+ Text fields allow users to enter or edit text within forms and modals. They also support multiple text formats including email and numbers. Additionally, they can trigger the appearance of dropdown menus. +
++ Assistive elements provide users with helpful information regarding their input: +
++ Use helper text to indicate an input is required +
+ ++ Show a ratio of characters used and total character limit for fields with character limits +
+ ++ Iconography should be used sparingly and purposefully. Here are common text field and icon pairings: +
++ Include a clear icon to indicate an ability to clear the field when text is present +
+ ++ Include a copy icon to indicate information is able to be copied +
+ ++ Include an info icon that reveals more information on hover or click +
+ ++ Include controls that can affect the the input of a numeric text field +
+ ++ Include a dropdown icon to indicate the presence of a nested menu component +
+ ++ Include an icon signifier to the left of the label to indicates a theme or category of the dropdown menu options +
+ ++ Error text appears when there is an error detected with the user's input. Error text should replace helper text where applicable. +
++ Be specific as possible about how to resolve the error +
+ ++ Provide general error text for nonspecific errors +
+ ++ Stack error text below helper text +
+ ++ Text fields can have a few behavioral exceptions: +
++ Prompt autocomplete suggestions to help users navigate lengthy dropdown menus +
+ ++ Display multiple selections as chips +
+ +