "Topic",
- "ContentNodeIcon.video": "Video",
- "ContentNodeIcon.audio": "Audio",
- "ContentNodeIcon.exercise": "Exercise",
- "ContentNodeIcon.document": "Document",
- "ContentNodeIcon.slideshow": "Slideshow",
- "ContentNodeIcon.html5": "HTML5 App",
- "ContentNodeIcon.unsupported": "Unsupported",
- "FileStatusText.selectFile": "Select file",
- "Uploader.unsupportedFilesHeader": "Unsupported files",
- "Uploader.unsupportedFilesText": "{count, plural,\n =1 {# file will not be uploaded.}\n other {# files will not be uploaded.}} \n {extensionCount, plural,\n =1 {Supported file type is}\n other {Supported file types are}} {extensions}",
- "Uploader.listDelimiter": ", ",
- "Uploader.noStorageHeader": "Not enough space",
- "Uploader.uploadSize": "Upload is too large: {size}",
- "Uploader.remainingStorage": "Remaining storage: {size}",
- "Uploader.tooLargeFilesHeader": "Max file size exceeded",
- "Uploader.maxFileSizeText": "{count, plural,\n =1 {# file will not be uploaded.}\n other {# files will not be uploaded.}} File size must be under {size}",
- "FileStorage.storageUsed": "Total storage used: {used} of {total}",
- "FileStorage.requestStorage": "Request storage",
- "FileStorage.storageFull": "Storage limit reached",
- "FileStorage.storageFullWithSize": "Total storage limit reached: {used} of {total}",
- "FileStorage.storageLow": "Storage is running low",
- "FileStorage.storageLowWithSize": "Total storage is running low: {used} of {total}",
- "Thumbnail.thumbnail": "{title} thumbnail",
- "MasteryDropdown.labelText": "Mastery criteria",
- "MasteryDropdown.exerciseHeader": "About exercises",
- "MasteryDropdown.exerciseDescripiton": "Exercises contain a set of interactive questions that a learner can engage with in Kolibri. Learners receive instant feedback for each answer (correct or incorrect). Kolibri will display available questions in an exercise until the learner achieves mastery.",
- "MasteryDropdown.masteryDescripiton": "Kolibri marks an exercise as \"completed\" when the mastery criteria is met. Here are the different types of mastery criteria for an exercise:",
- "MasteryDropdown.masteryValidationMessage": "Field is required",
- "MasteryDropdown.mnValueValidationMessage": "Must be at least 1",
- "MasteryDropdown.mnIntegerValidationMessage": "Must be a whole number",
- "MasteryDropdown.mValueValidationMessage": "Must be less than or equal to N",
- "MasteryDropdown.requiredValidationMessage": "Field is required",
- "MasteryDropdown.mHint": "Correct answers needed",
- "MasteryDropdown.nHint": "Recent answers",
- "TechnicalTextBlock.copyToClipboardButtonPrompt": "Copy to clipboard",
- "TechnicalTextBlock.copiedToClipboardConfirmation": "Copied to clipboard",
- "TechnicalTextBlock.copiedToClipboardFailure": "Copy to clipboard failed",
- "ReportErrorModal.reportErrorHeader": "Report Error",
- "ReportErrorModal.forumPrompt": "Visit the community forums",
- "ReportErrorModal.forumUseTips": "Search the community forum to see if others encountered similar issues. If unable to find anything, paste the error details below into a new forum post so we can rectify the error in a future version of Kolibri Studio.",
- "ReportErrorModal.forumPostingTips": "Include a description of what you were trying to do and what you clicked on when the error appeared.",
- "ReportErrorModal.emailPrompt": "Send an email to the developers",
- "ReportErrorModal.emailDescription": "Contact the support team with your error details and we’ll do our best to help.",
- "ReportErrorModal.errorDetailsHeader": "Error details",
- "ReportErrorModal.closeAction": "Close",
- "PageNotFoundError.pageNotFoundHeader": "Page not found",
- "PageNotFoundError.pageNotFoundDetails": "Sorry, that page does not exist",
- "PageNotFoundError.backToHomeAction": "Back to home",
- "GenericError.genericErrorHeader": "Sorry, something went wrong",
- "GenericError.genericErrorDetails": "Try refreshing this page or going back to the home page",
- "GenericError.refreshAction": "Refresh",
- "GenericError.backToHomeAction": "Back to home",
- "GenericError.helpByReportingAction": "Help us by reporting this error",
- "ChannelNotFoundError.channelNotFoundHeader": "Channel not found",
- "ChannelNotFoundError.channelNotFoundDetails": "This channel does not exist or may have been removed. Contact content@learningequality.org if you think this is a mistake.",
- "ChannelNotFoundError.backToHomeAction": "Back to home",
- "PermissionsError.permissionDeniedHeader": "Did you forget to sign in?",
- "PermissionsError.goToHomePageAction": "Go to home page",
- "MessageLayout.backToLogin": "Continue to sign-in page",
- "Main.kolibriStudio": "Kolibri Studio",
- "Main.passwordLabel": "Password",
- "Main.forgotPasswordLink": "Forgot your password?",
- "Main.signInButton": "Sign in",
- "Main.createAccountButton": "Create an account",
- "Main.guestModeLink": "Explore without an account",
- "Main.loginFailed": "Email or password is incorrect",
- "AccountDeleted.accountDeletedTitle": "Account successfully deleted",
- "AccountDeleted.continueToSignIn": "Continue to sign-in page",
- "Create.backToLoginButton": "Sign in",
- "Create.createAnAccountTitle": "Create an account",
- "Create.fieldRequiredMessage": "Field is required",
- "Create.errorsMessage": "Please fix the errors below",
- "Create.registrationFailed": "There was an error registering your account. Please try again",
- "Create.basicInformationHeader": "Basic information",
- "Create.firstNameLabel": "First name",
- "Create.lastNameLabel": "Last name",
- "Create.emailExistsMessage": "An account with this email already exists",
- "Create.passwordLabel": "Password",
- "Create.confirmPasswordLabel": "Confirm password",
- "Create.passwordMatchMessage": "Passwords don't match",
- "Create.usageLabel": "How do you plan on using Kolibri Studio (check all that apply)",
- "Create.organizingUsageOption": "Organizing or aligning existing materials",
- "Create.findingUsageOption": "Finding and adding additional content sources",
- "Create.sequencingUsageOption": "Using prerequisites to put materials in a sequence",
- "Create.creatingExercisesUsageOption": "Creating exercises",
- "Create.sharingUsageOption": "Sharing materials publicly",
- "Create.storingUsageOption": "Storing materials for private or local use",
- "Create.storingUsagePlaceholder": "How much storage do you need?",
- "Create.storingUsageExample": "e.g. 500MB",
- "Create.taggingUsageOption": "Tagging content sources for discovery",
- "Create.otherUsageOption": "Other",
- "Create.otherUsagePlaceholder": "Please describe",
- "Create.locationLabel": "Where do you plan to use Kolibri Studio? (check all that apply)",
- "Create.sourceLabel": "How did you hear about us?",
- "Create.sourcePlaceholder": "Select one",
- "Create.organizationSourceOption": "Organization",
- "Create.organizationSourcePlaceholder": "Name of organization",
- "Create.websiteSourceOption": "Learning Equality website",
- "Create.newsletterSourceOption": "Learning Equality newsletter",
- "Create.forumSourceOption": "Learning Equality community forum",
- "Create.githubSourceOption": "Learning Equality GitHub",
- "Create.socialMediaSourceOption": "Social media",
- "Create.conferenceSourceOption": "Conference",
- "Create.conferenceSourcePlaceholder": "Name of conference",
- "Create.conversationSourceOption": "Conversation with Learning Equality",
- "Create.personalDemoSourceOption": "Personal demo",
- "Create.otherSourceOption": "Other",
- "Create.otherSourcePlaceholder": "Please describe",
- "Create.viewToSLink": "View terms of service",
- "Create.ToSCheck": "I have read and agree to the terms of service",
- "Create.ToSRequiredMessage": "Please accept our terms of service",
- "Create.viewPrivacyPolicyLink": "View privacy policy",
- "Create.privacyPolicyCheck": "I have read and agree to the privacy policy",
- "Create.privacyPolicyRequiredMessage": "Please accept our privacy policy",
- "Create.contactMessage": "Questions or concerns? Please email us at content@learningequality.org",
- "Create.finishButton": "Finish",
- "ActivationSent.header": "Activation link sent",
- "ActivationSent.text": "Thank you for creating an account! To complete the process, please check your email for the activation link we sent you.",
- "ActivationExpired.activationExpiredTitle": "Activation failed",
- "ActivationExpired.activationExpiredText": "This activation link has been used already or has expired.",
- "ActivationExpired.requestNewLink": "Request a new activation link",
- "AccountCreated.accountCreatedTitle": "Account successfully created",
- "AccountCreated.continueToSignIn": "Continue to sign-in",
- "ActivationLinkReSent.activationReSentTitle": "Instructions sent. Thank you!",
- "ActivationLinkReSent.activationReSentText": "If there is already an account with the email address provided, you should receive instructions shortly. If you don't see an email from us, please check your spam folder.",
- "AccountNotActivated.title": "Account has not been activated",
- "AccountNotActivated.text": "Please check your email for an activation link or request a new link.",
- "AccountNotActivated.requestNewLink": "Request a new activation link",
- "RequestNewActivationLink.activationExpiredTitle": "Activation failed",
- "RequestNewActivationLink.activationExpiredText": "This activation link has been used already or is invalid.",
- "RequestNewActivationLink.submitButton": "Submit",
- "RequestNewActivationLink.activationRequestFailed": "Failed to send a new activation link. Please try again.",
- "ResetPassword.resetPasswordTitle": "Reset your password",
- "ResetPassword.resetPasswordPrompt": "Enter and confirm your new password",
- "ResetPassword.passwordLabel": "New password",
- "ResetPassword.passwordConfirmLabel": "Confirm password",
- "ResetPassword.passwordMatchMessage": "Passwords don't match",
- "ResetPassword.submitButton": "Submit",
- "ResetPassword.resetPasswordFailed": "Failed to reset password. Please try again.",
- "PasswordInstructionsSent.passwordInstructionsHeader": "Instructions sent. Thank you!",
- "PasswordInstructionsSent.passwordInstructionsText": "If there is already an account with the email address provided, you should receive the instructions shortly. If you don't see an email from us, please check your spam folder.",
- "ResetLinkExpired.resetExpiredTitle": "Reset link expired",
- "ResetLinkExpired.resetExpiredText": "This password reset link has been used already or has expired.",
- "ResetLinkExpired.requestNewLink": "Request a new password reset link",
- "ResetPasswordSuccess.header": "Password reset successfully",
- "ResetPasswordSuccess.text": "Your password has been reset. You may sign in now.",
- "ForgotPassword.forgotPasswordTitle": "Reset your password",
- "ForgotPassword.forgotPasswordPrompt": "Please enter your email address to receive instructions for resetting your password",
- "ForgotPassword.submitButton": "Submit",
- "ForgotPassword.forgotPasswordFailed": "Failed to send a password reset link. Please try again.",
- "AdministrationAppError.unauthorizedDetails": "You need to be an administrator of Studio to view this page",
- "AdministrationIndex.channelsLabel": "Channels",
- "AdministrationIndex.usersLabel": "Users"
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-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/base.html:78
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/channel_list.html:14
-msgid "Kolibri Studio"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/base.html:167
-msgid "Contentworkshop.learningequality.org has been deprecated. Please go to studio.learningequality.org for the latest version of Studio"
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-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/channel_list.html:13
-msgid "Kolibri Content Library Catalog"
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-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/channel_not_found.html:23
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-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/exercise_list.html:73
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-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/exercise_list.html:77
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-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:165
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-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:191
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-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:245
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:247
-msgid "Copy one of the following into Kolibri to import this channel:"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:252
-msgid "Tokens (Recommended):"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:260
-msgid "Channel ID:"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:267
-msgid "Channel must be published to import into Kolibri"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:273
-msgid "WHAT'S INSIDE"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:283
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:213
-#, python-format
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-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:304
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:234
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-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:236
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-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:245
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-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:324
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:254
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-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:325
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:256
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-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:325
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:257
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-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:334
-msgid "Content Tags"
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-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:338
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:270
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-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:343
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:448
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:274
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:337
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-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:348
-msgid "SOURCE"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:360
-msgid "This channel features resources created by:"
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-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:361
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:379
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:398
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-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:322
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:333
-msgid "Information not available"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:378
-msgid "The material in this channel was provided by:"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:397
-msgid "Material in this channel was originally hosted by:"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:416
-msgid "This channel includes the following licenses:"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:439
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:326
-msgid "Copyright Holders:"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:192
-msgid "Token:"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:203
-msgid "What's Inside"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:239
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:248
-#, python-format
-msgid "\n"
-" (+ %(count)s more)\n"
-" "
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:267
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:559
-msgid "Most Common Tags"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:280
-msgid "Source Information"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:284
-msgid "Authors:"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:288
-#, python-format
-msgid "\n"
-" (+ %(count)s more)\n"
-" "
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:298
-msgid "Providers:"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:301
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:313
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:329
-#, python-format
-msgid "\n"
-" (+ %(count)s more)\n"
-" "
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:310
-msgid "Aggregators:"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:322
-msgid "Licenses:"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/csv_email.txt:4
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:4
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.txt:4
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.txt:4
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_needed_email.txt:4
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/channel_published_email.txt:4
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.txt:3
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/registration_needed_email.txt:4
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/settings/account_deleted_user_email.txt:3
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/settings/issue_report_email.txt:6
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/settings/storage_request_email.txt:6
-#, python-format
-msgid "Hello %(name)s,"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/csv_email.txt:6
-#, python-format
-msgid "Your csv for %(channel_name)s has finished generating (attached)."
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/csv_email.txt:8
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:29
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.txt:21
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.txt:12
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_needed_email.txt:14
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/channel_published_email.txt:15
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.txt:14
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/registration_needed_email.txt:12
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/settings/account_deleted_user_email.txt:10
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/settings/storage_request_email.txt:46
-msgid "Thanks for using Kolibri Studio!"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/csv_email.txt:10
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:31
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.txt:23
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.txt:14
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_needed_email.txt:16
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/channel_published_email.txt:17
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.txt:16
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/registration_needed_email.txt:14
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/settings/account_deleted_user_email.txt:12
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/settings/issue_report_email.txt:26
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/settings/storage_request_email.txt:48
-msgid "The Learning Equality Team"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/csv_email_subject.txt:1
-#, python-format
-msgid "CSV for %(channel_name)s"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:6
-msgid "Here is the information for your Kolibri Studio account"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:8
-msgid "Name:"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:9
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_form.html:23
-msgid "Email:"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:10
-msgid "Date joined:"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:11
-msgid "Countries:"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:12
-msgid "Intended use for Studio:"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:13
-msgid "You heard about Kolibri Studio from:"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:15
-msgid "Channels you have edit access to: "
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:19
-msgid "Channels you have view access to: "
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:23
-msgid "Information about the resources you have uploaded has been attached as a CSV file."
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:26
-#, python-format
-msgid "If you have any questions or concerns, please email us at %(legal_email)s."
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email_subject.txt:1
-msgid "Your Kolibri Studio account information"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/permissions/open_channel_fail.html:12
-msgid "There was an error opening this channel."
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/permissions/open_channel_fail.html:13
-msgid "Try running ricecooker again."
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.html:93
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.html:91
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.html:91
-msgid "Hello"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.html:94
-msgid "has invited you to edit a channel at"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.html:100
-#, python-format
-msgid "Invititation to %(share_mode)s channel"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.html:104
-msgid "Click one of the following links to either accept or decline your invitation:"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.html:107
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.html:109
-msgid "ACCEPT"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.html:112
-msgid "DECLINE"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.html:117
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.html:110
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.html:110
-msgid "Thanks for using our site!"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.txt:7
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(first)s %(last)s has invited you to edit a channel at %(site)s."
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.txt:9
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(first)s %(last)s has invited you to view a channel at %(site)s."
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.txt:13
-msgid "Please sign in to Kolibri Studio to accept or decline your invitation:"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.txt:16
-msgid "Please follow this link to create an account (you must be signed in to accept or decline invitations):"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email_subject.txt:1
-#, python-format
-msgid "You've been invited to edit %(channel)s"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email_subject.txt:1
-#, python-format
-msgid "You've been invited to view %(channel)s"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.html:92
-msgid "Welcome to Kolibri! Here is the link to activate your account:"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.html:101
-msgid "Click here to activate your account."
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.html:102
-msgid "This link is valid for"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.html:102
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(expiration_days)s days."
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.html:104
-msgid "ACTIVATE"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.txt:6
-#, python-format
-msgid "Here is your activation link for %(site_name)s:"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.txt:10
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_needed_email.txt:12
-#, python-format
-msgid "This link is valid for %(expiration_days)s days."
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email_subject.txt:1
-msgid "Account activation link for"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_needed_email.txt:6
-#, python-format
-msgid "You have requested a password reset link on %(site_name)s without first activating your account."
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_needed_email.txt:8
-msgid "Please activate your account by following the link below:"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/channel_published_email.txt:6
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(channel_name)s has finished publishing! Here is the channel token (for importing it into Kolibri):"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/channel_published_email.txt:8
-#, python-format
-msgid "Token: %(channel_token)s"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/channel_published_email.txt:10
-#, python-format
-msgid "ID (for Kolibri version 0.6.0 and below): %(channel_id)s"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/channel_published_email.txt:12
-#, python-format
-msgid "Version notes: %(notes)s"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/channel_published_email.txt:21
-msgid "You are receiving this email because you are subscribed to this channel."
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/getting_started.html:16
-msgid "Content Curation Tools for Kolibri"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_confirm.html:14
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_form.html:15
-msgid "Password Reset"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_confirm.html:17
-msgid "Submit"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_confirm.html:20
-msgid "Password reset unsuccessful."
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_confirm.html:21
-msgid "The password reset link was invalid, possibly because it has already been used. "
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_confirm.html:22
-msgid "Request a new password reset."
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.html:92
-msgid "You are receiving this e-mail because you requested a password reset for your user account at"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.html:98
-msgid "Reset my Password"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.html:101
-msgid "Please click the button below and choose a new password."
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.html:102
-msgid "Your username is"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.html:104
-msgid "RESET"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.txt:5
-#, python-format
-msgid "You have requested a password reset for your account at %(site_name)s."
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.txt:7
-msgid "Please reset your password by following the link below:"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.txt:12
-msgid "In case you've forgotten, your username is:"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_form.html:16
-msgid "Enter your email, and we'll send instructions for setting a new password."
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_form.html:19
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(form.email.errors)s"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_form.html:24
-msgid "Reset Password"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_subject.txt:1
-msgid "Password reset on"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/registration_needed_email.txt:6
-#, python-format
-msgid "You have requested a password reset on %(site_name)s without first creating an account."
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/registration_needed_email.txt:8
-msgid "Please create an account by following the link below:"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/settings/account_deleted_user_email.txt:5
-#, python-format
-msgid "Your %(email)s account on %(site_name)s has been deleted."
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/settings/account_deleted_user_email.txt:7
-#, python-format
-msgid "If this was a mistake, please email us at %(legal_email)s by %(buffer_date)s (%(num_days)s days from now)."
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/settings/issue_report_email.txt:8
-msgid "Thank you for reporting your issue. Here is a copy of your report:"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/settings/issue_report_email.txt:20
-msgid "We are currently reviewing the information that you have provided, and will file your issue accordingly."
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/settings/issue_report_email.txt:21
-msgid "We appreciate your patience and assistance as we work to improve Kolibri Studio!"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/settings/issue_report_email.txt:24
-msgid "Thank you,"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/settings/storage_request_email.txt:8
-msgid "Thank you for your request for additional storage."
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/settings/storage_request_email.txt:10
-msgid "Here is a copy of your request:"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/settings/storage_request_email.txt:43
-msgid "We are currently reviewing the information that you have provided, and will work to be in touch in a timely manner depending on the scope of your request. While Kolibri Studio is under active development, we need to be especially mindful of how much additional storage can be provided to ensure that we can successfully continue to build the Studio tool. Many thanks in advance for your understanding."
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/staging_not_found.html:22
-msgid "No updates to review."
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/unauthorized.html:22
-msgid "You do not have access to this page."
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/unsupported_browser.html:47
-msgid "Unsupported Browser."
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/unsupported_browser.html:49
-msgid "Sorry, your browser version is not supported."
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/unsupported_browser.html:51
-msgid "To use Kolibri Studio, we recommend using Firefox or Chrome."
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/unsupported_browser.html:53
-msgid "You can also try updating your current browser."
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templatetags/license_tags.py:10
-msgid "The Attribution License lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation. This is the most accommodating of licenses offered. Recommended for maximum dissemination and use of licensed materials."
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templatetags/license_tags.py:15
-msgid "The Attribution-ShareAlike License lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work even for commercial purposes, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under the identical terms. This license is often compared to \"copyleft\" free and open source software licenses. All new works based on yours will carry the same license, so any derivatives will also allow commercial use. This is the license used by Wikipedia, and is recommended for materials that would benefit from incorporating content from Wikipedia and similarly licensed projects."
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templatetags/license_tags.py:25
-msgid "The Attribution-NoDerivs License allows for redistribution, commercial and non-commercial, as long as it is passed along unchanged and in whole, with credit to you."
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templatetags/license_tags.py:28
-msgid "The Attribution-NonCommercial License lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work non-commercially, and although their new works must also acknowledge you and be non-commercial, they don't have to license their derivative works on the same terms."
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templatetags/license_tags.py:32
-msgid "The Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work non-commercially, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under the identical terms."
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templatetags/license_tags.py:36
-msgid "The Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License is the most restrictive of our six main licenses, only allowing others to download your works and share them with others as long as they credit you, but they can't change them in any way or use them commercially."
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templatetags/license_tags.py:40
-msgid "The All Rights Reserved License indicates that the copyright holder reserves, or holds for their own use, all the rights provided by copyright law under one specific copyright treaty."
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templatetags/license_tags.py:43
-msgid "Public Domain work has been identified as being free of known restrictions under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights."
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templatetags/license_tags.py:46
-msgid "Special Permissions is a custom license to use when the current licenses do not apply to the content. The owner of this license is responsible for creating a description of what this license entails."
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:26
-msgid "100% Correct"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:27
-msgid "10 in a row"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:28
-msgid "2 in a row"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:29
-msgid "3 in a row"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:30
-msgid "5 in a row"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:31
-msgid "M of N..."
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:32
-msgid "CC BY"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:33
-msgid "CC BY-SA"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:34
-msgid "CC BY-ND"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:35
-msgid "CC BY-NC"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:36
-msgid "CC BY-NC-SA"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:37
-msgid "CC BY-NC-ND"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:38
-msgid "All Rights Reserved"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:39
-msgid "Public Domain"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:40
-msgid "Special Permissions"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:49
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(filesize)s %(unit)s"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:135
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:147
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:180
-msgid "No Channel"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:146
-msgid "No resource"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:169
-msgid "Channel"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:169
-msgid "Title"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:169
-msgid "Kind"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:169
-msgid "Filename"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:169
-msgid "URL"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:169
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:602
-msgid "Description"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:170
-msgid "Author"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:170
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:602
-msgid "Language"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:170
-msgid "License"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:170
-msgid "License Description"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:170
-msgid "Copyright Holder"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:180
-msgid "No Resource"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:180
-msgid "Staged File"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:200
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(count)d Topic"
-msgid_plural "%(count)d Topics"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:202
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(count)d Video"
-msgid_plural "%(count)d Videos"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:204
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(count)d Audio"
-msgid_plural "%(count)d Audios"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:206
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(count)d Exercise"
-msgid_plural "%(count)d Exercises"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:208
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(count)d Document"
-msgid_plural "%(count)d Documents"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:210
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(count)d Html App"
-msgid_plural "%(count)d Html Apps"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:212
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(count)d H5P App"
-msgid_plural "%(count)d H5P Apps"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:214
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(count)d Slideshow"
-msgid_plural "%(count)d Slideshows"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:216
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(count)d Total Resource"
-msgid_plural "%(count)d Total Resources"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:218
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(count)d\n"
-"Total Resource"
-msgid_plural "%(count)d\n"
-"Total Resources"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:243
-msgid "Very Small"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:243
-msgid "Small"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:243
-msgid "Average"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:243
-msgid "Large"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:243
-msgid "Very Large"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:435
-#, python-format
-msgid "Page %(page)s of %(pagecount)s - %(channel)s can be found on Kolibri Studio, a product of Learning Equality"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:438
-#, python-format
-msgid "Page %(page)s of %(pagecount)s - These channels can be found on Kolibri Studio, a product of Learning Equality"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:521
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:609
-msgid "No language set"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:524
-msgid " * Subtitles included"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:529
-msgid " Coach Content"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:534
-msgid " Assessments"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:541
-#, python-format
-msgid "Channel size: %(size)s"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:554
-msgid "Resource Breakdown"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:568
-msgid "No Resources Found"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:576
-msgid "No Tags Found"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:593
-msgid "This slide was automatically generated by Kolibri Studio, a product of Learning Equality"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:602
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:602
-msgid "Token"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:602
-msgid "Size"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:602
-msgid "Storage"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:602
-msgid "Resources"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:603
-msgid "Coach Content?"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:603
-msgid "Assessments?"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:603
-msgid "Tags"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:603
-msgid "Authors"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:604
-msgid "Providers"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:604
-msgid "Aggregators"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:604
-msgid "Licenses"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:604
-msgid "Copyright Holders"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:610
-msgid "Publish channel to get token"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:616
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:617
-msgid "Yes"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:616
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:617
-msgid "No"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/format.py:15
-msgid "B"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/format.py:17
-msgid "KB"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/format.py:19
-msgid "MB"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/format.py:21
-msgid "GB"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/format.py:23
-msgid "TB"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/incidents.py:7
-msgid "There was a problem with a third-party service. This means certain operations might be blocked. We appreciate your patience while these issues are being resolved."
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/incidents.py:16
-msgid "EMERGENCY MAINTENANCE Kolibri Studio is operating on read-only mode for the time being in order for us to resolve some maintenance issues. This means all editing capabilities are disabled at the moment. We're currently working very hard to fix the issue as soon as possible. If you have any questions please contact us at content@learningequality.org. We apologize for any inconvenience caused and appreciate your patience while we resolve these issues."
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/incidents.py:31
-msgid "EMERGENCY MAINTENANCE Kolibri Studio is operating on read-only mode for the time being in order for us to resolve some database issues. This means all editing capabilities are disabled at the moment. We're currently working very hard to fix the issue as soon as possible. If you have any questions please contact us at content@learningequality.org. We apologize for any inconvenience caused and appreciate your patience while we resolve these issues."
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/incidents.py:46
-msgid "We are encountering issues with Google Cloud Storage. This means any file uploading and publishing operations are currently unavailable. We appreciate your patience while these issues are being resolved. To check the status of this service, please visit here"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/incidents.py:57
-msgid "We are encountering issues with a third-party service. This means publishing is currently unavailable. We appreciate your patience while these issues are being resolved."
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/incidents.py:65
-msgid "We are encountering issues with our data center. This means you may encounter networking problems while using Studio. We appreciate your patience while these issues are being resolved. To check the status of this service, please visit here"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/nodes.py:254
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/nodes.py:255
-msgid " (Copy)"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/publish.py:71
-msgid "Kolibri Studio Channel Published"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/views/public.py:63
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/views/public.py:74
-msgid "Api endpoint {} is not available"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/views/public.py:76
-msgid "No channel matching {} found"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/views/settings.py:100
-msgid "Kolibri Studio issue report"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/views/settings.py:134
-msgid "Kolibri Studio account deleted"
-msgstr ""
-#: contentcuration/kolibri_content/models.py:188
-msgid "Unknown format"
-msgstr ""
diff --git a/contentcuration/locale/CSV_FILES/contentcuration/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/django.po b/contentcuration/locale/CSV_FILES/contentcuration/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/django.po
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1160 +0,0 @@
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: kolibri-studio\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-10-13 23:53+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-05-24 19:02\n"
-"Last-Translator: \n"
-"Language-Team: Portuguese, Brazilian\n"
-"Language: pt_BR\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
-"X-Crowdin-Project: kolibri-studio\n"
-"X-Crowdin-Project-ID: 286000\n"
-"X-Crowdin-Language: pt-BR\n"
-"X-Crowdin-File: /master/django.po\n"
-"X-Crowdin-File-ID: 1672\n"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/api.py:140
-msgid "Date/Time Created"
-msgstr "Data/Horário de criação"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/api.py:141
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/api.py:142
-msgid "Not Available"
-msgstr "Indisponível"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/api.py:145
-msgid "Ricecooker Version"
-msgstr "Versão do Ricecooker"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/api.py:150
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:169
-msgid "File Size"
-msgstr "Tamanho do arquivo"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/api.py:161
-msgid "# of {}s"
-msgstr "# de {}s"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/api.py:165
-msgid "# of Questions"
-msgstr "# de perguntas"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/api.py:175
-msgid "# of Subtitles"
-msgstr "# de legendas"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/catalog_settings.py:4
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/sandbox_settings.py:8
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/settings.py:287
-msgid "Arabic"
-msgstr "Árabe"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/middleware/db_readonly.py:24
-msgid "The site is currently in read-only mode. Please try again later."
-msgstr "No momento, o site está em modo somente leitura. Por favor, tente novamente mais tarde."
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/models.py:274
-msgid "Not enough space. Check your storage under Settings page."
-msgstr "Espaço insuficiente. Verifique seu armazenamento na página Configurações."
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/models.py:289
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/models.py:296
-msgid "Out of storage! Request more space under Settings > Storage."
-msgstr "Sem armazenamento! Solicite mais espaço em Configurações > Armazenamento."
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/models.py:1365
-msgid " (Original)"
-msgstr " (Original)"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/settings.py:285
-msgid "English"
-msgstr "Inglês"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/settings.py:286
-msgid "Spanish"
-msgstr "Espanhol"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/tasks.py:253
-msgid "Unknown error starting task. Please contact support."
-msgstr "Erro desconhecido ao iniciar tarefa. Por favor, entre em contato com o suporte."
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/base.html:78
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/channel_list.html:14
-msgid "Kolibri Studio"
-msgstr "Kolibri Studio"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/base.html:167
-msgid "Contentworkshop.learningequality.org has been deprecated. Please go to studio.learningequality.org for the latest version of Studio"
-msgstr "Contentworkshop.learningequality.org foi descontinuado. Por favor, acesse studio.learningequality.org para ver a última versão do Kolibri Studio"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/channel_list.html:13
-msgid "Kolibri Content Library Catalog"
-msgstr "Catálogo da Biblioteca de Conteúdos Kolibri"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/channel_not_found.html:23
-msgid "We're sorry, this channel was not found."
-msgstr "Infelizmente este canal não foi encontrado."
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/channel_not_found.html:24
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/permissions/open_channel_fail.html:14
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/staging_not_found.html:23
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/unauthorized.html:23
-msgid "Go Home"
-msgstr "Ir para a página inicial"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/exercise_list.html:67
-msgid "Previous"
-msgstr "Anterior"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/exercise_list.html:73
-msgid "current"
-msgstr "atual"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/exercise_list.html:77
-msgid "Next"
-msgstr "Próximo"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:206
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:165
-msgid "Language not set"
-msgstr "Idioma não definido"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:212
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:171
-#, python-format
-msgid "This file was generated on %(date)s"
-msgstr "Este arquivo foi gerado em %(date)s"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:231
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:189
-msgid "Created"
-msgstr "Criado"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:232
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:190
-msgid "Last Published"
-msgstr "Última publicação"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:233
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:191
-msgid "Unpublished"
-msgstr "Não publicado"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:245
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:247
-msgid "Copy one of the following into Kolibri to import this channel:"
-msgstr "Para importar este canal, copie um dos seguintes itens para a Plataforma de Aprendizagem Kolibri:"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:252
-msgid "Tokens (Recommended):"
-msgstr "Tokens (recomendados):"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:260
-msgid "Channel ID:"
-msgstr "ID do canal:"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:267
-msgid "Channel must be published to import into Kolibri"
-msgstr "O canal deve estar publicado para ser importado para a Plataforma de Aprendizagem Kolibri"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:273
-msgid "WHAT'S INSIDE"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:283
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:213
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(count)s Resource"
-msgid_plural "%(count)s Resources"
-msgstr[0] "%(count)s Conteúdo"
-msgstr[1] "%(count)s Conteúdos"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:304
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:234
-msgid "Includes"
-msgstr "Inclui"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:310
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:236
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:603
-msgid "Languages"
-msgstr "Idiomas"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:316
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:245
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:603
-msgid "Subtitles"
-msgstr "Legendas"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:324
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:254
-msgid "For Educators"
-msgstr "Para Educadores"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:325
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:256
-msgid "Coach Content"
-msgstr "Conteúdo para educadores"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:325
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:257
-msgid "Assessments"
-msgstr "Avaliações"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:334
-msgid "Content Tags"
-msgstr "Marcadores de conteúdo"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:338
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:270
-msgid "No tags found"
-msgstr "Nenhum marcador encontrado"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:343
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:448
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:274
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:337
-msgid "This channel is empty"
-msgstr "Este canal está vazio"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:348
-msgid "SOURCE"
-msgstr "FONTE"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:360
-msgid "This channel features resources created by:"
-msgstr "Este canal contém conteúdos criados por:"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:361
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:379
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:398
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:420
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:440
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:293
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:305
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:317
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:322
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:333
-msgid "Information not available"
-msgstr "Informação indisponível"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:378
-msgid "The material in this channel was provided by:"
-msgstr "O material neste canal foi fornecido por:"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:397
-msgid "Material in this channel was originally hosted by:"
-msgstr "O material neste canal foi hospedado originalmente por:"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:416
-msgid "This channel includes the following licenses:"
-msgstr "Este canal inclui as seguintes licenças:"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:439
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:326
-msgid "Copyright Holders:"
-msgstr "Detentores dos direitos autorais:"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:192
-msgid "Token:"
-msgstr "Token:"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:203
-msgid "What's Inside"
-msgstr "Conteúdo"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:239
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:248
-#, python-format
-msgid "\n"
-" (+ %(count)s more)\n"
-" "
-msgstr "\n"
-" (+ %(count)s mais)\n"
-" "
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:267
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:559
-msgid "Most Common Tags"
-msgstr "Marcadores mais comuns"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:280
-msgid "Source Information"
-msgstr "Informações da fonte"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:284
-msgid "Authors:"
-msgstr "Autores:"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:288
-#, python-format
-msgid "\n"
-" (+ %(count)s more)\n"
-" "
-msgstr "\n"
-" (+ %(count)s mais)\n"
-" "
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:298
-msgid "Providers:"
-msgstr "Provedores:"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:301
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:313
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:329
-#, python-format
-msgid "\n"
-" (+ %(count)s more)\n"
-" "
-msgstr "\n"
-" (+ %(count)s mais)\n"
-" "
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:310
-msgid "Aggregators:"
-msgstr "Agregadores:"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:322
-msgid "Licenses:"
-msgstr "Licenças:"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/csv_email.txt:4
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:4
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.txt:4
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.txt:4
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_needed_email.txt:4
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/channel_published_email.txt:4
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.txt:3
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/registration_needed_email.txt:4
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/settings/account_deleted_user_email.txt:3
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/settings/issue_report_email.txt:6
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/settings/storage_request_email.txt:6
-#, python-format
-msgid "Hello %(name)s,"
-msgstr "Olá %(name)s,"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/csv_email.txt:6
-#, python-format
-msgid "Your csv for %(channel_name)s has finished generating (attached)."
-msgstr "Seu arquivo csv para %(channel_name)s foi gerado (em anexo)."
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/csv_email.txt:8
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:29
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.txt:21
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.txt:12
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_needed_email.txt:14
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/channel_published_email.txt:15
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.txt:14
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/registration_needed_email.txt:12
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/settings/account_deleted_user_email.txt:10
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/settings/storage_request_email.txt:46
-msgid "Thanks for using Kolibri Studio!"
-msgstr "Obrigado por usar o Kolibri Studio!"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/csv_email.txt:10
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:31
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.txt:23
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.txt:14
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_needed_email.txt:16
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/channel_published_email.txt:17
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.txt:16
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/registration_needed_email.txt:14
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/settings/account_deleted_user_email.txt:12
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/settings/issue_report_email.txt:26
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/settings/storage_request_email.txt:48
-msgid "The Learning Equality Team"
-msgstr "A equipe Learning Equality"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/csv_email_subject.txt:1
-#, python-format
-msgid "CSV for %(channel_name)s"
-msgstr "Arquivo csv para %(channel_name)s"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:6
-msgid "Here is the information for your Kolibri Studio account"
-msgstr "Aqui estão as informações sobre a sua conta no Kolibri Studio"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:8
-msgid "Name:"
-msgstr "Nome:"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:9
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_form.html:23
-msgid "Email:"
-msgstr "E-mail:"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:10
-msgid "Date joined:"
-msgstr "Data de adesão:"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:11
-msgid "Countries:"
-msgstr "Países:"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:12
-msgid "Intended use for Studio:"
-msgstr "Intenção de uso do Kolibri Studio:"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:13
-msgid "You heard about Kolibri Studio from:"
-msgstr "Como você ouviu sobre o Kolibri Studio:"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:15
-msgid "Channels you have edit access to: "
-msgstr "Canais que você tem acesso para editar: "
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:19
-msgid "Channels you have view access to: "
-msgstr "Canais que você tem acesso para visualizar: "
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:23
-msgid "Information about the resources you have uploaded has been attached as a CSV file."
-msgstr "As informações sobre os conteúdos que você enviou foram anexadas como um arquivo CSV."
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:26
-#, python-format
-msgid "If you have any questions or concerns, please email us at %(legal_email)s."
-msgstr "Se você tiver perguntas ou dúvidas, por favor envie um e-mail para %(legal_email)s."
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email_subject.txt:1
-msgid "Your Kolibri Studio account information"
-msgstr "Informações sobre a sua conta no Kolibri Studio"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/permissions/open_channel_fail.html:12
-msgid "There was an error opening this channel."
-msgstr "Ocorreu um erro ao abrir este canal."
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/permissions/open_channel_fail.html:13
-msgid "Try running ricecooker again."
-msgstr "Tente rodar o ricecooker novamente."
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.html:93
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.html:91
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.html:91
-msgid "Hello"
-msgstr "Olá"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.html:94
-msgid "has invited you to edit a channel at"
-msgstr "te convidou para editar um canal em"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.html:100
-#, python-format
-msgid "Invititation to %(share_mode)s channel"
-msgstr "Convite para o canal %(share_mode)s"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.html:104
-msgid "Click one of the following links to either accept or decline your invitation:"
-msgstr "Clique num dos links a seguir para aceitar ou recusar o convite:"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.html:107
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.html:109
-msgid "ACCEPT"
-msgstr "ACEITAR"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.html:112
-msgid "DECLINE"
-msgstr "RECUSAR"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.html:117
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.html:110
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.html:110
-msgid "Thanks for using our site!"
-msgstr "Obrigado por usar o nosso site!"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.txt:7
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(first)s %(last)s has invited you to edit a channel at %(site)s."
-msgstr "%(first)s %(last)s te convidou para editar um canal em %(site)s."
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.txt:9
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(first)s %(last)s has invited you to view a channel at %(site)s."
-msgstr "%(first)s %(last)s te convidou para visualizar um canal em %(site)s."
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.txt:13
-msgid "Please sign in to Kolibri Studio to accept or decline your invitation:"
-msgstr "Por favor, faça o login no Kolibri Studio para aceitar ou recusar o seu convite:"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.txt:16
-msgid "Please follow this link to create an account (you must be signed in to accept or decline invitations):"
-msgstr "Por favor, use este link para criar uma conta (você deve estar logado para aceitar ou recusar convites):"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email_subject.txt:1
-#, python-format
-msgid "You've been invited to edit %(channel)s"
-msgstr "Você foi convidado para editar %(channel)s"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email_subject.txt:1
-#, python-format
-msgid "You've been invited to view %(channel)s"
-msgstr "Você foi convidado para visualizar %(channel)s"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.html:92
-msgid "Welcome to Kolibri! Here is the link to activate your account:"
-msgstr "Bem-vindo ao Kolibri Studio! Aqui está o link para ativar a sua conta:"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.html:101
-msgid "Click here to activate your account."
-msgstr "Clique aqui para ativar a sua conta."
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.html:102
-msgid "This link is valid for"
-msgstr "Este link é válido por"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.html:102
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(expiration_days)s days."
-msgstr "%(expiration_days)s dias."
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.html:104
-msgid "ACTIVATE"
-msgstr "ATIVAR"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.txt:6
-#, python-format
-msgid "Here is your activation link for %(site_name)s:"
-msgstr "Aqui está o seu link de ativação para %(site_name)s:"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.txt:10
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_needed_email.txt:12
-#, python-format
-msgid "This link is valid for %(expiration_days)s days."
-msgstr "Este link é válido por %(expiration_days)s dias."
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email_subject.txt:1
-msgid "Account activation link for"
-msgstr "Link de ativação da conta para"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_needed_email.txt:6
-#, python-format
-msgid "You have requested a password reset link on %(site_name)s without first activating your account."
-msgstr "Você solicitou um link para redefinição de senha em %(site_name)s sem antes ativar a sua conta."
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_needed_email.txt:8
-msgid "Please activate your account by following the link below:"
-msgstr "Por favor, ative a sua conta usando o link abaixo:"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/channel_published_email.txt:6
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(channel_name)s has finished publishing! Here is the channel token (for importing it into Kolibri):"
-msgstr "%(channel_name)s acabout de ser publicado! Aqui está o token do canal (para importar para a Plataforma de Aprendizagem Kolibri):"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/channel_published_email.txt:8
-#, python-format
-msgid "Token: %(channel_token)s"
-msgstr "Token: %(channel_token)s"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/channel_published_email.txt:10
-#, python-format
-msgid "ID (for Kolibri version 0.6.0 and below): %(channel_id)s"
-msgstr "ID (para uso no Kolibri versão 0.6.0 e inferior): %(channel_id)s"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/channel_published_email.txt:12
-#, python-format
-msgid "Version notes: %(notes)s"
-msgstr "Notas da versão: %(notes)s"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/channel_published_email.txt:21
-msgid "You are receiving this email because you are subscribed to this channel."
-msgstr "Você está recebendo este e-mail porque está inscrito neste canal."
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/getting_started.html:16
-msgid "Content Curation Tools for Kolibri"
-msgstr "Ferramentas de curadoria de conteúdo para o Kolibri"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_confirm.html:14
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_form.html:15
-msgid "Password Reset"
-msgstr "Redefinir a senha"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_confirm.html:17
-msgid "Submit"
-msgstr "Enviar"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_confirm.html:20
-msgid "Password reset unsuccessful."
-msgstr "A redefinição de senha falhou."
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_confirm.html:21
-msgid "The password reset link was invalid, possibly because it has already been used. "
-msgstr "O link para redefinição de senha estava inválido, pois provavelmente já foi usado. "
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_confirm.html:22
-msgid "Request a new password reset."
-msgstr "Solicitar uma nova redefinição de senha."
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.html:92
-msgid "You are receiving this e-mail because you requested a password reset for your user account at"
-msgstr "Você está recebendo este e-mail porque pediu uma redefinição de senha para a sua conta de usuário em"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.html:98
-msgid "Reset my Password"
-msgstr "Redefinir minha senha"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.html:101
-msgid "Please click the button below and choose a new password."
-msgstr "Por favor, clique no botão abaixo e escolha uma nova senha."
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.html:102
-msgid "Your username is"
-msgstr "Seu nome de usuário é"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.html:104
-msgid "RESET"
-msgstr "REDEFINIR"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.txt:5
-#, python-format
-msgid "You have requested a password reset for your account at %(site_name)s."
-msgstr "Você pediu uma redefinição de senha para sua conta em %(site_name)s."
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.txt:7
-msgid "Please reset your password by following the link below:"
-msgstr "Por favor, redefina sua senha usando o link abaixo:"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.txt:12
-msgid "In case you've forgotten, your username is:"
-msgstr "Caso tenha se esquecido, seu nome de usuário é:"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_form.html:16
-msgid "Enter your email, and we'll send instructions for setting a new password."
-msgstr "Digite o seu e-mail e te enviaremos instruções para configurar uma nova senha."
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_form.html:19
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(form.email.errors)s"
-msgstr "%(form.email.errors)s"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_form.html:24
-msgid "Reset Password"
-msgstr "Redefinir a senha"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_subject.txt:1
-msgid "Password reset on"
-msgstr "Redefinição de senha em"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/registration_needed_email.txt:6
-#, python-format
-msgid "You have requested a password reset on %(site_name)s without first creating an account."
-msgstr "Você solicitou um link para redefinição de senha em %(site_name)s sem criar a sua conta primeiro."
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/registration/registration_needed_email.txt:8
-msgid "Please create an account by following the link below:"
-msgstr "Por favor, crie uma conta usando o link abaixo:"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/settings/account_deleted_user_email.txt:5
-#, python-format
-msgid "Your %(email)s account on %(site_name)s has been deleted."
-msgstr "Sua conta %(email)s em %(site_name)s foi excluída."
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/settings/account_deleted_user_email.txt:7
-#, python-format
-msgid "If this was a mistake, please email us at %(legal_email)s by %(buffer_date)s (%(num_days)s days from now)."
-msgstr "Se isto foi um erro, por favor envie um e-mail para %(legal_email)s até %(buffer_date)s Daqui a (%(num_days)s dias."
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/settings/issue_report_email.txt:8
-msgid "Thank you for reporting your issue. Here is a copy of your report:"
-msgstr "Obrigado por nos informar do problema. Aqui está uma cópia do seu relatório:"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/settings/issue_report_email.txt:20
-msgid "We are currently reviewing the information that you have provided, and will file your issue accordingly."
-msgstr "No momento, estamos revisando as informações que você forneceu e registraremos o seu problema de acordo."
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/settings/issue_report_email.txt:21
-msgid "We appreciate your patience and assistance as we work to improve Kolibri Studio!"
-msgstr "Agradecemos a sua paciência e a sua ajuda enquanto trabalhamos para melhorar o Kolibri Studio!"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/settings/issue_report_email.txt:24
-msgid "Thank you,"
-msgstr "Obrigado,"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/settings/storage_request_email.txt:8
-msgid "Thank you for your request for additional storage."
-msgstr "Obrigado pela sua solicitação de armazenamento adicional."
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/settings/storage_request_email.txt:10
-msgid "Here is a copy of your request:"
-msgstr "Aqui está uma cópia da sua solicitação:"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/settings/storage_request_email.txt:43
-msgid "We are currently reviewing the information that you have provided, and will work to be in touch in a timely manner depending on the scope of your request. While Kolibri Studio is under active development, we need to be especially mindful of how much additional storage can be provided to ensure that we can successfully continue to build the Studio tool. Many thanks in advance for your understanding."
-msgstr "Estamos revisando as informações que você forneceu e faremos o possível para entrar em contato em tempo hábil, de acordo com o âmbito do seu pedido. "
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/staging_not_found.html:22
-msgid "No updates to review."
-msgstr "Não há atualizações a serem revisadas."
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/unauthorized.html:22
-msgid "You do not have access to this page."
-msgstr "Você não tem acesso a esta página."
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/unsupported_browser.html:47
-msgid "Unsupported Browser."
-msgstr "Navegador não suportado."
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/unsupported_browser.html:49
-msgid "Sorry, your browser version is not supported."
-msgstr "Infelizmente a versão do seu navegador não é suportada."
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/unsupported_browser.html:51
-msgid "To use Kolibri Studio, we recommend using Firefox or Chrome."
-msgstr "Para usar o Kolibri Studio, recomendamos os navegadores Firefox ou Chrome."
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templates/unsupported_browser.html:53
-msgid "You can also try updating your current browser."
-msgstr "Você também pode tentar atualizar o seu navegador."
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templatetags/license_tags.py:10
-msgid "The Attribution License lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation. This is the most accommodating of licenses offered. Recommended for maximum dissemination and use of licensed materials."
-msgstr "A licença de Atribuição permite que outros distribuam, remixem, ajustem e se baseiem no seu trabalho, até comercialmente, desde que te deem crédito pela criação original. É o tipo de licença mais flexível oferecido. Recomendado para o máximo de divulgação e uso dos materiais licenciados."
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templatetags/license_tags.py:15
-msgid "The Attribution-ShareAlike License lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work even for commercial purposes, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under the identical terms. This license is often compared to \"copyleft\" free and open source software licenses. All new works based on yours will carry the same license, so any derivatives will also allow commercial use. This is the license used by Wikipedia, and is recommended for materials that would benefit from incorporating content from Wikipedia and similarly licensed projects."
-msgstr "A licença de Atribuição-CompartilhaIgual permite que outros remixem, ajustem e se baseiem no seu trabalho, mesmo que por motivos comerciais, desde que te deem crédito e licenciem suas novas criações sob os mesmos termos. Essa licença é frequentemente comparada às de software livre, como as de \"copyleft\" e de código aberto. Todos os novos trabalhos baseados no seu terão a mesma licença, então quaisquer derivativos também permitirão o uso comercial. Essa é a licença usada pelo Wikipedia e é recomendada para materiais que se beneficiariam de incorporarem conteúdo do Wikipedia e de outros projetos similarmente licenciados."
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templatetags/license_tags.py:25
-msgid "The Attribution-NoDerivs License allows for redistribution, commercial and non-commercial, as long as it is passed along unchanged and in whole, with credit to you."
-msgstr "A licença de Atribuição-SemDerivações permite redistribuição, comercial ou não comercial, desde que seja feita sem modificações e por inteiro, com os créditos a você."
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templatetags/license_tags.py:28
-msgid "The Attribution-NonCommercial License lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work non-commercially, and although their new works must also acknowledge you and be non-commercial, they don't have to license their derivative works on the same terms."
-msgstr "A licença de Atribuição-NãoComercial permite que outros remixem, ajustem e se baseiem no seu trabalho não comercialmente, e embora os seus novos trabalhos devam também te reconhecer e serem não comerciais, não precisam licenciar os seus trabalhos derivados sob os mesmos termos."
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templatetags/license_tags.py:32
-msgid "The Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work non-commercially, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under the identical terms."
-msgstr "A licença de Atribuição-NãoComercial-CompartilhaIgual permite que outros remixem, ajustem e se baseiem no seu trabalho não comercialmente, desde que te deem crédito e licenciem suas novas criações sob os mesmos termos."
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templatetags/license_tags.py:36
-msgid "The Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License is the most restrictive of our six main licenses, only allowing others to download your works and share them with others as long as they credit you, but they can't change them in any way or use them commercially."
-msgstr "A licença de Atribuição-NãoComercial-SemDerivações é a mais restritiva das nossas seis principais licenças, permitindo apenas que outros baixem seus trabalhos e os compartilhem com outros desde que te deem crédito, mas não podem alterá-los ou usá-los comercialmente."
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templatetags/license_tags.py:40
-msgid "The All Rights Reserved License indicates that the copyright holder reserves, or holds for their own use, all the rights provided by copyright law under one specific copyright treaty."
-msgstr "A licença de Todos os Direitos Reservados indica que o detentor dos direitos autorais reserva-se, ou mantém para si o uso, de todos os direitos providos pela lei de direitos autorais sob um único acordo de direitos autorais."
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templatetags/license_tags.py:43
-msgid "Public Domain work has been identified as being free of known restrictions under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights."
-msgstr "Um trabalho de domínio público é identificado como livre das restrições correntes sob a lei de direitos autorais, incluindo todos os direitos relacionados e afins."
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templatetags/license_tags.py:46
-msgid "Special Permissions is a custom license to use when the current licenses do not apply to the content. The owner of this license is responsible for creating a description of what this license entails."
-msgstr "A licença personalizada de Permissões Especiais é usada quando as licenças atuais não se aplicarem ao conteúdo. O detentor dessa licença é responsável por criar a descrição do que ela pressupõe."
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:26
-msgid "100% Correct"
-msgstr "100% de acerto"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:27
-msgid "10 in a row"
-msgstr "10 seguidas"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:28
-msgid "2 in a row"
-msgstr "2 seguidas"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:29
-msgid "3 in a row"
-msgstr "3 seguidas"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:30
-msgid "5 in a row"
-msgstr "5 seguidas"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:31
-msgid "M of N..."
-msgstr "M de N..."
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:32
-msgid "CC BY"
-msgstr "CC BY"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:33
-msgid "CC BY-SA"
-msgstr "CC BY-SA"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:34
-msgid "CC BY-ND"
-msgstr "CC BY-ND"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:35
-msgid "CC BY-NC"
-msgstr "CC BY-NC"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:36
-msgid "CC BY-NC-SA"
-msgstr "CC BY-NC-SA"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:37
-msgid "CC BY-NC-ND"
-msgstr "CC BY-NC-ND"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:38
-msgid "All Rights Reserved"
-msgstr "Todos os direitos reservados"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:39
-msgid "Public Domain"
-msgstr "Domínio público"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:40
-msgid "Special Permissions"
-msgstr "Permissões especiais"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:49
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(filesize)s %(unit)s"
-msgstr "%(filesize)s %(unit)s"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:135
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:147
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:180
-msgid "No Channel"
-msgstr "Nenhum canal"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:146
-msgid "No resource"
-msgstr "Nenhum conteúdo"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:169
-msgid "Channel"
-msgstr "Canal"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:169
-msgid "Title"
-msgstr "Título"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:169
-msgid "Kind"
-msgstr "Tipo"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:169
-msgid "Filename"
-msgstr "Nome do arquivo"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:169
-msgid "URL"
-msgstr "URL"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:169
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:602
-msgid "Description"
-msgstr "Descrição"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:170
-msgid "Author"
-msgstr "Autor"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:170
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:602
-msgid "Language"
-msgstr "Idioma"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:170
-msgid "License"
-msgstr "Licença"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:170
-msgid "License Description"
-msgstr "Descrição da licença"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:170
-msgid "Copyright Holder"
-msgstr "Detentor dos direitos autorais"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:180
-msgid "No Resource"
-msgstr "Nenhum conteúdo"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:180
-msgid "Staged File"
-msgstr "Arquivo preparado"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:200
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(count)d Topic"
-msgid_plural "%(count)d Topics"
-msgstr[0] "%(count)d tema"
-msgstr[1] "%(count)d temas"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:202
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(count)d Video"
-msgid_plural "%(count)d Videos"
-msgstr[0] "%(count)d vídeo"
-msgstr[1] "%(count)d vídeos"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:204
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(count)d Audio"
-msgid_plural "%(count)d Audios"
-msgstr[0] "%(count)d áudio"
-msgstr[1] "%(count)d áudios"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:206
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(count)d Exercise"
-msgid_plural "%(count)d Exercises"
-msgstr[0] "%(count)d exercício"
-msgstr[1] "%(count)d exercícios"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:208
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(count)d Document"
-msgid_plural "%(count)d Documents"
-msgstr[0] "%(count)d documento"
-msgstr[1] "%(count)d documentos"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:210
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(count)d Html App"
-msgid_plural "%(count)d Html Apps"
-msgstr[0] "%(count)d aplicativo HTML"
-msgstr[1] "%(count)d aplicativos HTML"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:212
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(count)d H5P App"
-msgid_plural "%(count)d H5P Apps"
-msgstr[0] "%(count)d aplicativo H5P"
-msgstr[1] "%(count)d aplicativos H5P"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:214
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(count)d Slideshow"
-msgid_plural "%(count)d Slideshows"
-msgstr[0] "%(count)d apresentação"
-msgstr[1] "%(count)d apresentações"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:216
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(count)d Total Resource"
-msgid_plural "%(count)d Total Resources"
-msgstr[0] "%(count)d conteúdo total"
-msgstr[1] "%(count)d conteúdos totais"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:218
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(count)d\n"
-"Total Resource"
-msgid_plural "%(count)d\n"
-"Total Resources"
-msgstr[0] "%(count)d\n"
-"Conteúdo total"
-msgstr[1] "%(count)d\n"
-"Conteúdos totais"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:243
-msgid "Very Small"
-msgstr "Extra pequeno"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:243
-msgid "Small"
-msgstr "Pequeno"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:243
-msgid "Average"
-msgstr "Médio"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:243
-msgid "Large"
-msgstr "Grande"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:243
-msgid "Very Large"
-msgstr "Extra grande"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:435
-#, python-format
-msgid "Page %(page)s of %(pagecount)s - %(channel)s can be found on Kolibri Studio, a product of Learning Equality"
-msgstr "A página %(page)s de %(pagecount)s - no canal %(channel)s pode ser encontrada no Kolibri Studio, uma ferramenta da Learning Equality"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:438
-#, python-format
-msgid "Page %(page)s of %(pagecount)s - These channels can be found on Kolibri Studio, a product of Learning Equality"
-msgstr "Página %(page)s de %(pagecount)s - Estes canais se encontram no Kolibri Studio, uma ferramenta da Learning Equality"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:521
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:609
-msgid "No language set"
-msgstr "Nenhum idioma definido"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:524
-msgid " * Subtitles included"
-msgstr " * Legendas inclusas"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:529
-msgid " Coach Content"
-msgstr " Conteúdo de professores"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:534
-msgid " Assessments"
-msgstr " Avaliações"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:541
-#, python-format
-msgid "Channel size: %(size)s"
-msgstr "Tamanho do canal: %(size)s"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:554
-msgid "Resource Breakdown"
-msgstr "Detalhamento dos conteúdos"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:568
-msgid "No Resources Found"
-msgstr "Nenhum conteúdo encontrado"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:576
-msgid "No Tags Found"
-msgstr "Nenhum marcador encontrado"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:593
-msgid "This slide was automatically generated by Kolibri Studio, a product of Learning Equality"
-msgstr "Este slide foi gerado automaticamente pelo Kolibri Studio, um produto da Learning Equality"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:602
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr "Nome"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:602
-msgid "Token"
-msgstr "Token"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:602
-msgid "Size"
-msgstr "Tamanho"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:602
-msgid "Storage"
-msgstr "Armazenamento"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:602
-msgid "Resources"
-msgstr "Conteúdos"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:603
-msgid "Coach Content?"
-msgstr "Conteúdo de professores?"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:603
-msgid "Assessments?"
-msgstr "Avaliações?"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:603
-msgid "Tags"
-msgstr "Marcadores"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:603
-msgid "Authors"
-msgstr "Autores"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:604
-msgid "Providers"
-msgstr "Provedores"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:604
-msgid "Aggregators"
-msgstr "Agregadores"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:604
-msgid "Licenses"
-msgstr "Licenças"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:604
-msgid "Copyright Holders"
-msgstr "Detentores dos direitos autorais"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:610
-msgid "Publish channel to get token"
-msgstr "Publicar o canal para obter o token"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:616
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:617
-msgid "Yes"
-msgstr "Sim"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:616
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/export_writer.py:617
-msgid "No"
-msgstr "Não"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/format.py:15
-msgid "B"
-msgstr "B"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/format.py:17
-msgid "KB"
-msgstr "KB"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/format.py:19
-msgid "MB"
-msgstr "MB"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/format.py:21
-msgid "GB"
-msgstr "GB"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/format.py:23
-msgid "TB"
-msgstr "TB"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/incidents.py:7
-msgid "There was a problem with a third-party service. This means certain operations might be blocked. We appreciate your patience while these issues are being resolved."
-msgstr "Ocorreu um problema com um serviço de terceiros. Isso significa que algumas operações podem estar bloqueadas. Agradecemos pela paciência enquanto esses problemas são resolvidos."
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/incidents.py:16
-msgid "EMERGENCY MAINTENANCE Kolibri Studio is operating on read-only mode for the time being in order for us to resolve some maintenance issues. This means all editing capabilities are disabled at the moment. We're currently working very hard to fix the issue as soon as possible. If you have any questions please contact us at content@learningequality.org. We apologize for any inconvenience caused and appreciate your patience while we resolve these issues."
-msgstr "MANUTENÇÃO DE EMERGÊNCIA O Kolibri Studio está operando em modo somente leitura por enquanto para resolvermos problemas de manutenção. Isso significa que todas as funções de edição estão desativadas no momento. Estamos trabalhando arduamente para resolver o problema o quanto antes. Se tiver perguntas, por favor envie um e-mail para content@learningequality.org. Sentimos muito por qualquer inconveniente e agradecemos pela paciência enquanto resolvemos esses problemas."
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/incidents.py:31
-msgid "EMERGENCY MAINTENANCE Kolibri Studio is operating on read-only mode for the time being in order for us to resolve some database issues. This means all editing capabilities are disabled at the moment. We're currently working very hard to fix the issue as soon as possible. If you have any questions please contact us at content@learningequality.org. We apologize for any inconvenience caused and appreciate your patience while we resolve these issues."
-msgstr "MANUTENÇÃO DE EMERGÊNCIA O Kolibri Studio está operando em modo somente leitura por enquanto para resolvermos problemas de base de dados. Isso significa que todas as funções de edição estão desativadas no momento. Estamos trabalhando arduamente para resolver o problema o quanto antes. Se tiver perguntas, por favor envie um e-mail para content@learningequality.org. Sentimos muito por qualquer inconveniente e agradecemos pela paciência enquanto resolvemos esses problemas."
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/incidents.py:46
-msgid "We are encountering issues with Google Cloud Storage. This means any file uploading and publishing operations are currently unavailable. We appreciate your patience while these issues are being resolved. To check the status of this service, please visit here"
-msgstr "Estamos com problemas com o Google Cloud Storage. Isso significa que operações de envio ou publicação de arquivos estão indisponíveis. Agradecemos pela paciência enquanto esses problemas são resolvidos. Para verificar o status desse serviço, por favor visite aqui"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/incidents.py:57
-msgid "We are encountering issues with a third-party service. This means publishing is currently unavailable. We appreciate your patience while these issues are being resolved."
-msgstr "Estamos com problemas com um serviço de terceiros. Isso significa que operações de publicação estão indisponíveis. Agradecemos pela paciência enquanto esses problemas são resolvidos."
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/incidents.py:65
-msgid "We are encountering issues with our data center. This means you may encounter networking problems while using Studio. We appreciate your patience while these issues are being resolved. To check the status of this service, please visit here"
-msgstr "Estamos com problemas com o nosso centro de dados. Isso significa que você pode ter problemas de conexão enquanto usa o Studio. Agradecemos pela paciência enquanto esses problemas são resolvidos. Para saber o status do serviço, por favor visite aqui"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/nodes.py:254
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/nodes.py:255
-msgid " (Copy)"
-msgstr " (Copiar)"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/utils/publish.py:71
-msgid "Kolibri Studio Channel Published"
-msgstr "Canal do Kolibri Studio publicado"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/views/public.py:63
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/views/public.py:74
-msgid "Api endpoint {} is not available"
-msgstr "Ponto de extremidade da API {} está indisponível"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/views/public.py:76
-msgid "No channel matching {} found"
-msgstr "Nenhum canal correspondente a {} encontrado"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/views/settings.py:100
-msgid "Kolibri Studio issue report"
-msgstr "Relatório de problemas do Kolibri Studio"
-#: contentcuration/contentcuration/views/settings.py:134
-msgid "Kolibri Studio account deleted"
-msgstr "Conta do Kolibri Studio excluída"
-#: contentcuration/kolibri_content/models.py:188
-msgid "Unknown format"
-msgstr "Formato desconhecido"
diff --git a/contentcuration/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/contentcuration-messages.csv b/contentcuration/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/contentcuration-messages.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d7b2742295
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contentcuration/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/contentcuration-messages.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,4657 @@
+"Identifier","Source String","Context","Translation"
+"AccessibilityOptions.altText","Visual elements in the resource have descriptions that can be accessed by screen readers for the benefit of blind learners","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","يوجد للعناصر البصرية في هذا المصدر أوصاف يمكن أن تستخدمها برامج قراءة الشاشة المخصصة للمتعلمين المكفوفين"
+"AccessibilityOptions.audioDescription","The resource contains a second narration audio track that provides additional information for the benefit of blind users and those with low vision","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","يحتوي المصدر على مسار سرد صوتي ثانٍ يوفر معلومات إضافية للمستخدمين المكفوفين ومن يعانون ضعف الرؤية"
+"AccessibilityOptions.highContrast","The resource text and visual elements are displayed with high contrast for the benefit of users with low vision","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","يُعرض نص المصدر والعناصر البصرية بسطوع كبير للمستخدمين الذين يعانون ضعف الرؤية"
+"AccessibilityOptions.signLanguage","Synchronized sign language intepretation is available for audio and video content","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","يتوفر تفسير متزامن بلغة الإشارة لمحتوى الصوت والفيديو"
+"AccessibilityOptions.taggedPdf","The document contains PDF tags that can be accessed by screen readers for the benefit of blind learners","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","يتضمن المستند بصيغة PDF وسومًا يمكن الوصول إليها من قبل برامج قراءة الشاشة المخصصة للمتعلمين المكفوفين"
+"Account.apiDocumentation","API documentation","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","توثيق API"
+"Account.apiTokenHeading","API Token","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","الرمز التعريفي لـ API"
+"Account.apiTokenMessage","You will need this access token to run content integration scripts for bulk-uploading materials through the Kolibri Studio API.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","ستحتاج إلى هذا الرمز الخاص بالدخول لتشغيل نصوص دمج المحتوى من أجل التحميل المتعدد للمواد من خلال واجهة التطبيق الخاصة باستوديو كوليبري."
+"Account.basicInfoHeader","Basic Information","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","معلومات أساسية"
+"Account.changePasswordAction","Change password","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تغيير كلمة المرور"
+"Account.completelyDeleteAccountLabel","Completely remove your account from Kolibri Studio","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","إزالة حسابك بالكامل من استوديو كوليبري"
+"Account.deleteAccountLabel","Delete account","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","حذف الحساب"
+"Account.editFullNameAction","Edit full name","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تحرير الإسم الكامل"
+"Account.exportAccountDataHeading","Export account data","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تصدير بيانات الحساب"
+"Account.exportAccountDataLabel","You will receive an email with all information linked to your account","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","ستتلقى رسالة بريد إلكتروني تحتوي على كل المعلومات المرتبطة بحسابك"
+"Account.exportAccountDataModalMessage","You'll receive an email with your data when the export is completed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","ستتلقى رسالة بريد إلكتروني تحتوي على بياناتك حالما يكتمل التصدير"
+"Account.exportDataButton","Export data","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تصدير البيانات"
+"Account.exportFailed","Unable to export data. Please try again.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تعذّر تصدير البيانات. يرجى المحاولة مجدداً."
+"Account.exportStartedHeader","Data export started","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","بدأ تصدير البيانات"
+"Account.fullNameLabel","Full name","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","الاسم الكامل"
+"Account.handleChannelsBeforeAccount","You must delete these channels manually or invite others to edit them before you can delete your account.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","عليك حذف هذه القنوات بشكل يدوي أو دعوة آخرين لتعديلها قبل أن تتمكن من حذف حسابك."
+-- CONTEXT --
+","كلمة المرور"
+"Account.unableToDeleteAdminAccount","Unable to delete an admin account","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","لا يمكن حذف حساب المسؤول"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","اسم المستخدم"
+"AccountCreated.accountCreatedTitle","Account successfully created","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تم إنشاء الحساب بنجاح"
+"AccountCreated.continueToSignIn","Continue to sign-in","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","المتابعة لتسجيل الدخول"
+"AccountDeleted.accountDeletedTitle","Account successfully deleted","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تم حذف الحساب بنجاح"
+"AccountDeleted.continueToSignIn","Continue to sign-in page","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","المتابعة إلى صفحة تسجيل الدخول"
+"AccountNotActivated.requestNewLink","Request a new activation link","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","قم بطلب رابط تفعيل جديد"
+"AccountNotActivated.text","Please check your email for an activation link or request a new link.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","يرجى التحقق من رابط التفعيل على بريدك الإلكتروني أو طلب رابط جديد."
+"AccountNotActivated.title","Account has not been activated","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","لم يتم تفعيل الحساب"
+"ActivationExpired.activationExpiredText","This activation link has been used already or has expired.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","رابط التفعيل هذا منتهي الصلاحية أو قد تم استخدامه من قبل"
+"ActivationExpired.activationExpiredTitle","Activation failed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","فشلت عملية التفعيل"
+"ActivationExpired.requestNewLink","Request a new activation link","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","قم بطلب رابط تفعيل جديد"
+"ActivationLinkReSent.activationReSentText","If there is already an account with the email address provided, you should receive instructions shortly. If you don't see an email from us, please check your spam folder.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","في حال كان هناك حساب مرتبط بعنوان البريد الإلكتروني المرسل من قبل، فستصلك التعليمات قريباً. في حال لم تتلق بريداً إلكترونياً من طرفنا، فيرجى التحقق من صندوق البريد غير الهام."
+"ActivationLinkReSent.activationReSentTitle","Instructions sent. Thank you!","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تم إرسال التعليمات. شكراً لك!"
+"ActivationSent.header","Activation link sent","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تم إرسال رابط التفعيل"
+"ActivationSent.text","Thank you for creating an account! To complete the process, please check your email for the activation link we sent you.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","شكرا لانشاء الحساب! من أجل إكمال العملية، يرجى التحقق من بريدك الإلكتروني للحصول على رابط التفعيل الذي قمنا بإرساله لك."
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ActivityDuration.notOptionalLabel","Time required for the resource to be marked as completed. This value will not be displayed to learners.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","الوقت المطلوب لتحديد المصدر على أنه مكتمل. لن تُعرض هذه القيمة للمتعلمين."
+"ActivityDuration.optionalLabel","(Optional) Time required for the resource to be marked as completed. This value will not be displayed to learners.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","(اختياري) الوقت المطلوب لتحديد المصدر على أنه مكتمل. لن تُعرض هذه القيمة للمتعلمين."
+"AddNextStepsPage.addedNextStepSnackbar","Added next step","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تمت إضافة الخطوة التالية"
+"AddNextStepsPage.toolbarTitle","Add next step","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","أضف خطوة تالية"
+"AddPreviousStepsPage.addedPreviousStepSnackbar","Added previous step","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","أضف خطوة سابقة"
+"AddPreviousStepsPage.toolbarTitle","Add previous step","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","إضافة خطوة سابقة"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"AddRelatedResourcesModal.resourcesDisplayedText","Only showing available resources for","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","عرض المصادر التعليمية المتاحة فقط لـ"
+"AddRelatedResourcesModal.selectedAsCurrentResource","This is the current resource","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","هذا هو المصدر الحالي"
+"AddRelatedResourcesModal.selectedAsNextStep","Already selected as a next step","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تم التحديد مسبقاً كخطوة تالية"
+"AddRelatedResourcesModal.selectedAsPreviousStep","Already selected as a previous step","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تم تحديدها مسبقاً كخطوة سابقة"
+"AdministrationAppError.unauthorizedDetails","You need to be an administrator of Studio to view this page","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","يجب أن تكون مسؤولاً في الاستوديو لتتمكن من عرض هذه الصفحة"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","القنوات التعليمية"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Alert.dontShowAgain","Don't show this message again","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","لا تعرض هذه الرسالة مرة أخرى"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"AnswersEditor.newAnswerBtnLabel","New answer","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","إجابة جديدة"
+"AnswersEditor.noAnswersPlaceholder","Question has no answer options","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","لا توجد خيارات لإجابة هذا السؤال"
+"AnswersEditor.numberFieldErrorLabel","Answer must be a number","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","يجب أن تكون الإجابة رقماً"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"AppBar.changeLanguage","Change language","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تغيير اللغة"
+"AppBar.help","Help and support","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","المساعدة والدعم"
+"AppBar.logIn","Sign in","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تسجل الدخول"
+"AppBar.logOut","Sign out","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تسجيل الخروج"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"AppBar.title","Kolibri Studio","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","استوديو كوليبري"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+","غير مكتمل"
+"AssessmentEditor.newQuestionBtnLabel","New question","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","سؤال جديد"
+"AssessmentEditor.noQuestionsPlaceholder","Exercise has no questions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","لا توجد أسئلة لهذا التمرين"
+"AssessmentEditor.showAnswers","Show answers","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","عرض الإجابات"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"AssessmentItemEditor.dialogMessageChangeToInput","Switching to 'numeric input' will set all answers as correct and remove all non-numeric answers. Continue?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","التبديل إلى ""إدخال رقمي"" سيؤدي إلى تعيين كل الإجابات على أنها صحيحة وإزالة كل الإجابات غير الرقمية. هل ترغب بالمتابعة؟"
+"AssessmentItemEditor.dialogMessageChangeToSingleSelection","Switching to 'single choice' will set only one answer as correct. Continue?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","التبديل إلى ""خيار واحد"" سيعيّن إجابة واحدة فقط على أنها صحيحة. هل ترغب بالمتابعة؟"
+"AssessmentItemEditor.dialogMessageChangeToTrueFalse","Switching to 'true or false' will remove all current answers. Continue?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","التبديل إلى 'صحيح أو خاطئ' سيؤدي إلى إزالة كل الإجابات الحالية. هل ترغب بالمتابعة؟"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"AssessmentItemEditor.dialogTitle","Changing question type","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تغيير نوع السؤال"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"AssessmentItemEditor.questionTypeLabel","Response type","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","نوع الإجابة"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"AssessmentItemPreview.hintsToggleLabelHide","Hide hints","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","إخفاء التلميحات"
+"AssessmentItemPreview.hintsToggleLabelShow","Show {hintsCount} {hintsCount, plural, one {hint} other {hints}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","إظهار {hintsCount} {hintsCount, plural, zero {تلميحات} one {تلميح} two {تلميحَين} few {تلميحات} many {تلميحاً} other {تلميحات}}"
+"AssessmentItemPreview.noAnswersPlaceholder","Question has no answer options","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","لا توجد خيارات لإجابة هذا السؤال"
+"AssessmentItemToolbar.toolbarLabelAddAbove","Add {itemLabel} above","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","أضف {itemLabel} في الأعلى"
+"AssessmentItemToolbar.toolbarLabelAddBelow","Add {itemLabel} below","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","أضف {itemLabel} في الأسفل"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"AssessmentItemToolbar.toolbarLabelMoveDown","Move down","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","نقل للأسفل"
+"AssessmentItemToolbar.toolbarLabelMoveUp","Move up","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","نقل للأعلى"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"AssessmentTab.incompleteItemsCountMessage","{invalidItemsCount} incomplete {invalidItemsCount, plural, one {question} other {questions}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{invalidItemsCount} {invalidItemsCount, plural, zero {أسئلة} one {سؤال} two {سؤالان} few {أسئلة} many {سؤالاً} other {أسئلة}} غير مكتملة"
+"BrowsingCard.addToClipboardAction","Copy to clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","نسخ إلى الحافظة"
+"BrowsingCard.coach","Resource for coaches","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","مصدر خاص بالمدربين"
+"BrowsingCard.goToPluralLocationsAction","In {count, number} {count, plural, one {location} other {locations}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","في {count, number} {count, plural, zero {مواقع} one {موقع} two {موقعين} few {مواقع} many {موقعاً} other {مواقع}}"
+"BrowsingCard.goToSingleLocationAction","Go to location","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","التوجّه إلى الموقع"
+"BrowsingCard.hasCoachTooltip","{value, number, integer} {value, plural, one {resource for coaches} other {resources for coaches}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{value, number, integer} {value, plural, zero {مواقع} one {مصدر للمدربين} two {مصدرَين للمدربين} few {مصادر للمدربين} many {مصدراً للمدربين} other {مصادر للمدربين}}"
+"BrowsingCard.previewAction","View details","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","عرض التفاصيل"
+"BrowsingCard.resourcesCount","{count, number} {count, plural, one {resource} other {resources}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, number} {count, plural, zero {مصادر} one {مصدر} two {مصدرين} few {مصادر} many {مصدراً} other {مصادر}}"
+"BrowsingCard.tagsList","Tags: {tags}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","الوسوم: {tags}"
+"BytesForHumansStrings.fileSizeInBytes","{n, number, integer} B","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{n, number, integer} بايت"
+"BytesForHumansStrings.fileSizeInGigabytes","{n, number, integer} GB","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{n, number, integer} غيغا بايت"
+"BytesForHumansStrings.fileSizeInKilobytes","{n, number, integer} KB","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{n, number, integer} كيلو بايت"
+"BytesForHumansStrings.fileSizeInMegabytes","{n, number, integer} MB","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{n, number, integer} ميغا بايت"
+"BytesForHumansStrings.fileSizeInTerabytes","{n, number, integer} TB","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{n, number, integer} تيرا بايت TB"
+"CatalogFAQ.KolibriAnswer","Kolibri is an open source ed-tech platform designed for low-resource communities, focused on:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","كوليبري هي منصة مفتوحة المصدر للتكنولوجيا مصممة للمجتمعات ذات الموارد المحدودة، وهي تركز على:"
+"CatalogFAQ.KolibriAnswerItem1","Overcoming infrastructural barriers that prevent equitable access to quality education for learners in low-resource and low-connectivity contexts","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","التغلب على حواجز الهياكل الأساسية التي تحول دون وصول المتعلمين بشكل متساو ٍ إلى التعليم الجيد في سياقات قلة المصادر وقلة التواصل"
+"CatalogFAQ.KolibriAnswerItem2","Increasing the availability of open learning materials suitable for many curricula, learning goals, and situations","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","زيادة توفير مواد التعلم المفتوح المناسبة للعديد من المناهج الدراسية وأهداف التعلم والحالات"
+"CatalogFAQ.KolibriAnswerItem3","Fostering innovative pedagogy and effective learning outcomes","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تعزيز أساليب التعليم المبتكرة ونتائج التعلم الفعالة"
+"CatalogFAQ.KolibriQuestion","What is Kolibri?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","ما هي كوليبري؟"
+"CatalogFAQ.aboutHeader","Welcome to the Kolibri Content Library Catalog! ","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","مرحبا بكم في دليل مكتبة محتوى كوليبري! "
+"CatalogFAQ.aboutKolibriHeader","About Kolibri","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","عن كوليبري"
+"CatalogFAQ.aboutLibraryHeader","About the Kolibri Content Library","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","حول مكتبة محتوى كوليبري"
+"CatalogFAQ.channelAnswer","A channel is Kolibri’s unit of organization for digital content. It's a collection of resources organized by single institutions or creators, each of which may contain a set of books, games, textbooks, articles, simulations, exercises, and many more types of educational materials, all made available for use in Kolibri without the need for internet access. A channel isn't necessarily a course or a sequence, it's simply a collection of materials published or gathered together by one organization, as close to the provider's original layout as possible, while still organized for the best possible navigation in Kolibri.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","القناة هي وحدة تنظيم كوليبري للمحتوى الرقمي. إنها مجموعة من الموارد التي تنظمها مؤسسات فردية أو منشؤون، كل منها قد يحتوي على مجموعة من الكتب والألعاب والدفاتر المدرسية والمقالات وبرامج المحاكاة والتمارين والعديد غيرها من أنواع المواد التعليمية. وكلها متاحة للاستخدام في كوليبري من دون الحاجة للوصول إلى الإنترنت. ليست القناة بالضرورة عبارة عن دورة تدريبية أو سلسلة تعليمية، بل إنها ببساطة مجموعة من المواد المنشورة أو المجموعة من قبل منظمة واحدة، بشكل أقرب ما يكون إلى التصميم الأصلي لموفر المحتوى، وتبقى في الوقت عينه منظمة للتمتّع بأفضل تصفح ممكن في كوليبري."
+"CatalogFAQ.channelLink","What is a channel?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","ما هي القناة؟"
+"CatalogFAQ.channelQuestion","What is a channel?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","ما هي القناة؟"
+"CatalogFAQ.coachContentAnswer","Most resources are directed at learners, but some, such as lesson plans, subject refreshers, professional learning guides, and similar, are directed at teachers and facilitators. In Kolibri, we mark this content as ""for coaches"" and limit its visibility to those with coach accounts. If you see coach materials here, they may require less planning for any facilitators using the resource!","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","يتم توجيه معظم المصادر التعليمية إلى المتعلمين، ولكن بعضها، مثل خطط الدروس، وتحديث المواد، وأدلة التعلم المهني، وما شابه ذلك، يتم توجيهها إلى المعلمين والميسرين. في كوليبري، نصنف هذا المحتوى على أنه ""للمدربين"" ونجعل ظهوره مقتصراً على أولئك الذين لديهم حسابات مدرب. إذا رأيت مواد المدرب هنا، فقد تتطلب هذه المواد تتطلب تخطيطًا أقل لأي ميسرين يستخدمون المصدر!"
+"CatalogFAQ.coachContentQuestion","What are 'resources for coaches'?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","ما هي 'مصادر المدربين'؟"
+"CatalogFAQ.customContentAnswer","To add your own materials, create an account on Kolibri Studio by going to https://studio.learningequality.org. Recommendations for public materials to be added to the Kolibri Content Library can be made by contacting content@learningequality.org.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","لإضافة موادك الخاصة، أنشئ حسابًا على ""استوديو كوليبري"" من خلال الذهاب إلى https://studio.learningequality.org. يمكن تقديم توصيات بشأن إضافة مواد عامة إلى مكتبة ""محتوى كوليبري"" عن طريق مراسلة content@learningequality.org."
+"CatalogFAQ.customContentQuestion","How can I add my own materials or recommend materials from other creators for this library?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","كيف يمكنني إضافة المواد الخاصة بي أو التوصية بمواد من المنشئين الآخرين لهذه المكتبة؟"
+"CatalogFAQ.descriptionP1","Here you can learn more about the educational resources publicly available for use in Kolibri, which are organized into ""channels"". Use the filters to browse channels by keyword, language, or formats of the materials inside.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","هنا يمكنك معرفة المزيد حول المصادر التعليمية المتاحة للعموم للاستخدام في كوليبري، والتي يتم تنظيمها في تبويب ""قنوات"". استخدم الفلاتر لتصفح القنوات بناءً على الكلمات المفتاح أو اللغة أو صيغ المواد الموجودة في الداخل."
+"CatalogFAQ.descriptionP2","Click on a channel to get a preview of what subjects and topics it covers, learn more about its creator, see how many resources the channel contains, and learn how to import it into Kolibri. You can also find coach-specific content (lesson plans, teacher professional guides, and other supplementary facilitation material), assessments and exercises, and captions for accessibility.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","انقر على القناة من أجل معاينة المواضيع التي تتم تغطيتها ومعرفة المزيد عن منشئها ومعرفة عدد المصادر التي تحتوي عليها، وتعلم كيفية استيرادها إلى كوليبري. يمكنك العثور أيضاً على محتوى خاص بالمدرِّب (خطط الدروس وأدلة المعلم المهنية ومواد التسهيل الأخرى) والتقييمات والتمارين وعناوين الصور من أجل الوصول إليها."
+"CatalogFAQ.descriptionP3","Sharing the work of these resource creators is what inspires Learning Equality's efforts. We hope you find something that excites you about the potential of digital learning, online or off!","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","إن مشاركة عمل منشئي هذه الموارد هي ما يلهم جهود منظمة Learning Equality. نأمل أن تجد شيئاً يثير اهتمامك حول إمكانية التعلم الرقمي عبر الإنترنت أو من دون الاتصال بالانترنت!"
+"CatalogFAQ.downloadKolibriLink","Download Kolibri","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تحميل كوليبري"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"CatalogFAQ.endoresementQuestion","Have these sources been vetted or endorsed as classroom-safe and ready?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","هل تم تدقيق هذه المصادر أو الموافقة عليها لتكون آمنة وجاهزة للاستخدام في الفصل الدراسي؟"
+"CatalogFAQ.endorsementAnswer","We select sources with an educational affiliation or mandate, so you can trust that most resources in the Kolibri Content Library were designed for learning purposes. However, we are not able to guarantee the appropriateness of each individual item within any particular source. We recommend that educators and administrators conduct a thorough review of any digital content using their own criteria - including reorganization and re-curation, if necessary - before using it with learners. Since we recognize that there may be many different standards across situations for criteria like preferred levels of interactivity, subject/age appropriateness, cultural sensitivity and tone, among others, we have intentionally offered a wide range of materials to help meet the needs of all learners whatever they may be.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","نحن نختار المصادر ذات المرجعية أو التفويض التعليمي، لذا يمكنك الوثوق في أن معظم المصادر في مكتبة محتوى كوليبري مصممة لأغراض التعلم. ومع ذلك، لا يمكننا ضمان ملاءمة كل عنصر بشكل مستقل في أي مصدر تعليمي معيّن. ولهذا نوصي بأن يقوم المعلمون والمسؤولون بإجراء مراجعة دقيقة لأي محتوى رقمي باستخدام معاييرهم الخاصة- بما في ذلك إعادة التنظيم وإعادة التنسيق، إذا لزم الأمر- قبل استخدامه مع المتعلّمين. ونظراً إلى أننا ندرك أنه قد يكون هناك العديد من المعايير المختلفة بحسب المواقف لمعايير مثل المستويات المفضلة من التفاعل، وملاءمة الموضوع/ العمر، والحساسية الثقافية والنبرة، من بين أمور أخرى، قدمنا عن قصد مجموعة واسعة من المواد للمساعدة في تلبية احتياجات جميع المتعلمين مهما كانوا."
+"CatalogFAQ.faqHeader","Frequently asked questions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","الأسئلة الأكثر تكراراً"
+"CatalogFAQ.issueAnswer","Please email us at content@learningequality.org and include the channel name, along with a description of the issue. If you notice an issue on a specific resource, please be sure to link that as well. We'd be happy to investigate and grateful for your feedback!","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","يرجى التواصل معنا عبر البريد الإلكتروني content@learningequality.org وتضمين اسم القناة إلى جانب وصف المشكلة. إذا لاحظت مشكلة في مصدر تعليمي معين، فيرجى التأكد من ربط ذلك أيضًا. يسعدنا التحقق من الأمر ونشعر بالامتنان لتعليقاتك!"
+"CatalogFAQ.issueQuestion","I found a bug, broken link, or some mislabeled information within a resource. What should I do?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","عثرت على خلل أو على رابط لا يعمل أو على بعض المعلومات المغلوطة داخل أحد المصادر. ماذا علي أن أفعل؟"
+"CatalogFAQ.maintenanceAnswerP1","Because Kolibri is designed for learners and educators who are disconnected from the internet, content must first be packaged so that it can be used without internet connection. For most sources, our content team uses custom-written, automated scripts to bring content into Kolibri from a website, an app, or a private source such as a hard drive (with the appropriate permissions).","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","نظراً لأن كوليبري منصة مصممة للمتعلّمين والمعلِّمين غير المتصلين بالإنترنت، يجب أولاً تعبئة المحتوى بحيث يمكن استخدامه من دون الاتصال بالإنترنت. بالنسبة إلى معظم المصادر، يستخدم فريق المحتوى لدينا نصوصاً آلية ومكتوبة خصوصاً لجلب المحتوى إلى كوليبري من موقع إلكتروني أو من تطبيق أو مصدر خاص مثل القرص الصلب (مع التراخيص المناسبة)."
+"CatalogFAQ.maintenanceAnswerP2","To learn more about how content is packaged for use on Kolibri and what types of formats are supported, please refer to our content integration guide.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","لمعرفة المزيد حول كيفية تعبئة المحتوى للاستخدام على كوليبري وما هي أنواع الصيغ المدعومة، يرجى الرجوع إلى دليل تكامل المحتوى."
+"CatalogFAQ.maintenanceQuestion","How is this library created and maintained?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","كيف تم إنشاء هذه المكتبة وكيف تتم صيانتها؟"
+"CatalogFAQ.makerAnswerP1","Learning Equality, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit based in San Diego, California, is committed to enabling every person in the world to realize their right to a quality education, by supporting the creation, adaptation, and distribution of open educational resources, and creating supportive tools for innovative pedagogy.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","المساواة في التعلم هي مؤسسة 501(c)(3) غير ربحية مقرها في سان دييغو، كاليفورنيا، تلتزم بتمكين كل شخص في العالم من الحصول على حقه في الحصول على تعليم جيد، من خلال دعم إنشاء المصادر التعليمية المفتوحة وتكييفها وتوزيعها، وإنشاء أدوات داعمة لطرق التدريس المبتكرة."
+"CatalogFAQ.makerAnswerP2","In recognition of the digital divide, Learning Equality started by bringing the Khan Academy experience offline to more than 6 million learners around the globe. Its second-generation product, Kolibri, is part of a broader ecosystem of products and tools that support curriculum alignment, blended learning pedagogies, and broader use of Open Educational Resources to improve learning.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","اعترافًا بالفجوة الرقمية، بدأت المساواة في التعلم من خلال توفير تجربة أكاديمية خان دون اتصال بالإنترنت لأكثر من 6 ملايين متعلم حول العالم. كوليبري هو منتجها من الجيل الثاني، وهو جزء من نظام بيئي أوسع للمنتجات والأدوات التي تدعم ملائمة المناهج وطرق التدريس التعليمية المختلطة، والاستخدام الأوسع للمصادر التعليمية المفتوحة لتحسين التعلم."
+"CatalogFAQ.makerQuestion","Who are the makers of Kolibri?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","من هم صانعو كوليبري؟"
+"CatalogFAQ.newContentAnswer","Our content team routinely adds new sources and channels to the library and updates existing channels as content creators make new materials available.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","يضيف فريق المحتوى الخاص بنا بشكل روتيني مصادر وقنوات جديدة إلى المكتبة ويقوم بتحديث القنوات الموجودة مع قيام منشئي المحتوى بإتاحة مواد جديدة."
+"CatalogFAQ.newContentQuestion","Does Learning Equality add new materials?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","هل تضيف المساواة في التعلم مواد جديدة؟"
+"CatalogFAQ.ownershipAnswer","No. Just like an online learning repository with links to external websites, we gather useful digital learning resources to help our community discover a rich variety of learning materials they may not have known about otherwise. All the materials in this educational library are fully credited to the creating organization, reformatted for best display on digital devices, and include any additional information the creator has shared with us. We only include content which is either openly licensed, available to distribute for special nonprofit or noncommercial purposes, or shared with us for distribution through agreement with the creator. Since materials in the library are intended for use in an open source platform, we do not profit financially from their use.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","كلا. كما في مستودع التعلم عبر الإنترنت والذي يحتوي على روابط توصل إلى مواقع إلكترونية خارجية، فإننا نجمع مصادر تعليمية رقمية مفيدة لمساعدة مجتمعنا على اكتشاف مجموعة متنوعة غنية من المواد التعليمية التي ربما ما كانوا ليعلموا بها. تُنسب جميع المواد الموجودة في هذه المكتبة التعليمية بالكامل إلى المؤسسة التي أنشأتها، وتتم إعادة تنسيقها للحصول على أفضل عرض على الأجهزة الرقمية، وتضمين أية معلومات إضافية شاركها المنشئ معنا. نقوم فقط بتضمين المحتوى المرخص بشكل علني والمتاح للتوزيع لأغراض خاصة غير ربحية أو غير تجارية أو مشاركته معنا للتوزيع من خلال اتفاق مع المنشئ. ونظراً لأن المواد الموجودة في المكتبة مخصصة للاستخدام ضمن نظام أساسي مفتوح المصدر، فإننا لا نحقق أي ربح مالي من استخدامها."
+"CatalogFAQ.ownershipQuestion","Does Learning Equality own these resources?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","هل تمتلك المساواة في التعلم هذه المصادر؟"
+"CatalogFAQ.partialChannelAnswer","When importing content into Kolibri, you can select the specific subsections of a channel you're interested in. If you’d like to make changes such as editing the title or folder descriptions, or changing the order in which materials appear, please contact us at content@learningequality.org for early access to our Kolibri Studio tool, which can be used to make these changes.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","عند استيراد محتوى ما إلى كوليبري، يمكنك تحديد أقسام فرعية معينة من القناة التي تهتم بها. إذا كنت ترغب في إجراء تغييرات مثل تعديل العنوان أو أوصاف المجلد أو تغيير الترتيب الذي تظهر به المواد، فيرجى التواصل معنا عبر البريد الالكتروني content@learningequality.org للوصول المبكر إلى أداة استوديو كوليبري الخاصة بنا، والتي يمكن استخدامها لإجراء هذه التغييرات."
+"CatalogFAQ.partialChannelQuestion","I want to use some of the resources in this channel, but not all of it. What should I do?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","ارغب باستخدام بعض المصادر في هذه القناة، ولكن ليس جميعها. ماذا علي أن أفعل؟"
+"CatalogFAQ.sampleContentAnswer","You can do this in three ways:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","يمكنك القيام بذلك بثلاث طرق:"
+"CatalogFAQ.sampleContentAnswerItem1","To see the original content source, click the ⋮ button and select 'Go to source website'","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","لمشاهدة مصدر المحتوى الأصلي، انقر على الزر ⋮ ثم حدد 'توجّه إلى موقع المصدر الإلكتروني'"
+"CatalogFAQ.sampleContentAnswerItem2","To preview the content on one of our online demo servers (available in English, Spanish, Arabic, French, and Hindi), click the ⋮ button and select 'View channel on Kolibri'","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","لمعاينة المحتوى على أحد منخوادمنا التجريبية على الإنترنت (متاحة باللغة الإنجليزية، الإسبانية، العربية، الفرنسية والهندية)، انقر فوق الزر ⋮ وحدد 'عرض القناة على كوليبري'"
+"CatalogFAQ.sampleContentAnswerItem3","Download Kolibri and import the channel on your device for full access offline.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","قم بتنزيل كوليبري واستيراد القناة على جهازك للوصول الكامل دون اتصال بالانترنت"
+"CatalogFAQ.sampleContentQuestion","How do I review the contents of the channels themselves?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","كيف يمكنني مراجعة محتويات القنوات نفسها؟"
+"CatalogFAQ.selectionAnswerP1","Our approach is unique in that we aim to assemble a library of resources which supports the diversity of needs Kolibri is designed to meet, rather than collecting all possible open educational resources.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","إن نهجنا فريد من نوعه بحيث نهدف إلى تجميع مكتبة من الموارد التعليمية تدعم تنوّع الاحتياجات التي تم تصميم كوليبري لتلبيتها، عوضاً عن جمع كل المصادر التعليمية المفتوحة الممكنة."
+"CatalogFAQ.selectionAnswerP2","To inform what we select, the Learning Equality team is continually maintaining our awareness of openly licensed digital resources available in the educational landscape. Most of our resources come from an organization, institution, or creator with learning design experience and an educational mandate. We prioritize providing a diversity of grade levels, subject areas and languages. Where possible, we also evaluate and seek input on the degree to which the materials may be suitable for the unique blended learning settings in which we work.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","لتوجيه ما نختاره، نحافظ في فريق منظمة Learning Equality باستمرار على وعينا بالمصادر الرقمية المرخصة بشكل مفتوح والمتاحة في المجال التعليمي. تأتي معظم مصادرنا من منظمة أو مؤسسة أو منشئ لديه خبرة في تصميم التعلم وتفويض تعليمي. نعطي الأولوية لتوفير مجموعة متنوعة من مستويات الصفوف ومجالات المواد واللغات. وحيث أمكن، نقوم أيضاً بالتقييم والسعي للحصول على مدخلات حول المستوى الذي قد تناسب فيه المواد إعدادات التعلّم المدمج الفريدة التي نعمل بها."
+"CatalogFAQ.selectionQuestion","How does Learning Equality determine what goes into this library?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","كيف يمكن لمنظمة Learning Equality أن تحدد ما يدخل إلى هذه المكتبة؟"
+"CatalogFAQ.usingContentAnswer","Great! All of these resources have been specially packaged for use on Kolibri, our open source platform for offline learning, so please review how to get started with Kolibri first, then follow the instructions to import materials.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","عظيم! كل هذه المصادر تم تجميعها خصيصاً لاستخدامها في كوليبري، منصة المصدر المفتوح الخاصة بنا للتعلم دون اتصال، لذا يرجى مراجعة كيفية البدء مع كوليبري أولاً، ثم اتباع التعليمات لاستيراد المواد."
+"CatalogFAQ.usingContentQuestion","I found something I'm interested in and would like to start using it. What should I do?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","وجدت شيئًا ما أنا مهتم به وأود أن أبدأ باستخدامه. ماذا علي أن أفعل؟"
+"CatalogFAQ.usingKolibriAnswerP1","You can learn more about using Kolibri by doing any of the following:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","يمكنك معرفة المزيد حول استخدام كوليبري من خلال القيام بأي مما يلي:"
+"CatalogFAQ.usingKolibriAnswerP2","We invite you to use the Kolibri user documentation for further guidance.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","ندعوك إلى استخدام وثائق مستخدم كوليبري لمزيد من التوجيه."
+"CatalogFAQ.usingKolibriItem1","Visit the Learning Equality website","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","قم بزيارة موقع منظمة Learning Equality الإلكتروني"
+"CatalogFAQ.usingKolibriItem2","View a demo of the platform","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","عرض توضيحي للمنصة"
+"CatalogFAQ.usingKolibriItem3","Download the software","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تنزيل البرنامج"
+"CatalogFAQ.usingKolibriQuestion","How can I use Kolibri?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","كيف يمكنني استخدام كوليبري؟"
+"CatalogFAQ.usingResourcesHeader","About using these resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","حول استخدام هذه المصادر"
+"CatalogFAQ.viewDemoLink","View demo","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","العرض التوضيحي"
+"CatalogFAQ.viewDocsLink","View docs","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","عرض المستندات"
+"CatalogFAQ.viewGettingStartedLink","Documentation resources to get started with Kolibri","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","مصادر التوثيق للبدء مع كوليبري"
+"CatalogFAQ.viewIntegrationGuide","View content integration guide","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","عرض دليل تكامل المحتوى"
+"CatalogFAQ.visitWebsiteLink","Visit website","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","زيارة الموقع الإلكتروني"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"CatalogFilterBar.channelCount","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# channel}
+ other {# channels}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural, zero {قنوات} one {# قناة} two {# قناتان} few {# قنوات} many {# قنوات}
+ =1 {# قناة}
+ other {# قنوات}}"
+"CatalogFilterBar.clearAll","Clear all","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","مسح الكل"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"CatalogFilterBar.coachContent","Coach content","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","المحتوى الخاص بالمدرِّب"
+"CatalogFilterBar.copyTitle","Copy collection token","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","نسخ الرمز التعريفي للمجموعة"
+"CatalogFilterBar.copyToken","Copy collection token","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","نسخ الرمز التعريفي للمجموعة"
+"CatalogFilterBar.copyTokenInstructions","Paste this token into Kolibri to import the channels contained in this collection","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","لصق هذا الرمز التعريفي في كوليبري لاستيراد القنوات الموجودة ضمن هذه المجموعة"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+","مميزة بنجمة"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"CatalogFilters.coachDescription","Resources for coaches are only visible to coaches in Kolibri","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","يمكن عرض مصادر المدرِّبين فقط للمدرِّبين في كوليبري"
+"CatalogFilters.coachLabel","Resources for coaches","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","مصادر للمدرِّبين"
+"CatalogFilters.copyright","© {year} Learning Equality","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","© {year} المساواة في التعلم"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"CatalogFilters.frequentlyAskedQuestionsLink","Frequently asked questions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","الأسئلة الأكثر تكراراً"
+"CatalogFilters.includesLabel","Display only channels with","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","عرض القنوات فقط مع"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+","الكلمات المفتاح"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+","مميزة بنجمة"
+"CatalogFilters.subtitlesLabel","Captions or subtitles","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","عناوين الصور أو النص السمعي "
+-- CONTEXT --
+"CatalogList.channelSelectionCount","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# channel selected}
+ other {# channels selected}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural, zero {قنوات} one {# قناة تم تحديدها} two {# قناتان تم تحديدهما} few {# قنوات تم تحديدها} many {# قنوات تم تحديدها}
+ =1 {# قناة تم تحديدها}
+ other {# قنوات تم تحديدها}}"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"CatalogList.downloadCSV","Download CSV","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تنزيل ملف CSV"
+"CatalogList.downloadPDF","Download PDF","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تنزيل ملف PDF"
+"CatalogList.downloadingMessage","Download started","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","بدأ التنزيل"
+"CatalogList.resultsText","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# result found}
+ other {# results found}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural, zero {نتائج} one {# نتيجة تم العثور عليها} two {# نتيجتان تم العثور عليهما} few {# نتائج تم العثور عليها} many {# نتائج تم العثور عليها}
+ =1 {#نتيجة تم العثور عليها}
+ other {# نتائج تم العثور عليها}}"
+"CatalogList.selectAll","Select all","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تحديد الكل"
+"CatalogList.selectChannels","Download a summary of selected channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تنزيل ملخص القنوات المحددة"
+"CategoryOptions.noCategoryFoundText","Category not found","
+-- CONTEXT --
+"," لم يتم العثور على الفئة"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChangePasswordForm.changePasswordHeader","Change password","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تغيير كلمة المرور"
+"ChangePasswordForm.confirmNewPasswordLabel","Confirm new password","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تأكيد كلمة المرور الجديدة"
+"ChangePasswordForm.formInvalidText","Passwords don't match","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","كلمتا المرور غير متطابقتين"
+"ChangePasswordForm.newPasswordLabel","New password","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","كلمة مرور جديدة"
+"ChangePasswordForm.passwordChangeFailed","Failed to save new password","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","فشل عملية حفظ كلمة المرور الجديدة"
+"ChangePasswordForm.paswordChangeSuccess","Password updated","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تم تحديث كلمة المرور "
+"ChangePasswordForm.saveChangesAction","Save changes","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","حفظ التغييرات"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelCatalogFrontPage.catalogHeader","Kolibri Content Library channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","دليل مكتبة محتوى كوليبري"
+"ChannelCatalogFrontPage.coachHeading","Resources for coaches","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","مصادر للمدرِّبين"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","يحتوي على"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تم التصدير"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelCatalogFrontPage.numberOfChannels","{ num } channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{ num } قنوات"
+"ChannelCatalogFrontPage.subtitlesIncludedText","Captions or subtitles","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","عناوين الصور أو النص السمعي "
+"ChannelDeletedError.backToHomeAction","Back to home","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","العودة إلى الصفحة الرئيسية"
+"ChannelDeletedError.channelDeletedDetails","This channel does not exist or may have been removed. Please contact us at content@learningequality.org if you think this is a mistake.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","هذه القناة غير موجودة أو ربما تمت إزالتها. يرجى التواصل معنا عبر البريد الإلكتروني content@learningequality.org في حال كنت تظن أن هنالك خطأ."
+"ChannelDeletedError.channelDeletedHeader","Channel not found","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","لم يتم إيجاد القناة التعليمية"
+"ChannelDetailsModal.downloadButton","Download channel summary","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تنزيل ملخص القناة"
+"ChannelDetailsModal.downloadCSV","Download CSV","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تنزيل ملف CSV"
+"ChannelDetailsModal.downloadPDF","Download PDF","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تنزيل ملف PDF"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","جامعو المحتوى"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelExportStrings.coachContent","Resources for coaches","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","مصادر للمدرِّبين"
+"ChannelExportStrings.copyrightHolders","Copyright holders","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","مالكو حقوق النشر"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelExportStrings.id","Channel ID","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","مُعرّف القناة"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelExportStrings.languages","Included languages","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","اللغات المضمنة"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+","مقدمو المحتوى"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelExportStrings.size","Total resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","إجمالي المصادر"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelExportStrings.subtitles","Captions or subtitles","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","عناوين الصور أو النص السمعي "
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+","الرمز التعريفي"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelInfoCard.resourceCount","{count, number} {count, plural, one {resource} other {resources}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, number} {count, plural, zero {مصادر} one {مصدر} two {مصدرين} few {مصادر} many {مصدراً} other {مصادر}}"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelInvitation.acceptedSnackbar","Accepted invitation","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","دعوة مقبولة"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelInvitation.declinedSnackbar","Declined invitation","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","دعوة مرفوضة"
+"ChannelInvitation.decliningInvitation","Declining Invitation","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","رفض الدعوة"
+"ChannelInvitation.decliningInvitationMessage","Are you sure you want to decline this invitation?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","هل أنت متأكد من رغبتك برفض هذه الدعوة؟"
+"ChannelInvitation.editText","{sender} has invited you to edit {channel}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{sender} قام بدعوتك لتحرير {channel}"
+"ChannelInvitation.goToChannelSnackbarAction","Go to channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","التوجّه إلى القناة"
+"ChannelInvitation.viewText","{sender} has invited you to view {channel}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{sender} قام بدعوتك لعرض {channel}"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelItem.channelDeletedSnackbar","Channel deleted","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تم حذف القناة"
+"ChannelItem.channelLanguageNotSetIndicator","No language set","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","لم يتم تعيين لغة"
+"ChannelItem.copyToken","Copy channel token","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","نسخ الرمز التعريفي للقناة"
+"ChannelItem.deleteChannel","Delete channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","حذف القناة التعليمية"
+"ChannelItem.deletePrompt","This channel will be permanently deleted. This cannot be undone.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","سيتم حذف هذه القناة بشكل دائم. لا يمكن التراجع عن هذه الخطوة."
+"ChannelItem.deleteTitle","Delete this channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","حذف هذه القناة"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelItem.editChannel","Edit channel details","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تعديل تفاصيل القناة"
+"ChannelItem.goToWebsite","Go to source website","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","التوجّه إلى موقع المصدر الإلكتروني"
+"ChannelItem.lastPublished","Published {last_published}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","منشور {last_published}"
+"ChannelItem.lastUpdated","Updated {updated}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{updated} تم تحديثها"
+"ChannelItem.resourceCount","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# resource}
+ other {# resources}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural, zero {# مصادر} one {# مصادر} two {# مصدران} few {# مصادر} many {# مصدراً}
+ =1 {# مصدر}
+ other {# مصادر}}"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","غير منشور"
+"ChannelItem.versionText","Version {version}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","نسخة الإصدار {version}"
+"ChannelItem.viewContent","View channel on Kolibri","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","عرض القناة على كوليبري"
+"ChannelList.channel","New channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","قناة جديدة"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","القنوات التعليمية"
+"ChannelList.noChannelsFound","No channels found","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","لم يتم العثور على أي قناة"
+"ChannelList.noMatchingChannels","There are no matching channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","لا توجد قنوات مطابقة"
+"ChannelListAppError.channelPermissionsErrorDetails","Sign in or ask the owner of this channel to give you permission to edit or view","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","سجّل الدخول أو اطلب من مالك هذه القناة أن يمنحك الإذن للتحرير أو العرض"
+"ChannelListIndex.catalog","Content Library","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","مكتبة المحتوى"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelListIndex.frequentlyAskedQuestions","Frequently asked questions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","الأسئلة المتكررة"
+"ChannelListIndex.invitations","You have {count, plural,
+ =1 {# invitation}
+ other {# invitations}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","لديكَ {count, plural, zero {# دعوات} one {# دعوات} two {# دعوتان} few {# دعوات} many {# دعوة}
+ =1 {# دعوة}
+ other {# دعوات}}"
+"ChannelListIndex.libraryTitle","Kolibri Content Library Catalog","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","دليل مكتبة محتوى كوليبري"
+"ChannelModal.APIText","Channels generated automatically are not editable.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","القنوات التي يتم إنشاؤها تلقائياً غير قابلة للتحرير."
+"ChannelModal.changesSaved","Changes saved","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تم حفظ التغييرات"
+"ChannelModal.channelDescription","Channel description","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","وصف القناة"
+"ChannelModal.channelError","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","هذا الحقل إلزامي"
+"ChannelModal.channelName","Channel name","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","اسم القناة"
+"ChannelModal.closeButton","Exit without saving","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","الخروج من دون الحفظ"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelModal.creatingHeader","New channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","قناة جديدة"
+"ChannelModal.details","Channel details","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تفاصيل القناة"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelModal.keepEditingButton","Keep editing","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","متابعة التحرير"
+"ChannelModal.notFoundError","Channel does not exist","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","القناة غير موجودة"
+"ChannelModal.saveChangesButton","Save changes","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","حفظ التغييرات"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelModal.unauthorizedError","You cannot edit this channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","لا يمكنك تحرير هذه القناة"
+"ChannelModal.unsavedChangesHeader","Unsaved changes","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تغييرات غير محفوظة"
+"ChannelModal.unsavedChangesText","You will lose any unsaved changes. Are you sure you want to exit?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","سوف تفقد أية تغييرات غير محفوظة. هل أنت متأكد من الخروج؟"
+"ChannelNotFoundError.backToHomeAction","Back to home","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","العودة إلى الصفحة الرئيسية"
+"ChannelNotFoundError.channelNotFoundDetails","This channel does not exist or may have been removed. Please contact us at content@learningequality.org if you think this is a mistake.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","هذه القناة غير موجودة أو ربما تمت إزالتها. يرجى التواصل معنا عبر البريد الإلكتروني content@learningequality.org في حال كنت تظن أن هنالك خطأ."
+"ChannelNotFoundError.channelNotFoundHeader","Channel not found","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","لم يتم إيجاد القناة التعليمية"
+"ChannelSelectionList.noChannelsFound","No channels found","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","لم يتم العثور على أية قنوات"
+"ChannelSelectionList.searchText","Search for a channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","البحث عن قناة"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelSetItem.delete","Delete collection","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","حذف المجموعة"
+"ChannelSetItem.deleteChannelSetText","Are you sure you want to delete this collection?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","هل أنت متأكد من أنك تريد حذف هذه المجموعة؟"
+"ChannelSetItem.deleteChannelSetTitle","Delete collection","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","حذف المجموعة"
+"ChannelSetItem.edit","Edit collection","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تحرير المجموعة"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+","جاري الحفظ"
+"ChannelSetList.aboutChannelSets","About collections","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","حول المجموعات"
+"ChannelSetList.aboutChannelSetsLink","Learn about collections","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تعرّف على المزيد حول المجموعات"
+"ChannelSetList.addChannelSetTitle","New collection","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","مجموعة جديدة"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelSetList.channelNumber","Number of channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","عدد القنوات"
+"ChannelSetList.channelSetsDescriptionText","A collection contains multiple Kolibri Studio channels that can be imported at one time to Kolibri with a single collection token.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تحتوي المجموعة على العديد من قنوات استوديو كوليبري التي يمكن استيرادها في دفعة واحدة إلى كوليبري برمز تعريفي واحد."
+"ChannelSetList.channelSetsDisclaimer","You will need Kolibri version 0.12.0 or higher to import channel collections","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","ستحتاج إلى إصدار كوليبري 0.12.0 أو ما بعده لاستيراد مجموعات القنوات"
+"ChannelSetList.channelSetsInstructionsText","You can make a collection by selecting the channels you want to be imported together.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","يمكنك إنشاء مجموعة عن طريق تحديد القنوات التي تريد استيرادها معاً."
+"ChannelSetList.noChannelSetsFound","You can package together multiple channels to create a collection. The entire collection can then be imported to Kolibri at once by using a collection token.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","يمكنك تجميع قنوات متعددة لإنشاء مجموعة. ثم يمكن استيراد المجموعة بأكملها إلى كوليبري دفعة واحدة باستخدام رمز المجموعة التعريفي."
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelSetList.title","Collection name","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","اسم المجموعة"
+"ChannelSetList.token","Token ID","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","معرّف الرمز التعريفي"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تم التمييز بنجمة"
+"ChannelSetModal.channelAdded","Channel added","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تمت إضافة القناة"
+"ChannelSetModal.channelCountText","{channelCount, plural, =0 {No published channels in your collection} =1 {# channel} other {# channels}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{channelCount, plural, zero {# قنوات} one {# قنوات} two {# قناتان} few {# قنوات} many {# قناة} =0 {لا توجد قنوات منشورة في المجموعة الخاصة بك} =1 {# قناة} other {# قنوات}}"
+"ChannelSetModal.channelRemoved","Channel removed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تمت إزالة القناة"
+"ChannelSetModal.channelSelectedCountText","{channelCount, plural, =1 {# channel selected} other {# channels selected}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{channelCount, plural, zero {# قنوات تم تحديدها} one {# قنوات تم تحديدها} two {# قناتان تم تحديدهما} few {# قنوات تم تحديدها} many {# قناة تم تحديدها} =1 {# قناة تم تحديدها} other {# قنوات تم تحديدها}}"
+"ChannelSetModal.channels","Collection channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","قنوات المجموعة"
+"ChannelSetModal.closeButton","Exit without saving","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","الخروج من دون الحفظ"
+"ChannelSetModal.collectionErrorText","This collection does not exist","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","هذه المجموعة غير موجودة"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelSetModal.creatingChannelSet","New collection","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","مجموعة جديدة"
+"ChannelSetModal.edit","My Channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelSetModal.publishedChannelsOnlyText","Only published channels are available for selection","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","القنوات المنشورة فقط هي القنوات المتاحة للتحديد"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelSetModal.saveButton","Save and close","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","حفظ وإغلاق"
+"ChannelSetModal.selectChannelsHeader","Select channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تحديد القنوات"
+"ChannelSetModal.titleLabel","Collection name","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","اسم المجموعة"
+"ChannelSetModal.titleRequiredText","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","هذا الحقل إلزامي"
+"ChannelSetModal.token","Collection token","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","رمز المجموعة التعريفي"
+"ChannelSetModal.tokenPrompt","Copy this token into Kolibri to import this collection onto your device.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","انسخ هذا الرمز التعريفي إلى كوليبري لاستيراد هذه المجموعة إلى جهازك."
+"ChannelSetModal.unsavedChangesHeader","Unsaved changes","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تغييرات غير محفوظة"
+"ChannelSetModal.unsavedChangesText","You will lose any unsaved changes. Are you sure you want to exit?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","سوف تفقد أية تغييرات غير محفوظة. هل أنت متأكد من رغبتك بالخروج؟"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","للعرض فقط"
+"ChannelSharing.alreadyHasAccessError","User already has access to this channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","المستخدم لديه بالفعل إمكانية الوصول إلى هذه القناة"
+"ChannelSharing.alreadyInvitedError","User already invited","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تم دعوة المستخدم مسبقاً"
+"ChannelSharing.canEdit","Can edit","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","يمكنه/ ها التحرير"
+"ChannelSharing.canView","Can view","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","يمكنه/ ها العرض"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","البريد الإلكتروني"
+"ChannelSharing.emailRequiredMessage","Email is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","البريد الإلكتروني إلزامي"
+"ChannelSharing.invitationFailedError","Invitation failed to send. Please try again","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","فشل إرسال الدعوة. برجاء إعادة المحاولة."
+"ChannelSharing.invitationSentMessage","Invitation sent","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تم إرسال الدعوة"
+"ChannelSharing.inviteButton","Send invitation","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","إرسال دعوة"
+"ChannelSharing.inviteSubheading","Invite collaborators","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","دعوة المتعاونين"
+"ChannelSharing.validEmailMessage","Please enter a valid email","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","الرجاء إدخال بريد إلكتروني صالح"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelSharingTable.currentUserText","{first_name} {last_name} (you)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{first_name} {last_name} (أنت)"
+"ChannelSharingTable.deleteInvitation","Delete invitation","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","حذف الدعوة"
+"ChannelSharingTable.deleteInvitationConfirm","Delete invitation","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","حذف الدعوة"
+"ChannelSharingTable.deleteInvitationHeader","Delete invitation","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","حذف الدعوة"
+"ChannelSharingTable.deleteInvitationText","Are you sure you would like to delete the invitation for {email}?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","هل أنت متأكد من رغبتك بإلغاء الدعوة لـ{email}?"
+"ChannelSharingTable.editPermissionsGrantedMessage","Edit permissions granted","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تم منح أذونات التحرير"
+"ChannelSharingTable.editorsSubheading","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# user who can edit}
+ other {# users who can edit}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural, zero {# مستخدمين يمكنهم التحرير} one {# مستخدم يمكنه التحرير} two {# مستخدمَيْن يمكنهما التحرير} few {# مستخدمين يمكنهم التحرير} many {# مستخدماً يمكنه التحرير}
+ =1 {# مستخدم يمكنه التحرير}
+ other {# مستخدمين يمكنهم التحرير}}"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelSharingTable.invitationDeletedMessage","Invitation deleted","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تم حذف الدعوة"
+"ChannelSharingTable.invitationFailedError","Invitation failed to resend. Please try again","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","فشل إعادة إرسال الدعوة. يرجى إعادة المحاولة"
+"ChannelSharingTable.invitationSentMessage","Invitation sent","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تم إرسال الدعوة"
+"ChannelSharingTable.invitePendingText","Invite pending","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","دعوة معلقة"
+"ChannelSharingTable.makeEditor","Grant edit permissions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","منح أذونات التحرير"
+"ChannelSharingTable.makeEditorConfirm","Yes, grant permissions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","نعم، قم بمنح الإذن"
+"ChannelSharingTable.makeEditorHeader","Grant edit permissions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","منح أذونات التحرير"
+"ChannelSharingTable.makeEditorText","Are you sure you would like to grant edit permissions to {first_name} {last_name}?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","هل أنت متأكد من رغبتك في منح أذونات التحرير لـ {first_name} {last_name}?"
+"ChannelSharingTable.noUsersText","No users found","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","لم يتم العثور على مستخدمين"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelSharingTable.removeViewer","Revoke view permissions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","إلغاء أذونات العرض"
+"ChannelSharingTable.removeViewerConfirm","Yes, revoke","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","نعم، قم بالإلغاء"
+"ChannelSharingTable.removeViewerHeader","Revoke view permissions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","إلغاء أذونات العرض"
+"ChannelSharingTable.removeViewerText","Are you sure you would like to revoke view permissions for {first_name} {last_name}?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","هل أنت متأكد من رغبتك في إلغاء أذونات العرض لـ{first_name} {last_name}?"
+"ChannelSharingTable.resendInvitation","Resend invitation","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","إعادة إرسال دعوة"
+"ChannelSharingTable.userRemovedMessage","User removed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تمت إزالة المستخدم"
+"ChannelSharingTable.viewersSubheading","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# user who can view}
+ other {# users who can view}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural, zero {# مستخدم يمكنه العرض} one {# مستخدم يمكنه العرض} two {# مستخدمَيْن يمكنهما العرض} few {# مستخدمين يمكنهم العرض} many {# مستخدماً يمكنه العرض}
+ =1 {# مستخدم يمكنه العرض}
+ other {# مستخدمين يمكنهم العرض}}"
+"ChannelStar.star","Add to starred channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","إضافة إلى قائمة القنوات المميزة"
+"ChannelStar.starred","Added to starred channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تمت الإضافة إلى قائمة القنوات المميزة"
+"ChannelStar.unstar","Remove from starred channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","إزالة من قائمة القنوات المميزة"
+"ChannelStar.unstarred","Removed from starred channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تمت الإزالة من قائمة القنوات المميزة"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelThumbnail.croppingPrompt","Drag image to reframe","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","اسحب الصورة لإعادة التشكيل"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelThumbnail.noThumbnail","No thumbnail","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","لا توجد صورة مصغرة"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelThumbnail.retryUpload","Retry upload","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","أعد محاولة الرفع"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelThumbnail.upload","Upload image","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تحميل صُورة"
+"ChannelThumbnail.uploadFailed","Upload failed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","فشلت عملية الرفع"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","جاري الرفع"
+"ChannelThumbnail.zoomIn","Zoom in","
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelThumbnail.zoomOut","Zoom out","
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelTokenModal.copyTitle","Copy channel token","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","نسخ الرمز التعريفي للقناة"
+"ChannelTokenModal.copyTokenInstructions","Paste this token into Kolibri to import this channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","قم بلصق هذا المعرّف داخل كوليبري لاستيراد هذه القناة"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Clipboard.copiedItemsToClipboard","Copied in clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تمّ النّسخ إلى الحافظة"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Clipboard.duplicateSelectedButton","Make a copy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","إنشاء نسخة"
+"Clipboard.emptyDefaultText","Use the clipboard to copy resources and move them to other folders and channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","استخدم الحافظة لنسخ ونقل المصادر إلى مجلدات وقنوات أخرى"
+"Clipboard.emptyDefaultTitle","No resources in your clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","لا توجد مصادر في حافظتك"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","نقل إلى"
+"Clipboard.removedFromClipboard","Deleted from clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تم الحذف من الحافظة"
+"Clipboard.selectAll","Select all","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تحديد الكل"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Allows the user to filter for all the resources with accessibility features for learners with disabilities.","إمكانية الوصول"
+-- CONTEXT --
+A type of math category. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Algebra","الجبر"
+-- CONTEXT --
+A label for everything in the group of activities.","الكل"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.allLevelsBasicSkills","All levels -- basic skills","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to a type of educational level.","كافة المستويات -- المهارات الأساسية"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.allLevelsWorkSkills","All levels -- work skills","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to a type of educational level.","كافة المستويات -- مهارات العمل"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.altText","Includes alternative text descriptions for images","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Alternative text, or alt text, is a written substitute for an image. It is used to describe information being provided by an image, graph, or any other visual element on a web page. It provides information about the context and function of an image for people with varying degrees of visual and cognitive impairments. When a screen reader encounters an image, it will read aloud the alternative text.
+https://www.med.unc.edu/webguide/accessibility/alt-text/","يتضمن أوصافًا نصية بديلة للصور"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthropology","الأنثروبولوجيا"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Math category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arithmetic","علم الحساب"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to a category group type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_arts","الفنون"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Science category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astronomy","علم الفلك"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.audioDescription","Includes audio descriptions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Content has narration used to provide information surrounding key visual elements for the benefit of blind and visually impaired users.
+https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Audio_description","يتضمن وصفًا صوتيًا"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.basicSkills","Basic skills","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. Basic skills refer to learning resources focused on aspects like literacy, numeracy and digital literacy.","مهارات أساسية"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Science category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biology","علم الأحياء"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.browseChannel","Browse channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Heading on page where a user can browse the content within a channel","تصفح القناة"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Math category type. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calculus","علم الحساب"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.captionsSubtitles","Includes captions or subtitles","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Accessibility filter to search for video and audio resources that have text captions for users who are deaf or hard of hearing.
+https://www.w3.org/WAI/media/av/captions/","يتضمن تسميات توضيحية أو ترجمات"
+-- CONTEXT --
+A title for the metadata that explains the subject matter of an activity","الفئة"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Science category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chemistry","الكيمياء"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.civicEducation","Civic education","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. Civic education is the study of the rights and obligations of citizens in society. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civics","التربية المدنية"
+-- CONTEXT --
+A title for the metadata that explains when an activity is considered completed","الاستكمال"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.computerScience","Computer science","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_science","علم الحاسوب"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Resource and filter label for the type of learning activity. Translate as a VERB","إنشاء"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.currentEvents","Current events","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. Could also be translated as 'News'. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/News","الفعاليات الحالية"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.dailyLife","Daily life","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Everyday_life","الحياة اليومية"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dance","الرقص"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.digitalLiteracy","Digital literacy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_literacy","الإلمام الرقمي"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diversity_(politics)","التنوع"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drama","الدراما"
+-- CONTEXT --
+A title for the metadata that explains how long an activity will take","المدة الزمنية"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.earthScience","Earth science","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth_science","علم الأرض"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entrepreneurship","ريادة الأعمال"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Environmental_studies","البيئة"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Resource and filter label for the type of learning activity. Translate as a VERB","استكشاف"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.financialLiteracy","Financial literacy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Financial_literacy","الإلمام المالي"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.forBeginners","For beginners","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Filter option and a label for the resources in the Kolibri Library.","للمبتدئين"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.forTeachers","For teachers","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type","للمعلمين"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type.","علم الهندسة"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category label in the Kolibri resources library; refers to any guide-type material for teacher professional development.","الإرشادات"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.highContrast","Includes high contrast text for learners with low vision","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Accessibility filter used to search for resources that have high contrast color themes for users with low vision ('display' refers to digital content, not the hardware like screens or monitors).
+https://veroniiiica.com/2019/10/25/high-contrast-color-schemes-low-vision/","يتضمن نصًا بسطوعٍ عالٍ للمتعلمين الذين يعانون من ضعف الرؤية"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type.","السجل"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.industryAndSectorSpecific","Industry and sector specific","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Subcategory type for technical and vocational training.","المجال والقطاع المحددان"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.languageLearning","Language learning","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type.","تعلم اللغة"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.learningActivity","Learning Activity","
+-- CONTEXT --
+A title for the category of education material interaction, i.e. watch, read, listen","نشاط التعلم"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.learningSkills","Learning skills","
+-- CONTEXT --
+A category label and type of basic skill.
+https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Study_skills","مهارات التعلم"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.lessonPlans","Lesson plans","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category label in the Kolibri resources library; refers to lesson planning materials for teachers.","مخططات الدرس"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to the educational learning level, such a preschool, primary, secondary, etc.","المستوى"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Resource and filter label for the type of learning activity with audio. Translate as a VERB","استماع"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Literacy","معرفة القراءة والكتابة"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Literature","الآداب"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.logicAndCriticalThinking","Logic and critical thinking","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Critical_thinking","التفكير المنطقي والنقدي"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.longActivity","Long activity","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Label with time estimation for learning activities that take more than 30 minutes.","نشاط طويل"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.lowerPrimary","Lower primary","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to a level of learning. Approximately corresponds to the first half of primary school.","المرحلة الأولى من التعليم الابتدائي"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.lowerSecondary","Lower secondary","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to a level of learning. Approximately corresponds to the first half of secondary school (high school).","المرحلة الأولى من التعليم الثانوي"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mathematics","الرياضيات"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.mechanicalEngineering","Mechanical engineering","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mechanical_engineering.","الهندسة الميكانيكية"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.mediaLiteracy","Media literacy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Media_literacy","التثقيف الإعلامي"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.mentalHealth","Mental health","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mental_health","الصحة العقلية"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Music","موسيقى"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.needsInternet","Internet connection","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to a filter for resources.","اتصال الإنترنت"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.needsMaterials","Other supplies","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to a filter for resources.
+","لوازم أخرى"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Numeracy","الحساب"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.peers","Working with peers","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to a filter for resources that require a learner to work with other learners to be used.","العمل مع أقران"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physics.","الفيزياء"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.politicalScience","Political science","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_science.","العلوم السياسية"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Resource and filter label for the type of learning activity with questions and answers. Translate as a VERB","تدريب"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to a level of education offered to children before they begin compulsory education at primary school.
+See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Preschool","المدرسة التحضيرية"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.professionalSkills","Professional skills","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. Refers to skills that are related to a profession or a job.","مهارات احترافية"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_programming","البرمجة"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.publicHealth","Public health","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_health.","الصحة العامة"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Resource and filter label for the type of learning activity with documents. Translate as a VERB","قراءة"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Label displayed for the 'Read' learning activity, used instead of the time duration information, to indicate a resource that may not need sequential reading from the beginning to the end. Similar concept as the 'reference' books in the traditional library, that the user just 'consults', and does not read from cover to cover.","مرجع"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.readingAndWriting","Reading and writing","
+-- CONTEXT --
+School subject category","القراءة والكتابة"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.readingComprehension","Reading comprehension","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type.","استيعاب القراءة"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Resource and filter label for the type of learning activity. Translate as a VERB","التأمّل"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type.","مدرسة"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Science","العلوم"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.shortActivity","Short activity","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Label with time estimation for learning activities that take less than 30 minutes.","نشاط قصير"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.signLanguage","Includes sign language captions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Wherever communities of deaf people exist, sign languages have developed as useful means of communication, and they form the core of local Deaf cultures. Although signing is used primarily by the deaf and hard of hearing, it is also used by hearing individuals, such as those unable to physically speak, those who have trouble with spoken language due to a disability or condition (augmentative and alternative communication), or those with deaf family members, such as children of deaf adults. ","يتضمن تسميات توضيحية بلغة الإشارة"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.skillsTraining","Skills training","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Subcategory type for technical and vocational training.","التدريب على المهارات"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.socialSciences","Social sciences","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_science","العلوم الاجتماعية"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sociology","علم الإجتماع"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.softwareTools","Other software tools","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to a filter for resources that need additional software to be used.","أدوات برمجيات أخرى"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.softwareToolsAndTraining","Software tools and training","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Subcategory type for technical and vocational training.","أدوات البرمجيات والتدريب"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.specializedProfessionalTraining","Specialized professional training","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Level of education that refers to training for a profession (job).","التدريب المهني المتخصص"
+-- CONTEXT --
+A math category. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statistics","الإحصائيات"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.taggedPdf","Tagged PDF","
+-- CONTEXT --
+A tagged PDF includes hidden accessibility markups (tags) that make the document accessible to those who use screen readers and other assistive technology (AT).
+https://taggedpdf.com/what-is-a-tagged-pdf/","ملف PDF مُعلّم"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.teacher","Working with a teacher","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to a filter for resources that require a learner to work with a teacher to be used.","العمل مع معلم"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.technicalAndVocationalTraining","Technical and vocational training","
+-- CONTEXT --
+A level of education. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TVET_(Technical_and_Vocational_Education_and_Training)","التدريب الفني والمهني"
+-- CONTEXT --
+A level of education. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tertiary_education","ما بعد المرحلة الثانوية"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.toUseWithPaperAndPencil","Paper and pencil","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to a filter for resources.
+","ورقة وقلم رَصاص"
+-- CONTEXT --
+A collection of resources and other subfolders within a channel. Nested folders allow a channel to be organized as a tree or hierarchy.","مجلد"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.upperPrimary","Upper primary","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to a level of education. Approximately corresponds to the second half of primary school.
+","المستوى الأعلى من المرحلة الابتدائية"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.upperSecondary","Upper secondary","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to a level of education. Approximately corresponds to the second half of secondary school.","المستوى الأعلى من المرحلة الثانوية"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.visualArt","Visual art","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visual_arts","الفن البصري"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Resource and filter label for the type of learning activity with video. Translate as a VERB","مشاهدة"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.webDesign","Web design","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_design","تصميم مواقع الإنترنت"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Top level category group that contains resources for acquisition of professional skills.","عمل"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Writing","الكتابة"
+"CommunityStandardsModal.communityStandardsHeader","Community Standards","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","معايير المجتمع"
+"CommunityStandardsModal.coreValuesLink","Learn more about Learning Equality's core values","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تعرف على المزيد حول القيم الأساسية داخل منظمة Learning Equality"
+"CommunityStandardsModal.description","Learning Equality is a nonprofit organization dedicated to enabling equitable access to quality educational experiences. Along with our statement of Core Values, these Community Standards are intended to foster a supportive and inclusive environment for our users.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Learning Equality هي منظمة غير ربحية تعمل على تمكين الوصول العادل إلى التجارب التعليمية عالية الجودة. وبالإضافة إلى بيان القيم الأساسية لدينا، تهدف معايير المجتمع هذه إلى تعزيز بيئة داعمة وشاملة لمستخدمينا."
+"CommunityStandardsModal.libraryDescription","The Kolibri Library is both a grassroots and curated effort to provide a wide variety of materials for all learners and learning purposes. To help us achieve these goals, we invite you to use Kolibri Studio in ways that:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تعد مكتبة كوليبري ثمرة جهد شعبي منظم لتوفير مجموعة متنوعة من المواد لجميع المتعلمين ولكافة أغراض التعلم. لمساعدتنا في تحقيق هذه الأهداف، ندعوك لاستخدام استوديو كوليبري بطرق من شأنها أن:"
+"CommunityStandardsModal.libraryItem1","Model good practices in open sharing and respect copyright. Create an ethical sharing community by labeling licenses, making sure you know the appropriate licenses for what you upload, and ensuring that appropriate written permissions are documented if needed. Studio is primarily designed to host materials which are openly licensed or come with special permissions for re-distribution and reproduction.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","إن نموذج الممارسات الجيدة يتجسد بالمشاركة المفتوحة واحترام حقوق النشر. قم بإنشاء مجتمع مشاركة خلّاق عن طريق وسم التراخيص والتأكد من معرفة التراخيص المناسبة لما تقوم برفعه، والتأكد من توثيق الأذونات المكتوبة المناسبة إذا لزم الأمر. تم تصميم الاستوديو بشكل أساسي لاستضافة المواد المرخصة بشكل علني أو التي تأتي مع أذونات خاصة لإعادة التوزيع والنسخ."
+"CommunityStandardsModal.libraryItem2","Keep materials clear, organized, and usable. We welcome resources created at all levels of production! To help them reach as many learners as possible, we invite you to fully utilize all metadata fields and aim for quality in comprehensibility, legibility, or digitization such that the content is usable and understandable.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","حافظ على المواد واضحة ومنظمة وقابلة للاستخدام. نرحب بالمصادر التي تم إنشاؤها على جميع مستويات الإنتاج! للمساعدة في الوصول إلى أكبر عدد ممكن من المتعلمين، ندعوك للاستفادة الكاملة من جميع حقول البيانات الوصفية بهدف الوصول إلى الجودة في الفهم أو الوضوح أو الرقمنة بحيث يكون المحتوى قابلاً للاستخدام ومفهومًا."
+"CommunityStandardsModal.libraryItem3","Respect the community. Avoid obscenity and vulgarity, beyond specific educational purposes they might serve in some contexts. Hate speech of any kind, or promotion of violence or discrimination, will never be tolerated.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","احترم المجتمع. تجنب البذاءة والسوقية الخارجة عن الأغراض التعليمية المحددة التي قد تخدم في بعض السياقات. لن يتم التهاون مع خطاب الكراهية من أي نوع أو الترويج للعنف أو التمييز."
+"CommunityStandardsModal.libraryItem4","Kolibri Studio is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to be used for non-educational purposes such as recruitment, indoctrination, advertisement, file sharing, or personal media hosting.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","إن استوديو كوليبري مخصص للأغراض التعليمية فقط ولم يتم تصميمه لأغراض غير تعليمية مثل التوظيف أو نشر المعتقدات أو الإعلان أو مشاركة الملفات أو استضافة الوسائط الشخصية."
+"CommunityStandardsModal.studioDescription","Kolibri Studio gives you access to the Kolibri Library, a growing library of educational materials, which we encourage you to use as your own. We built Kolibri Studio to help you prepare educational materials in a variety of ways, including but not limited to:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","يتيح لك استوديو كوليبري الوصول إلى مكتبة كوليبري، وهي مكتبة متنامية من المواد التعليمية والتي نشجعك على استخدامها كمكتبة خاصة بك. قمنا ببناء استوديو كوليبري لمساعدتك في إعداد المواد التعليمية بطرق مختلفة، بما في ذلك على سبيل المثال لا الحصر:"
+"CommunityStandardsModal.studioItem1","Browsing. Selecting appropriate educational materials for your situation from the Kolibri Library, the listing of sources available on the public channels page in Kolibri Studio","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","التصفح. اختيار المواد التعليمية المناسبة لوضعك من مكتبة كوليبري حيث قائمة المصادر المتاحة على صفحة القنوات العامة في استوديو كوليبري"
+"CommunityStandardsModal.studioItem2","Curating. Reorganizing the materials in these channels by selecting, deleting, and reordering appropriate items","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","التنسيق. أي إعادة تنظيم المواد في هذه القنوات عن طريق تحديد العناصر المناسبة وحذفها وإعادة ترتيبها"
+"CommunityStandardsModal.studioItem3","Sharing. Creating and publishing new channels with what you find, either to share with your own implementations privately or to share with others on Kolibri Studio.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","المشاركة. من خلال إنشاء ونشر قنوات جديدة بما وجدته، إما للمشاركة مع التطبيقات الخاصة بك بشكل خاص أو للمشاركة مع الآخرين على استوديو كوليبري."
+"CommunityStandardsModal.studioItem4","Modifying & Creating. Adding your own assessment exercises to any existing materials","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","التعديل و الإنشاء. أي إضافة تمارين التقييم الخاصة بك إلى أي مواد موجودة"
+"CommunityStandardsModal.studioItem5","Hosting. Uploading your own materials (limited to materials you know are appropriately licensed to do so) from a local hard drive or other locations on the internet","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","الاستضافة. رفع المواد الخاصة بك (يقتصر ذلك على المواد التي تعرف أنها مرخصة بشكل مناسب للقيام بذلك) سواء من قرص صلب محلي أو مواقع أخرى على الإنترنت"
+"CompletionOptions.allContent","Viewed in its entirety","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","معروض بالكامل"
+"CompletionOptions.completeDuration","When time spent is equal to duration","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","عندما يكون الوقت المستغرَق مساويًا للمدة الزمنية"
+"CompletionOptions.determinedByResource","Determined by the resource","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","مُحدَد بواسطة المصدر"
+"CompletionOptions.exactTime","Time to complete","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","المدة اللازمة للإكمال"
+"CompletionOptions.goal","When goal is met","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","عندما يتم تحقيق الهدف"
+"CompletionOptions.practiceQuiz","Practice quiz","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","اختبار قصير للتمرين"
+"CompletionOptions.reference","Reference material","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","مادة مرجعية"
+"CompletionOptions.referenceHint","Progress will not be tracked on reference material unless learners mark it as complete","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","لن يتم تتبع التقدم في المواد المرجعية ما لم يصنفها المتعلمون على أنها مكتملة"
+"ConstantStrings.All Rights Reserved","All Rights Reserved","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","جميع الحقوق محفوظة"
+"ConstantStrings.All Rights Reserved_description","The All Rights Reserved License indicates that the copyright holder reserves, or holds for their own use, all the rights provided by copyright law under one specific copyright treaty.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تشير رخصة -جميع الحقوق محفوظة- إلى أن صاحب حقوق الطبع والنشر يحتفظ بجميع الحقوق المنصوص عليها في قانون حقوق الطبع والنشر بموجب اتفاقية حقوق نشر محددة أو يحتفظ بها لاستخدامه الخاص."
+"ConstantStrings.CC BY","CC BY","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","CC BY"
+"ConstantStrings.CC BY-NC","CC BY-NC","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","CC BY-NC"
+"ConstantStrings.CC BY-NC-ND","CC BY-NC-ND","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","CC BY-NC-ND"
+"ConstantStrings.CC BY-NC-ND_description","The Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License is the most restrictive of our six main licenses, only allowing others to download your works and share them with others as long as they credit you, but they can't change them in any way or use them commercially.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","يعتبر ترخيص Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs الأكثر تقييداً من بين تراخيصنا الستة الرئيسية، حيث يسمح للآخرين بتنزيل أعمالك ومشاركتها مع الآخرين طالما أنهم ينسبون العمل إليك، ولكن لا يمكنهم تغييرها بأي شكل من الأشكال أو استخدامها تجارياً."
+"ConstantStrings.CC BY-NC-SA","CC BY-NC-SA","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","CC BY-NC-SA"
+"ConstantStrings.CC BY-NC-SA_description","The Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work non-commercially, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under the identical terms.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","يتيح ترخيص Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike للآخرين إعادة مزج أعمالك وتعديلها والبناء عليها بشكل غير تجاري، طالما أنهم ينسبون العمل إليك ويرخصون إبداعاتهم الجديدة وفقًا للشروط المماثلة."
+"ConstantStrings.CC BY-NC_description","The Attribution-NonCommercial License lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work non-commercially, and although their new works must also acknowledge you and be non-commercial, they don't have to license their derivative works on the same terms.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","يسمح ترخيص Attribution-NonCommercial للآخرين بإعادة دمج أعمالك وتعديلها والبناء عليها بشكل غير تجاري، وعلى الرغم من أن أعمالهم الجديدة يجب أن تنسب الفضل لك وأن تكون غير تجارية، فلا يتعين عليهم ترخيص أعمالهم المشتقة وفقاً للشروط نفسها."
+"ConstantStrings.CC BY-ND","CC BY-ND","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","CC BY-ND"
+"ConstantStrings.CC BY-ND_description","The Attribution-NoDerivs License allows for redistribution, commercial and non-commercial, as long as it is passed along unchanged and in whole, with credit to you.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","يسمح ترخيص Attribution-NoDerivs بإعادة التوزيع، التجاري وغير التجاري، طالما أنه يتم نقله بشكل كامل من دون تغيير، مع نسب الفضل لك."
+"ConstantStrings.CC BY-SA","CC BY-SA","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","CC BY-SA"
+"ConstantStrings.CC BY-SA_description","The Attribution-ShareAlike License lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work even for commercial purposes, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under the identical terms. This license is often compared to ""copyleft"" free and open source software licenses. All new works based on yours will carry the same license, so any derivatives will also allow commercial use. This is the license used by Wikipedia, and is recommended for materials that would benefit from incorporating content from Wikipedia and similarly licensed projects.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","يسمح ترخيص Attribution-ShareAlike للآخرين بتوزيع عملك وإعادة دمجه وتعديله والبناء عليه في عملك، وحتى تجارياً، طالما ينسبون لك الفضل ويرخصون إنشاءاتهم الجديدة تحت الشروط ذاتها. وغالباً ما تتم مقارنة هذا الترخيص بتراخيص البرامج المجانية ومفتوحة المصدر ""الحقوق المتروكة"". ستحمل كل الأعمال الجديدة المبنية على أعمالك الترخيص نفسه، ولذلك، ستسمح أية مشتقات أيضاً بالاستخدام التجاري. إنه ذات الترخيص الذي تستخدمه ويكيبيديا، ويوصى به للمواد التي قد تستفيد من دمج محتوى من ويكيبيديا ومشاريع مرخصة مماثلة."
+"ConstantStrings.CC BY_description","The Attribution License lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation. This is the most accommodating of licenses offered. Recommended for maximum dissemination and use of licensed materials.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","يسمح ترخيص Attribution للآخرين بتوزيع عملك وإعادة دمجه وتعديله والبناء عليه في عملك، وحتى تجاريًا، طالما ينسبون لك الفضل في الإنشاء الأصلي. هذا هو أكثر التراخيص المقدمة توافقاً ويوصى به للحصول على أكبر قدر من نشر واستخدام المواد المرخصة."
+"ConstantStrings.Public Domain","Public Domain","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","الملكية العامة"
+"ConstantStrings.Public Domain_description","Public Domain work has been identified as being free of known restrictions under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تم تحديد أعمال الملكية العام على أنها خالية من القيود المعروفة بموجب قانون حقوق الطبع والنشر، بما في ذلك جميع الحقوق المجاورة والمرتبطة."
+"ConstantStrings.Special Permissions","Special Permissions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تراخيص خاصة"
+"ConstantStrings.Special Permissions_description","Special Permissions is a custom license to use when the current licenses do not apply to the content. The owner of this license is responsible for creating a description of what this license entails.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","التراخيص الخاصة هي تراخيص مخصصة للاستخدام عندما لا تنطبق التراخيص الحالية على المحتوى. يكون صاحب هذا الترخيص مسؤولاً عن إنشاء وصف لما يتطلبه هذا الترخيص."
+-- CONTEXT --
+","الملف الصّوتي"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","صورة مصغّرة"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تم التمييز بنجمة"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ConstantStrings.do_all","Goal: 100% correct","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","الهدف: 100% من الإجابات الصحيحة"
+"ConstantStrings.do_all_description","Learner must answer all questions in the exercise correctly (not recommended for long exercises)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","يجب على المتعلم أن يجيب على جميع أسئلة التمرين بشكل صحيح (لا ينصح بهذا الخيار للتمارين الطويلة)"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","ملف نصّي"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","صورة مصغّرة"
+"ConstantStrings.edit","My channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ConstantStrings.epub","EPub document","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","مستند EPub"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+","صورة مصغّرة"
+"ConstantStrings.firstCopy","Copy of {title}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","نسخة من {title}"
+"ConstantStrings.gif","GIF image","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","صورة GIF"
+"ConstantStrings.h5p","H5P App","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تطبيق H5P"
+"ConstantStrings.high_res_video","High resolution","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","دقة عالية"
+"ConstantStrings.html5","HTML5 App","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تطبيق HTML5"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","صورة مصغّرة"
+"ConstantStrings.html5_zip","HTML5 zip","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","ملف HTML5 مضغوط"
+"ConstantStrings.input_question","Numeric input","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","إدخال رقمي"
+"ConstantStrings.jpeg","JPEG image","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","صورة JPEG"
+"ConstantStrings.jpg","JPG image","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","صورة JPG"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+","أي شخص"
+"ConstantStrings.low_res_video","Low resolution","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","دقة منخفضة"
+"ConstantStrings.m_of_n","M of N...","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","M من N..."
+"ConstantStrings.m_of_n_description","Learner must answer M questions correctly from the last N answered questions. For example, ‘3 of 5’ means learners must answer 3 questions correctly out of the 5 most recently answered.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","يجب على المتعلم أن يجيب على M سؤالاً M بشكل صحيح من آخر N سؤال تمت الإجابة عليها. على سبيل المثال، '3 من أصل 5' يعني أنه يجب على المتعلمين الإجابة على 3 أسئلة بشكل صحيح من الإجابات الخمس الأخيرة."
+"ConstantStrings.mp3","MP3 audio","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","ملف صوتي MP3"
+"ConstantStrings.mp4","MP4 video","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","فيديو MP4"
+"ConstantStrings.multiple_selection","Multiple choice","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","خيارات متعددة"
+"ConstantStrings.nthCopy","Copy {n, number, integer} of {title}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","نسخ {n, number, integer} من {title}"
+"ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_10","Goal: 10 in a row","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","الهدف: 10 على التوالي"
+"ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_10_description","Learner must answer 10 questions in a row correctly","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","يجب على المتعلم أن يجيب على ١٠ أسئلة على التوالي بشكل صحيح"
+"ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_2","Goal: 2 in a row","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","الهدف: 2 على التوالي"
+"ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_2_description","Learner must answer 2 questions in a row correctly","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","يجب على المتعلم أن يجيب على سؤالَين متتاليَين على التوالي بشكل صحيح"
+"ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_3","Goal: 3 in a row","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","الهدف: 3 على التوالي"
+"ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_3_description","Learner must answer 3 questions in a row correctly","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","يجب على المتعلم أن يجيب على ٣ أسئلة على التوالي بشكل صحيح"
+"ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_5","Goal: 5 in a row","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","الهدف: 5 على التوالي"
+"ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_5_description","Learner must answer 5 questions in a row correctly","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","يجب على المتعلم أن يجيب على ٥ أسئلة على التوالي بشكل صحيح"
+"ConstantStrings.pdf","PDF document","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","مستند PDF"
+"ConstantStrings.perseus","Perseus Exercise","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تمرين Perseus"
+"ConstantStrings.perseus_question","Khan Academy question","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","سؤال أكاديمية خان"
+"ConstantStrings.png","PNG image","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","صورة PNG"
+"ConstantStrings.public","Content library","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","مكتبة المحتوى"
+"ConstantStrings.single_selection","Single choice","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","خيار واحد"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","عرض الشرائح"
+"ConstantStrings.svg","SVG image","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","صورة SVG"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+","صورة مصغّرة"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ConstantStrings.unknown_question","Unknown question type","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","نوع السؤال غير معروف"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+","الترجمة النصية"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","صورة مصغّرة"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","للعرض فقط"
+"ConstantStrings.vtt","VTT caption","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تسمية توضيحية VTT"
+"ConstantStrings.webm","WEBM video","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","فيديو بصيغة WEBM"
+"ConstantStrings.zip","HTML5 zip","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","ملف HTML5 مضغوط"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","جامع المحتوى"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentDefaults.copyrightHolder","Copyright holder","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","صاحب حقوق النشر"
+"ContentDefaults.defaultsSubTitle","New resources will be automatically given these values","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","سيتم إعطاء هذه القيم للمصادر الجديدة تلقائياً"
+"ContentDefaults.defaultsTitle","Default copyright settings for new resources (optional)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","إعدادات حقوق النشر الافتراضية للمصادر الجديدة (اختياري)"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","ملفات نصيّة"
+"ContentDefaults.html5","HTML5 apps","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تطبيقات HTML5"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentDefaults.licenseDescription","License description","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","وصف الترخيص"
+"ContentDefaults.noLicense","No license selected","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","لم يتم تحديد ترخيص"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","موفر الخدمة"
+"ContentDefaults.thumbnailsTitle","Automatically generate thumbnails for the following resource types","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","إنشاء صور مصغرة تلقائياً لأنواع المصادر التالية"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","مقاطع الفيديو"
+"ContentNodeChangedIcon.containsNew","Contains unpublished resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تحتوي على مصادر غير منشورة"
+"ContentNodeChangedIcon.containsNewAndUpdated","Contains unpublished resources and changes","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تحتوي على تغييرات ومصادر غير منشورة"
+"ContentNodeChangedIcon.containsUpdated","Contains unpublished changes","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تحتوي على تغييرات غير منشورة"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","لم يتم النشر"
+"ContentNodeChangedIcon.isNewTopic","Unpublished folder","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","مجلد غير منشور"
+"ContentNodeChangedIcon.isUpdatedResource","Updated since last publish","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تم التحديث منذ آخر تاريخ للنشر"
+"ContentNodeChangedIcon.isUpdatedTopic","Folder has been updated since last publish","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تم تحديث المجلد منذ آخر تاريخ للنشر"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+","الملف الصوتي"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","ملف نصّي"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentNodeIcon.html5","HTML5 App","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تطبيق HTML5"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","عرض الشرائح"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+","غير مدعوم"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentNodeLearningActivityIcon.multipleLearningActivities","Multiple learning activities","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","أنشطة تعلم متعددة"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentNodeListItem.coachTooltip","Resource for coaches","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","مصدر خاص بالمدرب"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","جاري النسخ"
+"ContentNodeListItem.hasCoachTooltip","{value, number, integer} {value, plural, one {resource for coaches} other {resources for coaches}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{value, number, integer} {value, plural, zero {مصادر للمدربين} one {مصدر للمدربين} two {مصدرَين للمدربين} few {مصادر للمدربين} many {مصدراً للمدربين} other {مصادر للمدربين}}"
+"ContentNodeListItem.openTopic","Open folder","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","فتح مجلد"
+"ContentNodeListItem.questions","{value, number, integer} {value, plural, one {question} other {questions}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{value, number, integer} {value, plural, zero {أسئلة} one {سؤال} two {سؤالان} few {أسئلة} many {سؤالاً} other {أسئلة}}"
+"ContentNodeListItem.resources","{value, number, integer} {value, plural, one {resource} other {resources}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{value, number, integer} {value, plural, zero {مصادر} one {مصدر} two {مصدران} few {مصادر} many {مصدراً} other {مصادر}}"
+"ContentNodeOptions.copiedItemsToClipboard","Copied in clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تم النسخ إلى الحافظة"
+"ContentNodeOptions.copiedSnackbar","Copy operation complete","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","اكتملت عملية النسخ"
+"ContentNodeOptions.copiedToClipboardSnackbar","Copied to clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تمّ النّسخ إلى الحافظة"
+"ContentNodeOptions.copyToClipboard","Copy to clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","نسخ إلى الحافظة"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentNodeOptions.editDetails","Edit details","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تعديل التفاصيل"
+"ContentNodeOptions.editTopicDetails","Edit folder details","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تعديل تفاصيل المجلد"
+"ContentNodeOptions.goToOriginalLocation","Go to original location","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","التوجه إلى الموقع الأصلي"
+"ContentNodeOptions.makeACopy","Make a copy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","إنشاء نسخة"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","نقل إلى"
+"ContentNodeOptions.moveTo","Move to...","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","نقل إلى..."
+"ContentNodeOptions.newSubtopic","New folder","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","مجلد جديد"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentNodeOptions.removedFromClipboard","Deleted from clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تم الحذف من الحافظة"
+"ContentNodeOptions.removedItems","Sent to trash","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تم إلرسالها إلى سلة المهملات"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentNodeOptions.viewDetails","View details","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","عرض التفاصيل"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","غير معنون"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentNodeThumbnail.croppingPrompt","Drag image to reframe","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","اسحب الصورة لإعادة التشكيل"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentNodeThumbnail.generate","Generate from file","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","إنشاء من الملف"
+"ContentNodeThumbnail.generatingThumbnail","Generating from file","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","إنشاء من ملف"
+"ContentNodeThumbnail.noThumbnail","No thumbnail","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","لا توجد صورة مصغرة"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentNodeThumbnail.retryUpload","Retry upload","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","أعد محاولة الرفع"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentNodeThumbnail.upload","Upload image","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تحميل صُورة"
+"ContentNodeThumbnail.uploadFailed","Upload failed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","فشلت عملية الرفع"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","جاري الرفع"
+"ContentNodeThumbnail.zoomIn","Zoom in","
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentNodeThumbnail.zoomOut","Zoom out","
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentNodeValidator.allIncompleteDescendantsText","{count, plural, one {{count, number, integer} resource is incomplete and cannot be published} other {All {count, number, integer} resources are incomplete and cannot be published}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural, zero {مصادر غير مكتملة ولا يمكن نشرها} one {{count, number, integer} مصدر غير مكتمل ولا يمكن نشره} two {كل {count, number, integer} مصدران غير مكتملَين ولا يمكن نشرهما} few {كل {count, number, integer} مصادر غير مكتملة ولا يمكن نشرها} many {كل {count, number, integer} مصدراً غير مكتمل ولا يمكن نشرها} other {كل {count, number, integer} مصادر غير مكتملة ولا يمكن نشرها}}"
+"ContentNodeValidator.incompleteDescendantsText","{count, number, integer} {count, plural, one {resource is incomplete} other {resources are incomplete}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, number, integer} {count, plural, zero {مصادر غير مكتملة} one {مصدر غير مكتمل} two {مصدران غير مكتملَين} few {مصادر غير مكتملة} many {مصدراً غير مكتمل} other {مصادر غير مكتملة }}"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","غير مكتمل"
+"ContentNodeValidator.missingTitle","Missing title","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","عنوان مفقود"
+"ContentRenderer.noFileText","Select a file to preview","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","حدد ملفاً لمعاينته"
+"ContentRenderer.previewNotSupported","Preview unavailable","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","وضع المعاينة غير متوفر"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","القنوات التعليمية"
+"ContentTreeList.noResourcesOrTopics","There are no resources or folders here","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","لا توجد مصادر أو مجلدات هنا"
+"ContentTreeList.selectAllAction","Select all","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تحديد الكل"
+"CopyToken.copiedTokenId","Token copied","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تم نسخ الرمز التعريفي"
+"CopyToken.copyFailed","Copy failed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","فشل النسخ"
+"CopyToken.copyPrompt","Copy token to import channel into Kolibri","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","انسخ الرمز التعريفي لاستيراد القناة إلى كوليبري"
+"CountryField.locationLabel","Select all that apply","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","حدد كل ما ينطبق"
+"CountryField.locationRequiredMessage","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","هذا الحقل مطلوب"
+"CountryField.noCountriesFound","No countries found","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","لم يتم العثور على دول"
+"Create.ToSCheck","I have read and agree to the terms of service","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","لقد قرأت شروط الخدمة وأوافق عليها"
+"Create.ToSRequiredMessage","Please accept our terms of service","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","الرجاء الموافقة على شروط الخدمة"
+"Create.backToLoginButton","Sign in","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تسجل الدخول"
+"Create.basicInformationHeader","Basic information","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","معلومات أساسية"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Create.conferenceSourcePlaceholder","Name of conference","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","اسم المؤتمر"
+"Create.confirmPasswordLabel","Confirm password","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تأكيد كلمة المرور"
+"Create.contactMessage","Questions or concerns? Please email us at content@learningequality.org","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","هل لديك أية أستفسارات أو مخاوف؟ بمكنك ملااسلتنا على عنوان البريد الالكتروني content@learningequality.org"
+"Create.conversationSourceOption","Conversation with Learning Equality","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","محادثة مع منظمة Learning Equality"
+"Create.createAnAccountTitle","Create an account","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","إنشاء حساب"
+"Create.creatingExercisesUsageOption","Creating exercises","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","إنشاء تمارين"
+"Create.emailExistsMessage","An account with this email already exists","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","يوجد حساب مرتبط بهذا البريد الإلكتروني بالفعل."
+"Create.errorsMessage","Please fix the errors below","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","الرجاء إصلاح الاخطاء أدناه"
+"Create.fieldRequiredMessage","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","هذا الحقل مطلوب"
+"Create.findingUsageOption","Finding and adding additional content sources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","البحث عن مصادر محتوى إضافية وإضافتها"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Create.firstNameLabel","First name","
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Create.forumSourceOption","Learning Equality community forum","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","منتدى مجتمع المساواة في التعلم"
+"Create.githubSourceOption","Learning Equality GitHub","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","نظام GitHub الخاص بمنظمة Learning Equality"
+"Create.lastNameLabel","Last name","
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Create.locationLabel","Where do you plan to use Kolibri Studio? (check all that apply)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","أين تخطط لاستخدام استوديو كوليبري (حدد كل ما ينطبق)"
+"Create.newsletterSourceOption","Learning Equality newsletter","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","النشرة الإخبارية لمنظمة Learning Equality"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Create.organizationSourcePlaceholder","Name of organization","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","اسم المنظمة"
+"Create.organizingUsageOption","Organizing or aligning existing materials","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تنظيم أو ترتيب المواد الموجودة"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","غير ذلك"
+"Create.otherSourcePlaceholder","Please describe","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","يرجى الوصف"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","غير ذلك"
+"Create.otherUsagePlaceholder","Please describe","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","يرجى الوصف"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","كلمة المرور"
+"Create.passwordMatchMessage","Passwords don't match","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","كلمتا المرور غير متطابقتين"
+"Create.personalDemoSourceOption","Personal demo","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","عرض شخصي"
+"Create.privacyPolicyCheck","I have read and agree to the privacy policy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","لقد قرأت سياسة الخصوصية وأوافق عليها"
+"Create.privacyPolicyRequiredMessage","Please accept our privacy policy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","يرجى الموافقة على سياسة الخصوصية"
+"Create.registrationFailed","There was an error registering your account. Please try again","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","حصل خطأ أثناء تسجيل حسابك. الرجاء المحاولة مجدداً"
+"Create.registrationFailedOffline","You seem to be offline. Please connect to the internet to create an account.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","يبدو أنك غير متصل. يُرجى الاتصال بالإنترنت لإنشاء حساب."
+"Create.sequencingUsageOption","Using prerequisites to put materials in a sequence","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","استخدام المتطلبات الأساسية لترتيب المواد بشكل متسلسل"
+"Create.sharingUsageOption","Sharing materials publicly","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","مشاركة المواد في العلن"
+"Create.socialMediaSourceOption","Social media","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","وسائل التواصل الإجتماعي"
+"Create.sourceLabel","How did you hear about us?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","كيف سمعت عنا؟"
+"Create.sourcePlaceholder","Select one","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","حدد خياراً"
+"Create.storingUsageExample","e.g. 500MB","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","مثال: 500 ميغابايت"
+"Create.storingUsageOption","Storing materials for private or local use","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تخزين المواد للاستخدام الخاص أو المحلي"
+"Create.storingUsagePlaceholder","How much storage do you need?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","ما هو مقدار مساحة التخزين التي تحتاجها؟"
+"Create.taggingUsageOption","Tagging content sources for discovery","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","وضع وسوم على مصادر المحتوى للاستكشاف"
+"Create.usageLabel","How do you plan on using Kolibri Studio (check all that apply)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","كيف تخطط لاستخدام استوديو كوليبري (حدد كل ما ينطبق)"
+"Create.viewPrivacyPolicyLink","View privacy policy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","عرض سياسة الخصوصية"
+"Create.viewToSLink","View terms of service","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","عرض شروط الخدمة"
+"Create.websiteSourceOption","Learning Equality website","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","الموقع الالكتروني للمساواة في التعلم"
+"CurrentTopicView.COMFORTABLE_VIEW","Comfortable view","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","عرض مريح"
+"CurrentTopicView.COMPACT_VIEW","Compact view","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","عرض مصغّر"
+"CurrentTopicView.DEFAULT_VIEW","Default view","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","عرض إفتراضي"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"CurrentTopicView.addExercise","New exercise","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تمرين جديد"
+"CurrentTopicView.addTopic","New folder","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","مجلد جديد"
+"CurrentTopicView.copiedItems","Copy operation complete","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","اكتملت عملية النسخ"
+"CurrentTopicView.copiedItemsToClipboard","Copied to clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تمّ النّسخ إلى الحافظة"
+"CurrentTopicView.copySelectedButton","Copy to clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","نسخ إلى الحافظة"
+"CurrentTopicView.copyToClipboardButton","Copy to clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","نسخ إلى الحافظة"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","جاري النسخ..."
+-- CONTEXT --
+"CurrentTopicView.duplicateSelectedButton","Make a copy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","إنشاء نسخة"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"CurrentTopicView.importFromChannels","Import from channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","استيراد من القنوات"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","نقل إلى"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"CurrentTopicView.removedItems","Sent to trash","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تم الإرسال إلى سلة المهملات"
+"CurrentTopicView.selectAllLabel","Select all","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تحديد الكل"
+"CurrentTopicView.selectionCount","{topicCount, plural,
+ =1 {# folder}
+ other {# folders}}, {resourceCount, plural,
+ =1 {# resource}
+ other {# resources}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{topicCount, plural,
+ zero {# مصادر}
+ one {# مجلد}
+ two {# مجلدين}
+ few {# مجلدات }
+ many {# مجلد}=1 {# مجلدًا}
+ other {# مجلدات}}, {resourceCount, plural,
+ zero {مصادر}
+ one {# مصدر}
+ two {# مصدرين}
+ few {# مصادر}
+ many {# مصدر}=1 {# مصدرًا}
+ other {# مصادر}}"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"CurrentTopicView.uploadFiles","Upload files","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","رفع الملفات"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"DeleteAccountForm.deleteAccountConfirmationPrompt","Are you sure you want to permanently delete your account? This cannot be undone","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","هل أنت متأكد من أنك تريد حذف حسابك بشكل دائم؟ لا يمكن التراجع عن هذه الخطوة"
+"DeleteAccountForm.deleteAccountEnterEmail","Enter your email address to continue","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","أدخل عنوان البريد الإلكتروني الخاص بك للمتابعة"
+"DeleteAccountForm.deleteAccountLabel","Delete account","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","حذف الحساب"
+"DeleteAccountForm.deletionFailed","Failed to delete account","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","فشل حذف الحساب"
+"DeleteAccountForm.deletionFailedText","Failed to delete your account. Please contact us here: https://community.learningequality.org.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","فشل عملية حذف حسابك. الرجاء التواصل معنا من خلال الرابط: https://community.learningequality.org."
+"DeleteAccountForm.emailAddressLabel","Email address","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","عنوان البريد الإلكتروني"
+"DeleteAccountForm.emailInvalidText","Email does not match your account email","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","البريد الإلكتروني لا يتطابق مع البريد الإلكتروني للحساب الخاص بك"
+"DeleteAccountForm.fieldRequired","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","هذا الحقل مطلوب"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Details.VERY_LARGE","Very large","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","كبير جداً"
+"Details.VERY_SMALL","Very small","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","صغير جداً"
+"Details.aggregatorToolTip","Website or organization hosting the content collection but not necessarily the creator or copyright holder","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","الموقع الإلكتروني أو المؤسسة التي تستضيف مجموعة المحتوى ولكن ليس بالضرورة أن تكون هي منشئ المحتوى أو مالك حقوق النشر"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","جامعو المحتوى"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Details.authorToolTip","Person or organization who created this content","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","الشخص أو المنظمة الذي/ التي أنشأ/ت هذا المحتوى"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Details.coachDescription","Resources for coaches are only visible to coaches in Kolibri","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","يمكن عرض مصادر المدرِّبين فقط للمدرِّبين في كوليبري"
+"Details.coachHeading","Resources for coaches","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","مصادر للمدرِّبين"
+"Details.containsContentHeading","Contains content from","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","يتضمن محتوى من"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Details.copyrightHoldersLabel","Copyright holders","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","مالكو حقوق النشر"
+"Details.creationHeading","Created on","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تم الإنشاء في"
+"Details.currentVersionHeading","Published version","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","الإصدار المنشور"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Details.primaryLanguageHeading","Primary language","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","اللغة الأساسية"
+"Details.providerToolTip","Organization that commissioned or is distributing the content","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","المنظمة التي كلّفت بالمحتوى أو تقوم بنشر المحتوى"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","مقدمو المحتوى"
+"Details.publishedHeading","Published on","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تم النشر في"
+"Details.resourceHeading","Total resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","إجمالي عدد المصادر"
+"Details.sampleFromChannelHeading","Sample content from this channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","محتوى كعينة من هذه القناة"
+"Details.sampleFromTopicHeading","Sample content from this topic","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","محتوى كعينة من هذا الموضوع"
+"Details.sizeHeading","Channel size","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","حجم القناة"
+"Details.sizeText","{text} ({size})","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{text} ({size})"
+"Details.subtitlesHeading","Captions and subtitles","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","عناوين الصور والنصوص السمعية"
+"Details.tagsHeading","Common tags","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","وسوم شائعة"
+"Details.tokenHeading","Channel token","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","الرمز التعريفي للقناة"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","لم يتم النشر"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","جامع المحتوى"
+"DetailsTabView.aggregatorToolTip","Website or org hosting the content collection but not necessarily the creator or copyright holder","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","الموقع الإلكتروني أو المنظمة التي تستضيف مجموعة المحتوى ولكن ليس بالضرورة أن تكون هي منشئ المحتوى أو مالك حقوق النشر"
+"DetailsTabView.assessmentOptionsLabel","Assessment options","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","خيارات التقييم"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"DetailsTabView.authorToolTip","Person or organization who created this content","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","الشخص أو المنظمة الذي/ التي أنشأ/ت هذا المحتوى"
+"DetailsTabView.basicInfoHeader","Basic information","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","معلومات أساسية"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Heading for the section in the resource editing window","الاستكمال"
+"DetailsTabView.copyrightHolderLabel","Copyright holder","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","صاحب حقوق النشر"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"DetailsTabView.detectedImportText","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# resource has view-only permission}
+ other {# resources have view-only permission}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural, zero {# مصادر بصلاحية للعرض فقط} one {# مصادر بصلاحية للعرض فقط} two {# مصدران بصلاحية للعرض فقط} few {# مصادر بصلاحية للعرض فقط} many {# مصدراً بصلاحية للعرض فقط}
+ =1 {# مصدر بصلاحية للعرض فقط}
+ other {# مصادر بصلاحية للعرض فقط}}"
+"DetailsTabView.importedFromButtonText","Imported from {channel}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","استيراد من {channel}"
+"DetailsTabView.languageChannelHelpText","Leave blank to use the channel language","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","اتركه فارغاً من أجل استخدام لغة القناة"
+"DetailsTabView.languageHelpText","Leave blank to use the folder language","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","اتركه فارغًا من أجل استخدام لغة المجلد"
+"DetailsTabView.learnersCanMarkComplete","Allow learners to mark as complete","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","السماح للمتعلمين بتحديده على أنه مكتمل"
+"DetailsTabView.noTagsFoundText","No results found for ""{text}"". Press 'Enter' key to create a new tag","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","لم يتم العثور على نتائج بحث لـ""{text}"". إضغط على 'إدخال' لإنشاء تصنيف جديد"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","موفر الخدمة"
+"DetailsTabView.providerToolTip","Organization that commissioned or is distributing the content","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","المنظمة التي كلّفت بالمحتوى أو تقوم بنشر المحتوى"
+"DetailsTabView.randomizeQuestionLabel","Randomize question order for learners","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","ترتيب الأسئلة بشكل عشوائي للمتعلمين"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+","صورة مصغّرة"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"DiffTable.headerDiff","Net changes","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","صافي التغييرات على الحجم"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+","الملفات الصوتية"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","ملفات نصيّة"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"DiffTable.typeFileSize","File size","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","حجم الملف"
+"DiffTable.typeHtml5Apps","HTML5 apps","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تطبيقات HTML5"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","عرض الشرائح"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"DiffTable.typeVersion","API version","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","إصدار API"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","مقاطع الفيديو"
+"EditList.selectAllLabel","Select all","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تحديد الكل"
+"EditListItem.questionCount","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# question}
+ other {# questions}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural, zero {# أسئلة} one {# أسئلة} two {# سؤالان} few {# أسئلة} many {# سؤالاً}
+ =1 {# سؤال}
+ other {# أسئلة}}"
+"EditModal.addTopic","Add new folder","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","إضافة مجلد جديد"
+"EditModal.addTopicsHeader","New folder","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","مجلد جديد"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"EditModal.closeWithoutSavingButton","Close without saving","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","إغلاق دون حفظ"
+"EditModal.createExerciseHeader","New exercise","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تمرين جديد"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"EditModal.editFilesHeader","Edit files","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تحرير الملفات "
+"EditModal.editingDetailsHeader","Edit details","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تعديل التفاصيل"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"EditModal.invalidNodesFound","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# incomplete resource found}
+ other {# incomplete resources found}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural, zero {# مصادر غير مكتملة تم العثور عليها} one {# مصادر غير مكتملة تم العثور عليها} two {# مصدران غير مكتملان تم العثور عليهما} few {# مصادر غير مكتملة تم العثور عليها} many {# مصدراً غير مكتمل تم العثور عليها}
+ =1 {# مصدر غير مكتمل تم العثور عليه}
+ other {# مصادر غير مكتملة تم العثور عليها}}"
+"EditModal.invalidNodesFoundText","Incomplete resources will not be published until these errors are resolved","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","لن يتم نشر المصادر غير المكتملة حتى يتم إصلاح هذه الأخطاء"
+"EditModal.keepEditingButton","Keep editing","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","متابعة التحرير"
+"EditModal.loadErrorText","Failed to load content","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","فشلت عملية تحميل المحتوى"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"EditModal.saveAnywaysButton","Exit anyway","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","الخروج على أية حال"
+"EditModal.saveFailedHeader","Save failed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","فشلت عملية الحفظ"
+"EditModal.saveFailedText","There was a problem saving your content","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","حدثت مشكلة ما أثناء حفظ المحتوى الخاص بك"
+"EditModal.uploadButton","Upload more","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","رفع المزيد"
+"EditModal.uploadFilesHeader","Upload files","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","رفع الملفات"
+"EditModal.uploadInProgressHeader","Upload in progress","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","يتم الآن رفع الملفات"
+"EditModal.uploadInProgressText","Uploads that are in progress will be lost if you exit","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","سيتم فقدان ما يتم رفعه حالياً في حال خرجت"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"EditSearchModal.changesSavedSnackbar","Changes saved","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تم حفظ التغييرات"
+"EditSearchModal.editSavedSearchTitle","Edit search title","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تعديل عنوان البحث"
+"EditSearchModal.fieldRequired","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","هذا الحقل مطلوب"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"EditSearchModal.searchTitleLabel","Search title","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","عنوان البحث"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"EditView.editingMultipleCount","Editing details for {topicCount, plural,
+ =1 {# folder}
+ other {# folders}}, {resourceCount, plural,
+ =1 {# resource}
+ other {# resources}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تعديل التفاصيل الخاصة بـ {topicCount, plural,
+ zero {# مصادر}
+ one {# مجلد}
+ two {# مجلدين}
+ few {# مجلدات}
+ many {# مجلد}=1 {# مجلدًا}
+ other {# مجلدات}}, {resourceCount, plural,
+ zero {مصادر}
+ one {# مصدر}
+ two {# مصدرين}
+ few {# مصادر}
+ many {# مصدر}=1 {# مصدرًا}
+ other {# مصادر}}"
+"EditView.errorBannerText","Please provide the required information","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","يرجى تقديم المعلومات المطلوبة"
+"EditView.invalidFieldsToolTip","Some required information is missing","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","بعض المعلومات المطلوبة ناقصة"
+"EditView.noItemsToEditText","Please select resources or folders to edit","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","يرجى تحديد المصادر أو المجلدات التي تود تعديلها"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+","موارد مرتبطة"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","البريد الإلكتروني"
+"EmailField.emailRequiredMessage","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","هذا الحقل مطلوب"
+"EmailField.validEmailMessage","Please enter a valid email","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","الرجاء إدخال بريد إلكتروني صالح"
+"ExpandableList.less","Show less","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","عرض أقل"
+"ExpandableList.more","Show more ({more})","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","إظهار المزيد ({more})"
+"FilePreview.exitFullscreen","Exit fullscreen","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","الخروج من وضعية الشاشة الكاملة"
+"FilePreview.fullscreenModeText","Fullscreen mode","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","وضع ملء الشاشة"
+"FilePreview.viewFullscreen","View fullscreen","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","عرض ملء الشاشة"
+"FileStatusText.selectFile","Select file","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","حدد ملفاً"
+"FileStorage.requestStorage","Request storage","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","طلب فسحة تخزين"
+"FileStorage.storageFull","Storage limit reached","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تم بلوغ الحد الأقصى للتخزين."
+"FileStorage.storageFullWithSize","Total storage limit reached: {used} of {total}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تم بلوغ الحد الأقصى للتخزين: {used} من {total}"
+"FileStorage.storageLow","Storage is running low","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","فسحة التخزين المتبقية منخفضة"
+"FileStorage.storageLowWithSize","Total storage is running low: {used} of {total}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","إجمالي فسحة التخزين المتبقية منخفضة: {used} من {total}"
+"FileStorage.storageUsed","Total storage used: {used} of {total}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","إجمالي فسحة التخزين المستخدمة: {used} من {total}"
+"FileUpload.fileError","Unsupported file type","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","نوع الملف غير مدعوم"
+"FileUpload.filesHeader","Preview files","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","معاينة الملفات"
+"FileUpload.noFileText","Missing files","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","ملفات ناقصة"
+"FileUploadDefault.acceptsHelp","Supported file types: {extensions}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","أنواع الملفات المدعومة: {extensions}"
+"FileUploadDefault.chooseFilesButton","Select files","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","حدد الملفات"
+"FileUploadDefault.dropHereText","Drag and drop your files here, or select your files manually","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","قم بسحب وإسقاط ملفاتك هنا، أو حددها بشكل يدوي"
+"FileUploadDefault.uploadToText","Upload to '{title}'","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","رفع على '{title}'"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"FileUploadItem.retryUpload","Retry upload","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","أعد محاولة الرفع"
+"FileUploadItem.unknownFile","Unknown filename","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","اسم الملف غير معروف"
+"FileUploadItem.uploadButton","Select file","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","حدد ملفاً"
+"FileUploadItem.uploadFailed","Upload failed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","فشلت عملية الرفع"
+"ForgotPassword.forgotPasswordFailed","Failed to send a password reset link. Please try again.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","فشلت عملية إرسال رابط تفعيل جديد. يرجى المحاولة مجدداً."
+"ForgotPassword.forgotPasswordPrompt","Please enter your email address to receive instructions for resetting your password","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","يرجى إدخال عنوان البريد الإلكتروني الخاص بك لتلقي تعليمات إعادة تعيين كلمة المرور الخاصة بك"
+"ForgotPassword.forgotPasswordTitle","Reset your password","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","إعادة تعيين كلمة المرور الخاصة بك"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"FormulasMenu.formulasMenuTitle","Special characters","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","أحرف خاصة"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"FullNameForm.changesSavedMessage","Changes saved","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تم حفظ التغييرات"
+"FullNameForm.editNameHeader","Edit full name","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تحرير الاسم الكامل"
+"FullNameForm.failedToSaveMessage","Failed to save changes","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","فشل عملية حفظ التغييرات"
+"FullNameForm.fieldRequired","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","هذا الحقل مطلوب"
+"FullNameForm.firstNameLabel","First name","
+-- CONTEXT --
+"FullNameForm.lastNameLabel","Last name","
+-- CONTEXT --
+"FullNameForm.saveChangesAction","Save changes","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","حفظ التغييرات"
+"GenericError.backToHomeAction","Back to home","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","العودة إلى الصفحة الرئيسية"
+"GenericError.genericErrorDetails","Try refreshing this page or going back to the home page","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","حاول تحديث هذه الصفحة أو العودة إلى الصفحة الرئيسية"
+"GenericError.genericErrorHeader","Sorry, something went wrong","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","نعتذر، حدث خطأ ما"
+"GenericError.helpByReportingAction","Help us by reporting this error","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","ساعدنا بالإبلاغ عن هذا الخطأ"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","إعادة تحميل الصفحة"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"HintsEditor.newHintBtnLabel","New hint","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تلميح جديد"
+"HintsEditor.noHintsPlaceholder","Question has no hints","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","لا يوجد تلميحات للسؤال"
+"ImageOnlyThumbnail.thumbnail","{title} thumbnail","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{title} صورة مصغرة"
+"ImagesMenu.acceptsText","Supported file types: {acceptedFormats}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","أنواع الملفات المدعومة: {acceptedFormats}"
+"ImagesMenu.altTextHint","The image description is necessary to enable visually impaired learners to answer questions, and it also displays when the image fails to load","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","إن وصف الصورة ضروري لتمكين المتعلمين ضعاف البصر من الإجابة على الأسئلة، إضافة إلى عرضه في حال فشل تحميل الصورة"
+"ImagesMenu.altTextLabel","Image description","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","وصف الصورة"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ImagesMenu.currentImageDefaultText","Current image","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","الصورة الحالية"
+"ImagesMenu.defaultDropText","Drag and drop an image here, or upload manually","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","سحب وإفلات صورة هنا، أو رفعها يدوياً"
+"ImagesMenu.imageHeader","Upload image","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تحميل صُورة"
+"ImagesMenu.selectFile","Select file","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","حدد ملفاً"
+"ImagesMenu.selectFileButton","Select file","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","حدد ملفاً"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تمّت الإضافة"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ImportFromChannelsModal.importTitle","Import from other channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","استيراد من قنوات أخرى"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ImportFromChannelsModal.resourcesAddedSnackbar","{count, number} {count, plural, one {resource selected} other {resources selected}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, number} {count, plural, zero {مصادر تم تحديدها} one {مصدر تم تحديده} two {مصدران تم تحديدهما} few {مصادر تم تحديدها} many {مصدراً تم تحديده} other {مصادر تم تحديدها}}"
+"ImportFromChannelsModal.resourcesRemovedSnackbar","{count, number} {count, plural, one {resource removed} other {resources removed}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, number} {count, plural, zero {مصدراً تمت إزالته} one {مصدر تمت إزالته} two {مصدران تمت إزالتهما} few {مصادر تمت إزالتها} many {مصدراً تمت إزالته} other {مصدراً تمت إزالته}}"
+"ImportFromChannelsModal.resourcesSelected","{count, number} {count, plural, one {resource selected} other {resources selected}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, number} {count, plural, zero {مصادر تم تحديدها} one {مصدر تم تحديده} two {مصدران تم تحديدهما} few {مصادر تم تحديدها} many {مصدراً تم تحديده} other {مصادر تم تحديدها}}"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ImportFromChannelsModal.reviewTitle","Resource selection","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تحديد المصدر"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"LanguageDropdown.languageItemText","{language} ({code})","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{language} ({code})"
+"LanguageDropdown.languageRequired","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","هذا الحقل مطلوب"
+"LanguageDropdown.noDataText","Language not found","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","لم يتم العثور على اللغة"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"LanguageFilter.noMatchingLanguageText","No language matches the search","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","لا توجد لغة مطابقة للبحث"
+"LanguageSwitcherList.showMoreLanguagesSelector","More languages","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","مزيد من اللغات"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"LanguageSwitcherModal.changeLanguageModalHeader","Change language","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تغيير اللغة"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"LicenseDropdown.learnMoreButton","Learn More","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","المزيد من المعلومات"
+"LicenseDropdown.licenseDescriptionLabel","License description","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","وصف الترخيص"
+"LicenseDropdown.licenseInfoHeader","About licenses","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","بخصوص الترخيص"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Main.TOSLink","Terms of service","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","شروط الخدمة"
+"Main.copyright","© {year} Learning Equality","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","© {year} منظمة Learning Equality"
+"Main.createAccountButton","Create an account","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","إنشاء حساب"
+"Main.forgotPasswordLink","Forgot your password?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","هل نسيت كلمة المرور الخاصة بك؟"
+"Main.guestModeLink","Explore without an account","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","استكشاف المنصة دون إنشاء حساب"
+"Main.kolibriStudio","Kolibri Studio","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","استوديو كوليبري"
+"Main.loginFailed","Email or password is incorrect","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","البريد الإلكتروني أو كلمة المرور غير صحيحة"
+"Main.loginFailedOffline","You seem to be offline. Please connect to the internet before signing in.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","يبدو أنك غير متصل. يُرجى الاتصال بالإنترنت قبل تسجيل الدخول."
+"Main.loginToProceed","You must sign in to view that page","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","يجب عليك تسجيل الدخول لعرض تلك الصفحة"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","كلمة المرور"
+"Main.privacyPolicyLink","Privacy policy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","سياسة الخصوصية"
+"Main.signInButton","Sign in","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تسجل الدخول"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+","القنوات التعليمية"
+"MainNavigationDrawer.copyright","© {year} Learning Equality","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","© {year} المساواة في التعلم"
+"MainNavigationDrawer.giveFeedback","Give feedback","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","قدّم ملاحظاتك"
+"MainNavigationDrawer.helpLink","Help and support","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","المساعدة والدعم"
+"MainNavigationDrawer.logoutLink","Sign out","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تسجيل الخروج"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"MarkdownEditor.bold","Bold (Ctrl+B)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","خط عريض (Ctrl+B)"
+"MarkdownEditor.formulas","Insert formula (Ctrl+F)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","إدراج صيغة (Ctrl+F)"
+"MarkdownEditor.image","Insert image (Ctrl+P)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","إدراج صورة (Ctrl+P)"
+"MarkdownEditor.italic","Italic (Ctrl+I)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","خط مائل (Ctrl+I)
+"MarkdownEditor.minimize","Minimize (Ctrl+M)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تصغير (Ctrl+M)"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تغيير الحجم"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"MasteryCriteriaMofNFields.mHint","Correct answers needed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","الإجابات الصحيحة مطلوبة"
+"MasteryCriteriaMofNFields.nHint","Recent answers","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","الإجابات الأخيرة"
+"MessageLayout.backToLogin","Continue to sign-in page","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","المتابعة إلى صفحة تسجيل الدخول"
+"MoveModal.addTopic","Add new folder","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","إضافة مجلد جديد"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"MoveModal.emptyTopicText","No resources found","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","لم يتم العثور على أية مصادر"
+"MoveModal.goToLocationButton","Go to location","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","التوجّه إلى الموقع"
+"MoveModal.moveHere","Move here","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","انقل لهنا"
+"MoveModal.moveItems","Move {topicCount, plural,
+ =1 {# folder}
+ other {# folders}}, {resourceCount, plural,
+ =1 {# resource}
+ other {# resources}} into:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","نقل {topicCount, plural,
+ zero {# مصادر}
+ one {# مجلد}
+ two {# مجلدين}
+ few {# مجلدات}
+ many {# مجلد}=1 {# مجلدًا}
+ other {# مجلدات}}, {resourceCount, plural,
+ zero {مصادر}
+ one {# مصدر}
+ two {# مصدرين}
+ few {# مصادر}
+ many {# مصدر}=1 {# مصدرًا}
+ other {# مصادر}} إلى:"
+"MoveModal.movedMessage","Moved to {title}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تم النقل إلى {title}"
+"MoveModal.resourcesCount","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# resource}
+ other {# resources}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural, zero {# مصادر} one {# مصادر} two {# مصدران} few {# مصادر} many {# مصدراً}
+ =1 {# مصدر}
+ other {# مصادر}}"
+"MoveModal.topicCreatedMessage","New folder created","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تم إنشاء مجلد جديد"
+"MultiSelect.noItemsFound","No items found","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","لا توجد أية عناصر"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"NewTopicModal.createTopic","Create new folder","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","إنشاء مُجلّد جديد"
+"NewTopicModal.topicTitle","Folder title","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","عنوان المجلد"
+"NewTopicModal.topicTitleRequired","Folder title is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","عنوان المجلد مطلوب"
+"NodePanel.emptyChannelSubText","Create, upload, or import resources from other channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","قم بإنشاء أو رفع أو استيراد المصادر من القنوات الأخرى"
+"NodePanel.emptyChannelText","Click ""ADD"" to start building your channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","انقر على ""إضافة"" للبدء ببناء قناتك"
+"NodePanel.emptyTopicText","Nothing in this folder yet","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","لا يوجد شيء في هذا المجلد بعد"
+"NodePanel.emptyViewOnlyChannelText","Nothing in this channel yet","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","لا يوجد شيء في هذه القناة بعد"
+"NodeTreeNavigation.noResourcesDefaultText","No resources found","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","لم يتم العثور على أية مصادر"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","غير متصل"
+"OfflineText.offlineText","You seem to be offline. Your changes will be saved once your connection is back.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","يبدو أنك غير متصل بالانترنت. سيتم حفظ التغييرات الخاصة بك بمجرد عودة الاتصال الخاص بك."
+"PageNotFoundError.backToHomeAction","Back to home","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","العودة إلى الصفحة الرئيسية"
+"PageNotFoundError.pageNotFoundDetails","Sorry, that page does not exist","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","نعتذر، هذه الصفحة غير موجودة"
+"PageNotFoundError.pageNotFoundHeader","Page not found","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","الصفحة غير موجودة"
+"PasswordField.fieldRequiredMessage","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","هذا الحقل مطلوب"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","كلمة المرور"
+"PasswordInstructionsSent.passwordInstructionsHeader","Instructions sent. Thank you!","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تم إرسال التعليمات. شكراً لك!"
+"PasswordInstructionsSent.passwordInstructionsText","If there is already an account with the email address provided, you should receive the instructions shortly. If you don't see an email from us, please check your spam folder.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","في حال كان هناك بالفعل حساب مرتبط بعنوان البريد الإلكتروني المرسل، فستصلك التعليمات قريباً. في حال لم تتلقّ بريداً إلكترونياً من طرفنا، فيرجى التحقق من صندوق البريد العشوائي."
+"PermissionsError.goToHomePageAction","Go to home page","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","انتقل إلى الصفحة الرئيسية"
+"PermissionsError.permissionDeniedHeader","Did you forget to sign in?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","هل نسيت تسجيل الدخول؟"
+"PoliciesModal.checkboxText","I have agreed to the above terms","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","لقد وافقت على الشروط الواردة أعلاه"
+"PoliciesModal.checkboxValidationErrorMessage","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","هذا الحقل مطلوب"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"PoliciesModal.lastUpdated","Last updated {date}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تاريخ آخر تحديث {date}"
+"PrivacyPolicyModal.privacyHeader","Privacy policy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","سياسة الخصوصية"
+"PrivacyPolicyModal.updatedPrivacyHeader","Updated privacy policy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","سياسة الخصوصية المحدثة"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ProgressModal.defaultErrorText","Last attempt to publish failed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","فشلت آخر محاولة للنشر"
+"ProgressModal.lastPublished","Published {last_published}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","منشور {last_published}"
+"ProgressModal.publishHeader","Publishing channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","نشر القناة"
+"ProgressModal.syncError","Last attempt to sync failed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","فشلت آخر محاولة للمزامنة"
+"ProgressModal.syncHeader","Syncing channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","مزامنة القناة"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","لم يتم النشر"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"PublishModal.descriptionDescriptionTooltip","This description will be shown to Kolibri admins before they update channel versions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","سيتم إظهار هذا الوصف لمسؤولي كوليبري قبل قيامهم بتحديث إصدارات القناة "
+"PublishModal.descriptionRequiredMessage","Please describe what's new in this version before publishing","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","يرجى وصف ما هو الجديد في هذا الإصدار قبل النشر"
+"PublishModal.incompleteCount","{count, plural, =1 {# incomplete resource} other {# incomplete resources}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural, zero {# مصادر غير مكتملة} one {# مصادر غير مكتملة} two {# مصدران غير مكتملين} few {# مصادر غير مكتملة} many {# مصدراً غير مكتمل} =1 {# مصدر غير مكتمل} other {# مصادر غير مكتملة}}"
+"PublishModal.incompleteInstructions","Click 'Continue' to confirm that you would like to publish anyway.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","انقر فوق 'متابعة' لتأكيد رغبتك في النشر على أية حال."
+"PublishModal.incompleteWarning","Incomplete resources will not be published and made available for download in Kolibri.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","لن يتم نشر المصادر غير المكتملة وإتاحتها للتنزيل في ""كوليبري""."
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"PublishModal.publishMessageLabel","Describe what's new in this channel version","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","قدّم وصفاً لما هو جديد في هذا الإصدار من القناة"
+"PublishModal.versionDescriptionLabel","Version description","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","وصف الإصدار"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"RelatedResourcesTab.addNextStepBtnLabel","Add next step","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","أضف خطوة تالية"
+"RelatedResourcesTab.addPreviousStepBtnLabel","Add previous step","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","إضافة خطوة سابقة"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"RelatedResourcesTab.nextStepsExplanation","Recommended resources that build on skills or concepts learned in this resource","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","المصادر الموصى بها والتي تبني على المهارات أو المفاهيم التي تم تعلمها من هذا المصدر"
+"RelatedResourcesTab.nextStepsTitle","Next steps","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","الخطوات التالية"
+"RelatedResourcesTab.previewHelpText","Related resources are displayed as recommendations when learners engage with this resource","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تُعرض المصادر ذات الصلة كتوصيات عندما يتفاعل المتعلمون مع هذا المصدر"
+"RelatedResourcesTab.previousStepsExplanation","Recommended resources that introduce skills or concepts needed in order to use this resource","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","المصادر الموصى بها والتي تقدم المهارات أو المفاهيم اللازمة لاستخدام هذا المصدر"
+"RelatedResourcesTab.previousStepsTitle","Previous steps","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","الخطوات السابقة"
+"RelatedResourcesTab.removeNextStepBtnLabel","Remove next step","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","إزالة خطوة تالية"
+"RelatedResourcesTab.removePreviousStepBtnLabel","Remove previous step","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","إزالة خطوة سابقة"
+"RelatedResourcesTab.removedNextStepSnackbar","Removed next step","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تمت إزالة الخطوة التالية"
+"RelatedResourcesTab.removedPreviousStepSnackbar","Removed previous step","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تمت إزالة الخطوة السابقة"
+"RelatedResourcesTab.resourcePreviewDialogHelpText","Related resources in Kolibri display as recommendations alongside the resource that a learner is currently engaging with","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تُعرض المصادر ذات الصلة في كوليبري كتوصيات إلى جانب المصدر الذي يعمل عليه المتعلم حالياً"
+"RelatedResourcesTab.resourcePreviewDialogTitle","Related resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","المصادر ذات الصلة"
+"RelatedResourcesTab.showPreviewBtnLabel","Show me","
+-- CONTEXT --
+"RelatedResourcesTab.tooManyNextStepsWarning","Limit the number of next steps to create a more guided learning experience","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","قم بالحد من عدد الخطوات التالية لإنشاء تجربة تعلم أكثر توجيهاً"
+"RelatedResourcesTab.tooManyPreviousStepsWarning","Limit the number of previous steps to create a more guided learning experience","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","قم بالحد من عدد الخطوات السابقة لإنشاء تجربة تعلم أكثر توجيهاً"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ReportErrorModal.emailDescription","Contact the support team with your error details and we’ll do our best to help.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","اتصل بفريق الدعم الفني لإرسال تفاصيل الخطأ، وسوف نبذل قصارى جهدنا للمساعدة."
+"ReportErrorModal.emailPrompt","Send an email to the developers","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","أرسل بريدًا إلكترونيًا إلى الفريق الفني"
+"ReportErrorModal.errorDetailsHeader","Error details","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تفاصيل المشكلة"
+"ReportErrorModal.forumPostingTips","Include a description of what you were trying to do and what you clicked on when the error appeared.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","اكتب وصفاً لما كنت تحاول القيام به وما نقرت عليه على عندما ظهر الخطأ."
+"ReportErrorModal.forumPrompt","Visit the community forums","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","زيارة المنتديات الحوارية"
+"ReportErrorModal.forumUseTips","Search the community forum to see if others encountered similar issues. If there are none reported, please open a new forum post and paste the error details below inside so we can rectify the error in a future version of Kolibri Studio.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","قم بالبحث في منتدى المجتمع لمعرفة ما إذا كان الآخرون قد واجهوا مشكلات مماثلة. في حال لم يتم الإبلاغ عن أي شيء، فيرجى فتح منشور جديد في المنتدى ولصق تفاصيل الخطأ أدناه في المنشور كي نتمكن من تدارك الخطأ في الإصدار المستقبلي من استوديو كوليبري."
+"ReportErrorModal.reportErrorHeader","Report Error","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","الإبلاغ عن مشكلة"
+"RequestForm.approximatelyHowManyResourcesLabel","Approximately how many individual resources are you planning to upload?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","كم عدد المصادر الفردية التي تخطط لتحميلها تقريباً؟"
+"RequestForm.audiencePlaceholder","In-school learners, adult learners, teachers, etc","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","المتعلمون في المدرسة، المتعلمون البالغون، والمعلمون، إلخ."
+"RequestForm.authorLabel","Who is the author (creator), curator (organizer), and/or aggregator (maintainer) of your content? Please specify","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","من هو مؤلف (منشئ المحتوى)، القيِّم على (المنظم)، و/ أو الجامع (المشرف) على المحتوى الخاص بك؟ يرجى التحديد"
+"RequestForm.averageSizeOfResourceLabel","Average size of each resource","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","متوسط الحجم لكل مصدر"
+"RequestForm.coupleMonthsLabel","1-2 months","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","١-٢ أشهر"
+"RequestForm.explainNeedsInDetailLabel","Please write a paragraph explaining your needs and use case for Kolibri Studio, and how it will integrate into your programs. Include information about who is curating, deploying, and using the content. Is this work being coordinated by an organization, as part of an educational program? Include justification for the additional space being requested and explanation of the time sensitive nature of your request.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","يرجى كتابة فقرة توضح احتياجاتك وحالة استخدامك لاستوديو كوليبري وكيفية دمجها ببرامجك. وقم بكتابة معلومات بخصوص من سيتولى تنسيق المحتوى ونشره واستخدامه. هل سيتم تنسيق هذا العمل من قبل منظمة كجزء من برنامج تعليمي؟ قم بتضمين سبب حاجتك للمساحة الإضافية المطلوبة ووضح الطبيعة الحساسة للوقت بخصوص طلبك."
