Used for authentication and communication with a contractsgenerator based api.
import { VerifyOptions } from "jsonwebtoken";
ApiProxy.register({ isGlobal, jwtStrategyConfig }: ApiProxySyncConfiguration): DynamicModule
export type ApiProxySyncConfiguration = {
isGlobal?: boolean;
jwtStrategyConfig: JwtStrategyConfig;
export type JwtStrategyConfig = {
jwksUri: string;
jsonWebTokenOptions?: VerifyOptions;
You can specify if you want to register a module globally.
Uri of your auth jwks.
is a type imported from jsonwebtoken
export interface VerifyOptions {
algorithms?: Algorithm[] | undefined;
audience?: string | RegExp | Array<string | RegExp> | undefined;
clockTimestamp?: number | undefined;
clockTolerance?: number | undefined;
/** return an object with the decoded `{ payload, header, signature }` instead of only the usual content of the payload. */
complete?: boolean | undefined;
issuer?: string | string[] | undefined;
ignoreExpiration?: boolean | undefined;
ignoreNotBefore?: boolean | undefined;
jwtid?: string | undefined;
* If you want to check `nonce` claim, provide a string value here.
* It is used on Open ID for the ID Tokens. ([Open ID implementation notes](
nonce?: string | undefined;
subject?: string | undefined;
maxAge?: string | number | undefined;
const apiProxySyncConfig: ApiProxySyncConfiguration = {
isGlobal: false,
jwtStrategyConfig: {
jwksUri: "https://localhost:3333/auth/.well-known/openid-configuration/jwks",
jsonWebTokenOptions: {
audience: "internal_api",
imports: [ApiProxyModule.register(apiProxySyncConfig), PassportModule.register({ defaultStrategy: "jwt" })],
controllers: [],
providers: [],
export class AppModule {}
ApiProxy.registerAsync(options: ApiProxyAsyncConfiguration): DynamicModule
export type ApiProxyConfiguration = {
jwtStrategyConfig: JwtStrategyConfig;
export interface ApiProxyAsyncConfiguration extends Pick<ModuleMetadata, "imports"> {
useExisting?: Type<ApiProxyConfigurationFactory>;
useClass?: Type<ApiProxyConfigurationFactory>;
useFactory?: (...args: any[]) => Promise<ApiProxyConfiguration> | ApiProxyConfiguration;
inject?: any[];
extraProviders?: Provider[];
isGlobal?: boolean;
export interface ApiProxyConfigurationFactory {
createApiProxyConfiguration(): Promise<ApiProxyConfiguration> | ApiProxyConfiguration;
Every property will work the same as in the
nestjs documentation. If none of
useExisting, useClass and useFactory is specified, method will throw a NotFoundException
const apiProxyAsyncConfig: ApiProxyAsyncConfiguration = {
isGlobal: false,
imports: [ConfigModule],
useFactory: (configService: ConfigService) => ({
jwtStrategyConfig: {
jwksUri: configService.get("JWKS_URI") ?? "",
jsonWebTokenOptions: {
audience: "internal_api",
inject: [ConfigService],
imports: [
PassportModule.register({ defaultStrategy: "jwt" }),
controllers: [],
providers: [],
export class AppModule {}
For the authorization to work, you have to use the UseJwtGuard
decorator on your controller.
import { UseJwtGuard } from "@leancodepl/api-proxy";
export class AppController {
constructor() {}
import Client from "./Client";
export class CqrsClient1 {
constructor(cqrsClientFactory: CqrsClientFactory) {
this.client = Client(cqrsClientFactory.create(CqrsClient1.getApiEndpoint));
static getApiEndpoint(type: string) {
return `http://localhost:3333/api/${type}`;
Into your Client
function, generated with
contractsgenerator-typescript, you have to
pass the instance of CqrsClient
, which can be created using cqrsClientFactory.create
method. As args of this method
you have to pass a function with args (type: string)
, which will be used for creating endpoint's url.
export class Query1ComponentService {
constructor(private client: CqrsClient1) {}
async getComponent() {
const test = await this.client.client.TestQueries.TestQuery1({});
return <SampleComponent testString={test.test} />;
Then you will be able to use your client's queries and commands.
Remember to add those classes as providers of your module.
imports: [ApiProxyModule.register(apiAndAuthConfig), PassportModule.register({ defaultStrategy: "jwt" })],
providers: [CqrsClient1, Query1ComponentService],
export class AppModule {}