Emacs mode for the Lean 2 theorem prover. lean-mode
requires Emacs 24
Open your emacs init file. Do this by running Emacs and go to the file using C-c C-f
(control-C, control-F) and then entering ~/.emacs
. Now paste the following code into this file (assuming you built Lean from source).
Note: You paste text in Emacs using C-y (control-Y). See this wiki page. See this reference sheet for other basic Emacs commands.
(require 'package)
(add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . "http://melpa.milkbox.net/packages/") t)
(when (< emacs-major-version 24)
;; For important compatibility libraries like cl-lib
(add-to-list 'package-archives '("gnu" . "http://elpa.gnu.org/packages/")))
;; Install required/optional packages for lean-mode
(defvar lean-mode-required-packages
'(company dash dash-functional flycheck f
fill-column-indicator s))
(let ((need-to-refresh t))
(dolist (p lean-mode-required-packages)
(when (not (package-installed-p p))
(when need-to-refresh
(setq need-to-refresh nil))
(package-install p))))
;; Set up lean-root path
(setq lean-rootdir "~/projects/lean2") ;; <=== YOU NEED TO MODIFY THIS
(setq-local lean-emacs-path
(concat (file-name-as-directory lean-rootdir)
(file-name-as-directory "src")
(add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name lean-emacs-path))
(require 'lean-mode)
Then modify the directory in (setq lean-rootdir "~/projects/lean2")
to your Lean folder. Now close Emacs C-x C-c and open Emacs again.
Emacs will install all required packages now for you.
If you didn't build Lean 2 from source, but installed it, replace ;; Set up lean-root path
and everything below with the following snippets, depending on how you got Lean 2.
;; Set up lean-root path
(setq lean-rootdir "/usr")
(setq-local lean-emacs-path "/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/lean")
(add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name lean-emacs-path))
(require 'lean-mode)
;; Set up lean-root path
(setq lean-rootdir "/usr/local")
(setq-local lean-emacs-path "/usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp/lean")
(add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name lean-emacs-path))
(require 'lean-mode)
Note: if you install homebrew in a custom location that is not the default
location, please run brew info lean
, and it will tell you where the
lean-mode files are located. With that information, update the
variable accordingly.
;; Set up lean-root path
(setq lean-rootdir "\\lean-0.2.0-windows")
(setq-local lean-emacs-path "\\lean-0.2.0-windows\\share\\emacs\\site-lisp\\lean")
(add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name lean-emacs-path))
(require 'lean-mode)
If things are working correctly, you should see the word Lean
in the
Emacs mode line (at the bottom of the window) when you open a file with extension .lean
(for the
standard Lean mode) or .hlean
(for hott mode).
If you create a new Lean file, you have to create a .project
file in that folder:
- open a
file - go to menu-bar (top of screen) -> Lean -> Create a new project
- click open
- it will ask "standard or hott": type which mode you want to use and press enter
- Go back to your
file (you can close the.project
file using C-x k RET (RET is enter)). You might need to close and reopen Emacs for the error messages to disappear.
You can check a file using the shortcut C-c C-x. There is also on-the-fly checking, if you type in a new file
print id
the word print
will be underlined, and hovering over it will show
you the type of id
. The mode line will show FlyC:0/1
, indicating
that there are 0 errors and 1 message. Whenever
you type, an asterisk should briefly appear after FlyC
, indicating that
your file is being checked.
Some unicode characters might look weird (or make a line very high). See below to fix that.
Key | Function |
M-. | jump to definition in source file (lean-find-tag) |
TAB | tab complete identifier, option, filename, etc. (lean-tab-indent-or-complete) |
C-c C-k | shows the keystroke needed to input the symbol under the cursor |
C-c C-g | show goal in tactic proof (lean-show-goal-at-pos) |
C-c C-p | print information about identifier (lean-show-id-keyword-info) |
C-c C-t | show type (lean-show-type) |
C-c C-f | replace underscore by inferred value (lean-fill-placeholder) |
C-c C-x | execute lean in stand-alone mode (lean-std-exe) |
C-c C-l | execute lean in stand-alone mode (lean-std-exe) |
C-c C-o | set option (lean-set-option) |
C-c C-r | restart lean process (lean-server-reset-process) |
C-c C-e | evaluate a lean comman (lean-eval-cmd) |
C-c ! n | flycheck: go to next error |
C-c ! p | flycheck: go to previous error |
C-c ! l | flycheck: show list of errors |
The Flycheck annotation FlyC:n/n
indicates the number of errors / responses from Lean. An asterisk
indicates that checking is in progress. Clicking on FlyC
opens the Flycheck menu.
To profile Lean performace on the file in the buffer, enter M-x lean-execute or choose
Lean execute
from the Lean menu, and add the option --profile
'(c-basic-offset 4)
'(global-font-lock-mode t nil (font-lock))
'(show-paren-mode t nil (paren))
'(transient-mark-mode t))
(tool-bar-mode -1)
(setq visible-bell t)
(setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil)
(setq visible-bell t)
(column-number-mode 1)
;; Coding Style
(setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("\\.h$" . c++-mode) auto-mode-alist))
(defconst my-cc-style
(c-offsets-alist . ((innamespace . [0])))))
(c-add-style "my-cc-mode" my-cc-style)
(add-hook 'c++-mode-hook '(lambda ()
(c-set-style "my-cc-mode")
(gtags-mode 1)
;; C++ 11 new keywords
(font-lock-add-keywords 'c++-mode
'(("\\<\\(thread_local\\)\\>" . font-lock-warning-face)
("\\<\\(constexpr\\)\\>" . font-lock-keyword-face)
(require 'ido)
(ido-mode t)
(setq completion-ignored-extensions
(append '(".ilean" ".olean" ".clean" ".d") completion-ignored-extensions))
If you experience a problem rendering unicode symbols on emacs, please download the following fonts and install them on your machine:
Alternatively, download:
Then, have the following lines in your emacs setup to use DejaVu Sans Mono
(when (member "DejaVu Sans Mono" (font-family-list))
(set-face-attribute 'default nil :font "DejaVu Sans Mono-11"))
Also install emacs-unicode-fonts package.
- Run
M-x package-refresh-contents
,M-x package-install
, and typeunicode-fonts
. - Add the following lines in your emacs setup:
(require 'unicode-fonts)
If you want to install the packages manually, you can use M-x package-install to install the following packages:
The following packages are optional, but strongly recommended.
Both the optional and required packages will be installed for you
automatically the first time you use lean-mode
, if you follow the
installation instructions below.
The init file can be found in different places on different systems:
- Emacs will check for a file named
in your home directory. - With GNU Emacs, it is common to use
instead. - With Aquamacs, it is common to use
~/Library/Preferences/Aquamacs Emacs/Preferences.el
On Windows, there are two additional complications:
- It may be hard to figure out what Emacs considers to be your "home directory".
- The file explorer may not let you create a file named
, since it begins with a period.
One solution is to run Emacs itself and create the file using C-c C-f
(control-C, control-F) and then entering ~/.emacs
. (The tilde
indicates your home directory.) On Windows, you can also name the file
Contributions are welcome!
If your contribution is a bug fix, create your topic branch from
. If it is a new feature, check if there exists a
WIP(work-in-progress) branch (vMAJOR.MINOR-wip
). If it does, use
that branch, otherwise use master
Install Cask if you haven't already, then:
$ cd /path/to/lean/src/emacs
$ cask
Run all tests with:
$ make