+"RequestForm.fieldRequiredText","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","هذا الحقل مطلوب"
+"RequestForm.forProfitLabel","For-profit or social enterprise company","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","شركة ربحية أو اجتماعية"
+"RequestForm.grassrootsLabel","Grassroots and/or volunteer initiative","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","حركات شعبية و/ أو مبادرة تطوعية"
+"RequestForm.howAreYouUsingYourContentLabel","How are you using your content?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","كيف تقوم باستخدام المحتوى الخاص بك؟"
+"RequestForm.howOftenImportedToKolibriLabel","How many times will this content be imported from Studio into new Kolibri installations per month, on average?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","كم عدد المرات التي سيتم فيها استيراد هذا المحتوى من الاستوديو إلى تنصيبات كوليبري الجديدة في الشهر تقريباً؟"
+"RequestForm.intendedAudienceLabel","Who is the intended audience for your channel? How big is your audience?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","من هو الجمهور الذي تستهدفه قناتك؟ ما هو حجم جمهورك؟"
+"RequestForm.kindOfContentQuestionLabel","What types of resources do you plan to upload? Please specify","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","ما هي أنواع المصادر التي تخطط لتحميلها؟ يرجى التحديد"
+"RequestForm.largeIntlNgoLabel","Larger international NGOs or government agencies","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","منظمات غير حكومية دولية أكبر حجمًا أو وكالات حكومية"
+"RequestForm.learnMoreButton","Learn More","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","المزيد من المعلومات"
+"RequestForm.licenseInfoHeader","About licenses","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","بخصوص الترخيص"
+"RequestForm.licensingQuestionLabel","What is the licensing of the content you are uploading? (Check all that apply)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","ما هو ترخيص المحتوى الذي تقوم بتحميله؟ (تحقق من كل ما ينطبق)"
+"RequestForm.mediumNgoLabel","Medium-sized NGO with budget < $500k","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","منظمة غير حكومية متوسطة الحجم بميزانية تقل عن 500 ألف دولار أمريكي"
+"RequestForm.natureOfYourContentLabel","Nature of your content","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","طبيعة المحتوى الخاص بك"
+"RequestForm.notAffiliatedLabel","I am not affiliated with an organization for this work","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","لا أنتمي لأية منظمة ضمن هذا العمل."
+"RequestForm.numberOfResourcesPlaceholder","Number of resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","عدد المصادر"
+"RequestForm.oneWeekLabel","1 week","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","أسبوع واحد"
+"RequestForm.organizationNamePlaceholder","Organization name","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","اسم المنظمة"
+"RequestForm.organizationalAffiliationLabel","Organizational affiliation","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","الانتماء التنظيمي"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","غير ذلك"
+"RequestForm.pasteLinkPlaceholder","Paste link here","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","قم بلصق الرابط هنا"
+"RequestForm.provideSampleLinkLabel","Please provide a link to a sample of your content (on Kolibri Studio or from source site)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","يرجى تقديم رابط لعينة من المحتوى الخاص بك (سواء من استوديو كوليبري أو من مصدر آخر)"
+"RequestForm.requestFailed","Unable to send request. Please try again.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تعذّر إرسال الطلب. يرجى المحاولة مجدداً."
+"RequestForm.requestSent","Your storage request has been submitted for processing.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تم إرسال طلب التخزين الخاص بك للمعالجة."
+-- CONTEXT --
+"RequestForm.selectAllThatApplyPlaceholder","Select all that apply","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","حدد كل ما ينطبق"
+"RequestForm.sendRequestAction","Send request","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","إرسال طلب"
+"RequestForm.sixPlusMonthsLabel","6+ months","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","أكثر من ٦ أشهر"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"RequestForm.smallNgoLabel","Small NGO with annual budget < $25k","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","منظمة غير حكومية صغيرة ذات ميزانية سنوية أقل من 25 ألف دولار أمريكي"
+"RequestForm.storageAmountRequestedPlaceholder","Amount requested (e.g. 10GB)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","المساحة المطلوبة (على سبيل المثال ١٠ جيغا بايت)"
+"RequestForm.targetRegionsLabel","Target region(s) for your content (if applicable)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","قم باستهداف منطقة/ مناطق للمحتوى الخاص بك (في حال انطبق ذلك)"
+"RequestForm.threeToSixMonthsLabel","3-6 months","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","٣- ٦ أشهر"
+"RequestForm.timelineLabel","To better understand the time sensitive nature of your request, please indicate an approximate timeline by when you need this additional storage:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","من أجل فهم أفضل لطبيعة حساسية الوقت بالنسبة لطلبك، يرجى الإشارة إلى الجدول الزمني التقريبي عندما تحتاج إلى مساحة التخزين الإضافية هذه:"
+"RequestForm.twoToFourWeeksLabel","2-4 weeks","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","٢- ٤ أسابيع"
+"RequestForm.typeOfContentPlaceholder","Types of resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","أنواع المصادر"
+"RequestForm.typeOfOrganizationLabel","What type of organization or group is coordinating the use of Kolibri (if applicable)?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","ما هو نوع المنظمة أو المجموعة التي تقوم بتنسيق استخدام كوليبري (إن وجدت)؟"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","غير معروف"
+"RequestForm.uploadingOnBehalfLabel","I am uploading content on behalf of:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","أقوم برفع المحتوى بالنيابة عن:"
+"RequestForm.usageLabel","Tell us more about your use of Kolibri","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","أخبرنا بالمزيد عن استخدامك لكوليبري"
+"RequestForm.whoCanUseContentLabel","Who can use your content?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","من يمكنه استخدام المحتوى الخاص بك؟"
+"RequestForm.willYouMakeYourChannelPublicLabel","If the content is openly licensed, would you be willing to consider making your channels public to other Kolibri users if requested in the future?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","في حال كان المحتوى مرخصاً بشكل علني، هل أنت على استعداد للنظر في جعل القنوات الخاصة بك عامة لمستخدمي كوليبري الآخرين في حال طُلب منك ذلك في المستقبل؟"
+"RequestNewActivationLink.activationExpiredText","This activation link has been used already or has expired.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","رابط التفعيل هذا منتهي الصلاحية أو قد تم استخدامه من قبل"
+"RequestNewActivationLink.activationExpiredTitle","Activation failed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","فشلت عملية التفعيل"
+"RequestNewActivationLink.activationRequestFailed","Failed to send a new activation link. Please try again.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","فشل إرسال رابط تفعيل جديد. يرجى المحاولة مجدداً."
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ResetLinkExpired.requestNewLink","Request a new password reset link","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","طلب رابط جديد لإعادة تعيين كلمة المرور"
+"ResetLinkExpired.resetExpiredText","This password reset link has been used already or has expired.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","هذا الرابط لإعادة تعيين كلمة المرور هو غير صالح أو تم استخدامه من قبل."
+"ResetLinkExpired.resetExpiredTitle","Reset link expired","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","انتهت مدة صلاحية رابط إعادة التعيين"
+"ResetPassword.passwordConfirmLabel","Confirm password","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تأكيد كلمة المرور"
+"ResetPassword.passwordLabel","New password","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","كلمة مرور جديدة"
+"ResetPassword.passwordMatchMessage","Passwords don't match","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","كلمتا المرور غير متطابقتين"
+"ResetPassword.resetPasswordFailed","Failed to reset password. Please try again.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","فشلت عملية إعادة تعيين كلمة المرور. يرجى المحاولة مجدداً."
+"ResetPassword.resetPasswordPrompt","Enter and confirm your new password","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","قم بإدخال وتأكيد كلمة المرور الجديدة الخاصة بك"
+"ResetPassword.resetPasswordTitle","Reset your password","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","إعادة تعيين كلمة المرور الخاصة بك"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ResetPasswordSuccess.header","Password reset successfully","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تمت إعادة تعيين كلمة المرور بنجاح"
+"ResetPasswordSuccess.text","Your password has been reset. You may sign in now.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تمت إعادة تعيين كلمة المرور الخاصة بك. بإمكانك تسجيل الدخول الآن."
+-- CONTEXT --
+","جامع المحتوى"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ResourcePanel.availableFormats","Available formats","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","الصيغ المتاحة"
+"ResourcePanel.coachResources","Resources for coaches","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","مصادر للمدرِّبين"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ResourcePanel.copyrightHolder","Copyright holder","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","صاحب حقوق النشر"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ResourcePanel.incompleteQuestionError","{count, plural, one {# incomplete question} other {# incomplete questions}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural, zero {# أسئلة لم تكتمل} one {# سؤال لم يكتمل} two {# سؤالان لم يكتملا} few {# أسئلة لم تكتمل} many {# سؤالاً لم يكتمل} other {# أسئلة لم تكتمل}}"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ResourcePanel.masteryMofN","Goal: {m} out of {n}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","الهدف: {m} من أصل {n}"
+"ResourcePanel.nextSteps","Next steps","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","الخطوات التالية"
+"ResourcePanel.noCopyrightHolderError","Missing copyright holder","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","صاحب حقوق النشر غير موجود"
+"ResourcePanel.noFilesError","Missing files","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","ملفات ناقصة"
+"ResourcePanel.noLicenseDescriptionError","Missing license description","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","وصف ترخيص مفقود"
+"ResourcePanel.noLicenseError","Missing license","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","ترخيص مفقود"
+"ResourcePanel.noMasteryModelError","Missing mastery criteria","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","معايير إتقان مفقودة"
+"ResourcePanel.noQuestionsError","Exercise is empty","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","التمرين فارغ"
+"ResourcePanel.originalChannel","Imported from","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تم استيراده من"
+"ResourcePanel.previousSteps","Previous steps","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","الخطوات السابقة"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","موفر الخدمة"
+"ResourcePanel.questionCount","{value, number, integer} {value, plural, one {question} other {questions}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{value, number, integer} {value, plural, zero {أسئلة} one {سؤال} two {سؤالان} few {أسئلة} many {سؤالاً} other {أسئلة}}"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ResourcePanel.relatedResources","Related resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","المصادر ذات الصلة"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ResourcePanel.showAnswers","Show answers","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","عرض الإجابات"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ResourcePanel.subtitles","Captions and subtitles","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","عناوين الصور والنص السمعي"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ResourcePanel.totalResources","Total resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","إجمالي المصادر"
+"ResourcePanel.visibleTo","Visible to","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","ظاهر لـِ"
+"ResourcesNeededOptions.furtherExplanation","Please add to the 'Description' field any additional supplies learners will need in order to use this resource","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","الرجاء إضافة أي لوازم إضافية سيحتاج إليها المتعلمون لاستخدام هذا المصدر إلى خانة ""الوصف"" "
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ReviewSelectionsPage.noResourcesSelected","No resources selected","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","لم يتم تحديد أي مصدر"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ReviewSelectionsPage.resourcesInTopic","{count, number} {count, plural, one {resource} other {resources}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, number} {count, plural, zero {مصادر} one {مصدر} two {مصدرين} few {مصادر} many {مصدراً} other {مصادر}}"
+"ReviewSelectionsPage.reviewSelectionHeader","Review selections","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","مراجعة الإختيارات"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"SavedSearchesModal.deleteConfirmation","Are you sure you want to delete this saved search?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","هل أنت متأكد من أنك تريد حذف عملية البحث المحفوظة؟"
+"SavedSearchesModal.deleteSearchTitle","Delete saved search","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","حذف عمليات البحث المحفوظة"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"SavedSearchesModal.filterCount","{count, number} {count, plural, one {filter} other {filters}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, number} {count, plural, zero {فلاتر} one {فلتر} two {فلترين} few {فلاتر} many {فلتراً} other {فلاتر}}"
+"SavedSearchesModal.noSavedSearches","You do not have any saved searches","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","لا توجد لديك أية عمليات بحث محفوظة"
+"SavedSearchesModal.savedSearchesTitle","Saved searches","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","عمليات بحث محفوظة"
+"SavedSearchesModal.searchDeletedSnackbar","Saved search deleted","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تم حذف سجلات البحث"
+"SavingIndicator.lastSaved","Saved {saved}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تم الحفظ {saved}"
+"SavingIndicator.savedNow","Saved just now","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تم الحفظ للتوّ"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","جاري الحفظ..."
+-- CONTEXT --
+"SearchFilterBar.clearAll","Clear all","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","مسح الكل"
+"SearchFilterBar.coachContent","Resources for coaches","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","مصادر للمدرِّبين"
+"SearchFilterBar.createdAfter","Added after '{date}'","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تمت الإضافة بعد '{date}'"
+"SearchFilterBar.topicsHidden","Folders excluded","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","المجلدات المستبعدة"
+"SearchFilters.addedAfterDateLabel","Added after","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تمت الإضافة لاحقاً"
+"SearchFilters.assessmentsLabel","Show assessments only","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","إظهار التقييمات فقط"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"SearchFilters.channelTypeLabel","Channel type","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","نوع القناة"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","القنوات التعليمية"
+"SearchFilters.coachContentLabel","Show resources for coaches","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","إظهار المصادر للمدرِّبين"
+"SearchFilters.filtersHeader","Filter options","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","خيارات الفلترة"
+"SearchFilters.hideTopicsLabel","Hide folders","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","إخفاء المجلدات"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"SearchOrBrowseWindow.backToBrowseAction","Back to browse","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","العودة إلى التصفح"
+"SearchOrBrowseWindow.copiedToClipboard","Copied to clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تمّ النّسخ إلى الحافظة"
+"SearchOrBrowseWindow.copyFailed","Failed to copy to clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","فشل النسخ إلى الحافظة"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"SearchOrBrowseWindow.searchLabel","Search for resources…","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","البحث عن المصادر..."
+"SearchResultsList.failedToLoad","Failed to load search results","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","يتعذر تحميل نتائج البحث"
+"SearchResultsList.resultsPerPageLabel","Results per page","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","النتائج لكل صفحة"
+"SearchResultsList.saveSearchAction","Save search","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","حفظ عملية البحث"
+"SearchResultsList.savedSearchesLabel","View saved searches","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","عرض عمليات البحث المحفوظة"
+"SearchResultsList.searchResultsCount","{count, number} {count, plural, one {result} other {results}} for '{searchTerm}'","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, number} {count, plural, zero {نتائج} one {نتيجة} two {نتيجتان} few {نتائج} many {نتيجةً} other {نتائج}} لـ '{searchTerm}'"
+"SearchResultsList.searchSavedSnackbar","Search saved","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تم حفظ عملية البحث"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"SettingsIndex.usingStudioLabel","About Studio","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","حول الاستوديو"
+"StagingTreePage.backToViewing","Back to viewing","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","العودة إلى العرض"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"StagingTreePage.channelDeployed","Channel has been deployed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تم نشر القناة"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"StagingTreePage.collapseAllButton","Collapse all","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تصغير الكل"
+"StagingTreePage.confirmDeployBtn","Deploy channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","نشر القناة"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"StagingTreePage.deployChannel","Deploy channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","نشر القناة"
+"StagingTreePage.deployDialogDescription","You are about to replace all live resources with staged resources.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","أنت على وشك استبدال مصادر العرض المباشر بمصادر العرض المرحلي."
+"StagingTreePage.emptyChannelSubText","No changes to review! The channel contains all the most recent folders and resources.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","لا توجد تغييرات للمعاينة! تحتوي القناة على أحدث المجلدات والمصادر."
+"StagingTreePage.emptyChannelText","No resources found","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","لم يتم العثور على أية مصادر"
+"StagingTreePage.emptyTopicText","This topic is empty","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","هذا الموضوع فارغ"
+"StagingTreePage.liveResources","Live resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","مصادر العرض المباشر"
+"StagingTreePage.openCurrentLocationButton","Expand to current folder location","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","قم بالتوسع إلى موقع المجلد الحالي"
+"StagingTreePage.openSummaryDetailsDialogBtn","View summary","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","عرض الملخص"
+"StagingTreePage.resourcesCount","{count, number} {count, plural, one { resource } other { resources }}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, number} {count, plural, zero {مصادر} one {مصدر} two {مصدران} few {مصادر} many {مصدراً} other {مصادر}}"
+"StagingTreePage.reviewMode","Review mode","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","وضعية المعاينة"
+"StagingTreePage.stagedResources","Staged resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","مصادر العرض المرحلي"
+"StagingTreePage.summaryDetailsDialogTitle","Summary details","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تفاصيل الملخص"
+"StagingTreePage.topicsCount","{count, number} {count, plural, one { folder } other { folders }}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, number} {count, plural, zero {مجلدات} one {مجلد} two {مجلدين} few {مجلدات} many {مجلدًا} other {مجلدات}}"
+"StagingTreePage.totalResources","Total resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","إجمالي المصادر"
+"StagingTreePage.totalSize","Total size","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","الحجم الإجمالي"
+"StagingTreePage.viewDetails","View details","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","عرض التفاصيل"
+"StatusStrings.noStorageError","Not enough space","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","لا توجد سعة كافية"
+"StatusStrings.uploadFailedError","Upload failed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","فشلت عملية الرفع"
+"StatusStrings.uploadFileSize","{uploaded} of {total}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{uploaded} من {total}"
+"Storage.hideFormAction","Close form","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","إغلاق النموذج"
+"Storage.learnMoreAboutImportingContentFromChannels","Learn more about how to import resources from other channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تعلّم المزيد عن كيفية استيراد المصادر من قنوات أخرى"
+"Storage.requestMoreSpaceHeading","Request more space","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","طلب مساحة تخزين أكبر"
+"Storage.requestMoreSpaceMessage","Please use this form to request additional uploading storage for your Kolibri Studio account. The resources you import from our public library to your channels do not count towards your storage limit.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","الرجاء استخدام هذا النموذج لطلب مساحة تخزين تحميل إضافية لحساب استوديو كوليبري الخاص بك. لن يتم احتساب المصادر التي تستوردها من مكتبتنا العامة إلى قنواتك من حد التخزين الخاص بك."
+"Storage.showFormAction","Open form","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","فتح النموذج"
+"Storage.spaceUsedOfMax","{qty} of {max}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{qty} من {max}"
+"Storage.storagePercentageUsed","{qty}% storage used","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{qty}% مساحة تخزين مستخدمة"
+"StudioTree.missingTitle","Missing title","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","عنوان مفقود"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"SubtitlesList.acceptedFormatsTooltip","Supported formats: {extensions}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","الصيغ مدعومة: {extensions}"
+"SubtitlesList.addSubtitleText","Add captions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","إضافة عناوين للصور"
+"SubtitlesList.subtitlesHeader","Captions and subtitles","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","عناوين الصور والنص السمعي"
+"SupplementaryItem.languageText","{language} ({code})","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{language} ({code})"
+"SupplementaryItem.retryUpload","Retry upload","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","أعد محاولة الرفع"
+"SupplementaryItem.uploadFailed","Upload failed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","فشلت عملية الرفع"
+"SupplementaryList.selectFileText","Select file","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","حدد ملفاً"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"SyncResourcesModal.confirmSyncModalExplainer","You are about to sync and update the following:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","أنت على وشك مزامنة وتحديث ما يلي:"
+"SyncResourcesModal.confirmSyncModalTitle","Confirm sync","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تأكيد المزامنة"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"SyncResourcesModal.syncExercisesExplainer","Update questions, answers, and hints","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تحديث الأسئلة والإجابات والتلميحات"
+"SyncResourcesModal.syncExercisesTitle","Assessment details","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تفاصيل التقييم"
+"SyncResourcesModal.syncFilesExplainer","Update all file information","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تحديث كافة معلومات الملف"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"SyncResourcesModal.syncModalExplainer","Sync and update your resources with their original source.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","مزامنة وتحديث مصادرك مع مصدرها الأصلي."
+"SyncResourcesModal.syncModalTitle","Sync resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","مزامنة المصادر"
+"SyncResourcesModal.syncTagsExplainer","Update all tags","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تحديث كافة التصنيفات"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"SyncResourcesModal.syncTitlesAndDescriptionsExplainer","Update resource titles and descriptions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تحديث عناوين وتوصيفات المصدر"
+"SyncResourcesModal.syncTitlesAndDescriptionsTitle","Titles and descriptions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","العناوين والتوصيفات"
+"TechnicalTextBlock.copiedToClipboardConfirmation","Copied to clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تمّ النّسخ إلى الحافظة"
+"TechnicalTextBlock.copiedToClipboardFailure","Copy to clipboard failed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","فشلت عملية النسخ إلى الحافظة"
+"TechnicalTextBlock.copyToClipboardButtonPrompt","Copy to clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","نسخ إلى الحافظة"
+"Template.templateString","You have {count, plural,
+ =1 {# node for testing}
+ other {# nodes for testing}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","لديك {count, plural, zero {# عقدة للاختبار} one {# عقدة للاختبار} two {# عقدتان للاختبار} few {# عقد للاختبار} many {# عقد للاختبار}
+ =1 {# عقدة للاختبار}
+ other {# عقدة للاختبار}}"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.ToSHeader","Terms of Service","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","شروط الخدمة"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseHeader","Acceptable Use Restrictions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Acceptable Use Restrictions"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem1","Will be in strict accordance with these Terms;","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Will be in strict accordance with these Terms;"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem10","Will not interfere with, disrupt, or attack any service or network; and","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Will not interfere with, disrupt, or attack any service or network; and"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem11","Will not be used to create, distribute, or enable material that is - or that facilitates or operates in conjunction with - malware, spyware, adware, or other malicious programs or code.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Will not be used to create, distribute, or enable material that is - or that facilitates or operates in conjunction with - malware, spyware, adware, or other malicious programs or code."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem2","Will comply with all applicable laws and regulations (including, without limitation, all applicable laws regarding online conduct and acceptable content, privacy, data protection, and the transmission of technical data exported from the United States or the country in which you reside);","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Will comply with all applicable laws and regulations (including, without limitation, all applicable laws regarding online conduct and acceptable content, privacy, data protection, and the transmission of technical data exported from the United States or the country in which you reside);"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem3","Will not use the Services for any unlawful purposes, to publish illegal content, or in furtherance of illegal activities;","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Will not use the Services for any unlawful purposes, to publish illegal content, or in furtherance of illegal activities;"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem4","Will not transmit any material that is defamatory, offensive or otherwise objectionable in relation to your use of the Service;","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Will not transmit any material that is defamatory, offensive or otherwise objectionable in relation to your use of the Service;"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem5","Will not infringe or misappropriate the intellectual property rights of any third party;","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Will not infringe or misappropriate the intellectual property rights of any third party;"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem6","Will not overburden Learning Equality's systems, as determined by us in our sole discretion, including but not limited to excessive bandwidth utilization or number of requests;","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Will not overburden Learning Equality's systems, as determined by us in our sole discretion, including but not limited to excessive bandwidth utilization or number of requests;"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem7","Will not attempt to circumvent your assigned storage quota or other account restrictions through technical or other means;","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Will not attempt to circumvent your assigned storage quota or other account restrictions through technical or other means;"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem8","Will not disclose sensitive personal information of others;","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Will not disclose sensitive personal information of others;"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem9","Will not be used to send spam or bulk unsolicited messages;","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Will not be used to send spam or bulk unsolicited messages;"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseP1","You represent and warrant that your use of the Service:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","You represent and warrant that your use of the Service:"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.accountTermsHeader","Account Terms","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Account Terms"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.accountTermsP1","When you register for an account on the Service, you agree to provide us with complete and accurate information. You will be solely responsible and liable for any activity that occurs under your username. You are responsible for keeping your account information up-to-date and for keeping your access credentials (password and API token) private and secure.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","When you register for an account on the Service, you agree to provide us with complete and accurate information. You will be solely responsible and liable for any activity that occurs under your username. You are responsible for keeping your account information up-to-date and for keeping your access credentials (password and API token) private and secure."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.accountTermsP2","You are responsible for maintaining the security of your account and any Service-related content, and you are fully responsible for all activities that occur under your account and any other actions taken in connection with the Service. You shall not share or misuse your access credentials. You must immediately notify us of any unauthorized uses of your account, or of any other breach of security. We will not be liable for any acts or omissions by you, including any damages of any kind incurred as a result of such acts or omissions.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","You are responsible for maintaining the security of your account and any Service-related content, and you are fully responsible for all activities that occur under your account and any other actions taken in connection with the Service. You shall not share or misuse your access credentials. You must immediately notify us of any unauthorized uses of your account, or of any other breach of security. We will not be liable for any acts or omissions by you, including any damages of any kind incurred as a result of such acts or omissions."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.accountTermsP3","Access to and use of the Service is only for those over the age of 13 (or 16 in the European Union). If you are younger than this, you may not register for or use the Service. Any person who registers as a user or provides their personal information to the Service represents that they are 13 years of age or older (or 16 years or older in the European Union).","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Access to and use of the Service is only for those over the age of 13 (or 16 in the European Union). If you are younger than this, you may not register for or use the Service. Any person who registers as a user or provides their personal information to the Service represents that they are 13 years of age or older (or 16 years or older in the European Union)."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.arbitrationHeader","Arbitration Agreement","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Arbitration Agreement"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.arbitrationP1","Except for claims for injunctive or equitable relief or claims regarding intellectual property rights (which may be brought in any competent court without the posting of a bond), any dispute arising under the Agreement shall be finally settled in accordance with the Comprehensive Arbitration Rules of the Judicial Arbitration and Mediation Service, Inc. (""JAMS"") by three arbitrators appointed in accordance with such Rules. The arbitration shall take place in San Diego, California, in the English language and the arbitral decision may be enforced in any court. The prevailing party in any action or proceeding to enforce the Agreement shall be entitled to costs and attorneys' fees.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Except for claims for injunctive or equitable relief or claims regarding intellectual property rights (which may be brought in any competent court without the posting of a bond), any dispute arising under the Agreement shall be finally settled in accordance with the Comprehensive Arbitration Rules of the Judicial Arbitration and Mediation Service, Inc. (""JAMS"") by three arbitrators appointed in accordance with such Rules. The arbitration shall take place in San Diego, California, in the English language and the arbitral decision may be enforced in any court. The prevailing party in any action or proceeding to enforce the Agreement shall be entitled to costs and attorneys' fees."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.cancellationHeader","Cancellation or Termination","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Cancellation or Termination"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.cancellationItem1","You must stop all activities authorized by these Terms, including your use of the Service.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","You must stop all activities authorized by these Terms, including your use of the Service."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.cancellationItem2","You must not register and create a new account under your name, a fake or borrowed name, or the name of any third party, even if you may be acting on behalf of the third party.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","You must not register and create a new account under your name, a fake or borrowed name, or the name of any third party, even if you may be acting on behalf of the third party."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.cancellationP1","We may terminate or restrict your access to all or any part of the Service at any time, with or without cause, with or without notice, effective immediately. We have the right (though not the obligation) to, in our sole discretion, (i) close down an account or remove content due to prolonged inactivity, (ii) refuse or remove any content that, in our reasonable opinion, violates any Learning Equality policy (including our Community Standards) or is in any way harmful or objectionable, or (iii) terminate or deny access to and use of the Service to any individual or entity for any reason. We will have no obligation to provide a refund of any amounts previously paid.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","We may terminate or restrict your access to all or any part of the Service at any time, with or without cause, with or without notice, effective immediately. We have the right (though not the obligation) to, in our sole discretion, (i) close down an account or remove content due to prolonged inactivity, (ii) refuse or remove any content that, in our reasonable opinion, violates any Learning Equality policy (including our Community Standards) or is in any way harmful or objectionable, or (iii) terminate or deny access to and use of the Service to any individual or entity for any reason. We will have no obligation to provide a refund of any amounts previously paid."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.cancellationP2","If we end your rights to use the Service:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","If we end your rights to use the Service:"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.cancellationP3","In addition to terminating or suspending your account, we reserve the right to take appropriate legal action, including without limitation pursuing civil, criminal, and injunctive action for violating these Terms.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","In addition to terminating or suspending your account, we reserve the right to take appropriate legal action, including without limitation pursuing civil, criminal, and injunctive action for violating these Terms."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.cancellationP4","All provisions of the Agreement which by their nature should survive termination shall survive termination, including, without limitation, ownership provisions, warranty disclaimers, indemnity, and limitations of liability.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","All provisions of the Agreement which by their nature should survive termination shall survive termination, including, without limitation, ownership provisions, warranty disclaimers, indemnity, and limitations of liability."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.changesToToSHeader","Changes to these Terms of Service","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Changes to these Terms of Service"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.changesToToSP1","We are constantly updating our Service and that means sometimes we have to change the legal terms under which our Service is offered. These Terms may only be modified by a written amendment signed by an authorized executive of Learning Equality, or by the posting by Learning Equality of a revised version. If we make changes that are material, we will let you know by posting on one of our blogs, or by sending you an email or other communication before the changes take effect. The notice will designate a reasonable period of time after which the new terms will take effect. If you disagree with our changes, then you should stop using the Service within the designated notice period, or once the changes become effective. Your continued use of the Service will be subject to the new terms. However, any dispute that arose before the changes shall be governed by the Terms (including the binding individual arbitration clause) that were in place when the dispute arose.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","We are constantly updating our Service and that means sometimes we have to change the legal terms under which our Service is offered. These Terms may only be modified by a written amendment signed by an authorized executive of Learning Equality, or by the posting by Learning Equality of a revised version. If we make changes that are material, we will let you know by posting on one of our blogs, or by sending you an email or other communication before the changes take effect. The notice will designate a reasonable period of time after which the new terms will take effect. If you disagree with our changes, then you should stop using the Service within the designated notice period, or once the changes become effective. Your continued use of the Service will be subject to the new terms. However, any dispute that arose before the changes shall be governed by the Terms (including the binding individual arbitration clause) that were in place when the dispute arose."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.communicationsHeader","Communications with Learning Equality","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Communications with Learning Equality"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.communicationsP1","For contractual purposes, you (1) consent to receive communications from us in an electronic form via the email address you have submitted or via the Service; and (2) agree that all Terms of Service, agreements, notices, disclosures, and other communications that we provide to you electronically satisfy any legal requirement that those communications would satisfy if they were on paper. This section does not affect your non-waivable rights.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","For contractual purposes, you (1) consent to receive communications from us in an electronic form via the email address you have submitted or via the Service; and (2) agree that all Terms of Service, agreements, notices, disclosures, and other communications that we provide to you electronically satisfy any legal requirement that those communications would satisfy if they were on paper. This section does not affect your non-waivable rights."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.communityStandardsHeader","Community Standards","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","معايير المجتمع"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.communityStandardsLink","Learn more about Studio's community standards","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Learn more about Studio's community standards"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.communityStandardsP1","For more information about the intended use of the Service, and standards around Content, please see our Community Standards page.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","For more information about the intended use of the Service, and standards around Content, please see our Community Standards page."
+-- CONTEXT --
+"TermsOfServiceModal.definitionsP1","These are the Terms for the web application hosted at https://studio.learningequality.org/, along with any API's or other interfaces it provides (the ""Service""), controlled and operated by Learning Equality (""Learning Equality"", ""we"", ""us"" and ""our""). We are registered as a nonprofit organization in California, USA under EIN 46-2676188, and have our registered office at 9700 Gilman Dr, PMB 323, La Jolla, CA 92093.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","These are the Terms for the web application hosted at https://studio.learningequality.org/, along with any API's or other interfaces it provides (the ""Service""), controlled and operated by Learning Equality (""Learning Equality"", ""we"", ""us"" and ""our""). We are registered as a nonprofit organization in California, USA under EIN 46-2676188, and have our registered office at 9700 Gilman Dr, PMB 323, La Jolla, CA 92093."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.definitionsP2","These Terms describe our commitments to you, and your rights and responsibilities when using the Service. If you breach any of these Terms, your right to access and use of the Service and Service will be terminated. Please read them carefully and reach out to us if you have any questions.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","These Terms describe our commitments to you, and your rights and responsibilities when using the Service. If you breach any of these Terms, your right to access and use of the Service and Service will be terminated. Please read them carefully and reach out to us if you have any questions."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.definitionsP3","""Content"" refers to media files (such as videos, audio files, HTML5 content, or other materials) that are hosted on the Service, along with their associated descriptive metadata.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","""Content"" refers to media files (such as videos, audio files, HTML5 content, or other materials) that are hosted on the Service, along with their associated descriptive metadata."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.definitionsP4","Throughout these Terms, ""you"" applies to both individuals and entities that access or use the Service. If you are an individual using the Service on behalf of an entity, you represent and warrant that you have the authority to bind that entity to the Agreement and that by using our Service, you are accepting the Agreement on behalf of that entity.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Throughout these Terms, ""you"" applies to both individuals and entities that access or use the Service. If you are an individual using the Service on behalf of an entity, you represent and warrant that you have the authority to bind that entity to the Agreement and that by using our Service, you are accepting the Agreement on behalf of that entity."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.disclaimerP1","Before using this website, you should read the following important information relating to it. These Terms of Service (""Terms"") govern your use of this website and form a legally binding agreement between you and us regarding your use of our website.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Before using this website, you should read the following important information relating to it. These Terms of Service (""Terms"") govern your use of this website and form a legally binding agreement between you and us regarding your use of our website."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.disclaimerP2","If, for any reason, you are unable or unwilling to agree to all of these Terms, please immediately discontinue using or attempting to use the service.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","If, for any reason, you are unable or unwilling to agree to all of these Terms, please immediately discontinue using or attempting to use the service."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.disclaimerP3","By continuing to use the Service you agree to these terms which will bind you.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","By continuing to use the Service you agree to these terms which will bind you."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.dmcaHeader","DMCA Policy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","DMCA Policy"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.dmcaLink","Report a violation","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Report a violation"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.dmcaP1","As we ask others to respect our intellectual property rights, we respect the intellectual property rights of others. If you believe that material located on or associated with the Service violates your copyright, please notify us in accordance with our Digital Millennium Copyright Act (""DMCA"") Policy. We will respond to all such notices, including as required or appropriate by removing the infringing material or disabling all links to the infringing material. We will terminate a visitor's access to and use of the website if, under appropriate circumstances, the visitor is determined to be a repeat infringer of copyrights or other intellectual property rights. In the case of such termination, we will have no obligation to provide a refund of any payments or other forms of restitution.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","As we ask others to respect our intellectual property rights, we respect the intellectual property rights of others. If you believe that material located on or associated with the Service violates your copyright, please notify us in accordance with our Digital Millennium Copyright Act (""DMCA"") Policy. We will respond to all such notices, including as required or appropriate by removing the infringing material or disabling all links to the infringing material. We will terminate a visitor's access to and use of the website if, under appropriate circumstances, the visitor is determined to be a repeat infringer of copyrights or other intellectual property rights. In the case of such termination, we will have no obligation to provide a refund of any payments or other forms of restitution."
+-- CONTEXT --
+"TermsOfServiceModal.indemnificationP1","You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Learning Equality, its contractors, and its licensors, and their respective directors, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all losses, liabilities, demands, damages, costs, claims, and expenses, including attorneys' fees, arising out of or related to your use of the Service, including but not limited to your violation of the Agreement, Content that you upload or author, and any other activities conducted using the Service.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Learning Equality, its contractors, and its licensors, and their respective directors, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all losses, liabilities, demands, damages, costs, claims, and expenses, including attorneys' fees, arising out of or related to your use of the Service, including but not limited to your violation of the Agreement, Content that you upload or author, and any other activities conducted using the Service."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.intellectualPropertyHeader","Intellectual Property Notice","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Intellectual Property Notice"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.intellectualPropertyP1","The Agreement does not transfer from Learning Equality to you any Learning Equality or third party intellectual property, and all right, title, and interest in and to such property will remain (as between the parties) solely with Learning Equality. ""Kolibri"", ""Kolibri Studio"", ""Learning Equality"", the Kolibri logo, and all other trademarks, service marks, graphics, and logos used in connection with learningequality.org or the Service, are trademarks or registered trademarks of Learning Equality or Learning Equality's licensors. Other trademarks, service marks, graphics, and logos used in connection with the Service may be the trademarks of other third parties. Your use of the Service grants you no right or license to reproduce or otherwise use any Learning Equality or third party trademarks and any such use may constitute an infringement of the holder's rights","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","The Agreement does not transfer from Learning Equality to you any Learning Equality or third party intellectual property, and all right, title, and interest in and to such property will remain (as between the parties) solely with Learning Equality. ""Kolibri"", ""Kolibri Studio"", ""Learning Equality"", the Kolibri logo, and all other trademarks, service marks, graphics, and logos used in connection with learningequality.org or the Service, are trademarks or registered trademarks of Learning Equality or Learning Equality's licensors. Other trademarks, service marks, graphics, and logos used in connection with the Service may be the trademarks of other third parties. Your use of the Service grants you no right or license to reproduce or otherwise use any Learning Equality or third party trademarks and any such use may constitute an infringement of the holder's rights"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.jurisdictionHeader","Jurisdiction and Applicable Law","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Jurisdiction and Applicable Law"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.jurisdictionP1","Except to the extent any applicable law provides otherwise, the Agreement and any access to or use of the Service will be governed by the laws of the state of California, U.S.A., excluding its conflict of law provisions. The proper venue for any disputes arising out of or relating to the Agreement and any access to or use of the Service will be the state and federal courts located in San Diego County, California.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Except to the extent any applicable law provides otherwise, the Agreement and any access to or use of the Service will be governed by the laws of the state of California, U.S.A., excluding its conflict of law provisions. The proper venue for any disputes arising out of or relating to the Agreement and any access to or use of the Service will be the state and federal courts located in San Diego County, California."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.liabilityHeader","Limitation of Liability","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Limitation of Liability"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.liabilityP1","To the extent legally permitted under the applicable law, Learning Equality shall not be responsible for any loss or damage to you, your customers or third parties caused by failure of the website to function. In no event will Learning Equality be liable for any special, consequential, incidental, or indirect damages (including, without limitation, those resulting from lost profits, cost of substitute goods or services, lost data or business interruption) in connection with the use of the website or Service of in connection with any other claim arising from these Terms of Service. The aggregate liability of Learning Equality arising from or relating to these Terms and the Service, regardless of the form of action or claim (contract, tort or otherwise) and even if you have been advised of the possibility of such damages shall not exceed the amount paid by you during the twelve (12) month period prior to the cause of action. Nothing in these Terms shall limit or exclude Learning Equality liability for gross negligence or for death or personal injury. Applicable law may not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","To the extent legally permitted under the applicable law, Learning Equality shall not be responsible for any loss or damage to you, your customers or third parties caused by failure of the website to function. In no event will Learning Equality be liable for any special, consequential, incidental, or indirect damages (including, without limitation, those resulting from lost profits, cost of substitute goods or services, lost data or business interruption) in connection with the use of the website or Service of in connection with any other claim arising from these Terms of Service. The aggregate liability of Learning Equality arising from or relating to these Terms and the Service, regardless of the form of action or claim (contract, tort or otherwise) and even if you have been advised of the possibility of such damages shall not exceed the amount paid by you during the twelve (12) month period prior to the cause of action. Nothing in these Terms shall limit or exclude Learning Equality liability for gross negligence or for death or personal injury. Applicable law may not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.licensingHeader","Licensing and Copyright","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Licensing and Copyright"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.licensingList1Item1","Copyright ownership of the Content is retained by the original copyright holder and must be indicated, and license information must be marked so as to accurately reflect the copyright holder's intentions around the distribution and use of that Content.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copyright ownership of the Content is retained by the original copyright holder and must be indicated, and license information must be marked so as to accurately reflect the copyright holder's intentions around the distribution and use of that Content."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.licensingList1Item2","If you are not yourself the copyright holder, you must have the rights to distribute the uploaded Content, either through explicit written permission from the copyright holder, or as allowed by the terms of the license under which the Content has been released.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","If you are not yourself the copyright holder, you must have the rights to distribute the uploaded Content, either through explicit written permission from the copyright holder, or as allowed by the terms of the license under which the Content has been released."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.licensingList1Item3","If you are the copyright holder of the uploaded content, then by marking the Content you upload with a particular license, you are agreeing for the Content to be distributed and used under the terms of that license in perpetuity.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","If you are the copyright holder of the uploaded content, then by marking the Content you upload with a particular license, you are agreeing for the Content to be distributed and used under the terms of that license in perpetuity."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.licensingList2Item1","Descriptive metadata: This includes primary metadata associated with a single piece of Content, for example, titles, descriptions, and other elements which constitute a definitive part of the Content regardless of which system it appears on. These metadata elements will fall under the same copyright and licensing as the Content itself.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Descriptive metadata: This includes primary metadata associated with a single piece of Content, for example, titles, descriptions, and other elements which constitute a definitive part of the Content regardless of which system it appears on. These metadata elements will fall under the same copyright and licensing as the Content itself."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.licensingList2Item2","Organizational metadata: This defines how a piece of content may be used, aids with discovery, and places it within some broader structure of relations on the Service, for example, tags, curation into folders (including the titles of those folders), and other elements pertaining to the display and ordering of Content on the system itself. By using the Service, you agree that work you do to generate organizational metadata elements are released into the Public Domain, and may be made available for others to use, without any claim to copyright or restricted licensing. We may also share, leverage and distribute this organizational metadata. This is so that we can benefit others and improve the impact of our platforms.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Organizational metadata: This defines how a piece of content may be used, aids with discovery, and places it within some broader structure of relations on the Service, for example, tags, curation into folders (including the titles of those folders), and other elements pertaining to the display and ordering of Content on the system itself. By using the Service, you agree that work you do to generate organizational metadata elements are released into the Public Domain, and may be made available for others to use, without any claim to copyright or restricted licensing. We may also share, leverage and distribute this organizational metadata. This is so that we can benefit others and improve the impact of our platforms."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.licensingP1","The Service allows you to upload and distribute Content. When you do, the following terms apply:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","The Service allows you to upload and distribute Content. When you do, the following terms apply:"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.licensingP2","We follow a policy of making content, including its associated metadata, as open as possible while following the appropriate copyright laws. With this in mind, we distinguish between:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","We follow a policy of making content, including its associated metadata, as open as possible while following the appropriate copyright laws. With this in mind, we distinguish between:"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"TermsOfServiceModal.miscellaneousP1","The Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between Learning Equality and you concerning the subject matter hereof. If any part of the Agreement is held invalid or unenforceable, that part will be construed to reflect the parties' original intent, and the remaining portions will remain in full force and effect. A waiver by either party of any term or condition of the Agreement or any breach thereof, in any one instance, will not waive such term or condition or any subsequent breach thereof.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","The Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between Learning Equality and you concerning the subject matter hereof. If any part of the Agreement is held invalid or unenforceable, that part will be construed to reflect the parties' original intent, and the remaining portions will remain in full force and effect. A waiver by either party of any term or condition of the Agreement or any breach thereof, in any one instance, will not waive such term or condition or any subsequent breach thereof."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.miscellaneousP2","You may assign your rights under the Agreement to any party that consents to, and agrees to be bound by, its terms and conditions; Learning Equality may assign its rights under the Agreement without condition. The Agreement will be binding upon and will inure to the benefit of the parties, their successors and permitted assigns.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","You may assign your rights under the Agreement to any party that consents to, and agrees to be bound by, its terms and conditions; Learning Equality may assign its rights under the Agreement without condition. The Agreement will be binding upon and will inure to the benefit of the parties, their successors and permitted assigns."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.miscellaneousP3","If you have any questions about the Service or these Terms, please contact us at legal@learningequality.org.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","If you have any questions about the Service or these Terms, please contact us at legal@learningequality.org."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.prompt","Please read these terms and conditions carefully","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Please read these terms and conditions carefully"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.thirdPartyHeader","Third Party Content and Third Party Applications","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Third Party Content and Third Party Applications"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.thirdPartyP1","The links to third party websites, any third party content, and any third party applications may be provided for your convenience and information only. The content on any linked website or in any third party application is not under our control and we are not responsible for the content of linked websites and/or third party applications, including any further links contained in a third party website. We make no representations or warranties in connection with any third party content or third party applications, which at all times and in each instance is provided ""as is."" Third party applications may be subject to additional policies and conditions or agreements between you and the provider of such third party applications. You agree to fully comply with all such additional policies, conditions and agreements. If you decide to access any third party content, and/or any third party application, you do so entirely at your own risk.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","The links to third party websites, any third party content, and any third party applications may be provided for your convenience and information only. The content on any linked website or in any third party application is not under our control and we are not responsible for the content of linked websites and/or third party applications, including any further links contained in a third party website. We make no representations or warranties in connection with any third party content or third party applications, which at all times and in each instance is provided ""as is."" Third party applications may be subject to additional policies and conditions or agreements between you and the provider of such third party applications. You agree to fully comply with all such additional policies, conditions and agreements. If you decide to access any third party content, and/or any third party application, you do so entirely at your own risk."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.thirdPartyRightsHeader","Third Party Rights","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Third Party Rights"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.thirdPartyRightsP1","Nothing in our Terms is intended to confer on any third party any benefit or any right (under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 UK or otherwise) to enforce any provision of our Terms or any agreement entered into in connection with it.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nothing in our Terms is intended to confer on any third party any benefit or any right (under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 UK or otherwise) to enforce any provision of our Terms or any agreement entered into in connection with it."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.updatedToSHeader","Updated terms of service","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","شروط الخدمة المحدثة"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentHeader","User-Generated Content","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","User-Generated Content"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList1Item1","We do not endorse any uploaded Content or represent that Content is accurate, useful, or non-harmful. Content could be offensive, indecent, or objectionable; include technical inaccuracies, typographical mistakes, or other errors; or violate or infringe the privacy, publicity rights, intellectual property rights (see our Copyright Infringement and DMCA Policy section to submit copyright complaints), or other proprietary rights of third parties.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","We do not endorse any uploaded Content or represent that Content is accurate, useful, or non-harmful. Content could be offensive, indecent, or objectionable; include technical inaccuracies, typographical mistakes, or other errors; or violate or infringe the privacy, publicity rights, intellectual property rights (see our Copyright Infringement and DMCA Policy section to submit copyright complaints), or other proprietary rights of third parties."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList1Item2","If you upload or author Content, or otherwise make (or allow any third party to make) Content available on the Service, you are entirely responsible for the Content, and any harm resulting from, that Content or your conduct.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","If you upload or author Content, or otherwise make (or allow any third party to make) Content available on the Service, you are entirely responsible for the Content, and any harm resulting from, that Content or your conduct."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList1Item3","You are responsible for ensuring that you have proper permissions to upload and distribute any and all uploaded Content and for ensuring that the copyright holder and licensing are properly evidenced on the uploaded Content.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","You are responsible for ensuring that you have proper permissions to upload and distribute any and all uploaded Content and for ensuring that the copyright holder and licensing are properly evidenced on the uploaded Content."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList1Item4","We disclaim any responsibility for any harm resulting from anyone's use or downloading of Content. If you access or use any Content, you are responsible for taking precautions as necessary to protect yourself and your computer systems from viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and other harmful or destructive content.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","We disclaim any responsibility for any harm resulting from anyone's use or downloading of Content. If you access or use any Content, you are responsible for taking precautions as necessary to protect yourself and your computer systems from viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and other harmful or destructive content."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList1Item5","We are not a party to, and will have no responsibility or liability for, any communications, transactions, interactions, or disputes between you and the provider of any Content.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","We are not a party to, and will have no responsibility or liability for, any communications, transactions, interactions, or disputes between you and the provider of any Content."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList1Item6","Please note that additional third party terms and conditions may apply to the downloading, copying, or use of Content.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Please note that additional third party terms and conditions may apply to the downloading, copying, or use of Content."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList2Item1","We do not have any control over those websites and are not responsible for their contents or their use.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","We do not have any control over those websites and are not responsible for their contents or their use."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList2Item2","The existence of a link to or from the Service does not represent or imply that we endorse such website.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","The existence of a link to or from the Service does not represent or imply that we endorse such website."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList2Item3","You are responsible for taking precautions as necessary to protect yourself and your computer systems from viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and other harmful or destructive content.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","You are responsible for taking precautions as necessary to protect yourself and your computer systems from viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and other harmful or destructive content."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList3Item1","remove or force upgrades of copies of Content that have already been downloaded from the Service, except in cases in which the Kolibri Learning Application is running on a server that is under our control. This may mean that when we delete uploaded content not all copies will be removed.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","remove or force upgrades of copies of Content that have already been downloaded from the Service, except in cases in which the Kolibri Learning Application is running on a server that is under our control. This may mean that when we delete uploaded content not all copies will be removed."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList3Item2","remove or change the licensing on old versions of Content that others have made copies of, should you change the licensing on your content and/or request a removal of the Content from us. When a Creative Commons license is applied to a specific version of a piece of Content, the rights conferred to others for distribution and use of that Content cannot be revoked. Whilst we cannot remove or force updates on copies of the Content, we would let you update the license on your own copy of the Content moving forward, and for future versions.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","remove or change the licensing on old versions of Content that others have made copies of, should you change the licensing on your content and/or request a removal of the Content from us. When a Creative Commons license is applied to a specific version of a piece of Content, the rights conferred to others for distribution and use of that Content cannot be revoked. Whilst we cannot remove or force updates on copies of the Content, we would let you update the license on your own copy of the Content moving forward, and for future versions."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentP1","We have not reviewed, and cannot review, all of the Content (such as, but not limited to, text, photo, video, audio, code, computer software, or other materials) uploaded to or authored using the Service by users or anyone else and are not responsible for any use or effects of such Content. So, for example:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","We have not reviewed, and cannot review, all of the Content (such as, but not limited to, text, photo, video, audio, code, computer software, or other materials) uploaded to or authored using the Service by users or anyone else and are not responsible for any use or effects of such Content. So, for example:"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentP2","We also have not reviewed, and cannot review, all of the material made available through the websites and web pages that link to, or are linked from the Service. For example:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","We also have not reviewed, and cannot review, all of the material made available through the websites and web pages that link to, or are linked from the Service. For example:"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentP3","We reserve the right to remove any Content that violates our Terms or for any other reason.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","We reserve the right to remove any Content that violates our Terms or for any other reason."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentP4","Please note we cannot:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Please note we cannot:"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.warrantyHeader","Disclaimer of Warranties","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Disclaimer of Warranties"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.warrantyHeaderP1","You acknowledge that the website and the Service is provided ""as is"" and ""as available"", with all faults and without warranty of any kind, and we hereby disclaim all warranties and conditions with respect to the website and Service, either express, implied or statutory, including, but not limited to, any implied warranties and/or conditions of merchantability, of satisfactory quality, of fitness for a particular purpose, of accuracy, and non-infringement of third party rights. Any use of the Service and website is at your own risk. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties, so the above limitations may not apply to you.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","You acknowledge that the website and the Service is provided ""as is"" and ""as available"", with all faults and without warranty of any kind, and we hereby disclaim all warranties and conditions with respect to the website and Service, either express, implied or statutory, including, but not limited to, any implied warranties and/or conditions of merchantability, of satisfactory quality, of fitness for a particular purpose, of accuracy, and non-infringement of third party rights. Any use of the Service and website is at your own risk. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties, so the above limitations may not apply to you."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.yourPrivacyHeader","Your Privacy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Your Privacy"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.yourPrivacyLink","Learn more about Studio's privacy policy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Learn more about Studio's privacy policy"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.yourPrivacyP1","We take your privacy seriously. Please read our Privacy Policy to see how we collect, use and protect your personal data.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","We take your privacy seriously. Please read our Privacy Policy to see how we collect, use and protect your personal data."
+"TextArea.fieldRequiredMessage","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","هذا الحقل مطلوب"
+"TextField.fieldRequiredMessage","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","هذا الحقل مطلوب"
+"Thumbnail.thumbnail","{title} thumbnail","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{title} صورة مصغرة"
+"ThumbnailGenerator.generatedDefaultFilename","Generated thumbnail","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","صورة مصغرة تم إنشاؤها"
+"ThumbnailGenerator.thumbnailGenerationFailedHeader","Unable to generate thumbnail","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تعذّر إنشاء صورة مصغرة"
+"ThumbnailGenerator.thumbnailGenerationFailedText","There was a problem generating a thumbnail","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","حدثت مشكلة أثناء إنشاء صورة مصغرة"
+"TitleStrings.catalogTitle","Kolibri Content Library Catalog","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","دليل مكتبة محتوى كوليبري"
+"TitleStrings.defaultTitle","Kolibri Studio","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","استوديو كوليبري"
+"TitleStrings.tabTitle","{title} - {site}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{title} - {site}"
+"ToggleText.less","Show less","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","عرض أقل"
+"ToggleText.more","Show more","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","عرض المزيد"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"TrashModal.deleteConfirmationDeleteButton","Delete permanently","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","حذف نهائي"
+"TrashModal.deleteConfirmationHeader","Permanently delete {topicCount, plural,
+ =1 {# folder}
+ other {# folders}}, {resourceCount, plural,
+ =1 {# resource}
+ other {# resources}}?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","الحذف نهائياً لـ {topicCount, plural, zero {مجلدًا} one {# مجلد} two {# مجلدان} few {# مجلدات} many {# مجلدًا}
+ =1 {# مجلد}
+ other {# مجلدات}}, {resourceCount, plural,
+ =1 {# مصدر}
+ other {# مصادر}}؟"
+"TrashModal.deleteConfirmationText","You cannot undo this action. Are you sure you want to continue?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","لا يمكنك التراجع عن هذا الإجراء. هل أنت متأكد من أنك تريد المتابعة؟"
+"TrashModal.deleteSuccessMessage","Permanently deleted","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تم الحذف نهائياً"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تمّت الإزالة"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"TrashModal.selectAllHeader","Select all","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تحديد الكل"
+"TrashModal.selectedCountText","{topicCount, plural,
+ =1 {# folder}
+ other {# folders}}, {resourceCount, plural,
+ =1 {# resource}
+ other {# resources}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{topicCount, plural,
+ zero {مجلدات}
+ one {# مجلد}
+ two {# مجلدين}
+ few {# مجلدات }
+ many {# مجلد}=1 {# مجلدًا}
+ other {# مجلدات}}, {resourceCount, plural,
+ zero {مصادر}
+ one {# مصدر}
+ two {# مصدرين}
+ few {# مصادر}
+ many {# مصدر}=1 {# مصدرًا}
+ other {# مصادر}}"
+"TrashModal.trashEmptySubtext","Resources removed from this channel will appear here","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","ستظهر المصادر المحذوفة من هذه القناة هنا"
+"TrashModal.trashEmptyText","Trash is empty","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","سلة المهملات فارغة"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","سلّة المهملات"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"TreeView.collapseAllButton","Collapse all","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تصغير الكل"
+"TreeView.openCurrentLocationButton","Expand to current folder location","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","قم بالتوسع إلى موقع المجلد الحالي"
+"TreeView.showSidebar","Show sidebar","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","إظهار الشريط الجانبي"
+"TreeView.updatedResourcesReadyForReview","Updated resources are ready for review","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","المصادر المحدثة جاهزة للمعاينة"
+"TreeViewBase.apiGenerated","Generated by API","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تم توليدها/ ها من API"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"TreeViewBase.channelDeletedSnackbar","Channel deleted","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تم حذف القناة"
+"TreeViewBase.channelDetails","View channel details","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","عرض تفاصيل القناة"
+"TreeViewBase.deleteChannel","Delete channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","حذف القناة التعليمية"
+"TreeViewBase.deleteChannelButton","Delete channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","حذف القناة التعليمية"
+"TreeViewBase.deletePrompt","This channel will be permanently deleted. This cannot be undone.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","سيتم حذف هذه القناة بشكل دائم. لا يمكن التراجع عن هذه الخطوة."
+"TreeViewBase.deleteTitle","Delete this channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","حذف هذه القناة"
+"TreeViewBase.editChannel","Edit channel details","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تعديل تفاصيل القناة"
+"TreeViewBase.emptyChannelTooltip","You cannot publish an empty channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","لا يمكنك نشر قناة فارغة"
+"TreeViewBase.getToken","Get token","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","احصل على رمز تعريف"
+"TreeViewBase.incompleteDescendantsText","{count, number, integer} {count, plural, one {resource is incomplete and cannot be published} other {resources are incomplete and cannot be published}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, number, integer} {count, plural, zero {مصادر لم تكتمل ولا يمكن نشرها} one {مصدر لم يكتمل ولا يمكن نشره} two {مصدران لم يكتملا ولا يمكن نشرهما} few {مصادر لم تكتمل ولا يمكن نشرها} many {مصدراً لم يكتمل ولا يمكن نشره} other {مصادر لم تكتمل ولا يمكن نشرها}}"
+"TreeViewBase.noChangesText","No changes found in channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","لم يتم العثور على تغييرات في القناة"
+"TreeViewBase.noLanguageSetError","Missing channel language","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","لغة القناة غير موجودة"
+"TreeViewBase.openTrash","Open trash","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","فتح سلة المهملات"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"TreeViewBase.publishButtonTitle","Make this channel available for import into Kolibri","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","جعل هذه القناة متاحة للاستيراد إلى كوليبري"
+"TreeViewBase.shareChannel","Share channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","شارك القناة"
+"TreeViewBase.syncChannel","Sync resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","مزامنة المصادر"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","قنوات للعرض فقط"
+"Uploader.listDelimiter",", ","
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Uploader.maxFileSizeText","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# file will not be uploaded.}
+ other {# files will not be uploaded.}} File size must be under {size}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural, zero {# ملفات لن يتم تحميلها.} one {# ملف لن يتم تحميله.} two {# ملفان لن يتم تحميلهما.} few {# ملفات لن يتم تحميلها.} many {# ملفاً لن يتم تحميلها.}
+ =1 {# ملف لن يتم تحميله.}
+ other {# ملفات لن يتم تحميلها.}} حجم الملف يجب أن يكون أقل من {size}"
+"Uploader.noStorageHeader","Not enough space","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","لا توجد سعة كافية"
+"Uploader.remainingStorage","Remaining storage: {size}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","مساحة التخزين المتبقية: {size}"
+"Uploader.tooLargeFilesHeader","Max file size exceeded","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تم تجاوز الحد الأقصى لحجم الملف"
+"Uploader.unsupportedFilesHeader","Unsupported files","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","ملفات غير مدعومة"
+"Uploader.unsupportedFilesText","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# file will not be uploaded.}
+ other {# files will not be uploaded.}}
+ {extensionCount, plural,
+ =1 {Supported file type is}
+ other {Supported file types are}} {extensions}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural, zero {# ملفات لن يتم تحميلها} one {# ملفات لن يتم تحميلها.} two {# ملفان لن يتم تحميلهما.} few {# ملفات لن يتم تحميلها.} many {# ملفاً لن يتم تحميله.}
+ =1 {# ملفاً لن يتم تحميله.}
+ other {# ملفات لن يتم تحميلها.}}
+ {extensionCount, plural,
+ =1 {نوع الملف المدعوم هو}
+ other {أنواع الملفات المدعومة هي}} {extensions}"
+"Uploader.uploadSize","Upload is too large: {size}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","حجم الرفع كبير جداً: {size}"
+"UsingStudio.aboutStudio","About Kolibri Studio","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","حول استوديو كوليبري"
+"UsingStudio.aboutStudioText","Kolibri Studio is undergoing active development, and as such, some changes could cause unexpected behavior or challenges (also known as ""issues""). If you encounter an issue, please notify us as soon as they occur to help us resolve them. (See below for instructions on how to report issues.)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","يخضع استوديو كوليبري لعملية تطوير دائمة، وبذلك قد تتسبب بعض التغييرات في حدوث سلوك أو تحديات غير متوقعة (تسمّى أيضاً بـ""المشاكل""). في حال واجهت مشكلة، يرجى إعلامنا حال حدوثها لمساعدتنا في حلها. (انظر أدناه للحصول على تعليمات حول طريقة الإبلاغ عن المشاكل)."
+"UsingStudio.bestPractice1","When using import and clipboard operations, work with small subsets of folders instead of whole channels at once (especially for large channels).","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","عند استخدام عمليات الاستيراد والحافظة، قم بذلك ضمن مجموعات فرعية صغيرة من المجلدات بدلاً من القنوات الكاملة في المرة الواحدة (خصوصاً للقنوات الكبيرة)."
+"UsingStudio.bestPractice2","It is preferable to create multiple small channels rather than one giant channel with many layers of folders.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","يُفضّل إنشاء قنوات صغيرة متعددة عوضاً عن إنشاء قناة كبيرة واحدة بمجلدات متعددة."
+"UsingStudio.bestPractice3","Reload the page often to ensure your work is saved to the server and no network errors have occurred. Use CTRL+R on Linux/Windows or ⌘+R on Mac.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","قم بإعادة تحميل الصفحة بشكل دوري للتأكد من حفظ عملك على الخادم وعدم حدوث أخطاء في الشبكة. استخدم CTRL + R في أنظمة تشغيل Linux / Windows أو ⌘ + R على نظام Mac."
+"UsingStudio.bestPractice4","Avoid simultaneous edits on the same channel. Channels should not be edited by multiple users at the same time or by the same user in multiple browser windows.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تجنب القيام بعمليات تحرير متزامنة في نفس القناة. لا يجوز أن يتم تحرير القنوات بواسطة عدة مستخدمين في نفس الوقت أو بواسطة نفس المستخدم في عدة نوافذ تصفح."
+"UsingStudio.bestPractice5","It is possible that you will encounter timeout errors in your browser when performing operations like import and sync, on large channels. Don't be alarmed by this error message and do not repeat the same operation again right away. It doesn't mean the operation has failed- Kolibri Studio is still working in the background. Wait a few minutes and reload the page before continuing your edits.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","قد تواجه أخطاء مرتبطة بانتهاء المهلة على متصفحك عند القيام بعمليات مثل الاستيراد والمزامنة على القنوات الكبيرة. لا تتفاجأ برسالة الخطأ تلك ولا تكرر العملية مجدداً على الفور. هذه الرسالة لا تعني أن العملية فشلت- لا يزال استوديو كوليبري يعمل في الخلفية. انتظر لبضع دقائق ثم أعد تحميل الصفحة قبل متابعة عمليات التحرير."
+"UsingStudio.bestPractice6","Compress videos before uploading them (see these instructions).","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","قم بضغط مقاطع الفيديو قبل تحميلها (ألقِ نظرة على هذه التعليمات)."
+"UsingStudio.bestPractice7","PUBLISH periodically and import your channel into Kolibri to preview the content and obtain a local backup copy of your channel.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","قم بالنشر بشكل دوري واستورد قناتك إلى كوليبري من أجل معاينة المحتوى والحصول على نسخة احتياطية محلية من قناتك."
+"UsingStudio.bestPractice8","Do not edit the channel after you click PUBLISH. Wait for the notification email before resuming editing operations.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","لا تقم بعمليات تحرير في القناة بعد النقر على خيار ""نشر"". انتظر إشعار البريد الإلكتروني قبل متابعة عمليات التحرير."
+"UsingStudio.bestPractice9","Report issues as you encounter them.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","قم بالإبلاغ عن المشاكل عندما تواجهها."
+"UsingStudio.bestPractices","Best practices","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","أفضل الممارسات"
+"UsingStudio.communityStandardsLink","Community standards","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","معايير المجتمع"
+"UsingStudio.issue1","Two users have reported isolated incidents where content they imported from another channel disappeared, leaving only empty folders and subfolders. In one report, the content later re-appeared. They did not experience these problems consistently, and the incidents may possibly involve issues with a slow or unstable internet connection. If you run into this issue, please contact us as soon as possible and let us know as much information as you can remember.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","لقد أبلغ اثنان من المستخدمين عن حوادث منفصلة حيث اختفى المحتوى الذي قاما باستيراده من قناة أخرى، ولم يبق سوى المجلدات الرئيسية والمجلدات الفرعية الفارغة. وأُشير في أحد التقارير أن المحتوى قد ظهر في ما بعد. لم يواجه المستخدمان هذه المشاكل بشكل مستمر، وقد تتضمن تلك الحوادث مشاكل مرتبطة باتصال الإنترنت البطيء أو غير المستقر. الرجاء الاتصال بنا بأسرع وقت ممكن في حال صادفت هذه المشكلة من أجل إطلاعنا على كل ما يمكنك تذكره من معلومات."
+"UsingStudio.issue2","Some operations in Studio are currently very slow, and so it may appear that the change you attempted to make timed out or did not take effect. In many cases, the change is still being processed and will appear once it is complete. If, after 5-10 minutes, the change still has not taken effect even after a browser refresh, please file an issue. We are working on solutions to these issues.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","بعض العمليات في الاستوديو بطيئة جدًا في الوقت الحالي، ولهذا قد يبدو أن التغيير الذي حاولت القيام به قد انتهى أو لم يتم بنجاح. في كثير من الحالات، يبقى التغيير قيد المعالجة وسيظهر حال اكتماله. في حال لم يكتمل التغيير خلال ٥-١٠ دقائق حتى بعد تحديث المتصفح، الرجاء إعلامنا بالمشكلة. نحن نعمل على إيجاد حلول لهذه المشاكل."
+"UsingStudio.issueLink1","Reports of disappearing content","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","تقارير متعلقة باختفاء المحتوى"
+"UsingStudio.issueLink2","Slow performance can lead to unexpected errors in the interface","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","الأداء البطيء يمكن أن يؤدي إلى أخطاء غير متوقعة في واجهة العرض"
+"UsingStudio.issuesPageLink","View all issues","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","عرض جميع المشكلات"
+"UsingStudio.notableIssues","Notable issues","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","مشاكل بارزة"
+"UsingStudio.policiesLink","Privacy policy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","سياسة الخصوصية"
+"UsingStudio.resourcesHeader","Kolibri Studio resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","المصادر الخاصة باستوديو كوليبري"
+"UsingStudio.termsOfServiceLink","Terms of service","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","شروط الخدمة"
+"UsingStudio.userDocsLink","User guide","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","دليل المستخدم"
+"VisibilityDropdown.coach","Resources are visible only to coaches (teachers, facilitators, administrators)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","الموارد التعليمية متاحة فقط للمدرِّبين (المعلّمون، الميسّرون، والمسؤولون)"
+"VisibilityDropdown.labelText","Visible to","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","ظاهِر لـ"
+"VisibilityDropdown.learner","Resources are visible to anyone","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","المصادر التعليمية مرئية للجميع"
+"VisibilityDropdown.visibilityDescription","Visibility determines what type of Kolibri users can see resources.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","إن خيار إمكانية رؤية المحتوى يحدد نوع مستخدمي كوليبري الذين يمكنهم رؤية الموارد التعليمية."
+"VisibilityDropdown.visibilityHeader","About resource visibility","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","فيما يتعلق بإمكانية رؤية المصادر"
+"VisibilityDropdown.visibilityRequired","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","هذا الحقل مطلوب"
+"channelEditVue.errorChooseAtLeastOneCorrectAnswer","Choose at least one correct answer","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","اختر إجابة واحدة صحيحة على الأقل"
+"channelEditVue.errorMissingAnswer","Choose a correct answer","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","اختر إجابة صحيحة"
+"channelEditVue.errorProvideAtLeastOneCorrectAnswer","Provide at least one correct answer","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","قدم إجابة واحدة صحيحة على الأقل"
+"channelEditVue.errorQuestionRequired","Question is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","هذا السؤال مطلوب"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"channelEditVue.questionTypeInput","Numeric input","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","إدخال رقمي"
+"channelEditVue.questionTypeMultipleSelection","Multiple choice","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","خيارات متعددة"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"channelEditVue.questionTypeSingleSelection","Single choice","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","خيار واحد"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"formStrings.errorText","Please fix {count, plural,
+ =1 {# error}
+ other {# errors}} below","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","الرجاء إصلاح {count, plural, zero {# أخطاء} one {# أخطاء} two {# خطأين} few {# أخطاء} many {# خطئاً}
+ =1 {# خطأ}
+ other {# أخطاء}} في الأسفل"
+"sharedVue.activityDurationGteOne","Value must be equal to or greater than 1","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","يجب أن تكون القيمة مساوية أو أكبر من 1"
+"sharedVue.activityDurationRequired","This field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","هذا الحقل مطلوب"
+"sharedVue.activityDurationTooLongWarning","This value is very high. Please make sure this is how long learners should work on the resource for, in order to complete it.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","هذه القيمة عالية جداً. الرجاء التأكد من أن هذا هو الوقت الذي ينبغي للمتعلمين أن يعملوا فيه على المصدر لاستكماله."
+"sharedVue.confirmLogout","Changes you made may not be saved. Are you sure you want to leave this page?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","لم يتم حفظ التغييرات التي أجريتها. هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد ترك هذه الصفحة؟"
+"sharedVue.copyrightHolderRequired","Copyright holder is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","اسم صاحب حقوق النشر مطلوب"
+"sharedVue.durationRequired","Duration is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","المدة الزمنية مطلوبة"
+"sharedVue.fieldRequired","This field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","هذا الحقل مطلوب"
+"sharedVue.learningActivityRequired","Learning activity is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","نشاط التعلم مطلوب"
+"sharedVue.licenseDescriptionRequired","Special permissions license must have a description","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","يجب أن تحتوي رخصة الأذونات الخاصة على وصف"
+"sharedVue.licenseRequired","License is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","الترخيص مطلوب"
+"sharedVue.longActivityGtThirty","Value must be greater than 30","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","يجب ألا تكون القيمة أكبر من 30"
+"sharedVue.longActivityLteOneTwenty","Value must be equal or less than 120","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","يجب أن تكون القيمة مساوية أو أقل من 120"
+"sharedVue.masteryModelMGtZero","Must be at least 1","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","يجب أن يكون 1 على الأقل"
+"sharedVue.masteryModelMLteN","Must be lesser than or equal to N","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","يجب أن يكون أقل من أو يساوي N"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"sharedVue.masteryModelMWholeNumber","Must be a whole number","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","يجب أن يكون رقماً كلياً"
+"sharedVue.masteryModelNGtZero","Must be at least 1","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","يجب أن يكون 1 على الأقل"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"sharedVue.masteryModelNWholeNumber","Must be a whole number","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","يجب أن يكون رقماً كلياً"
+"sharedVue.masteryModelRequired","Mastery is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","الإتقان مطلوب"
+"sharedVue.shortActivityLteThirty","Value must be equal or less than 30","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","يجب أن تكون القيمة مساوية أو أقل من 30"
+"sharedVue.titleRequired","Title is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","العنوان إلزامي"
diff --git a/contentcuration/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/contentcuration-messages.json b/contentcuration/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/contentcuration-messages.json
index 7eec3f900f..98b28b9e15 100644
--- a/contentcuration/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/contentcuration-messages.json
+++ b/contentcuration/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/contentcuration-messages.json
@@ -1,4 +1,9 @@
+ "AccessibilityOptions.altText": "يوجد للعناصر البصرية في هذا المصدر أوصاف يمكن أن تستخدمها برامج قراءة الشاشة المخصصة للمتعلمين المكفوفين",
+ "AccessibilityOptions.audioDescription": "يحتوي المصدر على مسار سرد صوتي ثانٍ يوفر معلومات إضافية للمستخدمين المكفوفين ومن يعانون ضعف الرؤية",
+ "AccessibilityOptions.highContrast": "يُعرض نص المصدر والعناصر البصرية بسطوع كبير للمستخدمين الذين يعانون ضعف الرؤية",
+ "AccessibilityOptions.signLanguage": "يتوفر تفسير متزامن بلغة الإشارة لمحتوى الصوت والفيديو",
+ "AccessibilityOptions.taggedPdf": "يتضمن المستند بصيغة PDF وسومًا يمكن الوصول إليها من قبل برامج قراءة الشاشة المخصصة للمتعلمين المكفوفين",
"Account.apiDocumentation": "توثيق API",
"Account.apiTokenHeading": "الرمز التعريفي لـ API",
"Account.apiTokenMessage": "ستحتاج إلى هذا الرمز الخاص بالدخول لتشغيل نصوص دمج المحتوى من أجل التحميل المتعدد للمواد من خلال واجهة التطبيق الخاصة باستوديو كوليبري.",
@@ -32,6 +37,9 @@
"ActivationLinkReSent.activationReSentTitle": "تم إرسال التعليمات. شكراً لك!",
"ActivationSent.header": "تم إرسال رابط التفعيل",
"ActivationSent.text": "شكرا لانشاء الحساب! من أجل إكمال العملية، يرجى التحقق من بريدك الإلكتروني للحصول على رابط التفعيل الذي قمنا بإرساله لك.",
+ "ActivityDuration.minutesRequired": "دقيقة",
+ "ActivityDuration.notOptionalLabel": "الوقت المطلوب لتحديد المصدر على أنه مكتمل. لن تُعرض هذه القيمة للمتعلمين.",
+ "ActivityDuration.optionalLabel": "(اختياري) الوقت المطلوب لتحديد المصدر على أنه مكتمل. لن تُعرض هذه القيمة للمتعلمين.",
"AddNextStepsPage.addedNextStepSnackbar": "تمت إضافة الخطوة التالية",
"AddNextStepsPage.toolbarTitle": "أضف خطوة تالية",
"AddPreviousStepsPage.addedPreviousStepSnackbar": "أضف خطوة سابقة",
@@ -74,7 +82,7 @@
"AssessmentItemEditor.questionTypeLabel": "نوع الإجابة",
"AssessmentItemPreview.answersLabel": "الأجوبة",
"AssessmentItemPreview.hintsToggleLabelHide": "إخفاء التلميحات",
- "AssessmentItemPreview.hintsToggleLabelShow": "إظهار {hintsCount} {hintsCount, plural, zero {} one {تلميح} two {تلميحَين} few {تلميحات} many {تلميحاً} other {تلميحات}}",
+ "AssessmentItemPreview.hintsToggleLabelShow": "إظهار {hintsCount} {hintsCount, plural, zero {تلميحات} one {تلميح} two {تلميحَين} few {تلميحات} many {تلميحاً} other {تلميحات}}",
"AssessmentItemPreview.noAnswersPlaceholder": "لا توجد خيارات لإجابة هذا السؤال",
"AssessmentItemToolbar.toolbarLabelAddAbove": "أضف {itemLabel} في الأعلى",
"AssessmentItemToolbar.toolbarLabelAddBelow": "أضف {itemLabel} في الأسفل",
@@ -84,14 +92,14 @@
"AssessmentItemToolbar.toolbarLabelMoveUp": "نقل للأعلى",
"AssessmentTab.dialogCancelBtnLabel": "إلغاء",
"AssessmentTab.dialogSubmitBtnLabel": "تقديم",
- "AssessmentTab.incompleteItemsCountMessage": "{invalidItemsCount} {invalidItemsCount, plural, zero {} one {سؤال} two {سؤالان} few {أسئلة} many {سؤالاً} other {أسئلة}} غير مكتملة",
+ "AssessmentTab.incompleteItemsCountMessage": "{invalidItemsCount} {invalidItemsCount, plural, zero {أسئلة} one {سؤال} two {سؤالان} few {أسئلة} many {سؤالاً} other {أسئلة}} غير مكتملة",
"BrowsingCard.addToClipboardAction": "نسخ إلى الحافظة",
"BrowsingCard.coach": "مصدر خاص بالمدربين",
- "BrowsingCard.goToPluralLocationsAction": "في {count, number} {count, plural, zero {} one {موقع} two {موقعين} few {مواقع} many {موقعاً} other {مواقع}}",
+ "BrowsingCard.goToPluralLocationsAction": "في {count, number} {count, plural, zero {مواقع} one {موقع} two {موقعين} few {مواقع} many {موقعاً} other {مواقع}}",
"BrowsingCard.goToSingleLocationAction": "التوجّه إلى الموقع",
- "BrowsingCard.hasCoachTooltip": "{value, number, integer} {value, plural, zero {} one {مصدر للمدربين} two {مصدرَين للمدربين} few {مصادر للمدربين} many {مصدراً للمدربين} other {مصادر للمدربين}}",
+ "BrowsingCard.hasCoachTooltip": "{value, number, integer} {value, plural, zero {مواقع} one {مصدر للمدربين} two {مصدرَين للمدربين} few {مصادر للمدربين} many {مصدراً للمدربين} other {مصادر للمدربين}}",
"BrowsingCard.previewAction": "عرض التفاصيل",
- "BrowsingCard.resourcesCount": "{count, number} {count, plural, zero {} one {مصدر} two {مصدرين} few {مصادر} many {مصدراً} other {مصادر}}",
+ "BrowsingCard.resourcesCount": "{count, number} {count, plural, zero {مصادر} one {مصدر} two {مصدرين} few {مصادر} many {مصدراً} other {مصادر}}",
"BrowsingCard.tagsList": "الوسوم: {tags}",
"BytesForHumansStrings.fileSizeInBytes": "{n, number, integer} بايت",
"BytesForHumansStrings.fileSizeInGigabytes": "{n, number, integer} غيغا بايت",
@@ -111,7 +119,7 @@
"CatalogFAQ.channelQuestion": "ما هي القناة؟",
"CatalogFAQ.coachContentAnswer": "يتم توجيه معظم المصادر التعليمية إلى المتعلمين، ولكن بعضها، مثل خطط الدروس، وتحديث المواد، وأدلة التعلم المهني، وما شابه ذلك، يتم توجيهها إلى المعلمين والميسرين. في كوليبري، نصنف هذا المحتوى على أنه \"للمدربين\" ونجعل ظهوره مقتصراً على أولئك الذين لديهم حسابات مدرب. إذا رأيت مواد المدرب هنا، فقد تتطلب هذه المواد تتطلب تخطيطًا أقل لأي ميسرين يستخدمون المصدر!",
"CatalogFAQ.coachContentQuestion": "ما هي 'مصادر المدربين'؟",
- "CatalogFAQ.customContentAnswer": "نرغب بالتواصل معك بخصوص المواد الخاصة بك أو بخصوص توصياتك. يرجى الاتصال بنا عبر البريد الالكتروني content@learningequality.org!",
+ "CatalogFAQ.customContentAnswer": "لإضافة موادك الخاصة، أنشئ حسابًا على \"استوديو كوليبري\" من خلال الذهاب إلى https://studio.learningequality.org. يمكن تقديم توصيات بشأن إضافة مواد عامة إلى مكتبة \"محتوى كوليبري\" عن طريق مراسلة content@learningequality.org.",
"CatalogFAQ.customContentQuestion": "كيف يمكنني إضافة المواد الخاصة بي أو التوصية بمواد من المنشئين الآخرين لهذه المكتبة؟",
"CatalogFAQ.descriptionP1": "هنا يمكنك معرفة المزيد حول المصادر التعليمية المتاحة للعموم للاستخدام في كوليبري، والتي يتم تنظيمها في تبويب \"قنوات\". استخدم الفلاتر لتصفح القنوات بناءً على الكلمات المفتاح أو اللغة أو صيغ المواد الموجودة في الداخل.",
"CatalogFAQ.descriptionP2": "انقر على القناة من أجل معاينة المواضيع التي تتم تغطيتها ومعرفة المزيد عن منشئها ومعرفة عدد المصادر التي تحتوي عليها، وتعلم كيفية استيرادها إلى كوليبري. يمكنك العثور أيضاً على محتوى خاص بالمدرِّب (خطط الدروس وأدلة المعلم المهنية ومواد التسهيل الأخرى) والتقييمات والتمارين وعناوين الصور من أجل الوصول إليها.",
@@ -158,7 +166,7 @@
"CatalogFAQ.viewIntegrationGuide": "عرض دليل تكامل المحتوى",
"CatalogFAQ.visitWebsiteLink": "زيارة الموقع الإلكتروني",
"CatalogFilterBar.assessments": "التقييمات",
- "CatalogFilterBar.channelCount": "{count, plural, zero {} one {# قناة} two {# قناتان} few {# قنوات} many {# قنوات}\n =1 {# قناة}\n other {# قنوات}}",
+ "CatalogFilterBar.channelCount": "{count, plural, zero {قنوات} one {# قناة} two {# قناتان} few {# قنوات} many {# قنوات}\n =1 {# قناة}\n other {# قنوات}}",
"CatalogFilterBar.clearAll": "مسح الكل",
"CatalogFilterBar.close": "إغلاق",
"CatalogFilterBar.coachContent": "المحتوى الخاص بالمدرِّب",
@@ -180,14 +188,15 @@
"CatalogFilters.starredLabel": "مميزة بنجمة",
"CatalogFilters.subtitlesLabel": "عناوين الصور أو النص السمعي ",
"CatalogList.cancelButton": "إلغاء",
- "CatalogList.channelSelectionCount": "{count, plural, zero {} one {# قناة تم تحديدها} two {# قناتان تم تحديدهما} few {# قنوات تم تحديدها} many {# قنوات تم تحديدها}\n =1 {# قناة تم تحديدها}\n other {# قنوات تم تحديدها}}",
+ "CatalogList.channelSelectionCount": "{count, plural, zero {قنوات} one {# قناة تم تحديدها} two {# قناتان تم تحديدهما} few {# قنوات تم تحديدها} many {# قنوات تم تحديدها}\n =1 {# قناة تم تحديدها}\n other {# قنوات تم تحديدها}}",
"CatalogList.downloadButton": "تحميل",
"CatalogList.downloadCSV": "تنزيل ملف CSV",
"CatalogList.downloadPDF": "تنزيل ملف PDF",
"CatalogList.downloadingMessage": "بدأ التنزيل",
- "CatalogList.resultsText": "{count, plural, zero {} one {# نتيجة تم العثور عليها} two {# نتيجتان تم العثور عليهما} few {# نتائج تم العثور عليها} many {# نتائج تم العثور عليها}\n =1 {#نتيجة تم العثور عليها}\n other {# نتائج تم العثور عليها}}",
+ "CatalogList.resultsText": "{count, plural, zero {نتائج} one {# نتيجة تم العثور عليها} two {# نتيجتان تم العثور عليهما} few {# نتائج تم العثور عليها} many {# نتائج تم العثور عليها}\n =1 {#نتيجة تم العثور عليها}\n other {# نتائج تم العثور عليها}}",
"CatalogList.selectAll": "تحديد الكل",
"CatalogList.selectChannels": "تنزيل ملخص القنوات المحددة",
+ "CategoryOptions.noCategoryFoundText": " لم يتم العثور على الفئة",
"ChangePasswordForm.cancelAction": "إلغاء",
"ChangePasswordForm.changePasswordHeader": "تغيير كلمة المرور",
"ChangePasswordForm.confirmNewPasswordLabel": "تأكيد كلمة المرور الجديدة",
@@ -233,7 +242,7 @@
"ChannelExportStrings.tags": "التصنيفات",
"ChannelExportStrings.token": "الرمز التعريفي",
"ChannelExportStrings.yes": "نعم",
- "ChannelInfoCard.resourceCount": "{count, number} {count, plural, zero {} one {مصدر} two {مصدرين} few {مصادر} many {مصدراً} other {مصادر}}",
+ "ChannelInfoCard.resourceCount": "{count, number} {count, plural, zero {مصادر} one {مصدر} two {مصدرين} few {مصادر} many {مصدراً} other {مصادر}}",
"ChannelInvitation.accept": "قبول",
"ChannelInvitation.acceptedSnackbar": "دعوة مقبولة",
"ChannelInvitation.cancel": "إلغاء",
@@ -256,19 +265,19 @@
"ChannelItem.goToWebsite": "التوجّه إلى موقع المصدر الإلكتروني",
"ChannelItem.lastPublished": "منشور {last_published}",
"ChannelItem.lastUpdated": "{updated} تم تحديثها",
- "ChannelItem.resourceCount": "{count, plural, zero {} one {# مصادر} two {# مصدران} few {# مصادر} many {# مصدراً}\n =1 {# مصدر}\n other {# مصادر}}",
+ "ChannelItem.resourceCount": "{count, plural, zero {# مصادر} one {# مصادر} two {# مصدران} few {# مصادر} many {# مصدراً}\n =1 {# مصدر}\n other {# مصادر}}",
"ChannelItem.unpublishedText": "غير منشور",
"ChannelItem.versionText": "نسخة الإصدار {version}",
"ChannelItem.viewContent": "عرض القناة على كوليبري",
"ChannelList.channel": "قناة جديدة",
"ChannelList.channelFilterLabel": "القنوات التعليمية",
- "ChannelList.noChannelsFound": "لم يتم العثور على أية قنوات",
+ "ChannelList.noChannelsFound": "لم يتم العثور على أي قناة",
"ChannelList.noMatchingChannels": "لا توجد قنوات مطابقة",
"ChannelListAppError.channelPermissionsErrorDetails": "سجّل الدخول أو اطلب من مالك هذه القناة أن يمنحك الإذن للتحرير أو العرض",
"ChannelListIndex.catalog": "مكتبة المحتوى",
"ChannelListIndex.channelSets": "المجموعات",
"ChannelListIndex.frequentlyAskedQuestions": "الأسئلة المتكررة",
- "ChannelListIndex.invitations": "لديكَ {count, plural, zero {} one {# دعوات} two {# دعوتان} few {# دعوات} many {# دعوة}\n =1 {# دعوة}\n other {# دعوات}}",
+ "ChannelListIndex.invitations": "لديكَ {count, plural, zero {# دعوات} one {# دعوات} two {# دعوتان} few {# دعوات} many {# دعوة}\n =1 {# دعوة}\n other {# دعوات}}",
"ChannelListIndex.libraryTitle": "دليل مكتبة محتوى كوليبري",
"ChannelModal.APIText": "القنوات التي يتم إنشاؤها تلقائياً غير قابلة للتحرير.",
"ChannelModal.changesSaved": "تم حفظ التغييرات",
@@ -311,11 +320,11 @@
"ChannelSetList.options": "الخيارات",
"ChannelSetList.title": "اسم المجموعة",
"ChannelSetList.token": "معرّف الرمز التعريفي",
- "ChannelSetModal.bookmark": "مميزة بنجمة",
+ "ChannelSetModal.bookmark": "تم التمييز بنجمة",
"ChannelSetModal.channelAdded": "تمت إضافة القناة",
- "ChannelSetModal.channelCountText": "{channelCount, plural, zero {} one {# قنوات} two {# قناتان} few {# قنوات} many {# قناة} =0 {لا توجد قنوات منشورة في المجموعة الخاصة بك} =1 {# قناة} other {# قنوات}}",
+ "ChannelSetModal.channelCountText": "{channelCount, plural, zero {# قنوات} one {# قنوات} two {# قناتان} few {# قنوات} many {# قناة} =0 {لا توجد قنوات منشورة في المجموعة الخاصة بك} =1 {# قناة} other {# قنوات}}",
"ChannelSetModal.channelRemoved": "تمت إزالة القناة",
- "ChannelSetModal.channelSelectedCountText": "{channelCount, plural, zero {} one {# قنوات تم تحديدها} two {# قناتان تم تحديدهما} few {# قنوات تم تحديدها} many {# قناة تم تحديدها} =1 {# قناة تم تحديدها} other {# قنوات تم تحديدها}}",
+ "ChannelSetModal.channelSelectedCountText": "{channelCount, plural, zero {# قنوات تم تحديدها} one {# قنوات تم تحديدها} two {# قناتان تم تحديدهما} few {# قنوات تم تحديدها} many {# قناة تم تحديدها} =1 {# قناة تم تحديدها} other {# قنوات تم تحديدها}}",
"ChannelSetModal.channels": "قنوات المجموعة",
"ChannelSetModal.closeButton": "الخروج من دون الحفظ",
"ChannelSetModal.collectionErrorText": "هذه المجموعة غير موجودة",
@@ -329,11 +338,11 @@
"ChannelSetModal.saveButton": "حفظ وإغلاق",
"ChannelSetModal.selectChannelsHeader": "تحديد القنوات",
"ChannelSetModal.titleLabel": "اسم المجموعة",
- "ChannelSetModal.titleRequiredText": "هذا الحقل مطلوب",
+ "ChannelSetModal.titleRequiredText": "هذا الحقل إلزامي",
"ChannelSetModal.token": "رمز المجموعة التعريفي",
"ChannelSetModal.tokenPrompt": "انسخ هذا الرمز التعريفي إلى كوليبري لاستيراد هذه المجموعة إلى جهازك.",
"ChannelSetModal.unsavedChangesHeader": "تغييرات غير محفوظة",
- "ChannelSetModal.unsavedChangesText": "سوف تفقد أية تغييرات غير محفوظة. هل أنت متأكد من الخروج؟",
+ "ChannelSetModal.unsavedChangesText": "سوف تفقد أية تغييرات غير محفوظة. هل أنت متأكد من رغبتك بالخروج؟",
"ChannelSetModal.view": "للعرض فقط",
"ChannelSharing.alreadyHasAccessError": "المستخدم لديه بالفعل إمكانية الوصول إلى هذه القناة",
"ChannelSharing.alreadyInvitedError": "تم دعوة المستخدم مسبقاً",
@@ -353,7 +362,7 @@
"ChannelSharingTable.deleteInvitationHeader": "حذف الدعوة",
"ChannelSharingTable.deleteInvitationText": "هل أنت متأكد من رغبتك بإلغاء الدعوة لـ{email}?",
"ChannelSharingTable.editPermissionsGrantedMessage": "تم منح أذونات التحرير",
- "ChannelSharingTable.editorsSubheading": "{count, plural, zero {} one {# مستخدم يمكنه التحرير} two {# مستخدمَيْن يمكنهما التحرير} few {# مستخدمين يمكنهم التحرير} many {# مستخدماً يمكنه التحرير}\n =1 {# مستخدم يمكنه التحرير}\n other {# مستخدمين يمكنهم التحرير}}",
+ "ChannelSharingTable.editorsSubheading": "{count, plural, zero {# مستخدمين يمكنهم التحرير} one {# مستخدم يمكنه التحرير} two {# مستخدمَيْن يمكنهما التحرير} few {# مستخدمين يمكنهم التحرير} many {# مستخدماً يمكنه التحرير}\n =1 {# مستخدم يمكنه التحرير}\n other {# مستخدمين يمكنهم التحرير}}",
"ChannelSharingTable.guestText": "ضيف",
"ChannelSharingTable.invitationDeletedMessage": "تم حذف الدعوة",
"ChannelSharingTable.invitationFailedError": "فشل إعادة إرسال الدعوة. يرجى إعادة المحاولة",
@@ -371,7 +380,7 @@
"ChannelSharingTable.removeViewerText": "هل أنت متأكد من رغبتك في إلغاء أذونات العرض لـ{first_name} {last_name}?",
"ChannelSharingTable.resendInvitation": "إعادة إرسال دعوة",
"ChannelSharingTable.userRemovedMessage": "تمت إزالة المستخدم",
- "ChannelSharingTable.viewersSubheading": "{count, plural, zero {} one {# مستخدم يمكنه العرض} two {# مستخدمَيْن يمكنهما العرض} few {# مستخدمين يمكنهم العرض} many {# مستخدماً يمكنه العرض}\n =1 {# مستخدم يمكنه العرض}\n other {# مستخدمين يمكنهم العرض}}",
+ "ChannelSharingTable.viewersSubheading": "{count, plural, zero {# مستخدم يمكنه العرض} one {# مستخدم يمكنه العرض} two {# مستخدمَيْن يمكنهما العرض} few {# مستخدمين يمكنهم العرض} many {# مستخدماً يمكنه العرض}\n =1 {# مستخدم يمكنه العرض}\n other {# مستخدمين يمكنهم العرض}}",
"ChannelStar.star": "إضافة إلى قائمة القنوات المميزة",
"ChannelStar.starred": "تمت الإضافة إلى قائمة القنوات المميزة",
"ChannelStar.unstar": "إزالة من قائمة القنوات المميزة",
@@ -382,7 +391,7 @@
"ChannelThumbnail.defaultFilename": "ملف",
"ChannelThumbnail.noThumbnail": "لا توجد صورة مصغرة",
"ChannelThumbnail.remove": "إزالة",
- "ChannelThumbnail.retryUpload": "أعد محاولة الرفع مجدداً",
+ "ChannelThumbnail.retryUpload": "أعد محاولة الرفع",
"ChannelThumbnail.save": "حفظ",
"ChannelThumbnail.upload": "تحميل صُورة",
"ChannelThumbnail.uploadFailed": "فشلت عملية الرفع",
@@ -393,19 +402,113 @@
"ChannelTokenModal.copyTitle": "نسخ الرمز التعريفي للقناة",
"ChannelTokenModal.copyTokenInstructions": "قم بلصق هذا المعرّف داخل كوليبري لاستيراد هذه القناة",
"Clipboard.backToClipboard": "الحافظة",
- "Clipboard.cancel": "إلغاء",
"Clipboard.close": "إغلاق",
"Clipboard.copiedItemsToClipboard": "تمّ النّسخ إلى الحافظة",
- "Clipboard.creatingClipboardCopies": "جاري النسخ إلى الحافظة...",
"Clipboard.deleteSelectedButton": "حذف",
"Clipboard.duplicateSelectedButton": "إنشاء نسخة",
- "Clipboard.emptyDefaultText": "قم باستخدام الحافظة لنسخ ونقل المصادر إلى مواضيع وقنوات أخرى",
+ "Clipboard.emptyDefaultText": "استخدم الحافظة لنسخ ونقل المصادر إلى مجلدات وقنوات أخرى",
"Clipboard.emptyDefaultTitle": "لا توجد مصادر في حافظتك",
"Clipboard.moveSelectedButton": "نقل إلى",
"Clipboard.removedFromClipboard": "تم الحذف من الحافظة",
- "Clipboard.removingItems": "جاري الحذف من الحافظة...",
"Clipboard.selectAll": "تحديد الكل",
- "Clipboard.undo": "تراجع",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.accessibility": "إمكانية الوصول",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.algebra": "الجبر",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.all": "الكل",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.allLevelsBasicSkills": "كافة المستويات -- المهارات الأساسية",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.allLevelsWorkSkills": "كافة المستويات -- مهارات العمل",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.altText": "يتضمن أوصافًا نصية بديلة للصور",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.anthropology": "الأنثروبولوجيا",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.arithmetic": "علم الحساب",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.arts": "الفنون",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.astronomy": "علم الفلك",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.audioDescription": "يتضمن وصفًا صوتيًا",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.basicSkills": "مهارات أساسية",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.biology": "علم الأحياء",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.browseChannel": "تصفح القناة",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.calculus": "علم الحساب",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.captionsSubtitles": "يتضمن تسميات توضيحية أو ترجمات",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.category": "الفئة",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.chemistry": "الكيمياء",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.civicEducation": "التربية المدنية",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.completion": "الاستكمال",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.computerScience": "علم الحاسوب",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.create": "إنشاء",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.currentEvents": "الفعاليات الحالية",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.dailyLife": "الحياة اليومية",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.dance": "الرقص",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.digitalLiteracy": "الإلمام الرقمي",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.diversity": "التنوع",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.drama": "الدراما",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.duration": "المدة الزمنية",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.earthScience": "علم الأرض",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.entrepreneurship": "ريادة الأعمال",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.environment": "البيئة",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.explore": "استكشاف",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.financialLiteracy": "الإلمام المالي",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.forBeginners": "للمبتدئين",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.forTeachers": "للمعلمين",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.geometry": "علم الهندسة",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.guides": "الإرشادات",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.highContrast": "يتضمن نصًا بسطوعٍ عالٍ للمتعلمين الذين يعانون من ضعف الرؤية",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.history": "السجل",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.industryAndSectorSpecific": "المجال والقطاع المحددان",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.languageLearning": "تعلم اللغة",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.learningActivity": "نشاط التعلم",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.learningSkills": "مهارات التعلم",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.lessonPlans": "مخططات الدرس",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.level": "المستوى",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.listen": "استماع",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.literacy": "معرفة القراءة والكتابة",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.literature": "الآداب",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.logicAndCriticalThinking": "التفكير المنطقي والنقدي",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.longActivity": "نشاط طويل",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.lowerPrimary": "المرحلة الأولى من التعليم الابتدائي",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.lowerSecondary": "المرحلة الأولى من التعليم الثانوي",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.mathematics": "الرياضيات",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.mechanicalEngineering": "الهندسة الميكانيكية",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.mediaLiteracy": "التثقيف الإعلامي",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.mentalHealth": "الصحة العقلية",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.music": "موسيقى",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.needsInternet": "اتصال الإنترنت",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.needsMaterials": "لوازم أخرى",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.numeracy": "الحساب",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.peers": "العمل مع أقران",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.physics": "الفيزياء",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.politicalScience": "العلوم السياسية",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.practice": "تدريب",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.preschool": "المدرسة التحضيرية",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.professionalSkills": "مهارات احترافية",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.programming": "البرمجة",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.publicHealth": "الصحة العامة",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.read": "قراءة",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.readReference": "مرجع",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.readingAndWriting": "القراءة والكتابة",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.readingComprehension": "استيعاب القراءة",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.reflect": "التأمّل",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.school": "مدرسة",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.sciences": "العلوم",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.shortActivity": "نشاط قصير",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.signLanguage": "يتضمن تسميات توضيحية بلغة الإشارة",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.skillsTraining": "التدريب على المهارات",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.socialSciences": "العلوم الاجتماعية",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.sociology": "علم الإجتماع",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.softwareTools": "أدوات برمجيات أخرى",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.softwareToolsAndTraining": "أدوات البرمجيات والتدريب",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.specializedProfessionalTraining": "التدريب المهني المتخصص",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.statistics": "الإحصائيات",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.taggedPdf": "ملف PDF مُعلّم",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.teacher": "العمل مع معلم",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.technicalAndVocationalTraining": "التدريب الفني والمهني",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.tertiary": "ما بعد المرحلة الثانوية",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.toUseWithPaperAndPencil": "ورقة وقلم رَصاص",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.topicLabel": "مجلد",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.upperPrimary": "المستوى الأعلى من المرحلة الابتدائية",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.upperSecondary": "المستوى الأعلى من المرحلة الثانوية",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.visualArt": "الفن البصري",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.watch": "مشاهدة",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.webDesign": "تصميم مواقع الإنترنت",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.work": "عمل",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.writing": "الكتابة",
"CommunityStandardsModal.communityStandardsHeader": "معايير المجتمع",
"CommunityStandardsModal.coreValuesLink": "تعرف على المزيد حول القيم الأساسية داخل منظمة Learning Equality",
"CommunityStandardsModal.description": "Learning Equality هي منظمة غير ربحية تعمل على تمكين الوصول العادل إلى التجارب التعليمية عالية الجودة. وبالإضافة إلى بيان القيم الأساسية لدينا، تهدف معايير المجتمع هذه إلى تعزيز بيئة داعمة وشاملة لمستخدمينا.",
@@ -420,6 +523,14 @@
"CommunityStandardsModal.studioItem3": "المشاركة. من خلال إنشاء ونشر قنوات جديدة بما وجدته، إما للمشاركة مع التطبيقات الخاصة بك بشكل خاص أو للمشاركة مع الآخرين على استوديو كوليبري.",
"CommunityStandardsModal.studioItem4": "التعديل و الإنشاء. أي إضافة تمارين التقييم الخاصة بك إلى أي مواد موجودة",
"CommunityStandardsModal.studioItem5": "الاستضافة. رفع المواد الخاصة بك (يقتصر ذلك على المواد التي تعرف أنها مرخصة بشكل مناسب للقيام بذلك) سواء من قرص صلب محلي أو مواقع أخرى على الإنترنت",
+ "CompletionOptions.allContent": "معروض بالكامل",
+ "CompletionOptions.completeDuration": "عندما يكون الوقت المستغرَق مساويًا للمدة الزمنية",
+ "CompletionOptions.determinedByResource": "مُحدَد بواسطة المصدر",
+ "CompletionOptions.exactTime": "المدة اللازمة للإكمال",
+ "CompletionOptions.goal": "عندما يتم تحقيق الهدف",
+ "CompletionOptions.practiceQuiz": "اختبار قصير للتمرين",
+ "CompletionOptions.reference": "مادة مرجعية",
+ "CompletionOptions.referenceHint": "لن يتم تتبع التقدم في المواد المرجعية ما لم يصنفها المتعلمون على أنها مكتملة",
"ConstantStrings.All Rights Reserved": "جميع الحقوق محفوظة",
"ConstantStrings.All Rights Reserved_description": "تشير رخصة -جميع الحقوق محفوظة- إلى أن صاحب حقوق الطبع والنشر يحتفظ بجميع الحقوق المنصوص عليها في قانون حقوق الطبع والنشر بموجب اتفاقية حقوق نشر محددة أو يحتفظ بها لاستخدامه الخاص.",
"ConstantStrings.CC BY": "CC BY",
@@ -438,17 +549,17 @@
"ConstantStrings.Public Domain_description": "تم تحديد أعمال الملكية العام على أنها خالية من القيود المعروفة بموجب قانون حقوق الطبع والنشر، بما في ذلك جميع الحقوق المجاورة والمرتبطة.",
"ConstantStrings.Special Permissions": "تراخيص خاصة",
"ConstantStrings.Special Permissions_description": "التراخيص الخاصة هي تراخيص مخصصة للاستخدام عندما لا تنطبق التراخيص الحالية على المحتوى. يكون صاحب هذا الترخيص مسؤولاً عن إنشاء وصف لما يتطلبه هذا الترخيص.",
- "ConstantStrings.audio": "الملف الصوتي",
+ "ConstantStrings.audio": "الملف الصّوتي",
"ConstantStrings.audio_thumbnail": "صورة مصغّرة",
"ConstantStrings.bookmark": "تم التمييز بنجمة",
"ConstantStrings.coach": "المدرّبون",
- "ConstantStrings.do_all": "صحيح ١٠٠٪",
+ "ConstantStrings.do_all": "الهدف: 100% من الإجابات الصحيحة",
"ConstantStrings.do_all_description": "يجب على المتعلم أن يجيب على جميع أسئلة التمرين بشكل صحيح (لا ينصح بهذا الخيار للتمارين الطويلة)",
- "ConstantStrings.document": "مستند",
+ "ConstantStrings.document": "ملف نصّي",
"ConstantStrings.document_thumbnail": "صورة مصغّرة",
"ConstantStrings.edit": "قنواتي",
"ConstantStrings.epub": "مستند EPub",
- "ConstantStrings.exercise": "تمرين",
+ "ConstantStrings.exercise": "التمرين",
"ConstantStrings.exercise_thumbnail": "صورة مصغّرة",
"ConstantStrings.firstCopy": "نسخة من {title}",
"ConstantStrings.gif": "صورة GIF",
@@ -467,16 +578,15 @@
"ConstantStrings.m_of_n_description": "يجب على المتعلم أن يجيب على M سؤالاً M بشكل صحيح من آخر N سؤال تمت الإجابة عليها. على سبيل المثال، '3 من أصل 5' يعني أنه يجب على المتعلمين الإجابة على 3 أسئلة بشكل صحيح من الإجابات الخمس الأخيرة.",
"ConstantStrings.mp3": "ملف صوتي MP3",
"ConstantStrings.mp4": "فيديو MP4",
- "ConstantStrings.webm": "فيديو WEBM",
"ConstantStrings.multiple_selection": "خيارات متعددة",
"ConstantStrings.nthCopy": "نسخ {n, number, integer} من {title}",
- "ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_10": "١٠ على التوالي",
+ "ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_10": "الهدف: 10 على التوالي",
"ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_10_description": "يجب على المتعلم أن يجيب على ١٠ أسئلة على التوالي بشكل صحيح",
- "ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_2": "٢ على التوالي",
+ "ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_2": "الهدف: 2 على التوالي",
"ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_2_description": "يجب على المتعلم أن يجيب على سؤالَين متتاليَين على التوالي بشكل صحيح",
- "ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_3": "٣ على التوالي",
+ "ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_3": "الهدف: 3 على التوالي",
"ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_3_description": "يجب على المتعلم أن يجيب على ٣ أسئلة على التوالي بشكل صحيح",
- "ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_5": "٥ على التوالي",
+ "ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_5": "الهدف: 5 على التوالي",
"ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_5_description": "يجب على المتعلم أن يجيب على ٥ أسئلة على التوالي بشكل صحيح",
"ConstantStrings.pdf": "مستند PDF",
"ConstantStrings.perseus": "تمرين Perseus",
@@ -486,15 +596,16 @@
"ConstantStrings.single_selection": "خيار واحد",
"ConstantStrings.slideshow": "عرض الشرائح",
"ConstantStrings.svg": "صورة SVG",
- "ConstantStrings.topic": "الموضوع",
+ "ConstantStrings.topic": "مجلد",
"ConstantStrings.topic_thumbnail": "صورة مصغّرة",
"ConstantStrings.true_false": "صحيح/خطأ",
"ConstantStrings.unknown_question": "نوع السؤال غير معروف",
"ConstantStrings.video": "الفيديو",
- "ConstantStrings.video_subtitle": "عناوين الصور",
+ "ConstantStrings.video_subtitle": "الترجمة النصية",
"ConstantStrings.video_thumbnail": "صورة مصغّرة",
"ConstantStrings.view": "للعرض فقط",
"ConstantStrings.vtt": "تسمية توضيحية VTT",
+ "ConstantStrings.webm": "فيديو بصيغة WEBM",
"ConstantStrings.zip": "ملف HTML5 مضغوط",
"ContentDefaults.aggregator": "جامع المحتوى",
"ContentDefaults.author": "المؤلف",
@@ -512,43 +623,42 @@
"ContentNodeChangedIcon.containsNew": "تحتوي على مصادر غير منشورة",
"ContentNodeChangedIcon.containsNewAndUpdated": "تحتوي على تغييرات ومصادر غير منشورة",
"ContentNodeChangedIcon.containsUpdated": "تحتوي على تغييرات غير منشورة",
- "ContentNodeChangedIcon.isNewResource": "غير منشور",
- "ContentNodeChangedIcon.isNewTopic": "موضوع غير منشور",
+ "ContentNodeChangedIcon.isNewResource": "لم يتم النشر",
+ "ContentNodeChangedIcon.isNewTopic": "مجلد غير منشور",
"ContentNodeChangedIcon.isUpdatedResource": "تم التحديث منذ آخر تاريخ للنشر",
- "ContentNodeChangedIcon.isUpdatedTopic": "تم تحديث الموضوع منذ آخر تاريخ للنشر",
+ "ContentNodeChangedIcon.isUpdatedTopic": "تم تحديث المجلد منذ آخر تاريخ للنشر",
"ContentNodeEditListItem.optionsTooltip": "الخيارات",
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"ContentNodeIcon.document": "ملف نصّي",
"ContentNodeIcon.exercise": "التمرين",
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"ContentNodeIcon.slideshow": "عرض الشرائح",
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+ "ContentNodeIcon.topic": "مجلد",
"ContentNodeIcon.unsupported": "غير مدعوم",
"ContentNodeIcon.video": "الفيديو",
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+ "ContentNodeLearningActivityIcon.topic": "مجلد",
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"ContentNodeOptions.copyToClipboard": "نسخ إلى الحافظة",
- "ContentNodeOptions.creatingClipboardCopies": "جاري النسخ إلى الحافظة...",
"ContentNodeOptions.creatingCopies": "نسخ...",
"ContentNodeOptions.editDetails": "تعديل التفاصيل",
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+ "ContentNodeOptions.editTopicDetails": "تعديل تفاصيل المجلد",
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"ContentNodeOptions.makeACopy": "إنشاء نسخة",
"ContentNodeOptions.move": "نقل إلى",
"ContentNodeOptions.moveTo": "نقل إلى...",
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"ContentNodeOptions.removedFromClipboard": "تم الحذف من الحافظة",
"ContentNodeOptions.removedItems": "تم إلرسالها إلى سلة المهملات",
- "ContentNodeOptions.removingItems": "جاري الحذف من الحافظة...",
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"ContentNodeStrings.untitled": "غير معنون",
@@ -560,21 +670,21 @@
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"CopyToken.copyFailed": "فشل النسخ",
@@ -617,6 +727,7 @@
"Create.privacyPolicyCheck": "لقد قرأت سياسة الخصوصية وأوافق عليها",
"Create.privacyPolicyRequiredMessage": "يرجى الموافقة على سياسة الخصوصية",
"Create.registrationFailed": "حصل خطأ أثناء تسجيل حسابك. الرجاء المحاولة مجدداً",
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@@ -635,12 +746,11 @@
"CurrentTopicView.DEFAULT_VIEW": "عرض إفتراضي",
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"CurrentTopicView.copyToClipboardButton": "نسخ إلى الحافظة",
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"CurrentTopicView.creatingCopies": "جاري النسخ...",
"CurrentTopicView.deleteSelectedButton": "حذف",
"CurrentTopicView.duplicateSelectedButton": "إنشاء نسخة",
@@ -651,7 +761,7 @@
"CurrentTopicView.optionsButton": "الخيارات",
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"CurrentTopicView.viewModeTooltip": "عرض",
@@ -675,9 +785,9 @@
"Details.authorToolTip": "الشخص أو المنظمة الذي/ التي أنشأ/ت هذا المحتوى",
"Details.authorsLabel": "المؤلفون",
"Details.coachDescription": "يمكن عرض مصادر المدرِّبين فقط للمدرِّبين في كوليبري",
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"Details.copyrightHoldersLabel": "مالكو حقوق النشر",
"Details.creationHeading": "تم الإنشاء في",
"Details.currentVersionHeading": "الإصدار المنشور",
@@ -687,7 +797,7 @@
"Details.providerToolTip": "المنظمة التي كلّفت بالمحتوى أو تقوم بنشر المحتوى",
"Details.providersLabel": "مقدمو المحتوى",
"Details.publishedHeading": "تم النشر في",
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"Details.sampleFromChannelHeading": "محتوى كعينة من هذه القناة",
"Details.sampleFromTopicHeading": "محتوى كعينة من هذا الموضوع",
"Details.sizeHeading": "حجم القناة",
@@ -698,17 +808,19 @@
"Details.unpublishedText": "لم يتم النشر",
"DetailsTabView.aggregatorLabel": "جامع المحتوى",
"DetailsTabView.aggregatorToolTip": "الموقع الإلكتروني أو المنظمة التي تستضيف مجموعة المحتوى ولكن ليس بالضرورة أن تكون هي منشئ المحتوى أو مالك حقوق النشر",
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"DetailsTabView.authorToolTip": "الشخص أو المنظمة الذي/ التي أنشأ/ت هذا المحتوى",
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"DetailsTabView.descriptionLabel": "التّوصيف",
- "DetailsTabView.detectedImportText": "{count, plural, zero {} one {# مصادر بصلاحية للعرض فقط} two {# مصدران بصلاحية للعرض فقط} few {# مصادر بصلاحية للعرض فقط} many {# مصدراً بصلاحية للعرض فقط}\n =1 {# مصدر بصلاحية للعرض فقط}\n other {# مصادر بصلاحية للعرض فقط}}",
+ "DetailsTabView.detectedImportText": "{count, plural, zero {# مصادر بصلاحية للعرض فقط} one {# مصادر بصلاحية للعرض فقط} two {# مصدران بصلاحية للعرض فقط} few {# مصادر بصلاحية للعرض فقط} many {# مصدراً بصلاحية للعرض فقط}\n =1 {# مصدر بصلاحية للعرض فقط}\n other {# مصادر بصلاحية للعرض فقط}}",
"DetailsTabView.importedFromButtonText": "استيراد من {channel}",
"DetailsTabView.languageChannelHelpText": "اتركه فارغاً من أجل استخدام لغة القناة",
- "DetailsTabView.languageHelpText": "اتركه فارغاً من أجل استخدام لغة الموضوع",
+ "DetailsTabView.languageHelpText": "اتركه فارغًا من أجل استخدام لغة المجلد",
+ "DetailsTabView.learnersCanMarkComplete": "السماح للمتعلمين بتحديده على أنه مكتمل",
"DetailsTabView.noTagsFoundText": "لم يتم العثور على نتائج بحث لـ\"{text}\". إضغط على 'إدخال' لإنشاء تصنيف جديد",
"DetailsTabView.providerLabel": "موفر الخدمة",
"DetailsTabView.providerToolTip": "المنظمة التي كلّفت بالمحتوى أو تقوم بنشر المحتوى",
@@ -729,13 +841,13 @@
"DiffTable.typeFileSize": "حجم الملف",
"DiffTable.typeHtml5Apps": "تطبيقات HTML5",
"DiffTable.typeSlideshows": "عرض الشرائح",
- "DiffTable.typeTopics": "المواضيع",
+ "DiffTable.typeTopics": "المجلدات",
"DiffTable.typeVersion": "إصدار API",
"DiffTable.typeVideos": "مقاطع الفيديو",
"EditList.selectAllLabel": "تحديد الكل",
- "EditListItem.questionCount": "{count, plural, zero {} one {# أسئلة} two {# سؤالان} few {# أسئلة} many {# سؤالاً}\n =1 {# سؤال}\n other {# أسئلة}}",
- "EditModal.addTopic": "إضافة موضوع جديد",
- "EditModal.addTopicsHeader": "موضوع جديد",
+ "EditListItem.questionCount": "{count, plural, zero {# أسئلة} one {# أسئلة} two {# سؤالان} few {# أسئلة} many {# سؤالاً}\n =1 {# سؤال}\n other {# أسئلة}}",
+ "EditModal.addTopic": "إضافة مجلد جديد",
+ "EditModal.addTopicsHeader": "مجلد جديد",
"EditModal.cancelUploadsButton": "خروج",
"EditModal.closeWithoutSavingButton": "إغلاق دون حفظ",
"EditModal.createExerciseHeader": "تمرين جديد",
@@ -743,7 +855,7 @@
"EditModal.editFilesHeader": "تحرير الملفات ",
"EditModal.editingDetailsHeader": "تعديل التفاصيل",
"EditModal.finishButton": "إنهاء",
- "EditModal.invalidNodesFound": "{count, plural, zero {} one {# مصادر غير مكتملة تم العثور عليها} two {# مصدران غير مكتملان تم العثور عليهما} few {# مصادر غير مكتملة تم العثور عليها} many {# مصدراً غير مكتمل تم العثور عليها}\n =1 {# مصدر غير مكتمل تم العثور عليه}\n other {# مصادر غير مكتملة تم العثور عليها}}",
+ "EditModal.invalidNodesFound": "{count, plural, zero {# مصادر غير مكتملة تم العثور عليها} one {# مصادر غير مكتملة تم العثور عليها} two {# مصدران غير مكتملان تم العثور عليهما} few {# مصادر غير مكتملة تم العثور عليها} many {# مصدراً غير مكتمل تم العثور عليها}\n =1 {# مصدر غير مكتمل تم العثور عليه}\n other {# مصادر غير مكتملة تم العثور عليها}}",
"EditModal.invalidNodesFoundText": "لن يتم نشر المصادر غير المكتملة حتى يتم إصلاح هذه الأخطاء",
"EditModal.keepEditingButton": "متابعة التحرير",
"EditModal.loadErrorText": "فشلت عملية تحميل المحتوى",
@@ -762,10 +874,10 @@
"EditSearchModal.saveChangesAction": "حفظ",
"EditSearchModal.searchTitleLabel": "عنوان البحث",
"EditView.details": "التفاصيل",
- "EditView.editingMultipleCount": "تعديل تفاصيل {topicCount, plural, zero {} one {# مواضيع} two {# موضوعين} few {# مواضيع} many {# موضوعاً}\n =1 {# موضوع}\n other {# مواضيع}}, {resourceCount, plural,\n =1 {# موضوع}\n other {# مواضيع}}",
+ "EditView.editingMultipleCount": "تعديل التفاصيل الخاصة بـ {topicCount, plural,\n zero {# مصادر}\n one {# مجلد}\n two {# مجلدين}\n few {# مجلدات}\n many {# مجلد}=1 {# مجلدًا}\n other {# مجلدات}}, {resourceCount, plural,\n zero {مصادر}\n one {# مصدر}\n two {# مصدرين}\n few {# مصادر}\n many {# مصدر}=1 {# مصدرًا}\n other {# مصادر}}",
"EditView.errorBannerText": "يرجى تقديم المعلومات المطلوبة",
"EditView.invalidFieldsToolTip": "بعض المعلومات المطلوبة ناقصة",
- "EditView.noItemsToEditText": "يرجى تحديد المصادر أو المواضيع التي تود تعديلها",
+ "EditView.noItemsToEditText": "يرجى تحديد المصادر أو المجلدات التي تود تعديلها",
"EditView.preview": "معاينة",
"EditView.questions": "الأسئلة",
"EditView.related": "موارد مرتبطة",
@@ -774,20 +886,6 @@
"EmailField.validEmailMessage": "الرجاء إدخال بريد إلكتروني صالح",
"ExpandableList.less": "عرض أقل",
"ExpandableList.more": "إظهار المزيد ({more})",
- "FeedbackForm.cancelAction": "إلغاء",
- "FeedbackForm.closeAction": "إغلاق",
- "FeedbackForm.communityForumLink": "فتح منتديات المجتمع",
- "FeedbackForm.feedbackFailed": "تعذر إرسال الملاحظات. يرجى المحاولة مجدداً.",
- "FeedbackForm.feedbackLabel": "قم بوصف ملاحظتك",
- "FeedbackForm.fieldRequiredText": "هذا الحقل مطلوب",
- "FeedbackForm.header": "أرسل ملاحظتك",
- "FeedbackForm.promptP1": "يرجى مشاركة تجربتك مع استوديو كوليبري وأية تعليقات بخصوص طريقة تحسينا له. في حال أردت الإبلاغ عن خطأ، يرجى وصف مشكلتك بأكبر قدر ممكن من التفاصيل.",
- "FeedbackForm.promptP2": "بإمكانك أيضاً البحث والنشر في منتدى المجتمع لمعرفة ما إذا كان الآخرون قد واجهوا مشكلات مماثلة.",
- "FeedbackForm.submitAction": "تقديم",
- "FeedbackForm.submittedHeader": "شكراً",
- "FeedbackForm.submittedP1": "إن ملاحظاتك ضرورية من أجل إصدارات مستقبلية لاستوديو كوليبري.",
- "FeedbackForm.submittedP2": "بالرغم من أنّه لا يمكننا الرد على كل تعليق بمفرده، إلّا أنّنا نأخذ بعين الاعتبار كل الملاحظات سعياً لتحسين تجربة المستخدم.",
- "FeedbackForm.submittedP3": "نحن نرحب بملاحظاتك في أي وقت",
"FilePreview.exitFullscreen": "الخروج من وضعية الشاشة الكاملة",
"FilePreview.fullscreenModeText": "وضع ملء الشاشة",
"FilePreview.viewFullscreen": "عرض ملء الشاشة",
@@ -807,6 +905,7 @@
"FileUploadDefault.uploadToText": "رفع على '{title}'",
"FileUploadItem.removeFileButton": "إزالة",
"FileUploadItem.retryUpload": "أعد محاولة الرفع",
+ "FileUploadItem.unknownFile": "اسم الملف غير معروف",
"FileUploadItem.uploadButton": "حدد ملفاً",
"FileUploadItem.uploadFailed": "فشلت عملية الرفع",
"ForgotPassword.forgotPasswordFailed": "فشلت عملية إرسال رابط تفعيل جديد. يرجى المحاولة مجدداً.",
@@ -831,6 +930,7 @@
"HintsEditor.hintsLabel": "التلميحات",
"HintsEditor.newHintBtnLabel": "تلميح جديد",
"HintsEditor.noHintsPlaceholder": "لا يوجد تلميحات للسؤال",
+ "ImageOnlyThumbnail.thumbnail": "{title} صورة مصغرة",
"ImagesMenu.acceptsText": "أنواع الملفات المدعومة: {acceptedFormats}",
"ImagesMenu.altTextHint": "إن وصف الصورة ضروري لتمكين المتعلمين ضعاف البصر من الإجابة على الأسئلة، إضافة إلى عرضه في حال فشل تحميل الصورة",
"ImagesMenu.altTextLabel": "وصف الصورة",
@@ -846,9 +946,9 @@
"ImportFromChannelsModal.importAction": "الاستيراد",
"ImportFromChannelsModal.importTitle": "استيراد من قنوات أخرى",
"ImportFromChannelsModal.removeButton": "إزالة",
- "ImportFromChannelsModal.resourcesAddedSnackbar": "{count, number} {count, plural, zero {} one {مصدر تم تحديده} two {مصدران تم تحديدهما} few {مصادر تم تحديدها} many {مصدراً تم تحديده} other {مصادر تم تحديدها}}",
- "ImportFromChannelsModal.resourcesRemovedSnackbar": "{count, number} {count, plural, zero {} one {مصدر تمت إزالته} two {مصدران تمت إزالتهما} few {مصادر تمت إزالتها} many {مصدراً تمت إزالته} other {مصدراً تمت إزالته}}",
- "ImportFromChannelsModal.resourcesSelected": "{count, number} {count, plural, zero {} one {مصدر تم تحديده} two {مصدران تم تحديدهما} few {مصادر تم تحديدها} many {مصدراً تم تحديده} other {مصادر تم تحديدها}}",
+ "ImportFromChannelsModal.resourcesAddedSnackbar": "{count, number} {count, plural, zero {مصادر تم تحديدها} one {مصدر تم تحديده} two {مصدران تم تحديدهما} few {مصادر تم تحديدها} many {مصدراً تم تحديده} other {مصادر تم تحديدها}}",
+ "ImportFromChannelsModal.resourcesRemovedSnackbar": "{count, number} {count, plural, zero {مصدراً تمت إزالته} one {مصدر تمت إزالته} two {مصدران تمت إزالتهما} few {مصادر تمت إزالتها} many {مصدراً تمت إزالته} other {مصدراً تمت إزالته}}",
+ "ImportFromChannelsModal.resourcesSelected": "{count, number} {count, plural, zero {مصادر تم تحديدها} one {مصدر تم تحديده} two {مصدران تم تحديدهما} few {مصادر تم تحديدها} many {مصدراً تم تحديده} other {مصادر تم تحديدها}}",
"ImportFromChannelsModal.reviewAction": "مراجعة",
"ImportFromChannelsModal.reviewTitle": "تحديد المصدر",
"InfoModal.close": "إغلاق",
@@ -873,6 +973,7 @@
"Main.guestModeLink": "استكشاف المنصة دون إنشاء حساب",
"Main.kolibriStudio": "استوديو كوليبري",
"Main.loginFailed": "البريد الإلكتروني أو كلمة المرور غير صحيحة",
+ "Main.loginFailedOffline": "يبدو أنك غير متصل. يُرجى الاتصال بالإنترنت قبل تسجيل الدخول.",
"Main.loginToProceed": "يجب عليك تسجيل الدخول لعرض تلك الصفحة",
"Main.passwordLabel": "كلمة المرور",
"Main.privacyPolicyLink": "سياسة الخصوصية",
@@ -892,31 +993,28 @@
"MarkdownImageField.editImageOption": "تعديل",
"MarkdownImageField.removeImageOption": "إزالة",
"MarkdownImageField.resizeImageOption": "تغيير الحجم",
- "MasteryDropdown.exerciseDescripiton": "تحتوي التمارين على مجموعة من الأسئلة التفاعلية التي يمكن للمتعلّم التفاعل معها في كوليبري. سيحصل المتعلّمون على ملاحظات فورية لكل إجابة (سواء أكانت صحيحة أو خاطئة). سيتم إظهار الأسئلة المتاحة في تمرين في كوليبري إلى أن يصل المتعلّم إلى درجة الإتقان.",
- "MasteryDropdown.exerciseHeader": "حول التمارين",
- "MasteryDropdown.labelText": "معايير الإتقان",
- "MasteryDropdown.mHint": "الإجابات الصحيحة مطلوبة",
- "MasteryDropdown.masteryDescripiton": "يشير كوليبري إلى التمرين بأنه \"مكتمل\" عند استيفاء معايير الإتقان. فيما يلي الأنواع المختلفة لمعايير الإتقان للتمرين:",
- "MasteryDropdown.nHint": "الإجابات الأخيرة",
+ "MasteryCriteriaGoal.labelText": "الهدف",
+ "MasteryCriteriaMofNFields.mHint": "الإجابات الصحيحة مطلوبة",
+ "MasteryCriteriaMofNFields.nHint": "الإجابات الأخيرة",
"MessageLayout.backToLogin": "المتابعة إلى صفحة تسجيل الدخول",
- "MoveModal.addTopic": "إضافة موضوع جديد",
+ "MoveModal.addTopic": "إضافة مجلد جديد",
"MoveModal.cancel": "إلغاء",
"MoveModal.emptyTopicText": "لم يتم العثور على أية مصادر",
"MoveModal.goToLocationButton": "التوجّه إلى الموقع",
"MoveModal.moveHere": "انقل لهنا",
- "MoveModal.moveItems": "نقل {topicCount, plural, zero {} one {# مواضيع} two {# موضوعان} few {# مواضيع} many {# موضوعاً}\n =1 {# موضوع}\n other {# مواضيع}}, {resourceCount, plural,\n =1 {# موضوع}\n other {# مواضيع}} إلى:",
+ "MoveModal.moveItems": "نقل {topicCount, plural,\n zero {# مصادر}\n one {# مجلد}\n two {# مجلدين}\n few {# مجلدات}\n many {# مجلد}=1 {# مجلدًا}\n other {# مجلدات}}, {resourceCount, plural,\n zero {مصادر}\n one {# مصدر}\n two {# مصدرين}\n few {# مصادر}\n many {# مصدر}=1 {# مصدرًا}\n other {# مصادر}} إلى:",
"MoveModal.movedMessage": "تم النقل إلى {title}",
- "MoveModal.resourcesCount": "{count, plural, zero {} one {# مصادر} two {# مصدران} few {# مصادر} many {# مصدراً}\n =1 {# مصدر}\n other {# مصادر}}",
- "MoveModal.topicCreatedMessage": "تم إنشاء موضوع جديد",
+ "MoveModal.resourcesCount": "{count, plural, zero {# مصادر} one {# مصادر} two {# مصدران} few {# مصادر} many {# مصدراً}\n =1 {# مصدر}\n other {# مصادر}}",
+ "MoveModal.topicCreatedMessage": "تم إنشاء مجلد جديد",
"MultiSelect.noItemsFound": "لا توجد أية عناصر",
"NewTopicModal.cancel": "إلغاء",
"NewTopicModal.create": "إنشاء",
- "NewTopicModal.createTopic": "إنشاء موضوع جديد",
- "NewTopicModal.topicTitle": "عنوان الموضوع",
- "NewTopicModal.topicTitleRequired": "العنوان مطلوب",
+ "NewTopicModal.createTopic": "إنشاء مُجلّد جديد",
+ "NewTopicModal.topicTitle": "عنوان المجلد",
+ "NewTopicModal.topicTitleRequired": "عنوان المجلد مطلوب",
"NodePanel.emptyChannelSubText": "قم بإنشاء أو رفع أو استيراد المصادر من القنوات الأخرى",
"NodePanel.emptyChannelText": "انقر على \"إضافة\" للبدء ببناء قناتك",
- "NodePanel.emptyTopicText": "لا يوجد شيء في هذا الموضوع بعد",
+ "NodePanel.emptyTopicText": "لا يوجد شيء في هذا المجلد بعد",
"NodePanel.emptyViewOnlyChannelText": "لا يوجد شيء في هذه القناة بعد",
"NodeTreeNavigation.noResourcesDefaultText": "لم يتم العثور على أية مصادر",
"OfflineText.offlineIndicatorText": "غير متصل",
@@ -930,55 +1028,30 @@
"PasswordInstructionsSent.passwordInstructionsText": "في حال كان هناك بالفعل حساب مرتبط بعنوان البريد الإلكتروني المرسل، فستصلك التعليمات قريباً. في حال لم تتلقّ بريداً إلكترونياً من طرفنا، فيرجى التحقق من صندوق البريد العشوائي.",
"PermissionsError.goToHomePageAction": "انتقل إلى الصفحة الرئيسية",
"PermissionsError.permissionDeniedHeader": "هل نسيت تسجيل الدخول؟",
- "PoliciesModal.ToSHeader": "شروط الخدمة",
"PoliciesModal.checkboxText": "لقد وافقت على الشروط الواردة أعلاه",
"PoliciesModal.checkboxValidationErrorMessage": "هذا الحقل مطلوب",
"PoliciesModal.closeButton": "إغلاق",
- "PoliciesModal.communityStandardsHeader": "معايير المجتمع",
"PoliciesModal.continueButton": "متابعة",
"PoliciesModal.lastUpdated": "تاريخ آخر تحديث {date}",
- "PoliciesModal.privacyHeader": "سياسة الخصوصية",
- "PoliciesModal.updatedPrivacyHeader": "سياسة الخصوصية المحدثة",
- "PoliciesModal.updatedToSHeader": "شروط الخدمة المحدثة",
"PrivacyPolicyModal.privacyHeader": "سياسة الخصوصية",
"PrivacyPolicyModal.updatedPrivacyHeader": "سياسة الخصوصية المحدثة",
- "PrivacyPolicyModal.linkText": "تعرف على المزيد حول القيم الأساسية لمنظمة Learning Equality.",
- "PrivacyPolicyModal.paragraph1": "توضح سياسة الخصوصية هذه ممارسات الخصوصية لدينا وخياراتك وحقوقك بما يتعلق بالبيانات الشخصية التي نقوم بجمعها. تنطبق سياسة الخصوصية هذه على تطبيق كوليبري (\"التطبيق\") واستوديو كوليبري (\"الاستوديو\") وجميع المواقع الإلكترونية ذات الصلة (يشار إليها مجتمعة باسم \"كوليبري\"). لا ينطبق بيان الخصوصية هذا على تطبيقات الجهات الثالثة أو المنظمات الشريكة التي قد تستخدم برامجنا أو تُستخدم بالتزامن مع برامجنا.",
- "PrivacyPolicyModal.paragraph2": "تعترف منظمة Learning Equality بحقك في الخصوصية، وستتخذ خطوات منطقية لحماية تلك الخصوصية. تتيح لك بعض أقسام كوليبري تزويدنا بمعلومات شخصية، مثل اسمك وعنوان بريدك الإلكتروني. قد نستخدم المعلومات التي تقدمها لتحسين كوليبري. وعندما يكون هناك خيارات حول كيفية استخدامنا للمعلومات التي تقدمها، سنقوم بالإشارة إلى ذلك في نقطة التجميع. نظراً للطريقة التي يعمل بها كوليبري، قد نستخدم أيضاً معلومات متصفحك أو أنشطة التصفح لتخصيصك أو توجيهك إلى المعلومات ذات الصلة. على سبيل المثال، من الممكن أن نستخدم عنوان IP الخاص بك أو معلومات المستعرض أو ملفات تعريف الارتباط أو ملفات الويب بطرق تساعدنا في الحفاظ على بعض تفضيلاتك أو فهم كيفية تصفح زوارنا للموقع كي نتمكن من تحسينه. قد نقوم بتخزين معلوماتك الشخصية خارج نطاق الاتحاد الأوروبي.",
- "PrivacyPolicyModal.paragraph3": "تلتزم منظمة Learning Equality بالتعلّم باستمرار وتحسين جودة كوليبري، ومن الممكن استخدام السجلات المتعلقة بالتفاعلات مع كوليبري في الأبحاث. يتم عادة الإبلاغ عن نتائج الأبحاث على المستوى الإجمالي، ولن يتم الإفصاح علناً عن هويتك الشخصية في أية نتائج بحثية دون موافقة صريحة من قبلك.",
- "PrivacyPolicyModal.paragraph4": "إذا كان لديك أية أسئلة حول هذه الممارسات أو حول استخدام معلوماتك الشخصية، يرجى التواصل معنا عبر البريد الإلكتروني legal@learningequality.org.",
"ProgressBar.progressText": "{percent}%",
- "ProgressModal.cancel": "لا، العودة إلى الوراء",
- "ProgressModal.cancelHeader": "هل أنت متأكد؟",
- "ProgressModal.cancelText": "هل أنت متأكد من رغبتك بإلغاء هذه المهمة؟",
- "ProgressModal.confirmStopButton": "نعم، أوقف المهمة",
- "ProgressModal.copyDescription": "يتم الآن استيراد المصادر، الرجاء الانتظار...",
- "ProgressModal.copyHeader": "استيراد المصادر",
- "ProgressModal.defaultDescription": "يتم الآن تحديث القناة، الرجاء الانتظار...",
- "ProgressModal.defaultErrorText": "حصل خطأ غير متوقع. يرجى المحاولة مجدداً، وفي حال ظهرت هذه الرسالة مجدداً يرجى التواصل مع مركز الدعم من خلال قائمة المساعدة.",
- "ProgressModal.defaultHeader": "تحديث القناة",
- "ProgressModal.finishedMessage": "اكتملت العملية! انقر على \"تحديث\" لتحديث الصفحة.",
- "ProgressModal.moveDescription": "تتم الآن عملية النقل، يرجى الانتظار...",
- "ProgressModal.moveHeader": "نقل المحتوى",
- "ProgressModal.publishDescription": "ستتلقى إشعارًا عبر البريد الإلكتروني حال اكتمال النشر، وستكون قادراً على إجراء المزيد من التعديلات على قناتك.",
+ "ProgressModal.defaultErrorText": "فشلت آخر محاولة للنشر",
+ "ProgressModal.lastPublished": "منشور {last_published}",
"ProgressModal.publishHeader": "نشر القناة",
- "ProgressModal.refreshButton": "إعادة تحميل الصفحة",
- "ProgressModal.stopButton": "إيقاف",
- "ProgressModal.syncDescription": "تتم الآن مزامنة القناة، الرجاء الانتظار...",
+ "ProgressModal.syncError": "فشلت آخر محاولة للمزامنة",
"ProgressModal.syncHeader": "مزامنة القناة",
+ "ProgressModal.unpublishedText": "لم يتم النشر",
"PublishModal.cancelButton": "إلغاء",
"PublishModal.descriptionDescriptionTooltip": "سيتم إظهار هذا الوصف لمسؤولي كوليبري قبل قيامهم بتحديث إصدارات القناة ",
"PublishModal.descriptionRequiredMessage": "يرجى وصف ما هو الجديد في هذا الإصدار قبل النشر",
- "PublishModal.incompleteCount": "{count, plural, zero {} one {# مصادر غير مكتملة} two {# مصدران غير مكتملين} few {# مصادر غير مكتملة} many {# مصدراً غير مكتمل} =1 {# مصدر غير مكتمل} other {# مصادر غير مكتملة}}",
+ "PublishModal.incompleteCount": "{count, plural, zero {# مصادر غير مكتملة} one {# مصادر غير مكتملة} two {# مصدران غير مكتملين} few {# مصادر غير مكتملة} many {# مصدراً غير مكتمل} =1 {# مصدر غير مكتمل} other {# مصادر غير مكتملة}}",
"PublishModal.incompleteInstructions": "انقر فوق 'متابعة' لتأكيد رغبتك في النشر على أية حال.",
- "PublishModal.incompleteWarning": "لن يتم نشر المصادر غير المكتملة وإتاحتها للتنزيل في كوليبري.",
+ "PublishModal.incompleteWarning": "لن يتم نشر المصادر غير المكتملة وإتاحتها للتنزيل في \"كوليبري\".",
"PublishModal.nextButton": "متابعة",
"PublishModal.publishButton": "نشر",
"PublishModal.publishMessageLabel": "قدّم وصفاً لما هو جديد في هذا الإصدار من القناة",
- "PublishModal.publishingSizeText": "{count, plural, zero {} one {# مصادر} two {# مصدران} few {# مصادر} many {# مصدراً} =1 {# مصدر} other {# مصادر}}",
- "PublishModal.unpublishedText": "غير منشور",
"PublishModal.versionDescriptionLabel": "وصف الإصدار",
- "PublishModal.versionText": "الإصدار الحالي: {version}",
"RelatedResourcesList.removeBtnLabel": "إزالة",
"RelatedResourcesTab.addNextStepBtnLabel": "أضف خطوة تالية",
"RelatedResourcesTab.addPreviousStepBtnLabel": "إضافة خطوة سابقة",
@@ -1073,16 +1146,16 @@
"ResourcePanel.author": "المؤلف",
"ResourcePanel.availableFormats": "الصيغ المتاحة",
"ResourcePanel.coachResources": "مصادر للمدرِّبين",
+ "ResourcePanel.completion": "الاستكمال",
"ResourcePanel.copyrightHolder": "صاحب حقوق النشر",
"ResourcePanel.description": "التّوصيف",
"ResourcePanel.details": "التفاصيل",
"ResourcePanel.fileSize": "الحجم",
"ResourcePanel.files": "الملفات",
- "ResourcePanel.incompleteQuestionError": "{count, plural, zero {} one {# سؤال لم يكتمل} two {# سؤالان لم يكتملا} few {# أسئلة لم تكتمل} many {# سؤالاً لم يكتمل} other {# أسئلة لم تكتمل}}",
+ "ResourcePanel.incompleteQuestionError": "{count, plural, zero {# أسئلة لم تكتمل} one {# سؤال لم يكتمل} two {# سؤالان لم يكتملا} few {# أسئلة لم تكتمل} many {# سؤالاً لم يكتمل} other {# أسئلة لم تكتمل}}",
"ResourcePanel.language": "اللغة",
"ResourcePanel.license": "الترخيص",
- "ResourcePanel.masteryCriteria": "معايير الإتقان",
- "ResourcePanel.masteryMofN": "{m} من أصل {n}",
+ "ResourcePanel.masteryMofN": "الهدف: {m} من أصل {n}",
"ResourcePanel.nextSteps": "الخطوات التالية",
"ResourcePanel.noCopyrightHolderError": "صاحب حقوق النشر غير موجود",
"ResourcePanel.noFilesError": "ملفات ناقصة",
@@ -1093,7 +1166,7 @@
"ResourcePanel.originalChannel": "تم استيراده من",
"ResourcePanel.previousSteps": "الخطوات السابقة",
"ResourcePanel.provider": "موفر الخدمة",
- "ResourcePanel.questionCount": "{value, number, integer} {value, plural, zero {} one {سؤال} two {سؤالان} few {أسئلة} many {سؤالاً} other {أسئلة}}",
+ "ResourcePanel.questionCount": "{value, number, integer} {value, plural, zero {أسئلة} one {سؤال} two {سؤالان} few {أسئلة} many {سؤالاً} other {أسئلة}}",
"ResourcePanel.questions": "الأسئلة",
"ResourcePanel.relatedResources": "المصادر ذات الصلة",
"ResourcePanel.resources": "المصادر",
@@ -1103,10 +1176,11 @@
"ResourcePanel.tags": "التصنيفات",
"ResourcePanel.totalResources": "إجمالي المصادر",
"ResourcePanel.visibleTo": "ظاهر لـِ",
- "ResponsiveDialog.closeButtonLabel": "إغلاق",
+ "ResourcesNeededOptions.furtherExplanation": "الرجاء إضافة أي لوازم إضافية سيحتاج إليها المتعلمون لاستخدام هذا المصدر إلى خانة \"الوصف\" ",
+ "ResourcesNeededOptions.resourcesNeededLabel": "المتطلبات",
"ReviewSelectionsPage.noResourcesSelected": "لم يتم تحديد أي مصدر",
"ReviewSelectionsPage.removeAction": "إزالة",
- "ReviewSelectionsPage.resourcesInTopic": "{count, number} {count, plural, zero {} one {مصدر} two {مصدرين} few {مصادر} many {مصدراً} other {مصادر}}",
+ "ReviewSelectionsPage.resourcesInTopic": "{count, number} {count, plural, zero {مصادر} one {مصدر} two {مصدرين} few {مصادر} many {مصدراً} other {مصادر}}",
"ReviewSelectionsPage.reviewSelectionHeader": "مراجعة الإختيارات",
"SavedSearchesModal.cancelAction": "إلغاء",
"SavedSearchesModal.closeButtonLabel": "إغلاق",
@@ -1114,7 +1188,7 @@
"SavedSearchesModal.deleteConfirmation": "هل أنت متأكد من أنك تريد حذف عملية البحث المحفوظة؟",
"SavedSearchesModal.deleteSearchTitle": "حذف عمليات البحث المحفوظة",
"SavedSearchesModal.editAction": "تعديل",
- "SavedSearchesModal.filterCount": "{count, number} {count, plural, zero {} one {فلتر} two {فلترين} few {فلاتر} many {فلتراً} other {فلاتر}}",
+ "SavedSearchesModal.filterCount": "{count, number} {count, plural, zero {فلاتر} one {فلتر} two {فلترين} few {فلاتر} many {فلتراً} other {فلاتر}}",
"SavedSearchesModal.noSavedSearches": "لا توجد لديك أية عمليات بحث محفوظة",
"SavedSearchesModal.savedSearchesTitle": "عمليات بحث محفوظة",
"SavedSearchesModal.searchDeletedSnackbar": "تم حذف سجلات البحث",
@@ -1125,7 +1199,7 @@
"SearchFilterBar.clearAll": "مسح الكل",
"SearchFilterBar.coachContent": "مصادر للمدرِّبين",
"SearchFilterBar.createdAfter": "تمت الإضافة بعد '{date}'",
- "SearchFilterBar.topicsHidden": "لا توجد مواضيع",
+ "SearchFilterBar.topicsHidden": "المجلدات المستبعدة",
"SearchFilters.addedAfterDateLabel": "تمت الإضافة لاحقاً",
"SearchFilters.assessmentsLabel": "إظهار التقييمات فقط",
"SearchFilters.channelSourceLabel": "القناة/المصدر",
@@ -1133,22 +1207,19 @@
"SearchFilters.channelsHeader": "القنوات التعليمية",
"SearchFilters.coachContentLabel": "إظهار المصادر للمدرِّبين",
"SearchFilters.filtersHeader": "خيارات الفلترة",
- "SearchFilters.hideTopicsLabel": "إخفاء المواضيع",
+ "SearchFilters.hideTopicsLabel": "إخفاء المجلدات",
"SearchFilters.kindLabel": "الصيغة",
"SearchFilters.licensesLabel": "الترخيص",
"SearchOrBrowseWindow.backToBrowseAction": "العودة إلى التصفح",
- "SearchOrBrowseWindow.cancel": "إلغاء",
"SearchOrBrowseWindow.copiedToClipboard": "تمّ النّسخ إلى الحافظة",
"SearchOrBrowseWindow.copyFailed": "فشل النسخ إلى الحافظة",
- "SearchOrBrowseWindow.copyingToClipboard": "جاري النسخ إلى الحافظة...",
"SearchOrBrowseWindow.searchAction": "البحث",
"SearchOrBrowseWindow.searchLabel": "البحث عن المصادر...",
- "SearchOrBrowseWindow.undo": "تراجع",
"SearchResultsList.failedToLoad": "يتعذر تحميل نتائج البحث",
"SearchResultsList.resultsPerPageLabel": "النتائج لكل صفحة",
"SearchResultsList.saveSearchAction": "حفظ عملية البحث",
"SearchResultsList.savedSearchesLabel": "عرض عمليات البحث المحفوظة",
- "SearchResultsList.searchResultsCount": "{count, number} {count, plural, zero {} one {نتيجة} two {نتيجتان} few {نتائج} many {نتيجةً} other {نتائج}} لـ '{searchTerm}'",
+ "SearchResultsList.searchResultsCount": "{count, number} {count, plural, zero {نتائج} one {نتيجة} two {نتيجتان} few {نتائج} many {نتيجةً} other {نتائج}} لـ '{searchTerm}'",
"SearchResultsList.searchSavedSnackbar": "تم حفظ عملية البحث",
"SettingsIndex.accountLabel": "الحساب",
"SettingsIndex.settingsTitle": "الإعدادات",
@@ -1163,17 +1234,17 @@
"StagingTreePage.deploy": "نشر",
"StagingTreePage.deployChannel": "نشر القناة",
"StagingTreePage.deployDialogDescription": "أنت على وشك استبدال مصادر العرض المباشر بمصادر العرض المرحلي.",
- "StagingTreePage.emptyChannelSubText": "لا توجد تغييرات للمعاينة! تحتوي القناة على أحدث المواضيع والمصادر.",
+ "StagingTreePage.emptyChannelSubText": "لا توجد تغييرات للمعاينة! تحتوي القناة على أحدث المجلدات والمصادر.",
"StagingTreePage.emptyChannelText": "لم يتم العثور على أية مصادر",
"StagingTreePage.emptyTopicText": "هذا الموضوع فارغ",
"StagingTreePage.liveResources": "مصادر العرض المباشر",
- "StagingTreePage.openCurrentLocationButton": "الانتقال إلى موقع الموضوع الحالي",
+ "StagingTreePage.openCurrentLocationButton": "قم بالتوسع إلى موقع المجلد الحالي",
"StagingTreePage.openSummaryDetailsDialogBtn": "عرض الملخص",
- "StagingTreePage.resourcesCount": "{count, number} {count, plural, zero {} one { مصدر } two { مصدران } few { مصادر } many { مصدراً } other { مصادر }}",
+ "StagingTreePage.resourcesCount": "{count, number} {count, plural, zero {مصادر} one {مصدر} two {مصدران} few {مصادر} many {مصدراً} other {مصادر}}",
"StagingTreePage.reviewMode": "وضعية المعاينة",
"StagingTreePage.stagedResources": "مصادر العرض المرحلي",
"StagingTreePage.summaryDetailsDialogTitle": "تفاصيل الملخص",
- "StagingTreePage.topicsCount": "{count, number} {count, plural, zero {} one { موضوع } two { موضوعان } few { مواضيع } many { موضوعاً } other { مواضيع }}",
+ "StagingTreePage.topicsCount": "{count, number} {count, plural, zero {مجلدات} one {مجلد} two {مجلدين} few {مجلدات} many {مجلدًا} other {مجلدات}}",
"StagingTreePage.totalResources": "إجمالي المصادر",
"StagingTreePage.totalSize": "الحجم الإجمالي",
"StagingTreePage.viewDetails": "عرض التفاصيل",
@@ -1215,9 +1286,8 @@
"TechnicalTextBlock.copiedToClipboardConfirmation": "تمّ النّسخ إلى الحافظة",
"TechnicalTextBlock.copiedToClipboardFailure": "فشلت عملية النسخ إلى الحافظة",
"TechnicalTextBlock.copyToClipboardButtonPrompt": "نسخ إلى الحافظة",
- "Template.templateString": "لديك {count, plural, zero {} one {# nodes for testing} two {# nodes for testing} few {# nodes for testing} many {# nodes for testing}\n =1 {# node for testing}\n other {# nodes for testing}}",
+ "Template.templateString": "لديك {count, plural, zero {# عقدة للاختبار} one {# عقدة للاختبار} two {# عقدتان للاختبار} few {# عقد للاختبار} many {# عقد للاختبار}\n =1 {# عقدة للاختبار}\n other {# عقدة للاختبار}}",
"TermsOfServiceModal.ToSHeader": "شروط الخدمة",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.updatedToSHeader": "شروط الخدمة المحدثة",
"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseHeader": "Acceptable Use Restrictions",
"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem1": "Will be in strict accordance with these Terms;",
"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem10": "Will not interfere with, disrupt, or attack any service or network; and",
@@ -1275,7 +1345,7 @@
"TermsOfServiceModal.licensingList1Item2": "If you are not yourself the copyright holder, you must have the rights to distribute the uploaded Content, either through explicit written permission from the copyright holder, or as allowed by the terms of the license under which the Content has been released.",
"TermsOfServiceModal.licensingList1Item3": "If you are the copyright holder of the uploaded content, then by marking the Content you upload with a particular license, you are agreeing for the Content to be distributed and used under the terms of that license in perpetuity.",
"TermsOfServiceModal.licensingList2Item1": "Descriptive metadata: This includes primary metadata associated with a single piece of Content, for example, titles, descriptions, and other elements which constitute a definitive part of the Content regardless of which system it appears on. These metadata elements will fall under the same copyright and licensing as the Content itself.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.licensingList2Item2": "Organizational metadata: This defines how a piece of content may be used, aids with discovery, and places it within some broader structure of relations on the Service, for example, tags, curation into topics (including the titles of those topics), and other elements pertaining to the display and ordering of Content on the system itself. By using the Service, you agree that work you do to generate organizational metadata elements are released into the Public Domain, and may be made available for others to use, without any claim to copyright or restricted licensing. We may also share, leverage and distribute this organizational metadata. This is so that we can benefit others and improve the impact of our platforms.",
+ "TermsOfServiceModal.licensingList2Item2": "Organizational metadata: This defines how a piece of content may be used, aids with discovery, and places it within some broader structure of relations on the Service, for example, tags, curation into folders (including the titles of those folders), and other elements pertaining to the display and ordering of Content on the system itself. By using the Service, you agree that work you do to generate organizational metadata elements are released into the Public Domain, and may be made available for others to use, without any claim to copyright or restricted licensing. We may also share, leverage and distribute this organizational metadata. This is so that we can benefit others and improve the impact of our platforms.",
"TermsOfServiceModal.licensingP1": "The Service allows you to upload and distribute Content. When you do, the following terms apply:",
"TermsOfServiceModal.licensingP2": "We follow a policy of making content, including its associated metadata, as open as possible while following the appropriate copyright laws. With this in mind, we distinguish between:",
"TermsOfServiceModal.miscellaneousHeader": "Miscellaneous",
@@ -1287,6 +1357,7 @@
"TermsOfServiceModal.thirdPartyP1": "The links to third party websites, any third party content, and any third party applications may be provided for your convenience and information only. The content on any linked website or in any third party application is not under our control and we are not responsible for the content of linked websites and/or third party applications, including any further links contained in a third party website. We make no representations or warranties in connection with any third party content or third party applications, which at all times and in each instance is provided \"as is.\" Third party applications may be subject to additional policies and conditions or agreements between you and the provider of such third party applications. You agree to fully comply with all such additional policies, conditions and agreements. If you decide to access any third party content, and/or any third party application, you do so entirely at your own risk.",
"TermsOfServiceModal.thirdPartyRightsHeader": "Third Party Rights",
"TermsOfServiceModal.thirdPartyRightsP1": "Nothing in our Terms is intended to confer on any third party any benefit or any right (under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 UK or otherwise) to enforce any provision of our Terms or any agreement entered into in connection with it.",
+ "TermsOfServiceModal.updatedToSHeader": "شروط الخدمة المحدثة",
"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentHeader": "User-Generated Content",
"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList1Item1": "We do not endorse any uploaded Content or represent that Content is accurate, useful, or non-harmful. Content could be offensive, indecent, or objectionable; include technical inaccuracies, typographical mistakes, or other errors; or violate or infringe the privacy, publicity rights, intellectual property rights (see our Copyright Infringement and DMCA Policy section to submit copyright complaints), or other proprietary rights of third parties.",
"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList1Item2": "If you upload or author Content, or otherwise make (or allow any third party to make) Content available on the Service, you are entirely responsible for the Content, and any harm resulting from, that Content or your conduct.",
@@ -1322,33 +1393,33 @@
"TrashModal.deleteButton": "حذف",
"TrashModal.deleteConfirmationCancelButton": "إلغاء",
"TrashModal.deleteConfirmationDeleteButton": "حذف نهائي",
- "TrashModal.deleteConfirmationHeader": "الحذف نهائياً لـ {topicCount, plural, zero {} one {# مواضيع} two {# موضوعان} few {# مواضيع} many {# موضوعاً}\n =1 {# موضوع}\n other {# مواضيع}}, {resourceCount, plural,\n =1 {# مصدر}\n other {# مصادر}}؟",
+ "TrashModal.deleteConfirmationHeader": "الحذف نهائياً لـ {topicCount, plural, zero {مجلدًا} one {# مجلد} two {# مجلدان} few {# مجلدات} many {# مجلدًا}\n =1 {# مجلد}\n other {# مجلدات}}, {resourceCount, plural,\n =1 {# مصدر}\n other {# مصادر}}؟",
"TrashModal.deleteConfirmationText": "لا يمكنك التراجع عن هذا الإجراء. هل أنت متأكد من أنك تريد المتابعة؟",
"TrashModal.deleteSuccessMessage": "تم الحذف نهائياً",
"TrashModal.deletedHeader": "تمّت الإزالة",
"TrashModal.restoreButton": "إستعادة",
"TrashModal.selectAllHeader": "تحديد الكل",
- "TrashModal.selectedCountText": "{topicCount, plural, zero {} one {# مواضيع} two {# موضوعان} few {# مواضيع} many {# موضوعاً}\n =1 {# موضوع}\n other {# مواضيع}}, {resourceCount, plural,\n =1 {# مصدر}\n other {# مصادر}}",
+ "TrashModal.selectedCountText": "{topicCount, plural,\n zero {مجلدات}\n one {# مجلد}\n two {# مجلدين}\n few {# مجلدات }\n many {# مجلد}=1 {# مجلدًا}\n other {# مجلدات}}, {resourceCount, plural,\n zero {مصادر}\n one {# مصدر}\n two {# مصدرين}\n few {# مصادر}\n many {# مصدر}=1 {# مصدرًا}\n other {# مصادر}}",
"TrashModal.trashEmptySubtext": "ستظهر المصادر المحذوفة من هذه القناة هنا",
"TrashModal.trashEmptyText": "سلة المهملات فارغة",
"TrashModal.trashModalTitle": "سلّة المهملات",
"TreeView.closeDrawer": "إغلاق",
"TreeView.collapseAllButton": "تصغير الكل",
- "TreeView.openCurrentLocationButton": "قم بالتوسع إلى موقع الموضوع الحالي",
+ "TreeView.openCurrentLocationButton": "قم بالتوسع إلى موقع المجلد الحالي",
"TreeView.showSidebar": "إظهار الشريط الجانبي",
"TreeView.updatedResourcesReadyForReview": "المصادر المحدثة جاهزة للمعاينة",
"TreeViewBase.apiGenerated": "تم توليدها/ ها من API",
"TreeViewBase.cancel": "إلغاء",
"TreeViewBase.channelDeletedSnackbar": "تم حذف القناة",
"TreeViewBase.channelDetails": "عرض تفاصيل القناة",
- "TreeViewBase.deleteChannel": "حذف القناة ",
- "TreeViewBase.deleteChannelButton": "حذف القناة",
+ "TreeViewBase.deleteChannel": "حذف القناة التعليمية",
+ "TreeViewBase.deleteChannelButton": "حذف القناة التعليمية",
"TreeViewBase.deletePrompt": "سيتم حذف هذه القناة بشكل دائم. لا يمكن التراجع عن هذه الخطوة.",
"TreeViewBase.deleteTitle": "حذف هذه القناة",
"TreeViewBase.editChannel": "تعديل تفاصيل القناة",
"TreeViewBase.emptyChannelTooltip": "لا يمكنك نشر قناة فارغة",
"TreeViewBase.getToken": "احصل على رمز تعريف",
- "TreeViewBase.incompleteDescendantsText": "{count, number, integer} {count, plural, zero {} one {مصدر لم يكتمل ولا يمكن نشره} two {مصدران لم يكتملا ولا يمكن نشرهما} few {مصادر لم تكتمل ولا يمكن نشرها} many {مصدراً لم يكتمل ولا يمكن نشره} other {مصادر لم تكتمل ولا يمكن نشرها}}",
+ "TreeViewBase.incompleteDescendantsText": "{count, number, integer} {count, plural, zero {مصادر لم تكتمل ولا يمكن نشرها} one {مصدر لم يكتمل ولا يمكن نشره} two {مصدران لم يكتملا ولا يمكن نشرهما} few {مصادر لم تكتمل ولا يمكن نشرها} many {مصدراً لم يكتمل ولا يمكن نشره} other {مصادر لم تكتمل ولا يمكن نشرها}}",
"TreeViewBase.noChangesText": "لم يتم العثور على تغييرات في القناة",
"TreeViewBase.noLanguageSetError": "لغة القناة غير موجودة",
"TreeViewBase.openTrash": "فتح سلة المهملات",
@@ -1357,18 +1428,18 @@
"TreeViewBase.shareChannel": "شارك القناة",
"TreeViewBase.syncChannel": "مزامنة المصادر",
"TreeViewBase.viewOnly": "قنوات للعرض فقط",
- "Uploader.listDelimiter": ", ",
- "Uploader.maxFileSizeText": "{count, plural, zero {} one {# ملف لن يتم تحميله.} two {# ملفان لن يتم تحميلهما.} few {# ملفات لن يتم تحميلها.} many {# ملفاً لن يتم تحميلها.}\n =1 {# ملف لن يتم تحميله.}\n other {# ملفات لن يتم تحميلها.}} حجم الملف يجب أن يكون أقل من {size}",
+ "Uploader.listDelimiter": ",",
+ "Uploader.maxFileSizeText": "{count, plural, zero {# ملفات لن يتم تحميلها.} one {# ملف لن يتم تحميله.} two {# ملفان لن يتم تحميلهما.} few {# ملفات لن يتم تحميلها.} many {# ملفاً لن يتم تحميلها.}\n =1 {# ملف لن يتم تحميله.}\n other {# ملفات لن يتم تحميلها.}} حجم الملف يجب أن يكون أقل من {size}",
"Uploader.noStorageHeader": "لا توجد سعة كافية",
"Uploader.remainingStorage": "مساحة التخزين المتبقية: {size}",
"Uploader.tooLargeFilesHeader": "تم تجاوز الحد الأقصى لحجم الملف",
"Uploader.unsupportedFilesHeader": "ملفات غير مدعومة",
- "Uploader.unsupportedFilesText": "{count, plural, zero {} one {# ملفات لن يتم تحميلها.} two {# ملفان لن يتم تحميلهما.} few {# ملفات لن يتم تحميلها.} many {# ملفاً لن يتم تحميله.}\n =1 {# ملفاً لن يتم تحميله.}\n other {# ملفات لن يتم تحميلها.}} \n {extensionCount, plural,\n =1 {نوع الملف المدعوم هو}\n other {أنواع الملفات المدعومة هي}} {extensions}",
+ "Uploader.unsupportedFilesText": "{count, plural, zero {# ملفات لن يتم تحميلها} one {# ملفات لن يتم تحميلها.} two {# ملفان لن يتم تحميلهما.} few {# ملفات لن يتم تحميلها.} many {# ملفاً لن يتم تحميله.}\n =1 {# ملفاً لن يتم تحميله.}\n other {# ملفات لن يتم تحميلها.}} \n {extensionCount, plural,\n =1 {نوع الملف المدعوم هو}\n other {أنواع الملفات المدعومة هي}} {extensions}",
"Uploader.uploadSize": "حجم الرفع كبير جداً: {size}",
"UsingStudio.aboutStudio": "حول استوديو كوليبري",
"UsingStudio.aboutStudioText": "يخضع استوديو كوليبري لعملية تطوير دائمة، وبذلك قد تتسبب بعض التغييرات في حدوث سلوك أو تحديات غير متوقعة (تسمّى أيضاً بـ\"المشاكل\"). في حال واجهت مشكلة، يرجى إعلامنا حال حدوثها لمساعدتنا في حلها. (انظر أدناه للحصول على تعليمات حول طريقة الإبلاغ عن المشاكل).",
- "UsingStudio.bestPractice1": "عند استخدام عمليات الاستيراد والحافظة، قم بذلك ضمن مجموعات فرعية صغيرة من الموضوعات بدلاً من القنوات الكاملة في المرة الواحدة (خصوصاً للقنوات الكبيرة).",
- "UsingStudio.bestPractice2": "يُفضّل إنشاء قنوات صغيرة متعددة عوضاً عن إنشاء قناة كبيرة واحدة بمواضيع متعددة.",
+ "UsingStudio.bestPractice1": "عند استخدام عمليات الاستيراد والحافظة، قم بذلك ضمن مجموعات فرعية صغيرة من المجلدات بدلاً من القنوات الكاملة في المرة الواحدة (خصوصاً للقنوات الكبيرة).",
+ "UsingStudio.bestPractice2": "يُفضّل إنشاء قنوات صغيرة متعددة عوضاً عن إنشاء قناة كبيرة واحدة بمجلدات متعددة.",
"UsingStudio.bestPractice3": "قم بإعادة تحميل الصفحة بشكل دوري للتأكد من حفظ عملك على الخادم وعدم حدوث أخطاء في الشبكة. استخدم CTRL + R في أنظمة تشغيل Linux / Windows أو ⌘ + R على نظام Mac.",
"UsingStudio.bestPractice4": "تجنب القيام بعمليات تحرير متزامنة في نفس القناة. لا يجوز أن يتم تحرير القنوات بواسطة عدة مستخدمين في نفس الوقت أو بواسطة نفس المستخدم في عدة نوافذ تصفح.",
"UsingStudio.bestPractice5": "قد تواجه أخطاء مرتبطة بانتهاء المهلة على متصفحك عند القيام بعمليات مثل الاستيراد والمزامنة على القنوات الكبيرة. لا تتفاجأ برسالة الخطأ تلك ولا تكرر العملية مجدداً على الفور. هذه الرسالة لا تعني أن العملية فشلت- لا يزال استوديو كوليبري يعمل في الخلفية. انتظر لبضع دقائق ثم أعد تحميل الصفحة قبل متابعة عمليات التحرير.",
@@ -1378,7 +1449,7 @@
"UsingStudio.bestPractice9": "قم بالإبلاغ عن المشاكل عندما تواجهها.",
"UsingStudio.bestPractices": "أفضل الممارسات",
"UsingStudio.communityStandardsLink": "معايير المجتمع",
- "UsingStudio.issue1": "لقد أبلغ اثنان من المستخدمين عن حوادث منفصلة حيث اختفى المحتوى الذي قاما باستيراده من قناة أخرى، ولم يبق سوى المواضيع الرئيسية والمواضيع الفرعية الفارغة. وأُشير في أحد التقارير أن المحتوى قد ظهر في ما بعد. لم يواجه المستخدمان هذه المشاكل بشكل مستمر، وقد تتضمن تلك الحوادث مشاكل مرتبطة باتصال الإنترنت البطيء أو غير المستقر. الرجاء الاتصال بنا بأسرع وقت ممكن في حال صادفت هذه المشكلة من أجل إطلاعنا على كل ما يمكنك تذكره من معلومات.",
+ "UsingStudio.issue1": "لقد أبلغ اثنان من المستخدمين عن حوادث منفصلة حيث اختفى المحتوى الذي قاما باستيراده من قناة أخرى، ولم يبق سوى المجلدات الرئيسية والمجلدات الفرعية الفارغة. وأُشير في أحد التقارير أن المحتوى قد ظهر في ما بعد. لم يواجه المستخدمان هذه المشاكل بشكل مستمر، وقد تتضمن تلك الحوادث مشاكل مرتبطة باتصال الإنترنت البطيء أو غير المستقر. الرجاء الاتصال بنا بأسرع وقت ممكن في حال صادفت هذه المشكلة من أجل إطلاعنا على كل ما يمكنك تذكره من معلومات.",
"UsingStudio.issue2": "بعض العمليات في الاستوديو بطيئة جدًا في الوقت الحالي، ولهذا قد يبدو أن التغيير الذي حاولت القيام به قد انتهى أو لم يتم بنجاح. في كثير من الحالات، يبقى التغيير قيد المعالجة وسيظهر حال اكتماله. في حال لم يكتمل التغيير خلال ٥-١٠ دقائق حتى بعد تحديث المتصفح، الرجاء إعلامنا بالمشكلة. نحن نعمل على إيجاد حلول لهذه المشاكل.",
"UsingStudio.issueLink1": "تقارير متعلقة باختفاء المحتوى",
"UsingStudio.issueLink2": "الأداء البطيء يمكن أن يؤدي إلى أخطاء غير متوقعة في واجهة العرض",
@@ -1405,10 +1476,19 @@
"channelEditVue.questionTypeSingleSelection": "خيار واحد",
"channelEditVue.questionTypeTrueFalse": "صحيح/خطأ",
"channelEditVue.true": "صحيح",
- "formStrings.errorText": "الرجاء إصلاح {count, plural, zero {} one {# أخطاء} two {# خطأين} few {# أخطاء} many {# خطئاً}\n =1 {# خطأ}\n other {# أخطاء}} في الأسفل",
+ "formStrings.errorText": "الرجاء إصلاح {count, plural, zero {# أخطاء} one {# أخطاء} two {# خطأين} few {# أخطاء} many {# خطئاً}\n =1 {# خطأ}\n other {# أخطاء}} في الأسفل",
+ "sharedVue.activityDurationGteOne": "يجب أن تكون القيمة مساوية أو أكبر من 1",
+ "sharedVue.activityDurationRequired": "هذا الحقل مطلوب",
+ "sharedVue.activityDurationTooLongWarning": "هذه القيمة عالية جداً. الرجاء التأكد من أن هذا هو الوقت الذي ينبغي للمتعلمين أن يعملوا فيه على المصدر لاستكماله.",
+ "sharedVue.confirmLogout": "لم يتم حفظ التغييرات التي أجريتها. هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد ترك هذه الصفحة؟",
"sharedVue.copyrightHolderRequired": "اسم صاحب حقوق النشر مطلوب",
+ "sharedVue.durationRequired": "المدة الزمنية مطلوبة",
+ "sharedVue.fieldRequired": "هذا الحقل مطلوب",
+ "sharedVue.learningActivityRequired": "نشاط التعلم مطلوب",
"sharedVue.licenseDescriptionRequired": "يجب أن تحتوي رخصة الأذونات الخاصة على وصف",
"sharedVue.licenseRequired": "الترخيص مطلوب",
+ "sharedVue.longActivityGtThirty": "يجب ألا تكون القيمة أكبر من 30",
+ "sharedVue.longActivityLteOneTwenty": "يجب أن تكون القيمة مساوية أو أقل من 120",
"sharedVue.masteryModelMGtZero": "يجب أن يكون 1 على الأقل",
"sharedVue.masteryModelMLteN": "يجب أن يكون أقل من أو يساوي N",
"sharedVue.masteryModelMRequired": "مطلوب",
@@ -1417,5 +1497,5 @@
"sharedVue.masteryModelNRequired": "مطلوب",
"sharedVue.masteryModelNWholeNumber": "يجب أن يكون رقماً كلياً",
"sharedVue.masteryModelRequired": "الإتقان مطلوب",
- "sharedVue.titleRequired": "العنوان إلزامي"
+ "sharedVue.shortActivityLteThirty": "يجب أن تكون القيمة مساوية أو أقل من 30",
+ "sharedVue.titleRequired": "العنوان إلزامي"}
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new file mode 100644
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+#: contentcuration/api.py:140
+msgid "Date/Time Created"
+msgstr "تاريخ/وقت الإنشاء"
+#: contentcuration/api.py:141 contentcuration/api.py:142
+msgid "Not Available"
+msgstr "غير متاح"
+#: contentcuration/api.py:145
+msgid "Ricecooker Version"
+msgstr "إصدار Ricecooker"
+#: contentcuration/api.py:150 contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:164
+msgid "File Size"
+msgstr "حجم الملف"
+#: contentcuration/api.py:161
+msgid "# of {}s"
+msgstr "# من {}s"
+#: contentcuration/api.py:165
+msgid "# of Questions"
+msgstr "# من الاسئلة"
+#: contentcuration/api.py:175
+msgid "# of Subtitles"
+msgstr "# من الترجمات"
+#: contentcuration/catalog_settings.py:4 contentcuration/sandbox_settings.py:8
+#: contentcuration/settings.py:287
+msgid "Arabic"
+msgstr "العربيّة"
+#: contentcuration/middleware/db_readonly.py:24
+msgid "The site is currently in read-only mode. Please try again later."
+msgstr "الموقع حالياً في وضع القراءة فقط. الرجاء المحاولة مجدداً في وقت لاحق."
+#: contentcuration/models.py:279
+msgid "Not enough space. Check your storage under Settings page."
+msgstr "لا توجد مساحة كافية. تحقق من مساحة التخزين الخاصة بك تحت صفحة الإعدادات."
+#: contentcuration/models.py:294 contentcuration/models.py:301
+msgid "Out of storage! Request more space under Settings > Storage."
+msgstr "نفذت مساحة التخزين! قم بطلب المزيد من المساحة من الإعدادات> التخزين."
+#: contentcuration/models.py:1410
+msgid " (Original)"
+msgstr " (أصلي)"
+#: contentcuration/settings.py:285
+msgid "English"
+msgstr "الإنجليزية"
+#: contentcuration/settings.py:286
+msgid "Spanish"
+msgstr "الإسبانية"
+#: contentcuration/settings.py:288
+msgid "French"
+msgstr "الفرنسية"
+#: contentcuration/tasks.py:251
+msgid "Unknown error starting task. Please contact support."
+msgstr "حصل خطأ غير معروف أثناء بدء المهمة. الرجاء الاتصال بالدعم."
+#: contentcuration/templates/base.html:83
+#: contentcuration/templates/channel_list.html:14
+msgid "Kolibri Studio"
+msgstr "استوديو كوليبري"
+#: contentcuration/templates/base.html:166
+msgid "Contentworkshop.learningequality.org has been deprecated. Please go to studio.learningequality.org for the latest version of Studio"
+msgstr "لم يعد يُشجّع على استخدام Contentworkshop.learningequality.org. يرجى التوجّه إلى studio.learningequality.org للحصول على آخر إصدار الاستوديو"
+#: contentcuration/templates/channel_list.html:13
+msgid "Kolibri Content Library Catalog"
+msgstr "دليل مكتبة محتوى كوليبري"
+#: contentcuration/templates/channel_not_found.html:23
+msgid "We're sorry, this channel was not found."
+msgstr "نعتذر، لم يتم العثور على هذه القناة."
+#: contentcuration/templates/channel_not_found.html:24
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/open_channel_fail.html:14
+#: contentcuration/templates/staging_not_found.html:23
+#: contentcuration/templates/unauthorized.html:23
+msgid "Go Home"
+msgstr "الذهاب الى الصفحة الرئيسية"
+#: contentcuration/templates/exercise_list.html:67
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "السؤال السابق"
+#: contentcuration/templates/exercise_list.html:73
+msgid "current"
+msgstr "الحالي"
+#: contentcuration/templates/exercise_list.html:77
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "التالي"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:206
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:165
+msgid "Language not set"
+msgstr "لم يتم تعيين اللغة"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:212
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:171
+#, python-format
+msgid "This file was generated on %(date)s"
+msgstr "تم إنشاء هذا الملف في %(date)s"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:231
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:189
+msgid "Created"
+msgstr "تمّ الإنشاء"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:232
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:190
+msgid "Last Published"
+msgstr "آخر ما نُشر"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:233
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:191
+msgid "Unpublished"
+msgstr "لم يتم النشر"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:245
+msgstr "استخدام هذه القناة"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:247
+msgid "Copy one of the following into Kolibri to import this channel:"
+msgstr "انسخ واحداً مما يلي إلى كوليبري لاستيراد هذه القناة:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:252
+msgid "Tokens (Recommended):"
+msgstr "الرموز التعريفية (ينصح بها):"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:260
+msgid "Channel ID:"
+msgstr "مُعرّف القناة:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:267
+msgid "Channel must be published to import into Kolibri"
+msgstr "يجب نشر القناة لاستيرادها إلى كوليبري"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:273
+msgid "WHAT'S INSIDE"
+msgstr "ما هو المضمون"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:283
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:213
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(count)s Resource"
+msgid_plural "%(count)s Resources"
+msgstr[0] "%(count)s مصدراً"
+msgstr[1] "%(count)s مصدر"
+msgstr[2] "%(count)s مصدران"
+msgstr[3] "%(count)s مصدراً"
+msgstr[4] "%(count)s مصدراً"
+msgstr[5] "%(count)s مصدراً"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:304
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:234
+msgid "Includes"
+msgstr "يتضمن"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:310
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:236
+msgid "Languages"
+msgstr "اللغات"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:316
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:245
+msgid "Subtitles"
+msgstr "الترجمات"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:324
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:254
+msgid "For Educators"
+msgstr "للمعلمين"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:325
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:256
+msgid "Coach Content"
+msgstr "المحتوى الخاص بالمدرب"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:325
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:257
+msgid "Assessments"
+msgstr "التقييمات"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:334
+msgid "Content Tags"
+msgstr "وسوم المحتوى"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:338
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:270
+msgid "No tags found"
+msgstr "لا توجد وسوم."
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:343
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:448
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:274
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:337
+msgid "This channel is empty"
+msgstr "هذه القناة فارغة"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:348
+msgid "SOURCE"
+msgstr "المصدر"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:360
+msgid "This channel features resources created by:"
+msgstr "هذه القناة تميز المصادر التي تم إنشاؤها من خلال:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:361
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:379
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:398
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+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:293
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:305
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:317
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:322
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:333
+msgid "Information not available"
+msgstr "المعلومات غير متوفرة"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:378
+msgid "The material in this channel was provided by:"
+msgstr "تم توفير المواد الموجودة في هذه القناة عن طريق:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:397
+msgid "Material in this channel was originally hosted by:"
+msgstr "تمت اصتضافة المواد الموجودة في هذه القناة في الأصل من قبل:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:416
+msgid "This channel includes the following licenses:"
+msgstr "تحتوي هذه القناة على التراخيص التالية:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:439
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:326
+msgid "Copyright Holders:"
+msgstr "مالكو حقوق النشر:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:192
+msgid "Token:"
+msgstr "الرموز التعريفية:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:203
+msgid "What's Inside"
+msgstr "ما هو المضمون"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:239
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:248
+#, python-format
+msgid "\n"
+" (+ %(count)s more)\n"
+" "
+msgstr "\n"
+" (+ %(count)s أكثر)\n"
+" "
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:267
+msgid "Most Common Tags"
+msgstr "الوسوم الأكثر شيوعاً"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:280
+msgid "Source Information"
+msgstr "معلومات المصدر"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:284
+msgid "Authors:"
+msgstr "المؤلفون:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:288
+#, python-format
+msgid "\n"
+" (+ %(count)s more)\n"
+" "
+msgstr "\n"
+" (+ %(count)s أكثر)\n"
+" "
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:298
+msgid "Providers:"
+msgstr "مقدمو الخدمات:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:301
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:313
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:329
+#, python-format
+msgid "\n"
+" (+ %(count)s more)\n"
+" "
+msgstr "\n"
+" (+ %(count)s أكثر)\n"
+" "
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:310
+msgid "Aggregators:"
+msgstr "جامعو المحتوى:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:322
+msgid "Licenses:"
+msgstr "التراخيص:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/csv_email.txt:4
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:4
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.txt:4
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.txt:4
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_needed_email.txt:4
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/channel_published_email.txt:4
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.txt:3
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/registration_needed_email.txt:4
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/account_deleted_user_email.txt:3
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/issue_report_email.txt:6
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/storage_request_email.txt:6
+#, python-format
+msgid "Hello %(name)s,"
+msgstr "مرحبا %(name)s,"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/csv_email.txt:6
+#, python-format
+msgid "Your csv for %(channel_name)s has finished generating (attached)."
+msgstr "تم الانتهاء من إنشاء ملف csv الخاص بك لـ %(channel_name)s (مرفق)."
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/csv_email.txt:8
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:29
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.txt:21
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.txt:12
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_needed_email.txt:14
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/channel_published_email.txt:15
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.txt:14
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/registration_needed_email.txt:12
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/account_deleted_user_email.txt:10
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/storage_request_email.txt:46
+msgid "Thanks for using Kolibri Studio!"
+msgstr "شكرا لاستخدام استوديو كوليبري!"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/csv_email.txt:10
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:31
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.txt:23
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.txt:14
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_needed_email.txt:16
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/channel_published_email.txt:17
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.txt:16
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/registration_needed_email.txt:14
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/account_deleted_user_email.txt:12
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/issue_report_email.txt:26
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/storage_request_email.txt:48
+msgid "The Learning Equality Team"
+msgstr "فريق المساواة في التعلم"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/csv_email_subject.txt:1
+#, python-format
+msgid "CSV for %(channel_name)s"
+msgstr "ملف CSV لـ %(channel_name)s"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:6
+msgid "Here is the information for your Kolibri Studio account"
+msgstr "فيما يلي معلومات عن حسابك في استوديو كوليبري"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:8
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "الاسم:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:9
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_form.html:23
+msgid "Email:"
+msgstr "البريد الالكتروني:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:10
+msgid "Date joined:"
+msgstr "تاريخ الانضمام:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:11
+msgid "Countries:"
+msgstr "البلدان:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:12
+msgid "Intended use for Studio:"
+msgstr "الهدف من استخدام الاستوديو:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:13
+msgid "You heard about Kolibri Studio from:"
+msgstr "لقد سمعت عن استوديو كوليبري من:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:15
+msgid "Channels you have edit access to: "
+msgstr "القنوات التي تملك حق الوصول للتعديل عليها:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:19
+msgid "Channels you have view access to: "
+msgstr "القنوات التي تملك حق الوصول لعرضها:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:23
+msgid "Information about the resources you have uploaded has been attached as a CSV file."
+msgstr "تم إرفاق معلومات بخصوص المصادر التي حمّلتها كملف CSV."
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:26
+#, python-format
+msgid "If you have any questions or concerns, please email us at %(legal_email)s."
+msgstr "إذا كان لديك أية أسئلة أو استفسارات، يرجى التواصل معنا عبر البريد الإلكتروني %(legal_email)s."
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email_subject.txt:1
+msgid "Your Kolibri Studio account information"
+msgstr "معلومات حسابك على استوديو كوليبري"
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/open_channel_fail.html:12
+msgid "There was an error opening this channel."
+msgstr "حصل خطأ ما أثناء فتح هذه القناة."
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/open_channel_fail.html:13
+msgid "Try running ricecooker again."
+msgstr "حاول تشغيل إصدار ricecooker مجدداً."
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.html:93
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.html:91
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.html:91
+msgid "Hello"
+msgstr "مرحبا"
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.html:94
+msgid "has invited you to edit a channel at"
+msgstr "قام بدعوتك لتعديل قناة في"
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.html:100
+#, python-format
+msgid "Invititation to %(share_mode)s channel"
+msgstr "دعوة لـ %(share_mode)s القناة"
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.html:104
+msgid "Click one of the following links to either accept or decline your invitation:"
+msgstr "انقر على أحد الروابط التالية لقبول الدعوة الخاصة بك أو رفضها:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.html:107
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.html:109
+msgid "ACCEPT"
+msgstr "قبول"
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.html:112
+msgid "DECLINE"
+msgstr "رفض"
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.html:117
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.html:110
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.html:110
+msgid "Thanks for using our site!"
+msgstr "شكرا على استخدام موقعنا!"
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.txt:7
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(first)s %(last)s has invited you to edit a channel at %(site)s."
+msgstr "%(first)s %(last)s قام بدعوتك لتحرير القناة على %(site)s."
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.txt:9
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(first)s %(last)s has invited you to view a channel at %(site)s."
+msgstr "%(first)s %(last)s قام بدعوتك لعرض القناة على %(site)s."
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.txt:13
+msgid "Please sign in to Kolibri Studio to accept or decline your invitation:"
+msgstr "يرجى تسجيل الدخول إلى استوديو كوليبري من أجل قبول أو رفض دعوتك:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.txt:16
+msgid "Please follow this link to create an account (you must be signed in to accept or decline invitations):"
+msgstr "الرجاء اتباع هذا الرابط لإنشاء حساب (يجبأن تقوم بتسجيل الدخول من أجل قبول الدعوات أو رفضها):"
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email_subject.txt:1
+#, python-format
+msgid "You've been invited to edit %(channel)s"
+msgstr "لقد تمت دعوتك لتحرير %(channel)s"
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email_subject.txt:1
+#, python-format
+msgid "You've been invited to view %(channel)s"
+msgstr "لقد تمت دعوتك لعرض %(channel)s"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.html:92
+msgid "Welcome to Kolibri! Here is the link to activate your account:"
+msgstr "مرحبا بك في كوليبري! إليك رابط تفعيل حسابك:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.html:101
+msgid "Click here to activate your account."
+msgstr "انقر هنا لتفعيل حسابك."
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.html:102
+msgid "This link is valid for"
+msgstr "هذا الرابط صالح لمدة"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.html:102
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(expiration_days)s days."
+msgstr "%(expiration_days)s أيام."
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.html:104
+msgid "ACTIVATE"
+msgstr "تفعيل"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.txt:6
+#, python-format
+msgid "Here is your activation link for %(site_name)s:"
+msgstr "إليك رابط التفعيل لـ %(site_name)s:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.txt:10
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_needed_email.txt:12
+#, python-format
+msgid "This link is valid for %(expiration_days)s days."
+msgstr "هذا الرابط صالح لمدة %(expiration_days)s أيام."
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email_subject.txt:1
+msgid "Account activation link for"
+msgstr "رابط تفعيل الحساب لـ"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_needed_email.txt:6
+#, python-format
+msgid "You have requested a password reset link on %(site_name)s without first activating your account."
+msgstr "لقد قمت بطلب رابط إعادة تعيين كلمة المرور على %(site_name)s دون تفعيل حسابك أولاً.."
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_needed_email.txt:8
+msgid "Please activate your account by following the link below:"
+msgstr "الرجاء تفعيل حسابك عن طريق الرابط أدناه"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/channel_published_email.txt:6
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(channel_name)s has finished publishing! Here is the channel token (for importing it into Kolibri):"
+msgstr "انتهت %(channel_name)s من النشر! إليك رمز القناة (لاستيراده إلى كوليبري)::"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/channel_published_email.txt:8
+#, python-format
+msgid "Token: %(channel_token)s"
+msgstr "الرمز التعريفي: %(channel_token)s"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/channel_published_email.txt:10
+#, python-format
+msgid "ID (for Kolibri version 0.6.0 and below): %(channel_id)s"
+msgstr "معرّف (لإصدار 0.6.0 وما قبل من كوليبري): %(channel_id)s"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/channel_published_email.txt:12
+#, python-format
+msgid "Version notes: %(notes)s"
+msgstr "ملاحظات حول الإصدار: %(notes)s"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/channel_published_email.txt:21
+msgid "You are receiving this email because you are subscribed to this channel."
+msgstr " انت تتلقى هذا البريد الإلكتروني كمشترك في هذه القناة."
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/getting_started.html:16
+msgid "Content Curation Tools for Kolibri"
+msgstr "أدوات تنسيق المحتوى في كوليبري"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_confirm.html:14
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_form.html:15
+msgid "Password Reset"
+msgstr "إعادة تعيين كلمة المرور"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_confirm.html:17
+msgid "Submit"
+msgstr "تقديم"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_confirm.html:20
+msgid "Password reset unsuccessful."
+msgstr "لم تتم عملية إعادة تعيين كلمة المرور بنجاح."
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_confirm.html:21
+msgid "The password reset link was invalid, possibly because it has already been used. "
+msgstr "رابط إعادة تعيين كلمة المرور غير صالح، ربما لأنه قد تم استخدامه بالفعل. "
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_confirm.html:22
+msgid "Request a new password reset."
+msgstr "طلب رابط جديد لإعادة تعيين كلمة المرور."
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.html:92
+msgid "You are receiving this e-mail because you requested a password reset for your user account at"
+msgstr "أنت تتلقى هذا البريد الإلكتروني لأنك طلبت إعادة تعيين كلمة المرور لحساب المستخدم الخاص بك على"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.html:98
+msgid "Reset my Password"
+msgstr "إعادة تعيين كلمة المرور الخاصة بي"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.html:101
+msgid "Please click the button below and choose a new password."
+msgstr "انقر على الزر أدناه لاختيار كلمة مرور جديدة"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.html:102
+msgid "Your username is"
+msgstr "اسم المستخدم الخاص بك هو"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.html:104
+msgid "RESET"
+msgstr "إعادة تعيين"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.txt:5
+#, python-format
+msgid "You have requested a password reset for your account at %(site_name)s."
+msgstr "لقد طلبت إعادة تعيين كلمة المرور لحسابك على %(site_name)s."
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.txt:7
+msgid "Please reset your password by following the link below:"
+msgstr "الرجاء إعادة تعيين كلمة المرور الخاصة بك من خلال الرابط أدناه:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.txt:12
+msgid "In case you've forgotten, your username is:"
+msgstr "في حال قد نسيت، اسم المستخدم الخاص بك هو:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_form.html:16
+msgid "Enter your email, and we'll send instructions for setting a new password."
+msgstr "أدخل بريدك الإلكتروني، وسنقوم بإرسال تعليمات تعيين كلمة مرور جديدة."
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_form.html:19
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(form.email.errors)s"
+msgstr "%(form.email.errors)s"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_form.html:24
+msgid "Reset Password"
+msgstr "إعادة ضبط كلمة المرور"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_subject.txt:1
+msgid "Password reset on"
+msgstr "تمت إعادة تعيين كلمة المرور على"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/registration_needed_email.txt:6
+#, python-format
+msgid "You have requested a password reset on %(site_name)s without first creating an account."
+msgstr "لقد قمتَ بطلب إعادة تعيين كلمة المرور على %(site_name)s من دون إنشاء حساب أولاً."
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/registration_needed_email.txt:8
+msgid "Please create an account by following the link below:"
+msgstr "الرجاء تفعيل حسابك عبر الرابط أدناه:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/account_deleted_user_email.txt:5
+#, python-format
+msgid "Your %(email)s account on %(site_name)s has been deleted."
+msgstr "إن الحساب الخاص ببريدك الالكتروني %(email)s على %(site_name)s قد تم حذفه."
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/account_deleted_user_email.txt:7
+#, python-format
+msgid "If this was a mistake, please email us at %(legal_email)s by %(buffer_date)s (%(num_days)s days from now)."
+msgstr "في حال حدث ذلك عن طريق الخطأ، يرجى التواصل معنا على %(legal_email)s خلال %(buffer_date)s (%(num_days)s أيام من الآن)."
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/issue_report_email.txt:8
+msgid "Thank you for reporting your issue. Here is a copy of your report:"
+msgstr "شكرا على الإبلاغ عن مشكلتك. إليك نسخة من تقريرك:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/issue_report_email.txt:20
+msgid "We are currently reviewing the information that you have provided, and will file your issue accordingly."
+msgstr "نقوم حاليًا بمراجعة المعلومات التي أرسلتها، وسنتعامل مع مشكلتك وفقًا لذلك."
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/issue_report_email.txt:21
+msgid "We appreciate your patience and assistance as we work to improve Kolibri Studio!"
+msgstr "نقدر صبرك ومساعدتك ونعمل على تحسين استوديو كوليبري!"
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/issue_report_email.txt:24
+msgid "Thank you,"
+msgstr "شكراً،"
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/storage_request_email.txt:8
+msgid "Thank you for your request for additional storage."
+msgstr "شكرا لك على تقديم طلبك لمساحة تخزين إضافية."
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/storage_request_email.txt:10
+msgid "Here is a copy of your request:"
+msgstr "فيما يلي نسخة من طلبك:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/storage_request_email.txt:43
+msgid "We are currently reviewing the information that you have provided, and will work to be in touch in a timely manner depending on the scope of your request. While Kolibri Studio is under active development, we need to be especially mindful of how much additional storage can be provided to ensure that we can successfully continue to build the Studio tool. Many thanks in advance for your understanding."
+msgstr "نقوم حاليًا بمراجعة المعلومات التي أرسلتها، وسنتواصل معك في الوقت المناسب بحسب نوع طلبك. بينما يكون استوديو كوليبري قيد التطوير النشط، نحتاج إلى أن نكون مدركين بشكل خاص لمقدار مساحة التخزين الإضافية التي يمكن توفيرها لضمان قدرتنا على الاستمرار في إنشاء أداة الاستوديو بنجاح. شكراً مسبقاً لتفهمك."
+#: contentcuration/templates/staging_not_found.html:22
+msgid "No updates to review."
+msgstr "لا توجد تحديثات للمعاينة."
+#: contentcuration/templates/unauthorized.html:22
+msgid "You do not have access to this page."
+msgstr "لا تملك الصلاحية للدخول إلى هذه الصفحة."
+#: contentcuration/templates/unsupported_browser.html:47
+msgid "Unsupported Browser."
+msgstr "متصفح غير مدعوم."
+#: contentcuration/templates/unsupported_browser.html:49
+msgid "Sorry, your browser version is not supported."
+msgstr "نعتذر، النسخة الحالية لمتصفحك غير مدعومة."
+#: contentcuration/templates/unsupported_browser.html:51
+msgid "To use Kolibri Studio, we recommend using Firefox or Chrome."
+msgstr "لاستخدام استوديو كوليبري، ننصح باستخدام متصفح Firefox أو متصفح Chrome."
+#: contentcuration/templates/unsupported_browser.html:53
+msgid "You can also try updating your current browser."
+msgstr "يمكنك أيضاً محاولة تحديث متصفحك الحالي."
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/license_tags.py:10
+msgid "The Attribution License lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation. This is the most accommodating of licenses offered. Recommended for maximum dissemination and use of licensed materials."
+msgstr "يسمح ترخيص Attribution للآخرين بتوزيع عملك وإعادة دمجه وتعديله والبناء عليه في عملك، وحتى تجاريًا، طالما ينسبون لك الفضل في الإنشاء الأصلي. هذا هو أكثر التراخيص المقدمة توافقاً ويوصى به للحصول على أكبر قدر من نشر واستخدام المواد المرخصة."
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/license_tags.py:15
+msgid "The Attribution-ShareAlike License lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work even for commercial purposes, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under the identical terms. This license is often compared to \"copyleft\" free and open source software licenses. All new works based on yours will carry the same license, so any derivatives will also allow commercial use. This is the license used by Wikipedia, and is recommended for materials that would benefit from incorporating content from Wikipedia and similarly licensed projects."
+msgstr "يسمح ترخيص Attribution-ShareAlike للآخرين بتوزيع عملك وإعادة دمجه وتعديله والبناء عليه في عملك، وحتى تجارياً، طالما ينسبون لك الفضل ويرخصون إنشاءاتهم الجديدة تحت الشروط ذاتها. وغالباً ما تتم مقارنة هذا الترخيص بتراخيص البرامج المجانية ومفتوحة المصدر \"الحقوق المتروكة\". ستحمل كل الأعمال الجديدة المبنية على أعمالك الترخيص نفسه، ولذلك، ستسمح أية مشتقات أيضاً بالاستخدام التجاري. إنه ذات الترخيص الذي تستخدمه ويكيبيديا، ويوصى به للمواد التي قد تستفيد من دمج محتوى من ويكيبيديا ومشاريع مرخصة مماثلة."
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/license_tags.py:25
+msgid "The Attribution-NoDerivs License allows for redistribution, commercial and non-commercial, as long as it is passed along unchanged and in whole, with credit to you."
+msgstr "يسمح ترخيص Attribution-NoDerivs بإعادة التوزيع، التجاري وغير التجاري، طالما أنه يتم نقله بشكل كامل من دون تغيير، مع نسب الفضل لك."
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/license_tags.py:28
+msgid "The Attribution-NonCommercial License lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work non-commercially, and although their new works must also acknowledge you and be non-commercial, they don't have to license their derivative works on the same terms."
+msgstr "يسمح ترخيص Attribution-NonCommercial للآخرين بإعادة دمج أعمالك وتعديلها والبناء عليها بشكل غير تجاري، وعلى الرغم من أن أعمالهم الجديدة يجب أن تنسب الفضل لك وأن تكون غير تجارية، فلا يتعين عليهم ترخيص أعمالهم المشتقة وفقاً للشروط نفسها."
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/license_tags.py:32
+msgid "The Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work non-commercially, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under the identical terms."
+msgstr "يتيح ترخيص Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike للآخرين إعادة مزج أعمالك وتعديلها والبناء عليها بشكل غير تجاري، طالما أنهم ينسبون العمل إليك ويرخصون إبداعاتهم الجديدة وفقًا للشروط المماثلة."
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/license_tags.py:36
+msgid "The Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License is the most restrictive of our six main licenses, only allowing others to download your works and share them with others as long as they credit you, but they can't change them in any way or use them commercially."
+msgstr "يعتبر ترخيص Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs الأكثر تقييداً من بين تراخيصنا الستة الرئيسية، حيث يسمح للآخرين بتنزيل أعمالك ومشاركتها مع الآخرين طالما أنهم ينسبون العمل إليك، ولكن لا يمكنهم تغييرها بأي شكل من الأشكال أو استخدامها تجارياً."
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/license_tags.py:40
+msgid "The All Rights Reserved License indicates that the copyright holder reserves, or holds for their own use, all the rights provided by copyright law under one specific copyright treaty."
+msgstr "تشير رخصة -جميع الحقوق محفوظة- إلى أن صاحب حقوق الطبع والنشر يحتفظ بجميع الحقوق المنصوص عليها في قانون حقوق الطبع والنشر بموجب اتفاقية حقوق نشر محددة أو يحتفظ بها لاستخدامه الخاص."
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/license_tags.py:43
+msgid "Public Domain work has been identified as being free of known restrictions under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights."
+msgstr "تم تحديد أعمال الملكية العام على أنها خالية من القيود المعروفة بموجب قانون حقوق الطبع والنشر، بما في ذلك جميع الحقوق المجاورة والمرتبطة."
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/license_tags.py:46
+msgid "Special Permissions is a custom license to use when the current licenses do not apply to the content. The owner of this license is responsible for creating a description of what this license entails."
+msgstr "التراخيص الخاصة هي تراخيص مخصصة للاستخدام عندما لا تنطبق التراخيص الحالية على المحتوى. يكون صاحب هذا الترخيص مسؤولاً عن إنشاء وصف لما يتطلبه هذا الترخيص."
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:26
+msgid "100% Correct"
+msgstr "١٠٠٪ صحيح"
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:27
+msgid "10 in a row"
+msgstr "١٠ على التوالي"
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:28
+msgid "2 in a row"
+msgstr "٢ على التوالي"
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:29
+msgid "3 in a row"
+msgstr "٣ على التوالي"
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:30
+msgid "5 in a row"
+msgstr "٥ على التوالي"
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:31
+msgid "M of N..."
+msgstr "M من N..."
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:32
+msgid "CC BY"
+msgstr "CC BY"
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:33
+msgid "CC BY-SA"
+msgstr "CC BY-SA"
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:34
+msgid "CC BY-ND"
+msgstr "CC BY-ND"
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:35
+msgid "CC BY-NC"
+msgstr "CC BY-NC"
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:36
+msgid "CC BY-NC-SA"
+msgstr "CC BY-NC-SA"
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:37
+msgid "CC BY-NC-ND"
+msgstr "CC BY-NC-ND"
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:38
+msgid "All Rights Reserved"
+msgstr "جميع الحقوق محفوظة"
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:39
+msgid "Public Domain"
+msgstr "الملكية العامة"
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:40
+msgid "Special Permissions"
+msgstr "تراخيص خاصة"
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:49
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(filesize)s %(unit)s"
+msgstr "%(filesize)s %(unit)s"
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:138
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:201
+msgid "No Channel"
+msgstr "لا توجد قنوات"
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:139
+msgid "No resource"
+msgstr "لا توجد مصادر"
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:164
+msgid "Channel"
+msgstr "القناة التعليمية"
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:164
+msgid "Title"
+msgstr "العنوان"
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:164
+msgid "Kind"
+msgstr "النوع"
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:164
+msgid "Filename"
+msgstr "اسم الملفّ"
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:164
+msgid "URL"
+msgstr "عنوان URL"
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:164
+msgid "Description"
+msgstr "التّوصيف"
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:165
+msgid "Author"
+msgstr "المؤلف"
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:165
+msgid "Language"
+msgstr "اللغة"
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:165
+msgid "License"
+msgstr "الترخيص"
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:165
+msgid "License Description"
+msgstr "وصف الترخيص"
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:165
+msgid "Copyright Holder"
+msgstr "مالك حقوق النشر"
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:201
+msgid "No Resource"
+msgstr "لا توجد مصادر"
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:201
+msgid "Staged File"
+msgstr "ملف مرحلي"
+#: contentcuration/utils/format.py:15
+msgid "B"
+msgstr "بايت"
+#: contentcuration/utils/format.py:17
+msgid "KB"
+msgstr "كيلو بايت"
+#: contentcuration/utils/format.py:19
+msgid "MB"
+msgstr "ميغا بايت"
+#: contentcuration/utils/format.py:21
+msgid "GB"
+msgstr "جيغا بايت"
+#: contentcuration/utils/format.py:23
+msgid "TB"
+msgstr "تيرا بايت"
+#: contentcuration/utils/incidents.py:7
+msgid "There was a problem with a third-party service. This means certain operations might be blocked. We appreciate your patience while these issues are being resolved."
