10.12.22 - Updated both Master and Testing branches.
ofxNDIsender update
rgbg2Yuv shaders located in a "bin\data\rgbg2Yuv" folder instead of
"bin\data\shaders\rgbg2Yuv" to avoid conflicts with over-write by Project Generator
SetFormat - test existence of required rgba2yuv shader in "data/rgba2yuv" or "data/shaders/rgba2yuv" for existing code
UpdateSender - test for sender creation.
04.07.22 - Updated Master from testing branch.
Details of changes are documented in each source file.
18.12.20 - Updated master from testing branch NDI SDK Vers 4.5 dynamic load.
31.03.18 - Updated for NDI SDK Vers 3. Search source for "Vers 3"
(Note changes to function argument variable types to match with Version 3.)
06.08.18 - Updated for NDI SDK Vers 3.5 Visual Studio 2017 and Openframeworks 10.
10.03.19 - Updated for NDI SDK Vers 3.8
10.11.19 - Updated for NDI SDK Vers 4.0
15.11.19 - Change to dynamic load of NDI dlls
16.11.19 - Reconfigure folders and include make files for the project generator
(as per pull request by prisonerjohn).
04.05.20 - Updated for NDI SDK Vers 4.5
20.08.21 - Merged testing branch - Updated for NDI SDK Vers 5
30.03.24 - Updated for NDI SDK Vers 5.6.1
10.04.24 - Updated for NDI SDK Vers
13.05.24 - Add Windows examples using ofxNDIsend/ofxNDIrecieve independent of Openframeworks.
Add "ofxNDIreceive::OpenReceiver()" to simplify application receiver code.
16.05.24 - Add Windows "FindWinRuntime" function with registry read as well as getenv
Add ReadPathFromRegistry
Change from deprecated NDIlib_v4* to NDIlib_v5* p_NDILib
17.05.24 - ofxNDIdownloader
OSX FindRuntime - use a fixed installation path due to missing environment variable
FindWinRuntime - return to _dupenv_s due to compiler warning, with conditional free of data
Search for dll in executable path within FindWinRuntime
Change addon library path from "libs/NDI/export/vs" to "libs/NDI/bin/vs"
Change headers and dll files to NDI version
Update addon_config.mk - comment out addons to copy
Add osx ADDON_LDFLAGS as per Dimitre fork. Test with Project Generator
Update example sender/receiver comments - http://NDI.NewTek.com -> https://ndi.video/\
Update sender/receiver binaries
Create this file - Updates.md