+msgstr "حدثت مشكلة في خدمة خاصة بجهة خارجية، وهذا يعني أنه قد يتم حظر بعض العمليات. نقدر صبرك أثناء حل هذه المشكلات."
+#: contentcuration/utils/incidents.py:16
+msgid "EMERGENCY MAINTENANCE Kolibri Studio is operating on read-only mode for the time being in order for us to resolve some maintenance issues. This means all editing capabilities are disabled at the moment. We're currently working very hard to fix the issue as soon as possible. If you have any questions please contact us at content@learningequality.org. We apologize for any inconvenience caused and appreciate your patience while we resolve these issues."
+msgstr "صيانة طارئة يعمل استوديو كوليبري في وضع القراءة فقط في الوقت الحالي لكي نتمكن من حل بعض مشاكل الصيانة. وهذا يعني أن جميع إمكانيات التحرير معطلة حالياً. نعمل حالياً بجد لإصلاح المشكلة بأسرع وقت ممكن. إذا كان لديك أية أسئلة، يرجى التواصل معنا على content@learningequality.org. نعتذر عن أي إزعاج قد سببناه ونقدر تعاونك أثناء حل هذه المشاكل."
+#: contentcuration/utils/incidents.py:31
+msgid "EMERGENCY MAINTENANCE Kolibri Studio is operating on read-only mode for the time being in order for us to resolve some database issues. This means all editing capabilities are disabled at the moment. We're currently working very hard to fix the issue as soon as possible. If you have any questions please contact us at content@learningequality.org. We apologize for any inconvenience caused and appreciate your patience while we resolve these issues."
+msgstr "الصيانه الطارئه يعمل استوديو في وضع القراءة فقط في الوقت الحالي حتى نتمكن من حل بعض مشكلات قاعدة البيانات. هذا يعني أن جميع إمكانيات التحرير معطلة حالياً. نحن نقوم بما وسعنالإصلاح المشكلة في أسرع وقت ممكن. إذا كانت لديك أية أسئلة، يرجى التواصل معنا على content@learningequality.org. نعتذر عن أي إزعاج سببه لك الأمر ونقدر صبرك أثناء حل هذه المشكلات."
+#: contentcuration/utils/incidents.py:46
+msgid "We are encountering issues with Google Cloud Storage. This means any file uploading and publishing operations are currently unavailable. We appreciate your patience while these issues are being resolved. To check the status of this service, please visit here"
+msgstr "نواجه مشكلات مع Google Cloud Storage. هذا يعني أن أية عمليات تحميل ونشر غير متوفرة حاليًا. نحن نقدر صبرك أثناء حل هذه المشكلات. للتحقق من حالة هذه الخدمة، يرجى زيارة هنا"
+#: contentcuration/utils/incidents.py:57
+msgid "We are encountering issues with a third-party service. This means publishing is currently unavailable. We appreciate your patience while these issues are being resolved."
+msgstr "نواجه مشكلات مع خدمة مرتبطة بجهة خارجية. هذا يعني أن النشر غير متاح حاليًا. نحن نقدر صبرك أثناء حل هذه المشكلات."
+#: contentcuration/utils/incidents.py:65
+msgid "We are encountering issues with our data center. This means you may encounter networking problems while using Studio. We appreciate your patience while these issues are being resolved. To check the status of this service, please visit here"
+msgstr " نواجه مشكلات مع مركز البيانات الخاص بنا. هذا يعني أنك قد تواجه مشاكل في الشبكات أثناء استخدام الاستوديو. نقدر صبرك أثناء حل هذه المشكلات. للتحقق من حالة هذه الخدمة قم بزيارة هنا"
+#: contentcuration/utils/publish.py:57
+msgid "Kolibri Studio Channel Published"
+msgstr "تم نشر قناة استوديو كوليبري"
+#: contentcuration/views/public.py:63 contentcuration/views/public.py:74
+msgid "Api endpoint {} is not available"
+msgstr "نقطة نهاية Api {} غير متوفرة"
+#: contentcuration/views/public.py:76
+msgid "No channel matching {} found"
+msgstr "لم يتم العثور على قناة مطابقة {}"
+#: contentcuration/views/settings.py:110
+msgid "Kolibri Studio issue report"
+msgstr "الإبلاغ عن مشكلة في استوديو كوليبري"
+#: contentcuration/views/settings.py:144
+msgid "Kolibri Studio account deleted"
+msgstr "تم حذف حساب استوديو كوليبري"
diff --git a/contentcuration/locale/en/LC_FRONTEND_MESSAGES/contentcuration-messages.json b/contentcuration/locale/en/LC_FRONTEND_MESSAGES/contentcuration-messages.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 0967ef424b..0000000000
--- a/contentcuration/locale/en/LC_FRONTEND_MESSAGES/contentcuration-messages.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/contentcuration/locale/es_ES/LC_MESSAGES/contentcuration-messages.csv b/contentcuration/locale/es_ES/LC_MESSAGES/contentcuration-messages.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..198d0f6c38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contentcuration/locale/es_ES/LC_MESSAGES/contentcuration-messages.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,4624 @@
+"Identifier","Source String","Context","Translation"
+"AccessibilityOptions.altText","Visual elements in the resource have descriptions that can be accessed by screen readers for the benefit of blind learners","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Los elementos visuales en el recurso tienen descripciones a las que pueden acceder los lectores de pantalla en beneficio de los estudiantes ciegos"
+"AccessibilityOptions.audioDescription","The resource contains a second narration audio track that provides additional information for the benefit of blind users and those with low vision","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","El recurso contiene una segunda pista de audio con la narración que proporciona información adicional para el beneficio de los usuarios ciegos y de aquellos con baja visión"
+"AccessibilityOptions.highContrast","The resource text and visual elements are displayed with high contrast for the benefit of users with low vision","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","El texto del recurso y los elementos visuales se muestran con alto contraste para el beneficio de los usuarios con baja visión"
+"AccessibilityOptions.signLanguage","Synchronized sign language intepretation is available for audio and video content","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","La traducción en lenguaje de signos está disponible para el audio o vídeo"
+"AccessibilityOptions.taggedPdf","The document contains PDF tags that can be accessed by screen readers for the benefit of blind learners","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","El documento contiene etiquetas PDF a las que se puede acceder mediante lectores de pantalla en beneficio de los estudiantes ciegos"
+"Account.apiDocumentation","API documentation","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Documentación de la API"
+"Account.apiTokenHeading","API Token","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","API Token"
+"Account.apiTokenMessage","You will need this access token to run content integration scripts for bulk-uploading materials through the Kolibri Studio API.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Necesitará este token de acceso para ejecutar scripts de integración de contenido para la carga masiva de materiales a través de la API de Kolibri Studio."
+"Account.basicInfoHeader","Basic Information","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Información básica"
+"Account.changePasswordAction","Change password","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Cambiar contraseña"
+"Account.completelyDeleteAccountLabel","Completely remove your account from Kolibri Studio","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Eliminar completamente su cuenta de Kolibri Studio"
+"Account.deleteAccountLabel","Delete account","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Eliminar cuenta"
+"Account.editFullNameAction","Edit full name","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Editar nombre completo"
+"Account.exportAccountDataHeading","Export account data","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Exportar datos de la cuenta"
+"Account.exportAccountDataLabel","You will receive an email with all information linked to your account","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Recibirá un correo electrónico con toda la información vinculada a su cuenta"
+"Account.exportAccountDataModalMessage","You'll receive an email with your data when the export is completed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Recibirá un correo electrónico con sus datos cuando finalice la exportación"
+"Account.exportDataButton","Export data","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Exportar datos"
+"Account.exportFailed","Unable to export data. Please try again.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Los datos no se pudieron exportar. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo."
+"Account.exportStartedHeader","Data export started","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Exportación de datos iniciada"
+"Account.fullNameLabel","Full name","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nombre completo"
+"Account.handleChannelsBeforeAccount","You must delete these channels manually or invite others to edit them before you can delete your account.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Tiene que eliminar estos canales manualmente o invitar a otros usuarios para que tengan permisos de edición, antes de poder eliminar su cuenta."
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Account.unableToDeleteAdminAccount","Unable to delete an admin account","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","No se puede eliminar una cuenta de administrador"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nombre de usuario"
+"AccountCreated.accountCreatedTitle","Account successfully created","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Cuenta creada con éxito"
+"AccountCreated.continueToSignIn","Continue to sign-in","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Continuar a la página de inicio de sesión"
+"AccountDeleted.accountDeletedTitle","Account successfully deleted","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Cuenta eliminada con éxito"
+"AccountDeleted.continueToSignIn","Continue to sign-in page","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Continuar a la página de inicio de sesión"
+"AccountNotActivated.requestNewLink","Request a new activation link","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Solicitar un nuevo enlace de activación"
+"AccountNotActivated.text","Please check your email for an activation link or request a new link.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Por favor, compruebe su correo electrónico para un enlace de activación o solicite un nuevo enlace."
+"AccountNotActivated.title","Account has not been activated","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Su cuenta no ha sido activada"
+"ActivationExpired.activationExpiredText","This activation link has been used already or has expired.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Este enlace de activación ya ha sido utilizado o ha caducado."
+"ActivationExpired.activationExpiredTitle","Activation failed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ocurrió un fallo durante la activación"
+"ActivationExpired.requestNewLink","Request a new activation link","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Solicitar un nuevo enlace de activación"
+"ActivationLinkReSent.activationReSentText","If there is already an account with the email address provided, you should receive instructions shortly. If you don't see an email from us, please check your spam folder.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Si ya existe una cuenta con la dirección de correo electrónico proporcionada, recibirá las instrucciones en breve. Si no ve un correo electrónico nuestro, por favor revise su carpeta de correo basura."
+"ActivationLinkReSent.activationReSentTitle","Instructions sent. Thank you!","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Instrucciones enviadas. ¡Gracias!"
+"ActivationSent.header","Activation link sent","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Enlace de activación enviado"
+"ActivationSent.text","Thank you for creating an account! To complete the process, please check your email for the activation link we sent you.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","¡Gracias por crear una cuenta! Para completar el proceso, por favor revise su correo electrónico para el enlace de activación que le enviamos."
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ActivityDuration.notOptionalLabel","Time required for the resource to be marked as completed. This value will not be displayed to learners.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Tiempo requerido para que el recurso se marque como completado. Este valor no se mostrará a los estudiantes."
+"ActivityDuration.optionalLabel","(Optional) Time required for the resource to be marked as completed. This value will not be displayed to learners.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","(Opcional) Tiempo requerido para que el recurso se marque como completado. Este valor no se mostrará a los estudiantes."
+"AddNextStepsPage.addedNextStepSnackbar","Added next step","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Paso siguiente añadido"
+"AddNextStepsPage.toolbarTitle","Add next step","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Añadir paso siguiente"
+"AddPreviousStepsPage.addedPreviousStepSnackbar","Added previous step","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Paso anterior añadido"
+"AddPreviousStepsPage.toolbarTitle","Add previous step","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Añadir paso anterior"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Vista previa"
+"AddRelatedResourcesModal.resourcesDisplayedText","Only showing available resources for","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Mostrando solamente los recursos disponibles para"
+"AddRelatedResourcesModal.selectedAsCurrentResource","This is the current resource","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Este es el recurso actual"
+"AddRelatedResourcesModal.selectedAsNextStep","Already selected as a next step","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ya seleccionado como un paso siguiente"
+"AddRelatedResourcesModal.selectedAsPreviousStep","Already selected as a previous step","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ya seleccionado como un paso anterior"
+"AdministrationAppError.unauthorizedDetails","You need to be an administrator of Studio to view this page","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Necesita tener permisos de administrador en Studio para ver esta página"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Alert.dontShowAgain","Don't show this message again","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","No volver a mostrar este mensaje"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"AnswersEditor.newAnswerBtnLabel","New answer","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nueva respuesta"
+"AnswersEditor.noAnswersPlaceholder","Question has no answer options","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","La pregunta no tiene opciones de respuesta"
+"AnswersEditor.numberFieldErrorLabel","Answer must be a number","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","La respuesta debe ser un número"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"AppBar.changeLanguage","Change language","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Cambiar idioma"
+"AppBar.help","Help and support","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ayuda y soporte"
+"AppBar.logIn","Sign in","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Iniciar sesión"
+"AppBar.logOut","Sign out","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Cerrar sesión"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"AppBar.title","Kolibri Studio","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Kolibri Studio"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"AssessmentEditor.newQuestionBtnLabel","New question","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nueva pregunta"
+"AssessmentEditor.noQuestionsPlaceholder","Exercise has no questions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","El ejercicio aún no tiene preguntas"
+"AssessmentEditor.showAnswers","Show answers","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Mostrar respuestas"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"AssessmentItemEditor.dialogMessageChangeToInput","Switching to 'numeric input' will set all answers as correct and remove all non-numeric answers. Continue?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Cambiar a 'entrada numérica' establecerá todas las respuestas como correctas y eliminará todas las respuestas no numéricas. ¿Continuar?"
+"AssessmentItemEditor.dialogMessageChangeToSingleSelection","Switching to 'single choice' will set only one answer as correct. Continue?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Cambiar a 'opción única' sólo establecerá una respuesta como correcta. ¿Continuar?"
+"AssessmentItemEditor.dialogMessageChangeToTrueFalse","Switching to 'true or false' will remove all current answers. Continue?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Cambiar a 'verdadero o falso' eliminará todas las respuestas actuales. ¿Continuar?"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"AssessmentItemEditor.dialogTitle","Changing question type","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Cambiando el tipo de pregunta"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"AssessmentItemEditor.questionTypeLabel","Response type","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Tipo de respuesta"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"AssessmentItemPreview.hintsToggleLabelHide","Hide hints","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ocultar pistas"
+"AssessmentItemPreview.hintsToggleLabelShow","Show {hintsCount} {hintsCount, plural, one {hint} other {hints}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Muestra {hintsCount} {hintsCount, plural, one {pista} other {pistas}}"
+"AssessmentItemPreview.noAnswersPlaceholder","Question has no answer options","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","La pregunta no tiene opciones de respuesta"
+"AssessmentItemToolbar.toolbarLabelAddAbove","Add {itemLabel} above","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Añadir {itemLabel} arriba"
+"AssessmentItemToolbar.toolbarLabelAddBelow","Add {itemLabel} below","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Añadir {itemLabel} abajo"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"AssessmentItemToolbar.toolbarLabelMoveDown","Move down","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Mover hacia abajo"
+"AssessmentItemToolbar.toolbarLabelMoveUp","Move up","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Mover hacia arriba"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"AssessmentTab.incompleteItemsCountMessage","{invalidItemsCount} incomplete {invalidItemsCount, plural, one {question} other {questions}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{invalidItemsCount} {invalidItemsCount, plural, one {pregunta no completada} other {preguntas no completadas}}"
+"BrowsingCard.addToClipboardAction","Copy to clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copiar a portapapeles"
+"BrowsingCard.coach","Resource for coaches","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Recurso para tutores"
+"BrowsingCard.goToPluralLocationsAction","In {count, number} {count, plural, one {location} other {locations}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","En {count, number} {count, plural, one {ubicación} other {ubicaciones}}"
+"BrowsingCard.goToSingleLocationAction","Go to location","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ir a la ubicación"
+"BrowsingCard.hasCoachTooltip","{value, number, integer} {value, plural, one {resource for coaches} other {resources for coaches}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{value, number, integer} {value, plural, one {recurso para tutores} other {recursos para tutores}}"
+"BrowsingCard.previewAction","View details","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ver detalles"
+"BrowsingCard.resourcesCount","{count, number} {count, plural, one {resource} other {resources}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, number} {count, plural, one {recurso} other {recursos}}"
+"BrowsingCard.tagsList","Tags: {tags}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Etiquetas: {tags}"
+"BytesForHumansStrings.fileSizeInBytes","{n, number, integer} B","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{n, number, integer} B"
+"BytesForHumansStrings.fileSizeInGigabytes","{n, number, integer} GB","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{n, number, integer} GB"
+"BytesForHumansStrings.fileSizeInKilobytes","{n, number, integer} KB","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{n, number, integer} KB"
+"BytesForHumansStrings.fileSizeInMegabytes","{n, number, integer} MB","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{n, number, integer} MB"
+"BytesForHumansStrings.fileSizeInTerabytes","{n, number, integer} TB","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{n, number, integer} TB"
+"CatalogFAQ.KolibriAnswer","Kolibri is an open source ed-tech platform designed for low-resource communities, focused on:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Kolibri es una plataforma de código abierto diseñada para las comunidades con bajos recursos, enfocada en:"
+"CatalogFAQ.KolibriAnswerItem1","Overcoming infrastructural barriers that prevent equitable access to quality education for learners in low-resource and low-connectivity contexts","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Superar las barreras infraestructurales que impiden acceso equitativo a una educación de calidad para los estudiantes en contextos de bajos recursos y baja conectividad"
+"CatalogFAQ.KolibriAnswerItem2","Increasing the availability of open learning materials suitable for many curricula, learning goals, and situations","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Incrementar la disponibilidad de materiales de aprendizaje abiertos adecuados para una variedad de currículos, metas de aprendizaje y situaciones"
+"CatalogFAQ.KolibriAnswerItem3","Fostering innovative pedagogy and effective learning outcomes","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Fomentar una pedagogía innovadora y resultados de aprendizaje efectivos"
+"CatalogFAQ.KolibriQuestion","What is Kolibri?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","¿Qué es Kolibri?"
+"CatalogFAQ.aboutHeader","Welcome to the Kolibri Content Library Catalog! ","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","¡Bienvenida al Catálogo de la Biblioteca de Contenidos de Kolibri! "
+"CatalogFAQ.aboutKolibriHeader","About Kolibri","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Acerca de Kolibri"
+"CatalogFAQ.aboutLibraryHeader","About the Kolibri Content Library","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Acerca de la Biblioteca de Contenido de Kolibri"
+"CatalogFAQ.channelAnswer","A channel is Kolibri’s unit of organization for digital content. It's a collection of resources organized by single institutions or creators, each of which may contain a set of books, games, textbooks, articles, simulations, exercises, and many more types of educational materials, all made available for use in Kolibri without the need for internet access. A channel isn't necessarily a course or a sequence, it's simply a collection of materials published or gathered together by one organization, as close to the provider's original layout as possible, while still organized for the best possible navigation in Kolibri.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Un canal en Kolibri es la unidad de organización de los contenidos digitales. Es una colección de recursos organizados por instituciones o creadores particulares, cada uno de los cuales contiene un conjunto de libros, juegos, artículos, simulaciones, ejercicios, libros de texto y muchos más tipos de materiales educativos, todos puestos a disposición en Kolibri sin necesidad de acceso a Internet. Un canal no es necesariamente un curso o una secuencia - es simplemente una colección de materiales publicados o reunidos por una organización, lo más cerca posible del formato original del proveedor, pero organizado para la mejor navegación posible en Kolibri."
+"CatalogFAQ.channelLink","What is a channel?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","¿Qué es un canal?"
+"CatalogFAQ.channelQuestion","What is a channel?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","¿Qué es un canal?"
+"CatalogFAQ.coachContentAnswer","Most resources are directed at learners, but some, such as lesson plans, subject refreshers, professional learning guides, and similar, are directed at teachers and facilitators. In Kolibri, we mark this content as ""for coaches"" and limit its visibility to those with coach accounts. If you see coach materials here, they may require less planning for any facilitators using the resource!","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","La mayoría de los recursos están dirigidos a los estudiantes, pero algunos, como planes de clase, actualizaciones temáticas, guías de aprendizaje profesional y similares, están dirigidos a profesores y tutores. En Kolibri, marcamos este contenido como ""para tutores"" y limitamos su visibilidad a aquellos usuarios con las cuentas de tutor. Si hay materiales para tutores en el canal, indican que posiblemente se requiere menos planificación por parte de facilitadores que usen esos recursos."
+"CatalogFAQ.coachContentQuestion","What are 'resources for coaches'?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","¿Qué son los 'recursos para tutores'?"
+"CatalogFAQ.customContentAnswer","To add your own materials, create an account on Kolibri Studio by going to https://studio.learningequality.org. Recommendations for public materials to be added to the Kolibri Content Library can be made by contacting content@learningequality.org.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Para añadir sus propios materiales, cree una cuenta en Kolibri Studio al https://studio.learningequality.org. Pueden contactar con nosotros al content@learningequality.org para recomendar los materiales de acceso público que se les gustaría ver en la Biblioteca de Contenido de Kolibri."
+"CatalogFAQ.customContentQuestion","How can I add my own materials or recommend materials from other creators for this library?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","¿Cómo puedo añadir mis propios materiales o recomendar materiales de otros creadores para esta biblioteca?"
+"CatalogFAQ.descriptionP1","Here you can learn more about the educational resources publicly available for use in Kolibri, which are organized into ""channels"". Use the filters to browse channels by keyword, language, or formats of the materials inside.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Aquí puede aprender más sobre los recursos educativos disponibles para uso público en Kolibri, que están organizados en ""canales"". Utilice los filtros para navegar por los canales por palabra clave, idioma o formatos de los materiales dentro."
+"CatalogFAQ.descriptionP2","Click on a channel to get a preview of what subjects and topics it covers, learn more about its creator, see how many resources the channel contains, and learn how to import it into Kolibri. You can also find coach-specific content (lesson plans, teacher professional guides, and other supplementary facilitation material), assessments and exercises, and captions for accessibility.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Haga clic en un canal para obtener una vista previa de los temas y temas que cubre, aprender más sobre su creador, ver cuántos recursos contiene el canal y aprender a importarlo en Kolibri. También puede encontrar contenido específico para tutores (planes de clase, guías profesionales de profesores y otros materiales complementarios de facilitación), evaluaciones y ejercicios y subtítulos para la accesibilidad."
+"CatalogFAQ.descriptionP3","Sharing the work of these resource creators is what inspires Learning Equality's efforts. We hope you find something that excites you about the potential of digital learning, online or off!","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Compartir el trabajo de estos creadores de recursos es lo que inspira los esfuerzos de Learning Equality. ¡Esperamos que encuentres algo que te excite sobre el potencial del aprendizaje digital, en línea o sin conexión!"
+"CatalogFAQ.downloadKolibriLink","Download Kolibri","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Descargar Kolibri"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"CatalogFAQ.endoresementQuestion","Have these sources been vetted or endorsed as classroom-safe and ready?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","¿Estas fuentes han sido examinadas o aprobadas como seguras y preparadas para su uso en las aulas?"
+"CatalogFAQ.endorsementAnswer","We select sources with an educational affiliation or mandate, so you can trust that most resources in the Kolibri Content Library were designed for learning purposes. However, we are not able to guarantee the appropriateness of each individual item within any particular source. We recommend that educators and administrators conduct a thorough review of any digital content using their own criteria - including reorganization and re-curation, if necessary - before using it with learners. Since we recognize that there may be many different standards across situations for criteria like preferred levels of interactivity, subject/age appropriateness, cultural sensitivity and tone, among others, we have intentionally offered a wide range of materials to help meet the needs of all learners whatever they may be.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Seleccionamos fuentes que tienen una finalidad o vinculación educativa, para que pueda confiar en que la mayoría de los recursos de la Biblioteca de Contenido de Kolibri fueron diseñados con fines de aprendizaje. Sin embargo, no podemos garantizar la conveniencia de cada recurso individual dentro de una fuente determinada. Recomendamos que los educadores y administradores realicen una revisión exhaustiva de cualquier contenido digital utilizando sus propios criterios, incluyendo reorganización y re-curación, si es necesario - antes de usarlo con los estudiantes. Reconocemos que puede haber muchos estándares diferentes entre contextos que influyen a los criterios como: niveles preferidos de interactividad, si materias son apropiadas para las edades, las sensibilidades y el tono cultural. Por esta razón hemos ofrecido intencionalmente una amplia gama de materiales para ayudar a todos los estudiantes independientemente de su ubicación."
+"CatalogFAQ.faqHeader","Frequently asked questions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Preguntas más frecuentes"
+"CatalogFAQ.issueAnswer","Please email us at content@learningequality.org and include the channel name, along with a description of the issue. If you notice an issue on a specific resource, please be sure to link that as well. We'd be happy to investigate and grateful for your feedback!","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Por favor envíenos un correo electrónico a content@learningequality.org e incluya el nombre del canal, junto con una descripción del problema. Si nota un problema en un recurso específico, por favor asegúrese de vincularlo también. ¡Estaríamos encantados de investigar y agradecemos sus comentarios!"
+"CatalogFAQ.issueQuestion","I found a bug, broken link, or some mislabeled information within a resource. What should I do?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","He encontrado un error, un enlace roto o alguna información mal etiquetada dentro de un recurso. ¿Qué debo hacer?"
+"CatalogFAQ.maintenanceAnswerP1","Because Kolibri is designed for learners and educators who are disconnected from the internet, content must first be packaged so that it can be used without internet connection. For most sources, our content team uses custom-written, automated scripts to bring content into Kolibri from a website, an app, or a private source such as a hard drive (with the appropriate permissions).","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Porque Kolibri está diseñado para estudiantes y educadores desconectados de Internet, los recursos primero deben organizarse como un conjunto para que se puedan consultar sin necesidad de conectividad. Para la mayoría de las fuentes, nuestro equipo de contenidos utiliza scripts automatizados y personalizados para recoger contenido desde un sitio web, una aplicación, o una fuente privada como un disco duro (con los permisos apropiados)."
+"CatalogFAQ.maintenanceAnswerP2","To learn more about how content is packaged for use on Kolibri and what types of formats are supported, please refer to our content integration guide.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Para saber más sobre cómo los contenidos están integrados para su uso en Kolibri y qué tipos de formatos son soportados, por favor consulte nuestra guía de integración de contenido."
+"CatalogFAQ.maintenanceQuestion","How is this library created and maintained?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","¿Cómo se crea y mantiene esta biblioteca?"
+"CatalogFAQ.makerAnswerP1","Learning Equality, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit based in San Diego, California, is committed to enabling every person in the world to realize their right to a quality education, by supporting the creation, adaptation, and distribution of open educational resources, and creating supportive tools for innovative pedagogy.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Learning Equality, una organización sin fines de lucro (501(c)(3)) con sede en San Diego, California, está compromida a posibilitar que todas las personas del mundo realicen su derecho a una educación de calidad, dando soporte a la creación, adaptación y distribución de recursos educativos abiertos, y creando herramientas de apoyo para la pedagogía innovadora."
+"CatalogFAQ.makerAnswerP2","In recognition of the digital divide, Learning Equality started by bringing the Khan Academy experience offline to more than 6 million learners around the globe. Its second-generation product, Kolibri, is part of a broader ecosystem of products and tools that support curriculum alignment, blended learning pedagogies, and broader use of Open Educational Resources to improve learning.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","En reconocimiento de la brecha digital, Learning Equality comenzó llevando la experiencia de Khan Academy fuera de línea a más de 6 millones de estudiantes en todo el mundo. Su producto de segunda generación, Kolibri, forma parte de un ecosistema más amplio de productos y herramientas que apoyan el alineamiento curricular, pedagogías para el aprendizaje combinado, y un uso más amplio de los Recursos Educativos Abiertos para mejorar el aprendizaje."
+"CatalogFAQ.makerQuestion","Who are the makers of Kolibri?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","¿Quiénes son autores de Kolibri?"
+"CatalogFAQ.newContentAnswer","Our content team routinely adds new sources and channels to the library and updates existing channels as content creators make new materials available.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nuestro equipo de contenidos añade nuevas fuentes y canales a la biblioteca y actualiza los canales existentes a medida que los creadores de contenido ponen a disposición nuevos materiales."
+"CatalogFAQ.newContentQuestion","Does Learning Equality add new materials?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","¿Es Learning Equality quien añade nuevos recursos a los canales?"
+"CatalogFAQ.ownershipAnswer","No. Just like an online learning repository with links to external websites, we gather useful digital learning resources to help our community discover a rich variety of learning materials they may not have known about otherwise. All the materials in this educational library are fully credited to the creating organization, reformatted for best display on digital devices, and include any additional information the creator has shared with us. We only include content which is either openly licensed, available to distribute for special nonprofit or noncommercial purposes, or shared with us for distribution through agreement with the creator. Since materials in the library are intended for use in an open source platform, we do not profit financially from their use.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","No. Al igual como un repositorio de recursos de aprendizaje en línea que ofrece enlaces hacia sitios web externos, nosotros recolectamos recursos de aprendizaje digital útiles para ayudar a nuestra comunidad a descubrir una rica variedad de materiales de aprendizaje que pueden no haber conocido de otra manera. Todos los materiales de esta biblioteca educativa están completamente atribuibles a la organización creadora, su formato está adaptado para una mejor visualización en los dispositivos digitales, e incluyen toda la información que el creador haya compartido con nosotros. Sólo incluimos contenido con licencia abierta, disponible para distribuir sin fines de lucro y no comerciales, o compartido con nosotros para su distribución a través del acuerdo con el creador. Dado que los materiales de la biblioteca están destinados a ser utilizados en una plataforma de código abierto, nosotros no sacamos beneficios financieros de su uso."
+"CatalogFAQ.ownershipQuestion","Does Learning Equality own these resources?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","¿Es Learning Equality el propietario de estos recursos?"
+"CatalogFAQ.partialChannelAnswer","When importing content into Kolibri, you can select the specific subsections of a channel you're interested in. If you’d like to make changes such as editing the title or folder descriptions, or changing the order in which materials appear, please contact us at content@learningequality.org for early access to our Kolibri Studio tool, which can be used to make these changes.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Al importar contenido en Kolibri, puede seleccionar los temas y secciones específicos de un canal de su interés. Si desea realizar cambios como editar las descripciones del título o de la carpeta, o cambiar el orden en que aparecen los materiales, póngase en contacto con nosotros al content@learningequality.org para obtener el acceso temprano a nuestra herramienta de Kolibri Studio, que se puede utilizar para realizar estos cambios."
+"CatalogFAQ.partialChannelQuestion","I want to use some of the resources in this channel, but not all of it. What should I do?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Quiero usar algunos de los recursos de este canal, pero no todos. ¿Qué debo hacer?"
+"CatalogFAQ.sampleContentAnswer","You can do this in three ways:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Puede hacerlo de tres maneras:"
+"CatalogFAQ.sampleContentAnswerItem1","To see the original content source, click the ⋮ button and select 'Go to source website'","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Para ver la fuente original de contenido, haga clic en el botón ⋮ y seleccione ""Ir a la página web de origen"""
+"CatalogFAQ.sampleContentAnswerItem2","To preview the content on one of our online demo servers (available in English, Spanish, Arabic, French, and Hindi), click the ⋮ button and select 'View channel on Kolibri'","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Para previsualizar el contenido en uno de nuestros servidores de demostración en línea (disponible en inglés, español, árabe, francés y hindi), haga clic en el botón ⋮ y seleccione 'Ver canal en Kolibri'"
+"CatalogFAQ.sampleContentAnswerItem3","Download Kolibri and import the channel on your device for full access offline.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Descargue Kolibri e importe el canal en su dispositivo para obtener el acceso completo sin conexión."
+"CatalogFAQ.sampleContentQuestion","How do I review the contents of the channels themselves?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","¿Cómo puedo revisar los contenidos dentro de los canales?"
+"CatalogFAQ.selectionAnswerP1","Our approach is unique in that we aim to assemble a library of resources which supports the diversity of needs Kolibri is designed to meet, rather than collecting all possible open educational resources.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nuestro enfoque es único en el sentido de que nuestro objetivo es ensamblar una biblioteca de recursos que apoye la diversidad de necesidades que Kolibri está diseñado para satisfacer en lugar de reunir todos los recursos educativos abiertos posibles."
+"CatalogFAQ.selectionAnswerP2","To inform what we select, the Learning Equality team is continually maintaining our awareness of openly licensed digital resources available in the educational landscape. Most of our resources come from an organization, institution, or creator with learning design experience and an educational mandate. We prioritize providing a diversity of grade levels, subject areas and languages. Where possible, we also evaluate and seek input on the degree to which the materials may be suitable for the unique blended learning settings in which we work.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Para informar de lo que seleccionamos, el equipo de Learning Equality está continuamente manteniendo y actualizando nuestro conocimiento de los recursos digitales con licencia abierta disponibles en el panorama educativo. La mayoría de nuestros recursos provienen organizaciones, instituciones o creadores con experiencia en diseño de aprendizaje y con un claro compromiso educativo. Priorizamos el suministro de una diversidad de niveles, áreas temáticas e idiomas. Cuando sea posible, también evaluamos y buscamos información sobre el grado en que los materiales pueden ser adecuados para el singular entorno de aprendizaje combinado en el que trabajamos."
+"CatalogFAQ.selectionQuestion","How does Learning Equality determine what goes into this library?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","¿De qué manera Learning Equality determina qué es lo que se incluye en esta biblioteca?"
+"CatalogFAQ.usingContentAnswer","Great! All of these resources have been specially packaged for use on Kolibri, our open source platform for offline learning, so please review how to get started with Kolibri first, then follow the instructions to import materials.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","¡Genial! Todos estos recursos han sido especialmente ensamblados para su uso en Kolibri, nuestra plataforma de código abierto para aprender sin conexión, así que por favor revise cómo empezar con Kolibri primero, luego siga las instrucciones para importar materiales."
+"CatalogFAQ.usingContentQuestion","I found something I'm interested in and would like to start using it. What should I do?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","He encontrado algo que me interesa y me gustaría empezar a usar. ¿Qué debo hacer?"
+"CatalogFAQ.usingKolibriAnswerP1","You can learn more about using Kolibri by doing any of the following:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Puedes aprender más sobre el uso de Kolibri haciendo cualquiera de los siguientes:"
+"CatalogFAQ.usingKolibriAnswerP2","We invite you to use the Kolibri user documentation for further guidance.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Le invitamos a consultar la documentación de Kolibri para obtener más información."
+"CatalogFAQ.usingKolibriItem1","Visit the Learning Equality website","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Visitar el sitio web de Learning Equality"
+"CatalogFAQ.usingKolibriItem2","View a demo of the platform","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ver una demostración de la plataforma"
+"CatalogFAQ.usingKolibriItem3","Download the software","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Descargar el programa"
+"CatalogFAQ.usingKolibriQuestion","How can I use Kolibri?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","¿Cómo puedo usar Kolibri?"
+"CatalogFAQ.usingResourcesHeader","About using these resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Acerca del uso de estos recursos"
+"CatalogFAQ.viewDemoLink","View demo","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ver demo"
+"CatalogFAQ.viewDocsLink","View docs","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ver documentación"
+"CatalogFAQ.viewGettingStartedLink","Documentation resources to get started with Kolibri","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Recursos de documentación para empezar con Kolibri"
+"CatalogFAQ.viewIntegrationGuide","View content integration guide","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ver guía de integración de contenido"
+"CatalogFAQ.visitWebsiteLink","Visit website","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Visitar sitio web"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"CatalogFilterBar.channelCount","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# channel}
+ other {# channels}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# canal}
+ other {# canales}}"
+"CatalogFilterBar.clearAll","Clear all","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Eliminar filtros"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"CatalogFilterBar.coachContent","Coach content","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Contenido para tutores"
+"CatalogFilterBar.copyTitle","Copy collection token","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copiar token de la colección"
+"CatalogFilterBar.copyToken","Copy collection token","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copiar token de la colección"
+"CatalogFilterBar.copyTokenInstructions","Paste this token into Kolibri to import the channels contained in this collection","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Pegar este token en Kolibri para importar los canales contenidos en esta colección"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"CatalogFilters.coachDescription","Resources for coaches are only visible to coaches in Kolibri","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Los recursos para tutores son visibles sólo a los tutores en Kolibri"
+"CatalogFilters.coachLabel","Resources for coaches","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Recursos para tutores"
+"CatalogFilters.copyright","© {year} Learning Equality","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","© {year} Learning Equality"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"CatalogFilters.frequentlyAskedQuestionsLink","Frequently asked questions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Preguntas más frecuentes"
+"CatalogFilters.includesLabel","Display only channels with","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Mostrar solo canales con"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Palabras clave"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"CatalogFilters.subtitlesLabel","Captions or subtitles","
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"CatalogList.channelSelectionCount","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# channel selected}
+ other {# channels selected}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# canal seleccionado}
+ other {# canales seleccionados}}"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"CatalogList.downloadCSV","Download CSV","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Descargar CSV"
+"CatalogList.downloadPDF","Download PDF","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Descargar PDF"
+"CatalogList.downloadingMessage","Download started","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Descarga iniciada"
+"CatalogList.resultsText","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# result found}
+ other {# results found}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# resultado encontrado}
+ other {# resultados encontrados}}"
+"CatalogList.selectAll","Select all","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Seleccionar todo"
+"CatalogList.selectChannels","Download a summary of selected channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Descargar un resumen de los canales seleccionados"
+"CategoryOptions.noCategoryFoundText","Category not found","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Categoría no encontrada"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChangePasswordForm.changePasswordHeader","Change password","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Cambiar contraseña"
+"ChangePasswordForm.confirmNewPasswordLabel","Confirm new password","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Confirmar nueva contraseña"
+"ChangePasswordForm.formInvalidText","Passwords don't match","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Las contraseñas no coinciden"
+"ChangePasswordForm.newPasswordLabel","New password","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nueva contraseña"
+"ChangePasswordForm.passwordChangeFailed","Failed to save new password","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Error al guardar la nueva contraseña"
+"ChangePasswordForm.paswordChangeSuccess","Password updated","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Contraseña actualizada"
+"ChangePasswordForm.saveChangesAction","Save changes","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Guardar cambios"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelCatalogFrontPage.catalogHeader","Kolibri Content Library channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Canales de la Biblioteca de Contenidos Kolibri"
+"ChannelCatalogFrontPage.coachHeading","Resources for coaches","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Recursos para tutores"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelCatalogFrontPage.numberOfChannels","{ num } channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{ num } canales"
+"ChannelCatalogFrontPage.subtitlesIncludedText","Captions or subtitles","
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelDeletedError.backToHomeAction","Back to home","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Volver al inicio"
+"ChannelDeletedError.channelDeletedDetails","This channel does not exist or may have been removed. Please contact us at content@learningequality.org if you think this is a mistake.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Este canal no existe o puede haber sido eliminado. Por favor, contacte con content@learningequality.org si cree que esto es un error."
+"ChannelDeletedError.channelDeletedHeader","Channel not found","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Canal no encontrado"
+"ChannelDetailsModal.downloadButton","Download channel summary","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Descargar resumen del canal"
+"ChannelDetailsModal.downloadCSV","Download CSV","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Descargar CSV"
+"ChannelDetailsModal.downloadPDF","Download PDF","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Descargar PDF"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelExportStrings.coachContent","Resources for coaches","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Recursos para tutores"
+"ChannelExportStrings.copyrightHolders","Copyright holders","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Titulares de derechos de autor"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelExportStrings.id","Channel ID","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","ID del canal"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelExportStrings.languages","Included languages","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Idiomas incluidos"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelExportStrings.size","Total resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","El total de recursos"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelExportStrings.subtitles","Captions or subtitles","
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelInfoCard.resourceCount","{count, number} {count, plural, one {resource} other {resources}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, number} {count, plural, one {recurso} other {recursos}}"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelInvitation.acceptedSnackbar","Accepted invitation","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Invitación aceptada"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelInvitation.declinedSnackbar","Declined invitation","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Invitación rechazada"
+"ChannelInvitation.decliningInvitation","Declining Invitation","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Rechazando la invitación"
+"ChannelInvitation.decliningInvitationMessage","Are you sure you want to decline this invitation?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Por favor, confirme que desea declinar esta invitación."
+"ChannelInvitation.editText","{sender} has invited you to edit {channel}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{sender} le ha invitado a editar {channel}"
+"ChannelInvitation.goToChannelSnackbarAction","Go to channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ir al canal"
+"ChannelInvitation.viewText","{sender} has invited you to view {channel}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{sender} le ha invitado a ver {channel}"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelItem.channelDeletedSnackbar","Channel deleted","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Canal eliminado"
+"ChannelItem.channelLanguageNotSetIndicator","No language set","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Idioma no establecido"
+"ChannelItem.copyToken","Copy channel token","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copiar el token del canal"
+"ChannelItem.deleteChannel","Delete channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Eliminar canal"
+"ChannelItem.deletePrompt","This channel will be permanently deleted. This cannot be undone.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Este canal se eliminará permanentemente. Esto no se puede deshacer."
+"ChannelItem.deleteTitle","Delete this channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Eliminar este canal"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelItem.editChannel","Edit channel details","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Editar detalles del canal"
+"ChannelItem.goToWebsite","Go to source website","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ir a la página web de origen"
+"ChannelItem.lastPublished","Published {last_published}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Publicado {last_published}"
+"ChannelItem.lastUpdated","Updated {updated}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Actualizado {updated}"
+"ChannelItem.resourceCount","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# resource}
+ other {# resources}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# recurso}
+ other {# recursos}}"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","No publicado"
+"ChannelItem.versionText","Version {version}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Versión {version}"
+"ChannelItem.viewContent","View channel on Kolibri","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ver canal en Kolibri"
+"ChannelList.channel","New channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nuevo canal"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelList.noChannelsFound","No channels found","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","No se han encontrado canales"
+"ChannelList.noMatchingChannels","There are no matching channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","No hay canales que coincidan"
+"ChannelListAppError.channelPermissionsErrorDetails","Sign in or ask the owner of this channel to give you permission to edit or view","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Inicie sesión o pida al propietario de este canal que le dé permiso para editar o ver"
+"ChannelListIndex.catalog","Content Library","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Biblioteca de contenido"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelListIndex.frequentlyAskedQuestions","Frequently asked questions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Preguntas más frecuentes"
+"ChannelListIndex.invitations","You have {count, plural,
+ =1 {# invitation}
+ other {# invitations}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Tiene {count, plural, one {}
+ =1 {# invitación}
+ other {# invitaciones}}"
+"ChannelListIndex.libraryTitle","Kolibri Content Library Catalog","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Catálogo de la Biblioteca de Contenidos de Kolibri"
+"ChannelModal.APIText","Channels generated automatically are not editable.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Los canales generados automáticamente no son editables."
+"ChannelModal.changesSaved","Changes saved","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Cambios guardados"
+"ChannelModal.channelDescription","Channel description","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Descripción del canal"
+"ChannelModal.channelError","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Este campo es obligatorio"
+"ChannelModal.channelName","Channel name","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nombre del canal"
+"ChannelModal.closeButton","Exit without saving","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Salir sin guardar"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelModal.creatingHeader","New channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nuevo canal"
+"ChannelModal.details","Channel details","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Detalles del canal"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelModal.keepEditingButton","Keep editing","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Seguir editando"
+"ChannelModal.notFoundError","Channel does not exist","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","El canal no existe"
+"ChannelModal.saveChangesButton","Save changes","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Guardar cambios"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelModal.unauthorizedError","You cannot edit this channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","No puede editar este canal"
+"ChannelModal.unsavedChangesHeader","Unsaved changes","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Cambios sin guardar"
+"ChannelModal.unsavedChangesText","You will lose any unsaved changes. Are you sure you want to exit?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Se perderán los cambios sin guardar. Por favor, confirme que desea salir."
+"ChannelNotFoundError.backToHomeAction","Back to home","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Volver al inicio"
+"ChannelNotFoundError.channelNotFoundDetails","This channel does not exist or may have been removed. Please contact us at content@learningequality.org if you think this is a mistake.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Este canal no existe o puede haber sido eliminado. Por favor, contacte con content@learningequality.org si cree que esto es un error."
+"ChannelNotFoundError.channelNotFoundHeader","Channel not found","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Canal no encontrado"
+"ChannelSelectionList.noChannelsFound","No channels found","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","No se han encontrado canales"
+"ChannelSelectionList.searchText","Search for a channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Buscar canal"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelSetItem.delete","Delete collection","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Eliminar colección"
+"ChannelSetItem.deleteChannelSetText","Are you sure you want to delete this collection?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Por favor, confirme que desea eliminar esta colección."
+"ChannelSetItem.deleteChannelSetTitle","Delete collection","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Eliminar colección"
+"ChannelSetItem.edit","Edit collection","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Editar colección"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelSetList.aboutChannelSets","About collections","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Acerca de las colecciones"
+"ChannelSetList.aboutChannelSetsLink","Learn about collections","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Aprender más sobre las colecciones"
+"ChannelSetList.addChannelSetTitle","New collection","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nueva colección"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelSetList.channelNumber","Number of channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Número de canales"
+"ChannelSetList.channelSetsDescriptionText","A collection contains multiple Kolibri Studio channels that can be imported at one time to Kolibri with a single collection token.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Una colección contiene múltiples canales de Kolibri Studio que pueden ser importados a Kolibri con solo el token de la colección."
+"ChannelSetList.channelSetsDisclaimer","You will need Kolibri version 0.12.0 or higher to import channel collections","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Se necesita Kolibri con versión 0.12.0 o superior para importar colecciones de canales"
+"ChannelSetList.channelSetsInstructionsText","You can make a collection by selecting the channels you want to be imported together.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Puede hacer una colección seleccionando los canales que desea importar juntos."
+"ChannelSetList.noChannelSetsFound","You can package together multiple channels to create a collection. The entire collection can then be imported to Kolibri at once by using a collection token.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Puede juntar varios canales para crear una colección. La colección completa puede ser importada a Kolibri a la vez usando un token de colección."
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelSetList.title","Collection name","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nombre de la colección"
+"ChannelSetList.token","Token ID","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Token ID"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelSetModal.channelAdded","Channel added","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Canal añadido"
+"ChannelSetModal.channelCountText","{channelCount, plural, =0 {No published channels in your collection} =1 {# channel} other {# channels}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{channelCount, plural, one {} =0 {No hay canales publicados en tu colección} =1 {# canal} other {# canales}}"
+"ChannelSetModal.channelRemoved","Channel removed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Canal eliminado"
+"ChannelSetModal.channelSelectedCountText","{channelCount, plural, =1 {# channel selected} other {# channels selected}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{channelCount, plural, =1 {# canal seleccionado} other {# canales seleccionados}}"
+"ChannelSetModal.channels","Collection channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Canales de la colección"
+"ChannelSetModal.closeButton","Exit without saving","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Salir sin guardar"
+"ChannelSetModal.collectionErrorText","This collection does not exist","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Esta colección no existe"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelSetModal.creatingChannelSet","New collection","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nueva colección"
+"ChannelSetModal.edit","My Channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Mis canales"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelSetModal.publishedChannelsOnlyText","Only published channels are available for selection","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Sólo los canales publicados están disponibles para la selección"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelSetModal.saveButton","Save and close","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Guardar y cerrar"
+"ChannelSetModal.selectChannelsHeader","Select channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Seleccionar canales"
+"ChannelSetModal.titleLabel","Collection name","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nombre de la colección"
+"ChannelSetModal.titleRequiredText","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Este campo es obligatorio"
+"ChannelSetModal.token","Collection token","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Token de la colección"
+"ChannelSetModal.tokenPrompt","Copy this token into Kolibri to import this collection onto your device.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copiar este token en Kolibri para importar esta colección a su dispositivo."
+"ChannelSetModal.unsavedChangesHeader","Unsaved changes","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Cambios sin guardar"
+"ChannelSetModal.unsavedChangesText","You will lose any unsaved changes. Are you sure you want to exit?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Se perderán los cambios sin guardar. Por favor, confirme que desea salir."
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Solo modo de lectura"
+"ChannelSharing.alreadyHasAccessError","User already has access to this channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","El usuario ya tiene acceso a este canal"
+"ChannelSharing.alreadyInvitedError","User already invited","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Usuario ya invitado"
+"ChannelSharing.canEdit","Can edit","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Puede editar"
+"ChannelSharing.canView","Can view","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Puede ver"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Correo electrónico"
+"ChannelSharing.emailRequiredMessage","Email is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Se requiere un correo electrónico"
+"ChannelSharing.invitationFailedError","Invitation failed to send. Please try again","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","No se pudo enviar la invitación. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo"
+"ChannelSharing.invitationSentMessage","Invitation sent","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Invitación enviada"
+"ChannelSharing.inviteButton","Send invitation","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Enviar invitación"
+"ChannelSharing.inviteSubheading","Invite collaborators","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Invitar colaboradores"
+"ChannelSharing.validEmailMessage","Please enter a valid email","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Por favor ingrese un correo electrónico válido"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelSharingTable.currentUserText","{first_name} {last_name} (you)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{first_name} {last_name} (usted)"
+"ChannelSharingTable.deleteInvitation","Delete invitation","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Eliminar invitación"
+"ChannelSharingTable.deleteInvitationConfirm","Delete invitation","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Eliminar invitación"
+"ChannelSharingTable.deleteInvitationHeader","Delete invitation","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Eliminar invitación"
+"ChannelSharingTable.deleteInvitationText","Are you sure you would like to delete the invitation for {email}?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Por favor, confirme de que desea borrar la invitación para {email}"
+"ChannelSharingTable.editPermissionsGrantedMessage","Edit permissions granted","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Permisos para editar concedidos"
+"ChannelSharingTable.editorsSubheading","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# user who can edit}
+ other {# users who can edit}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# usuario que puede editar}
+ other {# usuarios que pueden editar}}"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelSharingTable.invitationDeletedMessage","Invitation deleted","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Invitación eliminada"
+"ChannelSharingTable.invitationFailedError","Invitation failed to resend. Please try again","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","No se pudo reenviar la invitación. Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo"
+"ChannelSharingTable.invitationSentMessage","Invitation sent","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Invitación enviada"
+"ChannelSharingTable.invitePendingText","Invite pending","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Invitación pendiente"
+"ChannelSharingTable.makeEditor","Grant edit permissions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Conceder permisos de edición"
+"ChannelSharingTable.makeEditorConfirm","Yes, grant permissions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Sí, conceder permisos"
+"ChannelSharingTable.makeEditorHeader","Grant edit permissions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Conceder permisos de edición"
+"ChannelSharingTable.makeEditorText","Are you sure you would like to grant edit permissions to {first_name} {last_name}?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Por favor, confirme de que desea conceder los permisos de edición a {first_name} {last_name}"
+"ChannelSharingTable.noUsersText","No users found","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","No se han encontrado usuarios"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelSharingTable.removeViewer","Revoke view permissions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Revocar permisos de ver"
+"ChannelSharingTable.removeViewerConfirm","Yes, revoke","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Si, revocar"
+"ChannelSharingTable.removeViewerHeader","Revoke view permissions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Revocar permisos de ver"
+"ChannelSharingTable.removeViewerText","Are you sure you would like to revoke view permissions for {first_name} {last_name}?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Por favor, confirme que desea anular los permisos de ver para {first_name} {last_name}"
+"ChannelSharingTable.resendInvitation","Resend invitation","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Reenviar la invitación"
+"ChannelSharingTable.userRemovedMessage","User removed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Usuario eliminado"
+"ChannelSharingTable.viewersSubheading","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# user who can view}
+ other {# users who can view}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# usuario que puede ver}
+ other {# usuarios que pueden ver}}"
+"ChannelStar.star","Add to starred channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Añadir a canales favoritos"
+"ChannelStar.starred","Added to starred channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Añadido a los canales favoritos"
+"ChannelStar.unstar","Remove from starred channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Quitar de los canales favoritos"
+"ChannelStar.unstarred","Removed from starred channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Eliminado de los canales favoritos"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelThumbnail.croppingPrompt","Drag image to reframe","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Arrastrar la imagen para colocar"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelThumbnail.noThumbnail","No thumbnail","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","No hay miniaturas."
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelThumbnail.retryUpload","Retry upload","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Volver a subir"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelThumbnail.upload","Upload image","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Subir imagen"
+"ChannelThumbnail.uploadFailed","Upload failed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Error al cargar"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelThumbnail.zoomIn","Zoom in","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Aumentar tamaño"
+"ChannelThumbnail.zoomOut","Zoom out","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Reducir tamaño"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelTokenModal.copyTitle","Copy channel token","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copiar el token del canal"
+"ChannelTokenModal.copyTokenInstructions","Paste this token into Kolibri to import this channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Pegar este token en Kolibri para importar este canal"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Clipboard.copiedItemsToClipboard","Copied in clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copiado al portapapeles"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Clipboard.duplicateSelectedButton","Make a copy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Hacer una copia"
+"Clipboard.emptyDefaultText","Use the clipboard to copy resources and move them to other folders and channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Usar el portapapeles para copiar recursos y moverlos a otras carpetas y canales"
+"Clipboard.emptyDefaultTitle","No resources in your clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","No hay recursos en el portapapeles"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Clipboard.removedFromClipboard","Deleted from clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Eliminado del portapapeles"
+"Clipboard.selectAll","Select all","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Seleccionar todo"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Allows the user to filter for all the resources with accessibility features for learners with disabilities.","Accesibilidad"
+-- CONTEXT --
+A type of math category. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Algebra","Álgebra"
+-- CONTEXT --
+A label for everything in the group of activities.","Todo"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.allLevelsBasicSkills","All levels -- basic skills","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to a type of educational level.","Todos los niveles -- habilidades básicas"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.allLevelsWorkSkills","All levels -- work skills","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to a type of educational level.","Todos los niveles -- habilidades laborales"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.altText","Includes alternative text descriptions for images","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Alternative text, or alt text, is a written substitute for an image. It is used to describe information being provided by an image, graph, or any other visual element on a web page. It provides information about the context and function of an image for people with varying degrees of visual and cognitive impairments. When a screen reader encounters an image, it will read aloud the alternative text.
+https://www.med.unc.edu/webguide/accessibility/alt-text/","Incluye descripciones de texto alternativas para las imágenes"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthropology","Antropología"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Math category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arithmetic","Aritmética"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to a category group type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_arts","Artes"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Science category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astronomy","Astronomía"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.audioDescription","Includes audio descriptions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Content has narration used to provide information surrounding key visual elements for the benefit of blind and visually impaired users.
+https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Audio_description","Incluye audiodescripción"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.basicSkills","Basic skills","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. Basic skills refer to learning resources focused on aspects like literacy, numeracy and digital literacy.","Habilidades básicas"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Science category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biology","Biología"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.browseChannel","Browse channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Heading on page where a user can browse the content within a channel","Explorar el canal"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Math category type. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calculus","Cálculo"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.captionsSubtitles","Includes captions or subtitles","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Accessibility filter to search for video and audio resources that have text captions for users who are deaf or hard of hearing.
+https://www.w3.org/WAI/media/av/captions/","Incluye subtítulos"
+-- CONTEXT --
+A title for the metadata that explains the subject matter of an activity","Categoría"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Science category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chemistry","Química"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.civicEducation","Civic education","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. Civic education is the study of the rights and obligations of citizens in society. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civics","Educación cívica"
+-- CONTEXT --
+A title for the metadata that explains when an activity is considered completed","Finalización"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.computerScience","Computer science","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_science","Informática"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Resource and filter label for the type of learning activity. Translate as a VERB","Crear"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.currentEvents","Current events","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. Could also be translated as 'News'. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/News","Eventos actuales"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.dailyLife","Daily life","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Everyday_life","Vida diaria"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dance","Danza"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.digitalLiteracy","Digital literacy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_literacy","Alfabetización digital"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diversity_(politics)","Diversidad"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drama","Teatro"
+-- CONTEXT --
+A title for the metadata that explains how long an activity will take","Duración"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.earthScience","Earth science","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth_science","Ciencias de la Tierra"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entrepreneurship","Emprendimiento"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Environmental_studies","Medio ambiente"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Resource and filter label for the type of learning activity. Translate as a VERB","Explorar"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.financialLiteracy","Financial literacy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Financial_literacy","Educación financiera"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.forBeginners","For beginners","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Filter option and a label for the resources in the Kolibri Library.","Para principiantes"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.forTeachers","For teachers","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type","Para profesores"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type.","Geometría"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category label in the Kolibri resources library; refers to any guide-type material for teacher professional development.","Guías"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.highContrast","Includes high contrast text for learners with low vision","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Accessibility filter used to search for resources that have high contrast color themes for users with low vision ('display' refers to digital content, not the hardware like screens or monitors).
+https://veroniiiica.com/2019/10/25/high-contrast-color-schemes-low-vision/","Incluye texto de alto contraste para los estudiantes con baja visión"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type.","Historial"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.industryAndSectorSpecific","Industry and sector specific","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Subcategory type for technical and vocational training.","Industria y sectores específicos"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.languageLearning","Language learning","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type.","Aprendizaje de idiomas"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.learningActivity","Learning Activity","
+-- CONTEXT --
+A title for the category of education material interaction, i.e. watch, read, listen","Actividad de aprendizaje"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.learningSkills","Learning skills","
+-- CONTEXT --
+A category label and type of basic skill.
+https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Study_skills","Habilidades de aprendizaje"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.lessonPlans","Lesson plans","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category label in the Kolibri resources library; refers to lesson planning materials for teachers.","Planes de estudio"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to the educational learning level, such a preschool, primary, secondary, etc.","Nivel"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Resource and filter label for the type of learning activity with audio. Translate as a VERB","Escuchar"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Literacy","Alfabetización"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Literature","Literatura"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.logicAndCriticalThinking","Logic and critical thinking","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Critical_thinking","Pensamiento lógico y crítico"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.longActivity","Long activity","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Label with time estimation for learning activities that take more than 30 minutes.","Actividad larga"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.lowerPrimary","Lower primary","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to a level of learning. Approximately corresponds to the first half of primary school.","Primaria inferior"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.lowerSecondary","Lower secondary","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to a level of learning. Approximately corresponds to the first half of secondary school (high school).","Secundaria inferior"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mathematics","Matemáticas"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.mechanicalEngineering","Mechanical engineering","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mechanical_engineering.","Ingeniería mecánica"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.mediaLiteracy","Media literacy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Media_literacy","Alfabetización mediática"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.mentalHealth","Mental health","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mental_health","Salud mental"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Music","Música"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.needsInternet","Internet connection","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to a filter for resources.","Conexión a Internet"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.needsMaterials","Other supplies","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to a filter for resources.
+","Otros materiales"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Numeracy","Matemática básica"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.peers","Working with peers","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to a filter for resources that require a learner to work with other learners to be used.","Trabajar con los compañeros de clase"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physics.","Física"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.politicalScience","Political science","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_science.","Ciencias políticas"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Resource and filter label for the type of learning activity with questions and answers. Translate as a VERB","Practicar"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to a level of education offered to children before they begin compulsory education at primary school.
+See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Preschool","Preescolar"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.professionalSkills","Professional skills","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. Refers to skills that are related to a profession or a job.","Habilidades profesionales"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_programming","Programación"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.publicHealth","Public health","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_health.","Salud pública"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Resource and filter label for the type of learning activity with documents. Translate as a VERB","Leer"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Label displayed for the 'Read' learning activity, used instead of the time duration information, to indicate a resource that may not need sequential reading from the beginning to the end. Similar concept as the 'reference' books in the traditional library, that the user just 'consults', and does not read from cover to cover.","Referencia"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.readingAndWriting","Reading and writing","
+-- CONTEXT --
+School subject category","Lectura y escritura"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.readingComprehension","Reading comprehension","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type.","Comprensión lectora"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Resource and filter label for the type of learning activity. Translate as a VERB","Reflejar"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type.","Escuela"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Science","Ciencias"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.shortActivity","Short activity","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Label with time estimation for learning activities that take less than 30 minutes.","Actividad corta"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.signLanguage","Includes sign language captions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Wherever communities of deaf people exist, sign languages have developed as useful means of communication, and they form the core of local Deaf cultures. Although signing is used primarily by the deaf and hard of hearing, it is also used by hearing individuals, such as those unable to physically speak, those who have trouble with spoken language due to a disability or condition (augmentative and alternative communication), or those with deaf family members, such as children of deaf adults. ","Incluye traducción en la lengua de signos"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.skillsTraining","Skills training","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Subcategory type for technical and vocational training.","Desarrollo de habilidades"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.socialSciences","Social sciences","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_science","Ciencias sociales"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sociology","Sociología"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.softwareTools","Other software tools","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to a filter for resources that need additional software to be used.","Otras herramientas de software"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.softwareToolsAndTraining","Software tools and training","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Subcategory type for technical and vocational training.","Herramientas y formación en desarrollo de software"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.specializedProfessionalTraining","Specialized professional training","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Level of education that refers to training for a profession (job).","Formación profesional especializada"
+-- CONTEXT --
+A math category. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statistics","Estadística"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.taggedPdf","Tagged PDF","
+-- CONTEXT --
+A tagged PDF includes hidden accessibility markups (tags) that make the document accessible to those who use screen readers and other assistive technology (AT).
+https://taggedpdf.com/what-is-a-tagged-pdf/","PDF accesible etiquetado"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.teacher","Working with a teacher","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to a filter for resources that require a learner to work with a teacher to be used.","Trabajar con un profesor"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.technicalAndVocationalTraining","Technical and vocational training","
+-- CONTEXT --
+A level of education. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TVET_(Technical_and_Vocational_Education_and_Training)","Formación técnica y profesional"
+-- CONTEXT --
+A level of education. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tertiary_education","Enseñanza superior"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.toUseWithPaperAndPencil","Paper and pencil","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to a filter for resources.
+","Papel y lápiz"
+-- CONTEXT --
+A collection of resources and other subfolders within a channel. Nested folders allow a channel to be organized as a tree or hierarchy.","Carpeta"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.upperPrimary","Upper primary","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to a level of education. Approximately corresponds to the second half of primary school.
+","Primaria superior"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.upperSecondary","Upper secondary","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to a level of education. Approximately corresponds to the second half of secondary school.","Secundaria superior"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.visualArt","Visual art","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visual_arts","Arte visual"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Resource and filter label for the type of learning activity with video. Translate as a VERB","Ver"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.webDesign","Web design","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_design","Diseño web"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Top level category group that contains resources for acquisition of professional skills.","Trabajo"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Writing","Escritura"
+"CommunityStandardsModal.communityStandardsHeader","Community Standards","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Normas de la comunidad"
+"CommunityStandardsModal.coreValuesLink","Learn more about Learning Equality's core values","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Aprenda más sobre los valores fundamentales de Learning Equality"
+"CommunityStandardsModal.description","Learning Equality is a nonprofit organization dedicated to enabling equitable access to quality educational experiences. Along with our statement of Core Values, these Community Standards are intended to foster a supportive and inclusive environment for our users.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Learning Equality es una organización sin fines de lucro dedicada a facilitar un acceso equitativo a experiencias educativas de calidad. Junto con nuestra declaración de valores fundamentales, estas Normas Comunitarias pretenden fomentar un entorno de apoyo e inclusivo para nuestros usuarios."
+"CommunityStandardsModal.libraryDescription","The Kolibri Library is both a grassroots and curated effort to provide a wide variety of materials for all learners and learning purposes. To help us achieve these goals, we invite you to use Kolibri Studio in ways that:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","La Biblioteca Kolibri es igualmente un esfuerzo comunitario y curado profesionalmente para proporcionar una amplia variedad de materiales para todos los estudiantes y todas las metas de aprendizaje. Para ayudarnos a lograr estos objetivos, le invitamos a utilizar Kolibri Studio para:"
+"CommunityStandardsModal.libraryItem1","Model good practices in open sharing and respect copyright. Create an ethical sharing community by labeling licenses, making sure you know the appropriate licenses for what you upload, and ensuring that appropriate written permissions are documented if needed. Studio is primarily designed to host materials which are openly licensed or come with special permissions for re-distribution and reproduction.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Formar buenas prácticas para compartir y respetar los derechos de autor. Crear una comunidad ética para compartir detallando licencias, asegurándose de conocer las licencias apropiadas para lo que sube, y asegurándose de que los permisos escritos apropiados estén documentados si es necesario. Kolibri Studio está diseñado principalmente para alojar materiales con licencia abierta o con permisos especiales para redistribución y reproducción."
+"CommunityStandardsModal.libraryItem2","Keep materials clear, organized, and usable. We welcome resources created at all levels of production! To help them reach as many learners as possible, we invite you to fully utilize all metadata fields and aim for quality in comprehensibility, legibility, or digitization such that the content is usable and understandable.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Mantener los materiales claros, organizados y utilizables. Acogemos con satisfacción los recursos creados en todos los niveles de producción. Para ayudar a que lleguen al mayor número posible de estudiantes, invitamos a utilizar todos los campos de metadatos y buscar la calidad en la asimibilidad, la legibilidad, y la digitalización para que el contenido sea utilizable y comprensible."
+"CommunityStandardsModal.libraryItem3","Respect the community. Avoid obscenity and vulgarity, beyond specific educational purposes they might serve in some contexts. Hate speech of any kind, or promotion of violence or discrimination, will never be tolerated.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Respetar a la comunidad, evitar la obscenidad y la vulgaridad, más allá de los propósitos educativos específicos que podrían tener en algunos contextos. Nunca se tolerará el discurso de odio de ningún tipo, o la promoción de la violencia o la discriminación."
+"CommunityStandardsModal.libraryItem4","Kolibri Studio is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to be used for non-educational purposes such as recruitment, indoctrination, advertisement, file sharing, or personal media hosting.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Kolibri Studio está pensado solamente para propósitos educativos. No está destinado a ser utilizado para fines no educativos como reclutamiento, adoctrinamiento, publicidad, intercambio de ficheros o alojamiento personal de medios."
+"CommunityStandardsModal.studioDescription","Kolibri Studio gives you access to the Kolibri Library, a growing library of educational materials, which we encourage you to use as your own. We built Kolibri Studio to help you prepare educational materials in a variety of ways, including but not limited to:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Kolibri Studio proporciona acceso a la Biblioteca Kolibri, una biblioteca creciente de materiales educativos, que animamos a utilizar como propio. Construimos Kolibri Studio como apoyo a preparar materiales educativos de diversas maneras, que incluye (sin excluir otras) las siguientes posibilidades:"
+"CommunityStandardsModal.studioItem1","Browsing. Selecting appropriate educational materials for your situation from the Kolibri Library, the listing of sources available on the public channels page in Kolibri Studio","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Navegar. Seleccionar los materiales educativos en la Biblioteca Kolibri apropiados para su situación, la lista de fuentes disponibles está en la página de canales públicos en el Kolibri Studio."
+"CommunityStandardsModal.studioItem2","Curating. Reorganizing the materials in these channels by selecting, deleting, and reordering appropriate items","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Curar contenidos. Reorganizar los materiales en estos canales seleccionando, eliminando y reordenando los elementos apropiados."
+"CommunityStandardsModal.studioItem3","Sharing. Creating and publishing new channels with what you find, either to share with your own implementations privately or to share with others on Kolibri Studio.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Compartir. Crear y publicar nuevos canales con lo que encuentra, ya sea para compartir con sus propias implementaciones de forma privada o para compartir con otros en Kolibri Studio."
+"CommunityStandardsModal.studioItem4","Modifying & Creating. Adding your own assessment exercises to any existing materials","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Modificar y crear. Añadir sus propios ejercicios de evaluación a cualquier material existente."
+"CommunityStandardsModal.studioItem5","Hosting. Uploading your own materials (limited to materials you know are appropriately licensed to do so) from a local hard drive or other locations on the internet","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Alojar. Subir sus propios materiales (limitado a materiales con la licencia adecuada para hacerlo confirmada) desde un disco duro local u otras ubicaciones en Internet."
+"CompletionOptions.allContent","Viewed in its entirety","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Visto en su totalidad"
+"CompletionOptions.completeDuration","When time spent is equal to duration","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Cuando el tiempo empleado es igual a la duración"
+"CompletionOptions.determinedByResource","Determined by the resource","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Determinado por el recurso"
+"CompletionOptions.exactTime","Time to complete","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Tiempo para completar"
+"CompletionOptions.goal","When goal is met","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Cuando se alcanza el objetivo"
+"CompletionOptions.practiceQuiz","Practice quiz","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Prueba de prácticas"
+"CompletionOptions.reference","Reference material","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Material de referencia"
+"CompletionOptions.referenceHint","Progress will not be tracked on reference material unless learners mark it as complete","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","No se graba el seguimiento de progreso en el material de referencia a menos que los estudiantes lo marquen como completo"
+"ConstantStrings.All Rights Reserved","All Rights Reserved","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Todos los derechos reservados"
+"ConstantStrings.All Rights Reserved_description","The All Rights Reserved License indicates that the copyright holder reserves, or holds for their own use, all the rights provided by copyright law under one specific copyright treaty.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","La Licencia Todos los Derechos Reservados, indica que el titular reserva, o mantiene para uso propio, todos los derechos previstos por la ley de derechos de autor bajo un solo tratado de derechos específico."
+"ConstantStrings.CC BY","CC BY","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","CC BY"
+"ConstantStrings.CC BY-NC","CC BY-NC","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","CC BY-NC"
+"ConstantStrings.CC BY-NC-ND","CC BY-NC-ND","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","CC BY-NC-ND"
+"ConstantStrings.CC BY-NC-ND_description","The Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License is the most restrictive of our six main licenses, only allowing others to download your works and share them with others as long as they credit you, but they can't change them in any way or use them commercially.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","La Licencia de Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas es la más restrictiva de nuestras seis licencias principales, permitiendo a otros solo descargar tu obra y compartirla con otros siempre y cuando te den crédito, pero no permiten cambiarlas de forma alguna ni usarlas comercialmente."
+"ConstantStrings.CC BY-NC-SA","CC BY-NC-SA","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","CC BY-NC-SA"
+"ConstantStrings.CC BY-NC-SA_description","The Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work non-commercially, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under the identical terms.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","La Licencia de Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual permite a otros distribuir, remezclar, retocar, y crear a partir de tu obra de modo no comercial, siempre y cuando te den crédito y licencien sus nuevas creaciones bajo las mismas condiciones."
+"ConstantStrings.CC BY-NC_description","The Attribution-NonCommercial License lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work non-commercially, and although their new works must also acknowledge you and be non-commercial, they don't have to license their derivative works on the same terms.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","La Licencia de Atribución-NoComercial permite a otros distribuir, remezclar, retocar, y crear a partir de tu obra de manera no comercial y, a pesar de que sus nuevas obras deben siempre mencionarte y mantenerse sin fines comerciales, no están obligados a licenciar sus obras derivadas bajo las mismas condiciones."
+"ConstantStrings.CC BY-ND","CC BY-ND","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","CC BY-ND"
+"ConstantStrings.CC BY-ND_description","The Attribution-NoDerivs License allows for redistribution, commercial and non-commercial, as long as it is passed along unchanged and in whole, with credit to you.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","La Licencia de Atribución-SinDerivadas permite la redistribución, comercial o no comercial, siempre y cuando la obra circule íntegra y sin cambios, dándote crédito."
+"ConstantStrings.CC BY-SA","CC BY-SA","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","CC BY-SA"
+"ConstantStrings.CC BY-SA_description","The Attribution-ShareAlike License lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work even for commercial purposes, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under the identical terms. This license is often compared to ""copyleft"" free and open source software licenses. All new works based on yours will carry the same license, so any derivatives will also allow commercial use. This is the license used by Wikipedia, and is recommended for materials that would benefit from incorporating content from Wikipedia and similarly licensed projects.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","La Licencia de Atribución-CompartirIgual permite a otros remezclar, retocar, y crear a partir de tu obra, incluso con fines comerciales, siempre y cuando te den crédito y licencien sus nuevas creaciones bajo las mismas condiciones. Esta licencia suele ser comparada con las licencias ""copyleft"" de software libre y de código abierto. Todas las nuevas obras basadas en la tuya portarán la misma licencia, así que cualesquiera obras derivadas permitirán también el uso comercial. Esa es la licencia que usa Wikipedia, y se recomienda para materiales que se beneficiarían de la incorporación de contenido de Wikipedia y de proyectos con licencias similares."
+"ConstantStrings.CC BY_description","The Attribution License lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation. This is the most accommodating of licenses offered. Recommended for maximum dissemination and use of licensed materials.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","La Licencia de Atribución permite a otros distribuir, remezclar, retocar, y crear a partir de tu obra, incluso con fines comerciales, siempre y cuando te den crédito por la creación original. Esta es la más flexible de las licencias ofrecidas. Se recomienda para la máxima difusión y utilización de los materiales licenciados."
+"ConstantStrings.Public Domain","Public Domain","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Dominio Público"
+"ConstantStrings.Public Domain_description","Public Domain work has been identified as being free of known restrictions under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Una obra de Dominio Público ha sido identificada como libre de restricciones conocidas en virtud del derecho de autor, incluyendo todos los derechos conexos."
+"ConstantStrings.Special Permissions","Special Permissions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Permisos Especiales"
+"ConstantStrings.Special Permissions_description","Special Permissions is a custom license to use when the current licenses do not apply to the content. The owner of this license is responsible for creating a description of what this license entails.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Permisos Especiales es una licencia personalizada para utilizar cuando las licencias actuales no se aplican al contenido. El titular de esta licencia es responsable de crear una descripción de lo que implica esta licencia."
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ConstantStrings.do_all","Goal: 100% correct","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Objetivo: 100% correcto"
+"ConstantStrings.do_all_description","Learner must answer all questions in the exercise correctly (not recommended for long exercises)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Estudiante debe responder correctamente a todas las preguntas en el ejercicio (no recomendado para ejercicios largos)"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ConstantStrings.edit","My channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Mis canales"
+"ConstantStrings.epub","EPub document","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Documento EPUB"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ConstantStrings.firstCopy","Copy of {title}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copia de {title}"
+"ConstantStrings.gif","GIF image","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Imagen GIF"
+"ConstantStrings.h5p","H5P App","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","App H5P"
+"ConstantStrings.high_res_video","High resolution","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Alta resolución"
+"ConstantStrings.html5","HTML5 App","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Aplicaciones HTML5"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ConstantStrings.html5_zip","HTML5 zip","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Zip de HTML5"
+"ConstantStrings.input_question","Numeric input","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Entrada numérica"
+"ConstantStrings.jpeg","JPEG image","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Imagen JPEG"
+"ConstantStrings.jpg","JPG image","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Imagen JPG"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ConstantStrings.low_res_video","Low resolution","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Resolución baja"
+"ConstantStrings.m_of_n","M of N...","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","M de N..."
+"ConstantStrings.m_of_n_description","Learner must answer M questions correctly from the last N answered questions. For example, ‘3 of 5’ means learners must answer 3 questions correctly out of the 5 most recently answered.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Estudiantes tienen que responder correctamente a M preguntas de las últimas N. Por ejemplo, '3 de 5' significa que los estudiantes deben de responder correctamente a 3 preguntas de las últimas 5."
+"ConstantStrings.mp3","MP3 audio","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Audio MP3"
+"ConstantStrings.mp4","MP4 video","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Video MP4"
+"ConstantStrings.multiple_selection","Multiple choice","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Selección múltiple"
+"ConstantStrings.nthCopy","Copy {n, number, integer} of {title}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copia {n, number, integer} de {title}"
+"ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_10","Goal: 10 in a row","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Objetivo: 10 seguidos"
+"ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_10_description","Learner must answer 10 questions in a row correctly","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Estudiante tiene que responder correctamente a 10 preguntas seguidas"
+"ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_2","Goal: 2 in a row","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Objetivo: 2 seguidos"
+"ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_2_description","Learner must answer 2 questions in a row correctly","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Estudiante tiene que responder correctamente a 2 preguntas seguidas"
+"ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_3","Goal: 3 in a row","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Objetivo: 3 seguidos"
+"ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_3_description","Learner must answer 3 questions in a row correctly","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Estudiante tiene que responder correctamente a 3 preguntas seguidas"
+"ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_5","Goal: 5 in a row","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Objetivo: 5 seguidos"
+"ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_5_description","Learner must answer 5 questions in a row correctly","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Estudiante tiene que responder correctamente a 5 preguntas seguidas"
+"ConstantStrings.pdf","PDF document","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Documento PDF"
+"ConstantStrings.perseus","Perseus Exercise","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ejercicio Perseus"
+"ConstantStrings.perseus_question","Khan Academy question","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Pregunta de Khan Academy"
+"ConstantStrings.png","PNG image","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Imagen PNG"
+"ConstantStrings.public","Content library","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Biblioteca de contenido"
+"ConstantStrings.single_selection","Single choice","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Selección única"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ConstantStrings.svg","SVG image","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Imagen SVG"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ConstantStrings.unknown_question","Unknown question type","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Tipo de pregunta desconocido"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Solo modo de lectura"
+"ConstantStrings.vtt","VTT caption","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Subtítulo VTT"
+"ConstantStrings.webm","WEBM video","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Vídeo WEBM"
+"ConstantStrings.zip","HTML5 zip","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Zip de HTML5"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentDefaults.copyrightHolder","Copyright holder","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Titular de derechos de autor"
+"ContentDefaults.defaultsSubTitle","New resources will be automatically given these values","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Los nuevos recursos tendrán estos valores por defecto"
+"ContentDefaults.defaultsTitle","Default copyright settings for new resources (optional)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Configuración por defecto de propriedad intelectual para los nuevos recursos (opcional)"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentDefaults.html5","HTML5 apps","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Aplicaciones HTML5"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentDefaults.licenseDescription","License description","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Descripción de la licencia"
+"ContentDefaults.noLicense","No license selected","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ninguna licencia especificada"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentDefaults.thumbnailsTitle","Automatically generate thumbnails for the following resource types","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Genera automáticamente miniaturas para los siguientes tipos de recursos"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentNodeChangedIcon.containsNew","Contains unpublished resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Contiene recursos no publicados"
+"ContentNodeChangedIcon.containsNewAndUpdated","Contains unpublished resources and changes","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Contiene cambios y recursos no publicados"
+"ContentNodeChangedIcon.containsUpdated","Contains unpublished changes","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Contiene cambios no publicados"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","No publicado"
+"ContentNodeChangedIcon.isNewTopic","Unpublished folder","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Carpeta sin publicar"
+"ContentNodeChangedIcon.isUpdatedResource","Updated since last publish","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Actualizado desde la última publicación"
+"ContentNodeChangedIcon.isUpdatedTopic","Folder has been updated since last publish","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","La carpeta ha sido actualizada desde la última publicación"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentNodeIcon.html5","HTML5 App","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Aplicaciones HTML5"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+","No permitido"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentNodeLearningActivityIcon.multipleLearningActivities","Multiple learning activities","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Múltiples actividades de aprendizaje"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentNodeListItem.coachTooltip","Resource for coaches","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Recurso para tutores"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentNodeListItem.hasCoachTooltip","{value, number, integer} {value, plural, one {resource for coaches} other {resources for coaches}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{value, number, integer} {value, plural, one {recurso para tutores} other {recursos para tutores}}"
+"ContentNodeListItem.openTopic","Open folder","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Abrir carpeta"
+"ContentNodeListItem.questions","{value, number, integer} {value, plural, one {question} other {questions}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{value, number, integer} {value, plural, one {pregunta} other {preguntas}}"
+"ContentNodeListItem.resources","{value, number, integer} {value, plural, one {resource} other {resources}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{value, number, integer} {value, plural, one {recurso} other {recursos}}"
+"ContentNodeOptions.copiedItemsToClipboard","Copied in clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copiado al portapapeles"
+"ContentNodeOptions.copiedSnackbar","Copy operation complete","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Operación de copiar finalizada"
+"ContentNodeOptions.copiedToClipboardSnackbar","Copied to clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copiado a portapapeles"
+"ContentNodeOptions.copyToClipboard","Copy to clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copiar a portapapeles"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentNodeOptions.editDetails","Edit details","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Editar detalles"
+"ContentNodeOptions.editTopicDetails","Edit folder details","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Editar detalles de la carpeta"
+"ContentNodeOptions.goToOriginalLocation","Go to original location","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ir a la ubicación original"
+"ContentNodeOptions.makeACopy","Make a copy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Hacer una copia"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentNodeOptions.moveTo","Move to...","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Mover a..."
+"ContentNodeOptions.newSubtopic","New folder","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nueva carpeta"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentNodeOptions.removedFromClipboard","Deleted from clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Eliminado del portapapeles"
+"ContentNodeOptions.removedItems","Sent to trash","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Enviado a la papelera"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentNodeOptions.viewDetails","View details","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ver detalles"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Sin título"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentNodeThumbnail.croppingPrompt","Drag image to reframe","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Arrastra la imagen para colocar"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentNodeThumbnail.generate","Generate from file","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Generar desde fichero"
+"ContentNodeThumbnail.generatingThumbnail","Generating from file","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Generando desde fichero"
+"ContentNodeThumbnail.noThumbnail","No thumbnail","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","No hay miniaturas."
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentNodeThumbnail.retryUpload","Retry upload","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Volver a subir"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentNodeThumbnail.upload","Upload image","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Subir imagen"
+"ContentNodeThumbnail.uploadFailed","Upload failed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Error al cargar"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentNodeThumbnail.zoomIn","Zoom in","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Aumentar tamaño"
+"ContentNodeThumbnail.zoomOut","Zoom out","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Reducir tamaño"
+"ContentNodeValidator.allIncompleteDescendantsText","{count, plural, one {{count, number, integer} resource is incomplete and cannot be published} other {All {count, number, integer} resources are incomplete and cannot be published}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural, one {{count, number, integer} el recurso está incompleto y no puede ser publicado} other {todos {count, number, integer} recursos están incompletos y no pueden ser publicados}}"
+"ContentNodeValidator.incompleteDescendantsText","{count, number, integer} {count, plural, one {resource is incomplete} other {resources are incomplete}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, number, integer} {count, plural, one {el recurso está incompleto} other {los recursos están incompletos}}"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentNodeValidator.missingTitle","Missing title","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Falta el título"
+"ContentRenderer.noFileText","Select a file to preview","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Seleccionar un fichero para previsualizar"
+"ContentRenderer.previewNotSupported","Preview unavailable","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Vista previa no disponible"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentTreeList.noResourcesOrTopics","There are no resources or folders here","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","No hay recursos ni carpetas aquí"
+"ContentTreeList.selectAllAction","Select all","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Seleccionar todo"
+"CopyToken.copiedTokenId","Token copied","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Token copiado"
+"CopyToken.copyFailed","Copy failed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Hubo un fallo al copiar"
+"CopyToken.copyPrompt","Copy token to import channel into Kolibri","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copiar token para importar el canal en Kolibri"
+"CountryField.locationLabel","Select all that apply","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Seleccione todo lo que corresponda"
+"CountryField.locationRequiredMessage","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Este campo es obligatorio"
+"CountryField.noCountriesFound","No countries found","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","No se han encontrado países"
+"Create.ToSCheck","I have read and agree to the terms of service","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","He leído y estoy de acuerdo con los términos del servicio"
+"Create.ToSRequiredMessage","Please accept our terms of service","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Por favor, acepte nuestros términos de servicio"
+"Create.backToLoginButton","Sign in","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Iniciar sesión"
+"Create.basicInformationHeader","Basic information","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Información básica"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Create.conferenceSourcePlaceholder","Name of conference","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nombre de la conferencia"
+"Create.confirmPasswordLabel","Confirm password","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Confirmar la contraseña"
+"Create.contactMessage","Questions or concerns? Please email us at content@learningequality.org","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","¿Tiene preguntas o inquietudes? Por favor envíenos un correo electrónico a content@learningequality.org"
+"Create.conversationSourceOption","Conversation with Learning Equality","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Conversación con Learning Equality"
+"Create.createAnAccountTitle","Create an account","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Crear cuenta"
+"Create.creatingExercisesUsageOption","Creating exercises","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Crear ejercicios"
+"Create.emailExistsMessage","An account with this email already exists","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ya existe una cuenta asociada a este correo electrónico."
+"Create.errorsMessage","Please fix the errors below","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Por favor, corregir los siguientes errores"
+"Create.fieldRequiredMessage","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Este campo es obligatorio"
+"Create.findingUsageOption","Finding and adding additional content sources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Buscar y agregar fuentes de contenido adicionales"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Create.firstNameLabel","First name","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nombre de pila"
+"Create.forumSourceOption","Learning Equality community forum","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Foros de comunidad de Learning Equality"
+"Create.githubSourceOption","Learning Equality GitHub","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Learning Equality GitHub"
+"Create.lastNameLabel","Last name","
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Create.locationLabel","Where do you plan to use Kolibri Studio? (check all that apply)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","¿Dónde tiene previsto utilizar Kolibri Studio? (marque todas las opciones que corresponden)"
+"Create.newsletterSourceOption","Learning Equality newsletter","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Lista de correo de Learning Equality"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Create.organizationSourcePlaceholder","Name of organization","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nombre de la organización"
+"Create.organizingUsageOption","Organizing or aligning existing materials","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Organizar o alinear materiales existentes"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Create.otherSourcePlaceholder","Please describe","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Describir, por favor"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Create.otherUsagePlaceholder","Please describe","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Describir, por favor"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Create.passwordMatchMessage","Passwords don't match","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Las contraseñas no coinciden"
+"Create.personalDemoSourceOption","Personal demo","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Demo personal"
+"Create.privacyPolicyCheck","I have read and agree to the privacy policy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","He leído y estoy de acuerdo con la política de privacidad"
+"Create.privacyPolicyRequiredMessage","Please accept our privacy policy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Por favor, acepte nuestra política de privacidad"
+"Create.registrationFailed","There was an error registering your account. Please try again","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Hubo un error al crear la cuenta. Por favor, inténtelo nuevamente."
+"Create.registrationFailedOffline","You seem to be offline. Please connect to the internet to create an account.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Parece que no tiene conexión. Por favor, conéctese a Internet para crear una cuenta."
+"Create.sequencingUsageOption","Using prerequisites to put materials in a sequence","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Utilizar requisitos previos para poner materiales en una secuencia"
+"Create.sharingUsageOption","Sharing materials publicly","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Compartir materiales públicamente"
+"Create.socialMediaSourceOption","Social media","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Redes sociales"
+"Create.sourceLabel","How did you hear about us?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","¿Cómo nos has conocido?"
+"Create.sourcePlaceholder","Select one","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Seleccionar una opción"
+"Create.storingUsageExample","e.g. 500MB","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","por ejemplo 500MB"
+"Create.storingUsageOption","Storing materials for private or local use","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Guardar materiales para uso privado o local"
+"Create.storingUsagePlaceholder","How much storage do you need?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","¿Cuánto almacenamiento va a necesitar?"
+"Create.taggingUsageOption","Tagging content sources for discovery","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Etiquetar fuentes de contenido para futuras búsquedas"
+"Create.usageLabel","How do you plan on using Kolibri Studio (check all that apply)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","¿Cómo piensa utilizar Kolibri Studio? (marcar todo que procede)"
+"Create.viewPrivacyPolicyLink","View privacy policy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ver política de privacidad"
+"Create.viewToSLink","View terms of service","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ver términos de servicio"
+"Create.websiteSourceOption","Learning Equality website","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Sitio web de Learning Equality"
+"CurrentTopicView.COMFORTABLE_VIEW","Comfortable view","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Vista cómoda"
+"CurrentTopicView.COMPACT_VIEW","Compact view","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Vista compacta"
+"CurrentTopicView.DEFAULT_VIEW","Default view","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Vista por defecto"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"CurrentTopicView.addExercise","New exercise","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nuevo ejercicio"
+"CurrentTopicView.addTopic","New folder","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nueva carpeta"
+"CurrentTopicView.copiedItems","Copy operation complete","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Operación de copiar finalizada"
+"CurrentTopicView.copiedItemsToClipboard","Copied to clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copiado a portapapeles"
+"CurrentTopicView.copySelectedButton","Copy to clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copiar a portapapeles"
+"CurrentTopicView.copyToClipboardButton","Copy to clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copiar a portapapeles"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"CurrentTopicView.duplicateSelectedButton","Make a copy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Hacer una copia"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"CurrentTopicView.importFromChannels","Import from channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Importar desde canales"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"CurrentTopicView.removedItems","Sent to trash","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Enviado a la papelera"
+"CurrentTopicView.selectAllLabel","Select all","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Seleccionar todo"
+"CurrentTopicView.selectionCount","{topicCount, plural,
+ =1 {# folder}
+ other {# folders}}, {resourceCount, plural,
+ =1 {# resource}
+ other {# resources}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{topicCount, plural,
+ one {}=1 {# carpeta}
+ other {# carpetas}}, {resourceCount, plural,
+ one {}=1 {# recurso}
+ other {# recursos}}"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"CurrentTopicView.uploadFiles","Upload files","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Subir ficheros"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"DeleteAccountForm.deleteAccountConfirmationPrompt","Are you sure you want to permanently delete your account? This cannot be undone","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","¿Está seguro que desea eliminar permanentemente su cuenta? Esto no se puede deshacer"
+"DeleteAccountForm.deleteAccountEnterEmail","Enter your email address to continue","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Introduzca su dirección de correo electrónico para continuar"
+"DeleteAccountForm.deleteAccountLabel","Delete account","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Eliminar cuenta"
+"DeleteAccountForm.deletionFailed","Failed to delete account","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Error al eliminar la cuenta"
+"DeleteAccountForm.deletionFailedText","Failed to delete your account. Please contact us here: https://community.learningequality.org.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","La cuenta no se ha podido eliminar. Por favor, contactar con nosotros aquí: https://community.learningequality.org."
+"DeleteAccountForm.emailAddressLabel","Email address","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Dirección de correo electrónico"
+"DeleteAccountForm.emailInvalidText","Email does not match your account email","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","El correo electrónico no coincide con el correo de su cuenta"
+"DeleteAccountForm.fieldRequired","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Este campo es obligatorio"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Details.VERY_LARGE","Very large","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Muy grande"
+"Details.VERY_SMALL","Very small","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Muy pequeño"
+"Details.aggregatorToolTip","Website or organization hosting the content collection but not necessarily the creator or copyright holder","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Sitio web o la organización que aloja la colección de contenido, pero no necesariamente el creador o titular de derechos de autor"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Details.authorToolTip","Person or organization who created this content","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Persona u organización que ha creado este contenido"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Details.coachDescription","Resources for coaches are only visible to coaches in Kolibri","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Los recursos para tutores son visibles sólo a los tutores en Kolibri"
+"Details.coachHeading","Resources for coaches","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Recursos para tutores"
+"Details.containsContentHeading","Contains content from","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Contiene contenidos de"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Details.copyrightHoldersLabel","Copyright holders","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Titulares de derechos de autor"
+"Details.creationHeading","Created on","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Creado el "
+"Details.currentVersionHeading","Published version","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Versión publicada"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Details.primaryLanguageHeading","Primary language","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Idioma principal"
+"Details.providerToolTip","Organization that commissioned or is distributing the content","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Organización que ha encargado o está distribuyendo el contenido"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Details.publishedHeading","Published on","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Publicado el"
+"Details.resourceHeading","Total resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","El total de recursos"
+"Details.sampleFromChannelHeading","Sample content from this channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Contenido de ejemplo de este canal"
+"Details.sampleFromTopicHeading","Sample content from this topic","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Contenido de ejemplo de este tema"
+"Details.sizeHeading","Channel size","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Tamaño del canal"
+"Details.sizeText","{text} ({size})","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{text} ({size})"
+"Details.subtitlesHeading","Captions and subtitles","
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Details.tagsHeading","Common tags","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Etiquetas comunes"
+"Details.tokenHeading","Channel token","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Token del canal"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","No publicado"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"DetailsTabView.aggregatorToolTip","Website or org hosting the content collection but not necessarily the creator or copyright holder","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Sitio web o la organización que aloja la colección de contenido, pero no necesariamente el creador o titular de derechos de autor"
+"DetailsTabView.assessmentOptionsLabel","Assessment options","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Opciones de evaluación"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"DetailsTabView.authorToolTip","Person or organization who created this content","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Persona u organización que ha creado este contenido"
+"DetailsTabView.basicInfoHeader","Basic information","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Información básica"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Heading for the section in the resource editing window","Tipo de finalización"
+"DetailsTabView.copyrightHolderLabel","Copyright holder","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Titular de derechos de autor"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"DetailsTabView.detectedImportText","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# resource has view-only permission}
+ other {# resources have view-only permission}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# recurso solo tiene permiso de vista}
+ other {# recursos solo tienen permiso de vista}}"
+"DetailsTabView.importedFromButtonText","Imported from {channel}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Importado desde {channel}"
+"DetailsTabView.languageChannelHelpText","Leave blank to use the channel language","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Dejar en blanco para usar el idioma del canal"
+"DetailsTabView.languageHelpText","Leave blank to use the folder language","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Dejar en blanco para usar el idioma de la carpeta"
+"DetailsTabView.learnersCanMarkComplete","Allow learners to mark as complete","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Permitir a los estudiantes marcar como completado"
+"DetailsTabView.noTagsFoundText","No results found for ""{text}"". Press 'Enter' key to create a new tag","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","No se han encontrado resultados para ""{text}"". Pulse la tecla 'Entrar' para crear una nueva etiqueta"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"DetailsTabView.providerToolTip","Organization that commissioned or is distributing the content","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Organización que ha encargado o está distribuyendo el contenido"
+"DetailsTabView.randomizeQuestionLabel","Randomize question order for learners","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Aleatorizar el orden de las respuestas para los alumnos"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"DiffTable.headerDiff","Net changes","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Cambios netos"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Canal publicado y accesible en Studio"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Canal listo para publicar"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"DiffTable.typeFileSize","File size","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Tamaño del fichero"
+"DiffTable.typeHtml5Apps","HTML5 apps","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Aplicaciones HTML5"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"DiffTable.typeVersion","API version","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Versión de API"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"EditList.selectAllLabel","Select all","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Seleccionar todo"
+"EditListItem.questionCount","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# question}
+ other {# questions}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# pregunta}
+ other {# preguntas}}"
+"EditModal.addTopic","Add new folder","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Añadir nueva carpeta"
+"EditModal.addTopicsHeader","New folder","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nueva carpeta"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"EditModal.closeWithoutSavingButton","Close without saving","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Cerrar sin guardar"
+"EditModal.createExerciseHeader","New exercise","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nuevo ejercicio"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"EditModal.editFilesHeader","Edit files","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Editar ficheros"
+"EditModal.editingDetailsHeader","Edit details","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Editar detalles"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"EditModal.invalidNodesFound","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# incomplete resource found}
+ other {# incomplete resources found}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# recurso incompleto encontrado}
+ other {# recursos incompletos encontrados}}"
+"EditModal.invalidNodesFoundText","Incomplete resources will not be published until these errors are resolved","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Los recursos incompletos no se publicarán hasta que se resuelvan estos errores"
+"EditModal.keepEditingButton","Keep editing","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Seguir editando"
+"EditModal.loadErrorText","Failed to load content","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Error al cargar contenido"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"EditModal.saveAnywaysButton","Exit anyway","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Salir de todos modos"
+"EditModal.saveFailedHeader","Save failed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Error al guardar"
+"EditModal.saveFailedText","There was a problem saving your content","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Hubo un problema al guardar el contenido"
+"EditModal.uploadButton","Upload more","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Subir más"
+"EditModal.uploadFilesHeader","Upload files","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Subir ficheros"
+"EditModal.uploadInProgressHeader","Upload in progress","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Carga en curso"
+"EditModal.uploadInProgressText","Uploads that are in progress will be lost if you exit","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Las subidas en curso se perderán si sale ahora"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"EditSearchModal.changesSavedSnackbar","Changes saved","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Cambios guardados"
+"EditSearchModal.editSavedSearchTitle","Edit search title","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Editar título de búsqueda"
+"EditSearchModal.fieldRequired","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Este campo es obligatorio"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"EditSearchModal.searchTitleLabel","Search title","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Título de búsqueda"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"EditView.editingMultipleCount","Editing details for {topicCount, plural,
+ =1 {# folder}
+ other {# folders}}, {resourceCount, plural,
+ =1 {# resource}
+ other {# resources}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Editando detalles de {topicCount, plural,
+ one {}=1 {# carpeta}
+ other {# carpetas}}, {resourceCount, plural,
+ one {}=1 {# recurso}
+ other {# recursos}}"
+"EditView.errorBannerText","Please provide the required information","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Proporcionar la información requerida, por favor"
+"EditView.invalidFieldsToolTip","Some required information is missing","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Falta información requerida"
+"EditView.noItemsToEditText","Please select resources or folders to edit","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Por favor, seleccione recursos o carpetas para editar"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Vista previa"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Correo electrónico"
+"EmailField.emailRequiredMessage","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Este campo es obligatorio"
+"EmailField.validEmailMessage","Please enter a valid email","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Por favor ingrese un correo electrónico válido"
+"ExpandableList.less","Show less","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Mostrar menos"
+"ExpandableList.more","Show more ({more})","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Mostrar más ({more})"
+"FilePreview.exitFullscreen","Exit fullscreen","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Salir de la pantalla completa"
+"FilePreview.fullscreenModeText","Fullscreen mode","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Pantalla completa"
+"FilePreview.viewFullscreen","View fullscreen","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ver pantalla completa"
+"FileStatusText.selectFile","Select file","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Seleccionar fichero"
+"FileStorage.requestStorage","Request storage","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Solicitar espacio para almacenamiento adicional"
+"FileStorage.storageFull","Storage limit reached","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Límite de almacenamiento alcanzado"
+"FileStorage.storageFullWithSize","Total storage limit reached: {used} of {total}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Límite total de almacenamiento alcanzado: {used} de {total}"
+"FileStorage.storageLow","Storage is running low","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Queda poco espacio de almacenamiento"
+"FileStorage.storageLowWithSize","Total storage is running low: {used} of {total}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","El almacenamiento total es limitado: {used} de {total}"
+"FileStorage.storageUsed","Total storage used: {used} of {total}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Almacenamiento total utilizado: {used} de {total}"
+"FileUpload.fileError","Unsupported file type","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Tipo de fichero no permitido"
+"FileUpload.filesHeader","Preview files","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Previsualizar ficheros"
+"FileUpload.noFileText","Missing files","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Faltan ficheros"
+"FileUploadDefault.acceptsHelp","Supported file types: {extensions}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Tipos de ficheros permitidos: {extensions}"
+"FileUploadDefault.chooseFilesButton","Select files","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Seleccionar ficheros"
+"FileUploadDefault.dropHereText","Drag and drop your files here, or select your files manually","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Arrastrar y soltar ficheros aquí o seleccionarlos manualmente"
+"FileUploadDefault.uploadToText","Upload to '{title}'","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Subir a '{title}'"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"FileUploadItem.retryUpload","Retry upload","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Volver a subir"
+"FileUploadItem.unknownFile","Unknown filename","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nombre de fichero desconocido"
+"FileUploadItem.uploadButton","Select file","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Seleccionar fichero"
+"FileUploadItem.uploadFailed","Upload failed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Error al cargar"
+"ForgotPassword.forgotPasswordFailed","Failed to send a password reset link. Please try again.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Error al enviar un enlace de restablecimiento de contraseña. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo."
+"ForgotPassword.forgotPasswordPrompt","Please enter your email address to receive instructions for resetting your password","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Introduzca su dirección de correo electrónico para recibir instrucciones para restablecer su contraseña"
+"ForgotPassword.forgotPasswordTitle","Reset your password","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Restablecer la contraseña"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"FormulasMenu.formulasMenuTitle","Special characters","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Caracteres especiales"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"FullNameForm.changesSavedMessage","Changes saved","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Cambios guardados"
+"FullNameForm.editNameHeader","Edit full name","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Editar nombre completo"
+"FullNameForm.failedToSaveMessage","Failed to save changes","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Error al guardar los cambios"
+"FullNameForm.fieldRequired","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Este campo es obligatorio"
+"FullNameForm.firstNameLabel","First name","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nombre de pila"
+"FullNameForm.lastNameLabel","Last name","
+-- CONTEXT --
+"FullNameForm.saveChangesAction","Save changes","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Guardar cambios"
+"GenericError.backToHomeAction","Back to home","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Volver al inicio"
+"GenericError.genericErrorDetails","Try refreshing this page or going back to the home page","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Intenta actualizar esta página o volver a la página de inicio"
+"GenericError.genericErrorHeader","Sorry, something went wrong","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Lo sentimos, occurió un error"
+"GenericError.helpByReportingAction","Help us by reporting this error","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ayúdenos informando sobre este error"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"HintsEditor.newHintBtnLabel","New hint","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nueva pista"
+"HintsEditor.noHintsPlaceholder","Question has no hints","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","La pregunta no tiene pistas"
+"ImageOnlyThumbnail.thumbnail","{title} thumbnail","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{title} miniatura"
+"ImagesMenu.acceptsText","Supported file types: {acceptedFormats}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Tipos de ficheros permitidos: {acceptedFormats}"
+"ImagesMenu.altTextHint","The image description is necessary to enable visually impaired learners to answer questions, and it also displays when the image fails to load","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","La descripción de la imagen es necesaria para permitir que los estudiantes con discapacidad visual respondan a las preguntas, y también se muestra cuando la imagen no se carga"
+"ImagesMenu.altTextLabel","Image description","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Descripción de la imagen"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ImagesMenu.currentImageDefaultText","Current image","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Imagen actual"
+"ImagesMenu.defaultDropText","Drag and drop an image here, or upload manually","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Arrastrar y soltar una imagen aquí, o subirla manualmente"
+"ImagesMenu.imageHeader","Upload image","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Subir imagen"
+"ImagesMenu.selectFile","Select file","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Seleccionar fichero"
+"ImagesMenu.selectFileButton","Select file","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Seleccionar fichero"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ImportFromChannelsModal.importTitle","Import from other channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Importar de otros canales"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ImportFromChannelsModal.resourcesAddedSnackbar","{count, number} {count, plural, one {resource selected} other {resources selected}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, number} {count, plural, one {recurso seleccionado} other {recursos seleccionados}}"
+"ImportFromChannelsModal.resourcesRemovedSnackbar","{count, number} {count, plural, one {resource removed} other {resources removed}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, number} {count, plural, one {recurso eliminado} other {recursos eliminados}}"
+"ImportFromChannelsModal.resourcesSelected","{count, number} {count, plural, one {resource selected} other {resources selected}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, number} {count, plural, one {recurso seleccionado} other {recursos seleccionados}}"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ImportFromChannelsModal.reviewTitle","Resource selection","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Selección de recursos"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"LanguageDropdown.languageItemText","{language} ({code})","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{language} ({code})"
+"LanguageDropdown.languageRequired","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Este campo es obligatorio"
+"LanguageDropdown.noDataText","Language not found","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Idioma no encontrado"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"LanguageFilter.noMatchingLanguageText","No language matches the search","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ningún idioma coincide con la búsqueda"
+"LanguageSwitcherList.showMoreLanguagesSelector","More languages","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Más idiomas"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"LanguageSwitcherModal.changeLanguageModalHeader","Change language","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Cambiar idioma"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"LicenseDropdown.learnMoreButton","Learn More","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Más información"
+"LicenseDropdown.licenseDescriptionLabel","License description","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Descripción de la licencia"
+"LicenseDropdown.licenseInfoHeader","About licenses","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Acerca de licencias"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Main.TOSLink","Terms of service","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Términos de servicio"
+"Main.copyright","© {year} Learning Equality","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","© {year} Learning Equality"
+"Main.createAccountButton","Create an account","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Crear cuenta"
+"Main.forgotPasswordLink","Forgot your password?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","He olvidado la contraseña"
+"Main.guestModeLink","Explore without an account","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Explorar sin crear cuenta"
+"Main.kolibriStudio","Kolibri Studio","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Kolibri Studio"
+"Main.loginFailed","Email or password is incorrect","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","El correo electrónico o la contraseña son incorrectos"
+"Main.loginFailedOffline","You seem to be offline. Please connect to the internet before signing in.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Parece que no tiene conexión. Por favor, conéctese a Internet para iniciar sesión."
+"Main.loginToProceed","You must sign in to view that page","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Debe iniciar la sesión para ver esta página"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Main.privacyPolicyLink","Privacy policy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Política de privacidad"
+"Main.signInButton","Sign in","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Iniciar sesión"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"MainNavigationDrawer.copyright","© {year} Learning Equality","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","© {year} Learning Equality"
+"MainNavigationDrawer.giveFeedback","Give feedback","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Dejar un comentario"
+"MainNavigationDrawer.helpLink","Help and support","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ayuda y soporte"
+"MainNavigationDrawer.logoutLink","Sign out","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Cerrar sesión"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"MarkdownEditor.bold","Bold (Ctrl+B)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Negrita (Ctrl+B)"
+"MarkdownEditor.formulas","Insert formula (Ctrl+F)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Insertar fórmula (Ctrl+F)"
+"MarkdownEditor.image","Insert image (Ctrl+P)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Insertar imagen (Ctrl+P)"
+"MarkdownEditor.italic","Italic (Ctrl+I)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Cursiva (Ctrl+I)"
+"MarkdownEditor.minimize","Minimize (Ctrl+M)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Minimizar (Ctrl+M)"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Cambiar tamaño"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"MasteryCriteriaMofNFields.mHint","Correct answers needed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Hay que especificar respuestas correctas"
+"MasteryCriteriaMofNFields.nHint","Recent answers","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Respuestas recientes"
+"MessageLayout.backToLogin","Continue to sign-in page","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Continuar a la página de inicio de sesión"
+"MoveModal.addTopic","Add new folder","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Añadir nueva carpeta"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"MoveModal.emptyTopicText","No resources found","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","No se encontraron recursos"
+"MoveModal.goToLocationButton","Go to location","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ir a la ubicación"
+"MoveModal.moveHere","Move here","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Mover aquí"
+"MoveModal.moveItems","Move {topicCount, plural,
+ =1 {# folder}
+ other {# folders}}, {resourceCount, plural,
+ =1 {# resource}
+ other {# resources}} into:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Mover {topicCount, plural,
+ one {}=1 {# carpeta}
+ other {# carpetas}}, {resourceCount, plural,
+ one {}=1 {# recurso}
+ other {# recursos}} en:"
+"MoveModal.movedMessage","Moved to {title}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Movido a {title}"
+"MoveModal.resourcesCount","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# resource}
+ other {# resources}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# recurso}
+ other {# recursos}}"
+"MoveModal.topicCreatedMessage","New folder created","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nueva carpeta creada"
+"MultiSelect.noItemsFound","No items found","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ningún ítem encontrado"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"NewTopicModal.createTopic","Create new folder","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Crear nueva carpeta"
+"NewTopicModal.topicTitle","Folder title","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Título de carpeta"
+"NewTopicModal.topicTitleRequired","Folder title is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Título de la carpeta es obligatorio"
+"NodePanel.emptyChannelSubText","Create, upload, or import resources from other channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Crear, subir o importar recursos de otros canales"
+"NodePanel.emptyChannelText","Click ""ADD"" to start building your channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Hacer clic en ""Añadir"" para comenzar a editar el canal"
+"NodePanel.emptyTopicText","Nothing in this folder yet","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Aún no hay nada en esta carpeta"
+"NodePanel.emptyViewOnlyChannelText","Nothing in this channel yet","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Aún no hay ningún recurso en este canal"
+"NodeTreeNavigation.noResourcesDefaultText","No resources found","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","No se encontraron recursos"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Sin conexión"
+"OfflineText.offlineText","You seem to be offline. Your changes will be saved once your connection is back.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Parece que no tiene conexión. Los cambios se guardarán una vez que la conexión se haya restablecido."
+"PageNotFoundError.backToHomeAction","Back to home","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Volver al inicio"
+"PageNotFoundError.pageNotFoundDetails","Sorry, that page does not exist","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Lo sentimos, esa página no existe"
+"PageNotFoundError.pageNotFoundHeader","Page not found","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Página no encontrada"
+"PasswordField.fieldRequiredMessage","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Este campo es obligatorio"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"PasswordInstructionsSent.passwordInstructionsHeader","Instructions sent. Thank you!","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Instrucciones enviadas. ¡Gracias!"
+"PasswordInstructionsSent.passwordInstructionsText","If there is already an account with the email address provided, you should receive the instructions shortly. If you don't see an email from us, please check your spam folder.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Si ya existe una cuenta con la dirección de correo electrónico proporcionada, recibirá las instrucciones en breve. Si no ve un correo electrónico nuestro, por favor revise su carpeta de correo basura."
+"PermissionsError.goToHomePageAction","Go to home page","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ir a la página de inicio"
+"PermissionsError.permissionDeniedHeader","Did you forget to sign in?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","¿Ha olvidado iniciar la sesión?"
+"PoliciesModal.checkboxText","I have agreed to the above terms","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","He leído y estoy de acuerdo con los términos anteriores"
+"PoliciesModal.checkboxValidationErrorMessage","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Este campo es obligatorio"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"PoliciesModal.lastUpdated","Last updated {date}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Última actualización {date}"
+"PrivacyPolicyModal.privacyHeader","Privacy policy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Política de privacidad"
+"PrivacyPolicyModal.updatedPrivacyHeader","Updated privacy policy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Política de privacidad actualizada"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ProgressModal.defaultErrorText","Last attempt to publish failed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Último intento de publicación fallido"
+"ProgressModal.lastPublished","Published {last_published}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Publicado {last_published}"
+"ProgressModal.publishHeader","Publishing channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Publicando el canal"
+"ProgressModal.syncError","Last attempt to sync failed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Último intento de sincronización fallido"
+"ProgressModal.syncHeader","Syncing channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Sincronizando canal"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","No publicado"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"PublishModal.descriptionDescriptionTooltip","This description will be shown to Kolibri admins before they update channel versions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Esta descripción se mostrará a los administradores de Kolibri antes de que actualicen las versiones del canal"
+"PublishModal.descriptionRequiredMessage","Please describe what's new in this version before publishing","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Por favor, describir las novedades en esta versión antes de publicar"
+"PublishModal.incompleteCount","{count, plural, =1 {# incomplete resource} other {# incomplete resources}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural, =1 {# recurso incompleto} other {# recursos incompletos}}"
+"PublishModal.incompleteInstructions","Click 'Continue' to confirm that you would like to publish anyway.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Haga clic en 'Continuar' para confirmar que desea publicar de todos modos."
+"PublishModal.incompleteWarning","Incomplete resources will not be published and made available for download in Kolibri.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Los recursos incompletos no serán publicados ni disponibles para la descarga en Kolibri."
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"PublishModal.publishMessageLabel","Describe what's new in this channel version","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Describir las novedades en esta versión de canal"
+"PublishModal.versionDescriptionLabel","Version description","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Descripción de la versión"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"RelatedResourcesTab.addNextStepBtnLabel","Add next step","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Añadir paso siguiente"
+"RelatedResourcesTab.addPreviousStepBtnLabel","Add previous step","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Añadir paso anterior"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"RelatedResourcesTab.nextStepsExplanation","Recommended resources that build on skills or concepts learned in this resource","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Recursos recomendados que profundizan las habilidades o conceptos aprendidos en este recurso"
+"RelatedResourcesTab.nextStepsTitle","Next steps","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Pasos siguientes"
+"RelatedResourcesTab.previewHelpText","Related resources are displayed as recommendations when learners engage with this resource","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Los recursos relacionados se muestran como recomendaciones cuando los estudiantes interactuen con este recurso"
+"RelatedResourcesTab.previousStepsExplanation","Recommended resources that introduce skills or concepts needed in order to use this resource","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Recursos recomendados que introducen habilidades o conceptos necesarios para utilizar este recurso"
+"RelatedResourcesTab.previousStepsTitle","Previous steps","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Pasos anteriores"
+"RelatedResourcesTab.removeNextStepBtnLabel","Remove next step","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Eliminar paso siguiente"
+"RelatedResourcesTab.removePreviousStepBtnLabel","Remove previous step","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Eliminar paso anterior"
+"RelatedResourcesTab.removedNextStepSnackbar","Removed next step","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Siguiente paso eliminado"
+"RelatedResourcesTab.removedPreviousStepSnackbar","Removed previous step","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Paso anterior eliminado"
+"RelatedResourcesTab.resourcePreviewDialogHelpText","Related resources in Kolibri display as recommendations alongside the resource that a learner is currently engaging with","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Los recursos relacionados en Kolibri muestran como recomendaciones junto con el recurso con el que estudiantes están interactuando actualmente"
+"RelatedResourcesTab.resourcePreviewDialogTitle","Related resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Recursos relacionados"
+"RelatedResourcesTab.showPreviewBtnLabel","Show me","
+-- CONTEXT --
+"RelatedResourcesTab.tooManyNextStepsWarning","Limit the number of next steps to create a more guided learning experience","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Limita el número de pasos siguientes para crear una experiencia de aprendizaje más guiada"
+"RelatedResourcesTab.tooManyPreviousStepsWarning","Limit the number of previous steps to create a more guided learning experience","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Limita el número de pasos anteriores para crear una experiencia de aprendizaje más guiada"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ReportErrorModal.emailDescription","Contact the support team with your error details and we’ll do our best to help.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Contactar el equipo de soporte con los datos del error y haremos lo posible para ayudar."
+"ReportErrorModal.emailPrompt","Send an email to the developers","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Enviar un correo electrónico al equipo técnico"
+"ReportErrorModal.errorDetailsHeader","Error details","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Detalles del error"
+"ReportErrorModal.forumPostingTips","Include a description of what you were trying to do and what you clicked on when the error appeared.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Incluir una descripción de lo que estaba intentando hacer, y lo que ha clicado cuando apareció el error."
+"ReportErrorModal.forumPrompt","Visit the community forums","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Visitar los foros de la comunidad"
+"ReportErrorModal.forumUseTips","Search the community forum to see if others encountered similar issues. If there are none reported, please open a new forum post and paste the error details below inside so we can rectify the error in a future version of Kolibri Studio.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Buscar en el foro de la comunidad para ver si otros encontraron problemas similares. Si no puede encontrar nada, copiar y pegar los detalles del error abajo en un nuevo hilo del foro, para que podamos corregir el error en una versión futura de Kolibri Studio."
+"ReportErrorModal.reportErrorHeader","Report Error","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Informar de error"
+"RequestForm.approximatelyHowManyResourcesLabel","Approximately how many individual resources are you planning to upload?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Aproximadamente ¿cuántos recursos va a subir?"
+"RequestForm.audiencePlaceholder","In-school learners, adult learners, teachers, etc","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Estudiantes en la escuela, estudiantes adultos, maestros, etcétera"
+"RequestForm.authorLabel","Who is the author (creator), curator (organizer), and/or aggregator (maintainer) of your content? Please specify","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Especificar quién es el autor (creador), curador (organizador) o agregador (mantenedor) del contenido"
+"RequestForm.averageSizeOfResourceLabel","Average size of each resource","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Tamaño promedio de cada recurso"
+"RequestForm.coupleMonthsLabel","1-2 months","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","1-2 meses"
+"RequestForm.explainNeedsInDetailLabel","Please write a paragraph explaining your needs and use case for Kolibri Studio, and how it will integrate into your programs. Include information about who is curating, deploying, and using the content. Is this work being coordinated by an organization, as part of an educational program? Include justification for the additional space being requested and explanation of the time sensitive nature of your request.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Escribir un párrafo explicando las necesidades y el caso de uso para Studio y Kolibri, y cómo se integrará en los programas existentes. Incluir información sobre quien selecciona, implementa y usa el contenido. ¿El trabajo se coordina en una organización, como parte de un programa educativo? Incluir la justificación para el espacio adicional que se solicita y la estimación de la urgencia."
+"RequestForm.fieldRequiredText","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Este campo es obligatorio"
+"RequestForm.forProfitLabel","For-profit or social enterprise company","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Empresa con fines de lucro o sociales"
+"RequestForm.grassrootsLabel","Grassroots and/or volunteer initiative","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Iniciativa voluntaria y/o de bases"
+"RequestForm.howAreYouUsingYourContentLabel","How are you using your content?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","¿Qué uso se va a dar al contenido?"
+"RequestForm.howOftenImportedToKolibriLabel","How many times will this content be imported from Studio into new Kolibri installations per month, on average?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","¿Cuántas veces se importará este contenido desde Studio en las nuevas instalaciones de Kolibri, en promedio mensual?"
+"RequestForm.intendedAudienceLabel","Who is the intended audience for your channel? How big is your audience?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","¿Cómo es el público al cual está destinado el canal? ¿Cuánto es grande el público?"
+"RequestForm.kindOfContentQuestionLabel","What types of resources do you plan to upload? Please specify","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","¿Qué tipo de recursos tenía pensado subir? Especifique, por favor."
+"RequestForm.largeIntlNgoLabel","Larger international NGOs or government agencies","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","ONG internacionales más grandes o agencias gubernamentales"
+"RequestForm.learnMoreButton","Learn More","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Más información"
+"RequestForm.licenseInfoHeader","About licenses","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Acerca de licencias"
+"RequestForm.licensingQuestionLabel","What is the licensing of the content you are uploading? (Check all that apply)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","¿Bajo cuál licencia va a ser el contenido que se subirá? (Marcar todo que procede)"
+"RequestForm.mediumNgoLabel","Medium-sized NGO with budget < $500k","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","ONG de tamaño medio con presupuesto < $500k"
+"RequestForm.natureOfYourContentLabel","Nature of your content","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Tipología de su contenido"
+"RequestForm.notAffiliatedLabel","I am not affiliated with an organization for this work","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","No estoy afiliado con una organización para este trabajo"
+"RequestForm.numberOfResourcesPlaceholder","Number of resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Número de recursos"
+"RequestForm.oneWeekLabel","1 week","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","1 semana"
+"RequestForm.organizationNamePlaceholder","Organization name","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nombre de la organización"
+"RequestForm.organizationalAffiliationLabel","Organizational affiliation","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Afiliación organizacional"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"RequestForm.pasteLinkPlaceholder","Paste link here","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Pegar enlace aquí"
+"RequestForm.provideSampleLinkLabel","Please provide a link to a sample of your content (on Kolibri Studio or from source site)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Por favor, proporcione un enlace a una muestra de su contenido (en Kolibri Studio o en el sitio fuente)"
+"RequestForm.requestFailed","Unable to send request. Please try again.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","No se pudo enviar la solicitud. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo."
+"RequestForm.requestSent","Your storage request has been submitted for processing.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","La solicitud de almacenamiento adicional enviada para procesar."
+-- CONTEXT --
+"RequestForm.selectAllThatApplyPlaceholder","Select all that apply","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Seleccionar todo lo que corresponde"
+"RequestForm.sendRequestAction","Send request","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Enviar solicitud"
+"RequestForm.sixPlusMonthsLabel","6+ months","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Más de 6 meses"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"RequestForm.smallNgoLabel","Small NGO with annual budget < $25k","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Pequeña ONG con presupuesto anual < 25.000 dólares"
+"RequestForm.storageAmountRequestedPlaceholder","Amount requested (e.g. 10GB)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Cantidad solicitada (ej. 10GB)"
+"RequestForm.targetRegionsLabel","Target region(s) for your content (if applicable)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Región(es) destino para su contenido (si corresponde)"
+"RequestForm.threeToSixMonthsLabel","3-6 months","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","3-6 meses"
+"RequestForm.timelineLabel","To better understand the time sensitive nature of your request, please indicate an approximate timeline by when you need this additional storage:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Para entender mejor la urgencia de la petición, por favor indicar aproximadamente cuando va a necesitar este almacenamiento adicional:"
+"RequestForm.twoToFourWeeksLabel","2-4 weeks","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","2-4 semanas"
+"RequestForm.typeOfContentPlaceholder","Types of resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Tipos de recursos"
+"RequestForm.typeOfOrganizationLabel","What type of organization or group is coordinating the use of Kolibri (if applicable)?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","¿Qué tipo de organización o grupo está coordinando el uso de Kolibri (si corresponde)?"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"RequestForm.uploadingOnBehalfLabel","I am uploading content on behalf of:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Estoy subiendo contenido al nombre de:"
+"RequestForm.usageLabel","Tell us more about your use of Kolibri","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Cuéntenos más sobre su uso de Kolibri"
+"RequestForm.whoCanUseContentLabel","Who can use your content?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","¿Quién puede usar el contenido?"
+"RequestForm.willYouMakeYourChannelPublicLabel","If the content is openly licensed, would you be willing to consider making your channels public to other Kolibri users if requested in the future?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Si el contenido tiene licencia abierta, ¿estarían dispuestos a considerar hacer públicos sus canales para otros usuarios de Kolibri si hubiera interés en un futuro?"
+"RequestNewActivationLink.activationExpiredText","This activation link has been used already or has expired.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Este enlace de activación ya ha sido utilizado o ha caducado."
+"RequestNewActivationLink.activationExpiredTitle","Activation failed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Hubo un fallo durante la activación"
+"RequestNewActivationLink.activationRequestFailed","Failed to send a new activation link. Please try again.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Error al enviar un nuevo enlace de activación. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo."
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ResetLinkExpired.requestNewLink","Request a new password reset link","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Solicitar un nuevo enlace para restablecer la contraseña."
+"ResetLinkExpired.resetExpiredText","This password reset link has been used already or has expired.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Este enlace de restablecimiento de contraseña ya ha sido utilizado o ha caducado."
+"ResetLinkExpired.resetExpiredTitle","Reset link expired","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","El enlace para cambiar la contraseña ha caducado"
+"ResetPassword.passwordConfirmLabel","Confirm password","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Confirmar la contraseña"
+"ResetPassword.passwordLabel","New password","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nueva contraseña"
+"ResetPassword.passwordMatchMessage","Passwords don't match","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Las contraseñas no coinciden"
+"ResetPassword.resetPasswordFailed","Failed to reset password. Please try again.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Error al restablecer la contraseña. Por favor, intentar de nuevo."
+"ResetPassword.resetPasswordPrompt","Enter and confirm your new password","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Introducir y confirmar nueva contraseña"
+"ResetPassword.resetPasswordTitle","Reset your password","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Restablecer su contraseña"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ResetPasswordSuccess.header","Password reset successfully","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Contraseña restablecida con éxito"
+"ResetPasswordSuccess.text","Your password has been reset. You may sign in now.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Su contraseña ha sido restablecida con éxito. Ahora puede iniciar la sesión."
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ResourcePanel.availableFormats","Available formats","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Formatos disponibles"
+"ResourcePanel.coachResources","Resources for coaches","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Recursos para tutores"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ResourcePanel.copyrightHolder","Copyright holder","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Titular de derechos de autor"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ResourcePanel.incompleteQuestionError","{count, plural, one {# incomplete question} other {# incomplete questions}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural, one {# pregunta incompleta} other {# preguntas incompletas}}"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ResourcePanel.masteryMofN","Goal: {m} out of {n}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Objetivo: {m} de {n}"
+"ResourcePanel.nextSteps","Next steps","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Pasos siguientes"
+"ResourcePanel.noCopyrightHolderError","Missing copyright holder","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Falta titular de derechos de autor"
+"ResourcePanel.noFilesError","Missing files","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Faltan ficheros"
+"ResourcePanel.noLicenseDescriptionError","Missing license description","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Falta la descripción de licencia"
+"ResourcePanel.noLicenseError","Missing license","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Falta licencia"
+"ResourcePanel.noMasteryModelError","Missing mastery criteria","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Faltan criterios de dominio"
+"ResourcePanel.noQuestionsError","Exercise is empty","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ejercicio no tiene preguntas"
+"ResourcePanel.originalChannel","Imported from","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Importado desde"
+"ResourcePanel.previousSteps","Previous steps","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Pasos anteriores"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ResourcePanel.questionCount","{value, number, integer} {value, plural, one {question} other {questions}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{value, number, integer} {value, plural, one {pregunta} other {preguntas}}"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ResourcePanel.relatedResources","Related resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Recursos relacionados"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ResourcePanel.showAnswers","Show answers","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Mostrar respuestas"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ResourcePanel.subtitles","Captions and subtitles","
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ResourcePanel.totalResources","Total resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","El total de recursos"
+"ResourcePanel.visibleTo","Visible to","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Visible a"
+"ResourcesNeededOptions.furtherExplanation","Please add to the 'Description' field any additional supplies learners will need in order to use this resource","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Por favor use el campo 'Descripción' para añadir detalles sobre cualquier material adicional que los estudiantes necesitarán para usar este recurso"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ReviewSelectionsPage.noResourcesSelected","No resources selected","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ningún recurso seleccionado"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ReviewSelectionsPage.resourcesInTopic","{count, number} {count, plural, one {resource} other {resources}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, number} {count, plural, one {recurso} other {recursos}}"
+"ReviewSelectionsPage.reviewSelectionHeader","Review selections","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Revisar seleccionado"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"SavedSearchesModal.deleteConfirmation","Are you sure you want to delete this saved search?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Confirme que desea borrar esta búsqueda guardada"
+"SavedSearchesModal.deleteSearchTitle","Delete saved search","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Borrar búsqueda guardada"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"SavedSearchesModal.filterCount","{count, number} {count, plural, one {filter} other {filters}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, number} {count, plural, one {filtro} other {filtros}}"
+"SavedSearchesModal.noSavedSearches","You do not have any saved searches","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","No tiene ninguna búsqueda guardada"
+"SavedSearchesModal.savedSearchesTitle","Saved searches","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Búsquedas guardadas"
+"SavedSearchesModal.searchDeletedSnackbar","Saved search deleted","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Búsqueda guardada eliminada"
+"SavingIndicator.lastSaved","Saved {saved}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Guardado {saved}"
+"SavingIndicator.savedNow","Saved just now","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Guardado ahora mismo"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"SearchFilterBar.clearAll","Clear all","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Eliminar filtros"
+"SearchFilterBar.coachContent","Resources for coaches","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Recursos para tutores"
+"SearchFilterBar.createdAfter","Added after '{date}'","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Añadido después de '{date}'"
+"SearchFilterBar.topicsHidden","Folders excluded","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Carpetas excluidas"
+"SearchFilters.addedAfterDateLabel","Added after","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Añadido después de"
+"SearchFilters.assessmentsLabel","Show assessments only","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Mostrar solo recursos para evaluaciones"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"SearchFilters.channelTypeLabel","Channel type","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Tipo de canal"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"SearchFilters.coachContentLabel","Show resources for coaches","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Mostrar recursos para tutores"
+"SearchFilters.filtersHeader","Filter options","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Opciones de filtro "
+"SearchFilters.hideTopicsLabel","Hide folders","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ocultar carpetas"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"SearchOrBrowseWindow.backToBrowseAction","Back to browse","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Volver a navegar"
+"SearchOrBrowseWindow.copiedToClipboard","Copied to clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copiado a portapapeles"
+"SearchOrBrowseWindow.copyFailed","Failed to copy to clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Error al copiar al portapapeles"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"SearchOrBrowseWindow.searchLabel","Search for resources…","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Buscar recursos…"
+"SearchResultsList.failedToLoad","Failed to load search results","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Error al cargar los resultados de búsqueda"
+"SearchResultsList.resultsPerPageLabel","Results per page","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Resultados por página"
+"SearchResultsList.saveSearchAction","Save search","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Guardar búsqueda"
+"SearchResultsList.savedSearchesLabel","View saved searches","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ver búsquedas guardadas"
+"SearchResultsList.searchResultsCount","{count, number} {count, plural, one {result} other {results}} for '{searchTerm}'","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, number} {count, plural, one {resultado} other {resultados}} para '{searchTerm}'"
+"SearchResultsList.searchSavedSnackbar","Search saved","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Búsqueda guardada"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"SettingsIndex.usingStudioLabel","About Studio","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Acerca de Studio"
+"StagingTreePage.backToViewing","Back to viewing","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Volver a navegar"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"StagingTreePage.channelDeployed","Channel has been deployed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","El canal ha sido desplegado"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"StagingTreePage.collapseAllButton","Collapse all","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Plegar todo"
+"StagingTreePage.confirmDeployBtn","Deploy channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Desplegar canal"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"StagingTreePage.deployChannel","Deploy channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Desplegar canal"
+"StagingTreePage.deployDialogDescription","You are about to replace all live resources with staged resources.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Está a punto de visualizar todos los recursos como públicos."
+"StagingTreePage.emptyChannelSubText","No changes to review! The channel contains all the most recent folders and resources.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","¡No hay cambios para revisar! El canal contiene todas las carpetas y los recursos más recientes."
+"StagingTreePage.emptyChannelText","No resources found","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","No se encontraron recursos"
+"StagingTreePage.emptyTopicText","This topic is empty","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Esta carpeta está vacía"
+"StagingTreePage.liveResources","Live resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Recursos públicos"
+"StagingTreePage.openCurrentLocationButton","Expand to current folder location","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Expandir a la ubicación actual de la carpeta"
+"StagingTreePage.openSummaryDetailsDialogBtn","View summary","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ver resumen"
+"StagingTreePage.resourcesCount","{count, number} {count, plural, one { resource } other { resources }}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, number} {count, plural, one { recurso } other { recursos }}"
+"StagingTreePage.reviewMode","Review mode","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Modo de revisión"
+"StagingTreePage.stagedResources","Staged resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Recursos listos para ser públicos"
+"StagingTreePage.summaryDetailsDialogTitle","Summary details","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Detalles del resumen"
+"StagingTreePage.topicsCount","{count, number} {count, plural, one { folder } other { folders }}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, number} {count, plural, one { carpeta } other { carpetas }}"
+"StagingTreePage.totalResources","Total resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","El total de recursos"
+"StagingTreePage.totalSize","Total size","
+-- CONTEXT --
+"StagingTreePage.viewDetails","View details","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ver detalles"
+"StatusStrings.noStorageError","Not enough space","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","No hay suficiente espacio"
+"StatusStrings.uploadFailedError","Upload failed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Error al cargar"
+"StatusStrings.uploadFileSize","{uploaded} of {total}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{uploaded} de {total}"
+"Storage.hideFormAction","Close form","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Cerrar formulario"
+"Storage.learnMoreAboutImportingContentFromChannels","Learn more about how to import resources from other channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Más información sobre cómo importar recursos de otros canales"
+"Storage.requestMoreSpaceHeading","Request more space","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Solicitar más espacio"
+"Storage.requestMoreSpaceMessage","Please use this form to request additional uploading storage for your Kolibri Studio account. The resources you import from our public library to your channels do not count towards your storage limit.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Utilice este formulario para solicitar almacenamiento adicional para su cuenta de Kolibri Studio. Los recursos que importa desde la nuestra biblioteca pública a sus canales no cuentan para su límite de almacenamiento."
+"Storage.showFormAction","Open form","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Abrir formulario"
+"Storage.spaceUsedOfMax","{qty} of {max}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{qty} de {max}"
+"Storage.storagePercentageUsed","{qty}% storage used","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{qty}% de almacenamiento usado"
+"StudioTree.missingTitle","Missing title","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Falta el título"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"SubtitlesList.acceptedFormatsTooltip","Supported formats: {extensions}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Formatos soportados: {extensions}"
+"SubtitlesList.addSubtitleText","Add captions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Añadir subtítulos"
+"SubtitlesList.subtitlesHeader","Captions and subtitles","
+-- CONTEXT --
+"SupplementaryItem.languageText","{language} ({code})","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{language} ({code})"
+"SupplementaryItem.retryUpload","Retry upload","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Volver a subir"
+"SupplementaryItem.uploadFailed","Upload failed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Error al cargar"
+"SupplementaryList.selectFileText","Select file","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Seleccionar fichero"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"SyncResourcesModal.confirmSyncModalExplainer","You are about to sync and update the following:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Está a punto de sincronizar y actualizar lo siguiente:"
+"SyncResourcesModal.confirmSyncModalTitle","Confirm sync","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Confirmar sincronización"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"SyncResourcesModal.syncExercisesExplainer","Update questions, answers, and hints","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Actualizar preguntas, respuestas y pistas"
+"SyncResourcesModal.syncExercisesTitle","Assessment details","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Detalles de los ejercicios"
+"SyncResourcesModal.syncFilesExplainer","Update all file information","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Actualizar toda la información del fichero"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"SyncResourcesModal.syncModalExplainer","Sync and update your resources with their original source.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Sincroniza y actualiza los recursos con sus canales de origen."
+"SyncResourcesModal.syncModalTitle","Sync resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Sincronizar recursos"
+"SyncResourcesModal.syncTagsExplainer","Update all tags","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Actualizar todas las etiquetas"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"SyncResourcesModal.syncTitlesAndDescriptionsExplainer","Update resource titles and descriptions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Actualizar títulos y descripciones de recursos"
+"SyncResourcesModal.syncTitlesAndDescriptionsTitle","Titles and descriptions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Títulos y descripciones"
+"TechnicalTextBlock.copiedToClipboardConfirmation","Copied to clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copiado a portapapeles"
+"TechnicalTextBlock.copiedToClipboardFailure","Copy to clipboard failed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Error al copiar al portapapeles"
+"TechnicalTextBlock.copyToClipboardButtonPrompt","Copy to clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copiar a portapapeles"
+"Template.templateString","You have {count, plural,
+ =1 {# node for testing}
+ other {# nodes for testing}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Tiene {count, plural, one {}
+ =1 {# nodo para revisar}
+ other {# nodos para revisar}}"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.ToSHeader","Terms of Service","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Términos de Servicio"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseHeader","Acceptable Use Restrictions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Restricciones de uso aceptables"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem1","Will be in strict accordance with these Terms;","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Estará estrictamente de acuerdo con estos términos;"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem10","Will not interfere with, disrupt, or attack any service or network; and","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","No interferirá, interrumpirá o atacará ningún servicio o red; y"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem11","Will not be used to create, distribute, or enable material that is - or that facilitates or operates in conjunction with - malware, spyware, adware, or other malicious programs or code.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","No se utilizará para crear, distribuir o habilitar material que sea - o que facilite o opere conjuntamente con - malware, spyware, adware, u otros programas o código maliciosos."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem2","Will comply with all applicable laws and regulations (including, without limitation, all applicable laws regarding online conduct and acceptable content, privacy, data protection, and the transmission of technical data exported from the United States or the country in which you reside);","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Cumplirá con todas las leyes y reglamentos aplicables (incluyendo, sin limitación, todas las leyes aplicables con respecto a la conducta en línea y el contenido aceptable, privacidad, protección de datos y transmisión de datos técnicos exportados desde los Estados Unidos o el país en el que usted reside);"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem3","Will not use the Services for any unlawful purposes, to publish illegal content, or in furtherance of illegal activities;","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","No utilizará los Servicios con fines ilegales, para publicar contenido ilegal o para promover actividades ilegales;"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem4","Will not transmit any material that is defamatory, offensive or otherwise objectionable in relation to your use of the Service;","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","No transmitirá ningún material difamatorio, ofensivo o censurable en relación con su uso del Servicio;"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem5","Will not infringe or misappropriate the intellectual property rights of any third party;","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","No infringirá ni abusará de los derechos de propiedad intelectual de terceros;"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem6","Will not overburden Learning Equality's systems, as determined by us in our sole discretion, including but not limited to excessive bandwidth utilization or number of requests;","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","No sobrecargará los sistemas de Learning Equality, tal y como lo determinamos a nuestra sola discreción, incluyendo pero no limitado a una utilización excesiva de ancho de banda o número de solicitudes;"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem7","Will not attempt to circumvent your assigned storage quota or other account restrictions through technical or other means;","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","No intentará eludir la cuota de almacenamiento asignada u otras restricciones de la cuenta por medios técnicos o de otro tipo;"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem8","Will not disclose sensitive personal information of others;","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","No revelará información personal sensible de los demás;"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem9","Will not be used to send spam or bulk unsolicited messages;","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","No se utilizará para enviar spam o mensajes no solicitados;"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseP1","You represent and warrant that your use of the Service:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Usted declara y garantiza que su uso del Servicio:"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.accountTermsHeader","Account Terms","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Términos de la cuenta"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.accountTermsP1","When you register for an account on the Service, you agree to provide us with complete and accurate information. You will be solely responsible and liable for any activity that occurs under your username. You are responsible for keeping your account information up-to-date and for keeping your access credentials (password and API token) private and secure.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Cuando se registra en una cuenta en el Servicio, acepta proporcionarnos información completa y precisa. Usted será el único responsable de cualquier actividad que se produzca bajo su nombre de usuario. Usted es responsable de mantener actualizada la información de su cuenta y de mantener sus credenciales de acceso (contraseña y API token) privada y segura."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.accountTermsP2","You are responsible for maintaining the security of your account and any Service-related content, and you are fully responsible for all activities that occur under your account and any other actions taken in connection with the Service. You shall not share or misuse your access credentials. You must immediately notify us of any unauthorized uses of your account, or of any other breach of security. We will not be liable for any acts or omissions by you, including any damages of any kind incurred as a result of such acts or omissions.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Usted es responsable de mantener la seguridad de su cuenta y cualquier contenido relacionado con el servicio y usted es totalmente responsable de todas las actividades que ocurren bajo su cuenta y cualquier otra acción que se tome en relación con el Servicio. Usted no compartirá ni hará un uso indebido de sus credenciales de acceso. Usted debe notificarnos inmediatamente de cualquier uso no autorizado de su cuenta, o de cualquier otra violación de la seguridad. No seremos responsables de ningún acto o omisión por su parte, incluyendo cualquier daño de cualquier tipo incurrido como resultado de tales actos o omisiones."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.accountTermsP3","Access to and use of the Service is only for those over the age of 13 (or 16 in the European Union). If you are younger than this, you may not register for or use the Service. Any person who registers as a user or provides their personal information to the Service represents that they are 13 years of age or older (or 16 years or older in the European Union).","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","El acceso y el uso del Servicio son únicamente para personas mayores de 13 años (o 16 años en la Unión Europea). Si es más joven que esto, no puede registrarse o utilizar el Servicio. Cualquier persona que se registre como usuario o proporcione su información personal al Servicio representa que tiene 13 años de edad o mayor (o 16 años o más en la Unión Europea)."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.arbitrationHeader","Arbitration Agreement","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Acuerdo de arbitraje"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.arbitrationP1","Except for claims for injunctive or equitable relief or claims regarding intellectual property rights (which may be brought in any competent court without the posting of a bond), any dispute arising under the Agreement shall be finally settled in accordance with the Comprehensive Arbitration Rules of the Judicial Arbitration and Mediation Service, Inc. (""JAMS"") by three arbitrators appointed in accordance with such Rules. The arbitration shall take place in San Diego, California, in the English language and the arbitral decision may be enforced in any court. The prevailing party in any action or proceeding to enforce the Agreement shall be entitled to costs and attorneys' fees.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Excepto por reclamaciones de exenciones indebidas o equitativas o reclamaciones relativas a los derechos de propiedad intelectual (que pueden ser presentadas en cualquier tribunal competente sin la emisión de un bono), cualquier disputa que surja en virtud del Acuerdo se resolverá finalmente de conformidad con las Reglas de Arbitraje Completa del Servicio de Arbitraje Judicial y Mediación Inc. (""JAMS"") por tres árbitros nombrados de conformidad con dichas Reglas. El arbitraje tendrá lugar en San Diego, California, en lengua inglesa y la decisión arbitral podrá ser ejecutada en cualquier tribunal. La parte prevaleciente en cualquier acción o procedimiento para hacer cumplir el Acuerdo tendrá derecho a costes y honorarios de los abogados."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.cancellationHeader","Cancellation or Termination","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Cancelación o Terminación"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.cancellationItem1","You must stop all activities authorized by these Terms, including your use of the Service.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Debe detener todas las actividades autorizadas por estos términos, incluyendo el uso del Servicio."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.cancellationItem2","You must not register and create a new account under your name, a fake or borrowed name, or the name of any third party, even if you may be acting on behalf of the third party.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","No debe registrarse y crear una nueva cuenta bajo su nombre, un nombre falso o solicitado, o el nombre de cualquier tercero, incluso si usted actúa en nombre de terceros."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.cancellationP1","We may terminate or restrict your access to all or any part of the Service at any time, with or without cause, with or without notice, effective immediately. We have the right (though not the obligation) to, in our sole discretion, (i) close down an account or remove content due to prolonged inactivity, (ii) refuse or remove any content that, in our reasonable opinion, violates any Learning Equality policy (including our Community Standards) or is in any way harmful or objectionable, or (iii) terminate or deny access to and use of the Service to any individual or entity for any reason. We will have no obligation to provide a refund of any amounts previously paid.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Podemos cancelar o restringir su acceso a todo o a cualquier parte del Servicio en cualquier momento con o sin causa, con o sin previo aviso, efectiva inmediatamente. Tenemos el derecho (aunque no la obligación) de, a nuestra sola discreción, (i) cerrar una cuenta o eliminar contenido debido a una inactividad prolongada, (ii) rechazar o eliminar cualquier contenido que, en nuestra opinión razonable, viola cualquier política de Learning Equality (incluyendo nuestros estándares comunitarios) o de cualquier forma perjudicial o censurable, o (iii) cancelar o denegar el acceso y el uso del Servicio a cualquier individuo o entidad por cualquier razón. No tendremos ninguna obligación de reembolsar los importes previamente pagados."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.cancellationP2","If we end your rights to use the Service:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Si terminamos sus derechos de uso del Servicio:"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.cancellationP3","In addition to terminating or suspending your account, we reserve the right to take appropriate legal action, including without limitation pursuing civil, criminal, and injunctive action for violating these Terms.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Además de cancelar o suspender su cuenta, nos reservamos el derecho de tomar las acciones legales apropiadas incluyendo, sin limitación, la acción civil, criminal y judicial por violar estos términos."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.cancellationP4","All provisions of the Agreement which by their nature should survive termination shall survive termination, including, without limitation, ownership provisions, warranty disclaimers, indemnity, and limitations of liability.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Todas las disposiciones del Acuerdo que por su naturaleza deberían sobrevivir a la terminación sobrevivirán a la terminación, incluyendo, sin limitación, las provisiones de propiedad, las exenciones de garantía, indemnización y limitaciones de responsabilidad."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.changesToToSHeader","Changes to these Terms of Service","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Cambios a estos Términos de Servicio"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.changesToToSP1","We are constantly updating our Service and that means sometimes we have to change the legal terms under which our Service is offered. These Terms may only be modified by a written amendment signed by an authorized executive of Learning Equality, or by the posting by Learning Equality of a revised version. If we make changes that are material, we will let you know by posting on one of our blogs, or by sending you an email or other communication before the changes take effect. The notice will designate a reasonable period of time after which the new terms will take effect. If you disagree with our changes, then you should stop using the Service within the designated notice period, or once the changes become effective. Your continued use of the Service will be subject to the new terms. However, any dispute that arose before the changes shall be governed by the Terms (including the binding individual arbitration clause) that were in place when the dispute arose.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Estamos actualizando constantemente nuestro Servicio y esto significa que a veces tenemos que cambiar las condiciones legales en las que se ofrece nuestro Servicio. Estos Términos sólo pueden ser modificados mediante una enmienda por escrito firmada por un ejecutivo autorizado de Learning Equality o por la publicación de Learning Equality de una versión revisada. Si hacemos cambios que son materiales, le avisaremos publicando en uno de nuestros blogs o enviándole un correo electrónico u otra comunicación antes de que los cambios surtan efecto. La notificación designará un período de tiempo razonable después del cual entrarán en vigor los nuevos términos. Si usted no está de acuerdo con nuestros cambios, entonces debe dejar de usar el Servicio dentro del período de aviso designado, o una vez que los cambios surtan efecto. Su uso continuado del Servicio estará sujeto a las nuevas condiciones. Sin embargo, cualquier disputa que surgiera antes de los cambios se regirá por las Condiciones (incluyendo la cláusula de arbitraje individual vinculante) que existió cuando surgió la disputa."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.communicationsHeader","Communications with Learning Equality","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Comunicaciones con Learning Equality"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.communicationsP1","For contractual purposes, you (1) consent to receive communications from us in an electronic form via the email address you have submitted or via the Service; and (2) agree that all Terms of Service, agreements, notices, disclosures, and other communications that we provide to you electronically satisfy any legal requirement that those communications would satisfy if they were on paper. This section does not affect your non-waivable rights.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Para propósitos contractuales, usted (1) da su consentimiento para recibir comunicaciones de nosotros en forma electrónica a través de la dirección de correo electrónico que ha regristrado o a través del Servicio; y (2) aceptar que todos los Términos de Servicio, acuerdos, avisos, revelaciones, y otras comunicaciones que le proporcionamos electrónicamente satisfacen cualquier requisito legal que dichas comunicaciones satisfagan si estuvieran en papel. Esta sección no afecta a sus derechos no renunciables."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.communityStandardsHeader","Community Standards","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Normas de la comunidad"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.communityStandardsLink","Learn more about Studio's community standards","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Aprende más sobre los estándares comunitarios de Studio"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.communityStandardsP1","For more information about the intended use of the Service, and standards around Content, please see our Community Standards page.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Para obtener más información sobre el uso previsto del Servicio y las normas en torno a los Contenidos, consulte nuestra página de Normas Comunitarias ."
+-- CONTEXT --
+"TermsOfServiceModal.definitionsP1","These are the Terms for the web application hosted at https://studio.learningequality.org/, along with any API's or other interfaces it provides (the ""Service""), controlled and operated by Learning Equality (""Learning Equality"", ""we"", ""us"" and ""our""). We are registered as a nonprofit organization in California, USA under EIN 46-2676188, and have our registered office at 9700 Gilman Dr, PMB 323, La Jolla, CA 92093.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Estos son los Términos de la aplicación web alojados en https://studio.learningequality.org/, junto con cualquier API u otras interfaces que proporciona (el ""Servicio""), controlada y operada por Learning Equality (""Learning Equality"", ""nosotros"", ""nosotros"" y ""nuestro""). Estamos registrados como una organización sin fines de lucro en California, Estados Unidos bajo EIN 46-2676188, y tener nuestra sede social en 9700 Gilman Dr, PMB 323, La Jolla, CA 92093."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.definitionsP2","These Terms describe our commitments to you, and your rights and responsibilities when using the Service. If you breach any of these Terms, your right to access and use of the Service and Service will be terminated. Please read them carefully and reach out to us if you have any questions.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Estos Términos describen nuestros compromisos con usted, y sus derechos y responsabilidades al usar el Servicio. Si viola cualquiera de estos Términos, su derecho de acceso y uso del Servicio se rescindirá. Por favor, léalos detenidamente y comuníquenos si tiene alguna pregunta."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.definitionsP3","""Content"" refers to media files (such as videos, audio files, HTML5 content, or other materials) that are hosted on the Service, along with their associated descriptive metadata.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","""Content"" refers to media files (such as videos, audio files, HTML5 content, or other materials) that are hosted on the Service, along with their associated descriptive metadata."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.definitionsP4","Throughout these Terms, ""you"" applies to both individuals and entities that access or use the Service. If you are an individual using the Service on behalf of an entity, you represent and warrant that you have the authority to bind that entity to the Agreement and that by using our Service, you are accepting the Agreement on behalf of that entity.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","A lo largo de estos términos, ""usted"" se aplica tanto a individuos como a entidades que acceden o utilicen el Servicio. Si usted es una persona que utiliza el Servicio en nombre de una entidad, usted representa y garantiza que usted tiene la autoridad para vincular a esa entidad al Acuerdo y eso mediante nuestro Servicio, acepta el Acuerdo en nombre de dicha entidad."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.disclaimerP1","Before using this website, you should read the following important information relating to it. These Terms of Service (""Terms"") govern your use of this website and form a legally binding agreement between you and us regarding your use of our website.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Antes de utilizar este sitio web, debe leer la siguiente información importante relacionada con el mismo. Estos Términos de Servicio (""Términos"") rigen su uso de este sitio web y forman un acuerdo legalmente vinculante entre usted y nosotros con respecto a su uso de nuestro sitio web."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.disclaimerP2","If, for any reason, you are unable or unwilling to agree to all of these Terms, please immediately discontinue using or attempting to use the service.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Si, por alguna razón, no puede o no desea aceptar todos estos términos, por favor interrumpa inmediatamente el uso del servicio."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.disclaimerP3","By continuing to use the Service you agree to these terms which will bind you.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Al continuar utilizando el Servicio, usted acepta estos términos que le vincularán."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.dmcaHeader","DMCA Policy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Política DMCA"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.dmcaLink","Report a violation","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Informar de una violación"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.dmcaP1","As we ask others to respect our intellectual property rights, we respect the intellectual property rights of others. If you believe that material located on or associated with the Service violates your copyright, please notify us in accordance with our Digital Millennium Copyright Act (""DMCA"") Policy. We will respond to all such notices, including as required or appropriate by removing the infringing material or disabling all links to the infringing material. We will terminate a visitor's access to and use of the website if, under appropriate circumstances, the visitor is determined to be a repeat infringer of copyrights or other intellectual property rights. In the case of such termination, we will have no obligation to provide a refund of any payments or other forms of restitution.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Al pedir a otros que respeten nuestros derechos de propiedad intelectual, respetamos los derechos de propiedad intelectual de otros. Si cree que el material localizado en o asociado con el Servicio viola sus derechos de autor, por favor notifíquenos de acuerdo con nuestra Ley de Derechos de Autor del Milenio Digital (""DMCA""). Responderemos a todas estas notificaciones, incluso cuando sea necesario o apropiado, eliminando el material que infrinja o desactivando todos los enlaces al material que infrinja. Terminaremos el acceso y el uso del sitio web de un visitante si, en circunstancias apropiadas, se confirme que el visitante sea un infractor reincidente de los derechos de autor u otros derechos de propiedad intelectual. En el caso de dicha rescisión, no tendremos obligación alguna de reembolsar los pagos u otras formas de restitución."
+-- CONTEXT --
+"TermsOfServiceModal.indemnificationP1","You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Learning Equality, its contractors, and its licensors, and their respective directors, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all losses, liabilities, demands, damages, costs, claims, and expenses, including attorneys' fees, arising out of or related to your use of the Service, including but not limited to your violation of the Agreement, Content that you upload or author, and any other activities conducted using the Service.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Usted acepta a indemnizar y eximir a Learning Equality, a sus contratistas, a sus licenciantes y a sus directores respectivos, oficiales, empleados y agentes de y contra cualquier pérdida, responsabilidad, demanda, daños, costos, reclamos, reclamos, y gastos, incluidos los honorarios de los abogados, que surjan o estén relacionados con su uso del Servicio, incluyendo pero no limitado a su violación del Contrato, contenido que usted sube o crea, y cualquier otra actividad realizada utilizando el Servicio."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.intellectualPropertyHeader","Intellectual Property Notice","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Aviso de propiedad intelectual"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.intellectualPropertyP1","The Agreement does not transfer from Learning Equality to you any Learning Equality or third party intellectual property, and all right, title, and interest in and to such property will remain (as between the parties) solely with Learning Equality. ""Kolibri"", ""Kolibri Studio"", ""Learning Equality"", the Kolibri logo, and all other trademarks, service marks, graphics, and logos used in connection with learningequality.org or the Service, are trademarks or registered trademarks of Learning Equality or Learning Equality's licensors. Other trademarks, service marks, graphics, and logos used in connection with the Service may be the trademarks of other third parties. Your use of the Service grants you no right or license to reproduce or otherwise use any Learning Equality or third party trademarks and any such use may constitute an infringement of the holder's rights","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","El Acuerdo no transfiere a usted ninguna propiedad intelectual de Learning Equality o de terceros, y todos los derechos, títulos e intereses en y de tal propiedad permanecerán (como entre las partes) únicamente de Learning Equality. ""Kolibri"", ""Kolibri Studio"", ""Learning Equality"", el logotipo de Kolibri y todas las demás marcas, marcas de servicio, gráficos y logotipos utilizados en relación con learningequality.org o el Servicio, son marcas comerciales o marcas registradas de Learning Equality o los licenciadores de Learning Equality. Otras marcas, marcas de servicio, gráficos y logotipos utilizados en relación con el Servicio pueden ser marcas comerciales de terceros. Su uso del Servicio no le otorga ningún derecho o licencia para reproducir o utilizar de otro modo ninguna de las marcas Learning Equality o de terceros y cualquier uso de dicho puede constituir una violación de los derechos del titular."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.jurisdictionHeader","Jurisdiction and Applicable Law","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Jurisdicción y Ley Aplicable"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.jurisdictionP1","Except to the extent any applicable law provides otherwise, the Agreement and any access to or use of the Service will be governed by the laws of the state of California, U.S.A., excluding its conflict of law provisions. The proper venue for any disputes arising out of or relating to the Agreement and any access to or use of the Service will be the state and federal courts located in San Diego County, California.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Excepto en la medida en que cualquier ley aplicable establece lo contrario, el Acuerdo y cualquier acceso o uso del Servicio se regirán por las leyes del estado de California, E.U.A., excluyendo su conflicto de disposiciones legales. El lugar adecuado para cualquier controversia que surja o esté relacionado con el Acuerdo y cualquier acceso o uso del Servicio será los tribunales estatales y federales ubicados en el Condado de San Diego, California."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.liabilityHeader","Limitation of Liability","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Limitación de responsabilidad"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.liabilityP1","To the extent legally permitted under the applicable law, Learning Equality shall not be responsible for any loss or damage to you, your customers or third parties caused by failure of the website to function. In no event will Learning Equality be liable for any special, consequential, incidental, or indirect damages (including, without limitation, those resulting from lost profits, cost of substitute goods or services, lost data or business interruption) in connection with the use of the website or Service of in connection with any other claim arising from these Terms of Service. The aggregate liability of Learning Equality arising from or relating to these Terms and the Service, regardless of the form of action or claim (contract, tort or otherwise) and even if you have been advised of the possibility of such damages shall not exceed the amount paid by you during the twelve (12) month period prior to the cause of action. Nothing in these Terms shall limit or exclude Learning Equality liability for gross negligence or for death or personal injury. Applicable law may not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","To the extent legally permitted under the applicable law, Learning Equality shall not be responsible for any loss or damage to you, your customers or third parties caused by failure of the website to function. In no event will Learning Equality be liable for any special, consequential, incidental, or indirect damages (including, without limitation, those resulting from lost profits, cost of substitute goods or services, lost data or business interruption) in connection with the use of the website or Service of in connection with any other claim arising from these Terms of Service. The aggregate liability of Learning Equality arising from or relating to these Terms and the Service, regardless of the form of action or claim (contract, tort or otherwise) and even if you have been advised of the possibility of such damages shall not exceed the amount paid by you during the twelve (12) month period prior to the cause of action. Nothing in these Terms shall limit or exclude Learning Equality liability for gross negligence or for death or personal injury. Applicable law may not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.licensingHeader","Licensing and Copyright","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Licencias y derechos de autor"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.licensingList1Item1","Copyright ownership of the Content is retained by the original copyright holder and must be indicated, and license information must be marked so as to accurately reflect the copyright holder's intentions around the distribution and use of that Content.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","La propiedad de derechos de autor sobre el contenido es conservada por el titular original del copyright y debe ser indicada, y la información de la licencia debe ser marcada para reflejar con precisión las intenciones del titular de los derechos de autor acerca de la distribución y el uso de dicho Contenido."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.licensingList1Item2","If you are not yourself the copyright holder, you must have the rights to distribute the uploaded Content, either through explicit written permission from the copyright holder, or as allowed by the terms of the license under which the Content has been released.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Si no eres el titular de los derechos de autor, debes tener los derechos de distribuir el contenido subido, ya sea a través de un permiso escrito explícito del titular del derecho de autor, o según lo permitido por los términos de la licencia bajo la cual se ha liberado el Contenido."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.licensingList1Item3","If you are the copyright holder of the uploaded content, then by marking the Content you upload with a particular license, you are agreeing for the Content to be distributed and used under the terms of that license in perpetuity.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Si usted es el titular de los derechos de autor del contenido subido, entonces marcando el contenido que carga con una licencia en particular, usted está de acuerdo en que el Contenido se distribuya y se utilice bajo los términos de esa licencia en autoridad."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.licensingList2Item1","Descriptive metadata: This includes primary metadata associated with a single piece of Content, for example, titles, descriptions, and other elements which constitute a definitive part of the Content regardless of which system it appears on. These metadata elements will fall under the same copyright and licensing as the Content itself.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Metadatos descriptivos: Esto incluye metadatos principales asociados con una sola pieza de contenido, por ejemplo, títulos, , así como otros elementos que constituyen una parte definitiva del Contenido, independientemente del sistema en el que aparezca. Estos elementos de metadatos estarán bajo los mismos derechos de autor y licencias que el propio Contenido."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.licensingList2Item2","Organizational metadata: This defines how a piece of content may be used, aids with discovery, and places it within some broader structure of relations on the Service, for example, tags, curation into folders (including the titles of those folders), and other elements pertaining to the display and ordering of Content on the system itself. By using the Service, you agree that work you do to generate organizational metadata elements are released into the Public Domain, and may be made available for others to use, without any claim to copyright or restricted licensing. We may also share, leverage and distribute this organizational metadata. This is so that we can benefit others and improve the impact of our platforms.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Organizational metadata: This defines how a piece of content may be used, aids with discovery, and places it within some broader structure of relations on the Service, for example, tags, curation into folders (including the titles of those folders), and other elements pertaining to the display and ordering of Content on the system itself. By using the Service, you agree that work you do to generate organizational metadata elements are released into the Public Domain, and may be made available for others to use, without any claim to copyright or restricted licensing. We may also share, leverage and distribute this organizational metadata. This is so that we can benefit others and improve the impact of our platforms."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.licensingP1","The Service allows you to upload and distribute Content. When you do, the following terms apply:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","El servicio le permite cargar y distribuir contenidos. Cuando lo haga, se aplican los siguientes términos:"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.licensingP2","We follow a policy of making content, including its associated metadata, as open as possible while following the appropriate copyright laws. With this in mind, we distinguish between:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Seguimos una política de hacer que el contenido, incluyendo sus metadatos asociados, sea lo más abierto posible mientras seguimos las leyes de derechos de autor apropiadas. Con esto en mente, distinguimos entre el:"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"TermsOfServiceModal.miscellaneousP1","The Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between Learning Equality and you concerning the subject matter hereof. If any part of the Agreement is held invalid or unenforceable, that part will be construed to reflect the parties' original intent, and the remaining portions will remain in full force and effect. A waiver by either party of any term or condition of the Agreement or any breach thereof, in any one instance, will not waive such term or condition or any subsequent breach thereof.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","El Acuerdo constituye todo el acuerdo entre Learning Equality y usted con respecto a la materia que aquí se trata. Si alguna parte del Acuerdo es considerada inválida o no aplicable, esa parte será interpretada como reflejo de la intención original de las partes, y las partes restantes permanecerán en pleno vigor y efecto. Una renuncia por cualquiera de las partes de cualquier término o condición del Acuerdo o cualquier incumplimiento del mismo, en cualquier caso, no renunciará a dicho término o condición o a cualquier incumplimiento posterior del mismo."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.miscellaneousP2","You may assign your rights under the Agreement to any party that consents to, and agrees to be bound by, its terms and conditions; Learning Equality may assign its rights under the Agreement without condition. The Agreement will be binding upon and will inure to the benefit of the parties, their successors and permitted assigns.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Usted puede asignar sus derechos bajo el Acuerdo a cualquier parte que acepte estar vinculada por sus términos y condiciones; Learning Equality puede asignar sus derechos en virtud del Acuerdo sin condiciones. El Acuerdo será vinculante y beneficiará a las partes, a sus sucesores y asignaciones autorizadas."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.miscellaneousP3","If you have any questions about the Service or these Terms, please contact us at legal@learningequality.org.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre el Servicio o estas Condiciones, póngase en contacto con nosotros en legal@learningequality.org."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.prompt","Please read these terms and conditions carefully","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Por favor, lea estos términos y condiciones cuidadosamente"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.thirdPartyHeader","Third Party Content and Third Party Applications","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Contenido de terceros y aplicaciones de terceros"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.thirdPartyP1","The links to third party websites, any third party content, and any third party applications may be provided for your convenience and information only. The content on any linked website or in any third party application is not under our control and we are not responsible for the content of linked websites and/or third party applications, including any further links contained in a third party website. We make no representations or warranties in connection with any third party content or third party applications, which at all times and in each instance is provided ""as is."" Third party applications may be subject to additional policies and conditions or agreements between you and the provider of such third party applications. You agree to fully comply with all such additional policies, conditions and agreements. If you decide to access any third party content, and/or any third party application, you do so entirely at your own risk.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Los enlaces a sitios web de terceros, cualquier contenido de terceros y cualquier aplicación de terceros se pueden proporcionar únicamente para su conveniencia e información. El contenido de cualquier sitio web vinculado o de cualquier aplicación de terceros no está bajo nuestro control y no somos responsables del contenido de sitios web enlazados y/o aplicaciones de terceros, incluyendo cualquier otro enlace contenido en un sitio web de terceros. No hacemos representaciones ni garantías en relación con ningún contenido de terceros o aplicaciones de terceros, que en todo momento y en cada caso se proporciona ""tal cual"". Las aplicaciones de terceros pueden estar sujetas a políticas y condiciones o acuerdos adicionales entre usted y el proveedor de dichas aplicaciones de terceros. Usted acepta cumplir plenamente todas estas políticas, condiciones y acuerdos adicionales. Si usted decide acceder a cualquier contenido de terceros, y/o a cualquier aplicación de terceros, lo hace bajo su propio riesgo."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.thirdPartyRightsHeader","Third Party Rights","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Derechos de terceros"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.thirdPartyRightsP1","Nothing in our Terms is intended to confer on any third party any benefit or any right (under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 UK or otherwise) to enforce any provision of our Terms or any agreement entered into in connection with it.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nada de lo dispuesto en nuestros Términos tiene por objeto otorgar a terceros ningún beneficio o derecho (conforme a la Ley de Contratos (Derechos de Terceros) de 1999 Reino Unido o de otra manera) para hacer cumplir cualquier disposición de nuestros Términos o cualquier acuerdo celebrado en relación con ellos."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.updatedToSHeader","Updated terms of service","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Términos de servicio actualizados"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentHeader","User-Generated Content","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Contenido generado por el usuario"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList1Item1","We do not endorse any uploaded Content or represent that Content is accurate, useful, or non-harmful. Content could be offensive, indecent, or objectionable; include technical inaccuracies, typographical mistakes, or other errors; or violate or infringe the privacy, publicity rights, intellectual property rights (see our Copyright Infringement and DMCA Policy section to submit copyright complaints), or other proprietary rights of third parties.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","No respaldamos ningún Contenido subido ni representamos que el Contenido es exacto, útil o no dañino. El contenido podría ser ofensivo, indecente o censurable; incluir imprecisiones técnicas, errores tipográficos u otros errores; o violar o infringir la privacidad, los derechos de publicidad, los derechos de propiedad intelectual (ver nuestra sección de Infracción de Derechos de Autor y Política de DMCA para presentar reclamaciones de derechos de autor), u otros derechos de propiedad de terceros."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList1Item2","If you upload or author Content, or otherwise make (or allow any third party to make) Content available on the Service, you are entirely responsible for the Content, and any harm resulting from, that Content or your conduct.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Si sube o crea el contenido del autor, o si hace (o permite que un tercero haga) el contenido disponible en el Servicio, usted es totalmente responsable del Contenido, y de cualquier daño resultante, de ese Contenido o de su conducta."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList1Item3","You are responsible for ensuring that you have proper permissions to upload and distribute any and all uploaded Content and for ensuring that the copyright holder and licensing are properly evidenced on the uploaded Content.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Usted es responsable de asegurarse de que tiene los permisos adecuados para cargar y distribuir todo el contenido subido y de asegurarse de que el titular de los derechos de autor y las licencias están debidamente evidenciados en el contenido subido."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList1Item4","We disclaim any responsibility for any harm resulting from anyone's use or downloading of Content. If you access or use any Content, you are responsible for taking precautions as necessary to protect yourself and your computer systems from viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and other harmful or destructive content.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Rechazamos cualquier responsabilidad por cualquier daño resultante del uso o descarga de los Contenidos. Si usted accede o utiliza cualquier Contenido, usted es responsable de tomar precauciones según sea necesario para protegerse a sí mismo y a sus sistemas informáticos de virus, gusanos, caballos de Troya y otros contenidos dañinos o destructivos."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList1Item5","We are not a party to, and will have no responsibility or liability for, any communications, transactions, interactions, or disputes between you and the provider of any Content.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","No somos parte ni tendremos ninguna responsabilidad o responsabilidad por ninguna comunicación, transacciones, interacciones o disputas entre usted y el proveedor de cualquier Contenido."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList1Item6","Please note that additional third party terms and conditions may apply to the downloading, copying, or use of Content.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Tenga en cuenta que los términos y condiciones adicionales de terceros pueden aplicarse a la descarga, copia o uso del Contenido."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList2Item1","We do not have any control over those websites and are not responsible for their contents or their use.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","No tenemos ningún control sobre esos sitios web y no somos responsables de su contenido o su uso."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList2Item2","The existence of a link to or from the Service does not represent or imply that we endorse such website.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","La existencia de un enlace hacia o desde el Servicio no representa ni implica que aprobemos dicho sitio web."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList2Item3","You are responsible for taking precautions as necessary to protect yourself and your computer systems from viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and other harmful or destructive content.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Usted es responsable de tomar precauciones cuando sea necesario para protegerse a sí mismo y a sus sistemas informáticos de virus, gusanos, caballos de Troya y otros contenidos dañinos o destructivos."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList3Item1","remove or force upgrades of copies of Content that have already been downloaded from the Service, except in cases in which the Kolibri Learning Application is running on a server that is under our control. This may mean that when we delete uploaded content not all copies will be removed.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","eliminar o forzar las actualizaciones de las copias del Contenido que ya han sido descargadas del Servicio, excepto en los casos en los que la aplicación de aprendizaje de Kolibri se está ejecutando en un servidor que está bajo nuestro control. Esto puede significar que cuando eliminamos el contenido subido no se eliminarán todas las copias."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList3Item2","remove or change the licensing on old versions of Content that others have made copies of, should you change the licensing on your content and/or request a removal of the Content from us. When a Creative Commons license is applied to a specific version of a piece of Content, the rights conferred to others for distribution and use of that Content cannot be revoked. Whilst we cannot remove or force updates on copies of the Content, we would let you update the license on your own copy of the Content moving forward, and for future versions.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","quitar o cambiar la licencia en versiones antiguas del contenido de las que otros han hecho copias, en caso de que usted cambie la licencia de su contenido y/o solicite la eliminación del Contenido de nosotros. Cuando se aplica una licencia de Creative Commons a una versión específica de una pieza de contenido, Los derechos conferidos a otros para su distribución y uso no pueden ser revocados. Aunque no podemos eliminar o forzar actualizaciones en copias del Contenido, le permitiremos actualizar la licencia en su propia copia del Contenido que avanza hacia adelante, y para futuras versiones."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentP1","We have not reviewed, and cannot review, all of the Content (such as, but not limited to, text, photo, video, audio, code, computer software, or other materials) uploaded to or authored using the Service by users or anyone else and are not responsible for any use or effects of such Content. So, for example:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","No hemos revisado, y no podemos revisar, todo el contenido (como, pero no limitado a, texto, foto, video, audio, código, software de computadora, u otros materiales) cargados o escritos utilizando el Servicio por los usuarios o cualquier otra persona y no son responsables de ningún uso o efecto de dicho Contenido. Así pues, por ejemplo:"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentP2","We also have not reviewed, and cannot review, all of the material made available through the websites and web pages that link to, or are linked from the Service. For example:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Tampoco hemos revisado, ni podemos revisar, todo el material disponible a través de los sitios web y páginas web que enlazan o están enlazadas desde el Servicio. Por ejemplo:"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentP3","We reserve the right to remove any Content that violates our Terms or for any other reason.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nos reservamos el derecho de eliminar cualquier Contenido que viole nuestros Términos o por cualquier otra razón."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentP4","Please note we cannot:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Tenga en cuenta que no podemos:"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.warrantyHeader","Disclaimer of Warranties","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Exención de garantías "
+"TermsOfServiceModal.warrantyHeaderP1","You acknowledge that the website and the Service is provided ""as is"" and ""as available"", with all faults and without warranty of any kind, and we hereby disclaim all warranties and conditions with respect to the website and Service, either express, implied or statutory, including, but not limited to, any implied warranties and/or conditions of merchantability, of satisfactory quality, of fitness for a particular purpose, of accuracy, and non-infringement of third party rights. Any use of the Service and website is at your own risk. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties, so the above limitations may not apply to you.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Usted reconoce que el sitio web y el Servicio se proporcionan ""tal cual"" y ""según disponibilidad"", con todos los defectos y sin garantía de ningún tipo, y aquí declinamos todas las garantías y condiciones con respecto al sitio web y al Servicio, ya sea expresamente, implícito o estatutario, incluyendo, pero no limitado a, cualquier garantía implícita y/o condiciones de comerciabilidad, de calidad satisfactoria, de aptitud para un fin particular, de exactitud, y de no violación de los derechos de terceros. Cualquier uso del Servicio y del sitio web es bajo su propio riesgo. Algunas jurisdicciones no permiten la exclusión de garantías implícitas, por lo que es posible que las limitaciones anteriores no se apliquen a usted."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.yourPrivacyHeader","Your Privacy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Su privacidad"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.yourPrivacyLink","Learn more about Studio's privacy policy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Más información sobre la política de privacidad de Studio"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.yourPrivacyP1","We take your privacy seriously. Please read our Privacy Policy to see how we collect, use and protect your personal data.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nos tomamos su privacidad en serio. Por favor, lea nuestra Política de Privacidad para ver cómo recopilamos, usamos y protegemos sus datos personales."
+"TextArea.fieldRequiredMessage","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Este campo es obligatorio"
+"TextField.fieldRequiredMessage","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Este campo es obligatorio"
+"Thumbnail.thumbnail","{title} thumbnail","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{title} miniatura"
+"ThumbnailGenerator.generatedDefaultFilename","Generated thumbnail","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Miniatura generada"
+"ThumbnailGenerator.thumbnailGenerationFailedHeader","Unable to generate thumbnail","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","No se puede generar la miniatura"
+"ThumbnailGenerator.thumbnailGenerationFailedText","There was a problem generating a thumbnail","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Hubo un problema al generar una miniatura"
+"TitleStrings.catalogTitle","Kolibri Content Library Catalog","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Catálogo de la Biblioteca de Contenidos de Kolibri"
+"TitleStrings.defaultTitle","Kolibri Studio","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Kolibri Studio"
+"TitleStrings.tabTitle","{title} - {site}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{title} - {site}"
+"ToggleText.less","Show less","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Mostrar menos"
+"ToggleText.more","Show more","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Mostrar más"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"TrashModal.deleteConfirmationDeleteButton","Delete permanently","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Eliminar permanentemente"
+"TrashModal.deleteConfirmationHeader","Permanently delete {topicCount, plural,
+ =1 {# folder}
+ other {# folders}}, {resourceCount, plural,
+ =1 {# resource}
+ other {# resources}}?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","¿Eliminar permanentemente {topicCount, plural,
+ one {}=1 {# carpeta}
+ other {# carpetas}}, {resourceCount, plural,
+ one {}=1 {# recurso}
+ other {# recursos}}?"
+"TrashModal.deleteConfirmationText","You cannot undo this action. Are you sure you want to continue?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Esta acción no se puede deshacer. Por favor, confirme que desea continuar"
+"TrashModal.deleteSuccessMessage","Permanently deleted","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Eliminado permanentemente"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"TrashModal.selectAllHeader","Select all","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Seleccionar todo"
+"TrashModal.selectedCountText","{topicCount, plural,
+ =1 {# folder}
+ other {# folders}}, {resourceCount, plural,
+ =1 {# resource}
+ other {# resources}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{topicCount, plural,
+ one {}=1 {# carpeta}
+ other {# carpetas}}, {resourceCount, plural,
+ one {}=1 {# recurso}
+ other {# recursos}}"
+"TrashModal.trashEmptySubtext","Resources removed from this channel will appear here","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Los recursos eliminados de este canal aparecerán aquí"
+"TrashModal.trashEmptyText","Trash is empty","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","La papelera está vacía"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"TreeView.collapseAllButton","Collapse all","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Plegar todo"
+"TreeView.openCurrentLocationButton","Expand to current folder location","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Expandir a la ubicación actual de la carpeta"
+"TreeView.showSidebar","Show sidebar","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Show sidebar"
+"TreeView.updatedResourcesReadyForReview","Updated resources are ready for review","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Los recursos actualizados están listos para su revisión"
+"TreeViewBase.apiGenerated","Generated by API","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Generado con la API"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"TreeViewBase.channelDeletedSnackbar","Channel deleted","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Canal eliminado"
+"TreeViewBase.channelDetails","View channel details","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ver detalles del canal"
+"TreeViewBase.deleteChannel","Delete channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Eliminar canal"
+"TreeViewBase.deleteChannelButton","Delete channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Eliminar canal"
+"TreeViewBase.deletePrompt","This channel will be permanently deleted. This cannot be undone.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Este canal se eliminará permanentemente. Esto no se puede deshacer."
+"TreeViewBase.deleteTitle","Delete this channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Eliminar este canal"
+"TreeViewBase.editChannel","Edit channel details","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Editar detalles del canal"
+"TreeViewBase.emptyChannelTooltip","You cannot publish an empty channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","No se puede publicar un canal vacío"
+"TreeViewBase.getToken","Get token","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Obtener el token"
+"TreeViewBase.incompleteDescendantsText","{count, number, integer} {count, plural, one {resource is incomplete and cannot be published} other {resources are incomplete and cannot be published}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, number, integer} {count, plural, one {el recurso está incompleto y no se puede publicar} other {los recursos están incompletos y no se pueden publicar}}"
+"TreeViewBase.noChangesText","No changes found in channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","No se encontraron cambios en el canal"
+"TreeViewBase.noLanguageSetError","Missing channel language","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Falta el idioma del canal"
+"TreeViewBase.openTrash","Open trash","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Abrir papelera"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"TreeViewBase.publishButtonTitle","Make this channel available for import into Kolibri","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Hacer este canal disponible para importar en Kolibri"
+"TreeViewBase.shareChannel","Share channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Compartir canal"
+"TreeViewBase.syncChannel","Sync resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Sincronizar recursos"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Solo modo de lectura"
+"Uploader.listDelimiter",", ","
+-- CONTEXT --
+",", "
+"Uploader.maxFileSizeText","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# file will not be uploaded.}
+ other {# files will not be uploaded.}} File size must be under {size}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# fichero no será subido.}
+ other {# fichero no serán subidos.}} El tamaño del fichero debe ser inferior a {size}"
+"Uploader.noStorageHeader","Not enough space","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","No hay suficiente espacio"
+"Uploader.remainingStorage","Remaining storage: {size}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Almacenamiento restante: {size}"
+"Uploader.tooLargeFilesHeader","Max file size exceeded","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Tamaño máximo de fichero excedido"
+"Uploader.unsupportedFilesHeader","Unsupported files","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ficheros no permitidos"
+"Uploader.unsupportedFilesText","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# file will not be uploaded.}
+ other {# files will not be uploaded.}}
+ {extensionCount, plural,
+ =1 {Supported file type is}
+ other {Supported file types are}} {extensions}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# fichero no será subido.}
+ other {# ficheros no serán subidos.}}
+ {extensionCount, plural,
+ =1 {Tipo de fichero permitido es}
+ other {Tipos de fichero permitido son}} {extensions}"
+"Uploader.uploadSize","Upload is too large: {size}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Tamaño demasiado grande para subir: {size}"
+"UsingStudio.aboutStudio","About Kolibri Studio","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Acerca de Kolibri Studio"
+"UsingStudio.aboutStudioText","Kolibri Studio is undergoing active development, and as such, some changes could cause unexpected behavior or challenges (also known as ""issues""). If you encounter an issue, please notify us as soon as they occur to help us resolve them. (See below for instructions on how to report issues.)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Kolibri Studio está en desarrollo activo, y como tal, algunos cambios podrían causar un comportamientos inesperado, incidencias o problemas (también conocidos como ""issues"" en inglés). Si encuentra algún problema, por favor notifíquenos tan pronto como ocurra para ayudarnos a resolverlos. (Ver abajo las instrucciones sobre cómo informar de incidencias.)"
+"UsingStudio.bestPractice1","When using import and clipboard operations, work with small subsets of folders instead of whole channels at once (especially for large channels).","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Al usar operaciones de importación y portapapeles, se recomienda trabajar con pequeños subconjuntos de carpetas en lugar de canales enteros a la vez (especialmente para canales grandes)."
+"UsingStudio.bestPractice2","It is preferable to create multiple small channels rather than one giant channel with many layers of folders.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Es preferible crear múltiples canales pequeños en lugar de un canal gigante con muchas carpetas anidadas."
+"UsingStudio.bestPractice3","Reload the page often to ensure your work is saved to the server and no network errors have occurred. Use CTRL+R on Linux/Windows or ⌘+R on Mac.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Recargar la página a menudo para asegurarse de que su trabajo se guarda en el servidor y no se han producido errores de red. Utilice CTRL+R en Linux/Windows o ⌘+R en Mac."
+"UsingStudio.bestPractice4","Avoid simultaneous edits on the same channel. Channels should not be edited by multiple users at the same time or by the same user in multiple browser windows.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Evitar ediciones simultáneas del mismo canal. Los canales no deben ser editados por varios usuarios al mismo tiempo, o por el mismo usuario en múltiples ventanas del navegador."
+"UsingStudio.bestPractice5","It is possible that you will encounter timeout errors in your browser when performing operations like import and sync, on large channels. Don't be alarmed by this error message and do not repeat the same operation again right away. It doesn't mean the operation has failed- Kolibri Studio is still working in the background. Wait a few minutes and reload the page before continuing your edits.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Es posible que encuentre errores de tiempo de espera en su navegador cuando realice operaciones como importar y sincronizar en canales grandes. No hay que alarmarse con este mensaje de error, ya que eso no significa que la operación haya fallado - Kolibri Studio todavía está trabajando en segundo plano. Por esta razón no hace falta repetir la misma operación de inmediato, sino esperar unos minutos y volver a cargar la página antes de continuar editando."
+"UsingStudio.bestPractice6","Compress videos before uploading them (see these instructions).","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Comprimir vídeos antes de subirlos (ver estas instrucciones)."
+"UsingStudio.bestPractice7","PUBLISH periodically and import your channel into Kolibri to preview the content and obtain a local backup copy of your channel.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","PUBLICAR periódicamente e importar el canal en Kolibri, para previsualizar el contenido y tener una copia de seguridad local del canal."
+"UsingStudio.bestPractice8","Do not edit the channel after you click PUBLISH. Wait for the notification email before resuming editing operations.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","No editar el canal después de hacer clic en PUBLICAR. Esperar el correo de notificación antes de volver a editar."
+"UsingStudio.bestPractice9","Report issues as you encounter them.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Informar sobre problemas a medida que se vayan encontrando."
+"UsingStudio.bestPractices","Best practices","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Mejores prácticas"
+"UsingStudio.communityStandardsLink","Community standards","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Normas de la comunidad"
+"UsingStudio.issue1","Two users have reported isolated incidents where content they imported from another channel disappeared, leaving only empty folders and subfolders. In one report, the content later re-appeared. They did not experience these problems consistently, and the incidents may possibly involve issues with a slow or unstable internet connection. If you run into this issue, please contact us as soon as possible and let us know as much information as you can remember.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Dos usuarios han informado de incidentes aislados donde desaparecieron los contenidos importados de otro canal, dejando sólo carpetas y subcarpetas vacías. En un reporte, el contenido más tarde volvió a aparecer. No experimentaron estos problemas de forma consistente, y los incidentes podrían implicar problemas con una conexión Internet lenta o inestable. Si encuentra este problema, por favor contacte lo antes posible e informe de todos los detalles."
+"UsingStudio.issue2","Some operations in Studio are currently very slow, and so it may appear that the change you attempted to make timed out or did not take effect. In many cases, the change is still being processed and will appear once it is complete. If, after 5-10 minutes, the change still has not taken effect even after a browser refresh, please file an issue. We are working on solutions to these issues.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Algunas operaciones en Studio son actualmente muy lentas, por lo que puede parecer que el cambio haya caducado o no tuvo efecto. En muchos casos, el cambio sigue siendo procesado y aparecerá una vez que esté completo. Si, después de 5-10 minutos el cambio aún no ha tenido efecto incluso después de volver a cargar la página del navegador, informe sobre lo ocurrido, por favor. Estamos trabajando en soluciones para estos problemas."
+"UsingStudio.issueLink1","Reports of disappearing content","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Informes sobre el contenido que parece desaparecer"
+"UsingStudio.issueLink2","Slow performance can lead to unexpected errors in the interface","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","El rendimiento lento puede conducir a errores inesperados en la interfaz"
+"UsingStudio.issuesPageLink","View all issues","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ver todas las incidencias"
+"UsingStudio.notableIssues","Notable issues","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Incidencias notables"
+"UsingStudio.policiesLink","Privacy policy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Política de privacidad"
+"UsingStudio.resourcesHeader","Kolibri Studio resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Recursos de Kolibri Studio"
+"UsingStudio.termsOfServiceLink","Terms of service","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Términos de servicio"
+"UsingStudio.userDocsLink","User guide","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Guía de usuario"
+"VisibilityDropdown.coach","Resources are visible only to coaches (teachers, facilitators, administrators)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Los recursos son visibles sólo para tutores (profesores, facilitadores, administradores)"
+"VisibilityDropdown.labelText","Visible to","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Visible a"
+"VisibilityDropdown.learner","Resources are visible to anyone","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Los recursos son visibles para cualquiera"
+"VisibilityDropdown.visibilityDescription","Visibility determines what type of Kolibri users can see resources.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","La visibilidad determina qué tipo de usuarios de Kolibri pueden ver los recursos."
+"VisibilityDropdown.visibilityHeader","About resource visibility","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Sobre la visibilidad de los recursos"
+"VisibilityDropdown.visibilityRequired","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Este campo es obligatorio"
+"channelEditVue.errorChooseAtLeastOneCorrectAnswer","Choose at least one correct answer","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Especificar al menos una respuesta como correcta"
+"channelEditVue.errorMissingAnswer","Choose a correct answer","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Escoger la respuesta correcta"
+"channelEditVue.errorProvideAtLeastOneCorrectAnswer","Provide at least one correct answer","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Proporcionar al menos una respuesta como correcta"
+"channelEditVue.errorQuestionRequired","Question is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ejercicio no tiene preguntas"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"channelEditVue.questionTypeInput","Numeric input","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Entrada numérica"
+"channelEditVue.questionTypeMultipleSelection","Multiple choice","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Selección múltiple"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"channelEditVue.questionTypeSingleSelection","Single choice","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Selección única"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"formStrings.errorText","Please fix {count, plural,
+ =1 {# error}
+ other {# errors}} below","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Por favor, arregle {count, plural,
+ =1 {# error}
+ other {# errores}} abajo"
+"sharedVue.activityDurationGteOne","Value must be equal to or greater than 1","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","El valor debe ser igual o mayor que 1"
+"sharedVue.activityDurationRequired","This field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Este campo es obligatorio"
+"sharedVue.activityDurationTooLongWarning","This value is very high. Please make sure this is how long learners should work on the resource for, in order to complete it.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Este valor es muy alto. Por favor, comprobar si este es el tiempo que los estudiantes tienen que emplear para completar el recurso."
+"sharedVue.confirmLogout","Changes you made may not be saved. Are you sure you want to leave this page?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Es posible que no se guarden los cambios realizados. Por favor, confirme que desea salir de esta página."
+"sharedVue.copyrightHolderRequired","Copyright holder is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Hay que especificar el titular de los derechos de autor"
+"sharedVue.durationRequired","Duration is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Este campo es obligatorio"
+"sharedVue.fieldRequired","This field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Este campo es obligatorio"
+"sharedVue.learningActivityRequired","Learning activity is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Este campo es obligatorio"
+"sharedVue.licenseDescriptionRequired","Special permissions license must have a description","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Licencia de permisos especiales debe tener una descripción"
+"sharedVue.licenseRequired","License is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Se requiere licencia"
+"sharedVue.longActivityGtThirty","Value must be greater than 30","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","El valor debe ser mayor que 30"
+"sharedVue.longActivityLteOneTwenty","Value must be equal or less than 120","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","El valor debe ser igual o inferior a 120"
+"sharedVue.masteryModelMGtZero","Must be at least 1","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Debe ser al menos 1"
+"sharedVue.masteryModelMLteN","Must be lesser than or equal to N","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Debe ser menor que o igual a N"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Este valor es obligatorio"
+"sharedVue.masteryModelMWholeNumber","Must be a whole number","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Debe ser un número entero"
+"sharedVue.masteryModelNGtZero","Must be at least 1","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Debe ser al menos 1"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Este valor es obligatorio"
+"sharedVue.masteryModelNWholeNumber","Must be a whole number","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Debe ser un número entero"
+"sharedVue.masteryModelRequired","Mastery is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Tiene que seleccionar el criterio de dominio"
+"sharedVue.shortActivityLteThirty","Value must be equal or less than 30","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","El valor debe ser igual o menor que 30"
+"sharedVue.titleRequired","Title is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Este campo es obligatorio"
diff --git a/contentcuration/locale/es_ES/LC_MESSAGES/contentcuration-messages.json b/contentcuration/locale/es_ES/LC_MESSAGES/contentcuration-messages.json
index 70ccedc1a9..87f8407605 100644
--- a/contentcuration/locale/es_ES/LC_MESSAGES/contentcuration-messages.json
+++ b/contentcuration/locale/es_ES/LC_MESSAGES/contentcuration-messages.json
@@ -1,17 +1,22 @@
+ "AccessibilityOptions.altText": "Los elementos visuales en el recurso tienen descripciones a las que pueden acceder los lectores de pantalla en beneficio de los estudiantes ciegos",
+ "AccessibilityOptions.audioDescription": "El recurso contiene una segunda pista de audio con la narración que proporciona información adicional para el beneficio de los usuarios ciegos y de aquellos con baja visión",
+ "AccessibilityOptions.highContrast": "El texto del recurso y los elementos visuales se muestran con alto contraste para el beneficio de los usuarios con baja visión",
+ "AccessibilityOptions.signLanguage": "La traducción en lenguaje de signos está disponible para el audio o vídeo",
+ "AccessibilityOptions.taggedPdf": "El documento contiene etiquetas PDF a las que se puede acceder mediante lectores de pantalla en beneficio de los estudiantes ciegos",
"Account.apiDocumentation": "Documentación de la API",
"Account.apiTokenHeading": "API Token",
- "Account.apiTokenMessage": "Necesitará este token de acceso para ejecutar scripts de integración de contenido para ejecutar carga masiva de materiales a través de la API de Kolibri Studio.",
+ "Account.apiTokenMessage": "Necesitará este token de acceso para ejecutar scripts de integración de contenido para la carga masiva de materiales a través de la API de Kolibri Studio.",
"Account.basicInfoHeader": "Información básica",
"Account.changePasswordAction": "Cambiar contraseña",
- "Account.completelyDeleteAccountLabel": "Elimine completamente su cuenta de Kolibri Studio",
+ "Account.completelyDeleteAccountLabel": "Eliminar completamente su cuenta de Kolibri Studio",
"Account.deleteAccountLabel": "Eliminar cuenta",
"Account.editFullNameAction": "Editar nombre completo",
"Account.exportAccountDataHeading": "Exportar datos de la cuenta",
"Account.exportAccountDataLabel": "Recibirá un correo electrónico con toda la información vinculada a su cuenta",
"Account.exportAccountDataModalMessage": "Recibirá un correo electrónico con sus datos cuando finalice la exportación",
"Account.exportDataButton": "Exportar datos",
- "Account.exportFailed": "No se pudo exportar datos. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo.",
+ "Account.exportFailed": "Los datos no se pudieron exportar. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo.",
"Account.exportStartedHeader": "Exportación de datos iniciada",
"Account.fullNameLabel": "Nombre completo",
"Account.handleChannelsBeforeAccount": "Tiene que eliminar estos canales manualmente o invitar a otros usuarios para que tengan permisos de edición, antes de poder eliminar su cuenta.",
@@ -26,12 +31,15 @@
"AccountNotActivated.text": "Por favor, compruebe su correo electrónico para un enlace de activación o solicite un nuevo enlace.",
"AccountNotActivated.title": "Su cuenta no ha sido activada",
"ActivationExpired.activationExpiredText": "Este enlace de activación ya ha sido utilizado o ha caducado.",
- "ActivationExpired.activationExpiredTitle": "Activación fallida",
+ "ActivationExpired.activationExpiredTitle": "Ocurrió un fallo durante la activación",
"ActivationExpired.requestNewLink": "Solicitar un nuevo enlace de activación",
"ActivationLinkReSent.activationReSentText": "Si ya existe una cuenta con la dirección de correo electrónico proporcionada, recibirá las instrucciones en breve. Si no ve un correo electrónico nuestro, por favor revise su carpeta de correo basura.",
"ActivationLinkReSent.activationReSentTitle": "Instrucciones enviadas. ¡Gracias!",
"ActivationSent.header": "Enlace de activación enviado",
"ActivationSent.text": "¡Gracias por crear una cuenta! Para completar el proceso, por favor revise su correo electrónico para el enlace de activación que le enviamos.",
+ "ActivityDuration.minutesRequired": "Minutos",
+ "ActivityDuration.notOptionalLabel": "Tiempo requerido para que el recurso se marque como completado. Este valor no se mostrará a los estudiantes.",
+ "ActivityDuration.optionalLabel": "(Opcional) Tiempo requerido para que el recurso se marque como completado. Este valor no se mostrará a los estudiantes.",
"AddNextStepsPage.addedNextStepSnackbar": "Paso siguiente añadido",
"AddNextStepsPage.toolbarTitle": "Añadir paso siguiente",
"AddPreviousStepsPage.addedPreviousStepSnackbar": "Paso anterior añadido",
@@ -39,11 +47,11 @@
"AddRelatedResourcesModal.addStepBtnLabel": "Añadir",
"AddRelatedResourcesModal.cancelBtnLabel": "Cancelar",
"AddRelatedResourcesModal.previewStepBtnLabel": "Vista previa",
- "AddRelatedResourcesModal.resourcesDisplayedText": "Mostrar sólo los recursos disponibles para",
+ "AddRelatedResourcesModal.resourcesDisplayedText": "Mostrando solamente los recursos disponibles para",
"AddRelatedResourcesModal.selectedAsCurrentResource": "Este es el recurso actual",
"AddRelatedResourcesModal.selectedAsNextStep": "Ya seleccionado como un paso siguiente",
"AddRelatedResourcesModal.selectedAsPreviousStep": "Ya seleccionado como un paso anterior",
- "AdministrationAppError.unauthorizedDetails": "Necesita ser administrador de Studio para ver esta página",
+ "AdministrationAppError.unauthorizedDetails": "Necesita tener permisos de administrador en Studio para ver esta página",
"AdministrationIndex.channelsLabel": "Canales",
"AdministrationIndex.usersLabel": "Usuarios",
"Alert.closeButtonLabel": "Aceptar",
@@ -63,7 +71,7 @@
"AssessmentEditor.incompleteItemIndicatorLabel": "Incompleto",
"AssessmentEditor.newQuestionBtnLabel": "Nueva pregunta",
"AssessmentEditor.noQuestionsPlaceholder": "El ejercicio aún no tiene preguntas",
- "AssessmentEditor.showAnswers": "Mostrar las respuestas",
+ "AssessmentEditor.showAnswers": "Mostrar respuestas",
"AssessmentEditor.toolbarItemLabel": "pregunta",
"AssessmentItemEditor.dialogMessageChangeToInput": "Cambiar a 'entrada numérica' establecerá todas las respuestas como correctas y eliminará todas las respuestas no numéricas. ¿Continuar?",
"AssessmentItemEditor.dialogMessageChangeToSingleSelection": "Cambiar a 'opción única' sólo establecerá una respuesta como correcta. ¿Continuar?",
@@ -74,14 +82,14 @@
"AssessmentItemEditor.questionTypeLabel": "Tipo de respuesta",
"AssessmentItemPreview.answersLabel": "Respuestas",
"AssessmentItemPreview.hintsToggleLabelHide": "Ocultar pistas",
- "AssessmentItemPreview.hintsToggleLabelShow": "¡Muestra {hintsCount} {hintsCount, plural, one {pista} other {pistas}}",
+ "AssessmentItemPreview.hintsToggleLabelShow": "Muestra {hintsCount} {hintsCount, plural, one {pista} other {pistas}}",
"AssessmentItemPreview.noAnswersPlaceholder": "La pregunta no tiene opciones de respuesta",
"AssessmentItemToolbar.toolbarLabelAddAbove": "Añadir {itemLabel} arriba",
"AssessmentItemToolbar.toolbarLabelAddBelow": "Añadir {itemLabel} abajo",
"AssessmentItemToolbar.toolbarLabelDelete": "Eliminar",
"AssessmentItemToolbar.toolbarLabelEdit": "Editar",
- "AssessmentItemToolbar.toolbarLabelMoveDown": "Mover abajo",
- "AssessmentItemToolbar.toolbarLabelMoveUp": "Mover arriba",
+ "AssessmentItemToolbar.toolbarLabelMoveDown": "Mover hacia abajo",
+ "AssessmentItemToolbar.toolbarLabelMoveUp": "Mover hacia arriba",
"AssessmentTab.dialogCancelBtnLabel": "Cancelar",
"AssessmentTab.dialogSubmitBtnLabel": "Enviar",
"AssessmentTab.incompleteItemsCountMessage": "{invalidItemsCount} {invalidItemsCount, plural, one {pregunta no completada} other {preguntas no completadas}}",
@@ -91,42 +99,42 @@
"BrowsingCard.goToSingleLocationAction": "Ir a la ubicación",
"BrowsingCard.hasCoachTooltip": "{value, number, integer} {value, plural, one {recurso para tutores} other {recursos para tutores}}",
"BrowsingCard.previewAction": "Ver detalles",
- "BrowsingCard.resourcesCount": "{count, number} {count, plural, one {material} other {materiales}}",
+ "BrowsingCard.resourcesCount": "{count, number} {count, plural, one {recurso} other {recursos}}",
"BrowsingCard.tagsList": "Etiquetas: {tags}",
"BytesForHumansStrings.fileSizeInBytes": "{n, number, integer} B",
"BytesForHumansStrings.fileSizeInGigabytes": "{n, number, integer} GB",
"BytesForHumansStrings.fileSizeInKilobytes": "{n, number, integer} KB",
"BytesForHumansStrings.fileSizeInMegabytes": "{n, number, integer} MB",
"BytesForHumansStrings.fileSizeInTerabytes": "{n, number, integer} TB",
- "CatalogFAQ.KolibriAnswer": "Kolibri es una plataforma de código abierto diseñada para las comunidades de bajos recursos, enfocada en:",
- "CatalogFAQ.KolibriAnswerItem1": "Superar las barreras de infraestructura que impiden un acceso equitativo a una educación de calidad para los estudiantes en contextos de bajos recursos y baja conectividad",
- "CatalogFAQ.KolibriAnswerItem2": "Incrementar la disponibilidad de materiales de aprendizaje abiertos adecuados para muchos currículos, metas de aprendizaje y situaciones",
+ "CatalogFAQ.KolibriAnswer": "Kolibri es una plataforma de código abierto diseñada para las comunidades con bajos recursos, enfocada en:",
+ "CatalogFAQ.KolibriAnswerItem1": "Superar las barreras infraestructurales que impiden acceso equitativo a una educación de calidad para los estudiantes en contextos de bajos recursos y baja conectividad",
+ "CatalogFAQ.KolibriAnswerItem2": "Incrementar la disponibilidad de materiales de aprendizaje abiertos adecuados para una variedad de currículos, metas de aprendizaje y situaciones",
"CatalogFAQ.KolibriAnswerItem3": "Fomentar una pedagogía innovadora y resultados de aprendizaje efectivos",
"CatalogFAQ.KolibriQuestion": "¿Qué es Kolibri?",
"CatalogFAQ.aboutHeader": "¡Bienvenida al Catálogo de la Biblioteca de Contenidos de Kolibri! ",
"CatalogFAQ.aboutKolibriHeader": "Acerca de Kolibri",
"CatalogFAQ.aboutLibraryHeader": "Acerca de la Biblioteca de Contenido de Kolibri",
- "CatalogFAQ.channelAnswer": "Un canal es la unidad de organización de Kolibri para contenidos digitales. Es una colección de recursos organizados por instituciones o creadores particulares, cada uno de los cuales contiene un conjunto de libros, juegos, artículos, simulaciones, ejercicios, libros de texto y muchos más tipos de materiales educativos, todos puestos a disposición en Kolibri sin necesidad de acceso a Internet. Un canal no es necesariamente un curso o una secuencia - es simplemente una colección de materiales publicados o reunidos por una organización, lo más cerca posible del formato original del proveedor, pero organizado para la mejor navegación posible en Kolibri.",
+ "CatalogFAQ.channelAnswer": "Un canal en Kolibri es la unidad de organización de los contenidos digitales. Es una colección de recursos organizados por instituciones o creadores particulares, cada uno de los cuales contiene un conjunto de libros, juegos, artículos, simulaciones, ejercicios, libros de texto y muchos más tipos de materiales educativos, todos puestos a disposición en Kolibri sin necesidad de acceso a Internet. Un canal no es necesariamente un curso o una secuencia - es simplemente una colección de materiales publicados o reunidos por una organización, lo más cerca posible del formato original del proveedor, pero organizado para la mejor navegación posible en Kolibri.",
"CatalogFAQ.channelLink": "¿Qué es un canal?",
"CatalogFAQ.channelQuestion": "¿Qué es un canal?",
- "CatalogFAQ.coachContentAnswer": "La mayoría de los recursos están dirigidos a los estudiantes, pero algunos, como planes de clase, actualizaciones temáticas, guías de aprendizaje profesional y similares, están dirigidos a profesores y tutores. En Kolibri, marcamos este contenido como \"apoyo para tutores\" y limitamos su visibilidad a aquellos usuarios con las cuentas de tutor. Si ves materiales para tutores en el canal, indican que posiblemente se requiere menos planificación por parte de facilitadores que usen esos recursos.",
+ "CatalogFAQ.coachContentAnswer": "La mayoría de los recursos están dirigidos a los estudiantes, pero algunos, como planes de clase, actualizaciones temáticas, guías de aprendizaje profesional y similares, están dirigidos a profesores y tutores. En Kolibri, marcamos este contenido como \"para tutores\" y limitamos su visibilidad a aquellos usuarios con las cuentas de tutor. Si hay materiales para tutores en el canal, indican que posiblemente se requiere menos planificación por parte de facilitadores que usen esos recursos.",
"CatalogFAQ.coachContentQuestion": "¿Qué son los 'recursos para tutores'?",
- "CatalogFAQ.customContentAnswer": "Para añadir sus propios materiales, cree una cuenta de Kolibri Studio en https://studio.learningequality.org. Si desea recomendar materiales educativos públicos para incuir a la Biblioteca de Contenidos de Kolibri envíenos un correo electrónico a content@learningequality.org.",
+ "CatalogFAQ.customContentAnswer": "Para añadir sus propios materiales, cree una cuenta en Kolibri Studio al https://studio.learningequality.org. Pueden contactar con nosotros al content@learningequality.org para recomendar los materiales de acceso público que se les gustaría ver en la Biblioteca de Contenido de Kolibri.",
"CatalogFAQ.customContentQuestion": "¿Cómo puedo añadir mis propios materiales o recomendar materiales de otros creadores para esta biblioteca?",
"CatalogFAQ.descriptionP1": "Aquí puede aprender más sobre los recursos educativos disponibles para uso público en Kolibri, que están organizados en \"canales\". Utilice los filtros para navegar por los canales por palabra clave, idioma o formatos de los materiales dentro.",
"CatalogFAQ.descriptionP2": "Haga clic en un canal para obtener una vista previa de los temas y temas que cubre, aprender más sobre su creador, ver cuántos recursos contiene el canal y aprender a importarlo en Kolibri. También puede encontrar contenido específico para tutores (planes de clase, guías profesionales de profesores y otros materiales complementarios de facilitación), evaluaciones y ejercicios y subtítulos para la accesibilidad.",
- "CatalogFAQ.descriptionP3": "Compartir el trabajo de estos creadores de recursos es lo que inspira los esfuerzos de Learning Equality. ¡Esperamos que encuentres algo que te excite sobre el potencial del aprendizaje digital, en línea o fuera de ella!",
+ "CatalogFAQ.descriptionP3": "Compartir el trabajo de estos creadores de recursos es lo que inspira los esfuerzos de Learning Equality. ¡Esperamos que encuentres algo que te excite sobre el potencial del aprendizaje digital, en línea o sin conexión!",
"CatalogFAQ.downloadKolibriLink": "Descargar Kolibri",
"CatalogFAQ.downloadLink": "Descargar",
- "CatalogFAQ.endoresementQuestion": "¿Estas fuentes han sido examinadas o respaldadas como seguras y preparadas para su uso en las aulas?",
+ "CatalogFAQ.endoresementQuestion": "¿Estas fuentes han sido examinadas o aprobadas como seguras y preparadas para su uso en las aulas?",
"CatalogFAQ.endorsementAnswer": "Seleccionamos fuentes que tienen una finalidad o vinculación educativa, para que pueda confiar en que la mayoría de los recursos de la Biblioteca de Contenido de Kolibri fueron diseñados con fines de aprendizaje. Sin embargo, no podemos garantizar la conveniencia de cada recurso individual dentro de una fuente determinada. Recomendamos que los educadores y administradores realicen una revisión exhaustiva de cualquier contenido digital utilizando sus propios criterios, incluyendo reorganización y re-curación, si es necesario - antes de usarlo con los estudiantes. Reconocemos que puede haber muchos estándares diferentes entre contextos que influyen a los criterios como: niveles preferidos de interactividad, si materias son apropiadas para las edades, las sensibilidades y el tono cultural. Por esta razón hemos ofrecido intencionalmente una amplia gama de materiales para ayudar a todos los estudiantes independientemente de su ubicación.",
"CatalogFAQ.faqHeader": "Preguntas más frecuentes",
"CatalogFAQ.issueAnswer": "Por favor envíenos un correo electrónico a content@learningequality.org e incluya el nombre del canal, junto con una descripción del problema. Si nota un problema en un recurso específico, por favor asegúrese de vincularlo también. ¡Estaríamos encantados de investigar y agradecemos sus comentarios!",
"CatalogFAQ.issueQuestion": "He encontrado un error, un enlace roto o alguna información mal etiquetada dentro de un recurso. ¿Qué debo hacer?",
- "CatalogFAQ.maintenanceAnswerP1": "Porque Kolibri está diseñado para estudiantes y educadores desconectados de Internet, los recursos primero deben empaquetarse para que se puedan consultar sin necesidad de conectividad. Para la mayoría de las fuentes, nuestro equipo de contenidos utiliza scripts automatizados y personalizados para recoger contenido desde un sitio web, una aplicación, o una fuente privada como un disco duro (con los permisos apropiados).",
- "CatalogFAQ.maintenanceAnswerP2": "Para saber más sobre cómo los contenidos están empaquetados para su uso en Kolibri y qué tipos de formatos son soportados, por favor consulte nuestra guía de integración de contenido.",
+ "CatalogFAQ.maintenanceAnswerP1": "Porque Kolibri está diseñado para estudiantes y educadores desconectados de Internet, los recursos primero deben organizarse como un conjunto para que se puedan consultar sin necesidad de conectividad. Para la mayoría de las fuentes, nuestro equipo de contenidos utiliza scripts automatizados y personalizados para recoger contenido desde un sitio web, una aplicación, o una fuente privada como un disco duro (con los permisos apropiados).",
+ "CatalogFAQ.maintenanceAnswerP2": "Para saber más sobre cómo los contenidos están integrados para su uso en Kolibri y qué tipos de formatos son soportados, por favor consulte nuestra guía de integración de contenido.",
"CatalogFAQ.maintenanceQuestion": "¿Cómo se crea y mantiene esta biblioteca?",
- "CatalogFAQ.makerAnswerP1": "Learning Equality, una organización sin fines de lucro (501(c)(3)) con sede en San Diego, California, se compromete a capacitar que todas las personas del mundo realicen su derecho a una educación de calidad, apoyando la creación, adaptación y distribución de recursos educativos abiertos, y creando herramientas de apoyo para la pedagogía innovadora.",
+ "CatalogFAQ.makerAnswerP1": "Learning Equality, una organización sin fines de lucro (501(c)(3)) con sede en San Diego, California, está compromida a posibilitar que todas las personas del mundo realicen su derecho a una educación de calidad, dando soporte a la creación, adaptación y distribución de recursos educativos abiertos, y creando herramientas de apoyo para la pedagogía innovadora.",
"CatalogFAQ.makerAnswerP2": "En reconocimiento de la brecha digital, Learning Equality comenzó llevando la experiencia de Khan Academy fuera de línea a más de 6 millones de estudiantes en todo el mundo. Su producto de segunda generación, Kolibri, forma parte de un ecosistema más amplio de productos y herramientas que apoyan el alineamiento curricular, pedagogías para el aprendizaje combinado, y un uso más amplio de los Recursos Educativos Abiertos para mejorar el aprendizaje.",
"CatalogFAQ.makerQuestion": "¿Quiénes son autores de Kolibri?",
"CatalogFAQ.newContentAnswer": "Nuestro equipo de contenidos añade nuevas fuentes y canales a la biblioteca y actualiza los canales existentes a medida que los creadores de contenido ponen a disposición nuevos materiales.",
@@ -136,14 +144,14 @@
"CatalogFAQ.partialChannelAnswer": "Al importar contenido en Kolibri, puede seleccionar los temas y secciones específicos de un canal de su interés. Si desea realizar cambios como editar las descripciones del título o de la carpeta, o cambiar el orden en que aparecen los materiales, póngase en contacto con nosotros al content@learningequality.org para obtener el acceso temprano a nuestra herramienta de Kolibri Studio, que se puede utilizar para realizar estos cambios.",
"CatalogFAQ.partialChannelQuestion": "Quiero usar algunos de los recursos de este canal, pero no todos. ¿Qué debo hacer?",
"CatalogFAQ.sampleContentAnswer": "Puede hacerlo de tres maneras:",
- "CatalogFAQ.sampleContentAnswerItem1": "Para ver la fuente original de contenido, haga clic en el botón ⋮ y seleccione \"Ir al sitio web de origen\"",
+ "CatalogFAQ.sampleContentAnswerItem1": "Para ver la fuente original de contenido, haga clic en el botón ⋮ y seleccione \"Ir a la página web de origen\"",
"CatalogFAQ.sampleContentAnswerItem2": "Para previsualizar el contenido en uno de nuestros servidores de demostración en línea (disponible en inglés, español, árabe, francés y hindi), haga clic en el botón ⋮ y seleccione 'Ver canal en Kolibri'",
"CatalogFAQ.sampleContentAnswerItem3": "Descargue Kolibri e importe el canal en su dispositivo para obtener el acceso completo sin conexión.",
"CatalogFAQ.sampleContentQuestion": "¿Cómo puedo revisar los contenidos dentro de los canales?",
"CatalogFAQ.selectionAnswerP1": "Nuestro enfoque es único en el sentido de que nuestro objetivo es ensamblar una biblioteca de recursos que apoye la diversidad de necesidades que Kolibri está diseñado para satisfacer en lugar de reunir todos los recursos educativos abiertos posibles.",
- "CatalogFAQ.selectionAnswerP2": "Para informar de lo que seleccionamos, el equipo de Learning Equality está continuamente manteniendo y actualizando nuestro conocimiento de los recursos digitales con licencia abierta disponibles en el panorama educativo. La mayoría de nuestros recursos provienen organizaciones, instituciones o creadores con experiencia en diseño de aprendizaje y con un claro compromiso educativo. Priorizamos el suministro de una diversidad de niveles, áreas temáticas e idiomas. Cuando sea posible, también evaluamos y buscamos información sobre el grado en que los materiales pueden ser adecuados para el único entorno de aprendizaje combinado en el que trabajamos.",
+ "CatalogFAQ.selectionAnswerP2": "Para informar de lo que seleccionamos, el equipo de Learning Equality está continuamente manteniendo y actualizando nuestro conocimiento de los recursos digitales con licencia abierta disponibles en el panorama educativo. La mayoría de nuestros recursos provienen organizaciones, instituciones o creadores con experiencia en diseño de aprendizaje y con un claro compromiso educativo. Priorizamos el suministro de una diversidad de niveles, áreas temáticas e idiomas. Cuando sea posible, también evaluamos y buscamos información sobre el grado en que los materiales pueden ser adecuados para el singular entorno de aprendizaje combinado en el que trabajamos.",
"CatalogFAQ.selectionQuestion": "¿De qué manera Learning Equality determina qué es lo que se incluye en esta biblioteca?",
- "CatalogFAQ.usingContentAnswer": "¡Genial! Todos estos recursos han sido especialmente empaquetados para su uso en Kolibri, nuestra plataforma de Código Abierto para aprender sin conexión, así que por favor revise cómo empezar con Kolibri primero, luego siga las instrucciones para importar materiales.",
+ "CatalogFAQ.usingContentAnswer": "¡Genial! Todos estos recursos han sido especialmente ensamblados para su uso en Kolibri, nuestra plataforma de código abierto para aprender sin conexión, así que por favor revise cómo empezar con Kolibri primero, luego siga las instrucciones para importar materiales.",
"CatalogFAQ.usingContentQuestion": "He encontrado algo que me interesa y me gustaría empezar a usar. ¿Qué debo hacer?",
"CatalogFAQ.usingKolibriAnswerP1": "Puedes aprender más sobre el uso de Kolibri haciendo cualquiera de los siguientes:",
"CatalogFAQ.usingKolibriAnswerP2": "Le invitamos a consultar la documentación de Kolibri para obtener más información.",
@@ -188,6 +196,7 @@
"CatalogList.resultsText": "{count, plural,\n =1 {# resultado encontrado}\n other {# resultados encontrados}}",
"CatalogList.selectAll": "Seleccionar todo",
"CatalogList.selectChannels": "Descargar un resumen de los canales seleccionados",
+ "CategoryOptions.noCategoryFoundText": "Categoría no encontrada",
"ChangePasswordForm.cancelAction": "Cancelar",
"ChangePasswordForm.changePasswordHeader": "Cambiar contraseña",
"ChangePasswordForm.confirmNewPasswordLabel": "Confirmar nueva contraseña",
@@ -233,14 +242,14 @@
"ChannelExportStrings.tags": "Etiquetas",
"ChannelExportStrings.token": "Token",
"ChannelExportStrings.yes": "Sí",
- "ChannelInfoCard.resourceCount": "{count, number} {count, plural, one {material} other {materiales}}",
+ "ChannelInfoCard.resourceCount": "{count, number} {count, plural, one {recurso} other {recursos}}",
"ChannelInvitation.accept": "Aceptar",
"ChannelInvitation.acceptedSnackbar": "Invitación aceptada",
"ChannelInvitation.cancel": "Cancelar",
"ChannelInvitation.decline": "Declinar",
"ChannelInvitation.declinedSnackbar": "Invitación rechazada",
"ChannelInvitation.decliningInvitation": "Rechazando la invitación",
- "ChannelInvitation.decliningInvitationMessage": "Por favor, confirma que deseas declinar esta invitación.",
+ "ChannelInvitation.decliningInvitationMessage": "Por favor, confirme que desea declinar esta invitación.",
"ChannelInvitation.editText": "{sender} le ha invitado a editar {channel}",
"ChannelInvitation.goToChannelSnackbarAction": "Ir al canal",
"ChannelInvitation.viewText": "{sender} le ha invitado a ver {channel}",
@@ -307,7 +316,7 @@
"ChannelSetList.channelSetsDescriptionText": "Una colección contiene múltiples canales de Kolibri Studio que pueden ser importados a Kolibri con solo el token de la colección.",
"ChannelSetList.channelSetsDisclaimer": "Se necesita Kolibri con versión 0.12.0 o superior para importar colecciones de canales",
"ChannelSetList.channelSetsInstructionsText": "Puede hacer una colección seleccionando los canales que desea importar juntos.",
- "ChannelSetList.noChannelSetsFound": "Puede empaquetar varios canales para crear una colección. La colección completa puede ser importada a Kolibri a la vez usando un token de colección.",
+ "ChannelSetList.noChannelSetsFound": "Puede juntar varios canales para crear una colección. La colección completa puede ser importada a Kolibri a la vez usando un token de colección.",
"ChannelSetList.options": "Opciones",
"ChannelSetList.title": "Nombre de la colección",
"ChannelSetList.token": "Token ID",
@@ -331,7 +340,7 @@
"ChannelSetModal.titleLabel": "Nombre de la colección",
"ChannelSetModal.titleRequiredText": "Este campo es obligatorio",
"ChannelSetModal.token": "Token de la colección",
- "ChannelSetModal.tokenPrompt": "Copie este token en Kolibri para importar esta colección a su dispositivo.",
+ "ChannelSetModal.tokenPrompt": "Copiar este token en Kolibri para importar esta colección a su dispositivo.",
"ChannelSetModal.unsavedChangesHeader": "Cambios sin guardar",
"ChannelSetModal.unsavedChangesText": "Se perderán los cambios sin guardar. Por favor, confirme que desea salir.",
"ChannelSetModal.view": "Solo modo de lectura",
@@ -365,10 +374,10 @@
"ChannelSharingTable.makeEditorText": "Por favor, confirme de que desea conceder los permisos de edición a {first_name} {last_name}",
"ChannelSharingTable.noUsersText": "No se han encontrado usuarios",
"ChannelSharingTable.optionsDropdown": "Opciones",
- "ChannelSharingTable.removeViewer": "Revocar permisos de vista",
+ "ChannelSharingTable.removeViewer": "Revocar permisos de ver",
"ChannelSharingTable.removeViewerConfirm": "Si, revocar",
- "ChannelSharingTable.removeViewerHeader": "Revocar permisos de vista",
- "ChannelSharingTable.removeViewerText": "Por favor, confirme de que desea anular los permisos de vista para {first_name} {last_name}",
+ "ChannelSharingTable.removeViewerHeader": "Revocar permisos de ver",
+ "ChannelSharingTable.removeViewerText": "Por favor, confirme que desea anular los permisos de ver para {first_name} {last_name}",
"ChannelSharingTable.resendInvitation": "Reenviar la invitación",
"ChannelSharingTable.userRemovedMessage": "Usuario eliminado",
"ChannelSharingTable.viewersSubheading": "{count, plural,\n =1 {# usuario que puede ver}\n other {# usuarios que pueden ver}}",
@@ -378,8 +387,8 @@
"ChannelStar.unstarred": "Eliminado de los canales favoritos",
"ChannelThumbnail.cancel": "Cancelar",
"ChannelThumbnail.crop": "Recortar",
- "ChannelThumbnail.croppingPrompt": "Arrastra la imagen para colocar",
- "ChannelThumbnail.defaultFilename": "Archivo",
+ "ChannelThumbnail.croppingPrompt": "Arrastrar la imagen para colocar",
+ "ChannelThumbnail.defaultFilename": "Fichero",
"ChannelThumbnail.noThumbnail": "No hay miniaturas.",
"ChannelThumbnail.remove": "Eliminar",
"ChannelThumbnail.retryUpload": "Volver a subir",
@@ -391,35 +400,137 @@
"ChannelThumbnail.zoomOut": "Reducir tamaño",
"ChannelTokenModal.close": "Cerrar",
"ChannelTokenModal.copyTitle": "Copiar el token del canal",
- "ChannelTokenModal.copyTokenInstructions": "Pege este token en Kolibri para importar este canal",
+ "ChannelTokenModal.copyTokenInstructions": "Pegar este token en Kolibri para importar este canal",
"Clipboard.backToClipboard": "Portapapeles",
- "Clipboard.cancel": "Cancelar",
"Clipboard.close": "Cerrar",
"Clipboard.copiedItemsToClipboard": "Copiado al portapapeles",
- "Clipboard.creatingClipboardCopies": "Copiando a portapapeles...",
"Clipboard.deleteSelectedButton": "Eliminar",
"Clipboard.duplicateSelectedButton": "Hacer una copia",
- "Clipboard.emptyDefaultText": "Use el portapapeles para copiar recursos y moverlos a otros temas y canales",
+ "Clipboard.emptyDefaultText": "Usar el portapapeles para copiar recursos y moverlos a otras carpetas y canales",
"Clipboard.emptyDefaultTitle": "No hay recursos en el portapapeles",
"Clipboard.moveSelectedButton": "Mover",
"Clipboard.removedFromClipboard": "Eliminado del portapapeles",
- "Clipboard.removingItems": "Eliminando del portapapeles...",
"Clipboard.selectAll": "Seleccionar todo",
- "Clipboard.undo": "Deshacer",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.accessibility": "Accesibilidad",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.algebra": "Álgebra",
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+ "CommonMetadataStrings.allLevelsWorkSkills": "Todos los niveles -- habilidades laborales",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.altText": "Incluye descripciones de texto alternativas para las imágenes",
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+ "CommonMetadataStrings.basicSkills": "Habilidades básicas",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.biology": "Biología",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.browseChannel": "Explorar el canal",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.calculus": "Cálculo",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.captionsSubtitles": "Incluye subtítulos",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.category": "Categoría",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.chemistry": "Química",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.civicEducation": "Educación cívica",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.completion": "Finalización",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.computerScience": "Informática",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.create": "Crear",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.currentEvents": "Eventos actuales",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.dailyLife": "Vida diaria",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.dance": "Danza",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.digitalLiteracy": "Alfabetización digital",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.diversity": "Diversidad",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.drama": "Teatro",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.duration": "Duración",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.earthScience": "Ciencias de la Tierra",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.entrepreneurship": "Emprendimiento",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.environment": "Medio ambiente",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.explore": "Explorar",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.financialLiteracy": "Educación financiera",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.forBeginners": "Para principiantes",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.forTeachers": "Para profesores",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.geometry": "Geometría",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.guides": "Guías",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.highContrast": "Incluye texto de alto contraste para los estudiantes con baja visión",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.history": "Historial",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.industryAndSectorSpecific": "Industria y sectores específicos",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.languageLearning": "Aprendizaje de idiomas",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.learningActivity": "Actividad de aprendizaje",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.learningSkills": "Habilidades de aprendizaje",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.lessonPlans": "Planes de estudio",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.level": "Nivel",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.listen": "Escuchar",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.literacy": "Alfabetización",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.literature": "Literatura",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.logicAndCriticalThinking": "Pensamiento lógico y crítico",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.longActivity": "Actividad larga",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.lowerPrimary": "Primaria inferior",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.lowerSecondary": "Secundaria inferior",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.mathematics": "Matemáticas",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.mechanicalEngineering": "Ingeniería mecánica",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.mediaLiteracy": "Alfabetización mediática",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.mentalHealth": "Salud mental",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.music": "Música",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.needsInternet": "Conexión a Internet",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.needsMaterials": "Otros materiales",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.numeracy": "Matemática básica",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.peers": "Trabajar con los compañeros de clase",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.physics": "Física",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.politicalScience": "Ciencias políticas",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.practice": "Practicar",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.preschool": "Preescolar",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.professionalSkills": "Habilidades profesionales",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.programming": "Programación",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.publicHealth": "Salud pública",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.read": "Leer",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.readReference": "Referencia",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.readingAndWriting": "Lectura y escritura",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.readingComprehension": "Comprensión lectora",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.reflect": "Reflejar",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.school": "Escuela",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.sciences": "Ciencias",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.shortActivity": "Actividad corta",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.signLanguage": "Incluye traducción en la lengua de signos",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.skillsTraining": "Desarrollo de habilidades",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.socialSciences": "Ciencias sociales",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.sociology": "Sociología",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.softwareTools": "Otras herramientas de software",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.softwareToolsAndTraining": "Herramientas y formación en desarrollo de software",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.specializedProfessionalTraining": "Formación profesional especializada",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.statistics": "Estadística",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.taggedPdf": "PDF accesible etiquetado",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.teacher": "Trabajar con un profesor",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.technicalAndVocationalTraining": "Formación técnica y profesional",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.tertiary": "Enseñanza superior",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.toUseWithPaperAndPencil": "Papel y lápiz",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.topicLabel": "Carpeta",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.upperPrimary": "Primaria superior",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.upperSecondary": "Secundaria superior",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.visualArt": "Arte visual",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.watch": "Ver",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.webDesign": "Diseño web",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.work": "Trabajo",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.writing": "Escritura",
"CommunityStandardsModal.communityStandardsHeader": "Normas de la comunidad",
"CommunityStandardsModal.coreValuesLink": "Aprenda más sobre los valores fundamentales de Learning Equality",
"CommunityStandardsModal.description": "Learning Equality es una organización sin fines de lucro dedicada a facilitar un acceso equitativo a experiencias educativas de calidad. Junto con nuestra declaración de valores fundamentales, estas Normas Comunitarias pretenden fomentar un entorno de apoyo e inclusivo para nuestros usuarios.",
- "CommunityStandardsModal.libraryDescription": "La Biblioteca Kolibri es igualmente un esfuerzo popular como curado para proporcionar una amplia variedad de materiales para todos los estudiantes y todos los propósitos de aprendizaje. Para ayudarnos a lograr estos objetivos, le invitamos a utilizar Kolibri Studio de maneras que:",
- "CommunityStandardsModal.libraryItem1": "Modele buenas prácticas para compartir y respetar los derechos de autor. Cree una comunidad ética para compartir etiquetando licencias, asegurándose de conocer las licencias apropiadas para lo que sube, y asegurándose de que los permisos escritos apropiados estén documentados si es necesario. Kolibri Studio está diseñado principalmente para alojar materiales con licencia abierta o con permisos especiales para redistribución y reproducción.",
- "CommunityStandardsModal.libraryItem2": "Mantenga los materiales claros, organizados y utilizables. Acogemos con satisfacción los recursos creados en todos los niveles de producción. Para ayudar a que lleguen al mayor número posible de estudiantes, le invitamos a que utilice todos los campos de metadatos y busque la calidad en sostenibilidad, la legibilidad, o la digitalización para que el contenido sea utilizable y comprensible.",
- "CommunityStandardsModal.libraryItem3": "Respete a la comunidad, evite la oscuridad y la vulgaridad, más allá de los propósitos educativos específicos que podrían servir en algunos contextos. Nunca se tolerará el discurso de odio de ningún tipo, o la promoción de la violencia o la discriminación.",
- "CommunityStandardsModal.libraryItem4": "Kolibri Studio es sólo para propósitos educativos. No está destinado a ser utilizado para fines no educativos como reclutamiento, adoctrinamiento, publicidad, intercambio de archivos o alojamiento personal de medios.",
- "CommunityStandardsModal.studioDescription": "Kolibri Studio le da acceso a la Biblioteca Kolibri, una biblioteca creciente de materiales educativos, que le animamos a utilizar como propio. Construimos Kolibri Studio para ayudarle a preparar materiales educativos de diversas maneras, incluyendo, pero no limitándole a:",
- "CommunityStandardsModal.studioItem1": "Navegar. Seleccionando los materiales educativos en la Biblioteca Kolibri apropiados para su situación, la lista de fuentes disponibles en la página de canales públicos en el Kolibri Studio",
- "CommunityStandardsModal.studioItem2": "Curar contenidos. Reorganizar los materiales en estos canales seleccionando, eliminando y reordenando los elementos apropiados",
+ "CommunityStandardsModal.libraryDescription": "La Biblioteca Kolibri es igualmente un esfuerzo comunitario y curado profesionalmente para proporcionar una amplia variedad de materiales para todos los estudiantes y todas las metas de aprendizaje. Para ayudarnos a lograr estos objetivos, le invitamos a utilizar Kolibri Studio para:",
+ "CommunityStandardsModal.libraryItem1": "Formar buenas prácticas para compartir y respetar los derechos de autor. Crear una comunidad ética para compartir detallando licencias, asegurándose de conocer las licencias apropiadas para lo que sube, y asegurándose de que los permisos escritos apropiados estén documentados si es necesario. Kolibri Studio está diseñado principalmente para alojar materiales con licencia abierta o con permisos especiales para redistribución y reproducción.",
+ "CommunityStandardsModal.libraryItem2": "Mantener los materiales claros, organizados y utilizables. Acogemos con satisfacción los recursos creados en todos los niveles de producción. Para ayudar a que lleguen al mayor número posible de estudiantes, invitamos a utilizar todos los campos de metadatos y buscar la calidad en la asimibilidad, la legibilidad, y la digitalización para que el contenido sea utilizable y comprensible.",
+ "CommunityStandardsModal.libraryItem3": "Respetar a la comunidad, evitar la obscenidad y la vulgaridad, más allá de los propósitos educativos específicos que podrían tener en algunos contextos. Nunca se tolerará el discurso de odio de ningún tipo, o la promoción de la violencia o la discriminación.",
+ "CommunityStandardsModal.libraryItem4": "Kolibri Studio está pensado solamente para propósitos educativos. No está destinado a ser utilizado para fines no educativos como reclutamiento, adoctrinamiento, publicidad, intercambio de ficheros o alojamiento personal de medios.",
+ "CommunityStandardsModal.studioDescription": "Kolibri Studio proporciona acceso a la Biblioteca Kolibri, una biblioteca creciente de materiales educativos, que animamos a utilizar como propio. Construimos Kolibri Studio como apoyo a preparar materiales educativos de diversas maneras, que incluye (sin excluir otras) las siguientes posibilidades:",
+ "CommunityStandardsModal.studioItem1": "Navegar. Seleccionar los materiales educativos en la Biblioteca Kolibri apropiados para su situación, la lista de fuentes disponibles está en la página de canales públicos en el Kolibri Studio.",
+ "CommunityStandardsModal.studioItem2": "Curar contenidos. Reorganizar los materiales en estos canales seleccionando, eliminando y reordenando los elementos apropiados.",
"CommunityStandardsModal.studioItem3": "Compartir. Crear y publicar nuevos canales con lo que encuentra, ya sea para compartir con sus propias implementaciones de forma privada o para compartir con otros en Kolibri Studio.",
- "CommunityStandardsModal.studioItem4": "Modificar y crear. Añadiendo sus propios ejercicios de evaluación a cualquier material existente",
- "CommunityStandardsModal.studioItem5": "Alojar. Subir sus propios materiales (limitado a materiales que usted sabe tienen la licencia adecuada para hacerlo) desde un disco duro local u otras ubicaciones en Internet",
+ "CommunityStandardsModal.studioItem4": "Modificar y crear. Añadir sus propios ejercicios de evaluación a cualquier material existente.",
+ "CommunityStandardsModal.studioItem5": "Alojar. Subir sus propios materiales (limitado a materiales con la licencia adecuada para hacerlo confirmada) desde un disco duro local u otras ubicaciones en Internet.",
+ "CompletionOptions.allContent": "Visto en su totalidad",
+ "CompletionOptions.completeDuration": "Cuando el tiempo empleado es igual a la duración",
+ "CompletionOptions.determinedByResource": "Determinado por el recurso",
+ "CompletionOptions.exactTime": "Tiempo para completar",
+ "CompletionOptions.goal": "Cuando se alcanza el objetivo",
+ "CompletionOptions.practiceQuiz": "Prueba de prácticas",
+ "CompletionOptions.reference": "Material de referencia",
+ "CompletionOptions.referenceHint": "No se graba el seguimiento de progreso en el material de referencia a menos que los estudiantes lo marquen como completo",
"ConstantStrings.All Rights Reserved": "Todos los derechos reservados",
"ConstantStrings.All Rights Reserved_description": "La Licencia Todos los Derechos Reservados, indica que el titular reserva, o mantiene para uso propio, todos los derechos previstos por la ley de derechos de autor bajo un solo tratado de derechos específico.",
"ConstantStrings.CC BY": "CC BY",
@@ -442,7 +553,7 @@
"ConstantStrings.audio_thumbnail": "Miniatura",
"ConstantStrings.bookmark": "Destacados",
"ConstantStrings.coach": "Tutores",
- "ConstantStrings.do_all": "100% correcto",
+ "ConstantStrings.do_all": "Objetivo: 100% correcto",
"ConstantStrings.do_all_description": "Estudiante debe responder correctamente a todas las preguntas en el ejercicio (no recomendado para ejercicios largos)",
"ConstantStrings.document": "Documento",
"ConstantStrings.document_thumbnail": "Miniatura",
@@ -464,19 +575,18 @@
"ConstantStrings.learner": "Cualquiera",
"ConstantStrings.low_res_video": "Resolución baja",
"ConstantStrings.m_of_n": "M de N...",
- "ConstantStrings.m_of_n_description": "Estudiantes tienen que responder correctamente a M preguntas de las últimas N. Por ejemplo, '3 de 5' significa que los estudiantes necesitan responder correctamente a 3 preguntas de las últimas 5.",
+ "ConstantStrings.m_of_n_description": "Estudiantes tienen que responder correctamente a M preguntas de las últimas N. Por ejemplo, '3 de 5' significa que los estudiantes deben de responder correctamente a 3 preguntas de las últimas 5.",
"ConstantStrings.mp3": "Audio MP3",
"ConstantStrings.mp4": "Video MP4",
- "ConstantStrings.webm": "Video WEBM",
"ConstantStrings.multiple_selection": "Selección múltiple",
"ConstantStrings.nthCopy": "Copia {n, number, integer} de {title}",
- "ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_10": "10 consecutivas",
+ "ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_10": "Objetivo: 10 seguidos",
"ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_10_description": "Estudiante tiene que responder correctamente a 10 preguntas seguidas",
- "ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_2": "2 consecutivas",
+ "ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_2": "Objetivo: 2 seguidos",
"ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_2_description": "Estudiante tiene que responder correctamente a 2 preguntas seguidas",
- "ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_3": "3 consecutivas",
+ "ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_3": "Objetivo: 3 seguidos",
"ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_3_description": "Estudiante tiene que responder correctamente a 3 preguntas seguidas",
- "ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_5": "5 consecutivas",
+ "ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_5": "Objetivo: 5 seguidos",
"ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_5_description": "Estudiante tiene que responder correctamente a 5 preguntas seguidas",
"ConstantStrings.pdf": "Documento PDF",
"ConstantStrings.perseus": "Ejercicio Perseus",
@@ -486,7 +596,7 @@
"ConstantStrings.single_selection": "Selección única",
"ConstantStrings.slideshow": "Presentación",
"ConstantStrings.svg": "Imagen SVG",
- "ConstantStrings.topic": "Tema",
+ "ConstantStrings.topic": "Carpeta",
"ConstantStrings.topic_thumbnail": "Miniatura",
"ConstantStrings.true_false": "Verdadero/Falso",
"ConstantStrings.unknown_question": "Tipo de pregunta desconocido",
@@ -495,6 +605,7 @@
"ConstantStrings.video_thumbnail": "Miniatura",
"ConstantStrings.view": "Solo modo de lectura",
"ConstantStrings.vtt": "Subtítulo VTT",
+ "ConstantStrings.webm": "Vídeo WEBM",
"ConstantStrings.zip": "Zip de HTML5",
"ContentDefaults.aggregator": "Agregador",
"ContentDefaults.author": "Autor",
@@ -513,51 +624,50 @@
"ContentNodeChangedIcon.containsNewAndUpdated": "Contiene cambios y recursos no publicados",
"ContentNodeChangedIcon.containsUpdated": "Contiene cambios no publicados",
"ContentNodeChangedIcon.isNewResource": "No publicado",
- "ContentNodeChangedIcon.isNewTopic": "Tema sin publicar",
+ "ContentNodeChangedIcon.isNewTopic": "Carpeta sin publicar",
"ContentNodeChangedIcon.isUpdatedResource": "Actualizado desde la última publicación",
- "ContentNodeChangedIcon.isUpdatedTopic": "El tema ha sido actualizado desde la última publicación",
+ "ContentNodeChangedIcon.isUpdatedTopic": "La carpeta ha sido actualizada desde la última publicación",
"ContentNodeEditListItem.optionsTooltip": "Opciones",
"ContentNodeIcon.audio": "Audio",
"ContentNodeIcon.document": "Documento",
"ContentNodeIcon.exercise": "Ejercicio",
"ContentNodeIcon.html5": "Aplicaciones HTML5",
"ContentNodeIcon.slideshow": "Presentación",
- "ContentNodeIcon.topic": "Tema",
- "ContentNodeIcon.unsupported": "No soportado",
+ "ContentNodeIcon.topic": "Carpeta",
+ "ContentNodeIcon.unsupported": "No permitido",
"ContentNodeIcon.video": "Vídeo",
+ "ContentNodeLearningActivityIcon.multipleLearningActivities": "Múltiples actividades de aprendizaje",
+ "ContentNodeLearningActivityIcon.topic": "Carpeta",
"ContentNodeListItem.coachTooltip": "Recurso para tutores",
"ContentNodeListItem.copyingTask": "Copiando",
"ContentNodeListItem.hasCoachTooltip": "{value, number, integer} {value, plural, one {recurso para tutores} other {recursos para tutores}}",
- "ContentNodeListItem.openTopic": "Abrir tema",
+ "ContentNodeListItem.openTopic": "Abrir carpeta",
"ContentNodeListItem.questions": "{value, number, integer} {value, plural, one {pregunta} other {preguntas}}",
"ContentNodeListItem.resources": "{value, number, integer} {value, plural, one {recurso} other {recursos}}",
- "ContentNodeOptions.cancel": "Cancelar",
"ContentNodeOptions.copiedItemsToClipboard": "Copiado al portapapeles",
+ "ContentNodeOptions.copiedSnackbar": "Operación de copiar finalizada",
"ContentNodeOptions.copiedToClipboardSnackbar": "Copiado a portapapeles",
"ContentNodeOptions.copyToClipboard": "Copiar a portapapeles",
- "ContentNodeOptions.creatingClipboardCopies": "Copiando al portapapeles...",
"ContentNodeOptions.creatingCopies": "Copiando...",
"ContentNodeOptions.editDetails": "Editar detalles",
- "ContentNodeOptions.editTopicDetails": "Editar detalles del tema",
+ "ContentNodeOptions.editTopicDetails": "Editar detalles de la carpeta",
"ContentNodeOptions.goToOriginalLocation": "Ir a la ubicación original",
"ContentNodeOptions.makeACopy": "Hacer una copia",
"ContentNodeOptions.move": "Mover",
"ContentNodeOptions.moveTo": "Mover a...",
- "ContentNodeOptions.newSubtopic": "Nuevo tema",
+ "ContentNodeOptions.newSubtopic": "Nueva carpeta",
"ContentNodeOptions.remove": "Eliminar",
"ContentNodeOptions.removedFromClipboard": "Eliminado del portapapeles",
"ContentNodeOptions.removedItems": "Enviado a la papelera",
- "ContentNodeOptions.removingItems": "Eliminando del portapapeles...",
- "ContentNodeOptions.topicDefaultTitle": "{title} tema",
"ContentNodeOptions.undo": "Deshacer",
"ContentNodeOptions.viewDetails": "Ver detalles",
"ContentNodeStrings.untitled": "Sin título",
"ContentNodeThumbnail.cancel": "Cancelar",
"ContentNodeThumbnail.crop": "Recortar",
"ContentNodeThumbnail.croppingPrompt": "Arrastra la imagen para colocar",
- "ContentNodeThumbnail.defaultFilename": "Archivo",
- "ContentNodeThumbnail.generate": "Generar desde archivo",
- "ContentNodeThumbnail.generatingThumbnail": "Generando desde archivo",
+ "ContentNodeThumbnail.defaultFilename": "Fichero",
+ "ContentNodeThumbnail.generate": "Generar desde fichero",
+ "ContentNodeThumbnail.generatingThumbnail": "Generando desde fichero",
"ContentNodeThumbnail.noThumbnail": "No hay miniaturas.",
"ContentNodeThumbnail.remove": "Eliminar",
"ContentNodeThumbnail.retryUpload": "Volver a subir",
@@ -571,13 +681,13 @@
"ContentNodeValidator.incompleteDescendantsText": "{count, number, integer} {count, plural, one {el recurso está incompleto} other {los recursos están incompletos}}",
"ContentNodeValidator.incompleteText": "Incompleto",
"ContentNodeValidator.missingTitle": "Falta el título",
- "ContentRenderer.noFileText": "Seleccione un archivo a previsualizar",
+ "ContentRenderer.noFileText": "Seleccionar un fichero para previsualizar",
"ContentRenderer.previewNotSupported": "Vista previa no disponible",
"ContentTreeList.allChannelsLabel": "Canales",
- "ContentTreeList.noResourcesOrTopics": "No hay recursos o temas aquí",
+ "ContentTreeList.noResourcesOrTopics": "No hay recursos ni carpetas aquí",
"ContentTreeList.selectAllAction": "Seleccionar todo",
"CopyToken.copiedTokenId": "Token copiado",
- "CopyToken.copyFailed": "Fallo al copiar",
+ "CopyToken.copyFailed": "Hubo un fallo al copiar",
"CopyToken.copyPrompt": "Copiar token para importar el canal en Kolibri",
"CountryField.locationLabel": "Seleccione todo lo que corresponda",
"CountryField.locationRequiredMessage": "Este campo es obligatorio",
@@ -589,12 +699,12 @@
"Create.conferenceSourceOption": "Conferencia",
"Create.conferenceSourcePlaceholder": "Nombre de la conferencia",
"Create.confirmPasswordLabel": "Confirmar la contraseña",
- "Create.contactMessage": "¿Preguntas o inquietudes? Por favor envíenos un correo electrónico a content@learningequality.org",
+ "Create.contactMessage": "¿Tiene preguntas o inquietudes? Por favor envíenos un correo electrónico a content@learningequality.org",
"Create.conversationSourceOption": "Conversación con Learning Equality",
"Create.createAnAccountTitle": "Crear cuenta",
"Create.creatingExercisesUsageOption": "Crear ejercicios",
"Create.emailExistsMessage": "Ya existe una cuenta asociada a este correo electrónico.",
- "Create.errorsMessage": "Por favor, corrija los siguientes errores",
+ "Create.errorsMessage": "Por favor, corregir los siguientes errores",
"Create.fieldRequiredMessage": "Este campo es obligatorio",
"Create.findingUsageOption": "Buscar y agregar fuentes de contenido adicionales",
"Create.finishButton": "Finalizar",
@@ -602,45 +712,45 @@
"Create.forumSourceOption": "Foros de comunidad de Learning Equality",
"Create.githubSourceOption": "Learning Equality GitHub",
"Create.lastNameLabel": "Apellido",
- "Create.locationLabel": "¿Dónde planea utilizar Kolibri Studio? (marque todas las que apliquen)",
+ "Create.locationLabel": "¿Dónde tiene previsto utilizar Kolibri Studio? (marque todas las opciones que corresponden)",
"Create.newsletterSourceOption": "Lista de correo de Learning Equality",
"Create.organizationSourceOption": "Organización",
"Create.organizationSourcePlaceholder": "Nombre de la organización",
"Create.organizingUsageOption": "Organizar o alinear materiales existentes",
"Create.otherSourceOption": "Otros",
- "Create.otherSourcePlaceholder": "Describe, por favor",
+ "Create.otherSourcePlaceholder": "Describir, por favor",
"Create.otherUsageOption": "Otros",
- "Create.otherUsagePlaceholder": "Describe, por favor",
+ "Create.otherUsagePlaceholder": "Describir, por favor",
"Create.passwordLabel": "Contraseña",
"Create.passwordMatchMessage": "Las contraseñas no coinciden",
"Create.personalDemoSourceOption": "Demo personal",
"Create.privacyPolicyCheck": "He leído y estoy de acuerdo con la política de privacidad",
"Create.privacyPolicyRequiredMessage": "Por favor, acepte nuestra política de privacidad",
"Create.registrationFailed": "Hubo un error al crear la cuenta. Por favor, inténtelo nuevamente.",
+ "Create.registrationFailedOffline": "Parece que no tiene conexión. Por favor, conéctese a Internet para crear una cuenta.",
"Create.sequencingUsageOption": "Utilizar requisitos previos para poner materiales en una secuencia",
"Create.sharingUsageOption": "Compartir materiales públicamente",
"Create.socialMediaSourceOption": "Redes sociales",
"Create.sourceLabel": "¿Cómo nos has conocido?",
- "Create.sourcePlaceholder": "Selecciona una opción",
+ "Create.sourcePlaceholder": "Seleccionar una opción",
"Create.storingUsageExample": "por ejemplo 500MB",
"Create.storingUsageOption": "Guardar materiales para uso privado o local",
- "Create.storingUsagePlaceholder": "¿Cuánto almacenamiento necesitas?",
+ "Create.storingUsagePlaceholder": "¿Cuánto almacenamiento va a necesitar?",
"Create.taggingUsageOption": "Etiquetar fuentes de contenido para futuras búsquedas",
- "Create.usageLabel": "¿Cómo planea utilizar Kolibri Studio? (marcar todo que procede)",
+ "Create.usageLabel": "¿Cómo piensa utilizar Kolibri Studio? (marcar todo que procede)",
"Create.viewPrivacyPolicyLink": "Ver política de privacidad",
"Create.viewToSLink": "Ver términos de servicio",
- "Create.websiteSourceOption": "Learning Equality web",
+ "Create.websiteSourceOption": "Sitio web de Learning Equality",
"CurrentTopicView.COMFORTABLE_VIEW": "Vista cómoda",
"CurrentTopicView.COMPACT_VIEW": "Vista compacta",
"CurrentTopicView.DEFAULT_VIEW": "Vista por defecto",
"CurrentTopicView.addButton": "Añadir",
"CurrentTopicView.addExercise": "Nuevo ejercicio",
- "CurrentTopicView.addTopic": "Nuevo tema",
- "CurrentTopicView.cancel": "Cancelar",
+ "CurrentTopicView.addTopic": "Nueva carpeta",
+ "CurrentTopicView.copiedItems": "Operación de copiar finalizada",
"CurrentTopicView.copiedItemsToClipboard": "Copiado a portapapeles",
"CurrentTopicView.copySelectedButton": "Copiar a portapapeles",
"CurrentTopicView.copyToClipboardButton": "Copiar a portapapeles",
- "CurrentTopicView.creatingClipboardCopies": "Copiando a portapapeles...",
"CurrentTopicView.creatingCopies": "Copiando...",
"CurrentTopicView.deleteSelectedButton": "Eliminar",
"CurrentTopicView.duplicateSelectedButton": "Hacer una copia",
@@ -651,16 +761,16 @@
"CurrentTopicView.optionsButton": "Opciones",
"CurrentTopicView.removedItems": "Enviado a la papelera",
"CurrentTopicView.selectAllLabel": "Seleccionar todo",
- "CurrentTopicView.selectionCount": "{topicCount, plural,\n =1 {# tema}\n other {# temas}}, {resourceCount, plural,\n =1 {# recurso}\n other {# recursos}}",
+ "CurrentTopicView.selectionCount": "{topicCount, plural,\n one {}=1 {# carpeta}\n other {# carpetas}}, {resourceCount, plural,\n one {}=1 {# recurso}\n other {# recursos}}",
"CurrentTopicView.undo": "Deshacer",
- "CurrentTopicView.uploadFiles": "Subir archivos",
+ "CurrentTopicView.uploadFiles": "Subir ficheros",
"CurrentTopicView.viewModeTooltip": "Ver",
"DeleteAccountForm.cancelButton": "Cancelar",
"DeleteAccountForm.deleteAccountConfirmationPrompt": "¿Está seguro que desea eliminar permanentemente su cuenta? Esto no se puede deshacer",
"DeleteAccountForm.deleteAccountEnterEmail": "Introduzca su dirección de correo electrónico para continuar",
"DeleteAccountForm.deleteAccountLabel": "Eliminar cuenta",
"DeleteAccountForm.deletionFailed": "Error al eliminar la cuenta",
- "DeleteAccountForm.deletionFailedText": "No se ha podido eliminar su cuenta. Por favor, contacta con nosotros aquí: https://community.learningequality.org.",
+ "DeleteAccountForm.deletionFailedText": "La cuenta no se ha podido eliminar. Por favor, contactar con nosotros aquí: https://community.learningequality.org.",
"DeleteAccountForm.emailAddressLabel": "Dirección de correo electrónico",
"DeleteAccountForm.emailInvalidText": "El correo electrónico no coincide con el correo de su cuenta",
"DeleteAccountForm.fieldRequired": "Este campo es obligatorio",
@@ -698,17 +808,19 @@
"Details.unpublishedText": "No publicado",
"DetailsTabView.aggregatorLabel": "Agregador",
"DetailsTabView.aggregatorToolTip": "Sitio web o la organización que aloja la colección de contenido, pero no necesariamente el creador o titular de derechos de autor",
- "DetailsTabView.assessmentHeader": "Opciones de evaluación",
+ "DetailsTabView.assessmentOptionsLabel": "Opciones de evaluación",
"DetailsTabView.audienceHeader": "Público",
"DetailsTabView.authorLabel": "Autor",
"DetailsTabView.authorToolTip": "Persona u organización que ha creado este contenido",
"DetailsTabView.basicInfoHeader": "Información básica",
+ "DetailsTabView.completionLabel": "Tipo de finalización",
"DetailsTabView.copyrightHolderLabel": "Titular de derechos de autor",
"DetailsTabView.descriptionLabel": "Descripción",
"DetailsTabView.detectedImportText": "{count, plural,\n =1 {# recurso solo tiene permiso de vista}\n other {# recursos solo tienen permiso de vista}}",
"DetailsTabView.importedFromButtonText": "Importado desde {channel}",
"DetailsTabView.languageChannelHelpText": "Dejar en blanco para usar el idioma del canal",
- "DetailsTabView.languageHelpText": "Dejar en blanco para usar el idioma del tema",
+ "DetailsTabView.languageHelpText": "Dejar en blanco para usar el idioma de la carpeta",
+ "DetailsTabView.learnersCanMarkComplete": "Permitir a los estudiantes marcar como completado",
"DetailsTabView.noTagsFoundText": "No se han encontrado resultados para \"{text}\". Pulse la tecla 'Entrar' para crear una nueva etiqueta",
"DetailsTabView.providerLabel": "Proveedor",
"DetailsTabView.providerToolTip": "Organización que ha encargado o está distribuyendo el contenido",
@@ -726,21 +838,21 @@
"DiffTable.typeAudios": "Audio",
"DiffTable.typeDocuments": "Documentos",
"DiffTable.typeExercises": "Ejercicios",
- "DiffTable.typeFileSize": "Tamaño del archivo",
+ "DiffTable.typeFileSize": "Tamaño del fichero",
"DiffTable.typeHtml5Apps": "Aplicaciones HTML5",
"DiffTable.typeSlideshows": "Presentaciones",
- "DiffTable.typeTopics": "Temas",
+ "DiffTable.typeTopics": "Carpetas",
"DiffTable.typeVersion": "Versión de API",
"DiffTable.typeVideos": "Vídeos",
"EditList.selectAllLabel": "Seleccionar todo",
"EditListItem.questionCount": "{count, plural,\n =1 {# pregunta}\n other {# preguntas}}",
- "EditModal.addTopic": "Añadir nuevo tema",
- "EditModal.addTopicsHeader": "Nuevo tema",
+ "EditModal.addTopic": "Añadir nueva carpeta",
+ "EditModal.addTopicsHeader": "Nueva carpeta",
"EditModal.cancelUploadsButton": "Salir",
"EditModal.closeWithoutSavingButton": "Cerrar sin guardar",
"EditModal.createExerciseHeader": "Nuevo ejercicio",
"EditModal.dismissDialogButton": "Cancelar",
- "EditModal.editFilesHeader": "Editar archivos",
+ "EditModal.editFilesHeader": "Editar ficheros",
"EditModal.editingDetailsHeader": "Editar detalles",
"EditModal.finishButton": "Finalizar",
"EditModal.invalidNodesFound": "{count, plural,\n =1 {# recurso incompleto encontrado}\n other {# recursos incompletos encontrados}}",
@@ -752,7 +864,7 @@
"EditModal.saveFailedHeader": "Error al guardar",
"EditModal.saveFailedText": "Hubo un problema al guardar el contenido",
"EditModal.uploadButton": "Subir más",
- "EditModal.uploadFilesHeader": "Subir archivos",
+ "EditModal.uploadFilesHeader": "Subir ficheros",
"EditModal.uploadInProgressHeader": "Carga en curso",
"EditModal.uploadInProgressText": "Las subidas en curso se perderán si sale ahora",
"EditSearchModal.cancelAction": "Cancelar",
@@ -762,10 +874,10 @@
"EditSearchModal.saveChangesAction": "Guardar",
"EditSearchModal.searchTitleLabel": "Título de búsqueda",
"EditView.details": "Detalles",
- "EditView.editingMultipleCount": "Editar detalles de {topicCount, plural,\n =1 {# tema}\n other {# temas}}, {resourceCount, plural,\n =1 {# recurso}\n other {# recursos}}",
- "EditView.errorBannerText": "Por favor proporcione la información requerida",
+ "EditView.editingMultipleCount": "Editando detalles de {topicCount, plural,\n one {}=1 {# carpeta}\n other {# carpetas}}, {resourceCount, plural,\n one {}=1 {# recurso}\n other {# recursos}}",
+ "EditView.errorBannerText": "Proporcionar la información requerida, por favor",
"EditView.invalidFieldsToolTip": "Falta información requerida",
- "EditView.noItemsToEditText": "Por favor, seleccione recursos o temas para editar",
+ "EditView.noItemsToEditText": "Por favor, seleccione recursos o carpetas para editar",
"EditView.preview": "Vista previa",
"EditView.questions": "Preguntas",
"EditView.related": "Relacionado",
@@ -774,44 +886,31 @@
"EmailField.validEmailMessage": "Por favor ingrese un correo electrónico válido",
"ExpandableList.less": "Mostrar menos",
"ExpandableList.more": "Mostrar más ({more})",
- "FeedbackForm.cancelAction": "Cancelar",
- "FeedbackForm.closeAction": "Cerrar",
- "FeedbackForm.communityForumLink": "Ir al foro de la comunidad",
- "FeedbackForm.feedbackFailed": "No se pudo enviar el mensaje. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo.",
- "FeedbackForm.feedbackLabel": "Por favor, escriba sus comentarios",
- "FeedbackForm.fieldRequiredText": "Este campo es obligatorio",
- "FeedbackForm.header": "Dejar un comentario",
- "FeedbackForm.promptP1": "Por favor, comparta su experiencia con Kolibri Studio o cualquier comentario sobre cómo podemos mejorar. Si está reportando un error, por favor describa su problema con el mayor detalle posible.",
- "FeedbackForm.promptP2": "También puede buscar y publicar comentarios en el foro de la comunidad para ver si otros han encontrado problemas similares.",
- "FeedbackForm.submitAction": "Enviar",
- "FeedbackForm.submittedHeader": "Muchas gracias",
- "FeedbackForm.submittedP1": "Sus comentarios son esenciales para futuras iteraciones de Kolibri Studio.",
- "FeedbackForm.submittedP2": "Aunque no podemos responder a cada comentario individual, tendremos en consideración todos los comentarios recibidos mientras nos esforzamos a mejorar la experiencia del usuario.",
- "FeedbackForm.submittedP3": "Le invitamos a que nos envíe sus comentarios en cualquier momento.",
"FilePreview.exitFullscreen": "Salir de la pantalla completa",
"FilePreview.fullscreenModeText": "Pantalla completa",
"FilePreview.viewFullscreen": "Ver pantalla completa",
- "FileStatusText.selectFile": "Seleccionar archivo",
+ "FileStatusText.selectFile": "Seleccionar fichero",
"FileStorage.requestStorage": "Solicitar espacio para almacenamiento adicional",
"FileStorage.storageFull": "Límite de almacenamiento alcanzado",
"FileStorage.storageFullWithSize": "Límite total de almacenamiento alcanzado: {used} de {total}",
"FileStorage.storageLow": "Queda poco espacio de almacenamiento",
"FileStorage.storageLowWithSize": "El almacenamiento total es limitado: {used} de {total}",
"FileStorage.storageUsed": "Almacenamiento total utilizado: {used} de {total}",
- "FileUpload.fileError": "Tipo de archivo no soportado",
- "FileUpload.filesHeader": "Previsualizar archivos",
- "FileUpload.noFileText": "Faltan archivos",
- "FileUploadDefault.acceptsHelp": "Tipos de archivos soportados: {extensions}",
- "FileUploadDefault.chooseFilesButton": "Seleccionar archivos",
- "FileUploadDefault.dropHereText": "Arrastrar y soltar archivos aquí o seleccionarlos manualmente",
+ "FileUpload.fileError": "Tipo de fichero no permitido",
+ "FileUpload.filesHeader": "Previsualizar ficheros",
+ "FileUpload.noFileText": "Faltan ficheros",
+ "FileUploadDefault.acceptsHelp": "Tipos de ficheros permitidos: {extensions}",
+ "FileUploadDefault.chooseFilesButton": "Seleccionar ficheros",
+ "FileUploadDefault.dropHereText": "Arrastrar y soltar ficheros aquí o seleccionarlos manualmente",
"FileUploadDefault.uploadToText": "Subir a '{title}'",
"FileUploadItem.removeFileButton": "Eliminar",
"FileUploadItem.retryUpload": "Volver a subir",
- "FileUploadItem.uploadButton": "Seleccionar archivo",
+ "FileUploadItem.unknownFile": "Nombre de fichero desconocido",
+ "FileUploadItem.uploadButton": "Seleccionar fichero",
"FileUploadItem.uploadFailed": "Error al cargar",
"ForgotPassword.forgotPasswordFailed": "Error al enviar un enlace de restablecimiento de contraseña. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo.",
"ForgotPassword.forgotPasswordPrompt": "Introduzca su dirección de correo electrónico para recibir instrucciones para restablecer su contraseña",
- "ForgotPassword.forgotPasswordTitle": "Restablecer su contraseña",
+ "ForgotPassword.forgotPasswordTitle": "Restablecer la contraseña",
"ForgotPassword.submitButton": "Enviar",
"FormulasMenu.btnLabelInsert": "Insertar",
"FormulasMenu.formulasMenuTitle": "Caracteres especiales",
@@ -826,21 +925,22 @@
"GenericError.backToHomeAction": "Volver al inicio",
"GenericError.genericErrorDetails": "Intenta actualizar esta página o volver a la página de inicio",
"GenericError.genericErrorHeader": "Lo sentimos, occurió un error",
- "GenericError.helpByReportingAction": "Ayúdanos informando sobre este error",
+ "GenericError.helpByReportingAction": "Ayúdenos informando sobre este error",
"GenericError.refreshAction": "Actualizar",
"HintsEditor.hintsLabel": "Pistas",
"HintsEditor.newHintBtnLabel": "Nueva pista",
"HintsEditor.noHintsPlaceholder": "La pregunta no tiene pistas",
- "ImagesMenu.acceptsText": "Tipos de archivos soportados: {acceptedFormats}",
+ "ImageOnlyThumbnail.thumbnail": "{title} miniatura",
+ "ImagesMenu.acceptsText": "Tipos de ficheros permitidos: {acceptedFormats}",
"ImagesMenu.altTextHint": "La descripción de la imagen es necesaria para permitir que los estudiantes con discapacidad visual respondan a las preguntas, y también se muestra cuando la imagen no se carga",
"ImagesMenu.altTextLabel": "Descripción de la imagen",
"ImagesMenu.btnLabelCancel": "Cancelar",
"ImagesMenu.btnLabelInsert": "Insertar",
- "ImagesMenu.currentImageDefaultText": "imagen actual",
- "ImagesMenu.defaultDropText": "Arrastra y suelta una imagen aquí, o subela manualmente",
+ "ImagesMenu.currentImageDefaultText": "Imagen actual",
+ "ImagesMenu.defaultDropText": "Arrastrar y soltar una imagen aquí, o subirla manualmente",
"ImagesMenu.imageHeader": "Subir imagen",
- "ImagesMenu.selectFile": "Seleccionar archivo",
- "ImagesMenu.selectFileButton": "Seleccionar archivo",
+ "ImagesMenu.selectFile": "Seleccionar fichero",
+ "ImagesMenu.selectFileButton": "Seleccionar fichero",
"ImportFromChannelsModal.addButton": "Añadir",
"ImportFromChannelsModal.addedText": "Añadido",
"ImportFromChannelsModal.importAction": "Importar",
@@ -873,6 +973,7 @@
"Main.guestModeLink": "Explorar sin crear cuenta",
"Main.kolibriStudio": "Kolibri Studio",
"Main.loginFailed": "El correo electrónico o la contraseña son incorrectos",
+ "Main.loginFailedOffline": "Parece que no tiene conexión. Por favor, conéctese a Internet para iniciar sesión.",
"Main.loginToProceed": "Debe iniciar la sesión para ver esta página",
"Main.passwordLabel": "Contraseña",
"Main.privacyPolicyLink": "Política de privacidad",
@@ -892,35 +993,32 @@
"MarkdownImageField.editImageOption": "Editar",
"MarkdownImageField.removeImageOption": "Eliminar",
"MarkdownImageField.resizeImageOption": "Cambiar tamaño",
- "MasteryDropdown.exerciseDescripiton": "Los ejercicios contienen un conjunto de preguntas interactivas con las que estudiantes pueden interactuar en Kolibri. Los estudiantes reciben información instantánea para cada respuesta (se está correcta o incorrecta). Kolibri mostrará las preguntas disponibles en un ejercicio hasta que el alumno logre dominarlo.",
- "MasteryDropdown.exerciseHeader": "Acerca de ejercicios",
- "MasteryDropdown.labelText": "Criterio de dominio",
- "MasteryDropdown.mHint": "Se necesitan respuestas correctas",
- "MasteryDropdown.masteryDescripiton": "Kolibri marca a un ejercicio como \"completado\" cuando se cumplen los criterios de dominio. Aquí están los diferentes tipos de criterios de dominio de un ejercicio:",
- "MasteryDropdown.nHint": "Respuestas recientes",
+ "MasteryCriteriaGoal.labelText": "Objetivo",
+ "MasteryCriteriaMofNFields.mHint": "Hay que especificar respuestas correctas",
+ "MasteryCriteriaMofNFields.nHint": "Respuestas recientes",
"MessageLayout.backToLogin": "Continuar a la página de inicio de sesión",
- "MoveModal.addTopic": "Añadir nuevo tema",
+ "MoveModal.addTopic": "Añadir nueva carpeta",
"MoveModal.cancel": "Cancelar",
"MoveModal.emptyTopicText": "No se encontraron recursos",
"MoveModal.goToLocationButton": "Ir a la ubicación",
"MoveModal.moveHere": "Mover aquí",
- "MoveModal.moveItems": "Mover {topicCount, plural,\n =1 {# tema}\n other {# temas}}, {resourceCount, plural,\n =1 {# recurso}\n other {# recursos}} en:",
+ "MoveModal.moveItems": "Mover {topicCount, plural,\n one {}=1 {# carpeta}\n other {# carpetas}}, {resourceCount, plural,\n one {}=1 {# recurso}\n other {# recursos}} en:",
"MoveModal.movedMessage": "Movido a {title}",
"MoveModal.resourcesCount": "{count, plural,\n =1 {# recurso}\n other {# recursos}}",
- "MoveModal.topicCreatedMessage": "Nuevo tema creado",
+ "MoveModal.topicCreatedMessage": "Nueva carpeta creada",
"MultiSelect.noItemsFound": "Ningún ítem encontrado",
"NewTopicModal.cancel": "Cancelar",
"NewTopicModal.create": "Crear",
- "NewTopicModal.createTopic": "Crear nuevo tema",
- "NewTopicModal.topicTitle": "Título del tema",
- "NewTopicModal.topicTitleRequired": "Este campo es obligatorio",
+ "NewTopicModal.createTopic": "Crear nueva carpeta",
+ "NewTopicModal.topicTitle": "Título de carpeta",
+ "NewTopicModal.topicTitleRequired": "Título de la carpeta es obligatorio",
"NodePanel.emptyChannelSubText": "Crear, subir o importar recursos de otros canales",
- "NodePanel.emptyChannelText": "Haga clic en \"Añadir\" para comenzar a editar el canal",
- "NodePanel.emptyTopicText": "Aún no hay ningún recurso en este tema",
+ "NodePanel.emptyChannelText": "Hacer clic en \"Añadir\" para comenzar a editar el canal",
+ "NodePanel.emptyTopicText": "Aún no hay nada en esta carpeta",
"NodePanel.emptyViewOnlyChannelText": "Aún no hay ningún recurso en este canal",
"NodeTreeNavigation.noResourcesDefaultText": "No se encontraron recursos",
"OfflineText.offlineIndicatorText": "Sin conexión",
- "OfflineText.offlineText": "Parece que está sin conexión. Los cambios se guardarán una vez que la conexión se haya reestablecido.",
+ "OfflineText.offlineText": "Parece que no tiene conexión. Los cambios se guardarán una vez que la conexión se haya restablecido.",
"PageNotFoundError.backToHomeAction": "Volver al inicio",
"PageNotFoundError.pageNotFoundDetails": "Lo sentimos, esa página no existe",
"PageNotFoundError.pageNotFoundHeader": "Página no encontrada",
@@ -930,55 +1028,30 @@
"PasswordInstructionsSent.passwordInstructionsText": "Si ya existe una cuenta con la dirección de correo electrónico proporcionada, recibirá las instrucciones en breve. Si no ve un correo electrónico nuestro, por favor revise su carpeta de correo basura.",
"PermissionsError.goToHomePageAction": "Ir a la página de inicio",
"PermissionsError.permissionDeniedHeader": "¿Ha olvidado iniciar la sesión?",
- "PoliciesModal.ToSHeader": "Términos de Servicio",
"PoliciesModal.checkboxText": "He leído y estoy de acuerdo con los términos anteriores",
"PoliciesModal.checkboxValidationErrorMessage": "Este campo es obligatorio",
"PoliciesModal.closeButton": "Cerrar",
- "PoliciesModal.communityStandardsHeader": "Normas de la comunidad",
"PoliciesModal.continueButton": "Continuar",
- "PoliciesModal.lastUpdated": "Ultima vez actualizado {date}",
- "PoliciesModal.privacyHeader": "Política de privacidad",
- "PoliciesModal.updatedPrivacyHeader": "Política de privacidad actualizada",
- "PoliciesModal.updatedToSHeader": "Términos de servicio actualizados",
+ "PoliciesModal.lastUpdated": "Última actualización {date}",
"PrivacyPolicyModal.privacyHeader": "Política de privacidad",
"PrivacyPolicyModal.updatedPrivacyHeader": "Política de privacidad actualizada",
- "PrivacyPolicyModal.linkText": "Aprenda más sobre los valores fundamentales de Learning Equality.",
- "PrivacyPolicyModal.paragraph1": "Esta Política de privacidad le informa sobre nuestras prácticas de privacidad y sus opciones y derechos en torno a los datos personales que recopilamos. Esta Política de privacidad se aplica a la aplicación Kolibri (\"Aplicación\"), Kolibri Studio (\"Studio\") y todos los sitios web relacionados (en adelante, \"Kolibri\"). Esta Declaración de privacidad no se aplica a las aplicaciones de terceros u organizaciones asociadas que puedan usar nuestro software o que se utilicen junto con nuestro software. ",
- "PrivacyPolicyModal.paragraph2": "Learning Equality reconoce su derecho a la privacidad y tomará medidas razonables para protegerlo. Algunas partes de Kolibri le permiten dejarnos información personal, como su nombre y dirección de correo electrónico. Podemos utilizar la información que proporcione para mejorar Kolibri. Cuando existen opciones sobre cómo usamos la información que nos proporciona, lo indicaremos en el momento de la recopilación. Debido a la forma en que opera Kolibri, también podemos usar información de su navegador o actividades de navegación para personalizar o dirigirse a la información relevante. Por ejemplo, podemos usar su dirección IP, información del navegador, cookies o balizas web de manera que nos ayuden a mantener algunas de sus preferencias, o comprender cómo nuestros visitantes navegan por el sitio para que podamos mejorarlo. Podemos almacenar su información personal fuera de la Unión Europea. ",
- "PrivacyPolicyModal.paragraph3": "Learning Equality se compromete a aprender constantemente y mejorar la calidad de Kolibri, y los registros relacionados a sus interacciones con Kolibri pueden utilizarse para la investigación. Los resultados de la investigación generalmente se recopilan a nivel agregado, y su identidad personal nunca será divulgada públicamente en ningún hallazgo de la investigación sin su consentimiento expreso.",
- "PrivacyPolicyModal.paragraph4": "Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre estas prácticas o el uso de su información personal, envíe un correo electrónico a legal@learningequality.org.",
"ProgressBar.progressText": "{percent}%",
- "ProgressModal.cancel": "No, volver",
- "ProgressModal.cancelHeader": "Por favor, confirme",
- "ProgressModal.cancelText": "Confirme que desea cancelar esta tarea.",
- "ProgressModal.confirmStopButton": "Sí, detener tarea",
- "ProgressModal.copyDescription": "La importación está en curso, por favor espere...",
- "ProgressModal.copyHeader": "Importando recursos",
- "ProgressModal.defaultDescription": "Actualización en curso, espere un momento por favor...",
- "ProgressModal.defaultErrorText": "Ocurrió un error inesperado. Intente otra vez, por favor, y si continua recibiendo el mismo mensaje de error, contacte el soporte técnico desde el menú Ayuda.",
- "ProgressModal.defaultHeader": "Actualizando canal",
- "ProgressModal.finishedMessage": "¡Operación completada! Haga clic en \"Actualizar\" para recargar la página.",
- "ProgressModal.moveDescription": "Mover en curso, espere un momento por favor...",
- "ProgressModal.moveHeader": "Moviendo el contenido",
- "ProgressModal.publishDescription": "Una vez que se haya completado la publicación, recibirás una notificación por correo electrónico y podrás realizar más ediciones en tu canal.",
+ "ProgressModal.defaultErrorText": "Último intento de publicación fallido",
+ "ProgressModal.lastPublished": "Publicado {last_published}",
"ProgressModal.publishHeader": "Publicando el canal",
- "ProgressModal.refreshButton": "Actualizar",
- "ProgressModal.stopButton": "Detener",
- "ProgressModal.syncDescription": "Sincronización del canal en curso, por favor espere...",
+ "ProgressModal.syncError": "Último intento de sincronización fallido",
"ProgressModal.syncHeader": "Sincronizando canal",
+ "ProgressModal.unpublishedText": "No publicado",
"PublishModal.cancelButton": "Cancelar",
"PublishModal.descriptionDescriptionTooltip": "Esta descripción se mostrará a los administradores de Kolibri antes de que actualicen las versiones del canal",
- "PublishModal.descriptionRequiredMessage": "Por favor, describa las novedades de esta versión antes de publicar",
+ "PublishModal.descriptionRequiredMessage": "Por favor, describir las novedades en esta versión antes de publicar",
"PublishModal.incompleteCount": "{count, plural, =1 {# recurso incompleto} other {# recursos incompletos}}",
"PublishModal.incompleteInstructions": "Haga clic en 'Continuar' para confirmar que desea publicar de todos modos.",
- "PublishModal.incompleteWarning": "Los recursos incompletos no serán publicados y puestos a disposición para su descarga en Kolibri.",
+ "PublishModal.incompleteWarning": "Los recursos incompletos no serán publicados ni disponibles para la descarga en Kolibri.",
"PublishModal.nextButton": "Continuar",
"PublishModal.publishButton": "Publicar",
- "PublishModal.publishMessageLabel": "Describe qué hay de nuevo en esta versión de canal",
- "PublishModal.publishingSizeText": "{count, plural, =1 {# recurso} other {# recursos}}",
- "PublishModal.unpublishedText": "No publicado",
+ "PublishModal.publishMessageLabel": "Describir las novedades en esta versión de canal",
"PublishModal.versionDescriptionLabel": "Descripción de la versión",
- "PublishModal.versionText": "Versión actual: {version}",
"RelatedResourcesList.removeBtnLabel": "Eliminar",
"RelatedResourcesTab.addNextStepBtnLabel": "Añadir paso siguiente",
"RelatedResourcesTab.addPreviousStepBtnLabel": "Añadir paso anterior",
@@ -998,26 +1071,26 @@
"RelatedResourcesTab.tooManyNextStepsWarning": "Limita el número de pasos siguientes para crear una experiencia de aprendizaje más guiada",
"RelatedResourcesTab.tooManyPreviousStepsWarning": "Limita el número de pasos anteriores para crear una experiencia de aprendizaje más guiada",
"ReportErrorModal.closeAction": "Cerrar",
- "ReportErrorModal.emailDescription": "Contacta el equipo de soporte con los datos de tu error y haremos lo posible para ayudar.",
+ "ReportErrorModal.emailDescription": "Contactar el equipo de soporte con los datos del error y haremos lo posible para ayudar.",
"ReportErrorModal.emailPrompt": "Enviar un correo electrónico al equipo técnico",
"ReportErrorModal.errorDetailsHeader": "Detalles del error",
- "ReportErrorModal.forumPostingTips": "Incluye una descripción de lo que estabas intentando hacer, y lo que hayas clicado cuando apareció el error.",
+ "ReportErrorModal.forumPostingTips": "Incluir una descripción de lo que estaba intentando hacer, y lo que ha clicado cuando apareció el error.",
"ReportErrorModal.forumPrompt": "Visitar los foros de la comunidad",
- "ReportErrorModal.forumUseTips": "Busque en el foro de la comunidad para ver si otros encontraron problemas similares. Si no puede encontrar nada, copia y pega los detalles del error abajo en un nuevo hilo del foro, para que podamos corregir el error en una versión futura de Kolibri Studio.",
+ "ReportErrorModal.forumUseTips": "Buscar en el foro de la comunidad para ver si otros encontraron problemas similares. Si no puede encontrar nada, copiar y pegar los detalles del error abajo en un nuevo hilo del foro, para que podamos corregir el error en una versión futura de Kolibri Studio.",
"ReportErrorModal.reportErrorHeader": "Informar de error",
"RequestForm.approximatelyHowManyResourcesLabel": "Aproximadamente ¿cuántos recursos va a subir?",
"RequestForm.audiencePlaceholder": "Estudiantes en la escuela, estudiantes adultos, maestros, etcétera",
"RequestForm.authorLabel": "Especificar quién es el autor (creador), curador (organizador) o agregador (mantenedor) del contenido",
"RequestForm.averageSizeOfResourceLabel": "Tamaño promedio de cada recurso",
"RequestForm.coupleMonthsLabel": "1-2 meses",
- "RequestForm.explainNeedsInDetailLabel": "Escriba un párrafo explicando sus necesidades y el caso de uso para Studio y Kolibri, y cómo se integrará en los programas existentes. Incluya información sobre quien selecciona, implementa y usa el contenido. ¿El trabajo se coordina vía una organización, como parte de un programa educativo? Incluya la justificación para el espacio adicional que se solicita y la estimación de su urgencia.",
+ "RequestForm.explainNeedsInDetailLabel": "Escribir un párrafo explicando las necesidades y el caso de uso para Studio y Kolibri, y cómo se integrará en los programas existentes. Incluir información sobre quien selecciona, implementa y usa el contenido. ¿El trabajo se coordina en una organización, como parte de un programa educativo? Incluir la justificación para el espacio adicional que se solicita y la estimación de la urgencia.",
"RequestForm.fieldRequiredText": "Este campo es obligatorio",
"RequestForm.forProfitLabel": "Empresa con fines de lucro o sociales",
"RequestForm.grassrootsLabel": "Iniciativa voluntaria y/o de bases",
- "RequestForm.howAreYouUsingYourContentLabel": "¿Cómo vas a usar tu contenido?",
+ "RequestForm.howAreYouUsingYourContentLabel": "¿Qué uso se va a dar al contenido?",
"RequestForm.howOftenImportedToKolibriLabel": "¿Cuántas veces se importará este contenido desde Studio en las nuevas instalaciones de Kolibri, en promedio mensual?",
- "RequestForm.intendedAudienceLabel": "¿Cual sería la audiencia objetivo para tu canal? ¿Cuánto es grande tu audiencia?",
- "RequestForm.kindOfContentQuestionLabel": "¿Qué tipo de recursos planea subir? Por favor especifique",
+ "RequestForm.intendedAudienceLabel": "¿Cómo es el público al cual está destinado el canal? ¿Cuánto es grande el público?",
+ "RequestForm.kindOfContentQuestionLabel": "¿Qué tipo de recursos tenía pensado subir? Especifique, por favor.",
"RequestForm.largeIntlNgoLabel": "ONG internacionales más grandes o agencias gubernamentales",
"RequestForm.learnMoreButton": "Más información",
"RequestForm.licenseInfoHeader": "Acerca de licencias",
@@ -1035,7 +1108,7 @@
"RequestForm.requestFailed": "No se pudo enviar la solicitud. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo.",
"RequestForm.requestSent": "La solicitud de almacenamiento adicional enviada para procesar.",
"RequestForm.responsePlaceholder": "Respuesta",
- "RequestForm.selectAllThatApplyPlaceholder": "Seleccione todo lo que corresponda",
+ "RequestForm.selectAllThatApplyPlaceholder": "Seleccionar todo lo que corresponde",
"RequestForm.sendRequestAction": "Enviar solicitud",
"RequestForm.sixPlusMonthsLabel": "Más de 6 meses",
"RequestForm.sizePlaceholder": "Tamaño",
@@ -1043,27 +1116,27 @@
"RequestForm.storageAmountRequestedPlaceholder": "Cantidad solicitada (ej. 10GB)",
"RequestForm.targetRegionsLabel": "Región(es) destino para su contenido (si corresponde)",
"RequestForm.threeToSixMonthsLabel": "3-6 meses",
- "RequestForm.timelineLabel": "Para entender mejor la urgencia de la petición, por favor indique aproximadamente cuando va a necesitar este almacenamiento adicional:",
+ "RequestForm.timelineLabel": "Para entender mejor la urgencia de la petición, por favor indicar aproximadamente cuando va a necesitar este almacenamiento adicional:",
"RequestForm.twoToFourWeeksLabel": "2-4 semanas",
"RequestForm.typeOfContentPlaceholder": "Tipos de recursos",
"RequestForm.typeOfOrganizationLabel": "¿Qué tipo de organización o grupo está coordinando el uso de Kolibri (si corresponde)?",
"RequestForm.unknownLabel": "Desconocido",
"RequestForm.uploadingOnBehalfLabel": "Estoy subiendo contenido al nombre de:",
- "RequestForm.usageLabel": "Cuéntanos más sobre tu uso de Kolibri",
+ "RequestForm.usageLabel": "Cuéntenos más sobre su uso de Kolibri",
"RequestForm.whoCanUseContentLabel": "¿Quién puede usar el contenido?",
"RequestForm.willYouMakeYourChannelPublicLabel": "Si el contenido tiene licencia abierta, ¿estarían dispuestos a considerar hacer públicos sus canales para otros usuarios de Kolibri si hubiera interés en un futuro?",
"RequestNewActivationLink.activationExpiredText": "Este enlace de activación ya ha sido utilizado o ha caducado.",
- "RequestNewActivationLink.activationExpiredTitle": "Activación fallida",
+ "RequestNewActivationLink.activationExpiredTitle": "Hubo un fallo durante la activación",
"RequestNewActivationLink.activationRequestFailed": "Error al enviar un nuevo enlace de activación. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo.",
"RequestNewActivationLink.submitButton": "Enviar",
- "ResetLinkExpired.requestNewLink": "Solicite un nuevo enlace para restablecer la contraseña.",
+ "ResetLinkExpired.requestNewLink": "Solicitar un nuevo enlace para restablecer la contraseña.",
"ResetLinkExpired.resetExpiredText": "Este enlace de restablecimiento de contraseña ya ha sido utilizado o ha caducado.",
"ResetLinkExpired.resetExpiredTitle": "El enlace para cambiar la contraseña ha caducado",
"ResetPassword.passwordConfirmLabel": "Confirmar la contraseña",
"ResetPassword.passwordLabel": "Nueva contraseña",
"ResetPassword.passwordMatchMessage": "Las contraseñas no coinciden",
- "ResetPassword.resetPasswordFailed": "Error al restablecer la contraseña. Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo.",
- "ResetPassword.resetPasswordPrompt": "Introduce y confirma tu nueva contraseña",
+ "ResetPassword.resetPasswordFailed": "Error al restablecer la contraseña. Por favor, intentar de nuevo.",
+ "ResetPassword.resetPasswordPrompt": "Introducir y confirmar nueva contraseña",
"ResetPassword.resetPasswordTitle": "Restablecer su contraseña",
"ResetPassword.submitButton": "Enviar",
"ResetPasswordSuccess.header": "Contraseña restablecida con éxito",
@@ -1073,6 +1146,7 @@
"ResourcePanel.author": "Autor",
"ResourcePanel.availableFormats": "Formatos disponibles",
"ResourcePanel.coachResources": "Recursos para tutores",
+ "ResourcePanel.completion": "Finalización",
"ResourcePanel.copyrightHolder": "Titular de derechos de autor",
"ResourcePanel.description": "Descripción",
"ResourcePanel.details": "Detalles",
@@ -1081,11 +1155,10 @@
"ResourcePanel.incompleteQuestionError": "{count, plural, one {# pregunta incompleta} other {# preguntas incompletas}}",
"ResourcePanel.language": "Idioma",
"ResourcePanel.license": "Licencia",
- "ResourcePanel.masteryCriteria": "Criterio de dominio",
- "ResourcePanel.masteryMofN": "{m} de {n}",
+ "ResourcePanel.masteryMofN": "Objetivo: {m} de {n}",
"ResourcePanel.nextSteps": "Pasos siguientes",
"ResourcePanel.noCopyrightHolderError": "Falta titular de derechos de autor",
- "ResourcePanel.noFilesError": "Faltan archivos",
+ "ResourcePanel.noFilesError": "Faltan ficheros",
"ResourcePanel.noLicenseDescriptionError": "Falta la descripción de licencia",
"ResourcePanel.noLicenseError": "Falta licencia",
"ResourcePanel.noMasteryModelError": "Faltan criterios de dominio",
@@ -1097,21 +1170,22 @@
"ResourcePanel.questions": "Preguntas",
"ResourcePanel.relatedResources": "Recursos relacionados",
"ResourcePanel.resources": "Recursos",
- "ResourcePanel.showAnswers": "Mostrar las respuestas",
+ "ResourcePanel.showAnswers": "Mostrar respuestas",
"ResourcePanel.source": "Origen",
"ResourcePanel.subtitles": "Subtítulos",
"ResourcePanel.tags": "Etiquetas",
"ResourcePanel.totalResources": "El total de recursos",
"ResourcePanel.visibleTo": "Visible a",
- "ResponsiveDialog.closeButtonLabel": "Cerrar",
+ "ResourcesNeededOptions.furtherExplanation": "Por favor use el campo 'Descripción' para añadir detalles sobre cualquier material adicional que los estudiantes necesitarán para usar este recurso",
+ "ResourcesNeededOptions.resourcesNeededLabel": "Requisitos",
"ReviewSelectionsPage.noResourcesSelected": "Ningún recurso seleccionado",
"ReviewSelectionsPage.removeAction": "Eliminar",
- "ReviewSelectionsPage.resourcesInTopic": "{count, number} {count, plural, one {material} other {materiales}}",
+ "ReviewSelectionsPage.resourcesInTopic": "{count, number} {count, plural, one {recurso} other {recursos}}",
"ReviewSelectionsPage.reviewSelectionHeader": "Revisar seleccionado",
"SavedSearchesModal.cancelAction": "Cancelar",
"SavedSearchesModal.closeButtonLabel": "Cerrar",
"SavedSearchesModal.deleteAction": "Eliminar",
- "SavedSearchesModal.deleteConfirmation": "Confirme que desea eliminar esta búsqueda guardada",
+ "SavedSearchesModal.deleteConfirmation": "Confirme que desea borrar esta búsqueda guardada",
"SavedSearchesModal.deleteSearchTitle": "Borrar búsqueda guardada",
"SavedSearchesModal.editAction": "Editar",
"SavedSearchesModal.filterCount": "{count, number} {count, plural, one {filtro} other {filtros}}",
@@ -1119,13 +1193,13 @@
"SavedSearchesModal.savedSearchesTitle": "Búsquedas guardadas",
"SavedSearchesModal.searchDeletedSnackbar": "Búsqueda guardada eliminada",
"SavingIndicator.lastSaved": "Guardado {saved}",
- "SavingIndicator.savedNow": "Guardado justo ahora",
+ "SavingIndicator.savedNow": "Guardado ahora mismo",
"SavingIndicator.savingIndicator": "Guardando...",
"SearchFilterBar.assessments": "Evaluaciones",
"SearchFilterBar.clearAll": "Eliminar filtros",
"SearchFilterBar.coachContent": "Recursos para tutores",
"SearchFilterBar.createdAfter": "Añadido después de '{date}'",
- "SearchFilterBar.topicsHidden": "No hay temas",
+ "SearchFilterBar.topicsHidden": "Carpetas excluidas",
"SearchFilters.addedAfterDateLabel": "Añadido después de",
"SearchFilters.assessmentsLabel": "Mostrar solo recursos para evaluaciones",
"SearchFilters.channelSourceLabel": "Canal/fuente",
@@ -1133,17 +1207,14 @@
"SearchFilters.channelsHeader": "Canales",
"SearchFilters.coachContentLabel": "Mostrar recursos para tutores",
"SearchFilters.filtersHeader": "Opciones de filtro ",
- "SearchFilters.hideTopicsLabel": "Ocultar temas",
+ "SearchFilters.hideTopicsLabel": "Ocultar carpetas",
"SearchFilters.kindLabel": "Formato",
"SearchFilters.licensesLabel": "Licencia",
"SearchOrBrowseWindow.backToBrowseAction": "Volver a navegar",
- "SearchOrBrowseWindow.cancel": "Cancelar",
"SearchOrBrowseWindow.copiedToClipboard": "Copiado a portapapeles",
"SearchOrBrowseWindow.copyFailed": "Error al copiar al portapapeles",
- "SearchOrBrowseWindow.copyingToClipboard": "Copiando al portapapeles...",
"SearchOrBrowseWindow.searchAction": "Buscar",
"SearchOrBrowseWindow.searchLabel": "Buscar recursos…",
- "SearchOrBrowseWindow.undo": "Deshacer",
"SearchResultsList.failedToLoad": "Error al cargar los resultados de búsqueda",
"SearchResultsList.resultsPerPageLabel": "Resultados por página",
"SearchResultsList.saveSearchAction": "Guardar búsqueda",
@@ -1158,22 +1229,22 @@
"StagingTreePage.cancelDeployBtn": "Cancelar",
"StagingTreePage.channelDeployed": "El canal ha sido desplegado",
"StagingTreePage.closeSummaryDetailsDialogBtn": "Cerrar",
- "StagingTreePage.collapseAllButton": "Colapsar todo",
+ "StagingTreePage.collapseAllButton": "Plegar todo",
"StagingTreePage.confirmDeployBtn": "Desplegar canal",
"StagingTreePage.deploy": "Desplegar",
"StagingTreePage.deployChannel": "Desplegar canal",
"StagingTreePage.deployDialogDescription": "Está a punto de visualizar todos los recursos como públicos.",
- "StagingTreePage.emptyChannelSubText": "¡No hay cambios para revisar! El canal contiene todos los últimos temas y recursos.",
+ "StagingTreePage.emptyChannelSubText": "¡No hay cambios para revisar! El canal contiene todas las carpetas y los recursos más recientes.",
"StagingTreePage.emptyChannelText": "No se encontraron recursos",
- "StagingTreePage.emptyTopicText": "El tema está vacío",
+ "StagingTreePage.emptyTopicText": "Esta carpeta está vacía",
"StagingTreePage.liveResources": "Recursos públicos",
- "StagingTreePage.openCurrentLocationButton": "Ir a la ubicación actual del tema",
+ "StagingTreePage.openCurrentLocationButton": "Expandir a la ubicación actual de la carpeta",
"StagingTreePage.openSummaryDetailsDialogBtn": "Ver resumen",
"StagingTreePage.resourcesCount": "{count, number} {count, plural, one { recurso } other { recursos }}",
"StagingTreePage.reviewMode": "Modo de revisión",
"StagingTreePage.stagedResources": "Recursos listos para ser públicos",
"StagingTreePage.summaryDetailsDialogTitle": "Detalles del resumen",
- "StagingTreePage.topicsCount": "{count, number} {count, plural, one { tema } other { temas }}",
+ "StagingTreePage.topicsCount": "{count, number} {count, plural, one { carpeta } other { carpetas }}",
"StagingTreePage.totalResources": "El total de recursos",
"StagingTreePage.totalSize": "Total",
"StagingTreePage.viewDetails": "Ver detalles",
@@ -1195,7 +1266,7 @@
"SupplementaryItem.languageText": "{language} ({code})",
"SupplementaryItem.retryUpload": "Volver a subir",
"SupplementaryItem.uploadFailed": "Error al cargar",
- "SupplementaryList.selectFileText": "Seleccionar archivo",
+ "SupplementaryList.selectFileText": "Seleccionar fichero",
"SyncResourcesModal.backButtonLabel": "Atrás",
"SyncResourcesModal.cancelButtonLabel": "Cancelar",
"SyncResourcesModal.confirmSyncModalExplainer": "Está a punto de sincronizar y actualizar lo siguiente:",
@@ -1204,20 +1275,19 @@
"SyncResourcesModal.syncButtonLabel": "Sincronizar",
"SyncResourcesModal.syncExercisesExplainer": "Actualizar preguntas, respuestas y pistas",
"SyncResourcesModal.syncExercisesTitle": "Detalles de los ejercicios",
- "SyncResourcesModal.syncFilesExplainer": "Actualizar toda la información del archivo",
+ "SyncResourcesModal.syncFilesExplainer": "Actualizar toda la información del fichero",
"SyncResourcesModal.syncFilesTitle": "Archivos",
- "SyncResourcesModal.syncModalExplainer": "Sincroniza y actualiza los recursos con su canal fuente.",
+ "SyncResourcesModal.syncModalExplainer": "Sincroniza y actualiza los recursos con sus canales de origen.",
"SyncResourcesModal.syncModalTitle": "Sincronizar recursos",
"SyncResourcesModal.syncTagsExplainer": "Actualizar todas las etiquetas",
"SyncResourcesModal.syncTagsTitle": "Etiquetas",
"SyncResourcesModal.syncTitlesAndDescriptionsExplainer": "Actualizar títulos y descripciones de recursos",
"SyncResourcesModal.syncTitlesAndDescriptionsTitle": "Títulos y descripciones",
- "TechnicalTextBlock.copiedToClipboardConfirmation": "Copiado al portapapeles",
+ "TechnicalTextBlock.copiedToClipboardConfirmation": "Copiado a portapapeles",
"TechnicalTextBlock.copiedToClipboardFailure": "Error al copiar al portapapeles",
- "TechnicalTextBlock.copyToClipboardButtonPrompt": "Copiar al portapapeles",
+ "TechnicalTextBlock.copyToClipboardButtonPrompt": "Copiar a portapapeles",
"Template.templateString": "Tiene {count, plural, one {}\n =1 {# nodo para revisar}\n other {# nodos para revisar}}",
"TermsOfServiceModal.ToSHeader": "Términos de Servicio",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.updatedToSHeader": "Términos de servicio actualizados",
"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseHeader": "Restricciones de uso aceptables",
"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem1": "Estará estrictamente de acuerdo con estos términos;",
"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem10": "No interferirá, interrumpirá o atacará ningún servicio o red; y",
@@ -1275,7 +1345,7 @@
"TermsOfServiceModal.licensingList1Item2": "Si no eres el titular de los derechos de autor, debes tener los derechos de distribuir el contenido subido, ya sea a través de un permiso escrito explícito del titular del derecho de autor, o según lo permitido por los términos de la licencia bajo la cual se ha liberado el Contenido.",
"TermsOfServiceModal.licensingList1Item3": "Si usted es el titular de los derechos de autor del contenido subido, entonces marcando el contenido que carga con una licencia en particular, usted está de acuerdo en que el Contenido se distribuya y se utilice bajo los términos de esa licencia en autoridad.",
"TermsOfServiceModal.licensingList2Item1": "Metadatos descriptivos: Esto incluye metadatos principales asociados con una sola pieza de contenido, por ejemplo, títulos, , así como otros elementos que constituyen una parte definitiva del Contenido, independientemente del sistema en el que aparezca. Estos elementos de metadatos estarán bajo los mismos derechos de autor y licencias que el propio Contenido.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.licensingList2Item2": "Metadatos de organización: Definen cómo se puede utilizar un elemento de contenido, ayudan su descubrimiento, y lo coloca dentro de una estructura más amplia de las relaciones en el Servicio, por ejemplo, etiquetas, curación en temas (incluyendo los títulos de esos temas), y otros elementos pertenecientes a la visualización y ordenación de Contenido en el propio sistema. Al utilizar el Servicio, usted acepta que el trabajo que realiza para generar elementos de metadatos organizacionales se publique como el dominio público, y puede ser puestos a disposición de otros para su uso, sin ninguna reclamación sobre derechos de autor o licencias restringidas. También podemos compartir, aprovechar y distribuir estos metadatos organizacionales. Esto se establece para que podamos beneficiar a otros y mejorar el impacto de nuestras plataformas.",
+ "TermsOfServiceModal.licensingList2Item2": "Organizational metadata: This defines how a piece of content may be used, aids with discovery, and places it within some broader structure of relations on the Service, for example, tags, curation into folders (including the titles of those folders), and other elements pertaining to the display and ordering of Content on the system itself. By using the Service, you agree that work you do to generate organizational metadata elements are released into the Public Domain, and may be made available for others to use, without any claim to copyright or restricted licensing. We may also share, leverage and distribute this organizational metadata. This is so that we can benefit others and improve the impact of our platforms.",
"TermsOfServiceModal.licensingP1": "El servicio le permite cargar y distribuir contenidos. Cuando lo haga, se aplican los siguientes términos:",
"TermsOfServiceModal.licensingP2": "Seguimos una política de hacer que el contenido, incluyendo sus metadatos asociados, sea lo más abierto posible mientras seguimos las leyes de derechos de autor apropiadas. Con esto en mente, distinguimos entre el:",
"TermsOfServiceModal.miscellaneousHeader": "Miscellaneous",
@@ -1287,6 +1357,7 @@
"TermsOfServiceModal.thirdPartyP1": "Los enlaces a sitios web de terceros, cualquier contenido de terceros y cualquier aplicación de terceros se pueden proporcionar únicamente para su conveniencia e información. El contenido de cualquier sitio web vinculado o de cualquier aplicación de terceros no está bajo nuestro control y no somos responsables del contenido de sitios web enlazados y/o aplicaciones de terceros, incluyendo cualquier otro enlace contenido en un sitio web de terceros. No hacemos representaciones ni garantías en relación con ningún contenido de terceros o aplicaciones de terceros, que en todo momento y en cada caso se proporciona \"tal cual\". Las aplicaciones de terceros pueden estar sujetas a políticas y condiciones o acuerdos adicionales entre usted y el proveedor de dichas aplicaciones de terceros. Usted acepta cumplir plenamente todas estas políticas, condiciones y acuerdos adicionales. Si usted decide acceder a cualquier contenido de terceros, y/o a cualquier aplicación de terceros, lo hace bajo su propio riesgo.",
"TermsOfServiceModal.thirdPartyRightsHeader": "Derechos de terceros",
"TermsOfServiceModal.thirdPartyRightsP1": "Nada de lo dispuesto en nuestros Términos tiene por objeto otorgar a terceros ningún beneficio o derecho (conforme a la Ley de Contratos (Derechos de Terceros) de 1999 Reino Unido o de otra manera) para hacer cumplir cualquier disposición de nuestros Términos o cualquier acuerdo celebrado en relación con ellos.",
+ "TermsOfServiceModal.updatedToSHeader": "Términos de servicio actualizados",
"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentHeader": "Contenido generado por el usuario",
"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList1Item1": "No respaldamos ningún Contenido subido ni representamos que el Contenido es exacto, útil o no dañino. El contenido podría ser ofensivo, indecente o censurable; incluir imprecisiones técnicas, errores tipográficos u otros errores; o violar o infringir la privacidad, los derechos de publicidad, los derechos de propiedad intelectual (ver nuestra sección de Infracción de Derechos de Autor y Política de DMCA para presentar reclamaciones de derechos de autor), u otros derechos de propiedad de terceros.",
"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList1Item2": "Si sube o crea el contenido del autor, o si hace (o permite que un tercero haga) el contenido disponible en el Servicio, usted es totalmente responsable del Contenido, y de cualquier daño resultante, de ese Contenido o de su conducta.",
@@ -1322,19 +1393,19 @@
"TrashModal.deleteButton": "Eliminar",
"TrashModal.deleteConfirmationCancelButton": "Cancelar",
"TrashModal.deleteConfirmationDeleteButton": "Eliminar permanentemente",
- "TrashModal.deleteConfirmationHeader": "¿Eliminar permanentemente {topicCount, plural,\n =1 {# tema}\n other {# temas}}, {resourceCount, plural,\n =1 {# recurso}\n other {# recursos}}?",
+ "TrashModal.deleteConfirmationHeader": "¿Eliminar permanentemente {topicCount, plural,\n one {}=1 {# carpeta}\n other {# carpetas}}, {resourceCount, plural,\n one {}=1 {# recurso}\n other {# recursos}}?",
"TrashModal.deleteConfirmationText": "Esta acción no se puede deshacer. Por favor, confirme que desea continuar",
"TrashModal.deleteSuccessMessage": "Eliminado permanentemente",
"TrashModal.deletedHeader": "Eliminado",
"TrashModal.restoreButton": "Restaurar",
"TrashModal.selectAllHeader": "Seleccionar todo",
- "TrashModal.selectedCountText": "{topicCount, plural,\n =1 {# tema}\n other {# temas}}, {resourceCount, plural,\n =1 {# recurso}\n other {# recursos}}",
+ "TrashModal.selectedCountText": "{topicCount, plural,\n one {}=1 {# carpeta}\n other {# carpetas}}, {resourceCount, plural,\n one {}=1 {# recurso}\n other {# recursos}}",
"TrashModal.trashEmptySubtext": "Los recursos eliminados de este canal aparecerán aquí",
"TrashModal.trashEmptyText": "La papelera está vacía",
"TrashModal.trashModalTitle": "Papelera",
"TreeView.closeDrawer": "Cerrar",
- "TreeView.collapseAllButton": "Colapsar todo",
- "TreeView.openCurrentLocationButton": "Ir a la ubicación actual del tema",
+ "TreeView.collapseAllButton": "Plegar todo",
+ "TreeView.openCurrentLocationButton": "Expandir a la ubicación actual de la carpeta",
"TreeView.showSidebar": "Show sidebar",
"TreeView.updatedResourcesReadyForReview": "Los recursos actualizados están listos para su revisión",
"TreeViewBase.apiGenerated": "Generado con la API",
@@ -1358,28 +1429,28 @@
"TreeViewBase.syncChannel": "Sincronizar recursos",
"TreeViewBase.viewOnly": "Solo modo de lectura",
"Uploader.listDelimiter": ", ",
- "Uploader.maxFileSizeText": "{count, plural,\n =1 {# archivo no será subido.}\n other {# archivos no serán subidos.}} El tamaño del archivo debe ser inferior a {size}",
+ "Uploader.maxFileSizeText": "{count, plural,\n =1 {# fichero no será subido.}\n other {# fichero no serán subidos.}} El tamaño del fichero debe ser inferior a {size}",
"Uploader.noStorageHeader": "No hay suficiente espacio",
"Uploader.remainingStorage": "Almacenamiento restante: {size}",
- "Uploader.tooLargeFilesHeader": "Tamaño máximo de archivo excedido",
- "Uploader.unsupportedFilesHeader": "Archivo no soportado",
- "Uploader.unsupportedFilesText": "{count, plural,\n =1 {# archivo no será subido.}\n other {# archivos no serán subidos.}} \n {extensionCount, plural,\n =1 {Tipo de archivo soportado es}\n other {Tipos de archivo soportados son}} {extensions}",
+ "Uploader.tooLargeFilesHeader": "Tamaño máximo de fichero excedido",
+ "Uploader.unsupportedFilesHeader": "Ficheros no permitidos",
+ "Uploader.unsupportedFilesText": "{count, plural,\n =1 {# fichero no será subido.}\n other {# ficheros no serán subidos.}} \n {extensionCount, plural,\n =1 {Tipo de fichero permitido es}\n other {Tipos de fichero permitido son}} {extensions}",
"Uploader.uploadSize": "Tamaño demasiado grande para subir: {size}",
"UsingStudio.aboutStudio": "Acerca de Kolibri Studio",
"UsingStudio.aboutStudioText": "Kolibri Studio está en desarrollo activo, y como tal, algunos cambios podrían causar un comportamientos inesperado, incidencias o problemas (también conocidos como \"issues\" en inglés). Si encuentra algún problema, por favor notifíquenos tan pronto como ocurra para ayudarnos a resolverlos. (Ver abajo las instrucciones sobre cómo informar de incidencias.)",
- "UsingStudio.bestPractice1": "Al usar operaciones de importación y portapapeles, se recomienda trabajar con pequeños subconjuntos de temas en lugar de canales enteros a la vez (especialmente para canales grandes).",
- "UsingStudio.bestPractice2": "Es preferible crear múltiples canales pequeños en lugar de un canal gigante con muchos de temas anidados.",
+ "UsingStudio.bestPractice1": "Al usar operaciones de importación y portapapeles, se recomienda trabajar con pequeños subconjuntos de carpetas en lugar de canales enteros a la vez (especialmente para canales grandes).",
+ "UsingStudio.bestPractice2": "Es preferible crear múltiples canales pequeños en lugar de un canal gigante con muchas carpetas anidadas.",
"UsingStudio.bestPractice3": "Recargar la página a menudo para asegurarse de que su trabajo se guarda en el servidor y no se han producido errores de red. Utilice CTRL+R en Linux/Windows o ⌘+R en Mac.",
- "UsingStudio.bestPractice4": "Evite ediciones simultáneas en el mismo canal. Los canales no deben ser editados por varios usuarios al mismo tiempo o por el mismo usuario en múltiples ventanas del navegador.",
+ "UsingStudio.bestPractice4": "Evitar ediciones simultáneas del mismo canal. Los canales no deben ser editados por varios usuarios al mismo tiempo, o por el mismo usuario en múltiples ventanas del navegador.",
"UsingStudio.bestPractice5": "Es posible que encuentre errores de tiempo de espera en su navegador cuando realice operaciones como importar y sincronizar en canales grandes. No hay que alarmarse con este mensaje de error, ya que eso no significa que la operación haya fallado - Kolibri Studio todavía está trabajando en segundo plano. Por esta razón no hace falta repetir la misma operación de inmediato, sino esperar unos minutos y volver a cargar la página antes de continuar editando.",
"UsingStudio.bestPractice6": "Comprimir vídeos antes de subirlos (ver estas instrucciones).",
"UsingStudio.bestPractice7": "PUBLICAR periódicamente e importar el canal en Kolibri, para previsualizar el contenido y tener una copia de seguridad local del canal.",
"UsingStudio.bestPractice8": "No editar el canal después de hacer clic en PUBLICAR. Esperar el correo de notificación antes de volver a editar.",
- "UsingStudio.bestPractice9": "Informar sobre problemas a medida que los vaya encontrando.",
+ "UsingStudio.bestPractice9": "Informar sobre problemas a medida que se vayan encontrando.",
"UsingStudio.bestPractices": "Mejores prácticas",
"UsingStudio.communityStandardsLink": "Normas de la comunidad",
- "UsingStudio.issue1": "Dos usuarios han informado de incidentes aislados donde desaparecieron los contenidos importados de otro canal, dejando sólo temas vacíos y subtemas. En un informe, el contenido más tarde volvió a aparecer. No experimentaron estos problemas de forma consistente, y los incidentes podrían implicar problemas con una conexión Internet lenta o inestable. Si encuentra este problema, por favor contacte lo antes posible e informe de todos los detalles.",
- "UsingStudio.issue2": "Algunas operaciones en Studio son actualmente muy lentas, por lo que puede parecer que el cambio haya caducado o no tuvo efecto. En muchos casos, el cambio sigue siendo procesado y aparecerá una vez que esté completo. Si, después de 5-10 minutos, el cambio aún no ha tenido efecto incluso después de una actualización del navegador, informe sobre lo ocurrido, por favor. Estamos trabajando en soluciones para estos problemas.",
+ "UsingStudio.issue1": "Dos usuarios han informado de incidentes aislados donde desaparecieron los contenidos importados de otro canal, dejando sólo carpetas y subcarpetas vacías. En un reporte, el contenido más tarde volvió a aparecer. No experimentaron estos problemas de forma consistente, y los incidentes podrían implicar problemas con una conexión Internet lenta o inestable. Si encuentra este problema, por favor contacte lo antes posible e informe de todos los detalles.",
+ "UsingStudio.issue2": "Algunas operaciones en Studio son actualmente muy lentas, por lo que puede parecer que el cambio haya caducado o no tuvo efecto. En muchos casos, el cambio sigue siendo procesado y aparecerá una vez que esté completo. Si, después de 5-10 minutos el cambio aún no ha tenido efecto incluso después de volver a cargar la página del navegador, informe sobre lo ocurrido, por favor. Estamos trabajando en soluciones para estos problemas.",
"UsingStudio.issueLink1": "Informes sobre el contenido que parece desaparecer",
"UsingStudio.issueLink2": "El rendimiento lento puede conducir a errores inesperados en la interfaz",
"UsingStudio.issuesPageLink": "Ver todas las incidencias",
@@ -1406,16 +1477,25 @@
"channelEditVue.questionTypeTrueFalse": "Verdadero/Falso",
"channelEditVue.true": "Verdadero",
"formStrings.errorText": "Por favor, arregle {count, plural,\n =1 {# error}\n other {# errores}} abajo",
+ "sharedVue.activityDurationGteOne": "El valor debe ser igual o mayor que 1",
+ "sharedVue.activityDurationRequired": "Este campo es obligatorio",
+ "sharedVue.activityDurationTooLongWarning": "Este valor es muy alto. Por favor, comprobar si este es el tiempo que los estudiantes tienen que emplear para completar el recurso.",
+ "sharedVue.confirmLogout": "Es posible que no se guarden los cambios realizados. Por favor, confirme que desea salir de esta página.",
"sharedVue.copyrightHolderRequired": "Hay que especificar el titular de los derechos de autor",
+ "sharedVue.durationRequired": "Este campo es obligatorio",
+ "sharedVue.fieldRequired": "Este campo es obligatorio",
+ "sharedVue.learningActivityRequired": "Este campo es obligatorio",
"sharedVue.licenseDescriptionRequired": "Licencia de permisos especiales debe tener una descripción",
"sharedVue.licenseRequired": "Se requiere licencia",
+ "sharedVue.longActivityGtThirty": "El valor debe ser mayor que 30",
+ "sharedVue.longActivityLteOneTwenty": "El valor debe ser igual o inferior a 120",
"sharedVue.masteryModelMGtZero": "Debe ser al menos 1",
"sharedVue.masteryModelMLteN": "Debe ser menor que o igual a N",
- "sharedVue.masteryModelMRequired": "Obligatorio",
+ "sharedVue.masteryModelMRequired": "Este valor es obligatorio",
"sharedVue.masteryModelMWholeNumber": "Debe ser un número entero",
"sharedVue.masteryModelNGtZero": "Debe ser al menos 1",
- "sharedVue.masteryModelNRequired": "Obligatorio",
+ "sharedVue.masteryModelNRequired": "Este valor es obligatorio",
"sharedVue.masteryModelNWholeNumber": "Debe ser un número entero",
"sharedVue.masteryModelRequired": "Tiene que seleccionar el criterio de dominio",
- "sharedVue.titleRequired": "Este campo es obligatorio"
+ "sharedVue.shortActivityLteThirty": "El valor debe ser igual o menor que 30",
+ "sharedVue.titleRequired": "Este campo es obligatorio"}
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new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,937 @@
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: kolibri-studio\n"
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+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-16 00:55+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-10-17 20:08\n"
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+#: contentcuration/api.py:140
+msgid "Date/Time Created"
+msgstr "Fecha/Hora creación"
+#: contentcuration/api.py:141 contentcuration/api.py:142
+msgid "Not Available"
+msgstr "No está disponible"
+#: contentcuration/api.py:145
+msgid "Ricecooker Version"
+msgstr "Versión de Ricecooker"
+#: contentcuration/api.py:150 contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:164
+msgid "File Size"
+msgstr "Tamaño del fichero"
+#: contentcuration/api.py:161
+msgid "# of {}s"
+msgstr "# de {}s"
+#: contentcuration/api.py:165
+msgid "# of Questions"
+msgstr "# de Preguntas"
+#: contentcuration/api.py:175
+msgid "# of Subtitles"
+msgstr "# de Subtítulos"
+#: contentcuration/catalog_settings.py:4 contentcuration/sandbox_settings.py:8
+#: contentcuration/settings.py:287
+msgid "Arabic"
+msgstr "Árabe"
+#: contentcuration/middleware/db_readonly.py:24
+msgid "The site is currently in read-only mode. Please try again later."
+msgstr "El sitio está actualmente en modo de solo lectura. Por favor, inténtelo más tarde."
+#: contentcuration/models.py:279
+msgid "Not enough space. Check your storage under Settings page."
+msgstr "No hay suficiente espacio. Compruebe el almacenamiento disponible en la página de Configuración."
+#: contentcuration/models.py:294 contentcuration/models.py:301
+msgid "Out of storage! Request more space under Settings > Storage."
+msgstr "El espacio de almacenamiento es insuficiente. Solicite más espacio en Configuración > Almacenamiento."
+#: contentcuration/models.py:1410
+msgid " (Original)"
+msgstr " (Original)"
+#: contentcuration/settings.py:285
+msgid "English"
+msgstr "Inglés"
+#: contentcuration/settings.py:286
+msgid "Spanish"
+msgstr "Español"
+#: contentcuration/settings.py:288
+msgid "French"
+msgstr "Francés"
+#: contentcuration/tasks.py:251
+msgid "Unknown error starting task. Please contact support."
+msgstr "Error desconocido. Póngase en contacto con el servicio técnico."
+#: contentcuration/templates/base.html:83
+#: contentcuration/templates/channel_list.html:14
+msgid "Kolibri Studio"
+msgstr "Kolibri Studio"
+#: contentcuration/templates/base.html:166
+msgid "Contentworkshop.learningequality.org has been deprecated. Please go to studio.learningequality.org for the latest version of Studio"
+msgstr "contentworkshop.learningequality.org ya no es válido. Por favor, vaya a studio.learningequality.org para acceder a la última versión de Studio"
+#: contentcuration/templates/channel_list.html:13
+msgid "Kolibri Content Library Catalog"
+msgstr "Catálogo de la Biblioteca de Contenidos de Kolibri"
+#: contentcuration/templates/channel_not_found.html:23
+msgid "We're sorry, this channel was not found."
+msgstr "Lo sentimos, este canal no fue encontrado."
+#: contentcuration/templates/channel_not_found.html:24
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/open_channel_fail.html:14
+#: contentcuration/templates/staging_not_found.html:23
+#: contentcuration/templates/unauthorized.html:23
+msgid "Go Home"
+msgstr "Ir a la página principal"
+#: contentcuration/templates/exercise_list.html:67
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "Anterior"
+#: contentcuration/templates/exercise_list.html:73
+msgid "current"
+msgstr "actual"
+#: contentcuration/templates/exercise_list.html:77
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Siguiente"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:206
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:165
+msgid "Language not set"
+msgstr "Idioma no establecido"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:212
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:171
+#, python-format
+msgid "This file was generated on %(date)s"
+msgstr "Este fichero fue generado el %(date)s"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:231
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:189
+msgid "Created"
+msgstr "Creado"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:232
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:190
+msgid "Last Published"
+msgstr "Fecha última publicación"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:233
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:191
+msgid "Unpublished"
+msgstr "No publicado"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:245
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:247
+msgid "Copy one of the following into Kolibri to import this channel:"
+msgstr "Copie uno de los siguientes en Kolibri para importar este canal:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:252
+msgid "Tokens (Recommended):"
+msgstr "Token (recomendado):"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:260
+msgid "Channel ID:"
+msgstr "ID del canal:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:267
+msgid "Channel must be published to import into Kolibri"
+msgstr "El canal debe haber sido publicado para poder importarse en Kolibri"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:273
+msgid "WHAT'S INSIDE"
+msgstr "QUÉ CONTIENE"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:283
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:213
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(count)s Resource"
+msgid_plural "%(count)s Resources"
+msgstr[0] "%(count)s Recurso"
+msgstr[1] "%(count)s Recursos"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:304
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:234
+msgid "Includes"
+msgstr "Incluye"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:310
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:236
+msgid "Languages"
+msgstr "Idiomas"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:316
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:245
+msgid "Subtitles"
+msgstr "Subtítulos"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:324
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:254
+msgid "For Educators"
+msgstr "Para los educadores"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:325
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:256
+msgid "Coach Content"
+msgstr "Contenido para tutores"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:325
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:257
+msgid "Assessments"
+msgstr "Evaluaciones"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:334
+msgid "Content Tags"
+msgstr "Etiquetas de contenidos"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:338
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:270
+msgid "No tags found"
+msgstr "No se encontraron etiquetas"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:343
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:448
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:274
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:337
+msgid "This channel is empty"
+msgstr "Este canal está vacío"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:348
+msgid "SOURCE"
+msgstr "FUENTE"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:360
+msgid "This channel features resources created by:"
+msgstr "Este canal tiene recursos creados por:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:361
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:379
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:398
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+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:305
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:317
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:322
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:333
+msgid "Information not available"
+msgstr "Información no disponible"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:378
+msgid "The material in this channel was provided by:"
+msgstr "El material de este canal fue proporcionado por:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:397
+msgid "Material in this channel was originally hosted by:"
+msgstr "El material de este canal estaba originalmente en:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:416
+msgid "This channel includes the following licenses:"
+msgstr "Este canal incluye las siguientes licencias:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:439
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:326
+msgid "Copyright Holders:"
+msgstr "Titular de derechos de autor:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:192
+msgid "Token:"
+msgstr "Token:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:203
+msgid "What's Inside"
+msgstr "Contenidos"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:239
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:248
+#, python-format
+msgid "\n"
+" (+ %(count)s more)\n"
+" "
+msgstr "\n"
+" (+ %(count)s más)\n"
+" "
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:267
+msgid "Most Common Tags"
+msgstr "Etiquetas más comunes"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:280
+msgid "Source Information"
+msgstr "Información sobre fuentes"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:284
+msgid "Authors:"
+msgstr "Autores:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:288
+#, python-format
+msgid "\n"
+" (+ %(count)s more)\n"
+" "
+msgstr "\n"
+" (+ %(count)s más)\n"
+" "
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:298
+msgid "Providers:"
+msgstr "Proveedores:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:301
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:313
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:329
+#, python-format
+msgid "\n"
+" (+ %(count)s more)\n"
+" "
+msgstr "\n"
+" (+ %(count)s más)\n"
+" "
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:310
+msgid "Aggregators:"
+msgstr "Agregadores:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:322
+msgid "Licenses:"
+msgstr "Licencias:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/csv_email.txt:4
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:4
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.txt:4
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.txt:4
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_needed_email.txt:4
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/channel_published_email.txt:4
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.txt:3
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/registration_needed_email.txt:4
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/account_deleted_user_email.txt:3
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/issue_report_email.txt:6
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/storage_request_email.txt:6
+#, python-format
+msgid "Hello %(name)s,"
+msgstr "Hola %(name)s,"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/csv_email.txt:6
+#, python-format
+msgid "Your csv for %(channel_name)s has finished generating (attached)."
+msgstr "Archivo CSV para %(channel_name)s se ha generando (adjunto)."
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/csv_email.txt:8
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:29
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.txt:21
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+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_needed_email.txt:14
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/channel_published_email.txt:15
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.txt:14
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/registration_needed_email.txt:12
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/account_deleted_user_email.txt:10
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/storage_request_email.txt:46
+msgid "Thanks for using Kolibri Studio!"
+msgstr "¡Gracias por usar Kolibri Studio!"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/csv_email.txt:10
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:31
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.txt:23
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.txt:14
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_needed_email.txt:16
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/channel_published_email.txt:17
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.txt:16
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/registration_needed_email.txt:14
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/account_deleted_user_email.txt:12
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/issue_report_email.txt:26
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/storage_request_email.txt:48
+msgid "The Learning Equality Team"
+msgstr "El equipo de Learning Equality"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/csv_email_subject.txt:1
+#, python-format
+msgid "CSV for %(channel_name)s"
+msgstr "CSV para %(channel_name)s"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:6
+msgid "Here is the information for your Kolibri Studio account"
+msgstr "Aquí tiene la información de su cuenta de usuario en Kolibri Studio"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:8
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Nombre:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:9
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_form.html:23
+msgid "Email:"
+msgstr "Correo electrónico:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:10
+msgid "Date joined:"
+msgstr "Fecha de registro:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:11
+msgid "Countries:"
+msgstr "Países:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:12
+msgid "Intended use for Studio:"
+msgstr "Uso previsto de Kolibri Studio:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:13
+msgid "You heard about Kolibri Studio from:"
+msgstr "Conocí Kolibri Studio a través de:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:15
+msgid "Channels you have edit access to: "
+msgstr "Canales para los que tiene permisos de editar: "
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:19
+msgid "Channels you have view access to: "
+msgstr "Canales para los que tiene permisos de ver: "
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:23
+msgid "Information about the resources you have uploaded has been attached as a CSV file."
+msgstr "La información sobre los recursos que ha subido ha sido adjuntada como un fichero CSV."
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:26
+#, python-format
+msgid "If you have any questions or concerns, please email us at %(legal_email)s."
+msgstr "Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor envíenos un correo electrónico a %(legal_email)s."
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email_subject.txt:1
+msgid "Your Kolibri Studio account information"
+msgstr "Información de su cuenta en Kolibri Studio"
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/open_channel_fail.html:12
+msgid "There was an error opening this channel."
+msgstr "Hubo un error al abrir este canal."
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/open_channel_fail.html:13
+msgid "Try running ricecooker again."
+msgstr "Intentar ejecutar el Ricecooker otra vez."
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.html:93
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.html:91
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.html:91
+msgid "Hello"
+msgstr "Hola"
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.html:94
+msgid "has invited you to edit a channel at"
+msgstr "le invita a editar un canal en"
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.html:100
+#, python-format
+msgid "Invititation to %(share_mode)s channel"
+msgstr "Invitación al canal de %(share_mode)s"
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.html:104
+msgid "Click one of the following links to either accept or decline your invitation:"
+msgstr "Haga clic en uno de los siguientes enlaces para aceptar o rechazar la invitación:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.html:107
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.html:109
+msgid "ACCEPT"
+msgstr "ACEPTAR"
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.html:112
+msgid "DECLINE"
+msgstr "DECLINAR"
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.html:117
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.html:110
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.html:110
+msgid "Thanks for using our site!"
+msgstr "¡Gracias por usar nuestro sitio!"
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.txt:7
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(first)s %(last)s has invited you to edit a channel at %(site)s."
+msgstr "%(first)s %(last)s ha enviado una invitación para poder editar el canal al %(site)s."
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.txt:9
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(first)s %(last)s has invited you to view a channel at %(site)s."
+msgstr "%(first)s %(last)s ha enviado una invitación para poder ver el canal al %(site)s."
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.txt:13
+msgid "Please sign in to Kolibri Studio to accept or decline your invitation:"
+msgstr "Por favor, inicie sesión en Kolibri Studio para aceptar o rechazar la invitación:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.txt:16
+msgid "Please follow this link to create an account (you must be signed in to accept or decline invitations):"
+msgstr "Por favor, siga este enlace para crear una cuenta (debe iniciar sesión para aceptar o rechazar invitaciones):"
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email_subject.txt:1
+#, python-format
+msgid "You've been invited to edit %(channel)s"
+msgstr "Le han invitado a editar %(channel)s"
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email_subject.txt:1
+#, python-format
+msgid "You've been invited to view %(channel)s"
+msgstr "Le han invitado a ver %(channel)s"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.html:92
+msgid "Welcome to Kolibri! Here is the link to activate your account:"
+msgstr "¡Bienvenidos a Kolibri! Aquí está el vínculo para activar la cuenta:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.html:101
+msgid "Click here to activate your account."
+msgstr "Haga clic aquí para activar la cuenta."
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.html:102
+msgid "This link is valid for"
+msgstr "Este enlace es válido por"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.html:102
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(expiration_days)s days."
+msgstr "%(expiration_days)s días."
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.html:104
+msgid "ACTIVATE"
+msgstr "ACTIVAR"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.txt:6
+#, python-format
+msgid "Here is your activation link for %(site_name)s:"
+msgstr "Aquí está el enlace de activación para %(site_name)s:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.txt:10
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_needed_email.txt:12
+#, python-format
+msgid "This link is valid for %(expiration_days)s days."
+msgstr "Este enlace es válido por %(expiration_days)s días."
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email_subject.txt:1
+msgid "Account activation link for"
+msgstr "Enlace de activación de cuenta para"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_needed_email.txt:6
+#, python-format
+msgid "You have requested a password reset link on %(site_name)s without first activating your account."
+msgstr "Ha solicitado un enlace para restablecer la contraseña en %(site_name)s sin primero activar su cuenta."
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_needed_email.txt:8
+msgid "Please activate your account by following the link below:"
+msgstr "Por favor, active su cuenta a través del siguiente enlace:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/channel_published_email.txt:6
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(channel_name)s has finished publishing! Here is the channel token (for importing it into Kolibri):"
+msgstr "%(channel_name)s se ha terminado de publicar. Aquí está el token del canal (para importarlo en Kolibri):"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/channel_published_email.txt:8
+#, python-format
+msgid "Token: %(channel_token)s"
+msgstr "Token: %(channel_token)s"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/channel_published_email.txt:10
+#, python-format
+msgid "ID (for Kolibri version 0.6.0 and below): %(channel_id)s"
+msgstr "ID (para Kolibri versión 0.6.0 e inferior): %(channel_id)s"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/channel_published_email.txt:12
+#, python-format
+msgid "Version notes: %(notes)s"
+msgstr "Notas de la versión: %(notes)s"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/channel_published_email.txt:21
+msgid "You are receiving this email because you are subscribed to this channel."
+msgstr "Está recibiendo este mensaje porque tiene la suscripción activa para este canal."
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/getting_started.html:16
+msgid "Content Curation Tools for Kolibri"
+msgstr "Herramientas de curación de contenido para Kolibri"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_confirm.html:14
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_form.html:15
+msgid "Password Reset"
+msgstr "Recuperar contraseña"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_confirm.html:17
+msgid "Submit"
+msgstr "Enviar"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_confirm.html:20
+msgid "Password reset unsuccessful."
+msgstr "Error al restablecer la contraseña."
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_confirm.html:21
+msgid "The password reset link was invalid, possibly because it has already been used. "
+msgstr "El enlace de restablecimiento de contraseña no es válido, posiblemente porque ya ha sido utilizado. "
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_confirm.html:22
+msgid "Request a new password reset."
+msgstr "Solicitar un restablecimiento de contraseña nuevo."
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.html:92
+msgid "You are receiving this e-mail because you requested a password reset for your user account at"
+msgstr "Está recibiendo este correo electrónico porque ha pedido restablecer la contraseña para su cuenta en"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.html:98
+msgid "Reset my Password"
+msgstr "Restablecer mi contraseña"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.html:101
+msgid "Please click the button below and choose a new password."
+msgstr "Por favor, haga clic en el botón de abajo y escriba una contraseña nueva."
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.html:102
+msgid "Your username is"
+msgstr "El nombre de usuario es"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.html:104
+msgid "RESET"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.txt:5
+#, python-format
+msgid "You have requested a password reset for your account at %(site_name)s."
+msgstr "Ha solicitado restablecer la contraseña de su cuenta en %(site_name)s."
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.txt:7
+msgid "Please reset your password by following the link below:"
+msgstr "Por favor, restablezca su contraseña a través del siguiente enlace:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.txt:12
+msgid "In case you've forgotten, your username is:"
+msgstr "En caso de que lo haya olvidado, su nombre de usuario es:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_form.html:16
+msgid "Enter your email, and we'll send instructions for setting a new password."
+msgstr "Introduzca su correo y le enviaremos las instrucciones para configurar una nueva contraseña."
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_form.html:19
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(form.email.errors)s"
+msgstr "%(form.email.errors)s"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_form.html:24
+msgid "Reset Password"
+msgstr "Restablecer contraseña"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_subject.txt:1
+msgid "Password reset on"
+msgstr "Restablecimiento de contraseña"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/registration_needed_email.txt:6
+#, python-format
+msgid "You have requested a password reset on %(site_name)s without first creating an account."
+msgstr "Ha solicitado un restablecimiento de contraseña en %(site_name)s sin primero crear una cuenta."
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/registration_needed_email.txt:8
+msgid "Please create an account by following the link below:"
+msgstr "Por favor, cree una cuenta usando el siguiente enlace:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/account_deleted_user_email.txt:5
+#, python-format
+msgid "Your %(email)s account on %(site_name)s has been deleted."
+msgstr "Se ha eliminado el correo %(email)s desde %(site_name)s."
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/account_deleted_user_email.txt:7
+#, python-format
+msgid "If this was a mistake, please email us at %(legal_email)s by %(buffer_date)s (%(num_days)s days from now)."
+msgstr "Si esto fue un error, por favor escríbanos a %(legal_email)s hasta %(buffer_date)s (%(num_days)s días a partir de ahora)."
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/issue_report_email.txt:8
+msgid "Thank you for reporting your issue. Here is a copy of your report:"
+msgstr "Gracias por informarnos sobre el problema. Aquí está una copia del informe:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/issue_report_email.txt:20
+msgid "We are currently reviewing the information that you have provided, and will file your issue accordingly."
+msgstr "Actualmente estamos revisando la información proporcionada, y actuaremos en consecuencia."
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/issue_report_email.txt:21
+msgid "We appreciate your patience and assistance as we work to improve Kolibri Studio!"
+msgstr "Agradecemos su paciencia y asistencia mientras trabajamos para mejorar Kolibri Studio!"
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/issue_report_email.txt:24
+msgid "Thank you,"
+msgstr "Muchas gracias,"
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/storage_request_email.txt:8
+msgid "Thank you for your request for additional storage."
+msgstr "Gracias por su solicitud para el almacenamiento adicional."
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/storage_request_email.txt:10
+msgid "Here is a copy of your request:"
+msgstr "Aquí está una copia de su solicitud:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/storage_request_email.txt:43
+msgid "We are currently reviewing the information that you have provided, and will work to be in touch in a timely manner depending on the scope of your request. While Kolibri Studio is under active development, we need to be especially mindful of how much additional storage can be provided to ensure that we can successfully continue to build the Studio tool. Many thanks in advance for your understanding."
+msgstr "Actualmente estamos revisando la información que ha proporcionado, y trabajaremos para ponernos en contacto de forma oportuna en función del alcance de su solicitud. Mientras Kolibri Studio está en desarrollo activo, debemos ser especialmente conscientes de la cantidad de almacenamiento adicional que se puede proporcionar para garantizar que podemos continuar desarrollando Studio con éxito. Muchas gracias de antemano por su comprensión."
+#: contentcuration/templates/staging_not_found.html:22
+msgid "No updates to review."
+msgstr "No hay actualizaciones para revisar."
+#: contentcuration/templates/unauthorized.html:22
+msgid "You do not have access to this page."
+msgstr "No tiene acceso a esta página."
+#: contentcuration/templates/unsupported_browser.html:47
+msgid "Unsupported Browser."
+msgstr "Navegador no compatible."
+#: contentcuration/templates/unsupported_browser.html:49
+msgid "Sorry, your browser version is not supported."
+msgstr "La versión del navegador no está permitida."
+#: contentcuration/templates/unsupported_browser.html:51
+msgid "To use Kolibri Studio, we recommend using Firefox or Chrome."
+msgstr "Para usar Kolibri Studio, recomendamos usar Firefox o Chrome."
+#: contentcuration/templates/unsupported_browser.html:53
+msgid "You can also try updating your current browser."
+msgstr "También puedes actualizar tu navegador actual."
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/license_tags.py:10
+msgid "The Attribution License lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation. This is the most accommodating of licenses offered. Recommended for maximum dissemination and use of licensed materials."
+msgstr "La Licencia de Atribución permite a otros distribuir, remezclar, retocar, y crear a partir de tu obra, incluso con fines comerciales, siempre y cuando te den crédito por la creación original. Esta es la más flexible de las licencias ofrecidas. Se recomienda para la máxima difusión y utilización de los materiales licenciados."
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/license_tags.py:15
+msgid "The Attribution-ShareAlike License lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work even for commercial purposes, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under the identical terms. This license is often compared to \"copyleft\" free and open source software licenses. All new works based on yours will carry the same license, so any derivatives will also allow commercial use. This is the license used by Wikipedia, and is recommended for materials that would benefit from incorporating content from Wikipedia and similarly licensed projects."
+msgstr "La Licencia de Atribución-CompartirIgual permite a otros remezclar, retocar, y crear a partir de tu obra, incluso con fines comerciales, siempre y cuando te den crédito y licencien sus nuevas creaciones bajo las mismas condiciones. Esta licencia suele ser comparada con las licencias \"copyleft\" de software libre y de código abierto. Todas las nuevas obras basadas en la tuya portarán la misma licencia, así que cualesquiera obras derivadas permitirán también el uso comercial. Esa es la licencia que usa Wikipedia, y se recomienda para materiales que se beneficiarían de la incorporación de contenido de Wikipedia y de proyectos con licencias similares."
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/license_tags.py:25
+msgid "The Attribution-NoDerivs License allows for redistribution, commercial and non-commercial, as long as it is passed along unchanged and in whole, with credit to you."
+msgstr "La Licencia de Atribución-SinDerivadas permite la redistribución, comercial o no comercial, siempre y cuando la obra circule íntegra y sin cambios, dándote crédito."
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/license_tags.py:28
+msgid "The Attribution-NonCommercial License lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work non-commercially, and although their new works must also acknowledge you and be non-commercial, they don't have to license their derivative works on the same terms."
+msgstr "La Licencia de Atribución-NoComercial permite a otros distribuir, remezclar, retocar, y crear a partir de tu obra de manera no comercial y, a pesar de que sus nuevas obras deben siempre mencionarte y mantenerse sin fines comerciales, no están obligados a licenciar sus obras derivadas bajo las mismas condiciones."
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/license_tags.py:32
+msgid "The Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work non-commercially, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under the identical terms."
+msgstr "La Licencia de Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual permite a otros distribuir, remezclar, retocar, y crear a partir de tu obra de modo no comercial, siempre y cuando te den crédito y licencien sus nuevas creaciones bajo las mismas condiciones."
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/license_tags.py:36
+msgid "The Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License is the most restrictive of our six main licenses, only allowing others to download your works and share them with others as long as they credit you, but they can't change them in any way or use them commercially."
+msgstr "La Licencia de Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas es la más restrictiva de nuestras seis licencias principales, permitiendo a otros solo descargar tu obra y compartirla con otros siempre y cuando te den crédito, pero no permiten cambiarlas de forma alguna ni usarlas comercialmente."
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/license_tags.py:40
+msgid "The All Rights Reserved License indicates that the copyright holder reserves, or holds for their own use, all the rights provided by copyright law under one specific copyright treaty."
+msgstr "La Licencia Todos los Derechos Reservados, indica que el titular reserva, o mantiene para uso propio, todos los derechos previstos por la ley de derechos de autor bajo un solo tratado de derechos específico."
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/license_tags.py:43
+msgid "Public Domain work has been identified as being free of known restrictions under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights."
+msgstr "Una obra de Dominio Público ha sido identificada como libre de restricciones conocidas en virtud del derecho de autor, incluyendo todos los derechos conexos."
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/license_tags.py:46
+msgid "Special Permissions is a custom license to use when the current licenses do not apply to the content. The owner of this license is responsible for creating a description of what this license entails."
+msgstr "Permisos Especiales es una licencia personalizada para utilizar cuando las licencias actuales no se aplican al contenido. El titular de esta licencia es responsable de crear una descripción de lo que implica esta licencia."
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:26
+msgid "100% Correct"
+msgstr "100% correcto"
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:27
+msgid "10 in a row"
+msgstr "10 consecutivas"
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:28
+msgid "2 in a row"
+msgstr "2 consecutivas"
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:29
+msgid "3 in a row"
+msgstr "3 consecutivas"
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:30
+msgid "5 in a row"
+msgstr "5 consecutivas"
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:31
+msgid "M of N..."
+msgstr "M de N..."
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:32
+msgid "CC BY"
+msgstr "CC BY"
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:33
+msgid "CC BY-SA"
+msgstr "CC BY-SA"
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:34
+msgid "CC BY-ND"
+msgstr "CC BY-ND"
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:35
+msgid "CC BY-NC"
+msgstr "CC BY-NC"
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:36
+msgid "CC BY-NC-SA"
+msgstr "CC BY-NC-SA"
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:37
+msgid "CC BY-NC-ND"
+msgstr "CC BY-NC-ND"
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:38
+msgid "All Rights Reserved"
+msgstr "Todos los derechos reservados"
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:39
+msgid "Public Domain"
+msgstr "Dominio Público"
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:40
+msgid "Special Permissions"
+msgstr "Permisos Especiales"
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:49
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(filesize)s %(unit)s"
+msgstr "%(filesize)s %(unit)s"
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:138
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:201
+msgid "No Channel"
+msgstr "No hay canales"
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:139
+msgid "No resource"
+msgstr "No hay recursos"
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:164
+msgid "Channel"
+msgstr "Canal"
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:164
+msgid "Title"
+msgstr "Título"
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:164
+msgid "Kind"
+msgstr "Tipo"
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:164
+msgid "Filename"
+msgstr "Nombre del fichero"
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:164
+msgid "URL"
+msgstr "URL"
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:164
+msgid "Description"
+msgstr "Descripción"
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:165
+msgid "Author"
+msgstr "Autor"
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:165
+msgid "Language"
+msgstr "Idioma"
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:165
+msgid "License"
+msgstr "Licencia"
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:165
+msgid "License Description"
+msgstr "Descripción de la licencia"
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:165
+msgid "Copyright Holder"
+msgstr "Titular de derechos de autor"
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:201
+msgid "No Resource"
+msgstr "No hay recursos"
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:201
+msgid "Staged File"
+msgstr "Archivo enviado"
+#: contentcuration/utils/format.py:15
+msgid "B"
+msgstr "B"
+#: contentcuration/utils/format.py:17
+msgid "KB"
+msgstr "KB"
+#: contentcuration/utils/format.py:19
+msgid "MB"
+msgstr "MB"
+#: contentcuration/utils/format.py:21
+msgid "GB"
+msgstr "GB"
+#: contentcuration/utils/format.py:23
+msgid "TB"
+msgstr "TB"
+#: contentcuration/utils/incidents.py:7
+msgid "There was a problem with a third-party service. This means certain operations might be blocked. We appreciate your patience while these issues are being resolved."
+msgstr "Hubo un problema con un servicio externo. Esto significa que ciertas operaciones podrían ser bloqueadas. Agradecemos su paciencia mientras se resuelven estos problemas."
+#: contentcuration/utils/incidents.py:16
+msgid "EMERGENCY MAINTENANCE Kolibri Studio is operating on read-only mode for the time being in order for us to resolve some maintenance issues. This means all editing capabilities are disabled at the moment. We're currently working very hard to fix the issue as soon as possible. If you have any questions please contact us at content@learningequality.org. We apologize for any inconvenience caused and appreciate your patience while we resolve these issues."
+msgstr "PARADA de MANTENIMIENTO Kolibri Studio está funcionando en modo de solo lectura para poder resolver algunos problemas de mantenimiento. Esto significa que todas las capacidades de edición están deshabilitadas en este momento. Estamos trabajando intensamente para arreglar el problema tan pronto como sea posible. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor contáctenos en content@learningequality.org. Pedimos disculpas por las molestias causadas y agradecemos la paciencia."
+#: contentcuration/utils/incidents.py:31
+msgid "EMERGENCY MAINTENANCE Kolibri Studio is operating on read-only mode for the time being in order for us to resolve some database issues. This means all editing capabilities are disabled at the moment. We're currently working very hard to fix the issue as soon as possible. If you have any questions please contact us at content@learningequality.org. We apologize for any inconvenience caused and appreciate your patience while we resolve these issues."
+msgstr "PARADA de MANTENIMIENTO Kolibri Studio está funcionando en modo de solo lectura para poder resolver algunos problemas de bases de datos. Esto significa que todas las capacidades de edición están deshabilitadas en este momento. Estamos trabajando intensamente para arreglar el problema tan pronto como sea posible. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor contáctenos al content@learningequality.org. Pedimos disculpas por las molestias causadas y agradecemos la paciencia."
+#: contentcuration/utils/incidents.py:46
+msgid "We are encountering issues with Google Cloud Storage. This means any file uploading and publishing operations are currently unavailable. We appreciate your patience while these issues are being resolved. To check the status of this service, please visit here"
+msgstr "Estamos teniendo problemas con el almacenamiento de Google Cloud. Esto significa que cualquier operación de carga de ficheros y publicación no está disponible actualmente. Agradecemos la paciencia mientras se resuelven estos problemas. Para comprobar el estado de este servicio, visite este enlace"
+#: contentcuration/utils/incidents.py:57
+msgid "We are encountering issues with a third-party service. This means publishing is currently unavailable. We appreciate your patience while these issues are being resolved."
+msgstr "Hubo un problema con un servicio externo. Esto significa que no es posible publicar canales en este momento. Agradecemos su paciencia mientras estos problemas se resuelven."
+#: contentcuration/utils/incidents.py:65
+msgid "We are encountering issues with our data center. This means you may encounter networking problems while using Studio. We appreciate your patience while these issues are being resolved. To check the status of this service, please visit here"
+msgstr "Estamos encontrando problemas con nuestro centro de datos. Esto significa que puede encontrar problemas de red mientras utiliza Studio. Agradecemos su paciencia mientras se resuelvenn estos problemas. Para comprobar el estado de este servicio visite este enlace"
+#: contentcuration/utils/publish.py:57
+msgid "Kolibri Studio Channel Published"
+msgstr "Canal publicado en Kolibri Studio"
+#: contentcuration/views/public.py:63 contentcuration/views/public.py:74
+msgid "Api endpoint {} is not available"
+msgstr "API endpoint {} no disponible"
+#: contentcuration/views/public.py:76
+msgid "No channel matching {} found"
+msgstr "Ningún canal con {} encontrado"
+#: contentcuration/views/settings.py:110
+msgid "Kolibri Studio issue report"
+msgstr "Informe de incidencias de Kolibri Studio"
+#: contentcuration/views/settings.py:144
+msgid "Kolibri Studio account deleted"
+msgstr "Cuenta de Kolibri Studio eliminada"
diff --git a/contentcuration/locale/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/contentcuration-messages.csv b/contentcuration/locale/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/contentcuration-messages.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..227998b024
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contentcuration/locale/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/contentcuration-messages.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,4624 @@
+"Identifier","Source String","Context","Translation"
+"AccessibilityOptions.altText","Visual elements in the resource have descriptions that can be accessed by screen readers for the benefit of blind learners","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Les éléments visuels de la ressource comportent des descriptions accessibles par des lecteurs d'écran à l'intention des apprenants aveugles"
+"AccessibilityOptions.audioDescription","The resource contains a second narration audio track that provides additional information for the benefit of blind users and those with low vision","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","La ressource comporte une deuxième piste audio de narration qui apporte des informations supplémentaires à l'intention des utilisateurs aveugles et malvoyants"
+"AccessibilityOptions.highContrast","The resource text and visual elements are displayed with high contrast for the benefit of users with low vision","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Le texte de la ressource et les éléments visuels sont affichés avec un fort contraste à l'intention des utilisateurs malvoyants"
+"AccessibilityOptions.signLanguage","Synchronized sign language intepretation is available for audio and video content","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","L'interprétation synchronisée en langue des signes est disponible pour les contenus audio et vidéo"
+"AccessibilityOptions.taggedPdf","The document contains PDF tags that can be accessed by screen readers for the benefit of blind learners","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Le document comprend des métadonnées PDF accessibles par des lecteurs d'écran à l'intention des apprenants aveugles"
+"Account.apiDocumentation","API documentation","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Documentation de l'API"
+"Account.apiTokenHeading","API Token","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Jeton API"
+"Account.apiTokenMessage","You will need this access token to run content integration scripts for bulk-uploading materials through the Kolibri Studio API.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ce jeton d'accès est nécessaire à l'exécution de scripts d'intégration de contenu pour le téléversement groupé de supports via l'API de Kolibri Studio."
+"Account.basicInfoHeader","Basic Information","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Informations de base"
+"Account.changePasswordAction","Change password","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Changer de mot de passe"
+"Account.completelyDeleteAccountLabel","Completely remove your account from Kolibri Studio","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Supprimez complètement votre compte de Kolibri Studio"
+"Account.deleteAccountLabel","Delete account","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Supprimer le compte"
+"Account.editFullNameAction","Edit full name","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Modifier le nom complet"
+"Account.exportAccountDataHeading","Export account data","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Exporter les données du compte"
+"Account.exportAccountDataLabel","You will receive an email with all information linked to your account","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Un e-mail vous sera envoyé avec toutes les informations liées à votre compte"
+"Account.exportAccountDataModalMessage","You'll receive an email with your data when the export is completed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Vous recevrez un e-mail avec vos données une fois l'export terminé"
+"Account.exportDataButton","Export data","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Exporter les données"
+"Account.exportFailed","Unable to export data. Please try again.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Impossible d'exporter les données. Veuillez réessayer."
+"Account.exportStartedHeader","Data export started","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","L'exportation des données a commencé"
+"Account.fullNameLabel","Full name","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nom complet"
+"Account.handleChannelsBeforeAccount","You must delete these channels manually or invite others to edit them before you can delete your account.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Avant de pouvoir supprimer votre compte, vous devez supprimer ces chaînes manuellement ou inviter d'autres personnes à les modifier."
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Mot de passe"
+"Account.unableToDeleteAdminAccount","Unable to delete an admin account","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Impossible de supprimer un compte administrateur"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nom d'utilisateur"
+"AccountCreated.accountCreatedTitle","Account successfully created","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Compte créé avec succès"
+"AccountCreated.continueToSignIn","Continue to sign-in","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Continuer pour vous connecter"
+"AccountDeleted.accountDeletedTitle","Account successfully deleted","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Compte supprimé avec succès"
+"AccountDeleted.continueToSignIn","Continue to sign-in page","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Continuer vers la page de connexion"
+"AccountNotActivated.requestNewLink","Request a new activation link","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Demander un nouveau lien d'activation"
+"AccountNotActivated.text","Please check your email for an activation link or request a new link.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Merci de vérifier votre messagerie pour un lien d'activation ou d'en demander un nouveau."
+"AccountNotActivated.title","Account has not been activated","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Compte non activé"
+"ActivationExpired.activationExpiredText","This activation link has been used already or has expired.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ce lien d'activation a déjà été utilisé ou a expiré."
+"ActivationExpired.activationExpiredTitle","Activation failed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Échec de l'activation"
+"ActivationExpired.requestNewLink","Request a new activation link","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Demander un nouveau lien d'activation"
+"ActivationLinkReSent.activationReSentText","If there is already an account with the email address provided, you should receive instructions shortly. If you don't see an email from us, please check your spam folder.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Si un compte associé à l'adresse e-mail fournie existe déjà, vous devriez recevoir des instructions dans les plus brefs délais. Au cas où vous ne verriez pas d'e-mail de notre part, veuillez vérifier votre dossier spam."
+"ActivationLinkReSent.activationReSentTitle","Instructions sent. Thank you!","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Instructions envoyées. Merci !"
+"ActivationSent.header","Activation link sent","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Lien d'activation envoyé"
+"ActivationSent.text","Thank you for creating an account! To complete the process, please check your email for the activation link we sent you.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Merci d'avoir créé un compte ! Pour terminer le processus, veuillez consulter votre messagerie pour le lien d'activation que nous vous avons envoyé."
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ActivityDuration.notOptionalLabel","Time required for the resource to be marked as completed. This value will not be displayed to learners.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Durée nécessaire pour que la ressource soit marquée comme étant terminée. Cette valeur ne s'affichera pas pour les apprenants."
+"ActivityDuration.optionalLabel","(Optional) Time required for the resource to be marked as completed. This value will not be displayed to learners.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","(Facultatif) Durée nécessaire pour que la ressource soit marquée comme étant terminée. Cette valeur ne sera pas affichée pour les apprenants."
+"AddNextStepsPage.addedNextStepSnackbar","Added next step","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Étape suivante ajoutée"
+"AddNextStepsPage.toolbarTitle","Add next step","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ajouter une étape suivante"
+"AddPreviousStepsPage.addedPreviousStepSnackbar","Added previous step","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Étape antérieure ajoutée"
+"AddPreviousStepsPage.toolbarTitle","Add previous step","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ajouter une étape antérieure"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"AddRelatedResourcesModal.resourcesDisplayedText","Only showing available resources for","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Seules sont affichées les ressources disponibles pour"
+"AddRelatedResourcesModal.selectedAsCurrentResource","This is the current resource","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ceci est la ressource actuelle"
+"AddRelatedResourcesModal.selectedAsNextStep","Already selected as a next step","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Déjà sélectionnée comme étape suivante"
+"AddRelatedResourcesModal.selectedAsPreviousStep","Already selected as a previous step","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Déjà sélectionnée comme étape antérieure"
+"AdministrationAppError.unauthorizedDetails","You need to be an administrator of Studio to view this page","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Il faut être administrateur de Studio pour voir cette page"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Alert.dontShowAgain","Don't show this message again","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ne plus afficher ce message"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"AnswersEditor.newAnswerBtnLabel","New answer","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nouvelle réponse"
+"AnswersEditor.noAnswersPlaceholder","Question has no answer options","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","La question ne comporte pas d'options de réponse"
+"AnswersEditor.numberFieldErrorLabel","Answer must be a number","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","La réponse doit être un nombre"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"AppBar.changeLanguage","Change language","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Changer la langue"
+"AppBar.help","Help and support","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Aide et support"
+"AppBar.logIn","Sign in","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Se connecter"
+"AppBar.logOut","Sign out","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Se déconnecter"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"AppBar.title","Kolibri Studio","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Kolibri Studio"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"AssessmentEditor.newQuestionBtnLabel","New question","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nouvelle question"
+"AssessmentEditor.noQuestionsPlaceholder","Exercise has no questions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","L'exercice ne comporte pas de questions"
+"AssessmentEditor.showAnswers","Show answers","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Afficher les réponses"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"AssessmentItemEditor.dialogMessageChangeToInput","Switching to 'numeric input' will set all answers as correct and remove all non-numeric answers. Continue?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","En passant à « entrée numérique », toutes les réponses seront définies comme correctes et toutes les réponses autres que des nombres seront supprimées. Continuer ?"
+"AssessmentItemEditor.dialogMessageChangeToSingleSelection","Switching to 'single choice' will set only one answer as correct. Continue?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","En passant à « choix unique », seule une réponse pourra être définie comme correcte. Continuer ?"
+"AssessmentItemEditor.dialogMessageChangeToTrueFalse","Switching to 'true or false' will remove all current answers. Continue?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","En passant à « vrai ou faux », toutes les réponses actuelles seront supprimées. Continuer ?"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"AssessmentItemEditor.dialogTitle","Changing question type","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Modification du type de question"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"AssessmentItemEditor.questionTypeLabel","Response type","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Type de réponse"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"AssessmentItemPreview.hintsToggleLabelHide","Hide hints","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Masquer les indices"
+"AssessmentItemPreview.hintsToggleLabelShow","Show {hintsCount} {hintsCount, plural, one {hint} other {hints}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Afficher {hintsCount} {hintsCount, plural, one {indice} other {indices}}"
+"AssessmentItemPreview.noAnswersPlaceholder","Question has no answer options","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","La question ne comporte pas d'options de réponse"
+"AssessmentItemToolbar.toolbarLabelAddAbove","Add {itemLabel} above","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ajouter {itemLabel} ci-dessus"
+"AssessmentItemToolbar.toolbarLabelAddBelow","Add {itemLabel} below","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ajouter {itemLabel} ci-dessous"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"AssessmentItemToolbar.toolbarLabelMoveDown","Move down","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Déplacer vers le bas"
+"AssessmentItemToolbar.toolbarLabelMoveUp","Move up","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Déplacer vers le haut"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"AssessmentTab.incompleteItemsCountMessage","{invalidItemsCount} incomplete {invalidItemsCount, plural, one {question} other {questions}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{invalidItemsCount} {invalidItemsCount, plural, one {question incomplète} other {questions incomplètes}}"
+"BrowsingCard.addToClipboardAction","Copy to clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copier dans le presse-papier"
+"BrowsingCard.coach","Resource for coaches","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ressource pour les éducateurs"
+"BrowsingCard.goToPluralLocationsAction","In {count, number} {count, plural, one {location} other {locations}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Dans {count, number} {count, plural, one {emplacement} other {emplacements}}"
+"BrowsingCard.goToSingleLocationAction","Go to location","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Aller à l'emplacement"
+"BrowsingCard.hasCoachTooltip","{value, number, integer} {value, plural, one {resource for coaches} other {resources for coaches}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{value, number, integer} {value, plural, one {ressource pour les éducateurs} other {ressources pour les éducateurs}}"
+"BrowsingCard.previewAction","View details","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Afficher les détails"
+"BrowsingCard.resourcesCount","{count, number} {count, plural, one {resource} other {resources}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, number} {count, plural, one {ressource} other {ressources}}"
+"BrowsingCard.tagsList","Tags: {tags}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Étiquettes : {tags}"
+"BytesForHumansStrings.fileSizeInBytes","{n, number, integer} B","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{n, number, integer} o"
+"BytesForHumansStrings.fileSizeInGigabytes","{n, number, integer} GB","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{n, number, integer} Go"
+"BytesForHumansStrings.fileSizeInKilobytes","{n, number, integer} KB","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{n, number, integer} Ko"
+"BytesForHumansStrings.fileSizeInMegabytes","{n, number, integer} MB","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{n, number, integer} Mo"
+"BytesForHumansStrings.fileSizeInTerabytes","{n, number, integer} TB","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{n, number, integer} To"
+"CatalogFAQ.KolibriAnswer","Kolibri is an open source ed-tech platform designed for low-resource communities, focused on:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Kolibri est une plateforme open source d'e-éducation conçue pour les communautés à faibles ressources, qui s'attache à :"
+"CatalogFAQ.KolibriAnswerItem1","Overcoming infrastructural barriers that prevent equitable access to quality education for learners in low-resource and low-connectivity contexts","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Surmonter les obstacles infrastructurels qui empêchent un accès équitable à une éducation de qualité pour les apprenants dans des contextes caractérisés par de faibles ressources et une faible connectivité"
+"CatalogFAQ.KolibriAnswerItem2","Increasing the availability of open learning materials suitable for many curricula, learning goals, and situations","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Accroître la disponibilité en libre accès de supports d'apprentissage adaptés à de nombreux programmes, objectifs d'apprentissage et situations"
+"CatalogFAQ.KolibriAnswerItem3","Fostering innovative pedagogy and effective learning outcomes","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Promouvoir une pédagogie innovante et des résultats d'apprentissage efficaces"
+"CatalogFAQ.KolibriQuestion","What is Kolibri?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Qu'est-ce que Kolibri ?"
+"CatalogFAQ.aboutHeader","Welcome to the Kolibri Content Library Catalog! ","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Bienvenue dans le catalogue de la bibliothèque de contenus Kolibri ! "
+"CatalogFAQ.aboutKolibriHeader","About Kolibri","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","À propos de Kolibri"
+"CatalogFAQ.aboutLibraryHeader","About the Kolibri Content Library","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","À propos de la bibliothèque de contenus Kolibri"
+"CatalogFAQ.channelAnswer","A channel is Kolibri’s unit of organization for digital content. It's a collection of resources organized by single institutions or creators, each of which may contain a set of books, games, textbooks, articles, simulations, exercises, and many more types of educational materials, all made available for use in Kolibri without the need for internet access. A channel isn't necessarily a course or a sequence, it's simply a collection of materials published or gathered together by one organization, as close to the provider's original layout as possible, while still organized for the best possible navigation in Kolibri.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Une chaîne est l'unité qu'utilise Kolibri pour organiser les contenus numériques. Il s'agit d'un recueil de ressources préparé par des institutions ou des créateurs uniques, chacun pouvant contenir un ensemble de livres, de jeux, de manuels, d'articles, de simulations, d'exercices et de nombreux autres types de supports pédagogiques, tous mis à disposition pour être utilisés dans Kolibri sans qu'un accès à Internet soit nécessaire. Une chaîne ne correspond pas forcément à un cours ou à une session, mais regroupe des supports publiés ou rassemblés par une organisation, présentés d'une façon aussi fidèle que possible à la configuration originale du fournisseur, mais organisés pour une navigation optimale dans Kolibri."
+"CatalogFAQ.channelLink","What is a channel?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Qu'est-ce qu'une chaîne ?"
+"CatalogFAQ.channelQuestion","What is a channel?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Qu'est-ce qu'une chaîne ?"
+"CatalogFAQ.coachContentAnswer","Most resources are directed at learners, but some, such as lesson plans, subject refreshers, professional learning guides, and similar, are directed at teachers and facilitators. In Kolibri, we mark this content as ""for coaches"" and limit its visibility to those with coach accounts. If you see coach materials here, they may require less planning for any facilitators using the resource!","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","La plupart des ressources sont destinées aux apprenants, mais certaines, telles que les plans de leçon, les remises à niveau sur telle ou telle matière, les guides d'apprentissage professionnel et autres, sont destinées aux enseignants et aux facilitateurs. Dans Kolibri, nous marquons ce contenu comme étant « pour les éducateurs », les seuls à y avoir accès. Alors avis aux planificateurs ! Si vous trouvez ce type de ressource, vous pourriez vous épargner du temps de planification !"
+"CatalogFAQ.coachContentQuestion","What are 'resources for coaches'?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","En quoi consistent les « ressources pour les éducateurs » ?"
+"CatalogFAQ.customContentAnswer","To add your own materials, create an account on Kolibri Studio by going to https://studio.learningequality.org. Recommendations for public materials to be added to the Kolibri Content Library can be made by contacting content@learningequality.org.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Pour ajouter vos propres ressources, créez un compte sur Kolibri Studio à partir de https://studio.learningequality.org. Pour recommander l'ajout de contenus publics à la bibliothèque de contenus Kolibri, veuillez contacter content@learningequality.org."
+"CatalogFAQ.customContentQuestion","How can I add my own materials or recommend materials from other creators for this library?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Comment puis-je ajouter mes propres supports ou recommander des supports d'autres créateurs pour cette bibliothèque ?"
+"CatalogFAQ.descriptionP1","Here you can learn more about the educational resources publicly available for use in Kolibri, which are organized into ""channels"". Use the filters to browse channels by keyword, language, or formats of the materials inside.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Découvrez dans cette section les ressources pédagogiques, organisées en « chaînes », disponibles en libres accès sur Kolibri. Servez-vous des filtres pour explorer les chaînes par mot-clé, langue ou format de média."
+"CatalogFAQ.descriptionP2","Click on a channel to get a preview of what subjects and topics it covers, learn more about its creator, see how many resources the channel contains, and learn how to import it into Kolibri. You can also find coach-specific content (lesson plans, teacher professional guides, and other supplementary facilitation material), assessments and exercises, and captions for accessibility.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Cliquez sur une chaîne pour un aperçu des matières et des thèmes qui y sont abordés, en savoir plus sur son créateur, voir combien de ressources elle regroupe et apprendre comment les importer dans Kolibri. Vous pouvez également y trouver des contenus destinés spécifiquement aux éducateurs (plans de leçons, guides professionnels pour les enseignants et autres supports d'animation supplémentaires), des évaluations et des exercices, et des légendes pour assurer leur accessibilité."
+"CatalogFAQ.descriptionP3","Sharing the work of these resource creators is what inspires Learning Equality's efforts. We hope you find something that excites you about the potential of digital learning, online or off!","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Learning Equality est porté par le désir de partager le travail des créateurs de ces ressources. Nous espérons que vous trouverez quelque chose qui vous ouvrira au potentiel de l'apprentissage numérique en ligne ou hors ligne !"
+"CatalogFAQ.downloadKolibriLink","Download Kolibri","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Télécharger Kolibri"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"CatalogFAQ.endoresementQuestion","Have these sources been vetted or endorsed as classroom-safe and ready?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ces sources ont-elles été vérifiées ou approuvées comme sûres et prêtes à être utilisées dans une salle de classe ?"
+"CatalogFAQ.endorsementAnswer","We select sources with an educational affiliation or mandate, so you can trust that most resources in the Kolibri Content Library were designed for learning purposes. However, we are not able to guarantee the appropriateness of each individual item within any particular source. We recommend that educators and administrators conduct a thorough review of any digital content using their own criteria - including reorganization and re-curation, if necessary - before using it with learners. Since we recognize that there may be many different standards across situations for criteria like preferred levels of interactivity, subject/age appropriateness, cultural sensitivity and tone, among others, we have intentionally offered a wide range of materials to help meet the needs of all learners whatever they may be.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nous sélectionnons des sources ayant une affiliation ou une mission pédagogique. Vous pouvez ainsi être sûrs que la plupart des ressources sur Kolibri ont été conçues à des fins d'apprentissage. Nous ne pouvons cependant pas garantir la pertinence de chaque élément individuel dans une source particulière. Nous recommandons aux éducateurs et aux administrateurs de procéder à un examen approfondi de tout contenu numérique sur la base de leurs propres critères, y compris si nécessaire à sa réorganisation et sa recuration, avant de l'utiliser en classe. Conscients des nombreuses normes différentes spécifiques à chaque contexte s'agissant entre autres du niveau d'interactivité souhaité, de l'adéquation entre un sujet et l'âge des apprenants, des sensibilités culturelles et du ton, nous avons intentionnellement proposé un large éventail de supports pour aider à répondre aux besoins de tous les apprenants, quels qu'ils soient."
+"CatalogFAQ.faqHeader","Frequently asked questions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Foire aux questions"
+"CatalogFAQ.issueAnswer","Please email us at content@learningequality.org and include the channel name, along with a description of the issue. If you notice an issue on a specific resource, please be sure to link that as well. We'd be happy to investigate and grateful for your feedback!","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Veuillez nous envoyer un courriel à l'adresse content@learningequality.org en indiquant le nom de la chaîne, ainsi qu'une description du problème. Si vous remarquez un problème sur une ressource spécifique, veillez à bien inclure un lien vers celle-ci également. Nous serons heureux d'étudier la question, et reconnaissants pour votre retour !"
+"CatalogFAQ.issueQuestion","I found a bug, broken link, or some mislabeled information within a resource. What should I do?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","J'ai trouvé un bug, un lien brisé ou une information mal étiquetée dans une ressource. Que dois-je faire ?"
+"CatalogFAQ.maintenanceAnswerP1","Because Kolibri is designed for learners and educators who are disconnected from the internet, content must first be packaged so that it can be used without internet connection. For most sources, our content team uses custom-written, automated scripts to bring content into Kolibri from a website, an app, or a private source such as a hard drive (with the appropriate permissions).","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Kolibri étant conçu pour les apprenants et les éducateurs privés d'accès à Internet, le contenu doit d'abord être traité de manière à pouvoir être utilisé hors connexion. Pour la plupart des sources, notre équipe de contenu utilise des scripts automatisés développés sur mesure pour importer dans Kolibri des contenus provenant d'un site web, d'une application ou d'une source privée telle qu'un disque dur (avec les autorisations appropriées)."
+"CatalogFAQ.maintenanceAnswerP2","To learn more about how content is packaged for use on Kolibri and what types of formats are supported, please refer to our content integration guide.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Pour en savoir plus sur la façon dont le contenu est traité pour être utilisé sur Kolibri et sur les types de formats compatibles, veuillez vous référer à notre guide d'intégration de contenu."
+"CatalogFAQ.maintenanceQuestion","How is this library created and maintained?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+"," Comment cette bibliothèque est-elle créée et maintenue ?"
+"CatalogFAQ.makerAnswerP1","Learning Equality, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit based in San Diego, California, is committed to enabling every person in the world to realize their right to a quality education, by supporting the creation, adaptation, and distribution of open educational resources, and creating supportive tools for innovative pedagogy.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Learning Equality, une association à but non lucratif 501(c)(3) basée à San Diego, Californie, s'engage à permettre à chaque personne au monde de satisfaire son droit à une éducation de qualité, en appuyant la création, l'adaptation et la distribution de ressources pédagogiques et libre accès, et en créant des outils de soutien pour une pédagogie innovante."
+"CatalogFAQ.makerAnswerP2","In recognition of the digital divide, Learning Equality started by bringing the Khan Academy experience offline to more than 6 million learners around the globe. Its second-generation product, Kolibri, is part of a broader ecosystem of products and tools that support curriculum alignment, blended learning pedagogies, and broader use of Open Educational Resources to improve learning.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Au vu de la fracture numérique, Learning Equality a commencé par mettre l'expérience de la Khan Academy hors ligne à disposition de plus de 6 millions d'apprenants du monde entier. Kolibri, son produit de deuxième génération, fait partie d'un plus large écosystème de produits et d'outils qui soutiennent l'alignement des programmes d'études, les pédagogies d'apprentissage mixte et une utilisation plus large de ressources éducatives libres afin d'améliorer l'apprentissage."
+"CatalogFAQ.makerQuestion","Who are the makers of Kolibri?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Qui a créé Kolibri ?"
+"CatalogFAQ.newContentAnswer","Our content team routinely adds new sources and channels to the library and updates existing channels as content creators make new materials available.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Notre équipe chargée des contenus ajoute régulièrement de nouvelles sources et chaînes à la bibliothèque, et met à jour les chaînes existantes au fur et à mesure que les créateurs de contenus mettent à disposition de nouveaux supports."
+"CatalogFAQ.newContentQuestion","Does Learning Equality add new materials?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Les supports sont-ils renouvelés par Learning Equality ?"
+"CatalogFAQ.ownershipAnswer","No. Just like an online learning repository with links to external websites, we gather useful digital learning resources to help our community discover a rich variety of learning materials they may not have known about otherwise. All the materials in this educational library are fully credited to the creating organization, reformatted for best display on digital devices, and include any additional information the creator has shared with us. We only include content which is either openly licensed, available to distribute for special nonprofit or noncommercial purposes, or shared with us for distribution through agreement with the creator. Since materials in the library are intended for use in an open source platform, we do not profit financially from their use.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Non. Tout comme un référentiel pédagogique en ligne avec des liens vers des sites web externes, nous rassemblons des ressources d'apprentissage numériques utiles pour faire découvrir à notre communauté une riche variété de supports éducatifs qu'elle n'aurait peut-être pas connus autrement. Tous les supports de cette bibliothèque pédagogique sont entièrement crédités à l'organisation qui les a créés, reformatés pour un affichage optimal sur les appareils numériques, et comprennent toute information supplémentaire que le créateur nous a communiquée. Seuls sont inclus des contenus sous licence ouverte, disponibles pour diffusion à des fins spéciales à but non lucratif ou non commercial, ou partagés pour distribution avec nous en vertu d'un accord avec le créateur. Les supports de la bibliothèque étant destinés à être utilisés sur une plateforme open source, nous ne tirons aucun profit financier de leur utilisation."
+"CatalogFAQ.ownershipQuestion","Does Learning Equality own these resources?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ces ressources appartiennent-elles à Learning Equality ?"
+"CatalogFAQ.partialChannelAnswer","When importing content into Kolibri, you can select the specific subsections of a channel you're interested in. If you’d like to make changes such as editing the title or folder descriptions, or changing the order in which materials appear, please contact us at content@learningequality.org for early access to our Kolibri Studio tool, which can be used to make these changes.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Lorsque vous importez du contenu dans Kolibri, vous pouvez sélectionner les sous-sections spécifiques d'une chaîne qui vous intéressent. Si vous souhaitez y apporter des modifications, comme par exemple modifier le titre ou la description des dossiers, ou changer l'ordre dans lequel les supports apparaissent, veuillez nous contacter à l'adresse content@learningequality.org afin d'accéder rapidement à notre outil Kolibri Studio, à partir duquel vous pourrez effectuer ces modifications."
+"CatalogFAQ.partialChannelQuestion","I want to use some of the resources in this channel, but not all of it. What should I do?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Je veux utiliser une partie des ressources de cette chaîne et non la totalité. Que dois-je faire ?"
+"CatalogFAQ.sampleContentAnswer","You can do this in three ways:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Il y a trois façons de faire :"
+"CatalogFAQ.sampleContentAnswerItem1","To see the original content source, click the ⋮ button and select 'Go to source website'","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Pour voir la source du contenu original, cliquez sur le bouton ⋮ et sélectionnez 'Aller sur le site web source'."
+"CatalogFAQ.sampleContentAnswerItem2","To preview the content on one of our online demo servers (available in English, Spanish, Arabic, French, and Hindi), click the ⋮ button and select 'View channel on Kolibri'","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Pour visualiser le contenu sur l'un de nos serveurs de démonstration en ligne (disponibles en anglais, espagnol, arabe, français ou hindi), cliquez sur le bouton ⋮ et sélectionnez 'Afficher la chaîne sur Kolibri'."
+"CatalogFAQ.sampleContentAnswerItem3","Download Kolibri and import the channel on your device for full access offline.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Téléchargez Kolibri et importez la chaîne sur votre appareil pour un accès complet hors ligne."
+"CatalogFAQ.sampleContentQuestion","How do I review the contents of the channels themselves?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Comment puis-je passer en revue le contenu même des chaînes ?"
+"CatalogFAQ.selectionAnswerP1","Our approach is unique in that we aim to assemble a library of resources which supports the diversity of needs Kolibri is designed to meet, rather than collecting all possible open educational resources.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Plutôt que de recueillir toutes les ressources éducatives libres possibles, notre approche est unique en ce que nous visons à rassembler une bibliothèque de ressources qui répond à la diversité des besoins auxquels Kolibri est censé répondre."
+"CatalogFAQ.selectionAnswerP2","To inform what we select, the Learning Equality team is continually maintaining our awareness of openly licensed digital resources available in the educational landscape. Most of our resources come from an organization, institution, or creator with learning design experience and an educational mandate. We prioritize providing a diversity of grade levels, subject areas and languages. Where possible, we also evaluate and seek input on the degree to which the materials may be suitable for the unique blended learning settings in which we work.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Pour que cette sélection soit raisonnée, l'équipe de Learning Equality nous tient constamment à jour des ressources numériques sous licence ouverte du secteur pédagogique. La plupart de nos ressources proviennent d'une organisation, d'une institution ou d'un créateur expérimenté dans la conception d'apprentissages, et investi d'une mission éducative. Nous nous efforçons en priorité de fournir une diversité de niveaux scolaires, de matières et de langues. Dans la mesure du possible, nous évaluons à quel point les ressources sont adaptées aux environnements d'apprentissage mixte uniques dans lesquels nous travaillons, y compris en sollicitant des avis extérieurs."
+"CatalogFAQ.selectionQuestion","How does Learning Equality determine what goes into this library?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Comment le contenu de cette bibliothèque est-il sélectionné par Learning Equality ?"
+"CatalogFAQ.usingContentAnswer","Great! All of these resources have been specially packaged for use on Kolibri, our open source platform for offline learning, so please review how to get started with Kolibri first, then follow the instructions to import materials.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Formidable ! Toutes ces ressources ont été spécifiquement traitées pour permettre leur utilisation sur Kolibri, notre plateforme open source destinée à l'apprentissage hors ligne. Pour commencer, découvrez comment lancer Kolibri, puis suivez les instructions pour y importer des ressources."
+"CatalogFAQ.usingContentQuestion","I found something I'm interested in and would like to start using it. What should I do?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","J'ai trouvé quelque chose qui m'intéresse et j'aimerais commencer à l'utiliser. Que dois-je faire ?"
+"CatalogFAQ.usingKolibriAnswerP1","You can learn more about using Kolibri by doing any of the following:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Pour en savoir plus sur comment utiliser Kolibri, vous pouvez, au choix :"
+"CatalogFAQ.usingKolibriAnswerP2","We invite you to use the Kolibri user documentation for further guidance.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Pour vous guider davantage, nous vous invitons à consulter la documentation utilisateur de Kolibri."
+"CatalogFAQ.usingKolibriItem1","Visit the Learning Equality website","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Visiter le site web de Learning Equality"
+"CatalogFAQ.usingKolibriItem2","View a demo of the platform","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Regarder une démo de la plateforme"
+"CatalogFAQ.usingKolibriItem3","Download the software","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Télécharger le logiciel"
+"CatalogFAQ.usingKolibriQuestion","How can I use Kolibri?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Comment puis-je utiliser Kolibri ?"
+"CatalogFAQ.usingResourcesHeader","About using these resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","À propos de l'utilisation de ces ressources"
+"CatalogFAQ.viewDemoLink","View demo","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Voir la démo"
+"CatalogFAQ.viewDocsLink","View docs","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Voir les documents"
+"CatalogFAQ.viewGettingStartedLink","Documentation resources to get started with Kolibri","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Documentation pour bien démarrer avec Kolibri"
+"CatalogFAQ.viewIntegrationGuide","View content integration guide","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Voir le guide d'intégration de contenu"
+"CatalogFAQ.visitWebsiteLink","Visit website","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Visiter le site web"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"CatalogFilterBar.channelCount","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# channel}
+ other {# channels}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural, one {}
+ =1 {# chaîne}
+ other {# chaînes}}"
+"CatalogFilterBar.clearAll","Clear all","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Supprimer tout"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"CatalogFilterBar.coachContent","Coach content","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Contenu pour les éducateurs"
+"CatalogFilterBar.copyTitle","Copy collection token","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copier le jeton du recueil"
+"CatalogFilterBar.copyToken","Copy collection token","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copier le jeton du recueil"
+"CatalogFilterBar.copyTokenInstructions","Paste this token into Kolibri to import the channels contained in this collection","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Collez ce jeton dans Kolibri pour y importer les chaînes présentes dans ce recueil"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"CatalogFilters.coachDescription","Resources for coaches are only visible to coaches in Kolibri","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Sur Kolibri, les ressources destinées aux éducateurs ne sont visibles que par eux"
+"CatalogFilters.coachLabel","Resources for coaches","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ressources pour les éducateurs"
+"CatalogFilters.copyright","© {year} Learning Equality","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","© {year} Learning Equality"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"CatalogFilters.frequentlyAskedQuestionsLink","Frequently asked questions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Foire aux questions"
+"CatalogFilters.includesLabel","Display only channels with","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","N'afficher que les chaînes avec"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Mots clés"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"CatalogFilters.subtitlesLabel","Captions or subtitles","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Légendes ou sous-titres"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"CatalogList.channelSelectionCount","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# channel selected}
+ other {# channels selected}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural, one {}
+ =1 {# chaîne sélectionnée}
+ other {# chaînes sélectionnées}}"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"CatalogList.downloadCSV","Download CSV","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Télécharger au format CSV"
+"CatalogList.downloadPDF","Download PDF","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Télécharger au format PDF"
+"CatalogList.downloadingMessage","Download started","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Téléchargement en cours"
+"CatalogList.resultsText","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# result found}
+ other {# results found}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural, one {}
+ =1 {# résultat obtenu}
+ other {# résultats obtenus}}"
+"CatalogList.selectAll","Select all","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Tout sélectionner"
+"CatalogList.selectChannels","Download a summary of selected channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Télécharger un résumé des chaînes sélectionnées"
+"CategoryOptions.noCategoryFoundText","Category not found","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Catégorie introuvable"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChangePasswordForm.changePasswordHeader","Change password","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Changer de mot de passe"
+"ChangePasswordForm.confirmNewPasswordLabel","Confirm new password","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Confirmer le nouveau mot de passe"
+"ChangePasswordForm.formInvalidText","Passwords don't match","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Les mots de passe ne sont pas identiques"
+"ChangePasswordForm.newPasswordLabel","New password","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nouveau mot de passe"
+"ChangePasswordForm.passwordChangeFailed","Failed to save new password","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Échec de l'enregistrement du nouveau mot de passe"
+"ChangePasswordForm.paswordChangeSuccess","Password updated","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Mot de passe mis à jour"
+"ChangePasswordForm.saveChangesAction","Save changes","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Enregistrer les modifications"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelCatalogFrontPage.catalogHeader","Kolibri Content Library channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Chaînes de la bibliothèque de contenus Kolibri"
+"ChannelCatalogFrontPage.coachHeading","Resources for coaches","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ressources pour les éducateurs"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelCatalogFrontPage.numberOfChannels","{ num } channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{ num } chaînes"
+"ChannelCatalogFrontPage.subtitlesIncludedText","Captions or subtitles","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Légendes ou sous-titres"
+"ChannelDeletedError.backToHomeAction","Back to home","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Retour à l'accueil"
+"ChannelDeletedError.channelDeletedDetails","This channel does not exist or may have been removed. Please contact us at content@learningequality.org if you think this is a mistake.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Cette chaîne n'existe pas ou peut avoir été supprimée. Si vous croyez qu'il s'agit d'une erreur, veuillez nous contacter à l'adresse content@learningequality.org."
+"ChannelDeletedError.channelDeletedHeader","Channel not found","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Chaîne introuvable"
+"ChannelDetailsModal.downloadButton","Download channel summary","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Télécharger le résumé de la chaîne"
+"ChannelDetailsModal.downloadCSV","Download CSV","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Télécharger au format CSV"
+"ChannelDetailsModal.downloadPDF","Download PDF","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Télécharger au format PDF"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelExportStrings.coachContent","Resources for coaches","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ressources pour les éducateurs"
+"ChannelExportStrings.copyrightHolders","Copyright holders","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Titulaires des droits d'auteur"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelExportStrings.id","Channel ID","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","ID de la chaîne"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelExportStrings.languages","Included languages","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Langues incluses"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelExportStrings.size","Total resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Total des ressources"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelExportStrings.subtitles","Captions or subtitles","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Légendes ou sous-titres"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelInfoCard.resourceCount","{count, number} {count, plural, one {resource} other {resources}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, number} {count, plural, one {ressource} other {ressources}}"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelInvitation.acceptedSnackbar","Accepted invitation","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Invitation acceptée"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelInvitation.declinedSnackbar","Declined invitation","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Invitation refusée"
+"ChannelInvitation.decliningInvitation","Declining Invitation","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Invitation en cours de refus"
+"ChannelInvitation.decliningInvitationMessage","Are you sure you want to decline this invitation?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir refuser cette invitation ?"
+"ChannelInvitation.editText","{sender} has invited you to edit {channel}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{sender} vous a invité à modifier {channel}"
+"ChannelInvitation.goToChannelSnackbarAction","Go to channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Aller sur la chaîne"
+"ChannelInvitation.viewText","{sender} has invited you to view {channel}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{sender} vous a invité à visualiser {channel}"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelItem.channelDeletedSnackbar","Channel deleted","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Chaîne supprimée"
+"ChannelItem.channelLanguageNotSetIndicator","No language set","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Aucune langue définie"
+"ChannelItem.copyToken","Copy channel token","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copier le jeton de la chaîne"
+"ChannelItem.deleteChannel","Delete channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Supprimer la chaîne"
+"ChannelItem.deletePrompt","This channel will be permanently deleted. This cannot be undone.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Cette chaîne sera définitivement supprimée. Cette action est irréversible."
+"ChannelItem.deleteTitle","Delete this channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Supprimer cette chaîne"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelItem.editChannel","Edit channel details","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Modifier les détails de la chaîne"
+"ChannelItem.goToWebsite","Go to source website","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Aller sur le site web source"
+"ChannelItem.lastPublished","Published {last_published}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Publié le {last_published}"
+"ChannelItem.lastUpdated","Updated {updated}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Mis à jour {updated}"
+"ChannelItem.resourceCount","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# resource}
+ other {# resources}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural, one {}
+ =1 {# ressource}
+ other {# ressources}}"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Non publié"
+"ChannelItem.versionText","Version {version}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Version {version}"
+"ChannelItem.viewContent","View channel on Kolibri","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Afficher la chaîne sur Kolibri"
+"ChannelList.channel","New channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nouvelle chaîne"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelList.noChannelsFound","No channels found","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Aucune chaîne trouvée"
+"ChannelList.noMatchingChannels","There are no matching channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Aucune chaîne correspondante"
+"ChannelListAppError.channelPermissionsErrorDetails","Sign in or ask the owner of this channel to give you permission to edit or view","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Connectez-vous ou demandez au propriétaire de cette chaîne de vous donner l'autorité de la modifier ou de la visualiser"
+"ChannelListIndex.catalog","Content Library","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Bibliothèque de contenus"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelListIndex.frequentlyAskedQuestions","Frequently asked questions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Foire aux questions"
+"ChannelListIndex.invitations","You have {count, plural,
+ =1 {# invitation}
+ other {# invitations}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Vous avez {count, plural, one {}
+ =1 {# invitation}
+ other {# invitations}}"
+"ChannelListIndex.libraryTitle","Kolibri Content Library Catalog","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Catalogue de la bibliothèque de contenus Kolibri"
+"ChannelModal.APIText","Channels generated automatically are not editable.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Les chaînes générées automatiquement ne sont pas modifiables."
+"ChannelModal.changesSaved","Changes saved","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Modifications enregistrées"
+"ChannelModal.channelDescription","Channel description","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Description de la chaîne"
+"ChannelModal.channelError","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ce champ est obligatoire"
+"ChannelModal.channelName","Channel name","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nom de la chaîne"
+"ChannelModal.closeButton","Exit without saving","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Quitter sans enregistrer"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelModal.creatingHeader","New channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nouvelle chaîne"
+"ChannelModal.details","Channel details","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Détails de la chaîne"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelModal.keepEditingButton","Keep editing","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Continuer à modifier"
+"ChannelModal.notFoundError","Channel does not exist","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","La chaîne n'existe pas"
+"ChannelModal.saveChangesButton","Save changes","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Enregistrer les modifications"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelModal.unauthorizedError","You cannot edit this channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Vous ne pouvez pas modifier cette chaîne"
+"ChannelModal.unsavedChangesHeader","Unsaved changes","
+-- CONTEXT --
+"," Modifications non enregistrées"
+"ChannelModal.unsavedChangesText","You will lose any unsaved changes. Are you sure you want to exit?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Vous perdrez toutes les modifications non enregistrées. Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir quitter ?"
+"ChannelNotFoundError.backToHomeAction","Back to home","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Retour à l'accueil"
+"ChannelNotFoundError.channelNotFoundDetails","This channel does not exist or may have been removed. Please contact us at content@learningequality.org if you think this is a mistake.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Cette chaîne n'existe pas ou peut avoir été supprimée. Si vous croyez qu'il s'agit d'une erreur, veuillez nous contacter à l'adresse content@learningequality.org."
+"ChannelNotFoundError.channelNotFoundHeader","Channel not found","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Chaîne introuvable"
+"ChannelSelectionList.noChannelsFound","No channels found","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Aucune chaîne trouvée"
+"ChannelSelectionList.searchText","Search for a channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Rechercher une chaîne"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelSetItem.delete","Delete collection","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Supprimer le recueil"
+"ChannelSetItem.deleteChannelSetText","Are you sure you want to delete this collection?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer ce recueil ?"
+"ChannelSetItem.deleteChannelSetTitle","Delete collection","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Supprimer le recueil "
+"ChannelSetItem.edit","Edit collection","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Modifier le recueil"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Enregistrement en cours"
+"ChannelSetList.aboutChannelSets","About collections","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","À propos des recueils"
+"ChannelSetList.aboutChannelSetsLink","Learn about collections","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","En savoir plus sur les recueils"
+"ChannelSetList.addChannelSetTitle","New collection","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nouveau recueil"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelSetList.channelNumber","Number of channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nombre de chaînes"
+"ChannelSetList.channelSetsDescriptionText","A collection contains multiple Kolibri Studio channels that can be imported at one time to Kolibri with a single collection token.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Un recueil contient plusieurs chaînes de Kolibri Studio pouvant être importées en une seule fois dans Kolibri avec un seul jeton de recueil."
+"ChannelSetList.channelSetsDisclaimer","You will need Kolibri version 0.12.0 or higher to import channel collections","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Seule la version 0.12.0 ou supérieure de Kolibri permet d'importer des recueils de chaînes."
+"ChannelSetList.channelSetsInstructionsText","You can make a collection by selecting the channels you want to be imported together.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Vous pouvez créer un recueil en sélectionnant les chaînes que vous souhaitez importer ensemble."
+"ChannelSetList.noChannelSetsFound","You can package together multiple channels to create a collection. The entire collection can then be imported to Kolibri at once by using a collection token.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Il est possible de regrouper plusieurs chaînes pour constituer un recueil. Vous pourrez ensuite importer tout le recueil dans Kolibri en une seule fois à l'aide d'un jeton de recueil."
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelSetList.title","Collection name","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nom du recueil"
+"ChannelSetList.token","Token ID","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","ID du jeton"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelSetModal.channelAdded","Channel added","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Chaîne ajoutée"
+"ChannelSetModal.channelCountText","{channelCount, plural, =0 {No published channels in your collection} =1 {# channel} other {# channels}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{channelCount, plural, =0 {Aucune chaîne publiée dans votre recueil} =1 {# chaîne} other {# chaînes}}"
+"ChannelSetModal.channelRemoved","Channel removed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Chaîne supprimée"
+"ChannelSetModal.channelSelectedCountText","{channelCount, plural, =1 {# channel selected} other {# channels selected}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{channelCount, plural, =1 {# chaîne sélectionnée} other {# chaînes sélectionnées}}"
+"ChannelSetModal.channels","Collection channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Chaînes du recueil"
+"ChannelSetModal.closeButton","Exit without saving","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Quitter sans enregistrer"
+"ChannelSetModal.collectionErrorText","This collection does not exist","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ce recueil n'existe pas"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelSetModal.creatingChannelSet","New collection","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nouveau recueil"
+"ChannelSetModal.edit","My Channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Mes chaînes"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelSetModal.publishedChannelsOnlyText","Only published channels are available for selection","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Seules les chaînes publiées peuvent être sélectionnées"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelSetModal.saveButton","Save and close","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Enregistrer et fermer"
+"ChannelSetModal.selectChannelsHeader","Select channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Sélectionner les chaînes"
+"ChannelSetModal.titleLabel","Collection name","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nom du recueil"
+"ChannelSetModal.titleRequiredText","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ce champ est obligatoire"
+"ChannelSetModal.token","Collection token","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Jeton du recueil"
+"ChannelSetModal.tokenPrompt","Copy this token into Kolibri to import this collection onto your device.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Pour pouvoir importer ce recueil sur votre appareil, copiez ce jeton dans Kolibri."
+"ChannelSetModal.unsavedChangesHeader","Unsaved changes","
+-- CONTEXT --
+"," Modifications non enregistrées"
+"ChannelSetModal.unsavedChangesText","You will lose any unsaved changes. Are you sure you want to exit?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Vous perdrez toutes les modifications non enregistrées. Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir quitter ?"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Lecture seule"
+"ChannelSharing.alreadyHasAccessError","User already has access to this channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","L'utilisateur a déjà accès à cette chaîne"
+"ChannelSharing.alreadyInvitedError","User already invited","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Utilisateur déjà invité"
+"ChannelSharing.canEdit","Can edit","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Peut modifier"
+"ChannelSharing.canView","Can view","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Peut visualiser"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelSharing.emailRequiredMessage","Email is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","L'adresse e-mail est obligatoire"
+"ChannelSharing.invitationFailedError","Invitation failed to send. Please try again","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Échec de l'envoi de l'invitation. Veuillez réessayer"
+"ChannelSharing.invitationSentMessage","Invitation sent","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Invitation envoyée"
+"ChannelSharing.inviteButton","Send invitation","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Envoyer l'invitation"
+"ChannelSharing.inviteSubheading","Invite collaborators","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Inviter des collaborateurs"
+"ChannelSharing.validEmailMessage","Please enter a valid email","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Veuillez entrer une adresse e-mail valide"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelSharingTable.currentUserText","{first_name} {last_name} (you)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{first_name} {last_name} (vous)"
+"ChannelSharingTable.deleteInvitation","Delete invitation","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Supprimer l'invitation"
+"ChannelSharingTable.deleteInvitationConfirm","Delete invitation","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Supprimer l'invitation"
+"ChannelSharingTable.deleteInvitationHeader","Delete invitation","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Supprimer l'invitation"
+"ChannelSharingTable.deleteInvitationText","Are you sure you would like to delete the invitation for {email}?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer l'invitation de {email} ?"
+"ChannelSharingTable.editPermissionsGrantedMessage","Edit permissions granted","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Droits de modification accordés"
+"ChannelSharingTable.editorsSubheading","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# user who can edit}
+ other {# users who can edit}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural, one {}
+ =1 {# utilisateur avec droits de modification}
+ other {# utilisateurs avec droits de modification}}"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelSharingTable.invitationDeletedMessage","Invitation deleted","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Invitation supprimée"
+"ChannelSharingTable.invitationFailedError","Invitation failed to resend. Please try again","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Échec du renvoi de l'invitation. Veuillez réessayer"
+"ChannelSharingTable.invitationSentMessage","Invitation sent","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Invitation envoyée"
+"ChannelSharingTable.invitePendingText","Invite pending","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Invitation en attente"
+"ChannelSharingTable.makeEditor","Grant edit permissions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Accorder des droits de modification"
+"ChannelSharingTable.makeEditorConfirm","Yes, grant permissions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Oui, accorder les droits"
+"ChannelSharingTable.makeEditorHeader","Grant edit permissions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Accorder des droits de modification"
+"ChannelSharingTable.makeEditorText","Are you sure you would like to grant edit permissions to {first_name} {last_name}?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir accorder des droits de modification à {first_name} {last_name} ?"
+"ChannelSharingTable.noUsersText","No users found","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Aucun utilisateur trouvé"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelSharingTable.removeViewer","Revoke view permissions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Révoquer les droits de visualisation"
+"ChannelSharingTable.removeViewerConfirm","Yes, revoke","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Oui, révoquer"
+"ChannelSharingTable.removeViewerHeader","Revoke view permissions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Révoquer les droits de visualisation"
+"ChannelSharingTable.removeViewerText","Are you sure you would like to revoke view permissions for {first_name} {last_name}?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir révoquer les droits de visualisation de {first_name} {last_name} ?"
+"ChannelSharingTable.resendInvitation","Resend invitation","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Renvoyer l'invitation"
+"ChannelSharingTable.userRemovedMessage","User removed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Utilisateur supprimé"
+"ChannelSharingTable.viewersSubheading","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# user who can view}
+ other {# users who can view}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural, one {}
+ =1 {# utilisateur avec droits de visualisation}
+ other {# utilisateurs avec droits de visualisation}}"
+"ChannelStar.star","Add to starred channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ajouter aux chaînes favorites"
+"ChannelStar.starred","Added to starred channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ajoutée aux chaînes favorites"
+"ChannelStar.unstar","Remove from starred channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Supprimer des chaînes favorites"
+"ChannelStar.unstarred","Removed from starred channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Supprimée des chaînes favorites"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelThumbnail.croppingPrompt","Drag image to reframe","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Faites glisser l'image pour la recadrer"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelThumbnail.noThumbnail","No thumbnail","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Pas de vignette"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelThumbnail.retryUpload","Retry upload","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Réessayer le chargement"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelThumbnail.upload","Upload image","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Téléverser une image"
+"ChannelThumbnail.uploadFailed","Upload failed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Échec du chargement"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Chargement en cours"
+"ChannelThumbnail.zoomIn","Zoom in","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Zoom avant"
+"ChannelThumbnail.zoomOut","Zoom out","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Zoom arrière"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelTokenModal.copyTitle","Copy channel token","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copier le jeton de la chaîne"
+"ChannelTokenModal.copyTokenInstructions","Paste this token into Kolibri to import this channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Collez ce jeton dans Kolibri pour importer cette chaîne"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Clipboard.copiedItemsToClipboard","Copied in clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copié dans le presse-papier"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Clipboard.duplicateSelectedButton","Make a copy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Faire une copie"
+"Clipboard.emptyDefaultText","Use the clipboard to copy resources and move them to other folders and channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Utilisez le presse-papiers pour copier les ressources et les déplacer vers d'autres dossiers et chaînes"
+"Clipboard.emptyDefaultTitle","No resources in your clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Aucune ressource dans votre presse-papier"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Clipboard.removedFromClipboard","Deleted from clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Supprimé du presse-papier"
+"Clipboard.selectAll","Select all","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Tout sélectionner"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Allows the user to filter for all the resources with accessibility features for learners with disabilities.","Accessibilité"
+-- CONTEXT --
+A type of math category. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Algebra","Algèbre"
+-- CONTEXT --
+A label for everything in the group of activities.","Tous"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.allLevelsBasicSkills","All levels -- basic skills","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to a type of educational level.","Tous les niveaux -- compétences de base"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.allLevelsWorkSkills","All levels -- work skills","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to a type of educational level.","Tous les niveaux -- compétences professionnelles"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.altText","Includes alternative text descriptions for images","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Alternative text, or alt text, is a written substitute for an image. It is used to describe information being provided by an image, graph, or any other visual element on a web page. It provides information about the context and function of an image for people with varying degrees of visual and cognitive impairments. When a screen reader encounters an image, it will read aloud the alternative text.
+https://www.med.unc.edu/webguide/accessibility/alt-text/","Comprend des descriptions de texte alternatives pour les images"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthropology","Anthropologie"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Math category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arithmetic","Arithmétique"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to a category group type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_arts","Arts"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Science category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astronomy","Astronomie"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.audioDescription","Includes audio descriptions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Content has narration used to provide information surrounding key visual elements for the benefit of blind and visually impaired users.
+https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Audio_description","Comprend des descriptions audio"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.basicSkills","Basic skills","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. Basic skills refer to learning resources focused on aspects like literacy, numeracy and digital literacy.","Compétences de base"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Science category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biology","Biologie"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.browseChannel","Browse channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Heading on page where a user can browse the content within a channel","Parcourir la chaîne"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Math category type. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calculus","Calcul infinitésimal"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.captionsSubtitles","Includes captions or subtitles","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Accessibility filter to search for video and audio resources that have text captions for users who are deaf or hard of hearing.
+https://www.w3.org/WAI/media/av/captions/","Comprend des légendes ou des sous-titres"
+-- CONTEXT --
+A title for the metadata that explains the subject matter of an activity","Catégorie"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Science category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chemistry","Chimie"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.civicEducation","Civic education","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. Civic education is the study of the rights and obligations of citizens in society. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civics","Éducation civique"
+-- CONTEXT --
+A title for the metadata that explains when an activity is considered completed","Achèvement"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.computerScience","Computer science","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_science","Informatique"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Resource and filter label for the type of learning activity. Translate as a VERB","Créer"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.currentEvents","Current events","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. Could also be translated as 'News'. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/News","Evènements en cours"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.dailyLife","Daily life","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Everyday_life","Vie quotidienne"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dance","Danse"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.digitalLiteracy","Digital literacy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_literacy","Alphabétisation numérique"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diversity_(politics)","Diversité"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drama","Drame"
+-- CONTEXT --
+A title for the metadata that explains how long an activity will take","Durée"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.earthScience","Earth science","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth_science","Sciences de la Terre"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entrepreneurship","Entreprenariat"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Environmental_studies","Environnement"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Resource and filter label for the type of learning activity. Translate as a VERB","Explorer"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.financialLiteracy","Financial literacy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Financial_literacy","Éducation financière"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.forBeginners","For beginners","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Filter option and a label for the resources in the Kolibri Library.","Pour les débutants"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.forTeachers","For teachers","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type","Pour les enseignants"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type.","Géométrie"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category label in the Kolibri resources library; refers to any guide-type material for teacher professional development.","Guides"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.highContrast","Includes high contrast text for learners with low vision","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Accessibility filter used to search for resources that have high contrast color themes for users with low vision ('display' refers to digital content, not the hardware like screens or monitors).
+https://veroniiiica.com/2019/10/25/high-contrast-color-schemes-low-vision/","Comprend un texte fortement contrasté pour les apprenants malvoyants"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type.","Histoire"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.industryAndSectorSpecific","Industry and sector specific","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Subcategory type for technical and vocational training.","Secteur Industrie et autres"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.languageLearning","Language learning","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type.","Apprentissage des langues"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.learningActivity","Learning Activity","
+-- CONTEXT --
+A title for the category of education material interaction, i.e. watch, read, listen","Activité pédagogique"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.learningSkills","Learning skills","
+-- CONTEXT --
+A category label and type of basic skill.
+https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Study_skills","Compétences d'apprentissage"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.lessonPlans","Lesson plans","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category label in the Kolibri resources library; refers to lesson planning materials for teachers.","Plans de la leçon"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to the educational learning level, such a preschool, primary, secondary, etc.","Niveau"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Resource and filter label for the type of learning activity with audio. Translate as a VERB","Écouter"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Literacy","Littératie"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Literature","Littérature"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.logicAndCriticalThinking","Logic and critical thinking","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Critical_thinking","Logique et pensée critique"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.longActivity","Long activity","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Label with time estimation for learning activities that take more than 30 minutes.","Activité longue"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.lowerPrimary","Lower primary","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to a level of learning. Approximately corresponds to the first half of primary school.","Primaire inférieur"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.lowerSecondary","Lower secondary","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to a level of learning. Approximately corresponds to the first half of secondary school (high school).","Secondaire inférieur"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mathematics","Mathématiques"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.mechanicalEngineering","Mechanical engineering","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mechanical_engineering.","Ingénierie mécanique"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.mediaLiteracy","Media literacy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Media_literacy","Littératie aux médias"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.mentalHealth","Mental health","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mental_health","Santé mentale"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Music","Musique"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.needsInternet","Internet connection","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to a filter for resources.","Connexion Internet"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.needsMaterials","Other supplies","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to a filter for resources.
+","Autres fournitures"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Numeracy","Numératie"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.peers","Working with peers","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to a filter for resources that require a learner to work with other learners to be used.","Travailler avec des pairs"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physics.","Physique"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.politicalScience","Political science","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_science.","Science politique"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Resource and filter label for the type of learning activity with questions and answers. Translate as a VERB","S'entraîner"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to a level of education offered to children before they begin compulsory education at primary school.
+See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Preschool","Maternelle"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.professionalSkills","Professional skills","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. Refers to skills that are related to a profession or a job.","Compétences professionnelles"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_programming","Programmation"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.publicHealth","Public health","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_health.","Santé publique"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Resource and filter label for the type of learning activity with documents. Translate as a VERB","Lire"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Label displayed for the 'Read' learning activity, used instead of the time duration information, to indicate a resource that may not need sequential reading from the beginning to the end. Similar concept as the 'reference' books in the traditional library, that the user just 'consults', and does not read from cover to cover.","Référence"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.readingAndWriting","Reading and writing","
+-- CONTEXT --
+School subject category","Lire et écrire"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.readingComprehension","Reading comprehension","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type.","Compréhension de texte"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Resource and filter label for the type of learning activity. Translate as a VERB","Symétrie axiale"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type.","École"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Science","Sciences"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.shortActivity","Short activity","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Label with time estimation for learning activities that take less than 30 minutes.","Activité courte"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.signLanguage","Includes sign language captions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Wherever communities of deaf people exist, sign languages have developed as useful means of communication, and they form the core of local Deaf cultures. Although signing is used primarily by the deaf and hard of hearing, it is also used by hearing individuals, such as those unable to physically speak, those who have trouble with spoken language due to a disability or condition (augmentative and alternative communication), or those with deaf family members, such as children of deaf adults. ","Interprétation dans la langue des signes disponible"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.skillsTraining","Skills training","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Subcategory type for technical and vocational training.","Compétences pour le monde du travail"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.socialSciences","Social sciences","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_science","Sciences sociales"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sociology","Sociologie"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.softwareTools","Other software tools","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to a filter for resources that need additional software to be used.","Autres outils logiciels"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.softwareToolsAndTraining","Software tools and training","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Subcategory type for technical and vocational training.","Outils logiciels et formation"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.specializedProfessionalTraining","Specialized professional training","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Level of education that refers to training for a profession (job).","Formation professionnelle spécialisée"
+-- CONTEXT --
+A math category. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statistics","Statistiques"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.taggedPdf","Tagged PDF","
+-- CONTEXT --
+A tagged PDF includes hidden accessibility markups (tags) that make the document accessible to those who use screen readers and other assistive technology (AT).
+https://taggedpdf.com/what-is-a-tagged-pdf/","PDF balisé"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.teacher","Working with a teacher","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to a filter for resources that require a learner to work with a teacher to be used.","Travailler avec un enseignant"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.technicalAndVocationalTraining","Technical and vocational training","
+-- CONTEXT --
+A level of education. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TVET_(Technical_and_Vocational_Education_and_Training)","Formation technique et professionnelle"
+-- CONTEXT --
+A level of education. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tertiary_education","Tertiaire"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.toUseWithPaperAndPencil","Paper and pencil","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to a filter for resources.
+","Papier et crayon"
+-- CONTEXT --
+A collection of resources and other subfolders within a channel. Nested folders allow a channel to be organized as a tree or hierarchy.","Dossier"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.upperPrimary","Upper primary","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to a level of education. Approximately corresponds to the second half of primary school.
+","Enseignement primaire de cycle 3"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.upperSecondary","Upper secondary","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to a level of education. Approximately corresponds to the second half of secondary school.","Enseignement secondaire de cycle 4"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.visualArt","Visual art","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visual_arts","Arts visuels"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Resource and filter label for the type of learning activity with video. Translate as a VERB","Voir"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.webDesign","Web design","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_design","Web design"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Top level category group that contains resources for acquisition of professional skills.","Professionnel"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Writing","Écriture"
+"CommunityStandardsModal.communityStandardsHeader","Community Standards","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Règles de la communauté"
+"CommunityStandardsModal.coreValuesLink","Learn more about Learning Equality's core values","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","En savoir plus sur les valeurs fondamentales de Learning Equality"
+"CommunityStandardsModal.description","Learning Equality is a nonprofit organization dedicated to enabling equitable access to quality educational experiences. Along with our statement of Core Values, these Community Standards are intended to foster a supportive and inclusive environment for our users.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Learning Equality est une organisation à but non lucratif qui se consacre à fournir un accès équitable à des expériences éducatives de qualité. En plus des Valeurs fondamentales que nous revendiquons, ces Normes communautaires visent à favoriser un environnement valorisant et inclusif pour nos utilisateurs."
+"CommunityStandardsModal.libraryDescription","The Kolibri Library is both a grassroots and curated effort to provide a wide variety of materials for all learners and learning purposes. To help us achieve these goals, we invite you to use Kolibri Studio in ways that:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","La bibliothèque Kolibri est une initiative tant populaire que raisonnée visant à fournir une grande variété de supports à tous les apprenants quels que soient leurs objectifs d'apprentissage. Pour nous aider à atteindre ces objectifs, nous vous invitons à utiliser Kolibri Studio dans le respect des principes suivants :"
+"CommunityStandardsModal.libraryItem1","Model good practices in open sharing and respect copyright. Create an ethical sharing community by labeling licenses, making sure you know the appropriate licenses for what you upload, and ensuring that appropriate written permissions are documented if needed. Studio is primarily designed to host materials which are openly licensed or come with special permissions for re-distribution and reproduction.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Adopter les bonnes pratiques en matière de partage ouvert et de respect des droits d'auteur. Créez une communauté de partage fidèle à l'éthique en étiquetant les licences, en vous assurant de connaître les licences adaptées aux contenus téléversés, et en veillant si nécessaire à ce que les autorisations écrites appropriées soient documentées. Studio est principalement conçu pour héberger des supports sous licence ouverte ou objets d'autorisations spéciales de redistribution et de reproduction."
+"CommunityStandardsModal.libraryItem2","Keep materials clear, organized, and usable. We welcome resources created at all levels of production! To help them reach as many learners as possible, we invite you to fully utilize all metadata fields and aim for quality in comprehensibility, legibility, or digitization such that the content is usable and understandable.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Veiller à ce que les supports soient bien définis, organisés et utilisables. Toutes ressources sont les bienvenues, quel que soit leur niveau de production ! Pour faire en sorte qu'elles atteignent le plus d'apprenants possible, nous vous invitons à utiliser pleinement tous les champs de métadonnées et à rechercher la qualité en matière d'intelligibilité, de lisibilité ou de numérisation, pour que le contenu soit utilisable et compréhensible."
+"CommunityStandardsModal.libraryItem3","Respect the community. Avoid obscenity and vulgarity, beyond specific educational purposes they might serve in some contexts. Hate speech of any kind, or promotion of violence or discrimination, will never be tolerated.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Respecter la communauté. En dehors des objectifs pédagogiques spécifiques auxquels elles peuvent servir dans certains contextes, évitez toute obscénité ou vulgarité. Les discours de haine, peu importe leur nature, ou la promotion de la violence ou de la discrimination, ne seront jamais tolérés."
+"CommunityStandardsModal.libraryItem4","Kolibri Studio is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to be used for non-educational purposes such as recruitment, indoctrination, advertisement, file sharing, or personal media hosting.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Kolibri Studio est voué à des fins pédagogiques uniquement. Il n'est pas destiné à être utilisé à des fins non pédagogiques telles que le recrutement, l'endoctrinement, la publicité, le partage de fichiers ou l'hébergement de médias personnels."
+"CommunityStandardsModal.studioDescription","Kolibri Studio gives you access to the Kolibri Library, a growing library of educational materials, which we encourage you to use as your own. We built Kolibri Studio to help you prepare educational materials in a variety of ways, including but not limited to:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Kolibri Studio vous donne accès à la bibliothèque Kolibri, une collection de supports pédagogiques en plein essor que nous vous encourageons à utiliser comme la vôtre. Kolibri Studio a été créé pour vous aider à préparer des supports pédagogiques de différentes manières, parmi lesquelles :"
+"CommunityStandardsModal.studioItem1","Browsing. Selecting appropriate educational materials for your situation from the Kolibri Library, the listing of sources available on the public channels page in Kolibri Studio","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","La navigation. Sélectionnez les supports pédagogiques adaptés à votre situation dans la bibliothèque Kolibri, la liste des sources disponibles sur la page des chaînes publiques dans Kolibri Studio"
+"CommunityStandardsModal.studioItem2","Curating. Reorganizing the materials in these channels by selecting, deleting, and reordering appropriate items","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","La curation. Réorganisez les supports dans ces chaînes en sélectionnant, supprimant et réarrangeant les éléments appropriés"
+"CommunityStandardsModal.studioItem3","Sharing. Creating and publishing new channels with what you find, either to share with your own implementations privately or to share with others on Kolibri Studio.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Le partage. Créez et publiez de nouvelles chaînes avec ce que vous trouvez, soit pour les partager en privé avec vos propres réalisations, soit pour les partager avec d'autres sur Kolibri Studio."
+"CommunityStandardsModal.studioItem4","Modifying & Creating. Adding your own assessment exercises to any existing materials","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","La modification et la création. Ajoutez vos propres exercices d'évaluation à tout support existant"
+"CommunityStandardsModal.studioItem5","Hosting. Uploading your own materials (limited to materials you know are appropriately licensed to do so) from a local hard drive or other locations on the internet","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","L'hébergement. Téléversez vos propres supports (limité aux supports dont la licence appropriée vous a été accordée) à partir d'un disque dur local ou d'autres emplacements sur Internet"
+"CompletionOptions.allContent","Viewed in its entirety","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Vu en totalité"
+"CompletionOptions.completeDuration","When time spent is equal to duration","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Lorsque le temps passé est égal à la durée"
+"CompletionOptions.determinedByResource","Determined by the resource","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Déterminé par la ressource"
+"CompletionOptions.exactTime","Time to complete","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Délai d'exécution"
+"CompletionOptions.goal","When goal is met","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Lorsque l'objectif est atteint"
+"CompletionOptions.practiceQuiz","Practice quiz","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Quiz d'entraînement"
+"CompletionOptions.reference","Reference material","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Document de référence"
+"CompletionOptions.referenceHint","Progress will not be tracked on reference material unless learners mark it as complete","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Les progrès ne seront pas suivis sur le document de référence à moins que les apprenants ne le marquent comme étant terminé"
+"ConstantStrings.All Rights Reserved","All Rights Reserved","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Tous droits réservés"
+"ConstantStrings.All Rights Reserved_description","The All Rights Reserved License indicates that the copyright holder reserves, or holds for their own use, all the rights provided by copyright law under one specific copyright treaty.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","La Licence Tous droits réservés indique que le titulaire du droit d'auteur réserve, ou détient pour son propre usage, tous les droits prévus par la loi sur le droit d'auteur en vertu d'un traité spécifique en la matière."
+"ConstantStrings.CC BY","CC BY","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","CC BY"
+"ConstantStrings.CC BY-NC","CC BY-NC","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","CC BY-NC"
+"ConstantStrings.CC BY-NC-ND","CC BY-NC-ND","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","CC BY-NC-ND"
+"ConstantStrings.CC BY-NC-ND_description","The Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License is the most restrictive of our six main licenses, only allowing others to download your works and share them with others as long as they credit you, but they can't change them in any way or use them commercially.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","La Licence d'Attribution-Pas d'utilisation commerciale-Pas de travaux dérivés est la plus restrictive de nos six licences principales. Elle n'autorise aux autres que le téléchargement et le partage de vos œuvres à condition qu'ils vous en attribuent la paternité, et interdit toute modification de quelque nature que ce soit et toute utilisation à des fins commerciales."
+"ConstantStrings.CC BY-NC-SA","CC BY-NC-SA","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","CC BY-NC-SA"
+"ConstantStrings.CC BY-NC-SA_description","The Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work non-commercially, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under the identical terms.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","La Licence d'Attribution-Pas d'utilisation commerciale-Partage dans les mêmes conditions permet aux autres de remixer, modifier et développer votre œuvre à des fins non commerciales, à condition qu'ils vous en attribuent la paternité et diffusent leurs nouvelles créations sous les mêmes conditions."
+"ConstantStrings.CC BY-NC_description","The Attribution-NonCommercial License lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work non-commercially, and although their new works must also acknowledge you and be non-commercial, they don't have to license their derivative works on the same terms.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","La Licence d'Attribution-Pas d'utilisation commerciale permet aux autres de remixer, de modifier et de développer votre œuvre à des fins non commerciales, et si leurs nouvelles œuvres doivent vous citer et demeurer non commerciales, leurs œuvres dérivées ne sont pas tenues d'être diffusées sous les mêmes conditions."
+"ConstantStrings.CC BY-ND","CC BY-ND","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","CC BY-ND"
+"ConstantStrings.CC BY-ND_description","The Attribution-NoDerivs License allows for redistribution, commercial and non-commercial, as long as it is passed along unchanged and in whole, with credit to you.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","La Licence d'Attribution-Pas de travaux dérivés autorise la redistribution de l'œuvre, à des fins commerciales et non commerciales, à condition qu'elle soit transmise intacte et en totalité et que sa paternité vous soit attribuée."
+"ConstantStrings.CC BY-SA","CC BY-SA","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","CC BY-SA"
+"ConstantStrings.CC BY-SA_description","The Attribution-ShareAlike License lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work even for commercial purposes, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under the identical terms. This license is often compared to ""copyleft"" free and open source software licenses. All new works based on yours will carry the same license, so any derivatives will also allow commercial use. This is the license used by Wikipedia, and is recommended for materials that would benefit from incorporating content from Wikipedia and similarly licensed projects.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","La Licence d'Attribution-Partage dans les mêmes conditions permet aux autres de remixer, modifier et développer votre œuvre, y compris à des fins commerciales, à condition qu'ils vous attribuent la paternité de la création originale et qu'ils diffusent leurs nouvelles créations selon les mêmes conditions. Cette licence est souvent comparée aux licences de logiciels libres et open source de type « copyleft ». Toutes les nouvelles œuvres basées sur la vôtre porteront la même licence, de sorte que tous les travaux dérivés autoriseront également une utilisation commerciale. Licence utilisée par Wikipédia, elle est recommandée pour les supports qui bénéficieraient de l'incorporation de contenus de Wikipédia et de projets sous licences similaires."
+"ConstantStrings.CC BY_description","The Attribution License lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation. This is the most accommodating of licenses offered. Recommended for maximum dissemination and use of licensed materials.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","La Licence d'Attribution permet aux autres de distribuer, remixer, modifier et développer votre œuvre, y compris à des fins commerciales, à condition qu'ils vous attribuent la paternité de la création originale. Parmi les licences proposées, elle est la plus ouverte. Elle est recommandée pour la diffusion et l'utilisation maximales des supports sous licence."
+"ConstantStrings.Public Domain","Public Domain","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Domaine public"
+"ConstantStrings.Public Domain_description","Public Domain work has been identified as being free of known restrictions under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Les œuvres du domaine public ont été identifiées comme libres de toute restriction connue en vertu de la loi sur le droit d'auteur, y compris de tous droits connexes et voisins."
+"ConstantStrings.Special Permissions","Special Permissions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Autorisations spéciales"
+"ConstantStrings.Special Permissions_description","Special Permissions is a custom license to use when the current licenses do not apply to the content. The owner of this license is responsible for creating a description of what this license entails.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Les autorisations spéciales désignent des licences personnalisées à utiliser lorsque les licences actuelles ne s'appliquent pas au contenu. Il revient au propriétaire d'une telle licence de décrire ce que la licence en question implique."
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Fichier audio"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ConstantStrings.do_all","Goal: 100% correct","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Objectif : 100% correct"
+"ConstantStrings.do_all_description","Learner must answer all questions in the exercise correctly (not recommended for long exercises)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","L'apprenant doit répondre correctement à toutes les questions de l'exercice (non recommandé pour les exercices longs)."
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ConstantStrings.edit","My channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Mes chaînes"
+"ConstantStrings.epub","EPub document","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Document EPub"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ConstantStrings.firstCopy","Copy of {title}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copie de {title}"
+"ConstantStrings.gif","GIF image","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Image GIF"
+"ConstantStrings.h5p","H5P App","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Application H5P"
+"ConstantStrings.high_res_video","High resolution","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Haute résolution"
+"ConstantStrings.html5","HTML5 App","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Application HTML5"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ConstantStrings.html5_zip","HTML5 zip","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Zip HTML5"
+"ConstantStrings.input_question","Numeric input","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Entrée numérique"
+"ConstantStrings.jpeg","JPEG image","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Image JPEG"
+"ConstantStrings.jpg","JPG image","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Image JPG"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ConstantStrings.low_res_video","Low resolution","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Basse résolution"
+"ConstantStrings.m_of_n","M of N...","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","M sur N..."
+"ConstantStrings.m_of_n_description","Learner must answer M questions correctly from the last N answered questions. For example, ‘3 of 5’ means learners must answer 3 questions correctly out of the 5 most recently answered.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Sur les N dernières questions répondues, l'apprenant doit répondre correctement à M questions. Par exemple, ""3 sur 5"" signifie que l'apprenant doit répondre correctement à 3 questions sur les 5 dernières répondues."
+"ConstantStrings.mp3","MP3 audio","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Audio MP3"
+"ConstantStrings.mp4","MP4 video","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Vidéo MP4"
+"ConstantStrings.multiple_selection","Multiple choice","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Choix multiple"
+"ConstantStrings.nthCopy","Copy {n, number, integer} of {title}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copier {n, number, integer} du {titre}"
+"ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_10","Goal: 10 in a row","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Objectif : 10 d'affilée"
+"ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_10_description","Learner must answer 10 questions in a row correctly","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","L'apprenant doit répondre correctement à 10 questions d'affilée"
+"ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_2","Goal: 2 in a row","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Objectif : 2 d'affilée"
+"ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_2_description","Learner must answer 2 questions in a row correctly","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","L'apprenant doit répondre correctement à 2 questions d'affilée"
+"ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_3","Goal: 3 in a row","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Objectif : 3 d'affilée"
+"ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_3_description","Learner must answer 3 questions in a row correctly","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","L'apprenant doit répondre correctement à 3 questions d'affilée"
+"ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_5","Goal: 5 in a row","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Objectif : 5 d'affilée"
+"ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_5_description","Learner must answer 5 questions in a row correctly","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","L'apprenant doit répondre correctement à 5 questions d'affilée"
+"ConstantStrings.pdf","PDF document","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Document PDF"
+"ConstantStrings.perseus","Perseus Exercise","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Exercice Perseus"
+"ConstantStrings.perseus_question","Khan Academy question","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Question de la Khan Academy"
+"ConstantStrings.png","PNG image","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Image PNG"
+"ConstantStrings.public","Content library","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Bibliothèque de contenus"
+"ConstantStrings.single_selection","Single choice","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Choix unique"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ConstantStrings.svg","SVG image","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Image SVG "
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ConstantStrings.unknown_question","Unknown question type","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Type de question inconnu"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Lecture seule"
+"ConstantStrings.vtt","VTT caption","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Sous-titres VTT"
+"ConstantStrings.webm","WEBM video","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Vidéo WEBM"
+"ConstantStrings.zip","HTML5 zip","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Zip HTML5"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentDefaults.copyrightHolder","Copyright holder","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Titulaire des droits d'auteur"
+"ContentDefaults.defaultsSubTitle","New resources will be automatically given these values","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ces valeurs seront automatiquement attribuées aux nouvelles ressources"
+"ContentDefaults.defaultsTitle","Default copyright settings for new resources (optional)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Paramètres de droit d'auteur par défaut pour les nouvelles ressources (facultatif)"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentDefaults.html5","HTML5 apps","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Applications HTML5"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentDefaults.licenseDescription","License description","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Description de la licence"
+"ContentDefaults.noLicense","No license selected","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Aucune licence sélectionnée"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentDefaults.thumbnailsTitle","Automatically generate thumbnails for the following resource types","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Générer automatiquement des vignettes pour les types de ressources suivants"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentNodeChangedIcon.containsNew","Contains unpublished resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Contient des ressources non publiées"
+"ContentNodeChangedIcon.containsNewAndUpdated","Contains unpublished resources and changes","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Contient des ressources et des modifications non publiées"
+"ContentNodeChangedIcon.containsUpdated","Contains unpublished changes","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Contient des modifications non publiées"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Non publiée"
+"ContentNodeChangedIcon.isNewTopic","Unpublished folder","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Dossier non publié"
+"ContentNodeChangedIcon.isUpdatedResource","Updated since last publish","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Mise à jour depuis la dernière publication"
+"ContentNodeChangedIcon.isUpdatedTopic","Folder has been updated since last publish","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Le dossier a été mis à jour depuis la dernière publication"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentNodeIcon.html5","HTML5 App","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Application HTML5"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Non supporté"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentNodeLearningActivityIcon.multipleLearningActivities","Multiple learning activities","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Activités d'apprentissage multiples"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentNodeListItem.coachTooltip","Resource for coaches","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ressource pour les éducateurs"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copie en cours"
+"ContentNodeListItem.hasCoachTooltip","{value, number, integer} {value, plural, one {resource for coaches} other {resources for coaches}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{value, number, integer} {value, plural, one {ressource pour les éducateurs} other {ressources pour les éducateurs}}"
+"ContentNodeListItem.openTopic","Open folder","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Dossier ouvert"
+"ContentNodeListItem.questions","{value, number, integer} {value, plural, one {question} other {questions}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{value, number, integer} {value, plural, one {question} other {questions}}"
+"ContentNodeListItem.resources","{value, number, integer} {value, plural, one {resource} other {resources}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{value, number, integer} {value, plural, one {ressource} other {ressources}}"
+"ContentNodeOptions.copiedItemsToClipboard","Copied in clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copié dans le presse-papiers"
+"ContentNodeOptions.copiedSnackbar","Copy operation complete","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copie terminée"
+"ContentNodeOptions.copiedToClipboardSnackbar","Copied to clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copié dans le presse-papier"
+"ContentNodeOptions.copyToClipboard","Copy to clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copier dans le presse-papier"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copie en cours..."
+"ContentNodeOptions.editDetails","Edit details","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Modifier les détails"
+"ContentNodeOptions.editTopicDetails","Edit folder details","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Modifier les détails du dossier"
+"ContentNodeOptions.goToOriginalLocation","Go to original location","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Aller à l'emplacement original"
+"ContentNodeOptions.makeACopy","Make a copy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Faire une copie"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentNodeOptions.moveTo","Move to...","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Déplacer vers…"
+"ContentNodeOptions.newSubtopic","New folder","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nouveau dossier"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentNodeOptions.removedFromClipboard","Deleted from clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Supprimé du presse-papiers"
+"ContentNodeOptions.removedItems","Sent to trash","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Envoyé dans la corbeille"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentNodeOptions.viewDetails","View details","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Afficher les détails"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Sans titre"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentNodeThumbnail.croppingPrompt","Drag image to reframe","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Faites glisser l'image pour la recadrer"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentNodeThumbnail.generate","Generate from file","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Générer à partir d'un fichier"
+"ContentNodeThumbnail.generatingThumbnail","Generating from file","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Génération à partir d'un fichier"
+"ContentNodeThumbnail.noThumbnail","No thumbnail","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Pas de vignette"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentNodeThumbnail.retryUpload","Retry upload","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Réessayer le chargement"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentNodeThumbnail.upload","Upload image","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Téléverser une image"
+"ContentNodeThumbnail.uploadFailed","Upload failed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Échec du chargement"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Téléversement en cours"
+"ContentNodeThumbnail.zoomIn","Zoom in","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Zoom avant"
+"ContentNodeThumbnail.zoomOut","Zoom out","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Zoom arrière"
+"ContentNodeValidator.allIncompleteDescendantsText","{count, plural, one {{count, number, integer} resource is incomplete and cannot be published} other {All {count, number, integer} resources are incomplete and cannot be published}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural, one {{count, number, integer} ressource est incomplète et ne peut être publiée} other {l'ensemble des {count, number, integer} ressources sont incomplètes et ne peuvent être publiées}}"
+"ContentNodeValidator.incompleteDescendantsText","{count, number, integer} {count, plural, one {resource is incomplete} other {resources are incomplete}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, number, integer} {count, plural, one {ressource est incomplète} other {ressources sont incomplètes}}"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentNodeValidator.missingTitle","Missing title","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Titre manquant"
+"ContentRenderer.noFileText","Select a file to preview","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Sélectionner un fichier pour le prévisualiser"
+"ContentRenderer.previewNotSupported","Preview unavailable","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Aperçu non disponible"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentTreeList.noResourcesOrTopics","There are no resources or folders here","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Il n'y a pas de ressources ou de dossiers ici"
+"ContentTreeList.selectAllAction","Select all","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Tout sélectionner"
+"CopyToken.copiedTokenId","Token copied","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Jeton copié"
+"CopyToken.copyFailed","Copy failed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Échec de la copie"
+"CopyToken.copyPrompt","Copy token to import channel into Kolibri","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copier le jeton pour importer la chaîne dans Kolibri"
+"CountryField.locationLabel","Select all that apply","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Sélectionner tout ce qui s'applique"
+"CountryField.locationRequiredMessage","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ce champ est obligatoire"
+"CountryField.noCountriesFound","No countries found","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Aucun pays trouvé"
+"Create.ToSCheck","I have read and agree to the terms of service","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","J'ai lu et j'accepte les conditions d'utilisation"
+"Create.ToSRequiredMessage","Please accept our terms of service","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Veuillez accepter nos conditions d'utilisation"
+"Create.backToLoginButton","Sign in","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Se connecter"
+"Create.basicInformationHeader","Basic information","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Informations de base"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Create.conferenceSourcePlaceholder","Name of conference","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nom de la conférence"
+"Create.confirmPasswordLabel","Confirm password","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Confirmer le mot de passe"
+"Create.contactMessage","Questions or concerns? Please email us at content@learningequality.org","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Des questions ou des préoccupations ? Veuillez nous envoyer un e-mail à content@learningequality.org"
+"Create.conversationSourceOption","Conversation with Learning Equality","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Conversation avec Learning Equality"
+"Create.createAnAccountTitle","Create an account","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Créer un compte"
+"Create.creatingExercisesUsageOption","Creating exercises","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Créer des exercices"
+"Create.emailExistsMessage","An account with this email already exists","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Un compte associé à cet e-mail existe déjà"
+"Create.errorsMessage","Please fix the errors below","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Veuillez corriger les erreurs ci-dessous"
+"Create.fieldRequiredMessage","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ce champ est obligatoire"
+"Create.findingUsageOption","Finding and adding additional content sources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Rechercher et ajouter des sources de contenu supplémentaires"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Create.firstNameLabel","First name","
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Create.forumSourceOption","Learning Equality community forum","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Forum de la communauté de Learning Equality"
+"Create.githubSourceOption","Learning Equality GitHub","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","GitHub de Learning Equality"
+"Create.lastNameLabel","Last name","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nom de famille"
+"Create.locationLabel","Where do you plan to use Kolibri Studio? (check all that apply)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Où comptez-vous utiliser Kolibri Studio ? (cochez tout ce qui s'applique)"
+"Create.newsletterSourceOption","Learning Equality newsletter","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Bulletin d'information de Learning Equality"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Create.organizationSourcePlaceholder","Name of organization","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nom de l'organisation"
+"Create.organizingUsageOption","Organizing or aligning existing materials","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Organiser ou aligner des supports existants"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Create.otherSourcePlaceholder","Please describe","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Précisez s'il vous plaît"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Create.otherUsagePlaceholder","Please describe","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Précisez s'il vous plaît"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Mot de passe"
+"Create.passwordMatchMessage","Passwords don't match","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Les mots de passe ne sont pas identiques"
+"Create.personalDemoSourceOption","Personal demo","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Démo personnelle"
+"Create.privacyPolicyCheck","I have read and agree to the privacy policy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","J'ai lu et j'accepte la politique de confidentialité"
+"Create.privacyPolicyRequiredMessage","Please accept our privacy policy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Veuillez accepter notre politique de confidentialité"
+"Create.registrationFailed","There was an error registering your account. Please try again","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Une erreur s'est produite lors de l'enregistrement de votre compte. Veuillez réessayer"
+"Create.registrationFailedOffline","You seem to be offline. Please connect to the internet to create an account.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Il semble que vous ne soyez pas en ligne. Veuillez vous connecter à Internet pour créer un compte."
+"Create.sequencingUsageOption","Using prerequisites to put materials in a sequence","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Utiliser des prérequis pour créer une suite de supports"
+"Create.sharingUsageOption","Sharing materials publicly","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Partager publiquement des supports"
+"Create.socialMediaSourceOption","Social media","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Réseaux sociaux"
+"Create.sourceLabel","How did you hear about us?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Comment avez-vous entendu parler de nous ?"
+"Create.sourcePlaceholder","Select one","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Sélectionner une option"
+"Create.storingUsageExample","e.g. 500MB","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","ex : 500Mo"
+"Create.storingUsageOption","Storing materials for private or local use","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Stocker des supports pour un usage privé ou local"
+"Create.storingUsagePlaceholder","How much storage do you need?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","De combien d'espace de stockage avez-vous besoin ?"
+"Create.taggingUsageOption","Tagging content sources for discovery","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Étiqueter des sources de contenus pour les retrouver"
+"Create.usageLabel","How do you plan on using Kolibri Studio (check all that apply)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Comment comptez-vous utiliser Kolibri Studio (cochez tout ce qui s'applique)"
+"Create.viewPrivacyPolicyLink","View privacy policy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Voir la politique de confidentialité"
+"Create.viewToSLink","View terms of service","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Voir les conditions d'utilisation"
+"Create.websiteSourceOption","Learning Equality website","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Site Web de Learning Equality "
+"CurrentTopicView.COMFORTABLE_VIEW","Comfortable view","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Affichage confortable"
+"CurrentTopicView.COMPACT_VIEW","Compact view","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Affichage compact"
+"CurrentTopicView.DEFAULT_VIEW","Default view","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Affichage par défaut"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"CurrentTopicView.addExercise","New exercise","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nouvel exercice"
+"CurrentTopicView.addTopic","New folder","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nouveau dossier"
+"CurrentTopicView.copiedItems","Copy operation complete","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copie terminée"
+"CurrentTopicView.copiedItemsToClipboard","Copied to clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copié dans le presse-papiers"
+"CurrentTopicView.copySelectedButton","Copy to clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copier dans le presse-papiers"
+"CurrentTopicView.copyToClipboardButton","Copy to clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copier dans le presse-papiers"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copie en cours..."
+-- CONTEXT --
+"CurrentTopicView.duplicateSelectedButton","Make a copy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Faire une copie"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"CurrentTopicView.importFromChannels","Import from channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Importer à partir d'autres chaînes"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"CurrentTopicView.removedItems","Sent to trash","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Envoyé dans la corbeille"
+"CurrentTopicView.selectAllLabel","Select all","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Tout sélectionner"
+"CurrentTopicView.selectionCount","{topicCount, plural,
+ =1 {# folder}
+ other {# folders}}, {resourceCount, plural,
+ =1 {# resource}
+ other {# resources}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{topicCount, plural,
+ =1 {# dossier}
+ other {#dossiers}}, {resourceCount, plural,
+ =1 {# ressource}
+ other {# ressources}}"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"CurrentTopicView.uploadFiles","Upload files","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Téléverser des fichiers"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"DeleteAccountForm.deleteAccountConfirmationPrompt","Are you sure you want to permanently delete your account? This cannot be undone","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer définitivement votre compte ? Cette action est irréversible."
+"DeleteAccountForm.deleteAccountEnterEmail","Enter your email address to continue","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Entrez votre adresse e-mail pour continuer"
+"DeleteAccountForm.deleteAccountLabel","Delete account","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Supprimer le compte"
+"DeleteAccountForm.deletionFailed","Failed to delete account","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Échec de la suppression du compte"
+"DeleteAccountForm.deletionFailedText","Failed to delete your account. Please contact us here: https://community.learningequality.org.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Échec de la suppression du compte. Veuillez nous contacter à l'adresse : https://community.learningequality.org."
+"DeleteAccountForm.emailAddressLabel","Email address","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Adresse e-mail"
+"DeleteAccountForm.emailInvalidText","Email does not match your account email","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","L'adresse e-mail ne correspond pas à celle de votre compte"
+"DeleteAccountForm.fieldRequired","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ce champ est obligatoire"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Details.VERY_LARGE","Very large","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Très volumineuse"
+"Details.VERY_SMALL","Very small","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Très petite"
+"Details.aggregatorToolTip","Website or organization hosting the content collection but not necessarily the creator or copyright holder","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Site web ou organisation hébergeant le recueil de contenus, sans forcément en être le créateur ou le titulaire des droits d'auteur"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Details.authorToolTip","Person or organization who created this content","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Personne ou organisation ayant créé ce contenu"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Details.coachDescription","Resources for coaches are only visible to coaches in Kolibri","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Sur Kolibri, les ressources destinées aux éducateurs ne sont visibles que par eux"
+"Details.coachHeading","Resources for coaches","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ressources pour les éducateurs"
+"Details.containsContentHeading","Contains content from","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Contient du contenu provenant de"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Details.copyrightHoldersLabel","Copyright holders","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Titulaires des droits d'auteur"
+"Details.creationHeading","Created on","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Créé le"
+"Details.currentVersionHeading","Published version","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Version publiée"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Details.primaryLanguageHeading","Primary language","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Langue principale"
+"Details.providerToolTip","Organization that commissioned or is distributing the content","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Organisation ayant commandé le contenu ou qui le distribue"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Details.publishedHeading","Published on","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Publiée le"
+"Details.resourceHeading","Total resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Total des ressources"
+"Details.sampleFromChannelHeading","Sample content from this channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Exemple de contenu de cette chaîne"
+"Details.sampleFromTopicHeading","Sample content from this topic","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Exemple de contenu sur ce sujet"
+"Details.sizeHeading","Channel size","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Taille de la chaîne"
+"Details.sizeText","{text} ({size})","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{text} ({size})"
+"Details.subtitlesHeading","Captions and subtitles","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Légendes et sous-titres"
+"Details.tagsHeading","Common tags","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Étiquettes communes"
+"Details.tokenHeading","Channel token","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Jeton de la chaîne"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Non publiée"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"DetailsTabView.aggregatorToolTip","Website or org hosting the content collection but not necessarily the creator or copyright holder","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Site Web ou organisation hébergeant le recueil de contenus, sans forcément en être le créateur ou le titulaire des droits d'auteur"
+"DetailsTabView.assessmentOptionsLabel","Assessment options","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Options d'évaluation"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"DetailsTabView.authorToolTip","Person or organization who created this content","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Personne ou organisation ayant créé ce contenu"
+"DetailsTabView.basicInfoHeader","Basic information","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Informations de base"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Heading for the section in the resource editing window","Achèvement"
+"DetailsTabView.copyrightHolderLabel","Copyright holder","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Titulaire des droits d'auteur"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"DetailsTabView.detectedImportText","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# resource has view-only permission}
+ other {# resources have view-only permission}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural, one {}
+ =1 {# ressource n'est accessible qu'en mode lecture}
+ other {# ressources ne sont accessibles qu'en mode lecture}}"
+"DetailsTabView.importedFromButtonText","Imported from {channel}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Importer à partir de {channel}"
+"DetailsTabView.languageChannelHelpText","Leave blank to use the channel language","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Laisser vide pour utiliser la langue de la chaîne"
+"DetailsTabView.languageHelpText","Leave blank to use the folder language","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Laisser vide pour utiliser la langue du dossier"
+"DetailsTabView.learnersCanMarkComplete","Allow learners to mark as complete","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Autoriser les apprenants à marquer le contenu comme étant terminé"
+"DetailsTabView.noTagsFoundText","No results found for ""{text}"". Press 'Enter' key to create a new tag","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Aucun résultat trouvé pour ""{text}"". Appuyez sur la touche 'Entrée' pour créer une nouvelle étiquette"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"DetailsTabView.providerToolTip","Organization that commissioned or is distributing the content","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Organisation ayant commandé le contenu ou qui le distribue"
+"DetailsTabView.randomizeQuestionLabel","Randomize question order for learners","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Randomiser l'ordre des questions pour les apprenants"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"DiffTable.headerDiff","Net changes","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Différences nettes"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"DiffTable.typeFileSize","File size","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Taille du fichier"
+"DiffTable.typeHtml5Apps","HTML5 apps","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Applications HTML5"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"DiffTable.typeVersion","API version","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Version de l'API"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"EditList.selectAllLabel","Select all","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Tout sélectionner"
+"EditListItem.questionCount","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# question}
+ other {# questions}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural, one {}
+ =1 {# question}
+ other {# questions}}"
+"EditModal.addTopic","Add new folder","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ajouter un nouveau dossier"
+"EditModal.addTopicsHeader","New folder","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nouveau dossier"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"EditModal.closeWithoutSavingButton","Close without saving","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Fermer sans enregistrer"
+"EditModal.createExerciseHeader","New exercise","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nouvel exercice"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"EditModal.editFilesHeader","Edit files","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Modifier les fichiers"
+"EditModal.editingDetailsHeader","Edit details","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Modifier les détails"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"EditModal.invalidNodesFound","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# incomplete resource found}
+ other {# incomplete resources found}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural, one {}
+ =1 {# ressource incomplète trouvée}
+ other {# ressources incomplètes trouvées}}"
+"EditModal.invalidNodesFoundText","Incomplete resources will not be published until these errors are resolved","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Les ressources incomplètes ne seront pas publiées tant que ces erreurs ne seront pas résolues"
+"EditModal.keepEditingButton","Keep editing","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Continuer à modifier"
+"EditModal.loadErrorText","Failed to load content","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Échec de chargement du contenu"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"EditModal.saveAnywaysButton","Exit anyway","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Quitter quand même"
+"EditModal.saveFailedHeader","Save failed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Échec de l'enregistrement"
+"EditModal.saveFailedText","There was a problem saving your content","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Une erreur s'est produite lors de l'enregistrement de votre contenu"
+"EditModal.uploadButton","Upload more","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Téléverser plus"
+"EditModal.uploadFilesHeader","Upload files","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Téléverser des fichiers"
+"EditModal.uploadInProgressHeader","Upload in progress","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Téléversement en cours"
+"EditModal.uploadInProgressText","Uploads that are in progress will be lost if you exit","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Les téléversements en cours seront perdus si vous quittez maintenant"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"EditSearchModal.changesSavedSnackbar","Changes saved","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Modifications enregistrées"
+"EditSearchModal.editSavedSearchTitle","Edit search title","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Modifier le titre de la recherche"
+"EditSearchModal.fieldRequired","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ce champ est obligatoire"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"EditSearchModal.searchTitleLabel","Search title","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Titre de la recherche"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"EditView.editingMultipleCount","Editing details for {topicCount, plural,
+ =1 {# folder}
+ other {# folders}}, {resourceCount, plural,
+ =1 {# resource}
+ other {# resources}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Modifier les détails de {topicCount, plural,
+ =1 {# dossier}
+ other {# dossiers}}, {resourceCount, plural,
+ =1 {# ressource}
+ other {# ressources}}"
+"EditView.errorBannerText","Please provide the required information","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Veuillez fournir les informations requises"
+"EditView.invalidFieldsToolTip","Some required information is missing","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Il manque certaines informations obligatoires"
+"EditView.noItemsToEditText","Please select resources or folders to edit","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Veuillez sélectionner les ressources ou les dossiers à modifier"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"EmailField.emailRequiredMessage","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ce champ est obligatoire"
+"EmailField.validEmailMessage","Please enter a valid email","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Veuillez entrer une adresse e-mail valide"
+"ExpandableList.less","Show less","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Afficher moins"
+"ExpandableList.more","Show more ({more})","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Afficher plus ({more})"
+"FilePreview.exitFullscreen","Exit fullscreen","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Quitter le mode plein écran"
+"FilePreview.fullscreenModeText","Fullscreen mode","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Mode plein écran"
+"FilePreview.viewFullscreen","View fullscreen","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Afficher en plein écran"
+"FileStatusText.selectFile","Select file","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Sélectionner le fichier"
+"FileStorage.requestStorage","Request storage","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Demander de l'espace de stockage"
+"FileStorage.storageFull","Storage limit reached","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Limite de stockage atteinte"
+"FileStorage.storageFullWithSize","Total storage limit reached: {used} of {total}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Limite de stockage total atteinte : {used} sur {total}"
+"FileStorage.storageLow","Storage is running low","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","L'espace de stockage disponible est faible"
+"FileStorage.storageLowWithSize","Total storage is running low: {used} of {total}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","L'espace de stockage total disponible est faible : {used} sur {total}"
+"FileStorage.storageUsed","Total storage used: {used} of {total}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Espace de stockage total utilisé : {used} sur {total}"
+"FileUpload.fileError","Unsupported file type","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Type de fichier non supporté"
+"FileUpload.filesHeader","Preview files","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Prévisualiser les fichiers"
+"FileUpload.noFileText","Missing files","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Fichiers manquants"
+"FileUploadDefault.acceptsHelp","Supported file types: {extensions}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Types de fichiers supportés : {extensions}"
+"FileUploadDefault.chooseFilesButton","Select files","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Sélectionner des fichiers"
+"FileUploadDefault.dropHereText","Drag and drop your files here, or select your files manually","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Glissez et déposez vos fichiers ici, ou sélectionnez-les manuellement"
+"FileUploadDefault.uploadToText","Upload to '{title}'","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Téléverser vers '{title}'"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"FileUploadItem.retryUpload","Retry upload","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Réessayer le chargement"
+"FileUploadItem.unknownFile","Unknown filename","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nom de fichier inconnu"
+"FileUploadItem.uploadButton","Select file","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Sélectionner un fichier"
+"FileUploadItem.uploadFailed","Upload failed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Échec du chargement"
+"ForgotPassword.forgotPasswordFailed","Failed to send a password reset link. Please try again.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Échec de l'envoi d'un lien de réinitialisation du mot de passe. Veuillez réessayer."
+"ForgotPassword.forgotPasswordPrompt","Please enter your email address to receive instructions for resetting your password","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Merci de renseigner votre adresse e-mail pour recevoir les instructions de réinitialisation de votre mot de passe"
+"ForgotPassword.forgotPasswordTitle","Reset your password","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Réinitialiser votre mot de passe"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"FormulasMenu.formulasMenuTitle","Special characters","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Caractères spéciaux"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"FullNameForm.changesSavedMessage","Changes saved","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Modifications enregistrées"
+"FullNameForm.editNameHeader","Edit full name","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Modifier le nom complet"
+"FullNameForm.failedToSaveMessage","Failed to save changes","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Modifications non enregistrées"
+"FullNameForm.fieldRequired","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ce champ est obligatoire"
+"FullNameForm.firstNameLabel","First name","
+-- CONTEXT --
+"FullNameForm.lastNameLabel","Last name","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nom de famille"
+"FullNameForm.saveChangesAction","Save changes","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Enregistrer les modifications"
+"GenericError.backToHomeAction","Back to home","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Retour à l'accueil"
+"GenericError.genericErrorDetails","Try refreshing this page or going back to the home page","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Essayez d’actualiser cette page ou de retourner à la page d’accueil"
+"GenericError.genericErrorHeader","Sorry, something went wrong","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Désolé, une erreur s'est produite"
+"GenericError.helpByReportingAction","Help us by reporting this error","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Aidez-nous en signalant cette erreur"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"HintsEditor.newHintBtnLabel","New hint","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nouvel indice"
+"HintsEditor.noHintsPlaceholder","Question has no hints","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","La question n'a aucun indice"
+"ImageOnlyThumbnail.thumbnail","{title} thumbnail","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Vignette {title}"
+"ImagesMenu.acceptsText","Supported file types: {acceptedFormats}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Types de fichiers supportés : {acceptedFormats}"
+"ImagesMenu.altTextHint","The image description is necessary to enable visually impaired learners to answer questions, and it also displays when the image fails to load","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","La description de l'image est nécessaire pour permettre aux apprenants handicapés visuels de répondre aux questions. Elle s'affiche également en cas d'échec du chargement de l'image"
+"ImagesMenu.altTextLabel","Image description","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Description de l’image"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ImagesMenu.currentImageDefaultText","Current image","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Image actuelle"
+"ImagesMenu.defaultDropText","Drag and drop an image here, or upload manually","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Glissez et déposez une image ici ou téléversez-la manuellement"
+"ImagesMenu.imageHeader","Upload image","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Téléverser une image"
+"ImagesMenu.selectFile","Select file","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Sélectionner le fichier"
+"ImagesMenu.selectFileButton","Select file","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Sélectionner le fichier"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ImportFromChannelsModal.importTitle","Import from other channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Importer à partir d'autres chaînes"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ImportFromChannelsModal.resourcesAddedSnackbar","{count, number} {count, plural, one {resource selected} other {resources selected}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, number} {count, plural, one {ressource sélectionnée} other {ressources sélectionnées}}"
+"ImportFromChannelsModal.resourcesRemovedSnackbar","{count, number} {count, plural, one {resource removed} other {resources removed}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, number} {count, plural, one {ressource supprimée} other {ressources supprimées}}"
+"ImportFromChannelsModal.resourcesSelected","{count, number} {count, plural, one {resource selected} other {resources selected}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, number} {count, plural, one {ressource sélectionnée} other {ressources sélectionnées}}"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Passer en revue"
+"ImportFromChannelsModal.reviewTitle","Resource selection","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Sélection de ressources"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"LanguageDropdown.languageItemText","{language} ({code})","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{language} ({code})"
+"LanguageDropdown.languageRequired","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ce champ est obligatoire"
+"LanguageDropdown.noDataText","Language not found","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Langue introuvable"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"LanguageFilter.noMatchingLanguageText","No language matches the search","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Aucune langue ne correspond à la recherche"
+"LanguageSwitcherList.showMoreLanguagesSelector","More languages","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Plus de langues"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"LanguageSwitcherModal.changeLanguageModalHeader","Change language","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Changer la langue"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"LicenseDropdown.learnMoreButton","Learn More","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","En savoir plus"
+"LicenseDropdown.licenseDescriptionLabel","License description","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Description de la licence"
+"LicenseDropdown.licenseInfoHeader","About licenses","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","À propos des licences"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Main.TOSLink","Terms of service","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Conditions d'utilisation"
+"Main.copyright","© {year} Learning Equality","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","© {year} Learning Equality"
+"Main.createAccountButton","Create an account","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Créer un compte"
+"Main.forgotPasswordLink","Forgot your password?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Mot de passe oublié ?"
+"Main.guestModeLink","Explore without an account","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Explorer sans créer de compte"
+"Main.kolibriStudio","Kolibri Studio","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Kolibri Studio"
+"Main.loginFailed","Email or password is incorrect","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","L'e-mail ou le mot de passe est incorrect"
+"Main.loginFailedOffline","You seem to be offline. Please connect to the internet before signing in.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Il semble que vous ne soyez pas en ligne. Veuillez vous connecter à Internet avant de vous identifier."
+"Main.loginToProceed","You must sign in to view that page","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Vous devez vous connecter pour visualiser cette page "
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Mot de passe"
+"Main.privacyPolicyLink","Privacy policy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Politique de confidentialité"
+"Main.signInButton","Sign in","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Se connecter"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"MainNavigationDrawer.copyright","© {year} Learning Equality","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","© {year} Learning Equality"
+"MainNavigationDrawer.giveFeedback","Give feedback","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Envoyer un commentaire"
+"MainNavigationDrawer.helpLink","Help and support","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Aide et support"
+"MainNavigationDrawer.logoutLink","Sign out","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Se déconnecter"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"MarkdownEditor.bold","Bold (Ctrl+B)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Gras (Ctrl+B)"
+"MarkdownEditor.formulas","Insert formula (Ctrl+F)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Insérer une formule (Ctrl+F)"
+"MarkdownEditor.image","Insert image (Ctrl+P)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Insérer une image (Ctrl+P)"
+"MarkdownEditor.italic","Italic (Ctrl+I)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Italique (Ctrl+I)"
+"MarkdownEditor.minimize","Minimize (Ctrl+M)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"MasteryCriteriaMofNFields.mHint","Correct answers needed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Bonnes réponses nécessaires"
+"MasteryCriteriaMofNFields.nHint","Recent answers","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Réponses récentes"
+"MessageLayout.backToLogin","Continue to sign-in page","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Continuer vers la page de connexion"
+"MoveModal.addTopic","Add new folder","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ajouter un nouveau dossier"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"MoveModal.emptyTopicText","No resources found","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Aucune ressource trouvée"
+"MoveModal.goToLocationButton","Go to location","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Aller à l'emplacement"
+"MoveModal.moveHere","Move here","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Déplacer ici"
+"MoveModal.moveItems","Move {topicCount, plural,
+ =1 {# folder}
+ other {# folders}}, {resourceCount, plural,
+ =1 {# resource}
+ other {# resources}} into:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Déplacer {topicCount, plural,
+ =1 {# dossier}
+ other {# dossiers}}, {resourceCount, plural,
+ =1 {# ressource}
+ other {# ressources}} vers :"
+"MoveModal.movedMessage","Moved to {title}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Déplacé vers {title}"
+"MoveModal.resourcesCount","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# resource}
+ other {# resources}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural, one {}
+ =1 {# ressource}
+ other {# ressources}}"
+"MoveModal.topicCreatedMessage","New folder created","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nouveau dossier créé"
+"MultiSelect.noItemsFound","No items found","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Aucun élément trouvé"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"NewTopicModal.createTopic","Create new folder","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Créer un nouveau dossier"
+"NewTopicModal.topicTitle","Folder title","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Titre du dossier"
+"NewTopicModal.topicTitleRequired","Folder title is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Le titre du dossier est obligatoire"
+"NodePanel.emptyChannelSubText","Create, upload, or import resources from other channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Créer, téléverser ou importer des ressources à partir d'autres chaînes"
+"NodePanel.emptyChannelText","Click ""ADD"" to start building your channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Cliquez sur « AJOUTER » pour commencer à construire votre chaîne"
+"NodePanel.emptyTopicText","Nothing in this folder yet","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Rien dans ce dossier pour le moment"
+"NodePanel.emptyViewOnlyChannelText","Nothing in this channel yet","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Rien dans cette chaîne pour l'instant"
+"NodeTreeNavigation.noResourcesDefaultText","No resources found","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Aucune ressource trouvée"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Hors ligne"
+"OfflineText.offlineText","You seem to be offline. Your changes will be saved once your connection is back.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Il semblerait que vous soyez hors ligne. Vos modifications seront enregistrées dès que votre connexion sera rétablie."
+"PageNotFoundError.backToHomeAction","Back to home","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Retour à l'accueil"
+"PageNotFoundError.pageNotFoundDetails","Sorry, that page does not exist","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Désolé, cette page n'existe pas"
+"PageNotFoundError.pageNotFoundHeader","Page not found","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Page introuvable"
+"PasswordField.fieldRequiredMessage","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ce champ est obligatoire"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Mot de passe"
+"PasswordInstructionsSent.passwordInstructionsHeader","Instructions sent. Thank you!","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Instructions envoyées. Merci !"
+"PasswordInstructionsSent.passwordInstructionsText","If there is already an account with the email address provided, you should receive the instructions shortly. If you don't see an email from us, please check your spam folder.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Si un compte associé à l'adresse e-mail fournie existe déjà, vous devriez recevoir des instructions dans les plus brefs délais. Au cas où vous ne verriez pas d'e-mail de notre part, veuillez vérifier vos spams."
+"PermissionsError.goToHomePageAction","Go to home page","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Aller sur la page d'accueil"
+"PermissionsError.permissionDeniedHeader","Did you forget to sign in?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Avez-vous oublié de vous connecter ?"
+"PoliciesModal.checkboxText","I have agreed to the above terms","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","J'ai accepté les conditions ci-dessus"
+"PoliciesModal.checkboxValidationErrorMessage","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ce champ est obligatoire"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"PoliciesModal.lastUpdated","Last updated {date}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Dernière mise à jour datée du {date}"
+"PrivacyPolicyModal.privacyHeader","Privacy policy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Politique de confidentialité"
+"PrivacyPolicyModal.updatedPrivacyHeader","Updated privacy policy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Politique de confidentialité mise à jour"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{percent} %"
+"ProgressModal.defaultErrorText","Last attempt to publish failed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Échec de la dernière tentative de publication"
+"ProgressModal.lastPublished","Published {last_published}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Publié le {last_published}"
+"ProgressModal.publishHeader","Publishing channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Publication de la chaîne"
+"ProgressModal.syncError","Last attempt to sync failed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Échec de la dernière tentative de synchronisation"
+"ProgressModal.syncHeader","Syncing channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Synchronisation de la chaîne"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Non publiée"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"PublishModal.descriptionDescriptionTooltip","This description will be shown to Kolibri admins before they update channel versions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Cette description sera présentée aux administrateurs de Kolibri avant qu'ils ne mettent à jour les versions des chaînes"
+"PublishModal.descriptionRequiredMessage","Please describe what's new in this version before publishing","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Veuillez décrire les nouveautés dans cette version avant de la publier"
+"PublishModal.incompleteCount","{count, plural, =1 {# incomplete resource} other {# incomplete resources}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural, one {} =1 {# ressource incomplète} other {# ressources incomplètes}}"
+"PublishModal.incompleteInstructions","Click 'Continue' to confirm that you would like to publish anyway.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Cliquez sur 'Continuer' pour confirmer que vous voulez quand même publier."
+"PublishModal.incompleteWarning","Incomplete resources will not be published and made available for download in Kolibri.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Les ressources incomplètes ne seront pas publiées et mises à disposition pour le téléchargement dans Kolibri."
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"PublishModal.publishMessageLabel","Describe what's new in this channel version","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Décrivez les nouveautés de cette version de la chaîne"
+"PublishModal.versionDescriptionLabel","Version description","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Description de la version"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"RelatedResourcesTab.addNextStepBtnLabel","Add next step","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ajouter une étape suivante"
+"RelatedResourcesTab.addPreviousStepBtnLabel","Add previous step","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ajouter une étape antérieure"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"RelatedResourcesTab.nextStepsExplanation","Recommended resources that build on skills or concepts learned in this resource","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ressources recommandées s'appuyant sur des compétences ou des concepts acquis dans cette ressource"
+"RelatedResourcesTab.nextStepsTitle","Next steps","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Prochaines étapes"
+"RelatedResourcesTab.previewHelpText","Related resources are displayed as recommendations when learners engage with this resource","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Les ressources connexes sont affichées sous forme de recommandations lorsque les apprenants interagissent avec cette ressource"
+"RelatedResourcesTab.previousStepsExplanation","Recommended resources that introduce skills or concepts needed in order to use this resource","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ressources recommandées introduisant des compétences ou concepts nécessaires à l'utilisation de cette ressource"
+"RelatedResourcesTab.previousStepsTitle","Previous steps","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Étapes antérieures"
+"RelatedResourcesTab.removeNextStepBtnLabel","Remove next step","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Supprimer l'étape suivante"
+"RelatedResourcesTab.removePreviousStepBtnLabel","Remove previous step","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Supprimer l'étape antérieure"
+"RelatedResourcesTab.removedNextStepSnackbar","Removed next step","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Étape suivante supprimée"
+"RelatedResourcesTab.removedPreviousStepSnackbar","Removed previous step","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Étape antérieure supprimée"
+"RelatedResourcesTab.resourcePreviewDialogHelpText","Related resources in Kolibri display as recommendations alongside the resource that a learner is currently engaging with","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Les ressources connexes dans Kolibri s'affichent sous forme de recommandations à côté de la ressource en cours d'utilisation par les apprenants"
+"RelatedResourcesTab.resourcePreviewDialogTitle","Related resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ressources connexes"
+"RelatedResourcesTab.showPreviewBtnLabel","Show me","
+-- CONTEXT --
+"RelatedResourcesTab.tooManyNextStepsWarning","Limit the number of next steps to create a more guided learning experience","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Pour une expérience d'apprentissage mieux guidée, limiter le nombre d'étapes suivantes"
+"RelatedResourcesTab.tooManyPreviousStepsWarning","Limit the number of previous steps to create a more guided learning experience","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Pour une expérience d'apprentissage mieux guidée, limiter le nombre d'étapes antérieures"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ReportErrorModal.emailDescription","Contact the support team with your error details and we’ll do our best to help.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Contactez l’équipe support avec les détails de l’erreur, et nous ferons de notre mieux pour vous aider."
+"ReportErrorModal.emailPrompt","Send an email to the developers","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Envoyer un e-mail aux développeurs"
+"ReportErrorModal.errorDetailsHeader","Error details","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Détails de l'erreur"
+"ReportErrorModal.forumPostingTips","Include a description of what you were trying to do and what you clicked on when the error appeared.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ajoutez une description de ce que vous tentiez de faire, et de ce sur quoi vous avez cliqué quand l’erreur est apparue."
+"ReportErrorModal.forumPrompt","Visit the community forums","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Visitez les forums de la communauté"
+"ReportErrorModal.forumUseTips","Search the community forum to see if others encountered similar issues. If there are none reported, please open a new forum post and paste the error details below inside so we can rectify the error in a future version of Kolibri Studio.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Recherchez sur le forum communautaire pour voir si d'autres ont rencontré des problèmes similaires. Si aucun problème similaire n'est signalé, veuillez ouvrir un nouveau fil de discussion sur le forum et y copier-coller les détails de l'erreur afin de nous permettre de la rectifier dans une prochaine version de Kolibri Studio."
+"ReportErrorModal.reportErrorHeader","Report Error","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Signaler une erreur"
+"RequestForm.approximatelyHowManyResourcesLabel","Approximately how many individual resources are you planning to upload?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Environ combien de ressources individuelles prévoyez-vous de téléverser ?"
+"RequestForm.audiencePlaceholder","In-school learners, adult learners, teachers, etc","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Apprenants en classe, apprenants adultes, enseignants, etc."
+"RequestForm.authorLabel","Who is the author (creator), curator (organizer), and/or aggregator (maintainer) of your content? Please specify","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Qui est l'auteur (créateur), le curateur (organisateur) et/ou l'agrégateur (mainteneur) de votre contenu ? Veuillez préciser"
+"RequestForm.averageSizeOfResourceLabel","Average size of each resource","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Taille moyenne de chaque ressource"
+"RequestForm.coupleMonthsLabel","1-2 months","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","1 à 2 mois"
+"RequestForm.explainNeedsInDetailLabel","Please write a paragraph explaining your needs and use case for Kolibri Studio, and how it will integrate into your programs. Include information about who is curating, deploying, and using the content. Is this work being coordinated by an organization, as part of an educational program? Include justification for the additional space being requested and explanation of the time sensitive nature of your request.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Veuillez rédiger un paragraphe expliquant vos besoins, ce à quoi vous sert Kolibri Studio, et comment il s'intégrera dans vos programmes. À inclure également sont les informations sur la personne responsable de la curation, du déploiement et de l'utilisation du contenu. Ce travail est-il coordonné par une organisation dans le cadre d'un programme pédagogique ? Justifiez l'espace supplémentaire demandé et expliquez le caractère urgent de votre demande. "
+"RequestForm.fieldRequiredText","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ce champ est obligatoire"
+"RequestForm.forProfitLabel","For-profit or social enterprise company","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Société à but lucratif ou entreprise sociale"
+"RequestForm.grassrootsLabel","Grassroots and/or volunteer initiative","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Initiatives de base et/ou de bénévolat"
+"RequestForm.howAreYouUsingYourContentLabel","How are you using your content?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Comment utilisez-vous votre contenu ?"
+"RequestForm.howOftenImportedToKolibriLabel","How many times will this content be imported from Studio into new Kolibri installations per month, on average?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","En moyenne, combien de fois ce contenu sera-t-il importé à partir de Studio vers de nouvelles installations de Kolibri par mois ?"
+"RequestForm.intendedAudienceLabel","Who is the intended audience for your channel? How big is your audience?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Quel est le public visé par votre chaîne ? Quelle est sa taille ? "
+"RequestForm.kindOfContentQuestionLabel","What types of resources do you plan to upload? Please specify","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Quels types de ressources prévoyez-vous de téléverser ? Veuillez préciser"
+"RequestForm.largeIntlNgoLabel","Larger international NGOs or government agencies","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Grandes ONG internationales ou agences gouvernementales"
+"RequestForm.learnMoreButton","Learn More","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","En savoir plus"
+"RequestForm.licenseInfoHeader","About licenses","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","À propos des licences"
+"RequestForm.licensingQuestionLabel","What is the licensing of the content you are uploading? (Check all that apply)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Quelle est la licence du contenu que vous téléversez ? (Cochez toutes les options applicables)"
+"RequestForm.mediumNgoLabel","Medium-sized NGO with budget < $500k","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","ONG de taille moyenne d'un budget inférieur à 500 000 $"
+"RequestForm.natureOfYourContentLabel","Nature of your content","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nature de votre contenu"
+"RequestForm.notAffiliatedLabel","I am not affiliated with an organization for this work","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Je ne suis affilié à aucune organisation pour ce travail"
+"RequestForm.numberOfResourcesPlaceholder","Number of resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nombre de ressources"
+"RequestForm.oneWeekLabel","1 week","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","1 semaine"
+"RequestForm.organizationNamePlaceholder","Organization name","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nom de l'organisation"
+"RequestForm.organizationalAffiliationLabel","Organizational affiliation","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Affiliation organisationnelle"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"RequestForm.pasteLinkPlaceholder","Paste link here","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Coller le lien ici"
+"RequestForm.provideSampleLinkLabel","Please provide a link to a sample of your content (on Kolibri Studio or from source site)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Veuillez fournir un lien vers un exemple de votre contenu (sur Kolibri Studio ou sur le site source)"
+"RequestForm.requestFailed","Unable to send request. Please try again.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Impossible d'envoyer la demande. Veuillez réessayer."
+"RequestForm.requestSent","Your storage request has been submitted for processing.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Votre demande de stockage a été envoyée pour traitement."
+-- CONTEXT --
+"RequestForm.selectAllThatApplyPlaceholder","Select all that apply","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Sélectionner tout ce qui s'applique"
+"RequestForm.sendRequestAction","Send request","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Envoyer la demande"
+"RequestForm.sixPlusMonthsLabel","6+ months","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","6 mois et plus"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"RequestForm.smallNgoLabel","Small NGO with annual budget < $25k","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Petite ONG d'un budget annuel inférieur à 25 000 $"
+"RequestForm.storageAmountRequestedPlaceholder","Amount requested (e.g. 10GB)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Quantité d'espace demandée (ex : 10 Go)"
+"RequestForm.targetRegionsLabel","Target region(s) for your content (if applicable)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Région(s) cible(s) pour votre contenu (le cas échéant)"
+"RequestForm.threeToSixMonthsLabel","3-6 months","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","3 à 6 mois"
+"RequestForm.timelineLabel","To better understand the time sensitive nature of your request, please indicate an approximate timeline by when you need this additional storage:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Pour nous aider à comprendre le caractère urgent de votre demande, veuillez indiquer le délai approximatif sous lequel vous auriez besoin de cet espace de stockage supplémentaire :"
+"RequestForm.twoToFourWeeksLabel","2-4 weeks","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","2 à 4 semaines"
+"RequestForm.typeOfContentPlaceholder","Types of resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Types de ressources"
+"RequestForm.typeOfOrganizationLabel","What type of organization or group is coordinating the use of Kolibri (if applicable)?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Quel type d'organisation ou de groupe coordonne l'utilisation de Kolibri (le cas échéant) ?"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"RequestForm.uploadingOnBehalfLabel","I am uploading content on behalf of:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+"," Je téléverse le contenu au nom de :"
+"RequestForm.usageLabel","Tell us more about your use of Kolibri","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Dites-nous en plus sur votre usage de Kolibri"
+"RequestForm.whoCanUseContentLabel","Who can use your content?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Qui peut utiliser votre contenu ?"
+"RequestForm.willYouMakeYourChannelPublicLabel","If the content is openly licensed, would you be willing to consider making your channels public to other Kolibri users if requested in the future?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Si le contenu est sous licence ouverte, seriez-vous disposé à rendre vos chaînes publiques pour d'autres utilisateurs de Kolibri si la demande vous en était faite à l'avenir ?"
+"RequestNewActivationLink.activationExpiredText","This activation link has been used already or has expired.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ce lien d'activation a déjà été utilisé ou a expiré."
+"RequestNewActivationLink.activationExpiredTitle","Activation failed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Échec de l'activation"
+"RequestNewActivationLink.activationRequestFailed","Failed to send a new activation link. Please try again.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Échec de l'envoi d'un lien d'activation. Veuillez réessayer."
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ResetLinkExpired.requestNewLink","Request a new password reset link","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Demander un nouveau lien de réinitialisation de mot de passe"
+"ResetLinkExpired.resetExpiredText","This password reset link has been used already or has expired.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ce lien de réinitialisation de mot de passe a déjà été utilisé ou a expiré."
+"ResetLinkExpired.resetExpiredTitle","Reset link expired","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Lien de réinitialisation expiré"
+"ResetPassword.passwordConfirmLabel","Confirm password","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Confirmer le mot de passe"
+"ResetPassword.passwordLabel","New password","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nouveau mot de passe"
+"ResetPassword.passwordMatchMessage","Passwords don't match","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Les mots de passe ne sont pas identiques"
+"ResetPassword.resetPasswordFailed","Failed to reset password. Please try again.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Échec de la réinitialisation du mot de passe. Veuillez réessayer."
+"ResetPassword.resetPasswordPrompt","Enter and confirm your new password","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Entrez et confirmez votre nouveau mot de passe"
+"ResetPassword.resetPasswordTitle","Reset your password","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Réinitialiser votre mot de passe"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ResetPasswordSuccess.header","Password reset successfully","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Mot de passe réinitialisé"
+"ResetPasswordSuccess.text","Your password has been reset. You may sign in now.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Votre mot de passe a été réinitialisé. Vous pouvez à présent vous connecter."
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ResourcePanel.availableFormats","Available formats","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Formats disponibles"
+"ResourcePanel.coachResources","Resources for coaches","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ressources pour les éducateurs"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ResourcePanel.copyrightHolder","Copyright holder","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Titulaire des droits d'auteur"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ResourcePanel.incompleteQuestionError","{count, plural, one {# incomplete question} other {# incomplete questions}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural, one {# question incomplète} other {# questions incomplètes}}"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ResourcePanel.masteryMofN","Goal: {m} out of {n}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Objectif : {m} sur {n}"
+"ResourcePanel.nextSteps","Next steps","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Étapes suivantes"
+"ResourcePanel.noCopyrightHolderError","Missing copyright holder","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Titulaire des droits d'auteur manquant"
+"ResourcePanel.noFilesError","Missing files","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Fichiers manquants"
+"ResourcePanel.noLicenseDescriptionError","Missing license description","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Description de licence manquante"
+"ResourcePanel.noLicenseError","Missing license","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Licence manquante"
+"ResourcePanel.noMasteryModelError","Missing mastery criteria","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Critères de maîtrise manquants"
+"ResourcePanel.noQuestionsError","Exercise is empty","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","L'exercice est vide"
+"ResourcePanel.originalChannel","Imported from","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Importé à partir de"
+"ResourcePanel.previousSteps","Previous steps","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Étapes antérieures"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ResourcePanel.questionCount","{value, number, integer} {value, plural, one {question} other {questions}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{value, number, integer} {value, plural, one {question} other {questions}}"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ResourcePanel.relatedResources","Related resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ressources connexes"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ResourcePanel.showAnswers","Show answers","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Afficher les réponses"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ResourcePanel.subtitles","Captions and subtitles","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Légendes et sous-titres"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ResourcePanel.totalResources","Total resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Total des ressources"
+"ResourcePanel.visibleTo","Visible to","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Visible par"
+"ResourcesNeededOptions.furtherExplanation","Please add to the 'Description' field any additional supplies learners will need in order to use this resource","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Veuillez ajouter dans le champ « Description » toutes les fournitures supplémentaires dont les apprenants auront besoin pour utiliser cette ressource"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ReviewSelectionsPage.noResourcesSelected","No resources selected","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Aucune ressource sélectionnée"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ReviewSelectionsPage.resourcesInTopic","{count, number} {count, plural, one {resource} other {resources}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, number} {count, plural, one {ressource} other {ressources}}"
+"ReviewSelectionsPage.reviewSelectionHeader","Review selections","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Passer en revue la sélection"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"SavedSearchesModal.deleteConfirmation","Are you sure you want to delete this saved search?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer cette recherche enregistrée ?"
+"SavedSearchesModal.deleteSearchTitle","Delete saved search","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Supprimer la recherche enregistrée"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"SavedSearchesModal.filterCount","{count, number} {count, plural, one {filter} other {filters}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, number} {count, plural, one {filtre} other {filtres}}"
+"SavedSearchesModal.noSavedSearches","You do not have any saved searches","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Vous n'avez aucune recherche enregistrée"
+"SavedSearchesModal.savedSearchesTitle","Saved searches","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Recherches enregistrées"
+"SavedSearchesModal.searchDeletedSnackbar","Saved search deleted","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Recherche enregistrée supprimée"
+"SavingIndicator.lastSaved","Saved {saved}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Enregistré {saved}"
+"SavingIndicator.savedNow","Saved just now","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Enregistré à l'instant"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Enregistrement en cours..."
+-- CONTEXT --
+"SearchFilterBar.clearAll","Clear all","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Supprimer tout"
+"SearchFilterBar.coachContent","Resources for coaches","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ressources pour les éducateurs"
+"SearchFilterBar.createdAfter","Added after '{date}'","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ajoutée après '{date}'"
+"SearchFilterBar.topicsHidden","Folders excluded","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Dossiers exclus"
+"SearchFilters.addedAfterDateLabel","Added after","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ajoutée après"
+"SearchFilters.assessmentsLabel","Show assessments only","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Afficher uniquement les évaluations"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"SearchFilters.channelTypeLabel","Channel type","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Type de chaîne"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"SearchFilters.coachContentLabel","Show resources for coaches","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Afficher les ressources pour les éducateurs"
+"SearchFilters.filtersHeader","Filter options","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Options de filtrage"
+"SearchFilters.hideTopicsLabel","Hide folders","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Masquer les dossiers"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"SearchOrBrowseWindow.backToBrowseAction","Back to browse","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Retour à la navigation"
+"SearchOrBrowseWindow.copiedToClipboard","Copied to clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copié dans le presse-papier"
+"SearchOrBrowseWindow.copyFailed","Failed to copy to clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Échec de la copie dans le presse-papier"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"SearchOrBrowseWindow.searchLabel","Search for resources…","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Rechercher des ressources…"
+"SearchResultsList.failedToLoad","Failed to load search results","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Impossible de charger les résultats de la recherche"
+"SearchResultsList.resultsPerPageLabel","Results per page","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Résultats par page"
+"SearchResultsList.saveSearchAction","Save search","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Enregistrer la recherche"
+"SearchResultsList.savedSearchesLabel","View saved searches","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Voir les recherches enregistrées"
+"SearchResultsList.searchResultsCount","{count, number} {count, plural, one {result} other {results}} for '{searchTerm}'","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, number} {count, plural, one {résultat} other {résultats}} pour '{searchTerm}'"
+"SearchResultsList.searchSavedSnackbar","Search saved","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Recherche enregistrée"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"SettingsIndex.usingStudioLabel","About Studio","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","À propos de Studio"
+"StagingTreePage.backToViewing","Back to viewing","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Retour à la visualisation"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"StagingTreePage.channelDeployed","Channel has been deployed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","La chaîne a été déployée"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"StagingTreePage.collapseAllButton","Collapse all","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Réduire tout"
+"StagingTreePage.confirmDeployBtn","Deploy channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Déployer la chaîne"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"StagingTreePage.deployChannel","Deploy channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Déployer la chaîne"
+"StagingTreePage.deployDialogDescription","You are about to replace all live resources with staged resources.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Vous êtes sur le point de remplacer toutes les ressources publiées par des ressources annexées."
+"StagingTreePage.emptyChannelSubText","No changes to review! The channel contains all the most recent folders and resources.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Aucun changement à revoir ! La chaîne comporte tous les dossiers et ressources les plus récents."
+"StagingTreePage.emptyChannelText","No resources found","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Aucune ressource trouvée"
+"StagingTreePage.emptyTopicText","This topic is empty","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ce sujet est vide"
+"StagingTreePage.liveResources","Live resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ressources publiées"
+"StagingTreePage.openCurrentLocationButton","Expand to current folder location","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Étendre vers l'emplacement du dossier actuel"
+"StagingTreePage.openSummaryDetailsDialogBtn","View summary","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Afficher le résumé"
+"StagingTreePage.resourcesCount","{count, number} {count, plural, one { resource } other { resources }}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, number} {count, plural, one { ressource } other { ressources }}"
+"StagingTreePage.reviewMode","Review mode","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Mode révision"
+"StagingTreePage.stagedResources","Staged resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ressources annexées"
+"StagingTreePage.summaryDetailsDialogTitle","Summary details","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Détails du résumé"
+"StagingTreePage.topicsCount","{count, number} {count, plural, one { folder } other { folders }}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, number} {count, plural, one { dossier } other { dossiers }}"
+"StagingTreePage.totalResources","Total resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Total des ressources"
+"StagingTreePage.totalSize","Total size","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Taille totale"
+"StagingTreePage.viewDetails","View details","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Afficher les détails"
+"StatusStrings.noStorageError","Not enough space","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Espace insuffisant"
+"StatusStrings.uploadFailedError","Upload failed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Échec du téléversement"
+"StatusStrings.uploadFileSize","{uploaded} of {total}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{uploaded} sur {total}"
+"Storage.hideFormAction","Close form","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Fermer le formulaire"
+"Storage.learnMoreAboutImportingContentFromChannels","Learn more about how to import resources from other channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","En savoir plus sur comment importer des ressources à partir d'autres chaînes"
+"Storage.requestMoreSpaceHeading","Request more space","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Demander plus d'espace"
+"Storage.requestMoreSpaceMessage","Please use this form to request additional uploading storage for your Kolibri Studio account. The resources you import from our public library to your channels do not count towards your storage limit.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Merci d'utiliser ce formulaire pour demander de l'espace de stockage supplémentaire pour votre compte Kolibri Studio. Les ressources que vous importez de notre bibliothèque publique vers vos chaînes ne comptent pas dans votre limite de stockage."
+"Storage.showFormAction","Open form","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ouvrir le formulaire"
+"Storage.spaceUsedOfMax","{qty} of {max}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{qty} sur {max}"
+"Storage.storagePercentageUsed","{qty}% storage used","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{qty} % du stockage utilisé"
+"StudioTree.missingTitle","Missing title","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Titre manquant"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"SubtitlesList.acceptedFormatsTooltip","Supported formats: {extensions}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Formats supportés : {extensions}"
+"SubtitlesList.addSubtitleText","Add captions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ajouter des légendes"
+"SubtitlesList.subtitlesHeader","Captions and subtitles","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Légendes et sous-titres"
+"SupplementaryItem.languageText","{language} ({code})","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{language} ({code})"
+"SupplementaryItem.retryUpload","Retry upload","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Réessayer le chargement"
+"SupplementaryItem.uploadFailed","Upload failed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Échec du chargement"
+"SupplementaryList.selectFileText","Select file","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Sélectionner un fichier"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"SyncResourcesModal.confirmSyncModalExplainer","You are about to sync and update the following:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Vous êtes sur le point de synchroniser et de mettre à jour les éléments suivants :"
+"SyncResourcesModal.confirmSyncModalTitle","Confirm sync","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Confirmer la synchronisation"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"SyncResourcesModal.syncExercisesExplainer","Update questions, answers, and hints","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Mettre à jour les questions, les réponses et les indices"
+"SyncResourcesModal.syncExercisesTitle","Assessment details","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Détails de l'évaluation"
+"SyncResourcesModal.syncFilesExplainer","Update all file information","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Mettre à jour toutes les informations du fichier"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"SyncResourcesModal.syncModalExplainer","Sync and update your resources with their original source.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Synchronisez et mettez à jour vos ressources à partir de leur source d'origine."
+"SyncResourcesModal.syncModalTitle","Sync resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Synchroniser les ressources"
+"SyncResourcesModal.syncTagsExplainer","Update all tags","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Mettre à jour toutes les étiquettes"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"SyncResourcesModal.syncTitlesAndDescriptionsExplainer","Update resource titles and descriptions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Mettre à jour les titres et les descriptions des ressources"
+"SyncResourcesModal.syncTitlesAndDescriptionsTitle","Titles and descriptions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Titres et descriptions"
+"TechnicalTextBlock.copiedToClipboardConfirmation","Copied to clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copié dans le presse-papier"
+"TechnicalTextBlock.copiedToClipboardFailure","Copy to clipboard failed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Échec de la copie dans le presse-papier"
+"TechnicalTextBlock.copyToClipboardButtonPrompt","Copy to clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copier dans le presse-papier"
+"Template.templateString","You have {count, plural,
+ =1 {# node for testing}
+ other {# nodes for testing}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Vous avez {count, plural, one {}
+ =1 {# nœud aux fins de tests}
+ other {# nœuds aux fins de tests}}"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.ToSHeader","Terms of Service","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Conditions d'utilisation"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseHeader","Acceptable Use Restrictions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Acceptable Use Restrictions"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem1","Will be in strict accordance with these Terms;","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Will be in strict accordance with these Terms;"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem10","Will not interfere with, disrupt, or attack any service or network; and","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Will not interfere with, disrupt, or attack any service or network; and"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem11","Will not be used to create, distribute, or enable material that is - or that facilitates or operates in conjunction with - malware, spyware, adware, or other malicious programs or code.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Will not be used to create, distribute, or enable material that is - or that facilitates or operates in conjunction with - malware, spyware, adware, or other malicious programs or code."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem2","Will comply with all applicable laws and regulations (including, without limitation, all applicable laws regarding online conduct and acceptable content, privacy, data protection, and the transmission of technical data exported from the United States or the country in which you reside);","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Will comply with all applicable laws and regulations (including, without limitation, all applicable laws regarding online conduct and acceptable content, privacy, data protection, and the transmission of technical data exported from the United States or the country in which you reside);"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem3","Will not use the Services for any unlawful purposes, to publish illegal content, or in furtherance of illegal activities;","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Will not use the Services for any unlawful purposes, to publish illegal content, or in furtherance of illegal activities;"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem4","Will not transmit any material that is defamatory, offensive or otherwise objectionable in relation to your use of the Service;","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Will not transmit any material that is defamatory, offensive or otherwise objectionable in relation to your use of the Service;"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem5","Will not infringe or misappropriate the intellectual property rights of any third party;","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Will not infringe or misappropriate the intellectual property rights of any third party;"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem6","Will not overburden Learning Equality's systems, as determined by us in our sole discretion, including but not limited to excessive bandwidth utilization or number of requests;","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Will not overburden Learning Equality's systems, as determined by us in our sole discretion, including but not limited to excessive bandwidth utilization or number of requests;"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem7","Will not attempt to circumvent your assigned storage quota or other account restrictions through technical or other means;","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Will not attempt to circumvent your assigned storage quota or other account restrictions through technical or other means;"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem8","Will not disclose sensitive personal information of others;","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Will not disclose sensitive personal information of others;"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem9","Will not be used to send spam or bulk unsolicited messages;","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Will not be used to send spam or bulk unsolicited messages;"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseP1","You represent and warrant that your use of the Service:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","You represent and warrant that your use of the Service:"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.accountTermsHeader","Account Terms","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Account Terms"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.accountTermsP1","When you register for an account on the Service, you agree to provide us with complete and accurate information. You will be solely responsible and liable for any activity that occurs under your username. You are responsible for keeping your account information up-to-date and for keeping your access credentials (password and API token) private and secure.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","When you register for an account on the Service, you agree to provide us with complete and accurate information. You will be solely responsible and liable for any activity that occurs under your username. You are responsible for keeping your account information up-to-date and for keeping your access credentials (password and API token) private and secure."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.accountTermsP2","You are responsible for maintaining the security of your account and any Service-related content, and you are fully responsible for all activities that occur under your account and any other actions taken in connection with the Service. You shall not share or misuse your access credentials. You must immediately notify us of any unauthorized uses of your account, or of any other breach of security. We will not be liable for any acts or omissions by you, including any damages of any kind incurred as a result of such acts or omissions.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","You are responsible for maintaining the security of your account and any Service-related content, and you are fully responsible for all activities that occur under your account and any other actions taken in connection with the Service. You shall not share or misuse your access credentials. You must immediately notify us of any unauthorized uses of your account, or of any other breach of security. We will not be liable for any acts or omissions by you, including any damages of any kind incurred as a result of such acts or omissions."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.accountTermsP3","Access to and use of the Service is only for those over the age of 13 (or 16 in the European Union). If you are younger than this, you may not register for or use the Service. Any person who registers as a user or provides their personal information to the Service represents that they are 13 years of age or older (or 16 years or older in the European Union).","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Access to and use of the Service is only for those over the age of 13 (or 16 in the European Union). If you are younger than this, you may not register for or use the Service. Any person who registers as a user or provides their personal information to the Service represents that they are 13 years of age or older (or 16 years or older in the European Union)."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.arbitrationHeader","Arbitration Agreement","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Arbitration Agreement"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.arbitrationP1","Except for claims for injunctive or equitable relief or claims regarding intellectual property rights (which may be brought in any competent court without the posting of a bond), any dispute arising under the Agreement shall be finally settled in accordance with the Comprehensive Arbitration Rules of the Judicial Arbitration and Mediation Service, Inc. (""JAMS"") by three arbitrators appointed in accordance with such Rules. The arbitration shall take place in San Diego, California, in the English language and the arbitral decision may be enforced in any court. The prevailing party in any action or proceeding to enforce the Agreement shall be entitled to costs and attorneys' fees.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Except for claims for injunctive or equitable relief or claims regarding intellectual property rights (which may be brought in any competent court without the posting of a bond), any dispute arising under the Agreement shall be finally settled in accordance with the Comprehensive Arbitration Rules of the Judicial Arbitration and Mediation Service, Inc. (""JAMS"") by three arbitrators appointed in accordance with such Rules. The arbitration shall take place in San Diego, California, in the English language and the arbitral decision may be enforced in any court. The prevailing party in any action or proceeding to enforce the Agreement shall be entitled to costs and attorneys' fees."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.cancellationHeader","Cancellation or Termination","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Cancellation or Termination"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.cancellationItem1","You must stop all activities authorized by these Terms, including your use of the Service.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","You must stop all activities authorized by these Terms, including your use of the Service."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.cancellationItem2","You must not register and create a new account under your name, a fake or borrowed name, or the name of any third party, even if you may be acting on behalf of the third party.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","You must not register and create a new account under your name, a fake or borrowed name, or the name of any third party, even if you may be acting on behalf of the third party."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.cancellationP1","We may terminate or restrict your access to all or any part of the Service at any time, with or without cause, with or without notice, effective immediately. We have the right (though not the obligation) to, in our sole discretion, (i) close down an account or remove content due to prolonged inactivity, (ii) refuse or remove any content that, in our reasonable opinion, violates any Learning Equality policy (including our Community Standards) or is in any way harmful or objectionable, or (iii) terminate or deny access to and use of the Service to any individual or entity for any reason. We will have no obligation to provide a refund of any amounts previously paid.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","We may terminate or restrict your access to all or any part of the Service at any time, with or without cause, with or without notice, effective immediately. We have the right (though not the obligation) to, in our sole discretion, (i) close down an account or remove content due to prolonged inactivity, (ii) refuse or remove any content that, in our reasonable opinion, violates any Learning Equality policy (including our Community Standards) or is in any way harmful or objectionable, or (iii) terminate or deny access to and use of the Service to any individual or entity for any reason. We will have no obligation to provide a refund of any amounts previously paid."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.cancellationP2","If we end your rights to use the Service:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","If we end your rights to use the Service:"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.cancellationP3","In addition to terminating or suspending your account, we reserve the right to take appropriate legal action, including without limitation pursuing civil, criminal, and injunctive action for violating these Terms.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","In addition to terminating or suspending your account, we reserve the right to take appropriate legal action, including without limitation pursuing civil, criminal, and injunctive action for violating these Terms."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.cancellationP4","All provisions of the Agreement which by their nature should survive termination shall survive termination, including, without limitation, ownership provisions, warranty disclaimers, indemnity, and limitations of liability.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","All provisions of the Agreement which by their nature should survive termination shall survive termination, including, without limitation, ownership provisions, warranty disclaimers, indemnity, and limitations of liability."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.changesToToSHeader","Changes to these Terms of Service","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Changes to these Terms of Service"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.changesToToSP1","We are constantly updating our Service and that means sometimes we have to change the legal terms under which our Service is offered. These Terms may only be modified by a written amendment signed by an authorized executive of Learning Equality, or by the posting by Learning Equality of a revised version. If we make changes that are material, we will let you know by posting on one of our blogs, or by sending you an email or other communication before the changes take effect. The notice will designate a reasonable period of time after which the new terms will take effect. If you disagree with our changes, then you should stop using the Service within the designated notice period, or once the changes become effective. Your continued use of the Service will be subject to the new terms. However, any dispute that arose before the changes shall be governed by the Terms (including the binding individual arbitration clause) that were in place when the dispute arose.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","We are constantly updating our Service and that means sometimes we have to change the legal terms under which our Service is offered. These Terms may only be modified by a written amendment signed by an authorized executive of Learning Equality, or by the posting by Learning Equality of a revised version. If we make changes that are material, we will let you know by posting on one of our blogs, or by sending you an email or other communication before the changes take effect. The notice will designate a reasonable period of time after which the new terms will take effect. If you disagree with our changes, then you should stop using the Service within the designated notice period, or once the changes become effective. Your continued use of the Service will be subject to the new terms. However, any dispute that arose before the changes shall be governed by the Terms (including the binding individual arbitration clause) that were in place when the dispute arose."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.communicationsHeader","Communications with Learning Equality","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Communications with Learning Equality"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.communicationsP1","For contractual purposes, you (1) consent to receive communications from us in an electronic form via the email address you have submitted or via the Service; and (2) agree that all Terms of Service, agreements, notices, disclosures, and other communications that we provide to you electronically satisfy any legal requirement that those communications would satisfy if they were on paper. This section does not affect your non-waivable rights.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","For contractual purposes, you (1) consent to receive communications from us in an electronic form via the email address you have submitted or via the Service; and (2) agree that all Terms of Service, agreements, notices, disclosures, and other communications that we provide to you electronically satisfy any legal requirement that those communications would satisfy if they were on paper. This section does not affect your non-waivable rights."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.communityStandardsHeader","Community Standards","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Normes communautaires"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.communityStandardsLink","Learn more about Studio's community standards","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Learn more about Studio's community standards"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.communityStandardsP1","For more information about the intended use of the Service, and standards around Content, please see our Community Standards page.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","For more information about the intended use of the Service, and standards around Content, please see our Community Standards page."
+-- CONTEXT --
+"TermsOfServiceModal.definitionsP1","These are the Terms for the web application hosted at https://studio.learningequality.org/, along with any API's or other interfaces it provides (the ""Service""), controlled and operated by Learning Equality (""Learning Equality"", ""we"", ""us"" and ""our""). We are registered as a nonprofit organization in California, USA under EIN 46-2676188, and have our registered office at 9700 Gilman Dr, PMB 323, La Jolla, CA 92093.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","These are the Terms for the web application hosted at https://studio.learningequality.org/, along with any API's or other interfaces it provides (the ""Service""), controlled and operated by Learning Equality (""Learning Equality"", ""we"", ""us"" and ""our""). We are registered as a nonprofit organization in California, USA under EIN 46-2676188, and have our registered office at 9700 Gilman Dr, PMB 323, La Jolla, CA 92093."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.definitionsP2","These Terms describe our commitments to you, and your rights and responsibilities when using the Service. If you breach any of these Terms, your right to access and use of the Service and Service will be terminated. Please read them carefully and reach out to us if you have any questions.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","These Terms describe our commitments to you, and your rights and responsibilities when using the Service. If you breach any of these Terms, your right to access and use of the Service and Service will be terminated. Please read them carefully and reach out to us if you have any questions."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.definitionsP3","""Content"" refers to media files (such as videos, audio files, HTML5 content, or other materials) that are hosted on the Service, along with their associated descriptive metadata.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","""Content"" refers to media files (such as videos, audio files, HTML5 content, or other materials) that are hosted on the Service, along with their associated descriptive metadata."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.definitionsP4","Throughout these Terms, ""you"" applies to both individuals and entities that access or use the Service. If you are an individual using the Service on behalf of an entity, you represent and warrant that you have the authority to bind that entity to the Agreement and that by using our Service, you are accepting the Agreement on behalf of that entity.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Throughout these Terms, ""you"" applies to both individuals and entities that access or use the Service. If you are an individual using the Service on behalf of an entity, you represent and warrant that you have the authority to bind that entity to the Agreement and that by using our Service, you are accepting the Agreement on behalf of that entity."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.disclaimerP1","Before using this website, you should read the following important information relating to it. These Terms of Service (""Terms"") govern your use of this website and form a legally binding agreement between you and us regarding your use of our website.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Before using this website, you should read the following important information relating to it. These Terms of Service (""Terms"") govern your use of this website and form a legally binding agreement between you and us regarding your use of our website."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.disclaimerP2","If, for any reason, you are unable or unwilling to agree to all of these Terms, please immediately discontinue using or attempting to use the service.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","If, for any reason, you are unable or unwilling to agree to all of these Terms, please immediately discontinue using or attempting to use the service."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.disclaimerP3","By continuing to use the Service you agree to these terms which will bind you.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","By continuing to use the Service you agree to these terms which will bind you."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.dmcaHeader","DMCA Policy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","DMCA Policy"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.dmcaLink","Report a violation","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Report a violation"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.dmcaP1","As we ask others to respect our intellectual property rights, we respect the intellectual property rights of others. If you believe that material located on or associated with the Service violates your copyright, please notify us in accordance with our Digital Millennium Copyright Act (""DMCA"") Policy. We will respond to all such notices, including as required or appropriate by removing the infringing material or disabling all links to the infringing material. We will terminate a visitor's access to and use of the website if, under appropriate circumstances, the visitor is determined to be a repeat infringer of copyrights or other intellectual property rights. In the case of such termination, we will have no obligation to provide a refund of any payments or other forms of restitution.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","As we ask others to respect our intellectual property rights, we respect the intellectual property rights of others. If you believe that material located on or associated with the Service violates your copyright, please notify us in accordance with our Digital Millennium Copyright Act (""DMCA"") Policy. We will respond to all such notices, including as required or appropriate by removing the infringing material or disabling all links to the infringing material. We will terminate a visitor's access to and use of the website if, under appropriate circumstances, the visitor is determined to be a repeat infringer of copyrights or other intellectual property rights. In the case of such termination, we will have no obligation to provide a refund of any payments or other forms of restitution."
+-- CONTEXT --
+"TermsOfServiceModal.indemnificationP1","You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Learning Equality, its contractors, and its licensors, and their respective directors, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all losses, liabilities, demands, damages, costs, claims, and expenses, including attorneys' fees, arising out of or related to your use of the Service, including but not limited to your violation of the Agreement, Content that you upload or author, and any other activities conducted using the Service.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Learning Equality, its contractors, and its licensors, and their respective directors, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all losses, liabilities, demands, damages, costs, claims, and expenses, including attorneys' fees, arising out of or related to your use of the Service, including but not limited to your violation of the Agreement, Content that you upload or author, and any other activities conducted using the Service."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.intellectualPropertyHeader","Intellectual Property Notice","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Intellectual Property Notice"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.intellectualPropertyP1","The Agreement does not transfer from Learning Equality to you any Learning Equality or third party intellectual property, and all right, title, and interest in and to such property will remain (as between the parties) solely with Learning Equality. ""Kolibri"", ""Kolibri Studio"", ""Learning Equality"", the Kolibri logo, and all other trademarks, service marks, graphics, and logos used in connection with learningequality.org or the Service, are trademarks or registered trademarks of Learning Equality or Learning Equality's licensors. Other trademarks, service marks, graphics, and logos used in connection with the Service may be the trademarks of other third parties. Your use of the Service grants you no right or license to reproduce or otherwise use any Learning Equality or third party trademarks and any such use may constitute an infringement of the holder's rights","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","The Agreement does not transfer from Learning Equality to you any Learning Equality or third party intellectual property, and all right, title, and interest in and to such property will remain (as between the parties) solely with Learning Equality. ""Kolibri"", ""Kolibri Studio"", ""Learning Equality"", the Kolibri logo, and all other trademarks, service marks, graphics, and logos used in connection with learningequality.org or the Service, are trademarks or registered trademarks of Learning Equality or Learning Equality's licensors. Other trademarks, service marks, graphics, and logos used in connection with the Service may be the trademarks of other third parties. Your use of the Service grants you no right or license to reproduce or otherwise use any Learning Equality or third party trademarks and any such use may constitute an infringement of the holder's rights"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.jurisdictionHeader","Jurisdiction and Applicable Law","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Jurisdiction and Applicable Law"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.jurisdictionP1","Except to the extent any applicable law provides otherwise, the Agreement and any access to or use of the Service will be governed by the laws of the state of California, U.S.A., excluding its conflict of law provisions. The proper venue for any disputes arising out of or relating to the Agreement and any access to or use of the Service will be the state and federal courts located in San Diego County, California.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Except to the extent any applicable law provides otherwise, the Agreement and any access to or use of the Service will be governed by the laws of the state of California, U.S.A., excluding its conflict of law provisions. The proper venue for any disputes arising out of or relating to the Agreement and any access to or use of the Service will be the state and federal courts located in San Diego County, California."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.liabilityHeader","Limitation of Liability","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Limitation of Liability"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.liabilityP1","To the extent legally permitted under the applicable law, Learning Equality shall not be responsible for any loss or damage to you, your customers or third parties caused by failure of the website to function. In no event will Learning Equality be liable for any special, consequential, incidental, or indirect damages (including, without limitation, those resulting from lost profits, cost of substitute goods or services, lost data or business interruption) in connection with the use of the website or Service of in connection with any other claim arising from these Terms of Service. The aggregate liability of Learning Equality arising from or relating to these Terms and the Service, regardless of the form of action or claim (contract, tort or otherwise) and even if you have been advised of the possibility of such damages shall not exceed the amount paid by you during the twelve (12) month period prior to the cause of action. Nothing in these Terms shall limit or exclude Learning Equality liability for gross negligence or for death or personal injury. Applicable law may not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","To the extent legally permitted under the applicable law, Learning Equality shall not be responsible for any loss or damage to you, your customers or third parties caused by failure of the website to function. In no event will Learning Equality be liable for any special, consequential, incidental, or indirect damages (including, without limitation, those resulting from lost profits, cost of substitute goods or services, lost data or business interruption) in connection with the use of the website or Service of in connection with any other claim arising from these Terms of Service. The aggregate liability of Learning Equality arising from or relating to these Terms and the Service, regardless of the form of action or claim (contract, tort or otherwise) and even if you have been advised of the possibility of such damages shall not exceed the amount paid by you during the twelve (12) month period prior to the cause of action. Nothing in these Terms shall limit or exclude Learning Equality liability for gross negligence or for death or personal injury. Applicable law may not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.licensingHeader","Licensing and Copyright","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Licensing and Copyright"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.licensingList1Item1","Copyright ownership of the Content is retained by the original copyright holder and must be indicated, and license information must be marked so as to accurately reflect the copyright holder's intentions around the distribution and use of that Content.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copyright ownership of the Content is retained by the original copyright holder and must be indicated, and license information must be marked so as to accurately reflect the copyright holder's intentions around the distribution and use of that Content."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.licensingList1Item2","If you are not yourself the copyright holder, you must have the rights to distribute the uploaded Content, either through explicit written permission from the copyright holder, or as allowed by the terms of the license under which the Content has been released.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","If you are not yourself the copyright holder, you must have the rights to distribute the uploaded Content, either through explicit written permission from the copyright holder, or as allowed by the terms of the license under which the Content has been released."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.licensingList1Item3","If you are the copyright holder of the uploaded content, then by marking the Content you upload with a particular license, you are agreeing for the Content to be distributed and used under the terms of that license in perpetuity.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","If you are the copyright holder of the uploaded content, then by marking the Content you upload with a particular license, you are agreeing for the Content to be distributed and used under the terms of that license in perpetuity."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.licensingList2Item1","Descriptive metadata: This includes primary metadata associated with a single piece of Content, for example, titles, descriptions, and other elements which constitute a definitive part of the Content regardless of which system it appears on. These metadata elements will fall under the same copyright and licensing as the Content itself.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Descriptive metadata: This includes primary metadata associated with a single piece of Content, for example, titles, descriptions, and other elements which constitute a definitive part of the Content regardless of which system it appears on. These metadata elements will fall under the same copyright and licensing as the Content itself."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.licensingList2Item2","Organizational metadata: This defines how a piece of content may be used, aids with discovery, and places it within some broader structure of relations on the Service, for example, tags, curation into folders (including the titles of those folders), and other elements pertaining to the display and ordering of Content on the system itself. By using the Service, you agree that work you do to generate organizational metadata elements are released into the Public Domain, and may be made available for others to use, without any claim to copyright or restricted licensing. We may also share, leverage and distribute this organizational metadata. This is so that we can benefit others and improve the impact of our platforms.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Organizational metadata: This defines how a piece of content may be used, aids with discovery, and places it within some broader structure of relations on the Service, for example, tags, curation into folders (including the titles of those folders), and other elements pertaining to the display and ordering of Content on the system itself. By using the Service, you agree that work you do to generate organizational metadata elements are released into the Public Domain, and may be made available for others to use, without any claim to copyright or restricted licensing. We may also share, leverage and distribute this organizational metadata. This is so that we can benefit others and improve the impact of our platforms."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.licensingP1","The Service allows you to upload and distribute Content. When you do, the following terms apply:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","The Service allows you to upload and distribute Content. When you do, the following terms apply:"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.licensingP2","We follow a policy of making content, including its associated metadata, as open as possible while following the appropriate copyright laws. With this in mind, we distinguish between:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","We follow a policy of making content, including its associated metadata, as open as possible while following the appropriate copyright laws. With this in mind, we distinguish between:"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"TermsOfServiceModal.miscellaneousP1","The Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between Learning Equality and you concerning the subject matter hereof. If any part of the Agreement is held invalid or unenforceable, that part will be construed to reflect the parties' original intent, and the remaining portions will remain in full force and effect. A waiver by either party of any term or condition of the Agreement or any breach thereof, in any one instance, will not waive such term or condition or any subsequent breach thereof.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","The Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between Learning Equality and you concerning the subject matter hereof. If any part of the Agreement is held invalid or unenforceable, that part will be construed to reflect the parties' original intent, and the remaining portions will remain in full force and effect. A waiver by either party of any term or condition of the Agreement or any breach thereof, in any one instance, will not waive such term or condition or any subsequent breach thereof."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.miscellaneousP2","You may assign your rights under the Agreement to any party that consents to, and agrees to be bound by, its terms and conditions; Learning Equality may assign its rights under the Agreement without condition. The Agreement will be binding upon and will inure to the benefit of the parties, their successors and permitted assigns.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","You may assign your rights under the Agreement to any party that consents to, and agrees to be bound by, its terms and conditions; Learning Equality may assign its rights under the Agreement without condition. The Agreement will be binding upon and will inure to the benefit of the parties, their successors and permitted assigns."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.miscellaneousP3","If you have any questions about the Service or these Terms, please contact us at legal@learningequality.org.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","If you have any questions about the Service or these Terms, please contact us at legal@learningequality.org."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.prompt","Please read these terms and conditions carefully","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Please read these terms and conditions carefully"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.thirdPartyHeader","Third Party Content and Third Party Applications","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Third Party Content and Third Party Applications"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.thirdPartyP1","The links to third party websites, any third party content, and any third party applications may be provided for your convenience and information only. The content on any linked website or in any third party application is not under our control and we are not responsible for the content of linked websites and/or third party applications, including any further links contained in a third party website. We make no representations or warranties in connection with any third party content or third party applications, which at all times and in each instance is provided ""as is."" Third party applications may be subject to additional policies and conditions or agreements between you and the provider of such third party applications. You agree to fully comply with all such additional policies, conditions and agreements. If you decide to access any third party content, and/or any third party application, you do so entirely at your own risk.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","The links to third party websites, any third party content, and any third party applications may be provided for your convenience and information only. The content on any linked website or in any third party application is not under our control and we are not responsible for the content of linked websites and/or third party applications, including any further links contained in a third party website. We make no representations or warranties in connection with any third party content or third party applications, which at all times and in each instance is provided ""as is."" Third party applications may be subject to additional policies and conditions or agreements between you and the provider of such third party applications. You agree to fully comply with all such additional policies, conditions and agreements. If you decide to access any third party content, and/or any third party application, you do so entirely at your own risk."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.thirdPartyRightsHeader","Third Party Rights","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Third Party Rights"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.thirdPartyRightsP1","Nothing in our Terms is intended to confer on any third party any benefit or any right (under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 UK or otherwise) to enforce any provision of our Terms or any agreement entered into in connection with it.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nothing in our Terms is intended to confer on any third party any benefit or any right (under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 UK or otherwise) to enforce any provision of our Terms or any agreement entered into in connection with it."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.updatedToSHeader","Updated terms of service","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Conditions d'utilisation mises à jour"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentHeader","User-Generated Content","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","User-Generated Content"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList1Item1","We do not endorse any uploaded Content or represent that Content is accurate, useful, or non-harmful. Content could be offensive, indecent, or objectionable; include technical inaccuracies, typographical mistakes, or other errors; or violate or infringe the privacy, publicity rights, intellectual property rights (see our Copyright Infringement and DMCA Policy section to submit copyright complaints), or other proprietary rights of third parties.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","We do not endorse any uploaded Content or represent that Content is accurate, useful, or non-harmful. Content could be offensive, indecent, or objectionable; include technical inaccuracies, typographical mistakes, or other errors; or violate or infringe the privacy, publicity rights, intellectual property rights (see our Copyright Infringement and DMCA Policy section to submit copyright complaints), or other proprietary rights of third parties."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList1Item2","If you upload or author Content, or otherwise make (or allow any third party to make) Content available on the Service, you are entirely responsible for the Content, and any harm resulting from, that Content or your conduct.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","If you upload or author Content, or otherwise make (or allow any third party to make) Content available on the Service, you are entirely responsible for the Content, and any harm resulting from, that Content or your conduct."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList1Item3","You are responsible for ensuring that you have proper permissions to upload and distribute any and all uploaded Content and for ensuring that the copyright holder and licensing are properly evidenced on the uploaded Content.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","You are responsible for ensuring that you have proper permissions to upload and distribute any and all uploaded Content and for ensuring that the copyright holder and licensing are properly evidenced on the uploaded Content."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList1Item4","We disclaim any responsibility for any harm resulting from anyone's use or downloading of Content. If you access or use any Content, you are responsible for taking precautions as necessary to protect yourself and your computer systems from viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and other harmful or destructive content.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","We disclaim any responsibility for any harm resulting from anyone's use or downloading of Content. If you access or use any Content, you are responsible for taking precautions as necessary to protect yourself and your computer systems from viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and other harmful or destructive content."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList1Item5","We are not a party to, and will have no responsibility or liability for, any communications, transactions, interactions, or disputes between you and the provider of any Content.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","We are not a party to, and will have no responsibility or liability for, any communications, transactions, interactions, or disputes between you and the provider of any Content."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList1Item6","Please note that additional third party terms and conditions may apply to the downloading, copying, or use of Content.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Please note that additional third party terms and conditions may apply to the downloading, copying, or use of Content."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList2Item1","We do not have any control over those websites and are not responsible for their contents or their use.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","We do not have any control over those websites and are not responsible for their contents or their use."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList2Item2","The existence of a link to or from the Service does not represent or imply that we endorse such website.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","The existence of a link to or from the Service does not represent or imply that we endorse such website."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList2Item3","You are responsible for taking precautions as necessary to protect yourself and your computer systems from viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and other harmful or destructive content.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","You are responsible for taking precautions as necessary to protect yourself and your computer systems from viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and other harmful or destructive content."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList3Item1","remove or force upgrades of copies of Content that have already been downloaded from the Service, except in cases in which the Kolibri Learning Application is running on a server that is under our control. This may mean that when we delete uploaded content not all copies will be removed.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","remove or force upgrades of copies of Content that have already been downloaded from the Service, except in cases in which the Kolibri Learning Application is running on a server that is under our control. This may mean that when we delete uploaded content not all copies will be removed."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList3Item2","remove or change the licensing on old versions of Content that others have made copies of, should you change the licensing on your content and/or request a removal of the Content from us. When a Creative Commons license is applied to a specific version of a piece of Content, the rights conferred to others for distribution and use of that Content cannot be revoked. Whilst we cannot remove or force updates on copies of the Content, we would let you update the license on your own copy of the Content moving forward, and for future versions.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","remove or change the licensing on old versions of Content that others have made copies of, should you change the licensing on your content and/or request a removal of the Content from us. When a Creative Commons license is applied to a specific version of a piece of Content, the rights conferred to others for distribution and use of that Content cannot be revoked. Whilst we cannot remove or force updates on copies of the Content, we would let you update the license on your own copy of the Content moving forward, and for future versions."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentP1","We have not reviewed, and cannot review, all of the Content (such as, but not limited to, text, photo, video, audio, code, computer software, or other materials) uploaded to or authored using the Service by users or anyone else and are not responsible for any use or effects of such Content. So, for example:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","We have not reviewed, and cannot review, all of the Content (such as, but not limited to, text, photo, video, audio, code, computer software, or other materials) uploaded to or authored using the Service by users or anyone else and are not responsible for any use or effects of such Content. So, for example:"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentP2","We also have not reviewed, and cannot review, all of the material made available through the websites and web pages that link to, or are linked from the Service. For example:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","We also have not reviewed, and cannot review, all of the material made available through the websites and web pages that link to, or are linked from the Service. For example:"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentP3","We reserve the right to remove any Content that violates our Terms or for any other reason.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","We reserve the right to remove any Content that violates our Terms or for any other reason."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentP4","Please note we cannot:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Please note we cannot:"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.warrantyHeader","Disclaimer of Warranties","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Disclaimer of Warranties"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.warrantyHeaderP1","You acknowledge that the website and the Service is provided ""as is"" and ""as available"", with all faults and without warranty of any kind, and we hereby disclaim all warranties and conditions with respect to the website and Service, either express, implied or statutory, including, but not limited to, any implied warranties and/or conditions of merchantability, of satisfactory quality, of fitness for a particular purpose, of accuracy, and non-infringement of third party rights. Any use of the Service and website is at your own risk. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties, so the above limitations may not apply to you.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","You acknowledge that the website and the Service is provided ""as is"" and ""as available"", with all faults and without warranty of any kind, and we hereby disclaim all warranties and conditions with respect to the website and Service, either express, implied or statutory, including, but not limited to, any implied warranties and/or conditions of merchantability, of satisfactory quality, of fitness for a particular purpose, of accuracy, and non-infringement of third party rights. Any use of the Service and website is at your own risk. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties, so the above limitations may not apply to you."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.yourPrivacyHeader","Your Privacy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Your Privacy"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.yourPrivacyLink","Learn more about Studio's privacy policy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Learn more about Studio's privacy policy"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.yourPrivacyP1","We take your privacy seriously. Please read our Privacy Policy to see how we collect, use and protect your personal data.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","We take your privacy seriously. Please read our Privacy Policy to see how we collect, use and protect your personal data."
+"TextArea.fieldRequiredMessage","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ce champ est obligatoire"
+"TextField.fieldRequiredMessage","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ce champ est obligatoire"
+"Thumbnail.thumbnail","{title} thumbnail","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{title} vignette"
+"ThumbnailGenerator.generatedDefaultFilename","Generated thumbnail","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Vignette générée"
+"ThumbnailGenerator.thumbnailGenerationFailedHeader","Unable to generate thumbnail","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Impossible de générer une vignette"
+"ThumbnailGenerator.thumbnailGenerationFailedText","There was a problem generating a thumbnail","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Une erreur s'est produite lors de la génération d'une vignette"
+"TitleStrings.catalogTitle","Kolibri Content Library Catalog","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Catalogue de la bibliothèque de contenus Kolibri"
+"TitleStrings.defaultTitle","Kolibri Studio","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Kolibri Studio"
+"TitleStrings.tabTitle","{title} - {site}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{title} - {site}"
+"ToggleText.less","Show less","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Afficher moins"
+"ToggleText.more","Show more","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Afficher plus"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"TrashModal.deleteConfirmationDeleteButton","Delete permanently","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Supprimer définitivement"
+"TrashModal.deleteConfirmationHeader","Permanently delete {topicCount, plural,
+ =1 {# folder}
+ other {# folders}}, {resourceCount, plural,
+ =1 {# resource}
+ other {# resources}}?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Supprimer définitivement {topicCount, plural,
+ =1 {# dossier}
+ other {# dossiers}}, {resourceCount, plural,
+ =1 {# ressource}
+ other {# ressources}}?"
+"TrashModal.deleteConfirmationText","You cannot undo this action. Are you sure you want to continue?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Cette action est irréversible. Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir continuer ?"
+"TrashModal.deleteSuccessMessage","Permanently deleted","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Supprimé définitivement"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"TrashModal.selectAllHeader","Select all","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Tout sélectionner"
+"TrashModal.selectedCountText","{topicCount, plural,
+ =1 {# folder}
+ other {# folders}}, {resourceCount, plural,
+ =1 {# resource}
+ other {# resources}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{topicCount, plural,
+ =1 {# dossier}
+ other {# dossiers}}, {resourceCount, plural,
+ =1 {# ressource}
+ other {# ressources}}"
+"TrashModal.trashEmptySubtext","Resources removed from this channel will appear here","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Les ressources supprimées de cette chaîne apparaîtront ici"
+"TrashModal.trashEmptyText","Trash is empty","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","La corbeille est vide"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"TreeView.collapseAllButton","Collapse all","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Réduire tout"
+"TreeView.openCurrentLocationButton","Expand to current folder location","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Étendre vers l'emplacement du dossier actuel"
+"TreeView.showSidebar","Show sidebar","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Afficher la barre latérale"
+"TreeView.updatedResourcesReadyForReview","Updated resources are ready for review","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Les ressources mises à jour sont prêtes à être revues"
+"TreeViewBase.apiGenerated","Generated by API","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Généré par l'API"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"TreeViewBase.channelDeletedSnackbar","Channel deleted","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Chaîne supprimée"
+"TreeViewBase.channelDetails","View channel details","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Voir les détails de la chaîne"
+"TreeViewBase.deleteChannel","Delete channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Supprimer la chaîne"
+"TreeViewBase.deleteChannelButton","Delete channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Supprimer la chaîne"
+"TreeViewBase.deletePrompt","This channel will be permanently deleted. This cannot be undone.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Cette chaîne sera définitivement supprimée. Cette action est irréversible."
+"TreeViewBase.deleteTitle","Delete this channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Supprimer cette chaîne"
+"TreeViewBase.editChannel","Edit channel details","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Modifier les détails de la chaîne"
+"TreeViewBase.emptyChannelTooltip","You cannot publish an empty channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Impossible de publier une chaîne vide"
+"TreeViewBase.getToken","Get token","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Obtenir un jeton"
+"TreeViewBase.incompleteDescendantsText","{count, number, integer} {count, plural, one {resource is incomplete and cannot be published} other {resources are incomplete and cannot be published}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, number, integer} {count, plural, one {la ressource est incomplète et ne peut pas être publiée} other {les ressources sont incomplètes et ne peuvent pas être publiées}}"
+"TreeViewBase.noChangesText","No changes found in channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Aucune modification trouvée dans la chaîne"
+"TreeViewBase.noLanguageSetError","Missing channel language","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Il manque la langue de la chaîne"
+"TreeViewBase.openTrash","Open trash","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ouvrir la corbeille"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"TreeViewBase.publishButtonTitle","Make this channel available for import into Kolibri","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Rendre cette chaîne disponible pour importation dans Kolibri"
+"TreeViewBase.shareChannel","Share channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Partager la chaîne"
+"TreeViewBase.syncChannel","Sync resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Synchroniser les ressources"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Lecture seule"
+"Uploader.listDelimiter",", ","
+-- CONTEXT --
+",", "
+"Uploader.maxFileSizeText","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# file will not be uploaded.}
+ other {# files will not be uploaded.}} File size must be under {size}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural, one {}
+ =1 {# fichier ne sera pas téléversé.}
+ other {# fichiers ne seront pas téléversés.}} La taille du fichier doit être inférieure à {size}"
+"Uploader.noStorageHeader","Not enough space","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Espace insuffisant"
+"Uploader.remainingStorage","Remaining storage: {size}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Espace de stockage restant : {size}"
+"Uploader.tooLargeFilesHeader","Max file size exceeded","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Taille maximale de fichier dépassée"
+"Uploader.unsupportedFilesHeader","Unsupported files","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Fichiers non supportés"
+"Uploader.unsupportedFilesText","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# file will not be uploaded.}
+ other {# files will not be uploaded.}}
+ {extensionCount, plural,
+ =1 {Supported file type is}
+ other {Supported file types are}} {extensions}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural, one {}
+ =1 {# fichier ne sera pas téléversé.}
+ other {# fichiers ne seront pas téléversés.}}
+ {extensionCount, plural,
+ =1 {Le type de fichier supporté est}
+ other {Les types de fichiers supportés sont}} {extensions}"
+"Uploader.uploadSize","Upload is too large: {size}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Le téléversement est trop volumineux : {size}"
+"UsingStudio.aboutStudio","About Kolibri Studio","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","À propos de Kolibri Studio"
+"UsingStudio.aboutStudioText","Kolibri Studio is undergoing active development, and as such, some changes could cause unexpected behavior or challenges (also known as ""issues""). If you encounter an issue, please notify us as soon as they occur to help us resolve them. (See below for instructions on how to report issues.)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Kolibri Studio étant en cours de développement actif, certaines modifications pourraient entraîner des comportements ou des difficultés inattendus (également appelés « problèmes »). Si vous en rencontrez un, merci de nous en faire part dès que possible pour nous aider à le résoudre. (Voir ci-dessous pour découvrir comment signaler un problème)."
+"UsingStudio.bestPractice1","When using import and clipboard operations, work with small subsets of folders instead of whole channels at once (especially for large channels).","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Lors des opérations d'importation et d'utilisation du presse-papiers, veillez à travailler avec de petits sous-ensembles de dossiers plutôt qu'avec des chaînes entières (surtout en cas de chaînes volumineuses)."
+"UsingStudio.bestPractice2","It is preferable to create multiple small channels rather than one giant channel with many layers of folders.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Il est préférable de créer plusieurs petites chaînes plutôt qu'une chaîne géante avec de nombreuses couches de dossiers."
+"UsingStudio.bestPractice3","Reload the page often to ensure your work is saved to the server and no network errors have occurred. Use CTRL+R on Linux/Windows or ⌘+R on Mac.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Rechargez souvent la page pour vous assurer que votre travail est enregistré sur le serveur et qu'aucune erreur de réseau ne s'est manifestée. Tapez CTRL+R sur Linux/Windows ou ⌘+R sur Mac."
+"UsingStudio.bestPractice4","Avoid simultaneous edits on the same channel. Channels should not be edited by multiple users at the same time or by the same user in multiple browser windows.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Évitez de modifier simultanément une même chaîne. Les chaînes ne devraient pas être modifiées en même temps par deux utilisateurs ou un même utilisateur dans plusieurs fenêtres de navigateur."
+"UsingStudio.bestPractice5","It is possible that you will encounter timeout errors in your browser when performing operations like import and sync, on large channels. Don't be alarmed by this error message and do not repeat the same operation again right away. It doesn't mean the operation has failed- Kolibri Studio is still working in the background. Wait a few minutes and reload the page before continuing your edits.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Certaines opérations comme l'importation et la synchronisation pourraient entraîner des erreurs de timeout dans votre navigateur lorsque vous travaillez sur des chaînes volumineuses. Ne faites pas attention à ces messages d'erreur et ne répétez pas immédiatement la même opération. Cela ne signifie pas que l'opération a échoué. En effet, Kolibri Studio travaille toujours en arrière-plan. Attendez quelques minutes et rechargez la page avant de continuer vos modifications."
+"UsingStudio.bestPractice6","Compress videos before uploading them (see these instructions).","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Compressez les vidéos avant de les téléverser (voir les présentes consignes)."
+"UsingStudio.bestPractice7","PUBLISH periodically and import your channel into Kolibri to preview the content and obtain a local backup copy of your channel.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","PUBLIEZ et importez régulièrement votre chaîne dans Kolibri pour en prévisualiser le contenu et obtenir une copie de sauvegarde locale."
+"UsingStudio.bestPractice8","Do not edit the channel after you click PUBLISH. Wait for the notification email before resuming editing operations.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ne modifiez pas la chaîne après avoir cliqué sur PUBLIER. Attendez d'avoir reçu l'e-mail de notification avant de reprendre les opérations de modification."
+"UsingStudio.bestPractice9","Report issues as you encounter them.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Signalez les problèmes dès que vous les rencontrez."
+"UsingStudio.bestPractices","Best practices","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Meilleures pratiques"
+"UsingStudio.communityStandardsLink","Community standards","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Normes communautaires"
+"UsingStudio.issue1","Two users have reported isolated incidents where content they imported from another channel disappeared, leaving only empty folders and subfolders. In one report, the content later re-appeared. They did not experience these problems consistently, and the incidents may possibly involve issues with a slow or unstable internet connection. If you run into this issue, please contact us as soon as possible and let us know as much information as you can remember.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Deux utilisateurs ont signalé des incidents isolés où le contenu qu'ils avaient importé d'une autre chaîne avait disparu, ne laissant que des dossiers et sous-dossiers vides. Selon un rapport, le contenu est réapparu par la suite. Ces problèmes ne sont pas récurrents et les incidents peuvent être liés à une connexion Internet lente ou instable. Si vous rencontrez ce problème, veuillez nous contacter dès que possible et nous faire part du maximum d'informations dont vous vous souvenez."
+"UsingStudio.issue2","Some operations in Studio are currently very slow, and so it may appear that the change you attempted to make timed out or did not take effect. In many cases, the change is still being processed and will appear once it is complete. If, after 5-10 minutes, the change still has not taken effect even after a browser refresh, please file an issue. We are working on solutions to these issues.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Certaines opérations de Studio sont actuellement très lentes. La modification que vous avez tenté d'apporter pourrait ainsi sembler interrompue ou sans effet. Dans de nombreux cas, elle est en réalité encore en cours de traitement et apparaîtra dès qu'elle sera terminée. Si, après 5 à 10 minutes, la modification n'a toujours pas pris effet, même après un rafraîchissement du navigateur, merci de nous signaler le problème. Nous travaillons actuellement à résoudre ces difficultés."
+"UsingStudio.issueLink1","Reports of disappearing content","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Signalements de contenus qui semblent disparaître"
+"UsingStudio.issueLink2","Slow performance can lead to unexpected errors in the interface","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","La lenteur du système peut entraîner des erreurs inattendues dans l'interface"
+"UsingStudio.issuesPageLink","View all issues","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Afficher tous les problèmes"
+"UsingStudio.notableIssues","Notable issues","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Problèmes notables"
+"UsingStudio.policiesLink","Privacy policy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Politique de confidentialité"
+"UsingStudio.resourcesHeader","Kolibri Studio resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ressources de Kolibri Studio"
+"UsingStudio.termsOfServiceLink","Terms of service","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Conditions d'utilisation"
+"UsingStudio.userDocsLink","User guide","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Guide de l'utilisateur"
+"VisibilityDropdown.coach","Resources are visible only to coaches (teachers, facilitators, administrators)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Les ressources ne sont visibles que par les éducateurs (enseignants, facilitateurs, administrateurs)"
+"VisibilityDropdown.labelText","Visible to","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Visible par"
+"VisibilityDropdown.learner","Resources are visible to anyone","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Les ressources sont visibles par tous"
+"VisibilityDropdown.visibilityDescription","Visibility determines what type of Kolibri users can see resources.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","La visibilité définit quel type d'utilisateurs de Kolibri peut voir les ressources."
+"VisibilityDropdown.visibilityHeader","About resource visibility","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","À propos de la visibilité des ressources"
+"VisibilityDropdown.visibilityRequired","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ce champ est obligatoire"
+"channelEditVue.errorChooseAtLeastOneCorrectAnswer","Choose at least one correct answer","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Choisissez au moins une bonne réponse"
+"channelEditVue.errorMissingAnswer","Choose a correct answer","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Choisissez une bonne réponse"
+"channelEditVue.errorProvideAtLeastOneCorrectAnswer","Provide at least one correct answer","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Fournissez au moins une bonne réponse"
+"channelEditVue.errorQuestionRequired","Question is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","La question est obligatoire"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"channelEditVue.questionTypeInput","Numeric input","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Entrée numérique"
+"channelEditVue.questionTypeMultipleSelection","Multiple choice","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Choix multiple"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"channelEditVue.questionTypeSingleSelection","Single choice","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Choix unique"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"formStrings.errorText","Please fix {count, plural,
+ =1 {# error}
+ other {# errors}} below","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Veuillez corriger {count, plural, one {}
+ =1 {# erreur}
+ other {# erreurs}} ci-dessous"
+"sharedVue.activityDurationGteOne","Value must be equal to or greater than 1","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","La valeur doit être égale ou supérieure à 1"
+"sharedVue.activityDurationRequired","This field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ce champ est requis"
+"sharedVue.activityDurationTooLongWarning","This value is very high. Please make sure this is how long learners should work on the resource for, in order to complete it.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Cette valeur est très élevée. Veuillez vous assurer qu'il s'agit bien du temps que les apprenants doivent passer sur la ressource afin de la terminer."
+"sharedVue.confirmLogout","Changes you made may not be saved. Are you sure you want to leave this page?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Les modifications que vous avez apportées peuvent ne pas être enregistrées. Êtes-vous sûr(e) de vouloir quitter cette page ?"
+"sharedVue.copyrightHolderRequired","Copyright holder is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Le titulaire du droit d'auteur est obligatoire"
+"sharedVue.durationRequired","Duration is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","La durée est obligatoire"
+"sharedVue.fieldRequired","This field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ce champ est requis"
+"sharedVue.learningActivityRequired","Learning activity is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","L'activité d'apprentissage est obligatoire"
+"sharedVue.licenseDescriptionRequired","Special permissions license must have a description","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","La licence d'autorisation spéciale nécessite une description"
+"sharedVue.licenseRequired","License is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","La licence est obligatoire"
+"sharedVue.longActivityGtThirty","Value must be greater than 30","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","La valeur doit être supérieure à 30"
+"sharedVue.longActivityLteOneTwenty","Value must be equal or less than 120","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","La valeur doit être égale ou inférieure à 120"
+"sharedVue.masteryModelMGtZero","Must be at least 1","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Doit être d'au moins 1"
+"sharedVue.masteryModelMLteN","Must be lesser than or equal to N","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Doit être inférieur ou égal à N"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"sharedVue.masteryModelMWholeNumber","Must be a whole number","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Doit être un nombre entier"
+"sharedVue.masteryModelNGtZero","Must be at least 1","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Doit être d'au moins 1"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"sharedVue.masteryModelNWholeNumber","Must be a whole number","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Doit être un nombre entier"
+"sharedVue.masteryModelRequired","Mastery is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Le critère de maîtrise est obligatoire"
+"sharedVue.shortActivityLteThirty","Value must be equal or less than 30","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","La valeur doit être égale ou inférieure à 30"
+"sharedVue.titleRequired","Title is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Le titre est obligatoire"
diff --git a/contentcuration/locale/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/contentcuration-messages.json b/contentcuration/locale/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/contentcuration-messages.json
index bbae91f83b..7a5bf9c90a 100644
--- a/contentcuration/locale/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/contentcuration-messages.json
+++ b/contentcuration/locale/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/contentcuration-messages.json
@@ -1,4 +1,9 @@
+ "AccessibilityOptions.altText": "Les éléments visuels de la ressource comportent des descriptions accessibles par des lecteurs d'écran à l'intention des apprenants aveugles",
+ "AccessibilityOptions.audioDescription": "La ressource comporte une deuxième piste audio de narration qui apporte des informations supplémentaires à l'intention des utilisateurs aveugles et malvoyants",
+ "AccessibilityOptions.highContrast": "Le texte de la ressource et les éléments visuels sont affichés avec un fort contraste à l'intention des utilisateurs malvoyants",
+ "AccessibilityOptions.signLanguage": "L'interprétation synchronisée en langue des signes est disponible pour les contenus audio et vidéo",
+ "AccessibilityOptions.taggedPdf": "Le document comprend des métadonnées PDF accessibles par des lecteurs d'écran à l'intention des apprenants aveugles",
"Account.apiDocumentation": "Documentation de l'API",
"Account.apiTokenHeading": "Jeton API",
"Account.apiTokenMessage": "Ce jeton d'accès est nécessaire à l'exécution de scripts d'intégration de contenu pour le téléversement groupé de supports via l'API de Kolibri Studio.",
@@ -32,6 +37,9 @@
"ActivationLinkReSent.activationReSentTitle": "Instructions envoyées. Merci !",
"ActivationSent.header": "Lien d'activation envoyé",
"ActivationSent.text": "Merci d'avoir créé un compte ! Pour terminer le processus, veuillez consulter votre messagerie pour le lien d'activation que nous vous avons envoyé.",
+ "ActivityDuration.minutesRequired": "Minutes",
+ "ActivityDuration.notOptionalLabel": "Durée nécessaire pour que la ressource soit marquée comme étant terminée. Cette valeur ne s'affichera pas pour les apprenants.",
+ "ActivityDuration.optionalLabel": "(Facultatif) Durée nécessaire pour que la ressource soit marquée comme étant terminée. Cette valeur ne sera pas affichée pour les apprenants.",
"AddNextStepsPage.addedNextStepSnackbar": "Étape suivante ajoutée",
"AddNextStepsPage.toolbarTitle": "Ajouter une étape suivante",
"AddPreviousStepsPage.addedPreviousStepSnackbar": "Étape antérieure ajoutée",
@@ -111,7 +119,7 @@
"CatalogFAQ.channelQuestion": "Qu'est-ce qu'une chaîne ?",
"CatalogFAQ.coachContentAnswer": "La plupart des ressources sont destinées aux apprenants, mais certaines, telles que les plans de leçon, les remises à niveau sur telle ou telle matière, les guides d'apprentissage professionnel et autres, sont destinées aux enseignants et aux facilitateurs. Dans Kolibri, nous marquons ce contenu comme étant « pour les éducateurs », les seuls à y avoir accès. Alors avis aux planificateurs ! Si vous trouvez ce type de ressource, vous pourriez vous épargner du temps de planification !",
"CatalogFAQ.coachContentQuestion": "En quoi consistent les « ressources pour les éducateurs » ?",
- "CatalogFAQ.customContentAnswer": "Pour ajouter vos propres matériaux, créez un compte sur Kolibri Studio en allant sur https://studio.learningequality.org. Des recommandations au sujet des types de matériels éducatifs à ajouter à la bibliothèque de contenu de Kolibri peuvent être obtenues en contactant content@learningequality.org.",
+ "CatalogFAQ.customContentAnswer": "Pour ajouter vos propres ressources, créez un compte sur Kolibri Studio à partir de https://studio.learningequality.org. Pour recommander l'ajout de contenus publics à la bibliothèque de contenus Kolibri, veuillez contacter content@learningequality.org.",
"CatalogFAQ.customContentQuestion": "Comment puis-je ajouter mes propres supports ou recommander des supports d'autres créateurs pour cette bibliothèque ?",
"CatalogFAQ.descriptionP1": "Découvrez dans cette section les ressources pédagogiques, organisées en « chaînes », disponibles en libres accès sur Kolibri. Servez-vous des filtres pour explorer les chaînes par mot-clé, langue ou format de média.",
"CatalogFAQ.descriptionP2": "Cliquez sur une chaîne pour un aperçu des matières et des thèmes qui y sont abordés, en savoir plus sur son créateur, voir combien de ressources elle regroupe et apprendre comment les importer dans Kolibri. Vous pouvez également y trouver des contenus destinés spécifiquement aux éducateurs (plans de leçons, guides professionnels pour les enseignants et autres supports d'animation supplémentaires), des évaluations et des exercices, et des légendes pour assurer leur accessibilité.",
@@ -188,6 +196,7 @@
"CatalogList.resultsText": "{count, plural, one {}\n =1 {# résultat obtenu}\n other {# résultats obtenus}}",
"CatalogList.selectAll": "Tout sélectionner",
"CatalogList.selectChannels": "Télécharger un résumé des chaînes sélectionnées",
+ "CategoryOptions.noCategoryFoundText": "Catégorie introuvable",
"ChangePasswordForm.cancelAction": "Annuler",
"ChangePasswordForm.changePasswordHeader": "Changer de mot de passe",
"ChangePasswordForm.confirmNewPasswordLabel": "Confirmer le nouveau mot de passe",
@@ -311,11 +320,11 @@
"ChannelSetList.options": "Options",
"ChannelSetList.title": "Nom du recueil",
"ChannelSetList.token": "ID du jeton",
- "ChannelSetModal.bookmark": "Favorite",
+ "ChannelSetModal.bookmark": "Favoris",
"ChannelSetModal.channelAdded": "Chaîne ajoutée",
- "ChannelSetModal.channelCountText": "{channelCount, plural, one {} =0 {Aucune chaîne publiée dans votre recueil} =1 {# chaîne} other {# chaînes}}",
+ "ChannelSetModal.channelCountText": "{channelCount, plural, =0 {Aucune chaîne publiée dans votre recueil} =1 {# chaîne} other {# chaînes}}",
"ChannelSetModal.channelRemoved": "Chaîne supprimée",
- "ChannelSetModal.channelSelectedCountText": "{channelCount, plural, one {} =1 {# chaîne sélectionnée} other {# chaînes sélectionnées}}",
+ "ChannelSetModal.channelSelectedCountText": "{channelCount, plural, =1 {# chaîne sélectionnée} other {# chaînes sélectionnées}}",
"ChannelSetModal.channels": "Chaînes du recueil",
"ChannelSetModal.closeButton": "Quitter sans enregistrer",
"ChannelSetModal.collectionErrorText": "Ce recueil n'existe pas",
@@ -382,31 +391,125 @@
"ChannelThumbnail.defaultFilename": "Fichier",
"ChannelThumbnail.noThumbnail": "Pas de vignette",
"ChannelThumbnail.remove": "Supprimer",
- "ChannelThumbnail.retryUpload": "Réessayer le téléversement",
+ "ChannelThumbnail.retryUpload": "Réessayer le chargement",
"ChannelThumbnail.save": "Enregistrer",
"ChannelThumbnail.upload": "Téléverser une image",
- "ChannelThumbnail.uploadFailed": "Échec du téléversement",
- "ChannelThumbnail.uploadingThumbnail": "Téléversement en cours",
+ "ChannelThumbnail.uploadFailed": "Échec du chargement",
+ "ChannelThumbnail.uploadingThumbnail": "Chargement en cours",
"ChannelThumbnail.zoomIn": "Zoom avant",
"ChannelThumbnail.zoomOut": "Zoom arrière",
"ChannelTokenModal.close": "Fermer",
"ChannelTokenModal.copyTitle": "Copier le jeton de la chaîne",
"ChannelTokenModal.copyTokenInstructions": "Collez ce jeton dans Kolibri pour importer cette chaîne",
"Clipboard.backToClipboard": "Presse-papier",
- "Clipboard.cancel": "Annuler",
"Clipboard.close": "Fermer",
"Clipboard.copiedItemsToClipboard": "Copié dans le presse-papier",
- "Clipboard.creatingClipboardCopies": "Copie dans le presse-papier en cours...",
"Clipboard.deleteSelectedButton": "Supprimer",
"Clipboard.duplicateSelectedButton": "Faire une copie",
- "Clipboard.emptyDefaultText": "Utilisez le presse-papier pour copier des ressources et les déplacer vers d'autres sujets et chaînes",
+ "Clipboard.emptyDefaultText": "Utilisez le presse-papiers pour copier les ressources et les déplacer vers d'autres dossiers et chaînes",
"Clipboard.emptyDefaultTitle": "Aucune ressource dans votre presse-papier",
"Clipboard.moveSelectedButton": "Déplacer",
"Clipboard.removedFromClipboard": "Supprimé du presse-papier",
- "Clipboard.removingItems": "Suppression du presse-papier en cours...",
"Clipboard.selectAll": "Tout sélectionner",
- "Clipboard.undo": "Annuler",
- "CommunityStandardsModal.communityStandardsHeader": "Normes communautaires",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.accessibility": "Accessibilité",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.algebra": "Algèbre",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.all": "Tous",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.allLevelsBasicSkills": "Tous les niveaux -- compétences de base",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.allLevelsWorkSkills": "Tous les niveaux -- compétences professionnelles",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.altText": "Comprend des descriptions de texte alternatives pour les images",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.anthropology": "Anthropologie",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.arithmetic": "Arithmétique",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.arts": "Arts",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.astronomy": "Astronomie",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.audioDescription": "Comprend des descriptions audio",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.basicSkills": "Compétences de base",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.biology": "Biologie",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.browseChannel": "Parcourir la chaîne",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.calculus": "Calcul infinitésimal",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.captionsSubtitles": "Comprend des légendes ou des sous-titres",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.category": "Catégorie",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.chemistry": "Chimie",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.civicEducation": "Éducation civique",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.completion": "Achèvement",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.computerScience": "Informatique",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.create": "Créer",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.currentEvents": "Evènements en cours",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.dailyLife": "Vie quotidienne",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.dance": "Danse",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.digitalLiteracy": "Alphabétisation numérique",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.diversity": "Diversité",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.drama": "Drame",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.duration": "Durée",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.earthScience": "Sciences de la Terre",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.entrepreneurship": "Entreprenariat",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.environment": "Environnement",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.explore": "Explorer",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.financialLiteracy": "Éducation financière",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.forBeginners": "Pour les débutants",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.forTeachers": "Pour les enseignants",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.geometry": "Géométrie",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.guides": "Guides",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.highContrast": "Comprend un texte fortement contrasté pour les apprenants malvoyants",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.history": "Histoire",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.industryAndSectorSpecific": "Secteur Industrie et autres",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.languageLearning": "Apprentissage des langues",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.learningActivity": "Activité pédagogique",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.learningSkills": "Compétences d'apprentissage",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.lessonPlans": "Plans de la leçon",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.level": "Niveau",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.listen": "Écouter",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.literacy": "Littératie",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.literature": "Littérature",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.logicAndCriticalThinking": "Logique et pensée critique",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.longActivity": "Activité longue",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.lowerPrimary": "Primaire inférieur",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.lowerSecondary": "Secondaire inférieur",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.mathematics": "Mathématiques",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.mechanicalEngineering": "Ingénierie mécanique",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.mediaLiteracy": "Littératie aux médias",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.mentalHealth": "Santé mentale",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.music": "Musique",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.needsInternet": "Connexion Internet",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.needsMaterials": "Autres fournitures",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.numeracy": "Numératie",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.peers": "Travailler avec des pairs",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.physics": "Physique",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.politicalScience": "Science politique",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.practice": "S'entraîner",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.preschool": "Maternelle",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.professionalSkills": "Compétences professionnelles",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.programming": "Programmation",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.publicHealth": "Santé publique",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.read": "Lire",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.readReference": "Référence",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.readingAndWriting": "Lire et écrire",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.readingComprehension": "Compréhension de texte",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.reflect": "Symétrie axiale",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.school": "École",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.sciences": "Sciences",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.shortActivity": "Activité courte",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.signLanguage": "Interprétation dans la langue des signes disponible",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.skillsTraining": "Compétences pour le monde du travail",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.socialSciences": "Sciences sociales",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.sociology": "Sociologie",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.softwareTools": "Autres outils logiciels",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.softwareToolsAndTraining": "Outils logiciels et formation",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.specializedProfessionalTraining": "Formation professionnelle spécialisée",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.statistics": "Statistiques",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.taggedPdf": "PDF balisé",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.teacher": "Travailler avec un enseignant",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.technicalAndVocationalTraining": "Formation technique et professionnelle",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.tertiary": "Tertiaire",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.toUseWithPaperAndPencil": "Papier et crayon",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.topicLabel": "Dossier",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.upperPrimary": "Enseignement primaire de cycle 3",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.upperSecondary": "Enseignement secondaire de cycle 4",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.visualArt": "Arts visuels",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.watch": "Voir",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.webDesign": "Web design",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.work": "Professionnel",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.writing": "Écriture",
+ "CommunityStandardsModal.communityStandardsHeader": "Règles de la communauté",
"CommunityStandardsModal.coreValuesLink": "En savoir plus sur les valeurs fondamentales de Learning Equality",
"CommunityStandardsModal.description": "Learning Equality est une organisation à but non lucratif qui se consacre à fournir un accès équitable à des expériences éducatives de qualité. En plus des Valeurs fondamentales que nous revendiquons, ces Normes communautaires visent à favoriser un environnement valorisant et inclusif pour nos utilisateurs.",
"CommunityStandardsModal.libraryDescription": "La bibliothèque Kolibri est une initiative tant populaire que raisonnée visant à fournir une grande variété de supports à tous les apprenants quels que soient leurs objectifs d'apprentissage. Pour nous aider à atteindre ces objectifs, nous vous invitons à utiliser Kolibri Studio dans le respect des principes suivants :",
@@ -420,6 +523,14 @@
"CommunityStandardsModal.studioItem3": "Le partage. Créez et publiez de nouvelles chaînes avec ce que vous trouvez, soit pour les partager en privé avec vos propres réalisations, soit pour les partager avec d'autres sur Kolibri Studio.",
"CommunityStandardsModal.studioItem4": "La modification et la création. Ajoutez vos propres exercices d'évaluation à tout support existant",
"CommunityStandardsModal.studioItem5": "L'hébergement. Téléversez vos propres supports (limité aux supports dont la licence appropriée vous a été accordée) à partir d'un disque dur local ou d'autres emplacements sur Internet",
+ "CompletionOptions.allContent": "Vu en totalité",
+ "CompletionOptions.completeDuration": "Lorsque le temps passé est égal à la durée",
+ "CompletionOptions.determinedByResource": "Déterminé par la ressource",
+ "CompletionOptions.exactTime": "Délai d'exécution",
+ "CompletionOptions.goal": "Lorsque l'objectif est atteint",
+ "CompletionOptions.practiceQuiz": "Quiz d'entraînement",
+ "CompletionOptions.reference": "Document de référence",
+ "CompletionOptions.referenceHint": "Les progrès ne seront pas suivis sur le document de référence à moins que les apprenants ne le marquent comme étant terminé",
"ConstantStrings.All Rights Reserved": "Tous droits réservés",
"ConstantStrings.All Rights Reserved_description": "La Licence Tous droits réservés indique que le titulaire du droit d'auteur réserve, ou détient pour son propre usage, tous les droits prévus par la loi sur le droit d'auteur en vertu d'un traité spécifique en la matière.",
"ConstantStrings.CC BY": "CC BY",
@@ -438,11 +549,11 @@
"ConstantStrings.Public Domain_description": "Les œuvres du domaine public ont été identifiées comme libres de toute restriction connue en vertu de la loi sur le droit d'auteur, y compris de tous droits connexes et voisins.",
"ConstantStrings.Special Permissions": "Autorisations spéciales",
"ConstantStrings.Special Permissions_description": "Les autorisations spéciales désignent des licences personnalisées à utiliser lorsque les licences actuelles ne s'appliquent pas au contenu. Il revient au propriétaire d'une telle licence de décrire ce que la licence en question implique.",
- "ConstantStrings.audio": "Audio",
+ "ConstantStrings.audio": "Fichier audio",
"ConstantStrings.audio_thumbnail": "Vignette",
- "ConstantStrings.bookmark": "Favorites",
+ "ConstantStrings.bookmark": "Favorite",
"ConstantStrings.coach": "Éducateurs",
- "ConstantStrings.do_all": "100% correct",
+ "ConstantStrings.do_all": "Objectif : 100% correct",
"ConstantStrings.do_all_description": "L'apprenant doit répondre correctement à toutes les questions de l'exercice (non recommandé pour les exercices longs).",
"ConstantStrings.document": "Document",
"ConstantStrings.document_thumbnail": "Vignette",
@@ -467,16 +578,15 @@
"ConstantStrings.m_of_n_description": "Sur les N dernières questions répondues, l'apprenant doit répondre correctement à M questions. Par exemple, \"3 sur 5\" signifie que l'apprenant doit répondre correctement à 3 questions sur les 5 dernières répondues.",
"ConstantStrings.mp3": "Audio MP3",
"ConstantStrings.mp4": "Vidéo MP4",
- "ConstantStrings.webm": "Vidéo WEBM",
"ConstantStrings.multiple_selection": "Choix multiple",
"ConstantStrings.nthCopy": "Copier {n, number, integer} du {titre}",
- "ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_10": "10 d'affilée",
+ "ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_10": "Objectif : 10 d'affilée",
"ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_10_description": "L'apprenant doit répondre correctement à 10 questions d'affilée",
- "ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_2": "2 d'affilée",
+ "ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_2": "Objectif : 2 d'affilée",
"ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_2_description": "L'apprenant doit répondre correctement à 2 questions d'affilée",
- "ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_3": "3 d'affilée",
+ "ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_3": "Objectif : 3 d'affilée",
"ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_3_description": "L'apprenant doit répondre correctement à 3 questions d'affilée",
- "ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_5": "5 d'affilée",
+ "ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_5": "Objectif : 5 d'affilée",
"ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_5_description": "L'apprenant doit répondre correctement à 5 questions d'affilée",
"ConstantStrings.pdf": "Document PDF",
"ConstantStrings.perseus": "Exercice Perseus",
@@ -486,7 +596,7 @@
"ConstantStrings.single_selection": "Choix unique",
"ConstantStrings.slideshow": "Diaporama",
"ConstantStrings.svg": "Image SVG ",
- "ConstantStrings.topic": "Sujet",
+ "ConstantStrings.topic": "Dossier",
"ConstantStrings.topic_thumbnail": "Vignette",
"ConstantStrings.true_false": "Vrai/Faux",
"ConstantStrings.unknown_question": "Type de question inconnu",
@@ -495,6 +605,7 @@
"ConstantStrings.video_thumbnail": "Vignette",
"ConstantStrings.view": "Lecture seule",
"ConstantStrings.vtt": "Sous-titres VTT",
+ "ConstantStrings.webm": "Vidéo WEBM",
"ConstantStrings.zip": "Zip HTML5",
"ContentDefaults.aggregator": "Agrégateur",
"ContentDefaults.author": "Auteur",
@@ -513,42 +624,41 @@
"ContentNodeChangedIcon.containsNewAndUpdated": "Contient des ressources et des modifications non publiées",
"ContentNodeChangedIcon.containsUpdated": "Contient des modifications non publiées",
"ContentNodeChangedIcon.isNewResource": "Non publiée",
- "ContentNodeChangedIcon.isNewTopic": "Sujet non publié",
+ "ContentNodeChangedIcon.isNewTopic": "Dossier non publié",
"ContentNodeChangedIcon.isUpdatedResource": "Mise à jour depuis la dernière publication",
- "ContentNodeChangedIcon.isUpdatedTopic": "Le sujet a été mis à jour depuis la dernière publication",
+ "ContentNodeChangedIcon.isUpdatedTopic": "Le dossier a été mis à jour depuis la dernière publication",
"ContentNodeEditListItem.optionsTooltip": "Options",
"ContentNodeIcon.audio": "Audio",
"ContentNodeIcon.document": "Document",
"ContentNodeIcon.exercise": "Exercice",
"ContentNodeIcon.html5": "Application HTML5",
"ContentNodeIcon.slideshow": "Diaporama",
- "ContentNodeIcon.topic": "Sujet",
+ "ContentNodeIcon.topic": "Dossier",
"ContentNodeIcon.unsupported": "Non supporté",
"ContentNodeIcon.video": "Vidéo",
+ "ContentNodeLearningActivityIcon.multipleLearningActivities": "Activités d'apprentissage multiples",
+ "ContentNodeLearningActivityIcon.topic": "Dossier",
"ContentNodeListItem.coachTooltip": "Ressource pour les éducateurs",
"ContentNodeListItem.copyingTask": "Copie en cours",
"ContentNodeListItem.hasCoachTooltip": "{value, number, integer} {value, plural, one {ressource pour les éducateurs} other {ressources pour les éducateurs}}",
- "ContentNodeListItem.openTopic": "Sujet ouvert",
+ "ContentNodeListItem.openTopic": "Dossier ouvert",
"ContentNodeListItem.questions": "{value, number, integer} {value, plural, one {question} other {questions}}",
"ContentNodeListItem.resources": "{value, number, integer} {value, plural, one {ressource} other {ressources}}",
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- "ContentNodeOptions.copiedItemsToClipboard": "Copié dans le presse-papier",
+ "ContentNodeOptions.copiedItemsToClipboard": "Copié dans le presse-papiers",
+ "ContentNodeOptions.copiedSnackbar": "Copie terminée",
"ContentNodeOptions.copiedToClipboardSnackbar": "Copié dans le presse-papier",
"ContentNodeOptions.copyToClipboard": "Copier dans le presse-papier",
- "ContentNodeOptions.creatingClipboardCopies": "Copie dans le presse-papier en cours...",
"ContentNodeOptions.creatingCopies": "Copie en cours...",
"ContentNodeOptions.editDetails": "Modifier les détails",
- "ContentNodeOptions.editTopicDetails": "Modifier les détails du sujet",
+ "ContentNodeOptions.editTopicDetails": "Modifier les détails du dossier",
"ContentNodeOptions.goToOriginalLocation": "Aller à l'emplacement original",
"ContentNodeOptions.makeACopy": "Faire une copie",
"ContentNodeOptions.move": "Déplacer",
"ContentNodeOptions.moveTo": "Déplacer vers…",
- "ContentNodeOptions.newSubtopic": "Nouveau sujet",
+ "ContentNodeOptions.newSubtopic": "Nouveau dossier",
"ContentNodeOptions.remove": "Supprimer",
- "ContentNodeOptions.removedFromClipboard": "Supprimé du presse-papier",
+ "ContentNodeOptions.removedFromClipboard": "Supprimé du presse-papiers",
"ContentNodeOptions.removedItems": "Envoyé dans la corbeille",
- "ContentNodeOptions.removingItems": "Suppression du presse-papier en cours...",
- "ContentNodeOptions.topicDefaultTitle": "{title} sujet",
"ContentNodeOptions.undo": "Annuler",
"ContentNodeOptions.viewDetails": "Afficher les détails",
"ContentNodeStrings.untitled": "Sans titre",
@@ -560,10 +670,10 @@
"ContentNodeThumbnail.generatingThumbnail": "Génération à partir d'un fichier",
"ContentNodeThumbnail.noThumbnail": "Pas de vignette",
"ContentNodeThumbnail.remove": "Supprimer",
- "ContentNodeThumbnail.retryUpload": "Réessayer le téléversement",
+ "ContentNodeThumbnail.retryUpload": "Réessayer le chargement",
"ContentNodeThumbnail.save": "Enregistrer",
"ContentNodeThumbnail.upload": "Téléverser une image",
- "ContentNodeThumbnail.uploadFailed": "Échec du téléversement",
+ "ContentNodeThumbnail.uploadFailed": "Échec du chargement",
"ContentNodeThumbnail.uploadingThumbnail": "Téléversement en cours",
"ContentNodeThumbnail.zoomIn": "Zoom avant",
"ContentNodeThumbnail.zoomOut": "Zoom arrière",
@@ -574,7 +684,7 @@
"ContentRenderer.noFileText": "Sélectionner un fichier pour le prévisualiser",
"ContentRenderer.previewNotSupported": "Aperçu non disponible",
"ContentTreeList.allChannelsLabel": "Chaînes",
- "ContentTreeList.noResourcesOrTopics": "Il n'y a pas de ressources ou de sujets ici",
+ "ContentTreeList.noResourcesOrTopics": "Il n'y a pas de ressources ou de dossiers ici",
"ContentTreeList.selectAllAction": "Tout sélectionner",
"CopyToken.copiedTokenId": "Jeton copié",
"CopyToken.copyFailed": "Échec de la copie",
@@ -617,6 +727,7 @@
"Create.privacyPolicyCheck": "J'ai lu et j'accepte la politique de confidentialité",
"Create.privacyPolicyRequiredMessage": "Veuillez accepter notre politique de confidentialité",
"Create.registrationFailed": "Une erreur s'est produite lors de l'enregistrement de votre compte. Veuillez réessayer",
+ "Create.registrationFailedOffline": "Il semble que vous ne soyez pas en ligne. Veuillez vous connecter à Internet pour créer un compte.",
"Create.sequencingUsageOption": "Utiliser des prérequis pour créer une suite de supports",
"Create.sharingUsageOption": "Partager publiquement des supports",
"Create.socialMediaSourceOption": "Réseaux sociaux",
@@ -630,17 +741,16 @@
"Create.viewPrivacyPolicyLink": "Voir la politique de confidentialité",
"Create.viewToSLink": "Voir les conditions d'utilisation",
"Create.websiteSourceOption": "Site Web de Learning Equality ",
- "CurrentTopicView.COMFORTABLE_VIEW": "Vue confortable",
- "CurrentTopicView.COMPACT_VIEW": "Vue compacte",
+ "CurrentTopicView.COMFORTABLE_VIEW": "Affichage confortable",
+ "CurrentTopicView.COMPACT_VIEW": "Affichage compact",
"CurrentTopicView.DEFAULT_VIEW": "Affichage par défaut",
"CurrentTopicView.addButton": "Ajouter",
"CurrentTopicView.addExercise": "Nouvel exercice",
- "CurrentTopicView.addTopic": "Nouveau sujet",
- "CurrentTopicView.cancel": "Annuler",
- "CurrentTopicView.copiedItemsToClipboard": "Copié dans le presse-papier",
- "CurrentTopicView.copySelectedButton": "Copier dans le presse-papier",
- "CurrentTopicView.copyToClipboardButton": "Copier dans le presse-papier",
- "CurrentTopicView.creatingClipboardCopies": "Copie dans le presse-papier en cours...",
+ "CurrentTopicView.addTopic": "Nouveau dossier",
+ "CurrentTopicView.copiedItems": "Copie terminée",
+ "CurrentTopicView.copiedItemsToClipboard": "Copié dans le presse-papiers",
+ "CurrentTopicView.copySelectedButton": "Copier dans le presse-papiers",
+ "CurrentTopicView.copyToClipboardButton": "Copier dans le presse-papiers",
"CurrentTopicView.creatingCopies": "Copie en cours...",
"CurrentTopicView.deleteSelectedButton": "Supprimer",
"CurrentTopicView.duplicateSelectedButton": "Faire une copie",
@@ -651,7 +761,7 @@
"CurrentTopicView.optionsButton": "Options",
"CurrentTopicView.removedItems": "Envoyé dans la corbeille",
"CurrentTopicView.selectAllLabel": "Tout sélectionner",
- "CurrentTopicView.selectionCount": "{topicCount, plural, one {}\n =1 {# sujet}\n other {# sujets}}, {resourceCount, plural,\n =1 {# ressource}\n other {# ressources}}",
+ "CurrentTopicView.selectionCount": "{topicCount, plural,\n =1 {# dossier}\n other {#dossiers}}, {resourceCount, plural,\n =1 {# ressource}\n other {# ressources}}",
"CurrentTopicView.undo": "Annuler",
"CurrentTopicView.uploadFiles": "Téléverser des fichiers",
"CurrentTopicView.viewModeTooltip": "Afficher",
@@ -687,7 +797,7 @@
"Details.providerToolTip": "Organisation ayant commandé le contenu ou qui le distribue",
"Details.providersLabel": "Fournisseurs",
"Details.publishedHeading": "Publiée le",
- "Details.resourceHeading": "Toutes les ressources",
+ "Details.resourceHeading": "Total des ressources",
"Details.sampleFromChannelHeading": "Exemple de contenu de cette chaîne",
"Details.sampleFromTopicHeading": "Exemple de contenu sur ce sujet",
"Details.sizeHeading": "Taille de la chaîne",
@@ -695,20 +805,22 @@
"Details.subtitlesHeading": "Légendes et sous-titres",
"Details.tagsHeading": "Étiquettes communes",
"Details.tokenHeading": "Jeton de la chaîne",
- "Details.unpublishedText": "Non publié",
+ "Details.unpublishedText": "Non publiée",
"DetailsTabView.aggregatorLabel": "Agrégateur",
"DetailsTabView.aggregatorToolTip": "Site Web ou organisation hébergeant le recueil de contenus, sans forcément en être le créateur ou le titulaire des droits d'auteur",
- "DetailsTabView.assessmentHeader": "Options d'évaluation",
+ "DetailsTabView.assessmentOptionsLabel": "Options d'évaluation",
"DetailsTabView.audienceHeader": "Public",
"DetailsTabView.authorLabel": "Auteur",
"DetailsTabView.authorToolTip": "Personne ou organisation ayant créé ce contenu",
"DetailsTabView.basicInfoHeader": "Informations de base",
+ "DetailsTabView.completionLabel": "Achèvement",
"DetailsTabView.copyrightHolderLabel": "Titulaire des droits d'auteur",
"DetailsTabView.descriptionLabel": "Description",
"DetailsTabView.detectedImportText": "{count, plural, one {}\n =1 {# ressource n'est accessible qu'en mode lecture}\n other {# ressources ne sont accessibles qu'en mode lecture}}",
"DetailsTabView.importedFromButtonText": "Importer à partir de {channel}",
"DetailsTabView.languageChannelHelpText": "Laisser vide pour utiliser la langue de la chaîne",
- "DetailsTabView.languageHelpText": "Laisser vide pour utiliser la langue du sujet",
+ "DetailsTabView.languageHelpText": "Laisser vide pour utiliser la langue du dossier",
+ "DetailsTabView.learnersCanMarkComplete": "Autoriser les apprenants à marquer le contenu comme étant terminé",
"DetailsTabView.noTagsFoundText": "Aucun résultat trouvé pour \"{text}\". Appuyez sur la touche 'Entrée' pour créer une nouvelle étiquette",
"DetailsTabView.providerLabel": "Fournisseur",
"DetailsTabView.providerToolTip": "Organisation ayant commandé le contenu ou qui le distribue",
@@ -729,13 +841,13 @@
"DiffTable.typeFileSize": "Taille du fichier",
"DiffTable.typeHtml5Apps": "Applications HTML5",
"DiffTable.typeSlideshows": "Diaporamas",
- "DiffTable.typeTopics": "Sujets",
+ "DiffTable.typeTopics": "Dossiers",
"DiffTable.typeVersion": "Version de l'API",
"DiffTable.typeVideos": "Vidéos",
"EditList.selectAllLabel": "Tout sélectionner",
"EditListItem.questionCount": "{count, plural, one {}\n =1 {# question}\n other {# questions}}",
- "EditModal.addTopic": "Ajouter un nouveau sujet",
- "EditModal.addTopicsHeader": "Nouveau sujet",
+ "EditModal.addTopic": "Ajouter un nouveau dossier",
+ "EditModal.addTopicsHeader": "Nouveau dossier",
"EditModal.cancelUploadsButton": "Quitter",
"EditModal.closeWithoutSavingButton": "Fermer sans enregistrer",
"EditModal.createExerciseHeader": "Nouvel exercice",
@@ -762,10 +874,10 @@
"EditSearchModal.saveChangesAction": "Enregistrer",
"EditSearchModal.searchTitleLabel": "Titre de la recherche",
"EditView.details": "Détails",
- "EditView.editingMultipleCount": "Modification des détails de {topicCount, plural, one {}\n =1 {# sujet}\n other {# sujets}}, {resourceCount, plural,\n =1 {# ressource}\n other {# ressources}}",
+ "EditView.editingMultipleCount": "Modifier les détails de {topicCount, plural,\n =1 {# dossier}\n other {# dossiers}}, {resourceCount, plural,\n =1 {# ressource}\n other {# ressources}}",
"EditView.errorBannerText": "Veuillez fournir les informations requises",
"EditView.invalidFieldsToolTip": "Il manque certaines informations obligatoires",
- "EditView.noItemsToEditText": "Veuillez sélectionner les ressources ou les sujets à modifier.",
+ "EditView.noItemsToEditText": "Veuillez sélectionner les ressources ou les dossiers à modifier",
"EditView.preview": "Aperçu",
"EditView.questions": "Questions",
"EditView.related": "Compléments",
@@ -774,20 +886,6 @@
"EmailField.validEmailMessage": "Veuillez entrer une adresse e-mail valide",
"ExpandableList.less": "Afficher moins",
"ExpandableList.more": "Afficher plus ({more})",
- "FeedbackForm.cancelAction": "Annuler",
- "FeedbackForm.closeAction": "Fermer",
- "FeedbackForm.communityForumLink": "Aller sur le forum de la communauté",
- "FeedbackForm.feedbackFailed": "Impossible d'envoyer vos commentaires. Veuillez réessayer. ",
- "FeedbackForm.feedbackLabel": "Veuillez détailler vos commentaires",
- "FeedbackForm.fieldRequiredText": "Ce champ est obligatoire",
- "FeedbackForm.header": "Envoyer un commentaire",
- "FeedbackForm.promptP1": "Merci de partager votre expérience avec Kolibri Studio ou tout commentaire que pourrait nous aider à nous améliorer. Si vous nous signalez une erreur, veuillez décrire votre problème de manière aussi détaillée que possible.",
- "FeedbackForm.promptP2": "Il est également possible de faire des recherches et de poster sur le forum de la communauté pour voir si d'autres personnes ont rencontré des problèmes similaires.",
- "FeedbackForm.submitAction": "Envoyer",
- "FeedbackForm.submittedHeader": "Merci",
- "FeedbackForm.submittedP1": "Vos commentaires sont indispensables pour les futures itérations de Kolibri Studio.",
- "FeedbackForm.submittedP2": "Bien qu'il nous soit impossible de répondre à chaque commentaire individuel, nous tenons compte de chacun d'entre eux dans nos efforts pour améliorer l'expérience utilisateur.",
- "FeedbackForm.submittedP3": "N'hésitez pas à nous envoyer vos commentaires à tout moment.",
"FilePreview.exitFullscreen": "Quitter le mode plein écran",
"FilePreview.fullscreenModeText": "Mode plein écran",
"FilePreview.viewFullscreen": "Afficher en plein écran",
@@ -806,9 +904,10 @@
"FileUploadDefault.dropHereText": "Glissez et déposez vos fichiers ici, ou sélectionnez-les manuellement",
"FileUploadDefault.uploadToText": "Téléverser vers '{title}'",
"FileUploadItem.removeFileButton": "Supprimer",
- "FileUploadItem.retryUpload": "Réessayer le téléversement",
+ "FileUploadItem.retryUpload": "Réessayer le chargement",
+ "FileUploadItem.unknownFile": "Nom de fichier inconnu",
"FileUploadItem.uploadButton": "Sélectionner un fichier",
- "FileUploadItem.uploadFailed": "Échec du téléversement",
+ "FileUploadItem.uploadFailed": "Échec du chargement",
"ForgotPassword.forgotPasswordFailed": "Échec de l'envoi d'un lien de réinitialisation du mot de passe. Veuillez réessayer.",
"ForgotPassword.forgotPasswordPrompt": "Merci de renseigner votre adresse e-mail pour recevoir les instructions de réinitialisation de votre mot de passe",
"ForgotPassword.forgotPasswordTitle": "Réinitialiser votre mot de passe",
@@ -831,6 +930,7 @@
"HintsEditor.hintsLabel": "Indices",
"HintsEditor.newHintBtnLabel": "Nouvel indice",
"HintsEditor.noHintsPlaceholder": "La question n'a aucun indice",
+ "ImageOnlyThumbnail.thumbnail": "Vignette {title}",
"ImagesMenu.acceptsText": "Types de fichiers supportés : {acceptedFormats}",
"ImagesMenu.altTextHint": "La description de l'image est nécessaire pour permettre aux apprenants handicapés visuels de répondre aux questions. Elle s'affiche également en cas d'échec du chargement de l'image",
"ImagesMenu.altTextLabel": "Description de l’image",
@@ -873,6 +973,7 @@
"Main.guestModeLink": "Explorer sans créer de compte",
"Main.kolibriStudio": "Kolibri Studio",
"Main.loginFailed": "L'e-mail ou le mot de passe est incorrect",
+ "Main.loginFailedOffline": "Il semble que vous ne soyez pas en ligne. Veuillez vous connecter à Internet avant de vous identifier.",
"Main.loginToProceed": "Vous devez vous connecter pour visualiser cette page ",
"Main.passwordLabel": "Mot de passe",
"Main.privacyPolicyLink": "Politique de confidentialité",
@@ -892,31 +993,28 @@
"MarkdownImageField.editImageOption": "Modifier",
"MarkdownImageField.removeImageOption": "Supprimer",
"MarkdownImageField.resizeImageOption": "Redimensionner",
- "MasteryDropdown.exerciseDescripiton": "Les exercices comportent une série de questions interactives auxquelles les apprenants peuvent répondre dans Kolibri. À chaque réponse, ils reçoivent un retour instantané (correcte ou incorrecte). Les questions disponibles dans un exercice resteront affichées dans Kolibri jusqu'à ce que l'apprenant le maîtrise.",
- "MasteryDropdown.exerciseHeader": "À propos des exercices",
- "MasteryDropdown.labelText": "Critères de maîtrise",
- "MasteryDropdown.mHint": "Bonnes réponses nécessaires",
- "MasteryDropdown.masteryDescripiton": "Kolibri qualifie un exercice de « terminé » lorsque le critère de maîtrise est rempli. Voici les différents types de critères de maîtrise d'un exercice :",
- "MasteryDropdown.nHint": "Réponses récentes",
+ "MasteryCriteriaGoal.labelText": "Objectif",
+ "MasteryCriteriaMofNFields.mHint": "Bonnes réponses nécessaires",
+ "MasteryCriteriaMofNFields.nHint": "Réponses récentes",
"MessageLayout.backToLogin": "Continuer vers la page de connexion",
- "MoveModal.addTopic": "Ajouter un nouveau sujet",
+ "MoveModal.addTopic": "Ajouter un nouveau dossier",
"MoveModal.cancel": "Annuler",
"MoveModal.emptyTopicText": "Aucune ressource trouvée",
"MoveModal.goToLocationButton": "Aller à l'emplacement",
"MoveModal.moveHere": "Déplacer ici",
- "MoveModal.moveItems": "Déplacer {topicCount, plural, one {}\n =1 {# sujet}\n other {# sujets}}, {resourceCount, plural,\n =1 {# ressource}\n other {# ressources}} dans :",
+ "MoveModal.moveItems": "Déplacer {topicCount, plural,\n =1 {# dossier}\n other {# dossiers}}, {resourceCount, plural,\n =1 {# ressource}\n other {# ressources}} vers :",
"MoveModal.movedMessage": "Déplacé vers {title}",
"MoveModal.resourcesCount": "{count, plural, one {}\n =1 {# ressource}\n other {# ressources}}",
- "MoveModal.topicCreatedMessage": "Nouveau sujet créé",
+ "MoveModal.topicCreatedMessage": "Nouveau dossier créé",
"MultiSelect.noItemsFound": "Aucun élément trouvé",
"NewTopicModal.cancel": "Annuler",
"NewTopicModal.create": "Créer",
- "NewTopicModal.createTopic": "Créer un nouveau sujet",
- "NewTopicModal.topicTitle": "Titre du sujet",
- "NewTopicModal.topicTitleRequired": "Le titre est obligatoire",
+ "NewTopicModal.createTopic": "Créer un nouveau dossier",
+ "NewTopicModal.topicTitle": "Titre du dossier",
+ "NewTopicModal.topicTitleRequired": "Le titre du dossier est obligatoire",
"NodePanel.emptyChannelSubText": "Créer, téléverser ou importer des ressources à partir d'autres chaînes",
"NodePanel.emptyChannelText": "Cliquez sur « AJOUTER » pour commencer à construire votre chaîne",
- "NodePanel.emptyTopicText": "Rien dans ce sujet pour l'instant",
+ "NodePanel.emptyTopicText": "Rien dans ce dossier pour le moment",
"NodePanel.emptyViewOnlyChannelText": "Rien dans cette chaîne pour l'instant",
"NodeTreeNavigation.noResourcesDefaultText": "Aucune ressource trouvée",
"OfflineText.offlineIndicatorText": "Hors ligne",
@@ -930,55 +1028,30 @@
"PasswordInstructionsSent.passwordInstructionsText": "Si un compte associé à l'adresse e-mail fournie existe déjà, vous devriez recevoir des instructions dans les plus brefs délais. Au cas où vous ne verriez pas d'e-mail de notre part, veuillez vérifier vos spams.",
"PermissionsError.goToHomePageAction": "Aller sur la page d'accueil",
"PermissionsError.permissionDeniedHeader": "Avez-vous oublié de vous connecter ?",
- "PoliciesModal.ToSHeader": "Conditions d'utilisation",
"PoliciesModal.checkboxText": "J'ai accepté les conditions ci-dessus",
"PoliciesModal.checkboxValidationErrorMessage": "Ce champ est obligatoire",
"PoliciesModal.closeButton": "Fermer",
- "PoliciesModal.communityStandardsHeader": "Normes communautaires",
"PoliciesModal.continueButton": "Continuer",
"PoliciesModal.lastUpdated": "Dernière mise à jour datée du {date}",
- "PoliciesModal.privacyHeader": "Politique de confidentialité",
- "PoliciesModal.updatedPrivacyHeader": "Politique de confidentialité mise à jour",
- "PoliciesModal.updatedToSHeader": "Conditions d'utilisation mises à jour",
"PrivacyPolicyModal.privacyHeader": "Politique de confidentialité",
"PrivacyPolicyModal.updatedPrivacyHeader": "Politique de confidentialité mise à jour",
- "PrivacyPolicyModal.linkText": "En savoir plus sur les valeurs fondamentales de Learning Equality.",
- "PrivacyPolicyModal.paragraph1": "La présente Politique de confidentialité a pour objet de vous informer de nos pratiques en matière de confidentialité et de vos choix et droits concernant les données personnelles que nous recueillons. Elle s'applique à l'application Kolibri (« l'Application »), à Kolibri Studio (« Studio ») et à tous les sites Web qui y sont liés (ci-après collectivement désignés « Kolibri »). La présente déclaration de confidentialité ne s'applique pas aux applications tierces ou aux organisations partenaires susceptibles d'utiliser notre logiciel ou d'être utilisées en conjonction avec celui-ci.",
- "PrivacyPolicyModal.paragraph2": "Learning Equality reconnaît votre droit à la vie privée, et prendra des mesures raisonnables pour le protéger. Certaines parties de Kolibri vous permettent de nous communiquer des informations personnelles, telles que votre nom et votre adresse e-mail. Les informations que vous nous fournissez sont susceptibles d'être utilisées pour améliorer Kolibri. Lorsqu'il vous appartient de choisir comment les informations fournies seront utilisées, nous vous l'indiquerons au moment de leur collecte. En raison du mode de fonctionnement de Kolibri, nous pourrions également utiliser les données de votre navigateur ou de vos activités de navigation pour personnaliser votre expérience ou vous orienter vers des informations pertinentes. Nous pourrions par exemple utiliser votre adresse IP, les données de votre navigateur, des cookies ou des balises Web pour nous aider à conserver certaines de vos préférences ou à comprendre comment nos visiteurs naviguent sur le site aux fins de l'améliorer. Il se peut que nous stockions vos informations personnelles en dehors de l'Union européenne.",
- "PrivacyPolicyModal.paragraph3": "Learning Equality s'engage à apprendre constamment et à améliorer la qualité de Kolibri. Les données issues de vos interactions avec Kolibri pourraient ainsi être utilisées à des fins de recherche. Les résultats de cette recherche seront généralement agrégées au niveau global, et votre identité personnelle ne sera jamais divulguée publiquement dans des résultats de recherche sans votre consentement exprès.",
- "PrivacyPolicyModal.paragraph4": "En cas de questions concernant ces pratiques ou l'utilisation de vos informations personnelles, veuillez envoyer un e-mail à legal@learningequality.org.",
"ProgressBar.progressText": "{percent} %",
- "ProgressModal.cancel": "Non, revenir en arrière",
- "ProgressModal.cancelHeader": "Êtes-vous sûr ?",
- "ProgressModal.cancelText": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir annuler cette tâche ?",
- "ProgressModal.confirmStopButton": "Oui, arrêter la tâche",
- "ProgressModal.copyDescription": "Importation en cours, veuillez patienter...",
- "ProgressModal.copyHeader": "Importation des ressources",
- "ProgressModal.defaultDescription": "Mise à jour en cours, veuillez patienter...",
- "ProgressModal.defaultErrorText": "Une erreur inattendue s'est produite. Veuillez réessayer et contacter l'équipe support via le menu Aide si ce message continue de s'afficher.",
- "ProgressModal.defaultHeader": "Mise à jour de la chaîne",
- "ProgressModal.finishedMessage": "Opération terminée ! Cliquez sur « Actualiser » pour mettre la page à jour.",
- "ProgressModal.moveDescription": "Déplacement en cours, veuillez patienter...",
- "ProgressModal.moveHeader": "Déplacement du contenu",
- "ProgressModal.publishDescription": "Dès la publication terminée, vous recevrez une notification par e-mail et vous pourrez effectuer des modifications supplémentaires sur votre chaîne.",
+ "ProgressModal.defaultErrorText": "Échec de la dernière tentative de publication",
+ "ProgressModal.lastPublished": "Publié le {last_published}",
"ProgressModal.publishHeader": "Publication de la chaîne",
- "ProgressModal.refreshButton": "Actualiser",
- "ProgressModal.stopButton": "Arrêter",
- "ProgressModal.syncDescription": "Synchronisation de la chaîne en cours, veuillez patienter...",
+ "ProgressModal.syncError": "Échec de la dernière tentative de synchronisation",
"ProgressModal.syncHeader": "Synchronisation de la chaîne",
+ "ProgressModal.unpublishedText": "Non publiée",
"PublishModal.cancelButton": "Annuler",
"PublishModal.descriptionDescriptionTooltip": "Cette description sera présentée aux administrateurs de Kolibri avant qu'ils ne mettent à jour les versions des chaînes",
"PublishModal.descriptionRequiredMessage": "Veuillez décrire les nouveautés dans cette version avant de la publier",
"PublishModal.incompleteCount": "{count, plural, one {} =1 {# ressource incomplète} other {# ressources incomplètes}}",
"PublishModal.incompleteInstructions": "Cliquez sur 'Continuer' pour confirmer que vous voulez quand même publier.",
- "PublishModal.incompleteWarning": "Les ressources incomplètes ne seront pas publiées et accessibles au téléchargement dans Kolibri.",
+ "PublishModal.incompleteWarning": "Les ressources incomplètes ne seront pas publiées et mises à disposition pour le téléchargement dans Kolibri.",
"PublishModal.nextButton": "Continuer",
"PublishModal.publishButton": "Publier",
"PublishModal.publishMessageLabel": "Décrivez les nouveautés de cette version de la chaîne",
- "PublishModal.publishingSizeText": "{count, plural, one {} =1 {# ressource} other {# ressources}}",
- "PublishModal.unpublishedText": "Non publié",
"PublishModal.versionDescriptionLabel": "Description de la version",
- "PublishModal.versionText": "Version actuelle : {version}",
"RelatedResourcesList.removeBtnLabel": "Supprimer",
"RelatedResourcesTab.addNextStepBtnLabel": "Ajouter une étape suivante",
"RelatedResourcesTab.addPreviousStepBtnLabel": "Ajouter une étape antérieure",
@@ -1002,7 +1075,7 @@
"ReportErrorModal.emailPrompt": "Envoyer un e-mail aux développeurs",
"ReportErrorModal.errorDetailsHeader": "Détails de l'erreur",
"ReportErrorModal.forumPostingTips": "Ajoutez une description de ce que vous tentiez de faire, et de ce sur quoi vous avez cliqué quand l’erreur est apparue.",
- "ReportErrorModal.forumPrompt": "Visiter les forums de la communauté",
+ "ReportErrorModal.forumPrompt": "Visitez les forums de la communauté",
"ReportErrorModal.forumUseTips": "Recherchez sur le forum communautaire pour voir si d'autres ont rencontré des problèmes similaires. Si aucun problème similaire n'est signalé, veuillez ouvrir un nouveau fil de discussion sur le forum et y copier-coller les détails de l'erreur afin de nous permettre de la rectifier dans une prochaine version de Kolibri Studio.",
"ReportErrorModal.reportErrorHeader": "Signaler une erreur",
"RequestForm.approximatelyHowManyResourcesLabel": "Environ combien de ressources individuelles prévoyez-vous de téléverser ?",
@@ -1073,6 +1146,7 @@
"ResourcePanel.author": "Auteur",
"ResourcePanel.availableFormats": "Formats disponibles",
"ResourcePanel.coachResources": "Ressources pour les éducateurs",
+ "ResourcePanel.completion": "Achèvement",
"ResourcePanel.copyrightHolder": "Titulaire des droits d'auteur",
"ResourcePanel.description": "Description",
"ResourcePanel.details": "Détails",
@@ -1081,8 +1155,7 @@
"ResourcePanel.incompleteQuestionError": "{count, plural, one {# question incomplète} other {# questions incomplètes}}",
"ResourcePanel.language": "Langue",
"ResourcePanel.license": "Licence",
- "ResourcePanel.masteryCriteria": "Critères de maîtrise",
- "ResourcePanel.masteryMofN": "{m} sur {n}",
+ "ResourcePanel.masteryMofN": "Objectif : {m} sur {n}",
"ResourcePanel.nextSteps": "Étapes suivantes",
"ResourcePanel.noCopyrightHolderError": "Titulaire des droits d'auteur manquant",
"ResourcePanel.noFilesError": "Fichiers manquants",
@@ -1103,7 +1176,8 @@
"ResourcePanel.tags": "Étiquettes",
"ResourcePanel.totalResources": "Total des ressources",
"ResourcePanel.visibleTo": "Visible par",
- "ResponsiveDialog.closeButtonLabel": "Fermer",
+ "ResourcesNeededOptions.furtherExplanation": "Veuillez ajouter dans le champ « Description » toutes les fournitures supplémentaires dont les apprenants auront besoin pour utiliser cette ressource",
+ "ResourcesNeededOptions.resourcesNeededLabel": "Prérequis",
"ReviewSelectionsPage.noResourcesSelected": "Aucune ressource sélectionnée",
"ReviewSelectionsPage.removeAction": "Supprimer",
"ReviewSelectionsPage.resourcesInTopic": "{count, number} {count, plural, one {ressource} other {ressources}}",
@@ -1125,7 +1199,7 @@
"SearchFilterBar.clearAll": "Supprimer tout",
"SearchFilterBar.coachContent": "Ressources pour les éducateurs",
"SearchFilterBar.createdAfter": "Ajoutée après '{date}'",
- "SearchFilterBar.topicsHidden": "Aucun sujet",
+ "SearchFilterBar.topicsHidden": "Dossiers exclus",
"SearchFilters.addedAfterDateLabel": "Ajoutée après",
"SearchFilters.assessmentsLabel": "Afficher uniquement les évaluations",
"SearchFilters.channelSourceLabel": "Chaîne/source",
@@ -1133,17 +1207,14 @@
"SearchFilters.channelsHeader": "Chaînes",
"SearchFilters.coachContentLabel": "Afficher les ressources pour les éducateurs",
"SearchFilters.filtersHeader": "Options de filtrage",
- "SearchFilters.hideTopicsLabel": "Masquer les sujets",
+ "SearchFilters.hideTopicsLabel": "Masquer les dossiers",
"SearchFilters.kindLabel": "Format",
"SearchFilters.licensesLabel": "Licence",
"SearchOrBrowseWindow.backToBrowseAction": "Retour à la navigation",
- "SearchOrBrowseWindow.cancel": "Annuler",
"SearchOrBrowseWindow.copiedToClipboard": "Copié dans le presse-papier",
"SearchOrBrowseWindow.copyFailed": "Échec de la copie dans le presse-papier",
- "SearchOrBrowseWindow.copyingToClipboard": "Copie dans le presse-papier en cours...",
"SearchOrBrowseWindow.searchAction": "Rechercher",
"SearchOrBrowseWindow.searchLabel": "Rechercher des ressources…",
- "SearchOrBrowseWindow.undo": "Annuler",
"SearchResultsList.failedToLoad": "Impossible de charger les résultats de la recherche",
"SearchResultsList.resultsPerPageLabel": "Résultats par page",
"SearchResultsList.saveSearchAction": "Enregistrer la recherche",
@@ -1163,17 +1234,17 @@
"StagingTreePage.deploy": "Déployer",
"StagingTreePage.deployChannel": "Déployer la chaîne",
"StagingTreePage.deployDialogDescription": "Vous êtes sur le point de remplacer toutes les ressources publiées par des ressources annexées.",
- "StagingTreePage.emptyChannelSubText": "Pas de modifications à passer en revue ! La chaîne contient l'ensemble des sujets et ressources les plus récents.",
+ "StagingTreePage.emptyChannelSubText": "Aucun changement à revoir ! La chaîne comporte tous les dossiers et ressources les plus récents.",
"StagingTreePage.emptyChannelText": "Aucune ressource trouvée",
"StagingTreePage.emptyTopicText": "Ce sujet est vide",
"StagingTreePage.liveResources": "Ressources publiées",
- "StagingTreePage.openCurrentLocationButton": "Aller à l'emplacement actuel du sujet",
+ "StagingTreePage.openCurrentLocationButton": "Étendre vers l'emplacement du dossier actuel",
"StagingTreePage.openSummaryDetailsDialogBtn": "Afficher le résumé",
"StagingTreePage.resourcesCount": "{count, number} {count, plural, one { ressource } other { ressources }}",
"StagingTreePage.reviewMode": "Mode révision",
"StagingTreePage.stagedResources": "Ressources annexées",
"StagingTreePage.summaryDetailsDialogTitle": "Détails du résumé",
- "StagingTreePage.topicsCount": "{count, number} {count, plural, one { sujet } other { sujets }}",
+ "StagingTreePage.topicsCount": "{count, number} {count, plural, one { dossier } other { dossiers }}",
"StagingTreePage.totalResources": "Total des ressources",
"StagingTreePage.totalSize": "Taille totale",
"StagingTreePage.viewDetails": "Afficher les détails",
@@ -1193,8 +1264,8 @@
"SubtitlesList.addSubtitleText": "Ajouter des légendes",
"SubtitlesList.subtitlesHeader": "Légendes et sous-titres",
"SupplementaryItem.languageText": "{language} ({code})",
- "SupplementaryItem.retryUpload": "Réessayer le téléversement",
- "SupplementaryItem.uploadFailed": "Échec du téléversement",
+ "SupplementaryItem.retryUpload": "Réessayer le chargement",
+ "SupplementaryItem.uploadFailed": "Échec du chargement",
"SupplementaryList.selectFileText": "Sélectionner un fichier",
"SyncResourcesModal.backButtonLabel": "Retour",
"SyncResourcesModal.cancelButtonLabel": "Annuler",
@@ -1217,7 +1288,6 @@
"TechnicalTextBlock.copyToClipboardButtonPrompt": "Copier dans le presse-papier",
"Template.templateString": "Vous avez {count, plural, one {}\n =1 {# nœud aux fins de tests}\n other {# nœuds aux fins de tests}}",
"TermsOfServiceModal.ToSHeader": "Conditions d'utilisation",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.updatedToSHeader": "Conditions d'utilisation mises à jour",
"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseHeader": "Acceptable Use Restrictions",
"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem1": "Will be in strict accordance with these Terms;",
"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem10": "Will not interfere with, disrupt, or attack any service or network; and",
@@ -1275,7 +1345,7 @@
"TermsOfServiceModal.licensingList1Item2": "If you are not yourself the copyright holder, you must have the rights to distribute the uploaded Content, either through explicit written permission from the copyright holder, or as allowed by the terms of the license under which the Content has been released.",
"TermsOfServiceModal.licensingList1Item3": "If you are the copyright holder of the uploaded content, then by marking the Content you upload with a particular license, you are agreeing for the Content to be distributed and used under the terms of that license in perpetuity.",
"TermsOfServiceModal.licensingList2Item1": "Descriptive metadata: This includes primary metadata associated with a single piece of Content, for example, titles, descriptions, and other elements which constitute a definitive part of the Content regardless of which system it appears on. These metadata elements will fall under the same copyright and licensing as the Content itself.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.licensingList2Item2": "Organizational metadata: This defines how a piece of content may be used, aids with discovery, and places it within some broader structure of relations on the Service, for example, tags, curation into topics (including the titles of those topics), and other elements pertaining to the display and ordering of Content on the system itself. By using the Service, you agree that work you do to generate organizational metadata elements are released into the Public Domain, and may be made available for others to use, without any claim to copyright or restricted licensing. We may also share, leverage and distribute this organizational metadata. This is so that we can benefit others and improve the impact of our platforms.",
+ "TermsOfServiceModal.licensingList2Item2": "Organizational metadata: This defines how a piece of content may be used, aids with discovery, and places it within some broader structure of relations on the Service, for example, tags, curation into folders (including the titles of those folders), and other elements pertaining to the display and ordering of Content on the system itself. By using the Service, you agree that work you do to generate organizational metadata elements are released into the Public Domain, and may be made available for others to use, without any claim to copyright or restricted licensing. We may also share, leverage and distribute this organizational metadata. This is so that we can benefit others and improve the impact of our platforms.",
"TermsOfServiceModal.licensingP1": "The Service allows you to upload and distribute Content. When you do, the following terms apply:",
"TermsOfServiceModal.licensingP2": "We follow a policy of making content, including its associated metadata, as open as possible while following the appropriate copyright laws. With this in mind, we distinguish between:",
"TermsOfServiceModal.miscellaneousHeader": "Miscellaneous",
@@ -1287,6 +1357,7 @@
"TermsOfServiceModal.thirdPartyP1": "The links to third party websites, any third party content, and any third party applications may be provided for your convenience and information only. The content on any linked website or in any third party application is not under our control and we are not responsible for the content of linked websites and/or third party applications, including any further links contained in a third party website. We make no representations or warranties in connection with any third party content or third party applications, which at all times and in each instance is provided \"as is.\" Third party applications may be subject to additional policies and conditions or agreements between you and the provider of such third party applications. You agree to fully comply with all such additional policies, conditions and agreements. If you decide to access any third party content, and/or any third party application, you do so entirely at your own risk.",
"TermsOfServiceModal.thirdPartyRightsHeader": "Third Party Rights",
"TermsOfServiceModal.thirdPartyRightsP1": "Nothing in our Terms is intended to confer on any third party any benefit or any right (under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 UK or otherwise) to enforce any provision of our Terms or any agreement entered into in connection with it.",
+ "TermsOfServiceModal.updatedToSHeader": "Conditions d'utilisation mises à jour",
"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentHeader": "User-Generated Content",
"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList1Item1": "We do not endorse any uploaded Content or represent that Content is accurate, useful, or non-harmful. Content could be offensive, indecent, or objectionable; include technical inaccuracies, typographical mistakes, or other errors; or violate or infringe the privacy, publicity rights, intellectual property rights (see our Copyright Infringement and DMCA Policy section to submit copyright complaints), or other proprietary rights of third parties.",
"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList1Item2": "If you upload or author Content, or otherwise make (or allow any third party to make) Content available on the Service, you are entirely responsible for the Content, and any harm resulting from, that Content or your conduct.",
@@ -1322,19 +1393,19 @@
"TrashModal.deleteButton": "Supprimer",
"TrashModal.deleteConfirmationCancelButton": "Annuler",
"TrashModal.deleteConfirmationDeleteButton": "Supprimer définitivement",
- "TrashModal.deleteConfirmationHeader": "Supprimer définitivement {topicCount, plural, one {}\n =1 {# sujet}\n other {# sujets}}, {resourceCount, plural,\n =1 {# ressource}\n other {# ressources}} ?",
+ "TrashModal.deleteConfirmationHeader": "Supprimer définitivement {topicCount, plural,\n =1 {# dossier}\n other {# dossiers}}, {resourceCount, plural,\n =1 {# ressource}\n other {# ressources}}?",
"TrashModal.deleteConfirmationText": "Cette action est irréversible. Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir continuer ?",
"TrashModal.deleteSuccessMessage": "Supprimé définitivement",
"TrashModal.deletedHeader": "Supprimé",
"TrashModal.restoreButton": "Restaurer",
"TrashModal.selectAllHeader": "Tout sélectionner",
- "TrashModal.selectedCountText": "{topicCount, plural, one {}\n =1 {# sujet}\n other {# sujets}}, {resourceCount, plural,\n =1 {# ressource}\n other {# ressources}}",
+ "TrashModal.selectedCountText": "{topicCount, plural,\n =1 {# dossier}\n other {# dossiers}}, {resourceCount, plural,\n =1 {# ressource}\n other {# ressources}}",
"TrashModal.trashEmptySubtext": "Les ressources supprimées de cette chaîne apparaîtront ici",
"TrashModal.trashEmptyText": "La corbeille est vide",
"TrashModal.trashModalTitle": "Corbeille",
"TreeView.closeDrawer": "Fermer",
"TreeView.collapseAllButton": "Réduire tout",
- "TreeView.openCurrentLocationButton": "Agrandir à l'emplacement du sujet actuel",
+ "TreeView.openCurrentLocationButton": "Étendre vers l'emplacement du dossier actuel",
"TreeView.showSidebar": "Afficher la barre latérale",
"TreeView.updatedResourcesReadyForReview": "Les ressources mises à jour sont prêtes à être revues",
"TreeViewBase.apiGenerated": "Généré par l'API",
@@ -1367,8 +1438,8 @@
"Uploader.uploadSize": "Le téléversement est trop volumineux : {size}",
"UsingStudio.aboutStudio": "À propos de Kolibri Studio",
"UsingStudio.aboutStudioText": "Kolibri Studio étant en cours de développement actif, certaines modifications pourraient entraîner des comportements ou des difficultés inattendus (également appelés « problèmes »). Si vous en rencontrez un, merci de nous en faire part dès que possible pour nous aider à le résoudre. (Voir ci-dessous pour découvrir comment signaler un problème).",
- "UsingStudio.bestPractice1": "Lors des opérations d'importation et d'utilisation du presse-papier, veillez à travailler avec de petits sous-ensembles de sujets plutôt qu'avec des chaînes entières (surtout en cas de chaînes volumineuses).",
- "UsingStudio.bestPractice2": "Mieux vaut créer plusieurs petites chaînes plutôt qu'une chaîne géante avec plusieurs couches de sujets.",
+ "UsingStudio.bestPractice1": "Lors des opérations d'importation et d'utilisation du presse-papiers, veillez à travailler avec de petits sous-ensembles de dossiers plutôt qu'avec des chaînes entières (surtout en cas de chaînes volumineuses).",
+ "UsingStudio.bestPractice2": "Il est préférable de créer plusieurs petites chaînes plutôt qu'une chaîne géante avec de nombreuses couches de dossiers.",
"UsingStudio.bestPractice3": "Rechargez souvent la page pour vous assurer que votre travail est enregistré sur le serveur et qu'aucune erreur de réseau ne s'est manifestée. Tapez CTRL+R sur Linux/Windows ou ⌘+R sur Mac.",
"UsingStudio.bestPractice4": "Évitez de modifier simultanément une même chaîne. Les chaînes ne devraient pas être modifiées en même temps par deux utilisateurs ou un même utilisateur dans plusieurs fenêtres de navigateur.",
"UsingStudio.bestPractice5": "Certaines opérations comme l'importation et la synchronisation pourraient entraîner des erreurs de timeout dans votre navigateur lorsque vous travaillez sur des chaînes volumineuses. Ne faites pas attention à ces messages d'erreur et ne répétez pas immédiatement la même opération. Cela ne signifie pas que l'opération a échoué. En effet, Kolibri Studio travaille toujours en arrière-plan. Attendez quelques minutes et rechargez la page avant de continuer vos modifications.",
@@ -1378,7 +1449,7 @@
"UsingStudio.bestPractice9": "Signalez les problèmes dès que vous les rencontrez.",
"UsingStudio.bestPractices": "Meilleures pratiques",
"UsingStudio.communityStandardsLink": "Normes communautaires",
- "UsingStudio.issue1": "Deux utilisateurs ont signalé des incidents isolés où le contenu importé d'une autre chaîne a disparu, laissant des sujets et sous-sujets vides. Dans l'un des cas signalés, le contenu est réapparu par la suite. Les utilisateurs n'ont pas systématiquement rencontré ce problème, qui pourrait éventuellement être lié à une connexion Internet lente ou instable. Si vous rencontrez cette difficulté, merci de nous contacter dès que possible et de nous communiquer toutes les informations dont vous vous souvenez.",
+ "UsingStudio.issue1": "Deux utilisateurs ont signalé des incidents isolés où le contenu qu'ils avaient importé d'une autre chaîne avait disparu, ne laissant que des dossiers et sous-dossiers vides. Selon un rapport, le contenu est réapparu par la suite. Ces problèmes ne sont pas récurrents et les incidents peuvent être liés à une connexion Internet lente ou instable. Si vous rencontrez ce problème, veuillez nous contacter dès que possible et nous faire part du maximum d'informations dont vous vous souvenez.",
"UsingStudio.issue2": "Certaines opérations de Studio sont actuellement très lentes. La modification que vous avez tenté d'apporter pourrait ainsi sembler interrompue ou sans effet. Dans de nombreux cas, elle est en réalité encore en cours de traitement et apparaîtra dès qu'elle sera terminée. Si, après 5 à 10 minutes, la modification n'a toujours pas pris effet, même après un rafraîchissement du navigateur, merci de nous signaler le problème. Nous travaillons actuellement à résoudre ces difficultés.",
"UsingStudio.issueLink1": "Signalements de contenus qui semblent disparaître",
"UsingStudio.issueLink2": "La lenteur du système peut entraîner des erreurs inattendues dans l'interface",
@@ -1406,9 +1477,18 @@
"channelEditVue.questionTypeTrueFalse": "Vrai/Faux",
"channelEditVue.true": "Vrai",
"formStrings.errorText": "Veuillez corriger {count, plural, one {}\n =1 {# erreur}\n other {# erreurs}} ci-dessous",
+ "sharedVue.activityDurationGteOne": "La valeur doit être égale ou supérieure à 1",
+ "sharedVue.activityDurationRequired": "Ce champ est requis",
+ "sharedVue.activityDurationTooLongWarning": "Cette valeur est très élevée. Veuillez vous assurer qu'il s'agit bien du temps que les apprenants doivent passer sur la ressource afin de la terminer.",
+ "sharedVue.confirmLogout": "Les modifications que vous avez apportées peuvent ne pas être enregistrées. Êtes-vous sûr(e) de vouloir quitter cette page ?",
"sharedVue.copyrightHolderRequired": "Le titulaire du droit d'auteur est obligatoire",
+ "sharedVue.durationRequired": "La durée est obligatoire",
+ "sharedVue.fieldRequired": "Ce champ est requis",
+ "sharedVue.learningActivityRequired": "L'activité d'apprentissage est obligatoire",
"sharedVue.licenseDescriptionRequired": "La licence d'autorisation spéciale nécessite une description",
"sharedVue.licenseRequired": "La licence est obligatoire",
+ "sharedVue.longActivityGtThirty": "La valeur doit être supérieure à 30",
+ "sharedVue.longActivityLteOneTwenty": "La valeur doit être égale ou inférieure à 120",
"sharedVue.masteryModelMGtZero": "Doit être d'au moins 1",
"sharedVue.masteryModelMLteN": "Doit être inférieur ou égal à N",
"sharedVue.masteryModelMRequired": "Obligatoire",
@@ -1417,5 +1497,5 @@
"sharedVue.masteryModelNRequired": "Obligatoire",
"sharedVue.masteryModelNWholeNumber": "Doit être un nombre entier",
"sharedVue.masteryModelRequired": "Le critère de maîtrise est obligatoire",
- "sharedVue.titleRequired": "Le titre est obligatoire"
+ "sharedVue.shortActivityLteThirty": "La valeur doit être égale ou inférieure à 30",
+ "sharedVue.titleRequired": "Le titre est obligatoire"}
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,937 @@
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: kolibri-studio\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-16 00:55+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-10-17 20:08\n"
+"Last-Translator: \n"
+"Language-Team: French\n"
+"Language: fr_FR\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
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+"X-Crowdin-Project-ID: 286000\n"
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+#: contentcuration/api.py:140
+msgid "Date/Time Created"
+msgstr "Date/heure de création"
+#: contentcuration/api.py:141 contentcuration/api.py:142
+msgid "Not Available"
+msgstr "Non disponible"
+#: contentcuration/api.py:145
+msgid "Ricecooker Version"
+msgstr "Version Ricecooker"
+#: contentcuration/api.py:150 contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:164
+msgid "File Size"
+msgstr "Taille du fichier"
+#: contentcuration/api.py:161
+msgid "# of {}s"
+msgstr "Nbre de {}s"
+#: contentcuration/api.py:165
+msgid "# of Questions"
+msgstr "Nbre de questions"
+#: contentcuration/api.py:175
+msgid "# of Subtitles"
+msgstr "Nbre de sous-titres"
+#: contentcuration/catalog_settings.py:4 contentcuration/sandbox_settings.py:8
+#: contentcuration/settings.py:287
+msgid "Arabic"
+msgstr "Arabe"
+#: contentcuration/middleware/db_readonly.py:24
+msgid "The site is currently in read-only mode. Please try again later."
+msgstr "Le site est actuellement en mode lecture seule. Veuillez réessayer plus tard."
+#: contentcuration/models.py:279
+msgid "Not enough space. Check your storage under Settings page."
+msgstr "Espace insuffisant. Vérifiez votre espace de stockage disponible sur la page Paramètres."
+#: contentcuration/models.py:294 contentcuration/models.py:301
+msgid "Out of storage! Request more space under Settings > Storage."
+msgstr "Espace de stockage insuffisant ! Demandez plus d'espace dans Paramètres > Stockage."
+#: contentcuration/models.py:1410
+msgid " (Original)"
+msgstr " (Original)"
+#: contentcuration/settings.py:285
+msgid "English"
+msgstr "Anglais"
+#: contentcuration/settings.py:286
+msgid "Spanish"
+msgstr "Espagnol"
+#: contentcuration/settings.py:288
+msgid "French"
+msgstr "Français"
+#: contentcuration/tasks.py:251
+msgid "Unknown error starting task. Please contact support."
+msgstr "Erreur inconnue lors du démarrage de la tâche. Veuillez contacter l'équipe support."
+#: contentcuration/templates/base.html:83
+#: contentcuration/templates/channel_list.html:14
+msgid "Kolibri Studio"
+msgstr "Kolibri Studio"
+#: contentcuration/templates/base.html:166
+msgid "Contentworkshop.learningequality.org has been deprecated. Please go to studio.learningequality.org for the latest version of Studio"
+msgstr "Contentworkshop.learningequality.org n'est plus valide. Veuillez vous rendre sur studio.learningequality.org pour obtenir la dernière version de Studio"
+#: contentcuration/templates/channel_list.html:13
+msgid "Kolibri Content Library Catalog"
+msgstr "Catalogue de la bibliothèque de contenus Kolibri"
+#: contentcuration/templates/channel_not_found.html:23
+msgid "We're sorry, this channel was not found."
+msgstr "Désolé, cette chaîne est introuvable."
+#: contentcuration/templates/channel_not_found.html:24
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/open_channel_fail.html:14
+#: contentcuration/templates/staging_not_found.html:23
+#: contentcuration/templates/unauthorized.html:23
+msgid "Go Home"
+msgstr "Aller à la page d'accueil"
+#: contentcuration/templates/exercise_list.html:67
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "Précédent"
+#: contentcuration/templates/exercise_list.html:73
+msgid "current"
+msgstr "actuel"
+#: contentcuration/templates/exercise_list.html:77
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Suivant"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:206
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:165
+msgid "Language not set"
+msgstr "Langue non définie"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:212
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:171
+#, python-format
+msgid "This file was generated on %(date)s"
+msgstr "Ce fichier a été généré le %(date)s"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:231
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:189
+msgid "Created"
+msgstr "Créée"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:232
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:190
+msgid "Last Published"
+msgstr "Dernière publication"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:233
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:191
+msgid "Unpublished"
+msgstr "Non publiée"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:245
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:247
+msgid "Copy one of the following into Kolibri to import this channel:"
+msgstr "Pour importer cette chaîne, copiez l'un des éléments suivants dans Kolibri :"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:252
+msgid "Tokens (Recommended):"
+msgstr "Jetons (recommandés) :"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:260
+msgid "Channel ID:"
+msgstr "ID de la chaîne :"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:267
+msgid "Channel must be published to import into Kolibri"
+msgstr "La chaîne doit être publiée afin d'être importée dans Kolibri"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:273
+msgid "WHAT'S INSIDE"
+msgstr "CONTENU"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:283
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:213
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(count)s Resource"
+msgid_plural "%(count)s Resources"
+msgstr[0] "%(count)s Ressource"
+msgstr[1] "%(count)s Ressources"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:304
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:234
+msgid "Includes"
+msgstr "Comprend"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:310
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:236
+msgid "Languages"
+msgstr "Langues"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:316
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:245
+msgid "Subtitles"
+msgstr "Sous-titres"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:324
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:254
+msgid "For Educators"
+msgstr "Pour les éducateurs"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:325
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:256
+msgid "Coach Content"
+msgstr "Contenu pour les éducateurs"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:325
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:257
+msgid "Assessments"
+msgstr "Évaluations"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:334
+msgid "Content Tags"
+msgstr "Étiquettes de contenu"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:338
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:270
+msgid "No tags found"
+msgstr "Aucune étiquette trouvée"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:343
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:448
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:274
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:337
+msgid "This channel is empty"
+msgstr "Cette chaîne est vide"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:348
+msgid "SOURCE"
+msgstr "SOURCE"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:360
+msgid "This channel features resources created by:"
+msgstr "Cette chaîne comprend des ressources créées par :"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:361
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:379
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:398
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:420
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:440
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:293
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:305
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:317
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:322
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:333
+msgid "Information not available"
+msgstr "Information non disponible"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:378
+msgid "The material in this channel was provided by:"
+msgstr "Le contenu de cette chaîne a été fourni par :"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:397
+msgid "Material in this channel was originally hosted by:"
+msgstr "Le contenu de cette chaîne était à l'origine hébergé par :"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:416
+msgid "This channel includes the following licenses:"
+msgstr "Cette chaîne comprend les licences suivantes :"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:439
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:326
+msgid "Copyright Holders:"
+msgstr "Titulaires des droits d'auteur :"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:192
+msgid "Token:"
+msgstr "Jeton :"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:203
+msgid "What's Inside"
+msgstr "Contenu"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:239
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:248
+#, python-format
+msgid "\n"
+" (+ %(count)s more)\n"
+" "
+msgstr "\n"
+" (+ %(count)s de plus)\n"
+" "
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:267
+msgid "Most Common Tags"
+msgstr "Étiquettes les plus courantes"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:280
+msgid "Source Information"
+msgstr "Information sur la source "
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:284
+msgid "Authors:"
+msgstr "Auteurs :"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:288
+#, python-format
+msgid "\n"
+" (+ %(count)s more)\n"
+" "
+msgstr "\n"
+" (+ %(count)s de plus)\n"
+" "
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:298
+msgid "Providers:"
+msgstr "Fournisseurs :"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:301
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:313
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:329
+#, python-format
+msgid "\n"
+" (+ %(count)s more)\n"
+" "
+msgstr "\n"
+" (+ %(count)s de plus)\n"
+" "
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:310
+msgid "Aggregators:"
+msgstr "Agrégateurs :"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:322
+msgid "Licenses:"
+msgstr "Licences :"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/csv_email.txt:4
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:4
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.txt:4
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.txt:4
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_needed_email.txt:4
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/channel_published_email.txt:4
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.txt:3
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/registration_needed_email.txt:4
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/account_deleted_user_email.txt:3
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/issue_report_email.txt:6
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/storage_request_email.txt:6
+#, python-format
+msgid "Hello %(name)s,"
+msgstr "Bonjour %(name)s,"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/csv_email.txt:6
+#, python-format
+msgid "Your csv for %(channel_name)s has finished generating (attached)."
+msgstr "La génération de votre fichier csv pour %(channel_name)s est terminée (ci-joint)."
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/csv_email.txt:8
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:29
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.txt:21
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.txt:12
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_needed_email.txt:14
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/channel_published_email.txt:15
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.txt:14
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/registration_needed_email.txt:12
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/account_deleted_user_email.txt:10
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/storage_request_email.txt:46
+msgid "Thanks for using Kolibri Studio!"
+msgstr "Merci d'utiliser Kolibri Studio !"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/csv_email.txt:10
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:31
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.txt:23
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.txt:14
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_needed_email.txt:16
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/channel_published_email.txt:17
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.txt:16
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/registration_needed_email.txt:14
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/account_deleted_user_email.txt:12
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/issue_report_email.txt:26
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/storage_request_email.txt:48
+msgid "The Learning Equality Team"
+msgstr "L’équipe de Learning Equality"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/csv_email_subject.txt:1
+#, python-format
+msgid "CSV for %(channel_name)s"
+msgstr "CSV pour %(channel_name)s"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:6
+msgid "Here is the information for your Kolibri Studio account"
+msgstr "Voici les informations relatives à votre compte Kolibri Studio"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:8
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Nom :"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:9
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_form.html:23
+msgid "Email:"
+msgstr "E-mail :"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:10
+msgid "Date joined:"
+msgstr "Date d’adhésion :"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:11
+msgid "Countries:"
+msgstr "Pays :"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:12
+msgid "Intended use for Studio:"
+msgstr "Utilisation prévue pour Studio :"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:13
+msgid "You heard about Kolibri Studio from:"
+msgstr "Vous avez entendu parler de Kolibri Studio par :"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:15
+msgid "Channels you have edit access to: "
+msgstr "Les chaînes pour lesquelles vous avez les droits de modification : "
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:19
+msgid "Channels you have view access to: "
+msgstr "Les chaînes pour lesquelles vous avez les droits de visualisation : "
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:23
+msgid "Information about the resources you have uploaded has been attached as a CSV file."
+msgstr "Les informations sur les ressources que vous avez téléversées sont jointes au format CSV."
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:26
+#, python-format
+msgid "If you have any questions or concerns, please email us at %(legal_email)s."
+msgstr "En cas de questions ou de préoccupations, merci de nous envoyer un e-mail à l'adresse : %(legal_email)s."
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email_subject.txt:1
+msgid "Your Kolibri Studio account information"
+msgstr "Informations sur votre compte Kolibri Studio"
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/open_channel_fail.html:12
+msgid "There was an error opening this channel."
+msgstr "Une erreur s'est produite lors de l'ouverture de cette chaîne."
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/open_channel_fail.html:13
+msgid "Try running ricecooker again."
+msgstr "Essayez d'exécuter de nouveau ricecooker."
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.html:93
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.html:91
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.html:91
+msgid "Hello"
+msgstr "Bonjour"
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.html:94
+msgid "has invited you to edit a channel at"
+msgstr "vous a invité à modifier une chaîne sur"
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.html:100
+#, python-format
+msgid "Invititation to %(share_mode)s channel"
+msgstr "Invitation à la chaîne %(share_mode)s"
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.html:104
+msgid "Click one of the following links to either accept or decline your invitation:"
+msgstr "Cliquez sur l'un des liens suivants pour accepter ou refuser votre invitation :"
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.html:107
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.html:109
+msgid "ACCEPT"
+msgstr "ACCEPTER"
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.html:112
+msgid "DECLINE"
+msgstr "REFUSER"
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.html:117
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.html:110
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.html:110
+msgid "Thanks for using our site!"
+msgstr "Merci d'utiliser notre site !"
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.txt:7
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(first)s %(last)s has invited you to edit a channel at %(site)s."
+msgstr "%(first)s %(last)s vous a invité à modifier une chaîne sur %(site)s."
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.txt:9
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(first)s %(last)s has invited you to view a channel at %(site)s."
+msgstr "%(first)s %(last)s vous invite à visualiser une chaîne sur %(site)s."
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.txt:13
+msgid "Please sign in to Kolibri Studio to accept or decline your invitation:"
+msgstr "Veuillez vous connecter à Kolibri Studio pour accepter ou refuser votre invitation :"
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.txt:16
+msgid "Please follow this link to create an account (you must be signed in to accept or decline invitations):"
+msgstr "Veuillez suivre ce lien pour créer un compte (vous devez être connecté pour accepter ou refuser les invitations) :"
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email_subject.txt:1
+#, python-format
+msgid "You've been invited to edit %(channel)s"
+msgstr "Vous avez été invité à modifier %(channel)s"
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email_subject.txt:1
+#, python-format
+msgid "You've been invited to view %(channel)s"
+msgstr "Vous avez été invité à visualiser %(channel)s"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.html:92
+msgid "Welcome to Kolibri! Here is the link to activate your account:"
+msgstr "Bienvenue à Kolibri ! Voici le lien permettant d'activer votre compte :"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.html:101
+msgid "Click here to activate your account."
+msgstr "Cliquez ici pour activer votre compte."
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.html:102
+msgid "This link is valid for"
+msgstr "Ce lien reste valable pendant"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.html:102
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(expiration_days)s days."
+msgstr "%(expiration_days)s jours."
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.html:104
+msgid "ACTIVATE"
+msgstr "ACTIVER"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.txt:6
+#, python-format
+msgid "Here is your activation link for %(site_name)s:"
+msgstr "Voici votre lien d'activation pour %(site_name)s :"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.txt:10
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_needed_email.txt:12
+#, python-format
+msgid "This link is valid for %(expiration_days)s days."
+msgstr "Ce lien reste valable pendant %(expiration_days)s jours."
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email_subject.txt:1
+msgid "Account activation link for"
+msgstr "Lien d'activation de compte pour"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_needed_email.txt:6
+#, python-format
+msgid "You have requested a password reset link on %(site_name)s without first activating your account."
+msgstr "Vous avez demandé à réinitialiser votre mot de passe sur %(site_name)s sans avoir préalablement activé votre compte."
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_needed_email.txt:8
+msgid "Please activate your account by following the link below:"
+msgstr "Veuillez activer votre compte en suivant le lien ci-dessous :"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/channel_published_email.txt:6
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(channel_name)s has finished publishing! Here is the channel token (for importing it into Kolibri):"
+msgstr "La publication de %(channel_name)s est terminée ! Voici son jeton (pour l'importer dans Kolibri) :"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/channel_published_email.txt:8
+#, python-format
+msgid "Token: %(channel_token)s"
+msgstr "Jeton : %(channel_token)s"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/channel_published_email.txt:10
+#, python-format
+msgid "ID (for Kolibri version 0.6.0 and below): %(channel_id)s"
+msgstr "ID (pour les versions de Kolibri inférieures ou égales à 0.6.0) : %(channel_id)s"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/channel_published_email.txt:12
+#, python-format
+msgid "Version notes: %(notes)s"
+msgstr "Notes de version : %(notes)s"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/channel_published_email.txt:21
+msgid "You are receiving this email because you are subscribed to this channel."
+msgstr "Vous recevez cet e-mail parce que vous êtes abonné à cette chaîne."
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/getting_started.html:16
+msgid "Content Curation Tools for Kolibri"
+msgstr "Outils de curation de contenus pour Kolibri"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_confirm.html:14
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_form.html:15
+msgid "Password Reset"
+msgstr "Réinitialisation du mot de passe"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_confirm.html:17
+msgid "Submit"
+msgstr "Envoyer"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_confirm.html:20
+msgid "Password reset unsuccessful."
+msgstr "Échec de la réinitialisation du mot de passe"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_confirm.html:21
+msgid "The password reset link was invalid, possibly because it has already been used. "
+msgstr "Le lien de réinitialisation du mot de passe était invalide, peut-être parce qu'il avait déjà été utilisé."
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_confirm.html:22
+msgid "Request a new password reset."
+msgstr "Demander une nouvelle réinitialisation de mot de passe."
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.html:92
+msgid "You are receiving this e-mail because you requested a password reset for your user account at"
+msgstr "Vous recevez cet e-mail parce que vous avez demandé à réinitialiser votre mot de passe pour votre compte utilisateur sur"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.html:98
+msgid "Reset my Password"
+msgstr "Réinitialiser mon mot de passe"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.html:101
+msgid "Please click the button below and choose a new password."
+msgstr "Veuillez cliquer sur le bouton ci-dessous pour choisir un nouveau mot de passe."
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.html:102
+msgid "Your username is"
+msgstr "Votre nom d'utilisateur est"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.html:104
+msgid "RESET"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.txt:5
+#, python-format
+msgid "You have requested a password reset for your account at %(site_name)s."
+msgstr "Vous avez demandé un nouveau mot de passe pour accéder à votre compte sur %(site_name)s."
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.txt:7
+msgid "Please reset your password by following the link below:"
+msgstr "Veuillez réinitialiser votre mot de passe en suivant le lien ci-dessous :"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.txt:12
+msgid "In case you've forgotten, your username is:"
+msgstr "Au cas où vous l'auriez oublié, votre nom d'utilisateur est :"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_form.html:16
+msgid "Enter your email, and we'll send instructions for setting a new password."
+msgstr "Renseignez votre adresse e-mail et nous vous enverrons les instructions pour établir un nouveau mot de passe."
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_form.html:19
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(form.email.errors)s"
+msgstr "%(form.email.errors)s"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_form.html:24
+msgid "Reset Password"
+msgstr "Réinitialiser le mot de passe"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_subject.txt:1
+msgid "Password reset on"
+msgstr "Mot de passe réinitialisé le"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/registration_needed_email.txt:6
+#, python-format
+msgid "You have requested a password reset on %(site_name)s without first creating an account."
+msgstr "Vous avez demandé à réinitialiser votre mot de passe pour %(site_name)s sans avoir créé de compte au préalable."
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/registration_needed_email.txt:8
+msgid "Please create an account by following the link below:"
+msgstr "Veuillez créer un compte en suivant le lien ci-dessous :"
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/account_deleted_user_email.txt:5
+#, python-format
+msgid "Your %(email)s account on %(site_name)s has been deleted."
+msgstr "Votre compte %(email)s sur %(site_name)s a été supprimé."
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/account_deleted_user_email.txt:7
+#, python-format
+msgid "If this was a mistake, please email us at %(legal_email)s by %(buffer_date)s (%(num_days)s days from now)."
+msgstr "Si c'était une erreur, veuillez nous envoyer un e-mail à l'adresse %(legal_email)s d'ici %(buffer_date)s (%(num_days)s jours)."
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/issue_report_email.txt:8
+msgid "Thank you for reporting your issue. Here is a copy of your report:"
+msgstr "Merci d'avoir signalé votre problème. Voici une copie de votre rapport :"
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/issue_report_email.txt:20
+msgid "We are currently reviewing the information that you have provided, and will file your issue accordingly."
+msgstr "Nous analysons actuellement les informations fournies et traiterons votre demande en conséquence."
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/issue_report_email.txt:21
+msgid "We appreciate your patience and assistance as we work to improve Kolibri Studio!"
+msgstr "Merci pour votre patience et votre aide dans nos efforts pour améliorer Kolibri Studio !"
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/issue_report_email.txt:24
+msgid "Thank you,"
+msgstr "Merci,"
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/storage_request_email.txt:8
+msgid "Thank you for your request for additional storage."
+msgstr "Merci pour votre demande de stockage supplémentaire."
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/storage_request_email.txt:10
+msgid "Here is a copy of your request:"
+msgstr "Voici une copie de votre demande :"
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/storage_request_email.txt:43
+msgid "We are currently reviewing the information that you have provided, and will work to be in touch in a timely manner depending on the scope of your request. While Kolibri Studio is under active development, we need to be especially mindful of how much additional storage can be provided to ensure that we can successfully continue to build the Studio tool. Many thanks in advance for your understanding."
+msgstr "Nous analysons actuellement les informations fournies et ferons notre possible pour revenir vers vous dans les meilleurs délais selon l'ampleur de votre demande. Kolibri Studio étant en cours de développement actif, nous devons prêter une attention toute particulière à la quantité de stockage supplémentaire pouvant être fournie sans compromettre le développement de Studio. Merci d'avance pour votre compréhension."
+#: contentcuration/templates/staging_not_found.html:22
+msgid "No updates to review."
+msgstr "Aucune mise à jour à vérifier."
+#: contentcuration/templates/unauthorized.html:22
+msgid "You do not have access to this page."
+msgstr "Vous n'avez pas accès à cette page."
+#: contentcuration/templates/unsupported_browser.html:47
+msgid "Unsupported Browser."
+msgstr "Navigateur non supporté."
+#: contentcuration/templates/unsupported_browser.html:49
+msgid "Sorry, your browser version is not supported."
+msgstr "Désolé, la version de votre navigateur n'est pas supportée."
+#: contentcuration/templates/unsupported_browser.html:51
+msgid "To use Kolibri Studio, we recommend using Firefox or Chrome."
+msgstr "Nous vous recommandons d'utiliser Firefox ou Chrome pour utiliser Kolibri Studio."
+#: contentcuration/templates/unsupported_browser.html:53
+msgid "You can also try updating your current browser."
+msgstr "Vous pouvez aussi essayer de mettre à jour votre navigateur actuel."
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/license_tags.py:10
+msgid "The Attribution License lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation. This is the most accommodating of licenses offered. Recommended for maximum dissemination and use of licensed materials."
+msgstr "La Licence d'Attribution permet aux autres de distribuer, remixer, modifier et développer votre œuvre, y compris à des fins commerciales, à condition qu'ils vous attribuent la paternité de la création originale. Parmi les licences proposées, elle est la plus ouverte. Elle est recommandée pour la diffusion et l'utilisation maximales des supports sous licence."
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/license_tags.py:15
+msgid "The Attribution-ShareAlike License lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work even for commercial purposes, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under the identical terms. This license is often compared to \"copyleft\" free and open source software licenses. All new works based on yours will carry the same license, so any derivatives will also allow commercial use. This is the license used by Wikipedia, and is recommended for materials that would benefit from incorporating content from Wikipedia and similarly licensed projects."
+msgstr "La Licence d'Attribution-Partage dans les mêmes conditions permet aux autres de remixer, modifier et développer votre œuvre, y compris à des fins commerciales, à condition qu'ils vous attribuent la paternité de la création originale et qu'ils diffusent leurs nouvelles créations selon les mêmes conditions. Cette licence est souvent comparée aux licences de logiciels libres et open source de type « copyleft ». Toutes les nouvelles œuvres basées sur la vôtre porteront la même licence, de sorte que tous les travaux dérivés autoriseront également une utilisation commerciale. Licence utilisée par Wikipédia, elle est recommandée pour les supports qui bénéficieraient de l'incorporation de contenus de Wikipédia et de projets sous licences similaires."
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/license_tags.py:25
+msgid "The Attribution-NoDerivs License allows for redistribution, commercial and non-commercial, as long as it is passed along unchanged and in whole, with credit to you."
+msgstr "La Licence d'Attribution-Pas de travaux dérivés autorise la redistribution de l'œuvre, à des fins commerciales et non commerciales, à condition qu'elle soit transmise intacte et en totalité et que sa paternité vous soit attribuée."
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/license_tags.py:28
+msgid "The Attribution-NonCommercial License lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work non-commercially, and although their new works must also acknowledge you and be non-commercial, they don't have to license their derivative works on the same terms."
+msgstr "La Licence d'Attribution-Pas d'utilisation commerciale permet aux autres de remixer, de modifier et de développer votre œuvre à des fins non commerciales, et si leurs nouvelles œuvres doivent vous citer et demeurer non commerciales, leurs œuvres dérivées ne sont pas tenues d'être diffusées sous les mêmes conditions."
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/license_tags.py:32
+msgid "The Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work non-commercially, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under the identical terms."
+msgstr "La Licence d'Attribution-Pas d'utilisation commerciale-Partage dans les mêmes conditions permet aux autres de remixer, modifier et développer votre œuvre à des fins non commerciales, à condition qu'ils vous en attribuent la paternité et diffusent leurs nouvelles créations sous les mêmes conditions."
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/license_tags.py:36
+msgid "The Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License is the most restrictive of our six main licenses, only allowing others to download your works and share them with others as long as they credit you, but they can't change them in any way or use them commercially."
+msgstr "La Licence d'Attribution-Pas d'utilisation commerciale-Pas de travaux dérivés est la plus restrictive de nos six licences principales. Elle n'autorise aux autres que le téléchargement et le partage de vos œuvres à condition qu'ils vous en attribuent la paternité, et interdit toute modification de quelque nature que ce soit et toute utilisation à des fins commerciales."
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/license_tags.py:40
+msgid "The All Rights Reserved License indicates that the copyright holder reserves, or holds for their own use, all the rights provided by copyright law under one specific copyright treaty."
+msgstr "La Licence Tous droits réservés indique que le titulaire du droit d'auteur réserve, ou détient pour son propre usage, tous les droits prévus par la loi sur le droit d'auteur en vertu d'un traité spécifique en la matière."
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/license_tags.py:43
+msgid "Public Domain work has been identified as being free of known restrictions under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights."
+msgstr "Les œuvres du domaine public ont été identifiées comme libres de toute restriction connue en vertu de la loi sur le droit d'auteur, y compris de tous droits connexes et voisins."
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/license_tags.py:46
+msgid "Special Permissions is a custom license to use when the current licenses do not apply to the content. The owner of this license is responsible for creating a description of what this license entails."
+msgstr "Les autorisations spéciales désignent des licences personnalisées à utiliser lorsque les licences actuelles ne s'appliquent pas au contenu. Il revient au propriétaire d'une telle licence de décrire ce que la licence en question implique."
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:26
+msgid "100% Correct"
+msgstr "100% correct"
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:27
+msgid "10 in a row"
+msgstr "10 d'affilée"
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:28
+msgid "2 in a row"
+msgstr "2 d'affilée"
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:29
+msgid "3 in a row"
+msgstr "3 d'affilée"
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:30
+msgid "5 in a row"
+msgstr "5 d'affilée"
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:31
+msgid "M of N..."
+msgstr "M sur N..."
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:32
+msgid "CC BY"
+msgstr "CC BY"
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:33
+msgid "CC BY-SA"
+msgstr "CC BY-SA"
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:34
+msgid "CC BY-ND"
+msgstr "CC BY-ND"
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:35
+msgid "CC BY-NC"
+msgstr "CC BY-NC"
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:36
+msgid "CC BY-NC-SA"
+msgstr "CC BY-NC-SA"
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:37
+msgid "CC BY-NC-ND"
+msgstr "CC BY-NC-ND"
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:38
+msgid "All Rights Reserved"
+msgstr "Tous droits réservés"
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:39
+msgid "Public Domain"
+msgstr "Domaine public"
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:40
+msgid "Special Permissions"
+msgstr "Autorisations spéciales"
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:49
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(filesize)s %(unit)s"
+msgstr "%(filesize)s %(unit)s"
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:138
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:201
+msgid "No Channel"
+msgstr "Aucune chaîne"
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:139
+msgid "No resource"
+msgstr "Aucune ressource"
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:164
+msgid "Channel"
+msgstr "Chaîne"
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:164
+msgid "Title"
+msgstr "Titre"
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:164
+msgid "Kind"
+msgstr "Type"
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:164
+msgid "Filename"
+msgstr "Nom du fichier"
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:164
+msgid "URL"
+msgstr "URL"
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:164
+msgid "Description"
+msgstr "Description"
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:165
+msgid "Author"
+msgstr "Auteur"
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:165
+msgid "Language"
+msgstr "Langue"
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:165
+msgid "License"
+msgstr "Licence"
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:165
+msgid "License Description"
+msgstr "Description de la licence"
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:165
+msgid "Copyright Holder"
+msgstr "Titulaire des droits d'auteur"
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:201
+msgid "No Resource"
+msgstr "Aucune ressource"
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:201
+msgid "Staged File"
+msgstr "Fichier indexé"
+#: contentcuration/utils/format.py:15
+msgid "B"
+msgstr "o"
+#: contentcuration/utils/format.py:17
+msgid "KB"
+msgstr "Ko"
+#: contentcuration/utils/format.py:19
+msgid "MB"
+msgstr "Mo"
+#: contentcuration/utils/format.py:21
+msgid "GB"
+msgstr "Go"
+#: contentcuration/utils/format.py:23
+msgid "TB"
+msgstr "To"
+#: contentcuration/utils/incidents.py:7
+msgid "There was a problem with a third-party service. This means certain operations might be blocked. We appreciate your patience while these issues are being resolved."
+msgstr "Nous rencontrons un problème avec un service tiers. Certaines opérations pourraient s'en retrouver bloquées. Nous vous remercions de votre patience pendant que nous cherchons à résoudre la question."
+#: contentcuration/utils/incidents.py:16
+msgid "EMERGENCY MAINTENANCE Kolibri Studio is operating on read-only mode for the time being in order for us to resolve some maintenance issues. This means all editing capabilities are disabled at the moment. We're currently working very hard to fix the issue as soon as possible. If you have any questions please contact us at content@learningequality.org. We apologize for any inconvenience caused and appreciate your patience while we resolve these issues."
+msgstr "MAINTENANCE D'URGENCE Kolibri Studio fonctionne actuellement en mode lecture seule pour que nous puissions résoudre certains problèmes de maintenance. Toutes les fonctions de modification sont par conséquent désactivées pour le moment. Nous faisons au mieux pour résoudre ce problème le plus rapidement possible. En cas de questions, veuillez nous contacter à l'adresse suivante : content@learningequality.org. Nous vous présentons nos excuses pour la gêne occasionnée et vous remercions pour votre patience pendant la résolution de ces problèmes."
+#: contentcuration/utils/incidents.py:31
+msgid "EMERGENCY MAINTENANCE Kolibri Studio is operating on read-only mode for the time being in order for us to resolve some database issues. This means all editing capabilities are disabled at the moment. We're currently working very hard to fix the issue as soon as possible. If you have any questions please contact us at content@learningequality.org. We apologize for any inconvenience caused and appreciate your patience while we resolve these issues."
+msgstr "MAINTENANCE D'URGENCE Kolibri Studio fonctionne actuellement en mode lecture seule pour que nous puissions résoudre certains problèmes avec la base de données. Toutes les fonctions de modification sont par conséquent désactivées pour le moment. Nous faisons au mieux pour résoudre ce problème le plus rapidement possible. En cas de questions, veuillez nous contacter à l'adresse suivante : content@learningequality.org. Nous vous présentons nos excuses pour la gêne occasionnée et vous remercions pour votre patience pendant la résolution de ces problèmes."
+#: contentcuration/utils/incidents.py:46
+msgid "We are encountering issues with Google Cloud Storage. This means any file uploading and publishing operations are currently unavailable. We appreciate your patience while these issues are being resolved. To check the status of this service, please visit here"
+msgstr "Nous rencontrons des problèmes avec Google Cloud Storage. Toute opération de téléchargement et de publication de fichiers est donc actuellement indisponible. Nous vous remercions de votre patience pendant la résolution de ces problèmes. Pour vérifier l'état de ce service, veuillez consulter le site ici"
+#: contentcuration/utils/incidents.py:57
+msgid "We are encountering issues with a third-party service. This means publishing is currently unavailable. We appreciate your patience while these issues are being resolved."
+msgstr "Nous rencontrons des problèmes avec un service tiers. Toute opération de publication est donc actuellement indisponible. Nous vous remercions de votre patience pendant la résolution de ces problèmes."
+#: contentcuration/utils/incidents.py:65
+msgid "We are encountering issues with our data center. This means you may encounter networking problems while using Studio. We appreciate your patience while these issues are being resolved. To check the status of this service, please visit here"
+msgstr "Nous rencontrons des problèmes avec notre centre de données. Vous pourriez par conséquent rencontrer des problèmes de réseau lors de l'utilisation de Studio. Nous vous remercions de votre patience pendant la résolution de ces problèmes. Pour vérifier l'état de ce service, veuillez visiter ici"
+#: contentcuration/utils/publish.py:57
+msgid "Kolibri Studio Channel Published"
+msgstr "Chaîne Kolibri Studio publiée"
+#: contentcuration/views/public.py:63 contentcuration/views/public.py:74
+msgid "Api endpoint {} is not available"
+msgstr "Le point de terminaison {} de l'API n'est pas disponible"
+#: contentcuration/views/public.py:76
+msgid "No channel matching {} found"
+msgstr "Aucune chaîne correspondant à {} trouvée"
+#: contentcuration/views/settings.py:110
+msgid "Kolibri Studio issue report"
+msgstr "Rapport d'erreurs de Kolibri Studio"
+#: contentcuration/views/settings.py:144
+msgid "Kolibri Studio account deleted"
+msgstr "Compte Kolibri Studio supprimé"
diff --git a/contentcuration/locale/hi_IN/LC_MESSAGES/contentcuration-messages.csv b/contentcuration/locale/hi_IN/LC_MESSAGES/contentcuration-messages.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..12a9bfef65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contentcuration/locale/hi_IN/LC_MESSAGES/contentcuration-messages.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,4624 @@
+"Identifier","Source String","Context","Translation"
+"AccessibilityOptions.altText","Visual elements in the resource have descriptions that can be accessed by screen readers for the benefit of blind learners","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Visual elements in the resource have descriptions that can be accessed by screen readers for the benefit of blind learners"
+"AccessibilityOptions.audioDescription","The resource contains a second narration audio track that provides additional information for the benefit of blind users and those with low vision","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","The resource contains a second narration audio track that provides additional information for the benefit of blind users and those with low vision"
+"AccessibilityOptions.highContrast","The resource text and visual elements are displayed with high contrast for the benefit of users with low vision","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","The resource text and visual elements are displayed with high contrast for the benefit of users with low vision"
+"AccessibilityOptions.signLanguage","Synchronized sign language intepretation is available for audio and video content","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Synchronized sign language intepretation is available for audio and video content"
+"AccessibilityOptions.taggedPdf","The document contains PDF tags that can be accessed by screen readers for the benefit of blind learners","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","The document contains PDF tags that can be accessed by screen readers for the benefit of blind learners"
+"Account.apiDocumentation","API documentation","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","API documentation"
+"Account.apiTokenHeading","API Token","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","API Token"
+"Account.apiTokenMessage","You will need this access token to run content integration scripts for bulk-uploading materials through the Kolibri Studio API.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","You will need this access token to run content integration scripts for bulk-uploading materials through the Kolibri Studio API."
+"Account.basicInfoHeader","Basic Information","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Basic Information"
+"Account.changePasswordAction","Change password","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Change password"
+"Account.completelyDeleteAccountLabel","Completely remove your account from Kolibri Studio","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Completely remove your account from Kolibri Studio"
+"Account.deleteAccountLabel","Delete account","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Delete account"
+"Account.editFullNameAction","Edit full name","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Edit full name"
+"Account.exportAccountDataHeading","Export account data","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Export account data"
+"Account.exportAccountDataLabel","You will receive an email with all information linked to your account","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","You will receive an email with all information linked to your account"
+"Account.exportAccountDataModalMessage","You'll receive an email with your data when the export is completed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","You'll receive an email with your data when the export is completed"
+"Account.exportDataButton","Export data","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Export data"
+"Account.exportFailed","Unable to export data. Please try again.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Unable to export data. Please try again."
+"Account.exportStartedHeader","Data export started","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Data export started"
+"Account.fullNameLabel","Full name","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Full name"
+"Account.handleChannelsBeforeAccount","You must delete these channels manually or invite others to edit them before you can delete your account.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","You must delete these channels manually or invite others to edit them before you can delete your account."
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Account.unableToDeleteAdminAccount","Unable to delete an admin account","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Unable to delete an admin account"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"AccountCreated.accountCreatedTitle","Account successfully created","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Account successfully created"
+"AccountCreated.continueToSignIn","Continue to sign-in","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Continue to sign-in"
+"AccountDeleted.accountDeletedTitle","Account successfully deleted","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Account successfully deleted"
+"AccountDeleted.continueToSignIn","Continue to sign-in page","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Continue to sign-in page"
+"AccountNotActivated.requestNewLink","Request a new activation link","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Request a new activation link"
+"AccountNotActivated.text","Please check your email for an activation link or request a new link.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Please check your email for an activation link or request a new link."
+"AccountNotActivated.title","Account has not been activated","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Account has not been activated"
+"ActivationExpired.activationExpiredText","This activation link has been used already or has expired.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","This activation link has been used already or has expired."
+"ActivationExpired.activationExpiredTitle","Activation failed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Activation failed"
+"ActivationExpired.requestNewLink","Request a new activation link","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Request a new activation link"
+"ActivationLinkReSent.activationReSentText","If there is already an account with the email address provided, you should receive instructions shortly. If you don't see an email from us, please check your spam folder.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","If there is already an account with the email address provided, you should receive instructions shortly. If you don't see an email from us, please check your spam folder."
+"ActivationLinkReSent.activationReSentTitle","Instructions sent. Thank you!","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Instructions sent. Thank you!"
+"ActivationSent.header","Activation link sent","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Activation link sent"
+"ActivationSent.text","Thank you for creating an account! To complete the process, please check your email for the activation link we sent you.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Thank you for creating an account! To complete the process, please check your email for the activation link we sent you."
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ActivityDuration.notOptionalLabel","Time required for the resource to be marked as completed. This value will not be displayed to learners.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Time required for the resource to be marked as completed. This value will not be displayed to learners."
+"ActivityDuration.optionalLabel","(Optional) Time required for the resource to be marked as completed. This value will not be displayed to learners.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","(Optional) Time required for the resource to be marked as completed. This value will not be displayed to learners."
+"AddNextStepsPage.addedNextStepSnackbar","Added next step","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Added next step"
+"AddNextStepsPage.toolbarTitle","Add next step","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Add next step"
+"AddPreviousStepsPage.addedPreviousStepSnackbar","Added previous step","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Added previous step"
+"AddPreviousStepsPage.toolbarTitle","Add previous step","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Add previous step"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"AddRelatedResourcesModal.resourcesDisplayedText","Only showing available resources for","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Only showing available resources for"
+"AddRelatedResourcesModal.selectedAsCurrentResource","This is the current resource","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","This is the current resource"
+"AddRelatedResourcesModal.selectedAsNextStep","Already selected as a next step","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Already selected as a next step"
+"AddRelatedResourcesModal.selectedAsPreviousStep","Already selected as a previous step","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Already selected as a previous step"
+"AdministrationAppError.unauthorizedDetails","You need to be an administrator of Studio to view this page","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","You need to be an administrator of Studio to view this page"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Alert.dontShowAgain","Don't show this message again","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Don't show this message again"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"AnswersEditor.newAnswerBtnLabel","New answer","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","New answer"
+"AnswersEditor.noAnswersPlaceholder","Question has no answer options","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Question has no answer options"
+"AnswersEditor.numberFieldErrorLabel","Answer must be a number","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Answer must be a number"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"AppBar.changeLanguage","Change language","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Change language"
+"AppBar.help","Help and support","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Help and support"
+"AppBar.logIn","Sign in","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Sign in"
+"AppBar.logOut","Sign out","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Sign out"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"AppBar.title","Kolibri Studio","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Kolibri Studio"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"AssessmentEditor.newQuestionBtnLabel","New question","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","New question"
+"AssessmentEditor.noQuestionsPlaceholder","Exercise has no questions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Exercise has no questions"
+"AssessmentEditor.showAnswers","Show answers","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Show answers"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"AssessmentItemEditor.dialogMessageChangeToInput","Switching to 'numeric input' will set all answers as correct and remove all non-numeric answers. Continue?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Switching to 'numeric input' will set all answers as correct and remove all non-numeric answers. Continue?"
+"AssessmentItemEditor.dialogMessageChangeToSingleSelection","Switching to 'single choice' will set only one answer as correct. Continue?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Switching to 'single choice' will set only one answer as correct. Continue?"
+"AssessmentItemEditor.dialogMessageChangeToTrueFalse","Switching to 'true or false' will remove all current answers. Continue?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Switching to 'true or false' will remove all current answers. Continue?"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"AssessmentItemEditor.dialogTitle","Changing question type","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Changing question type"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"AssessmentItemEditor.questionTypeLabel","Response type","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Response type"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"AssessmentItemPreview.hintsToggleLabelHide","Hide hints","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Hide hints"
+"AssessmentItemPreview.hintsToggleLabelShow","Show {hintsCount} {hintsCount, plural, one {hint} other {hints}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Show {hintsCount} {hintsCount, plural, one {hint} other {hints}}"
+"AssessmentItemPreview.noAnswersPlaceholder","Question has no answer options","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Question has no answer options"
+"AssessmentItemToolbar.toolbarLabelAddAbove","Add {itemLabel} above","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Add {itemLabel} above"
+"AssessmentItemToolbar.toolbarLabelAddBelow","Add {itemLabel} below","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Add {itemLabel} below"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"AssessmentItemToolbar.toolbarLabelMoveDown","Move down","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Move down"
+"AssessmentItemToolbar.toolbarLabelMoveUp","Move up","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Move up"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"AssessmentTab.incompleteItemsCountMessage","{invalidItemsCount} incomplete {invalidItemsCount, plural, one {question} other {questions}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{invalidItemsCount} incomplete {invalidItemsCount, plural, one {question} other {questions}}"
+"BrowsingCard.addToClipboardAction","Copy to clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copy to clipboard"
+"BrowsingCard.coach","Resource for coaches","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Resource for coaches"
+"BrowsingCard.goToPluralLocationsAction","In {count, number} {count, plural, one {location} other {locations}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","In {count, number} {count, plural, one {location} other {locations}}"
+"BrowsingCard.goToSingleLocationAction","Go to location","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Go to location"
+"BrowsingCard.hasCoachTooltip","{value, number, integer} {value, plural, one {resource for coaches} other {resources for coaches}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{value, number, integer} {value, plural, one {resource for coaches} other {resources for coaches}}"
+"BrowsingCard.previewAction","View details","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","View details"
+"BrowsingCard.resourcesCount","{count, number} {count, plural, one {resource} other {resources}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, number} {count, plural, one {resource} other {resources}}"
+"BrowsingCard.tagsList","Tags: {tags}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Tags: {tags}"
+"BytesForHumansStrings.fileSizeInBytes","{n, number, integer} B","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{n, number, integer} B"
+"BytesForHumansStrings.fileSizeInGigabytes","{n, number, integer} GB","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{n, number, integer} GB"
+"BytesForHumansStrings.fileSizeInKilobytes","{n, number, integer} KB","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{n, number, integer} KB"
+"BytesForHumansStrings.fileSizeInMegabytes","{n, number, integer} MB","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{n, number, integer} MB"
+"BytesForHumansStrings.fileSizeInTerabytes","{n, number, integer} TB","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{n, number, integer} TB"
+"CatalogFAQ.KolibriAnswer","Kolibri is an open source ed-tech platform designed for low-resource communities, focused on:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Kolibri is an open source ed-tech platform designed for low-resource communities, focused on:"
+"CatalogFAQ.KolibriAnswerItem1","Overcoming infrastructural barriers that prevent equitable access to quality education for learners in low-resource and low-connectivity contexts","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Overcoming infrastructural barriers that prevent equitable access to quality education for learners in low-resource and low-connectivity contexts"
+"CatalogFAQ.KolibriAnswerItem2","Increasing the availability of open learning materials suitable for many curricula, learning goals, and situations","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Increasing the availability of open learning materials suitable for many curricula, learning goals, and situations"
+"CatalogFAQ.KolibriAnswerItem3","Fostering innovative pedagogy and effective learning outcomes","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Fostering innovative pedagogy and effective learning outcomes"
+"CatalogFAQ.KolibriQuestion","What is Kolibri?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","What is Kolibri?"
+"CatalogFAQ.aboutHeader","Welcome to the Kolibri Content Library Catalog! ","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Welcome to the Kolibri Content Library Catalog! "
+"CatalogFAQ.aboutKolibriHeader","About Kolibri","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","About Kolibri"
+"CatalogFAQ.aboutLibraryHeader","About the Kolibri Content Library","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","About the Kolibri Content Library"
+"CatalogFAQ.channelAnswer","A channel is Kolibri’s unit of organization for digital content. It's a collection of resources organized by single institutions or creators, each of which may contain a set of books, games, textbooks, articles, simulations, exercises, and many more types of educational materials, all made available for use in Kolibri without the need for internet access. A channel isn't necessarily a course or a sequence, it's simply a collection of materials published or gathered together by one organization, as close to the provider's original layout as possible, while still organized for the best possible navigation in Kolibri.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","A channel is Kolibri’s unit of organization for digital content. It's a collection of resources organized by single institutions or creators, each of which may contain a set of books, games, textbooks, articles, simulations, exercises, and many more types of educational materials, all made available for use in Kolibri without the need for internet access. A channel isn't necessarily a course or a sequence, it's simply a collection of materials published or gathered together by one organization, as close to the provider's original layout as possible, while still organized for the best possible navigation in Kolibri."
+"CatalogFAQ.channelLink","What is a channel?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","What is a channel?"
+"CatalogFAQ.channelQuestion","What is a channel?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","What is a channel?"
+"CatalogFAQ.coachContentAnswer","Most resources are directed at learners, but some, such as lesson plans, subject refreshers, professional learning guides, and similar, are directed at teachers and facilitators. In Kolibri, we mark this content as ""for coaches"" and limit its visibility to those with coach accounts. If you see coach materials here, they may require less planning for any facilitators using the resource!","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Most resources are directed at learners, but some, such as lesson plans, subject refreshers, professional learning guides, and similar, are directed at teachers and facilitators. In Kolibri, we mark this content as ""for coaches"" and limit its visibility to those with coach accounts. If you see coach materials here, they may require less planning for any facilitators using the resource!"
+"CatalogFAQ.coachContentQuestion","What are 'resources for coaches'?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","What are 'resources for coaches'?"
+"CatalogFAQ.customContentAnswer","To add your own materials, create an account on Kolibri Studio by going to https://studio.learningequality.org. Recommendations for public materials to be added to the Kolibri Content Library can be made by contacting content@learningequality.org.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","To add your own materials, create an account on Kolibri Studio by going to https://studio.learningequality.org. Recommendations for public materials to be added to the Kolibri Content Library can be made by contacting content@learningequality.org."
+"CatalogFAQ.customContentQuestion","How can I add my own materials or recommend materials from other creators for this library?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","How can I add my own materials or recommend materials from other creators for this library?"
+"CatalogFAQ.descriptionP1","Here you can learn more about the educational resources publicly available for use in Kolibri, which are organized into ""channels"". Use the filters to browse channels by keyword, language, or formats of the materials inside.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Here you can learn more about the educational resources publicly available for use in Kolibri, which are organized into ""channels"". Use the filters to browse channels by keyword, language, or formats of the materials inside."
+"CatalogFAQ.descriptionP2","Click on a channel to get a preview of what subjects and topics it covers, learn more about its creator, see how many resources the channel contains, and learn how to import it into Kolibri. You can also find coach-specific content (lesson plans, teacher professional guides, and other supplementary facilitation material), assessments and exercises, and captions for accessibility.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Click on a channel to get a preview of what subjects and topics it covers, learn more about its creator, see how many resources the channel contains, and learn how to import it into Kolibri. You can also find coach-specific content (lesson plans, teacher professional guides, and other supplementary facilitation material), assessments and exercises, and captions for accessibility."
+"CatalogFAQ.descriptionP3","Sharing the work of these resource creators is what inspires Learning Equality's efforts. We hope you find something that excites you about the potential of digital learning, online or off!","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Sharing the work of these resource creators is what inspires Learning Equality's efforts. We hope you find something that excites you about the potential of digital learning, online or off!"
+"CatalogFAQ.downloadKolibriLink","Download Kolibri","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Download Kolibri"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"CatalogFAQ.endoresementQuestion","Have these sources been vetted or endorsed as classroom-safe and ready?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Have these sources been vetted or endorsed as classroom-safe and ready?"
+"CatalogFAQ.endorsementAnswer","We select sources with an educational affiliation or mandate, so you can trust that most resources in the Kolibri Content Library were designed for learning purposes. However, we are not able to guarantee the appropriateness of each individual item within any particular source. We recommend that educators and administrators conduct a thorough review of any digital content using their own criteria - including reorganization and re-curation, if necessary - before using it with learners. Since we recognize that there may be many different standards across situations for criteria like preferred levels of interactivity, subject/age appropriateness, cultural sensitivity and tone, among others, we have intentionally offered a wide range of materials to help meet the needs of all learners whatever they may be.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","We select sources with an educational affiliation or mandate, so you can trust that most resources in the Kolibri Content Library were designed for learning purposes. However, we are not able to guarantee the appropriateness of each individual item within any particular source. We recommend that educators and administrators conduct a thorough review of any digital content using their own criteria - including reorganization and re-curation, if necessary - before using it with learners. Since we recognize that there may be many different standards across situations for criteria like preferred levels of interactivity, subject/age appropriateness, cultural sensitivity and tone, among others, we have intentionally offered a wide range of materials to help meet the needs of all learners whatever they may be."
+"CatalogFAQ.faqHeader","Frequently asked questions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Frequently asked questions"
+"CatalogFAQ.issueAnswer","Please email us at content@learningequality.org and include the channel name, along with a description of the issue. If you notice an issue on a specific resource, please be sure to link that as well. We'd be happy to investigate and grateful for your feedback!","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Please email us at content@learningequality.org and include the channel name, along with a description of the issue. If you notice an issue on a specific resource, please be sure to link that as well. We'd be happy to investigate and grateful for your feedback!"
+"CatalogFAQ.issueQuestion","I found a bug, broken link, or some mislabeled information within a resource. What should I do?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","I found a bug, broken link, or some mislabeled information within a resource. What should I do?"
+"CatalogFAQ.maintenanceAnswerP1","Because Kolibri is designed for learners and educators who are disconnected from the internet, content must first be packaged so that it can be used without internet connection. For most sources, our content team uses custom-written, automated scripts to bring content into Kolibri from a website, an app, or a private source such as a hard drive (with the appropriate permissions).","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Because Kolibri is designed for learners and educators who are disconnected from the internet, content must first be packaged so that it can be used without internet connection. For most sources, our content team uses custom-written, automated scripts to bring content into Kolibri from a website, an app, or a private source such as a hard drive (with the appropriate permissions)."
+"CatalogFAQ.maintenanceAnswerP2","To learn more about how content is packaged for use on Kolibri and what types of formats are supported, please refer to our content integration guide.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","To learn more about how content is packaged for use on Kolibri and what types of formats are supported, please refer to our content integration guide."
+"CatalogFAQ.maintenanceQuestion","How is this library created and maintained?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","How is this library created and maintained?"
+"CatalogFAQ.makerAnswerP1","Learning Equality, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit based in San Diego, California, is committed to enabling every person in the world to realize their right to a quality education, by supporting the creation, adaptation, and distribution of open educational resources, and creating supportive tools for innovative pedagogy.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Learning Equality, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit based in San Diego, California, is committed to enabling every person in the world to realize their right to a quality education, by supporting the creation, adaptation, and distribution of open educational resources, and creating supportive tools for innovative pedagogy."
+"CatalogFAQ.makerAnswerP2","In recognition of the digital divide, Learning Equality started by bringing the Khan Academy experience offline to more than 6 million learners around the globe. Its second-generation product, Kolibri, is part of a broader ecosystem of products and tools that support curriculum alignment, blended learning pedagogies, and broader use of Open Educational Resources to improve learning.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","In recognition of the digital divide, Learning Equality started by bringing the Khan Academy experience offline to more than 6 million learners around the globe. Its second-generation product, Kolibri, is part of a broader ecosystem of products and tools that support curriculum alignment, blended learning pedagogies, and broader use of Open Educational Resources to improve learning."
+"CatalogFAQ.makerQuestion","Who are the makers of Kolibri?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Who are the makers of Kolibri?"
+"CatalogFAQ.newContentAnswer","Our content team routinely adds new sources and channels to the library and updates existing channels as content creators make new materials available.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Our content team routinely adds new sources and channels to the library and updates existing channels as content creators make new materials available."
+"CatalogFAQ.newContentQuestion","Does Learning Equality add new materials?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Does Learning Equality add new materials?"
+"CatalogFAQ.ownershipAnswer","No. Just like an online learning repository with links to external websites, we gather useful digital learning resources to help our community discover a rich variety of learning materials they may not have known about otherwise. All the materials in this educational library are fully credited to the creating organization, reformatted for best display on digital devices, and include any additional information the creator has shared with us. We only include content which is either openly licensed, available to distribute for special nonprofit or noncommercial purposes, or shared with us for distribution through agreement with the creator. Since materials in the library are intended for use in an open source platform, we do not profit financially from their use.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","No. Just like an online learning repository with links to external websites, we gather useful digital learning resources to help our community discover a rich variety of learning materials they may not have known about otherwise. All the materials in this educational library are fully credited to the creating organization, reformatted for best display on digital devices, and include any additional information the creator has shared with us. We only include content which is either openly licensed, available to distribute for special nonprofit or noncommercial purposes, or shared with us for distribution through agreement with the creator. Since materials in the library are intended for use in an open source platform, we do not profit financially from their use."
+"CatalogFAQ.ownershipQuestion","Does Learning Equality own these resources?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Does Learning Equality own these resources?"
+"CatalogFAQ.partialChannelAnswer","When importing content into Kolibri, you can select the specific subsections of a channel you're interested in. If you’d like to make changes such as editing the title or folder descriptions, or changing the order in which materials appear, please contact us at content@learningequality.org for early access to our Kolibri Studio tool, which can be used to make these changes.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","When importing content into Kolibri, you can select the specific subsections of a channel you're interested in. If you’d like to make changes such as editing the title or folder descriptions, or changing the order in which materials appear, please contact us at content@learningequality.org for early access to our Kolibri Studio tool, which can be used to make these changes."
+"CatalogFAQ.partialChannelQuestion","I want to use some of the resources in this channel, but not all of it. What should I do?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","I want to use some of the resources in this channel, but not all of it. What should I do?"
+"CatalogFAQ.sampleContentAnswer","You can do this in three ways:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","You can do this in three ways:"
+"CatalogFAQ.sampleContentAnswerItem1","To see the original content source, click the ⋮ button and select 'Go to source website'","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","To see the original content source, click the ⋮ button and select 'Go to source website'"
+"CatalogFAQ.sampleContentAnswerItem2","To preview the content on one of our online demo servers (available in English, Spanish, Arabic, French, and Hindi), click the ⋮ button and select 'View channel on Kolibri'","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","To preview the content on one of our online demo servers (available in English, Spanish, Arabic, French, and Hindi), click the ⋮ button and select 'View channel on Kolibri'"
+"CatalogFAQ.sampleContentAnswerItem3","Download Kolibri and import the channel on your device for full access offline.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Download Kolibri and import the channel on your device for full access offline."
+"CatalogFAQ.sampleContentQuestion","How do I review the contents of the channels themselves?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","How do I review the contents of the channels themselves?"
+"CatalogFAQ.selectionAnswerP1","Our approach is unique in that we aim to assemble a library of resources which supports the diversity of needs Kolibri is designed to meet, rather than collecting all possible open educational resources.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Our approach is unique in that we aim to assemble a library of resources which supports the diversity of needs Kolibri is designed to meet, rather than collecting all possible open educational resources."
+"CatalogFAQ.selectionAnswerP2","To inform what we select, the Learning Equality team is continually maintaining our awareness of openly licensed digital resources available in the educational landscape. Most of our resources come from an organization, institution, or creator with learning design experience and an educational mandate. We prioritize providing a diversity of grade levels, subject areas and languages. Where possible, we also evaluate and seek input on the degree to which the materials may be suitable for the unique blended learning settings in which we work.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","To inform what we select, the Learning Equality team is continually maintaining our awareness of openly licensed digital resources available in the educational landscape. Most of our resources come from an organization, institution, or creator with learning design experience and an educational mandate. We prioritize providing a diversity of grade levels, subject areas and languages. Where possible, we also evaluate and seek input on the degree to which the materials may be suitable for the unique blended learning settings in which we work."
+"CatalogFAQ.selectionQuestion","How does Learning Equality determine what goes into this library?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","How does Learning Equality determine what goes into this library?"
+"CatalogFAQ.usingContentAnswer","Great! All of these resources have been specially packaged for use on Kolibri, our open source platform for offline learning, so please review how to get started with Kolibri first, then follow the instructions to import materials.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Great! All of these resources have been specially packaged for use on Kolibri, our open source platform for offline learning, so please review how to get started with Kolibri first, then follow the instructions to import materials."
+"CatalogFAQ.usingContentQuestion","I found something I'm interested in and would like to start using it. What should I do?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","I found something I'm interested in and would like to start using it. What should I do?"
+"CatalogFAQ.usingKolibriAnswerP1","You can learn more about using Kolibri by doing any of the following:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","You can learn more about using Kolibri by doing any of the following:"
+"CatalogFAQ.usingKolibriAnswerP2","We invite you to use the Kolibri user documentation for further guidance.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","We invite you to use the Kolibri user documentation for further guidance."
+"CatalogFAQ.usingKolibriItem1","Visit the Learning Equality website","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Visit the Learning Equality website"
+"CatalogFAQ.usingKolibriItem2","View a demo of the platform","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","View a demo of the platform"
+"CatalogFAQ.usingKolibriItem3","Download the software","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Download the software"
+"CatalogFAQ.usingKolibriQuestion","How can I use Kolibri?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","How can I use Kolibri?"
+"CatalogFAQ.usingResourcesHeader","About using these resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","About using these resources"
+"CatalogFAQ.viewDemoLink","View demo","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","View demo"
+"CatalogFAQ.viewDocsLink","View docs","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","View docs"
+"CatalogFAQ.viewGettingStartedLink","Documentation resources to get started with Kolibri","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Documentation resources to get started with Kolibri"
+"CatalogFAQ.viewIntegrationGuide","View content integration guide","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","View content integration guide"
+"CatalogFAQ.visitWebsiteLink","Visit website","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Visit website"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"CatalogFilterBar.channelCount","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# channel}
+ other {# channels}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# channel}
+ other {# channels}}"
+"CatalogFilterBar.clearAll","Clear all","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Clear all"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"CatalogFilterBar.coachContent","Coach content","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Coach content"
+"CatalogFilterBar.copyTitle","Copy collection token","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copy collection token"
+"CatalogFilterBar.copyToken","Copy collection token","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copy collection token"
+"CatalogFilterBar.copyTokenInstructions","Paste this token into Kolibri to import the channels contained in this collection","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Paste this token into Kolibri to import the channels contained in this collection"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"CatalogFilters.coachDescription","Resources for coaches are only visible to coaches in Kolibri","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Resources for coaches are only visible to coaches in Kolibri"
+"CatalogFilters.coachLabel","Resources for coaches","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Resources for coaches"
+"CatalogFilters.copyright","© {year} Learning Equality","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","© {year} Learning Equality"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"CatalogFilters.frequentlyAskedQuestionsLink","Frequently asked questions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Frequently asked questions"
+"CatalogFilters.includesLabel","Display only channels with","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Display only channels with"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"CatalogFilters.subtitlesLabel","Captions or subtitles","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Captions or subtitles"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"CatalogList.channelSelectionCount","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# channel selected}
+ other {# channels selected}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# channel selected}
+ other {# channels selected}}"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"CatalogList.downloadCSV","Download CSV","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Download CSV"
+"CatalogList.downloadPDF","Download PDF","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Download PDF"
+"CatalogList.downloadingMessage","Download started","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Download started"
+"CatalogList.resultsText","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# result found}
+ other {# results found}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# result found}
+ other {# results found}}"
+"CatalogList.selectAll","Select all","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Select all"
+"CatalogList.selectChannels","Download a summary of selected channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Download a summary of selected channels"
+"CategoryOptions.noCategoryFoundText","Category not found","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Category not found"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChangePasswordForm.changePasswordHeader","Change password","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Change password"
+"ChangePasswordForm.confirmNewPasswordLabel","Confirm new password","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Confirm new password"
+"ChangePasswordForm.formInvalidText","Passwords don't match","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Passwords don't match"
+"ChangePasswordForm.newPasswordLabel","New password","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","New password"
+"ChangePasswordForm.passwordChangeFailed","Failed to save new password","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Failed to save new password"
+"ChangePasswordForm.paswordChangeSuccess","Password updated","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Password updated"
+"ChangePasswordForm.saveChangesAction","Save changes","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Save changes"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelCatalogFrontPage.catalogHeader","Kolibri Content Library channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Kolibri Content Library channels"
+"ChannelCatalogFrontPage.coachHeading","Resources for coaches","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Resources for coaches"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelCatalogFrontPage.numberOfChannels","{ num } channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{ num } channels"
+"ChannelCatalogFrontPage.subtitlesIncludedText","Captions or subtitles","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Captions or subtitles"
+"ChannelDeletedError.backToHomeAction","Back to home","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Back to home"
+"ChannelDeletedError.channelDeletedDetails","This channel does not exist or may have been removed. Please contact us at content@learningequality.org if you think this is a mistake.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","This channel does not exist or may have been removed. Please contact us at content@learningequality.org if you think this is a mistake."
+"ChannelDeletedError.channelDeletedHeader","Channel not found","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Channel not found"
+"ChannelDetailsModal.downloadButton","Download channel summary","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Download channel summary"
+"ChannelDetailsModal.downloadCSV","Download CSV","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Download CSV"
+"ChannelDetailsModal.downloadPDF","Download PDF","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Download PDF"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelExportStrings.coachContent","Resources for coaches","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Resources for coaches"
+"ChannelExportStrings.copyrightHolders","Copyright holders","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copyright holders"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelExportStrings.id","Channel ID","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Channel ID"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelExportStrings.languages","Included languages","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Included languages"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelExportStrings.size","Total resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Total resources"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelExportStrings.subtitles","Captions or subtitles","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Captions or subtitles"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelInfoCard.resourceCount","{count, number} {count, plural, one {resource} other {resources}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, number} {count, plural, one {resource} other {resources}}"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelInvitation.acceptedSnackbar","Accepted invitation","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Accepted invitation"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelInvitation.declinedSnackbar","Declined invitation","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Declined invitation"
+"ChannelInvitation.decliningInvitation","Declining Invitation","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Declining Invitation"
+"ChannelInvitation.decliningInvitationMessage","Are you sure you want to decline this invitation?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Are you sure you want to decline this invitation?"
+"ChannelInvitation.editText","{sender} has invited you to edit {channel}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{sender} has invited you to edit {channel}"
+"ChannelInvitation.goToChannelSnackbarAction","Go to channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Go to channel"
+"ChannelInvitation.viewText","{sender} has invited you to view {channel}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{sender} has invited you to view {channel}"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelItem.channelDeletedSnackbar","Channel deleted","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Channel deleted"
+"ChannelItem.channelLanguageNotSetIndicator","No language set","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","No language set"
+"ChannelItem.copyToken","Copy channel token","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copy channel token"
+"ChannelItem.deleteChannel","Delete channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Delete channel"
+"ChannelItem.deletePrompt","This channel will be permanently deleted. This cannot be undone.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","This channel will be permanently deleted. This cannot be undone."
+"ChannelItem.deleteTitle","Delete this channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Delete this channel"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelItem.editChannel","Edit channel details","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Edit channel details"
+"ChannelItem.goToWebsite","Go to source website","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Go to source website"
+"ChannelItem.lastPublished","Published {last_published}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Published {last_published}"
+"ChannelItem.lastUpdated","Updated {updated}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Updated {updated}"
+"ChannelItem.resourceCount","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# resource}
+ other {# resources}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# resource}
+ other {# resources}}"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelItem.versionText","Version {version}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Version {version}"
+"ChannelItem.viewContent","View channel on Kolibri","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","View channel on Kolibri"
+"ChannelList.channel","New channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","New channel"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelList.noChannelsFound","No channels found","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","No channels found"
+"ChannelList.noMatchingChannels","There are no matching channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","There are no matching channels"
+"ChannelListAppError.channelPermissionsErrorDetails","Sign in or ask the owner of this channel to give you permission to edit or view","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Sign in or ask the owner of this channel to give you permission to edit or view"
+"ChannelListIndex.catalog","Content Library","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Content Library"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelListIndex.frequentlyAskedQuestions","Frequently asked questions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Frequently asked questions"
+"ChannelListIndex.invitations","You have {count, plural,
+ =1 {# invitation}
+ other {# invitations}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","You have {count, plural,
+ =1 {# invitation}
+ other {# invitations}}"
+"ChannelListIndex.libraryTitle","Kolibri Content Library Catalog","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Kolibri Content Library Catalog"
+"ChannelModal.APIText","Channels generated automatically are not editable.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Channels generated automatically are not editable."
+"ChannelModal.changesSaved","Changes saved","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Changes saved"
+"ChannelModal.channelDescription","Channel description","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Channel description"
+"ChannelModal.channelError","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Field is required"
+"ChannelModal.channelName","Channel name","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Channel name"
+"ChannelModal.closeButton","Exit without saving","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Exit without saving"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelModal.creatingHeader","New channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","New channel"
+"ChannelModal.details","Channel details","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Channel details"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelModal.keepEditingButton","Keep editing","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Keep editing"
+"ChannelModal.notFoundError","Channel does not exist","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Channel does not exist"
+"ChannelModal.saveChangesButton","Save changes","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Save changes"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelModal.unauthorizedError","You cannot edit this channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","You cannot edit this channel"
+"ChannelModal.unsavedChangesHeader","Unsaved changes","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Unsaved changes"
+"ChannelModal.unsavedChangesText","You will lose any unsaved changes. Are you sure you want to exit?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","You will lose any unsaved changes. Are you sure you want to exit?"
+"ChannelNotFoundError.backToHomeAction","Back to home","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Back to home"
+"ChannelNotFoundError.channelNotFoundDetails","This channel does not exist or may have been removed. Please contact us at content@learningequality.org if you think this is a mistake.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","This channel does not exist or may have been removed. Please contact us at content@learningequality.org if you think this is a mistake."
+"ChannelNotFoundError.channelNotFoundHeader","Channel not found","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Channel not found"
+"ChannelSelectionList.noChannelsFound","No channels found","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","No channels found"
+"ChannelSelectionList.searchText","Search for a channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Search for a channel"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelSetItem.delete","Delete collection","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Delete collection"
+"ChannelSetItem.deleteChannelSetText","Are you sure you want to delete this collection?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Are you sure you want to delete this collection?"
+"ChannelSetItem.deleteChannelSetTitle","Delete collection","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Delete collection"
+"ChannelSetItem.edit","Edit collection","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Edit collection"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelSetList.aboutChannelSets","About collections","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","About collections"
+"ChannelSetList.aboutChannelSetsLink","Learn about collections","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Learn about collections"
+"ChannelSetList.addChannelSetTitle","New collection","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","New collection"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelSetList.channelNumber","Number of channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Number of channels"
+"ChannelSetList.channelSetsDescriptionText","A collection contains multiple Kolibri Studio channels that can be imported at one time to Kolibri with a single collection token.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","A collection contains multiple Kolibri Studio channels that can be imported at one time to Kolibri with a single collection token."
+"ChannelSetList.channelSetsDisclaimer","You will need Kolibri version 0.12.0 or higher to import channel collections","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","You will need Kolibri version 0.12.0 or higher to import channel collections"
+"ChannelSetList.channelSetsInstructionsText","You can make a collection by selecting the channels you want to be imported together.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","You can make a collection by selecting the channels you want to be imported together."
+"ChannelSetList.noChannelSetsFound","You can package together multiple channels to create a collection. The entire collection can then be imported to Kolibri at once by using a collection token.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","You can package together multiple channels to create a collection. The entire collection can then be imported to Kolibri at once by using a collection token."
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelSetList.title","Collection name","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Collection name"
+"ChannelSetList.token","Token ID","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Token ID"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelSetModal.channelAdded","Channel added","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Channel added"
+"ChannelSetModal.channelCountText","{channelCount, plural, =0 {No published channels in your collection} =1 {# channel} other {# channels}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{channelCount, plural, =0 {No published channels in your collection} =1 {# channel} other {# channels}}"
+"ChannelSetModal.channelRemoved","Channel removed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Channel removed"
+"ChannelSetModal.channelSelectedCountText","{channelCount, plural, =1 {# channel selected} other {# channels selected}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{channelCount, plural, =1 {# channel selected} other {# channels selected}}"
+"ChannelSetModal.channels","Collection channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Collection channels"
+"ChannelSetModal.closeButton","Exit without saving","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Exit without saving"
+"ChannelSetModal.collectionErrorText","This collection does not exist","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","This collection does not exist"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelSetModal.creatingChannelSet","New collection","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","New collection"
+"ChannelSetModal.edit","My Channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","My Channels"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelSetModal.publishedChannelsOnlyText","Only published channels are available for selection","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Only published channels are available for selection"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelSetModal.saveButton","Save and close","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Save and close"
+"ChannelSetModal.selectChannelsHeader","Select channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Select channels"
+"ChannelSetModal.titleLabel","Collection name","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Collection name"
+"ChannelSetModal.titleRequiredText","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Field is required"
+"ChannelSetModal.token","Collection token","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Collection token"
+"ChannelSetModal.tokenPrompt","Copy this token into Kolibri to import this collection onto your device.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copy this token into Kolibri to import this collection onto your device."
+"ChannelSetModal.unsavedChangesHeader","Unsaved changes","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Unsaved changes"
+"ChannelSetModal.unsavedChangesText","You will lose any unsaved changes. Are you sure you want to exit?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","You will lose any unsaved changes. Are you sure you want to exit?"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelSharing.alreadyHasAccessError","User already has access to this channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","User already has access to this channel"
+"ChannelSharing.alreadyInvitedError","User already invited","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","User already invited"
+"ChannelSharing.canEdit","Can edit","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Can edit"
+"ChannelSharing.canView","Can view","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Can view"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelSharing.emailRequiredMessage","Email is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Email is required"
+"ChannelSharing.invitationFailedError","Invitation failed to send. Please try again","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Invitation failed to send. Please try again"
+"ChannelSharing.invitationSentMessage","Invitation sent","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Invitation sent"
+"ChannelSharing.inviteButton","Send invitation","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Send invitation"
+"ChannelSharing.inviteSubheading","Invite collaborators","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Invite collaborators"
+"ChannelSharing.validEmailMessage","Please enter a valid email","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Please enter a valid email"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelSharingTable.currentUserText","{first_name} {last_name} (you)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{first_name} {last_name} (you)"
+"ChannelSharingTable.deleteInvitation","Delete invitation","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Delete invitation"
+"ChannelSharingTable.deleteInvitationConfirm","Delete invitation","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Delete invitation"
+"ChannelSharingTable.deleteInvitationHeader","Delete invitation","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Delete invitation"
+"ChannelSharingTable.deleteInvitationText","Are you sure you would like to delete the invitation for {email}?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Are you sure you would like to delete the invitation for {email}?"
+"ChannelSharingTable.editPermissionsGrantedMessage","Edit permissions granted","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Edit permissions granted"
+"ChannelSharingTable.editorsSubheading","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# user who can edit}
+ other {# users who can edit}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# user who can edit}
+ other {# users who can edit}}"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelSharingTable.invitationDeletedMessage","Invitation deleted","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Invitation deleted"
+"ChannelSharingTable.invitationFailedError","Invitation failed to resend. Please try again","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Invitation failed to resend. Please try again"
+"ChannelSharingTable.invitationSentMessage","Invitation sent","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Invitation sent"
+"ChannelSharingTable.invitePendingText","Invite pending","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Invite pending"
+"ChannelSharingTable.makeEditor","Grant edit permissions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Grant edit permissions"
+"ChannelSharingTable.makeEditorConfirm","Yes, grant permissions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Yes, grant permissions"
+"ChannelSharingTable.makeEditorHeader","Grant edit permissions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Grant edit permissions"
+"ChannelSharingTable.makeEditorText","Are you sure you would like to grant edit permissions to {first_name} {last_name}?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Are you sure you would like to grant edit permissions to {first_name} {last_name}?"
+"ChannelSharingTable.noUsersText","No users found","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","No users found"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelSharingTable.removeViewer","Revoke view permissions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Revoke view permissions"
+"ChannelSharingTable.removeViewerConfirm","Yes, revoke","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Yes, revoke"
+"ChannelSharingTable.removeViewerHeader","Revoke view permissions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Revoke view permissions"
+"ChannelSharingTable.removeViewerText","Are you sure you would like to revoke view permissions for {first_name} {last_name}?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Are you sure you would like to revoke view permissions for {first_name} {last_name}?"
+"ChannelSharingTable.resendInvitation","Resend invitation","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Resend invitation"
+"ChannelSharingTable.userRemovedMessage","User removed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","User removed"
+"ChannelSharingTable.viewersSubheading","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# user who can view}
+ other {# users who can view}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# user who can view}
+ other {# users who can view}}"
+"ChannelStar.star","Add to starred channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Add to starred channels"
+"ChannelStar.starred","Added to starred channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Added to starred channels"
+"ChannelStar.unstar","Remove from starred channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Remove from starred channels"
+"ChannelStar.unstarred","Removed from starred channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Removed from starred channels"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelThumbnail.croppingPrompt","Drag image to reframe","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Drag image to reframe"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelThumbnail.noThumbnail","No thumbnail","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","No thumbnail"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelThumbnail.retryUpload","Retry upload","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Retry upload"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelThumbnail.upload","Upload image","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Upload image"
+"ChannelThumbnail.uploadFailed","Upload failed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Upload failed"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelThumbnail.zoomIn","Zoom in","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Zoom in"
+"ChannelThumbnail.zoomOut","Zoom out","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Zoom out"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelTokenModal.copyTitle","Copy channel token","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copy channel token"
+"ChannelTokenModal.copyTokenInstructions","Paste this token into Kolibri to import this channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Paste this token into Kolibri to import this channel"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Clipboard.copiedItemsToClipboard","Copied in clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copied in clipboard"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Clipboard.duplicateSelectedButton","Make a copy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Make a copy"
+"Clipboard.emptyDefaultText","Use the clipboard to copy resources and move them to other folders and channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Use the clipboard to copy resources and move them to other folders and channels"
+"Clipboard.emptyDefaultTitle","No resources in your clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","No resources in your clipboard"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Clipboard.removedFromClipboard","Deleted from clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Deleted from clipboard"
+"Clipboard.selectAll","Select all","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Select all"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Allows the user to filter for all the resources with accessibility features for learners with disabilities.","Accessibility"
+-- CONTEXT --
+A type of math category. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Algebra","Algebra"
+-- CONTEXT --
+A label for everything in the group of activities.","All"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.allLevelsBasicSkills","All levels -- basic skills","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to a type of educational level.","All levels -- basic skills"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.allLevelsWorkSkills","All levels -- work skills","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to a type of educational level.","All levels -- work skills"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.altText","Includes alternative text descriptions for images","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Alternative text, or alt text, is a written substitute for an image. It is used to describe information being provided by an image, graph, or any other visual element on a web page. It provides information about the context and function of an image for people with varying degrees of visual and cognitive impairments. When a screen reader encounters an image, it will read aloud the alternative text.
+https://www.med.unc.edu/webguide/accessibility/alt-text/","Includes alternative text descriptions for images"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthropology","Anthropology"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Math category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arithmetic","Arithmetic"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to a category group type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_arts","Arts"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Science category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astronomy","Astronomy"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.audioDescription","Includes audio descriptions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Content has narration used to provide information surrounding key visual elements for the benefit of blind and visually impaired users.
+https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Audio_description","Includes audio descriptions"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.basicSkills","Basic skills","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. Basic skills refer to learning resources focused on aspects like literacy, numeracy and digital literacy.","Basic skills"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Science category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biology","Biology"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.browseChannel","Browse channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Heading on page where a user can browse the content within a channel","Browse channel"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Math category type. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calculus","Calculus"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.captionsSubtitles","Includes captions or subtitles","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Accessibility filter to search for video and audio resources that have text captions for users who are deaf or hard of hearing.
+https://www.w3.org/WAI/media/av/captions/","Includes captions or subtitles"
+-- CONTEXT --
+A title for the metadata that explains the subject matter of an activity","Category"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Science category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chemistry","Chemistry"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.civicEducation","Civic education","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. Civic education is the study of the rights and obligations of citizens in society. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civics","Civic education"
+-- CONTEXT --
+A title for the metadata that explains when an activity is considered completed","Completion"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.computerScience","Computer science","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_science","Computer science"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Resource and filter label for the type of learning activity. Translate as a VERB","Create"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.currentEvents","Current events","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. Could also be translated as 'News'. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/News","Current events"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.dailyLife","Daily life","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Everyday_life","Daily life"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dance","Dance"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.digitalLiteracy","Digital literacy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_literacy","Digital literacy"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diversity_(politics)","Diversity"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drama","Drama"
+-- CONTEXT --
+A title for the metadata that explains how long an activity will take","Duration"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.earthScience","Earth science","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth_science","Earth science"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entrepreneurship","Entrepreneurship"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Environmental_studies","Environment"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Resource and filter label for the type of learning activity. Translate as a VERB","Explore"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.financialLiteracy","Financial literacy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Financial_literacy","Financial literacy"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.forBeginners","For beginners","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Filter option and a label for the resources in the Kolibri Library.","For beginners"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.forTeachers","For teachers","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type","For teachers"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type.","Geometry"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category label in the Kolibri resources library; refers to any guide-type material for teacher professional development.","Guides"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.highContrast","Includes high contrast text for learners with low vision","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Accessibility filter used to search for resources that have high contrast color themes for users with low vision ('display' refers to digital content, not the hardware like screens or monitors).
+https://veroniiiica.com/2019/10/25/high-contrast-color-schemes-low-vision/","Includes high contrast text for learners with low vision"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type.","History"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.industryAndSectorSpecific","Industry and sector specific","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Subcategory type for technical and vocational training.","Industry and sector specific"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.languageLearning","Language learning","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type.","Language learning"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.learningActivity","Learning Activity","
+-- CONTEXT --
+A title for the category of education material interaction, i.e. watch, read, listen","Learning Activity"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.learningSkills","Learning skills","
+-- CONTEXT --
+A category label and type of basic skill.
+https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Study_skills","Learning skills"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.lessonPlans","Lesson plans","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category label in the Kolibri resources library; refers to lesson planning materials for teachers.","Lesson plans"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to the educational learning level, such a preschool, primary, secondary, etc.","Level"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Resource and filter label for the type of learning activity with audio. Translate as a VERB","Listen"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Literacy","Literacy"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Literature","Literature"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.logicAndCriticalThinking","Logic and critical thinking","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Critical_thinking","Logic and critical thinking"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.longActivity","Long activity","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Label with time estimation for learning activities that take more than 30 minutes.","Long activity"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.lowerPrimary","Lower primary","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to a level of learning. Approximately corresponds to the first half of primary school.","Lower primary"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.lowerSecondary","Lower secondary","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to a level of learning. Approximately corresponds to the first half of secondary school (high school).","Lower secondary"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mathematics","Mathematics"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.mechanicalEngineering","Mechanical engineering","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mechanical_engineering.","Mechanical engineering"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.mediaLiteracy","Media literacy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Media_literacy","Media literacy"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.mentalHealth","Mental health","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mental_health","Mental health"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Music","Music"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.needsInternet","Internet connection","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to a filter for resources.","Internet connection"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.needsMaterials","Other supplies","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to a filter for resources.
+","Other supplies"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Numeracy","Numeracy"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.peers","Working with peers","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to a filter for resources that require a learner to work with other learners to be used.","Working with peers"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physics.","Physics"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.politicalScience","Political science","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_science.","Political science"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Resource and filter label for the type of learning activity with questions and answers. Translate as a VERB","Practice"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to a level of education offered to children before they begin compulsory education at primary school.
+See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Preschool","Preschool"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.professionalSkills","Professional skills","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. Refers to skills that are related to a profession or a job.","Professional skills"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_programming","Programming"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.publicHealth","Public health","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_health.","Public health"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Resource and filter label for the type of learning activity with documents. Translate as a VERB","Read"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Label displayed for the 'Read' learning activity, used instead of the time duration information, to indicate a resource that may not need sequential reading from the beginning to the end. Similar concept as the 'reference' books in the traditional library, that the user just 'consults', and does not read from cover to cover.","Reference"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.readingAndWriting","Reading and writing","
+-- CONTEXT --
+School subject category","Reading and writing"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.readingComprehension","Reading comprehension","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type.","Reading comprehension"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Resource and filter label for the type of learning activity. Translate as a VERB","Reflect"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type.","School"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Science","Sciences"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.shortActivity","Short activity","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Label with time estimation for learning activities that take less than 30 minutes.","Short activity"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.signLanguage","Includes sign language captions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Wherever communities of deaf people exist, sign languages have developed as useful means of communication, and they form the core of local Deaf cultures. Although signing is used primarily by the deaf and hard of hearing, it is also used by hearing individuals, such as those unable to physically speak, those who have trouble with spoken language due to a disability or condition (augmentative and alternative communication), or those with deaf family members, such as children of deaf adults. ","Includes sign language captions"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.skillsTraining","Skills training","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Subcategory type for technical and vocational training.","Skills training"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.socialSciences","Social sciences","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_science","Social sciences"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sociology","Sociology"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.softwareTools","Other software tools","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to a filter for resources that need additional software to be used.","Other software tools"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.softwareToolsAndTraining","Software tools and training","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Subcategory type for technical and vocational training.","Software tools and training"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.specializedProfessionalTraining","Specialized professional training","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Level of education that refers to training for a profession (job).","Specialized professional training"
+-- CONTEXT --
+A math category. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statistics","Statistics"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.taggedPdf","Tagged PDF","
+-- CONTEXT --
+A tagged PDF includes hidden accessibility markups (tags) that make the document accessible to those who use screen readers and other assistive technology (AT).
+https://taggedpdf.com/what-is-a-tagged-pdf/","Tagged PDF"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.teacher","Working with a teacher","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to a filter for resources that require a learner to work with a teacher to be used.","Working with a teacher"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.technicalAndVocationalTraining","Technical and vocational training","
+-- CONTEXT --
+A level of education. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TVET_(Technical_and_Vocational_Education_and_Training)","Technical and vocational training"
+-- CONTEXT --
+A level of education. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tertiary_education","Tertiary"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.toUseWithPaperAndPencil","Paper and pencil","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to a filter for resources.
+","Paper and pencil"
+-- CONTEXT --
+A collection of resources and other subfolders within a channel. Nested folders allow a channel to be organized as a tree or hierarchy.","Folder"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.upperPrimary","Upper primary","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to a level of education. Approximately corresponds to the second half of primary school.
+","Upper primary"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.upperSecondary","Upper secondary","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to a level of education. Approximately corresponds to the second half of secondary school.","Upper secondary"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.visualArt","Visual art","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visual_arts","Visual art"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Resource and filter label for the type of learning activity with video. Translate as a VERB","Watch"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.webDesign","Web design","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_design","Web design"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Top level category group that contains resources for acquisition of professional skills.","Work"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Writing","Writing"
+"CommunityStandardsModal.communityStandardsHeader","Community Standards","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Community Standards"
+"CommunityStandardsModal.coreValuesLink","Learn more about Learning Equality's core values","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Learn more about Learning Equality's core values"
+"CommunityStandardsModal.description","Learning Equality is a nonprofit organization dedicated to enabling equitable access to quality educational experiences. Along with our statement of Core Values, these Community Standards are intended to foster a supportive and inclusive environment for our users.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Learning Equality is a nonprofit organization dedicated to enabling equitable access to quality educational experiences. Along with our statement of Core Values, these Community Standards are intended to foster a supportive and inclusive environment for our users."
+"CommunityStandardsModal.libraryDescription","The Kolibri Library is both a grassroots and curated effort to provide a wide variety of materials for all learners and learning purposes. To help us achieve these goals, we invite you to use Kolibri Studio in ways that:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","The Kolibri Library is both a grassroots and curated effort to provide a wide variety of materials for all learners and learning purposes. To help us achieve these goals, we invite you to use Kolibri Studio in ways that:"
+"CommunityStandardsModal.libraryItem1","Model good practices in open sharing and respect copyright. Create an ethical sharing community by labeling licenses, making sure you know the appropriate licenses for what you upload, and ensuring that appropriate written permissions are documented if needed. Studio is primarily designed to host materials which are openly licensed or come with special permissions for re-distribution and reproduction.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Model good practices in open sharing and respect copyright. Create an ethical sharing community by labeling licenses, making sure you know the appropriate licenses for what you upload, and ensuring that appropriate written permissions are documented if needed. Studio is primarily designed to host materials which are openly licensed or come with special permissions for re-distribution and reproduction."
+"CommunityStandardsModal.libraryItem2","Keep materials clear, organized, and usable. We welcome resources created at all levels of production! To help them reach as many learners as possible, we invite you to fully utilize all metadata fields and aim for quality in comprehensibility, legibility, or digitization such that the content is usable and understandable.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Keep materials clear, organized, and usable. We welcome resources created at all levels of production! To help them reach as many learners as possible, we invite you to fully utilize all metadata fields and aim for quality in comprehensibility, legibility, or digitization such that the content is usable and understandable."
+"CommunityStandardsModal.libraryItem3","Respect the community. Avoid obscenity and vulgarity, beyond specific educational purposes they might serve in some contexts. Hate speech of any kind, or promotion of violence or discrimination, will never be tolerated.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Respect the community. Avoid obscenity and vulgarity, beyond specific educational purposes they might serve in some contexts. Hate speech of any kind, or promotion of violence or discrimination, will never be tolerated."
+"CommunityStandardsModal.libraryItem4","Kolibri Studio is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to be used for non-educational purposes such as recruitment, indoctrination, advertisement, file sharing, or personal media hosting.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Kolibri Studio is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to be used for non-educational purposes such as recruitment, indoctrination, advertisement, file sharing, or personal media hosting."
+"CommunityStandardsModal.studioDescription","Kolibri Studio gives you access to the Kolibri Library, a growing library of educational materials, which we encourage you to use as your own. We built Kolibri Studio to help you prepare educational materials in a variety of ways, including but not limited to:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Kolibri Studio gives you access to the Kolibri Library, a growing library of educational materials, which we encourage you to use as your own. We built Kolibri Studio to help you prepare educational materials in a variety of ways, including but not limited to:"
+"CommunityStandardsModal.studioItem1","Browsing. Selecting appropriate educational materials for your situation from the Kolibri Library, the listing of sources available on the public channels page in Kolibri Studio","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Browsing. Selecting appropriate educational materials for your situation from the Kolibri Library, the listing of sources available on the public channels page in Kolibri Studio"
+"CommunityStandardsModal.studioItem2","Curating. Reorganizing the materials in these channels by selecting, deleting, and reordering appropriate items","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Curating. Reorganizing the materials in these channels by selecting, deleting, and reordering appropriate items"
+"CommunityStandardsModal.studioItem3","Sharing. Creating and publishing new channels with what you find, either to share with your own implementations privately or to share with others on Kolibri Studio.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Sharing. Creating and publishing new channels with what you find, either to share with your own implementations privately or to share with others on Kolibri Studio."
+"CommunityStandardsModal.studioItem4","Modifying & Creating. Adding your own assessment exercises to any existing materials","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Modifying & Creating. Adding your own assessment exercises to any existing materials"
+"CommunityStandardsModal.studioItem5","Hosting. Uploading your own materials (limited to materials you know are appropriately licensed to do so) from a local hard drive or other locations on the internet","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Hosting. Uploading your own materials (limited to materials you know are appropriately licensed to do so) from a local hard drive or other locations on the internet"
+"CompletionOptions.allContent","Viewed in its entirety","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Viewed in its entirety"
+"CompletionOptions.completeDuration","When time spent is equal to duration","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","When time spent is equal to duration"
+"CompletionOptions.determinedByResource","Determined by the resource","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Determined by the resource"
+"CompletionOptions.exactTime","Time to complete","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Time to complete"
+"CompletionOptions.goal","When goal is met","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","When goal is met"
+"CompletionOptions.practiceQuiz","Practice quiz","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Practice quiz"
+"CompletionOptions.reference","Reference material","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Reference material"
+"CompletionOptions.referenceHint","Progress will not be tracked on reference material unless learners mark it as complete","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Progress will not be tracked on reference material unless learners mark it as complete"
+"ConstantStrings.All Rights Reserved","All Rights Reserved","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","All Rights Reserved"
+"ConstantStrings.All Rights Reserved_description","The All Rights Reserved License indicates that the copyright holder reserves, or holds for their own use, all the rights provided by copyright law under one specific copyright treaty.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","The All Rights Reserved License indicates that the copyright holder reserves, or holds for their own use, all the rights provided by copyright law under one specific copyright treaty."
+"ConstantStrings.CC BY","CC BY","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","CC BY"
+"ConstantStrings.CC BY-NC","CC BY-NC","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","CC BY-NC"
+"ConstantStrings.CC BY-NC-ND","CC BY-NC-ND","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","CC BY-NC-ND"
+"ConstantStrings.CC BY-NC-ND_description","The Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License is the most restrictive of our six main licenses, only allowing others to download your works and share them with others as long as they credit you, but they can't change them in any way or use them commercially.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","The Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License is the most restrictive of our six main licenses, only allowing others to download your works and share them with others as long as they credit you, but they can't change them in any way or use them commercially."
+"ConstantStrings.CC BY-NC-SA","CC BY-NC-SA","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","CC BY-NC-SA"
+"ConstantStrings.CC BY-NC-SA_description","The Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work non-commercially, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under the identical terms.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","The Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work non-commercially, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under the identical terms."
+"ConstantStrings.CC BY-NC_description","The Attribution-NonCommercial License lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work non-commercially, and although their new works must also acknowledge you and be non-commercial, they don't have to license their derivative works on the same terms.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","The Attribution-NonCommercial License lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work non-commercially, and although their new works must also acknowledge you and be non-commercial, they don't have to license their derivative works on the same terms."
+"ConstantStrings.CC BY-ND","CC BY-ND","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","CC BY-ND"
+"ConstantStrings.CC BY-ND_description","The Attribution-NoDerivs License allows for redistribution, commercial and non-commercial, as long as it is passed along unchanged and in whole, with credit to you.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","The Attribution-NoDerivs License allows for redistribution, commercial and non-commercial, as long as it is passed along unchanged and in whole, with credit to you."
+"ConstantStrings.CC BY-SA","CC BY-SA","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","CC BY-SA"
+"ConstantStrings.CC BY-SA_description","The Attribution-ShareAlike License lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work even for commercial purposes, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under the identical terms. This license is often compared to ""copyleft"" free and open source software licenses. All new works based on yours will carry the same license, so any derivatives will also allow commercial use. This is the license used by Wikipedia, and is recommended for materials that would benefit from incorporating content from Wikipedia and similarly licensed projects.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","The Attribution-ShareAlike License lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work even for commercial purposes, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under the identical terms. This license is often compared to ""copyleft"" free and open source software licenses. All new works based on yours will carry the same license, so any derivatives will also allow commercial use. This is the license used by Wikipedia, and is recommended for materials that would benefit from incorporating content from Wikipedia and similarly licensed projects."
+"ConstantStrings.CC BY_description","The Attribution License lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation. This is the most accommodating of licenses offered. Recommended for maximum dissemination and use of licensed materials.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","The Attribution License lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation. This is the most accommodating of licenses offered. Recommended for maximum dissemination and use of licensed materials."
+"ConstantStrings.Public Domain","Public Domain","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Public Domain"
+"ConstantStrings.Public Domain_description","Public Domain work has been identified as being free of known restrictions under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Public Domain work has been identified as being free of known restrictions under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights."
+"ConstantStrings.Special Permissions","Special Permissions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Special Permissions"
+"ConstantStrings.Special Permissions_description","Special Permissions is a custom license to use when the current licenses do not apply to the content. The owner of this license is responsible for creating a description of what this license entails.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Special Permissions is a custom license to use when the current licenses do not apply to the content. The owner of this license is responsible for creating a description of what this license entails."
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ConstantStrings.do_all","Goal: 100% correct","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Goal: 100% correct"
+"ConstantStrings.do_all_description","Learner must answer all questions in the exercise correctly (not recommended for long exercises)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Learner must answer all questions in the exercise correctly (not recommended for long exercises)"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ConstantStrings.edit","My channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","My channels"
+"ConstantStrings.epub","EPub document","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","EPub document"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ConstantStrings.firstCopy","Copy of {title}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copy of {title}"
+"ConstantStrings.gif","GIF image","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","GIF image"
+"ConstantStrings.h5p","H5P App","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","H5P App"
+"ConstantStrings.high_res_video","High resolution","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","High resolution"
+"ConstantStrings.html5","HTML5 App","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","HTML5 App"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ConstantStrings.html5_zip","HTML5 zip","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","HTML5 zip"
+"ConstantStrings.input_question","Numeric input","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Numeric input"
+"ConstantStrings.jpeg","JPEG image","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","JPEG image"
+"ConstantStrings.jpg","JPG image","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","JPG image"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ConstantStrings.low_res_video","Low resolution","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Low resolution"
+"ConstantStrings.m_of_n","M of N...","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","M of N..."
+"ConstantStrings.m_of_n_description","Learner must answer M questions correctly from the last N answered questions. For example, ‘3 of 5’ means learners must answer 3 questions correctly out of the 5 most recently answered.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Learner must answer M questions correctly from the last N answered questions. For example, ‘3 of 5’ means learners must answer 3 questions correctly out of the 5 most recently answered."
+"ConstantStrings.mp3","MP3 audio","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","MP3 audio"
+"ConstantStrings.mp4","MP4 video","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","MP4 video"
+"ConstantStrings.multiple_selection","Multiple choice","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Multiple choice"
+"ConstantStrings.nthCopy","Copy {n, number, integer} of {title}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copy {n, number, integer} of {title}"
+"ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_10","Goal: 10 in a row","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Goal: 10 in a row"
+"ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_10_description","Learner must answer 10 questions in a row correctly","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Learner must answer 10 questions in a row correctly"
+"ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_2","Goal: 2 in a row","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Goal: 2 in a row"
+"ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_2_description","Learner must answer 2 questions in a row correctly","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Learner must answer 2 questions in a row correctly"
+"ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_3","Goal: 3 in a row","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Goal: 3 in a row"
+"ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_3_description","Learner must answer 3 questions in a row correctly","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Learner must answer 3 questions in a row correctly"
+"ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_5","Goal: 5 in a row","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Goal: 5 in a row"
+"ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_5_description","Learner must answer 5 questions in a row correctly","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Learner must answer 5 questions in a row correctly"
+"ConstantStrings.pdf","PDF document","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","PDF document"
+"ConstantStrings.perseus","Perseus Exercise","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Perseus Exercise"
+"ConstantStrings.perseus_question","Khan Academy question","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Khan Academy question"
+"ConstantStrings.png","PNG image","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","PNG image"
+"ConstantStrings.public","Content library","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Content library"
+"ConstantStrings.single_selection","Single choice","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Single choice"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ConstantStrings.svg","SVG image","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","SVG image"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ConstantStrings.unknown_question","Unknown question type","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Unknown question type"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ConstantStrings.vtt","VTT caption","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","VTT caption"
+"ConstantStrings.webm","WEBM video","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","WEBM video"
+"ConstantStrings.zip","HTML5 zip","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","HTML5 zip"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentDefaults.copyrightHolder","Copyright holder","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copyright holder"
+"ContentDefaults.defaultsSubTitle","New resources will be automatically given these values","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","New resources will be automatically given these values"
+"ContentDefaults.defaultsTitle","Default copyright settings for new resources (optional)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Default copyright settings for new resources (optional)"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentDefaults.html5","HTML5 apps","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","HTML5 apps"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentDefaults.licenseDescription","License description","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","License description"
+"ContentDefaults.noLicense","No license selected","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","No license selected"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentDefaults.thumbnailsTitle","Automatically generate thumbnails for the following resource types","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Automatically generate thumbnails for the following resource types"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentNodeChangedIcon.containsNew","Contains unpublished resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Contains unpublished resources"
+"ContentNodeChangedIcon.containsNewAndUpdated","Contains unpublished resources and changes","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Contains unpublished resources and changes"
+"ContentNodeChangedIcon.containsUpdated","Contains unpublished changes","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Contains unpublished changes"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentNodeChangedIcon.isNewTopic","Unpublished folder","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Unpublished folder"
+"ContentNodeChangedIcon.isUpdatedResource","Updated since last publish","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Updated since last publish"
+"ContentNodeChangedIcon.isUpdatedTopic","Folder has been updated since last publish","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Folder has been updated since last publish"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentNodeIcon.html5","HTML5 App","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","HTML5 App"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentNodeLearningActivityIcon.multipleLearningActivities","Multiple learning activities","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Multiple learning activities"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentNodeListItem.coachTooltip","Resource for coaches","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Resource for coaches"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentNodeListItem.hasCoachTooltip","{value, number, integer} {value, plural, one {resource for coaches} other {resources for coaches}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{value, number, integer} {value, plural, one {resource for coaches} other {resources for coaches}}"
+"ContentNodeListItem.openTopic","Open folder","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Open folder"
+"ContentNodeListItem.questions","{value, number, integer} {value, plural, one {question} other {questions}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{value, number, integer} {value, plural, one {question} other {questions}}"
+"ContentNodeListItem.resources","{value, number, integer} {value, plural, one {resource} other {resources}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{value, number, integer} {value, plural, one {resource} other {resources}}"
+"ContentNodeOptions.copiedItemsToClipboard","Copied in clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copied in clipboard"
+"ContentNodeOptions.copiedSnackbar","Copy operation complete","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copy operation complete"
+"ContentNodeOptions.copiedToClipboardSnackbar","Copied to clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copied to clipboard"
+"ContentNodeOptions.copyToClipboard","Copy to clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copy to clipboard"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentNodeOptions.editDetails","Edit details","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Edit details"
+"ContentNodeOptions.editTopicDetails","Edit folder details","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Edit folder details"
+"ContentNodeOptions.goToOriginalLocation","Go to original location","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Go to original location"
+"ContentNodeOptions.makeACopy","Make a copy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Make a copy"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentNodeOptions.moveTo","Move to...","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Move to..."
+"ContentNodeOptions.newSubtopic","New folder","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","New folder"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentNodeOptions.removedFromClipboard","Deleted from clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Deleted from clipboard"
+"ContentNodeOptions.removedItems","Sent to trash","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Sent to trash"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentNodeOptions.viewDetails","View details","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","View details"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentNodeThumbnail.croppingPrompt","Drag image to reframe","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Drag image to reframe"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentNodeThumbnail.generate","Generate from file","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Generate from file"
+"ContentNodeThumbnail.generatingThumbnail","Generating from file","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Generating from file"
+"ContentNodeThumbnail.noThumbnail","No thumbnail","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","No thumbnail"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentNodeThumbnail.retryUpload","Retry upload","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Retry upload"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentNodeThumbnail.upload","Upload image","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Upload image"
+"ContentNodeThumbnail.uploadFailed","Upload failed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Upload failed"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentNodeThumbnail.zoomIn","Zoom in","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Zoom in"
+"ContentNodeThumbnail.zoomOut","Zoom out","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Zoom out"
+"ContentNodeValidator.allIncompleteDescendantsText","{count, plural, one {{count, number, integer} resource is incomplete and cannot be published} other {All {count, number, integer} resources are incomplete and cannot be published}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural, one {{count, number, integer} resource is incomplete and cannot be published} other {All {count, number, integer} resources are incomplete and cannot be published}}"
+"ContentNodeValidator.incompleteDescendantsText","{count, number, integer} {count, plural, one {resource is incomplete} other {resources are incomplete}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, number, integer} {count, plural, one {resource is incomplete} other {resources are incomplete}}"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentNodeValidator.missingTitle","Missing title","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Missing title"
+"ContentRenderer.noFileText","Select a file to preview","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Select a file to preview"
+"ContentRenderer.previewNotSupported","Preview unavailable","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Preview unavailable"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentTreeList.noResourcesOrTopics","There are no resources or folders here","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","There are no resources or folders here"
+"ContentTreeList.selectAllAction","Select all","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Select all"
+"CopyToken.copiedTokenId","Token copied","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Token copied"
+"CopyToken.copyFailed","Copy failed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copy failed"
+"CopyToken.copyPrompt","Copy token to import channel into Kolibri","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copy token to import channel into Kolibri"
+"CountryField.locationLabel","Select all that apply","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Select all that apply"
+"CountryField.locationRequiredMessage","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Field is required"
+"CountryField.noCountriesFound","No countries found","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","No countries found"
+"Create.ToSCheck","I have read and agree to the terms of service","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","I have read and agree to the terms of service"
+"Create.ToSRequiredMessage","Please accept our terms of service","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Please accept our terms of service"
+"Create.backToLoginButton","Sign in","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Sign in"
+"Create.basicInformationHeader","Basic information","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Basic information"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Create.conferenceSourcePlaceholder","Name of conference","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Name of conference"
+"Create.confirmPasswordLabel","Confirm password","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Confirm password"
+"Create.contactMessage","Questions or concerns? Please email us at content@learningequality.org","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Questions or concerns? Please email us at content@learningequality.org"
+"Create.conversationSourceOption","Conversation with Learning Equality","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Conversation with Learning Equality"
+"Create.createAnAccountTitle","Create an account","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Create an account"
+"Create.creatingExercisesUsageOption","Creating exercises","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Creating exercises"
+"Create.emailExistsMessage","An account with this email already exists","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","An account with this email already exists"
+"Create.errorsMessage","Please fix the errors below","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Please fix the errors below"
+"Create.fieldRequiredMessage","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Field is required"
+"Create.findingUsageOption","Finding and adding additional content sources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Finding and adding additional content sources"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Create.firstNameLabel","First name","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","First name"
+"Create.forumSourceOption","Learning Equality community forum","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Learning Equality community forum"
+"Create.githubSourceOption","Learning Equality GitHub","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Learning Equality GitHub"
+"Create.lastNameLabel","Last name","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Last name"
+"Create.locationLabel","Where do you plan to use Kolibri Studio? (check all that apply)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Where do you plan to use Kolibri Studio? (check all that apply)"
+"Create.newsletterSourceOption","Learning Equality newsletter","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Learning Equality newsletter"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Create.organizationSourcePlaceholder","Name of organization","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Name of organization"
+"Create.organizingUsageOption","Organizing or aligning existing materials","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Organizing or aligning existing materials"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Create.otherSourcePlaceholder","Please describe","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Please describe"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Create.otherUsagePlaceholder","Please describe","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Please describe"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Create.passwordMatchMessage","Passwords don't match","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Passwords don't match"
+"Create.personalDemoSourceOption","Personal demo","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Personal demo"
+"Create.privacyPolicyCheck","I have read and agree to the privacy policy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","I have read and agree to the privacy policy"
+"Create.privacyPolicyRequiredMessage","Please accept our privacy policy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Please accept our privacy policy"
+"Create.registrationFailed","There was an error registering your account. Please try again","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","There was an error registering your account. Please try again"
+"Create.registrationFailedOffline","You seem to be offline. Please connect to the internet to create an account.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","You seem to be offline. Please connect to the internet to create an account."
+"Create.sequencingUsageOption","Using prerequisites to put materials in a sequence","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Using prerequisites to put materials in a sequence"
+"Create.sharingUsageOption","Sharing materials publicly","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Sharing materials publicly"
+"Create.socialMediaSourceOption","Social media","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Social media"
+"Create.sourceLabel","How did you hear about us?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","How did you hear about us?"
+"Create.sourcePlaceholder","Select one","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Select one"
+"Create.storingUsageExample","e.g. 500MB","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","e.g. 500MB"
+"Create.storingUsageOption","Storing materials for private or local use","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Storing materials for private or local use"
+"Create.storingUsagePlaceholder","How much storage do you need?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","How much storage do you need?"
+"Create.taggingUsageOption","Tagging content sources for discovery","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Tagging content sources for discovery"
+"Create.usageLabel","How do you plan on using Kolibri Studio (check all that apply)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","How do you plan on using Kolibri Studio (check all that apply)"
+"Create.viewPrivacyPolicyLink","View privacy policy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","View privacy policy"
+"Create.viewToSLink","View terms of service","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","View terms of service"
+"Create.websiteSourceOption","Learning Equality website","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Learning Equality website"
+"CurrentTopicView.COMFORTABLE_VIEW","Comfortable view","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Comfortable view"
+"CurrentTopicView.COMPACT_VIEW","Compact view","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Compact view"
+"CurrentTopicView.DEFAULT_VIEW","Default view","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Default view"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"CurrentTopicView.addExercise","New exercise","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","New exercise"
+"CurrentTopicView.addTopic","New folder","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","New folder"
+"CurrentTopicView.copiedItems","Copy operation complete","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copy operation complete"
+"CurrentTopicView.copiedItemsToClipboard","Copied to clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copied to clipboard"
+"CurrentTopicView.copySelectedButton","Copy to clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copy to clipboard"
+"CurrentTopicView.copyToClipboardButton","Copy to clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copy to clipboard"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"CurrentTopicView.duplicateSelectedButton","Make a copy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Make a copy"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"CurrentTopicView.importFromChannels","Import from channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Import from channels"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"CurrentTopicView.removedItems","Sent to trash","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Sent to trash"
+"CurrentTopicView.selectAllLabel","Select all","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Select all"
+"CurrentTopicView.selectionCount","{topicCount, plural,
+ =1 {# folder}
+ other {# folders}}, {resourceCount, plural,
+ =1 {# resource}
+ other {# resources}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{topicCount, plural,
+ =1 {# folder}
+ other {# folders}}, {resourceCount, plural,
+ =1 {# resource}
+ other {# resources}}"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"CurrentTopicView.uploadFiles","Upload files","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Upload files"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"DeleteAccountForm.deleteAccountConfirmationPrompt","Are you sure you want to permanently delete your account? This cannot be undone","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Are you sure you want to permanently delete your account? This cannot be undone"
+"DeleteAccountForm.deleteAccountEnterEmail","Enter your email address to continue","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Enter your email address to continue"
+"DeleteAccountForm.deleteAccountLabel","Delete account","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Delete account"
+"DeleteAccountForm.deletionFailed","Failed to delete account","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Failed to delete account"
+"DeleteAccountForm.deletionFailedText","Failed to delete your account. Please contact us here: https://community.learningequality.org.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Failed to delete your account. Please contact us here: https://community.learningequality.org."
+"DeleteAccountForm.emailAddressLabel","Email address","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Email address"
+"DeleteAccountForm.emailInvalidText","Email does not match your account email","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Email does not match your account email"
+"DeleteAccountForm.fieldRequired","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Field is required"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Details.VERY_LARGE","Very large","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Very large"
+"Details.VERY_SMALL","Very small","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Very small"
+"Details.aggregatorToolTip","Website or organization hosting the content collection but not necessarily the creator or copyright holder","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Website or organization hosting the content collection but not necessarily the creator or copyright holder"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Details.authorToolTip","Person or organization who created this content","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Person or organization who created this content"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Details.coachDescription","Resources for coaches are only visible to coaches in Kolibri","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Resources for coaches are only visible to coaches in Kolibri"
+"Details.coachHeading","Resources for coaches","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Resources for coaches"
+"Details.containsContentHeading","Contains content from","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Contains content from"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Details.copyrightHoldersLabel","Copyright holders","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copyright holders"
+"Details.creationHeading","Created on","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Created on"
+"Details.currentVersionHeading","Published version","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Published version"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Details.primaryLanguageHeading","Primary language","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Primary language"
+"Details.providerToolTip","Organization that commissioned or is distributing the content","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Organization that commissioned or is distributing the content"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Details.publishedHeading","Published on","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Published on"
+"Details.resourceHeading","Total resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Total resources"
+"Details.sampleFromChannelHeading","Sample content from this channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Sample content from this channel"
+"Details.sampleFromTopicHeading","Sample content from this topic","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Sample content from this topic"
+"Details.sizeHeading","Channel size","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Channel size"
+"Details.sizeText","{text} ({size})","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{text} ({size})"
+"Details.subtitlesHeading","Captions and subtitles","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Captions and subtitles"
+"Details.tagsHeading","Common tags","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Common tags"
+"Details.tokenHeading","Channel token","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Channel token"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"DetailsTabView.aggregatorToolTip","Website or org hosting the content collection but not necessarily the creator or copyright holder","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Website or org hosting the content collection but not necessarily the creator or copyright holder"
+"DetailsTabView.assessmentOptionsLabel","Assessment options","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Assessment options"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"DetailsTabView.authorToolTip","Person or organization who created this content","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Person or organization who created this content"
+"DetailsTabView.basicInfoHeader","Basic information","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Basic information"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Heading for the section in the resource editing window","Completion"
+"DetailsTabView.copyrightHolderLabel","Copyright holder","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copyright holder"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"DetailsTabView.detectedImportText","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# resource has view-only permission}
+ other {# resources have view-only permission}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# resource has view-only permission}
+ other {# resources have view-only permission}}"
+"DetailsTabView.importedFromButtonText","Imported from {channel}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Imported from {channel}"
+"DetailsTabView.languageChannelHelpText","Leave blank to use the channel language","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Leave blank to use the channel language"
+"DetailsTabView.languageHelpText","Leave blank to use the folder language","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Leave blank to use the folder language"
+"DetailsTabView.learnersCanMarkComplete","Allow learners to mark as complete","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Allow learners to mark as complete"
+"DetailsTabView.noTagsFoundText","No results found for ""{text}"". Press 'Enter' key to create a new tag","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","No results found for ""{text}"". Press 'Enter' key to create a new tag"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"DetailsTabView.providerToolTip","Organization that commissioned or is distributing the content","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Organization that commissioned or is distributing the content"
+"DetailsTabView.randomizeQuestionLabel","Randomize question order for learners","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Randomize question order for learners"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"DiffTable.headerDiff","Net changes","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Net changes"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"DiffTable.typeFileSize","File size","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","File size"
+"DiffTable.typeHtml5Apps","HTML5 apps","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","HTML5 apps"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"DiffTable.typeVersion","API version","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","API version"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"EditList.selectAllLabel","Select all","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Select all"
+"EditListItem.questionCount","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# question}
+ other {# questions}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# question}
+ other {# questions}}"
+"EditModal.addTopic","Add new folder","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Add new folder"
+"EditModal.addTopicsHeader","New folder","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","New folder"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"EditModal.closeWithoutSavingButton","Close without saving","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Close without saving"
+"EditModal.createExerciseHeader","New exercise","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","New exercise"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"EditModal.editFilesHeader","Edit files","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Edit files"
+"EditModal.editingDetailsHeader","Edit details","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Edit details"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"EditModal.invalidNodesFound","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# incomplete resource found}
+ other {# incomplete resources found}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# incomplete resource found}
+ other {# incomplete resources found}}"
+"EditModal.invalidNodesFoundText","Incomplete resources will not be published until these errors are resolved","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Incomplete resources will not be published until these errors are resolved"
+"EditModal.keepEditingButton","Keep editing","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Keep editing"
+"EditModal.loadErrorText","Failed to load content","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Failed to load content"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"EditModal.saveAnywaysButton","Exit anyway","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Exit anyway"
+"EditModal.saveFailedHeader","Save failed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Save failed"
+"EditModal.saveFailedText","There was a problem saving your content","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","There was a problem saving your content"
+"EditModal.uploadButton","Upload more","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Upload more"
+"EditModal.uploadFilesHeader","Upload files","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Upload files"
+"EditModal.uploadInProgressHeader","Upload in progress","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Upload in progress"
+"EditModal.uploadInProgressText","Uploads that are in progress will be lost if you exit","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Uploads that are in progress will be lost if you exit"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"EditSearchModal.changesSavedSnackbar","Changes saved","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Changes saved"
+"EditSearchModal.editSavedSearchTitle","Edit search title","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Edit search title"
+"EditSearchModal.fieldRequired","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Field is required"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"EditSearchModal.searchTitleLabel","Search title","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Search title"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"EditView.editingMultipleCount","Editing details for {topicCount, plural,
+ =1 {# folder}
+ other {# folders}}, {resourceCount, plural,
+ =1 {# resource}
+ other {# resources}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Editing details for {topicCount, plural,
+ =1 {# folder}
+ other {# folders}}, {resourceCount, plural,
+ =1 {# resource}
+ other {# resources}}"
+"EditView.errorBannerText","Please provide the required information","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Please provide the required information"
+"EditView.invalidFieldsToolTip","Some required information is missing","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Some required information is missing"
+"EditView.noItemsToEditText","Please select resources or folders to edit","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Please select resources or folders to edit"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"EmailField.emailRequiredMessage","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Field is required"
+"EmailField.validEmailMessage","Please enter a valid email","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Please enter a valid email"
+"ExpandableList.less","Show less","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Show less"
+"ExpandableList.more","Show more ({more})","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Show more ({more})"
+"FilePreview.exitFullscreen","Exit fullscreen","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Exit fullscreen"
+"FilePreview.fullscreenModeText","Fullscreen mode","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Fullscreen mode"
+"FilePreview.viewFullscreen","View fullscreen","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","View fullscreen"
+"FileStatusText.selectFile","Select file","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Select file"
+"FileStorage.requestStorage","Request storage","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Request storage"
+"FileStorage.storageFull","Storage limit reached","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Storage limit reached"
+"FileStorage.storageFullWithSize","Total storage limit reached: {used} of {total}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Total storage limit reached: {used} of {total}"
+"FileStorage.storageLow","Storage is running low","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Storage is running low"
+"FileStorage.storageLowWithSize","Total storage is running low: {used} of {total}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Total storage is running low: {used} of {total}"
+"FileStorage.storageUsed","Total storage used: {used} of {total}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Total storage used: {used} of {total}"
+"FileUpload.fileError","Unsupported file type","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Unsupported file type"
+"FileUpload.filesHeader","Preview files","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Preview files"
+"FileUpload.noFileText","Missing files","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Missing files"
+"FileUploadDefault.acceptsHelp","Supported file types: {extensions}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Supported file types: {extensions}"
+"FileUploadDefault.chooseFilesButton","Select files","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Select files"
+"FileUploadDefault.dropHereText","Drag and drop your files here, or select your files manually","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Drag and drop your files here, or select your files manually"
+"FileUploadDefault.uploadToText","Upload to '{title}'","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Upload to '{title}'"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"FileUploadItem.retryUpload","Retry upload","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Retry upload"
+"FileUploadItem.unknownFile","Unknown filename","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Unknown filename"
+"FileUploadItem.uploadButton","Select file","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Select file"
+"FileUploadItem.uploadFailed","Upload failed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Upload failed"
+"ForgotPassword.forgotPasswordFailed","Failed to send a password reset link. Please try again.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Failed to send a password reset link. Please try again."
+"ForgotPassword.forgotPasswordPrompt","Please enter your email address to receive instructions for resetting your password","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Please enter your email address to receive instructions for resetting your password"
+"ForgotPassword.forgotPasswordTitle","Reset your password","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Reset your password"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"FormulasMenu.formulasMenuTitle","Special characters","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Special characters"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"FullNameForm.changesSavedMessage","Changes saved","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Changes saved"
+"FullNameForm.editNameHeader","Edit full name","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Edit full name"
+"FullNameForm.failedToSaveMessage","Failed to save changes","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Failed to save changes"
+"FullNameForm.fieldRequired","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Field is required"
+"FullNameForm.firstNameLabel","First name","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","First name"
+"FullNameForm.lastNameLabel","Last name","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Last name"
+"FullNameForm.saveChangesAction","Save changes","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Save changes"
+"GenericError.backToHomeAction","Back to home","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Back to home"
+"GenericError.genericErrorDetails","Try refreshing this page or going back to the home page","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Try refreshing this page or going back to the home page"
+"GenericError.genericErrorHeader","Sorry, something went wrong","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Sorry, something went wrong"
+"GenericError.helpByReportingAction","Help us by reporting this error","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Help us by reporting this error"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"HintsEditor.newHintBtnLabel","New hint","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","New hint"
+"HintsEditor.noHintsPlaceholder","Question has no hints","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Question has no hints"
+"ImageOnlyThumbnail.thumbnail","{title} thumbnail","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{title} thumbnail"
+"ImagesMenu.acceptsText","Supported file types: {acceptedFormats}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Supported file types: {acceptedFormats}"
+"ImagesMenu.altTextHint","The image description is necessary to enable visually impaired learners to answer questions, and it also displays when the image fails to load","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","The image description is necessary to enable visually impaired learners to answer questions, and it also displays when the image fails to load"
+"ImagesMenu.altTextLabel","Image description","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Image description"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ImagesMenu.currentImageDefaultText","Current image","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Current image"
+"ImagesMenu.defaultDropText","Drag and drop an image here, or upload manually","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Drag and drop an image here, or upload manually"
+"ImagesMenu.imageHeader","Upload image","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Upload image"
+"ImagesMenu.selectFile","Select file","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Select file"
+"ImagesMenu.selectFileButton","Select file","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Select file"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ImportFromChannelsModal.importTitle","Import from other channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Import from other channels"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ImportFromChannelsModal.resourcesAddedSnackbar","{count, number} {count, plural, one {resource selected} other {resources selected}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, number} {count, plural, one {resource selected} other {resources selected}}"
+"ImportFromChannelsModal.resourcesRemovedSnackbar","{count, number} {count, plural, one {resource removed} other {resources removed}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, number} {count, plural, one {resource removed} other {resources removed}}"
+"ImportFromChannelsModal.resourcesSelected","{count, number} {count, plural, one {resource selected} other {resources selected}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, number} {count, plural, one {resource selected} other {resources selected}}"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ImportFromChannelsModal.reviewTitle","Resource selection","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Resource selection"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"LanguageDropdown.languageItemText","{language} ({code})","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{language} ({code})"
+"LanguageDropdown.languageRequired","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Field is required"
+"LanguageDropdown.noDataText","Language not found","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Language not found"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"LanguageFilter.noMatchingLanguageText","No language matches the search","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","No language matches the search"
+"LanguageSwitcherList.showMoreLanguagesSelector","More languages","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","More languages"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"LanguageSwitcherModal.changeLanguageModalHeader","Change language","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Change language"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"LicenseDropdown.learnMoreButton","Learn More","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Learn More"
+"LicenseDropdown.licenseDescriptionLabel","License description","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","License description"
+"LicenseDropdown.licenseInfoHeader","About licenses","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","About licenses"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Main.TOSLink","Terms of service","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Terms of service"
+"Main.copyright","© {year} Learning Equality","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","© {year} Learning Equality"
+"Main.createAccountButton","Create an account","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Create an account"
+"Main.forgotPasswordLink","Forgot your password?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Forgot your password?"
+"Main.guestModeLink","Explore without an account","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Explore without an account"
+"Main.kolibriStudio","Kolibri Studio","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Kolibri Studio"
+"Main.loginFailed","Email or password is incorrect","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Email or password is incorrect"
+"Main.loginFailedOffline","You seem to be offline. Please connect to the internet before signing in.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","You seem to be offline. Please connect to the internet before signing in."
+"Main.loginToProceed","You must sign in to view that page","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","You must sign in to view that page"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Main.privacyPolicyLink","Privacy policy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Privacy policy"
+"Main.signInButton","Sign in","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Sign in"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"MainNavigationDrawer.copyright","© {year} Learning Equality","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","© {year} Learning Equality"
+"MainNavigationDrawer.giveFeedback","Give feedback","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Give feedback"
+"MainNavigationDrawer.helpLink","Help and support","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Help and support"
+"MainNavigationDrawer.logoutLink","Sign out","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Sign out"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"MarkdownEditor.bold","Bold (Ctrl+B)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Bold (Ctrl+B)"
+"MarkdownEditor.formulas","Insert formula (Ctrl+F)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Insert formula (Ctrl+F)"
+"MarkdownEditor.image","Insert image (Ctrl+P)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Insert image (Ctrl+P)"
+"MarkdownEditor.italic","Italic (Ctrl+I)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Italic (Ctrl+I)"
+"MarkdownEditor.minimize","Minimize (Ctrl+M)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Minimize (Ctrl+M)"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"MasteryCriteriaMofNFields.mHint","Correct answers needed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Correct answers needed"
+"MasteryCriteriaMofNFields.nHint","Recent answers","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Recent answers"
+"MessageLayout.backToLogin","Continue to sign-in page","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Continue to sign-in page"
+"MoveModal.addTopic","Add new folder","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Add new folder"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"MoveModal.emptyTopicText","No resources found","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","No resources found"
+"MoveModal.goToLocationButton","Go to location","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Go to location"
+"MoveModal.moveHere","Move here","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Move here"
+"MoveModal.moveItems","Move {topicCount, plural,
+ =1 {# folder}
+ other {# folders}}, {resourceCount, plural,
+ =1 {# resource}
+ other {# resources}} into:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Move {topicCount, plural,
+ =1 {# folder}
+ other {# folders}}, {resourceCount, plural,
+ =1 {# resource}
+ other {# resources}} into:"
+"MoveModal.movedMessage","Moved to {title}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Moved to {title}"
+"MoveModal.resourcesCount","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# resource}
+ other {# resources}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# resource}
+ other {# resources}}"
+"MoveModal.topicCreatedMessage","New folder created","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","New folder created"
+"MultiSelect.noItemsFound","No items found","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","No items found"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"NewTopicModal.createTopic","Create new folder","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Create new folder"
+"NewTopicModal.topicTitle","Folder title","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Folder title"
+"NewTopicModal.topicTitleRequired","Folder title is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Folder title is required"
+"NodePanel.emptyChannelSubText","Create, upload, or import resources from other channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Create, upload, or import resources from other channels"
+"NodePanel.emptyChannelText","Click ""ADD"" to start building your channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Click ""ADD"" to start building your channel"
+"NodePanel.emptyTopicText","Nothing in this folder yet","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nothing in this folder yet"
+"NodePanel.emptyViewOnlyChannelText","Nothing in this channel yet","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nothing in this channel yet"
+"NodeTreeNavigation.noResourcesDefaultText","No resources found","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","No resources found"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"OfflineText.offlineText","You seem to be offline. Your changes will be saved once your connection is back.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","You seem to be offline. Your changes will be saved once your connection is back."
+"PageNotFoundError.backToHomeAction","Back to home","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Back to home"
+"PageNotFoundError.pageNotFoundDetails","Sorry, that page does not exist","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Sorry, that page does not exist"
+"PageNotFoundError.pageNotFoundHeader","Page not found","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Page not found"
+"PasswordField.fieldRequiredMessage","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Field is required"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"PasswordInstructionsSent.passwordInstructionsHeader","Instructions sent. Thank you!","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Instructions sent. Thank you!"
+"PasswordInstructionsSent.passwordInstructionsText","If there is already an account with the email address provided, you should receive the instructions shortly. If you don't see an email from us, please check your spam folder.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","If there is already an account with the email address provided, you should receive the instructions shortly. If you don't see an email from us, please check your spam folder."
+"PermissionsError.goToHomePageAction","Go to home page","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Go to home page"
+"PermissionsError.permissionDeniedHeader","Did you forget to sign in?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Did you forget to sign in?"
+"PoliciesModal.checkboxText","I have agreed to the above terms","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","I have agreed to the above terms"
+"PoliciesModal.checkboxValidationErrorMessage","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Field is required"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"PoliciesModal.lastUpdated","Last updated {date}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Last updated {date}"
+"PrivacyPolicyModal.privacyHeader","Privacy policy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Privacy policy"
+"PrivacyPolicyModal.updatedPrivacyHeader","Updated privacy policy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Updated privacy policy"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ProgressModal.defaultErrorText","Last attempt to publish failed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Last attempt to publish failed"
+"ProgressModal.lastPublished","Published {last_published}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Published {last_published}"
+"ProgressModal.publishHeader","Publishing channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Publishing channel"
+"ProgressModal.syncError","Last attempt to sync failed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Last attempt to sync failed"
+"ProgressModal.syncHeader","Syncing channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Syncing channel"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"PublishModal.descriptionDescriptionTooltip","This description will be shown to Kolibri admins before they update channel versions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","This description will be shown to Kolibri admins before they update channel versions"
+"PublishModal.descriptionRequiredMessage","Please describe what's new in this version before publishing","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Please describe what's new in this version before publishing"
+"PublishModal.incompleteCount","{count, plural, =1 {# incomplete resource} other {# incomplete resources}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural, =1 {# incomplete resource} other {# incomplete resources}}"
+"PublishModal.incompleteInstructions","Click 'Continue' to confirm that you would like to publish anyway.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Click 'Continue' to confirm that you would like to publish anyway."
+"PublishModal.incompleteWarning","Incomplete resources will not be published and made available for download in Kolibri.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Incomplete resources will not be published and made available for download in Kolibri."
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"PublishModal.publishMessageLabel","Describe what's new in this channel version","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Describe what's new in this channel version"
+"PublishModal.versionDescriptionLabel","Version description","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Version description"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"RelatedResourcesTab.addNextStepBtnLabel","Add next step","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Add next step"
+"RelatedResourcesTab.addPreviousStepBtnLabel","Add previous step","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Add previous step"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"RelatedResourcesTab.nextStepsExplanation","Recommended resources that build on skills or concepts learned in this resource","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Recommended resources that build on skills or concepts learned in this resource"
+"RelatedResourcesTab.nextStepsTitle","Next steps","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Next steps"
+"RelatedResourcesTab.previewHelpText","Related resources are displayed as recommendations when learners engage with this resource","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Related resources are displayed as recommendations when learners engage with this resource"
+"RelatedResourcesTab.previousStepsExplanation","Recommended resources that introduce skills or concepts needed in order to use this resource","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Recommended resources that introduce skills or concepts needed in order to use this resource"
+"RelatedResourcesTab.previousStepsTitle","Previous steps","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Previous steps"
+"RelatedResourcesTab.removeNextStepBtnLabel","Remove next step","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Remove next step"
+"RelatedResourcesTab.removePreviousStepBtnLabel","Remove previous step","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Remove previous step"
+"RelatedResourcesTab.removedNextStepSnackbar","Removed next step","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Removed next step"
+"RelatedResourcesTab.removedPreviousStepSnackbar","Removed previous step","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Removed previous step"
+"RelatedResourcesTab.resourcePreviewDialogHelpText","Related resources in Kolibri display as recommendations alongside the resource that a learner is currently engaging with","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Related resources in Kolibri display as recommendations alongside the resource that a learner is currently engaging with"
+"RelatedResourcesTab.resourcePreviewDialogTitle","Related resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Related resources"
+"RelatedResourcesTab.showPreviewBtnLabel","Show me","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Show me"
+"RelatedResourcesTab.tooManyNextStepsWarning","Limit the number of next steps to create a more guided learning experience","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Limit the number of next steps to create a more guided learning experience"
+"RelatedResourcesTab.tooManyPreviousStepsWarning","Limit the number of previous steps to create a more guided learning experience","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Limit the number of previous steps to create a more guided learning experience"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ReportErrorModal.emailDescription","Contact the support team with your error details and we’ll do our best to help.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Contact the support team with your error details and we’ll do our best to help."
+"ReportErrorModal.emailPrompt","Send an email to the developers","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Send an email to the developers"
+"ReportErrorModal.errorDetailsHeader","Error details","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Error details"
+"ReportErrorModal.forumPostingTips","Include a description of what you were trying to do and what you clicked on when the error appeared.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Include a description of what you were trying to do and what you clicked on when the error appeared."
+"ReportErrorModal.forumPrompt","Visit the community forums","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Visit the community forums"
+"ReportErrorModal.forumUseTips","Search the community forum to see if others encountered similar issues. If there are none reported, please open a new forum post and paste the error details below inside so we can rectify the error in a future version of Kolibri Studio.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Search the community forum to see if others encountered similar issues. If there are none reported, please open a new forum post and paste the error details below inside so we can rectify the error in a future version of Kolibri Studio."
+"ReportErrorModal.reportErrorHeader","Report Error","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Report Error"
+"RequestForm.approximatelyHowManyResourcesLabel","Approximately how many individual resources are you planning to upload?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Approximately how many individual resources are you planning to upload?"
+"RequestForm.audiencePlaceholder","In-school learners, adult learners, teachers, etc","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","In-school learners, adult learners, teachers, etc"
+"RequestForm.authorLabel","Who is the author (creator), curator (organizer), and/or aggregator (maintainer) of your content? Please specify","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Who is the author (creator), curator (organizer), and/or aggregator (maintainer) of your content? Please specify"
+"RequestForm.averageSizeOfResourceLabel","Average size of each resource","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Average size of each resource"
+"RequestForm.coupleMonthsLabel","1-2 months","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","1-2 months"
+"RequestForm.explainNeedsInDetailLabel","Please write a paragraph explaining your needs and use case for Kolibri Studio, and how it will integrate into your programs. Include information about who is curating, deploying, and using the content. Is this work being coordinated by an organization, as part of an educational program? Include justification for the additional space being requested and explanation of the time sensitive nature of your request.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Please write a paragraph explaining your needs and use case for Kolibri Studio, and how it will integrate into your programs. Include information about who is curating, deploying, and using the content. Is this work being coordinated by an organization, as part of an educational program? Include justification for the additional space being requested and explanation of the time sensitive nature of your request."
+"RequestForm.fieldRequiredText","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Field is required"
+"RequestForm.forProfitLabel","For-profit or social enterprise company","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","For-profit or social enterprise company"
+"RequestForm.grassrootsLabel","Grassroots and/or volunteer initiative","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Grassroots and/or volunteer initiative"
+"RequestForm.howAreYouUsingYourContentLabel","How are you using your content?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","How are you using your content?"
+"RequestForm.howOftenImportedToKolibriLabel","How many times will this content be imported from Studio into new Kolibri installations per month, on average?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","How many times will this content be imported from Studio into new Kolibri installations per month, on average?"
+"RequestForm.intendedAudienceLabel","Who is the intended audience for your channel? How big is your audience?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Who is the intended audience for your channel? How big is your audience?"
+"RequestForm.kindOfContentQuestionLabel","What types of resources do you plan to upload? Please specify","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","What types of resources do you plan to upload? Please specify"
+"RequestForm.largeIntlNgoLabel","Larger international NGOs or government agencies","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Larger international NGOs or government agencies"
+"RequestForm.learnMoreButton","Learn More","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Learn More"
+"RequestForm.licenseInfoHeader","About licenses","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","About licenses"
+"RequestForm.licensingQuestionLabel","What is the licensing of the content you are uploading? (Check all that apply)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","What is the licensing of the content you are uploading? (Check all that apply)"
+"RequestForm.mediumNgoLabel","Medium-sized NGO with budget < $500k","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Medium-sized NGO with budget < $500k"
+"RequestForm.natureOfYourContentLabel","Nature of your content","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nature of your content"
+"RequestForm.notAffiliatedLabel","I am not affiliated with an organization for this work","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","I am not affiliated with an organization for this work"
+"RequestForm.numberOfResourcesPlaceholder","Number of resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Number of resources"
+"RequestForm.oneWeekLabel","1 week","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","1 week"
+"RequestForm.organizationNamePlaceholder","Organization name","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Organization name"
+"RequestForm.organizationalAffiliationLabel","Organizational affiliation","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Organizational affiliation"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"RequestForm.pasteLinkPlaceholder","Paste link here","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Paste link here"
+"RequestForm.provideSampleLinkLabel","Please provide a link to a sample of your content (on Kolibri Studio or from source site)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Please provide a link to a sample of your content (on Kolibri Studio or from source site)"
+"RequestForm.requestFailed","Unable to send request. Please try again.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Unable to send request. Please try again."
+"RequestForm.requestSent","Your storage request has been submitted for processing.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Your storage request has been submitted for processing."
+-- CONTEXT --
+"RequestForm.selectAllThatApplyPlaceholder","Select all that apply","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Select all that apply"
+"RequestForm.sendRequestAction","Send request","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Send request"
+"RequestForm.sixPlusMonthsLabel","6+ months","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","6+ months"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"RequestForm.smallNgoLabel","Small NGO with annual budget < $25k","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Small NGO with annual budget < $25k"
+"RequestForm.storageAmountRequestedPlaceholder","Amount requested (e.g. 10GB)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Amount requested (e.g. 10GB)"
+"RequestForm.targetRegionsLabel","Target region(s) for your content (if applicable)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Target region(s) for your content (if applicable)"
+"RequestForm.threeToSixMonthsLabel","3-6 months","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","3-6 months"
+"RequestForm.timelineLabel","To better understand the time sensitive nature of your request, please indicate an approximate timeline by when you need this additional storage:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","To better understand the time sensitive nature of your request, please indicate an approximate timeline by when you need this additional storage:"
+"RequestForm.twoToFourWeeksLabel","2-4 weeks","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","2-4 weeks"
+"RequestForm.typeOfContentPlaceholder","Types of resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Types of resources"
+"RequestForm.typeOfOrganizationLabel","What type of organization or group is coordinating the use of Kolibri (if applicable)?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","What type of organization or group is coordinating the use of Kolibri (if applicable)?"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"RequestForm.uploadingOnBehalfLabel","I am uploading content on behalf of:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","I am uploading content on behalf of:"
+"RequestForm.usageLabel","Tell us more about your use of Kolibri","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Tell us more about your use of Kolibri"
+"RequestForm.whoCanUseContentLabel","Who can use your content?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Who can use your content?"
+"RequestForm.willYouMakeYourChannelPublicLabel","If the content is openly licensed, would you be willing to consider making your channels public to other Kolibri users if requested in the future?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","If the content is openly licensed, would you be willing to consider making your channels public to other Kolibri users if requested in the future?"
+"RequestNewActivationLink.activationExpiredText","This activation link has been used already or has expired.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","This activation link has been used already or has expired."
+"RequestNewActivationLink.activationExpiredTitle","Activation failed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Activation failed"
+"RequestNewActivationLink.activationRequestFailed","Failed to send a new activation link. Please try again.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Failed to send a new activation link. Please try again."
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ResetLinkExpired.requestNewLink","Request a new password reset link","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Request a new password reset link"
+"ResetLinkExpired.resetExpiredText","This password reset link has been used already or has expired.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","This password reset link has been used already or has expired."
+"ResetLinkExpired.resetExpiredTitle","Reset link expired","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Reset link expired"
+"ResetPassword.passwordConfirmLabel","Confirm password","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Confirm password"
+"ResetPassword.passwordLabel","New password","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","New password"
+"ResetPassword.passwordMatchMessage","Passwords don't match","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Passwords don't match"
+"ResetPassword.resetPasswordFailed","Failed to reset password. Please try again.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Failed to reset password. Please try again."
+"ResetPassword.resetPasswordPrompt","Enter and confirm your new password","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Enter and confirm your new password"
+"ResetPassword.resetPasswordTitle","Reset your password","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Reset your password"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ResetPasswordSuccess.header","Password reset successfully","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Password reset successfully"
+"ResetPasswordSuccess.text","Your password has been reset. You may sign in now.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Your password has been reset. You may sign in now."
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ResourcePanel.availableFormats","Available formats","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Available formats"
+"ResourcePanel.coachResources","Resources for coaches","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Resources for coaches"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ResourcePanel.copyrightHolder","Copyright holder","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copyright holder"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ResourcePanel.incompleteQuestionError","{count, plural, one {# incomplete question} other {# incomplete questions}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural, one {# incomplete question} other {# incomplete questions}}"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ResourcePanel.masteryMofN","Goal: {m} out of {n}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Goal: {m} out of {n}"
+"ResourcePanel.nextSteps","Next steps","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Next steps"
+"ResourcePanel.noCopyrightHolderError","Missing copyright holder","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Missing copyright holder"
+"ResourcePanel.noFilesError","Missing files","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Missing files"
+"ResourcePanel.noLicenseDescriptionError","Missing license description","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Missing license description"
+"ResourcePanel.noLicenseError","Missing license","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Missing license"
+"ResourcePanel.noMasteryModelError","Missing mastery criteria","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Missing mastery criteria"
+"ResourcePanel.noQuestionsError","Exercise is empty","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Exercise is empty"
+"ResourcePanel.originalChannel","Imported from","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Imported from"
+"ResourcePanel.previousSteps","Previous steps","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Previous steps"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ResourcePanel.questionCount","{value, number, integer} {value, plural, one {question} other {questions}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{value, number, integer} {value, plural, one {question} other {questions}}"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ResourcePanel.relatedResources","Related resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Related resources"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ResourcePanel.showAnswers","Show answers","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Show answers"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ResourcePanel.subtitles","Captions and subtitles","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Captions and subtitles"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ResourcePanel.totalResources","Total resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Total resources"
+"ResourcePanel.visibleTo","Visible to","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Visible to"
+"ResourcesNeededOptions.furtherExplanation","Please add to the 'Description' field any additional supplies learners will need in order to use this resource","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Please add to the 'Description' field any additional supplies learners will need in order to use this resource"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ReviewSelectionsPage.noResourcesSelected","No resources selected","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","No resources selected"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ReviewSelectionsPage.resourcesInTopic","{count, number} {count, plural, one {resource} other {resources}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, number} {count, plural, one {resource} other {resources}}"
+"ReviewSelectionsPage.reviewSelectionHeader","Review selections","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Review selections"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"SavedSearchesModal.deleteConfirmation","Are you sure you want to delete this saved search?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Are you sure you want to delete this saved search?"
+"SavedSearchesModal.deleteSearchTitle","Delete saved search","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Delete saved search"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"SavedSearchesModal.filterCount","{count, number} {count, plural, one {filter} other {filters}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, number} {count, plural, one {filter} other {filters}}"
+"SavedSearchesModal.noSavedSearches","You do not have any saved searches","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","You do not have any saved searches"
+"SavedSearchesModal.savedSearchesTitle","Saved searches","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Saved searches"
+"SavedSearchesModal.searchDeletedSnackbar","Saved search deleted","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Saved search deleted"
+"SavingIndicator.lastSaved","Saved {saved}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Saved {saved}"
+"SavingIndicator.savedNow","Saved just now","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Saved just now"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"SearchFilterBar.clearAll","Clear all","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Clear all"
+"SearchFilterBar.coachContent","Resources for coaches","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Resources for coaches"
+"SearchFilterBar.createdAfter","Added after '{date}'","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Added after '{date}'"
+"SearchFilterBar.topicsHidden","Folders excluded","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Folders excluded"
+"SearchFilters.addedAfterDateLabel","Added after","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Added after"
+"SearchFilters.assessmentsLabel","Show assessments only","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Show assessments only"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"SearchFilters.channelTypeLabel","Channel type","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Channel type"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"SearchFilters.coachContentLabel","Show resources for coaches","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Show resources for coaches"
+"SearchFilters.filtersHeader","Filter options","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Filter options"
+"SearchFilters.hideTopicsLabel","Hide folders","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Hide folders"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"SearchOrBrowseWindow.backToBrowseAction","Back to browse","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Back to browse"
+"SearchOrBrowseWindow.copiedToClipboard","Copied to clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copied to clipboard"
+"SearchOrBrowseWindow.copyFailed","Failed to copy to clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Failed to copy to clipboard"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"SearchOrBrowseWindow.searchLabel","Search for resources…","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Search for resources…"
+"SearchResultsList.failedToLoad","Failed to load search results","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Failed to load search results"
+"SearchResultsList.resultsPerPageLabel","Results per page","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Results per page"
+"SearchResultsList.saveSearchAction","Save search","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Save search"
+"SearchResultsList.savedSearchesLabel","View saved searches","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","View saved searches"
+"SearchResultsList.searchResultsCount","{count, number} {count, plural, one {result} other {results}} for '{searchTerm}'","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, number} {count, plural, one {result} other {results}} for '{searchTerm}'"
+"SearchResultsList.searchSavedSnackbar","Search saved","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Search saved"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"SettingsIndex.usingStudioLabel","About Studio","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","About Studio"
+"StagingTreePage.backToViewing","Back to viewing","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Back to viewing"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"StagingTreePage.channelDeployed","Channel has been deployed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Channel has been deployed"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"StagingTreePage.collapseAllButton","Collapse all","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Collapse all"
+"StagingTreePage.confirmDeployBtn","Deploy channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Deploy channel"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"StagingTreePage.deployChannel","Deploy channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Deploy channel"
+"StagingTreePage.deployDialogDescription","You are about to replace all live resources with staged resources.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","You are about to replace all live resources with staged resources."
+"StagingTreePage.emptyChannelSubText","No changes to review! The channel contains all the most recent folders and resources.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","No changes to review! The channel contains all the most recent folders and resources."
+"StagingTreePage.emptyChannelText","No resources found","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","No resources found"
+"StagingTreePage.emptyTopicText","This topic is empty","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","This topic is empty"
+"StagingTreePage.liveResources","Live resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Live resources"
+"StagingTreePage.openCurrentLocationButton","Expand to current folder location","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Expand to current folder location"
+"StagingTreePage.openSummaryDetailsDialogBtn","View summary","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","View summary"
+"StagingTreePage.resourcesCount","{count, number} {count, plural, one { resource } other { resources }}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, number} {count, plural, one { resource } other { resources }}"
+"StagingTreePage.reviewMode","Review mode","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Review mode"
+"StagingTreePage.stagedResources","Staged resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Staged resources"
+"StagingTreePage.summaryDetailsDialogTitle","Summary details","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Summary details"
+"StagingTreePage.topicsCount","{count, number} {count, plural, one { folder } other { folders }}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, number} {count, plural, one { folder } other { folders }}"
+"StagingTreePage.totalResources","Total resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Total resources"
+"StagingTreePage.totalSize","Total size","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Total size"
+"StagingTreePage.viewDetails","View details","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","View details"
+"StatusStrings.noStorageError","Not enough space","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Not enough space"
+"StatusStrings.uploadFailedError","Upload failed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Upload failed"
+"StatusStrings.uploadFileSize","{uploaded} of {total}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{uploaded} of {total}"
+"Storage.hideFormAction","Close form","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Close form"
+"Storage.learnMoreAboutImportingContentFromChannels","Learn more about how to import resources from other channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Learn more about how to import resources from other channels"
+"Storage.requestMoreSpaceHeading","Request more space","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Request more space"
+"Storage.requestMoreSpaceMessage","Please use this form to request additional uploading storage for your Kolibri Studio account. The resources you import from our public library to your channels do not count towards your storage limit.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Please use this form to request additional uploading storage for your Kolibri Studio account. The resources you import from our public library to your channels do not count towards your storage limit."
+"Storage.showFormAction","Open form","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Open form"
+"Storage.spaceUsedOfMax","{qty} of {max}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{qty} of {max}"
+"Storage.storagePercentageUsed","{qty}% storage used","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{qty}% storage used"
+"StudioTree.missingTitle","Missing title","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Missing title"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"SubtitlesList.acceptedFormatsTooltip","Supported formats: {extensions}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Supported formats: {extensions}"
+"SubtitlesList.addSubtitleText","Add captions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Add captions"
+"SubtitlesList.subtitlesHeader","Captions and subtitles","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Captions and subtitles"
+"SupplementaryItem.languageText","{language} ({code})","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{language} ({code})"
+"SupplementaryItem.retryUpload","Retry upload","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Retry upload"
+"SupplementaryItem.uploadFailed","Upload failed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Upload failed"
+"SupplementaryList.selectFileText","Select file","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Select file"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"SyncResourcesModal.confirmSyncModalExplainer","You are about to sync and update the following:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","You are about to sync and update the following:"
+"SyncResourcesModal.confirmSyncModalTitle","Confirm sync","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Confirm sync"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"SyncResourcesModal.syncExercisesExplainer","Update questions, answers, and hints","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Update questions, answers, and hints"
+"SyncResourcesModal.syncExercisesTitle","Assessment details","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Assessment details"
+"SyncResourcesModal.syncFilesExplainer","Update all file information","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Update all file information"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"SyncResourcesModal.syncModalExplainer","Sync and update your resources with their original source.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Sync and update your resources with their original source."
+"SyncResourcesModal.syncModalTitle","Sync resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Sync resources"
+"SyncResourcesModal.syncTagsExplainer","Update all tags","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Update all tags"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"SyncResourcesModal.syncTitlesAndDescriptionsExplainer","Update resource titles and descriptions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Update resource titles and descriptions"
+"SyncResourcesModal.syncTitlesAndDescriptionsTitle","Titles and descriptions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Titles and descriptions"
+"TechnicalTextBlock.copiedToClipboardConfirmation","Copied to clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copied to clipboard"
+"TechnicalTextBlock.copiedToClipboardFailure","Copy to clipboard failed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copy to clipboard failed"
+"TechnicalTextBlock.copyToClipboardButtonPrompt","Copy to clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copy to clipboard"
+"Template.templateString","You have {count, plural,
+ =1 {# node for testing}
+ other {# nodes for testing}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","You have {count, plural,
+ =1 {# node for testing}
+ other {# nodes for testing}}"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.ToSHeader","Terms of Service","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Terms of Service"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseHeader","Acceptable Use Restrictions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Acceptable Use Restrictions"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem1","Will be in strict accordance with these Terms;","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Will be in strict accordance with these Terms;"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem10","Will not interfere with, disrupt, or attack any service or network; and","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Will not interfere with, disrupt, or attack any service or network; and"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem11","Will not be used to create, distribute, or enable material that is - or that facilitates or operates in conjunction with - malware, spyware, adware, or other malicious programs or code.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Will not be used to create, distribute, or enable material that is - or that facilitates or operates in conjunction with - malware, spyware, adware, or other malicious programs or code."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem2","Will comply with all applicable laws and regulations (including, without limitation, all applicable laws regarding online conduct and acceptable content, privacy, data protection, and the transmission of technical data exported from the United States or the country in which you reside);","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Will comply with all applicable laws and regulations (including, without limitation, all applicable laws regarding online conduct and acceptable content, privacy, data protection, and the transmission of technical data exported from the United States or the country in which you reside);"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem3","Will not use the Services for any unlawful purposes, to publish illegal content, or in furtherance of illegal activities;","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Will not use the Services for any unlawful purposes, to publish illegal content, or in furtherance of illegal activities;"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem4","Will not transmit any material that is defamatory, offensive or otherwise objectionable in relation to your use of the Service;","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Will not transmit any material that is defamatory, offensive or otherwise objectionable in relation to your use of the Service;"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem5","Will not infringe or misappropriate the intellectual property rights of any third party;","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Will not infringe or misappropriate the intellectual property rights of any third party;"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem6","Will not overburden Learning Equality's systems, as determined by us in our sole discretion, including but not limited to excessive bandwidth utilization or number of requests;","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Will not overburden Learning Equality's systems, as determined by us in our sole discretion, including but not limited to excessive bandwidth utilization or number of requests;"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem7","Will not attempt to circumvent your assigned storage quota or other account restrictions through technical or other means;","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Will not attempt to circumvent your assigned storage quota or other account restrictions through technical or other means;"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem8","Will not disclose sensitive personal information of others;","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Will not disclose sensitive personal information of others;"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem9","Will not be used to send spam or bulk unsolicited messages;","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Will not be used to send spam or bulk unsolicited messages;"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseP1","You represent and warrant that your use of the Service:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","You represent and warrant that your use of the Service:"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.accountTermsHeader","Account Terms","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Account Terms"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.accountTermsP1","When you register for an account on the Service, you agree to provide us with complete and accurate information. You will be solely responsible and liable for any activity that occurs under your username. You are responsible for keeping your account information up-to-date and for keeping your access credentials (password and API token) private and secure.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","When you register for an account on the Service, you agree to provide us with complete and accurate information. You will be solely responsible and liable for any activity that occurs under your username. You are responsible for keeping your account information up-to-date and for keeping your access credentials (password and API token) private and secure."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.accountTermsP2","You are responsible for maintaining the security of your account and any Service-related content, and you are fully responsible for all activities that occur under your account and any other actions taken in connection with the Service. You shall not share or misuse your access credentials. You must immediately notify us of any unauthorized uses of your account, or of any other breach of security. We will not be liable for any acts or omissions by you, including any damages of any kind incurred as a result of such acts or omissions.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","You are responsible for maintaining the security of your account and any Service-related content, and you are fully responsible for all activities that occur under your account and any other actions taken in connection with the Service. You shall not share or misuse your access credentials. You must immediately notify us of any unauthorized uses of your account, or of any other breach of security. We will not be liable for any acts or omissions by you, including any damages of any kind incurred as a result of such acts or omissions."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.accountTermsP3","Access to and use of the Service is only for those over the age of 13 (or 16 in the European Union). If you are younger than this, you may not register for or use the Service. Any person who registers as a user or provides their personal information to the Service represents that they are 13 years of age or older (or 16 years or older in the European Union).","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Access to and use of the Service is only for those over the age of 13 (or 16 in the European Union). If you are younger than this, you may not register for or use the Service. Any person who registers as a user or provides their personal information to the Service represents that they are 13 years of age or older (or 16 years or older in the European Union)."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.arbitrationHeader","Arbitration Agreement","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Arbitration Agreement"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.arbitrationP1","Except for claims for injunctive or equitable relief or claims regarding intellectual property rights (which may be brought in any competent court without the posting of a bond), any dispute arising under the Agreement shall be finally settled in accordance with the Comprehensive Arbitration Rules of the Judicial Arbitration and Mediation Service, Inc. (""JAMS"") by three arbitrators appointed in accordance with such Rules. The arbitration shall take place in San Diego, California, in the English language and the arbitral decision may be enforced in any court. The prevailing party in any action or proceeding to enforce the Agreement shall be entitled to costs and attorneys' fees.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Except for claims for injunctive or equitable relief or claims regarding intellectual property rights (which may be brought in any competent court without the posting of a bond), any dispute arising under the Agreement shall be finally settled in accordance with the Comprehensive Arbitration Rules of the Judicial Arbitration and Mediation Service, Inc. (""JAMS"") by three arbitrators appointed in accordance with such Rules. The arbitration shall take place in San Diego, California, in the English language and the arbitral decision may be enforced in any court. The prevailing party in any action or proceeding to enforce the Agreement shall be entitled to costs and attorneys' fees."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.cancellationHeader","Cancellation or Termination","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Cancellation or Termination"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.cancellationItem1","You must stop all activities authorized by these Terms, including your use of the Service.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","You must stop all activities authorized by these Terms, including your use of the Service."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.cancellationItem2","You must not register and create a new account under your name, a fake or borrowed name, or the name of any third party, even if you may be acting on behalf of the third party.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","You must not register and create a new account under your name, a fake or borrowed name, or the name of any third party, even if you may be acting on behalf of the third party."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.cancellationP1","We may terminate or restrict your access to all or any part of the Service at any time, with or without cause, with or without notice, effective immediately. We have the right (though not the obligation) to, in our sole discretion, (i) close down an account or remove content due to prolonged inactivity, (ii) refuse or remove any content that, in our reasonable opinion, violates any Learning Equality policy (including our Community Standards) or is in any way harmful or objectionable, or (iii) terminate or deny access to and use of the Service to any individual or entity for any reason. We will have no obligation to provide a refund of any amounts previously paid.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","We may terminate or restrict your access to all or any part of the Service at any time, with or without cause, with or without notice, effective immediately. We have the right (though not the obligation) to, in our sole discretion, (i) close down an account or remove content due to prolonged inactivity, (ii) refuse or remove any content that, in our reasonable opinion, violates any Learning Equality policy (including our Community Standards) or is in any way harmful or objectionable, or (iii) terminate or deny access to and use of the Service to any individual or entity for any reason. We will have no obligation to provide a refund of any amounts previously paid."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.cancellationP2","If we end your rights to use the Service:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","If we end your rights to use the Service:"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.cancellationP3","In addition to terminating or suspending your account, we reserve the right to take appropriate legal action, including without limitation pursuing civil, criminal, and injunctive action for violating these Terms.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","In addition to terminating or suspending your account, we reserve the right to take appropriate legal action, including without limitation pursuing civil, criminal, and injunctive action for violating these Terms."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.cancellationP4","All provisions of the Agreement which by their nature should survive termination shall survive termination, including, without limitation, ownership provisions, warranty disclaimers, indemnity, and limitations of liability.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","All provisions of the Agreement which by their nature should survive termination shall survive termination, including, without limitation, ownership provisions, warranty disclaimers, indemnity, and limitations of liability."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.changesToToSHeader","Changes to these Terms of Service","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Changes to these Terms of Service"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.changesToToSP1","We are constantly updating our Service and that means sometimes we have to change the legal terms under which our Service is offered. These Terms may only be modified by a written amendment signed by an authorized executive of Learning Equality, or by the posting by Learning Equality of a revised version. If we make changes that are material, we will let you know by posting on one of our blogs, or by sending you an email or other communication before the changes take effect. The notice will designate a reasonable period of time after which the new terms will take effect. If you disagree with our changes, then you should stop using the Service within the designated notice period, or once the changes become effective. Your continued use of the Service will be subject to the new terms. However, any dispute that arose before the changes shall be governed by the Terms (including the binding individual arbitration clause) that were in place when the dispute arose.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","We are constantly updating our Service and that means sometimes we have to change the legal terms under which our Service is offered. These Terms may only be modified by a written amendment signed by an authorized executive of Learning Equality, or by the posting by Learning Equality of a revised version. If we make changes that are material, we will let you know by posting on one of our blogs, or by sending you an email or other communication before the changes take effect. The notice will designate a reasonable period of time after which the new terms will take effect. If you disagree with our changes, then you should stop using the Service within the designated notice period, or once the changes become effective. Your continued use of the Service will be subject to the new terms. However, any dispute that arose before the changes shall be governed by the Terms (including the binding individual arbitration clause) that were in place when the dispute arose."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.communicationsHeader","Communications with Learning Equality","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Communications with Learning Equality"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.communicationsP1","For contractual purposes, you (1) consent to receive communications from us in an electronic form via the email address you have submitted or via the Service; and (2) agree that all Terms of Service, agreements, notices, disclosures, and other communications that we provide to you electronically satisfy any legal requirement that those communications would satisfy if they were on paper. This section does not affect your non-waivable rights.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","For contractual purposes, you (1) consent to receive communications from us in an electronic form via the email address you have submitted or via the Service; and (2) agree that all Terms of Service, agreements, notices, disclosures, and other communications that we provide to you electronically satisfy any legal requirement that those communications would satisfy if they were on paper. This section does not affect your non-waivable rights."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.communityStandardsHeader","Community Standards","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Community Standards"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.communityStandardsLink","Learn more about Studio's community standards","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Learn more about Studio's community standards"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.communityStandardsP1","For more information about the intended use of the Service, and standards around Content, please see our Community Standards page.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","For more information about the intended use of the Service, and standards around Content, please see our Community Standards page."
+-- CONTEXT --
+"TermsOfServiceModal.definitionsP1","These are the Terms for the web application hosted at https://studio.learningequality.org/, along with any API's or other interfaces it provides (the ""Service""), controlled and operated by Learning Equality (""Learning Equality"", ""we"", ""us"" and ""our""). We are registered as a nonprofit organization in California, USA under EIN 46-2676188, and have our registered office at 9700 Gilman Dr, PMB 323, La Jolla, CA 92093.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","These are the Terms for the web application hosted at https://studio.learningequality.org/, along with any API's or other interfaces it provides (the ""Service""), controlled and operated by Learning Equality (""Learning Equality"", ""we"", ""us"" and ""our""). We are registered as a nonprofit organization in California, USA under EIN 46-2676188, and have our registered office at 9700 Gilman Dr, PMB 323, La Jolla, CA 92093."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.definitionsP2","These Terms describe our commitments to you, and your rights and responsibilities when using the Service. If you breach any of these Terms, your right to access and use of the Service and Service will be terminated. Please read them carefully and reach out to us if you have any questions.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","These Terms describe our commitments to you, and your rights and responsibilities when using the Service. If you breach any of these Terms, your right to access and use of the Service and Service will be terminated. Please read them carefully and reach out to us if you have any questions."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.definitionsP3","""Content"" refers to media files (such as videos, audio files, HTML5 content, or other materials) that are hosted on the Service, along with their associated descriptive metadata.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","""Content"" refers to media files (such as videos, audio files, HTML5 content, or other materials) that are hosted on the Service, along with their associated descriptive metadata."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.definitionsP4","Throughout these Terms, ""you"" applies to both individuals and entities that access or use the Service. If you are an individual using the Service on behalf of an entity, you represent and warrant that you have the authority to bind that entity to the Agreement and that by using our Service, you are accepting the Agreement on behalf of that entity.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Throughout these Terms, ""you"" applies to both individuals and entities that access or use the Service. If you are an individual using the Service on behalf of an entity, you represent and warrant that you have the authority to bind that entity to the Agreement and that by using our Service, you are accepting the Agreement on behalf of that entity."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.disclaimerP1","Before using this website, you should read the following important information relating to it. These Terms of Service (""Terms"") govern your use of this website and form a legally binding agreement between you and us regarding your use of our website.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Before using this website, you should read the following important information relating to it. These Terms of Service (""Terms"") govern your use of this website and form a legally binding agreement between you and us regarding your use of our website."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.disclaimerP2","If, for any reason, you are unable or unwilling to agree to all of these Terms, please immediately discontinue using or attempting to use the service.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","If, for any reason, you are unable or unwilling to agree to all of these Terms, please immediately discontinue using or attempting to use the service."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.disclaimerP3","By continuing to use the Service you agree to these terms which will bind you.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","By continuing to use the Service you agree to these terms which will bind you."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.dmcaHeader","DMCA Policy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","DMCA Policy"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.dmcaLink","Report a violation","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Report a violation"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.dmcaP1","As we ask others to respect our intellectual property rights, we respect the intellectual property rights of others. If you believe that material located on or associated with the Service violates your copyright, please notify us in accordance with our Digital Millennium Copyright Act (""DMCA"") Policy. We will respond to all such notices, including as required or appropriate by removing the infringing material or disabling all links to the infringing material. We will terminate a visitor's access to and use of the website if, under appropriate circumstances, the visitor is determined to be a repeat infringer of copyrights or other intellectual property rights. In the case of such termination, we will have no obligation to provide a refund of any payments or other forms of restitution.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","As we ask others to respect our intellectual property rights, we respect the intellectual property rights of others. If you believe that material located on or associated with the Service violates your copyright, please notify us in accordance with our Digital Millennium Copyright Act (""DMCA"") Policy. We will respond to all such notices, including as required or appropriate by removing the infringing material or disabling all links to the infringing material. We will terminate a visitor's access to and use of the website if, under appropriate circumstances, the visitor is determined to be a repeat infringer of copyrights or other intellectual property rights. In the case of such termination, we will have no obligation to provide a refund of any payments or other forms of restitution."
+-- CONTEXT --
+"TermsOfServiceModal.indemnificationP1","You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Learning Equality, its contractors, and its licensors, and their respective directors, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all losses, liabilities, demands, damages, costs, claims, and expenses, including attorneys' fees, arising out of or related to your use of the Service, including but not limited to your violation of the Agreement, Content that you upload or author, and any other activities conducted using the Service.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Learning Equality, its contractors, and its licensors, and their respective directors, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all losses, liabilities, demands, damages, costs, claims, and expenses, including attorneys' fees, arising out of or related to your use of the Service, including but not limited to your violation of the Agreement, Content that you upload or author, and any other activities conducted using the Service."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.intellectualPropertyHeader","Intellectual Property Notice","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Intellectual Property Notice"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.intellectualPropertyP1","The Agreement does not transfer from Learning Equality to you any Learning Equality or third party intellectual property, and all right, title, and interest in and to such property will remain (as between the parties) solely with Learning Equality. ""Kolibri"", ""Kolibri Studio"", ""Learning Equality"", the Kolibri logo, and all other trademarks, service marks, graphics, and logos used in connection with learningequality.org or the Service, are trademarks or registered trademarks of Learning Equality or Learning Equality's licensors. Other trademarks, service marks, graphics, and logos used in connection with the Service may be the trademarks of other third parties. Your use of the Service grants you no right or license to reproduce or otherwise use any Learning Equality or third party trademarks and any such use may constitute an infringement of the holder's rights","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","The Agreement does not transfer from Learning Equality to you any Learning Equality or third party intellectual property, and all right, title, and interest in and to such property will remain (as between the parties) solely with Learning Equality. ""Kolibri"", ""Kolibri Studio"", ""Learning Equality"", the Kolibri logo, and all other trademarks, service marks, graphics, and logos used in connection with learningequality.org or the Service, are trademarks or registered trademarks of Learning Equality or Learning Equality's licensors. Other trademarks, service marks, graphics, and logos used in connection with the Service may be the trademarks of other third parties. Your use of the Service grants you no right or license to reproduce or otherwise use any Learning Equality or third party trademarks and any such use may constitute an infringement of the holder's rights"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.jurisdictionHeader","Jurisdiction and Applicable Law","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Jurisdiction and Applicable Law"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.jurisdictionP1","Except to the extent any applicable law provides otherwise, the Agreement and any access to or use of the Service will be governed by the laws of the state of California, U.S.A., excluding its conflict of law provisions. The proper venue for any disputes arising out of or relating to the Agreement and any access to or use of the Service will be the state and federal courts located in San Diego County, California.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Except to the extent any applicable law provides otherwise, the Agreement and any access to or use of the Service will be governed by the laws of the state of California, U.S.A., excluding its conflict of law provisions. The proper venue for any disputes arising out of or relating to the Agreement and any access to or use of the Service will be the state and federal courts located in San Diego County, California."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.liabilityHeader","Limitation of Liability","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Limitation of Liability"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.liabilityP1","To the extent legally permitted under the applicable law, Learning Equality shall not be responsible for any loss or damage to you, your customers or third parties caused by failure of the website to function. In no event will Learning Equality be liable for any special, consequential, incidental, or indirect damages (including, without limitation, those resulting from lost profits, cost of substitute goods or services, lost data or business interruption) in connection with the use of the website or Service of in connection with any other claim arising from these Terms of Service. The aggregate liability of Learning Equality arising from or relating to these Terms and the Service, regardless of the form of action or claim (contract, tort or otherwise) and even if you have been advised of the possibility of such damages shall not exceed the amount paid by you during the twelve (12) month period prior to the cause of action. Nothing in these Terms shall limit or exclude Learning Equality liability for gross negligence or for death or personal injury. Applicable law may not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","To the extent legally permitted under the applicable law, Learning Equality shall not be responsible for any loss or damage to you, your customers or third parties caused by failure of the website to function. In no event will Learning Equality be liable for any special, consequential, incidental, or indirect damages (including, without limitation, those resulting from lost profits, cost of substitute goods or services, lost data or business interruption) in connection with the use of the website or Service of in connection with any other claim arising from these Terms of Service. The aggregate liability of Learning Equality arising from or relating to these Terms and the Service, regardless of the form of action or claim (contract, tort or otherwise) and even if you have been advised of the possibility of such damages shall not exceed the amount paid by you during the twelve (12) month period prior to the cause of action. Nothing in these Terms shall limit or exclude Learning Equality liability for gross negligence or for death or personal injury. Applicable law may not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.licensingHeader","Licensing and Copyright","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Licensing and Copyright"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.licensingList1Item1","Copyright ownership of the Content is retained by the original copyright holder and must be indicated, and license information must be marked so as to accurately reflect the copyright holder's intentions around the distribution and use of that Content.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copyright ownership of the Content is retained by the original copyright holder and must be indicated, and license information must be marked so as to accurately reflect the copyright holder's intentions around the distribution and use of that Content."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.licensingList1Item2","If you are not yourself the copyright holder, you must have the rights to distribute the uploaded Content, either through explicit written permission from the copyright holder, or as allowed by the terms of the license under which the Content has been released.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","If you are not yourself the copyright holder, you must have the rights to distribute the uploaded Content, either through explicit written permission from the copyright holder, or as allowed by the terms of the license under which the Content has been released."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.licensingList1Item3","If you are the copyright holder of the uploaded content, then by marking the Content you upload with a particular license, you are agreeing for the Content to be distributed and used under the terms of that license in perpetuity.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","If you are the copyright holder of the uploaded content, then by marking the Content you upload with a particular license, you are agreeing for the Content to be distributed and used under the terms of that license in perpetuity."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.licensingList2Item1","Descriptive metadata: This includes primary metadata associated with a single piece of Content, for example, titles, descriptions, and other elements which constitute a definitive part of the Content regardless of which system it appears on. These metadata elements will fall under the same copyright and licensing as the Content itself.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Descriptive metadata: This includes primary metadata associated with a single piece of Content, for example, titles, descriptions, and other elements which constitute a definitive part of the Content regardless of which system it appears on. These metadata elements will fall under the same copyright and licensing as the Content itself."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.licensingList2Item2","Organizational metadata: This defines how a piece of content may be used, aids with discovery, and places it within some broader structure of relations on the Service, for example, tags, curation into folders (including the titles of those folders), and other elements pertaining to the display and ordering of Content on the system itself. By using the Service, you agree that work you do to generate organizational metadata elements are released into the Public Domain, and may be made available for others to use, without any claim to copyright or restricted licensing. We may also share, leverage and distribute this organizational metadata. This is so that we can benefit others and improve the impact of our platforms.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Organizational metadata: This defines how a piece of content may be used, aids with discovery, and places it within some broader structure of relations on the Service, for example, tags, curation into folders (including the titles of those folders), and other elements pertaining to the display and ordering of Content on the system itself. By using the Service, you agree that work you do to generate organizational metadata elements are released into the Public Domain, and may be made available for others to use, without any claim to copyright or restricted licensing. We may also share, leverage and distribute this organizational metadata. This is so that we can benefit others and improve the impact of our platforms."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.licensingP1","The Service allows you to upload and distribute Content. When you do, the following terms apply:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","The Service allows you to upload and distribute Content. When you do, the following terms apply:"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.licensingP2","We follow a policy of making content, including its associated metadata, as open as possible while following the appropriate copyright laws. With this in mind, we distinguish between:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","We follow a policy of making content, including its associated metadata, as open as possible while following the appropriate copyright laws. With this in mind, we distinguish between:"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"TermsOfServiceModal.miscellaneousP1","The Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between Learning Equality and you concerning the subject matter hereof. If any part of the Agreement is held invalid or unenforceable, that part will be construed to reflect the parties' original intent, and the remaining portions will remain in full force and effect. A waiver by either party of any term or condition of the Agreement or any breach thereof, in any one instance, will not waive such term or condition or any subsequent breach thereof.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","The Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between Learning Equality and you concerning the subject matter hereof. If any part of the Agreement is held invalid or unenforceable, that part will be construed to reflect the parties' original intent, and the remaining portions will remain in full force and effect. A waiver by either party of any term or condition of the Agreement or any breach thereof, in any one instance, will not waive such term or condition or any subsequent breach thereof."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.miscellaneousP2","You may assign your rights under the Agreement to any party that consents to, and agrees to be bound by, its terms and conditions; Learning Equality may assign its rights under the Agreement without condition. The Agreement will be binding upon and will inure to the benefit of the parties, their successors and permitted assigns.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","You may assign your rights under the Agreement to any party that consents to, and agrees to be bound by, its terms and conditions; Learning Equality may assign its rights under the Agreement without condition. The Agreement will be binding upon and will inure to the benefit of the parties, their successors and permitted assigns."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.miscellaneousP3","If you have any questions about the Service or these Terms, please contact us at legal@learningequality.org.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","If you have any questions about the Service or these Terms, please contact us at legal@learningequality.org."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.prompt","Please read these terms and conditions carefully","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Please read these terms and conditions carefully"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.thirdPartyHeader","Third Party Content and Third Party Applications","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Third Party Content and Third Party Applications"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.thirdPartyP1","The links to third party websites, any third party content, and any third party applications may be provided for your convenience and information only. The content on any linked website or in any third party application is not under our control and we are not responsible for the content of linked websites and/or third party applications, including any further links contained in a third party website. We make no representations or warranties in connection with any third party content or third party applications, which at all times and in each instance is provided ""as is."" Third party applications may be subject to additional policies and conditions or agreements between you and the provider of such third party applications. You agree to fully comply with all such additional policies, conditions and agreements. If you decide to access any third party content, and/or any third party application, you do so entirely at your own risk.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","The links to third party websites, any third party content, and any third party applications may be provided for your convenience and information only. The content on any linked website or in any third party application is not under our control and we are not responsible for the content of linked websites and/or third party applications, including any further links contained in a third party website. We make no representations or warranties in connection with any third party content or third party applications, which at all times and in each instance is provided ""as is."" Third party applications may be subject to additional policies and conditions or agreements between you and the provider of such third party applications. You agree to fully comply with all such additional policies, conditions and agreements. If you decide to access any third party content, and/or any third party application, you do so entirely at your own risk."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.thirdPartyRightsHeader","Third Party Rights","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Third Party Rights"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.thirdPartyRightsP1","Nothing in our Terms is intended to confer on any third party any benefit or any right (under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 UK or otherwise) to enforce any provision of our Terms or any agreement entered into in connection with it.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nothing in our Terms is intended to confer on any third party any benefit or any right (under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 UK or otherwise) to enforce any provision of our Terms or any agreement entered into in connection with it."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.updatedToSHeader","Updated terms of service","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Updated terms of service"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentHeader","User-Generated Content","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","User-Generated Content"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList1Item1","We do not endorse any uploaded Content or represent that Content is accurate, useful, or non-harmful. Content could be offensive, indecent, or objectionable; include technical inaccuracies, typographical mistakes, or other errors; or violate or infringe the privacy, publicity rights, intellectual property rights (see our Copyright Infringement and DMCA Policy section to submit copyright complaints), or other proprietary rights of third parties.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","We do not endorse any uploaded Content or represent that Content is accurate, useful, or non-harmful. Content could be offensive, indecent, or objectionable; include technical inaccuracies, typographical mistakes, or other errors; or violate or infringe the privacy, publicity rights, intellectual property rights (see our Copyright Infringement and DMCA Policy section to submit copyright complaints), or other proprietary rights of third parties."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList1Item2","If you upload or author Content, or otherwise make (or allow any third party to make) Content available on the Service, you are entirely responsible for the Content, and any harm resulting from, that Content or your conduct.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","If you upload or author Content, or otherwise make (or allow any third party to make) Content available on the Service, you are entirely responsible for the Content, and any harm resulting from, that Content or your conduct."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList1Item3","You are responsible for ensuring that you have proper permissions to upload and distribute any and all uploaded Content and for ensuring that the copyright holder and licensing are properly evidenced on the uploaded Content.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","You are responsible for ensuring that you have proper permissions to upload and distribute any and all uploaded Content and for ensuring that the copyright holder and licensing are properly evidenced on the uploaded Content."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList1Item4","We disclaim any responsibility for any harm resulting from anyone's use or downloading of Content. If you access or use any Content, you are responsible for taking precautions as necessary to protect yourself and your computer systems from viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and other harmful or destructive content.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","We disclaim any responsibility for any harm resulting from anyone's use or downloading of Content. If you access or use any Content, you are responsible for taking precautions as necessary to protect yourself and your computer systems from viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and other harmful or destructive content."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList1Item5","We are not a party to, and will have no responsibility or liability for, any communications, transactions, interactions, or disputes between you and the provider of any Content.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","We are not a party to, and will have no responsibility or liability for, any communications, transactions, interactions, or disputes between you and the provider of any Content."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList1Item6","Please note that additional third party terms and conditions may apply to the downloading, copying, or use of Content.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Please note that additional third party terms and conditions may apply to the downloading, copying, or use of Content."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList2Item1","We do not have any control over those websites and are not responsible for their contents or their use.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","We do not have any control over those websites and are not responsible for their contents or their use."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList2Item2","The existence of a link to or from the Service does not represent or imply that we endorse such website.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","The existence of a link to or from the Service does not represent or imply that we endorse such website."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList2Item3","You are responsible for taking precautions as necessary to protect yourself and your computer systems from viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and other harmful or destructive content.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","You are responsible for taking precautions as necessary to protect yourself and your computer systems from viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and other harmful or destructive content."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList3Item1","remove or force upgrades of copies of Content that have already been downloaded from the Service, except in cases in which the Kolibri Learning Application is running on a server that is under our control. This may mean that when we delete uploaded content not all copies will be removed.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","remove or force upgrades of copies of Content that have already been downloaded from the Service, except in cases in which the Kolibri Learning Application is running on a server that is under our control. This may mean that when we delete uploaded content not all copies will be removed."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList3Item2","remove or change the licensing on old versions of Content that others have made copies of, should you change the licensing on your content and/or request a removal of the Content from us. When a Creative Commons license is applied to a specific version of a piece of Content, the rights conferred to others for distribution and use of that Content cannot be revoked. Whilst we cannot remove or force updates on copies of the Content, we would let you update the license on your own copy of the Content moving forward, and for future versions.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","remove or change the licensing on old versions of Content that others have made copies of, should you change the licensing on your content and/or request a removal of the Content from us. When a Creative Commons license is applied to a specific version of a piece of Content, the rights conferred to others for distribution and use of that Content cannot be revoked. Whilst we cannot remove or force updates on copies of the Content, we would let you update the license on your own copy of the Content moving forward, and for future versions."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentP1","We have not reviewed, and cannot review, all of the Content (such as, but not limited to, text, photo, video, audio, code, computer software, or other materials) uploaded to or authored using the Service by users or anyone else and are not responsible for any use or effects of such Content. So, for example:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","We have not reviewed, and cannot review, all of the Content (such as, but not limited to, text, photo, video, audio, code, computer software, or other materials) uploaded to or authored using the Service by users or anyone else and are not responsible for any use or effects of such Content. So, for example:"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentP2","We also have not reviewed, and cannot review, all of the material made available through the websites and web pages that link to, or are linked from the Service. For example:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","We also have not reviewed, and cannot review, all of the material made available through the websites and web pages that link to, or are linked from the Service. For example:"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentP3","We reserve the right to remove any Content that violates our Terms or for any other reason.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","We reserve the right to remove any Content that violates our Terms or for any other reason."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentP4","Please note we cannot:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Please note we cannot:"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.warrantyHeader","Disclaimer of Warranties","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Disclaimer of Warranties"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.warrantyHeaderP1","You acknowledge that the website and the Service is provided ""as is"" and ""as available"", with all faults and without warranty of any kind, and we hereby disclaim all warranties and conditions with respect to the website and Service, either express, implied or statutory, including, but not limited to, any implied warranties and/or conditions of merchantability, of satisfactory quality, of fitness for a particular purpose, of accuracy, and non-infringement of third party rights. Any use of the Service and website is at your own risk. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties, so the above limitations may not apply to you.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","You acknowledge that the website and the Service is provided ""as is"" and ""as available"", with all faults and without warranty of any kind, and we hereby disclaim all warranties and conditions with respect to the website and Service, either express, implied or statutory, including, but not limited to, any implied warranties and/or conditions of merchantability, of satisfactory quality, of fitness for a particular purpose, of accuracy, and non-infringement of third party rights. Any use of the Service and website is at your own risk. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties, so the above limitations may not apply to you."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.yourPrivacyHeader","Your Privacy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Your Privacy"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.yourPrivacyLink","Learn more about Studio's privacy policy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Learn more about Studio's privacy policy"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.yourPrivacyP1","We take your privacy seriously. Please read our Privacy Policy to see how we collect, use and protect your personal data.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","We take your privacy seriously. Please read our Privacy Policy to see how we collect, use and protect your personal data."
+"TextArea.fieldRequiredMessage","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Field is required"
+"TextField.fieldRequiredMessage","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Field is required"
+"Thumbnail.thumbnail","{title} thumbnail","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{title} thumbnail"
+"ThumbnailGenerator.generatedDefaultFilename","Generated thumbnail","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Generated thumbnail"
+"ThumbnailGenerator.thumbnailGenerationFailedHeader","Unable to generate thumbnail","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Unable to generate thumbnail"
+"ThumbnailGenerator.thumbnailGenerationFailedText","There was a problem generating a thumbnail","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","There was a problem generating a thumbnail"
+"TitleStrings.catalogTitle","Kolibri Content Library Catalog","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Kolibri Content Library Catalog"
+"TitleStrings.defaultTitle","Kolibri Studio","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Kolibri Studio"
+"TitleStrings.tabTitle","{title} - {site}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{title} - {site}"
+"ToggleText.less","Show less","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Show less"
+"ToggleText.more","Show more","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Show more"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"TrashModal.deleteConfirmationDeleteButton","Delete permanently","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Delete permanently"
+"TrashModal.deleteConfirmationHeader","Permanently delete {topicCount, plural,
+ =1 {# folder}
+ other {# folders}}, {resourceCount, plural,
+ =1 {# resource}
+ other {# resources}}?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Permanently delete {topicCount, plural,
+ =1 {# folder}
+ other {# folders}}, {resourceCount, plural,
+ =1 {# resource}
+ other {# resources}}?"
+"TrashModal.deleteConfirmationText","You cannot undo this action. Are you sure you want to continue?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","You cannot undo this action. Are you sure you want to continue?"
+"TrashModal.deleteSuccessMessage","Permanently deleted","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Permanently deleted"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"TrashModal.selectAllHeader","Select all","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Select all"
+"TrashModal.selectedCountText","{topicCount, plural,
+ =1 {# folder}
+ other {# folders}}, {resourceCount, plural,
+ =1 {# resource}
+ other {# resources}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{topicCount, plural,
+ =1 {# folder}
+ other {# folders}}, {resourceCount, plural,
+ =1 {# resource}
+ other {# resources}}"
+"TrashModal.trashEmptySubtext","Resources removed from this channel will appear here","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Resources removed from this channel will appear here"
+"TrashModal.trashEmptyText","Trash is empty","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Trash is empty"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"TreeView.collapseAllButton","Collapse all","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Collapse all"
+"TreeView.openCurrentLocationButton","Expand to current folder location","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Expand to current folder location"
+"TreeView.showSidebar","Show sidebar","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Show sidebar"
+"TreeView.updatedResourcesReadyForReview","Updated resources are ready for review","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Updated resources are ready for review"
+"TreeViewBase.apiGenerated","Generated by API","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Generated by API"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"TreeViewBase.channelDeletedSnackbar","Channel deleted","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Channel deleted"
+"TreeViewBase.channelDetails","View channel details","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","View channel details"
+"TreeViewBase.deleteChannel","Delete channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Delete channel"
+"TreeViewBase.deleteChannelButton","Delete channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Delete channel"
+"TreeViewBase.deletePrompt","This channel will be permanently deleted. This cannot be undone.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","This channel will be permanently deleted. This cannot be undone."
+"TreeViewBase.deleteTitle","Delete this channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Delete this channel"
+"TreeViewBase.editChannel","Edit channel details","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Edit channel details"
+"TreeViewBase.emptyChannelTooltip","You cannot publish an empty channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","You cannot publish an empty channel"
+"TreeViewBase.getToken","Get token","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Get token"
+"TreeViewBase.incompleteDescendantsText","{count, number, integer} {count, plural, one {resource is incomplete and cannot be published} other {resources are incomplete and cannot be published}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, number, integer} {count, plural, one {resource is incomplete and cannot be published} other {resources are incomplete and cannot be published}}"
+"TreeViewBase.noChangesText","No changes found in channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","No changes found in channel"
+"TreeViewBase.noLanguageSetError","Missing channel language","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Missing channel language"
+"TreeViewBase.openTrash","Open trash","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Open trash"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"TreeViewBase.publishButtonTitle","Make this channel available for import into Kolibri","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Make this channel available for import into Kolibri"
+"TreeViewBase.shareChannel","Share channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Share channel"
+"TreeViewBase.syncChannel","Sync resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Sync resources"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Uploader.listDelimiter",", ","
+-- CONTEXT --
+",", "
+"Uploader.maxFileSizeText","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# file will not be uploaded.}
+ other {# files will not be uploaded.}} File size must be under {size}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# file will not be uploaded.}
+ other {# files will not be uploaded.}} File size must be under {size}"
+"Uploader.noStorageHeader","Not enough space","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Not enough space"
+"Uploader.remainingStorage","Remaining storage: {size}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Remaining storage: {size}"
+"Uploader.tooLargeFilesHeader","Max file size exceeded","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Max file size exceeded"
+"Uploader.unsupportedFilesHeader","Unsupported files","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Unsupported files"
+"Uploader.unsupportedFilesText","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# file will not be uploaded.}
+ other {# files will not be uploaded.}}
+ {extensionCount, plural,
+ =1 {Supported file type is}
+ other {Supported file types are}} {extensions}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# file will not be uploaded.}
+ other {# files will not be uploaded.}}
+ {extensionCount, plural,
+ =1 {Supported file type is}
+ other {Supported file types are}} {extensions}"
+"Uploader.uploadSize","Upload is too large: {size}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Upload is too large: {size}"
+"UsingStudio.aboutStudio","About Kolibri Studio","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","About Kolibri Studio"
+"UsingStudio.aboutStudioText","Kolibri Studio is undergoing active development, and as such, some changes could cause unexpected behavior or challenges (also known as ""issues""). If you encounter an issue, please notify us as soon as they occur to help us resolve them. (See below for instructions on how to report issues.)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Kolibri Studio is undergoing active development, and as such, some changes could cause unexpected behavior or challenges (also known as ""issues""). If you encounter an issue, please notify us as soon as they occur to help us resolve them. (See below for instructions on how to report issues.)"
+"UsingStudio.bestPractice1","When using import and clipboard operations, work with small subsets of folders instead of whole channels at once (especially for large channels).","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","When using import and clipboard operations, work with small subsets of folders instead of whole channels at once (especially for large channels)."
+"UsingStudio.bestPractice2","It is preferable to create multiple small channels rather than one giant channel with many layers of folders.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","It is preferable to create multiple small channels rather than one giant channel with many layers of folders."
+"UsingStudio.bestPractice3","Reload the page often to ensure your work is saved to the server and no network errors have occurred. Use CTRL+R on Linux/Windows or ⌘+R on Mac.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Reload the page often to ensure your work is saved to the server and no network errors have occurred. Use CTRL+R on Linux/Windows or ⌘+R on Mac."
+"UsingStudio.bestPractice4","Avoid simultaneous edits on the same channel. Channels should not be edited by multiple users at the same time or by the same user in multiple browser windows.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Avoid simultaneous edits on the same channel. Channels should not be edited by multiple users at the same time or by the same user in multiple browser windows."
+"UsingStudio.bestPractice5","It is possible that you will encounter timeout errors in your browser when performing operations like import and sync, on large channels. Don't be alarmed by this error message and do not repeat the same operation again right away. It doesn't mean the operation has failed- Kolibri Studio is still working in the background. Wait a few minutes and reload the page before continuing your edits.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","It is possible that you will encounter timeout errors in your browser when performing operations like import and sync, on large channels. Don't be alarmed by this error message and do not repeat the same operation again right away. It doesn't mean the operation has failed- Kolibri Studio is still working in the background. Wait a few minutes and reload the page before continuing your edits."
+"UsingStudio.bestPractice6","Compress videos before uploading them (see these instructions).","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Compress videos before uploading them (see these instructions)."
+"UsingStudio.bestPractice7","PUBLISH periodically and import your channel into Kolibri to preview the content and obtain a local backup copy of your channel.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","PUBLISH periodically and import your channel into Kolibri to preview the content and obtain a local backup copy of your channel."
+"UsingStudio.bestPractice8","Do not edit the channel after you click PUBLISH. Wait for the notification email before resuming editing operations.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Do not edit the channel after you click PUBLISH. Wait for the notification email before resuming editing operations."
+"UsingStudio.bestPractice9","Report issues as you encounter them.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Report issues as you encounter them."
+"UsingStudio.bestPractices","Best practices","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Best practices"
+"UsingStudio.communityStandardsLink","Community standards","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Community standards"
+"UsingStudio.issue1","Two users have reported isolated incidents where content they imported from another channel disappeared, leaving only empty folders and subfolders. In one report, the content later re-appeared. They did not experience these problems consistently, and the incidents may possibly involve issues with a slow or unstable internet connection. If you run into this issue, please contact us as soon as possible and let us know as much information as you can remember.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Two users have reported isolated incidents where content they imported from another channel disappeared, leaving only empty folders and subfolders. In one report, the content later re-appeared. They did not experience these problems consistently, and the incidents may possibly involve issues with a slow or unstable internet connection. If you run into this issue, please contact us as soon as possible and let us know as much information as you can remember."
+"UsingStudio.issue2","Some operations in Studio are currently very slow, and so it may appear that the change you attempted to make timed out or did not take effect. In many cases, the change is still being processed and will appear once it is complete. If, after 5-10 minutes, the change still has not taken effect even after a browser refresh, please file an issue. We are working on solutions to these issues.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Some operations in Studio are currently very slow, and so it may appear that the change you attempted to make timed out or did not take effect. In many cases, the change is still being processed and will appear once it is complete. If, after 5-10 minutes, the change still has not taken effect even after a browser refresh, please file an issue. We are working on solutions to these issues."
+"UsingStudio.issueLink1","Reports of disappearing content","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Reports of disappearing content"
+"UsingStudio.issueLink2","Slow performance can lead to unexpected errors in the interface","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Slow performance can lead to unexpected errors in the interface"
+"UsingStudio.issuesPageLink","View all issues","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","View all issues"
+"UsingStudio.notableIssues","Notable issues","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Notable issues"
+"UsingStudio.policiesLink","Privacy policy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Privacy policy"
+"UsingStudio.resourcesHeader","Kolibri Studio resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Kolibri Studio resources"
+"UsingStudio.termsOfServiceLink","Terms of service","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Terms of service"
+"UsingStudio.userDocsLink","User guide","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","User guide"
+"VisibilityDropdown.coach","Resources are visible only to coaches (teachers, facilitators, administrators)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Resources are visible only to coaches (teachers, facilitators, administrators)"
+"VisibilityDropdown.labelText","Visible to","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Visible to"
+"VisibilityDropdown.learner","Resources are visible to anyone","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Resources are visible to anyone"
+"VisibilityDropdown.visibilityDescription","Visibility determines what type of Kolibri users can see resources.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Visibility determines what type of Kolibri users can see resources."
+"VisibilityDropdown.visibilityHeader","About resource visibility","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","About resource visibility"
+"VisibilityDropdown.visibilityRequired","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Field is required"
+"channelEditVue.errorChooseAtLeastOneCorrectAnswer","Choose at least one correct answer","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Choose at least one correct answer"
+"channelEditVue.errorMissingAnswer","Choose a correct answer","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Choose a correct answer"
+"channelEditVue.errorProvideAtLeastOneCorrectAnswer","Provide at least one correct answer","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Provide at least one correct answer"
+"channelEditVue.errorQuestionRequired","Question is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Question is required"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"channelEditVue.questionTypeInput","Numeric input","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Numeric input"
+"channelEditVue.questionTypeMultipleSelection","Multiple choice","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Multiple choice"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"channelEditVue.questionTypeSingleSelection","Single choice","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Single choice"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"formStrings.errorText","Please fix {count, plural,
+ =1 {# error}
+ other {# errors}} below","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Please fix {count, plural,
+ =1 {# error}
+ other {# errors}} below"
+"sharedVue.activityDurationGteOne","Value must be equal to or greater than 1","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Value must be equal to or greater than 1"
+"sharedVue.activityDurationRequired","This field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","This field is required"
+"sharedVue.activityDurationTooLongWarning","This value is very high. Please make sure this is how long learners should work on the resource for, in order to complete it.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","This value is very high. Please make sure this is how long learners should work on the resource for, in order to complete it."
+"sharedVue.confirmLogout","Changes you made may not be saved. Are you sure you want to leave this page?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Changes you made may not be saved. Are you sure you want to leave this page?"
+"sharedVue.copyrightHolderRequired","Copyright holder is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copyright holder is required"
+"sharedVue.durationRequired","Duration is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Duration is required"
+"sharedVue.fieldRequired","This field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","This field is required"
+"sharedVue.learningActivityRequired","Learning activity is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Learning activity is required"
+"sharedVue.licenseDescriptionRequired","Special permissions license must have a description","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Special permissions license must have a description"
+"sharedVue.licenseRequired","License is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","License is required"
+"sharedVue.longActivityGtThirty","Value must be greater than 30","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Value must be greater than 30"
+"sharedVue.longActivityLteOneTwenty","Value must be equal or less than 120","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Value must be equal or less than 120"
+"sharedVue.masteryModelMGtZero","Must be at least 1","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Must be at least 1"
+"sharedVue.masteryModelMLteN","Must be lesser than or equal to N","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Must be lesser than or equal to N"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"sharedVue.masteryModelMWholeNumber","Must be a whole number","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Must be a whole number"
+"sharedVue.masteryModelNGtZero","Must be at least 1","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Must be at least 1"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"sharedVue.masteryModelNWholeNumber","Must be a whole number","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Must be a whole number"
+"sharedVue.masteryModelRequired","Mastery is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Mastery is required"
+"sharedVue.shortActivityLteThirty","Value must be equal or less than 30","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Value must be equal or less than 30"
+"sharedVue.titleRequired","Title is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Title is required"
diff --git a/contentcuration/locale/hi_IN/LC_MESSAGES/contentcuration-messages.json b/contentcuration/locale/hi_IN/LC_MESSAGES/contentcuration-messages.json
index d46a1aac59..8a9484c521 100644
--- a/contentcuration/locale/hi_IN/LC_MESSAGES/contentcuration-messages.json
+++ b/contentcuration/locale/hi_IN/LC_MESSAGES/contentcuration-messages.json
@@ -1,9 +1,14 @@
+ "AccessibilityOptions.altText": "Visual elements in the resource have descriptions that can be accessed by screen readers for the benefit of blind learners",
+ "AccessibilityOptions.audioDescription": "The resource contains a second narration audio track that provides additional information for the benefit of blind users and those with low vision",
+ "AccessibilityOptions.highContrast": "The resource text and visual elements are displayed with high contrast for the benefit of users with low vision",
+ "AccessibilityOptions.signLanguage": "Synchronized sign language intepretation is available for audio and video content",
+ "AccessibilityOptions.taggedPdf": "The document contains PDF tags that can be accessed by screen readers for the benefit of blind learners",
"Account.apiDocumentation": "API documentation",
"Account.apiTokenHeading": "API Token",
"Account.apiTokenMessage": "You will need this access token to run content integration scripts for bulk-uploading materials through the Kolibri Studio API.",
"Account.basicInfoHeader": "Basic Information",
- "Account.changePasswordAction": "पासवर्ड बदलें",
+ "Account.changePasswordAction": "Change password",
"Account.completelyDeleteAccountLabel": "Completely remove your account from Kolibri Studio",
"Account.deleteAccountLabel": "Delete account",
"Account.editFullNameAction": "Edit full name",
@@ -13,11 +18,11 @@
"Account.exportDataButton": "Export data",
"Account.exportFailed": "Unable to export data. Please try again.",
"Account.exportStartedHeader": "Data export started",
- "Account.fullNameLabel": "पूरा नाम",
+ "Account.fullNameLabel": "Full name",
"Account.handleChannelsBeforeAccount": "You must delete these channels manually or invite others to edit them before you can delete your account.",
- "Account.passwordLabel": "पासवर्ड",
+ "Account.passwordLabel": "Password",
"Account.unableToDeleteAdminAccount": "Unable to delete an admin account",
- "Account.usernameLabel": "उपयोगकर्ता नाम",
+ "Account.usernameLabel": "Username",
"AccountCreated.accountCreatedTitle": "Account successfully created",
"AccountCreated.continueToSignIn": "Continue to sign-in",
"AccountDeleted.accountDeletedTitle": "Account successfully deleted",
@@ -32,66 +37,69 @@
"ActivationLinkReSent.activationReSentTitle": "Instructions sent. Thank you!",
"ActivationSent.header": "Activation link sent",
"ActivationSent.text": "Thank you for creating an account! To complete the process, please check your email for the activation link we sent you.",
+ "ActivityDuration.minutesRequired": "Minutes",
+ "ActivityDuration.notOptionalLabel": "Time required for the resource to be marked as completed. This value will not be displayed to learners.",
+ "ActivityDuration.optionalLabel": "(Optional) Time required for the resource to be marked as completed. This value will not be displayed to learners.",
"AddNextStepsPage.addedNextStepSnackbar": "Added next step",
"AddNextStepsPage.toolbarTitle": "Add next step",
"AddPreviousStepsPage.addedPreviousStepSnackbar": "Added previous step",
"AddPreviousStepsPage.toolbarTitle": "Add previous step",
- "AddRelatedResourcesModal.addStepBtnLabel": "जोड़ें",
- "AddRelatedResourcesModal.cancelBtnLabel": "रद्द करें",
- "AddRelatedResourcesModal.previewStepBtnLabel": "Preview (पूर्वावलोकन)",
+ "AddRelatedResourcesModal.addStepBtnLabel": "Add",
+ "AddRelatedResourcesModal.cancelBtnLabel": "Cancel",
+ "AddRelatedResourcesModal.previewStepBtnLabel": "Preview",
"AddRelatedResourcesModal.resourcesDisplayedText": "Only showing available resources for",
"AddRelatedResourcesModal.selectedAsCurrentResource": "This is the current resource",
"AddRelatedResourcesModal.selectedAsNextStep": "Already selected as a next step",
"AddRelatedResourcesModal.selectedAsPreviousStep": "Already selected as a previous step",
"AdministrationAppError.unauthorizedDetails": "You need to be an administrator of Studio to view this page",
- "AdministrationIndex.channelsLabel": "चैनल",
- "AdministrationIndex.usersLabel": "उपयोगकर्ता",
- "Alert.closeButtonLabel": "ठीक है",
- "Alert.dontShowAgain": "यह संदेश दोबारा न दिखाएँ",
- "AnswersEditor.answersLabel": "उत्तर",
+ "AdministrationIndex.channelsLabel": "Channels",
+ "AdministrationIndex.usersLabel": "Users",
+ "Alert.closeButtonLabel": "OK",
+ "Alert.dontShowAgain": "Don't show this message again",
+ "AnswersEditor.answersLabel": "Answers",
"AnswersEditor.newAnswerBtnLabel": "New answer",
"AnswersEditor.noAnswersPlaceholder": "Question has no answer options",
"AnswersEditor.numberFieldErrorLabel": "Answer must be a number",
"AppBar.administration": "Administration",
"AppBar.changeLanguage": "Change language",
"AppBar.help": "Help and support",
- "AppBar.logIn": "साइन इन करें",
- "AppBar.logOut": "साइन आउट करें",
- "AppBar.settings": "सेटिंग",
- "AppBar.title": "कोलिब्री स्टूडियो",
- "AssessmentEditor.closeBtnLabel": "बंद (close)",
+ "AppBar.logIn": "Sign in",
+ "AppBar.logOut": "Sign out",
+ "AppBar.settings": "Settings",
+ "AppBar.title": "Kolibri Studio",
+ "AssessmentEditor.closeBtnLabel": "Close",
"AssessmentEditor.incompleteItemIndicatorLabel": "Incomplete",
"AssessmentEditor.newQuestionBtnLabel": "New question",
"AssessmentEditor.noQuestionsPlaceholder": "Exercise has no questions",
"AssessmentEditor.showAnswers": "Show answers",
- "AssessmentEditor.toolbarItemLabel": "प्रश्न",
+ "AssessmentEditor.toolbarItemLabel": "question",
"AssessmentItemEditor.dialogMessageChangeToInput": "Switching to 'numeric input' will set all answers as correct and remove all non-numeric answers. Continue?",
"AssessmentItemEditor.dialogMessageChangeToSingleSelection": "Switching to 'single choice' will set only one answer as correct. Continue?",
"AssessmentItemEditor.dialogMessageChangeToTrueFalse": "Switching to 'true or false' will remove all current answers. Continue?",
- "AssessmentItemEditor.dialogSubmitBtnLabel": "बदलें",
+ "AssessmentItemEditor.dialogSubmitBtnLabel": "Change",
"AssessmentItemEditor.dialogTitle": "Changing question type",
- "AssessmentItemEditor.questionLabel": "प्रश्न",
+ "AssessmentItemEditor.questionLabel": "Question",
"AssessmentItemEditor.questionTypeLabel": "Response type",
- "AssessmentItemPreview.answersLabel": "उत्तर",
+ "AssessmentItemPreview.answersLabel": "Answers",
"AssessmentItemPreview.hintsToggleLabelHide": "Hide hints",
"AssessmentItemPreview.hintsToggleLabelShow": "Show {hintsCount} {hintsCount, plural, one {hint} other {hints}}",
"AssessmentItemPreview.noAnswersPlaceholder": "Question has no answer options",
"AssessmentItemToolbar.toolbarLabelAddAbove": "Add {itemLabel} above",
"AssessmentItemToolbar.toolbarLabelAddBelow": "Add {itemLabel} below",
- "AssessmentItemToolbar.toolbarLabelDelete": "मिटाएँ",
- "AssessmentItemToolbar.toolbarLabelEdit": "संपादित करें (एडिट)",
+ "AssessmentItemToolbar.toolbarLabelDelete": "Delete",
+ "AssessmentItemToolbar.toolbarLabelEdit": "Edit",
"AssessmentItemToolbar.toolbarLabelMoveDown": "Move down",
"AssessmentItemToolbar.toolbarLabelMoveUp": "Move up",
- "AssessmentTab.dialogCancelBtnLabel": "रद्द करें",
+ "AssessmentTab.dialogCancelBtnLabel": "Cancel",
"AssessmentTab.dialogSubmitBtnLabel": "Submit",
"AssessmentTab.incompleteItemsCountMessage": "{invalidItemsCount} incomplete {invalidItemsCount, plural, one {question} other {questions}}",
- "BrowsingCard.addToClipboardAction": "क्लिपबोर्ड पर कॉपी करें",
+ "BrowsingCard.addToClipboardAction": "Copy to clipboard",
"BrowsingCard.coach": "Resource for coaches",
"BrowsingCard.goToPluralLocationsAction": "In {count, number} {count, plural, one {location} other {locations}}",
"BrowsingCard.goToSingleLocationAction": "Go to location",
"BrowsingCard.hasCoachTooltip": "{value, number, integer} {value, plural, one {resource for coaches} other {resources for coaches}}",
"BrowsingCard.previewAction": "View details",
- "BrowsingCard.resourcesCount": "{count, number} {count, plural, one {संसाधन} other {संसाधन}}",
+ "BrowsingCard.resourcesCount": "{count, number} {count, plural, one {resource} other {resources}}",
"BrowsingCard.tagsList": "Tags: {tags}",
"BytesForHumansStrings.fileSizeInBytes": "{n, number, integer} B",
"BytesForHumansStrings.fileSizeInGigabytes": "{n, number, integer} GB",
@@ -104,20 +112,20 @@
"CatalogFAQ.KolibriAnswerItem3": "Fostering innovative pedagogy and effective learning outcomes",
"CatalogFAQ.KolibriQuestion": "What is Kolibri?",
"CatalogFAQ.aboutHeader": "Welcome to the Kolibri Content Library Catalog! ",
- "CatalogFAQ.aboutKolibriHeader": "कोलिब्री के बारे में",
+ "CatalogFAQ.aboutKolibriHeader": "About Kolibri",
"CatalogFAQ.aboutLibraryHeader": "About the Kolibri Content Library",
"CatalogFAQ.channelAnswer": "A channel is Kolibri’s unit of organization for digital content. It's a collection of resources organized by single institutions or creators, each of which may contain a set of books, games, textbooks, articles, simulations, exercises, and many more types of educational materials, all made available for use in Kolibri without the need for internet access. A channel isn't necessarily a course or a sequence, it's simply a collection of materials published or gathered together by one organization, as close to the provider's original layout as possible, while still organized for the best possible navigation in Kolibri.",
"CatalogFAQ.channelLink": "What is a channel?",
"CatalogFAQ.channelQuestion": "What is a channel?",
"CatalogFAQ.coachContentAnswer": "Most resources are directed at learners, but some, such as lesson plans, subject refreshers, professional learning guides, and similar, are directed at teachers and facilitators. In Kolibri, we mark this content as \"for coaches\" and limit its visibility to those with coach accounts. If you see coach materials here, they may require less planning for any facilitators using the resource!",
"CatalogFAQ.coachContentQuestion": "What are 'resources for coaches'?",
- "CatalogFAQ.customContentAnswer": "We would love to get in touch with you regarding your own materials or your recommendations. Please contact us at content@learningequality.org!",
+ "CatalogFAQ.customContentAnswer": "To add your own materials, create an account on Kolibri Studio by going to https://studio.learningequality.org. Recommendations for public materials to be added to the Kolibri Content Library can be made by contacting content@learningequality.org.",
"CatalogFAQ.customContentQuestion": "How can I add my own materials or recommend materials from other creators for this library?",
"CatalogFAQ.descriptionP1": "Here you can learn more about the educational resources publicly available for use in Kolibri, which are organized into \"channels\". Use the filters to browse channels by keyword, language, or formats of the materials inside.",
"CatalogFAQ.descriptionP2": "Click on a channel to get a preview of what subjects and topics it covers, learn more about its creator, see how many resources the channel contains, and learn how to import it into Kolibri. You can also find coach-specific content (lesson plans, teacher professional guides, and other supplementary facilitation material), assessments and exercises, and captions for accessibility.",
"CatalogFAQ.descriptionP3": "Sharing the work of these resource creators is what inspires Learning Equality's efforts. We hope you find something that excites you about the potential of digital learning, online or off!",
"CatalogFAQ.downloadKolibriLink": "Download Kolibri",
- "CatalogFAQ.downloadLink": "डाउनलोड (download)",
+ "CatalogFAQ.downloadLink": "Download",
"CatalogFAQ.endoresementQuestion": "Have these sources been vetted or endorsed as classroom-safe and ready?",
"CatalogFAQ.endorsementAnswer": "We select sources with an educational affiliation or mandate, so you can trust that most resources in the Kolibri Content Library were designed for learning purposes. However, we are not able to guarantee the appropriateness of each individual item within any particular source. We recommend that educators and administrators conduct a thorough review of any digital content using their own criteria - including reorganization and re-curation, if necessary - before using it with learners. Since we recognize that there may be many different standards across situations for criteria like preferred levels of interactivity, subject/age appropriateness, cultural sensitivity and tone, among others, we have intentionally offered a wide range of materials to help meet the needs of all learners whatever they may be.",
"CatalogFAQ.faqHeader": "Frequently asked questions",
@@ -160,14 +168,14 @@
"CatalogFilterBar.assessments": "Assessments",
"CatalogFilterBar.channelCount": "{count, plural,\n =1 {# channel}\n other {# channels}}",
"CatalogFilterBar.clearAll": "Clear all",
- "CatalogFilterBar.close": "बंद (close)",
+ "CatalogFilterBar.close": "Close",
"CatalogFilterBar.coachContent": "Coach content",
"CatalogFilterBar.copyTitle": "Copy collection token",
"CatalogFilterBar.copyToken": "Copy collection token",
"CatalogFilterBar.copyTokenInstructions": "Paste this token into Kolibri to import the channels contained in this collection",
"CatalogFilterBar.keywords": "\"{text}\"",
"CatalogFilterBar.starred": "Starred",
- "CatalogFilterBar.subtitles": "उपशीर्षक",
+ "CatalogFilterBar.subtitles": "Subtitles",
"CatalogFilters.coachDescription": "Resources for coaches are only visible to coaches in Kolibri",
"CatalogFilters.coachLabel": "Resources for coaches",
"CatalogFilters.copyright": "© {year} Learning Equality",
@@ -176,26 +184,27 @@
"CatalogFilters.includesLabel": "Display only channels with",
"CatalogFilters.licenseLabel": "Licenses",
"CatalogFilters.searchLabel": "Keywords",
- "CatalogFilters.searchText": "खोज",
+ "CatalogFilters.searchText": "Search",
"CatalogFilters.starredLabel": "Starred",
"CatalogFilters.subtitlesLabel": "Captions or subtitles",
- "CatalogList.cancelButton": "रद्द करें",
+ "CatalogList.cancelButton": "Cancel",
"CatalogList.channelSelectionCount": "{count, plural,\n =1 {# channel selected}\n other {# channels selected}}",
- "CatalogList.downloadButton": "डाउनलोड (download)",
+ "CatalogList.downloadButton": "Download",
"CatalogList.downloadCSV": "Download CSV",
"CatalogList.downloadPDF": "Download PDF",
"CatalogList.downloadingMessage": "Download started",
"CatalogList.resultsText": "{count, plural,\n =1 {# result found}\n other {# results found}}",
- "CatalogList.selectAll": "सभी का चयन करें",
+ "CatalogList.selectAll": "Select all",
"CatalogList.selectChannels": "Download a summary of selected channels",
- "ChangePasswordForm.cancelAction": "रद्द करें",
- "ChangePasswordForm.changePasswordHeader": "पासवर्ड बदलें",
- "ChangePasswordForm.confirmNewPasswordLabel": "नए पासवर्ड की पुष्टि करें",
+ "CategoryOptions.noCategoryFoundText": "Category not found",
+ "ChangePasswordForm.cancelAction": "Cancel",
+ "ChangePasswordForm.changePasswordHeader": "Change password",
+ "ChangePasswordForm.confirmNewPasswordLabel": "Confirm new password",
"ChangePasswordForm.formInvalidText": "Passwords don't match",
- "ChangePasswordForm.newPasswordLabel": "नया पासवर्ड",
+ "ChangePasswordForm.newPasswordLabel": "New password",
"ChangePasswordForm.passwordChangeFailed": "Failed to save new password",
"ChangePasswordForm.paswordChangeSuccess": "Password updated",
- "ChangePasswordForm.saveChangesAction": "परिवर्तनों को सेव करें",
+ "ChangePasswordForm.saveChangesAction": "Save changes",
"ChannelCatalogFrontPage.assessmentsIncludedText": "Assessments",
"ChannelCatalogFrontPage.catalogHeader": "Kolibri Content Library channels",
"ChannelCatalogFrontPage.coachHeading": "Resources for coaches",
@@ -203,12 +212,12 @@
"ChannelCatalogFrontPage.defaultNoItemsText": "---",
"ChannelCatalogFrontPage.exported": "Exported",
"ChannelCatalogFrontPage.formatsHeading": "Formats",
- "ChannelCatalogFrontPage.languagesHeading": "भाषाएँ",
+ "ChannelCatalogFrontPage.languagesHeading": "Languages",
"ChannelCatalogFrontPage.numberOfChannels": "{ num } channels",
"ChannelCatalogFrontPage.subtitlesIncludedText": "Captions or subtitles",
- "ChannelDeletedError.backToHomeAction": "मुख्य पृष्ठ पर वापिस जाएं",
+ "ChannelDeletedError.backToHomeAction": "Back to home",
"ChannelDeletedError.channelDeletedDetails": "This channel does not exist or may have been removed. Please contact us at content@learningequality.org if you think this is a mistake.",
- "ChannelDeletedError.channelDeletedHeader": "चैनल नहीं मिला",
+ "ChannelDeletedError.channelDeletedHeader": "Channel not found",
"ChannelDetailsModal.downloadButton": "Download channel summary",
"ChannelDetailsModal.downloadCSV": "Download CSV",
"ChannelDetailsModal.downloadPDF": "Download PDF",
@@ -217,26 +226,26 @@
"ChannelExportStrings.authors": "Authors",
"ChannelExportStrings.coachContent": "Resources for coaches",
"ChannelExportStrings.copyrightHolders": "Copyright holders",
- "ChannelExportStrings.description": "विवरण",
+ "ChannelExportStrings.description": "Description",
"ChannelExportStrings.downloadFilename": "{year}_{month}_Kolibri_Content_Library",
"ChannelExportStrings.id": "Channel ID",
- "ChannelExportStrings.language": "भाषा ",
+ "ChannelExportStrings.language": "Language",
"ChannelExportStrings.languages": "Included languages",
"ChannelExportStrings.licenses": "Licenses",
- "ChannelExportStrings.name": "नाम",
- "ChannelExportStrings.no": "नहीं",
+ "ChannelExportStrings.name": "Name",
+ "ChannelExportStrings.no": "No",
"ChannelExportStrings.providers": "Providers",
- "ChannelExportStrings.resources": "संसाधन",
+ "ChannelExportStrings.resources": "Resources",
"ChannelExportStrings.size": "Total resources",
"ChannelExportStrings.storage": "Storage",
"ChannelExportStrings.subtitles": "Captions or subtitles",
"ChannelExportStrings.tags": "Tags",
"ChannelExportStrings.token": "Token",
- "ChannelExportStrings.yes": "हाँ",
- "ChannelInfoCard.resourceCount": "{count, number} {count, plural, one {संसाधन} other {संसाधन}}",
+ "ChannelExportStrings.yes": "Yes",
+ "ChannelInfoCard.resourceCount": "{count, number} {count, plural, one {resource} other {resources}}",
"ChannelInvitation.accept": "Accept",
"ChannelInvitation.acceptedSnackbar": "Accepted invitation",
- "ChannelInvitation.cancel": "रद्द करें",
+ "ChannelInvitation.cancel": "Cancel",
"ChannelInvitation.decline": "Decline",
"ChannelInvitation.declinedSnackbar": "Declined invitation",
"ChannelInvitation.decliningInvitation": "Declining Invitation",
@@ -244,14 +253,14 @@
"ChannelInvitation.editText": "{sender} has invited you to edit {channel}",
"ChannelInvitation.goToChannelSnackbarAction": "Go to channel",
"ChannelInvitation.viewText": "{sender} has invited you to view {channel}",
- "ChannelItem.cancel": "रद्द करें",
+ "ChannelItem.cancel": "Cancel",
"ChannelItem.channelDeletedSnackbar": "Channel deleted",
"ChannelItem.channelLanguageNotSetIndicator": "No language set",
"ChannelItem.copyToken": "Copy channel token",
- "ChannelItem.deleteChannel": "चैनल मिटाएँ",
+ "ChannelItem.deleteChannel": "Delete channel",
"ChannelItem.deletePrompt": "This channel will be permanently deleted. This cannot be undone.",
"ChannelItem.deleteTitle": "Delete this channel",
- "ChannelItem.details": "विवरण",
+ "ChannelItem.details": "Details",
"ChannelItem.editChannel": "Edit channel details",
"ChannelItem.goToWebsite": "Go to source website",
"ChannelItem.lastPublished": "Published {last_published}",
@@ -261,7 +270,7 @@
"ChannelItem.versionText": "Version {version}",
"ChannelItem.viewContent": "View channel on Kolibri",
"ChannelList.channel": "New channel",
- "ChannelList.channelFilterLabel": "चैनल",
+ "ChannelList.channelFilterLabel": "Channels",
"ChannelList.noChannelsFound": "No channels found",
"ChannelList.noMatchingChannels": "There are no matching channels",
"ChannelListAppError.channelPermissionsErrorDetails": "Sign in or ask the owner of this channel to give you permission to edit or view",
@@ -271,44 +280,44 @@
"ChannelListIndex.invitations": "You have {count, plural,\n =1 {# invitation}\n other {# invitations}}",
"ChannelListIndex.libraryTitle": "Kolibri Content Library Catalog",
"ChannelModal.APIText": "Channels generated automatically are not editable.",
- "ChannelModal.changesSaved": "परिवर्तन सेव किए गए",
+ "ChannelModal.changesSaved": "Changes saved",
"ChannelModal.channelDescription": "Channel description",
"ChannelModal.channelError": "Field is required",
"ChannelModal.channelName": "Channel name",
"ChannelModal.closeButton": "Exit without saving",
- "ChannelModal.createButton": "बनाएँ",
+ "ChannelModal.createButton": "Create",
"ChannelModal.creatingHeader": "New channel",
"ChannelModal.details": "Channel details",
- "ChannelModal.editTab": "विवरण",
+ "ChannelModal.editTab": "Details",
"ChannelModal.keepEditingButton": "Keep editing",
"ChannelModal.notFoundError": "Channel does not exist",
- "ChannelModal.saveChangesButton": "परिवर्तनों को सेव करें",
+ "ChannelModal.saveChangesButton": "Save changes",
"ChannelModal.shareTab": "Sharing",
"ChannelModal.unauthorizedError": "You cannot edit this channel",
"ChannelModal.unsavedChangesHeader": "Unsaved changes",
"ChannelModal.unsavedChangesText": "You will lose any unsaved changes. Are you sure you want to exit?",
- "ChannelNotFoundError.backToHomeAction": "मुख्य पृष्ठ पर वापिस जाएं",
+ "ChannelNotFoundError.backToHomeAction": "Back to home",
"ChannelNotFoundError.channelNotFoundDetails": "This channel does not exist or may have been removed. Please contact us at content@learningequality.org if you think this is a mistake.",
- "ChannelNotFoundError.channelNotFoundHeader": "चैनल नहीं मिला",
+ "ChannelNotFoundError.channelNotFoundHeader": "Channel not found",
"ChannelSelectionList.noChannelsFound": "No channels found",
- "ChannelSelectionList.searchText": "किसी चैनल को खोजें",
- "ChannelSetItem.cancel": "रद्द करें",
+ "ChannelSelectionList.searchText": "Search for a channel",
+ "ChannelSetItem.cancel": "Cancel",
"ChannelSetItem.delete": "Delete collection",
"ChannelSetItem.deleteChannelSetText": "Are you sure you want to delete this collection?",
"ChannelSetItem.deleteChannelSetTitle": "Delete collection",
"ChannelSetItem.edit": "Edit collection",
- "ChannelSetItem.options": "विकल्प",
+ "ChannelSetItem.options": "Options",
"ChannelSetItem.saving": "Saving",
"ChannelSetList.aboutChannelSets": "About collections",
"ChannelSetList.aboutChannelSetsLink": "Learn about collections",
"ChannelSetList.addChannelSetTitle": "New collection",
- "ChannelSetList.cancelButtonLabel": "बंद (close)",
+ "ChannelSetList.cancelButtonLabel": "Close",
"ChannelSetList.channelNumber": "Number of channels",
"ChannelSetList.channelSetsDescriptionText": "A collection contains multiple Kolibri Studio channels that can be imported at one time to Kolibri with a single collection token.",
"ChannelSetList.channelSetsDisclaimer": "You will need Kolibri version 0.12.0 or higher to import channel collections",
"ChannelSetList.channelSetsInstructionsText": "You can make a collection by selecting the channels you want to be imported together.",
"ChannelSetList.noChannelSetsFound": "You can package together multiple channels to create a collection. The entire collection can then be imported to Kolibri at once by using a collection token.",
- "ChannelSetList.options": "विकल्प",
+ "ChannelSetList.options": "Options",
"ChannelSetList.title": "Collection name",
"ChannelSetList.token": "Token ID",
"ChannelSetModal.bookmark": "Starred",
@@ -346,7 +355,7 @@
"ChannelSharing.inviteButton": "Send invitation",
"ChannelSharing.inviteSubheading": "Invite collaborators",
"ChannelSharing.validEmailMessage": "Please enter a valid email",
- "ChannelSharingTable.cancelButton": "रद्द करें",
+ "ChannelSharingTable.cancelButton": "Cancel",
"ChannelSharingTable.currentUserText": "{first_name} {last_name} (you)",
"ChannelSharingTable.deleteInvitation": "Delete invitation",
"ChannelSharingTable.deleteInvitationConfirm": "Delete invitation",
@@ -364,7 +373,7 @@
"ChannelSharingTable.makeEditorHeader": "Grant edit permissions",
"ChannelSharingTable.makeEditorText": "Are you sure you would like to grant edit permissions to {first_name} {last_name}?",
"ChannelSharingTable.noUsersText": "No users found",
- "ChannelSharingTable.optionsDropdown": "विकल्प",
+ "ChannelSharingTable.optionsDropdown": "Options",
"ChannelSharingTable.removeViewer": "Revoke view permissions",
"ChannelSharingTable.removeViewerConfirm": "Yes, revoke",
"ChannelSharingTable.removeViewerHeader": "Revoke view permissions",
@@ -376,36 +385,130 @@
"ChannelStar.starred": "Added to starred channels",
"ChannelStar.unstar": "Remove from starred channels",
"ChannelStar.unstarred": "Removed from starred channels",
- "ChannelThumbnail.cancel": "रद्द करें",
+ "ChannelThumbnail.cancel": "Cancel",
"ChannelThumbnail.crop": "Crop",
"ChannelThumbnail.croppingPrompt": "Drag image to reframe",
"ChannelThumbnail.defaultFilename": "File",
"ChannelThumbnail.noThumbnail": "No thumbnail",
- "ChannelThumbnail.remove": "हटा दें",
+ "ChannelThumbnail.remove": "Remove",
"ChannelThumbnail.retryUpload": "Retry upload",
- "ChannelThumbnail.save": "सेव करें",
+ "ChannelThumbnail.save": "Save",
"ChannelThumbnail.upload": "Upload image",
"ChannelThumbnail.uploadFailed": "Upload failed",
"ChannelThumbnail.uploadingThumbnail": "Uploading",
"ChannelThumbnail.zoomIn": "Zoom in",
"ChannelThumbnail.zoomOut": "Zoom out",
- "ChannelTokenModal.close": "बंद (close)",
+ "ChannelTokenModal.close": "Close",
"ChannelTokenModal.copyTitle": "Copy channel token",
"ChannelTokenModal.copyTokenInstructions": "Paste this token into Kolibri to import this channel",
"Clipboard.backToClipboard": "Clipboard",
- "Clipboard.cancel": "रद्द करें",
- "Clipboard.close": "बंद (close)",
+ "Clipboard.close": "Close",
"Clipboard.copiedItemsToClipboard": "Copied in clipboard",
- "Clipboard.creatingClipboardCopies": "Copying in clipboard...",
- "Clipboard.deleteSelectedButton": "मिटाएँ",
+ "Clipboard.deleteSelectedButton": "Delete",
"Clipboard.duplicateSelectedButton": "Make a copy",
"Clipboard.emptyDefaultText": "Use the clipboard to copy resources and move them to other folders and channels",
"Clipboard.emptyDefaultTitle": "No resources in your clipboard",
- "Clipboard.moveSelectedButton": "विस्थापित करें",
+ "Clipboard.moveSelectedButton": "Move",
"Clipboard.removedFromClipboard": "Deleted from clipboard",
- "Clipboard.removingItems": "Deleting from clipboard...",
- "Clipboard.selectAll": "सभी का चयन करें",
- "Clipboard.undo": "अकृत करें",
+ "Clipboard.selectAll": "Select all",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.accessibility": "Accessibility",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.algebra": "Algebra",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.all": "All",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.allLevelsBasicSkills": "All levels -- basic skills",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.allLevelsWorkSkills": "All levels -- work skills",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.altText": "Includes alternative text descriptions for images",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.anthropology": "Anthropology",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.arithmetic": "Arithmetic",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.arts": "Arts",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.astronomy": "Astronomy",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.audioDescription": "Includes audio descriptions",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.basicSkills": "Basic skills",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.biology": "Biology",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.browseChannel": "Browse channel",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.calculus": "Calculus",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.captionsSubtitles": "Includes captions or subtitles",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.category": "Category",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.chemistry": "Chemistry",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.civicEducation": "Civic education",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.completion": "Completion",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.computerScience": "Computer science",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.create": "Create",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.currentEvents": "Current events",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.dailyLife": "Daily life",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.dance": "Dance",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.digitalLiteracy": "Digital literacy",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.diversity": "Diversity",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.drama": "Drama",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.duration": "Duration",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.earthScience": "Earth science",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.entrepreneurship": "Entrepreneurship",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.environment": "Environment",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.explore": "Explore",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.financialLiteracy": "Financial literacy",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.forBeginners": "For beginners",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.forTeachers": "For teachers",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.geometry": "Geometry",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.guides": "Guides",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.highContrast": "Includes high contrast text for learners with low vision",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.history": "History",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.industryAndSectorSpecific": "Industry and sector specific",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.languageLearning": "Language learning",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.learningActivity": "Learning Activity",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.learningSkills": "Learning skills",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.lessonPlans": "Lesson plans",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.level": "Level",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.listen": "Listen",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.literacy": "Literacy",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.literature": "Literature",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.logicAndCriticalThinking": "Logic and critical thinking",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.longActivity": "Long activity",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.lowerPrimary": "Lower primary",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.lowerSecondary": "Lower secondary",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.mathematics": "Mathematics",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.mechanicalEngineering": "Mechanical engineering",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.mediaLiteracy": "Media literacy",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.mentalHealth": "Mental health",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.music": "Music",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.needsInternet": "Internet connection",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.needsMaterials": "Other supplies",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.numeracy": "Numeracy",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.peers": "Working with peers",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.physics": "Physics",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.politicalScience": "Political science",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.practice": "Practice",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.preschool": "Preschool",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.professionalSkills": "Professional skills",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.programming": "Programming",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.publicHealth": "Public health",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.read": "Read",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.readReference": "Reference",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.readingAndWriting": "Reading and writing",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.readingComprehension": "Reading comprehension",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.reflect": "Reflect",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.school": "School",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.sciences": "Sciences",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.shortActivity": "Short activity",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.signLanguage": "Includes sign language captions",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.skillsTraining": "Skills training",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.socialSciences": "Social sciences",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.sociology": "Sociology",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.softwareTools": "Other software tools",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.softwareToolsAndTraining": "Software tools and training",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.specializedProfessionalTraining": "Specialized professional training",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.statistics": "Statistics",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.taggedPdf": "Tagged PDF",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.teacher": "Working with a teacher",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.technicalAndVocationalTraining": "Technical and vocational training",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.tertiary": "Tertiary",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.toUseWithPaperAndPencil": "Paper and pencil",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.topicLabel": "Folder",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.upperPrimary": "Upper primary",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.upperSecondary": "Upper secondary",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.visualArt": "Visual art",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.watch": "Watch",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.webDesign": "Web design",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.work": "Work",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.writing": "Writing",
"CommunityStandardsModal.communityStandardsHeader": "Community Standards",
"CommunityStandardsModal.coreValuesLink": "Learn more about Learning Equality's core values",
"CommunityStandardsModal.description": "Learning Equality is a nonprofit organization dedicated to enabling equitable access to quality educational experiences. Along with our statement of Core Values, these Community Standards are intended to foster a supportive and inclusive environment for our users.",
@@ -420,6 +523,14 @@
"CommunityStandardsModal.studioItem3": "Sharing. Creating and publishing new channels with what you find, either to share with your own implementations privately or to share with others on Kolibri Studio.",
"CommunityStandardsModal.studioItem4": "Modifying & Creating. Adding your own assessment exercises to any existing materials",
"CommunityStandardsModal.studioItem5": "Hosting. Uploading your own materials (limited to materials you know are appropriately licensed to do so) from a local hard drive or other locations on the internet",
+ "CompletionOptions.allContent": "Viewed in its entirety",
+ "CompletionOptions.completeDuration": "When time spent is equal to duration",
+ "CompletionOptions.determinedByResource": "Determined by the resource",
+ "CompletionOptions.exactTime": "Time to complete",
+ "CompletionOptions.goal": "When goal is met",
+ "CompletionOptions.practiceQuiz": "Practice quiz",
+ "CompletionOptions.reference": "Reference material",
+ "CompletionOptions.referenceHint": "Progress will not be tracked on reference material unless learners mark it as complete",
"ConstantStrings.All Rights Reserved": "All Rights Reserved",
"ConstantStrings.All Rights Reserved_description": "The All Rights Reserved License indicates that the copyright holder reserves, or holds for their own use, all the rights provided by copyright law under one specific copyright treaty.",
"ConstantStrings.CC BY": "CC BY",
@@ -442,7 +553,7 @@
"ConstantStrings.audio_thumbnail": "Thumbnail",
"ConstantStrings.bookmark": "Starred",
"ConstantStrings.coach": "Coaches",
- "ConstantStrings.do_all": "100% correct",
+ "ConstantStrings.do_all": "Goal: 100% correct",
"ConstantStrings.do_all_description": "Learner must answer all questions in the exercise correctly (not recommended for long exercises)",
"ConstantStrings.document": "Document",
"ConstantStrings.document_thumbnail": "Thumbnail",
@@ -467,16 +578,15 @@
"ConstantStrings.m_of_n_description": "Learner must answer M questions correctly from the last N answered questions. For example, ‘3 of 5’ means learners must answer 3 questions correctly out of the 5 most recently answered.",
"ConstantStrings.mp3": "MP3 audio",
"ConstantStrings.mp4": "MP4 video",
- "ConstantStrings.webm": "WEBM video",
"ConstantStrings.multiple_selection": "Multiple choice",
"ConstantStrings.nthCopy": "Copy {n, number, integer} of {title}",
- "ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_10": "10 in a row",
+ "ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_10": "Goal: 10 in a row",
"ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_10_description": "Learner must answer 10 questions in a row correctly",
- "ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_2": "2 in a row",
+ "ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_2": "Goal: 2 in a row",
"ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_2_description": "Learner must answer 2 questions in a row correctly",
- "ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_3": "3 in a row",
+ "ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_3": "Goal: 3 in a row",
"ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_3_description": "Learner must answer 3 questions in a row correctly",
- "ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_5": "5 in a row",
+ "ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_5": "Goal: 5 in a row",
"ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_5_description": "Learner must answer 5 questions in a row correctly",
"ConstantStrings.pdf": "PDF document",
"ConstantStrings.perseus": "Perseus Exercise",
@@ -495,20 +605,21 @@
"ConstantStrings.video_thumbnail": "Thumbnail",
"ConstantStrings.view": "View-only",
"ConstantStrings.vtt": "VTT caption",
+ "ConstantStrings.webm": "WEBM video",
"ConstantStrings.zip": "HTML5 zip",
"ContentDefaults.aggregator": "Aggregator",
- "ContentDefaults.author": "लेखक ",
- "ContentDefaults.copyrightHolder": "कॉपीराइट धारक",
+ "ContentDefaults.author": "Author",
+ "ContentDefaults.copyrightHolder": "Copyright holder",
"ContentDefaults.defaultsSubTitle": "New resources will be automatically given these values",
"ContentDefaults.defaultsTitle": "Default copyright settings for new resources (optional)",
- "ContentDefaults.documents": "दस्तावेज़",
+ "ContentDefaults.documents": "Documents",
"ContentDefaults.html5": "HTML5 apps",
- "ContentDefaults.license": "लाइसेंस",
+ "ContentDefaults.license": "License",
"ContentDefaults.licenseDescription": "License description",
"ContentDefaults.noLicense": "No license selected",
"ContentDefaults.provider": "Provider",
"ContentDefaults.thumbnailsTitle": "Automatically generate thumbnails for the following resource types",
- "ContentDefaults.videos": "वीडियो",
+ "ContentDefaults.videos": "Videos",
"ContentNodeChangedIcon.containsNew": "Contains unpublished resources",
"ContentNodeChangedIcon.containsNewAndUpdated": "Contains unpublished resources and changes",
"ContentNodeChangedIcon.containsUpdated": "Contains unpublished changes",
@@ -516,52 +627,51 @@
"ContentNodeChangedIcon.isNewTopic": "Unpublished folder",
"ContentNodeChangedIcon.isUpdatedResource": "Updated since last publish",
"ContentNodeChangedIcon.isUpdatedTopic": "Folder has been updated since last publish",
- "ContentNodeEditListItem.optionsTooltip": "विकल्प",
- "ContentNodeIcon.audio": "ऑडियो",
- "ContentNodeIcon.document": "दस्तावेज़",
- "ContentNodeIcon.exercise": "अभ्यास",
+ "ContentNodeEditListItem.optionsTooltip": "Options",
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+ "ContentNodeIcon.document": "Document",
+ "ContentNodeIcon.exercise": "Exercise",
"ContentNodeIcon.html5": "HTML5 App",
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- "ContentNodeIcon.topic": "विषय",
+ "ContentNodeIcon.slideshow": "Slideshow",
+ "ContentNodeIcon.topic": "Folder",
"ContentNodeIcon.unsupported": "Unsupported",
- "ContentNodeIcon.video": "वीडियो",
+ "ContentNodeIcon.video": "Video",
+ "ContentNodeLearningActivityIcon.multipleLearningActivities": "Multiple learning activities",
+ "ContentNodeLearningActivityIcon.topic": "Folder",
"ContentNodeListItem.coachTooltip": "Resource for coaches",
"ContentNodeListItem.copyingTask": "Copying",
"ContentNodeListItem.hasCoachTooltip": "{value, number, integer} {value, plural, one {resource for coaches} other {resources for coaches}}",
"ContentNodeListItem.openTopic": "Open folder",
- "ContentNodeListItem.questions": "{value, number, integer} {value, plural, one {प्रश्न} other {प्रश्न}}",
- "ContentNodeListItem.resources": "{value, number, integer} {value, plural, one {संसाधन} other {संसाधन}}",
- "ContentNodeOptions.cancel": "रद्द करें",
+ "ContentNodeListItem.questions": "{value, number, integer} {value, plural, one {question} other {questions}}",
+ "ContentNodeListItem.resources": "{value, number, integer} {value, plural, one {resource} other {resources}}",
"ContentNodeOptions.copiedItemsToClipboard": "Copied in clipboard",
- "ContentNodeOptions.copiedToClipboardSnackbar": "क्लिपबोर्ड पर कॉपी कर दिया गया",
- "ContentNodeOptions.copyToClipboard": "क्लिपबोर्ड पर कॉपी करें",
- "ContentNodeOptions.creatingClipboardCopies": "Copying to clipboard...",
+ "ContentNodeOptions.copiedSnackbar": "Copy operation complete",
+ "ContentNodeOptions.copiedToClipboardSnackbar": "Copied to clipboard",
+ "ContentNodeOptions.copyToClipboard": "Copy to clipboard",
"ContentNodeOptions.creatingCopies": "Copying...",
- "ContentNodeOptions.editDetails": "विवरण संपादित करें",
+ "ContentNodeOptions.editDetails": "Edit details",
"ContentNodeOptions.editTopicDetails": "Edit folder details",
"ContentNodeOptions.goToOriginalLocation": "Go to original location",
"ContentNodeOptions.makeACopy": "Make a copy",
- "ContentNodeOptions.move": "विस्थापित करें",
+ "ContentNodeOptions.move": "Move",
"ContentNodeOptions.moveTo": "Move to...",
"ContentNodeOptions.newSubtopic": "New folder",
- "ContentNodeOptions.remove": "हटा दें",
+ "ContentNodeOptions.remove": "Remove",
"ContentNodeOptions.removedFromClipboard": "Deleted from clipboard",
"ContentNodeOptions.removedItems": "Sent to trash",
- "ContentNodeOptions.removingItems": "Deleting from clipboard...",
- "ContentNodeOptions.topicDefaultTitle": "{title} folder",
- "ContentNodeOptions.undo": "अकृत करें",
+ "ContentNodeOptions.undo": "Undo",
"ContentNodeOptions.viewDetails": "View details",
"ContentNodeStrings.untitled": "Untitled",
- "ContentNodeThumbnail.cancel": "रद्द करें",
+ "ContentNodeThumbnail.cancel": "Cancel",
"ContentNodeThumbnail.crop": "Crop",
"ContentNodeThumbnail.croppingPrompt": "Drag image to reframe",
- "ContentNodeThumbnail.defaultFilename": "फ़ाइल",
+ "ContentNodeThumbnail.defaultFilename": "File",
"ContentNodeThumbnail.generate": "Generate from file",
"ContentNodeThumbnail.generatingThumbnail": "Generating from file",
"ContentNodeThumbnail.noThumbnail": "No thumbnail",
- "ContentNodeThumbnail.remove": "हटा दें",
+ "ContentNodeThumbnail.remove": "Remove",
"ContentNodeThumbnail.retryUpload": "Retry upload",
- "ContentNodeThumbnail.save": "सेव करें",
+ "ContentNodeThumbnail.save": "Save",
"ContentNodeThumbnail.upload": "Upload image",
"ContentNodeThumbnail.uploadFailed": "Upload failed",
"ContentNodeThumbnail.uploadingThumbnail": "Uploading",
@@ -573,9 +683,9 @@
"ContentNodeValidator.missingTitle": "Missing title",
"ContentRenderer.noFileText": "Select a file to preview",
"ContentRenderer.previewNotSupported": "Preview unavailable",
- "ContentTreeList.allChannelsLabel": "चैनल",
+ "ContentTreeList.allChannelsLabel": "Channels",
"ContentTreeList.noResourcesOrTopics": "There are no resources or folders here",
- "ContentTreeList.selectAllAction": "सभी का चयन करें",
+ "ContentTreeList.selectAllAction": "Select all",
"CopyToken.copiedTokenId": "Token copied",
"CopyToken.copyFailed": "Copy failed",
"CopyToken.copyPrompt": "Copy token to import channel into Kolibri",
@@ -584,20 +694,20 @@
"CountryField.noCountriesFound": "No countries found",
"Create.ToSCheck": "I have read and agree to the terms of service",
"Create.ToSRequiredMessage": "Please accept our terms of service",
- "Create.backToLoginButton": "साइन इन करें",
+ "Create.backToLoginButton": "Sign in",
"Create.basicInformationHeader": "Basic information",
"Create.conferenceSourceOption": "Conference",
"Create.conferenceSourcePlaceholder": "Name of conference",
"Create.confirmPasswordLabel": "Confirm password",
"Create.contactMessage": "Questions or concerns? Please email us at content@learningequality.org",
"Create.conversationSourceOption": "Conversation with Learning Equality",
- "Create.createAnAccountTitle": "खाता बनाएँ",
+ "Create.createAnAccountTitle": "Create an account",
"Create.creatingExercisesUsageOption": "Creating exercises",
"Create.emailExistsMessage": "An account with this email already exists",
"Create.errorsMessage": "Please fix the errors below",
"Create.fieldRequiredMessage": "Field is required",
"Create.findingUsageOption": "Finding and adding additional content sources",
- "Create.finishButton": "समाप्त",
+ "Create.finishButton": "Finish",
"Create.firstNameLabel": "First name",
"Create.forumSourceOption": "Learning Equality community forum",
"Create.githubSourceOption": "Learning Equality GitHub",
@@ -607,16 +717,17 @@
"Create.organizationSourceOption": "Organization",
"Create.organizationSourcePlaceholder": "Name of organization",
"Create.organizingUsageOption": "Organizing or aligning existing materials",
- "Create.otherSourceOption": "अन्य",
+ "Create.otherSourceOption": "Other",
"Create.otherSourcePlaceholder": "Please describe",
- "Create.otherUsageOption": "अन्य",
+ "Create.otherUsageOption": "Other",
"Create.otherUsagePlaceholder": "Please describe",
- "Create.passwordLabel": "पासवर्ड",
+ "Create.passwordLabel": "Password",
"Create.passwordMatchMessage": "Passwords don't match",
"Create.personalDemoSourceOption": "Personal demo",
"Create.privacyPolicyCheck": "I have read and agree to the privacy policy",
"Create.privacyPolicyRequiredMessage": "Please accept our privacy policy",
"Create.registrationFailed": "There was an error registering your account. Please try again",
+ "Create.registrationFailedOffline": "You seem to be offline. Please connect to the internet to create an account.",
"Create.sequencingUsageOption": "Using prerequisites to put materials in a sequence",
"Create.sharingUsageOption": "Sharing materials publicly",
"Create.socialMediaSourceOption": "Social media",
@@ -636,11 +747,10 @@
"CurrentTopicView.addButton": "Add",
"CurrentTopicView.addExercise": "New exercise",
"CurrentTopicView.addTopic": "New folder",
- "CurrentTopicView.cancel": "Cancel",
+ "CurrentTopicView.copiedItems": "Copy operation complete",
"CurrentTopicView.copiedItemsToClipboard": "Copied to clipboard",
"CurrentTopicView.copySelectedButton": "Copy to clipboard",
"CurrentTopicView.copyToClipboardButton": "Copy to clipboard",
- "CurrentTopicView.creatingClipboardCopies": "Copying to clipboard...",
"CurrentTopicView.creatingCopies": "Copying...",
"CurrentTopicView.deleteSelectedButton": "Delete",
"CurrentTopicView.duplicateSelectedButton": "Make a copy",
@@ -655,7 +765,7 @@
"CurrentTopicView.undo": "Undo",
"CurrentTopicView.uploadFiles": "Upload files",
"CurrentTopicView.viewModeTooltip": "View",
- "DeleteAccountForm.cancelButton": "रद्द करें",
+ "DeleteAccountForm.cancelButton": "Cancel",
"DeleteAccountForm.deleteAccountConfirmationPrompt": "Are you sure you want to permanently delete your account? This cannot be undone",
"DeleteAccountForm.deleteAccountEnterEmail": "Enter your email address to continue",
"DeleteAccountForm.deleteAccountLabel": "Delete account",
@@ -689,7 +799,7 @@
"Details.publishedHeading": "Published on",
"Details.resourceHeading": "Total resources",
"Details.sampleFromChannelHeading": "Sample content from this channel",
- "Details.sampleFromTopicHeading": "Sample content from this folder",
+ "Details.sampleFromTopicHeading": "Sample content from this topic",
"Details.sizeHeading": "Channel size",
"Details.sizeText": "{text} ({size})",
"Details.subtitlesHeading": "Captions and subtitles",
@@ -698,17 +808,19 @@
"Details.unpublishedText": "Unpublished",
"DetailsTabView.aggregatorLabel": "Aggregator",
"DetailsTabView.aggregatorToolTip": "Website or org hosting the content collection but not necessarily the creator or copyright holder",
- "DetailsTabView.assessmentHeader": "Assessment options",
+ "DetailsTabView.assessmentOptionsLabel": "Assessment options",
"DetailsTabView.audienceHeader": "Audience",
- "DetailsTabView.authorLabel": "लेखक ",
+ "DetailsTabView.authorLabel": "Author",
"DetailsTabView.authorToolTip": "Person or organization who created this content",
"DetailsTabView.basicInfoHeader": "Basic information",
- "DetailsTabView.copyrightHolderLabel": "कॉपीराइट धारक",
- "DetailsTabView.descriptionLabel": "विवरण",
+ "DetailsTabView.completionLabel": "Completion",
+ "DetailsTabView.copyrightHolderLabel": "Copyright holder",
+ "DetailsTabView.descriptionLabel": "Description",
"DetailsTabView.detectedImportText": "{count, plural,\n =1 {# resource has view-only permission}\n other {# resources have view-only permission}}",
"DetailsTabView.importedFromButtonText": "Imported from {channel}",
"DetailsTabView.languageChannelHelpText": "Leave blank to use the channel language",
"DetailsTabView.languageHelpText": "Leave blank to use the folder language",
+ "DetailsTabView.learnersCanMarkComplete": "Allow learners to mark as complete",
"DetailsTabView.noTagsFoundText": "No results found for \"{text}\". Press 'Enter' key to create a new tag",
"DetailsTabView.providerLabel": "Provider",
"DetailsTabView.providerToolTip": "Organization that commissioned or is distributing the content",
@@ -716,38 +828,38 @@
"DetailsTabView.sourceHeader": "Source",
"DetailsTabView.tagsLabel": "Tags",
"DetailsTabView.thumbnailHeader": "Thumbnail",
- "DetailsTabView.titleLabel": "शीर्षक",
+ "DetailsTabView.titleLabel": "Title",
"Diff.negativeSign": "-",
"Diff.positiveSign": "+",
"DiffTable.headerDiff": "Net changes",
"DiffTable.headerLive": "Live",
"DiffTable.headerStaged": "Staged",
- "DiffTable.headerType": "प्रकार",
+ "DiffTable.headerType": "Type",
"DiffTable.typeAudios": "Audios",
- "DiffTable.typeDocuments": "दस्तावेज़",
- "DiffTable.typeExercises": "अभ्यास",
+ "DiffTable.typeDocuments": "Documents",
+ "DiffTable.typeExercises": "Exercises",
"DiffTable.typeFileSize": "File size",
"DiffTable.typeHtml5Apps": "HTML5 apps",
"DiffTable.typeSlideshows": "Slideshows",
- "DiffTable.typeTopics": "विषय",
+ "DiffTable.typeTopics": "Folders",
"DiffTable.typeVersion": "API version",
- "DiffTable.typeVideos": "वीडियो",
- "EditList.selectAllLabel": "सभी का चयन करें",
+ "DiffTable.typeVideos": "Videos",
+ "EditList.selectAllLabel": "Select all",
"EditListItem.questionCount": "{count, plural,\n =1 {# question}\n other {# questions}}",
"EditModal.addTopic": "Add new folder",
"EditModal.addTopicsHeader": "New folder",
- "EditModal.cancelUploadsButton": "बाहर निकलें",
+ "EditModal.cancelUploadsButton": "Exit",
"EditModal.closeWithoutSavingButton": "Close without saving",
"EditModal.createExerciseHeader": "New exercise",
- "EditModal.dismissDialogButton": "रद्द करें",
+ "EditModal.dismissDialogButton": "Cancel",
"EditModal.editFilesHeader": "Edit files",
- "EditModal.editingDetailsHeader": "विवरण संपादित करें",
- "EditModal.finishButton": "समाप्त",
+ "EditModal.editingDetailsHeader": "Edit details",
+ "EditModal.finishButton": "Finish",
"EditModal.invalidNodesFound": "{count, plural,\n =1 {# incomplete resource found}\n other {# incomplete resources found}}",
"EditModal.invalidNodesFoundText": "Incomplete resources will not be published until these errors are resolved",
"EditModal.keepEditingButton": "Keep editing",
"EditModal.loadErrorText": "Failed to load content",
- "EditModal.okButton": "ठीक है",
+ "EditModal.okButton": "OK",
"EditModal.saveAnywaysButton": "Exit anyway",
"EditModal.saveFailedHeader": "Save failed",
"EditModal.saveFailedText": "There was a problem saving your content",
@@ -755,11 +867,11 @@
"EditModal.uploadFilesHeader": "Upload files",
"EditModal.uploadInProgressHeader": "Upload in progress",
"EditModal.uploadInProgressText": "Uploads that are in progress will be lost if you exit",
- "EditSearchModal.cancelAction": "रद्द करें",
- "EditSearchModal.changesSavedSnackbar": "परिवर्तन सेव किए गए",
+ "EditSearchModal.cancelAction": "Cancel",
+ "EditSearchModal.changesSavedSnackbar": "Changes saved",
"EditSearchModal.editSavedSearchTitle": "Edit search title",
"EditSearchModal.fieldRequired": "Field is required",
- "EditSearchModal.saveChangesAction": "सेव करें",
+ "EditSearchModal.saveChangesAction": "Save",
"EditSearchModal.searchTitleLabel": "Search title",
"EditView.details": "Details",
"EditView.editingMultipleCount": "Editing details for {topicCount, plural,\n =1 {# folder}\n other {# folders}}, {resourceCount, plural,\n =1 {# resource}\n other {# resources}}",
@@ -774,21 +886,7 @@
"EmailField.validEmailMessage": "Please enter a valid email",
"ExpandableList.less": "Show less",
"ExpandableList.more": "Show more ({more})",
- "FeedbackForm.cancelAction": "रद्द करें",
- "FeedbackForm.closeAction": "बंद (close)",
- "FeedbackForm.communityForumLink": "Open community forum",
- "FeedbackForm.feedbackFailed": "Unable to submit feedback. Please try again.",
- "FeedbackForm.feedbackLabel": "Describe your feedback",
- "FeedbackForm.fieldRequiredText": "Field is required",
- "FeedbackForm.header": "Give feedback",
- "FeedbackForm.promptP1": "Please share your experience with Kolibri Studio and any comments on how we can improve. If you are reporting an error, please describe your issue in as much detail as possible.",
- "FeedbackForm.promptP2": "You can also search and post to the community forum to see if others encountered similar issues.",
- "FeedbackForm.submitAction": "Submit",
- "FeedbackForm.submittedHeader": "Thank you",
- "FeedbackForm.submittedP1": "Your feedback is essential for future iterations of Kolibri Studio.",
- "FeedbackForm.submittedP2": "While we cannot respond to each individual comment, we consider all feedback as we strive to improve the user experience.",
- "FeedbackForm.submittedP3": "You are welcome to send us feedback anytime.",
- "FilePreview.exitFullscreen": "फ़ुल स्क्रीन से बाहर जाएँ",
+ "FilePreview.exitFullscreen": "Exit fullscreen",
"FilePreview.fullscreenModeText": "Fullscreen mode",
"FilePreview.viewFullscreen": "View fullscreen",
"FileStatusText.selectFile": "Select file",
@@ -805,8 +903,9 @@
"FileUploadDefault.chooseFilesButton": "Select files",
"FileUploadDefault.dropHereText": "Drag and drop your files here, or select your files manually",
"FileUploadDefault.uploadToText": "Upload to '{title}'",
- "FileUploadItem.removeFileButton": "हटा दें",
+ "FileUploadItem.removeFileButton": "Remove",
"FileUploadItem.retryUpload": "Retry upload",
+ "FileUploadItem.unknownFile": "Unknown filename",
"FileUploadItem.uploadButton": "Select file",
"FileUploadItem.uploadFailed": "Upload failed",
"ForgotPassword.forgotPasswordFailed": "Failed to send a password reset link. Please try again.",
@@ -815,48 +914,49 @@
"ForgotPassword.submitButton": "Submit",
"FormulasMenu.btnLabelInsert": "Insert",
"FormulasMenu.formulasMenuTitle": "Special characters",
- "FullNameForm.cancelAction": "रद्द करें",
- "FullNameForm.changesSavedMessage": "परिवर्तन सेव किए गए",
+ "FullNameForm.cancelAction": "Cancel",
+ "FullNameForm.changesSavedMessage": "Changes saved",
"FullNameForm.editNameHeader": "Edit full name",
"FullNameForm.failedToSaveMessage": "Failed to save changes",
"FullNameForm.fieldRequired": "Field is required",
"FullNameForm.firstNameLabel": "First name",
"FullNameForm.lastNameLabel": "Last name",
- "FullNameForm.saveChangesAction": "परिवर्तनों को सेव करें",
- "GenericError.backToHomeAction": "मुख्य पृष्ठ पर वापिस जाएं",
- "GenericError.genericErrorDetails": "इस पृष्ठ को रीफ्रेश करने या होमपेज पर वापस जाने की कोशिश करें",
+ "FullNameForm.saveChangesAction": "Save changes",
+ "GenericError.backToHomeAction": "Back to home",
+ "GenericError.genericErrorDetails": "Try refreshing this page or going back to the home page",
"GenericError.genericErrorHeader": "Sorry, something went wrong",
- "GenericError.helpByReportingAction": "इस त्रुटि की रिपोर्ट करके हमारी मदद करें",
- "GenericError.refreshAction": "पुनश्चर्या",
- "HintsEditor.hintsLabel": "संकेत",
+ "GenericError.helpByReportingAction": "Help us by reporting this error",
+ "GenericError.refreshAction": "Refresh",
+ "HintsEditor.hintsLabel": "Hints",
"HintsEditor.newHintBtnLabel": "New hint",
"HintsEditor.noHintsPlaceholder": "Question has no hints",
+ "ImageOnlyThumbnail.thumbnail": "{title} thumbnail",
"ImagesMenu.acceptsText": "Supported file types: {acceptedFormats}",
"ImagesMenu.altTextHint": "The image description is necessary to enable visually impaired learners to answer questions, and it also displays when the image fails to load",
"ImagesMenu.altTextLabel": "Image description",
- "ImagesMenu.btnLabelCancel": "रद्द करें",
+ "ImagesMenu.btnLabelCancel": "Cancel",
"ImagesMenu.btnLabelInsert": "Insert",
"ImagesMenu.currentImageDefaultText": "Current image",
"ImagesMenu.defaultDropText": "Drag and drop an image here, or upload manually",
"ImagesMenu.imageHeader": "Upload image",
"ImagesMenu.selectFile": "Select file",
"ImagesMenu.selectFileButton": "Select file",
- "ImportFromChannelsModal.addButton": "जोड़ें",
- "ImportFromChannelsModal.addedText": "Added (जोड़ा गया)",
- "ImportFromChannelsModal.importAction": "आयात",
+ "ImportFromChannelsModal.addButton": "Add",
+ "ImportFromChannelsModal.addedText": "Added",
+ "ImportFromChannelsModal.importAction": "Import",
"ImportFromChannelsModal.importTitle": "Import from other channels",
- "ImportFromChannelsModal.removeButton": "हटा दें",
+ "ImportFromChannelsModal.removeButton": "Remove",
"ImportFromChannelsModal.resourcesAddedSnackbar": "{count, number} {count, plural, one {resource selected} other {resources selected}}",
- "ImportFromChannelsModal.resourcesRemovedSnackbar": "{count, number} {count, plural, one {संसाधन हटाया गया} other {संसाधन हटाए गए}} ",
+ "ImportFromChannelsModal.resourcesRemovedSnackbar": "{count, number} {count, plural, one {resource removed} other {resources removed}}",
"ImportFromChannelsModal.resourcesSelected": "{count, number} {count, plural, one {resource selected} other {resources selected}}",
"ImportFromChannelsModal.reviewAction": "Review",
"ImportFromChannelsModal.reviewTitle": "Resource selection",
- "InfoModal.close": "बंद (close)",
- "LanguageDropdown.labelText": "भाषा ",
+ "InfoModal.close": "Close",
+ "LanguageDropdown.labelText": "Language",
"LanguageDropdown.languageItemText": "{language} ({code})",
"LanguageDropdown.languageRequired": "Field is required",
"LanguageDropdown.noDataText": "Language not found",
- "LanguageFilter.languageLabel": "भाषाएँ",
+ "LanguageFilter.languageLabel": "Languages",
"LanguageFilter.noMatchingLanguageText": "No language matches the search",
"LanguageSwitcherList.showMoreLanguagesSelector": "More languages",
"LanguageSwitcherModal.cancelAction": "Cancel",
@@ -865,42 +965,40 @@
"LicenseDropdown.learnMoreButton": "Learn More",
"LicenseDropdown.licenseDescriptionLabel": "License description",
"LicenseDropdown.licenseInfoHeader": "About licenses",
- "LicenseDropdown.licenseLabel": "लाइसेंस",
+ "LicenseDropdown.licenseLabel": "License",
"Main.TOSLink": "Terms of service",
"Main.copyright": "© {year} Learning Equality",
- "Main.createAccountButton": "खाता बनाएँ",
+ "Main.createAccountButton": "Create an account",
"Main.forgotPasswordLink": "Forgot your password?",
"Main.guestModeLink": "Explore without an account",
- "Main.kolibriStudio": "कोलिब्री स्टूडियो",
+ "Main.kolibriStudio": "Kolibri Studio",
"Main.loginFailed": "Email or password is incorrect",
+ "Main.loginFailedOffline": "You seem to be offline. Please connect to the internet before signing in.",
"Main.loginToProceed": "You must sign in to view that page",
- "Main.passwordLabel": "पासवर्ड",
+ "Main.passwordLabel": "Password",
"Main.privacyPolicyLink": "Privacy policy",
- "Main.signInButton": "साइन इन करें",
+ "Main.signInButton": "Sign in",
"MainNavigationDrawer.administrationLink": "Administration",
- "MainNavigationDrawer.channelsLink": "चैनल",
+ "MainNavigationDrawer.channelsLink": "Channels",
"MainNavigationDrawer.copyright": "© {year} Learning Equality",
"MainNavigationDrawer.giveFeedback": "Give feedback",
"MainNavigationDrawer.helpLink": "Help and support",
- "MainNavigationDrawer.logoutLink": "साइन आउट करें",
- "MainNavigationDrawer.settingsLink": "सेटिंग",
+ "MainNavigationDrawer.logoutLink": "Sign out",
+ "MainNavigationDrawer.settingsLink": "Settings",
"MarkdownEditor.bold": "Bold (Ctrl+B)",
"MarkdownEditor.formulas": "Insert formula (Ctrl+F)",
"MarkdownEditor.image": "Insert image (Ctrl+P)",
"MarkdownEditor.italic": "Italic (Ctrl+I)",
"MarkdownEditor.minimize": "Minimize (Ctrl+M)",
- "MarkdownImageField.editImageOption": "संपादित करें (एडिट)",
- "MarkdownImageField.removeImageOption": "हटा दें",
+ "MarkdownImageField.editImageOption": "Edit",
+ "MarkdownImageField.removeImageOption": "Remove",
"MarkdownImageField.resizeImageOption": "Resize",
- "MasteryDropdown.exerciseDescripiton": "Exercises contain a set of interactive questions that a learner can engage with in Kolibri. Learners receive instant feedback for each answer (correct or incorrect). Kolibri will display available questions in an exercise until the learner achieves mastery.",
- "MasteryDropdown.exerciseHeader": "About exercises",
- "MasteryDropdown.labelText": "Mastery criteria",
- "MasteryDropdown.mHint": "Correct answers needed",
- "MasteryDropdown.masteryDescripiton": "Kolibri marks an exercise as \"completed\" when the mastery criteria is met. Here are the different types of mastery criteria for an exercise:",
- "MasteryDropdown.nHint": "Recent answers",
+ "MasteryCriteriaGoal.labelText": "Goal",
+ "MasteryCriteriaMofNFields.mHint": "Correct answers needed",
+ "MasteryCriteriaMofNFields.nHint": "Recent answers",
"MessageLayout.backToLogin": "Continue to sign-in page",
"MoveModal.addTopic": "Add new folder",
- "MoveModal.cancel": "रद्द करें",
+ "MoveModal.cancel": "Cancel",
"MoveModal.emptyTopicText": "No resources found",
"MoveModal.goToLocationButton": "Go to location",
"MoveModal.moveHere": "Move here",
@@ -909,11 +1007,11 @@
"MoveModal.resourcesCount": "{count, plural,\n =1 {# resource}\n other {# resources}}",
"MoveModal.topicCreatedMessage": "New folder created",
"MultiSelect.noItemsFound": "No items found",
- "NewTopicModal.cancel": "रद्द करें",
- "NewTopicModal.create": "बनाएँ",
+ "NewTopicModal.cancel": "Cancel",
+ "NewTopicModal.create": "Create",
"NewTopicModal.createTopic": "Create new folder",
"NewTopicModal.topicTitle": "Folder title",
- "NewTopicModal.topicTitleRequired": "Title is required",
+ "NewTopicModal.topicTitleRequired": "Folder title is required",
"NodePanel.emptyChannelSubText": "Create, upload, or import resources from other channels",
"NodePanel.emptyChannelText": "Click \"ADD\" to start building your channel",
"NodePanel.emptyTopicText": "Nothing in this folder yet",
@@ -921,70 +1019,45 @@
"NodeTreeNavigation.noResourcesDefaultText": "No resources found",
"OfflineText.offlineIndicatorText": "Offline",
"OfflineText.offlineText": "You seem to be offline. Your changes will be saved once your connection is back.",
- "PageNotFoundError.backToHomeAction": "मुख्य पृष्ठ पर वापिस जाएं",
+ "PageNotFoundError.backToHomeAction": "Back to home",
"PageNotFoundError.pageNotFoundDetails": "Sorry, that page does not exist",
"PageNotFoundError.pageNotFoundHeader": "Page not found",
"PasswordField.fieldRequiredMessage": "Field is required",
- "PasswordField.passwordLabel": "पासवर्ड",
+ "PasswordField.passwordLabel": "Password",
"PasswordInstructionsSent.passwordInstructionsHeader": "Instructions sent. Thank you!",
"PasswordInstructionsSent.passwordInstructionsText": "If there is already an account with the email address provided, you should receive the instructions shortly. If you don't see an email from us, please check your spam folder.",
- "PermissionsError.goToHomePageAction": "होमपेज पर जाएं",
- "PermissionsError.permissionDeniedHeader": "क्या आप साइन इन करना भूल गए?",
- "PoliciesModal.ToSHeader": "Terms of Service",
+ "PermissionsError.goToHomePageAction": "Go to home page",
+ "PermissionsError.permissionDeniedHeader": "Did you forget to sign in?",
"PoliciesModal.checkboxText": "I have agreed to the above terms",
"PoliciesModal.checkboxValidationErrorMessage": "Field is required",
- "PoliciesModal.closeButton": "बंद (close)",
- "PoliciesModal.communityStandardsHeader": "Community Standards",
- "PoliciesModal.continueButton": "जारी रखें",
+ "PoliciesModal.closeButton": "Close",
+ "PoliciesModal.continueButton": "Continue",
"PoliciesModal.lastUpdated": "Last updated {date}",
- "PoliciesModal.privacyHeader": "Privacy policy",
- "PoliciesModal.updatedPrivacyHeader": "Updated privacy policy",
- "PoliciesModal.updatedToSHeader": "Updated terms of service",
"PrivacyPolicyModal.privacyHeader": "Privacy policy",
"PrivacyPolicyModal.updatedPrivacyHeader": "Updated privacy policy",
- "PrivacyPolicyModal.linkText": "Learn more about Learning Equality's core values.",
- "PrivacyPolicyModal.paragraph1": "This Privacy Policy informs you of our privacy practices and your choices and rights around the personal data that we collect. This Privacy Policy applies to the Kolibri application (\"Application\"), Kolibri Studio (\"Studio\"), and all related websites (herein collectively referred to as \"Kolibri\"). This Privacy Statement does not apply to third party applications or partner organizations that may use our software or be used in conjunction with our software.",
- "PrivacyPolicyModal.paragraph2": "Learning Equality recognizes your right to privacy, and will take reasonable steps to protect this. Some parts of Kolibri allow you to give us personal information, such as your name and email address. We may use the information you provide to improve Kolibri. Where you have choices about how we use the information you provide, we will indicate this at the point of collection. Because of the way Kolibri operates, we may also use information from your browser or browsing activities to personalize or route you to relevant information. For example, we may use your IP address, browser information, cookies or web beacons in ways that help us maintain some of your preferences, or understand how our visitors navigate the site so we can improve it. We may store your personal information outside of the European Union.",
- "PrivacyPolicyModal.paragraph3": "Learning Equality is committed to learning constantly and improving the quality of Kolibri, and records related to your interactions with Kolibri may be used for research. Research findings will typically be reported at the aggregate level, and your personal identity will never be publicly disclosed in any research findings without your express consent.",
- "PrivacyPolicyModal.paragraph4": "If you have any questions about these practices or use of your personal information, please email legal@learningequality.org.",
"ProgressBar.progressText": "{percent}%",
- "ProgressModal.cancel": "No, go back",
- "ProgressModal.cancelHeader": "Are you sure?",
- "ProgressModal.cancelText": "Are you sure you would like to cancel this task?",
- "ProgressModal.confirmStopButton": "Yes, stop task",
- "ProgressModal.copyDescription": "Import is in progress, please wait...",
- "ProgressModal.copyHeader": "Importing resources",
- "ProgressModal.defaultDescription": "Update is in progress, please wait...",
- "ProgressModal.defaultErrorText": "An unexpected error has occurred. Please try again, and if you continue to see this message, please contact support via the Help menu.",
- "ProgressModal.defaultHeader": "Updating channel",
- "ProgressModal.finishedMessage": "Operation complete! Click \"Refresh\" to update the page.",
- "ProgressModal.moveDescription": "Move operation is in progress, please wait...",
- "ProgressModal.moveHeader": "Moving Content",
- "ProgressModal.publishDescription": "Once publishing is complete, you will receive an email notification and will be able to make further edits to your channel.",
+ "ProgressModal.defaultErrorText": "Last attempt to publish failed",
+ "ProgressModal.lastPublished": "Published {last_published}",
"ProgressModal.publishHeader": "Publishing channel",
- "ProgressModal.refreshButton": "पुनश्चर्या",
- "ProgressModal.stopButton": "रुकें",
- "ProgressModal.syncDescription": "Channel syncing is in progress, please wait...",
+ "ProgressModal.syncError": "Last attempt to sync failed",
"ProgressModal.syncHeader": "Syncing channel",
- "PublishModal.cancelButton": "रद्द करें",
+ "ProgressModal.unpublishedText": "Unpublished",
+ "PublishModal.cancelButton": "Cancel",
"PublishModal.descriptionDescriptionTooltip": "This description will be shown to Kolibri admins before they update channel versions",
"PublishModal.descriptionRequiredMessage": "Please describe what's new in this version before publishing",
"PublishModal.incompleteCount": "{count, plural, =1 {# incomplete resource} other {# incomplete resources}}",
"PublishModal.incompleteInstructions": "Click 'Continue' to confirm that you would like to publish anyway.",
- "PublishModal.incompleteWarning": "Incomplete resources will be not be published and made available for download in Kolibri.",
- "PublishModal.nextButton": "जारी रखें",
+ "PublishModal.incompleteWarning": "Incomplete resources will not be published and made available for download in Kolibri.",
+ "PublishModal.nextButton": "Continue",
"PublishModal.publishButton": "Publish",
"PublishModal.publishMessageLabel": "Describe what's new in this channel version",
- "PublishModal.publishingSizeText": "{count, plural, =1 {# resource} other {# resources}}",
- "PublishModal.unpublishedText": "Unpublished",
"PublishModal.versionDescriptionLabel": "Version description",
- "PublishModal.versionText": "Current Version: {version}",
- "RelatedResourcesList.removeBtnLabel": "हटा दें",
+ "RelatedResourcesList.removeBtnLabel": "Remove",
"RelatedResourcesTab.addNextStepBtnLabel": "Add next step",
"RelatedResourcesTab.addPreviousStepBtnLabel": "Add previous step",
- "RelatedResourcesTab.dialogCloseBtnLabel": "बंद (close)",
+ "RelatedResourcesTab.dialogCloseBtnLabel": "Close",
"RelatedResourcesTab.nextStepsExplanation": "Recommended resources that build on skills or concepts learned in this resource",
- "RelatedResourcesTab.nextStepsTitle": "अगले कदम",
+ "RelatedResourcesTab.nextStepsTitle": "Next steps",
"RelatedResourcesTab.previewHelpText": "Related resources are displayed as recommendations when learners engage with this resource",
"RelatedResourcesTab.previousStepsExplanation": "Recommended resources that introduce skills or concepts needed in order to use this resource",
"RelatedResourcesTab.previousStepsTitle": "Previous steps",
@@ -997,14 +1070,14 @@
"RelatedResourcesTab.showPreviewBtnLabel": "Show me",
"RelatedResourcesTab.tooManyNextStepsWarning": "Limit the number of next steps to create a more guided learning experience",
"RelatedResourcesTab.tooManyPreviousStepsWarning": "Limit the number of previous steps to create a more guided learning experience",
- "ReportErrorModal.closeAction": "बंद (close)",
- "ReportErrorModal.emailDescription": "अपने त्रुटि विवरण के साथ समर्थन टीम से संपर्क करें और हम मदद करने की पूरी कोशिश करेंगे ।",
- "ReportErrorModal.emailPrompt": "डेवलपर को ई-मेल करें",
- "ReportErrorModal.errorDetailsHeader": "त्रुटि विवरण",
- "ReportErrorModal.forumPostingTips": "आप क्या करने की कोशिश कर रहे थे और किस पर क्लिक किया जब त्रुटि दिखाई दी, इस सबका वर्णन शामिल करें।",
- "ReportErrorModal.forumPrompt": "समुदाय फोरम पर जाएं",
+ "ReportErrorModal.closeAction": "Close",
+ "ReportErrorModal.emailDescription": "Contact the support team with your error details and we’ll do our best to help.",
+ "ReportErrorModal.emailPrompt": "Send an email to the developers",
+ "ReportErrorModal.errorDetailsHeader": "Error details",
+ "ReportErrorModal.forumPostingTips": "Include a description of what you were trying to do and what you clicked on when the error appeared.",
+ "ReportErrorModal.forumPrompt": "Visit the community forums",
"ReportErrorModal.forumUseTips": "Search the community forum to see if others encountered similar issues. If there are none reported, please open a new forum post and paste the error details below inside so we can rectify the error in a future version of Kolibri Studio.",
- "ReportErrorModal.reportErrorHeader": "त्रुटि की सूचना दें",
+ "ReportErrorModal.reportErrorHeader": "Report Error",
"RequestForm.approximatelyHowManyResourcesLabel": "Approximately how many individual resources are you planning to upload?",
"RequestForm.audiencePlaceholder": "In-school learners, adult learners, teachers, etc",
"RequestForm.authorLabel": "Who is the author (creator), curator (organizer), and/or aggregator (maintainer) of your content? Please specify",
@@ -1029,7 +1102,7 @@
"RequestForm.oneWeekLabel": "1 week",
"RequestForm.organizationNamePlaceholder": "Organization name",
"RequestForm.organizationalAffiliationLabel": "Organizational affiliation",
- "RequestForm.otherLabel": "अन्य",
+ "RequestForm.otherLabel": "Other",
"RequestForm.pasteLinkPlaceholder": "Paste link here",
"RequestForm.provideSampleLinkLabel": "Please provide a link to a sample of your content (on Kolibri Studio or from source site)",
"RequestForm.requestFailed": "Unable to send request. Please try again.",
@@ -1038,7 +1111,7 @@
"RequestForm.selectAllThatApplyPlaceholder": "Select all that apply",
"RequestForm.sendRequestAction": "Send request",
"RequestForm.sixPlusMonthsLabel": "6+ months",
- "RequestForm.sizePlaceholder": "माप",
+ "RequestForm.sizePlaceholder": "Size",
"RequestForm.smallNgoLabel": "Small NGO with annual budget < $25k",
"RequestForm.storageAmountRequestedPlaceholder": "Amount requested (e.g. 10GB)",
"RequestForm.targetRegionsLabel": "Target region(s) for your content (if applicable)",
@@ -1047,7 +1120,7 @@
"RequestForm.twoToFourWeeksLabel": "2-4 weeks",
"RequestForm.typeOfContentPlaceholder": "Types of resources",
"RequestForm.typeOfOrganizationLabel": "What type of organization or group is coordinating the use of Kolibri (if applicable)?",
- "RequestForm.unknownLabel": "अज्ञात",
+ "RequestForm.unknownLabel": "Unknown",
"RequestForm.uploadingOnBehalfLabel": "I am uploading content on behalf of:",
"RequestForm.usageLabel": "Tell us more about your use of Kolibri",
"RequestForm.whoCanUseContentLabel": "Who can use your content?",
@@ -1060,7 +1133,7 @@
"ResetLinkExpired.resetExpiredText": "This password reset link has been used already or has expired.",
"ResetLinkExpired.resetExpiredTitle": "Reset link expired",
"ResetPassword.passwordConfirmLabel": "Confirm password",
- "ResetPassword.passwordLabel": "नया पासवर्ड",
+ "ResetPassword.passwordLabel": "New password",
"ResetPassword.passwordMatchMessage": "Passwords don't match",
"ResetPassword.resetPasswordFailed": "Failed to reset password. Please try again.",
"ResetPassword.resetPasswordPrompt": "Enter and confirm your new password",
@@ -1070,20 +1143,20 @@
"ResetPasswordSuccess.text": "Your password has been reset. You may sign in now.",
"ResourcePanel.aggregator": "Aggregator",
"ResourcePanel.audience": "Audience",
- "ResourcePanel.author": "लेखक ",
+ "ResourcePanel.author": "Author",
"ResourcePanel.availableFormats": "Available formats",
"ResourcePanel.coachResources": "Resources for coaches",
- "ResourcePanel.copyrightHolder": "कॉपीराइट धारक",
- "ResourcePanel.description": "विवरण",
- "ResourcePanel.details": "विवरण",
- "ResourcePanel.fileSize": "माप",
+ "ResourcePanel.completion": "Completion",
+ "ResourcePanel.copyrightHolder": "Copyright holder",
+ "ResourcePanel.description": "Description",
+ "ResourcePanel.details": "Details",
+ "ResourcePanel.fileSize": "Size",
"ResourcePanel.files": "Files",
"ResourcePanel.incompleteQuestionError": "{count, plural, one {# incomplete question} other {# incomplete questions}}",
- "ResourcePanel.language": "भाषा ",
- "ResourcePanel.license": "लाइसेंस",
- "ResourcePanel.masteryCriteria": "Mastery criteria",
- "ResourcePanel.masteryMofN": "{m} out of {n}",
- "ResourcePanel.nextSteps": "अगले कदम",
+ "ResourcePanel.language": "Language",
+ "ResourcePanel.license": "License",
+ "ResourcePanel.masteryMofN": "Goal: {m} out of {n}",
+ "ResourcePanel.nextSteps": "Next steps",
"ResourcePanel.noCopyrightHolderError": "Missing copyright holder",
"ResourcePanel.noFilesError": "Missing files",
"ResourcePanel.noLicenseDescriptionError": "Missing license description",
@@ -1093,57 +1166,55 @@
"ResourcePanel.originalChannel": "Imported from",
"ResourcePanel.previousSteps": "Previous steps",
"ResourcePanel.provider": "Provider",
- "ResourcePanel.questionCount": "{value, number, integer} {value, plural, one {प्रश्न} other {प्रश्न}}",
- "ResourcePanel.questions": "प्रश्न",
+ "ResourcePanel.questionCount": "{value, number, integer} {value, plural, one {question} other {questions}}",
+ "ResourcePanel.questions": "Questions",
"ResourcePanel.relatedResources": "Related resources",
- "ResourcePanel.resources": "संसाधन",
+ "ResourcePanel.resources": "Resources",
"ResourcePanel.showAnswers": "Show answers",
"ResourcePanel.source": "Source",
"ResourcePanel.subtitles": "Captions and subtitles",
"ResourcePanel.tags": "Tags",
"ResourcePanel.totalResources": "Total resources",
- "ResourcePanel.visibleTo": "दृश्यमान",
- "ResponsiveDialog.closeButtonLabel": "बंद (close)",
+ "ResourcePanel.visibleTo": "Visible to",
+ "ResourcesNeededOptions.furtherExplanation": "Please add to the 'Description' field any additional supplies learners will need in order to use this resource",
+ "ResourcesNeededOptions.resourcesNeededLabel": "Requirements",
"ReviewSelectionsPage.noResourcesSelected": "No resources selected",
- "ReviewSelectionsPage.removeAction": "हटा दें",
- "ReviewSelectionsPage.resourcesInTopic": "{count, number} {count, plural, one {संसाधन} other {संसाधन}}",
+ "ReviewSelectionsPage.removeAction": "Remove",
+ "ReviewSelectionsPage.resourcesInTopic": "{count, number} {count, plural, one {resource} other {resources}}",
"ReviewSelectionsPage.reviewSelectionHeader": "Review selections",
- "SavedSearchesModal.cancelAction": "रद्द करें",
- "SavedSearchesModal.closeButtonLabel": "बंद (close)",
- "SavedSearchesModal.deleteAction": "मिटाएँ",
+ "SavedSearchesModal.cancelAction": "Cancel",
+ "SavedSearchesModal.closeButtonLabel": "Close",
+ "SavedSearchesModal.deleteAction": "Delete",
"SavedSearchesModal.deleteConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete this saved search?",
"SavedSearchesModal.deleteSearchTitle": "Delete saved search",
- "SavedSearchesModal.editAction": "संपादित करें (एडिट)",
+ "SavedSearchesModal.editAction": "Edit",
"SavedSearchesModal.filterCount": "{count, number} {count, plural, one {filter} other {filters}}",
"SavedSearchesModal.noSavedSearches": "You do not have any saved searches",
"SavedSearchesModal.savedSearchesTitle": "Saved searches",
"SavedSearchesModal.searchDeletedSnackbar": "Saved search deleted",
"SavingIndicator.lastSaved": "Saved {saved}",
"SavingIndicator.savedNow": "Saved just now",
- "SavingIndicator.savingIndicator": "सेव कर रहा है...",
+ "SavingIndicator.savingIndicator": "Saving...",
"SearchFilterBar.assessments": "Assessments",
"SearchFilterBar.clearAll": "Clear all",
"SearchFilterBar.coachContent": "Resources for coaches",
"SearchFilterBar.createdAfter": "Added after '{date}'",
- "SearchFilterBar.topicsHidden": "No folders",
+ "SearchFilterBar.topicsHidden": "Folders excluded",
"SearchFilters.addedAfterDateLabel": "Added after",
"SearchFilters.assessmentsLabel": "Show assessments only",
"SearchFilters.channelSourceLabel": "Channel/source",
"SearchFilters.channelTypeLabel": "Channel type",
- "SearchFilters.channelsHeader": "चैनल",
+ "SearchFilters.channelsHeader": "Channels",
"SearchFilters.coachContentLabel": "Show resources for coaches",
"SearchFilters.filtersHeader": "Filter options",
"SearchFilters.hideTopicsLabel": "Hide folders",
"SearchFilters.kindLabel": "Format",
- "SearchFilters.licensesLabel": "लाइसेंस",
+ "SearchFilters.licensesLabel": "License",
"SearchOrBrowseWindow.backToBrowseAction": "Back to browse",
- "SearchOrBrowseWindow.cancel": "रद्द करें",
- "SearchOrBrowseWindow.copiedToClipboard": "क्लिपबोर्ड पर कॉपी कर दिया गया",
+ "SearchOrBrowseWindow.copiedToClipboard": "Copied to clipboard",
"SearchOrBrowseWindow.copyFailed": "Failed to copy to clipboard",
- "SearchOrBrowseWindow.copyingToClipboard": "Copying to clipboard...",
- "SearchOrBrowseWindow.searchAction": "खोज",
+ "SearchOrBrowseWindow.searchAction": "Search",
"SearchOrBrowseWindow.searchLabel": "Search for resources…",
- "SearchOrBrowseWindow.undo": "अकृत करें",
"SearchResultsList.failedToLoad": "Failed to load search results",
"SearchResultsList.resultsPerPageLabel": "Results per page",
"SearchResultsList.saveSearchAction": "Save search",
@@ -1151,23 +1222,23 @@
"SearchResultsList.searchResultsCount": "{count, number} {count, plural, one {result} other {results}} for '{searchTerm}'",
"SearchResultsList.searchSavedSnackbar": "Search saved",
"SettingsIndex.accountLabel": "Account",
- "SettingsIndex.settingsTitle": "सेटिंग",
+ "SettingsIndex.settingsTitle": "Settings",
"SettingsIndex.storageLabel": "Storage",
"SettingsIndex.usingStudioLabel": "About Studio",
"StagingTreePage.backToViewing": "Back to viewing",
- "StagingTreePage.cancelDeployBtn": "रद्द करें",
+ "StagingTreePage.cancelDeployBtn": "Cancel",
"StagingTreePage.channelDeployed": "Channel has been deployed",
- "StagingTreePage.closeSummaryDetailsDialogBtn": "बंद (close)",
+ "StagingTreePage.closeSummaryDetailsDialogBtn": "Close",
"StagingTreePage.collapseAllButton": "Collapse all",
"StagingTreePage.confirmDeployBtn": "Deploy channel",
"StagingTreePage.deploy": "Deploy",
"StagingTreePage.deployChannel": "Deploy channel",
"StagingTreePage.deployDialogDescription": "You are about to replace all live resources with staged resources.",
- "StagingTreePage.emptyChannelSubText": "No changes to review! The channel contains all the latest folders and resources.",
+ "StagingTreePage.emptyChannelSubText": "No changes to review! The channel contains all the most recent folders and resources.",
"StagingTreePage.emptyChannelText": "No resources found",
- "StagingTreePage.emptyTopicText": "This folder is empty",
+ "StagingTreePage.emptyTopicText": "This topic is empty",
"StagingTreePage.liveResources": "Live resources",
- "StagingTreePage.openCurrentLocationButton": "Jump to current folder location",
+ "StagingTreePage.openCurrentLocationButton": "Expand to current folder location",
"StagingTreePage.openSummaryDetailsDialogBtn": "View summary",
"StagingTreePage.resourcesCount": "{count, number} {count, plural, one { resource } other { resources }}",
"StagingTreePage.reviewMode": "Review mode",
@@ -1175,7 +1246,7 @@
"StagingTreePage.summaryDetailsDialogTitle": "Summary details",
"StagingTreePage.topicsCount": "{count, number} {count, plural, one { folder } other { folders }}",
"StagingTreePage.totalResources": "Total resources",
- "StagingTreePage.totalSize": "कुल आकार",
+ "StagingTreePage.totalSize": "Total size",
"StagingTreePage.viewDetails": "View details",
"StatusStrings.noStorageError": "Not enough space",
"StatusStrings.uploadFailedError": "Upload failed",
@@ -1188,7 +1259,7 @@
"Storage.spaceUsedOfMax": "{qty} of {max}",
"Storage.storagePercentageUsed": "{qty}% storage used",
"StudioTree.missingTitle": "Missing title",
- "StudioTree.optionsTooltip": "विकल्प",
+ "StudioTree.optionsTooltip": "Options",
"SubtitlesList.acceptedFormatsTooltip": "Supported formats: {extensions}",
"SubtitlesList.addSubtitleText": "Add captions",
"SubtitlesList.subtitlesHeader": "Captions and subtitles",
@@ -1196,12 +1267,12 @@
"SupplementaryItem.retryUpload": "Retry upload",
"SupplementaryItem.uploadFailed": "Upload failed",
"SupplementaryList.selectFileText": "Select file",
- "SyncResourcesModal.backButtonLabel": "वापस जाएं",
- "SyncResourcesModal.cancelButtonLabel": "रद्द करें",
+ "SyncResourcesModal.backButtonLabel": "Back",
+ "SyncResourcesModal.cancelButtonLabel": "Cancel",
"SyncResourcesModal.confirmSyncModalExplainer": "You are about to sync and update the following:",
"SyncResourcesModal.confirmSyncModalTitle": "Confirm sync",
- "SyncResourcesModal.continueButtonLabel": "जारी रखें",
- "SyncResourcesModal.syncButtonLabel": "सिंक",
+ "SyncResourcesModal.continueButtonLabel": "Continue",
+ "SyncResourcesModal.syncButtonLabel": "Sync",
"SyncResourcesModal.syncExercisesExplainer": "Update questions, answers, and hints",
"SyncResourcesModal.syncExercisesTitle": "Assessment details",
"SyncResourcesModal.syncFilesExplainer": "Update all file information",
@@ -1212,12 +1283,11 @@
"SyncResourcesModal.syncTagsTitle": "Tags",
"SyncResourcesModal.syncTitlesAndDescriptionsExplainer": "Update resource titles and descriptions",
"SyncResourcesModal.syncTitlesAndDescriptionsTitle": "Titles and descriptions",
- "TechnicalTextBlock.copiedToClipboardConfirmation": "क्लिपबोर्ड पर कॉपी किया",
+ "TechnicalTextBlock.copiedToClipboardConfirmation": "Copied to clipboard",
"TechnicalTextBlock.copiedToClipboardFailure": "Copy to clipboard failed",
- "TechnicalTextBlock.copyToClipboardButtonPrompt": "क्लिपबोर्ड पर कॉपी करें",
+ "TechnicalTextBlock.copyToClipboardButtonPrompt": "Copy to clipboard",
"Template.templateString": "You have {count, plural,\n =1 {# node for testing}\n other {# nodes for testing}}",
"TermsOfServiceModal.ToSHeader": "Terms of Service",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.updatedToSHeader": "Updated terms of service",
"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseHeader": "Acceptable Use Restrictions",
"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem1": "Will be in strict accordance with these Terms;",
"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem10": "Will not interfere with, disrupt, or attack any service or network; and",
@@ -1275,7 +1345,7 @@
"TermsOfServiceModal.licensingList1Item2": "If you are not yourself the copyright holder, you must have the rights to distribute the uploaded Content, either through explicit written permission from the copyright holder, or as allowed by the terms of the license under which the Content has been released.",
"TermsOfServiceModal.licensingList1Item3": "If you are the copyright holder of the uploaded content, then by marking the Content you upload with a particular license, you are agreeing for the Content to be distributed and used under the terms of that license in perpetuity.",
"TermsOfServiceModal.licensingList2Item1": "Descriptive metadata: This includes primary metadata associated with a single piece of Content, for example, titles, descriptions, and other elements which constitute a definitive part of the Content regardless of which system it appears on. These metadata elements will fall under the same copyright and licensing as the Content itself.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.licensingList2Item2": "Organizational metadata: This defines how a piece of content may be used, aids with discovery, and places it within some broader structure of relations on the Service, for example, tags, curation into folders (including the titles of those topics), and other elements pertaining to the display and ordering of Content on the system itself. By using the Service, you agree that work you do to generate organizational metadata elements are released into the Public Domain, and may be made available for others to use, without any claim to copyright or restricted licensing. We may also share, leverage and distribute this organizational metadata. This is so that we can benefit others and improve the impact of our platforms.",
+ "TermsOfServiceModal.licensingList2Item2": "Organizational metadata: This defines how a piece of content may be used, aids with discovery, and places it within some broader structure of relations on the Service, for example, tags, curation into folders (including the titles of those folders), and other elements pertaining to the display and ordering of Content on the system itself. By using the Service, you agree that work you do to generate organizational metadata elements are released into the Public Domain, and may be made available for others to use, without any claim to copyright or restricted licensing. We may also share, leverage and distribute this organizational metadata. This is so that we can benefit others and improve the impact of our platforms.",
"TermsOfServiceModal.licensingP1": "The Service allows you to upload and distribute Content. When you do, the following terms apply:",
"TermsOfServiceModal.licensingP2": "We follow a policy of making content, including its associated metadata, as open as possible while following the appropriate copyright laws. With this in mind, we distinguish between:",
"TermsOfServiceModal.miscellaneousHeader": "Miscellaneous",
@@ -1287,6 +1357,7 @@
"TermsOfServiceModal.thirdPartyP1": "The links to third party websites, any third party content, and any third party applications may be provided for your convenience and information only. The content on any linked website or in any third party application is not under our control and we are not responsible for the content of linked websites and/or third party applications, including any further links contained in a third party website. We make no representations or warranties in connection with any third party content or third party applications, which at all times and in each instance is provided \"as is.\" Third party applications may be subject to additional policies and conditions or agreements between you and the provider of such third party applications. You agree to fully comply with all such additional policies, conditions and agreements. If you decide to access any third party content, and/or any third party application, you do so entirely at your own risk.",
"TermsOfServiceModal.thirdPartyRightsHeader": "Third Party Rights",
"TermsOfServiceModal.thirdPartyRightsP1": "Nothing in our Terms is intended to confer on any third party any benefit or any right (under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 UK or otherwise) to enforce any provision of our Terms or any agreement entered into in connection with it.",
+ "TermsOfServiceModal.updatedToSHeader": "Updated terms of service",
"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentHeader": "User-Generated Content",
"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList1Item1": "We do not endorse any uploaded Content or represent that Content is accurate, useful, or non-harmful. Content could be offensive, indecent, or objectionable; include technical inaccuracies, typographical mistakes, or other errors; or violate or infringe the privacy, publicity rights, intellectual property rights (see our Copyright Infringement and DMCA Policy section to submit copyright complaints), or other proprietary rights of third parties.",
"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList1Item2": "If you upload or author Content, or otherwise make (or allow any third party to make) Content available on the Service, you are entirely responsible for the Content, and any harm resulting from, that Content or your conduct.",
@@ -1315,24 +1386,24 @@
"ThumbnailGenerator.thumbnailGenerationFailedHeader": "Unable to generate thumbnail",
"ThumbnailGenerator.thumbnailGenerationFailedText": "There was a problem generating a thumbnail",
"TitleStrings.catalogTitle": "Kolibri Content Library Catalog",
- "TitleStrings.defaultTitle": "कोलिब्री स्टूडियो",
+ "TitleStrings.defaultTitle": "Kolibri Studio",
"TitleStrings.tabTitle": "{title} - {site}",
"ToggleText.less": "Show less",
- "ToggleText.more": "और दिखाएँ",
- "TrashModal.deleteButton": "हटाएँ",
- "TrashModal.deleteConfirmationCancelButton": "रद्द करें",
+ "ToggleText.more": "Show more",
+ "TrashModal.deleteButton": "Delete",
+ "TrashModal.deleteConfirmationCancelButton": "Cancel",
"TrashModal.deleteConfirmationDeleteButton": "Delete permanently",
"TrashModal.deleteConfirmationHeader": "Permanently delete {topicCount, plural,\n =1 {# folder}\n other {# folders}}, {resourceCount, plural,\n =1 {# resource}\n other {# resources}}?",
"TrashModal.deleteConfirmationText": "You cannot undo this action. Are you sure you want to continue?",
"TrashModal.deleteSuccessMessage": "Permanently deleted",
- "TrashModal.deletedHeader": "हटाया गया",
+ "TrashModal.deletedHeader": "Removed",
"TrashModal.restoreButton": "Restore",
- "TrashModal.selectAllHeader": "सभी का चयन करें",
+ "TrashModal.selectAllHeader": "Select all",
"TrashModal.selectedCountText": "{topicCount, plural,\n =1 {# folder}\n other {# folders}}, {resourceCount, plural,\n =1 {# resource}\n other {# resources}}",
"TrashModal.trashEmptySubtext": "Resources removed from this channel will appear here",
"TrashModal.trashEmptyText": "Trash is empty",
"TrashModal.trashModalTitle": "Trash",
- "TreeView.closeDrawer": "बंद (close)",
+ "TreeView.closeDrawer": "Close",
"TreeView.collapseAllButton": "Collapse all",
"TreeView.openCurrentLocationButton": "Expand to current folder location",
"TreeView.showSidebar": "Show sidebar",
@@ -1389,7 +1460,7 @@
"UsingStudio.termsOfServiceLink": "Terms of service",
"UsingStudio.userDocsLink": "User guide",
"VisibilityDropdown.coach": "Resources are visible only to coaches (teachers, facilitators, administrators)",
- "VisibilityDropdown.labelText": "दृश्यमान",
+ "VisibilityDropdown.labelText": "Visible to",
"VisibilityDropdown.learner": "Resources are visible to anyone",
"VisibilityDropdown.visibilityDescription": "Visibility determines what type of Kolibri users can see resources.",
"VisibilityDropdown.visibilityHeader": "About resource visibility",
@@ -1398,24 +1469,33 @@
"channelEditVue.errorMissingAnswer": "Choose a correct answer",
"channelEditVue.errorProvideAtLeastOneCorrectAnswer": "Provide at least one correct answer",
"channelEditVue.errorQuestionRequired": "Question is required",
- "channelEditVue.false": "गलत ",
+ "channelEditVue.false": "False",
"channelEditVue.questionTypeInput": "Numeric input",
"channelEditVue.questionTypeMultipleSelection": "Multiple choice",
"channelEditVue.questionTypePerseus": "Perseus",
"channelEditVue.questionTypeSingleSelection": "Single choice",
"channelEditVue.questionTypeTrueFalse": "True/False",
- "channelEditVue.true": "सही ",
+ "channelEditVue.true": "True",
"formStrings.errorText": "Please fix {count, plural,\n =1 {# error}\n other {# errors}} below",
+ "sharedVue.activityDurationGteOne": "Value must be equal to or greater than 1",
+ "sharedVue.activityDurationRequired": "This field is required",
+ "sharedVue.activityDurationTooLongWarning": "This value is very high. Please make sure this is how long learners should work on the resource for, in order to complete it.",
+ "sharedVue.confirmLogout": "Changes you made may not be saved. Are you sure you want to leave this page?",
"sharedVue.copyrightHolderRequired": "Copyright holder is required",
+ "sharedVue.durationRequired": "Duration is required",
+ "sharedVue.fieldRequired": "This field is required",
+ "sharedVue.learningActivityRequired": "Learning activity is required",
"sharedVue.licenseDescriptionRequired": "Special permissions license must have a description",
"sharedVue.licenseRequired": "License is required",
+ "sharedVue.longActivityGtThirty": "Value must be greater than 30",
+ "sharedVue.longActivityLteOneTwenty": "Value must be equal or less than 120",
"sharedVue.masteryModelMGtZero": "Must be at least 1",
"sharedVue.masteryModelMLteN": "Must be lesser than or equal to N",
- "sharedVue.masteryModelMRequired": "आवश्यक",
+ "sharedVue.masteryModelMRequired": "Required",
"sharedVue.masteryModelMWholeNumber": "Must be a whole number",
"sharedVue.masteryModelNGtZero": "Must be at least 1",
- "sharedVue.masteryModelNRequired": "आवश्यक",
+ "sharedVue.masteryModelNRequired": "Required",
"sharedVue.masteryModelNWholeNumber": "Must be a whole number",
"sharedVue.masteryModelRequired": "Mastery is required",
- "sharedVue.titleRequired": "Title is required"
+ "sharedVue.shortActivityLteThirty": "Value must be equal or less than 30",
+ "sharedVue.titleRequired": "Title is required"}
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+msgid ""
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+#: contentcuration/api.py:140
+msgid "Date/Time Created"
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+#: contentcuration/api.py:141 contentcuration/api.py:142
+msgid "Not Available"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/api.py:145
+msgid "Ricecooker Version"
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+#: contentcuration/api.py:150 contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:164
+msgid "File Size"
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+#: contentcuration/api.py:161
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+#: contentcuration/api.py:175
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+#: contentcuration/settings.py:287
+msgid "Arabic"
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+#: contentcuration/middleware/db_readonly.py:24
+msgid "The site is currently in read-only mode. Please try again later."
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/models.py:279
+msgid "Not enough space. Check your storage under Settings page."
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/models.py:294 contentcuration/models.py:301
+msgid "Out of storage! Request more space under Settings > Storage."
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/models.py:1410
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+#: contentcuration/settings.py:288
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+#: contentcuration/tasks.py:251
+msgid "Unknown error starting task. Please contact support."
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+#: contentcuration/templates/base.html:83
+#: contentcuration/templates/channel_list.html:14
+msgid "Kolibri Studio"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/base.html:166
+msgid "Contentworkshop.learningequality.org has been deprecated. Please go to studio.learningequality.org for the latest version of Studio"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/channel_list.html:13
+msgid "Kolibri Content Library Catalog"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/channel_not_found.html:23
+msgid "We're sorry, this channel was not found."
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/channel_not_found.html:24
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/open_channel_fail.html:14
+#: contentcuration/templates/staging_not_found.html:23
+#: contentcuration/templates/unauthorized.html:23
+msgid "Go Home"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/exercise_list.html:67
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/exercise_list.html:73
+msgid "current"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/exercise_list.html:77
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:206
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:165
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+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:212
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:171
+#, python-format
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+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:189
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+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:233
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:191
+msgid "Unpublished"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:245
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:247
+msgid "Copy one of the following into Kolibri to import this channel:"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:252
+msgid "Tokens (Recommended):"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:260
+msgid "Channel ID:"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:267
+msgid "Channel must be published to import into Kolibri"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:273
+msgid "WHAT'S INSIDE"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:283
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:213
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(count)s Resource"
+msgid_plural "%(count)s Resources"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:304
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:234
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+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:236
+msgid "Languages"
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+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:316
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:245
+msgid "Subtitles"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:324
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:254
+msgid "For Educators"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:325
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:256
+msgid "Coach Content"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:325
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:257
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+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:334
+msgid "Content Tags"
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+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:270
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+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:448
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:274
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:337
+msgid "This channel is empty"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:348
+msgid "SOURCE"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:360
+msgid "This channel features resources created by:"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:361
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:379
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:398
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+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:317
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:322
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:333
+msgid "Information not available"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:378
+msgid "The material in this channel was provided by:"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:397
+msgid "Material in this channel was originally hosted by:"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:416
+msgid "This channel includes the following licenses:"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:439
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:326
+msgid "Copyright Holders:"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:192
+msgid "Token:"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:203
+msgid "What's Inside"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:239
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:248
+#, python-format
+msgid "\n"
+" (+ %(count)s more)\n"
+" "
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:267
+msgid "Most Common Tags"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:280
+msgid "Source Information"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:284
+msgid "Authors:"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:288
+#, python-format
+msgid "\n"
+" (+ %(count)s more)\n"
+" "
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:298
+msgid "Providers:"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:301
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:313
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:329
+#, python-format
+msgid "\n"
+" (+ %(count)s more)\n"
+" "
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:310
+msgid "Aggregators:"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:322
+msgid "Licenses:"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/csv_email.txt:4
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:4
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.txt:4
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.txt:4
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_needed_email.txt:4
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/channel_published_email.txt:4
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.txt:3
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/registration_needed_email.txt:4
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/account_deleted_user_email.txt:3
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/issue_report_email.txt:6
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/storage_request_email.txt:6
+#, python-format
+msgid "Hello %(name)s,"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/csv_email.txt:6
+#, python-format
+msgid "Your csv for %(channel_name)s has finished generating (attached)."
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/csv_email.txt:8
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:29
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.txt:21
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.txt:12
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_needed_email.txt:14
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/channel_published_email.txt:15
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.txt:14
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/registration_needed_email.txt:12
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/account_deleted_user_email.txt:10
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/storage_request_email.txt:46
+msgid "Thanks for using Kolibri Studio!"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/csv_email.txt:10
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:31
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.txt:23
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.txt:14
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_needed_email.txt:16
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/channel_published_email.txt:17
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.txt:16
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/registration_needed_email.txt:14
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/account_deleted_user_email.txt:12
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/issue_report_email.txt:26
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/storage_request_email.txt:48
+msgid "The Learning Equality Team"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/csv_email_subject.txt:1
+#, python-format
+msgid "CSV for %(channel_name)s"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:6
+msgid "Here is the information for your Kolibri Studio account"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:8
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:9
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_form.html:23
+msgid "Email:"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:10
+msgid "Date joined:"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:11
+msgid "Countries:"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:12
+msgid "Intended use for Studio:"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:13
+msgid "You heard about Kolibri Studio from:"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:15
+msgid "Channels you have edit access to: "
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:19
+msgid "Channels you have view access to: "
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:23
+msgid "Information about the resources you have uploaded has been attached as a CSV file."
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:26
+#, python-format
+msgid "If you have any questions or concerns, please email us at %(legal_email)s."
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email_subject.txt:1
+msgid "Your Kolibri Studio account information"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/open_channel_fail.html:12
+msgid "There was an error opening this channel."
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/open_channel_fail.html:13
+msgid "Try running ricecooker again."
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.html:93
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.html:91
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.html:91
+msgid "Hello"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.html:94
+msgid "has invited you to edit a channel at"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.html:100
+#, python-format
+msgid "Invititation to %(share_mode)s channel"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.html:104
+msgid "Click one of the following links to either accept or decline your invitation:"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.html:107
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.html:109
+msgid "ACCEPT"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.html:112
+msgid "DECLINE"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.html:117
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.html:110
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.html:110
+msgid "Thanks for using our site!"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.txt:7
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(first)s %(last)s has invited you to edit a channel at %(site)s."
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.txt:9
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(first)s %(last)s has invited you to view a channel at %(site)s."
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.txt:13
+msgid "Please sign in to Kolibri Studio to accept or decline your invitation:"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.txt:16
+msgid "Please follow this link to create an account (you must be signed in to accept or decline invitations):"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email_subject.txt:1
+#, python-format
+msgid "You've been invited to edit %(channel)s"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email_subject.txt:1
+#, python-format
+msgid "You've been invited to view %(channel)s"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.html:92
+msgid "Welcome to Kolibri! Here is the link to activate your account:"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.html:101
+msgid "Click here to activate your account."
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.html:102
+msgid "This link is valid for"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.html:102
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(expiration_days)s days."
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.html:104
+msgid "ACTIVATE"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.txt:6
+#, python-format
+msgid "Here is your activation link for %(site_name)s:"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.txt:10
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_needed_email.txt:12
+#, python-format
+msgid "This link is valid for %(expiration_days)s days."
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email_subject.txt:1
+msgid "Account activation link for"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_needed_email.txt:6
+#, python-format
+msgid "You have requested a password reset link on %(site_name)s without first activating your account."
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_needed_email.txt:8
+msgid "Please activate your account by following the link below:"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/channel_published_email.txt:6
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(channel_name)s has finished publishing! Here is the channel token (for importing it into Kolibri):"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/channel_published_email.txt:8
+#, python-format
+msgid "Token: %(channel_token)s"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/channel_published_email.txt:10
+#, python-format
+msgid "ID (for Kolibri version 0.6.0 and below): %(channel_id)s"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/channel_published_email.txt:12
+#, python-format
+msgid "Version notes: %(notes)s"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/channel_published_email.txt:21
+msgid "You are receiving this email because you are subscribed to this channel."
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/getting_started.html:16
+msgid "Content Curation Tools for Kolibri"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_confirm.html:14
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_form.html:15
+msgid "Password Reset"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_confirm.html:17
+msgid "Submit"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_confirm.html:20
+msgid "Password reset unsuccessful."
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_confirm.html:21
+msgid "The password reset link was invalid, possibly because it has already been used. "
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_confirm.html:22
+msgid "Request a new password reset."
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.html:92
+msgid "You are receiving this e-mail because you requested a password reset for your user account at"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.html:98
+msgid "Reset my Password"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.html:101
+msgid "Please click the button below and choose a new password."
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.html:102
+msgid "Your username is"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.html:104
+msgid "RESET"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.txt:5
+#, python-format
+msgid "You have requested a password reset for your account at %(site_name)s."
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.txt:7
+msgid "Please reset your password by following the link below:"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.txt:12
+msgid "In case you've forgotten, your username is:"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_form.html:16
+msgid "Enter your email, and we'll send instructions for setting a new password."
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_form.html:19
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(form.email.errors)s"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_form.html:24
+msgid "Reset Password"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_subject.txt:1
+msgid "Password reset on"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/registration_needed_email.txt:6
+#, python-format
+msgid "You have requested a password reset on %(site_name)s without first creating an account."
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/registration_needed_email.txt:8
+msgid "Please create an account by following the link below:"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/account_deleted_user_email.txt:5
+#, python-format
+msgid "Your %(email)s account on %(site_name)s has been deleted."
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/account_deleted_user_email.txt:7
+#, python-format
+msgid "If this was a mistake, please email us at %(legal_email)s by %(buffer_date)s (%(num_days)s days from now)."
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/issue_report_email.txt:8
+msgid "Thank you for reporting your issue. Here is a copy of your report:"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/issue_report_email.txt:20
+msgid "We are currently reviewing the information that you have provided, and will file your issue accordingly."
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/issue_report_email.txt:21
+msgid "We appreciate your patience and assistance as we work to improve Kolibri Studio!"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/issue_report_email.txt:24
+msgid "Thank you,"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/storage_request_email.txt:8
+msgid "Thank you for your request for additional storage."
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/storage_request_email.txt:10
+msgid "Here is a copy of your request:"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/storage_request_email.txt:43
+msgid "We are currently reviewing the information that you have provided, and will work to be in touch in a timely manner depending on the scope of your request. While Kolibri Studio is under active development, we need to be especially mindful of how much additional storage can be provided to ensure that we can successfully continue to build the Studio tool. Many thanks in advance for your understanding."
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/staging_not_found.html:22
+msgid "No updates to review."
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/unauthorized.html:22
+msgid "You do not have access to this page."
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/unsupported_browser.html:47
+msgid "Unsupported Browser."
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/unsupported_browser.html:49
+msgid "Sorry, your browser version is not supported."
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/unsupported_browser.html:51
+msgid "To use Kolibri Studio, we recommend using Firefox or Chrome."
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templates/unsupported_browser.html:53
+msgid "You can also try updating your current browser."
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/license_tags.py:10
+msgid "The Attribution License lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation. This is the most accommodating of licenses offered. Recommended for maximum dissemination and use of licensed materials."
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/license_tags.py:15
+msgid "The Attribution-ShareAlike License lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work even for commercial purposes, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under the identical terms. This license is often compared to \"copyleft\" free and open source software licenses. All new works based on yours will carry the same license, so any derivatives will also allow commercial use. This is the license used by Wikipedia, and is recommended for materials that would benefit from incorporating content from Wikipedia and similarly licensed projects."
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/license_tags.py:25
+msgid "The Attribution-NoDerivs License allows for redistribution, commercial and non-commercial, as long as it is passed along unchanged and in whole, with credit to you."
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/license_tags.py:28
+msgid "The Attribution-NonCommercial License lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work non-commercially, and although their new works must also acknowledge you and be non-commercial, they don't have to license their derivative works on the same terms."
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/license_tags.py:32
+msgid "The Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work non-commercially, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under the identical terms."
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/license_tags.py:36
+msgid "The Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License is the most restrictive of our six main licenses, only allowing others to download your works and share them with others as long as they credit you, but they can't change them in any way or use them commercially."
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/license_tags.py:40
+msgid "The All Rights Reserved License indicates that the copyright holder reserves, or holds for their own use, all the rights provided by copyright law under one specific copyright treaty."
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/license_tags.py:43
+msgid "Public Domain work has been identified as being free of known restrictions under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights."
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/license_tags.py:46
+msgid "Special Permissions is a custom license to use when the current licenses do not apply to the content. The owner of this license is responsible for creating a description of what this license entails."
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:26
+msgid "100% Correct"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:27
+msgid "10 in a row"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:28
+msgid "2 in a row"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:29
+msgid "3 in a row"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:30
+msgid "5 in a row"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:31
+msgid "M of N..."
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:32
+msgid "CC BY"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:33
+msgid "CC BY-SA"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:34
+msgid "CC BY-ND"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:35
+msgid "CC BY-NC"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:36
+msgid "CC BY-NC-SA"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:37
+msgid "CC BY-NC-ND"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:38
+msgid "All Rights Reserved"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:39
+msgid "Public Domain"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:40
+msgid "Special Permissions"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:49
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(filesize)s %(unit)s"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:138
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:201
+msgid "No Channel"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:139
+msgid "No resource"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:164
+msgid "Channel"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:164
+msgid "Title"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:164
+msgid "Kind"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:164
+msgid "Filename"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:164
+msgid "URL"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:164
+msgid "Description"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:165
+msgid "Author"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:165
+msgid "Language"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:165
+msgid "License"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:165
+msgid "License Description"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:165
+msgid "Copyright Holder"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:201
+msgid "No Resource"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:201
+msgid "Staged File"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/utils/format.py:15
+msgid "B"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/utils/format.py:17
+msgid "KB"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/utils/format.py:19
+msgid "MB"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/utils/format.py:21
+msgid "GB"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/utils/format.py:23
+msgid "TB"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/utils/incidents.py:7
+msgid "There was a problem with a third-party service. This means certain operations might be blocked. We appreciate your patience while these issues are being resolved."
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/utils/incidents.py:16
+msgid "EMERGENCY MAINTENANCE Kolibri Studio is operating on read-only mode for the time being in order for us to resolve some maintenance issues. This means all editing capabilities are disabled at the moment. We're currently working very hard to fix the issue as soon as possible. If you have any questions please contact us at content@learningequality.org. We apologize for any inconvenience caused and appreciate your patience while we resolve these issues."
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/utils/incidents.py:31
+msgid "EMERGENCY MAINTENANCE Kolibri Studio is operating on read-only mode for the time being in order for us to resolve some database issues. This means all editing capabilities are disabled at the moment. We're currently working very hard to fix the issue as soon as possible. If you have any questions please contact us at content@learningequality.org. We apologize for any inconvenience caused and appreciate your patience while we resolve these issues."
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/utils/incidents.py:46
+msgid "We are encountering issues with Google Cloud Storage. This means any file uploading and publishing operations are currently unavailable. We appreciate your patience while these issues are being resolved. To check the status of this service, please visit here"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/utils/incidents.py:57
+msgid "We are encountering issues with a third-party service. This means publishing is currently unavailable. We appreciate your patience while these issues are being resolved."
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/utils/incidents.py:65
+msgid "We are encountering issues with our data center. This means you may encounter networking problems while using Studio. We appreciate your patience while these issues are being resolved. To check the status of this service, please visit here"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/utils/publish.py:57
+msgid "Kolibri Studio Channel Published"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/views/public.py:63 contentcuration/views/public.py:74
+msgid "Api endpoint {} is not available"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/views/public.py:76
+msgid "No channel matching {} found"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/views/settings.py:110
+msgid "Kolibri Studio issue report"
+msgstr ""
+#: contentcuration/views/settings.py:144
+msgid "Kolibri Studio account deleted"
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/contentcuration/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/contentcuration-messages.csv b/contentcuration/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/contentcuration-messages.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..36e910ecd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contentcuration/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/contentcuration-messages.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,4624 @@
+"Identifier","Source String","Context","Translation"
+"AccessibilityOptions.altText","Visual elements in the resource have descriptions that can be accessed by screen readers for the benefit of blind learners","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","As imagens e ilustrações deste conteúdo possuem descrições de leitores de tela para alunos com deficiência visual"
+"AccessibilityOptions.audioDescription","The resource contains a second narration audio track that provides additional information for the benefit of blind users and those with low vision","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Este conteúdo contém uma faixa de áudio adicional com narrações específicas para usuários com deficiência visual"
+"AccessibilityOptions.highContrast","The resource text and visual elements are displayed with high contrast for the benefit of users with low vision","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","O texto e os elementos visuais deste conteúdo estão em alto contraste para beneficiar usuários com baixa visão"
+"AccessibilityOptions.signLanguage","Synchronized sign language intepretation is available for audio and video content","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","A interpretação em linguagem de sinais está disponível para conteúdos de áudio e vídeo"
+"AccessibilityOptions.taggedPdf","The document contains PDF tags that can be accessed by screen readers for the benefit of blind learners","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","As etiquetas deste documento podem ser acessadas por leitores de tela para o benefício dos alunos com deficiencia visual"
+"Account.apiDocumentation","API documentation","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Documentação da API"
+"Account.apiTokenHeading","API Token","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Token da API"
+"Account.apiTokenMessage","You will need this access token to run content integration scripts for bulk-uploading materials through the Kolibri Studio API.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Você precisará deste token de acesso para executar scripts de integração para materiais de envio em massa por meio da API do Kolibri Studio."
+"Account.basicInfoHeader","Basic Information","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Informações básicas"
+"Account.changePasswordAction","Change password","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Mudar de senha"
+"Account.completelyDeleteAccountLabel","Completely remove your account from Kolibri Studio","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Remover completamente sua conta do Kolibri Studio"
+"Account.deleteAccountLabel","Delete account","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Excluir conta"
+"Account.editFullNameAction","Edit full name","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Editar o nome completo"
+"Account.exportAccountDataHeading","Export account data","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Exportar os dados da conta"
+"Account.exportAccountDataLabel","You will receive an email with all information linked to your account","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Você receberá um e-mail com todas as informações vinculadas à sua conta"
+"Account.exportAccountDataModalMessage","You'll receive an email with your data when the export is completed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Você receberá um e-mail com seus dados quando a exportação for concluída"
+"Account.exportDataButton","Export data","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Exportar dados"
+"Account.exportFailed","Unable to export data. Please try again.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Não foi possível exportar os dados. Por favor, tente novamente."
+"Account.exportStartedHeader","Data export started","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Exportação de dados iniciada"
+"Account.fullNameLabel","Full name","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nome completo"
+"Account.handleChannelsBeforeAccount","You must delete these channels manually or invite others to edit them before you can delete your account.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Você precisa excluir estes canais manualmente ou convidar outros para editá-los antes de poder excluir sua conta."
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Account.unableToDeleteAdminAccount","Unable to delete an admin account","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Não foi possível excluir uma conta de administrador"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nome de usuário"
+"AccountCreated.accountCreatedTitle","Account successfully created","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Conta criada com sucesso"
+"AccountCreated.continueToSignIn","Continue to sign-in","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Continuar para iniciar sessão"
+"AccountDeleted.accountDeletedTitle","Account successfully deleted","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Conta excluída com sucesso"
+"AccountDeleted.continueToSignIn","Continue to sign-in page","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Continuar para a página de login"
+"AccountNotActivated.requestNewLink","Request a new activation link","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Solicitar um novo link de ativação"
+"AccountNotActivated.text","Please check your email for an activation link or request a new link.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Por favor, verifique o seu e-mail para um link de ativação ou solicite um novo link."
+"AccountNotActivated.title","Account has not been activated","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","A conta não foi ativada"
+"ActivationExpired.activationExpiredText","This activation link has been used already or has expired.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Este link de ativação já foi usado ou expirou."
+"ActivationExpired.activationExpiredTitle","Activation failed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Falha na ativação"
+"ActivationExpired.requestNewLink","Request a new activation link","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Solicitar um novo link de ativação"
+"ActivationLinkReSent.activationReSentText","If there is already an account with the email address provided, you should receive instructions shortly. If you don't see an email from us, please check your spam folder.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Se uma conta com o e-mail fornecido já existe, você receberá as instruções em breve. Se não encontrar um e-mail nosso, por favor verifique a sua pasta de spam."
+"ActivationLinkReSent.activationReSentTitle","Instructions sent. Thank you!","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Instruções enviadas. Obrigado!"
+"ActivationSent.header","Activation link sent","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Link de ativação enviado"
+"ActivationSent.text","Thank you for creating an account! To complete the process, please check your email for the activation link we sent you.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Obrigado por criar uma conta! Para completar o processo, por favor verifique o seu e-mail para o link de ativação que te enviamos."
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ActivityDuration.notOptionalLabel","Time required for the resource to be marked as completed. This value will not be displayed to learners.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Tempo de duração necessário para que o conteúdo seja marcado como 'concluído'. Esta informação não ficará visível para os alunos."
+"ActivityDuration.optionalLabel","(Optional) Time required for the resource to be marked as completed. This value will not be displayed to learners.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","(Opcional) Tempo de duração necessário para que o conteúdo seja marcado como 'concluído'. Esta informação não ficará visível para os alunos."
+"AddNextStepsPage.addedNextStepSnackbar","Added next step","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Próximo passo adicionado"
+"AddNextStepsPage.toolbarTitle","Add next step","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Adicionar próximo passo"
+"AddPreviousStepsPage.addedPreviousStepSnackbar","Added previous step","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Passo anterior adicionado"
+"AddPreviousStepsPage.toolbarTitle","Add previous step","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Adicionar passo anterior"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"AddRelatedResourcesModal.resourcesDisplayedText","Only showing available resources for","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Mostrando apenas conteúdos disponíveis para"
+"AddRelatedResourcesModal.selectedAsCurrentResource","This is the current resource","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Este é o conteúdo atual"
+"AddRelatedResourcesModal.selectedAsNextStep","Already selected as a next step","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Já selecionado como um próximo passo"
+"AddRelatedResourcesModal.selectedAsPreviousStep","Already selected as a previous step","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Já selecionado como um passo anterior"
+"AdministrationAppError.unauthorizedDetails","You need to be an administrator of Studio to view this page","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Você precisa ser um administrador do Studio para visualizar esta página"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Alert.dontShowAgain","Don't show this message again","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Não mostrar esta mensagem novamente"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"AnswersEditor.newAnswerBtnLabel","New answer","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nova resposta"
+"AnswersEditor.noAnswersPlaceholder","Question has no answer options","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","A pergunta não tem opções de resposta"
+"AnswersEditor.numberFieldErrorLabel","Answer must be a number","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","A resposta deve ser um número"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"AppBar.changeLanguage","Change language","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Trocar de idioma"
+"AppBar.help","Help and support","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ajuda e suporte"
+"AppBar.logIn","Sign in","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Iniciar sessão"
+"AppBar.logOut","Sign out","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Terminar sessão"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"AppBar.title","Kolibri Studio","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Kolibri Studio"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"AssessmentEditor.newQuestionBtnLabel","New question","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nova pergunta"
+"AssessmentEditor.noQuestionsPlaceholder","Exercise has no questions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","O exercício não tem perguntas"
+"AssessmentEditor.showAnswers","Show answers","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Mostrar respostas"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"AssessmentItemEditor.dialogMessageChangeToInput","Switching to 'numeric input' will set all answers as correct and remove all non-numeric answers. Continue?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Mudar para 'entrada numérica' definirá todas as perguntas como corretas e removerá as respostas não numéricas. Continuar?"
+"AssessmentItemEditor.dialogMessageChangeToSingleSelection","Switching to 'single choice' will set only one answer as correct. Continue?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Mudar para 'única escolha' definirá apenas uma resposta como correta. Continuar?"
+"AssessmentItemEditor.dialogMessageChangeToTrueFalse","Switching to 'true or false' will remove all current answers. Continue?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Mudar para 'verdadeiro ou falso' removerá todas as respostas atuais. Continuar?"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"AssessmentItemEditor.dialogTitle","Changing question type","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Mudando o tipo de pergunta"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"AssessmentItemEditor.questionTypeLabel","Response type","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Tipo de resposta"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"AssessmentItemPreview.hintsToggleLabelHide","Hide hints","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ocultar dicas"
+"AssessmentItemPreview.hintsToggleLabelShow","Show {hintsCount} {hintsCount, plural, one {hint} other {hints}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Mostrar {hintsCount} {hintsCount, plural, one {dica} other {dicas}}"
+"AssessmentItemPreview.noAnswersPlaceholder","Question has no answer options","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","A pergunta não tem opções de resposta"
+"AssessmentItemToolbar.toolbarLabelAddAbove","Add {itemLabel} above","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Adicionar {itemLabel} acima"
+"AssessmentItemToolbar.toolbarLabelAddBelow","Add {itemLabel} below","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Adicionar {itemLabel} abaixo"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"AssessmentItemToolbar.toolbarLabelMoveDown","Move down","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Mover para baixo"
+"AssessmentItemToolbar.toolbarLabelMoveUp","Move up","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Mover para cima"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"AssessmentTab.incompleteItemsCountMessage","{invalidItemsCount} incomplete {invalidItemsCount, plural, one {question} other {questions}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{invalidItemsCount} {invalidItemsCount, plural, one {pergunta incompleta} other {perguntas incompletas}}"
+"BrowsingCard.addToClipboardAction","Copy to clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copiar para área de transferência"
+"BrowsingCard.coach","Resource for coaches","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Material para professores"
+"BrowsingCard.goToPluralLocationsAction","In {count, number} {count, plural, one {location} other {locations}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Em {count, number} {count, plural, one {local} other {locais}}"
+"BrowsingCard.goToSingleLocationAction","Go to location","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ir para o local"
+"BrowsingCard.hasCoachTooltip","{value, number, integer} {value, plural, one {resource for coaches} other {resources for coaches}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{value, number, integer} {value, plural, one {material para professores} other {materiais para professores}}"
+"BrowsingCard.previewAction","View details","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ver detalhes"
+"BrowsingCard.resourcesCount","{count, number} {count, plural, one {resource} other {resources}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, number} {count, plural, one {conteúdo} other {conteúdos}}"
+"BrowsingCard.tagsList","Tags: {tags}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Marcadores: {tags}"
+"BytesForHumansStrings.fileSizeInBytes","{n, number, integer} B","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{n, number, integer} B"
+"BytesForHumansStrings.fileSizeInGigabytes","{n, number, integer} GB","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{n, number, integer} GB"
+"BytesForHumansStrings.fileSizeInKilobytes","{n, number, integer} KB","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{n, number, integer} KB"
+"BytesForHumansStrings.fileSizeInMegabytes","{n, number, integer} MB","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{n, number, integer} MB"
+"BytesForHumansStrings.fileSizeInTerabytes","{n, number, integer} TB","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{n, number, integer} TB"
+"CatalogFAQ.KolibriAnswer","Kolibri is an open source ed-tech platform designed for low-resource communities, focused on:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","O Kolibri é uma plataforma de tecnologia educacional de código aberto feita para comunidades com recursos limitados, focado em:"
+"CatalogFAQ.KolibriAnswerItem1","Overcoming infrastructural barriers that prevent equitable access to quality education for learners in low-resource and low-connectivity contexts","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Superar as barreiras de infraestrutura que impedem que estudantes que não têm acesso à tecnologia e à internet tenham acesso igualitário à educação de qualidade"
+"CatalogFAQ.KolibriAnswerItem2","Increasing the availability of open learning materials suitable for many curricula, learning goals, and situations","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Aumentar a disponibilidade de materiais de aprendizagem aberta adequados a diversos currículos, objetivos de aprendizagem e situações"
+"CatalogFAQ.KolibriAnswerItem3","Fostering innovative pedagogy and effective learning outcomes","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Promover inovações pedagógicas e resultados de aprendizagem efetivos"
+"CatalogFAQ.KolibriQuestion","What is Kolibri?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","O que é o Kolibri?"
+"CatalogFAQ.aboutHeader","Welcome to the Kolibri Content Library Catalog! ","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Bem-vindo ao catálogo da biblioteca de conteúdo do Kolibri! "
+"CatalogFAQ.aboutKolibriHeader","About Kolibri","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Sobre Kolibri"
+"CatalogFAQ.aboutLibraryHeader","About the Kolibri Content Library","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Sobre a biblioteca de conteúdo do Kolibri"
+"CatalogFAQ.channelAnswer","A channel is Kolibri’s unit of organization for digital content. It's a collection of resources organized by single institutions or creators, each of which may contain a set of books, games, textbooks, articles, simulations, exercises, and many more types of educational materials, all made available for use in Kolibri without the need for internet access. A channel isn't necessarily a course or a sequence, it's simply a collection of materials published or gathered together by one organization, as close to the provider's original layout as possible, while still organized for the best possible navigation in Kolibri.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Um canal é a unidade de organização de conteúdo digital do Kolibri. É um conjunto de conteúdos organizado por instituições ou criadores únicos, cada qual podendo conter um apanhado de livros, jogos, livros didáticos, artigos, simulações, exercícios e muitos outros tipos de materiais educacionais, todos disponibilizados para uso no Kolibri sem precisar de conexão à internet. Um canal não é necessariamente um curso ou sequência, mas simplesmente um conjunto de materiais publicados ou reunidos por uma organização, o mais fiel possível ao formato do provedor original, porém sendo organizado para a melhor navegação possível no Kolibri."
+"CatalogFAQ.channelLink","What is a channel?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","O que é um canal?"
+"CatalogFAQ.channelQuestion","What is a channel?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","O que é um canal?"
+"CatalogFAQ.coachContentAnswer","Most resources are directed at learners, but some, such as lesson plans, subject refreshers, professional learning guides, and similar, are directed at teachers and facilitators. In Kolibri, we mark this content as ""for coaches"" and limit its visibility to those with coach accounts. If you see coach materials here, they may require less planning for any facilitators using the resource!","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Boa parte dos conteúdos é direcionado para estudantes, mas alguns como os planos de lição, revisões de assuntos, guias de aprendizagem professional, e similares, são direcionados a professores e facilitadores. No Kolibri, marcamos esses conteúdos como ""para professores"" e limitamos sua visibilidade para quem possuir contas de professores. Se você vir materiais de professores aqui, isso indica que requerem menos planejamento por parte de facilitadores utilizando o conteúdo!"
+"CatalogFAQ.coachContentQuestion","What are 'resources for coaches'?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","O que são 'materiais para professores'?"
+"CatalogFAQ.customContentAnswer","To add your own materials, create an account on Kolibri Studio by going to https://studio.learningequality.org. Recommendations for public materials to be added to the Kolibri Content Library can be made by contacting content@learningequality.org.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Adicione seus próprios materiais criando uma conta no Kolibri Studio pelo link https://studio.learningequality.org. Para fazer sugestão de materiais para a Biblioteca de Conteúdos Kolibri, envie um email para content@learningequality.org."
+"CatalogFAQ.customContentQuestion","How can I add my own materials or recommend materials from other creators for this library?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Como posso adicionar os meus próprios materiais ou recomendar materiais de outros criadores para esta biblioteca?"
+"CatalogFAQ.descriptionP1","Here you can learn more about the educational resources publicly available for use in Kolibri, which are organized into ""channels"". Use the filters to browse channels by keyword, language, or formats of the materials inside.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Aqui você pode aprender mais sobre os conteúdos educacionais disponíveis publicamente para uso no Kolibri, que são organizados em ""canais"". Use os filtros para navegar pelos canais por meio de palavras-chave, idioma, ou formatos de materiais contidos neles."
+"CatalogFAQ.descriptionP2","Click on a channel to get a preview of what subjects and topics it covers, learn more about its creator, see how many resources the channel contains, and learn how to import it into Kolibri. You can also find coach-specific content (lesson plans, teacher professional guides, and other supplementary facilitation material), assessments and exercises, and captions for accessibility.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Clique em um canal para pré-visualizar quais assuntos e temas ele cobre, saiba mais sobre o seu criador, quantos conteúdos o canal contém e aprenda como importá-lo para o Kolibri. Você pode também encontrar conteúdo específico para professores (planos de lições, guias profissionais para professores, e outros materiais suplementares de facilitação), avaliações, exercícios, e legendas para acessibilidade."
+"CatalogFAQ.descriptionP3","Sharing the work of these resource creators is what inspires Learning Equality's efforts. We hope you find something that excites you about the potential of digital learning, online or off!","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Compartilhar o trabalho desses criadores de conteúdo é o que inspira os esforços da Learning Equality. Esperamos que você encontre algo que te entusiasme sobre o potencial da aprendizagem digital, online ou offline!"
+"CatalogFAQ.downloadKolibriLink","Download Kolibri","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Baixar o Kolibri"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"CatalogFAQ.endoresementQuestion","Have these sources been vetted or endorsed as classroom-safe and ready?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Estas fontes foram examinadas ou aprovadas como seguras e prontas para serem usadas na sala de aula?"
+"CatalogFAQ.endorsementAnswer","We select sources with an educational affiliation or mandate, so you can trust that most resources in the Kolibri Content Library were designed for learning purposes. However, we are not able to guarantee the appropriateness of each individual item within any particular source. We recommend that educators and administrators conduct a thorough review of any digital content using their own criteria - including reorganization and re-curation, if necessary - before using it with learners. Since we recognize that there may be many different standards across situations for criteria like preferred levels of interactivity, subject/age appropriateness, cultural sensitivity and tone, among others, we have intentionally offered a wide range of materials to help meet the needs of all learners whatever they may be.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Selecionamos fontes com uma afiliação ou finalidade educacional, para que você possa confiar que a maioria dos conteúdos na biblioteca de conteúdo do Kolibri foram feitos para fins educacionais. Entretanto, não estamos aptos a garantir a pertinência de cada item em cada uma das fontes. Recomendamos que educadores e administradores conduzam uma revisão atenciosa de quaisquer conteúdos digitais mediante seus próprios critérios - incluindo reorganização e re-curadoria, se necessário - antes de os usarem com estudantes. Reconhecemos que podem existir normas diferentes para critérios dependendo do contexto, como níveis preferidos de interatividade, adequação ao assunto/idade, sensitividade e tom cultural, entre outros. Oferecemos intencionalmente uma grande variedade de materiais para ajudar a alcançar a todas as necessidades de todos estudantes."
+"CatalogFAQ.faqHeader","Frequently asked questions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Perguntas frequentes"
+"CatalogFAQ.issueAnswer","Please email us at content@learningequality.org and include the channel name, along with a description of the issue. If you notice an issue on a specific resource, please be sure to link that as well. We'd be happy to investigate and grateful for your feedback!","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Por favor, envie um e-mail para content@learningequality.org e inclua o nome do canal junto a uma descrição do problema. Se notar um problema em um conteúdo específico, assegure-se de também colocar um link para isso. Teremos o maior prazer em investigar e agradecemos os seus comentários!"
+"CatalogFAQ.issueQuestion","I found a bug, broken link, or some mislabeled information within a resource. What should I do?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Encontrei um problema, um link quebrado, ou alguma informação mal etiquetada em um conteúdo. O que devo fazer?"
+"CatalogFAQ.maintenanceAnswerP1","Because Kolibri is designed for learners and educators who are disconnected from the internet, content must first be packaged so that it can be used without internet connection. For most sources, our content team uses custom-written, automated scripts to bring content into Kolibri from a website, an app, or a private source such as a hard drive (with the appropriate permissions).","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Porque o Kolibri é feito para estudantes e educadores que estão desconectados da internet, o conteúdo precisa primeiro ser integrado para ser usado sem conexão à internet. Para a maioria das fontes, nossa equipe de conteúdo usa scripts personalizados e automatizados para trazer conteúdo para o Kolibri de um website, um aplicativo, ou uma fonte privada como um disco rígido (com as devidas permissões)."
+"CatalogFAQ.maintenanceAnswerP2","To learn more about how content is packaged for use on Kolibri and what types of formats are supported, please refer to our content integration guide.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Para saber mais sobre como o conteúdo é integrado para uso no Kolibri e que tipos de formato são suportados, por favor, refira-se ao nosso guia de integração de conteúdo."
+"CatalogFAQ.maintenanceQuestion","How is this library created and maintained?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Como se cria e mantém esta biblioteca?"
+"CatalogFAQ.makerAnswerP1","Learning Equality, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit based in San Diego, California, is committed to enabling every person in the world to realize their right to a quality education, by supporting the creation, adaptation, and distribution of open educational resources, and creating supportive tools for innovative pedagogy.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","A Learning Equality, uma organização sem fins lucrativos 501(c)(3) baseada em San Diego, Califórnia, compromete-se com possibilitar que todos no mundo realizem o seu direito à educação de qualidade ao apoiar a criação, adaptação e distribuição de conteúdos educacionais abertos e ao criar ferramentas de apoio para pedagogia inovadora."
+"CatalogFAQ.makerAnswerP2","In recognition of the digital divide, Learning Equality started by bringing the Khan Academy experience offline to more than 6 million learners around the globe. Its second-generation product, Kolibri, is part of a broader ecosystem of products and tools that support curriculum alignment, blended learning pedagogies, and broader use of Open Educational Resources to improve learning.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Reconhecendo a desigualdade digital, a Learning Equality começou por trazer a experiência offline da Khan Academy para mais de 6 milhões de estudantes no mundo todo. Seu produto de segunda geração, o Kolibri, é parte de um ecossistema amplo de produtos e ferramentas que apoiam o alinhamento curricular, pedagogias de aprendizagem híbridas, e uso mais abrangente de conteúdos educacionais abertos para otimizar a aprendizagem."
+"CatalogFAQ.makerQuestion","Who are the makers of Kolibri?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Quem são os criadores do Kolibri?"
+"CatalogFAQ.newContentAnswer","Our content team routinely adds new sources and channels to the library and updates existing channels as content creators make new materials available.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nossa equipe de conteúdos adiciona regularmente novas fontes e canais à biblioteca e atualiza canais existentes à medida que criadores de conteúdo disponibilizam novos materiais."
+"CatalogFAQ.newContentQuestion","Does Learning Equality add new materials?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","A Learning Equality adiciona novos materiais?"
+"CatalogFAQ.ownershipAnswer","No. Just like an online learning repository with links to external websites, we gather useful digital learning resources to help our community discover a rich variety of learning materials they may not have known about otherwise. All the materials in this educational library are fully credited to the creating organization, reformatted for best display on digital devices, and include any additional information the creator has shared with us. We only include content which is either openly licensed, available to distribute for special nonprofit or noncommercial purposes, or shared with us for distribution through agreement with the creator. Since materials in the library are intended for use in an open source platform, we do not profit financially from their use.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Não. Assim como um repositório online com links para websites externos, reunimos conteúdos digitais úteis para ajudar a nossa comunidade a descobrir a rica variedade de materiais de aprendizagem, que talvez não conheceriam de outra forma. Todos os materiais nessa biblioteca educacional são totalmente creditados à organização criadora, reformatados para uma melhor visualização em dispositivos digitais, e incluem quaisquer informações adicionais que o criador tenha compartilhado conosco. Incluímos apenas conteúdos com licença aberta, disponíveis para distribuição para objetivos especiais sem fins lucrativos ou não comerciais, ou compartilhados conosco para distribuição mediante acordo com o criador. Já que materiais na biblioteca possuem o intuito de serem usados em uma plataforma de código aberto, não lucramos financeiramente com seu uso."
+"CatalogFAQ.ownershipQuestion","Does Learning Equality own these resources?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Esses conteúdos pertencem à Learning Equality?"
+"CatalogFAQ.partialChannelAnswer","When importing content into Kolibri, you can select the specific subsections of a channel you're interested in. If you’d like to make changes such as editing the title or folder descriptions, or changing the order in which materials appear, please contact us at content@learningequality.org for early access to our Kolibri Studio tool, which can be used to make these changes.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Quando estiver importando conteúdo para o Kolibri, você pode selecionar as subseções específicas de um canal que estiver interessado. Se quiser fazer alterações como editar o título ou descrição de pastas, ou mudar a ordem na qual os materiais aparecem, por favor, envie um e-mail para content@learningequality.org para o acesso antecipado da nossa ferramenta Kolibri Studio, que pode ser usada para fazer essas alterações."
+"CatalogFAQ.partialChannelQuestion","I want to use some of the resources in this channel, but not all of it. What should I do?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Quero usar alguns conteúdos deste canal, mas não todos. O que devo fazer?"
+"CatalogFAQ.sampleContentAnswer","You can do this in three ways:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Pode fazê-lo de três formas:"
+"CatalogFAQ.sampleContentAnswerItem1","To see the original content source, click the ⋮ button and select 'Go to source website'","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Para ver a fonte do conteúdo original, clique no botão ⋮ e selecione 'Ir para o website de origem'"
+"CatalogFAQ.sampleContentAnswerItem2","To preview the content on one of our online demo servers (available in English, Spanish, Arabic, French, and Hindi), click the ⋮ button and select 'View channel on Kolibri'","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Para pré-visualizar o conteúdo em um dos nossos servidores de demonstração online (disponíveis em inglês, espanhol, árabe, francês e hindi), clique no botão ⋮ e selecione 'Visualizar o canal no Kolibri'"
+"CatalogFAQ.sampleContentAnswerItem3","Download Kolibri and import the channel on your device for full access offline.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Baixe o Kolibri e importe o canal no seu dispositivo para ter um acesso completo offline."
+"CatalogFAQ.sampleContentQuestion","How do I review the contents of the channels themselves?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Como reviso os conteúdos dos próprios canais?"
+"CatalogFAQ.selectionAnswerP1","Our approach is unique in that we aim to assemble a library of resources which supports the diversity of needs Kolibri is designed to meet, rather than collecting all possible open educational resources.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nossa abordagem é única, pois almejamos reunir uma biblioteca de conteúdos que suporte a diversidade de necessidades que o Kolibri é feito para atender, ao invés de coletar todos os conteúdos educacionais abertos possíveis."
+"CatalogFAQ.selectionAnswerP2","To inform what we select, the Learning Equality team is continually maintaining our awareness of openly licensed digital resources available in the educational landscape. Most of our resources come from an organization, institution, or creator with learning design experience and an educational mandate. We prioritize providing a diversity of grade levels, subject areas and languages. Where possible, we also evaluate and seek input on the degree to which the materials may be suitable for the unique blended learning settings in which we work.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Para informar o que selecionamos, a equipe da Learning Equality mantém uma atenção contínua nos conteúdos digitais licenciados disponíveis no ambiente pedagógico. A maioria dos nossos conteúdos vem de uma organização, instituição, ou criador com experiência em projetos de aprendizagem e com finalidades educacionais. Priorizamos fornecer uma diversidade de níveis, assuntos e idiomas. Sempre que possível, também avaliamos e buscamos informações sobre os níveis em que os materiais podem ser adequados aos ambientes únicos de aprendizagem híbrida em que trabalhamos."
+"CatalogFAQ.selectionQuestion","How does Learning Equality determine what goes into this library?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Como a Learning Equality determina o que é incluído nessa biblioteca?"
+"CatalogFAQ.usingContentAnswer","Great! All of these resources have been specially packaged for use on Kolibri, our open source platform for offline learning, so please review how to get started with Kolibri first, then follow the instructions to import materials.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ótimo! Todos esses conteúdos foram especialmente integrados para uso no Kolibri, nossa plataforma de código aberto para aprendizagem offline. Por favor, reveja primeiramente como iniciar o Kolibri e depois siga as instruções para importar materiais."
+"CatalogFAQ.usingContentQuestion","I found something I'm interested in and would like to start using it. What should I do?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Encontrei algo que me interessa e gostaria de começar a usá-lo. O que devo fazer?"
+"CatalogFAQ.usingKolibriAnswerP1","You can learn more about using Kolibri by doing any of the following:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Você pode aprender mais sobre usar o Kolibri com os seguintes passos:"
+"CatalogFAQ.usingKolibriAnswerP2","We invite you to use the Kolibri user documentation for further guidance.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Te convidamos a usar a documentação de usuário do Kolibri para mais informações."
+"CatalogFAQ.usingKolibriItem1","Visit the Learning Equality website","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Visite o website da Learning Equality"
+"CatalogFAQ.usingKolibriItem2","View a demo of the platform","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Visualizar uma demonstração da plataforma"
+"CatalogFAQ.usingKolibriItem3","Download the software","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Baixar o software"
+"CatalogFAQ.usingKolibriQuestion","How can I use Kolibri?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Como posso usar o Kolibri?"
+"CatalogFAQ.usingResourcesHeader","About using these resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Sobre usar estes conteúdos"
+"CatalogFAQ.viewDemoLink","View demo","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ver demonstração"
+"CatalogFAQ.viewDocsLink","View docs","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ver documentos"
+"CatalogFAQ.viewGettingStartedLink","Documentation resources to get started with Kolibri","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Conteúdos de documentação para iniciar o Kolibri"
+"CatalogFAQ.viewIntegrationGuide","View content integration guide","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ver o guia de integração de conteúdo"
+"CatalogFAQ.visitWebsiteLink","Visit website","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Visitar website"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"CatalogFilterBar.channelCount","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# channel}
+ other {# channels}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural, one {}
+ =1 {# canal}
+ other {# canais}}"
+"CatalogFilterBar.clearAll","Clear all","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Limpar tudo"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"CatalogFilterBar.coachContent","Coach content","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Conteúdo de professores"
+"CatalogFilterBar.copyTitle","Copy collection token","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copiar token do conjunto"
+"CatalogFilterBar.copyToken","Copy collection token","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copiar token do conjunto"
+"CatalogFilterBar.copyTokenInstructions","Paste this token into Kolibri to import the channels contained in this collection","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Cole este token no Kolibri para importar os canais contidos neste conjunto"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"CatalogFilters.coachDescription","Resources for coaches are only visible to coaches in Kolibri","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Os materiais para professores são visíveis apenas para eles no Kolibri"
+"CatalogFilters.coachLabel","Resources for coaches","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Materiais para professores"
+"CatalogFilters.copyright","© {year} Learning Equality","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","© {year} Learning Equality"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"CatalogFilters.frequentlyAskedQuestionsLink","Frequently asked questions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Perguntas frequentes"
+"CatalogFilters.includesLabel","Display only channels with","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Mostrar apenas canais com"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"CatalogFilters.subtitlesLabel","Captions or subtitles","
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"CatalogList.channelSelectionCount","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# channel selected}
+ other {# channels selected}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural, one {}
+ =1 {# canal selecionado}
+ other {# canais selecionados}}"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"CatalogList.downloadCSV","Download CSV","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Baixar CSV"
+"CatalogList.downloadPDF","Download PDF","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Baixar PDF"
+"CatalogList.downloadingMessage","Download started","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Download iniciado"
+"CatalogList.resultsText","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# result found}
+ other {# results found}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural, one {}
+ =1 {# resultado encontrado}
+ other {# resultados encontrados}}"
+"CatalogList.selectAll","Select all","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Selecionar todos"
+"CatalogList.selectChannels","Download a summary of selected channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Baixar um resumo dos canais selecionados"
+"CategoryOptions.noCategoryFoundText","Category not found","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Categoria não encontrada"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChangePasswordForm.changePasswordHeader","Change password","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Mudar de senha"
+"ChangePasswordForm.confirmNewPasswordLabel","Confirm new password","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Confirmar nova senha"
+"ChangePasswordForm.formInvalidText","Passwords don't match","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","As senhas não coincidem"
+"ChangePasswordForm.newPasswordLabel","New password","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nova senha"
+"ChangePasswordForm.passwordChangeFailed","Failed to save new password","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Erro ao salvar a nova senha"
+"ChangePasswordForm.paswordChangeSuccess","Password updated","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Senha atualizada"
+"ChangePasswordForm.saveChangesAction","Save changes","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Salvar alterações"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelCatalogFrontPage.catalogHeader","Kolibri Content Library channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Canais da biblioteca de conteúdo do Kolibri"
+"ChannelCatalogFrontPage.coachHeading","Resources for coaches","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Materiais para professores"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelCatalogFrontPage.numberOfChannels","{ num } channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{ num } canais"
+"ChannelCatalogFrontPage.subtitlesIncludedText","Captions or subtitles","
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelDeletedError.backToHomeAction","Back to home","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Voltar à página inicial"
+"ChannelDeletedError.channelDeletedDetails","This channel does not exist or may have been removed. Please contact us at content@learningequality.org if you think this is a mistake.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Este canal não existe ou pode ter sido removido. Por favor, envie um e-mail para content@learningequality.org se achar que isto é um erro."
+"ChannelDeletedError.channelDeletedHeader","Channel not found","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Canal não encontrado"
+"ChannelDetailsModal.downloadButton","Download channel summary","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Baixar resumo do canal"
+"ChannelDetailsModal.downloadCSV","Download CSV","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Baixar CSV"
+"ChannelDetailsModal.downloadPDF","Download PDF","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Baixar PDF"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelExportStrings.coachContent","Resources for coaches","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Materiais para professores"
+"ChannelExportStrings.copyrightHolders","Copyright holders","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Detentores dos direitos autorais"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelExportStrings.id","Channel ID","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","ID do canal"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelExportStrings.languages","Included languages","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Idiomas inclusos"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelExportStrings.size","Total resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Conteúdos totais"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelExportStrings.subtitles","Captions or subtitles","
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelInfoCard.resourceCount","{count, number} {count, plural, one {resource} other {resources}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, number} {count, plural, one {conteúdo} other {conteúdos}}"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelInvitation.acceptedSnackbar","Accepted invitation","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Convite aceito"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelInvitation.declinedSnackbar","Declined invitation","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Convite recusado"
+"ChannelInvitation.decliningInvitation","Declining Invitation","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Recusando convite"
+"ChannelInvitation.decliningInvitationMessage","Are you sure you want to decline this invitation?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Tem certeza que deseja recusar este convite?"
+"ChannelInvitation.editText","{sender} has invited you to edit {channel}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{sender} te convidou para editar {channel}"
+"ChannelInvitation.goToChannelSnackbarAction","Go to channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ir para o canal"
+"ChannelInvitation.viewText","{sender} has invited you to view {channel}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{sender} te convidou para visualizar {channel}"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelItem.channelDeletedSnackbar","Channel deleted","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Canal excluído"
+"ChannelItem.channelLanguageNotSetIndicator","No language set","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nenhum idioma definido"
+"ChannelItem.copyToken","Copy channel token","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copiar token do canal"
+"ChannelItem.deleteChannel","Delete channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Excluir canal"
+"ChannelItem.deletePrompt","This channel will be permanently deleted. This cannot be undone.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Este canal será excluído permanentemente. Esta ação não pode ser desfeita."
+"ChannelItem.deleteTitle","Delete this channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Excluir este canal"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelItem.editChannel","Edit channel details","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Editar detalhes do canal"
+"ChannelItem.goToWebsite","Go to source website","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ir para o website de origem"
+"ChannelItem.lastPublished","Published {last_published}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Publicado em {last_published}"
+"ChannelItem.lastUpdated","Updated {updated}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Atualizado {updated}"
+"ChannelItem.resourceCount","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# resource}
+ other {# resources}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural, one {}
+ =1 {# conteúdo}
+ other {# conteúdos}}"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Não publicado"
+"ChannelItem.versionText","Version {version}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Versão {version}"
+"ChannelItem.viewContent","View channel on Kolibri","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Visualizar canal no Kolibri"
+"ChannelList.channel","New channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Novo canal"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelList.noChannelsFound","No channels found","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nenhum canal encontrado"
+"ChannelList.noMatchingChannels","There are no matching channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Não há canais correspondentes"
+"ChannelListAppError.channelPermissionsErrorDetails","Sign in or ask the owner of this channel to give you permission to edit or view","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Faça o login ou peça ao proprietário deste canal que te dê permissão para editar ou visualizar"
+"ChannelListIndex.catalog","Content Library","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Biblioteca de conteúdo"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelListIndex.frequentlyAskedQuestions","Frequently asked questions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Perguntas frequentes"
+"ChannelListIndex.invitations","You have {count, plural,
+ =1 {# invitation}
+ other {# invitations}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Você tem {count, plural, one {}
+ =1 {# convite}
+ other {# convites}}"
+"ChannelListIndex.libraryTitle","Kolibri Content Library Catalog","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Catálogo da Biblioteca de Conteúdos Kolibri"
+"ChannelModal.APIText","Channels generated automatically are not editable.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Os canais gerados automaticamente não são editáveis."
+"ChannelModal.changesSaved","Changes saved","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Alterações salvas"
+"ChannelModal.channelDescription","Channel description","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Descrição do canal"
+"ChannelModal.channelError","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Campo obrigatório"
+"ChannelModal.channelName","Channel name","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nome do canal"
+"ChannelModal.closeButton","Exit without saving","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Sair sem salvar"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelModal.creatingHeader","New channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Novo canal"
+"ChannelModal.details","Channel details","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Detalhes do canal"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelModal.keepEditingButton","Keep editing","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Continuar editando"
+"ChannelModal.notFoundError","Channel does not exist","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","O canal não existe"
+"ChannelModal.saveChangesButton","Save changes","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Salvar alterações"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelModal.unauthorizedError","You cannot edit this channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Você não pode editar este canal"
+"ChannelModal.unsavedChangesHeader","Unsaved changes","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Alterações não salvas"
+"ChannelModal.unsavedChangesText","You will lose any unsaved changes. Are you sure you want to exit?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Você perderá todas as alterações não salvas. Tem certeza que deseja sair?"
+"ChannelNotFoundError.backToHomeAction","Back to home","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Voltar à página inicial"
+"ChannelNotFoundError.channelNotFoundDetails","This channel does not exist or may have been removed. Please contact us at content@learningequality.org if you think this is a mistake.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Este canal não existe ou pode ter sido removido. Por favor, envie um e-mail para content@learningequality.org se achar que isto é um erro."
+"ChannelNotFoundError.channelNotFoundHeader","Channel not found","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Canal não encontrado"
+"ChannelSelectionList.noChannelsFound","No channels found","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nenhum canal encontrado"
+"ChannelSelectionList.searchText","Search for a channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Buscar canal"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelSetItem.delete","Delete collection","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Excluir conjunto"
+"ChannelSetItem.deleteChannelSetText","Are you sure you want to delete this collection?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Tem certeza que deseja excluir esta coleção?"
+"ChannelSetItem.deleteChannelSetTitle","Delete collection","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Excluir conjunto"
+"ChannelSetItem.edit","Edit collection","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Editar conjunto"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelSetList.aboutChannelSets","About collections","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Sobre os conjuntos"
+"ChannelSetList.aboutChannelSetsLink","Learn about collections","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Saiba mais sobre os conjuntos"
+"ChannelSetList.addChannelSetTitle","New collection","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Novo conjunto"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelSetList.channelNumber","Number of channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Número de canais"
+"ChannelSetList.channelSetsDescriptionText","A collection contains multiple Kolibri Studio channels that can be imported at one time to Kolibri with a single collection token.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Um conjunto contém vários canais do Kolibri Studio que podem ser importados de uma vez ao Kolibri com um único token de conjunto."
+"ChannelSetList.channelSetsDisclaimer","You will need Kolibri version 0.12.0 or higher to import channel collections","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Você precisará da versão 0.12.0 ou superior do Kolibri para importar conjuntos de canais"
+"ChannelSetList.channelSetsInstructionsText","You can make a collection by selecting the channels you want to be imported together.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Você pode fazer um conjunto selecionando os canais que quer importar juntos."
+"ChannelSetList.noChannelSetsFound","You can package together multiple channels to create a collection. The entire collection can then be imported to Kolibri at once by using a collection token.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Você pode integrar vários canais para criar um conjunto. O conjunto inteiro pode então ser importado ao Kolibri de uma vez por meio de um token de conjunto."
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelSetList.title","Collection name","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nome do conjunto"
+"ChannelSetList.token","Token ID","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","ID do token"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelSetModal.channelAdded","Channel added","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Canal adicionado"
+"ChannelSetModal.channelCountText","{channelCount, plural, =0 {No published channels in your collection} =1 {# channel} other {# channels}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{channelCount, plural, one {} =0 {Não há canais publicados no seu conjunto} =1 {# canal} other {# canais}}"
+"ChannelSetModal.channelRemoved","Channel removed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Canal removido"
+"ChannelSetModal.channelSelectedCountText","{channelCount, plural, =1 {# channel selected} other {# channels selected}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{channelCount, plural, one {} =1 {# canal selecionado} other {# canais selecionados}}"
+"ChannelSetModal.channels","Collection channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Canais do conjunto"
+"ChannelSetModal.closeButton","Exit without saving","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Sair sem salvar"
+"ChannelSetModal.collectionErrorText","This collection does not exist","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Este conjunto não existe"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelSetModal.creatingChannelSet","New collection","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Novo conjunto"
+"ChannelSetModal.edit","My Channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Meus canais"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelSetModal.publishedChannelsOnlyText","Only published channels are available for selection","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Apenas canais publicados estão disponíveis para seleção"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelSetModal.saveButton","Save and close","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Salvar e fechar"
+"ChannelSetModal.selectChannelsHeader","Select channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Selecionar canais"
+"ChannelSetModal.titleLabel","Collection name","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nome do conjunto"
+"ChannelSetModal.titleRequiredText","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Campo obrigatório"
+"ChannelSetModal.token","Collection token","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Token do conjunto"
+"ChannelSetModal.tokenPrompt","Copy this token into Kolibri to import this collection onto your device.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copie este token no Kolibri para importar este conjunto ao seu dispositivo."
+"ChannelSetModal.unsavedChangesHeader","Unsaved changes","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Alterações não salvas"
+"ChannelSetModal.unsavedChangesText","You will lose any unsaved changes. Are you sure you want to exit?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Você perderá todas as alterações não salvas. Tem certeza que deseja sair?"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Para visualizar"
+"ChannelSharing.alreadyHasAccessError","User already has access to this channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","O usuário já tem acesso a este canal"
+"ChannelSharing.alreadyInvitedError","User already invited","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Usuário já convidado"
+"ChannelSharing.canEdit","Can edit","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Pode editar"
+"ChannelSharing.canView","Can view","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Pode visualizar"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelSharing.emailRequiredMessage","Email is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","O e-mail é obrigatório"
+"ChannelSharing.invitationFailedError","Invitation failed to send. Please try again","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Falha ao enviar convite. Por favor, tente novamente"
+"ChannelSharing.invitationSentMessage","Invitation sent","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Convite enviado"
+"ChannelSharing.inviteButton","Send invitation","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Enviar convite"
+"ChannelSharing.inviteSubheading","Invite collaborators","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Convidar colaboradores"
+"ChannelSharing.validEmailMessage","Please enter a valid email","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Por favor, digite um e-mail válido"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelSharingTable.currentUserText","{first_name} {last_name} (you)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{first_name} {last_name} (você)"
+"ChannelSharingTable.deleteInvitation","Delete invitation","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Excluir convite"
+"ChannelSharingTable.deleteInvitationConfirm","Delete invitation","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Excluir convite"
+"ChannelSharingTable.deleteInvitationHeader","Delete invitation","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Excluir convite"
+"ChannelSharingTable.deleteInvitationText","Are you sure you would like to delete the invitation for {email}?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Tem certeza que deseja excluir o convite para {email}?"
+"ChannelSharingTable.editPermissionsGrantedMessage","Edit permissions granted","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Permissões de edição concedidos"
+"ChannelSharingTable.editorsSubheading","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# user who can edit}
+ other {# users who can edit}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural, one {}
+ =1 {# usuário que pode editar}
+ other {# usuários que podem editar}}"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelSharingTable.invitationDeletedMessage","Invitation deleted","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Convite excluído"
+"ChannelSharingTable.invitationFailedError","Invitation failed to resend. Please try again","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Falha ao reenviar convite. Por favor, tente novamente"
+"ChannelSharingTable.invitationSentMessage","Invitation sent","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Convite enviado"
+"ChannelSharingTable.invitePendingText","Invite pending","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Convite pendente"
+"ChannelSharingTable.makeEditor","Grant edit permissions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Conceder permissões de edição"
+"ChannelSharingTable.makeEditorConfirm","Yes, grant permissions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Sim, conceder permissões"
+"ChannelSharingTable.makeEditorHeader","Grant edit permissions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Conceder permissões de edição"
+"ChannelSharingTable.makeEditorText","Are you sure you would like to grant edit permissions to {first_name} {last_name}?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Tem certeza que deseja conceder permissões de edição a {first_name} {last_name}?"
+"ChannelSharingTable.noUsersText","No users found","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nenhum usuário encontrado"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelSharingTable.removeViewer","Revoke view permissions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Revogar permissões de visualização"
+"ChannelSharingTable.removeViewerConfirm","Yes, revoke","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Sim, revogar"
+"ChannelSharingTable.removeViewerHeader","Revoke view permissions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Revogar permissões de visualização"
+"ChannelSharingTable.removeViewerText","Are you sure you would like to revoke view permissions for {first_name} {last_name}?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Tem certeza que deseja revogar as permissões de visualização de {first_name} {last_name}?"
+"ChannelSharingTable.resendInvitation","Resend invitation","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Reenviar convite"
+"ChannelSharingTable.userRemovedMessage","User removed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Usuário removido"
+"ChannelSharingTable.viewersSubheading","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# user who can view}
+ other {# users who can view}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural, one {}
+ =1 {# usuário que pode visualizar}
+ other {# usuários que podem visualizar}}"
+"ChannelStar.star","Add to starred channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Adicionar aos canais favoritos"
+"ChannelStar.starred","Added to starred channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Adicionado aos canais favoritos"
+"ChannelStar.unstar","Remove from starred channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Remover dos canais favoritos"
+"ChannelStar.unstarred","Removed from starred channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Removido dos canais favoritos"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelThumbnail.croppingPrompt","Drag image to reframe","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Arraste a imagem para reenquadrar"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelThumbnail.noThumbnail","No thumbnail","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Sem miniatura"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelThumbnail.retryUpload","Retry upload","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Tentar o envio novamente"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelThumbnail.upload","Upload image","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Enviar imagem"
+"ChannelThumbnail.uploadFailed","Upload failed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Falha ao enviar"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelThumbnail.zoomIn","Zoom in","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Aumentar zoom"
+"ChannelThumbnail.zoomOut","Zoom out","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Diminuir zoom"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ChannelTokenModal.copyTitle","Copy channel token","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copiar token do canal"
+"ChannelTokenModal.copyTokenInstructions","Paste this token into Kolibri to import this channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Cole este token no Kolibri para importar este canal"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Área de transferência"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Clipboard.copiedItemsToClipboard","Copied in clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copiado para a área de transferência"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Clipboard.duplicateSelectedButton","Make a copy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Fazer uma cópia"
+"Clipboard.emptyDefaultText","Use the clipboard to copy resources and move them to other folders and channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Utilize a área de transferência para copiar conteúdos e movê-los para outras pastas e canais"
+"Clipboard.emptyDefaultTitle","No resources in your clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Não há conteúdos na sua área de transferência"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Clipboard.removedFromClipboard","Deleted from clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Excluído da área de transferência"
+"Clipboard.selectAll","Select all","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Selecionar todos"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Allows the user to filter for all the resources with accessibility features for learners with disabilities.","Acessibilidade"
+-- CONTEXT --
+A type of math category. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Algebra","Álgebra"
+-- CONTEXT --
+A label for everything in the group of activities.","Todas"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.allLevelsBasicSkills","All levels -- basic skills","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to a type of educational level.","Todos os níveis -- habilidades básicas"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.allLevelsWorkSkills","All levels -- work skills","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to a type of educational level.","Todos os níveis - habilidades profissionais"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.altText","Includes alternative text descriptions for images","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Alternative text, or alt text, is a written substitute for an image. It is used to describe information being provided by an image, graph, or any other visual element on a web page. It provides information about the context and function of an image for people with varying degrees of visual and cognitive impairments. When a screen reader encounters an image, it will read aloud the alternative text.
+https://www.med.unc.edu/webguide/accessibility/alt-text/","Contém descrição de imagens ou 'alt text'"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthropology","Antropologia"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Math category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arithmetic","Aritmética"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to a category group type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_arts","Artes"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Science category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astronomy","Astronomia"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.audioDescription","Includes audio descriptions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Content has narration used to provide information surrounding key visual elements for the benefit of blind and visually impaired users.
+https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Audio_description","Contém descrição de áudio"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.basicSkills","Basic skills","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. Basic skills refer to learning resources focused on aspects like literacy, numeracy and digital literacy.","Habilidades básicas"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Science category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biology","Biologia"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.browseChannel","Browse channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Heading on page where a user can browse the content within a channel","Explorar o canal"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Math category type. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calculus","Cálculo"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.captionsSubtitles","Includes captions or subtitles","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Accessibility filter to search for video and audio resources that have text captions for users who are deaf or hard of hearing.
+https://www.w3.org/WAI/media/av/captions/","Contém legendas ou legenda oculta (Close Caption - CC)"
+-- CONTEXT --
+A title for the metadata that explains the subject matter of an activity","Categoria"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Science category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chemistry","Química"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.civicEducation","Civic education","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. Civic education is the study of the rights and obligations of citizens in society. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civics","Educação Cívica"
+-- CONTEXT --
+A title for the metadata that explains when an activity is considered completed","Conclusão"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.computerScience","Computer science","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_science","Ciências da Computação"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Resource and filter label for the type of learning activity. Translate as a VERB","Criar"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.currentEvents","Current events","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. Could also be translated as 'News'. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/News","Atualidades"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.dailyLife","Daily life","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Everyday_life","Cotidiano"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dance","Dança"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.digitalLiteracy","Digital literacy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_literacy","Alfabetização Digital"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diversity_(politics)","Diversidade"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drama","Teatro"
+-- CONTEXT --
+A title for the metadata that explains how long an activity will take","Duração"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.earthScience","Earth science","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth_science","Ciências"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entrepreneurship","Empreendedorismo"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Environmental_studies","Meio Ambiente"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Resource and filter label for the type of learning activity. Translate as a VERB","Explorar"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.financialLiteracy","Financial literacy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Financial_literacy","Educação Financeira"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.forBeginners","For beginners","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Filter option and a label for the resources in the Kolibri Library.","Para iniciantes"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.forTeachers","For teachers","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type","Para Educadores"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type.","Geometria"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category label in the Kolibri resources library; refers to any guide-type material for teacher professional development.","Guias"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.highContrast","Includes high contrast text for learners with low vision","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Accessibility filter used to search for resources that have high contrast color themes for users with low vision ('display' refers to digital content, not the hardware like screens or monitors).
+https://veroniiiica.com/2019/10/25/high-contrast-color-schemes-low-vision/","Contém texto em alto contraste para alunos com baixa visão"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type.","Histórico"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.industryAndSectorSpecific","Industry and sector specific","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Subcategory type for technical and vocational training.","Específico a determinado setor ou indústria"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.languageLearning","Language learning","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type.","Idiomas"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.learningActivity","Learning Activity","
+-- CONTEXT --
+A title for the category of education material interaction, i.e. watch, read, listen","Atividades de aprendizagem"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.learningSkills","Learning skills","
+-- CONTEXT --
+A category label and type of basic skill.
+https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Study_skills","Competências de aprendizagem"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.lessonPlans","Lesson plans","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category label in the Kolibri resources library; refers to lesson planning materials for teachers.","Planos de aula"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to the educational learning level, such a preschool, primary, secondary, etc.","Nível"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Resource and filter label for the type of learning activity with audio. Translate as a VERB","Ouvir"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Literacy","Alfabetização"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Literature","Literatura"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.logicAndCriticalThinking","Logic and critical thinking","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Critical_thinking","Lógica e pensamento crítico"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.longActivity","Long activity","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Label with time estimation for learning activities that take more than 30 minutes.","Atividade longa"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.lowerPrimary","Lower primary","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to a level of learning. Approximately corresponds to the first half of primary school.","Ensino Fundamental (1o - 5o)"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.lowerSecondary","Lower secondary","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to a level of learning. Approximately corresponds to the first half of secondary school (high school).","Ensino Médio"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mathematics","Matemática"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.mechanicalEngineering","Mechanical engineering","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mechanical_engineering.","Engenharia mecânica"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.mediaLiteracy","Media literacy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Media_literacy","Mídia e Comunicações"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.mentalHealth","Mental health","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mental_health","Saúde Mental"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Music","Música"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.needsInternet","Internet connection","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to a filter for resources.","Conexão à Internet"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.needsMaterials","Other supplies","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to a filter for resources.
+","Outros materiais"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Numeracy","Alfabtização numérica"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.peers","Working with peers","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to a filter for resources that require a learner to work with other learners to be used.","Trabalhar em pares ou em grupo"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physics.","Física"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.politicalScience","Political science","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_science.","Ciências Políticas"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Resource and filter label for the type of learning activity with questions and answers. Translate as a VERB","Praticar"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to a level of education offered to children before they begin compulsory education at primary school.
+See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Preschool","Pré-escola"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.professionalSkills","Professional skills","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. Refers to skills that are related to a profession or a job.","Competências profissionais"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_programming","Programação"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.publicHealth","Public health","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_health.","Saúde pública"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Resource and filter label for the type of learning activity with documents. Translate as a VERB","Ler"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Label displayed for the 'Read' learning activity, used instead of the time duration information, to indicate a resource that may not need sequential reading from the beginning to the end. Similar concept as the 'reference' books in the traditional library, that the user just 'consults', and does not read from cover to cover.","Lista de referências"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.readingAndWriting","Reading and writing","
+-- CONTEXT --
+School subject category","Leitura e escrita"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.readingComprehension","Reading comprehension","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type.","Compreensão de texto"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Resource and filter label for the type of learning activity. Translate as a VERB","Refletir"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type.","Escolar"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Science","Ciências"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.shortActivity","Short activity","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Label with time estimation for learning activities that take less than 30 minutes.","Atividade curta"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.signLanguage","Includes sign language captions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Wherever communities of deaf people exist, sign languages have developed as useful means of communication, and they form the core of local Deaf cultures. Although signing is used primarily by the deaf and hard of hearing, it is also used by hearing individuals, such as those unable to physically speak, those who have trouble with spoken language due to a disability or condition (augmentative and alternative communication), or those with deaf family members, such as children of deaf adults. ","Contém close captions na linguagem de sinais"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.skillsTraining","Skills training","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Subcategory type for technical and vocational training.","Treinamento de competências para o trabalho"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.socialSciences","Social sciences","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_science","Ciências Sociais"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sociology","Sociologia"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.softwareTools","Other software tools","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to a filter for resources that need additional software to be used.","Outras ferramentas ou programas digitais"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.softwareToolsAndTraining","Software tools and training","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Subcategory type for technical and vocational training.","Ferramentas de software e treinamento"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.specializedProfessionalTraining","Specialized professional training","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Level of education that refers to training for a profession (job).","Formação profissional especializada"
+-- CONTEXT --
+A math category. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statistics","Estatísticas"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.taggedPdf","Tagged PDF","
+-- CONTEXT --
+A tagged PDF includes hidden accessibility markups (tags) that make the document accessible to those who use screen readers and other assistive technology (AT).
+https://taggedpdf.com/what-is-a-tagged-pdf/","PDF etiquetado"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.teacher","Working with a teacher","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to a filter for resources that require a learner to work with a teacher to be used.","Da ajuda de um professor"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.technicalAndVocationalTraining","Technical and vocational training","
+-- CONTEXT --
+A level of education. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TVET_(Technical_and_Vocational_Education_and_Training)","Formação Técnica e Vocacional"
+-- CONTEXT --
+A level of education. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tertiary_education","Ensino Superior"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.toUseWithPaperAndPencil","Paper and pencil","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to a filter for resources.
+","Papel e lápis"
+-- CONTEXT --
+A collection of resources and other subfolders within a channel. Nested folders allow a channel to be organized as a tree or hierarchy.","Pasta"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.upperPrimary","Upper primary","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to a level of education. Approximately corresponds to the second half of primary school.
+","Ensino Fundamental II (6o - 9o)"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.upperSecondary","Upper secondary","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Refers to a level of education. Approximately corresponds to the second half of secondary school.","Ensino Médio"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.visualArt","Visual art","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visual_arts","Artes Visuais"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Resource and filter label for the type of learning activity with video. Translate as a VERB","Assistir"
+"CommonMetadataStrings.webDesign","Web design","
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_design","Desenho de Web"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Top level category group that contains resources for acquisition of professional skills.","Trabalho"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Category type. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Writing","Escrita"
+"CommunityStandardsModal.communityStandardsHeader","Community Standards","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Normas comunitárias"
+"CommunityStandardsModal.coreValuesLink","Learn more about Learning Equality's core values","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Saiba mais sobre os valores fundamentais da Learning Equality"
+"CommunityStandardsModal.description","Learning Equality is a nonprofit organization dedicated to enabling equitable access to quality educational experiences. Along with our statement of Core Values, these Community Standards are intended to foster a supportive and inclusive environment for our users.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","A Learning Equality é uma organização sem fins lucrativos dedicada a possibilitar o acesso igualitário a experiências de educação de qualidade. Junto à nossa declaração de valores fundamentais, estas normas comunitárias pretendem promover um ambiente solidário e inclusivo para nossos usuários."
+"CommunityStandardsModal.libraryDescription","The Kolibri Library is both a grassroots and curated effort to provide a wide variety of materials for all learners and learning purposes. To help us achieve these goals, we invite you to use Kolibri Studio in ways that:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","A biblioteca do Kolibri é tanto um esforço curado como popular para fornecer uma ampla variedade de materiais para todos os estudantes e propósitos de aprendizagem. Para nos ajudar a atingir estes objetivos, te convidamos a usar o Kolibri Studio de forma que:"
+"CommunityStandardsModal.libraryItem1","Model good practices in open sharing and respect copyright. Create an ethical sharing community by labeling licenses, making sure you know the appropriate licenses for what you upload, and ensuring that appropriate written permissions are documented if needed. Studio is primarily designed to host materials which are openly licensed or come with special permissions for re-distribution and reproduction.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Modele práticas recomendadas em compartilhamento aberto e respeite direitos autorais. Crie uma comunidade artificial de compartilhamento ao rotular licenças, certificando-se de que conheça as licenças apropriadas para o que envia, e garantindo que permissões escritas apropriadas sejam documentadas se necessário. O Studio é feito principalmente para hospedar materiais que possuem licença aberta ou vêm com permissões especiais para redistribuição e reprodução."
+"CommunityStandardsModal.libraryItem2","Keep materials clear, organized, and usable. We welcome resources created at all levels of production! To help them reach as many learners as possible, we invite you to fully utilize all metadata fields and aim for quality in comprehensibility, legibility, or digitization such that the content is usable and understandable.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Mantenha os materiais claros, organizados e utilizáveis. Acolhemos conteúdos criados em todos os níveis de produção! Para ajudá-los a alcançar o máximo de estudantes possível, te convidamos a usar por completo todos os campos de metadados e visar a qualidade na inteligibilidade, legibilidade, ou digitalização, de forma que o conteúdo seja utilizável e compreensível."
+"CommunityStandardsModal.libraryItem3","Respect the community. Avoid obscenity and vulgarity, beyond specific educational purposes they might serve in some contexts. Hate speech of any kind, or promotion of violence or discrimination, will never be tolerated.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Respeite a comunidade. Evite obscenidades e vulgaridades, com exceção de alguns contextos e por propósitos educacionais específicos em que podem ser úteis. Jamais serão tolerados discursos de ódio de qualquer tipo, bem como incitação à violência ou discriminação."
+"CommunityStandardsModal.libraryItem4","Kolibri Studio is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to be used for non-educational purposes such as recruitment, indoctrination, advertisement, file sharing, or personal media hosting.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","O Kolibri Studio é apenas para propósitos educacionais. Não foi feito para ser usado para propósitos não educacionais como recrutamento, doutrinamento, propaganda, compartilhamento de arquivos, ou hospedagem de mídias pessoais."
+"CommunityStandardsModal.studioDescription","Kolibri Studio gives you access to the Kolibri Library, a growing library of educational materials, which we encourage you to use as your own. We built Kolibri Studio to help you prepare educational materials in a variety of ways, including but not limited to:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","O Kolibri Studio te dá acesso à biblioteca do Kolibri, uma biblioteca crescente de materiais educacionais, a qual encorajamos que você use como se fosse sua. Construímos o Kolibri Studio para te ajudar a preparar materiais educacionais de diversas maneiras, incluindo, mas não se limitando a:"
+"CommunityStandardsModal.studioItem1","Browsing. Selecting appropriate educational materials for your situation from the Kolibri Library, the listing of sources available on the public channels page in Kolibri Studio","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Navegação. Selecionar materiais educacionais da biblioteca do Kolibri que sejam adequados à sua situação, a listagem disponível na página dos canais públicos no Kolibri Studio"
+"CommunityStandardsModal.studioItem2","Curating. Reorganizing the materials in these channels by selecting, deleting, and reordering appropriate items","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Curadoria. Reorganizar os materiais nestes canais ao selecionar, excluir, e reordenar itens apropriados"
+"CommunityStandardsModal.studioItem3","Sharing. Creating and publishing new channels with what you find, either to share with your own implementations privately or to share with others on Kolibri Studio.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Compartilhamento. Criar e publicar novos canais com o que você encontrar, seja para compartilhar com as suas próprias implementações de forma privada ou compartilhar com outros no Kolibri Studio."
+"CommunityStandardsModal.studioItem4","Modifying & Creating. Adding your own assessment exercises to any existing materials","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Modificação e criação. Adicionar seus próprios exercícios avaliativos a qualquer material existente"
+"CommunityStandardsModal.studioItem5","Hosting. Uploading your own materials (limited to materials you know are appropriately licensed to do so) from a local hard drive or other locations on the internet","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Hospedagem. Enviar seus próprios materiais (limitado a materiais que você sabe serem licenciados de forma apropriada) para um disco rígido local ou outras localidades na internet"
+"CompletionOptions.allContent","Viewed in its entirety","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Visualizado na sua totalidade"
+"CompletionOptions.completeDuration","When time spent is equal to duration","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Quando o tempo gasto no conteúdo é igual à duração do mesmo"
+"CompletionOptions.determinedByResource","Determined by the resource","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Pré-determinado pelo próprio conteúdo"
+"CompletionOptions.exactTime","Time to complete","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Tempo necessário para a conclusão do conteúdo"
+"CompletionOptions.goal","When goal is met","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Quando o objetivo for alcançado"
+"CompletionOptions.practiceQuiz","Practice quiz","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Teste para praticar"
+"CompletionOptions.reference","Reference material","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Materiais de referência"
+"CompletionOptions.referenceHint","Progress will not be tracked on reference material unless learners mark it as complete","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","O progresso do aluno sobre um material de referência só será registrado se o aluno o marcar como 'concluído'"
+"ConstantStrings.All Rights Reserved","All Rights Reserved","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Todos os direitos reservados"
+"ConstantStrings.All Rights Reserved_description","The All Rights Reserved License indicates that the copyright holder reserves, or holds for their own use, all the rights provided by copyright law under one specific copyright treaty.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","A licença de Todos os Direitos Reservados indica que o detentor dos direitos autorais reserva-se, ou mantém para si o uso, de todos os direitos providos pela lei de direitos autorais sob um único acordo de direitos autorais."
+"ConstantStrings.CC BY","CC BY","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","CC BY"
+"ConstantStrings.CC BY-NC","CC BY-NC","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","CC BY-NC"
+"ConstantStrings.CC BY-NC-ND","CC BY-NC-ND","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","CC BY-NC-ND"
+"ConstantStrings.CC BY-NC-ND_description","The Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License is the most restrictive of our six main licenses, only allowing others to download your works and share them with others as long as they credit you, but they can't change them in any way or use them commercially.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","A licença de Atribuição-NãoComercial-SemDerivações é a mais restritiva das nossas seis principais licenças, permitindo apenas que outros baixem seus trabalhos e os compartilhem com outros desde que te deem crédito, mas não podem alterá-los ou usá-los comercialmente."
+"ConstantStrings.CC BY-NC-SA","CC BY-NC-SA","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","CC BY-NC-SA"
+"ConstantStrings.CC BY-NC-SA_description","The Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work non-commercially, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under the identical terms.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","A licença de Atribuição-NãoComercial-CompartilhaIgual permite que outros remixem, ajustem e se baseiem no seu trabalho não comercialmente, desde que te deem crédito e licenciem suas novas criações sob os mesmos termos."
+"ConstantStrings.CC BY-NC_description","The Attribution-NonCommercial License lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work non-commercially, and although their new works must also acknowledge you and be non-commercial, they don't have to license their derivative works on the same terms.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","A licença de Atribuição-NãoComercial permite que outros remixem, ajustem e se baseiem no seu trabalho não comercialmente, e embora os seus novos trabalhos devam também te reconhecer e serem não comerciais, não precisam licenciar os seus trabalhos derivados sob os mesmos termos."
+"ConstantStrings.CC BY-ND","CC BY-ND","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","CC BY-ND"
+"ConstantStrings.CC BY-ND_description","The Attribution-NoDerivs License allows for redistribution, commercial and non-commercial, as long as it is passed along unchanged and in whole, with credit to you.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","A licença de Atribuição-SemDerivações permite redistribuição, comercial ou não comercial, desde que seja feita sem modificações e por inteiro, com os créditos a você."
+"ConstantStrings.CC BY-SA","CC BY-SA","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","CC BY-SA"
+"ConstantStrings.CC BY-SA_description","The Attribution-ShareAlike License lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work even for commercial purposes, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under the identical terms. This license is often compared to ""copyleft"" free and open source software licenses. All new works based on yours will carry the same license, so any derivatives will also allow commercial use. This is the license used by Wikipedia, and is recommended for materials that would benefit from incorporating content from Wikipedia and similarly licensed projects.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","A licença de Atribuição-CompartilhaIgual permite que outros remixem, ajustem e se baseiem no seu trabalho, mesmo que por motivos comerciais, desde que te deem crédito e licenciem suas novas criações sob os mesmos termos. Essa licença é frequentemente comparada às de software livre, como as de ""copyleft"" e de código aberto. Todos os novos trabalhos baseados no seu terão a mesma licença, então quaisquer derivativos também permitirão o uso comercial. Essa é a licença usada pelo Wikipedia e é recomendada para materiais que se beneficiariam de incorporarem conteúdo do Wikipedia e de outros projetos similarmente licenciados."
+"ConstantStrings.CC BY_description","The Attribution License lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation. This is the most accommodating of licenses offered. Recommended for maximum dissemination and use of licensed materials.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","A licença de Atribuição permite que outros distribuam, remixem, ajustem e se baseiem no seu trabalho, até comercialmente, desde que te deem crédito pela criação original. É o tipo de licença mais flexível oferecido. Recomendado para o máximo de divulgação e uso dos materiais licenciados."
+"ConstantStrings.Public Domain","Public Domain","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Domínio público"
+"ConstantStrings.Public Domain_description","Public Domain work has been identified as being free of known restrictions under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Um trabalho de domínio público é identificado como livre das restrições correntes sob a lei de direitos autorais, incluindo todos os direitos relacionados e afins."
+"ConstantStrings.Special Permissions","Special Permissions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Permissões especiais"
+"ConstantStrings.Special Permissions_description","Special Permissions is a custom license to use when the current licenses do not apply to the content. The owner of this license is responsible for creating a description of what this license entails.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","A licença personalizada de Permissões Especiais é usada quando as licenças atuais não se aplicarem ao conteúdo. O detentor dessa licença é responsável por criar a descrição do que ela pressupõe."
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ConstantStrings.do_all","Goal: 100% correct","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Objetivo: 100% correto"
+"ConstantStrings.do_all_description","Learner must answer all questions in the exercise correctly (not recommended for long exercises)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Estudantes devem responder corretamente a todas as perguntas no exercício (não recomendado para exercícios longos)"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ConstantStrings.edit","My channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Meus canais"
+"ConstantStrings.epub","EPub document","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Documento EPUB"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ConstantStrings.firstCopy","Copy of {title}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Cópia de {title}"
+"ConstantStrings.gif","GIF image","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Imagem GIF"
+"ConstantStrings.h5p","H5P App","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Aplicativo H5P"
+"ConstantStrings.high_res_video","High resolution","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Alta resolução"
+"ConstantStrings.html5","HTML5 App","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Aplicativo HTML5"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ConstantStrings.html5_zip","HTML5 zip","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Zip HTML5"
+"ConstantStrings.input_question","Numeric input","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Entrada numérica"
+"ConstantStrings.jpeg","JPEG image","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Imagem JPEG"
+"ConstantStrings.jpg","JPG image","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Imagem JPG"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Qualquer um"
+"ConstantStrings.low_res_video","Low resolution","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Baixa resolução"
+"ConstantStrings.m_of_n","M of N...","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","M de N..."
+"ConstantStrings.m_of_n_description","Learner must answer M questions correctly from the last N answered questions. For example, ‘3 of 5’ means learners must answer 3 questions correctly out of the 5 most recently answered.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Estudantes precisam responder corretamente M perguntas das últimas N respondidas. Por exemplo, '3 de 5' significa que estudantes precisam responder corretamente 3 perguntas das 5 mais recentes."
+"ConstantStrings.mp3","MP3 audio","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Áudio MP3"
+"ConstantStrings.mp4","MP4 video","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Vídeo MP4"
+"ConstantStrings.multiple_selection","Multiple choice","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Múltipla escolha"
+"ConstantStrings.nthCopy","Copy {n, number, integer} of {title}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copiar {n, number, integer} de {title}"
+"ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_10","Goal: 10 in a row","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Objetivo: 10 acertos seguidos"
+"ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_10_description","Learner must answer 10 questions in a row correctly","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Estudantes devem responder corretamente a 10 perguntas seguidas"
+"ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_2","Goal: 2 in a row","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Objetivo: 2 acertos seguidos"
+"ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_2_description","Learner must answer 2 questions in a row correctly","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Estudantes devem responder corretamente a 2 perguntas seguidas"
+"ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_3","Goal: 3 in a row","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Objetivo: 3 acertos seguidos"
+"ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_3_description","Learner must answer 3 questions in a row correctly","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Estudantes devem responder corretamente a 3 perguntas seguidas"
+"ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_5","Goal: 5 in a row","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Objetivo: 5 acertos seguidos"
+"ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_5_description","Learner must answer 5 questions in a row correctly","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Estudantes devem responder corretamente a 5 perguntas seguidas"
+"ConstantStrings.pdf","PDF document","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Documento PDF"
+"ConstantStrings.perseus","Perseus Exercise","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Exercício Perseus"
+"ConstantStrings.perseus_question","Khan Academy question","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Pergunta da Khan Academy"
+"ConstantStrings.png","PNG image","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Imagem PNG"
+"ConstantStrings.public","Content library","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Biblioteca de conteúdo"
+"ConstantStrings.single_selection","Single choice","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Única escolha"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ConstantStrings.svg","SVG image","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Imagem SVG"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ConstantStrings.unknown_question","Unknown question type","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Tipo de pergunta desconhecido"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Para visualizar"
+"ConstantStrings.vtt","VTT caption","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Legenda VTT"
+"ConstantStrings.webm","WEBM video","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Vídeo WEBM "
+"ConstantStrings.zip","HTML5 zip","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Zip HTML5"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentDefaults.copyrightHolder","Copyright holder","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Detentor dos direitos autorais"
+"ContentDefaults.defaultsSubTitle","New resources will be automatically given these values","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Estes valores serão automaticamente atribuídos aos novos conteúdos"
+"ContentDefaults.defaultsTitle","Default copyright settings for new resources (optional)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Configuração padrão dos direitos autorais para novos conteúdos (opcional)"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentDefaults.html5","HTML5 apps","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Aplicativos HTML5"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentDefaults.licenseDescription","License description","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Descrição da licença"
+"ContentDefaults.noLicense","No license selected","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nenhuma licença selecionada"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentDefaults.thumbnailsTitle","Automatically generate thumbnails for the following resource types","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Gerar automaticamente miniaturas para os seguintes tipos de conteúdo"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentNodeChangedIcon.containsNew","Contains unpublished resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Contém conteúdos não publicados"
+"ContentNodeChangedIcon.containsNewAndUpdated","Contains unpublished resources and changes","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Contém alterações e conteúdos não publicados"
+"ContentNodeChangedIcon.containsUpdated","Contains unpublished changes","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Contém alterações não publicadas"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Não publicado"
+"ContentNodeChangedIcon.isNewTopic","Unpublished folder","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Pasta não publicada"
+"ContentNodeChangedIcon.isUpdatedResource","Updated since last publish","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Atualizado desde a última publicação"
+"ContentNodeChangedIcon.isUpdatedTopic","Folder has been updated since last publish","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","A pasta foi atualizada desde sua última publicação"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentNodeIcon.html5","HTML5 App","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Aplicativo HTML5"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Não suportado"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentNodeLearningActivityIcon.multipleLearningActivities","Multiple learning activities","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Conteúdo com múltiplas atividades"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentNodeListItem.coachTooltip","Resource for coaches","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Material para professores"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentNodeListItem.hasCoachTooltip","{value, number, integer} {value, plural, one {resource for coaches} other {resources for coaches}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{value, number, integer} {value, plural, one {material para professores} other {materiais para professores}}"
+"ContentNodeListItem.openTopic","Open folder","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Abrir pasta"
+"ContentNodeListItem.questions","{value, number, integer} {value, plural, one {question} other {questions}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{value, number, integer} {value, plural, one {pergunta} other {perguntas}}"
+"ContentNodeListItem.resources","{value, number, integer} {value, plural, one {resource} other {resources}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{value, number, integer} {value, plural, one {conteúdo} other {conteúdos}}"
+"ContentNodeOptions.copiedItemsToClipboard","Copied in clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copiado para a área de transferência"
+"ContentNodeOptions.copiedSnackbar","Copy operation complete","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Cópia concluída"
+"ContentNodeOptions.copiedToClipboardSnackbar","Copied to clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copiado para a área de transferência"
+"ContentNodeOptions.copyToClipboard","Copy to clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copiar para área de transferência"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentNodeOptions.editDetails","Edit details","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Editar detalhes"
+"ContentNodeOptions.editTopicDetails","Edit folder details","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Editar os detalhes da pasta"
+"ContentNodeOptions.goToOriginalLocation","Go to original location","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ir para a localização de origem"
+"ContentNodeOptions.makeACopy","Make a copy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Fazer uma cópia"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentNodeOptions.moveTo","Move to...","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Mover para..."
+"ContentNodeOptions.newSubtopic","New folder","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nova pasta"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentNodeOptions.removedFromClipboard","Deleted from clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Excluído da área de transferência"
+"ContentNodeOptions.removedItems","Sent to trash","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Enviado para a lixeira"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentNodeOptions.viewDetails","View details","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ver detalhes"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Sem título"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentNodeThumbnail.croppingPrompt","Drag image to reframe","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Arraste a imagem para reenquadrar"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentNodeThumbnail.generate","Generate from file","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Gerar do arquivo"
+"ContentNodeThumbnail.generatingThumbnail","Generating from file","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Gerando do arquivo"
+"ContentNodeThumbnail.noThumbnail","No thumbnail","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Sem miniatura"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentNodeThumbnail.retryUpload","Retry upload","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Tentar o envio novamente"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentNodeThumbnail.upload","Upload image","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Enviar imagem"
+"ContentNodeThumbnail.uploadFailed","Upload failed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Falha ao enviar"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentNodeThumbnail.zoomIn","Zoom in","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Aumentar zoom"
+"ContentNodeThumbnail.zoomOut","Zoom out","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Diminuir zoom"
+"ContentNodeValidator.allIncompleteDescendantsText","{count, plural, one {{count, number, integer} resource is incomplete and cannot be published} other {All {count, number, integer} resources are incomplete and cannot be published}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural, one {{count, number, integer} conteúdo está incompleto e não pode ser publicado} other {Os {count, number, integer} conteúdos estão incompletos e não podem ser publicados}}"
+"ContentNodeValidator.incompleteDescendantsText","{count, number, integer} {count, plural, one {resource is incomplete} other {resources are incomplete}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, number, integer} {count, plural, one {conteúdo está incompleto} other {conteúdos estão incompletos}}"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentNodeValidator.missingTitle","Missing title","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Falta o título"
+"ContentRenderer.noFileText","Select a file to preview","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Selecione um arquivo para pré-visualizar"
+"ContentRenderer.previewNotSupported","Preview unavailable","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Pré-visualização indisponível"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ContentTreeList.noResourcesOrTopics","There are no resources or folders here","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Aqui não há nenhum conteúdo ou pasta "
+"ContentTreeList.selectAllAction","Select all","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Selecionar todos"
+"CopyToken.copiedTokenId","Token copied","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Token copiado"
+"CopyToken.copyFailed","Copy failed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Falha ao copiar"
+"CopyToken.copyPrompt","Copy token to import channel into Kolibri","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copiar token para importar o canal no Kolibri"
+"CountryField.locationLabel","Select all that apply","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Selecione tudo que se aplica"
+"CountryField.locationRequiredMessage","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Campo obrigatório"
+"CountryField.noCountriesFound","No countries found","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nenhum país encontrado"
+"Create.ToSCheck","I have read and agree to the terms of service","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Eu li e concordo com os termos de serviço"
+"Create.ToSRequiredMessage","Please accept our terms of service","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Por favor, aceite os nossos termos de serviço"
+"Create.backToLoginButton","Sign in","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Iniciar sessão"
+"Create.basicInformationHeader","Basic information","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Informações básicas"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Create.conferenceSourcePlaceholder","Name of conference","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nome da conferência"
+"Create.confirmPasswordLabel","Confirm password","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Confirmar senha"
+"Create.contactMessage","Questions or concerns? Please email us at content@learningequality.org","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Perguntas ou sugestões? Por favor, envie um e-mail para content@learningequality.org"
+"Create.conversationSourceOption","Conversation with Learning Equality","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Conversa com a Learning Equality"
+"Create.createAnAccountTitle","Create an account","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Criar uma conta"
+"Create.creatingExercisesUsageOption","Creating exercises","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Criar exercícios"
+"Create.emailExistsMessage","An account with this email already exists","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Já existe uma conta com este e-mail"
+"Create.errorsMessage","Please fix the errors below","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Por favor, corrija os erros abaixo"
+"Create.fieldRequiredMessage","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Campo obrigatório"
+"Create.findingUsageOption","Finding and adding additional content sources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Encontrar e acrescentar fontes de conteúdo adicionais"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Create.firstNameLabel","First name","
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Create.forumSourceOption","Learning Equality community forum","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Fórum da comunidade da Learning Equality"
+"Create.githubSourceOption","Learning Equality GitHub","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","GitHug da Learning Equality"
+"Create.lastNameLabel","Last name","
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Create.locationLabel","Where do you plan to use Kolibri Studio? (check all that apply)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Onde você pretende usar o Kolibri Studio? (Selecione todas que se aplicam)"
+"Create.newsletterSourceOption","Learning Equality newsletter","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Boletim informativo da Learning Equality"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Create.organizationSourcePlaceholder","Name of organization","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nome da organização"
+"Create.organizingUsageOption","Organizing or aligning existing materials","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Organizar e alinhar materiais existentes"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Create.otherSourcePlaceholder","Please describe","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Por favor, descreva"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Create.otherUsagePlaceholder","Please describe","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Por favor, descreva"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Create.passwordMatchMessage","Passwords don't match","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","As senhas não coincidem"
+"Create.personalDemoSourceOption","Personal demo","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Demonstração pessoal"
+"Create.privacyPolicyCheck","I have read and agree to the privacy policy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Eu li e concordo com a política de privacidade"
+"Create.privacyPolicyRequiredMessage","Please accept our privacy policy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Por favor, aceite a nossa política de privacidade"
+"Create.registrationFailed","There was an error registering your account. Please try again","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ocorreu um erro ao registrar a sua conta. Por favor, tente novamente"
+"Create.registrationFailedOffline","You seem to be offline. Please connect to the internet to create an account.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Você parece estar offline. Por favor, conecte-se à internet para criar uma conta."
+"Create.sequencingUsageOption","Using prerequisites to put materials in a sequence","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Usar pré-requisitos para colocar materiais em sequência"
+"Create.sharingUsageOption","Sharing materials publicly","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Compartilhar materiais publicamente"
+"Create.socialMediaSourceOption","Social media","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Redes sociais"
+"Create.sourceLabel","How did you hear about us?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Como você ficou sabendo de nós?"
+"Create.sourcePlaceholder","Select one","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Selecione um"
+"Create.storingUsageExample","e.g. 500MB","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","ex.: 500 MB"
+"Create.storingUsageOption","Storing materials for private or local use","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Armazenar materiais para uso privado ou local"
+"Create.storingUsagePlaceholder","How much storage do you need?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Quanto armazenamento você precisa?"
+"Create.taggingUsageOption","Tagging content sources for discovery","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Marcar fontes de conteúdo para encontrá-las"
+"Create.usageLabel","How do you plan on using Kolibri Studio (check all that apply)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Como voce pretende utilizar o Kolibri Studio? (Selecione todas que se aplicam)"
+"Create.viewPrivacyPolicyLink","View privacy policy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ver política de privacidade"
+"Create.viewToSLink","View terms of service","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ver termos de serviço"
+"Create.websiteSourceOption","Learning Equality website","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Website da Learning Equality"
+"CurrentTopicView.COMFORTABLE_VIEW","Comfortable view","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Vista confortável"
+"CurrentTopicView.COMPACT_VIEW","Compact view","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Vista compacta"
+"CurrentTopicView.DEFAULT_VIEW","Default view","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Vista padrão"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"CurrentTopicView.addExercise","New exercise","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Novo exercício"
+"CurrentTopicView.addTopic","New folder","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nova pasta"
+"CurrentTopicView.copiedItems","Copy operation complete","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Cópia concluída"
+"CurrentTopicView.copiedItemsToClipboard","Copied to clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copiado para a área de transferência"
+"CurrentTopicView.copySelectedButton","Copy to clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copiar para área de transferência"
+"CurrentTopicView.copyToClipboardButton","Copy to clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copiar para área de transferência"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"CurrentTopicView.duplicateSelectedButton","Make a copy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Fazer uma cópia"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"CurrentTopicView.importFromChannels","Import from channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Importar dos canais"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"CurrentTopicView.removedItems","Sent to trash","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Enviado para a lixeira"
+"CurrentTopicView.selectAllLabel","Select all","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Selecionar todos"
+"CurrentTopicView.selectionCount","{topicCount, plural,
+ =1 {# folder}
+ other {# folders}}, {resourceCount, plural,
+ =1 {# resource}
+ other {# resources}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{topicCount, plural,
+ one {}=1 {# pasta}
+ other {# pastas}}, {resourceCount, plural,
+ one {}=1 {# conteúdo}
+ other {# conteúdos}}"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"CurrentTopicView.uploadFiles","Upload files","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Enviar arquivos"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"DeleteAccountForm.deleteAccountConfirmationPrompt","Are you sure you want to permanently delete your account? This cannot be undone","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Tem certeza de que deseja excluir sua conta permanentemente? Esta ação não pode ser desfeita"
+"DeleteAccountForm.deleteAccountEnterEmail","Enter your email address to continue","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Insira seu endereço de e-mail para continuar"
+"DeleteAccountForm.deleteAccountLabel","Delete account","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Excluir conta"
+"DeleteAccountForm.deletionFailed","Failed to delete account","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Falha ao excluir a conta"
+"DeleteAccountForm.deletionFailedText","Failed to delete your account. Please contact us here: https://community.learningequality.org.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Falha ao excluir sua conta. Por favor, contate-nos no endereço: https://community.learningequality.org."
+"DeleteAccountForm.emailAddressLabel","Email address","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Endereço de e-mail"
+"DeleteAccountForm.emailInvalidText","Email does not match your account email","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","O e-mail não corresponde ao e-mail da sua conta"
+"DeleteAccountForm.fieldRequired","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Campo obrigatório"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Details.VERY_LARGE","Very large","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Muito grande"
+"Details.VERY_SMALL","Very small","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Muito pequeno"
+"Details.aggregatorToolTip","Website or organization hosting the content collection but not necessarily the creator or copyright holder","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Website ou organização hospedando este conjunto de conteúdos, mas não necessariamente o criador ou detentor dos direitos autorais"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Details.authorToolTip","Person or organization who created this content","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Pessoa ou organização que criou este conteúdo"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Details.coachDescription","Resources for coaches are only visible to coaches in Kolibri","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Os materiais para professores são visíveis apenas para eles no Kolibri"
+"Details.coachHeading","Resources for coaches","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Materiais para professores"
+"Details.containsContentHeading","Contains content from","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Contém conteúdo de"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Details.copyrightHoldersLabel","Copyright holders","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Detentores dos direitos autorais"
+"Details.creationHeading","Created on","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Criado em"
+"Details.currentVersionHeading","Published version","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Versão publicada"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Details.primaryLanguageHeading","Primary language","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Idioma principal"
+"Details.providerToolTip","Organization that commissioned or is distributing the content","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Organização que encomendou ou distribui o conteúdo"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Details.publishedHeading","Published on","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Publicado em"
+"Details.resourceHeading","Total resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Conteúdos totais"
+"Details.sampleFromChannelHeading","Sample content from this channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Amostra de conteúdo deste canal"
+"Details.sampleFromTopicHeading","Sample content from this topic","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Amostra de conteúdo deste tema"
+"Details.sizeHeading","Channel size","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Tamanho do canal"
+"Details.sizeText","{text} ({size})","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{text} ({size})"
+"Details.subtitlesHeading","Captions and subtitles","
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Details.tagsHeading","Common tags","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Marcadores comuns"
+"Details.tokenHeading","Channel token","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Token do canal"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Não publicado"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"DetailsTabView.aggregatorToolTip","Website or org hosting the content collection but not necessarily the creator or copyright holder","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Website ou organização hospedando este conjunto de conteúdos, mas não necessariamente o criador ou detentor dos direitos autorais"
+"DetailsTabView.assessmentOptionsLabel","Assessment options","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Opções de avaliação"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"DetailsTabView.authorToolTip","Person or organization who created this content","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Pessoa ou organização que criou este conteúdo"
+"DetailsTabView.basicInfoHeader","Basic information","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Informações básicas"
+-- CONTEXT --
+Heading for the section in the resource editing window","Conclusão"
+"DetailsTabView.copyrightHolderLabel","Copyright holder","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Detentor dos direitos autorais"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"DetailsTabView.detectedImportText","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# resource has view-only permission}
+ other {# resources have view-only permission}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural, one {}
+ =1 {# conteúdo tem permissão apenas para visualização}
+ other {# conteúdos têm permissão apenas para visualização}}"
+"DetailsTabView.importedFromButtonText","Imported from {channel}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Importado do {channel}"
+"DetailsTabView.languageChannelHelpText","Leave blank to use the channel language","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Deixar em branco para usar o idioma do canal"
+"DetailsTabView.languageHelpText","Leave blank to use the folder language","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Deixar em branco para que o idioma da pasta seja utilizado"
+"DetailsTabView.learnersCanMarkComplete","Allow learners to mark as complete","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Permitir que os alunos marquem como 'concluído'"
+"DetailsTabView.noTagsFoundText","No results found for ""{text}"". Press 'Enter' key to create a new tag","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nenhum resultado encontrado para ""{text}"". Pressione 'Enter' para criar um novo marcador"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"DetailsTabView.providerToolTip","Organization that commissioned or is distributing the content","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Organização que encomendou ou distribui o conteúdo"
+"DetailsTabView.randomizeQuestionLabel","Randomize question order for learners","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Aleatorizar a ordem das perguntas para os estudantes"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"DiffTable.headerDiff","Net changes","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Variações líquidas"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ao vivo"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"DiffTable.typeFileSize","File size","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Tamanho do arquivo"
+"DiffTable.typeHtml5Apps","HTML5 apps","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Aplicativos HTML5"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"DiffTable.typeVersion","API version","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Versão da API"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"EditList.selectAllLabel","Select all","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Selecionar todos"
+"EditListItem.questionCount","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# question}
+ other {# questions}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural, one {}
+ =1 {# pergunta}
+ other {# perguntas}}"
+"EditModal.addTopic","Add new folder","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Adicionar nova pasta"
+"EditModal.addTopicsHeader","New folder","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nova pasta"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"EditModal.closeWithoutSavingButton","Close without saving","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Fechar sem salvar"
+"EditModal.createExerciseHeader","New exercise","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Novo exercício"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"EditModal.editFilesHeader","Edit files","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Editar arquivos"
+"EditModal.editingDetailsHeader","Edit details","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Editar detalhes"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"EditModal.invalidNodesFound","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# incomplete resource found}
+ other {# incomplete resources found}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural, one {}
+ =1 {# conteúdo incompleto encontrado}
+ other {# conteúdos incompletos encontrados}}"
+"EditModal.invalidNodesFoundText","Incomplete resources will not be published until these errors are resolved","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Conteúdos incompletos não serão publicados até estes erros serem resolvidos"
+"EditModal.keepEditingButton","Keep editing","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Continuar editando"
+"EditModal.loadErrorText","Failed to load content","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Falha ao carregar conteúdo"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"EditModal.saveAnywaysButton","Exit anyway","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Sair mesmo assim"
+"EditModal.saveFailedHeader","Save failed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Falha ao salvar"
+"EditModal.saveFailedText","There was a problem saving your content","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ocorreu um erro ao salvar o seu conteúdo"
+"EditModal.uploadButton","Upload more","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Enviar mais"
+"EditModal.uploadFilesHeader","Upload files","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Enviar arquivos"
+"EditModal.uploadInProgressHeader","Upload in progress","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Envio em andamento"
+"EditModal.uploadInProgressText","Uploads that are in progress will be lost if you exit","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Envios em andamento serão perdidos se você sair"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"EditSearchModal.changesSavedSnackbar","Changes saved","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Alterações salvas"
+"EditSearchModal.editSavedSearchTitle","Edit search title","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Editar título de busca"
+"EditSearchModal.fieldRequired","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Campo obrigatório"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"EditSearchModal.searchTitleLabel","Search title","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Título da busca"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"EditView.editingMultipleCount","Editing details for {topicCount, plural,
+ =1 {# folder}
+ other {# folders}}, {resourceCount, plural,
+ =1 {# resource}
+ other {# resources}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Editando os detalhes de {topicCount, plural,
+ one {}=1 {# pasta}
+ other {# pastas}}, {resourceCount, plural,
+ one {}=1 {# conteúdo}
+ other {# conteúdos}}"
+"EditView.errorBannerText","Please provide the required information","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Por favor, forneça as informações necessárias"
+"EditView.invalidFieldsToolTip","Some required information is missing","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Está faltando alguma informação necessária"
+"EditView.noItemsToEditText","Please select resources or folders to edit","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Selecione os conteúdos ou as pastas que deseja editar"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"EmailField.emailRequiredMessage","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Campo obrigatório"
+"EmailField.validEmailMessage","Please enter a valid email","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Por favor, digite um e-mail válido"
+"ExpandableList.less","Show less","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Mostrar menos"
+"ExpandableList.more","Show more ({more})","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Mostrar mais ({more})"
+"FilePreview.exitFullscreen","Exit fullscreen","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Sair do modo tela cheia"
+"FilePreview.fullscreenModeText","Fullscreen mode","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Modo tela cheia"
+"FilePreview.viewFullscreen","View fullscreen","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Visualizar em tela cheia"
+"FileStatusText.selectFile","Select file","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Selecionar arquivo"
+"FileStorage.requestStorage","Request storage","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Solicitar armazenamento"
+"FileStorage.storageFull","Storage limit reached","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Limite de armazenamento atingido"
+"FileStorage.storageFullWithSize","Total storage limit reached: {used} of {total}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Limite de armazenamento total atingido: {used} de {total}"
+"FileStorage.storageLow","Storage is running low","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","O armazenamento está acabando"
+"FileStorage.storageLowWithSize","Total storage is running low: {used} of {total}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","O armazenamento total está acabando: {used} de {total}"
+"FileStorage.storageUsed","Total storage used: {used} of {total}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Total de armazenamento usado: {used} de {total}"
+"FileUpload.fileError","Unsupported file type","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Tipo de arquivo não suportado"
+"FileUpload.filesHeader","Preview files","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Pré-visualizar arquivos"
+"FileUpload.noFileText","Missing files","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Faltam arquivos"
+"FileUploadDefault.acceptsHelp","Supported file types: {extensions}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Tipos de arquivo suportados: {extensions}"
+"FileUploadDefault.chooseFilesButton","Select files","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Selecionar arquivos"
+"FileUploadDefault.dropHereText","Drag and drop your files here, or select your files manually","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Arraste e solte seus arquivos aqui ou selecione-os manualmente"
+"FileUploadDefault.uploadToText","Upload to '{title}'","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Enviar para '{title}'"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"FileUploadItem.retryUpload","Retry upload","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Tentar o envio novamente"
+"FileUploadItem.unknownFile","Unknown filename","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nome de arquivo desconhecido"
+"FileUploadItem.uploadButton","Select file","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Selecionar arquivo"
+"FileUploadItem.uploadFailed","Upload failed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Falha ao enviar"
+"ForgotPassword.forgotPasswordFailed","Failed to send a password reset link. Please try again.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Falha ao enviar link de redefinição de senha. Por favor, tente novamente."
+"ForgotPassword.forgotPasswordPrompt","Please enter your email address to receive instructions for resetting your password","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Por favor, digite seu endereço de e-mail para receber as instruções de redefinição de senha"
+"ForgotPassword.forgotPasswordTitle","Reset your password","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Redefinir sua senha"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"FormulasMenu.formulasMenuTitle","Special characters","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Caracteres especiais"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"FullNameForm.changesSavedMessage","Changes saved","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Alterações salvas"
+"FullNameForm.editNameHeader","Edit full name","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Editar o nome completo"
+"FullNameForm.failedToSaveMessage","Failed to save changes","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Falha ao salvar as alterações"
+"FullNameForm.fieldRequired","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Campo obrigatório"
+"FullNameForm.firstNameLabel","First name","
+-- CONTEXT --
+"FullNameForm.lastNameLabel","Last name","
+-- CONTEXT --
+"FullNameForm.saveChangesAction","Save changes","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Salvar alterações"
+"GenericError.backToHomeAction","Back to home","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Voltar à página inicial"
+"GenericError.genericErrorDetails","Try refreshing this page or going back to the home page","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Tente atualizar a página ou voltar para a página inicial"
+"GenericError.genericErrorHeader","Sorry, something went wrong","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Infelizmente algo deu errado"
+"GenericError.helpByReportingAction","Help us by reporting this error","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ajude-nos reportando esse erro"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"HintsEditor.newHintBtnLabel","New hint","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nova dica"
+"HintsEditor.noHintsPlaceholder","Question has no hints","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","A pergunta não tem dicas"
+"ImageOnlyThumbnail.thumbnail","{title} thumbnail","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{title} miniatura"
+"ImagesMenu.acceptsText","Supported file types: {acceptedFormats}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Tipos suportados de arquivos: {acceptedFormats}"
+"ImagesMenu.altTextHint","The image description is necessary to enable visually impaired learners to answer questions, and it also displays when the image fails to load","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","A descrição da imagem é necessária para possibilitar que alunos com deficiência visual respondam a perguntas, e também é exibida quando a imagem falha ao carregar"
+"ImagesMenu.altTextLabel","Image description","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Descrição da imagem"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ImagesMenu.currentImageDefaultText","Current image","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Imagem atual"
+"ImagesMenu.defaultDropText","Drag and drop an image here, or upload manually","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Arraste e solte uma imagem aqui ou envie-a manualmente"
+"ImagesMenu.imageHeader","Upload image","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Enviar imagem"
+"ImagesMenu.selectFile","Select file","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Selecionar arquivo"
+"ImagesMenu.selectFileButton","Select file","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Selecionar arquivo"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ImportFromChannelsModal.importTitle","Import from other channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Importar de outros canais"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ImportFromChannelsModal.resourcesAddedSnackbar","{count, number} {count, plural, one {resource selected} other {resources selected}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, number} {count, plural, one {conteúdo selecionado} other {conteúdos selecionados}}"
+"ImportFromChannelsModal.resourcesRemovedSnackbar","{count, number} {count, plural, one {resource removed} other {resources removed}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, number} {count, plural, one {conteúdo eliminado} other {conteúdos eliminados}}"
+"ImportFromChannelsModal.resourcesSelected","{count, number} {count, plural, one {resource selected} other {resources selected}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, number} {count, plural, one {conteúdo selecionado} other {conteúdos selecionados}}"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ImportFromChannelsModal.reviewTitle","Resource selection","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Seleção de conteúdos"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"LanguageDropdown.languageItemText","{language} ({code})","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{language} ({code})"
+"LanguageDropdown.languageRequired","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Campo obrigatório"
+"LanguageDropdown.noDataText","Language not found","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Idioma não encontrado"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"LanguageFilter.noMatchingLanguageText","No language matches the search","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nenhum idioma corresponde à pesquisa"
+"LanguageSwitcherList.showMoreLanguagesSelector","More languages","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Mais idiomas"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"LanguageSwitcherModal.changeLanguageModalHeader","Change language","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Trocar de idioma"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"LicenseDropdown.learnMoreButton","Learn More","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Saiba mais"
+"LicenseDropdown.licenseDescriptionLabel","License description","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Descrição da licença"
+"LicenseDropdown.licenseInfoHeader","About licenses","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Sobre licenças"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Main.TOSLink","Terms of service","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Termos de serviço"
+"Main.copyright","© {year} Learning Equality","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","© {year} Learning Equality"
+"Main.createAccountButton","Create an account","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Criar uma conta"
+"Main.forgotPasswordLink","Forgot your password?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Esqueceu sua senha?"
+"Main.guestModeLink","Explore without an account","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Explorar sem uma conta"
+"Main.kolibriStudio","Kolibri Studio","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Kolibri Studio"
+"Main.loginFailed","Email or password is incorrect","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","E-mail ou senha incorretos"
+"Main.loginFailedOffline","You seem to be offline. Please connect to the internet before signing in.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Você parece estar offline. Por favor, conecte-se à internet para acessar Kolibri Studio"
+"Main.loginToProceed","You must sign in to view that page","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Você precisa fazer login para ver esta página"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"Main.privacyPolicyLink","Privacy policy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Política de privacidade"
+"Main.signInButton","Sign in","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Iniciar sessão"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"MainNavigationDrawer.copyright","© {year} Learning Equality","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","© {year} Learning Equality"
+"MainNavigationDrawer.giveFeedback","Give feedback","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Deixar um comentário"
+"MainNavigationDrawer.helpLink","Help and support","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ajuda e suporte"
+"MainNavigationDrawer.logoutLink","Sign out","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Terminar sessão"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"MarkdownEditor.bold","Bold (Ctrl+B)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Negrito (Ctrl+B)"
+"MarkdownEditor.formulas","Insert formula (Ctrl+F)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Inserir fórmula (Ctrl+F)"
+"MarkdownEditor.image","Insert image (Ctrl+P)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Inserir imagem (Ctrl+P)"
+"MarkdownEditor.italic","Italic (Ctrl+I)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Itálico (Ctrl+I)"
+"MarkdownEditor.minimize","Minimize (Ctrl+M)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Minimizar (Ctrl+M)"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"MasteryCriteriaMofNFields.mHint","Correct answers needed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Respostas corretas são necessárias"
+"MasteryCriteriaMofNFields.nHint","Recent answers","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Respostas recentes"
+"MessageLayout.backToLogin","Continue to sign-in page","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Continuar para a página de login"
+"MoveModal.addTopic","Add new folder","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Adicionar nova pasta"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"MoveModal.emptyTopicText","No resources found","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nenhum conteúdo encontrado"
+"MoveModal.goToLocationButton","Go to location","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ir para o local"
+"MoveModal.moveHere","Move here","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Mover para cá"
+"MoveModal.moveItems","Move {topicCount, plural,
+ =1 {# folder}
+ other {# folders}}, {resourceCount, plural,
+ =1 {# resource}
+ other {# resources}} into:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Mover {topicCount, plural,
+ one {}=1 {# pasta}
+ other {# pastas}}, {resourceCount, plural,
+ one {}=1 {# conteúdo}
+ other {# conteúdos}} para:"
+"MoveModal.movedMessage","Moved to {title}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Movido para {title}"
+"MoveModal.resourcesCount","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# resource}
+ other {# resources}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural, one {}
+ =1 {# conteúdo}
+ other {# conteúdos}}"
+"MoveModal.topicCreatedMessage","New folder created","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nova pasta criada com sucesso"
+"MultiSelect.noItemsFound","No items found","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nenhum item encontrado"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"NewTopicModal.createTopic","Create new folder","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Criar nova pasta"
+"NewTopicModal.topicTitle","Folder title","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nome da pasta"
+"NewTopicModal.topicTitleRequired","Folder title is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","O nome da pasta é obrigatório"
+"NodePanel.emptyChannelSubText","Create, upload, or import resources from other channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Criar, enviar ou importar conteúdos de outros canais"
+"NodePanel.emptyChannelText","Click ""ADD"" to start building your channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Clique em ""ADICIONAR"" para começar a construir o seu canal"
+"NodePanel.emptyTopicText","Nothing in this folder yet","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Esta pasta está vazia"
+"NodePanel.emptyViewOnlyChannelText","Nothing in this channel yet","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ainda não há nada neste canal"
+"NodeTreeNavigation.noResourcesDefaultText","No resources found","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nenhum conteúdo encontrado"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"OfflineText.offlineText","You seem to be offline. Your changes will be saved once your connection is back.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Você parece estar desconectado. Suas mudanças serão salvas quando a sua conexão voltar."
+"PageNotFoundError.backToHomeAction","Back to home","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Voltar à página inicial"
+"PageNotFoundError.pageNotFoundDetails","Sorry, that page does not exist","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Infelizmente esta página não existe"
+"PageNotFoundError.pageNotFoundHeader","Page not found","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Página não encontrada"
+"PasswordField.fieldRequiredMessage","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Campo obrigatório"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"PasswordInstructionsSent.passwordInstructionsHeader","Instructions sent. Thank you!","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Instruções enviadas. Obrigado!"
+"PasswordInstructionsSent.passwordInstructionsText","If there is already an account with the email address provided, you should receive the instructions shortly. If you don't see an email from us, please check your spam folder.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Se uma conta com o e-mail fornecido já existe, você receberá as instruções em breve. Se não encontrar um e-mail nosso, por favor, verifique a sua pasta de spam."
+"PermissionsError.goToHomePageAction","Go to home page","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ir para a página inicial"
+"PermissionsError.permissionDeniedHeader","Did you forget to sign in?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Você se esqueceu de fazer o login?"
+"PoliciesModal.checkboxText","I have agreed to the above terms","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Eu concordo com os termos acima"
+"PoliciesModal.checkboxValidationErrorMessage","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Campo obrigatório"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"PoliciesModal.lastUpdated","Last updated {date}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Data da última atualização {date}"
+"PrivacyPolicyModal.privacyHeader","Privacy policy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Política de privacidade"
+"PrivacyPolicyModal.updatedPrivacyHeader","Updated privacy policy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Política de privacidade atualizada"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ProgressModal.defaultErrorText","Last attempt to publish failed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Falha na última tentativa de publicação"
+"ProgressModal.lastPublished","Published {last_published}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Publicado em {last_published}"
+"ProgressModal.publishHeader","Publishing channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Publicando canal"
+"ProgressModal.syncError","Last attempt to sync failed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Falha na última tentativa de sincronização"
+"ProgressModal.syncHeader","Syncing channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Sincronizando canal"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Não publicado"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"PublishModal.descriptionDescriptionTooltip","This description will be shown to Kolibri admins before they update channel versions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Esta descrição será mostrada aos administradores do Kolibri antes de atualizarem as versões dos canais"
+"PublishModal.descriptionRequiredMessage","Please describe what's new in this version before publishing","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Por favor, descreva o que há de novo nesta versão antes de publicar"
+"PublishModal.incompleteCount","{count, plural, =1 {# incomplete resource} other {# incomplete resources}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural, one {} =1 {# conteúdo incompleto} other {# conteúdos incompletos}}"
+"PublishModal.incompleteInstructions","Click 'Continue' to confirm that you would like to publish anyway.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Clique em 'Continuar' para confirmar que deseja publicar mesmo assim."
+"PublishModal.incompleteWarning","Incomplete resources will not be published and made available for download in Kolibri.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Conteúdos incompletos não poderão ser publicados e disponibilizados para uso na Plataforma de Aprendizagem Kolibri."
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"PublishModal.publishMessageLabel","Describe what's new in this channel version","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Descreva o que há de novo nesta versão do canal"
+"PublishModal.versionDescriptionLabel","Version description","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Descrição da versão"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"RelatedResourcesTab.addNextStepBtnLabel","Add next step","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Adicionar próximo passo"
+"RelatedResourcesTab.addPreviousStepBtnLabel","Add previous step","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Adicionar passo anterior"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"RelatedResourcesTab.nextStepsExplanation","Recommended resources that build on skills or concepts learned in this resource","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Conteúdos recomendados que se baseiam em habilidades ou conceitos aprendidos neste conteúdo"
+"RelatedResourcesTab.nextStepsTitle","Next steps","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Próximos passos"
+"RelatedResourcesTab.previewHelpText","Related resources are displayed as recommendations when learners engage with this resource","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Conteúdos relacionados são mostrados como recomendações quando estudantes interagem com este conteúdo"
+"RelatedResourcesTab.previousStepsExplanation","Recommended resources that introduce skills or concepts needed in order to use this resource","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Conteúdos recomendados que introduzem habilidades ou conceitos necessários para usar este conteúdo"
+"RelatedResourcesTab.previousStepsTitle","Previous steps","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Passos anteriores"
+"RelatedResourcesTab.removeNextStepBtnLabel","Remove next step","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Remover próximo passo"
+"RelatedResourcesTab.removePreviousStepBtnLabel","Remove previous step","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Remover passo anterior"
+"RelatedResourcesTab.removedNextStepSnackbar","Removed next step","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Próximo passo removido"
+"RelatedResourcesTab.removedPreviousStepSnackbar","Removed previous step","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Passo anterior removido"
+"RelatedResourcesTab.resourcePreviewDialogHelpText","Related resources in Kolibri display as recommendations alongside the resource that a learner is currently engaging with","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Conteúdos relacionados no Kolibri são mostrados como recomendações junto a conteúdos que o estudante está interagindo no momento"
+"RelatedResourcesTab.resourcePreviewDialogTitle","Related resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Conteúdos relacionados"
+"RelatedResourcesTab.showPreviewBtnLabel","Show me","
+-- CONTEXT --
+"RelatedResourcesTab.tooManyNextStepsWarning","Limit the number of next steps to create a more guided learning experience","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Limite o número de próximos passos para criar uma experiência de aprendizagem mais guiada"
+"RelatedResourcesTab.tooManyPreviousStepsWarning","Limit the number of previous steps to create a more guided learning experience","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Limite o número de passos anteriores para criar uma experiência de aprendizagem mais guiada"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ReportErrorModal.emailDescription","Contact the support team with your error details and we’ll do our best to help.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Entre em contato com o nosso suporte técnico detalhando o erro e faremos o possível para ajudar."
+"ReportErrorModal.emailPrompt","Send an email to the developers","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Enviar um e-mail para os desenvolvedores"
+"ReportErrorModal.errorDetailsHeader","Error details","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Detalhes do erro"
+"ReportErrorModal.forumPostingTips","Include a description of what you were trying to do and what you clicked on when the error appeared.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Favor incluir uma descrição do que você estava tentando fazer e onde você clicou quando o erro apareceu."
+"ReportErrorModal.forumPrompt","Visit the community forums","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Visitar os community forums"
+"ReportErrorModal.forumUseTips","Search the community forum to see if others encountered similar issues. If there are none reported, please open a new forum post and paste the error details below inside so we can rectify the error in a future version of Kolibri Studio.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Faça uma busca no fórum da comunidade para ver se outros encontraram problemas similares. Se nenhum tiver sido relatado, por favor, abra uma nova postagem no fórum e copie os detalhes do erro abaixo para que possamos corrigí-lo em uma versão futura do Kolibri Studio."
+"ReportErrorModal.reportErrorHeader","Report Error","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Relatar erro"
+"RequestForm.approximatelyHowManyResourcesLabel","Approximately how many individual resources are you planning to upload?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Aproximadamente quantos conteúdos individuais você planeja enviar?"
+"RequestForm.audiencePlaceholder","In-school learners, adult learners, teachers, etc","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Estudantes na escola, estudantes adultos, professores, etc."
+"RequestForm.authorLabel","Who is the author (creator), curator (organizer), and/or aggregator (maintainer) of your content? Please specify","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Quem é o autor (criador), curador (organizador), e/ou agregador (mantenedor) do seu conteúdo? Por favor, especifique"
+"RequestForm.averageSizeOfResourceLabel","Average size of each resource","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Tamanho médio de cada conteúdo"
+"RequestForm.coupleMonthsLabel","1-2 months","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","1 a 2 meses"
+"RequestForm.explainNeedsInDetailLabel","Please write a paragraph explaining your needs and use case for Kolibri Studio, and how it will integrate into your programs. Include information about who is curating, deploying, and using the content. Is this work being coordinated by an organization, as part of an educational program? Include justification for the additional space being requested and explanation of the time sensitive nature of your request.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Por favor, escreva um parágrafo explicando suas necessidades e para qual fim o Kolibri Studio será utilizado, e como isso será integrado nos seus programas. Inclua informações sobre quem está fazendo a curadoria, implementando, e usando o conteúdo. Este trabalho está sendo coordenado por uma organização como parte de um programa educacional? Inclua justificativas para o espaço adicional sendo solicitado e explicações sobre o caráter urgente da sua solicitação."
+"RequestForm.fieldRequiredText","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Campo obrigatório"
+"RequestForm.forProfitLabel","For-profit or social enterprise company","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Empresa com fins lucrativos ou sociais"
+"RequestForm.grassrootsLabel","Grassroots and/or volunteer initiative","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Iniciativa popular e/ou voluntária"
+"RequestForm.howAreYouUsingYourContentLabel","How are you using your content?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Como você está usando o conteúdo?"
+"RequestForm.howOftenImportedToKolibriLabel","How many times will this content be imported from Studio into new Kolibri installations per month, on average?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Em média, quantas vezes por mês este conteúdo será importado do Studio para novas instalações do Kolibri?"
+"RequestForm.intendedAudienceLabel","Who is the intended audience for your channel? How big is your audience?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","A quem o seu canal é destinado? Quão grande é o seu público?"
+"RequestForm.kindOfContentQuestionLabel","What types of resources do you plan to upload? Please specify","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Que tipos de conteúdos você deseja enviar? Por favor, especifique"
+"RequestForm.largeIntlNgoLabel","Larger international NGOs or government agencies","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Grandes ONG internacionais ou agências governamentais"
+"RequestForm.learnMoreButton","Learn More","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Saiba mais"
+"RequestForm.licenseInfoHeader","About licenses","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Sobre licenças"
+"RequestForm.licensingQuestionLabel","What is the licensing of the content you are uploading? (Check all that apply)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Qual é a licença do conteúdo que você está enviando? (Marque tudo que se aplica)"
+"RequestForm.mediumNgoLabel","Medium-sized NGO with budget < $500k","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","ONG de tamanho médio com orçamento inferior a $ 500.000"
+"RequestForm.natureOfYourContentLabel","Nature of your content","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Natureza do seu conteúdo"
+"RequestForm.notAffiliatedLabel","I am not affiliated with an organization for this work","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Não sou afiliado a uma organização para este trabalho"
+"RequestForm.numberOfResourcesPlaceholder","Number of resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Número de conteúdos"
+"RequestForm.oneWeekLabel","1 week","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","1 semana"
+"RequestForm.organizationNamePlaceholder","Organization name","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nome da organização"
+"RequestForm.organizationalAffiliationLabel","Organizational affiliation","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Afiliação organizacional"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"RequestForm.pasteLinkPlaceholder","Paste link here","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Cole o link aqui"
+"RequestForm.provideSampleLinkLabel","Please provide a link to a sample of your content (on Kolibri Studio or from source site)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Por favor, forneça um link para uma amostra do seu conteúdo (no Kolibri Studio ou do site de origem)"
+"RequestForm.requestFailed","Unable to send request. Please try again.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Não foi possível enviar a solicitação. Por favor, tente novamente."
+"RequestForm.requestSent","Your storage request has been submitted for processing.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Sua solicitação de armazenamento foi enviada para processamento."
+-- CONTEXT --
+"RequestForm.selectAllThatApplyPlaceholder","Select all that apply","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Selecione tudo que se aplica"
+"RequestForm.sendRequestAction","Send request","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Enviar solicitação"
+"RequestForm.sixPlusMonthsLabel","6+ months","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Mais de 6 meses"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"RequestForm.smallNgoLabel","Small NGO with annual budget < $25k","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","ONG de tamanho pequeno com orçamento inferior a $ 25.000"
+"RequestForm.storageAmountRequestedPlaceholder","Amount requested (e.g. 10GB)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Quantidade solicitada (ex.: 10 GB)"
+"RequestForm.targetRegionsLabel","Target region(s) for your content (if applicable)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Região(ões)-alvo para o seu conteúdo (se aplicável)"
+"RequestForm.threeToSixMonthsLabel","3-6 months","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","3 a 6 meses"
+"RequestForm.timelineLabel","To better understand the time sensitive nature of your request, please indicate an approximate timeline by when you need this additional storage:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Para melhor compreender o caráter urgente da sua solicitação, por favor, indique um prazo estimado de para quando você precisa deste armazenamento adicional:"
+"RequestForm.twoToFourWeeksLabel","2-4 weeks","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","2 a 4 semanas"
+"RequestForm.typeOfContentPlaceholder","Types of resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Tipos de conteúdos"
+"RequestForm.typeOfOrganizationLabel","What type of organization or group is coordinating the use of Kolibri (if applicable)?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Que tipo de organização ou grupo está coordenando o uso do Kolibri (se aplicável)?"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"RequestForm.uploadingOnBehalfLabel","I am uploading content on behalf of:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Estou enviando conteúdo por parte de:"
+"RequestForm.usageLabel","Tell us more about your use of Kolibri","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Conte-nos mais sobre o seu uso do Kolibri"
+"RequestForm.whoCanUseContentLabel","Who can use your content?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Quem pode usar seu conteúdo?"
+"RequestForm.willYouMakeYourChannelPublicLabel","If the content is openly licensed, would you be willing to consider making your channels public to other Kolibri users if requested in the future?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Se o conteúdo possuir licença aberta, você estaria disposto a tornar seus canais públicos para outros usuários do Kolibri se solicitado no futuro?"
+"RequestNewActivationLink.activationExpiredText","This activation link has been used already or has expired.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Este link de ativação já foi usado ou expirou."
+"RequestNewActivationLink.activationExpiredTitle","Activation failed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Falha na ativação"
+"RequestNewActivationLink.activationRequestFailed","Failed to send a new activation link. Please try again.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Falha ao enviar um novo link de ativação. Por favor, tente novamente."
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ResetLinkExpired.requestNewLink","Request a new password reset link","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Solicitar um novo link de redefinição de senha"
+"ResetLinkExpired.resetExpiredText","This password reset link has been used already or has expired.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Este link de redefinição de senha já foi usado ou expirou."
+"ResetLinkExpired.resetExpiredTitle","Reset link expired","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Link de redefinição expirado"
+"ResetPassword.passwordConfirmLabel","Confirm password","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Confirmar senha"
+"ResetPassword.passwordLabel","New password","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nova senha"
+"ResetPassword.passwordMatchMessage","Passwords don't match","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","As senhas não coincidem"
+"ResetPassword.resetPasswordFailed","Failed to reset password. Please try again.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Falha ao redefinir a senha. Por favor, tente novamente."
+"ResetPassword.resetPasswordPrompt","Enter and confirm your new password","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Digite e confirme sua nova senha"
+"ResetPassword.resetPasswordTitle","Reset your password","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Redefinir sua senha"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ResetPasswordSuccess.header","Password reset successfully","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Senha redefinida com sucesso"
+"ResetPasswordSuccess.text","Your password has been reset. You may sign in now.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Sua senha foi redefinida. Você pode fazer login agora."
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ResourcePanel.availableFormats","Available formats","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Formatos disponíveis"
+"ResourcePanel.coachResources","Resources for coaches","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Materiais para professores"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ResourcePanel.copyrightHolder","Copyright holder","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Detentor dos direitos autorais"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ResourcePanel.incompleteQuestionError","{count, plural, one {# incomplete question} other {# incomplete questions}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural, one {# pergunta incompleta} other {# perguntas incompletas}}"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ResourcePanel.masteryMofN","Goal: {m} out of {n}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Objetivo: {m} de {n}"
+"ResourcePanel.nextSteps","Next steps","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Próximos passos"
+"ResourcePanel.noCopyrightHolderError","Missing copyright holder","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Falta o detentor dos direitos autorais"
+"ResourcePanel.noFilesError","Missing files","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Faltam arquivos"
+"ResourcePanel.noLicenseDescriptionError","Missing license description","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Falta a descrição da licença"
+"ResourcePanel.noLicenseError","Missing license","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Falta a licença"
+"ResourcePanel.noMasteryModelError","Missing mastery criteria","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Faltam critérios de domínio"
+"ResourcePanel.noQuestionsError","Exercise is empty","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","O exercício está vazio"
+"ResourcePanel.originalChannel","Imported from","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Importado de"
+"ResourcePanel.previousSteps","Previous steps","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Passos anteriores"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ResourcePanel.questionCount","{value, number, integer} {value, plural, one {question} other {questions}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{value, number, integer} {value, plural, one {pergunta} other {perguntas}}"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ResourcePanel.relatedResources","Related resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Conteúdos relacionados"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ResourcePanel.showAnswers","Show answers","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Mostrar respostas"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ResourcePanel.subtitles","Captions and subtitles","
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ResourcePanel.totalResources","Total resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Conteúdos totais"
+"ResourcePanel.visibleTo","Visible to","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Visível para"
+"ResourcesNeededOptions.furtherExplanation","Please add to the 'Description' field any additional supplies learners will need in order to use this resource","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Por favor, escreva no campo 'Descrição' tudo aquilo de que os alunos vão precisar para melhor utilizar este conteúdo"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ReviewSelectionsPage.noResourcesSelected","No resources selected","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nenhum conteúdo selecionado"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"ReviewSelectionsPage.resourcesInTopic","{count, number} {count, plural, one {resource} other {resources}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, number} {count, plural, one {conteúdo} other {conteúdos}}"
+"ReviewSelectionsPage.reviewSelectionHeader","Review selections","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Revisar seleções"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"SavedSearchesModal.deleteConfirmation","Are you sure you want to delete this saved search?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Tem certeza que deseja excluir esta busca salva?"
+"SavedSearchesModal.deleteSearchTitle","Delete saved search","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Excluir pesquisa salva"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"SavedSearchesModal.filterCount","{count, number} {count, plural, one {filter} other {filters}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, number} {count, plural, one {filtro} other {filtros}}"
+"SavedSearchesModal.noSavedSearches","You do not have any saved searches","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Você não possui nenhuma busca salva"
+"SavedSearchesModal.savedSearchesTitle","Saved searches","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Buscas salvas"
+"SavedSearchesModal.searchDeletedSnackbar","Saved search deleted","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Busca salva excluída"
+"SavingIndicator.lastSaved","Saved {saved}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Salvo {saved}"
+"SavingIndicator.savedNow","Saved just now","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Salvo há pouco"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"SearchFilterBar.clearAll","Clear all","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Limpar tudo"
+"SearchFilterBar.coachContent","Resources for coaches","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Materiais para professores"
+"SearchFilterBar.createdAfter","Added after '{date}'","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Adicionado após '{date}'"
+"SearchFilterBar.topicsHidden","Folders excluded","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Pastas excluídas"
+"SearchFilters.addedAfterDateLabel","Added after","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Adicionado após"
+"SearchFilters.assessmentsLabel","Show assessments only","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Mostrar apenas as avaliações"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"SearchFilters.channelTypeLabel","Channel type","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Tipo de canal"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"SearchFilters.coachContentLabel","Show resources for coaches","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Mostrar materiais para professores"
+"SearchFilters.filtersHeader","Filter options","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Opções de filtragem"
+"SearchFilters.hideTopicsLabel","Hide folders","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ocultar pastas"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"SearchOrBrowseWindow.backToBrowseAction","Back to browse","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Voltar a navegar"
+"SearchOrBrowseWindow.copiedToClipboard","Copied to clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copiado para a área de transferência"
+"SearchOrBrowseWindow.copyFailed","Failed to copy to clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Falha ao copiar para área de transferência"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"SearchOrBrowseWindow.searchLabel","Search for resources…","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Buscar conteúdos..."
+"SearchResultsList.failedToLoad","Failed to load search results","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Falha ao carregar os resultados da busca"
+"SearchResultsList.resultsPerPageLabel","Results per page","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Resultados por página"
+"SearchResultsList.saveSearchAction","Save search","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Salvar busca"
+"SearchResultsList.savedSearchesLabel","View saved searches","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ver buscas salvas"
+"SearchResultsList.searchResultsCount","{count, number} {count, plural, one {result} other {results}} for '{searchTerm}'","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, number} {count, plural, one {resultado} other {resultados}} para '{searchTerm}'"
+"SearchResultsList.searchSavedSnackbar","Search saved","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Busca salva"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"SettingsIndex.usingStudioLabel","About Studio","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Sobre o Studio"
+"StagingTreePage.backToViewing","Back to viewing","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Voltar à visualização"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"StagingTreePage.channelDeployed","Channel has been deployed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","O canal foi implementado"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"StagingTreePage.collapseAllButton","Collapse all","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ocultar tudo"
+"StagingTreePage.confirmDeployBtn","Deploy channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Implementar canal"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"StagingTreePage.deployChannel","Deploy channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Implementar canal"
+"StagingTreePage.deployDialogDescription","You are about to replace all live resources with staged resources.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Você está prestes a substituir todos os conteúdos publicados por conteúdos preparados."
+"StagingTreePage.emptyChannelSubText","No changes to review! The channel contains all the most recent folders and resources.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Sem atualizações para revisar! O canal contém as pastas e os conteúdos mais recentes."
+"StagingTreePage.emptyChannelText","No resources found","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nenhum conteúdo encontrado"
+"StagingTreePage.emptyTopicText","This topic is empty","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Este tema está vazio"
+"StagingTreePage.liveResources","Live resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Conteúdos ao vivo"
+"StagingTreePage.openCurrentLocationButton","Expand to current folder location","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Expandir para a localização atual da pasta "
+"StagingTreePage.openSummaryDetailsDialogBtn","View summary","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ver resumo"
+"StagingTreePage.resourcesCount","{count, number} {count, plural, one { resource } other { resources }}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, number} {count, plural, one { conteúdo } other { conteúdos }}"
+"StagingTreePage.reviewMode","Review mode","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Modo de revisão"
+"StagingTreePage.stagedResources","Staged resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Conteúdos preparados"
+"StagingTreePage.summaryDetailsDialogTitle","Summary details","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Detalhes do resumo"
+"StagingTreePage.topicsCount","{count, number} {count, plural, one { folder } other { folders }}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, number} {count, plural, one { pasta } other { pastas }}"
+"StagingTreePage.totalResources","Total resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Conteúdos totais"
+"StagingTreePage.totalSize","Total size","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Tamanho total"
+"StagingTreePage.viewDetails","View details","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ver detalhes"
+"StatusStrings.noStorageError","Not enough space","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Espaço insuficiente"
+"StatusStrings.uploadFailedError","Upload failed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Falha ao enviar"
+"StatusStrings.uploadFileSize","{uploaded} of {total}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{uploaded} de {total}"
+"Storage.hideFormAction","Close form","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Fechar formulário"
+"Storage.learnMoreAboutImportingContentFromChannels","Learn more about how to import resources from other channels","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Saiba mais sobre como importar conteúdos de outros canais"
+"Storage.requestMoreSpaceHeading","Request more space","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Solicitar espaço adicional"
+"Storage.requestMoreSpaceMessage","Please use this form to request additional uploading storage for your Kolibri Studio account. The resources you import from our public library to your channels do not count towards your storage limit.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Por favor, use este formulário para solicitar espaço adicional de envio para a sua conta do Kolibri Studio. Os conteúdos da nossa biblioteca pública que você importa para o seu canal não contam para o seu limite de armazenamento."
+"Storage.showFormAction","Open form","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Abrir formulário"
+"Storage.spaceUsedOfMax","{qty} of {max}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{qty} de {max}"
+"Storage.storagePercentageUsed","{qty}% storage used","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{qty}% do armazenamento usado"
+"StudioTree.missingTitle","Missing title","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Falta o título"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"SubtitlesList.acceptedFormatsTooltip","Supported formats: {extensions}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Formatos suportados: {extensions}"
+"SubtitlesList.addSubtitleText","Add captions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Adicionar legendas"
+"SubtitlesList.subtitlesHeader","Captions and subtitles","
+-- CONTEXT --
+"SupplementaryItem.languageText","{language} ({code})","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{language} ({code})"
+"SupplementaryItem.retryUpload","Retry upload","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Tentar o envio novamente"
+"SupplementaryItem.uploadFailed","Upload failed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Falha ao enviar"
+"SupplementaryList.selectFileText","Select file","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Selecionar arquivo"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"SyncResourcesModal.confirmSyncModalExplainer","You are about to sync and update the following:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Você está prestes a sincronizar e atualizar o seguinte:"
+"SyncResourcesModal.confirmSyncModalTitle","Confirm sync","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Confirmar sincronização"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"SyncResourcesModal.syncExercisesExplainer","Update questions, answers, and hints","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Atualizar perguntas, respostas e dicas"
+"SyncResourcesModal.syncExercisesTitle","Assessment details","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Detalhes da avaliação"
+"SyncResourcesModal.syncFilesExplainer","Update all file information","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Atualizar todas as informações do arquivo"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"SyncResourcesModal.syncModalExplainer","Sync and update your resources with their original source.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Sincronize e atualize seus conteúdos com sua fonte original."
+"SyncResourcesModal.syncModalTitle","Sync resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Sincronizar conteúdos"
+"SyncResourcesModal.syncTagsExplainer","Update all tags","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Atualizar todos os marcadores"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"SyncResourcesModal.syncTitlesAndDescriptionsExplainer","Update resource titles and descriptions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Atualizar títulos e descrições dos conteúdos"
+"SyncResourcesModal.syncTitlesAndDescriptionsTitle","Titles and descriptions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Títulos e descrições"
+"TechnicalTextBlock.copiedToClipboardConfirmation","Copied to clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copiado para a área de transferência"
+"TechnicalTextBlock.copiedToClipboardFailure","Copy to clipboard failed","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Falha ao copiar para área de transferência"
+"TechnicalTextBlock.copyToClipboardButtonPrompt","Copy to clipboard","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copiar para área de transferência"
+"Template.templateString","You have {count, plural,
+ =1 {# node for testing}
+ other {# nodes for testing}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Você possui {count, plural, one {}
+ =1 {# nodo para testar}
+ other {# nodos para testar}}"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.ToSHeader","Terms of Service","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Termos de serviço"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseHeader","Acceptable Use Restrictions","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Acceptable Use Restrictions"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem1","Will be in strict accordance with these Terms;","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Will be in strict accordance with these Terms;"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem10","Will not interfere with, disrupt, or attack any service or network; and","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Will not interfere with, disrupt, or attack any service or network; and"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem11","Will not be used to create, distribute, or enable material that is - or that facilitates or operates in conjunction with - malware, spyware, adware, or other malicious programs or code.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Will not be used to create, distribute, or enable material that is - or that facilitates or operates in conjunction with - malware, spyware, adware, or other malicious programs or code."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem2","Will comply with all applicable laws and regulations (including, without limitation, all applicable laws regarding online conduct and acceptable content, privacy, data protection, and the transmission of technical data exported from the United States or the country in which you reside);","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Will comply with all applicable laws and regulations (including, without limitation, all applicable laws regarding online conduct and acceptable content, privacy, data protection, and the transmission of technical data exported from the United States or the country in which you reside);"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem3","Will not use the Services for any unlawful purposes, to publish illegal content, or in furtherance of illegal activities;","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Will not use the Services for any unlawful purposes, to publish illegal content, or in furtherance of illegal activities;"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem4","Will not transmit any material that is defamatory, offensive or otherwise objectionable in relation to your use of the Service;","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Will not transmit any material that is defamatory, offensive or otherwise objectionable in relation to your use of the Service;"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem5","Will not infringe or misappropriate the intellectual property rights of any third party;","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Will not infringe or misappropriate the intellectual property rights of any third party;"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem6","Will not overburden Learning Equality's systems, as determined by us in our sole discretion, including but not limited to excessive bandwidth utilization or number of requests;","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Will not overburden Learning Equality's systems, as determined by us in our sole discretion, including but not limited to excessive bandwidth utilization or number of requests;"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem7","Will not attempt to circumvent your assigned storage quota or other account restrictions through technical or other means;","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Will not attempt to circumvent your assigned storage quota or other account restrictions through technical or other means;"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem8","Will not disclose sensitive personal information of others;","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Will not disclose sensitive personal information of others;"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem9","Will not be used to send spam or bulk unsolicited messages;","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Will not be used to send spam or bulk unsolicited messages;"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseP1","You represent and warrant that your use of the Service:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","You represent and warrant that your use of the Service:"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.accountTermsHeader","Account Terms","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Account Terms"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.accountTermsP1","When you register for an account on the Service, you agree to provide us with complete and accurate information. You will be solely responsible and liable for any activity that occurs under your username. You are responsible for keeping your account information up-to-date and for keeping your access credentials (password and API token) private and secure.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","When you register for an account on the Service, you agree to provide us with complete and accurate information. You will be solely responsible and liable for any activity that occurs under your username. You are responsible for keeping your account information up-to-date and for keeping your access credentials (password and API token) private and secure."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.accountTermsP2","You are responsible for maintaining the security of your account and any Service-related content, and you are fully responsible for all activities that occur under your account and any other actions taken in connection with the Service. You shall not share or misuse your access credentials. You must immediately notify us of any unauthorized uses of your account, or of any other breach of security. We will not be liable for any acts or omissions by you, including any damages of any kind incurred as a result of such acts or omissions.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","You are responsible for maintaining the security of your account and any Service-related content, and you are fully responsible for all activities that occur under your account and any other actions taken in connection with the Service. You shall not share or misuse your access credentials. You must immediately notify us of any unauthorized uses of your account, or of any other breach of security. We will not be liable for any acts or omissions by you, including any damages of any kind incurred as a result of such acts or omissions."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.accountTermsP3","Access to and use of the Service is only for those over the age of 13 (or 16 in the European Union). If you are younger than this, you may not register for or use the Service. Any person who registers as a user or provides their personal information to the Service represents that they are 13 years of age or older (or 16 years or older in the European Union).","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Access to and use of the Service is only for those over the age of 13 (or 16 in the European Union). If you are younger than this, you may not register for or use the Service. Any person who registers as a user or provides their personal information to the Service represents that they are 13 years of age or older (or 16 years or older in the European Union)."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.arbitrationHeader","Arbitration Agreement","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Arbitration Agreement"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.arbitrationP1","Except for claims for injunctive or equitable relief or claims regarding intellectual property rights (which may be brought in any competent court without the posting of a bond), any dispute arising under the Agreement shall be finally settled in accordance with the Comprehensive Arbitration Rules of the Judicial Arbitration and Mediation Service, Inc. (""JAMS"") by three arbitrators appointed in accordance with such Rules. The arbitration shall take place in San Diego, California, in the English language and the arbitral decision may be enforced in any court. The prevailing party in any action or proceeding to enforce the Agreement shall be entitled to costs and attorneys' fees.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Except for claims for injunctive or equitable relief or claims regarding intellectual property rights (which may be brought in any competent court without the posting of a bond), any dispute arising under the Agreement shall be finally settled in accordance with the Comprehensive Arbitration Rules of the Judicial Arbitration and Mediation Service, Inc. (""JAMS"") by three arbitrators appointed in accordance with such Rules. The arbitration shall take place in San Diego, California, in the English language and the arbitral decision may be enforced in any court. The prevailing party in any action or proceeding to enforce the Agreement shall be entitled to costs and attorneys' fees."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.cancellationHeader","Cancellation or Termination","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Cancellation or Termination"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.cancellationItem1","You must stop all activities authorized by these Terms, including your use of the Service.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","You must stop all activities authorized by these Terms, including your use of the Service."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.cancellationItem2","You must not register and create a new account under your name, a fake or borrowed name, or the name of any third party, even if you may be acting on behalf of the third party.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","You must not register and create a new account under your name, a fake or borrowed name, or the name of any third party, even if you may be acting on behalf of the third party."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.cancellationP1","We may terminate or restrict your access to all or any part of the Service at any time, with or without cause, with or without notice, effective immediately. We have the right (though not the obligation) to, in our sole discretion, (i) close down an account or remove content due to prolonged inactivity, (ii) refuse or remove any content that, in our reasonable opinion, violates any Learning Equality policy (including our Community Standards) or is in any way harmful or objectionable, or (iii) terminate or deny access to and use of the Service to any individual or entity for any reason. We will have no obligation to provide a refund of any amounts previously paid.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","We may terminate or restrict your access to all or any part of the Service at any time, with or without cause, with or without notice, effective immediately. We have the right (though not the obligation) to, in our sole discretion, (i) close down an account or remove content due to prolonged inactivity, (ii) refuse or remove any content that, in our reasonable opinion, violates any Learning Equality policy (including our Community Standards) or is in any way harmful or objectionable, or (iii) terminate or deny access to and use of the Service to any individual or entity for any reason. We will have no obligation to provide a refund of any amounts previously paid."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.cancellationP2","If we end your rights to use the Service:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","If we end your rights to use the Service:"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.cancellationP3","In addition to terminating or suspending your account, we reserve the right to take appropriate legal action, including without limitation pursuing civil, criminal, and injunctive action for violating these Terms.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","In addition to terminating or suspending your account, we reserve the right to take appropriate legal action, including without limitation pursuing civil, criminal, and injunctive action for violating these Terms."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.cancellationP4","All provisions of the Agreement which by their nature should survive termination shall survive termination, including, without limitation, ownership provisions, warranty disclaimers, indemnity, and limitations of liability.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","All provisions of the Agreement which by their nature should survive termination shall survive termination, including, without limitation, ownership provisions, warranty disclaimers, indemnity, and limitations of liability."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.changesToToSHeader","Changes to these Terms of Service","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Changes to these Terms of Service"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.changesToToSP1","We are constantly updating our Service and that means sometimes we have to change the legal terms under which our Service is offered. These Terms may only be modified by a written amendment signed by an authorized executive of Learning Equality, or by the posting by Learning Equality of a revised version. If we make changes that are material, we will let you know by posting on one of our blogs, or by sending you an email or other communication before the changes take effect. The notice will designate a reasonable period of time after which the new terms will take effect. If you disagree with our changes, then you should stop using the Service within the designated notice period, or once the changes become effective. Your continued use of the Service will be subject to the new terms. However, any dispute that arose before the changes shall be governed by the Terms (including the binding individual arbitration clause) that were in place when the dispute arose.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","We are constantly updating our Service and that means sometimes we have to change the legal terms under which our Service is offered. These Terms may only be modified by a written amendment signed by an authorized executive of Learning Equality, or by the posting by Learning Equality of a revised version. If we make changes that are material, we will let you know by posting on one of our blogs, or by sending you an email or other communication before the changes take effect. The notice will designate a reasonable period of time after which the new terms will take effect. If you disagree with our changes, then you should stop using the Service within the designated notice period, or once the changes become effective. Your continued use of the Service will be subject to the new terms. However, any dispute that arose before the changes shall be governed by the Terms (including the binding individual arbitration clause) that were in place when the dispute arose."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.communicationsHeader","Communications with Learning Equality","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Communications with Learning Equality"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.communicationsP1","For contractual purposes, you (1) consent to receive communications from us in an electronic form via the email address you have submitted or via the Service; and (2) agree that all Terms of Service, agreements, notices, disclosures, and other communications that we provide to you electronically satisfy any legal requirement that those communications would satisfy if they were on paper. This section does not affect your non-waivable rights.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","For contractual purposes, you (1) consent to receive communications from us in an electronic form via the email address you have submitted or via the Service; and (2) agree that all Terms of Service, agreements, notices, disclosures, and other communications that we provide to you electronically satisfy any legal requirement that those communications would satisfy if they were on paper. This section does not affect your non-waivable rights."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.communityStandardsHeader","Community Standards","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Normas comunitárias"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.communityStandardsLink","Learn more about Studio's community standards","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Learn more about Studio's community standards"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.communityStandardsP1","For more information about the intended use of the Service, and standards around Content, please see our Community Standards page.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","For more information about the intended use of the Service, and standards around Content, please see our Community Standards page."
+-- CONTEXT --
+"TermsOfServiceModal.definitionsP1","These are the Terms for the web application hosted at https://studio.learningequality.org/, along with any API's or other interfaces it provides (the ""Service""), controlled and operated by Learning Equality (""Learning Equality"", ""we"", ""us"" and ""our""). We are registered as a nonprofit organization in California, USA under EIN 46-2676188, and have our registered office at 9700 Gilman Dr, PMB 323, La Jolla, CA 92093.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","These are the Terms for the web application hosted at https://studio.learningequality.org/, along with any API's or other interfaces it provides (the ""Service""), controlled and operated by Learning Equality (""Learning Equality"", ""we"", ""us"" and ""our""). We are registered as a nonprofit organization in California, USA under EIN 46-2676188, and have our registered office at 9700 Gilman Dr, PMB 323, La Jolla, CA 92093."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.definitionsP2","These Terms describe our commitments to you, and your rights and responsibilities when using the Service. If you breach any of these Terms, your right to access and use of the Service and Service will be terminated. Please read them carefully and reach out to us if you have any questions.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","These Terms describe our commitments to you, and your rights and responsibilities when using the Service. If you breach any of these Terms, your right to access and use of the Service and Service will be terminated. Please read them carefully and reach out to us if you have any questions."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.definitionsP3","""Content"" refers to media files (such as videos, audio files, HTML5 content, or other materials) that are hosted on the Service, along with their associated descriptive metadata.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","""Content"" refers to media files (such as videos, audio files, HTML5 content, or other materials) that are hosted on the Service, along with their associated descriptive metadata."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.definitionsP4","Throughout these Terms, ""you"" applies to both individuals and entities that access or use the Service. If you are an individual using the Service on behalf of an entity, you represent and warrant that you have the authority to bind that entity to the Agreement and that by using our Service, you are accepting the Agreement on behalf of that entity.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Throughout these Terms, ""you"" applies to both individuals and entities that access or use the Service. If you are an individual using the Service on behalf of an entity, you represent and warrant that you have the authority to bind that entity to the Agreement and that by using our Service, you are accepting the Agreement on behalf of that entity."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.disclaimerP1","Before using this website, you should read the following important information relating to it. These Terms of Service (""Terms"") govern your use of this website and form a legally binding agreement between you and us regarding your use of our website.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Before using this website, you should read the following important information relating to it. These Terms of Service (""Terms"") govern your use of this website and form a legally binding agreement between you and us regarding your use of our website."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.disclaimerP2","If, for any reason, you are unable or unwilling to agree to all of these Terms, please immediately discontinue using or attempting to use the service.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","If, for any reason, you are unable or unwilling to agree to all of these Terms, please immediately discontinue using or attempting to use the service."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.disclaimerP3","By continuing to use the Service you agree to these terms which will bind you.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","By continuing to use the Service you agree to these terms which will bind you."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.dmcaHeader","DMCA Policy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","DMCA Policy"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.dmcaLink","Report a violation","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Report a violation"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.dmcaP1","As we ask others to respect our intellectual property rights, we respect the intellectual property rights of others. If you believe that material located on or associated with the Service violates your copyright, please notify us in accordance with our Digital Millennium Copyright Act (""DMCA"") Policy. We will respond to all such notices, including as required or appropriate by removing the infringing material or disabling all links to the infringing material. We will terminate a visitor's access to and use of the website if, under appropriate circumstances, the visitor is determined to be a repeat infringer of copyrights or other intellectual property rights. In the case of such termination, we will have no obligation to provide a refund of any payments or other forms of restitution.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","As we ask others to respect our intellectual property rights, we respect the intellectual property rights of others. If you believe that material located on or associated with the Service violates your copyright, please notify us in accordance with our Digital Millennium Copyright Act (""DMCA"") Policy. We will respond to all such notices, including as required or appropriate by removing the infringing material or disabling all links to the infringing material. We will terminate a visitor's access to and use of the website if, under appropriate circumstances, the visitor is determined to be a repeat infringer of copyrights or other intellectual property rights. In the case of such termination, we will have no obligation to provide a refund of any payments or other forms of restitution."
+-- CONTEXT --
+"TermsOfServiceModal.indemnificationP1","You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Learning Equality, its contractors, and its licensors, and their respective directors, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all losses, liabilities, demands, damages, costs, claims, and expenses, including attorneys' fees, arising out of or related to your use of the Service, including but not limited to your violation of the Agreement, Content that you upload or author, and any other activities conducted using the Service.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Learning Equality, its contractors, and its licensors, and their respective directors, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all losses, liabilities, demands, damages, costs, claims, and expenses, including attorneys' fees, arising out of or related to your use of the Service, including but not limited to your violation of the Agreement, Content that you upload or author, and any other activities conducted using the Service."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.intellectualPropertyHeader","Intellectual Property Notice","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Intellectual Property Notice"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.intellectualPropertyP1","The Agreement does not transfer from Learning Equality to you any Learning Equality or third party intellectual property, and all right, title, and interest in and to such property will remain (as between the parties) solely with Learning Equality. ""Kolibri"", ""Kolibri Studio"", ""Learning Equality"", the Kolibri logo, and all other trademarks, service marks, graphics, and logos used in connection with learningequality.org or the Service, are trademarks or registered trademarks of Learning Equality or Learning Equality's licensors. Other trademarks, service marks, graphics, and logos used in connection with the Service may be the trademarks of other third parties. Your use of the Service grants you no right or license to reproduce or otherwise use any Learning Equality or third party trademarks and any such use may constitute an infringement of the holder's rights","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","The Agreement does not transfer from Learning Equality to you any Learning Equality or third party intellectual property, and all right, title, and interest in and to such property will remain (as between the parties) solely with Learning Equality. ""Kolibri"", ""Kolibri Studio"", ""Learning Equality"", the Kolibri logo, and all other trademarks, service marks, graphics, and logos used in connection with learningequality.org or the Service, are trademarks or registered trademarks of Learning Equality or Learning Equality's licensors. Other trademarks, service marks, graphics, and logos used in connection with the Service may be the trademarks of other third parties. Your use of the Service grants you no right or license to reproduce or otherwise use any Learning Equality or third party trademarks and any such use may constitute an infringement of the holder's rights"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.jurisdictionHeader","Jurisdiction and Applicable Law","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Jurisdiction and Applicable Law"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.jurisdictionP1","Except to the extent any applicable law provides otherwise, the Agreement and any access to or use of the Service will be governed by the laws of the state of California, U.S.A., excluding its conflict of law provisions. The proper venue for any disputes arising out of or relating to the Agreement and any access to or use of the Service will be the state and federal courts located in San Diego County, California.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Except to the extent any applicable law provides otherwise, the Agreement and any access to or use of the Service will be governed by the laws of the state of California, U.S.A., excluding its conflict of law provisions. The proper venue for any disputes arising out of or relating to the Agreement and any access to or use of the Service will be the state and federal courts located in San Diego County, California."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.liabilityHeader","Limitation of Liability","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Limitation of Liability"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.liabilityP1","To the extent legally permitted under the applicable law, Learning Equality shall not be responsible for any loss or damage to you, your customers or third parties caused by failure of the website to function. In no event will Learning Equality be liable for any special, consequential, incidental, or indirect damages (including, without limitation, those resulting from lost profits, cost of substitute goods or services, lost data or business interruption) in connection with the use of the website or Service of in connection with any other claim arising from these Terms of Service. The aggregate liability of Learning Equality arising from or relating to these Terms and the Service, regardless of the form of action or claim (contract, tort or otherwise) and even if you have been advised of the possibility of such damages shall not exceed the amount paid by you during the twelve (12) month period prior to the cause of action. Nothing in these Terms shall limit or exclude Learning Equality liability for gross negligence or for death or personal injury. Applicable law may not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","To the extent legally permitted under the applicable law, Learning Equality shall not be responsible for any loss or damage to you, your customers or third parties caused by failure of the website to function. In no event will Learning Equality be liable for any special, consequential, incidental, or indirect damages (including, without limitation, those resulting from lost profits, cost of substitute goods or services, lost data or business interruption) in connection with the use of the website or Service of in connection with any other claim arising from these Terms of Service. The aggregate liability of Learning Equality arising from or relating to these Terms and the Service, regardless of the form of action or claim (contract, tort or otherwise) and even if you have been advised of the possibility of such damages shall not exceed the amount paid by you during the twelve (12) month period prior to the cause of action. Nothing in these Terms shall limit or exclude Learning Equality liability for gross negligence or for death or personal injury. Applicable law may not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.licensingHeader","Licensing and Copyright","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Licensing and Copyright"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.licensingList1Item1","Copyright ownership of the Content is retained by the original copyright holder and must be indicated, and license information must be marked so as to accurately reflect the copyright holder's intentions around the distribution and use of that Content.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Copyright ownership of the Content is retained by the original copyright holder and must be indicated, and license information must be marked so as to accurately reflect the copyright holder's intentions around the distribution and use of that Content."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.licensingList1Item2","If you are not yourself the copyright holder, you must have the rights to distribute the uploaded Content, either through explicit written permission from the copyright holder, or as allowed by the terms of the license under which the Content has been released.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","If you are not yourself the copyright holder, you must have the rights to distribute the uploaded Content, either through explicit written permission from the copyright holder, or as allowed by the terms of the license under which the Content has been released."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.licensingList1Item3","If you are the copyright holder of the uploaded content, then by marking the Content you upload with a particular license, you are agreeing for the Content to be distributed and used under the terms of that license in perpetuity.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","If you are the copyright holder of the uploaded content, then by marking the Content you upload with a particular license, you are agreeing for the Content to be distributed and used under the terms of that license in perpetuity."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.licensingList2Item1","Descriptive metadata: This includes primary metadata associated with a single piece of Content, for example, titles, descriptions, and other elements which constitute a definitive part of the Content regardless of which system it appears on. These metadata elements will fall under the same copyright and licensing as the Content itself.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Descriptive metadata: This includes primary metadata associated with a single piece of Content, for example, titles, descriptions, and other elements which constitute a definitive part of the Content regardless of which system it appears on. These metadata elements will fall under the same copyright and licensing as the Content itself."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.licensingList2Item2","Organizational metadata: This defines how a piece of content may be used, aids with discovery, and places it within some broader structure of relations on the Service, for example, tags, curation into folders (including the titles of those folders), and other elements pertaining to the display and ordering of Content on the system itself. By using the Service, you agree that work you do to generate organizational metadata elements are released into the Public Domain, and may be made available for others to use, without any claim to copyright or restricted licensing. We may also share, leverage and distribute this organizational metadata. This is so that we can benefit others and improve the impact of our platforms.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Organizational metadata: This defines how a piece of content may be used, aids with discovery, and places it within some broader structure of relations on the Service, for example, tags, curation into folders (including the titles of those folders), and other elements pertaining to the display and ordering of Content on the system itself. By using the Service, you agree that work you do to generate organizational metadata elements are released into the Public Domain, and may be made available for others to use, without any claim to copyright or restricted licensing. We may also share, leverage and distribute this organizational metadata. This is so that we can benefit others and improve the impact of our platforms."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.licensingP1","The Service allows you to upload and distribute Content. When you do, the following terms apply:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","The Service allows you to upload and distribute Content. When you do, the following terms apply:"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.licensingP2","We follow a policy of making content, including its associated metadata, as open as possible while following the appropriate copyright laws. With this in mind, we distinguish between:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","We follow a policy of making content, including its associated metadata, as open as possible while following the appropriate copyright laws. With this in mind, we distinguish between:"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"TermsOfServiceModal.miscellaneousP1","The Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between Learning Equality and you concerning the subject matter hereof. If any part of the Agreement is held invalid or unenforceable, that part will be construed to reflect the parties' original intent, and the remaining portions will remain in full force and effect. A waiver by either party of any term or condition of the Agreement or any breach thereof, in any one instance, will not waive such term or condition or any subsequent breach thereof.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","The Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between Learning Equality and you concerning the subject matter hereof. If any part of the Agreement is held invalid or unenforceable, that part will be construed to reflect the parties' original intent, and the remaining portions will remain in full force and effect. A waiver by either party of any term or condition of the Agreement or any breach thereof, in any one instance, will not waive such term or condition or any subsequent breach thereof."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.miscellaneousP2","You may assign your rights under the Agreement to any party that consents to, and agrees to be bound by, its terms and conditions; Learning Equality may assign its rights under the Agreement without condition. The Agreement will be binding upon and will inure to the benefit of the parties, their successors and permitted assigns.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","You may assign your rights under the Agreement to any party that consents to, and agrees to be bound by, its terms and conditions; Learning Equality may assign its rights under the Agreement without condition. The Agreement will be binding upon and will inure to the benefit of the parties, their successors and permitted assigns."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.miscellaneousP3","If you have any questions about the Service or these Terms, please contact us at legal@learningequality.org.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","If you have any questions about the Service or these Terms, please contact us at legal@learningequality.org."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.prompt","Please read these terms and conditions carefully","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Please read these terms and conditions carefully"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.thirdPartyHeader","Third Party Content and Third Party Applications","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Third Party Content and Third Party Applications"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.thirdPartyP1","The links to third party websites, any third party content, and any third party applications may be provided for your convenience and information only. The content on any linked website or in any third party application is not under our control and we are not responsible for the content of linked websites and/or third party applications, including any further links contained in a third party website. We make no representations or warranties in connection with any third party content or third party applications, which at all times and in each instance is provided ""as is."" Third party applications may be subject to additional policies and conditions or agreements between you and the provider of such third party applications. You agree to fully comply with all such additional policies, conditions and agreements. If you decide to access any third party content, and/or any third party application, you do so entirely at your own risk.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","The links to third party websites, any third party content, and any third party applications may be provided for your convenience and information only. The content on any linked website or in any third party application is not under our control and we are not responsible for the content of linked websites and/or third party applications, including any further links contained in a third party website. We make no representations or warranties in connection with any third party content or third party applications, which at all times and in each instance is provided ""as is."" Third party applications may be subject to additional policies and conditions or agreements between you and the provider of such third party applications. You agree to fully comply with all such additional policies, conditions and agreements. If you decide to access any third party content, and/or any third party application, you do so entirely at your own risk."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.thirdPartyRightsHeader","Third Party Rights","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Third Party Rights"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.thirdPartyRightsP1","Nothing in our Terms is intended to confer on any third party any benefit or any right (under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 UK or otherwise) to enforce any provision of our Terms or any agreement entered into in connection with it.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nothing in our Terms is intended to confer on any third party any benefit or any right (under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 UK or otherwise) to enforce any provision of our Terms or any agreement entered into in connection with it."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.updatedToSHeader","Updated terms of service","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Termos de serviço atualizados"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentHeader","User-Generated Content","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","User-Generated Content"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList1Item1","We do not endorse any uploaded Content or represent that Content is accurate, useful, or non-harmful. Content could be offensive, indecent, or objectionable; include technical inaccuracies, typographical mistakes, or other errors; or violate or infringe the privacy, publicity rights, intellectual property rights (see our Copyright Infringement and DMCA Policy section to submit copyright complaints), or other proprietary rights of third parties.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","We do not endorse any uploaded Content or represent that Content is accurate, useful, or non-harmful. Content could be offensive, indecent, or objectionable; include technical inaccuracies, typographical mistakes, or other errors; or violate or infringe the privacy, publicity rights, intellectual property rights (see our Copyright Infringement and DMCA Policy section to submit copyright complaints), or other proprietary rights of third parties."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList1Item2","If you upload or author Content, or otherwise make (or allow any third party to make) Content available on the Service, you are entirely responsible for the Content, and any harm resulting from, that Content or your conduct.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","If you upload or author Content, or otherwise make (or allow any third party to make) Content available on the Service, you are entirely responsible for the Content, and any harm resulting from, that Content or your conduct."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList1Item3","You are responsible for ensuring that you have proper permissions to upload and distribute any and all uploaded Content and for ensuring that the copyright holder and licensing are properly evidenced on the uploaded Content.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","You are responsible for ensuring that you have proper permissions to upload and distribute any and all uploaded Content and for ensuring that the copyright holder and licensing are properly evidenced on the uploaded Content."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList1Item4","We disclaim any responsibility for any harm resulting from anyone's use or downloading of Content. If you access or use any Content, you are responsible for taking precautions as necessary to protect yourself and your computer systems from viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and other harmful or destructive content.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","We disclaim any responsibility for any harm resulting from anyone's use or downloading of Content. If you access or use any Content, you are responsible for taking precautions as necessary to protect yourself and your computer systems from viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and other harmful or destructive content."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList1Item5","We are not a party to, and will have no responsibility or liability for, any communications, transactions, interactions, or disputes between you and the provider of any Content.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","We are not a party to, and will have no responsibility or liability for, any communications, transactions, interactions, or disputes between you and the provider of any Content."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList1Item6","Please note that additional third party terms and conditions may apply to the downloading, copying, or use of Content.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Please note that additional third party terms and conditions may apply to the downloading, copying, or use of Content."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList2Item1","We do not have any control over those websites and are not responsible for their contents or their use.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","We do not have any control over those websites and are not responsible for their contents or their use."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList2Item2","The existence of a link to or from the Service does not represent or imply that we endorse such website.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","The existence of a link to or from the Service does not represent or imply that we endorse such website."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList2Item3","You are responsible for taking precautions as necessary to protect yourself and your computer systems from viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and other harmful or destructive content.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","You are responsible for taking precautions as necessary to protect yourself and your computer systems from viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and other harmful or destructive content."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList3Item1","remove or force upgrades of copies of Content that have already been downloaded from the Service, except in cases in which the Kolibri Learning Application is running on a server that is under our control. This may mean that when we delete uploaded content not all copies will be removed.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","remove or force upgrades of copies of Content that have already been downloaded from the Service, except in cases in which the Kolibri Learning Application is running on a server that is under our control. This may mean that when we delete uploaded content not all copies will be removed."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList3Item2","remove or change the licensing on old versions of Content that others have made copies of, should you change the licensing on your content and/or request a removal of the Content from us. When a Creative Commons license is applied to a specific version of a piece of Content, the rights conferred to others for distribution and use of that Content cannot be revoked. Whilst we cannot remove or force updates on copies of the Content, we would let you update the license on your own copy of the Content moving forward, and for future versions.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","remove or change the licensing on old versions of Content that others have made copies of, should you change the licensing on your content and/or request a removal of the Content from us. When a Creative Commons license is applied to a specific version of a piece of Content, the rights conferred to others for distribution and use of that Content cannot be revoked. Whilst we cannot remove or force updates on copies of the Content, we would let you update the license on your own copy of the Content moving forward, and for future versions."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentP1","We have not reviewed, and cannot review, all of the Content (such as, but not limited to, text, photo, video, audio, code, computer software, or other materials) uploaded to or authored using the Service by users or anyone else and are not responsible for any use or effects of such Content. So, for example:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","We have not reviewed, and cannot review, all of the Content (such as, but not limited to, text, photo, video, audio, code, computer software, or other materials) uploaded to or authored using the Service by users or anyone else and are not responsible for any use or effects of such Content. So, for example:"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentP2","We also have not reviewed, and cannot review, all of the material made available through the websites and web pages that link to, or are linked from the Service. For example:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","We also have not reviewed, and cannot review, all of the material made available through the websites and web pages that link to, or are linked from the Service. For example:"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentP3","We reserve the right to remove any Content that violates our Terms or for any other reason.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","We reserve the right to remove any Content that violates our Terms or for any other reason."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentP4","Please note we cannot:","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Please note we cannot:"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.warrantyHeader","Disclaimer of Warranties","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Disclaimer of Warranties"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.warrantyHeaderP1","You acknowledge that the website and the Service is provided ""as is"" and ""as available"", with all faults and without warranty of any kind, and we hereby disclaim all warranties and conditions with respect to the website and Service, either express, implied or statutory, including, but not limited to, any implied warranties and/or conditions of merchantability, of satisfactory quality, of fitness for a particular purpose, of accuracy, and non-infringement of third party rights. Any use of the Service and website is at your own risk. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties, so the above limitations may not apply to you.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","You acknowledge that the website and the Service is provided ""as is"" and ""as available"", with all faults and without warranty of any kind, and we hereby disclaim all warranties and conditions with respect to the website and Service, either express, implied or statutory, including, but not limited to, any implied warranties and/or conditions of merchantability, of satisfactory quality, of fitness for a particular purpose, of accuracy, and non-infringement of third party rights. Any use of the Service and website is at your own risk. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties, so the above limitations may not apply to you."
+"TermsOfServiceModal.yourPrivacyHeader","Your Privacy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Your Privacy"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.yourPrivacyLink","Learn more about Studio's privacy policy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Learn more about Studio's privacy policy"
+"TermsOfServiceModal.yourPrivacyP1","We take your privacy seriously. Please read our Privacy Policy to see how we collect, use and protect your personal data.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","We take your privacy seriously. Please read our Privacy Policy to see how we collect, use and protect your personal data."
+"TextArea.fieldRequiredMessage","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Campo obrigatório"
+"TextField.fieldRequiredMessage","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Campo obrigatório"
+"Thumbnail.thumbnail","{title} thumbnail","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{title} miniatura"
+"ThumbnailGenerator.generatedDefaultFilename","Generated thumbnail","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Miniatura gerada"
+"ThumbnailGenerator.thumbnailGenerationFailedHeader","Unable to generate thumbnail","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Não foi possível gerar miniatura"
+"ThumbnailGenerator.thumbnailGenerationFailedText","There was a problem generating a thumbnail","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ocorreu um erro ao gerar uma miniatura"
+"TitleStrings.catalogTitle","Kolibri Content Library Catalog","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Catálogo da Biblioteca de Conteúdos Kolibri"
+"TitleStrings.defaultTitle","Kolibri Studio","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Kolibri Studio"
+"TitleStrings.tabTitle","{title} - {site}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{title} - {site}"
+"ToggleText.less","Show less","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Mostrar menos"
+"ToggleText.more","Show more","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Mostrar mais"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"TrashModal.deleteConfirmationDeleteButton","Delete permanently","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Excluir permanentemente"
+"TrashModal.deleteConfirmationHeader","Permanently delete {topicCount, plural,
+ =1 {# folder}
+ other {# folders}}, {resourceCount, plural,
+ =1 {# resource}
+ other {# resources}}?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Excluír {topicCount, plural,
+ one {}=1 {# pasta}
+ other {# pastas}} e {resourceCount, plural,
+ one {}=1 {# conteúdo}
+ other {# conteúdos}}?"
+"TrashModal.deleteConfirmationText","You cannot undo this action. Are you sure you want to continue?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Você não pode desfazer esta ação. Tem certeza que deseja continuar?"
+"TrashModal.deleteSuccessMessage","Permanently deleted","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Excluído permanentemente"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"TrashModal.selectAllHeader","Select all","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Selecionar todos"
+"TrashModal.selectedCountText","{topicCount, plural,
+ =1 {# folder}
+ other {# folders}}, {resourceCount, plural,
+ =1 {# resource}
+ other {# resources}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{topicCount, plural,
+ one {}=1 {# pasta}
+ other {# pastas}}, {resourceCount, plural,
+ one {}=1 {# conteúdo}
+ other {# conteúdos}}"
+"TrashModal.trashEmptySubtext","Resources removed from this channel will appear here","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Conteúdos removidos deste canal aparecerão aqui"
+"TrashModal.trashEmptyText","Trash is empty","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","A lixeira está vazia"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"TreeView.collapseAllButton","Collapse all","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ocultar tudo"
+"TreeView.openCurrentLocationButton","Expand to current folder location","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Expandir para a pasta atual"
+"TreeView.showSidebar","Show sidebar","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Mostrar a barra lateral"
+"TreeView.updatedResourcesReadyForReview","Updated resources are ready for review","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Conteúdos atualizados estão prontos para revisão"
+"TreeViewBase.apiGenerated","Generated by API","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Gerado pela API"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"TreeViewBase.channelDeletedSnackbar","Channel deleted","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Canal excluído"
+"TreeViewBase.channelDetails","View channel details","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ver detalhes do canal"
+"TreeViewBase.deleteChannel","Delete channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Excluir canal"
+"TreeViewBase.deleteChannelButton","Delete channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Excluir canal"
+"TreeViewBase.deletePrompt","This channel will be permanently deleted. This cannot be undone.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Este canal será excluído permanentemente. Esta ação não pode ser desfeita."
+"TreeViewBase.deleteTitle","Delete this channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Excluir este canal"
+"TreeViewBase.editChannel","Edit channel details","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Editar detalhes do canal"
+"TreeViewBase.emptyChannelTooltip","You cannot publish an empty channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Você não pode publicar um canal vazio"
+"TreeViewBase.getToken","Get token","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Obter token"
+"TreeViewBase.incompleteDescendantsText","{count, number, integer} {count, plural, one {resource is incomplete and cannot be published} other {resources are incomplete and cannot be published}}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, number, integer} {count, plural, one {conteúdo está incompleto e não pode ser publicado} other {conteúdos estão incompletos e não podem ser publicados}}"
+"TreeViewBase.noChangesText","No changes found in channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Nenhuma alteração encontrada no canal"
+"TreeViewBase.noLanguageSetError","Missing channel language","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Falta o idioma do canal"
+"TreeViewBase.openTrash","Open trash","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Abrir lixeira"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"TreeViewBase.publishButtonTitle","Make this channel available for import into Kolibri","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Tornar este canal disponível para importação no Kolibri"
+"TreeViewBase.shareChannel","Share channel","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Compartilhar canal"
+"TreeViewBase.syncChannel","Sync resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Sincronizar conteúdos"
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Para visualizar"
+"Uploader.listDelimiter",", ","
+-- CONTEXT --
+",", "
+"Uploader.maxFileSizeText","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# file will not be uploaded.}
+ other {# files will not be uploaded.}} File size must be under {size}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural, one {}
+ =1 {# arquivo não será enviado.}
+ other {# arquivos não serão enviados.}} O tamanho do(s) arquivo(s) deve ser menor que {size}"
+"Uploader.noStorageHeader","Not enough space","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Espaço insuficiente"
+"Uploader.remainingStorage","Remaining storage: {size}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Armazenamento restante: {size}"
+"Uploader.tooLargeFilesHeader","Max file size exceeded","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Tamanho máximo de arquivo excedido"
+"Uploader.unsupportedFilesHeader","Unsupported files","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Arquivos não suportados"
+"Uploader.unsupportedFilesText","{count, plural,
+ =1 {# file will not be uploaded.}
+ other {# files will not be uploaded.}}
+ {extensionCount, plural,
+ =1 {Supported file type is}
+ other {Supported file types are}} {extensions}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","{count, plural, one {}
+ =1 {# arquivo não será enviado.}
+ other {# arquivos não serão enviados.}}
+ {extensionCount, plural,
+ =1 {O tipo suportado de arquivo é}
+ other {Os tipos suportados de arquivo são}} {extensions}"
+"Uploader.uploadSize","Upload is too large: {size}","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","O envio é muito grande: {size}"
+"UsingStudio.aboutStudio","About Kolibri Studio","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Sobre o Kolibri Studio"
+"UsingStudio.aboutStudioText","Kolibri Studio is undergoing active development, and as such, some changes could cause unexpected behavior or challenges (also known as ""issues""). If you encounter an issue, please notify us as soon as they occur to help us resolve them. (See below for instructions on how to report issues.)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","O Kolibri Studio está em desenvolvimento ativo e, sendo assim, algumas alterações podem causar comportamentos inesperados ou desafios (também conhecidos como ""problemas"". Se você encontrar um problema, por favor, nos notifique assim que ocorrerem para nos ajudar a resolvê-los. (Veja as instruções abaixo de como relatar problemas)."
+"UsingStudio.bestPractice1","When using import and clipboard operations, work with small subsets of folders instead of whole channels at once (especially for large channels).","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ao importar conteúdos e/ou utilizar a área de transferência para mover ou copiar, prefira trabalhar com um número pequeno de conteúdos por vez, ao invés de tentar trazer um canal inteiro. "
+"UsingStudio.bestPractice2","It is preferable to create multiple small channels rather than one giant channel with many layers of folders.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","É preferível criar múltiplos canais menores ao invés de um canal gigante com muitos níveis e pastas."
+"UsingStudio.bestPractice3","Reload the page often to ensure your work is saved to the server and no network errors have occurred. Use CTRL+R on Linux/Windows or ⌘+R on Mac.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Recarregue a página com frequência para ter certeza que seu trabalho seja salvo no servidor e que nenhum erro de conexão tenha ocorrido. Use CTRL+R no Linux/Windows ou ⌘+R no Mac."
+"UsingStudio.bestPractice4","Avoid simultaneous edits on the same channel. Channels should not be edited by multiple users at the same time or by the same user in multiple browser windows.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Evite edições simultâneas no mesmo canal. Os canais não devem ser editados por vários usuários ao mesmo tempo ou pelo mesmo usuário em várias janelas do navegador."
+"UsingStudio.bestPractice5","It is possible that you will encounter timeout errors in your browser when performing operations like import and sync, on large channels. Don't be alarmed by this error message and do not repeat the same operation again right away. It doesn't mean the operation has failed- Kolibri Studio is still working in the background. Wait a few minutes and reload the page before continuing your edits.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","É possível que você encontre erros de timeout no seu navegador quando estiver importando ou sincronizando canais pesados, com muitos conteúdos. Não se preocupe com a mensagem de erro e não repita a operação logo em seguida: Kolibri Studio continua trabalhando em segundo plano, mesmo depois da mensagem de erro. Apenas espere alguns minutos e recarregue a página antes de continuar com suas edições."
+"UsingStudio.bestPractice6","Compress videos before uploading them (see these instructions).","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Comprima vídeos antes de enviá-los (veja estas instruções)."
+"UsingStudio.bestPractice7","PUBLISH periodically and import your channel into Kolibri to preview the content and obtain a local backup copy of your channel.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","PUBLICAR periodicamente e importe seu canal para o Kolibri para pré-visualizar o conteúdo e obter uma cópia de backup local do seu canal."
+"UsingStudio.bestPractice8","Do not edit the channel after you click PUBLISH. Wait for the notification email before resuming editing operations.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Não edite o canal após clicar em PUBLICAR. Aguarde o e-mail de notificação antes de retomar as operações de edição."
+"UsingStudio.bestPractice9","Report issues as you encounter them.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Relate problemas na medida em que os encontra."
+"UsingStudio.bestPractices","Best practices","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Práticas recomendadas"
+"UsingStudio.communityStandardsLink","Community standards","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Normas comunitárias"
+"UsingStudio.issue1","Two users have reported isolated incidents where content they imported from another channel disappeared, leaving only empty folders and subfolders. In one report, the content later re-appeared. They did not experience these problems consistently, and the incidents may possibly involve issues with a slow or unstable internet connection. If you run into this issue, please contact us as soon as possible and let us know as much information as you can remember.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Dois usuários relataram incidentes isolados onde conteúdos que foram importados de outro canal desapareceram, deixando as pastas e subpastas vazias. Foi reportado posteriormente que os conteúdos reapareceram, e que estes problemas não ocorreram constantemente. Esses incidentes podem ter sido causados por conta de uma conexão lenta ou instável com a internet. Se você se deparar com esse problema, por favor, contate-nos assim que possível, enviando o máximo de informações sobre o que aconteceu."
+"UsingStudio.issue2","Some operations in Studio are currently very slow, and so it may appear that the change you attempted to make timed out or did not take effect. In many cases, the change is still being processed and will appear once it is complete. If, after 5-10 minutes, the change still has not taken effect even after a browser refresh, please file an issue. We are working on solutions to these issues.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Algumas operações no Studio são atualmente muito lentas e, sendo assim, podem parecer que as alterações que você tentou fazer foram interrompidas ou não tiveram efeito. Muitas vezes, a alteração ainda está sendo processada e aparecerá assim que estiver completa. Se após 5 a 10 minutos a alteração ainda não teve efeito, mesmo após recarregar o navegador, por favor, registre o seu problema. Estamos trabalhando em soluções para estes transtornos."
+"UsingStudio.issueLink1","Reports of disappearing content","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Relatórios de conteúdo desaparecendo"
+"UsingStudio.issueLink2","Slow performance can lead to unexpected errors in the interface","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","O desempenho lento pode levar a erros inesperados na interface"
+"UsingStudio.issuesPageLink","View all issues","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Ver todos os problemas"
+"UsingStudio.notableIssues","Notable issues","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Problemas notáveis"
+"UsingStudio.policiesLink","Privacy policy","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Política de privacidade"
+"UsingStudio.resourcesHeader","Kolibri Studio resources","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Conteúdos do Kolibri Studio"
+"UsingStudio.termsOfServiceLink","Terms of service","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Termos de serviço"
+"UsingStudio.userDocsLink","User guide","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Guia do usuário"
+"VisibilityDropdown.coach","Resources are visible only to coaches (teachers, facilitators, administrators)","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Os conteúdos são visíveis apenas para professores (facilitadores, administradores)"
+"VisibilityDropdown.labelText","Visible to","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Visível para"
+"VisibilityDropdown.learner","Resources are visible to anyone","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Os conteúdos são visíveis para todos"
+"VisibilityDropdown.visibilityDescription","Visibility determines what type of Kolibri users can see resources.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","A visibilidade determina que tipo de usuários do Kolibri podem ver os conteúdos."
+"VisibilityDropdown.visibilityHeader","About resource visibility","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Sobre a visibilidade dos conteúdos"
+"VisibilityDropdown.visibilityRequired","Field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Campo obrigatório"
+"channelEditVue.errorChooseAtLeastOneCorrectAnswer","Choose at least one correct answer","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Escolha ao menos uma resposta correta"
+"channelEditVue.errorMissingAnswer","Choose a correct answer","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Escolha uma resposta correta"
+"channelEditVue.errorProvideAtLeastOneCorrectAnswer","Provide at least one correct answer","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Forneça ao menos uma resposta correta"
+"channelEditVue.errorQuestionRequired","Question is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","A pergunta é obrigatória"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"channelEditVue.questionTypeInput","Numeric input","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Entrada numérica"
+"channelEditVue.questionTypeMultipleSelection","Multiple choice","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Múltipla escolha"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"channelEditVue.questionTypeSingleSelection","Single choice","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Única escolha"
+-- CONTEXT --
+-- CONTEXT --
+"formStrings.errorText","Please fix {count, plural,
+ =1 {# error}
+ other {# errors}} below","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Por favor, corrija {count, plural, one {}
+ =1 {# erro}
+ other {# erros}} abaixo"
+"sharedVue.activityDurationGteOne","Value must be equal to or greater than 1","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","O número deve ser igual ou menor que 1"
+"sharedVue.activityDurationRequired","This field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Campo Obrigatório"
+"sharedVue.activityDurationTooLongWarning","This value is very high. Please make sure this is how long learners should work on the resource for, in order to complete it.","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Este número é muito alto. Por favor, certifique-se de que esta é realmente a quantidade de tempo em que os alunos devem trabalhar no conteúdo a fim de concluí-lo."
+"sharedVue.confirmLogout","Changes you made may not be saved. Are you sure you want to leave this page?","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","É possível que as alterações não tenham sido salvas. Deseja sair da página mesmo assim?"
+"sharedVue.copyrightHolderRequired","Copyright holder is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","O detentor dos direitos autorais é obrigatório"
+"sharedVue.durationRequired","Duration is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Este campo é obrigatório"
+"sharedVue.fieldRequired","This field is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Campo Obrigatório"
+"sharedVue.learningActivityRequired","Learning activity is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Este campo é obrigatório"
+"sharedVue.licenseDescriptionRequired","Special permissions license must have a description","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","A licença de permissões especiais deve possuir uma descrição"
+"sharedVue.licenseRequired","License is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","A licença é obrigatória"
+"sharedVue.longActivityGtThirty","Value must be greater than 30","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","O número deve ser maior que 30"
+"sharedVue.longActivityLteOneTwenty","Value must be equal or less than 120","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","O número deve ser igual ou menor que 120"
+"sharedVue.masteryModelMGtZero","Must be at least 1","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Deve ser pelo menos 1"
+"sharedVue.masteryModelMLteN","Must be lesser than or equal to N","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Deve ser menor ou igual a N"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"sharedVue.masteryModelMWholeNumber","Must be a whole number","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Deve ser um número inteiro"
+"sharedVue.masteryModelNGtZero","Must be at least 1","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Deve ser pelo menos 1"
+-- CONTEXT --
+"sharedVue.masteryModelNWholeNumber","Must be a whole number","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","Deve ser um número inteiro"
+"sharedVue.masteryModelRequired","Mastery is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","O critério de domínio é obrigatório"
+"sharedVue.shortActivityLteThirty","Value must be equal or less than 30","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","O número deve ser igual ou menor que 30"
+"sharedVue.titleRequired","Title is required","
+-- CONTEXT --
+","O título é obrigatório"
diff --git a/contentcuration/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/contentcuration-messages.json b/contentcuration/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/contentcuration-messages.json
index 197f48b12e..7298ca4a21 100644
--- a/contentcuration/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/contentcuration-messages.json
+++ b/contentcuration/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/contentcuration-messages.json
@@ -1,9 +1,14 @@
+ "AccessibilityOptions.altText": "As imagens e ilustrações deste conteúdo possuem descrições de leitores de tela para alunos com deficiência visual",
+ "AccessibilityOptions.audioDescription": "Este conteúdo contém uma faixa de áudio adicional com narrações específicas para usuários com deficiência visual",
+ "AccessibilityOptions.highContrast": "O texto e os elementos visuais deste conteúdo estão em alto contraste para beneficiar usuários com baixa visão",
+ "AccessibilityOptions.signLanguage": "A interpretação em linguagem de sinais está disponível para conteúdos de áudio e vídeo",
+ "AccessibilityOptions.taggedPdf": "As etiquetas deste documento podem ser acessadas por leitores de tela para o benefício dos alunos com deficiencia visual",
"Account.apiDocumentation": "Documentação da API",
"Account.apiTokenHeading": "Token da API",
"Account.apiTokenMessage": "Você precisará deste token de acesso para executar scripts de integração para materiais de envio em massa por meio da API do Kolibri Studio.",
"Account.basicInfoHeader": "Informações básicas",
- "Account.changePasswordAction": "Alterar senha",
+ "Account.changePasswordAction": "Mudar de senha",
"Account.completelyDeleteAccountLabel": "Remover completamente sua conta do Kolibri Studio",
"Account.deleteAccountLabel": "Excluir conta",
"Account.editFullNameAction": "Editar o nome completo",
@@ -32,6 +37,9 @@
"ActivationLinkReSent.activationReSentTitle": "Instruções enviadas. Obrigado!",
"ActivationSent.header": "Link de ativação enviado",
"ActivationSent.text": "Obrigado por criar uma conta! Para completar o processo, por favor verifique o seu e-mail para o link de ativação que te enviamos.",
+ "ActivityDuration.minutesRequired": "Minutos",
+ "ActivityDuration.notOptionalLabel": "Tempo de duração necessário para que o conteúdo seja marcado como 'concluído'. Esta informação não ficará visível para os alunos.",
+ "ActivityDuration.optionalLabel": "(Opcional) Tempo de duração necessário para que o conteúdo seja marcado como 'concluído'. Esta informação não ficará visível para os alunos.",
"AddNextStepsPage.addedNextStepSnackbar": "Próximo passo adicionado",
"AddNextStepsPage.toolbarTitle": "Adicionar próximo passo",
"AddPreviousStepsPage.addedPreviousStepSnackbar": "Passo anterior adicionado",
@@ -53,7 +61,7 @@
"AnswersEditor.noAnswersPlaceholder": "A pergunta não tem opções de resposta",
"AnswersEditor.numberFieldErrorLabel": "A resposta deve ser um número",
"AppBar.administration": "Administração",
- "AppBar.changeLanguage": "Alterar idioma",
+ "AppBar.changeLanguage": "Trocar de idioma",
"AppBar.help": "Ajuda e suporte",
"AppBar.logIn": "Iniciar sessão",
"AppBar.logOut": "Terminar sessão",
@@ -99,19 +107,19 @@
"BytesForHumansStrings.fileSizeInMegabytes": "{n, number, integer} MB",
"BytesForHumansStrings.fileSizeInTerabytes": "{n, number, integer} TB",
"CatalogFAQ.KolibriAnswer": "O Kolibri é uma plataforma de tecnologia educacional de código aberto feita para comunidades com recursos limitados, focado em:",
- "CatalogFAQ.KolibriAnswerItem1": "Superar as barreiras de infraestrutura que impedem o acesso igualitário à educação de qualidade para estudantes em contextos de recursos e conectividade limitados",
+ "CatalogFAQ.KolibriAnswerItem1": "Superar as barreiras de infraestrutura que impedem que estudantes que não têm acesso à tecnologia e à internet tenham acesso igualitário à educação de qualidade",
"CatalogFAQ.KolibriAnswerItem2": "Aumentar a disponibilidade de materiais de aprendizagem aberta adequados a diversos currículos, objetivos de aprendizagem e situações",
"CatalogFAQ.KolibriAnswerItem3": "Promover inovações pedagógicas e resultados de aprendizagem efetivos",
"CatalogFAQ.KolibriQuestion": "O que é o Kolibri?",
"CatalogFAQ.aboutHeader": "Bem-vindo ao catálogo da biblioteca de conteúdo do Kolibri! ",
- "CatalogFAQ.aboutKolibriHeader": "Sobre o Kolibri",
+ "CatalogFAQ.aboutKolibriHeader": "Sobre Kolibri",
"CatalogFAQ.aboutLibraryHeader": "Sobre a biblioteca de conteúdo do Kolibri",
"CatalogFAQ.channelAnswer": "Um canal é a unidade de organização de conteúdo digital do Kolibri. É um conjunto de conteúdos organizado por instituições ou criadores únicos, cada qual podendo conter um apanhado de livros, jogos, livros didáticos, artigos, simulações, exercícios e muitos outros tipos de materiais educacionais, todos disponibilizados para uso no Kolibri sem precisar de conexão à internet. Um canal não é necessariamente um curso ou sequência, mas simplesmente um conjunto de materiais publicados ou reunidos por uma organização, o mais fiel possível ao formato do provedor original, porém sendo organizado para a melhor navegação possível no Kolibri.",
"CatalogFAQ.channelLink": "O que é um canal?",
"CatalogFAQ.channelQuestion": "O que é um canal?",
"CatalogFAQ.coachContentAnswer": "Boa parte dos conteúdos é direcionado para estudantes, mas alguns como os planos de lição, revisões de assuntos, guias de aprendizagem professional, e similares, são direcionados a professores e facilitadores. No Kolibri, marcamos esses conteúdos como \"para professores\" e limitamos sua visibilidade para quem possuir contas de professores. Se você vir materiais de professores aqui, isso indica que requerem menos planejamento por parte de facilitadores utilizando o conteúdo!",
"CatalogFAQ.coachContentQuestion": "O que são 'materiais para professores'?",
- "CatalogFAQ.customContentAnswer": "Adoraríamos entrar em contato com você sobre os seus próprios materiais ou recomendações. Por favor, envie um e-mail para content@learningequality.org!",
+ "CatalogFAQ.customContentAnswer": "Adicione seus próprios materiais criando uma conta no Kolibri Studio pelo link https://studio.learningequality.org. Para fazer sugestão de materiais para a Biblioteca de Conteúdos Kolibri, envie um email para content@learningequality.org.",
"CatalogFAQ.customContentQuestion": "Como posso adicionar os meus próprios materiais ou recomendar materiais de outros criadores para esta biblioteca?",
"CatalogFAQ.descriptionP1": "Aqui você pode aprender mais sobre os conteúdos educacionais disponíveis publicamente para uso no Kolibri, que são organizados em \"canais\". Use os filtros para navegar pelos canais por meio de palavras-chave, idioma, ou formatos de materiais contidos neles.",
"CatalogFAQ.descriptionP2": "Clique em um canal para pré-visualizar quais assuntos e temas ele cobre, saiba mais sobre o seu criador, quantos conteúdos o canal contém e aprenda como importá-lo para o Kolibri. Você pode também encontrar conteúdo específico para professores (planos de lições, guias profissionais para professores, e outros materiais suplementares de facilitação), avaliações, exercícios, e legendas para acessibilidade.",
@@ -188,8 +196,9 @@
"CatalogList.resultsText": "{count, plural, one {}\n =1 {# resultado encontrado}\n other {# resultados encontrados}}",
"CatalogList.selectAll": "Selecionar todos",
"CatalogList.selectChannels": "Baixar um resumo dos canais selecionados",
+ "CategoryOptions.noCategoryFoundText": "Categoria não encontrada",
"ChangePasswordForm.cancelAction": "Cancelar",
- "ChangePasswordForm.changePasswordHeader": "Alterar senha",
+ "ChangePasswordForm.changePasswordHeader": "Mudar de senha",
"ChangePasswordForm.confirmNewPasswordLabel": "Confirmar nova senha",
"ChangePasswordForm.formInvalidText": "As senhas não coincidem",
"ChangePasswordForm.newPasswordLabel": "Nova senha",
@@ -233,7 +242,7 @@
"ChannelExportStrings.tags": "Marcadores",
"ChannelExportStrings.token": "Token",
"ChannelExportStrings.yes": "Sim",
- "ChannelInfoCard.resourceCount": "{count, number} {count, plural, one {recurso} other {recursos}}",
+ "ChannelInfoCard.resourceCount": "{count, number} {count, plural, one {conteúdo} other {conteúdos}}",
"ChannelInvitation.accept": "Aceitar",
"ChannelInvitation.acceptedSnackbar": "Convite aceito",
"ChannelInvitation.cancel": "Cancelar",
@@ -246,7 +255,7 @@
"ChannelInvitation.viewText": "{sender} te convidou para visualizar {channel}",
"ChannelItem.cancel": "Cancelar",
"ChannelItem.channelDeletedSnackbar": "Canal excluído",
- "ChannelItem.channelLanguageNotSetIndicator": "Nenhum idioma",
+ "ChannelItem.channelLanguageNotSetIndicator": "Nenhum idioma definido",
"ChannelItem.copyToken": "Copiar token do canal",
"ChannelItem.deleteChannel": "Excluir canal",
"ChannelItem.deletePrompt": "Este canal será excluído permanentemente. Esta ação não pode ser desfeita.",
@@ -256,7 +265,7 @@
"ChannelItem.goToWebsite": "Ir para o website de origem",
"ChannelItem.lastPublished": "Publicado em {last_published}",
"ChannelItem.lastUpdated": "Atualizado {updated}",
- "ChannelItem.resourceCount": "{count, plural, one {}\n =1 {# recurso}\n other {# recursos}}",
+ "ChannelItem.resourceCount": "{count, plural, one {}\n =1 {# conteúdo}\n other {# conteúdos}}",
"ChannelItem.unpublishedText": "Não publicado",
"ChannelItem.versionText": "Versão {version}",
"ChannelItem.viewContent": "Visualizar canal no Kolibri",
@@ -269,7 +278,7 @@
"ChannelListIndex.channelSets": "Conjuntos",
"ChannelListIndex.frequentlyAskedQuestions": "Perguntas frequentes",
"ChannelListIndex.invitations": "Você tem {count, plural, one {}\n =1 {# convite}\n other {# convites}}",
- "ChannelListIndex.libraryTitle": "Catálogo da biblioteca de conteúdo do Kolibri",
+ "ChannelListIndex.libraryTitle": "Catálogo da Biblioteca de Conteúdos Kolibri",
"ChannelModal.APIText": "Os canais gerados automaticamente não são editáveis.",
"ChannelModal.changesSaved": "Alterações salvas",
"ChannelModal.channelDescription": "Descrição do canal",
@@ -283,7 +292,7 @@
"ChannelModal.keepEditingButton": "Continuar editando",
"ChannelModal.notFoundError": "O canal não existe",
"ChannelModal.saveChangesButton": "Salvar alterações",
- "ChannelModal.shareTab": "Compartilhando",
+ "ChannelModal.shareTab": "Compartilhar",
"ChannelModal.unauthorizedError": "Você não pode editar este canal",
"ChannelModal.unsavedChangesHeader": "Alterações não salvas",
"ChannelModal.unsavedChangesText": "Você perderá todas as alterações não salvas. Tem certeza que deseja sair?",
@@ -334,7 +343,7 @@
"ChannelSetModal.tokenPrompt": "Copie este token no Kolibri para importar este conjunto ao seu dispositivo.",
"ChannelSetModal.unsavedChangesHeader": "Alterações não salvas",
"ChannelSetModal.unsavedChangesText": "Você perderá todas as alterações não salvas. Tem certeza que deseja sair?",
- "ChannelSetModal.view": "Apenas modo de leitura",
+ "ChannelSetModal.view": "Para visualizar",
"ChannelSharing.alreadyHasAccessError": "O usuário já tem acesso a este canal",
"ChannelSharing.alreadyInvitedError": "Usuário já convidado",
"ChannelSharing.canEdit": "Pode editar",
@@ -393,19 +402,113 @@
"ChannelTokenModal.copyTitle": "Copiar token do canal",
"ChannelTokenModal.copyTokenInstructions": "Cole este token no Kolibri para importar este canal",
"Clipboard.backToClipboard": "Área de transferência",
- "Clipboard.cancel": "Cancelar",
"Clipboard.close": "Fechar",
"Clipboard.copiedItemsToClipboard": "Copiado para a área de transferência",
- "Clipboard.creatingClipboardCopies": "Copiando para a área de transferência...",
"Clipboard.deleteSelectedButton": "Excluir",
"Clipboard.duplicateSelectedButton": "Fazer uma cópia",
- "Clipboard.emptyDefaultText": "Use a área de transferência para copiar conteúdos e movê-los a outros temas e canais",
+ "Clipboard.emptyDefaultText": "Utilize a área de transferência para copiar conteúdos e movê-los para outras pastas e canais",
"Clipboard.emptyDefaultTitle": "Não há conteúdos na sua área de transferência",
"Clipboard.moveSelectedButton": "Mover",
- "Clipboard.removedFromClipboard": "Apagado da área de transferência",
- "Clipboard.removingItems": "Excluindo da área de transferência...",
+ "Clipboard.removedFromClipboard": "Excluído da área de transferência",
"Clipboard.selectAll": "Selecionar todos",
- "Clipboard.undo": "Desfazer",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.accessibility": "Acessibilidade",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.algebra": "Álgebra",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.all": "Todas",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.allLevelsBasicSkills": "Todos os níveis -- habilidades básicas",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.allLevelsWorkSkills": "Todos os níveis - habilidades profissionais",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.altText": "Contém descrição de imagens ou 'alt text'",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.anthropology": "Antropologia",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.arithmetic": "Aritmética",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.arts": "Artes",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.astronomy": "Astronomia",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.audioDescription": "Contém descrição de áudio",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.basicSkills": "Habilidades básicas",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.biology": "Biologia",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.browseChannel": "Explorar o canal",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.calculus": "Cálculo",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.captionsSubtitles": "Contém legendas ou legenda oculta (Close Caption - CC)",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.category": "Categoria",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.chemistry": "Química",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.civicEducation": "Educação Cívica",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.completion": "Conclusão",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.computerScience": "Ciências da Computação",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.create": "Criar",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.currentEvents": "Atualidades",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.dailyLife": "Cotidiano",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.dance": "Dança",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.digitalLiteracy": "Alfabetização Digital",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.diversity": "Diversidade",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.drama": "Teatro",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.duration": "Duração",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.earthScience": "Ciências",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.entrepreneurship": "Empreendedorismo",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.environment": "Meio Ambiente",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.explore": "Explorar",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.financialLiteracy": "Educação Financeira",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.forBeginners": "Para iniciantes",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.forTeachers": "Para Educadores",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.geometry": "Geometria",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.guides": "Guias",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.highContrast": "Contém texto em alto contraste para alunos com baixa visão",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.history": "Histórico",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.industryAndSectorSpecific": "Específico a determinado setor ou indústria",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.languageLearning": "Idiomas",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.learningActivity": "Atividades de aprendizagem",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.learningSkills": "Competências de aprendizagem",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.lessonPlans": "Planos de aula",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.level": "Nível",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.listen": "Ouvir",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.literacy": "Alfabetização",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.literature": "Literatura",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.logicAndCriticalThinking": "Lógica e pensamento crítico",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.longActivity": "Atividade longa",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.lowerPrimary": "Ensino Fundamental (1o - 5o)",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.lowerSecondary": "Ensino Médio",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.mathematics": "Matemática",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.mechanicalEngineering": "Engenharia mecânica",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.mediaLiteracy": "Mídia e Comunicações",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.mentalHealth": "Saúde Mental",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.music": "Música",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.needsInternet": "Conexão à Internet",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.needsMaterials": "Outros materiais",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.numeracy": "Alfabtização numérica",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.peers": "Trabalhar em pares ou em grupo",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.physics": "Física",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.politicalScience": "Ciências Políticas",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.practice": "Praticar",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.preschool": "Pré-escola",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.professionalSkills": "Competências profissionais",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.programming": "Programação",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.publicHealth": "Saúde pública",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.read": "Ler",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.readReference": "Lista de referências",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.readingAndWriting": "Leitura e escrita",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.readingComprehension": "Compreensão de texto",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.reflect": "Refletir",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.school": "Escolar",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.sciences": "Ciências",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.shortActivity": "Atividade curta",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.signLanguage": "Contém close captions na linguagem de sinais",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.skillsTraining": "Treinamento de competências para o trabalho",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.socialSciences": "Ciências Sociais",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.sociology": "Sociologia",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.softwareTools": "Outras ferramentas ou programas digitais",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.softwareToolsAndTraining": "Ferramentas de software e treinamento",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.specializedProfessionalTraining": "Formação profissional especializada",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.statistics": "Estatísticas",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.taggedPdf": "PDF etiquetado",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.teacher": "Da ajuda de um professor",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.technicalAndVocationalTraining": "Formação Técnica e Vocacional",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.tertiary": "Ensino Superior",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.toUseWithPaperAndPencil": "Papel e lápis",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.topicLabel": "Pasta",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.upperPrimary": "Ensino Fundamental II (6o - 9o)",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.upperSecondary": "Ensino Médio",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.visualArt": "Artes Visuais",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.watch": "Assistir",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.webDesign": "Desenho de Web",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.work": "Trabalho",
+ "CommonMetadataStrings.writing": "Escrita",
"CommunityStandardsModal.communityStandardsHeader": "Normas comunitárias",
"CommunityStandardsModal.coreValuesLink": "Saiba mais sobre os valores fundamentais da Learning Equality",
"CommunityStandardsModal.description": "A Learning Equality é uma organização sem fins lucrativos dedicada a possibilitar o acesso igualitário a experiências de educação de qualidade. Junto à nossa declaração de valores fundamentais, estas normas comunitárias pretendem promover um ambiente solidário e inclusivo para nossos usuários.",
@@ -420,8 +523,16 @@
"CommunityStandardsModal.studioItem3": "Compartilhamento. Criar e publicar novos canais com o que você encontrar, seja para compartilhar com as suas próprias implementações de forma privada ou compartilhar com outros no Kolibri Studio.",
"CommunityStandardsModal.studioItem4": "Modificação e criação. Adicionar seus próprios exercícios avaliativos a qualquer material existente",
"CommunityStandardsModal.studioItem5": "Hospedagem. Enviar seus próprios materiais (limitado a materiais que você sabe serem licenciados de forma apropriada) para um disco rígido local ou outras localidades na internet",
+ "CompletionOptions.allContent": "Visualizado na sua totalidade",
+ "CompletionOptions.completeDuration": "Quando o tempo gasto no conteúdo é igual à duração do mesmo",
+ "CompletionOptions.determinedByResource": "Pré-determinado pelo próprio conteúdo",
+ "CompletionOptions.exactTime": "Tempo necessário para a conclusão do conteúdo",
+ "CompletionOptions.goal": "Quando o objetivo for alcançado",
+ "CompletionOptions.practiceQuiz": "Teste para praticar",
+ "CompletionOptions.reference": "Materiais de referência",
+ "CompletionOptions.referenceHint": "O progresso do aluno sobre um material de referência só será registrado se o aluno o marcar como 'concluído'",
"ConstantStrings.All Rights Reserved": "Todos os direitos reservados",
- "ConstantStrings.All Rights Reserved_description": "A licença de todos os direitos reservados indica que o detentor dos direitos autorais reserva-se, ou mantém para si o uso, de todos os direitos providos pela lei de direitos autorais sob um único acordo de direitos autorais.",
+ "ConstantStrings.All Rights Reserved_description": "A licença de Todos os Direitos Reservados indica que o detentor dos direitos autorais reserva-se, ou mantém para si o uso, de todos os direitos providos pela lei de direitos autorais sob um único acordo de direitos autorais.",
"ConstantStrings.CC BY": "CC BY",
"ConstantStrings.CC BY-NC": "CC BY-NC",
"ConstantStrings.CC BY-NC-ND": "CC BY-NC-ND",
@@ -442,7 +553,7 @@
"ConstantStrings.audio_thumbnail": "Miniatura",
"ConstantStrings.bookmark": "Favoritos",
"ConstantStrings.coach": "Professores",
- "ConstantStrings.do_all": "100% correto",
+ "ConstantStrings.do_all": "Objetivo: 100% correto",
"ConstantStrings.do_all_description": "Estudantes devem responder corretamente a todas as perguntas no exercício (não recomendado para exercícios longos)",
"ConstantStrings.document": "Documento",
"ConstantStrings.document_thumbnail": "Miniatura",
@@ -469,13 +580,13 @@
"ConstantStrings.mp4": "Vídeo MP4",
"ConstantStrings.multiple_selection": "Múltipla escolha",
"ConstantStrings.nthCopy": "Copiar {n, number, integer} de {title}",
- "ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_10": "10 seguidas",
+ "ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_10": "Objetivo: 10 acertos seguidos",
"ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_10_description": "Estudantes devem responder corretamente a 10 perguntas seguidas",
- "ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_2": "2 seguidas",
+ "ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_2": "Objetivo: 2 acertos seguidos",
"ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_2_description": "Estudantes devem responder corretamente a 2 perguntas seguidas",
- "ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_3": "3 seguidas",
+ "ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_3": "Objetivo: 3 acertos seguidos",
"ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_3_description": "Estudantes devem responder corretamente a 3 perguntas seguidas",
- "ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_5": "5 seguidas",
+ "ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_5": "Objetivo: 5 acertos seguidos",
"ConstantStrings.num_correct_in_a_row_5_description": "Estudantes devem responder corretamente a 5 perguntas seguidas",
"ConstantStrings.pdf": "Documento PDF",
"ConstantStrings.perseus": "Exercício Perseus",
@@ -485,15 +596,16 @@
"ConstantStrings.single_selection": "Única escolha",
"ConstantStrings.slideshow": "Apresentação",
"ConstantStrings.svg": "Imagem SVG",
- "ConstantStrings.topic": "Tema",
+ "ConstantStrings.topic": "Pasta",
"ConstantStrings.topic_thumbnail": "Miniatura",
"ConstantStrings.true_false": "Verdadeiro/Falso",
"ConstantStrings.unknown_question": "Tipo de pergunta desconhecido",
"ConstantStrings.video": "Vídeo",
"ConstantStrings.video_subtitle": "Legendas",
"ConstantStrings.video_thumbnail": "Miniatura",
- "ConstantStrings.view": "Apenas modo de leitura",
+ "ConstantStrings.view": "Para visualizar",
"ConstantStrings.vtt": "Legenda VTT",
+ "ConstantStrings.webm": "Vídeo WEBM ",
"ConstantStrings.zip": "Zip HTML5",
"ContentDefaults.aggregator": "Agregador",
"ContentDefaults.author": "Autor",
@@ -512,42 +624,41 @@
"ContentNodeChangedIcon.containsNewAndUpdated": "Contém alterações e conteúdos não publicados",
"ContentNodeChangedIcon.containsUpdated": "Contém alterações não publicadas",
"ContentNodeChangedIcon.isNewResource": "Não publicado",
- "ContentNodeChangedIcon.isNewTopic": "Tema não publicado",
+ "ContentNodeChangedIcon.isNewTopic": "Pasta não publicada",
"ContentNodeChangedIcon.isUpdatedResource": "Atualizado desde a última publicação",
- "ContentNodeChangedIcon.isUpdatedTopic": "O tema foi atualizado desde a última publicação",
+ "ContentNodeChangedIcon.isUpdatedTopic": "A pasta foi atualizada desde sua última publicação",
"ContentNodeEditListItem.optionsTooltip": "Opções",
"ContentNodeIcon.audio": "Áudio",
"ContentNodeIcon.document": "Documento",
"ContentNodeIcon.exercise": "Exercício",
"ContentNodeIcon.html5": "Aplicativo HTML5",
"ContentNodeIcon.slideshow": "Apresentação",
- "ContentNodeIcon.topic": "Tema",
+ "ContentNodeIcon.topic": "Pasta",
"ContentNodeIcon.unsupported": "Não suportado",
"ContentNodeIcon.video": "Vídeo",
+ "ContentNodeLearningActivityIcon.multipleLearningActivities": "Conteúdo com múltiplas atividades",
+ "ContentNodeLearningActivityIcon.topic": "Pasta",
"ContentNodeListItem.coachTooltip": "Material para professores",
"ContentNodeListItem.copyingTask": "Copiando",
"ContentNodeListItem.hasCoachTooltip": "{value, number, integer} {value, plural, one {material para professores} other {materiais para professores}}",
- "ContentNodeListItem.openTopic": "Abrir tema",
+ "ContentNodeListItem.openTopic": "Abrir pasta",
"ContentNodeListItem.questions": "{value, number, integer} {value, plural, one {pergunta} other {perguntas}}",
- "ContentNodeListItem.resources": "{value, number, integer} {value, plural, one {recurso} other {recursos}}",
- "ContentNodeOptions.cancel": "Cancelar",
+ "ContentNodeListItem.resources": "{value, number, integer} {value, plural, one {conteúdo} other {conteúdos}}",
"ContentNodeOptions.copiedItemsToClipboard": "Copiado para a área de transferência",
+ "ContentNodeOptions.copiedSnackbar": "Cópia concluída",
"ContentNodeOptions.copiedToClipboardSnackbar": "Copiado para a área de transferência",
"ContentNodeOptions.copyToClipboard": "Copiar para área de transferência",
- "ContentNodeOptions.creatingClipboardCopies": "Copiando para área de transferência...",
"ContentNodeOptions.creatingCopies": "Copiando...",
"ContentNodeOptions.editDetails": "Editar detalhes",
- "ContentNodeOptions.editTopicDetails": "Editar detalhes do tema",
+ "ContentNodeOptions.editTopicDetails": "Editar os detalhes da pasta",
"ContentNodeOptions.goToOriginalLocation": "Ir para a localização de origem",
"ContentNodeOptions.makeACopy": "Fazer uma cópia",
"ContentNodeOptions.move": "Mover",
"ContentNodeOptions.moveTo": "Mover para...",
- "ContentNodeOptions.newSubtopic": "Novo tema",
+ "ContentNodeOptions.newSubtopic": "Nova pasta",
"ContentNodeOptions.remove": "Remover",
"ContentNodeOptions.removedFromClipboard": "Excluído da área de transferência",
"ContentNodeOptions.removedItems": "Enviado para a lixeira",
- "ContentNodeOptions.removingItems": "Excluindo da área de transferência...",
- "ContentNodeOptions.topicDefaultTitle": "{title} tema",
"ContentNodeOptions.undo": "Desfazer",
"ContentNodeOptions.viewDetails": "Ver detalhes",
"ContentNodeStrings.untitled": "Sem título",
@@ -573,7 +684,7 @@
"ContentRenderer.noFileText": "Selecione um arquivo para pré-visualizar",
"ContentRenderer.previewNotSupported": "Pré-visualização indisponível",
"ContentTreeList.allChannelsLabel": "Canais",
- "ContentTreeList.noResourcesOrTopics": "Não há conteudos ou temas aqui",
+ "ContentTreeList.noResourcesOrTopics": "Aqui não há nenhum conteúdo ou pasta ",
"ContentTreeList.selectAllAction": "Selecionar todos",
"CopyToken.copiedTokenId": "Token copiado",
"CopyToken.copyFailed": "Falha ao copiar",
@@ -591,24 +702,24 @@
"Create.contactMessage": "Perguntas ou sugestões? Por favor, envie um e-mail para content@learningequality.org",
"Create.conversationSourceOption": "Conversa com a Learning Equality",
"Create.createAnAccountTitle": "Criar uma conta",
- "Create.creatingExercisesUsageOption": "Criando exercícios",
+ "Create.creatingExercisesUsageOption": "Criar exercícios",
"Create.emailExistsMessage": "Já existe uma conta com este e-mail",
"Create.errorsMessage": "Por favor, corrija os erros abaixo",
"Create.fieldRequiredMessage": "Campo obrigatório",
- "Create.findingUsageOption": "Encontrando e acrescentando fontes de conteúdo adicionais",
+ "Create.findingUsageOption": "Encontrar e acrescentar fontes de conteúdo adicionais",
"Create.finishButton": "Finalizar",
"Create.firstNameLabel": "Nome",
"Create.forumSourceOption": "Fórum da comunidade da Learning Equality",
"Create.githubSourceOption": "GitHug da Learning Equality",
"Create.lastNameLabel": "Sobrenome",
- "Create.locationLabel": "Onde você pretende usar o Kolibri Studio? (selecione tudo que se aplica)",
+ "Create.locationLabel": "Onde você pretende usar o Kolibri Studio? (Selecione todas que se aplicam)",
"Create.newsletterSourceOption": "Boletim informativo da Learning Equality",
"Create.organizationSourceOption": "Organização",
"Create.organizationSourcePlaceholder": "Nome da organização",
- "Create.organizingUsageOption": "Organizando e alinhando materiais existentes",
- "Create.otherSourceOption": "Outro",
+ "Create.organizingUsageOption": "Organizar e alinhar materiais existentes",
+ "Create.otherSourceOption": "Outros",
"Create.otherSourcePlaceholder": "Por favor, descreva",
- "Create.otherUsageOption": "Outro",
+ "Create.otherUsageOption": "Outros",
"Create.otherUsagePlaceholder": "Por favor, descreva",
"Create.passwordLabel": "Senha",
"Create.passwordMatchMessage": "As senhas não coincidem",
@@ -616,16 +727,17 @@
"Create.privacyPolicyCheck": "Eu li e concordo com a política de privacidade",
"Create.privacyPolicyRequiredMessage": "Por favor, aceite a nossa política de privacidade",
"Create.registrationFailed": "Ocorreu um erro ao registrar a sua conta. Por favor, tente novamente",
- "Create.sequencingUsageOption": "Usando pré-requisitos para colocar materiais em sequência",
- "Create.sharingUsageOption": "Compartilhando materiais publicamente",
+ "Create.registrationFailedOffline": "Você parece estar offline. Por favor, conecte-se à internet para criar uma conta.",
+ "Create.sequencingUsageOption": "Usar pré-requisitos para colocar materiais em sequência",
+ "Create.sharingUsageOption": "Compartilhar materiais publicamente",
"Create.socialMediaSourceOption": "Redes sociais",
"Create.sourceLabel": "Como você ficou sabendo de nós?",
"Create.sourcePlaceholder": "Selecione um",
"Create.storingUsageExample": "ex.: 500 MB",
- "Create.storingUsageOption": "Armazenando materiais para uso privado ou local",
+ "Create.storingUsageOption": "Armazenar materiais para uso privado ou local",
"Create.storingUsagePlaceholder": "Quanto armazenamento você precisa?",
- "Create.taggingUsageOption": "Marcando fontes de conteúdo para encontrá-las",
- "Create.usageLabel": "Como você pretende usar o Kolibri Studio (selecione tudo que se aplica)",
+ "Create.taggingUsageOption": "Marcar fontes de conteúdo para encontrá-las",
+ "Create.usageLabel": "Como voce pretende utilizar o Kolibri Studio? (Selecione todas que se aplicam)",
"Create.viewPrivacyPolicyLink": "Ver política de privacidade",
"Create.viewToSLink": "Ver termos de serviço",
"Create.websiteSourceOption": "Website da Learning Equality",
@@ -634,12 +746,11 @@
"CurrentTopicView.DEFAULT_VIEW": "Vista padrão",
"CurrentTopicView.addButton": "Adicionar",
"CurrentTopicView.addExercise": "Novo exercício",
- "CurrentTopicView.addTopic": "Novo tema",
- "CurrentTopicView.cancel": "Cancelar",
+ "CurrentTopicView.addTopic": "Nova pasta",
+ "CurrentTopicView.copiedItems": "Cópia concluída",
"CurrentTopicView.copiedItemsToClipboard": "Copiado para a área de transferência",
"CurrentTopicView.copySelectedButton": "Copiar para área de transferência",
"CurrentTopicView.copyToClipboardButton": "Copiar para área de transferência",
- "CurrentTopicView.creatingClipboardCopies": "Copiando para área de transferência...",
"CurrentTopicView.creatingCopies": "Copiando...",
"CurrentTopicView.deleteSelectedButton": "Excluir",
"CurrentTopicView.duplicateSelectedButton": "Fazer uma cópia",
@@ -649,8 +760,8 @@
"CurrentTopicView.moveSelectedButton": "Mover",
"CurrentTopicView.optionsButton": "Opções",
"CurrentTopicView.removedItems": "Enviado para a lixeira",
- "CurrentTopicView.selectAllLabel": "Selecionar tudo",
- "CurrentTopicView.selectionCount": "{topicCount, plural, one {}\n =1 {# tema}\n other {# temas}}, {resourceCount, plural,\n =1 {# conteúdo}\n other {# conteúdos}}",
+ "CurrentTopicView.selectAllLabel": "Selecionar todos",
+ "CurrentTopicView.selectionCount": "{topicCount, plural,\n one {}=1 {# pasta}\n other {# pastas}}, {resourceCount, plural,\n one {}=1 {# conteúdo}\n other {# conteúdos}}",
"CurrentTopicView.undo": "Desfazer",
"CurrentTopicView.uploadFiles": "Enviar arquivos",
"CurrentTopicView.viewModeTooltip": "Visualizar",
@@ -697,17 +808,19 @@
"Details.unpublishedText": "Não publicado",
"DetailsTabView.aggregatorLabel": "Agregador",
"DetailsTabView.aggregatorToolTip": "Website ou organização hospedando este conjunto de conteúdos, mas não necessariamente o criador ou detentor dos direitos autorais",
- "DetailsTabView.assessmentHeader": "Opções de avaliação",
+ "DetailsTabView.assessmentOptionsLabel": "Opções de avaliação",
"DetailsTabView.audienceHeader": "Público",
"DetailsTabView.authorLabel": "Autor",
"DetailsTabView.authorToolTip": "Pessoa ou organização que criou este conteúdo",
"DetailsTabView.basicInfoHeader": "Informações básicas",
+ "DetailsTabView.completionLabel": "Conclusão",
"DetailsTabView.copyrightHolderLabel": "Detentor dos direitos autorais",
"DetailsTabView.descriptionLabel": "Descrição",
"DetailsTabView.detectedImportText": "{count, plural, one {}\n =1 {# conteúdo tem permissão apenas para visualização}\n other {# conteúdos têm permissão apenas para visualização}}",
"DetailsTabView.importedFromButtonText": "Importado do {channel}",
"DetailsTabView.languageChannelHelpText": "Deixar em branco para usar o idioma do canal",
- "DetailsTabView.languageHelpText": "Deixar em branco para usar o idioma do tema",
+ "DetailsTabView.languageHelpText": "Deixar em branco para que o idioma da pasta seja utilizado",
+ "DetailsTabView.learnersCanMarkComplete": "Permitir que os alunos marquem como 'concluído'",
"DetailsTabView.noTagsFoundText": "Nenhum resultado encontrado para \"{text}\". Pressione 'Enter' para criar um novo marcador",
"DetailsTabView.providerLabel": "Provedor",
"DetailsTabView.providerToolTip": "Organização que encomendou ou distribui o conteúdo",
@@ -728,13 +841,13 @@
"DiffTable.typeFileSize": "Tamanho do arquivo",
"DiffTable.typeHtml5Apps": "Aplicativos HTML5",
"DiffTable.typeSlideshows": "Apresentações",
- "DiffTable.typeTopics": "Tópicos",
+ "DiffTable.typeTopics": "Pastas",
"DiffTable.typeVersion": "Versão da API",
"DiffTable.typeVideos": "Vídeos",
"EditList.selectAllLabel": "Selecionar todos",
"EditListItem.questionCount": "{count, plural, one {}\n =1 {# pergunta}\n other {# perguntas}}",
- "EditModal.addTopic": "Adicionar um novo tema",
- "EditModal.addTopicsHeader": "Novo tema",
+ "EditModal.addTopic": "Adicionar nova pasta",
+ "EditModal.addTopicsHeader": "Nova pasta",
"EditModal.cancelUploadsButton": "Sair",
"EditModal.closeWithoutSavingButton": "Fechar sem salvar",
"EditModal.createExerciseHeader": "Novo exercício",
@@ -761,11 +874,11 @@
"EditSearchModal.saveChangesAction": "Salvar",
"EditSearchModal.searchTitleLabel": "Título da busca",
"EditView.details": "Detalhes",
- "EditView.editingMultipleCount": "Editando detalhes para {topicCount, plural, one {}\n =1 {# tema}\n other {# temas}}, {resourceCount, plural,\n =1 {# conteúdo}\n other {# conteúdos}}",
+ "EditView.editingMultipleCount": "Editando os detalhes de {topicCount, plural,\n one {}=1 {# pasta}\n other {# pastas}}, {resourceCount, plural,\n one {}=1 {# conteúdo}\n other {# conteúdos}}",
"EditView.errorBannerText": "Por favor, forneça as informações necessárias",
"EditView.invalidFieldsToolTip": "Está faltando alguma informação necessária",
- "EditView.noItemsToEditText": "Por favor, selecione conteúdos ou temas para editar",
- "EditView.preview": "Pré-visualização",
+ "EditView.noItemsToEditText": "Selecione os conteúdos ou as pastas que deseja editar",
+ "EditView.preview": "Pré-visualizar",
"EditView.questions": "Perguntas",
"EditView.related": "Relacionados",
"EmailField.emailLabel": "E-mail",
@@ -773,20 +886,6 @@
"EmailField.validEmailMessage": "Por favor, digite um e-mail válido",
"ExpandableList.less": "Mostrar menos",
"ExpandableList.more": "Mostrar mais ({more})",
- "FeedbackForm.cancelAction": "Cancelar",
- "FeedbackForm.closeAction": "Fechar",
- "FeedbackForm.communityForumLink": "Abrir fórum da comunidade",
- "FeedbackForm.feedbackFailed": "Não foi possível enviar comentário. Por favor, tente novamente.",
- "FeedbackForm.feedbackLabel": "Descreva o seu comentário",
- "FeedbackForm.fieldRequiredText": "Campo obrigatório",
- "FeedbackForm.header": "Deixar um comentário",
- "FeedbackForm.promptP1": "Por favor, compartilhe a sua experiência com o Kolibri Studio ou qualquer comentário sobre como podemos melhorar. Se você estiver relatando um erro, por favor, descreva o seu problema da forma mais detalhada possível.",
- "FeedbackForm.promptP2": "Você também pode buscar e postar no fórum da comunidade para ver se outros encontraram problemas similares.",
- "FeedbackForm.submitAction": "Enviar",
- "FeedbackForm.submittedHeader": "Obrigado",
- "FeedbackForm.submittedP1": "O seu comentário é essencial para futuras iterações do Kolibri Studio.",
- "FeedbackForm.submittedP2": "Embora não possamos responder a cada um dos comentários, levamos todos eles em consideração para melhorarmos a experiência do usuário.",
- "FeedbackForm.submittedP3": "Você pode nos enviar comentários a qualquer momento.",
"FilePreview.exitFullscreen": "Sair do modo tela cheia",
"FilePreview.fullscreenModeText": "Modo tela cheia",
"FilePreview.viewFullscreen": "Visualizar em tela cheia",
@@ -806,6 +905,7 @@
"FileUploadDefault.uploadToText": "Enviar para '{title}'",
"FileUploadItem.removeFileButton": "Remover",
"FileUploadItem.retryUpload": "Tentar o envio novamente",
+ "FileUploadItem.unknownFile": "Nome de arquivo desconhecido",
"FileUploadItem.uploadButton": "Selecionar arquivo",
"FileUploadItem.uploadFailed": "Falha ao enviar",
"ForgotPassword.forgotPasswordFailed": "Falha ao enviar link de redefinição de senha. Por favor, tente novamente.",
@@ -830,6 +930,7 @@
"HintsEditor.hintsLabel": "Dicas",
"HintsEditor.newHintBtnLabel": "Nova dica",
"HintsEditor.noHintsPlaceholder": "A pergunta não tem dicas",
+ "ImageOnlyThumbnail.thumbnail": "{title} miniatura",
"ImagesMenu.acceptsText": "Tipos suportados de arquivos: {acceptedFormats}",
"ImagesMenu.altTextHint": "A descrição da imagem é necessária para possibilitar que alunos com deficiência visual respondam a perguntas, e também é exibida quando a imagem falha ao carregar",
"ImagesMenu.altTextLabel": "Descrição da imagem",
@@ -850,6 +951,7 @@
"ImportFromChannelsModal.resourcesSelected": "{count, number} {count, plural, one {conteúdo selecionado} other {conteúdos selecionados}}",
"ImportFromChannelsModal.reviewAction": "Revisar",
"ImportFromChannelsModal.reviewTitle": "Seleção de conteúdos",
+ "InfoModal.close": "Fechar",
"LanguageDropdown.labelText": "Idioma",
"LanguageDropdown.languageItemText": "{language} ({code})",
"LanguageDropdown.languageRequired": "Campo obrigatório",
@@ -858,7 +960,7 @@
"LanguageFilter.noMatchingLanguageText": "Nenhum idioma corresponde à pesquisa",
"LanguageSwitcherList.showMoreLanguagesSelector": "Mais idiomas",
"LanguageSwitcherModal.cancelAction": "Cancelar",
- "LanguageSwitcherModal.changeLanguageModalHeader": "Alterar idioma",
+ "LanguageSwitcherModal.changeLanguageModalHeader": "Trocar de idioma",
"LanguageSwitcherModal.confirmAction": "Confirmar",
"LicenseDropdown.learnMoreButton": "Saiba mais",
"LicenseDropdown.licenseDescriptionLabel": "Descrição da licença",
@@ -871,6 +973,7 @@
"Main.guestModeLink": "Explorar sem uma conta",
"Main.kolibriStudio": "Kolibri Studio",
"Main.loginFailed": "E-mail ou senha incorretos",
+ "Main.loginFailedOffline": "Você parece estar offline. Por favor, conecte-se à internet para acessar Kolibri Studio",
"Main.loginToProceed": "Você precisa fazer login para ver esta página",
"Main.passwordLabel": "Senha",
"Main.privacyPolicyLink": "Política de privacidade",
@@ -890,31 +993,28 @@
"MarkdownImageField.editImageOption": "Editar",
"MarkdownImageField.removeImageOption": "Remover",
"MarkdownImageField.resizeImageOption": "Redimensionar",
- "MasteryDropdown.exerciseDescripiton": "Exercícios contêm um conjunto de perguntas interativas que estudantes podem responder no Kolibri. Eles recebem comentários instantâneos para cada resposta (correta ou incorreta). O Kolibri mostrará perguntas disponíveis em um exercício até que o estudante atinja domínio.",
- "MasteryDropdown.exerciseHeader": "Sobre exercícios",
- "MasteryDropdown.labelText": "Critérios de domínio",
- "MasteryDropdown.mHint": "Respostas corretas são necessárias",
- "MasteryDropdown.masteryDescripiton": "O Kolibri marca um exercício como \"completado\" quando o critério de domínio é alcançado. Veja os diferentes tipos de critério de domínio para um exercício:",
- "MasteryDropdown.nHint": "Respostas recentes",
+ "MasteryCriteriaGoal.labelText": "Objetivo",
+ "MasteryCriteriaMofNFields.mHint": "Respostas corretas são necessárias",
+ "MasteryCriteriaMofNFields.nHint": "Respostas recentes",
"MessageLayout.backToLogin": "Continuar para a página de login",
- "MoveModal.addTopic": "Adicionar um novo tema",
+ "MoveModal.addTopic": "Adicionar nova pasta",
"MoveModal.cancel": "Cancelar",
"MoveModal.emptyTopicText": "Nenhum conteúdo encontrado",
"MoveModal.goToLocationButton": "Ir para o local",
"MoveModal.moveHere": "Mover para cá",
- "MoveModal.moveItems": "Mover {topicCount, plural, one {}\n =1 {# tema}\n other {# temas}}, {resourceCount, plural,\n =1 {# conteúdo}\n other {# conteúdos}} para:",
+ "MoveModal.moveItems": "Mover {topicCount, plural,\n one {}=1 {# pasta}\n other {# pastas}}, {resourceCount, plural,\n one {}=1 {# conteúdo}\n other {# conteúdos}} para:",
"MoveModal.movedMessage": "Movido para {title}",
"MoveModal.resourcesCount": "{count, plural, one {}\n =1 {# conteúdo}\n other {# conteúdos}}",
- "MoveModal.topicCreatedMessage": "Novo tema criado",
+ "MoveModal.topicCreatedMessage": "Nova pasta criada com sucesso",
"MultiSelect.noItemsFound": "Nenhum item encontrado",
"NewTopicModal.cancel": "Cancelar",
"NewTopicModal.create": "Criar",
- "NewTopicModal.createTopic": "Criar um novo tema",
- "NewTopicModal.topicTitle": "Título do tema",
- "NewTopicModal.topicTitleRequired": "Título obrigatório",
+ "NewTopicModal.createTopic": "Criar nova pasta",
+ "NewTopicModal.topicTitle": "Nome da pasta",
+ "NewTopicModal.topicTitleRequired": "O nome da pasta é obrigatório",
"NodePanel.emptyChannelSubText": "Criar, enviar ou importar conteúdos de outros canais",
"NodePanel.emptyChannelText": "Clique em \"ADICIONAR\" para começar a construir o seu canal",
- "NodePanel.emptyTopicText": "Ainda não há nada neste tema",
+ "NodePanel.emptyTopicText": "Esta pasta está vazia",
"NodePanel.emptyViewOnlyChannelText": "Ainda não há nada neste canal",
"NodeTreeNavigation.noResourcesDefaultText": "Nenhum conteúdo encontrado",
"OfflineText.offlineIndicatorText": "Offline",
@@ -928,55 +1028,30 @@
"PasswordInstructionsSent.passwordInstructionsText": "Se uma conta com o e-mail fornecido já existe, você receberá as instruções em breve. Se não encontrar um e-mail nosso, por favor, verifique a sua pasta de spam.",
"PermissionsError.goToHomePageAction": "Ir para a página inicial",
"PermissionsError.permissionDeniedHeader": "Você se esqueceu de fazer o login?",
- "PoliciesModal.ToSHeader": "Termos de serviço",
"PoliciesModal.checkboxText": "Eu concordo com os termos acima",
"PoliciesModal.checkboxValidationErrorMessage": "Campo obrigatório",
"PoliciesModal.closeButton": "Fechar",
- "PoliciesModal.communityStandardsHeader": "Normas comunitárias",
"PoliciesModal.continueButton": "Continuar",
"PoliciesModal.lastUpdated": "Data da última atualização {date}",
- "PoliciesModal.privacyHeader": "Política de privacidade",
- "PoliciesModal.updatedPrivacyHeader": "Política de privacidade atualizada",
- "PoliciesModal.updatedToSHeader": "Termos de serviço atualizados",
"PrivacyPolicyModal.privacyHeader": "Política de privacidade",
"PrivacyPolicyModal.updatedPrivacyHeader": "Política de privacidade atualizada",
- "PrivacyPolicyModal.linkText": "Saiba mais sobre os valores fundamentais da Learning Equality.",
- "PrivacyPolicyModal.paragraph1": "Esta Política de privacidade te informa sobre nossas práticas de privacidade e suas escolhas e direitos em relação aos dados pessoais que coletamos. Esta Política de privacidade se aplica ao aplicativo do Kolibri (\"Aplicativo\"), Kolibri Studio (\"Studio\"), e todos os websites relacionados (referidos coletivamente aqui como \"Kolibri\"). Esta Declaração de privacidade não se aplica a aplicativos de terceiros ou organizações parceiras que possam usar o nosso software ou serem usados em conjunto com o mesmo.",
- "PrivacyPolicyModal.paragraph2": "A Learning Equality reconhece o seu direito à privacidade e tomará medidas plausíveis para protegê-la. Algumas partes do Kolibri te permitem nos comunicar informações pessoais, como o seu nome e endereço de e-mail. Podemos usar as informações que você fornece para melhorar o Kolibri. Quando for possível escolher sobre como usaremos as suas informações fornecidas, te indicaremos no momento da sua coleta. Devido à forma que o Kolibri opera, podemos também usar informações do seu navegador ou atividades de navegação para personalizar ou te orientar até informações relevantes. Por exemplo, podemos usar o seu endereço de IP, informações do navegador, cookies ou web beacons de maneiras que nos ajudem a manter algumas das suas preferências, ou compreender como os nossos visitantes navegam no site para podermos melhorá-lo. Podemos armazenar suas informações pessoais fora da União Europeia.",
- "PrivacyPolicyModal.paragraph3": "A Learning Equality se compromete a aprender constantemente e melhorar a qualidade do Kolibri, e registros relacionados às suas interações com o Kolibri podem ser usados para fins de pesquisa. Resultados de pesquisas serão geralmente reportados a nível agregado, e sua identidade pessoal jamais será revelada publicamente em nenhum resultado de pesquisa sem o seu consentimento expresso.",
- "PrivacyPolicyModal.paragraph4": "Se você tiver qualquer pergunta sobre essas práticas ou o uso das suas informações pessoais, por favor, envie um e-mail para legal@learningequality.org.",
"ProgressBar.progressText": "{percent}%",
- "ProgressModal.cancel": "Não, voltar",
- "ProgressModal.cancelHeader": "Tem certeza?",
- "ProgressModal.cancelText": "Tem certeza que deseja cancelar esta tarefa?",
- "ProgressModal.confirmStopButton": "Sim, parar tarefa",
- "ProgressModal.copyDescription": "Importação em andamento, por favor aguarde...",
- "ProgressModal.copyHeader": "Importando conteúdos",
- "ProgressModal.defaultDescription": "Atualização em andamento, por favor aguarde...",
- "ProgressModal.defaultErrorText": "Ocorreu um erro inesperado. Por favor, tente novamente e, se continuar a ver esta mensagem, entre em contato com o suporte através do menu Ajuda.",
- "ProgressModal.defaultHeader": "Atualizando o canal",
- "ProgressModal.finishedMessage": "Operação concluída! Clique em \"Atualizar\" para atualizar a página.",
- "ProgressModal.moveDescription": "Transferência em andamento, por favor aguarde...",
- "ProgressModal.moveHeader": "Transferindo o conteúdo",
- "ProgressModal.publishDescription": "Quando a publicação estiver completa, você receberá uma notificação de e-mail e poderá fazer mais edições no seu canal.",
+ "ProgressModal.defaultErrorText": "Falha na última tentativa de publicação",
+ "ProgressModal.lastPublished": "Publicado em {last_published}",
"ProgressModal.publishHeader": "Publicando canal",
- "ProgressModal.refreshButton": "Atualizar",
- "ProgressModal.stopButton": "Interromper",
- "ProgressModal.syncDescription": "Sincronização do canal em andamento, por favor aguarde...",
+ "ProgressModal.syncError": "Falha na última tentativa de sincronização",
"ProgressModal.syncHeader": "Sincronizando canal",
+ "ProgressModal.unpublishedText": "Não publicado",
"PublishModal.cancelButton": "Cancelar",
"PublishModal.descriptionDescriptionTooltip": "Esta descrição será mostrada aos administradores do Kolibri antes de atualizarem as versões dos canais",
"PublishModal.descriptionRequiredMessage": "Por favor, descreva o que há de novo nesta versão antes de publicar",
"PublishModal.incompleteCount": "{count, plural, one {} =1 {# conteúdo incompleto} other {# conteúdos incompletos}}",
"PublishModal.incompleteInstructions": "Clique em 'Continuar' para confirmar que deseja publicar mesmo assim.",
- "PublishModal.incompleteWarning": "Conteúdos incompletos não serão publicados e disponibilizados para serem baixados no Kolibri.",
+ "PublishModal.incompleteWarning": "Conteúdos incompletos não poderão ser publicados e disponibilizados para uso na Plataforma de Aprendizagem Kolibri.",
"PublishModal.nextButton": "Continuar",
"PublishModal.publishButton": "Publicar",
"PublishModal.publishMessageLabel": "Descreva o que há de novo nesta versão do canal",
- "PublishModal.publishingSizeText": "{count, plural, one {} =1 {# conteúdo} other {# conteúdos}}",
- "PublishModal.unpublishedText": "Não publicado",
"PublishModal.versionDescriptionLabel": "Descrição da versão",
- "PublishModal.versionText": "Versão atual: {version}",
"RelatedResourcesList.removeBtnLabel": "Remover",
"RelatedResourcesTab.addNextStepBtnLabel": "Adicionar próximo passo",
"RelatedResourcesTab.addPreviousStepBtnLabel": "Adicionar passo anterior",
@@ -1027,7 +1102,7 @@
"RequestForm.oneWeekLabel": "1 semana",
"RequestForm.organizationNamePlaceholder": "Nome da organização",
"RequestForm.organizationalAffiliationLabel": "Afiliação organizacional",
- "RequestForm.otherLabel": "Outro",
+ "RequestForm.otherLabel": "Outros",
"RequestForm.pasteLinkPlaceholder": "Cole o link aqui",
"RequestForm.provideSampleLinkLabel": "Por favor, forneça um link para uma amostra do seu conteúdo (no Kolibri Studio ou do site de origem)",
"RequestForm.requestFailed": "Não foi possível enviar a solicitação. Por favor, tente novamente.",
@@ -1071,6 +1146,7 @@
"ResourcePanel.author": "Autor",
"ResourcePanel.availableFormats": "Formatos disponíveis",
"ResourcePanel.coachResources": "Materiais para professores",
+ "ResourcePanel.completion": "Conclusão",
"ResourcePanel.copyrightHolder": "Detentor dos direitos autorais",
"ResourcePanel.description": "Descrição",
"ResourcePanel.details": "Detalhes",
@@ -1079,8 +1155,7 @@
"ResourcePanel.incompleteQuestionError": "{count, plural, one {# pergunta incompleta} other {# perguntas incompletas}}",
"ResourcePanel.language": "Idioma",
"ResourcePanel.license": "Licença",
- "ResourcePanel.masteryCriteria": "Critérios de domínio",
- "ResourcePanel.masteryMofN": "{m} de {n}",
+ "ResourcePanel.masteryMofN": "Objetivo: {m} de {n}",
"ResourcePanel.nextSteps": "Próximos passos",
"ResourcePanel.noCopyrightHolderError": "Falta o detentor dos direitos autorais",
"ResourcePanel.noFilesError": "Faltam arquivos",
@@ -1101,12 +1176,14 @@
"ResourcePanel.tags": "Marcadores",
"ResourcePanel.totalResources": "Conteúdos totais",
"ResourcePanel.visibleTo": "Visível para",
- "ResponsiveDialog.closeButtonLabel": "Fechar",
+ "ResourcesNeededOptions.furtherExplanation": "Por favor, escreva no campo 'Descrição' tudo aquilo de que os alunos vão precisar para melhor utilizar este conteúdo",
+ "ResourcesNeededOptions.resourcesNeededLabel": "Requisitos",
"ReviewSelectionsPage.noResourcesSelected": "Nenhum conteúdo selecionado",
"ReviewSelectionsPage.removeAction": "Remover",
- "ReviewSelectionsPage.resourcesInTopic": "{count, number} {count, plural, one {recurso} other {recursos}}",
+ "ReviewSelectionsPage.resourcesInTopic": "{count, number} {count, plural, one {conteúdo} other {conteúdos}}",
"ReviewSelectionsPage.reviewSelectionHeader": "Revisar seleções",
"SavedSearchesModal.cancelAction": "Cancelar",
+ "SavedSearchesModal.closeButtonLabel": "Fechar",
"SavedSearchesModal.deleteAction": "Excluir",
"SavedSearchesModal.deleteConfirmation": "Tem certeza que deseja excluir esta busca salva?",
"SavedSearchesModal.deleteSearchTitle": "Excluir pesquisa salva",
@@ -1122,7 +1199,7 @@
"SearchFilterBar.clearAll": "Limpar tudo",
"SearchFilterBar.coachContent": "Materiais para professores",
"SearchFilterBar.createdAfter": "Adicionado após '{date}'",
- "SearchFilterBar.topicsHidden": "Nenhum tema",
+ "SearchFilterBar.topicsHidden": "Pastas excluídas",
"SearchFilters.addedAfterDateLabel": "Adicionado após",
"SearchFilters.assessmentsLabel": "Mostrar apenas as avaliações",
"SearchFilters.channelSourceLabel": "Canal/fonte",
@@ -1130,17 +1207,14 @@
"SearchFilters.channelsHeader": "Canais",
"SearchFilters.coachContentLabel": "Mostrar materiais para professores",
"SearchFilters.filtersHeader": "Opções de filtragem",
- "SearchFilters.hideTopicsLabel": "Ocultar temas",
+ "SearchFilters.hideTopicsLabel": "Ocultar pastas",
"SearchFilters.kindLabel": "Formato",
"SearchFilters.licensesLabel": "Licença",
"SearchOrBrowseWindow.backToBrowseAction": "Voltar a navegar",
- "SearchOrBrowseWindow.cancel": "Cancelar",
"SearchOrBrowseWindow.copiedToClipboard": "Copiado para a área de transferência",
"SearchOrBrowseWindow.copyFailed": "Falha ao copiar para área de transferência",
- "SearchOrBrowseWindow.copyingToClipboard": "Copiando para área de transferência...",
"SearchOrBrowseWindow.searchAction": "Buscar",
"SearchOrBrowseWindow.searchLabel": "Buscar conteúdos...",
- "SearchOrBrowseWindow.undo": "Desfazer",
"SearchResultsList.failedToLoad": "Falha ao carregar os resultados da busca",
"SearchResultsList.resultsPerPageLabel": "Resultados por página",
"SearchResultsList.saveSearchAction": "Salvar busca",
@@ -1160,17 +1234,17 @@
"StagingTreePage.deploy": "Implementar",
"StagingTreePage.deployChannel": "Implementar canal",
"StagingTreePage.deployDialogDescription": "Você está prestes a substituir todos os conteúdos publicados por conteúdos preparados.",
- "StagingTreePage.emptyChannelSubText": "Sem alterações para revisar! O canal contém todos os temas e conteúdos mais recentes.",
+ "StagingTreePage.emptyChannelSubText": "Sem atualizações para revisar! O canal contém as pastas e os conteúdos mais recentes.",
"StagingTreePage.emptyChannelText": "Nenhum conteúdo encontrado",
"StagingTreePage.emptyTopicText": "Este tema está vazio",
"StagingTreePage.liveResources": "Conteúdos ao vivo",
- "StagingTreePage.openCurrentLocationButton": "Ir para a localização atual do tema",
+ "StagingTreePage.openCurrentLocationButton": "Expandir para a localização atual da pasta ",
"StagingTreePage.openSummaryDetailsDialogBtn": "Ver resumo",
"StagingTreePage.resourcesCount": "{count, number} {count, plural, one { conteúdo } other { conteúdos }}",
"StagingTreePage.reviewMode": "Modo de revisão",
"StagingTreePage.stagedResources": "Conteúdos preparados",
"StagingTreePage.summaryDetailsDialogTitle": "Detalhes do resumo",
- "StagingTreePage.topicsCount": "{count, number} {count, plural, one { tema } other { temas }}",
+ "StagingTreePage.topicsCount": "{count, number} {count, plural, one { pasta } other { pastas }}",
"StagingTreePage.totalResources": "Conteúdos totais",
"StagingTreePage.totalSize": "Tamanho total",
"StagingTreePage.viewDetails": "Ver detalhes",
@@ -1214,7 +1288,6 @@
"TechnicalTextBlock.copyToClipboardButtonPrompt": "Copiar para área de transferência",
"Template.templateString": "Você possui {count, plural, one {}\n =1 {# nodo para testar}\n other {# nodos para testar}}",
"TermsOfServiceModal.ToSHeader": "Termos de serviço",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.updatedToSHeader": "Termos de serviço atualizados",
"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseHeader": "Acceptable Use Restrictions",
"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem1": "Will be in strict accordance with these Terms;",
"TermsOfServiceModal.acceptableUseItem10": "Will not interfere with, disrupt, or attack any service or network; and",
@@ -1245,7 +1318,7 @@
"TermsOfServiceModal.changesToToSP1": "We are constantly updating our Service and that means sometimes we have to change the legal terms under which our Service is offered. These Terms may only be modified by a written amendment signed by an authorized executive of Learning Equality, or by the posting by Learning Equality of a revised version. If we make changes that are material, we will let you know by posting on one of our blogs, or by sending you an email or other communication before the changes take effect. The notice will designate a reasonable period of time after which the new terms will take effect. If you disagree with our changes, then you should stop using the Service within the designated notice period, or once the changes become effective. Your continued use of the Service will be subject to the new terms. However, any dispute that arose before the changes shall be governed by the Terms (including the binding individual arbitration clause) that were in place when the dispute arose.",
"TermsOfServiceModal.communicationsHeader": "Communications with Learning Equality",
"TermsOfServiceModal.communicationsP1": "For contractual purposes, you (1) consent to receive communications from us in an electronic form via the email address you have submitted or via the Service; and (2) agree that all Terms of Service, agreements, notices, disclosures, and other communications that we provide to you electronically satisfy any legal requirement that those communications would satisfy if they were on paper. This section does not affect your non-waivable rights.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.communityStandardsHeader": "Community Standards",
+ "TermsOfServiceModal.communityStandardsHeader": "Normas comunitárias",
"TermsOfServiceModal.communityStandardsLink": "Learn more about Studio's community standards",
"TermsOfServiceModal.communityStandardsP1": "For more information about the intended use of the Service, and standards around Content, please see our Community Standards page.",
"TermsOfServiceModal.definitionsHeader": "Definitions",
@@ -1272,7 +1345,7 @@
"TermsOfServiceModal.licensingList1Item2": "If you are not yourself the copyright holder, you must have the rights to distribute the uploaded Content, either through explicit written permission from the copyright holder, or as allowed by the terms of the license under which the Content has been released.",
"TermsOfServiceModal.licensingList1Item3": "If you are the copyright holder of the uploaded content, then by marking the Content you upload with a particular license, you are agreeing for the Content to be distributed and used under the terms of that license in perpetuity.",
"TermsOfServiceModal.licensingList2Item1": "Descriptive metadata: This includes primary metadata associated with a single piece of Content, for example, titles, descriptions, and other elements which constitute a definitive part of the Content regardless of which system it appears on. These metadata elements will fall under the same copyright and licensing as the Content itself.",
- "TermsOfServiceModal.licensingList2Item2": "Organizational metadata: This defines how a piece of content may be used, aids with discovery, and places it within some broader structure of relations on the Service, for example, tags, curation into topics (including the titles of those topics), and other elements pertaining to the display and ordering of Content on the system itself. By using the Service, you agree that work you do to generate organizational metadata elements are released into the Public Domain, and may be made available for others to use, without any claim to copyright or restricted licensing. We may also share, leverage and distribute this organizational metadata. This is so that we can benefit others and improve the impact of our platforms.",
+ "TermsOfServiceModal.licensingList2Item2": "Organizational metadata: This defines how a piece of content may be used, aids with discovery, and places it within some broader structure of relations on the Service, for example, tags, curation into folders (including the titles of those folders), and other elements pertaining to the display and ordering of Content on the system itself. By using the Service, you agree that work you do to generate organizational metadata elements are released into the Public Domain, and may be made available for others to use, without any claim to copyright or restricted licensing. We may also share, leverage and distribute this organizational metadata. This is so that we can benefit others and improve the impact of our platforms.",
"TermsOfServiceModal.licensingP1": "The Service allows you to upload and distribute Content. When you do, the following terms apply:",
"TermsOfServiceModal.licensingP2": "We follow a policy of making content, including its associated metadata, as open as possible while following the appropriate copyright laws. With this in mind, we distinguish between:",
"TermsOfServiceModal.miscellaneousHeader": "Miscellaneous",
@@ -1284,6 +1357,7 @@
"TermsOfServiceModal.thirdPartyP1": "The links to third party websites, any third party content, and any third party applications may be provided for your convenience and information only. The content on any linked website or in any third party application is not under our control and we are not responsible for the content of linked websites and/or third party applications, including any further links contained in a third party website. We make no representations or warranties in connection with any third party content or third party applications, which at all times and in each instance is provided \"as is.\" Third party applications may be subject to additional policies and conditions or agreements between you and the provider of such third party applications. You agree to fully comply with all such additional policies, conditions and agreements. If you decide to access any third party content, and/or any third party application, you do so entirely at your own risk.",
"TermsOfServiceModal.thirdPartyRightsHeader": "Third Party Rights",
"TermsOfServiceModal.thirdPartyRightsP1": "Nothing in our Terms is intended to confer on any third party any benefit or any right (under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 UK or otherwise) to enforce any provision of our Terms or any agreement entered into in connection with it.",
+ "TermsOfServiceModal.updatedToSHeader": "Termos de serviço atualizados",
"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentHeader": "User-Generated Content",
"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList1Item1": "We do not endorse any uploaded Content or represent that Content is accurate, useful, or non-harmful. Content could be offensive, indecent, or objectionable; include technical inaccuracies, typographical mistakes, or other errors; or violate or infringe the privacy, publicity rights, intellectual property rights (see our Copyright Infringement and DMCA Policy section to submit copyright complaints), or other proprietary rights of third parties.",
"TermsOfServiceModal.userContentList1Item2": "If you upload or author Content, or otherwise make (or allow any third party to make) Content available on the Service, you are entirely responsible for the Content, and any harm resulting from, that Content or your conduct.",
@@ -1311,7 +1385,7 @@
"ThumbnailGenerator.generatedDefaultFilename": "Miniatura gerada",
"ThumbnailGenerator.thumbnailGenerationFailedHeader": "Não foi possível gerar miniatura",
"ThumbnailGenerator.thumbnailGenerationFailedText": "Ocorreu um erro ao gerar uma miniatura",
- "TitleStrings.catalogTitle": "Catálogo da biblioteca de conteúdo do Kolibri",
+ "TitleStrings.catalogTitle": "Catálogo da Biblioteca de Conteúdos Kolibri",
"TitleStrings.defaultTitle": "Kolibri Studio",
"TitleStrings.tabTitle": "{title} - {site}",
"ToggleText.less": "Mostrar menos",
@@ -1319,19 +1393,19 @@
"TrashModal.deleteButton": "Excluir",
"TrashModal.deleteConfirmationCancelButton": "Cancelar",
"TrashModal.deleteConfirmationDeleteButton": "Excluir permanentemente",
- "TrashModal.deleteConfirmationHeader": "Excluir permanentemente {topicCount, plural, one {}\n =1 {# tema}\n other {# temas}}, {resourceCount, plural,\n =1 {# conteúdo}\n other {# conteúdos}}?",
+ "TrashModal.deleteConfirmationHeader": "Excluír {topicCount, plural,\n one {}=1 {# pasta}\n other {# pastas}} e {resourceCount, plural,\n one {}=1 {# conteúdo} \n other {# conteúdos}}?",
"TrashModal.deleteConfirmationText": "Você não pode desfazer esta ação. Tem certeza que deseja continuar?",
"TrashModal.deleteSuccessMessage": "Excluído permanentemente",
- "TrashModal.deletedHeader": "Removido",
+ "TrashModal.deletedHeader": "Excluído",
"TrashModal.restoreButton": "Restaurar",
"TrashModal.selectAllHeader": "Selecionar todos",
- "TrashModal.selectedCountText": "{topicCount, plural, one {}\n =1 {# tema}\n other {# temas}}, {resourceCount, plural,\n =1 {# conteúdo}\n other {# conteúdos}}",
+ "TrashModal.selectedCountText": "{topicCount, plural,\n one {}=1 {# pasta}\n other {# pastas}}, {resourceCount, plural,\n one {}=1 {# conteúdo}\n other {# conteúdos}}",
"TrashModal.trashEmptySubtext": "Conteúdos removidos deste canal aparecerão aqui",
"TrashModal.trashEmptyText": "A lixeira está vazia",
"TrashModal.trashModalTitle": "Lixeira",
"TreeView.closeDrawer": "Fechar",
"TreeView.collapseAllButton": "Ocultar tudo",
- "TreeView.openCurrentLocationButton": "Expandir para a localização atual do tema",
+ "TreeView.openCurrentLocationButton": "Expandir para a pasta atual",
"TreeView.showSidebar": "Mostrar a barra lateral",
"TreeView.updatedResourcesReadyForReview": "Conteúdos atualizados estão prontos para revisão",
"TreeViewBase.apiGenerated": "Gerado pela API",
@@ -1353,7 +1427,7 @@
"TreeViewBase.publishButtonTitle": "Tornar este canal disponível para importação no Kolibri",
"TreeViewBase.shareChannel": "Compartilhar canal",
"TreeViewBase.syncChannel": "Sincronizar conteúdos",
- "TreeViewBase.viewOnly": "Apenas modo de leitura",
+ "TreeViewBase.viewOnly": "Para visualizar",
"Uploader.listDelimiter": ", ",
"Uploader.maxFileSizeText": "{count, plural, one {}\n =1 {# arquivo não será enviado.}\n other {# arquivos não serão enviados.}} O tamanho do(s) arquivo(s) deve ser menor que {size}",
"Uploader.noStorageHeader": "Espaço insuficiente",
@@ -1364,18 +1438,18 @@
"Uploader.uploadSize": "O envio é muito grande: {size}",
"UsingStudio.aboutStudio": "Sobre o Kolibri Studio",
"UsingStudio.aboutStudioText": "O Kolibri Studio está em desenvolvimento ativo e, sendo assim, algumas alterações podem causar comportamentos inesperados ou desafios (também conhecidos como \"problemas\". Se você encontrar um problema, por favor, nos notifique assim que ocorrerem para nos ajudar a resolvê-los. (Veja as instruções abaixo de como relatar problemas).",
- "UsingStudio.bestPractice1": "Ao usar as operações de importação e área de transferência, trabalhe com pequenos subconjuntos de temas ao invés de canais inteiros de uma vez (principalmente para canais grandes).",
- "UsingStudio.bestPractice2": "É preferível criar vários canais pequenos do que um canal grande com diversas camadas de temas.",
+ "UsingStudio.bestPractice1": "Ao importar conteúdos e/ou utilizar a área de transferência para mover ou copiar, prefira trabalhar com um número pequeno de conteúdos por vez, ao invés de tentar trazer um canal inteiro. ",
+ "UsingStudio.bestPractice2": "É preferível criar múltiplos canais menores ao invés de um canal gigante com muitos níveis e pastas.",
"UsingStudio.bestPractice3": "Recarregue a página com frequência para ter certeza que seu trabalho seja salvo no servidor e que nenhum erro de conexão tenha ocorrido. Use CTRL+R no Linux/Windows ou ⌘+R no Mac.",
"UsingStudio.bestPractice4": "Evite edições simultâneas no mesmo canal. Os canais não devem ser editados por vários usuários ao mesmo tempo ou pelo mesmo usuário em várias janelas do navegador.",
- "UsingStudio.bestPractice5": "É possível que você encontre erros de timeout no seu navegador quando estiver fazendo operações como importar ou sincronizar em canais grandes. Não se alarme com essa mensagem de erro e não repita a mesma operação logo em seguida. Isso não significa que a operação falhou, pois o Kolibri Studio continua trabalhando em segundo plano. Espere alguns minutos e recarregue a página antes de continuar as suas edições.",
+ "UsingStudio.bestPractice5": "É possível que você encontre erros de timeout no seu navegador quando estiver importando ou sincronizando canais pesados, com muitos conteúdos. Não se preocupe com a mensagem de erro e não repita a operação logo em seguida: Kolibri Studio continua trabalhando em segundo plano, mesmo depois da mensagem de erro. Apenas espere alguns minutos e recarregue a página antes de continuar com suas edições.",
"UsingStudio.bestPractice6": "Comprima vídeos antes de enviá-los (veja estas instruções).",
"UsingStudio.bestPractice7": "PUBLICAR periodicamente e importe seu canal para o Kolibri para pré-visualizar o conteúdo e obter uma cópia de backup local do seu canal.",
"UsingStudio.bestPractice8": "Não edite o canal após clicar em PUBLICAR. Aguarde o e-mail de notificação antes de retomar as operações de edição.",
"UsingStudio.bestPractice9": "Relate problemas na medida em que os encontra.",
"UsingStudio.bestPractices": "Práticas recomendadas",
"UsingStudio.communityStandardsLink": "Normas comunitárias",
- "UsingStudio.issue1": "Dois usuários relataram incidentes isolados onde conteúdos que importaram de outro canal desapareceram, deixando apenas temas vazios e subtemas. Em um relatório, o conteúdo reapareceu depois. Não passaram por esses problemas consistentemente, e os incidentes podem possivelmente envolver problemas de conexão à internet lenta ou instável. Se você se deparar com esse problema, por favor, contate-nos assim que possível e nos envie o máximo de informações que se lembrar.",
+ "UsingStudio.issue1": "Dois usuários relataram incidentes isolados onde conteúdos que foram importados de outro canal desapareceram, deixando as pastas e subpastas vazias. Foi reportado posteriormente que os conteúdos reapareceram, e que estes problemas não ocorreram constantemente. Esses incidentes podem ter sido causados por conta de uma conexão lenta ou instável com a internet. Se você se deparar com esse problema, por favor, contate-nos assim que possível, enviando o máximo de informações sobre o que aconteceu.",
"UsingStudio.issue2": "Algumas operações no Studio são atualmente muito lentas e, sendo assim, podem parecer que as alterações que você tentou fazer foram interrompidas ou não tiveram efeito. Muitas vezes, a alteração ainda está sendo processada e aparecerá assim que estiver completa. Se após 5 a 10 minutos a alteração ainda não teve efeito, mesmo após recarregar o navegador, por favor, registre o seu problema. Estamos trabalhando em soluções para estes transtornos.",
"UsingStudio.issueLink1": "Relatórios de conteúdo desaparecendo",
"UsingStudio.issueLink2": "O desempenho lento pode levar a erros inesperados na interface",
@@ -1403,9 +1477,18 @@
"channelEditVue.questionTypeTrueFalse": "Verdadeiro/Falso",
"channelEditVue.true": "Verdadeiro",
"formStrings.errorText": "Por favor, corrija {count, plural, one {}\n =1 {# erro}\n other {# erros}} abaixo",
+ "sharedVue.activityDurationGteOne": "O número deve ser igual ou menor que 1",
+ "sharedVue.activityDurationRequired": "Campo Obrigatório",
+ "sharedVue.activityDurationTooLongWarning": "Este número é muito alto. Por favor, certifique-se de que esta é realmente a quantidade de tempo em que os alunos devem trabalhar no conteúdo a fim de concluí-lo.",
+ "sharedVue.confirmLogout": "É possível que as alterações não tenham sido salvas. Deseja sair da página mesmo assim?",
"sharedVue.copyrightHolderRequired": "O detentor dos direitos autorais é obrigatório",
+ "sharedVue.durationRequired": "Este campo é obrigatório",
+ "sharedVue.fieldRequired": "Campo Obrigatório",
+ "sharedVue.learningActivityRequired": "Este campo é obrigatório",
"sharedVue.licenseDescriptionRequired": "A licença de permissões especiais deve possuir uma descrição",
"sharedVue.licenseRequired": "A licença é obrigatória",
+ "sharedVue.longActivityGtThirty": "O número deve ser maior que 30",
+ "sharedVue.longActivityLteOneTwenty": "O número deve ser igual ou menor que 120",
"sharedVue.masteryModelMGtZero": "Deve ser pelo menos 1",
"sharedVue.masteryModelMLteN": "Deve ser menor ou igual a N",
"sharedVue.masteryModelMRequired": "Obrigatório",
@@ -1414,5 +1497,5 @@
"sharedVue.masteryModelNRequired": "Obrigatório",
"sharedVue.masteryModelNWholeNumber": "Deve ser um número inteiro",
"sharedVue.masteryModelRequired": "O critério de domínio é obrigatório",
- "sharedVue.titleRequired": "O título é obrigatório"
+ "sharedVue.shortActivityLteThirty": "O número deve ser igual ou menor que 30",
+ "sharedVue.titleRequired": "O título é obrigatório"}
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+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: kolibri-studio\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-16 00:55+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-10-17 20:08\n"
+"Last-Translator: \n"
+"Language-Team: Portuguese, Brazilian\n"
+"Language: pt_BR\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
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+#: contentcuration/api.py:140
+msgid "Date/Time Created"
+msgstr "Data/Horário em que foi criado"
+#: contentcuration/api.py:141 contentcuration/api.py:142
+msgid "Not Available"
+msgstr "Indisponível"
+#: contentcuration/api.py:145
+msgid "Ricecooker Version"
+msgstr "Versão do Ricecooker"
+#: contentcuration/api.py:150 contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:164
+msgid "File Size"
+msgstr "Tamanho do arquivo"
+#: contentcuration/api.py:161
+msgid "# of {}s"
+msgstr "# de {}s"
+#: contentcuration/api.py:165
+msgid "# of Questions"
+msgstr "# de perguntas"
+#: contentcuration/api.py:175
+msgid "# of Subtitles"
+msgstr "# de legendas"
+#: contentcuration/catalog_settings.py:4 contentcuration/sandbox_settings.py:8
+#: contentcuration/settings.py:287
+msgid "Arabic"
+msgstr "Árabe"
+#: contentcuration/middleware/db_readonly.py:24
+msgid "The site is currently in read-only mode. Please try again later."
+msgstr "No momento, o site está em modo somente leitura. Por favor, tente novamente mais tarde."
+#: contentcuration/models.py:279
+msgid "Not enough space. Check your storage under Settings page."
+msgstr "Espaço insuficiente. Verifique seu armazenamento na página Configurações."
+#: contentcuration/models.py:294 contentcuration/models.py:301
+msgid "Out of storage! Request more space under Settings > Storage."
+msgstr "Sem armazenamento! Solicite mais espaço em Configurações > Armazenamento."
+#: contentcuration/models.py:1410
+msgid " (Original)"
+msgstr " (Original)"
+#: contentcuration/settings.py:285
+msgid "English"
+msgstr "Inglês"
+#: contentcuration/settings.py:286
+msgid "Spanish"
+msgstr "Espanhol"
+#: contentcuration/settings.py:288
+msgid "French"
+msgstr "Francês"
+#: contentcuration/tasks.py:251
+msgid "Unknown error starting task. Please contact support."
+msgstr "Erro desconhecido ao iniciar tarefa. Por favor, entre em contato com o suporte."
+#: contentcuration/templates/base.html:83
+#: contentcuration/templates/channel_list.html:14
+msgid "Kolibri Studio"
+msgstr "Kolibri Studio"
+#: contentcuration/templates/base.html:166
+msgid "Contentworkshop.learningequality.org has been deprecated. Please go to studio.learningequality.org for the latest version of Studio"
+msgstr "Contentworkshop.learningequality.org foi descontinuado. Por favor, acesse studio.learningequality.org para ver a última versão do Kolibri Studio"
+#: contentcuration/templates/channel_list.html:13
+msgid "Kolibri Content Library Catalog"
+msgstr "Catálogo da Biblioteca de Conteúdos Kolibri"
+#: contentcuration/templates/channel_not_found.html:23
+msgid "We're sorry, this channel was not found."
+msgstr "Infelizmente este canal não foi encontrado."
+#: contentcuration/templates/channel_not_found.html:24
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/open_channel_fail.html:14
+#: contentcuration/templates/staging_not_found.html:23
+#: contentcuration/templates/unauthorized.html:23
+msgid "Go Home"
+msgstr "Ir para a página inicial"
+#: contentcuration/templates/exercise_list.html:67
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "Pergunta anterior"
+#: contentcuration/templates/exercise_list.html:73
+msgid "current"
+msgstr "atual"
+#: contentcuration/templates/exercise_list.html:77
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Próximo"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:206
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:165
+msgid "Language not set"
+msgstr "Idioma não definido"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:212
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:171
+#, python-format
+msgid "This file was generated on %(date)s"
+msgstr "Este arquivo foi gerado em %(date)s"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:231
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:189
+msgid "Created"
+msgstr "Criado"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:232
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:190
+msgid "Last Published"
+msgstr "Última publicação"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:233
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:191
+msgid "Unpublished"
+msgstr "Não publicado"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:245
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:247
+msgid "Copy one of the following into Kolibri to import this channel:"
+msgstr "Para importar este canal, copie um dos seguintes itens para a Plataforma de Aprendizagem Kolibri:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:252
+msgid "Tokens (Recommended):"
+msgstr "Tokens (recomendados):"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:260
+msgid "Channel ID:"
+msgstr "ID do canal:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:267
+msgid "Channel must be published to import into Kolibri"
+msgstr "O canal deve estar publicado para ser importado para a Plataforma de Aprendizagem Kolibri"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:273
+msgid "WHAT'S INSIDE"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:283
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:213
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(count)s Resource"
+msgid_plural "%(count)s Resources"
+msgstr[0] "%(count)s Conteúdo"
+msgstr[1] "%(count)s Conteúdos"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:304
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:234
+msgid "Includes"
+msgstr "Inclui"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:310
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:236
+msgid "Languages"
+msgstr "Idiomas"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:316
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:245
+msgid "Subtitles"
+msgstr "Legendas"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:324
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:254
+msgid "For Educators"
+msgstr "Para Educadores"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:325
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:256
+msgid "Coach Content"
+msgstr "Conteúdo para educadores"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:325
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:257
+msgid "Assessments"
+msgstr "Avaliações"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:334
+msgid "Content Tags"
+msgstr "Marcadores de conteúdo"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:338
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:270
+msgid "No tags found"
+msgstr "Nenhum marcador encontrado"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:343
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:448
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:274
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:337
+msgid "This channel is empty"
+msgstr "Este canal está vazio"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:348
+msgid "SOURCE"
+msgstr "FONTE"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:360
+msgid "This channel features resources created by:"
+msgstr "Este canal contém conteúdos criados por:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:361
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:379
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:398
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+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:305
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:317
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:322
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:333
+msgid "Information not available"
+msgstr "Informação indisponível"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:378
+msgid "The material in this channel was provided by:"
+msgstr "O material neste canal foi fornecido por:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:397
+msgid "Material in this channel was originally hosted by:"
+msgstr "O material neste canal foi hospedado originalmente por:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:416
+msgid "This channel includes the following licenses:"
+msgstr "Este canal contém as seguintes licenças:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf.html:439
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:326
+msgid "Copyright Holders:"
+msgstr "Detentores dos direitos autorais:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:192
+msgid "Token:"
+msgstr "Token:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:203
+msgid "What's Inside"
+msgstr "Conteúdo"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:239
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:248
+#, python-format
+msgid "\n"
+" (+ %(count)s more)\n"
+" "
+msgstr "\n"
+" (+ %(count)s mais)\n"
+" "
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:267
+msgid "Most Common Tags"
+msgstr "Etiquetas / marcadores mais comuns"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:280
+msgid "Source Information"
+msgstr "Informações básicas"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:284
+msgid "Authors:"
+msgstr "Autores:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:288
+#, python-format
+msgid "\n"
+" (+ %(count)s more)\n"
+" "
+msgstr "\n"
+" (+ %(count)s mais)\n"
+" "
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:298
+msgid "Providers:"
+msgstr "Provedores:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:301
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:313
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:329
+#, python-format
+msgid "\n"
+" (+ %(count)s more)\n"
+" "
+msgstr "\n"
+" (+ %(count)s mais)\n"
+" "
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:310
+msgid "Aggregators:"
+msgstr "Agregadores:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/channel_detail_pdf_condensed.html:322
+msgid "Licenses:"
+msgstr "Licenças:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/csv_email.txt:4
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:4
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.txt:4
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.txt:4
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_needed_email.txt:4
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/channel_published_email.txt:4
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.txt:3
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/registration_needed_email.txt:4
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/account_deleted_user_email.txt:3
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/issue_report_email.txt:6
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/storage_request_email.txt:6
+#, python-format
+msgid "Hello %(name)s,"
+msgstr "Olá %(name)s,"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/csv_email.txt:6
+#, python-format
+msgid "Your csv for %(channel_name)s has finished generating (attached)."
+msgstr "Seu arquivo csv para %(channel_name)s foi gerado (em anexo)."
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/csv_email.txt:8
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:29
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.txt:21
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.txt:12
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_needed_email.txt:14
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/channel_published_email.txt:15
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.txt:14
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/registration_needed_email.txt:12
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/account_deleted_user_email.txt:10
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/storage_request_email.txt:46
+msgid "Thanks for using Kolibri Studio!"
+msgstr "Obrigado por usar o Kolibri Studio!"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/csv_email.txt:10
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:31
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.txt:23
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.txt:14
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_needed_email.txt:16
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/channel_published_email.txt:17
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.txt:16
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/registration_needed_email.txt:14
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/account_deleted_user_email.txt:12
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/issue_report_email.txt:26
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/storage_request_email.txt:48
+msgid "The Learning Equality Team"
+msgstr "A equipe Learning Equality"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/csv_email_subject.txt:1
+#, python-format
+msgid "CSV for %(channel_name)s"
+msgstr "Arquivo csv para %(channel_name)s"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:6
+msgid "Here is the information for your Kolibri Studio account"
+msgstr "Aqui estão as informações sobre a sua conta no Kolibri Studio"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:8
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Nome:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:9
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_form.html:23
+msgid "Email:"
+msgstr "E-mail:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:10
+msgid "Date joined:"
+msgstr "Data de adesão:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:11
+msgid "Countries:"
+msgstr "Países:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:12
+msgid "Intended use for Studio:"
+msgstr "Intenção de uso do Kolibri Studio:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:13
+msgid "You heard about Kolibri Studio from:"
+msgstr "Como você ouviu sobre o Kolibri Studio:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:15
+msgid "Channels you have edit access to: "
+msgstr "Canais que você tem acesso para editar: "
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:19
+msgid "Channels you have view access to: "
+msgstr "Canais que você tem acesso para visualizar: "
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:23
+msgid "Information about the resources you have uploaded has been attached as a CSV file."
+msgstr "As informações sobre os conteúdos que você enviou foram anexadas como um arquivo CSV."
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email.txt:26
+#, python-format
+msgid "If you have any questions or concerns, please email us at %(legal_email)s."
+msgstr "Se você tiver perguntas ou dúvidas, por favor envie um e-mail para %(legal_email)s."
+#: contentcuration/templates/export/user_csv_email_subject.txt:1
+msgid "Your Kolibri Studio account information"
+msgstr "Informações sobre a sua conta no Kolibri Studio"
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/open_channel_fail.html:12
+msgid "There was an error opening this channel."
+msgstr "Ocorreu um erro ao abrir este canal."
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/open_channel_fail.html:13
+msgid "Try running ricecooker again."
+msgstr "Tente rodar o ricecooker novamente."
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.html:93
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.html:91
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.html:91
+msgid "Hello"
+msgstr "Olá"
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.html:94
+msgid "has invited you to edit a channel at"
+msgstr "te convidou para editar um canal em"
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.html:100
+#, python-format
+msgid "Invititation to %(share_mode)s channel"
+msgstr "Convite para o canal %(share_mode)s"
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.html:104
+msgid "Click one of the following links to either accept or decline your invitation:"
+msgstr "Clique num dos links a seguir para aceitar ou recusar o convite:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.html:107
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.html:109
+msgid "ACCEPT"
+msgstr "ACEITAR"
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.html:112
+msgid "DECLINE"
+msgstr "RECUSAR"
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.html:117
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.html:110
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.html:110
+msgid "Thanks for using our site!"
+msgstr "Obrigado por usar o nosso site!"
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.txt:7
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(first)s %(last)s has invited you to edit a channel at %(site)s."
+msgstr "%(first)s %(last)s te convidou para editar um canal em %(site)s."
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.txt:9
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(first)s %(last)s has invited you to view a channel at %(site)s."
+msgstr "%(first)s %(last)s te convidou para visualizar um canal em %(site)s."
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.txt:13
+msgid "Please sign in to Kolibri Studio to accept or decline your invitation:"
+msgstr "Por favor, faça o login no Kolibri Studio para aceitar ou recusar o seu convite:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email.txt:16
+msgid "Please follow this link to create an account (you must be signed in to accept or decline invitations):"
+msgstr "Por favor, use este link para criar uma conta (você deve estar logado para aceitar ou recusar convites):"
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email_subject.txt:1
+#, python-format
+msgid "You've been invited to edit %(channel)s"
+msgstr "Você foi convidado para editar %(channel)s"
+#: contentcuration/templates/permissions/permissions_email_subject.txt:1
+#, python-format
+msgid "You've been invited to view %(channel)s"
+msgstr "Você foi convidado para visualizar %(channel)s"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.html:92
+msgid "Welcome to Kolibri! Here is the link to activate your account:"
+msgstr "Bem-vindo ao Kolibri Studio! Aqui está o link para ativar a sua conta:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.html:101
+msgid "Click here to activate your account."
+msgstr "Clique aqui para ativar a sua conta."
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.html:102
+msgid "This link is valid for"
+msgstr "Este link é válido por"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.html:102
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(expiration_days)s days."
+msgstr "%(expiration_days)s dias."
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.html:104
+msgid "ACTIVATE"
+msgstr "ATIVAR"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.txt:6
+#, python-format
+msgid "Here is your activation link for %(site_name)s:"
+msgstr "Aqui está o seu link de ativação para %(site_name)s:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email.txt:10
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_needed_email.txt:12
+#, python-format
+msgid "This link is valid for %(expiration_days)s days."
+msgstr "Este link é válido por %(expiration_days)s dias."
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_email_subject.txt:1
+msgid "Account activation link for"
+msgstr "Link de ativação da conta para"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_needed_email.txt:6
+#, python-format
+msgid "You have requested a password reset link on %(site_name)s without first activating your account."
+msgstr "Você solicitou um link para redefinição de senha em %(site_name)s sem antes ativar a sua conta."
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/activation_needed_email.txt:8
+msgid "Please activate your account by following the link below:"
+msgstr "Por favor, ative a sua conta usando o link abaixo:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/channel_published_email.txt:6
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(channel_name)s has finished publishing! Here is the channel token (for importing it into Kolibri):"
+msgstr "%(channel_name)s acabout de ser publicado! Aqui está o token do canal (para importar para a Plataforma de Aprendizagem Kolibri):"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/channel_published_email.txt:8
+#, python-format
+msgid "Token: %(channel_token)s"
+msgstr "Token: %(channel_token)s"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/channel_published_email.txt:10
+#, python-format
+msgid "ID (for Kolibri version 0.6.0 and below): %(channel_id)s"
+msgstr "ID (para uso no Kolibri versão 0.6.0 e inferior): %(channel_id)s"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/channel_published_email.txt:12
+#, python-format
+msgid "Version notes: %(notes)s"
+msgstr "Notas da versão: %(notes)s"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/channel_published_email.txt:21
+msgid "You are receiving this email because you are subscribed to this channel."
+msgstr "Você está recebendo este e-mail porque está inscrito neste canal."
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/getting_started.html:16
+msgid "Content Curation Tools for Kolibri"
+msgstr "Ferramentas de curadoria de conteúdo para o Kolibri"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_confirm.html:14
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_form.html:15
+msgid "Password Reset"
+msgstr "Redefinir a senha"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_confirm.html:17
+msgid "Submit"
+msgstr "Enviar"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_confirm.html:20
+msgid "Password reset unsuccessful."
+msgstr "A redefinição de senha falhou."
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_confirm.html:21
+msgid "The password reset link was invalid, possibly because it has already been used. "
+msgstr "O link para redefinição de senha estava inválido, pois provavelmente já foi usado. "
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_confirm.html:22
+msgid "Request a new password reset."
+msgstr "Solicitar uma nova redefinição de senha."
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.html:92
+msgid "You are receiving this e-mail because you requested a password reset for your user account at"
+msgstr "Você está recebendo este e-mail porque pediu uma redefinição de senha para a sua conta de usuário em"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.html:98
+msgid "Reset my Password"
+msgstr "Redefinir minha senha"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.html:101
+msgid "Please click the button below and choose a new password."
+msgstr "Por favor, clique no botão abaixo e escolha uma nova senha."
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.html:102
+msgid "Your username is"
+msgstr "Seu nome de usuário é"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.html:104
+msgid "RESET"
+msgstr "REDEFINIR"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.txt:5
+#, python-format
+msgid "You have requested a password reset for your account at %(site_name)s."
+msgstr "Você pediu uma redefinição de senha para sua conta em %(site_name)s."
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.txt:7
+msgid "Please reset your password by following the link below:"
+msgstr "Por favor, redefina sua senha usando o link abaixo:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_email.txt:12
+msgid "In case you've forgotten, your username is:"
+msgstr "Caso tenha se esquecido, seu nome de usuário é:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_form.html:16
+msgid "Enter your email, and we'll send instructions for setting a new password."
+msgstr "Digite o seu e-mail e te enviaremos instruções para configurar uma nova senha."
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_form.html:19
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(form.email.errors)s"
+msgstr "%(form.email.errors)s"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_form.html:24
+msgid "Reset Password"
+msgstr "Redefinir a senha"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/password_reset_subject.txt:1
+msgid "Password reset on"
+msgstr "Redefinição de senha em"
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/registration_needed_email.txt:6
+#, python-format
+msgid "You have requested a password reset on %(site_name)s without first creating an account."
+msgstr "Você solicitou um link para redefinição de senha em %(site_name)s sem criar a sua conta primeiro."
+#: contentcuration/templates/registration/registration_needed_email.txt:8
+msgid "Please create an account by following the link below:"
+msgstr "Por favor, crie uma conta usando o link abaixo:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/account_deleted_user_email.txt:5
+#, python-format
+msgid "Your %(email)s account on %(site_name)s has been deleted."
+msgstr "Sua conta %(email)s em %(site_name)s foi excluída."
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/account_deleted_user_email.txt:7
+#, python-format
+msgid "If this was a mistake, please email us at %(legal_email)s by %(buffer_date)s (%(num_days)s days from now)."
+msgstr "Se isto foi um erro, por favor envie um e-mail para %(legal_email)s até %(buffer_date)s Daqui a (%(num_days)s dias."
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/issue_report_email.txt:8
+msgid "Thank you for reporting your issue. Here is a copy of your report:"
+msgstr "Obrigado por nos informar do problema. Aqui está uma cópia do seu relatório:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/issue_report_email.txt:20
+msgid "We are currently reviewing the information that you have provided, and will file your issue accordingly."
+msgstr "No momento, estamos revisando as informações que você forneceu e registraremos o seu problema de acordo."
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/issue_report_email.txt:21
+msgid "We appreciate your patience and assistance as we work to improve Kolibri Studio!"
+msgstr "Agradecemos a sua paciência e a sua ajuda enquanto trabalhamos para melhorar o Kolibri Studio!"
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/issue_report_email.txt:24
+msgid "Thank you,"
+msgstr "Obrigado,"
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/storage_request_email.txt:8
+msgid "Thank you for your request for additional storage."
+msgstr "Obrigado pela sua solicitação de armazenamento adicional."
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/storage_request_email.txt:10
+msgid "Here is a copy of your request:"
+msgstr "Aqui está uma cópia da sua solicitação:"
+#: contentcuration/templates/settings/storage_request_email.txt:43
+msgid "We are currently reviewing the information that you have provided, and will work to be in touch in a timely manner depending on the scope of your request. While Kolibri Studio is under active development, we need to be especially mindful of how much additional storage can be provided to ensure that we can successfully continue to build the Studio tool. Many thanks in advance for your understanding."
+msgstr "Estamos revisando as informações que você forneceu e faremos o possível para entrar em contato em tempo hábil, de acordo com o âmbito do seu pedido. "
+#: contentcuration/templates/staging_not_found.html:22
+msgid "No updates to review."
+msgstr "Não há atualizações a serem revisadas."
+#: contentcuration/templates/unauthorized.html:22
+msgid "You do not have access to this page."
+msgstr "Você não tem acesso a esta página."
+#: contentcuration/templates/unsupported_browser.html:47
+msgid "Unsupported Browser."
+msgstr "Navegador não suportado."
+#: contentcuration/templates/unsupported_browser.html:49
+msgid "Sorry, your browser version is not supported."
+msgstr "Desculpe, esta versão do seu navegador não é compatível."
+#: contentcuration/templates/unsupported_browser.html:51
+msgid "To use Kolibri Studio, we recommend using Firefox or Chrome."
+msgstr "Para usar o Kolibri Studio, recomendamos os navegadores Firefox ou Chrome."
+#: contentcuration/templates/unsupported_browser.html:53
+msgid "You can also try updating your current browser."
+msgstr "Você também pode tentar atualizar seu navegador."
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/license_tags.py:10
+msgid "The Attribution License lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation. This is the most accommodating of licenses offered. Recommended for maximum dissemination and use of licensed materials."
+msgstr "A licença de Atribuição permite que outros distribuam, remixem, ajustem e se baseiem no seu trabalho, até comercialmente, desde que te deem crédito pela criação original. É o tipo de licença mais flexível oferecido. Recomendado para o máximo de divulgação e uso dos materiais licenciados."
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/license_tags.py:15
+msgid "The Attribution-ShareAlike License lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work even for commercial purposes, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under the identical terms. This license is often compared to \"copyleft\" free and open source software licenses. All new works based on yours will carry the same license, so any derivatives will also allow commercial use. This is the license used by Wikipedia, and is recommended for materials that would benefit from incorporating content from Wikipedia and similarly licensed projects."
+msgstr "A licença de Atribuição-CompartilhaIgual permite que outros remixem, ajustem e se baseiem no seu trabalho, mesmo que por motivos comerciais, desde que te deem crédito e licenciem suas novas criações sob os mesmos termos. Essa licença é frequentemente comparada às de software livre, como as de \"copyleft\" e de código aberto. Todos os novos trabalhos baseados no seu terão a mesma licença, então quaisquer derivativos também permitirão o uso comercial. Essa é a licença usada pelo Wikipedia e é recomendada para materiais que se beneficiariam de incorporarem conteúdo do Wikipedia e de outros projetos similarmente licenciados."
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/license_tags.py:25
+msgid "The Attribution-NoDerivs License allows for redistribution, commercial and non-commercial, as long as it is passed along unchanged and in whole, with credit to you."
+msgstr "A licença de Atribuição-SemDerivações permite redistribuição, comercial ou não comercial, desde que seja feita sem modificações e por inteiro, com os créditos a você."
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/license_tags.py:28
+msgid "The Attribution-NonCommercial License lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work non-commercially, and although their new works must also acknowledge you and be non-commercial, they don't have to license their derivative works on the same terms."
+msgstr "A licença de Atribuição-NãoComercial permite que outros remixem, ajustem e se baseiem no seu trabalho não comercialmente, e embora os seus novos trabalhos devam também te reconhecer e serem não comerciais, não precisam licenciar os seus trabalhos derivados sob os mesmos termos."
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/license_tags.py:32
+msgid "The Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work non-commercially, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under the identical terms."
+msgstr "A licença de Atribuição-NãoComercial-CompartilhaIgual permite que outros remixem, ajustem e se baseiem no seu trabalho não comercialmente, desde que te deem crédito e licenciem suas novas criações sob os mesmos termos."
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/license_tags.py:36
+msgid "The Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License is the most restrictive of our six main licenses, only allowing others to download your works and share them with others as long as they credit you, but they can't change them in any way or use them commercially."
+msgstr "A licença de Atribuição-NãoComercial-SemDerivações é a mais restritiva das nossas seis principais licenças, permitindo apenas que outros baixem seus trabalhos e os compartilhem com outros desde que te deem crédito, mas não podem alterá-los ou usá-los comercialmente."
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/license_tags.py:40
+msgid "The All Rights Reserved License indicates that the copyright holder reserves, or holds for their own use, all the rights provided by copyright law under one specific copyright treaty."
+msgstr "A licença de Todos os Direitos Reservados indica que o detentor dos direitos autorais reserva-se, ou mantém para si o uso, de todos os direitos providos pela lei de direitos autorais sob um único acordo de direitos autorais."
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/license_tags.py:43
+msgid "Public Domain work has been identified as being free of known restrictions under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights."
+msgstr "Um trabalho de domínio público é identificado como livre das restrições correntes sob a lei de direitos autorais, incluindo todos os direitos relacionados e afins."
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/license_tags.py:46
+msgid "Special Permissions is a custom license to use when the current licenses do not apply to the content. The owner of this license is responsible for creating a description of what this license entails."
+msgstr "A licença personalizada de Permissões Especiais é usada quando as licenças atuais não se aplicarem ao conteúdo. O detentor dessa licença é responsável por criar a descrição do que ela pressupõe."
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:26
+msgid "100% Correct"
+msgstr "100% de acerto"
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:27
+msgid "10 in a row"
+msgstr "10 seguidas"
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:28
+msgid "2 in a row"
+msgstr "2 seguidas"
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:29
+msgid "3 in a row"
+msgstr "3 seguidas"
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:30
+msgid "5 in a row"
+msgstr "5 seguidas"
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:31
+msgid "M of N..."
+msgstr "M de N..."
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:32
+msgid "CC BY"
+msgstr "CC BY"
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:33
+msgid "CC BY-SA"
+msgstr "CC BY-SA"
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:34
+msgid "CC BY-ND"
+msgstr "CC BY-ND"
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:35
+msgid "CC BY-NC"
+msgstr "CC BY-NC"
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:36
+msgid "CC BY-NC-SA"
+msgstr "CC BY-NC-SA"
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:37
+msgid "CC BY-NC-ND"
+msgstr "CC BY-NC-ND"
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:38
+msgid "All Rights Reserved"
+msgstr "Todos os direitos reservados"
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:39
+msgid "Public Domain"
+msgstr "Domínio público"
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:40
+msgid "Special Permissions"
+msgstr "Permissões especiais"
+#: contentcuration/templatetags/translation_tags.py:49
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(filesize)s %(unit)s"
+msgstr "%(filesize)s %(unit)s"
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:138
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:201
+msgid "No Channel"
+msgstr "Nenhum canal"
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:139
+msgid "No resource"
+msgstr "Nenhum conteúdo"
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:164
+msgid "Channel"
+msgstr "Canal"
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:164
+msgid "Title"
+msgstr "Título"
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:164
+msgid "Kind"
+msgstr "Tipo"
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:164
+msgid "Filename"
+msgstr "Nome do arquivo"
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:164
+msgid "URL"
+msgstr "URL"
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:164
+msgid "Description"
+msgstr "Descrição"
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:165
+msgid "Author"
+msgstr "Autor"
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:165
+msgid "Language"
+msgstr "Idioma"
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:165
+msgid "License"
+msgstr "Licença"
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:165
+msgid "License Description"
+msgstr "Descrição da licença"
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:165
+msgid "Copyright Holder"
+msgstr "Detentor dos direitos autorais"
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:201
+msgid "No Resource"
+msgstr "Nenhum conteúdo"
+#: contentcuration/utils/csv_writer.py:201
+msgid "Staged File"
+msgstr "Arquivo preparado"
+#: contentcuration/utils/format.py:15
+msgid "B"
+msgstr "B"
+#: contentcuration/utils/format.py:17
+msgid "KB"
+msgstr "KB"
+#: contentcuration/utils/format.py:19
+msgid "MB"
+msgstr "MB"
+#: contentcuration/utils/format.py:21
+msgid "GB"
+msgstr "GB"
+#: contentcuration/utils/format.py:23
+msgid "TB"
+msgstr "TB"
+#: contentcuration/utils/incidents.py:7
+msgid "There was a problem with a third-party service. This means certain operations might be blocked. We appreciate your patience while these issues are being resolved."
+msgstr "Ocorreu um problema com um serviço de terceiros. Isso significa que algumas operações podem estar bloqueadas. Agradecemos pela paciência enquanto esses problemas são resolvidos."
+#: contentcuration/utils/incidents.py:16
+msgid "EMERGENCY MAINTENANCE Kolibri Studio is operating on read-only mode for the time being in order for us to resolve some maintenance issues. This means all editing capabilities are disabled at the moment. We're currently working very hard to fix the issue as soon as possible. If you have any questions please contact us at content@learningequality.org. We apologize for any inconvenience caused and appreciate your patience while we resolve these issues."
+msgstr "MANUTENÇÃO DE EMERGÊNCIA O Kolibri Studio está operando em modo somente leitura por enquanto para resolvermos problemas de manutenção. Isso significa que todas as funções de edição estão desativadas no momento. Estamos trabalhando arduamente para resolver o problema o quanto antes. Se tiver perguntas, por favor envie um e-mail para content@learningequality.org. Sentimos muito por qualquer inconveniente e agradecemos pela paciência enquanto resolvemos esses problemas."
+#: contentcuration/utils/incidents.py:31
+msgid "EMERGENCY MAINTENANCE Kolibri Studio is operating on read-only mode for the time being in order for us to resolve some database issues. This means all editing capabilities are disabled at the moment. We're currently working very hard to fix the issue as soon as possible. If you have any questions please contact us at content@learningequality.org. We apologize for any inconvenience caused and appreciate your patience while we resolve these issues."
+msgstr "MANUTENÇÃO DE EMERGÊNCIA O Kolibri Studio está operando em modo somente leitura por enquanto para resolvermos problemas de base de dados. Isso significa que todas as funções de edição estão desativadas no momento. Estamos trabalhando arduamente para resolver o problema o quanto antes. Se tiver perguntas, por favor envie um e-mail para content@learningequality.org. Sentimos muito por qualquer inconveniente e agradecemos pela paciência enquanto resolvemos esses problemas."
+#: contentcuration/utils/incidents.py:46
+msgid "We are encountering issues with Google Cloud Storage. This means any file uploading and publishing operations are currently unavailable. We appreciate your patience while these issues are being resolved. To check the status of this service, please visit here"
+msgstr "Estamos com problemas com o Google Cloud Storage. Isso significa que operações de envio ou publicação de arquivos estão indisponíveis. Agradecemos pela paciência enquanto esses problemas são resolvidos. Para verificar o status desse serviço, por favor visite aqui"
+#: contentcuration/utils/incidents.py:57
+msgid "We are encountering issues with a third-party service. This means publishing is currently unavailable. We appreciate your patience while these issues are being resolved."
+msgstr "Estamos com problemas com um serviço de terceiros. Isso significa que operações de publicação estão indisponíveis. Agradecemos pela paciência enquanto esses problemas são resolvidos."
+#: contentcuration/utils/incidents.py:65
+msgid "We are encountering issues with our data center. This means you may encounter networking problems while using Studio. We appreciate your patience while these issues are being resolved. To check the status of this service, please visit here"
+msgstr "Estamos com problemas com o nosso centro de dados. Isso significa que você pode ter problemas de conexão enquanto usa o Studio. Agradecemos pela paciência enquanto esses problemas são resolvidos. Para saber o status do serviço, por favor visite aqui"
+#: contentcuration/utils/publish.py:57
+msgid "Kolibri Studio Channel Published"
+msgstr "Canal do Kolibri Studio publicado"
+#: contentcuration/views/public.py:63 contentcuration/views/public.py:74
+msgid "Api endpoint {} is not available"
+msgstr "Ponto de extremidade da API {} está indisponível"
+#: contentcuration/views/public.py:76
+msgid "No channel matching {} found"
+msgstr "Nenhum canal correspondente a {} encontrado"
+#: contentcuration/views/settings.py:110
+msgid "Kolibri Studio issue report"
+msgstr "Relatório de problemas do Kolibri Studio"
+#: contentcuration/views/settings.py:144
+msgid "Kolibri Studio account deleted"
+msgstr "Conta do Kolibri Studio excluída"